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1.Solely- only, simply

2.Often- frequently, many times
"he often goes for long walks by himself"

3.Companion- associate, partner(toduga)

4.Descrimination-(Difference,intolerance, bias) the unjust or prejudicial treatment of
different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
5.Humilation-(Shame,embarrassement, indignity)
the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated.
"they suffered the humiliation of losing in the opening round"

6.Immense-(huge, vast,massive, enormous, cosmic)

extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

"the cost of restoration has been immense".

7.Retain-(keep, hold-on-to)
absorb and continue to hold (a substance).
"limestone is known to retain water"

8.Fluent-(smooth, effortless, easy, natural,fluid, unbroken, graceful, continoues,

feel regret or penitence about.
"I repent me of all I did"

press home (a demand or argument).
"my father spoke like a preacher enforcing a precept of religion"

Mith: fasly statement(Avastavam)


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