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Mayo, Princess Aira D.


Macquillage: Make-up every day, uplift your confident

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Beauty means a combination of qualities such as
shape, color or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. I am a woman who
boost the confidence by wearing makeup. But I have a question for you all, by raising your
hand, who is wearing make-up today? I really want to know though is, how do you feel when
you wear make-up?
As a woman, I don’t actually wearing full make-up every day. I just only put lipstick on
and only just to look alive. I just put full make-up on when I want to feel a little bit extra by that
day. For instance, there is a research defense wherein you have to feel extra confident and then
that’s the time where I put make-up not just only to feel confident but also to look more
aesthetically pleasing. And as a woman who wears make-up, I want to punch a whole through
the wall every time I hear someone saying “why do you need to wear make-up, it’s just a waste
of time” or “woman don’t need to wear make-up, you don’t need to impress anyone” and in my
mind I was saying “you don’t understand what I feel so please stop judging.” I wake up
everyday and make the choice to wear make-up because deny it or accept it, as a woman we
feel very beautiful and confident when you put make-up even if it is just a lipstick. In the study
of Hill Rodeheffer in 2012 explain this effect that lays in the fact make-up may function as a
physical self-esteem booster. Self-esteem can considered as one of the most important
personality characteristics for an individual. In addition, cosmetic may be used in ways that
affect different aspects of a woman’s life. For instance, cosmetics manipulate facial appearance
and therefore affect beauty and can be considered as a sort of attractiveness enhancer.
Women, thus, may use make-up to increase their levels of self-esteem by boosting their
physical attractiveness and this consequently makes them feel better during stressful times. A
complementary hypothesis suggests that make-up may also influence cognitive performance
via positive emotions. That is, make-up may function as a positive mood induction technique
that, in turn, leads to better performance. In fact, the link between positive emotions and
academic achievement has been widely studied and numerous finding underline how positive
emotions particularly enhance cognitive functions that play a crucial role in learning. Generally
speaking, positive emotions increase the amount of information accessible in memory and
therefore can ultimately help students make sense of what they are learning. A research study
in Hardvard Medical School and University of Chieti, carried out the research project related to
wearing make-up. The team did their research study among the 186 females students wherein
they had to answer a set of test from a general psychology textbook. In a number of 185, they
form a group of three. Before the test, they asked students of specific group to apply make-up.
The students of other group listened to the “positive music excerpt” and the remaining group
colored a sketch of one human face. When the test has begun the researcher expect the group
of listening to music because we all know the potential benefits of music in terms of arousal
and mood level induced by it. But surprisingly the group of students wearing make-up would
perform much better than the other groups. In this case, this only prove that wearing makeup
Mayo, Princess Aira D.

could provide a better sense about self-esteem that may bring positive effects on the cognitive
performance of an individual.
In the previous studies have shown that higher levels of self-esteem are associated with
better academic performance. However, there is no evidence if make-up can indirectly
influence academic achievement and cognition through self-esteem. This only means wearing
make-up enhances the self-esteem that could interact with the cognition. Using make-up is
always a choice and do not forget that we are beautiful with or without make-up on. Although
beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind
of the beheld.

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