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Name : Isnaeni Rachmawati
Student ID : B1B017036
Entourage : VII
Group :3
Assistant : Solikhul Amin




A. Background

Invertebrate species represent 95 % of all living animals. Invertebrates have

colonized all habitats on earth, resulting in a tremendous array of strategies that allow
these organisms to respire, acquire and process food, maintain salt and water balance,
reproduce, communicate and generally cope with the stressors of life (Jonusaite et al.,
2015). Invertebrates belong to Kingdom Animalia, a large kingdom of more than one
million well-known species. Invertebrate animals are very numerous compared to
Vertebrates. Invertebrate animals are characterized by the absence of a backbone, and
have a simpler morphological and anatomical structure compared to Vertebrate animals.
Invertebrate animals have generally small body dimensions, the nervous system under
the digestive tract, free living, herbivores, carnivores, parasites, predators, etc. These
animals range from single-celled (Protozoa) to multicellular (Metazoa) (Djarubito,
Invertebrates play an important role in influencing the function of wetlands. In
particular, invertebrates provide an important link between primary production and
secondary consumers, play an important role in nutrient cycling, and facilitate
decomposition of organic matter by consuming and breaking down plant and animal
tissues (Meyer et al., 2015). Animals occupy almost all environments on earth, but most
members of most phyla are aquatic species. The oceans are probably the origin of the
first animal species, still home to a large number of animal phyla. Freshwater fauna is
abundant but not as rich as the diversity of marine fauna (Radiopoetro, 1996).
Vermes and Mollusca are a group of animals with organ body construction and
triploblastic selomata. The identification of Vermes and Mollusca can be reviewed from
various aspects. The Vermes group represents the group of worms that are divided into
several phylum namely Phylum Platyhelminthes, Annelida, and Aschelminthes.
Mollusca group is a group of soft animals. Mollusca group consists of 8 classes, namely
Class Caudofoveata, Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora, Scaphopoda,
Bivalvia, Gastropoda, and Cephalopoda. Phylum Annelida has the same ancestor as
Phylum Mollusca (Jasin, 1989).

B. Objectives

The objectives of this laboratory activity are:

1. To learn and observe some members of Phylum Platyhelminthes and Mollusca.
2. To learn some basic characteristics for Phylum Platyhelminthes and Mollusca
identification and classification.

The Platyhelminthes is phylum of worms that has bilateral symmetry, and its
body is dorsoventrally flat. Varied body shape, either elongated flat shaped, ribbon, or
resembling a leaf. The size of the body varies from what appears microscopic a few
millimeters to the size of a dozen meters long. Most flatworms are white or colorless.
The anterior end of the body is the head. There are organs that produce secretions (hook
appendage and suction appendage) that are adhesive to stick into things. Platyhelminthes
are triploblastic animals, they have body structure consisting of ectoderm layer (thin,
containing chitin scales and single glandular cells, coated with cuticles that serve to
protect the underlying tissue and host fluid), endoderm layer (lining the digestive tract),
and mesoderm layer (tissue that forms muscles, reproductive tract excretion devices).
Platyhelminthes does not have an actual body cavity (acoelomate) (Rusyana, 2011).
Flatworms do not have organs that are specialized for gas exchange, and their
relatively simple excretion apparatus mainly functions to maintain osmotic balance with
their environment. The apparatus consists of protonephridia, a network of tubules with
ciliated structures called flame cells that draw fluid through branches that open outwards.
Most flatworms have gastrovascular cavities with only one opening. Although flatworms
do not have a circulatory system, branches of the delicate gastrovascular cavity circulate
food directly to animal cells (Campbell et al., 2008).
Turbellaria generally live freely in nature, but some species are ectocomensal or
endocomensal or parasitic. His body is not segmented, covered by the epidermis. The
epidermis is composed of separate cells and syncytial cells, among which some cells are
ciliated. The epidermis is equipped with rhabdoid. The hallmark of Turbellaria is the
presence of numerous glandular cells. The glands produce mucosa that functions to glue,
to close the substrate to be traversed, and to see prey. Almost all Turbellaria live freely
and most live in the sea. Freshwater turbellaria are known to be members of the genus
Dugesia, commonly called Planaria sp. They move with cilia on their ventral surfaces,
sliding along the mucus layer they secrete. Some Turbellaria also use their muscles to
swim through the water with pulsing movements (Campbell et al., 2008). The examples
are Dugesia tigrina (living in fresh water and can be used as an indicator of clean water
and has a high regenerative power), Bipalium (living on land), Notoplana and Planocera
(living in the sea) (Sutarno, 2009).
Trematodes are endoparasites and ectoparasites. Its body is shaped like a leaf.
The body wall is not composed of epidermis and cilia. His body was not segmented and
was covered by cuticles. Having a well-developed sucker mouth. The digestive tract is
complete, without the anus, consists of the mouth, pharynx, and intestine. This organ is
located in the ventral section and functions as a tool to attach to the host. The examples
of Trematodes are Fasciola hepatica (liver worms) Fasciolopsis buski (intestine
worms) (Campbell et al., 2008).
Cestoda members generally live as endoparasites in intestine
vertebrates. This worm is often known in general as a tapeworm. His
body has no epidermis and cilia, but is covered by cuticles. The body is
divided into several or many segments called proglotid, rarely
unregulated. The anterior end of the body is equipped with a sticking
device, which is a tool for grasping and sucking, except for Cestodaria.
The mouth and digestive tract are absent. Example of Cestoda is
Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm). Monogenean are parasites on fish
and amphibian gills and skin, epidermis without cilia, with opisthaptor
(an organ to attach to host) that consist sucker and/ or hook; digestive
system in the form of Y and life stages only involves one host (Jasin,
Mollusca, the language comes from the Greek word Molus which
means soft. Mollusca are a group of soft-bodied and multicellular
invertebrate animals. Mollusca usually have a bilateral symmetry
body shape (if the crossing line is drawn that divides the body from
front to back will get two equal sides), the body is relatively round and
short. The soft bodies of these Mollusca are protected by shells, but
some of them are not shelled. Their body constructed of three main
organs: limbs, visceral mass, and mantle coat (Campbell et al., 2008).
Phylum Mollusca is classified into Class Monoplachopora, Aplachopora,
Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Pelecypoda, Cephalopoda, Bivalvia, Caudofoveata. The
characters of Monoplacophora are the shell is dorsal, cup shaped, and one place. The
mantle present, The flat ventral with sole, for creeping foot. The head is reduced, mouth
with preoral flaps, the example is Neopilina. Cephalopoda members have characters, the
shell is present or absent, the mantle is thick muscular, have foot that modified into arms
or tentacles and attached to head. Head foot with large eyes 8 or 10 long tentacles with
suckers, radula present. The example is squids, cuttlefish (Sepia sp.) (Rao & Kaur,
Scaphopoda members have characters that the shell is tubular and tusk shaped. The
mantle is tube like, have conical foot, trilobed for boring or burrowing, the head is
rudimentary which mouth with tentacle. The example is Dentalium sp. The characters of
Class Gastropoda are the shell is univalved, coiled absent. The mantle is present, have
large, ventral with creeping sole foot. The head is distinct with large eyes, tentacles with
radula. Th example is snails. Bivalves acquired a novel body plan from their univalved
ancestors via bilaterally separating the dorsal shell plate into two plates. The
modifications during early development, which lead to the unique shell morphology of
bivalves. The earliest sign of modification is observed as early as the spiral cleavage
stage (Hashimoto et al., 2014).
Class Bivalvia is the second largest class of Mollusca. Bivalves have a bilaterally
symmetrical body that is laterally compressed and enclosed in a shell consisting of two
valves. The two valves of a bivalve are connected by an elastic ligament. They lack
radula and head is considerably reduced. Most are filter feeders. Bivalve larva produces
a single cap - like shell called a pellicle. During larval growth, it is enclosed by two
mantle lobes. Class Aplacophora are wormlike, mostly very small Mollusca covered
with calcareous spicules. They do not have shells, but small calcareous spicules in their
mantle. There is no head or specialized excretory organ. The foot and mantle cavity are
reduced. They are exclusively marine (Sonak, 2017).

A. Materials

The instruments used in this laboratory activity are specimen tray, forceps,
magnifying glass, light microscope, stereo microscope, camera, animal identification
book, gloves, surgical mask and stationary.
The materials used in this laboratory activity are some specimens of
Platyhelminthes and Mollusca.

B. Methods

The method used in this laboratory activity are:

1. The morphological characters of the specimens are observed, drawn, and described
by the students.
2. The specimens are identified with identification keys/literature.
3. Simple identification is made based on the observed characters.
4. Discussion and conclusion are constructed based on the result data.

Campbell, N. A. & Reece, J. B., 2008. Biologi, Edisi Kedelapan Jilid 3. Jakarta:
Djarubito, M., 1989. Zoologi Dasar.  Jakarta: Erlangga

Hashimoto, N., Kurita, Y., Murakami, K. & Wada, H., 2014. Cleavage Pattern and
Development of Isolated D Blastomeres in Bivalves. Journal Experimental
Zoology, 9999, pp. 1-9.
Jasin, M., 1989. Sistematika Hewan Vertebrata dan Invertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar

Jonusaite, S., Donini, A. & Kelly, S. P., 2015. Occluding junctions of invertebrate
epithelia. Journal Computer Physiology B, 6(1), pp. 1 – 27.

Meyer, M. D., Davis, C. A. & Dvorett, D., 2015. Response of Wetland Invertebrate
Communities to Local and Landscape Factors in North Central Oklahoma.
Springer Journals, 5(11), pp. 1–14.

Radiopoetro, 1996. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Rao & Kaur. 2006. New Living Science Biology. New Delhi: Ratna Sagar P, Ltd.
Rusyana, A., 2011. Zoologi Invertebrata. Bandung: Alfabeta
Sonak, S., 2017. Marine Shells of Goa: A Guide to Identification. Switzerland: Springer.
Sutarno, N., 2009. Platyhelminthes. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan

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