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It was stated in Acts 20:35 that; "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must
help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to
receive.’" Having this scripture in mind, I felt the essence of giving, that giving with all your heart will revert
back to you with a priceless and incomparable feeling. It gives off a happiness that is not only felt by our
sensual aspect but our rational being. A simple thank you with a smile is enough to suffice the stress that
you currently feel and I can prove that this is really true. We shouldn't stop helping our needy brothers
and sisters, who knows that our little act of kindness can change their lives even if it is just a pound of
progress. Maybe, we might lit up again their hope that was long gone and that would keep them from
going. We should never stop being kind and pay forward.

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