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Importance of Communication

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t being said. The art of
reading between the lines is a life long quest of the wise,” Shannon L. Alder.

Communication. When we say communication, it is a way on how to communicate with

others properly. It is for you to understand and to be understood. Receiving verbal or nonverbal
feedback from your reader, listener, or audience means that you have already properly
communicated. Without understanding on both parties, communication doesn’t and won’t exist.

What is the importance of communication? Communication is very useful and important

in our daily activities and living. Every living individual has his/her own ways of communicating
either verbally or nonverbally. Communication should be effective in order to come up with a
major idea to develop and improve a certain aspect or thing. Even our community and society.

In the field of education, communication is very important. It is widely being used to

teach students about lessons in school, as well as lessons in life in order for them to learn and
grow. A teacher should not only be efficient but he/she should be effective in order for students
to fully understand what he/she is trying to say. When I say “efficient” teacher, it is a teacher
who comes to school prepared with his/her lessons. His/Her visual aids are complete, clear and
visible for the students to be able to learn from it immediately. He/She brings with her books and
knowledge to be imparted to the students. An efficient teacher is one who teaches from books
and make sure everything are facts and objective. However, when I say an “effective” teacher,
he/she is the teacher who comes to school empty-handed (or just brings with him/her chalk or
pen and eraser only) but his/her knowledge on the subject and lesson are beyond what is
expected. He/She doesn’t rely on books but on experiences. “Experience is the best teacher.” But
with the differences between the two, both of them should be eloquent and fluent in speaking in
able to impart to his/her students the intended lessons they ought to learn.

In the field of medicine, communication is very important. Lives of thousands, or even

millions of people rely on them. They should not only focus on verbal communication but on
nonverbal communication as well. They should jot down notes and experiment results for them
to be able to track down the effectivity on the newly made medicine. But I think on this field,
nonverbal communication should be widely used rather than verbal communication. It is because
in this field, proofs or evidences is the most important rather than word of mouth. For in the
word of mouth, what would be relied to others can be more than the original statements or can be
less. And with this field, confidentiality is really a must. Because there are other people who
would grab everything for the sake of the lives of their loved ones and do whatever it takes. We
know that when it comes to doctors, they can’t operate or handle a patient who is their family
member or someone who is emotionally attached to them because they would get emotional
during the operation and forget what is the proper and right aid for the patient.

In the field of engineering, I think it is somewhat like the field of medicine. Sketches and
measurements are more important than word of mouth for illustrations are important because this
serves as a guide for them to make infrastructures. But of course, verbal communication such as
brainstorming is needed to come with a good idea. Division of labor is usually used in this field.

Some would say that students who study communication is taking up an easy course. Is
it? For me, I think it’s not. They are learning every form of communication media and master
each one because soon, if they are already media practitioners, they should execute their duties
and responsibilities properly. Their name is what they bring and also of the networks. Each
course or program has their own difficulties and easiness. We shouldn’t judge them by their
outputs and works. We should experience it first. We have our own strengths and weaknesses.
Some have these and some don’t have these. Some have that and some doesn’t have.
Communication is being applied to everything and everyone actually. So it is really important
because everyone needs to explain his/her opinions and perspectives. “No man is an island,” so
no one should isolate himself and be silent. Well, we can’t force someone if he/she doesn’t talk
about it be we should also know how to feel what’s going on around us.

Silence can also be a form of communication. Nonverbal communication. For me, this is
the most difficult form of communication for you are indirectly giving your receiver a message
or messages he/she needs to comprehend. He/She will not be able to get you, misinterpret your
message if he/she doesn’t really know you. So with this, the good communicator will be the one
you’re talking to or who’s there for you on that situation. He/She should be the one to talk to you
and make you understand the positivity of life and make you more calmer and better.

According to Paul J. Meyer, “Communication – the human connection – is the key to

personal and career success.” So communication can be related to success. Good communication
leads to understanding and understanding may lead to unity and unity will end in success.
Communication is really important for if not, we won’t have the unity. Filipino is our national
language here in the Philippines and English is the universal language. Without these, do you
think we will be able to communicate to others with our differences? No, we can’t. Only few
would understand so progress and development will not be visible. Some will not appreciate the
good things because they are not into it or they don’t know about it. Majority is also an aspect for
communication and success.
Therefore, no one can appreciate communication if you yourself will not appreciate it. It
should start within ourselves. We should show others the importance of it so that they, too,
would appreciate it as well. Let us be a role model to others so that others will see the good and
important side of communication. “We take information for granted because we do it so
frequently but it’s actually a complex process,” stated by Joseph Sommerville.

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