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Mont Name of the Teaching Methodology Activities/Resources

h Chapter/Topic
April HUMAN BODY Introduction Physical activity that cause:
2020  increased heart rate
All students will participate in physical activities  breathing perspiration etc. (e.g., sprinting skipping,
 Heredity and
and jumping).
To understand the contribution of environment with the
Safety Rules :
movement activities .

 Use active listening while following directions for the

 Demonstrate different types of fundamental
first time.
 No pushing, wrestling, or similar rough, dangerous
 Observation
Physical Exercises
 Proper sports shoes must be worn.

 No gum, candy, cough drops, etc. during gym

 Imitation and practice of:
Shuttle run
Shorts sprints
Backward running  Jewellery, expensive watch & other valuable items
Standing Broad Jump
Free hand exercises should not be worn during P.E. activity. Students will
 Roll into the goal
 Four court dodge ball use equipment for its intended purpose as directed
 Basketball throw
 Skipping by the teacher.
 Tennis Ball Throw
 Relays  Students will use sports equipment and facility when
 Proper stretching techniques
properly supervised by teacher.
 Group/Partner activities
 Safety rules and behaviour expectations apply to all


Behavioural Expectations

 Teaching about the concept of discipline and

basic etiquettes 

 Any student not in the P.E. space when the class

period begins will be marked tardy. Use school

equipment with respect.

 Students may not leave the assigned area without

permission of the teacher.

 Students must participate in class. Effort 100%

 Students must dress in proper P.E. attire; failure to

have the complete uniform will result in a “No Dress”

for the day.

 Students must wait until the class period ends.

 All injuries and concerns are to be reported to the

teacher promptly.

 All general school rules are to be followed at all


 Always respect yourself,

 Demonstrate appropriate behaviour in response to

the relationships with others that result from

participation in physical activities and equipment

 Appreciate benefits that accompany compassion,

cooperation, responsibility & honesty

 Safety first

 Teamwork .

May MOVEMENT Teaching all students movement skills.  Travel in forward, sideways, and backward directions
2020 In order to learn rhythmic and similar physical activities:
EDUCATION  Change direction quickly
 Jumping for height  Stretching exercises &
 Physical  Step running
 Group/Partner activities

Exercises Minor Games :
 Fun relay races
 Coordinative
 Pass the ball towards the team
Abilities  Dodge ball
 Speed and  Flip the cones
Power  Mass drill
 Basketball throw
 Standing Broad Jump
 Cricket ball Throw
 Tennis Ball Throw
 March past

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