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Silver Lakes Garden Club End of Year Minutes Summary

April 9th, 2020

Due to mediation measures put in place because of the Covid 19 crisis, our end of year
meeting scheduled for March 25th, 2020, was canceled. All Silver Lake activities were
canceled as of March 13th, which included our planned field trip to the Naples Palm Cottage,
scheduled for March 19th. The following report is a summary of what we would have covered
at our final meeting for this season.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Per our treasurer, Chautzie Wood, total income as of March 31st was
$51.00 (bake sale and an orchid purchase). Total Expenses were $286.95 (soil and pots to re-
pot DCH pool ferns, fertilizer and disease prevention products, refreshment expenses, line item
charge from the Activity Committee for our 2020 event) Our balance as of 3/31/2020 is
$5,912.44. Please look on our web site for a detailed treasurer's report.

Please check our website to read the end of year reports from:
Social/Membership; Kathy Bisonic and committee
Bake Sale; Joyce Braungart
Memorial Bricks; Karen Hagan and Gloria Padula
Annual Raffle; Joan Anderson
Education; Gail Miller and Jane Barry
Watering Schedule; Chautzie Wood
Treasury; Chautzie Wood

Peggy Shereda and Margaret Weber tallied the membership votes for spending the monies
we raised this season. The majority were in favor of fully supporting the Bahamian shutters to
the Guard Shack and the Topaz Lake Lane project with the remainder going toward the
entrance flagpole. We have received one estimate for the shutters and it looks like they will be
close to $2000. The Topaz project would be about $500, leaving $2500 as our contribution to
the flagpole. Timing for these projects is up in the air at this time.

Kudos to our membership for continuing the important watering schedule under different
circumstances with our pools and the pool areas locked!

Please visit our meticulously maintained by Kathy Bisonic. During this time of
sheltering in place, indulge in pleasant memories by looking at the photographs from our social
gathering at Kathy Bisonic's home on 3/11/2020 and our educational offering, “Everything
Orchids” on 3/10/2020, plus much more.

Let your creative juices flow as you contemplate your table decoration for our Garden Club
2021 Event. Be reminded that every member is responsible for one centerpiece conveying the
meaning or title of a song. The specific instructions for your design are printed on our website
and if you have questions, please call or email:
Donna Mathewson: 315-383-5854
Diane Schmaus: 303-667-7420

We all look forward to a new season of health, of returning activities and of continuing our
efforts at making this community one of beauty, growth and shared friendships.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Jo Kolde

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