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1. Vocabulary
• chore (n): việc vặt
• homemaker (n): nội trợ
• breadwinner (n): người kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình
• split (v): chia
• heavy lifting (n-phr): việc mang vác nặng
• groceries (n): hàng tạp phẩm
• laundry (n): việc giặt
• washing - up (n-phr): việc rửa bát đĩa
• share (v): chia sẻ
• enormous (adj): rất lớn
• sociable (adj): hòa đồng
• nurture (v): nuôi dưỡng
• balance (v): cân bằng
2. Grammar
2.1. The present simple
2.1.1 Form
+) S + V(s/ es) He goes to work.
-) S + do/does not + V He does not go to work.
?) Do/Does + S + V? Does he go to work?
* Notes:
Đổi với thể khẳng định, ta thêm -s hoặc -es vào sau động từ khỉ chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít (She,
He, It, My father, Her cousin, ...).
Ví dụ: He goes to school, She brushes her teeth, My father works in a factory ...
* Quy tắc thêm -s/es:
+) Ta thêm -es vào sau các động từ tận cùng là o, s, ss, ch, sh, x: do —> does, focus —> focuses,
discuss —> discusses, watch —> watches, finish —> finishes ...
+) Với các động từ tận cùng là y và trước y là phụ âm, ta đổi y thành —ies: try —> tries, carry —
> carries ...
+) Với đa số các động còn lại ta thêm —s vào sau động từ: learn —> learns, prepare —> prepares,
cook —> cooks ...
2.1.2. Use: Thì hiện tại đơn được dùng để nói về:
- Thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại.
e.g. I prepare dinner quite early most days.
(Hầu hết mọi ngày tôi đều chuàn bị bữa tối khá sớm)
He goes to work every week.
(Anh ây đi làm mỗi tuần)
- Những tình huống ổn định, lâu dài.
e.g. I have a villa in Hanoi.
(Tôi có một căn biệt thự ở Hà Nội)
My sister works in a big company.
(Chị gái tôi làm việc cho một công ty lớn)
- Chân lý hoặc thực tế.
e.g. Monkeys do not live in water.
(Khỉ không sống dưới nước)
If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
(Nếu bạn đun nước đến 100 độ c, nó sẽ sôi)
- Ngoài ra thì hiện tại đơn còn được dùng đe kể chuyện, các bộ phim, kịch, hoặc các cuốn
e.g. In "Tom and Jerry", Tom and Jerry live in the same house. (Trong phim hoọt hình "Tom
và Jerry", Tom và Jerry sống trong cùng một ngôi nhà)
* Note:
Các từ chỉ thời gian dùng với thì hiện tại đơn: always, usually, often, sometimes, normally, every day,
every week, rarely ...
2. The present continuous
2.1 Form:
+) S + am/is/are + V- ing They are watching TV.
-) S + am/is/are not + V-ing They are not watching TV.
?) Am/Is/Are +S + V-ing? Are they watching TV?
2.2. Use: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn được dùng để nóỉ về:
- Hành động đang xảy ra ngay tại thời điêm nói.
E.g. You are holding my hand.
(Bọn đang cầm tay tôi)
Be quiet! I am listening to English.
(Trật tự đi. Mình đang nghe Tiếng Anh)
- Tình huống tạm thời.
E.g. My teacher is living in Singapore now. He will come back Vietnam soon.
(Thầy giáo của tôi hiện đang sống ở Singapo. Thầy sẽ quay về Việt Nam sớm)
I am not working at the moment.
(Hiện tại tôi không làm việc)
- Xu thế hoặc tình huống đang thay đối.
e.g. The price of milk is rising sharply.
(Giá sữa đang tăng mạnh)
- Ngoài ra thì hiện tại tiếp diễn còn dùng để chỉ trích, phàn nàn về các thói quen xấu gây khó
chịu cho người khác.
e.g. He is always playing truant.
(Cậu ấy luôn luôn trốn học)
* Note:
Các từ chỉ thời gian đi với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn: now, right now, at present, at the moment, currently,
this week/month/year...
3. Pronunciation
Consonant clusters (các cụm phụ âm): /tr/,/br/, and /kr/
3.1. Cụm phụ âm /tr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /t/ và âm đơn /r/ Listen and repeat: (Track 2)
truck, trend, train, treat, stream, construct, tree, trouser
3.2. Cụm phụ âm /br/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /b/ và âm đơn /r/
Listen and repeat: (Track 3)
Britain, bright, brown, brand, embrace, bridge, brick, browser
3.3. Cụm phụ âm /kr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /k/và âm đơn /r/ Listen and repeat: (Track 4)
cry, cream, crab, croak, scream, crazy, incredible, creative


1. Listen, repeat and choose the answer you hear. (Track 5)

1. A. tried B.cried C. bride
2. A. browser B. crowner C. trouser
3. A. cream B. bream C. stream
4. A. brick B. crick C. trick
5. A. tread B. bread C. creak
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. His mom always does the laundry at 8 every evening.
2. At the moment, he is watching his favorite film on Channel 5.
3. Every day, Jane washes the dishes but today James is doing the washing - up.
4. We divide the duties in our family. I cook, my husband helps with heavy lifting, and my daughter
takes out the rubbish.
5. When everyone works together on household chores, it creates a positive atmosphere for the
6. This shop usually offers the same discount every month.
7. “What is he doing" - “He is trying to fix the computer.”
8. The number of people who are homeless is decreasing dramatically this quarter.
9. My brother - in - law possesses 3 restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City.
10. Her parents normally travel by plane, but this holiday they are travelling by train.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. He has an amazing collection of robots at present.
2. Peter and John are having/drinking a cup of coffee right now.
3. Look! That monkey is dancing/eating bananas
4. “Where is your father?” - “He is decorating/painting the living room.”
5. The population of the world is increasing/decreasing rapidly.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. What are you doing to your sister when she behaves badly? (do you do)
2. I always have my lunch late, but I have my lunch early today as I have an appointment. (am having)
3. I am doing the laundry at the same time every week. (do)
4. Linda is going shopping when she has time. (goes)
5. Peter works hard to get the presentation ready for next week. (is working)


1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

2. breadwinner 3. groceries 5. washing - up 10. sociable 4. laundry

9. enormous 8. for 1. homemaker 7. shares 6. chores

1. A _____________ is a person who manages a home and often raises children instead of earning
money from a job.
2. A _____________ is the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs.
3. In a food store, shop or supermarket, you can buy a lot of _____________ such as food and clothes.
4. There are a lot of dirty clothes and sheets in Tom’s room, so it’s time for him to do his _______
5. Traditionally, girls have to do ____________ which consists of cleaning plates, pans, glasses, forks,
etc. after a meal.
6. When I’ve done my _______________ which involve cleaning the floor and washing the curtain,
I will go out with my friends.
7. In my family, everyone ______________ the household duties. My mother cooks, my father cleans,
my sister does all the laundry and I do the washing - up.
8. In many cultures, a father is the breadwinner, who is responsible _____________ the family
9. A variety of people do not realize the ______________ benefits of joining hands to do housework
in a family.
10. At school, Jack is very ________________ with his teachers and friends. He likes to meet and
spend time with them.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. vulnerable + e a. being of equal weight or force
2. nurture + d b. consisting of three or even four generations
3. extended family + b c. needing effort and energy to move
4. heavy lifting + c d. taking care of, feeding and protecting
5. balance + a e. easy to be hurt
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. To be fair, we need to divide the tasks equally (equal)
2. My mom and dad are checking the preparation for their gold wedding anniversary. (prepare)
3. Heavy lifting is an action which requires physical strength, (physic)
4. It is good for them as individuals and good for all the relationships within the family. (relate)
5. Psychologists say that a lot of young people are not aware of these advantages. (Psychology)
6. Her contribution to the company is enormous, (contribute)
7. In order to maintain peace, we should not be critical of each other, (criticize)
8. I want to see the very cute and lovely children at nursery schools, (nurse)
9. Mary and her husband always join hands in educating their daughters, (educate)
10. A person will be considered ungrateful if he or she does not take good care of his or her parents
or grandparents. (grate)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. Women whose husbands do not contribute to household chores are more vulnerable to illness. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. happy B. easy to be hurt C. hard D. friendly
2. Tom: “Which of the chores do you dislike doing the most?” - Jerry: “ _________________”
A. I like cooking and sweeping the floor. B. I do the laundry, cook and wash the dishes.
C. Well, my favorite activity is doing the washing - up.
D. Washing the dishes, because I often break things when I do the washing - up.
3. As a housewife, she stays at home and _________ her children. She takes care of them, feeds them
and protects them to develop.
A. nurtures B . nurture C . nature D. natures
4. It is unfair to state that a woman’s job is to look ______ everyone in the family and takes care
______ the house.
A. in - on B. after - in C. of - of D. after - of
5. “The lecturer splits the students into four groups” has the closest meaning to:
A. The lecturer divides the students into four groups.
B. The lecturer divided the students into four groups.
C. The lecturer goes into four groups of students.
D. The lecturer went into four groups of students.
6. “They equally share the parenting” has the closest meaning to:
A. They are all unemployed.
B. They take care of each other.
C. They come back home at the same time.
D. They share the housework and childcare evenly.
7. ___________ is the state where things are of equal weight or force.
A. Balance B. Changing C. Moving D. Importance
8. David’s part - time job requires a lot of ___________Therefore, he usually carries the boxes
weighing up to 50 kilos and he needs effort and energy to move them.
A. light lifting B . easy carrying C. heavy lifting D. simple chores
9. According to a survey, a lot of young people prefer to live in ________ families which consist of
parents and children.
A. nuclear B . extended C. three generation D. four generation
10. The _________ family, which consists of three or even four generations is only popular in some
regions today.
A. nuclear B. extended C . intended D. small
11. I can’t answer the phone now. I _______ dinner.
A. cook B . cooking C. am cooking D. cooks
12. Excuse me, _________ you _______ your newspaper? Could I borrow it?
A. are - read B. are - reading C. do - reading D. do - read
13. My mum usually __________ the washing - up.
A. do B . doing C. is doing D. does
14. I am afraid he can’t go out with you right now. He _________ his car.
A. repair B. repairs C. repairing D. is repairing
15. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. cereal B. critical C. create D. crack
16. We ____________ how to use energy more efficiently now than in the past.
A. knows B . are knowing C. knowing D. know
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
As the air is rising (A), it becomes cooler (B) and the water vapor inside it (C) changes into droplets
of water (D).
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
From (A) the graphs, we can see (B) that the number of employees employed (C) by this firm
increases (D) each year.
19. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. cook B. December C. decide D. cereal
20. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
I wear (A) casual clothes because we (B)are having a (C) party at (D) lunchtime.
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. is / at the moment. / The / improving / financial / company’s / situation /
The company's financial situation is improving at the moment.
2. want/ the / Be / to / quiet! / hear / I / news.
Be quiet! I want to hear the news.
3. retiring / Linda / is / of / thinking / early / she/ anymore./ because / isn’t / happy / at work /
Linda is thinking of retiring early because she isn't happy at work anymore.
4. of / The / wild / number / falling./ butterflies / is
The number of wild butterflies is falling.
5. oil supplies / Some experts / say / will / the next 20 years./ start / to fall / within / that /
Some experts say that oil supplies will start to fall within the next 20 years.

6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Todays _______ (1) for measurable childhood success-from the Common Core to college placement-
have chased ________ (2) chores from the to-do lists of many young people. In a survey of 1,001
U.S. adults released last fall by Braun Research, 82% reported having regular chores growing up, but
only 28% said that they require their own children to do them. With students _________ (3) pressure
to learn Mandarin, run the chess club or get a varsity letter, chores have fallen victim to the imperatives
of resume-build- ing-though it is hardly clear that such activities are a better use of their time.
“Parents today want their kids spending time on things that can bring ________ (4) success, but
ironically, we’ve stopped doing one thing that’s actually been a proven predictor of success-and that’s
household chores,” says Richard Rende, a developmental psychologist in Paradise Valley, Ariz., and
co-author of the forthcoming book “Raising Can-Do Kids.” Decades of studies _______ (5) the
benefits of chores-academically, emotionally and even professionally.
1. A. demand B. demands C . interest D. interests
2. A. household B . social C . breadwinner D. society
3. A. on B . for C.of D. under
4. A. him B . it C. them D. they
5. A. show B . showing C . shows D. is showing
6. How many percent of U.S. adults require their own children to do household chores?
A 82 B. 28 C. 100 D. 54
7. What do parents today want their kids to spend time on?
A. things that can bring them success B. things that they can C. leisure D. sports
1. Vocabulary
• incredible (adj): không thể tin được
• Alzheimer’s disease (n): bệnh mất trí nhớ
• boost (v): tăng
• skeleton (n): bộ xương
• skeletal (adj): thuộc bộ xương
• brain (n): bộ não
• circulatory (adj): thuộc tuần hoàn
• digestive (adj): thuộc tiêu hóa
• respiratory (adj): thuộc hô hấp
• nerve(n): dây thần kinh
• nervous (adj): thuộc thần kinh
• stomach (n): dạ dày
• intestine (n): ruột
• spine (n): xương sống
• skull (n): hộp sọ
• acupuncture (n): châm cứu
• originate (v): bắt nguồn từ
• practice (n): sự hành nghề
• harmony (n): sự hài hòa
• promote (v): thúc đẩy
• yin (n): âm
• yang (n): dương
• ease (v): làm dịu
• ailment (n): bệnh
• acupoint (n): huyệt châm cứu = acupuncture point/pressure point
• stimulate (v): kích thích
• precaution (n): sự đề phòng
• bleeding (n): sự chảy máu
• soreness (n): sự đau nhức
• side effect (n): tác dụng phụ
• reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy
• alternative (adj/n): thay thế/ sự thay thế
• aromatherapy (n): sự xoa bóp bằng tinh dầu thơm
• allergy (n): sự dị ứng
• be rooted in : bắt nguồn từ
2. Grammar
2.1. The simple future: will
2.1.1. Form:
+) s + will + V They will buy a house.
-) s + will not + V We will not buy a house.
?) Will + s + V? Will he buy a house?
Contractions: won’t = will not, 'll = will
2.1.2. Use: Thì tương lai đơn được dùng để nói về:
> Một phỏng đoán về tương lai dựa trên quan điểm cá nhân.
e.g. I think it will rain heavily tomorrow.
(Tôi nghĩ ngày mai trời sẽ mưa lớn)
I guess he will take part in that competition.
(Mình đoán bạn âý sẽ tham gia cuộc thi đó)
> Các sự kiện mang tính tập thể trong tương lai.
e.g. Our football team will play five matches next month.
(Tháng tới đội bóng của chúng ta sẽ chơi năm trận)
> Quyết định được đưa ra ngay tại thời điểm nói.
e.g. Tom: Do you know any information about this course?
Peter: No, I don’t. Look! It sounds interesting. I’ll enroll it this afternoon.
(Tom: Bọn có biết thông tin về khóa học này không?
Peter: Mình không biết. Hãy nhìn này. Nó có vẻ hay đó. Mình sẽ đăng kí khóa học này chiểu nay)
> Lời hứa hoặc lời đề nghị.
e.g. Don’t worry. I’ll repair your car.
(Đừng lo. Tôi sẽ sửa xe cho anh)
I’ll give you a lift back to the town when I finish my work.
(Tôi sẽ cho bạn đi nhờ xe về thành phố khi tôi làm xong việc)
* Note: Các từ chỉ thời gian dùng với thì tương lai đơn: tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month,
next year, when + thì hiện tại đơn ...
2.2. The near future: be going to
2.2.1. Form:
+) s + am/is/are + going to + V We are going to decorate our house.
-) s + am/is/are not + going to + V We are not going to decorate our house.
?) Am/Is/Are +s + going to + V? Are you going to decorate your house?
2.2.2. Use: Thì tương lai gẩn được dùng để nói về:
> Một phỏng đoán về tương lai dựa trên cơ sở thực tế.
e.g. The sky is extremely dark. It is going to rain heavily.
(Bầu trời rất tối. Trời sắp mưa lớn rồi)
> Quyết định đã được đưa ra trước thời điểm nói.
e.g. Tom: Do you know any information about this course?
Peter: Yes, I do. I am going to enroll it this afternoon.
(Tom: Bạn có biết thông tin về khóa học này không?
Peter: Mình biết. Mình sẽ đàng kí khóa học này chiều nay)
* Note: Các từ chỉ thời gian dùng với thì tương lai gần: tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month,
next year...
2.3. The passive voice
2.3.1. Form: be + past participle
+) HTD: am/is/are + past participle A house is built
+) QKD: were/was + past participle A house was built
+) HTTD: am/is/are + being + past participle A house is being built
+) QKTD: were/was + being + past participle A house was being built
+) HTHT: have/has + been + past participle A house has been built
+) QKHT: had + been + past participle A house had been built
+) will/should/can/could/must + be + past participle A house will be built
* Note: place + by agent + time
e.g. A party was organized in this house by a group of students last year.
2.3.2. Use:
Chúng ta dùng câu bị động khi chúng ta muốn nhấn mạnh đôi tượng chịu tác động của hành
động hoặc không muốn đề cập đến đối tượng gây ra hành động.
e.g. This machine was produced before World War II.
(Cái máy này được sản xuất từ trước Chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2)
3. Pronunciation
Consonant clusters (các cụm phụ âm): /pr/, /pl/, /gi/, and /gr/
3.1. Cụm phụ âm /pr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /p/ và âm đơn /r/
Listen and repeat (Track 6):
prevent, pray, praise, prepare, practice, precede, protect, improve
3.2. Cụm phụ âm /pl/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /p/ và âm đơn /I/
Listen and repeat (Track 7):
placement, plain, plan, plane, planet, implement, complete, plastic
3.3. Cụm phụ âm /gl/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /g/ và âm đơn /I/
Listen and repeat (Track 8):
glacial, glare, global, glove, glow, glucose, gluttony, igloo
3 4. Cụm phụ âm /gr/: là sự kết hợp của âm đơn /g/ và âm đơn /r/
Listen and repeat (Track 9):
graceful, grade, gradation, graduate, grain, graphic, greet, groove


1.Listen, repeat and choose the answer you hear. (Track 10)
1. A. play B . pray C. gray
2. A. place B. grace C. praise
3. A. proud B. plough C. glow
4 A. played B. grade C. praised
5. A. grass B. glass C. plash
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I guess I will finish my assignment for this semester on time.
2. They have bought a couple of tickets and they are going to see their favorite film at the cinema.
3. Ana: Do you know that John has been in hospital? ~ Jessica: No, I don’t. I will visit him tomorrow.
4. Mai: This bag is too heavy! ~ Nam: Don’t worry. I will carry it for you.
5. I think that the number of people who are homeless will decrease dramatically next quarter.
6. The same discount is offered by this shop every month.
7. Human body can be supported by a spine.
8. A box full of chocolate was sent to him yesterday.
9. More than 10 pages have been typed so far.
10. Every day, the dishes are washed by Jane but today the washing - up is being done by James.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. He has already received his driving license. He is going to drive to school
2. Don’t worry. I will carry this heavy box for you.
3. Oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is driven out when you breathe.
4. Food is stored in stomach before being digested
5. They were told a funny story by their teacher last Saturday.
4.Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. As planned, we will drive from our city to the sea. (are going to drive)
2. Look at the clouds. It will rain. (is going to rain)
3. 17 muscles are use when we smile or frown. (are used)
4. The house is built 10 years ago. (was built)
5. The heart can said to be the most sophisticated and efficient pump as it runs without rest for one’s
whole life. (can be said)
1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
5. consumed 9. asleep 2. boost 8. spoil 4. supported
7. hanging out 1. prevent 6. balance 3. pumps 10. sleeplessness
1. This helps you both protect your respiratory system and some _____________ diseases like lung
2. If you abuse too much coffee, you can’t ___________ your brain’s memory functions.
3. The heart _______________ blood through the blood vessels to bring oxygen to all parts of the
4. Our body is ____________ by the skeletal system which is made up of our bones.
5. Many people don’t know that the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb is __________ by
the brain.
6. It is believed that the ___________ between yin and yang is well known in Asian countries.
7. You should be aware that _____________ with friends i one of the good ways for you to be
8. Onions and garlic are 2 types of food which _________ your breath for days after a meal.
9. In some cases, taking medicine can help you fall ______________
10. A lot of people agree that ________________ is caused by using caffeine containing food.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. acupuncture + b a. an unpleasant effect of a drug
2. allergy + d b. inserting fine needles in the skin at the specific points
3. healing capability + e c. reason(s) for believing that something is or is not true
4. evidence + c d. a response by the body to the substance like food or pollen
5. side effect + a` e. the ability of the body to recover
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Skeletal system of the body is made up of our bones. It supports our body and protects our organs,
2. Food is broken by the digestive system and turned into energy, (digest)
3. Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical treatments in the world, (medicine)
4. The recipe for this dish originated in Japan a long time ago. (origin)
5. The practice of acupuncture involves placing hair-thin needles in various pressure points
throughout the body. (vary)
6. Originally , there were 365 acupoints, but this has increased to more than 2000 nowadays. (origin)
7. People who are taking blood related medicine should not have the treatment (treat)
8. Exercising regularly is a powerful weapon to enhance psychological well-being. (psychology)
9. It has been scientifically proved that fasting has tremendous health benefits, (science)
10. Although there are unanswered questions, acupuncture appears to work. (answer)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. Nowadays, there is estimated to be more than 2000 acupoints throughout the human body. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. stress B. pressure points C. paints D. lines
2. Tom: “Do you know what the saying “kick a habit” means?” - Jerry: " ________"
A. Wow, she has a good habit. B. I think it has the same meaning to getting rid of a habit.
C. I don’t mean that. D. Are you kidding?
3. I have been given 10 tricks to get rid of my bad habits and _______ them with healthy ones.
A. replace B . keep C . nurture D. raise
4. The digestive system lets us break down the food we eat and turn it ______ energy.
A. on B. after C. of D. into
5. “The lecturer splits the students into four groups.” has the closest meaning to:
A. The students are divided into four groups. B. The lecturer divided the students into four groups
C. The lecturer is split into four groups of students D. The lecturer went into four groups of students
6. In the past, it was misunderstood that inner body parts were _________ by the fine needles in
practicing acupuncture.
A. touch B. rush C. touched D. rushed
7. The _________ system controls the movement and emotion of our body.
A. nerve B. nervous C. circulate D. generous
8. The heart and blood vessels are parts of the __________ system.
A. certain B. circle C. circulatory D. circumstance
9. Only humans produce ____________ tears.
A. emotional B. crocodile C. feel D. false
10. To be recognized, this research must offer real evidence. The underlined word has the closest
meaning to:
A. knowledge B. exist C. condition D. proof
11. I am afraid you can’t borrow his car right now. It _________ in the garage.
A. is repaired B. repairs C. repairing D. is being repaired
12. Up to the present, 14 books ________ by Jane, a friend of mine.
A. have been written B . are written C. were written D. will be written
13. The washing - up ____________ carefully.
A. should do B . should done C. should be done D. should be do
14. The acupoints _____________ to enhance the healing capability of the body itself.
A. stimulate B . stimulating C. stimulated D. are stimulated
15. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. crazy B. cream C. crown D. decide
16. Lately, several oils, including rose and lemon, _________ to relieve anxiety, stress and depression.
A. show B . have shown C. have show D. have been shown
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
People say that (A) this house has been built (B) by an old (C) man 12 years (D) ago.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
From (A) the graphs, we can see (B) that the number of employees who employed (C) by this firm is
increasing (D) each year.
19. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. cook B. necessary C. decide D. cereal
20. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
The cells covering (A) the walls of (B) the stomach will soon be dissolved (C) by the acids if they
aren’t constantly replace (D).
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. to / ? / visit / going / this / Where / summer / are / holiday / you
Where are you going to visit this summer holiday?
2. is / a / that / It / scientists will / this / soon discover / new treatment / believed / for / disease.
It is believed that scientists will soon discover a new treatment for this disease.
3. many / is / How / our / atoms / ? / body / made up of
How many atoms is our body made up of?
4. to / ailments / Vietnamese health beliefs / an /, / According / by / are / yin and yang. / caused /
imbalance of
According to Vietnamese health beliefs, ailments are caused by an imbalance of yin and yang.
5. into / converted / system. / is / energy / the / Food / digestive /in
Food is converted into energy in the digestive system.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Fact Sheet on Body Parts
Fun Facts on Body Parts
Fun Fact 1: The basic parts of a human body can be ____________ (1) as head, neck, torso, two
arms, two hands, two legs and two feet.
Fun Fact 2: Our bodies are made _________ (2) of trillions of tiny living cells, each one performs a
special task, together they form our body parts which includes 206 bones, 640 muscles and 22 internal
Fun Fact 3: The _______________ (3) name for the study of body parts and their structures is
Fun Fact 4: Body parts can be identified through different human body systems including; the
circulatory system, nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, skeletal system and the
muscular system.
Fun Fact 5: Different types of cells __________ (4) to make up our body parts, some examples of
body cells include: skin cells, muscle cells, nerve cells and fat cells.
Fun Fact 6: How many scientific parts does a human being have?
The Terminología Anatómica (TA) is the international standard on human anatomic language; it has
7,500 human elements listed.
Fun Fact 7: Your biggest body part is your skin! ____________ (5) 2 square metres of skin covers
the surface area of your body.
Fun Fact 8: We have body parts that we don’t need! Our bodies are able to ________ (6) without our
appendix, tonsils, wisdom teeth and little toes.
Fun Fact 9: A foot contains more parts than your probably think; 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100
muscles and tendons!
Fun Fact 10: Did you know that your ears and nose are the only parts of your body that will continue
to grow throughout your life?
Fun Fact 11: Fascinating fact! Did you know that 50% of human DNA is same as the DNA in a
banana? Humans also have over 95% ________________ (7) DNA with chimpanzees!
Fun Fact 12: Did you know that the tooth is the only part of the human body
that cannot repair itself? Our teeth are _________ (8) with enamel, which is not a living tissue this
means it cannot repair itself. If we chip or break a tooth we need to visit a _________ (9) to have it
Fun Fact 13: The masseter is the strongest muscle in the human body, it is the muscle we use to
chew; it is capable of pulling up to 80 times its own weight.
Fun Fact 14: Funny fact! A human has the same number of bones in its neck as a giraffe; they both
have seven bones in their neck - the giraffe’s neck bones are just a bit longer!
Fun Fact 15: All of your body parts require the same 3 requirements; food, water and oxygen. Make
sure that you eat ____________ (10), drink lots of water and exercise regularly to help your body
work well for you!
1. A. satisfied B. identified C . satisfy D. identify
2. A. in B . on C. up D. for
3. A. scientific B. scientist C. scientifically D. science
4. A. combine B. concern C. compare D. commit
5. A. Appropriately B. Approximate C. Approximately D. Appropriate
6. A. functioned B. functioning C functions D. function
7. A. practical B. identical C . proposal D. critical
8. A. checked B . cleaned C . painted D. coated
9. A. artist B. dentist C . dental D. art
10. A. unhealthy B . healthy C . health D. healthily
1. Vocabulary
• passionate (adj): say mê
• deceiving (adj): lừa dối
• biography (n): tiểu sử
• talent (n): tài năng
• talented (adj): có tài năng
• solo (adj): đơn ca
• debut (n/v): đầu tay, đầu tiên
• album (n): tuyển tập
• achieve (v): đạt được
• achievement (n): thành tựu
• rhythm (n): nhịp điệu
• emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh
• romantic love (n): tình yêu lứa đôi
• contest (n): cuộc thi
• entrant (n): thí sinh = contestant
• judge (n): giám khảo
• devotee (n): người hâm mộ = enthusiast
• ardent (adj): cuồng nhiệt
• adore (v): tôn thờ
• extract (n): đoạn trích
• release (v): phát hành, tung ra
• platinum (n): danh hiệu dành cho ca sĩ hoặc nhóm nhạc có tuyến tập nhạc phát hành từ 1 triệu
bản trở lên
• territory (n): vùng lãnh thổ
• worldwide (adj/adv): khắp thế giới = global
• phenomenon (n): hiện tượng
• launch (v): tung ra
• air (v): phát (chương trình)
• eliminate (v): loại
• composer (n): nhạc sĩ
• child prodigy (n): thần đồng
• renowned (adj): nổi tiếng = noted celebrity (n): người nổi tiếng
• nuance (n): sắc thái
• melody (n): giai điệu
2. Grammar
2.1. Compound sentences: câu ghép
2.1.1. Form:
Sentence 1 +, and/or/but/so/yet/for + sentence 2
e.g. He bought that car last year, and it was used regularly.
(Anh ấy mua chiếc xe đó năm ngoái và nó đã được dùng thường xuyên.)
* Note:
Coordinating conjunction (liên từ kết hợp): and/or/but/so/yet/for
2.1.2. Use:
> Câu ghép là câu gồm hai câu đơn nối với nhau bởi liên từ kết hợp and or/but/so/yet/for và
chúng ta dùng dấu phẩy (,) trước liên từ kết hợp.
e.g Ana doesn’t have much money, but she is willing to share wi the poor.
(Ana không có nhiều tiền nhưng cô ấy vẫn sẵn sàng chia sẻ với người nghèo.)
* Note:
Khi ta dùng 2 động từ cùng nhau thì dạng thức của động từ thứ 2 phụ thuộc vào động từ thứ nhất, nó
có thể là: to V, V hoặc V-ing. Trong bài này chúng ta xem xét 2 trường hợp to V và V
2.2. “to” infinitive: động từ nguyên thể có “to”
Động từ nguyên thể có “to” thường theo sau các động từ sau: agree, aim, appear, arrange, attempt, be
able, be likely, claim, decide, deserve, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, seem,
tend, try.
e.g. His employees try to finish the project.
(Nhân viên của anh ấy cố gắng hoàn tất dự án.)
Her students are able to communicate in English successfully.
(Học sinh của cô ấy có thể giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh thành công.)
David deserves to get mark 10 because he studies very hard and has appropriate strategies.
(David đáng được điểm 10 vì cậu ấy học rất chăm và có các chiến lược phù hợp.)
* Note: một số động từ được theo sau bởi tân ngữ + to infinitive: advise, allow, encourage, force, get,
persuade, remind, teach, tell, warn ...
e.g. His father advised him to work as a volunteer.
(Bố cậu ấy khuyên cậu ấy làm tình nguyện viên)
My students always remind me to send them extra exercises.
(Học sinh của mình luôn nhắc mình gửi bài tập làm thêm cho các bạn ấy.)
2.3. Infinitive without "to": động từ nguyên thể không "to"
Động từ nguyên thể không “to” thường theo sau các động từ sau + tân ngừ: feel, hear, help, let, make,
notice, see, watch.
e g. His parents let him make his own decision.
(Bố mẹ cậu ấy để cậu ấy tự quyết đinh.)
They made John pay fee.
(Họ bắt John đóng phí.)
* Note:
help + V/to V I help him leam/to learn English every day.
to be made + to V He was made to clean the floor last night.
3. Pronunciation
Sound clusters (các cụm âm): /-est/, /- ∂nt/, and /- eit/
3.1. Cụm âm /-est/:
Listen and repeat (Track 11):
protest, west, nest, contestant, investment, conquest, digest, congested
3.2. Cụm âm /- ant/:
Listen and repeat (Track 12 ):
placement, important, excellent, crescent, protestant, accident, movement, recent
3.3. Cụm âm /- eit/:
Listen and repeat (Track 13):
great, debate, concentrate, relate, roommate, decorate, plate, evaluate


1. Listen, repeat each sentence and choose the word you hear. (Track 14)
1. A. pleasant B. present C. crescent
2. A. rate B. rest C. rat
3. A. invest B . invade C. relate
4. A. played B. grade C. praised
5. A. grass B. glass C. crass
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. They let us use (use) this room for our study.
2. I decided to do (do) a hotel management course in 2012 .
3. Their clients agree to pay (pay) by check.
4. Recently, her husband has made her stay (stay) at home.
5. The course helps me to understand (understand) my cat better.
6. Their family didn’t want to move (move) to Scotland last year.
7. Taking part in many contests has taught me to perform (perform) more confidently.
8. He was made to hand (hand) over all of his property.
9. Have you ever hoped to see (see) your idol in real life?
10. I chose not to participate (not participate) in that competition.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. You should hand in your assignment on time if you want to get good marks
2. When your dog barks frequently, you need to find out the reasons
3. Look at his car. It definitely needs to be washed.
4. Well, with my English class, my teacher was so supportive that I tried very hard to please her.
5. Peter and Jane weren’t able to see the concert because they forgot to bring the tickets.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Her family and friends advised her concentrate on study. (to concentrate)
2. Teachers can still be creative and let their students to decide how they learn. (decide)
3. They wanted her consider their advice before she made up her mind.(to consider)
4. Parents should try make their home stimulating. (to make)
5. Your receptionist told me take a seat while she dealt with some oth customers. (to take)


I. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

6. launched 7. eliminate 4. post 10. emphasize 9. typically

5. renowned 1. biography 2. passionate 8. originated 3. idol
1. By having a look at her ___________ , we can know more about her.
2. We need to recognize that when people adore a job, they are _________ about it and they are likely
to work successful with it.
3. Nowadays, it is said that a lot of teenagers blindly or excessively adore their _______________
4. In order to be noticed by many people, he has started to _______________ his homemade videos
on the internet lately. Some people say that this is not a good way to be famous.
5. In the past, it was hard for people to be noted, but today, this has changed. They can become
____________ with the aid of advertisement and promotion.
6. Few viewers have watched this program since it first ______________ in our country because it
has been interfered with a lot of advertisement.
7. To make sure that there are only competent candidates for the next round, they _____________ the
ones that can’t answer correctly 5 first questions.
8. Quan Ho singing _____________ in Bac Ninh Province in the 13th century, and is sung at spring
9. A dangdut band ______________ consists of a male or female lead singer, who is backed by an
unusual mix of musical instruments.
10. His works often ___________ on the values of family life as well as the relationship among
people in society.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. composer + c a. a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements

2. rhythm +a b. a person who takes part in a contest
3. launch + d c. a person who writes music
4. contestant + b d. to make a product available to the public for the first time
5. judge + e e. a person who decides who has won a competition

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. He looks passonate on stage. (passion)
2. This is one of the most successful entertainment formats in the UK. It attracts a significantly huge
number of audience, (success)
3. The contestants have to get over that challenge to win in this contest. (contest)
4. Is Vietnam Idol an original program or a franchised one? (origin)
5. Van Cao is known as one of the most important composers of modern Vietnamese music.
6. His song, Tien Quan Ca, is the national anthem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (nation)
7. After his death received the Ho Chi Minh prize. (die)
8. Exercising regularly is a powerful weapon to enhance psychological well-being. (psychology)
9. His important achievement is to invent the instrumental ballade. (achieve)
10. The male singers will sing their challenge phrase with a different melody, like musical ping pong.
4. Choose the best answer.
1. This reality TV show soon became a worldwide phenomenon. The underlined word has the closest
meaning to:
A. nation B. national C. global D. globe
2. William: “How did she become famous?” - Scot: “____________”
A. Yes, she became famous. B. Five years ago.
C. She took part in a lot of contests. D. It's unbelievable that she was famous.
3. He was also the first ____________ artist to have four singles to enter the Top 40.
A. chorus B. solo C. simple D. private
4. This figure graduated ____________ a very famous music school and devoted his life to arts.
A. on B. from C. of D. into
5. “They made Peter create a Quan Ho performance" has the closest meaning to:
A. Peter made to create a Quan Ho performance.
B. Peter was made to create a Quan Ho performance.
C. Peter was made create a Quan Ho performance.
D. Peter was created a Quan Ho performance.
6. Because of its significance, this reality TV program has been __________ by thousands of viewers
all over the country.
A. done B. watched C. washed D. produced
7. He was one of the most prominent __________ during the international liberation movements.
A. math B. numbers C. figures D. calculation
8. The football match was wonderful at the beginning __________ , it was awful at the end.
A. but B. and C. or D. so
9. These days, things have become more convenient; for example, you can buy airline tickets at air
agencies, ________________ you can purchase them online.
A. yet B . for C . so D. or
10. This will be a hopeful season of this entertainment format to air in the near future. The underlined
word has the closest meaning to:
A. breathe out B. breathe in C. broadcast D. inhale
11. You should feel happy because your mum and dad always encourage you ________hard.
A. work B. to work C. worked D. working
12. I think that they will not agree to let you __________ out late at night.
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
13. He is looking forward ______________ the result from this contest
A. receive B. receiving C. to receive D. to receiving
14. It took my teacher nearly three years __________ his research on motivating students in
learning English by using wore games.
A complete B. to completing C. completed D. to complete
15. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differentl from the others.
A request B. protest C. nest D. harvest
16. Lately, several oils, including rose and lemon, have been shown _________ anxiety, stress and
A. relieve B. to relieve C. to relieved D. to relieving
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Her fans admit that (A) her voice (B) is beautiful, and (C) her performance (D) is not skillful.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Three days (A) ago, Mary asked her (B) teachers give (C) her some (D) advice.
19. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. confident B. indent C. measurement D. encouragement
20. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. accurate B. concentrate C. penetrate D. accommodate
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. helped / This / to / course / fears. / has / me / overcome / my
This course has helped me to overcome my fears.
2. composer, / He / he / was / health. / a gifted / but / had to / poor / suffer
He was a gifted composer, but he had to suffer poor health.
3. on / managed / you / finish / assignment / time? / Have / to / your
Have you managed to finish your assignment on time?
4. to / ailments / Vietnamese health beliefs / an /,/ According / by / are / yin and yang. / caused /
imbalance of.
According to Vietnamese health beliefs, ailments are caused by an imbalance of yin and yang.
5. independently. / the new / style, teachers / With / let / learning / us / work
With the new learning style, teachers let us work independently.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Fun Facts About the Saxophone

A relatively new-kid-on-the block as instruments go, the saxophone _____________ (1)

invented less than 200 years ago! Here is a short sampling of facts about this versatile instrument.
While typically constructed of brass, the saxophone is _________ (2) a member of the
woodwind family. The sax earns this classification because of the way sound is produced: a player’s
embouchure creates an airtight seal over the mouthpiece, vibrating a single reed in the manner of a
clarinet. Brass instruments, _______________ (3) contrast, are played by buzzing
one’s lips on the rim of the mouthpiece.
Despite the previous statement that saxes are usually made of brass, there are exceptions. Some
models are made partially (or even entirely) of more precious ___________ (4) such as bronze,
copper, or sterling silver. A few models of plastic saxophones have been produced over the years. In
the 1950s and 1960s, acrylic plastic alto saxes were popularly available under the brand name Grafton.
The bodies of these instruments were ___________ (5) of then state-of-the-art injection-molded
plastic, the keys being made of metal. Famous players known to occasionally perform on Grafton
saxophones include Charlie Parker and Ornette Coleman.
One of the most important _____________ (6) of a saxophone’s sound is the mouthpiece a
player uses. On the subject of unusual materials, saxophone mouthpieces were originally made of
wood. At first, they were made out of softer woods such as boxwood and later, ________ (7) harder
wood such as grenadilla and rosewood. A few boutique manufacturers such as Theo Wanne still make
wooden mouthpieces today. Upon the invention of vulcanized rubber, hard rubber mouthpieces
became popular _________ (8) their strength and versatility; rubber mouthpieces remain extremely
popular to this day with both jazz and classical players. As an alternative, many professional players
also like to use metal _________ (9), which tend to allow for a powerful tone that projects
mightily. Plastic mouthpieces are the most popular choice of mouthpiece for beginners as they are
easy to make, durable, (10) __________ relatively inexpensive. There are even a few
manufacturers out there making ceramic mouthpieces!
1. A. are B . were C. was D. is
2. A. actually B . true C . actual D. truth
3. A. to B. by C.of D. at
4. A. liquors B . water C . bricks D. metals
5. A. done B . used C. made D. let
6. A. ingredients B. components C . functions D. condition
7. A. primary B . prime C. primarily D. price
8. A. due to B . but C . so D. despite
9. A. mouth B . mouthful C. mouthpieces D. mouthy
10. A. so B . yet C . but D. and
1. Vocabulary
• community (n): cộng đông
• charity (n): hội từ thiện
• volunteer (n/v): người tình nguyện/tình nguyẹn
• disadvantaged (adj): thiệt thòi
• interact (v): tương tác, tiếp xúc
• concerned (adj): lo lăng
• aware (adj): nhận thức
• gain (v): có được
• fortunate (adj): may mắn
• ignorant (adj): ngu dot, thiếu hiểu biết
• narrow minded (adj): suy nghĩ nông cạn
• dedicated (adj): tận tụy
• attachment (n): sự gắn bó
• low-income (adj): thu nhập thấp
• remote (adj): xa xôi
• priority (n): sự ưu tiên
• urgent (adj): cấp bách
• donate (v): ủng hộ
• handicapped (adj): tàn tật
• martyr (n): liệt sĩ
• war invalid (n): thương binh
• direct (v): điều khiển, hướng dẫn
• independent (adj): độc lập
• contribute (v): đóng góp
• lawyer (n): luật sư
• violence (n): bạo lực
• non-profit (adj): phi lợi nhuận
• by chance (adv phr): tình cờ

2. Grammar
2.1 The past simple tense: thì quá khứ đơn
2.1.1. Form:
+) s + V-e(d)/2 He went to the cinema.
-) s + did not + V He did not go to the cinema.
?) Did +S + V? Did he go to the cinema?
+) Note:
Ở thì quá khứ đơn, thông thường ta thêm -ed vào sau động từ (V-ed), tuy nhiên những động từ bất
quy tắc lại nằm ở cột thứ 2 trong Bảng động từ bất quy tắc và đó là lí do ta gọi là V-2.
e.g. He used laptop to work. (V-ed)
He met his friend. (V-2)
2.1.2. Use:
Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả hành động đã chấm dứt hoàn toàn trong quá khứ.
e g. They visited Thailand last year. Now they are travelling in Europe.
(Họ đã thăm Thái Lan nãm ngoái. Giờ họ đang đi du lịch Châu Ầu)
CQC trạng từ thường dùng với thì quá khứ đơn: yesterday, yesterday morning, ... last night, last
month, last year,... 2 days, 3 years ago, ... in 1945, in 1975, the 1990s,...
2.2. The past progressive tense: thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
2.2.1 Form:
+) S + was/were + V- ing They were watching T.V
-) S + was/were not +V-ingThey were not watching T.V
?) Was/Were +S + V-ing? Were they watching T.V?
+) Note: was dùng với chủ ngừ là I và ngôi thứ 3 sổ ít (he, she, it, his mum, my teacher, ...), were
dùng với chủ ngữ là các ngôi số còn lại.
2.2.2. Use:
Thì quá khứ tiếp diền diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại 1 thời điếm cụ thể trong quá khứ.
e.g. She was painting the fence at 10 A.m. yesterday.
(Cô ấy đang sơn hàng rào lúc 10 giờ sáng hôm qua)
Các trạng từ thường dung với thì quá khử tiếp diễn: at 4 p.m., yesterday, ... at this/that time
yesterday/last night/last month/ last year, ...
2.3. The past simple vs. the past progressive
2.3.1. Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả chuỗi hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong quá khứ còn thì quá khứ
tiếp diễn diễn tả các hành động xảy ra tại cùng 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ.
e.g. Tom opened the door, came into the room and then turned on the light.
(Tom mở cửa, vào phòng rối bật điện lên)
At this time last month, she was taking care of her son, cooking and answering the phone.
(Củng vào thời điểm này tháng trước, chị ây vừa đang trông con vừa nấu nướng và trả lời điện thoại)
For a while last year, my teacher was working for several centers, studying for his MA degree and
writing a book.
(Chỉ trong một thời gian ngắn năm ngoái mà thầy giáo mình vừa làm việc cho một số trung tâm, học
thạc sĩ và viết một cuốn sách)
2.3.2. Khi diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra trong quá khứ thì có một hành động khác xen vào, ta
dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra còn thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả hành động xen vào
(Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn là bối cảnh để thì quá khứ đơn diễn ra). Trong trường hợp này ta thường dùng
when hoặc while.
e.g; He was doing his homework when the burglar came into the house.
(Anh ấy đang làm bài tập thì tên trộm đột nhập vào nhà)
It happened at 4 p.m. yesterday while she was watching the news on TV.
(Chuyện đó diễn ra vào lúc 4 giờ chiều qua khi cô ấy đang xem tin tức trên tivi)
+) Note: "while" thường đừng trước mệnh đề ở thì quả khứ tiếp diễn còn "when" thường đứng trước
mệnh đề ở thì quá khứ đơn. Khi "while", "when" đứng đầu câu thì ta phải dùng dấu phẩy (,) giữa hai
mệnh đề.
"While" còn có thể dùng trong trường hợp diễn tả 2 hành động xảy ra cùng lúc.
e.g. While she was doing the laundry, he was cleaning the floor.
(Trong khi cô ấy đang giặt quần áo thì anh ấy đang lau nhà)
2.4. Adjective suffixes (hậu tố): -ed vs. -ing; -ful vs. -less
2.4.1. -ed vs. -ing:
Tính từ có hậu tố -ing (boring, interesting, exciting, amazing, ...) chỉ bản chất của người hoặc vật còn
tính từ có hậu tố -ed (bored, interested, excited, amazed, ...) chỉ cảm giác của ai đó.
e.g. He is an exciting man.
(Anh ấy là một người đàn ông thú vị)
It is an exciting book.
(Nó là một cuốn sách hay)
I feel excited about this film/This film makes me feel excited.
(Tôi càm thấy hào hứng về bộ phim này)
2.4.2 -ful vs -less
Thông thường tính từ có hậu tố -ful (careful, useful, hopeful, ...) mang tính tích cực còn hậu tố -less
(careless, useless, hopeless, ...) thì ngược lại.
e g. He is a careful driver.
(Anh ấy là một người lái xe cẩn thận)
He is a careless driver.
(Anh ấy là một người lái xe ẩu)
3. Pronunciation
Consonant (phụ âm): /ŋ/ and consonat clusters (các cụm phụ âm): /-nd/ and /-nt/
3.1. Phụ âm /ŋ/:
Listen and repeat (Track 15):
learning, working, banking, drinking, linking, sinking, drivir appreciating
3.2. Cụm phụ âm /-nd/:
Listen and repeat (Track 16):
underground, grind, scanned, banned, spend, fond, diamond, gram
5.3. Cụm âm /-nt/:
Listen and repeat (Track 17):
1. Listen, repeat each sentence and choose the word you hear (Track 18)
1. A banned B. bank
2. A. spent B. spend
3. A. grant B. grand
4. A. government B. governed
5. A. widening B. widened
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. They bought (buy) this house 7 years ago.
2. I decided (decide) to do a hotel management course in 2012 .
3. He was teaching (teach) English in this university at this time last year.
4. At 9 p.m. yesterday, Jack and Jill were not driving (not drive) home.
5. Her nephew was sitting (sit) on the couch and eating (eat) his breakfast at 7 yesterday morning.
6. Their family didn't want (not want) to move to Scotland last year.
7. Alan was listening (listen) to music and working (work) on his computer at that time last month.
8. We were driving (drive) when we realized (realize) that it was snowing more and more heavily.
9. Yesterday, our car broke down on the way home. While we were waiting (wait) for help, we sang
(sing) lots of songs to keep ourselves cheerful.
10. Five years ago, I chose (choose) not to participate in that competition.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. While he was digging in the garden, he found a lot of gold
2. Peter was sleeping when the burglar broke into his house.
3. She made us excited about the subject because she motivated us by using word games for learning.

4. Something similar happened while she was explaining us how to work the microscope.
5. Helen and Jessica weren’t able to see the concert because they forgot to bring the tickets.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. On their trip last year, they help a lot of disadvantaged and handicapped children. (helped)
2. At this time 4 years ago, we donate food and clothes to low-income people in remote area. (were
3. When I work with them for the first time, many of them couldn’t read or write. (worked)
4. He was walking along the corridor when he was seeing a job advertisement on the notice board.
5. Suddenly we have to brake hard as the car in front stopped suddenly. (had to)
1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
3. priority 1. hopeless 2. aware 9. interesting 7. continued
8. interested 5. volunteers 4. donate 6. directing 10. gain
1. Some of them were _________ at Math because they even couldn’t do the simplest calculation.
2. Young generation should find out more about the history of our country through interesting
documentary films so that they become more _______ of national issues.
3. There are top important things to do to develop a country. Most of people agree that the first ______
is revolutionizing education.
4. You can _______ not only food and clothes but also time and work in the office of this organization.
5. We need experienced, creative and patient _______ to work as teachers at our Charity Centre.
6. Taking part in _________ the traffic is also a form of volunteer work in your community.
7. After that, he ________ to fight for the rights of poor people and became a hero for millions of
8. The love and affection for the handicapped orphans made her ________ in the job advertised.
9. For some people, this type of work has no fun, but he thinks that it is __________
10.Volunteer work is agreat way to _________ experience in a broad range of fields.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. ignorant + d a. working hard at something because it is important to you

2. by chance + c b. an organization for helping people in need
3. dedicated + a c. without planning to
4. urgent + e d. lacking knowledge or information about something
5. charity + b e. needing to be dealt with immediately
3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. At that time, colored people and white people were not treated equally and he fought for the rights
of colored people. (equal)
2. Those disadantaged children have many problems and they really need our help. (advantage)
3. There are more and more youngsters who are interested in doing volunteer work. (interest)
4. I got some useful advice from my teacher. It was really helpful. (use)
5. He was very excited about this film because the main character motivated him to be more confident.
6. This season is very exciting. Millions of viewers have watched it since it first aired. (excite)
7. People who volunteer in their community have a personal attachment to the area. (attach)
8. He was a peaceful man and against all forms of violence. (peace)
9. In 1914, the British ruled India and Gandhi wanted the British to leave India so that the country
could become independent. (depend)
10. Mother Teresa was said to be one of the most influential personalities of the twentieth century.
4. Choose the best answer.
1. By working for an international organization, he takes opportunities to have a worldwide network
of friends and interact with a variety of people. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. relate to B. communicate with C. dedicate with D. roommate with
2. Tony: “It sounds interesting. How did you get the job?” ~ James: "________"
A. Yes, it was really amazing. B. I received that interesting job in 2014.
C. I got it last year. D. Just by chance.
3. This method seems to be _____ . A lot of students who follow it can improve their pronunciation
A. use B. useful C. useless D. misused
4. Joining a hand in helping your community helps you gain experience _______ many fields such as
education, social work and health care.
A. in B . out C. during D. into
5. “While we were having dinner, the phone rang.” has the closest meaning to:
A. While the phone was ringing, we had dinner. B. While the phone ringing, we had dinner.
C. We were having dinner when the phone rang. D. While the phone was ringing, we having dinner.
6. This group of university students had to spend a ____ night preparing stuff for the following day.
A. sleep B. slept C. sleepless D. sleeps
7. He was peaceful man and ________ all forms of violence.
A for B. with C. again D. against
8. Your job is likely to include welcoming guests and receiving _______ for our Charity Centre.
A. donate B. donations C. donors D. donated
9. This figure became interested in politics and ________ to leave his first university for protesting.
A. force B. forced C. was forcing D. was forced
10. He continued to fight against the ruling government which was extremely cruel. The underlined
word has the closest meaning to:
A. structure B. struggle C. find D. discover
11. At first, her superiors tried to discourage her from leaving the convent, but in the end they ______
to let her go.
A. agreed B. was agreeing C. to agree D. agreeing
12. After taking part in public activities in their community, they realized that they had been ignorant
or _______ before.
A. narrow-minded B. large-minded C. full-minded D. thin-minded
13. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. island B. plan C. bank D. pretend
14. We were travelling through the forest when we ________ a python.
A. face B. was facing C. faced D. was faced
15. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. understand B. expand C. England D. sand
16. Do you get __________ if you have to work overtime?
A. annoy B. to annoy C. annoying D. annoyed
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Do (A) you like playing computer (B) games or are you tiring (C) of them (D)?
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
We were pretty (A) scary because we were skidding (B) and went off the road (C) into a (D) ditch.
19. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. accident B. prevent C. attachment D. encouragement
20. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
A. prolong B. song C. among D. strong
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. purchased / and / last / sister / a lot / his / of / Tom / novels / winter.
Tom and his sister purchased a lot of novels last winter.
2. Christmas/ They / decorating / trees / 8 p.m. / were / yesterday, /at
They were decorating Christmas trees at 8 p.m yesterday.
3. when /I / talking to / asked / a friend / the / me / teacher / a question./ was
I was talking to a friend when the teacher asked me a question.
4. famous / She / was / became / awarded for / not only / her devotion. / but also
She not only became famous but also was awarded for her devotion.
5. that / film / so / top / frightening /I / was / shouted / the / of my / at / voice./ The
The film was so frightening that I shouted at the top of my voice.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Volunteer in Spain
International Volunteers, Gap Year Travelers and those looking for an ______ (1) opportunity to
volunteer work overseas must volunteer in Spain. Volunteering in Spain will be a fun and ____ (2)
experience where you can get _____ (3) in the Mediterranean culture, learn new skills and meet new
people. In Spain, Volunteering Solutions has programs in_____ (4) with local organizations in the
Valencia Region in the Eastern part of Spain. Valencia is a _____ (5) city with almost one million
residents. The city is rich in cultural ______ (6) and has more than fifteen kilometers of beaches.
While _____ (7) in Valencia, you will find _____ (8) people who are happy to meet international
volunteers. The area is very well linked to other main European capitals ______(9) air, train and road.
While volunteering in the Valencia region, volunteers also get a chance to visit smaller and traditional
Spanishtowns like Denia wheretheprojects are also located. Volunteering Solutions offers
conservation and community social welfare projects in the region where volunteers can help in
conservation work such as Marine conservation or work with children from ______ (10) backgrounds.
1. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitement
2. A. challenging B. challenged C. bored D. boring
3. A. immerse B . immersing C. immersed D. immersers
4. A. partnership B . ship C. pattern D. part
5. A. postal B . post C. coast D. coastal
6. A. decorate B. heritage C. hesitate D. relate
7. A. volunteering B. volunteered C. volunteer D. volunteers
8. A. welcomed B. welcomingly C. welcome D. welcoming
9. A. by B. out C . into D. for
10. A. disadvantaged B. advantage C. disadvantage D. advance
1. Vocabulary
• generous (adj): rộng lượng
• screen (n): màn hình
• portable (adj): di động
• economical (adj): hữu hiệu, tiết kiệm
• versatile (adj): đa năng
• definitely (adv): rõ ràng
• invention (n): phát minh
• wisely (adv): một cách sáng suốt
• access (n): sự truy cập
• bulky (adj): to lớn
• handheld (adj): cầm tay
• device (n): thiết bị
• laptop (n): máy tính xách tay
• processor (n): máy chế biến, bộ xử lý trong máy tính
• inspire (v): truyền cảm hứng
• inspiration (n): nguồn cảm hứng
• imitate (v): bắt chước, mô phỏng
• submarine (n): tàu ngầm
• undersea (adj): dưới mặt biển
• fabric (n): vải (may)
• fastener (n): khóa (quần, áo)
• hook-and-loop fastener (n): khóa dính (gồm 2 miếng dính lại với nhau)
• spacesuit (n): đồ du hành vũ trụ
• printer (n): máy in
• charge (n/v): nạp (sạc) điện
• congestion (n): sự tắc nghẽn
• collapse (v): gấp lại
• collapsible (adj): có thể gấp lại
• consumption (n): sự tiêu thụ
• speed (n): tốc độ
• speaker (n): loa
• earbud (n): tai nghe nhỏ
• incubator (n): lồng nuôi trẻ em đẻ non
• instant (adj): liền, ngay lập tức
• patent (v/n): cấp bàng sáng chế/ bằng sáng chế
• biodiesel (n): nhiên liệu sinh học
• palm (n): cây cọ
2. Grammar
2.1. The present perfect tense: thì hỉện tại hoàn thành
2.1.1 Form:
+) S + has/have + past participle
He has done his homework.
-) S + has/have not + past participle
I have not done my homework.
?) Has/Have + S + past participle?
Have you done your homework?
*) Note:
Past participle (quá khứ phân từ): nếu là động từ có quy tắc ta thêm -ed vào sau động từ (V-ed), nếu
là động bất quy tắc ta xem ở cột thứ 3 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc (V-3).
e g. He has worked. (V-ed)
They have left. (V-3)
+) haven’t = have not, hasn’t = has not
2.1.2. Use:
Thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả:
+) Sự việc diễn ra trước hiện tại nhưng thời gian của sự việc không được đề cập hoặc không rõ ràng
(quá khứ không xác định).
e.g. They have visited Thailand.
(Họ đã thăm Thái Lan)
She has met him before.
(Cô ấy đã gặp anh ấy trước đây)
*) Note:
Các trạng từ thường dùng trong trường hợp này: ever, never, before, up to now, up to the present,
still, till now, so far, recently, just.
+ Kết quả của sự việc bắt đầu trong quá khứ tính đến thời điểm hiện tại.
Eg: I have lived here for 5 years.
(Mình đã sống ở đây được 5 năm)
She has worked for 2 companies since she graduated from university.
(Chị ấy đã làm việc cho 2 công ty từ lúc chị ấy tốt nghiệp đại học)
*) Note:
+ For + khoảng thời gian: for 3 days, for 5 weeks, for the last week
+ Since + mốc thời gian: since last week, since Monday, since her childhood, since they moved,..
+ Last week vs. for the last week, last year vs. for the last 2 years,...
e.g. She arrived in London last week.
(Cô ấy đã đến London tuần trước)
He has been ill for the last week.
(Cậu ấy ốm cả tuần qua)
+ Khoảng thời gian vẫn chưa kết thúc.
e.g. Now it is 9 a.m. I’ve written a rough plan this morning.
(Bây giờ là 9 giờ sáng. Mình đã viết xong bản phác thảo sáng nay)
*) Note:
Các trạng từ thường dùng trong trường hợp này: today, this morning, this week...
2.2. Gerunds and infinitives: danh động từ và động từ nguyên thể
2.2.1. Form:
Gerunds: V-ing learning, working, relaxing, entertaining
Infinitives: to V to learn, to work, to relax, to entertain
2.2.2. Use.
+ Để chỉ mục đích ta có thể dùng to infinitive hoặc for + V-ing
E.g: I find a partner to practice English.
(Mình tìm một bạn để thực hành Tiếng Anh)
Computers are used for controlling manufacture.
(Máy tính được dùng để điều khiển sản xuất)
3. Pronunciation
Stress patterns: compound nouns and noun phrases
blackbird: chim sáo black bird: con chim màu đen
3.1. Compound nouns (danh từ ghép):
Danh từ ghép là sự kết hợp 2 từ thành một từ mang nghĩa chung và hai từ thường được viết liền nhau.
Đối với danh từ ghép, trọng âm được nhấn vào từ đầu tiên.
Listen and repeat (Track 19):
food processor, birthday, blackbird, smartphone, blackboard, gateway, guidebook, airport
3.2. Noun phrases (cụm danh từ):
+ Cụm danh từ là cụm từ gồm hai từ trở lên, mỗi từ mang nghĩa riêng biệt và không được viết liền
nhau. Đổi với cụm danh từ, trọng âm được nhấn vào chữ sau cùng là danh từ chính, (cụm danh từ
thường gồm: tính từ + danh từ)
Listen and repeat (Track 20):
tall boy, digital camera, solar charge, green house, black bird, white board, good processor, bulky
1. Listen, repeat each sentence and choose the word you hear. (Track 21)
1. A. blackbird B. black bird
2. A. greenhouse B. green house
3. A. smartphone B. smart phone
4. A. whiteboard B. white board
5. A. food processor B. good processor
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sarah has collected (collect) plenty of information for the assignment recently.
2. The lives of Vietnamese farmers have changed (change) dramatically since the invention of the
harvesting machine.
3. He has taught (teach) English in this university for 3 years.
4. That university has not held (not hold) any seminars since September.
5. His father-in-law has done (do) research since last year.
6. My classmates and I have just received (just/receive) the results of our recent exams.
7. I have read (read) all the books on the reading list today, so I have the notes now.
8. This is the longest essay that I have ever had (ever/have) to write.
9. Have you completed (complete) your assignment yet?
10. I realize that I have not spent (not spend) much time away from home up to now, but am keen to
become more independent.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. They know a lot about people and cultures all over the world because they have travelled many
2. Jane can show visitors the exact places to go, as she has lived here for a long time.
3. I have many students throughout the country because I have worked for a lot of schools.
4. Our teacher, Mr. Mckenna, uses the projector to make his lesson more interesting.
5. Facebook is used for connecting friends.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. A pair of compasses are used for draw circles. (drawing)
2. He has just bought a pencil case to held his pens and pencils. (hold)
3. A correction pen is used for cover writing mistakes. (covering)
4. British women overtake British men in Internet usage since 2005. (have overtaken)
5. How did your life change over the past ten years? (has your life changed)


1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
2. economical 8. chop 4. wisely 3. inventions 9. submarine
10. contributed 5. versatile 1. earbuds 6. access 7. games
1. They say that it is more convenient when ____________ are used for listening to music without
disturbing other people.
2. This kind of car is very ____________ so we do not have to spend too much money on buying
petrol or diesel.
3. The computer is said to be one of the most significant ____________ of human beings.
4. If you use the internet ____________ discover a variety of new things.
5 In our modem life, people have loads of work to do, so they want to own the very ____________
devices which can do many things.
6. We can use a laptop or a smartphone to get ___________ to the Internet.
7. To feel at ease, some children use a handheld video game device to play computer ________
8. A food processor is normally used to __________ up or mix food.
9. The ___________ which can travel underwater, imitates a dolphin’s shape.
10. Science and technology have __________ to environmental protection and natural preservation.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with Its description on the right.

1. bulky + d a. the source makes someone want to create something

2. access + c b. to copy somebody/something
3. congestion + e c. the opportunity or right to use something
4. imitate + b d. large and difficult to move or carry
5. inspiration + a e. the state of being crowded and full of traffic

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Social networking sites can be used for creating your personal profile and contacting your friends.
2. Studies have shown that inspiration for inventions mostly comes from the natural world. (inspire)
3. Scientists and inventors have observed things in nature to design new products to serve humans.
4. Since then, Velcro has gradually become a familiar fastener for shoes, jackets and even spacesuits.
5. This 3-D printer is used to produce solid objects similar to the originals. (print)
6. Traffic congestion has been considered one of the most serious and urgent problems of our country.
7. The petrol consumption of this type of motorbike is estimated approximately 2 litrers per 100 km.
8. A digital camera is quite economical because you do not have to spend money on rolls of film.
9. Some people like a small screen, as it is portable, but the other ones want a bulky one to watch
films conveniently with big images. (bulk)
10. A medical incubator is the invention which is admitted to be really humane. (incubate)
4. Choose the best answer.
1. They try to imitate the wings and shape of animals in nature to produce parts of vehicles. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. irritate B. irrigate C . paste D. copy
2. Paul: “What do you think is the most useful invention in medicine?” - Kate: "______"
A. I don’t think it is useful. B. This is because people use a lot of penicillin.
C. Perhaps it is the discovery of penicillin. D. Just by chance.
3. In order to be taken away and used everywhere, modem inventions have a tendency to be small and
A. import B. coastal C. airport D. portable
4. Even the best invention may have both ___________ and drawbacks.
A. benefits B . disadvantage C. advantaged D. benefited
5. “I started working for the Charity Center 5 years ago and now I’m still working here.” has the
closest meaning to:
A. I have started working for the Charity Center 5 years ago.
B. I have started working for the Charity Center for 5 years.
C. I have worked for the Charity Center since 5 years.
D. I have worked for the Charity Center for 5 years.
6. People have used vaccination to prevent diseases ___________ a long time.
A. for B . since C . when D. as
7. Brian has inspired thousands of students across the country since he ________ from a pedagogical
A. graduate B . graduating C. graduated D. graduation
8. Jim has stayed at home _________ last week.
A. for B. since C . when
9. Scientists have researched into effective ways to treat this disease _______ last year’s epidemic.
A. for B. since C. when D. as
10. This robot is very versatile, as it can be used to perform many different tasks. The underlined
word has the closest meaning to:
A. multipurpose B. limited C. inflexible D. purposeless
11. This athlete__________ a number of international awards since 1990.
A wins B. won C. has won D. have won
12. The Internet has changed the way we purchase, interact and research since it ________
A. invent B. was invented C. invented D. be invented
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. blackbird B. solar charger C. alarm clock D. smartphone
14. Our hen _______ for nearly 10 days, so we have no eggs in our fridge now.
A. did not lay B. has not laid C. have not lain D. has not lay
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. gateway B. good processor C. airport D. pencil case
16. More than 40 patterns on silicon surfaces _________ with that paintbrush so far.
A. printed B . were printedC. have printed D. have been printed
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
A number (A) of students registered (B) this course (C) since last September (D).
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
They participated (A) in social (B) activities at the (C) castle for the past few (D) years.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. green house B . solar charger C. bulky screen D. food processor
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. birthday B . guidebook C. television set D. electronic book
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. storing / A / can / hard disk / used / a / for / information / be / in /computer.
A hard disk can be used for storing information in a computer.
2. computer / We / a / install / modem / a / surf / the / to / Internet. / for
We install a modem for a computer to surf the internet.
3. pages / How / typed / many / ? / you / have
How many pages have you typed?
4. phoned / Sam / 2 months. / has / her / the past / not / for / parents
Sam has not phoned her parents for the past 2 months.
5. achievements / Scientists / in / have / great / technology / made / and / information /.
Scientists have made great achievements in information and technology.

6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Awesome inventions changing our lives

Used by the ancient Egyptians as much as 3000 years ago, the condom was ______ (1) invented in
1640 by Italian gyne-cologist Gabriele Falloppio. It was originally intended ______ (2) the spread of
disease, but from about the 1960s on, their usage to prevent pregnancy has been touted. Now, these
marvels of invention are commonplace and used on a _______ (3) basis for both purposes. While it
may not be pretty to look at or fun to think about, the condom is a very ingenious invention, especially
when one considers how many lives ________ (4) by the use of condoms.
What did man (or woman) do before the invention of the umbrella? Most likely, get wet every time it
rained. Originally conceived in Mesopotamia in 3400 BC to be used as a sunshade, the umbrella
became a fashion ________ (5) in the 1700s. The actual first steel-ribbed umbrella that was used by
both men and women was invented in 1852 by Samuel Fox of Britain. So every time you open your
umbrella, remember to mentally thank Mr. Fox _______ (6) to keep you dry! Now if only someone
could invent an umbrella that didn’t turn inside out on a windy day...
Not now, honey, I've got a headache! Before 1899, women might have been able to use that excuse,
but not after the ________ (7) of the aspirin that year by German chemist Felix Hoffman. Although
Hippocrates had used acetylsalicylic acid to treat fevers and gout in ancient Greece, it wasn’t until
Hoffman’s invention that the medicine ________ (8) under its familiar trade name, Aspirin. Hoffman
originally invented aspirin to help treat his father’s arthritis. Today it’s used to treat everything from
minor aches and pains to heart _______(9). Hoffman would be proud of his nifty little invention that’s
actually saved lives!
What would women do without the invention of the bra? Most likely the entire fashion world would
be different, as clothing would have to accommodate droopy, flopping breasts. Thankfully, the bra
_________ (10) by New York socialite Mary Phelps Jacob in 1913 as an alternative to unsightly
corsets that were Visible under sheer clothing. Today, women spend about $16 billion each year on
bras worldwide. Thank you, Ms. Jacob!
1. A. office B. officially C. offices D. official
2. A. preventing B. causing C. to prevent D. to cause
3. A. daily B . day C . days D. dairy
4. A. have saved B. saved C. was saved D. have been saved
5. A. compulsory B. sorry C . access D. accessory
6. A. help B. to help C. for helping D. helped
7. A. invention B. invent C . inventor D. invented
8. A. mass-marketed B. has been mass-marketed C. has mass-marketed D. was mass-marketed
9. A. fights B. attacks C . attach D. beat
10. A. has invented B. invented C. was invented D. invent Your answer:
1. Vocabulary
• equal (adj): bình đẳng
• equality (n): sự bình đẳng
• gender (n): giới tính
• discriminate (v): phân biệt
• discrimination (n): sự phân biệt
• slightly (adv): một chút
• eliminate (v): loại bỏ
• enrol (v): đăng ký
• enrolment (n): sự/số lượng đăng ký
• pursue (v): theo đuổi
• sue (v): kiện ai ra tòa
• limitation (n): sự hạn chế
• loneliness (n): sự cô đơn
• preference (n): sự ưu tiên
• employment (n): việc làm
• firefighter (n): lính cứu hỏa
• co-worker (n): đồng nghiệp
• courage (n): lòng dũng cảm
• encourage (v): khuyến khích
• talkative (adj): hay nói
• wage (n): tiền công
• qualified (adj): đủ điều kiện
• income (n): thu nhập
• educator (n): người thầy
• domestic (adj): trong gia đình
• responsibility (n): trách nhiệm
• mature (v): làm cho chín chắn
• knowledgeable (adj): am hiểu
• considerable /kan'sidarabl/ (adj): đáng kể = remarkable
• progress (n): sự tiến bộ
• workforce (n): nguồn nhân lực = labor force
• challenge (n): thách thức
• caretaker (n): người chăm sóc người khác tại nhà (= caregiver)
• housekeeper (n): người dọn phòng, người giúp viêc,quản gia
• opportunity (n): cơ hội
• obesity (n): sự béo phì
2. Grammar
The pasive voice with modals: câu bị động với động từ tình thái (khuyết thiếu)
2.1. Form: modals +be + Past Participle
E.g: He might be fired
(Anh ấy có thể bị sa thải)
This dress must be cleaned carefully
(Cái váy này cần phải được giặt cẩn thận)
*) NOTE:
+ Modals (động từ tình thái): can, could, may, might, will, would, must, shall, should, ought to ...
+ Past participle (quá khứ phân từ): nếu là động từ có quy tắc ta thêm -ed vào động từ (V-ed), nếu là
động từ bất quy tắc ta xem ở cột thứ 3 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc (V3)
e.g: It will be decorated. (V-ed)
It could be spoken. (V-3)
2.2. Use:
+ Chúng ta dùng câu bị động khi chúng ta muốn nhấn mạnh đối tương chịu tác động của hành động
hoặc không muốn đề cập đến đối tượng gây ra hành động.
E.g: Information can be stored in hard disk.
(Thông tin có thể được lưu trữ trong ổ cứng)
Document could be sent via e-mail.
(Tài liệu có thể được gửi qua e-mail)
3. Pronunciation
Stress in two-syllable words: trọng âm trong từ gồm 2 âm tiết
3.1. Động từ có 2 âm tiết: vể cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
Listen and repeat (Track 22):
mspire, divide, begin, relax, reveal, employ, enjoy, deny
Ngoại lệ: có một số ít động từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất
Listen and repeat (Track 23):
follow, answer, visit, happen
3.2. Danh từ có 2 âm tiết: về cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1
Listen and repeat (Track 24):
freedom, children, workforce, hobby, healthcare, labor, people standard
Ngoại lệ: có một số ít danh từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai
Listen and repeat (Track 25):
mistake, advice, machine, embrace
3.3. Tính từ có 2 âm tiết: về cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất
Listen and repeat (Track 26):
basic, busy, bulky, pretty, easy, major, handsome, famous
Ngoại lệ: có một số ít tính từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai
Listen and repeat (Track 27):
alone, asleep, alive, correct


1. Listen, repeat and choose the word you hear with a different stress pattern from the others.
(Track 28)
1. A. pursue B. enrol C. equal D. repeat
2. A. lonely B. alone C. major D. famous
3. A. income B. workforce C. nature D. mature
4. A. knowledge B. challenge C. enjoy D. labor
5. A. pretty B. freedom C. happen D. begin
2. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. A new monitor will be selected (will/select) by the members of the class next semester.
2. Information can be found (can/find) due to the aid of the Internet.
3. If you want your car to be in good condition, it must be serviced (must/service) frequently.
4. Students should not be given (not/should/give) everything about the subjects by their lecturers.
They need to be creative and discover new knowledge.
5. This house must be sold (must/sell) within 2 months.
6. When people have experienced something terrible, funny things can be done (can/do).
7. A valid work permit must be held (must/hold) by all employees.
8. Advice from the experts should be taken (should/take) by the government before making the new
9. Cultural differences ought to be considered (ought to/consider) by companies when engaging in
business with overseas organizations.
10. Some changes to our lives must be made (must/ make) if we want to reduce pollution.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. He often hands in his assignment 10 days earlier so that it can be marked carefully.
2. If everyone fights against domestic violence, gender discrimination will be got rid of.
3. On riding, cycle helmets must be put on.
4. Without permission from the headmaster, no car or motorbike may be driven within the school
5. In case of being attacked by hackers, a Facebook account can be used for illigal purposes.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Any kind of violence must not be allow at school. (allowed)
2. These medicines must keep out of children’s reach. (be kept)
3. The instructions must follow strictly by the students. (be followed)
4. In the case of a pupil being absent from school, messages can leave on the answering machine
before 7.30 a.m. (be left)
5. These pills must not take if you are under twelve years old. (be taken)


1. Gap-filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
2. discrimination 3. forced 10. remarkable 5. preference 9. domestic
4. eliminate 8. sue 1. slightly 6. pursue 7. courage

1. The oil price has ___________ increased this year.

2. According to some psychological experts, the fact that women have to work more than men at
home is one of the signs of gender ______________.
3. In Africa, many girls desire to study but they are __________ to leave schools because of poverty.
4. In order to _________ hunger and poverty so that many citizens have better lives, the government
should act urgently and strictly.
5. It is said that there is gender _________ in favor of boys in recruitment in the police and army
6. She had to struggle and overcome criticism to _________ her dream.
7. Success comes to those who have enough _________ and will.
8. Linda decided to __________ that man for causing accident because she believed that he deserved
to be punished.
9. When the children see how their parents work hard to support the families and share ____________
responsibilities, they will try to study harder.
10. French are famous for being romantic and France is well known for having made a _______
progress in gender equality.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. eliminate + b a. liking to talk a lot
2. courage + e b. to remove or get rid of something/somebody
3. talkative + a c. connected with the home or family
4. domestic + c d. great in amount, size, importance, etc.
5. considerable + d e. the ability to do something dangerous without showing fear

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She faced _________ because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area.
(lonely) - loneliness
2. That a women becomes a ______ has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed
that this job is only for men. (firefight) firefighter
3. Although she was aware of gender ________ in favor of boys, she applied for that position. (prefer)
4. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made ________
progress in gender equality. (consider) considerable
5. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic __________ need to be shared by both husbands
and wives, (responsible) responsibilities
6. The number of female _________ has increased sharply for the past few years. (enroll) enrollments
7. My uncle is very _________ about rhinos. He has studied about them for a long time. (knowledge)
8. By knowing their children’s strengths and ______ parents can find appropriate strategies to educate
them. (weak) weaknesses
9. She contributed to the formation of an _______ for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers
and helped inspire others. (organize) organization
10. Even today, her life and career remain __________ to many people. (fascinate) fascinating
4. Choose the best answer.
1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co-
workers. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. colleges B. colleagues C. villages D. collectors
2. Paul: “I suppose that working mothers are good educators for their children.” - Kate: “_____”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating.
B. I couldn’t agree more. They are able to teach their children at home.
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their children.
D. Because educators are teachers.
3. In order to be ______ for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work
A. qualify B. quality C. qualified D. qualification
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and
gradually ______ them.
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “The protesters couldn’t persuade the president to change the law.” has the closest meaning to:
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws.
B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws.
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws.
D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws.
6. The afternoon meeting _______ because three of the five committee members are unable to attend.
A. might postpone B. might postponed C. might be postpone D. might be postponed
7. Dental appointments _______ so as not to conflict with school commitments.
A. should be arranged B. should not be arranged C. should be arrange D. should not arrange
8. This beer can be served ________ beefsteak.
A. from B. by C. with D. as
9. Many parents think that fast food ________ in schools.
A should not sold B. should not be sell C. should be not sold D. should not be sold
10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents who are both old and
sick in their house. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. test taker B. caregiver C. test giver D. checker
11. Modules ________ in the minimum amount of time.
A. cannot always be completed B. cannot be completed always
C. can always be not completed D. can be not always completed
12. The return of assignment, exams and final grades _______ by lecturers’ time.
A. could affected B. could be affected C. could affect D. could be affect
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. accept B. inspire C. reveal D. workforce
14. A Study Guide __________ by all Independent Study students.
A. must be purchase B. must purchased C. must be purchased D. must purchase
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. pursue B. courage C. hobby D. standard
16. Both gender should be provided _______ equal rights to education, employment and healthcare.
A. from B. by C. with D. on
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Students enrolling (A) for the (B) first time will be charge (C) 9 dollars per (D) course.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Any bicycles brought (A) onto school (B) grounds should clearly label (C) with the owner’s (D)
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. bulky B. handsome C. employ D. basic
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. machine B. answer C . mistake D. alone
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. equality / essay / An / gender / on / be / written / must / by / student. / each

An essay on gender equality must be written by each student.
2. processed / will / When / these / files /be/?
When will these files be processed?
3. A/ course / finished / must / in / a / maximum / be / of / weeks. / four
A course must be finished in a maximum of four weeks.
4. serious / Obesity / be / health / considered / be / to / a / problem / can
Obesity can be considered to be a serious health problem.
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and /will / made /be/ scientists. / More / by
More achievements in information and technology will be made by scientists.

6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

Secretary-General's Message for 2015
Twenty years ago, when the world convened a landmark conference on women's human right,
the devastating conflict in the former Yugoslavia prompted desserved attention to rape and other war
crimes there against civilians. Two decades later, with girls as young as seven not only targeted but
used as weapons _________ (1). violent extremists, it would be easy to lose heart about the value of
international gatherings. But while we have a long way to go to achieve full equality - with ending
gender-based violence a central goal - progress ________ (2) has proven the enduring value of the
1995 Beijing Conference on Women.
Since the adoption of its Declaration and Platform for Action, more girls have attained more
________ (3) to more education than ever before. The number of women dying in childbirth has been
almost halved. More women are leading businesses, Governments and global organizations. I
welcome these advances. At the same time, on this International Women’s Day, we must __________
(4) that the gains have been too slow and uneven and that we must do far more to accelerate progress
The world must come together in response to the targeting of women and girls by violent
extremists. From Nigeria and Somalia to Syria and Iraq, the bodies of women have been transformed
into battlegrounds for warriors carrying out specific and systematic strategies, often on the basis of
ethnicity or religion. Women have been attacked for trying to exercise their right to education and
basic services; they have been raped and turned into sex slaves; they have been given as prizes to
fighters, or traded among extremist groups in trafficking networks. Doctors, nurses and others
________(5) for trying to operate in their professional capacity. The women human rights defenders
brave enough to challenge such atrocities risk - and sometimes lose - their lives for the cause.
We must take a clear global stance against this total assault on women’s human rights. The
international community needs to translate its outrage into __________ (6) action, including
humanitarian aid, psychosocial services, support for livelihoods and efforts to bring perpetrators to
justice. With women and girls often the first targets of attack, their rights must be at the centre of our
strategy to address this staggering and growing ________ (7). Empowered women and girls are the
best hope for sustainable development following conflict. They are the best drivers of growth, the
best hope for reconciliation and the best buffer against radicalization of youth and the repetition of
cycles of violence.
Even in societies at peace, too many girls and women are still _________ (8) of domestic
abuse, female genital mutilation and other forms of violence that traumatize individuals and damage
whole societies. Discrimination remains a thick barrier that _______ (9). We need to expand
opportunities in politics, business and beyond. We need to change mind-sets, especially among men,
and engage men in becoming active change-agents themselves. And we must back up our resolve
with resources based on the sure understanding that investments in gender equality generate economic
progress, social and political inclusion and other benefits that, in turn, foster stability and human
This is a vital year for advancing the cause of women’s human rights. The international
community is hard at work on establishing a new sustainable development agenda that will build on
the Millennium Development Goals and shape policies and social investments for the next generation.
To be truly _______ (10), the post-2015 development agenda must prioritize gender equality and
women’s empowerment. The world will never realize 100 per cent of its goals if 50 per cent of its
people cannot realize their full potential. When we unleash the power of women, we can secure the
future for all.
Ban Ki-moon
1. A. by B . on C . over D. through
2. A. past two decades ago B. over the past two decades
C. last two decades ago D. over the past two decade
3. A. accept B. stress C. access D. actress
4. A. acknowledge B. acknowledged C. knowledge D. knowledgeable
5. A. have assassinated B. have been assassinating
C. have been assassinate D. have been assassinated
6. A. mean B. meaning C. meaningful D. meaningless
7. A. fortunate B. challenged C. challenge D. opportunities
8. A. targets B. budget C. forgets D. regrets
9. A. must shatter B. must be shattered C. must shattered D. must be shatter
10. A transform B. transforms C. transformative D. transformation
1. Vocabulary
• diversity (n): sự đa dạng
• cultural (adj): thuộc về văn hóa
• wedding (n): lễ cưới
• similarity (n): sự tương đồng
• ceremony (n): buổi lễ
• proposal (n): sự cầu hôn
• engagement (n): sự đính hôn
• complicated (adj): phức tạp
• bride (n): cô dâu
• groom (n): chú rể = bridegroom
• bridesmaid (n): phù dâu
• best man (n): phù rể = groomsman
• unnecessary (adj): không cần thiết
• expense (n): chi phi
• reception (n): tiệc chiêu đãi
• big day = wedding day: ngày cưới
• honeymoon (n): tuần trăng mật
• favourable (adj): thuận lợi
• altar (n): bàn thờ
• ancestor (n): ông bà, tổ tiên
• superstition (n): tín ngưỡng, sự mê tín
• superstitious (adj): mê tín
• mystery (n): điều huyền bí
• mysterious (adj): huyền bí
• legend (n): truyền thuyết
• ritual (n): lễ nghi
• prestigious (adj): có uy tín
• soul (n): linh hồn
• venture (n): dự án
• fork (n) cái dĩa
• clover (n): cỏ ba lá
• magpie (n): chim chích chòe
• samovar (n): ấm đun trà (của Nga)
• dumpling (n): bánh bao
• beetroot (n): củ cải đường
• filling (n): món thịt nhồi
• figure skating (n): môn trượt băng nghệ thuật
• scatter (v): tung, rải
• wrestling (n): môn đấu vật
• newly-wed (n): người vừa mới lập gia đình
• decent (adj): kha khá
• prosperous (adj): thịnh vượng
• self-reliance (n): sự tự lực
2. Grammar
2.1. Comparative and superlative adjectives (Tính từ so sánh hơn và so sánh nhât)
2.1.1. Form:
+ Với tính từ gồm 1 âm tiết: hard, cold, short, smart ...
So sánh hơn: adjective + er e.g. This ruler is shorter than that one.
(Cái thước này ngắn hơn cái thước kia)
So sánh nhất: the + adjective + est e.g. This is the shortest ruler.
(Đây là cái thước ngắn nhất)
+ Với tính từ gồm 1 âm tiết tận cùng là -e: nice, fine, wide ...
So sánh hơn: adjective + -r e.g. Her bag is nicer than yours.
(Túi của chị ấy đẹp hơn túi của cô)
So sánh nhất: the + adjective + -st e.g. That is the nicest bag.
(Đó là cái túi đẹp nhất)
Với tính từ gồm 1 âm tiết tận cùng là 1 nguyên âm đơn + 1 phụ âm đơn: hot, fat, thin ...
So sánh hơn: adjective(gấp đôi phụ âm cuối) + -er e.g. The black cat is fatter than the white one.
(Con mèo đen béo hơn con mèo trâng)
So sánh nhất: the + adjective(gấp đôi phụ âm cuối) + -est e.g. It is the fattest cat.
(Nó là con mèo béo nhất)
Với tính từ gồm 2 âm tiết tận cùng là -y: happy, noisy, busy ..
So sánh hơn: adjective (bỏ -y) + -ier e.g. Linda is happier than Mary.
(Linda hạnh phúc hơn Mary)
So sánh nhất: the + adjective(bỏ -y) + -iest e g. This is the happiest wife.
(Đây là người vợ hạnh phúc nhất)
Với tính từ gồm 2 âm tiết trở lên: active, beautiful, expensive, dangerous ....
So sánh hơn: more + adjective
e g. Driving a motorbike is more dangerous than riding a bicycle .
(Đi xe máy thì nguy hiểm hơn đi xe đọp)
So sánh nhất: the + most + adjective
e.g. That is the most dangerous action.
(Đó là hành động nguy hiểm nhát)
Ngoại lệ: Một số tính từ so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất không theo các quy tắc trên: good, bad, far,
many, much, little ....
So sánh hơn: good --> better, bad --> worse, far --> further/ farther, many/much --> more, little -->
less ...
e.g. His speaking is better than his writing .
(Phần nói của anh ấy tốt hơn phần viết)
So sánh nhất: good —> the best, bad —> the worst, far —»the furthest/farthest, many/ much —> the
most, little —> the least...
E.g: His speaking is the best of the four skills.
(Phần nói của anh ấy là tốt nhất trong bốn kỹ năng)
Ta có thể dùng: slightly, far, by far, a lot, much, significantly ... để nhấn mạnh cho so sánh hơn
hoặc so sánh nhất.
e.g. This house is much bigger than that one.
(Ngôi nhà này lớn hơn ngôi nhà kia nhiều)
Để diễn tả kém ... hơn, kém... nhất ta dùng: less + adjective the least + adjective
This is the least safe place.
(Đây là nơi kém an toàn nhất)
2.1.2. Use:
*) Tính từ so sánh hơn được dùng để:
+ So sánh 2 đối tượng hoặc nhóm đổi tượng(ngườỉ, vật, nơi chốn) với nhau.
e.g. Peter is stronger than Linda.
(Peter khỏe hơn Linda)
First year students are younger than third year students.
(Các bạn sinh viên năm thứ nhất thì trẻ hơn các bạn sinh viên năm thứ 3)
So sánh cùng một người, vật, nơi chốn ở hai thời điểm khác nhau.
e.g. This item is more expensive (this year) than it was last year.
(Mặt hàng này đắt hơn năm ngoái)
*) Note:
Chúng ta có thể bỏ mệnh đề “than” nếu ta rõ đối tượng được so sánh.
e.g. There are 20 boys and 20 girls in this class. The boys are more active (than the girls are).
(Có 20 bạn nam và 20 bạn nữ trong lớp này. Các bạn nam thì năng động hơn)
*) Tính từ so sánh nhất được dùng để:
So sánh 1 đối tượng trong nhóm (người, vật, nơi chốn, thời điểm) với các đối tượng còn lại.
e.g: Peter is the strongest of the 6 students.
(Trong 6 học sinh, Peter là người khỏe nhất)
This is the cheapest hotel in this area.
(Đây là khách sạn rẻ nhất trong khu vực này)
Spring is the most pleasant season (of the four).
(Mùa xuân là mùa dễ chịu nhất trong bốn mùa)
*) Note:
So sánh nhất còn có thể dùng với số thứ tự, one of the, some of the, tính từ sở hữu ...
e.g. He is my best friend.
(Anh ấy là bạn tốt nhất của tôi)
Tom was the second best in that contest.
(Tom đứng thứ 2 trong cuộc thi đó)
2.2. Articles: mạo từ (a/an/the)
2.2.1. A/an:
Chúng ta dùng a/an trước danh từ đếm được số ít, được nhắc đến lần đầu, khi người nghe, người đọc
chưa rõ về nó. Đó là lí do ta gọi a/an là mạo từ bất định (chưa biết rõ).
E.g: She has bought a cat recently.
(Gần đây chị ấy có mua 1 con mèo)
Today I am going to talk about a change in our company.
(Hôm nay tôi sẽ nói về 1 thay đổi trong công ty chúng ta)
+ Chúng ta dùng a/an trước 1 nghề nghiệp của ai đó
He is an actor.
(Chú ấy là một diễn viên)
2.2.2. The:
+ Chúng ta dùng mạo từ “the” trước danh từ được nhắc lại hoặc danh từ mà người đọc, người nghe
đã hiểu rõ. Đó là lí do ta gọi “the” là mạo từ xác định (đã biết rõ).
e.g. Nam is talking to a teacher from England. The teacher is holding some books.
(Nam đang nói chuyện với một giáo viên đến từ Anh. Vị giáo viên đó cầm trên tay mấy quyển sách).
The singer seemed to be shy.
(Ca sĩ đó có vẻ xấu hổ)
Chúng ta dùng mạo từ “the” với so sánh nhất.
e.g. It is the biggest city.
(Nó là thành phố lớn nhất)
Chúng ta dùng mạo từ “the” trước những thứ duy nhất: the earth, the moon, the sun, the Government,
the Prime Minister ...
e.g. The sun rises in the east.
(Mặt trời mọc ở phía đông)
*) Note: Chúng ta không dùng mạo từ “the” trước các danh từ riêng: Mary, David, Vietnam, England.
New York ...
3. Pronunciation
Stress in two-syllable words with the same spelling: trọng âm trong từ gồm 2 âm tiết viết giống nhau
Có một số từ thay đối trọng âm khi trở thành từ loại khác
e g. They present every day. - pre'sent (v): thuyết trình
He received a present. - 'present (n): món quà
I record my voice. - re'cord (v): thu âm
I set a record. - 'record (n): kỉ lục


1. Listen, repeat each sentence and choose the word you hear. (Track 30)
1. A. pre'sent B. 'present
2. A. re'cord B. 'record
3. A. con'duct B. 'conduct
4. A. con'tract B. 'contract
5. A. pro'test B. 'protest
2. Complete the sentences by using comparative or superlative adjectives.
1. Antarctica is _________ (cold) than Africa. colder
2. Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia is the ____________ (old) rainforest in the world. oldest
3. Germany was _________ (successful) in winning medals than Japan. more successful
4. The Atlantic ocean is _______ (wide) than the Mediterranean. wider
5. Northern provinces are a bit __________ (hot) than southern ones. hotter
6. This is the __________ (funny) actor I have ever had conversation with. funniest
7. Some people think that crocodiles are _________ (dangerous) than pythons. more dangerous
8. The little boy was unhappy because his performance was ________ (bad) than his friend. worse
9. Great Britain is one of the __________ (powerful) countries in the world. most powerful
10. Australia is the 6th ________ (large) country in the world, occupying an entire continent of some
7.6 million square kilometres. largest
5. Complete the following sentences.
1. I like all kind of sports, but I think football is the most exciting game to watch.
2. I think it is the most delicious food in the world.
3. Alice is very pleased with her results of this semester. They are better than last semester.
4. He thinks that people from the south of his country are much more humorous than people from the
north. In the north, no one ever seems to smile, but it’s opposite in the south.
5. The more hardworking you are, the more successful you are.
6. Find and correct mistakes in following sentences.
1. This lake is more deep than that one. deeper
2. Kate’s situation is the most complicated than her cousin’s. more complicated
3. The bride and groom are happiest people on their wedding. the happiest
4. A doctor and an architect are living in this villa. A doctor is from Germany. the
5. In England, people drink a lot of tea.


1. Gap-filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
1. similarities 9. properly 4. favourable 3. reception 7. crossing
5. ancestors 2. grooms 10. scattered 6. sweep 8. souls

1. In order to meet the requirement, you have to point out both _________ and differences between
two cultures.
2. In some cases, brides and __________ are provided with most of the necessary things for their big
3. The board of directors have decided to hold a ________________ in a luxurious restaurant.
4. As a rule of thumb, several superstitious people choose a ________ date before starting something.
5. My parents lay food on the altar for my _________ on a regular basis because they perceive that
they will enjoy the meal with my family.
6. Traditionally, Vietnamese people do not ________ the floor during the first three days of Tet (Lunar
New Year).
7. Some people try to avoid ________ the path of a woman, as this may not bring good luck to them.
8. He holds a belief that the altar is the place where ancestors' _______ live.
9. Before travelling to England, you have to learn to use knives, forks and spoons _______.
10. They leave coins ___________ on the ground as a ritual of their culture.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. self-reliance + c a. a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks
2. ancestor + d b. something that is difficult to understand or to
3. mystery + b c. the ability to do or decide things by yourself
4. prestigious + e d. a person in your family who lived a long time ago
5. venture + a e. respected and admired as very important or of very high quality

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The ______ ceremony is one of the three stages of a Vietnamese traditional wedding. (propose)
2. Before a wedding ceremony, there must be an _______ ceremony. (engage) engagement
3. As a rule of thumb, a number of superstitious people choose a ______ date before starting
something. (favour) favorable / favorite
4. It is believed that meeting a black cat is lucky, but it is ______ to walk under a ladder or break a
mirror. (luck) unlucky
5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about cultural ______.
(diverse) diversity
6. If you want to get on well with your colleagues, you should pay ______ to some common features
of their cultures. (attend) attention
7. He is trying to work hard so that he is promoted to a higher and more _____________ position.
(prosper) prosperous
8. After he had flirted her for a long time, they ________ fell in love. (gradual) gradually
9. It cannot be denied that superstitious _______ exist many cultures. (believe) beliefs
10. After the wedding day, the ________ of couples leave on honeymoon in very romantic places.
(major) majority
4. Choose the best answer.
1. The bride is accompanied by the groom during the wedding ceremony. The underlined word has
the closest meaning to:
A. bridegroom B. bridesmaid C. broom D. bridge
2. Karen: “What is the similarity between Vietnamese culture and Thai culture?” - Kevin: “_____”
A. That sounds interesting. B. I couldn’t agree more. I like Vietnamese culture and Thai culture.
C. That’s true. They don’t know much about this. D. I think it is food.
3. It can be seen that these cultures have _______ lot of things in common.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and
gradually ________ them.
A. nature B. mature C. future D. picture
5. “Jim is more popular than any other painter in this district." has the closest meaning to:
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim.
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district.
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district.
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district.
6. He has worked as _________ coordinator for more than 4 years.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
7. Older athletes are getting faster and _______ than in the past.
A. fitter B. fittest C. fit D. more fit
8. Mount Everest is _________ mountain on Earth.
A. the tallest B. the taller C. tall D. tallest
9. My closest friend is looking forward to receiving a scholarship to study at a university in _______
A. a B. an C. the D. no article needed
10. Before the wedding, the groom usually asks his brother, best friend or father to be his best man.
The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. bride B. bridegroom C. groomsman D. bridesmaid
11. Today’s top sportspeople receive a lot ______ money than in the past.
A. much B. many C. more D. most
12. Pain killers are much _______ now than in the past.
A. effective B. more effective C. most effective D. the more effective
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. increase B. bridesmaid C . wedding D. workforce
14. That was probably_______ enjoyable meal I’ve ever had.
A. least B . less C . the less D. the least
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. contrast B . courage C . venture D. legend
16. Our atmosphere is gradually becoming more and _______ polluted.
A. much B . many C. more D. most
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
We didn’t realize (A) that it (B) was the most fastest (C) way to cross the (D) country.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
In (A) fact, France had a more lower (B) overall medal (C) total than Russia (D).
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A bulky B. altar C. employ D. object
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. machine B. expense C. import D. alone
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. most / He / the / polite / is / I / met. / have / man/ ever
He is the most polite man I have ever met.
2. the / Alan / third / best / is / in / competition. / the
Alan is the third best in the competition.
3. active / is / She / less / her / than / classmates.
She is less active than her classmates.
4. considered / Obesity / can / be / be / one / to / of the / serious / health / most / problems.
Obesity can be considered to be one of the most serious health problems.
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and will / made / be / scientists./ More / by / and /
More and more achievements in information and technology will be made by scientists.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Alcohol And The Devil
Although stereotypes can be harmful, it is true that Russia is one of ______ (1) -ranked
countries in the world in alcohol consumption. The country’s love of vodka is also its leading cause
of ______ (2), from liver disease and alcohol poisoning to fatal accidents and crimes.
Since its such an ______ (3) part of their culture, there are many rules of etiquette surrounding
drinking in Russia, for instance, you can’t place a glass of alcohol back on the table after a toast-it
should be bottom’s up and _______ (4).
Arriving late for dinner means that you have to drink a ______ (5) glass of vodka, no questions
asked, as you’ll have to catch ________ (6) with the rest.
Between the first and second shots, there must be no interruptions whatsoever. Lastly, you
should never _______ (7) the mistake of offering a toast with an empty glass. If you do, you’ll have
to drink the entire bottle.
Russians also love to swear, but their custom is steeped in ______ (8). It is said that when you
curse another persons health in a manner without malice, you should spit three times over your left
shoulder. This _____ (9) spits in the eye of the devil, preventing ______ (10) omens or a
temptation of fate. If the curse is made in writing, you should write the guttural sound, “Tfu, tfu, tfu!”

1. A. the highest B . the higher C . higher D. highest

2. A. death B . died C . die D. dead
3. A. success B. integral C . federal D. unnecessary
4. A. full B. empty C . locked D. knocked
5. A. knocked B . empty C . locked D. full
6. A. in B . for C. up D. about
7. A. do B . change C . create D. make
8. A. super B. superstitious C. delicious D. superstition
9. A. symbolical B. symbolically C. symbolize D. symbol
10. A. lucky B. good C. worst D. bad
1. Vocabulary
• tablet (n): máy tính bảng
• device (n): thiết bị
• calculation (n): phép tính
• download (v): tải
• digital (adj): kĩ thuật số
• touch screen (n): màn hình cảm ứng
• distract (v): làm mất tập trung
• instruction (n): (sự) hướng dần
• effective (adj): hiệu quả
• voice recognition (n): sự nhận dạng giọng nói
• portable (adj): di động
• application (n): ứng dụng = app
• accent (n): giọng
• recorder (n): máy ghi âm
• enjoyable (adj): thích thú
• submit (v): nộp
• horrible (adj): kinh khủng
• handwriting (n): chữ viết
• fingertip (n): đầu ngón tay
• triple (adj/v): có ba cái/gấp ba
• inappropriate (adj): không phù hợp
• concentrate (v): tập trung
• disruptive (adj): gây gián đoạn
• annoying (adj): làm phiền
• radiation (n): phóng xạ
• permanent (adj): lâu dài
• benefit (v): được lợi
• promote (v): thúc đẩy
• Critical thinking (n-phr): tư duy phản biện
• material (n): tài liệu
• personal (adj): thuộc cá nhân
• instantly (adv): ngay lập tức
• take note (v-phr): ghi chú
• take advantage (v-phr): khai thác, tận dụng
• look up (v-phr): tra cứu
• performance (n): thành tích
• electronic (adj): thuộc điện tử
2. Grammar
Relative clauses: defining and non-defining (Mệnh đề quan hệ: xác định và không xác định)
2.1. Relative pronouns (Đại từ quan hệ): who, which, that, whose
+ Who: thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người
e.g. That is the teacher who taught us 10 years ago.
(Đó là người thầy đã dạy chúng tôi 70 năm trước)
I want to Mr. Smith, who is going to present today.
(Tôi muốn gặp ông Smith người sẽ thuyết trình hôm noy)
+ Which: thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật
e.g. He is looking for a job which offers high salary.
(Anh ấy đang tìm một công việc có lương cao)
I have ever visited Paris, which is the capital of France.
(Tôi đã từng thăm Pari, thủ đô của Pháp)
+ That: thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật
e. g: That is the teacher who/that taught us 10 years ago.
(Đó là người thầy đõ dạy chúng tôi 10 năm trước)
He is looking for a job which/that offers high salary.
(Anh ấy đang tìm một công việc có lương cao)
+ Whose: chỉ sự sở hữu
e.g. Linda is the nurse whose husband is a doctor.
(Linda là cô y tá mà có chồng làm bác sĩ)
This is the dog whose owner is a billionaire.
(Đây là con chó mà chủ của nó là tỷ phú)
2.2. Defining and non-defining relative clauses
2.2.1. Defining relative clauses (Mệnh để quan hệ xác định)
+ Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định làm rõ nghĩa cho danh từ trước nó, nếu bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ xác
định thì câu chưa hoàn chỉnh về nghĩa.
E.g: (There are two boys on the platform.) His son is the boy who has brown hair.
(Có hai cậu bé trên sân ga. Con trai ông ấy là cậu bé có tóc màu nâu)
(There are many guys). She needs someone who can share with her.
(Có nhiều chàng trai. Chị ấy cần người mà có thể chia sẻ với chị ấy)
+ Khi đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định thay thế cho danh từ làm tân ngữ ta có
thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ đó đi.
e.g. He wants to apologize the person (who) he shouted at yesterday
(Anh ấy muốn xin lỗi người mà anh ấy đã quát hôm qua)
We are decorating the house (which) we bought last year.
(Chúng tôi đang trang trí ngôi nhà chúng tôi mua năm ngoái)
+ Ta có thê dùng "that" thay thế cho who/which trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.
e.g. He wants to apologize the person who/that he shouted at yesterday.
(Anh ấy muốn xin lỗi người mà anh ấy đã quát hôm qua)
We are decorating the house which/that we bought last year.
(Chúng tôi đang trang trí ngôi nhà chúng tôi mua năm ngoái)
Ta không dùng dấu phẩy (,) trong mệnh đề quan hệ xác định.
e.g. He is the the boy who likes chicken.
(Đó là cậu bé thích ăn thịt gà)
2.2.1. Non-defining relative clauses (Mệnh để quan Hệ không xác định)
+ Mệnh đê quan hê không xác đinh bổ sung nghĩa cho danh từ trước nó, nếu bỏ mệnh đề quan
hệ không xác định thì câu vẫn hoàn chỉnh về nghĩa.
e.g: He is a handsome boy, who is kind hearted.
(Nó là một thằng bé đẹp trai và nhân hậu)
She is looking for a gentle man, who works in the same field with her.
(Chị ấy đang tìm một người đàn ông thanh lịch, làm cùng lĩnh vực với chị ấy)
+ Khi đại từ quan hệ trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định thay thế cho danh từ làm tân ngữ
ta không thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ đó đi.
e.g. He wants to apologize Nam, who he shouted at yesterday.
(Anh ấy muốn xin lỗi Nam. Anh ấy đã quát Nam hôm qua)
We are decorating our house, which we bought last year.
(Chúng tôi đang trang trí nhà mình. Chúng tôi mua nó năm ngoái)
+ Ta không thể dùng "that" thay thế cho "who / which" trong mệnh đề không xác định.
e.g. He wants to apologize Nam, who he shouted at yesterday.
(Anh ấy muốn xin lỗi Nam. Anh ấy đã quát Nam hôm qua)
We are decorating our house, which we bought last year.
(Chúng tôi đang trang trí nhà mình. Chúng tôi mua nó năm ngoái)
Ta dùng dấu phẩy (,) trong mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định.
e.g. The tall boy, who likes chicken, is five years old.
(Cậu bé cao đó 5 tuổi rồi. Nó thích ăn thịt gà)
3. Pronunciation
Stress in three-syllable adjectives and verbs: trọng âm trong tính từ và động từ 3 âm tiết
+ Với động từ 3 âm tiết:
- Hầu hết các động từ ghép có trọng âm rơi vào phần thứ hai.
Track 31: Listen and repeat
stand —> unders'tand
line —> under'line
take —> under'take
bid —> under'bid
cook —> under'cook
act —> inte'ract
- Các tiền tố (en, dis) không làm thay đổi trọng âm.
Track 32: Listen and repeat
'lighten —> en'lighten
- Các hậu tố (-ing, -fill, -ous) không làm thay đổi trọng âm.
Track 33: Listen and repeat
a'nnoy —> a'nnoying su'ccess —> su'ccessful
'meaning —> 'meaningful 'colour —> 'colourful
'poison —> 'poisonous danger —> 'dangerous


1. Listen, repeat and choose the word you hear with a different stress pattern from the others.
(Track 34)
1. A. undertake B . interact C. disappear D. enlighten
2. A. encourage B . remember C. successful D. colourful
3. A. dangerous B . enable C. surprising D. depressing
4. A. underline B . disappoint C. poisonous D. undercook
5. A. annoying B. meaningful C. unequal D. repeating
2. Complete the sentences by using relative pronouns (who/that/which/whose).
1. You should find a neighbor ________ you home while you are away.who/that
2. Do you remember the presenter ________ conversation with last month? who/that
3. You can purchase or download the software ________ can help you to record your voice. which
4. It is sensible for students to choose the channels ________ benefit both their learning and relaxing.
which / that
5. They donated some sacks of rice to the people ________ houses were destroyed by the typhoon
last week. whose
6. My cousin, ________ lives nearby, often looks after my flat. who
7. That’s David, ________ father is an expert in behavioral psychology. whose
8. I have applied to Harvard University, ________ is the most prestigious university in the world.
9. Great Britain, ________ is one of the most powerful countries in the world, has a standard
educational system. which
10. I work with friendly and helpful colleagues, ________ is a great source of happiness for me.
5. Complete the following sentences.
1. An e-book is an electronic book which can be read on a mobile device.
2. Tom Cruise, who is an actor,is very talented.
3. Barack Obama,who is the President of the USA, is dedicated with his mission.
4. A successful man is a person who can get more and more prosperous position in their career.
5. A president is a person who leads a country.
6. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. My English teacher, who lectures are interesting, is humorous. whose
2. He is the farmer which I told you about. who
3. This is the bridge who was built by a famous king 1000 years ago. which
4. The cacao tree, that grows in equatorial regions, produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple.
5. He has a lot of friends from English speaking countries, who is a great help for him to learn English.


1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
2. advantage 6. enjoyable 8. concentrate 9. disruptive 10. radiation
7. submit 1. screen 5. downloaded 3. distract 4. look
1. A tablet can be used to take notes with a digital pen on a touch _______.
2. A computer or laptop can be your powerful weapon and you can take _______ of the Internet to
support your study.
3. Personal electronic devices which _______ students from their class work are banned in most
4. Depending on learners’ preference and convenience, they can ______ up new words in an electronic
dictionary or printed version.
5. Digital lessons are available in a variety of web pages and they can be freely _______ and stored
in your computers.
6. Since the appearance of electronic devices, lessons have become more and more ______.
7. Many of the students prefer to _______ their assignment papers to their lecturers online via e-
mail or even Facebook.
8. If your smartphone rings while you are learning or working, you cannot ________ on your study
or work.
9. In this situation when you are annoyed and interfered with your device, it becomes ________.
10. The ______ from electronics might harm your brain and cause permanent impact.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. download + b a. to take somebody’s attention away from what they are trying to do
2. distract + a b. to get data from another computer, usually using the internet
3. inappropriate + e c. to help something to happen or develop
4. permanent + d d. lasting for a long time or for all time in the future
5. promote + c e. not suitable or appropriate in a particular situation

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. One of the functions of computer, which only some people know, is to do _____. (calculate)
2. Voice ______ is the app which helps some types of smartphone attracts customers. (recognize)
3. She had a ________ influence on the rest of the class, as her phone rang suddenly. (disrupt)
4. Accessing to _______ information harms your mental health. (appropriate) inappropriate
5. Some people support the view that _______ electronic devices may bring more harm than good to
students. (person) personal
6. An Iphone 6 is said to offer a lot of useful _______ for learning and entertaining. (apply)
7. Nowadays, _________ between people around the world is becoming much more convenient
thanks to the aid of modem technology. (communicate) communication
8. She was _______ with her son because he overused the Internet and did not concentrate on his
study. (appoint) disappointed
9. In order to make language learning more _______ you must choose a device which is suitable for
your learning style. (effect) effective
10. Your ________ which affects your speaking achievement, can be improved by taking advantage
of some types of software. (pronounce) pronunciation
4. Choose the best answer.
1. People at the conference agreed that they used smartphones mostly for communication. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. shortly B. likely C. mainly D. manly
2. Mary: “What do you think could be the negative effect of overusing computers?” - Peter:
A. I think it is negative. B. It might be bad for your eyes and harmful to your brain.
C. It may not be effect. D. You should not use computers.
3. Bill Gate, _______ is the owner of Microsoft Corporation, donates nearly all of his money to
A. who B. that C. which D. whose
4. This is the picture they intend to buy.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
5. “He wants to see the stamps. We have collected them recently.” has the closest meaning to:
A. He wants to see the stamps which we have collected them recently.
B. He wants to see the stamps we have collected recently.
C. He wants to see the stamps that we have collected them recently.
D. He wants to see the stamps who we have collected recently.
6. The book _______ she wrote 10 years ago has just been published.
A. who B. whom C. that D. whose
7. Older athletes, _______ achievements used to be considered low, are getting faster and fitter than
in the past.
A. who B. whom C . that D. whose
8. Big Ben, _________ has been visited by millions of people, is in England.
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
9. I have got today’s newspaper, _______ has a list of films.
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
10. Some experts advise that student should take advantage of their smartphones to have fun and
good learning results. The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. take care of B. make use of C. make fun of D. take photos of
11. Some kinds of software can be used with only some certain types of media ______.
A. plays B. playing C . played D. players
12. What was the name of the company _________ factory burned down yesterday?
A. which B. whom C . that D. whose
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. introduce B. underline C. undertake D. following
14. They take part in social activities and interact with different cultures, _______ widens their
knowledge and gradually matures them.
A. who B . that C. which D. whose
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. dangerous B. encourage C . successful D. defining
16. Some students take a year out before university, ______ allows them to work or travel.
A. who B . that C. which D. whose
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
He is a (A) kind of (B) person who (C) job involves travelling (D) a lot.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
I have (A) never been to Da Nang, that (B) is said to be the most (C) peaceful city in (D) Vietnam.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. poisonous B. relative C. remember D. meaningful
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others
A. official B. embarrass C. unequal D. natural
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. smartphone / This / the / which / is / I / given / years / was / ago. / 2
This is the smartphone which I was given 2 years ago.
2. friend, / live / with / my /I / dear / is / quite / who /hardworking.
I live with my dear friend, who is quite hardworking.
3. Tom?/ Is / the / girl / that / you / to / want / to / introduce
Is that the girl you want to introduce to Tom?
4. She / whose / is / nurse / the / homeland / Mexico. / is
She is the nurse whose homeland is Mexico.
5. could not / He / his / partners, / persuade / which / his / was / failure.
He could not persuade his partners, which was his failure.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Computer Facts
Enjoy some great computer facts and interesting information about these ______ (1) devices
which play such an important role in our modern day lives. Learn about parts of the computer such as
the RAM, ROM and CPU as well as fun info about how we use computers to make our lives _______
(2) and more enjoyable.
Early electronic computers, developed around the 1940s, were the size of a large room and
consumed huge amounts of _______ (3). They were vastly different to the modern computers we use
today, especially when compared to small and portable laptop computers.
Computers ______ (4) to carry out instructions. These instructions are usually very simple and
require adding numbers together, moving data from one place _______ (5) another etc. A computer
program can include as little as a few instructions to upwards of millions of instructions depending
on the complexity of the program. Modern ______ (6) such as word processors, web browsers and
graphic editors take large teams of programmers a long time to complete.
A computers memory stores numbers in huge amounts of cells that are addressed and can be
quickly ______ (7) by the CPU to perform calculations. There are two main types of computer
memory ROM (read only memory) and RAM (random access memory). ROM contains pre-written
software and data that the CPU can only read, while RAM can be accessed and written to at any time.
Computers interact _______ (8) a number of different I/O (input/ output) devices to exchange
information. These peripheral devices include the keyboard, mouse, display, hard drive, printer and
Computers are used to help link the world in the form of networks. Networked computers allow
users to share and exchange data that is stored in different locations. You may have heard of a local
area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) _________ (9) connects areas of various sizes.
The Internet is a vast network of computers spanning the globe _______ (10) allows users to access
email, the World Wide Web and other applications. Although we normally think of computers as the
ones we use in our everyday lives to surf the web, write documents etc., small computers are also
embedded into other things such as mobile phones, toys, microwaves and MP3 players. We use
computers all the time, of' ten without even knowing it!

1. A. amazed B. amazing C . amazingly D. amaze

2. A. easier B. more easier C. much easy D. a lot easy
3. A. elect B . electrical C . electrically D. electricity
4. A. programmed B. are programmed C . program D. are programming
5. A. on B . for C. to D. about
6. A. applications B. application C . apply D. applied
7. A. accesses B. accessed C . accessing D. accessory
8. A. on B . for C . to D. with
9. A. whose B . who C. which D. whom
10. A. whose B . who C. that D. whom
1. Vocabulary
• newsletter (n): bản tin
• environmental (adj): thuộc môi trường
• editor (n): người biên tập
• preserve (v): bảo vệ, bảo tồn
• preservation (n): sự bảo vệ, sự bảo tồn
• conserve (v): bảo tồn
• conservation (n): sự bảo tồn
• confusing (adj): bối rối
• impact (n): tác động, ảnh hưởng
• threat (n): mối đe dọa
• deforest (v): phá rừng
• deforestation (n): sự phá rừng
• global warming (n): sự nóng lên toàn cầu
• deplete (v): làm cạn kiệt
• depletion (n): sự cạn kiệt
• pollution (n): sự ô nhiễm
• pollutant (n): chất gây ô nhiễm
• greenhouse effect (n): hiệu ứng nhà kính
• polar ice (n): băng ở địa cực
• melt (v): tan
• non-renewable (adj): không thể phục hồi
• consume (v): tiêu thụ
• consumption (n): sự tiêu thụ
• contaminate (v): làm bẩn, làm nhiễm
• contamination (n): sự làm bẩn, sự nhiễm bẩn
• protect (v): bảo vệ
• severely (adv): tàn khốc
• disposal (n): sự vứt bỏ
• rubbish (n): rác thải
• fertilizer (n): phân bón
• fertility (n): sự màu mờ
• manure (n): phân bón
• arid (adj): khô cằn
• vegetation (n): thực vật
• destruction (n): sự phá hủy
• ecosystem (n): hệ sinh thái
• inorganic (adj): vô cơ
• agriculture (n): ngành nông nghiệp
• chemical (n/adj): hóa chất/thuộc về hóa học
• detergent (n): chất tẩy
• pesticide (n): thuốc trừ sâu
• sake (n): lợi ích
• habitat (n): môi trường sống
• degradation (n): sự suy thoái
• degrade (v): làm suy thoái
• erode (v): xói mòn
• erosion (n): sự xói mòn
• extinction (n): sự tuyệt chủng
• biological (adj): thuộc về sinh học
• sustainable (adj): bền vững
• mission (n): sứ mệnh
• seashore (n) bờ biển
2. Grammar
Reported speech: Câu tường thuật
+ Chúng ta dùng câu tường thuật để nhắc lại, kể lại lời đã được nói trước đây.
e.g. Tom: What did you do at school yesterday, Jerry?
Jerry: I played football.
(Tom: Bạn đã làm gì ở trường hôm qua hả Jerry?
Jerry: Mình đã chơi bóng đá)
Tom asked Jerry what he had done at school the day before.
Jerry replied that he had played football.
(Tom hỏi Jerry là cậu ấy đã làm gì ở trường hôm trước đó?
Jerry trả lời rằng cậu ấy đã chơi bóng đá)
+ Một số chú ý khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp.
+ Thông thường khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp ta lùi lại một thì:
- present simple —> past simple
E.g: “I work as a doctor.”
—> He said that he worked as a doctor.
- Past simple —> past perfect
e.g. “I worked as a doctor.”
—» He said that he had worked as a doctor.
*) Note: Ta không lùi thì khi tường thuật việc luôn luôn đúng hoặc vẫn còn đúng ở hiện tại.
e.g. “The sun moves around the "earth."
—> She said that the sun moves around the earth.
+ Chúng ta thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian khi chúng ta tường thuật vào thời gian khác với thời
gian trong câu trực tiếp:
- Today —> that day, yesterday —> the day before, now —> then, tomorrow —> thefollowing
day/the next day, next week —> the following week
e.g. “I will leave tomorrow”.
—> He said that he would leave the next day.
Nhưng: —> He said that he would leave tomorrow. (câu này tường thuật trong cùng 1 ngày với câu
trực tiếp)
+ Chúng ta thay đổi trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn và đại từ khi chúng ta tường thuật vào địa điểm khác
với địa điểm trong câu trực tiếp và đại từ khác với đại từ trong câu trực tiếp. Here —> there,
this —> that, I —> he/she, we —> they ...
E.g: "I will meet her"
—> He said that he would meet her
Nhưng: —> I said that I would meet her. (Tôi là người thuật lại câu này)
- Reporting verbs (động từ tường thuật): say, tell, inform, persuade , announce, believe, claim,
explain, reply, say, think .. (+that)
e.g. He explained (that) he had not intended to break the vase.
- inform, persuade, remind, tell + o + that
e.g. She reminded me that I made several mistakes.
3. Pronunciation
Stress in three-syllable nouns: trọng âm trong danh từ 3 âm tiết
Các từ có hậu tố -sion, -tion có trọng âm roi vào âm tiết liền trước hậu tố đó.
Listen and repeat (Track 35)
im'press —> im'pression dis'cuss —> dis'cussion con'fuse —> con'fusion in'vent —>
pro'tect —> pro'tection er'ode —> e'rosion
Các hậu tố -ment, -er/or, -ant không làm thay đổi trọng âm từ
Listen and repeat (Track 36)
a'gree —> a'greement
im'prove —> im'provement de 'sign —> de'signer pro'tect —> pro'tector a'ttend —> a 'ttendant
po'llute —> po'llutant


1. Listen, repeat and choose the word you hear with a different stress pattern from the others.
(Track 37)
1. A. expression B. agreement C. animal D. completion
2. A. erosion B. chemical C . pollutant D. designer
3. A. protector B . confusion C . attention D. influence
4. A. atmosphere B. appointment C . attendant D. acceptance
5. A. chemical B . editor C . habitat D. depletion
2. Report the following conversation between Steven and Karen.
This conversation was in July, 2015.
Steven: Can you remind me the English homework for next week? (1)
Karen: We have to do exercises on page 25. (2)
Steven: Have you prepared for your presentation? (3) j
Karen: I am going start preparing it this evening. (4)
Steven: Can you play football with me tomorrow? (5)
Karen: I am sorry but I cannot. I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow. (6)
Steven: When did you last have your teeth checked? (7)
Karen: I last had my teeth checked 3 months ago. (8)
Steven: Did you feel scared? (9)
Karen: No, I did not. The dentist encouraged me. (10)
You report this conversation in September, 2016.
1. Steven asked Karen if he could remind him the English homework for the following week.
2. Karen replied that they had to do exercises on page 25.
3. Steven wanted to know if he had prepared for his presentation.
4. Karen said that he was going to start preparing it that evening.
5. Steven asked if he could play football with him the following day.
6. Karen answered that he could not because he had an appointment with his dentist the following
7. Steven wondered when he had last had his teeth checked.
8. Karen replied that he had last had his teeth checked 3 months before.
9. Steven asked if he had felt scared.
10. Karen stated that he had not felt scared because the dentist encouraged him.
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. She cried and said to her ex-boyfriend that she was going to get married the following week.
2. Students were very happy when their teacher announced that they got good marks.
3. I did not go to work on time, so my boss asked why I went to work late.
4. I wanted to pay for myself, but my boyfriend insisted on paying.
5. Jane was having difficulties sleeping and the doctor advised her to take some rest.
6. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Anna visited my house 6 days ago and she told to me that my house was wonderful. before
2. He said her that he was the headmaster of that school. to her
3. Jim said Linda where she had gone the day before. asked
4. Paul informed me that he would arrive in Ontario following day. the following day
5. They urged the employees staying calm. to stay


1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
7. pollutants 9. consumed 1. newsletter 8. important 6. threats
10. biological 2. protect 3. melting 4. results 5. cause
1. The editor has been helping me a lot with my article about environment, which I have been writing
for my university ________.
2. We should educate people to be fully aware of danger and join hands to ________ endangered
species from becoming extinction.
3. Many people do not know that polar ice is ________ and sea levels are rising.
4. The coastal areas are being seriously contaminated, which _______ from disposing harmful
chemical rubbish into seas.
5. Overusing pesticides is also considered to be a ________ of pollution.
6. Nowadays, we are facing many ________ such as deforestation, pollution, global warming and
fossil fuel depletion.
7. Dumping _________ such as detergents, pesticides and other chemicals in lakes, rivers and seas
contaminates our water source.
8. Clean water is very _________ to life, as no one can live long without it.
9. Our modem world has __________ a lot of water and electricity.
10.The preservation of _________ diversity is being promoted by millions of supporters worldwide.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. preservation + b a. a substance that pollutes something, especially air and water
2. impact + c b. the act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition
3. fertilizer + e c. the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something
4. pollutant + a d. the act of destroying something; the process of being destroyed
5. destruction + d e. a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. When people can understand clearly the _______ impacts, they will be more aware of conserving
forests. (environment) environmental
2. Because of _______ , there may be no place for wild animals in the near future. (deforest)
3. _______ warming is said to be one of the reasons for polar ice melting. (globe) Global
4. Because non-renewable resources are being consumed at a rapid rate, human beings are likely to
face fossil fuel ________. (deplete) depletion
5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about cultural ______
(diverse) diversity
6. Air ________ can cause acid rain which damages water, soil and vegetation. (pollute) pollution
7. The overuse of chemical fertilizers can lead to the decrease of soil ______. (fertilize) fertility
8. Oil is also considered to be one of the ________ which make the water unclean. (pollute) pollutants
9. The ________ of ecosystem of lakes, rivers, seas and forests must be prevented. (destroy)
10. The threat of contaminated environment is becoming ______ serious. (increase) increasingly
4. Choose the best answer.
1. Overusing chemical sprays and fertilizers makes land arid and vegetation harmful to human health.
The underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. very dry B . very wet C. stormy D. rainy
2. Jenifer: “How can we deal with environmental pollution?” - Jessica: “____”
A. Environmental pollution can be dealt with. B. We should deal with environmental pollution.
C. We should strictly ban the disposals of chemical rubbish. D. Environmental pollution is unclean.
3. Alice _______ to her husband that she would work for that firm.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
4. Tom _______ me that his picture had been sold the day before.
A. say B. said C. tell D. told
5. "Jim is more popular than any other painter in this district" has the closest meaning to:
A. Another painter is more popular than Jim.
B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district.
C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district.
D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district.
6. He ___________ his new friend that he had worked as a coordinator for more than four years.
A. told B. insisted C. thought D. agreed
7. Her boss wanted to know where ______ 2 years before.
A. did she work B. had she worked C. she has worked D. she had worked
8. They _________ the foreigner where he came from.
A. asked B. said C. informed D. stated
9. He apologised _______ late.
A. for coming B. came C. has come D. had come
10. One of the main areas of this organisation is the sustainable use of natural resources. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to
A. maintainable B. forgettable C. visible D. vegetable
11. For the _________ of environment and for the people who live in it, we must eliminate pollution
A. sick B. rich C. sake D. harmful
12. The reporters said that that factory _______ down the day before.
A. had burned B. has been burned C. burns D. has burned
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. attention B. agreement C . protector D. chemical
14. He ________ his employees that the schedule has been changed.
A. informed B. agreed C. said D. thought
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. animal B. appointment C. designer D. erosion
16. He promised _______ his assignment on time.
A. submit B. to submit C. submitted D. submitting
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
He (A) asked his father (B) when would he (C) deal with (D) the problem.
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
They announced that (A) he has met (B) a number of key (C) figures the day (D) before.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. extinction B. detergent C. newsletter D. appointment
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. consumption B. pesticide C. destruction D. disposal
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. me / Jim / that / he / told / was / most / polite / the / man / the / team. / in
Jim told me that he was the most polite man in the team.
2. said / that / the / Alan / third / best / was / in / competition. / the /They
They said that Alan was the third best in the competition.
3. active / that / was / she / less / her / than / classmates. / admitted / Mary
Mary admitted that she was less active than her classmates.
4. advised / My / parents / me / prepare / carefully / to / the / for / contest.
My parents advised me to prepare carefully for the contest.
5. following / They / that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year.
They announced that that device would be produced the following year.

Fact Sheet on Forests

Fun Fact 1: what is a forest? The word forest dates back to the late 13th century; it is a word used to
describe a densely tree-covered area
Fun Fact 2: There are three main types of forest on planet earth; they are called tropical forests,
temperate forests and boreal forests
Fun Fact 3 A tropical forest _______ (1) a rainforest. Rainforests can be described as a dense warm,
wet, woodland area that has regular heavy rainfall each year; more than 80 inches of rain in twelve
months. Rainforests are found near the equator; they can be found in South America, Africa and
Southern Asia
Fun Fact 4 Temperate forests are ______ (2) in temperature than a rainforest. They can be found
along the Pacific coast of the USA and Canada, New Zealand, Tasmania, Chile and Europe
Fun Fact 5 Boreal forests can be found in the coldest of climates, they usually ______ (3) of
evergreen trees. They can be found Canada, North America, Northern Europe and Russia
Fun Fact 6 The largest forest in the world is the boreal forest, also ______ (4) as the Taiga
(pronounced tiger). It can be found throughout the high northern latitudes of earth
Fun Fact 7 The types of animals that you will find in a boreal forest can include: moose, elk, reindeer,
bear, beaver, wolf, weasel, otter, salamanders and frogs
Fun Fact 8 The types of animals that you will find in a temperate forest can include: puma (mountain
lion) bear, gray wolf, elk (deer), Siberian tiger, snow leopard, kangaroo and wombat
Fun Fact 9 Forests that ______ (5) the Earth’s equator are classed as tropical rainforests. Types of
animal that you will find in a tropical rainforest include: chimpanzee, gorilla, Indian cobra, orangutan,
jaguar, monkey, leopard, parrot, iguana and the tree frog
Fun Fact 10 More animals live in our forests than anywhere else on earth!
During the winter time some of the animals in boreal and temperate forests hibernate (sleep), _____
(6) may migrate (move to a wanner climate)
Fun Fact 11 Forests are populated by trees that create canopies of different heights, which are
sometimes called strata’s. The different forest levels provide habitats for different types of animals
and plants
Fun Fact 12 Insects are the only creature that lives in every zone of the forests. Forests contain more
small animals than large and more vegetarians (planet eaters) than carnivores (meat eaters)
Fun Fact 13 what is deforestation? Deforestation is when areas of forest ______ (7) for non-forest
purposes. In most cases the forest that is being removed is not being replanted and the forests of the
world are being removed at an ________ (8) rate!
Fun Fact 14 Why is deforestation taking place? There are many reasons why the forests are being
destroyed these include clearing for agriculture and farming, for the wood that the forests provide to
make furniture, timber and paper and to clear the way f0r new roads and houses
Fun Fact 15 Are forests on earth _______ (9) ? Yes! Over 50% of the planets forests have already
been destroyed - it has been estimated that a forest area the size of two football fields was being
destroyed every second! Deforestation rates have reduced slightly in recent years, conservation and
protection has rapidly increased to help preserve some destruction, however many species of animals
will face a ________ (10) of extinction if deforestation continues at such an alarming rate.
1. A. is commonly called B. commonly called C. commonly calls D. is commonly calling
2. A. much more cooler B. much cooler C. much more cool D. a lot more cool
3. A. involve B. consist C. combine D. connect
4. A. know B. known C. knowing D. knew
5. A. around B. round C. surround D. surrounding
6. A. another B. one other C. other D. others
7. A. removed B. are removing C. removing D. are removed
8. A. alarming B. alarmingly C . alarms D. alarm
9. A. endanger B. endangered C . danger D. dangerous
10. A. rich B . good C . new D. risk
1. Vocabulary
• ecotourism (n): du lịch sinh thái
• ecological (adj): thuộc sinh thái
• observe (v): quan sát, ngắm
• wildlife (n): động vật hoang dã
• crocodile (n): cá sấu
• rare (adj): quý, hiếm
• coral reef (n): rặng san hô, bãi san hô
• discount (adj/n): giảm giá/sự giảm giá
• departure (n): khởi hành
• pros and cons: những ý kiến tán thành và phản đôi
• environmentalist (n): nhà môi trường học
• relatively (adv): tương đổi
• discharge (v): đổ
• fauna (n): quần thể động vật
• flora (n): quần thực vật
• brochure (n): cuốn sách nhỏ quảng cáo về cái gì
• tour guide (n): hướng dẫn viên du lịch
• lifestyle (n): lối sống
• destination (n): điểm đến
• volcano (n): núi lửa
• exotic (adj): đẹp kỳ lạ, ngoại lai
• beneficial (adj): có ích
• adapt (v): thích nghi
• waterfall (n): thác nước
• handicraft/ (n): đồ thủ công
• go kayaking (phr-v): đi xuồng(gỗ nhẹ, bọc da động vật)
• plantation (n): đồn điền
• biosphere (n): sinh quyển
• delta (n): vùng châu thổ
• ostrich (n): đà điểu
• litter (n/v): rác/vứt rác bừa bãi
• ethnic (adj): thuộc dân tộc, sắc tộc
• potential (adj/n): tiềm năng
• reserve (n): khu bảo tồn
• ecosystem (n): hệ sinh thái
• massive (adj): có quy mô lớn
• firewood (n): củi
2. Grammar
Conditional sentences type 1 and 2: câu điều kiện loại 1 và 2
2.1 Conditional sentence type 1
- Form: If + present tense, S + wii/can (not) + V
e.g. If I win this competition, I will hold a party to celebrate.
(Nếu mình chiến thắng trong cuộc thi này, mình sẽ tổ chức một bữa tiệc để liên hoan)
e.g. If she practices regularly, she can improve her pronunciation.
(Nếu cô ấy luyện tập đều đặn, cô ấy sẽ cải thiện được phát âm của mình)
Note: Nếu ta đảo mệnh đề chính lên trước thì giữa mệnh đề chỉnh và mệnh đề if không có dấu
phẩy (,).
e.g. She can improve her pronunciation if she practices regularly.
(Cô ấy sẽ cải thiện được phát âm của mình nểu cô ấy luyện tập đều đận)
Use: Chủng ta dùng câu điều kiện loại 1 đê nói về điều mà chúng ta cảm thấy có thể xảy ra trong
tương lai.
2.2. Conditional sentences type 2
Form: If + past tense, S + would/could (not) + V
e.g. If he studied hard, he could know more about the subject.
(Nếu cậu ấy mà chăm học thì cậu ấy có thể biết nhiều hơn vể môn học)
Note: Nếu ta đảo mệnh đề chính lên trước thì giữa mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề if không có dấu
phẩy (,).
e.g. He could know more about the subject if he studied hard.
(Cậu ấy có thể biết nhiều hơn về môn học nếu cậu ấy chăm học)
Ở câu điều kiện loại 2, "to be" được chia là "were" cho tất cả các ngôi, nhưng trong các trường
hợp thân mật hoặc ít trang trọng, ta cũng có thể dùng was cho chủ ngữ ở ngôi thứ 3 số ít.
e.g. If I were you, I would learn more about finance.
(Nếu tôi là anh, tôi sẽ học nhiều hơn nữa về tài chính)
Use: chúng ta dùng câu điều kiện loại 2 để nói về tình huống tưởng tượng hoặc không thể xảy
ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Stress in words of more than three-syllables: trọng âm trong từ nhiều hơn 3 âm tiết
+ Các từ có hậu tố -ic, -tion có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết liền trước hậu tố đó.
Listen and repeat (Track 38)
decorate —> deco ' ration pre'serve —> preser'vation con'serve —> conser'vation
re'lax —> rela'xation de'forest —> defore'station e'conomy —> eco'nomic
Các hậu tố -ment, -er/or, -ant không làm thay đôi trọng âm từ. Listen and repeat (Track 39)
con'tribute --> con'tributor
1. Listen, repeat and choose the word you hear with a different stress pattern from the others.
(Track 40)
1. A relaxation B. conservation C. participant D. incompletion
2. A developer B. contributor C. operator D. economy
3. A. degradation B. destination C. conservation D. deforestation
4. A. affordable B. enjoyable C . activity D. difficulty
5. A. entertainment B. decoration C . economic D. encouragement
2. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If you _____ (not have) a special friend, you won’t have someone to talk to at difficult times in
your life. do not have
2. We ______ (give) you a lift to the town if we finish our work on time. will give
3. If she _______ (pay) for the trip in advance, she may get a discount. pays
4. If we make a campfire and then leave it unattended, we ______ (cause) a forest fire. will cause
5. Water will be contaminated if rubbish _____ (dump) into rivers or lakes. is dumped
6. If Eric _____ (be) 5 years younger, he could travel around the world. was/were
7. What would you do if you _____ (be) Spiderman? were
8. If you ______ (work) as a nurse, what would you do? worked
9. What could happen if this house _______ (cover) with mud? was/were covered
10. I do not keep my eggs in the fridge. If I ________ (keep) them in the fridge, I _______ (take)
them out half an our before cooking. kept - would take
3. Complete the following sentences.
1. If we book tickets or products online, you may find it convenient.
2. If I were a president,I would renew many policies.
3. She will get fat if she does not stop eating so much chocolate.
4. If we lived in water, we would have feelings of fish.
5. If I were a whale or dolphin, I would save people.
4. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. If my performance at school were good, my parents will be happy. would
2. Bill would swing a lot if he is a monkey. were/was
3. If I were you, I will go over the bridge. would
4. I frequently purchase products online. If I do not have my computer, I would not know what to do.
did not
5. If she were in his situation, this problem would solve first. be solved


1. Gap - filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.
4. destruction 7. sustainable 6. discharged 5. handicrafts 10. beneficial
2. departure 1. tours 8. harming 3. discount 9. adapt

1. Eco _______ involve travelling to the ecological areas to observe wildlife and enjoy fresh
2. When travelling, you should check your luggage carefully before ____ so that it cannot be lost.
3. If you book the room in advance, you will get a five percent ________.
4. The _______ of environment is caused by several reasons including mass tourism.
5. Apart from watching the waterfall and going camping in the forest, we can buy _______ at a
village market.
6. If chemical rubbish is ______ into seas, rivers and lakes, many people are likely to drink
contaminated water.
7. Governments should educate their citizens to follow ________ use of natural resources to protect
our environment and our health.
8. Tourists should be well educated to enjoy the beauty of wildlife without ______ it.
9. They can change their usual foods to suit the tourists’ tastes but they should not ______ their
traditions to suit visitors’ needs.
10. If ecotourism is effectively managed, it can be ______ to local people because there will be more
jobs for them and they will earn more.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.
1. observe + c a. the possibility of something happening being developed or used
2. rare + d b. having a helpful or useful effect
3. potential + a c. to see or notice somebody/something
4. beneficial + b d. existing only in small numbers and therefore valuable or interesting
5. massive + e e. extremely large or serious

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Our _________ traditions should be maintained and introduced to friends all over the world.
(culture) cultural
2. It is advised that _______ must be responsible for their actions during the trip. (tour) tourists
3. The _______ loss of land is the result of severe deforestation. (mass) massive
4. One of the solutions which are being discussed is to increase tourists’ environmental and cultural
________ and respect. (aware) awareness
5. If ecotourism is effectively managed, it can provide ________ benefits to local people because
there will be more jobs for them and they will earn more, (finance) financial
6. Ecotourism is thought to be ________ , as it helps the preservation of species of fauna and flora.
(sustain) sustainable
7. Money should be used for the preservation of _______ parks where many endangered species live.
(nation) national
8. We can also visit a number of coffee ________ where we can enjoy fresh coffee. (plant)
9. The _________ of ecosystem of lakes, rivers, seas and forests must be prevented. (destroy)
10. We can explore the _______ hiking paths and observe wild animals when visiting Cuc Phuong
National Park. (mystery) mysterious
4. Choose the best answer.
1. The environmental habitat of some rare animals is being threatened. The underlined word has the
closest meaning to:
A. aware B. endangered C. dangerous D. share
2. Kara: “Do you want to book an eco tour or a camping safari?”- Bella: “____"
A. Yes, I want to book an eco tour. B. An eco tour sounds more interesting to me.
C. No, I do not like camping safari. D. I couldn’t agree more.
3. If she _________ to know more about this, she will need to spend more time.
A. want B. wanted C. wants D. will want
4. I am sure that if we persuade them, they _______ their bad lifestyle.
A. change B. changed C. will change D. would change
5. “If he does not pay careful attention to lessons, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.” has the
closest meaning to:
A. Unless he pays careful attention to lessons, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
B. Unless he pays careful attention to lessons, he can keep pace with his classmates.
C. Unless he does not pay careful attention to lessons, he cannot keep pace with his classmates .
D. If he pays careful attention to lessons, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
6. Many species of fauna and flora in this national park is being in danger. The underlined word has
the closest meaning to:
A. sauna B . coral C. animals D. coastal
7. These children live in the city, so they know little about rural life. If they _______ in the
countryside, they would know about the life of a farmers.
A. live B . will live C . would live D. lived
8. If she _________ on well with her colleagues, they will support her a lot with her work.
A. get B . got C. gets D. will get
9. He would work in aviation if he _______ 6 years younger.
A. were B . is C . will be D. would be
10. The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river. The underlined word has the closest
meaning to:
A. charging B. throwing C . in charging D. discounting
11. Da Nang is said to be one of the best tourism _____ in Vietnam.
A. destinations B. destionation C . nation D. nations
12. If I were you, I ______ your partner.
A. apologise B . apoligised C. will apologise D. would apologise
13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. ecology B . contributor C. operator D. economy
14. Your library books are overdue. You _____ if you return those books immediately.
A. will not fine B. will not fined C. will not be fined D. will be not fine
15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. relaxation B. conservation C. sustainable D. incompletion
16. _____ I stop eating so much chocolate, I am going to get fat.
A. If B. Unless C . In case D. But for
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
If they (A) lived in (B) Vietnam, they will experience (C) terrible traffic (D).
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
They announced that (A) he has met (B) a number of key (C) figures the day (D) before.
19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. degradation B. destination C. unavoidable D. deforestation
20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. entertainment B. ecological C. economic D. encouragement
5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
1. not / If / does / rain, / it / they / go / out / will / for / walk. / a
If it does not rain, they will go out for a walk.
2. there / If / plant / more / we / trees, / be / more / will / birds / this / in / area.
If we plant more trees, there will be more birds in this area.
3. earn / Unless / works / she / hard, / will / nothing. / she
Unless she works hard, she will earn nothing.
4. if /I / accept / that / were / company’s / would / offer /I / Alan.
I would accept that company's offer if I were Alan.
5. following / They / that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year.
They announced that that device would be produced the following year.
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
A Guide To Ecotourism Hotspots
Todays eco-traveller has the opportunity to choose from a ______ (1) of destinations . Many regions
around the world are seeing an increase in popularity as choices for ecotourism. The locations listed
below highlight some of the most popular destinations when it comes to where people are visiting for
the ever growing sector of tourism known as Ecotourism.
Kenya and Swaziland top the list on the African continent when it comes to _____ (2) in terms of
ecotourism hotspots. Offering a diverse eco-system of deserts and forest, this unique environment is
truly blessed with an abundance of plants and animals _____ (3) cultures abound and in particular the
Kenyan Maasai tribe are one of the main reasons Kenyan has become such a hotspot of ecotourism.
Because of this popularity, the tourism industry in this area of Africa is under extreme pressure and
must find a way to ensure that dramatic increases in ecotourism effectively.
Caribbean and Central America:
Rainforest and beach eco-tours have seen an explosion in popularity over the last few years. Not many
countries can compete with Costa Rica, Belize, and the Dominican Republic when it comes to
popularity in this sector of the Ecotourism world. These small tropical nations enjoy the support of
government ________ (5) and coupled with their unparallel beauty in terms of beaches, mountains,
volcanoes and of course untouched rainforests, this area of the world cannot be beat in terms of an
ecotourism hotspot.
Most people do not think of Europe as an ecotourism hotspot. Old World history and the visiting of
museums typically dominate a trip to Europe. It might come as a bit of a shock but many countries
within Europe are beginning to see the value in the increased popularity of Ecotourism and now
_______ (6) a variety of hiking and cycling eco-tours.
North America:
National Parks of enormous size abound in this area of the world. Jasper National Park in Alberta
Canada encompasses an area the size of the Netherlands, and because of their diverse eco-systems
plants and animals these hotspots are under ______ (7) pressure from ecotourism. By doing a
little research before heading out you will be able to find areas that may not be as popular as som of
the larger parks, they are however no less rewarding in terms of what you can discover.
South America:
Eco-tourists rate this region high on their lists for ecotourism hotspots. The Amazon region dominates
this eco-tour market with its unending variety of flora and ______ (8). The indigenous peoples and
their traditional cultures make Ecuador a must see on many eco-tourists itineraries. Brazil and Peru
round out this list of eco-hotspots in South America particularly the Andes region of Peru.
Southeast Asia:
Indonesia and Thailand are number one and number two in this region of the world in terms of eco-
hotspots. Their ________ (9) of pristine rainforest snow-capped mountains and untouched beaches
combine to create an ecotourism’s dream vacation. Laos, Cambodia and Nepal round out other
destinations ________ (10) choose when visiting this ecotourism hotspot. Visiting countries such as
Cambodia, Laos, and Nepal , although garbage on the more popular routes toward Mount Everest has
seen a dramatic rise in recent years and is a problem Nepal will need to confront in the coming
ecotourism seasons.

1. A. vary B. variety C. various D. varied

2. A. popularity B. popular C. popularly D. population
3. A. Tradition B. Traditional C. Traditions D. Traditionally
4. A. grow B. grew C. growth D. grows
5. A. invests B. invested C. investment D. invest
6. A. super B. withdraw C. refer D. offer
7. A. increasing B. increase C. increases D. increasingly
8. A. fauna B. plant C. sauna D. coral
9. A. combined B. combination C. combine D. combines
10. A. travellers B. traveller C. travels D. travelling

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