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This type of axial structure is used to introduce concepts of internal forces and normal stress.
To compute the internal forces in the axial member, we must cut a free-body diagram
through each segment. Once the internal force is known, we can find the normal stress in
the segment or we can find the area necessary so that normal stresses are less than a
specified stress limit.

Problems of this type are easier to solve if we adopt a consistent method of drawing the free-
body diagrams. As we construct each free-body diagram, we will assume that the internal
force in a segment creates tension. A tension force pulls on the surface exposed when we
cut through the segmented axial member. This assumed tension force may act in either the
+x or the -x direction, depending on how we cut the free-body diagram. We include this
assumed internal force in the equilibrium equation and then solve for its value. If we
compute a positive value, then we know that the segment will indeed be subjected to tension
and that the internal force will cause the segment to elongate. If we compute a negative
value for the internal force, then we understand that the segment will actually be in
compression and that it will contract.

Free-Body Diagrams
To find the internal axial force in Segment (1), draw a free-body diagram that cuts through
Segment (1) and includes the free end of the axial structure (i.e., Joint C). Click button [1]
to see free-body diagram. We will assume that the internal force F1 in Segment (1) creates
tension. In the x direction, the force equilibrium equation for Segment (1) is:

Fx = -F1 - 6,000 kN + 18,000 kN = 0

Solve the equilibrium equation to find an internal force in Segment (1) of F 1 = 12,000 kN

To find the internal axial force in Segment (2), draw a free-body diagram that cuts through
Segment (2) and includes the free end of the axial structure (i.e., Joint C). Click button [2]
to see free-body diagram. We will assume that the internal force F2 in Segment (2) creates
tension. In the x direction, the force equilibrium equation for Segment (2) is:

Fx = -F2 + 18,000 kN = 0

Solve the equilibrium equation to find an internal force in Segment (2) of F 2 = 18,000 kN

Normal Stress Calculations

The deformations in the axial member are found by integrating the normal strain  over the
member length, (L). For portions of the axial member where the internal force (F), area (A),
and elastic modulus (E) are constant, the integral reduces to e = FL/AE, where e is the
elongation in the segment. The total deformation in the axial member is found by summing
the elongations in each segment. If we follow the convention discussed above when we
construct our free-body diagrams, we can simply add up the individual segment elongations
since a positive value always implies that the segment gets longer and a negative value
always implies that the segment gets shorter.

Segment (1)
For Segment (1), the diameter is 12,0 mm; therefore, the cross-sectional area is 113,1
mm². The segment length is 3,000 m, and the elastic modulus is 200,00 GPa. The normal
stress for Segment (1) is

1 = F1/A1
= 12,000 kN ÷ 113,1 mm²
= 106,103 MPa (tension)

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.
For Segment (1), the normal strain is  = 530,5166E-06 mm/mm, and the rod elongation in
Segment (1) alone is:

e1 = ( F1× L1)/( A1× E1)

= (12,000 kN × 3,000 m)/(113,1 mm² × 200,00 GPa)
= 1,59 mm

Note: The positive sign indicates that the segment length increases (i.e., elongates).

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

The deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A is simply the elongation in Segment (1).
Therefore, the deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A is 1,59 mm.

Segment (2)
For Segment (2), the diameter is 12,0 mm; therefore, the cross-sectional area is 113,1
mm². The segment length is 2,000 m, and the elastic modulus is 70,00 GPa. The normal
stress for Segment (2) is

2 = F2/A2
= 18,000 kN ÷ 113,1 mm²
= 159,155 MPa (tension)

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

For Segment (2), the normal strain is  = 0,002274 mm/mm, and the rod elongation in
Segment (2) alone is:

e2 = ( F2× L2)/( A2× E2)

= (18,000 kN × 2,000 m)/(113,1 mm² × 70,00 GPa)
= 4,55 mm

Note: The positive sign indicates that the segment length increases (i.e., elongates).

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

The deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A is found by totaling the elongations in Segments
(1) and (2). Therefore, the deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A is 6,14 mm.


Problem Statement
Compute the elongations for each segment of the axial member and compute the
displacements of points B, C, and D relative to point A. The diameters for each segment are

Joint load at B 6,000 kN (to the left)
Joint load at C 18,000 kN (to the right)
Segment (1) diameter 12,0 mm
Segment (1) length 3,000 m
Segment (1) elastic modulus 200,00 GPa
Segment (2) diameter 12,0 mm
Segment (2) length 2,000 m
Segment (2) elastic modulus 70,00 GPa

Reaction force at A 12,000 kN (acts from the right to the left) (to
the right)
Segment (1) force 12,000 kN (tension)
Segment (2) force 18,000 kN (tension)
Segment (1) area 113,1 mm²
Segment (1) normal stress 106,103 MPa (tension)
Segment (1) normal strain 530,5166E-06
Segment (1) deformation 1,59 mm (elongation)
Deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A 1,59 mm

Segment (2) area 113,1 mm²

Segment (2) normal stress 159,155 MPa (tension)
Segment (2) normal strain 0,002274
Segment (2) deformation 4,55 mm (elongation)
Deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A 6,14 mm

This type of axial structure is used to introduce concepts of internal forces and normal stress.
To compute the internal forces in the axial member, we must cut a free-body diagram
through each segment. Once the internal force is known, we can find the normal stress in
the segment or we can find the area necessary so that normal stresses are less than a
specified stress limit.

Problems of this type are easier to solve if we adopt a consistent method of drawing the free-
body diagrams. As we construct each free-body diagram, we will assume that the internal
force in a segment creates tension. A tension force pulls on the surface exposed when we
cut through the segmented axial member. This assumed tension force may act in either the
+x or the -x direction, depending on how we cut the free-body diagram. We include this
assumed internal force in the equilibrium equation and then solve for its value. If we
compute a positive value, then we know that the segment will indeed be subjected to tension
and that the internal force will cause the segment to elongate. If we compute a negative
value for the internal force, then we understand that the segment will actually be in
compression and that it will contract.

Free-Body Diagrams
To find the internal axial force in Segment (1), draw a free-body diagram that cuts through
Segment (1) and includes Joint A. Click button [1] to see free-body diagram. We will
assume that the internal force F1 in Segment (1) creates tension. In the x direction, the
force equilibrium equation for Segment (1) is:
Fx = F1 - 2,000 kip = 0

Solve the equilibrium equation to find an internal force in Segment (1) of F 1 = 2,000 kip

To find the internal axial force in Segment (2), draw a free-body diagram that cuts through
Segment (2) and includes Joint D. Click button [2] to see free-body diagram. We will
assume that the internal force F2 in Segment (2) creates tension. In the x direction, the
force equilibrium equation for Segment (2) is:

Fx = -F2 - 3,500 kip - 1,500 kip = 0

Solve the equilibrium equation to find an internal force in Segment (2) of F 2 = -5,000 kip

To find the internal axial force in Segment (3), draw a free-body diagram that cuts through
Segment (3) and includes Joint D. Click button [3] to see free-body diagram. We will
assume that the internal force F3 in Segment (3) creates tension. In the x direction, the
force equilibrium equation for Segment (3) is:

Fx = -F3 - 1,500 kip = 0

Solve the equilibrium equation to find an internal force in Segment (3) of F 3 = -1,500 kip

Normal Stress Calculations

The deformations in the axial member are found by integrating the normal strain  over the
member length, (L). For portions of the axial member where the internal force (F), area (A),
and elastic modulus (E) are constant, the integral reduces to e = FL/AE, where e is the
elongation in the segment. The total deformation in the axial member is found by summing
the elongations in each segment. If we follow the convention discussed above when we
construct our free-body diagrams, we can simply add up the individual segment elongations
since a positive value always implies that the segment gets longer and a negative value
always implies that the segment gets shorter.

Segment (1)
The cross-sectional area for Segment (1) is 0,09000 in². The segment length is 18,0 in, and
the elastic modulus is 10.000,00 ksi. The normal stress for Segment (1) is

1 = F1/A1
= 2,000 kip ÷ 0,09000 in²
= 153,217 MPa (tension)

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

For Segment (1), the normal strain is  = 0,002222 in/in, and the rod elongation in Segment
(1) alone is:

e1 = ( F1× L1)/( A1× E1)

= (2,000 kip × 18,0 in)/(0,09000 in² × 10.000,00 ksi)
= 0,04000 in

Note: The positive sign indicates that the segment length increases (i.e., elongates).

The deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A is simply the elongation in Segment (1).
Therefore, the deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A is 0,04000 in.

Segment (2)
The cross-sectional area for Segment (2) is 0,1200 in². The segment length is 12,0 in, and
the elastic modulus is 18.000,00 ksi. The normal stress for Segment (2) is
2 = F2/A2
= -5,000 kip ÷ 0,1200 in²
= -287,282 MPa (compression)

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

For Segment (2), the normal strain is  = -0,002315 in/in, and the rod elongation in
Segment (2) alone is:

e2 = ( F2× L2)/( A2× E2)

= (-5,000 kip × 12,0 in)/(0,1200 in² × 18.000,00 ksi)
= -0,02778 in

Note: The negative sign indicates that the segment length decreases (i.e., contracts).

The deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A is found by totaling the elongations in Segments
(1) and (2). Therefore, the deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A is 0,01222 in.

Segment (3)
The cross-sectional area for Segment (3) is 0,06000 in². The segment length is 16,0 in, and
the elastic modulus is 29.000,00 ksi. The normal stress for Segment (3) is

3 = F3/A3
= -1,500 kip ÷ 0,06000 in²
= -172,369 MPa (compression)

Note: Make the units consistent before performing the hand calculation.

For Segment (3), the normal strain is  = -862,0690E-06 in/in, and the rod elongation in
Segment (3) alone is:

e3 = ( F3× L3)/( A3× E3)

= (-1,500 kip × 16,0 in)/(0,06000 in² × 29.000,00 ksi)
= -0,01379 in

Note: The negative sign indicates that the segment length decreases (i.e., contracts).

The deflection of Joint D relative to Joint A is found by totaling the elongations in Segments
(1), (2), and (3). Therefore, the deflection of Joint D relative to Joint A is -0,001571 in.


Problem Statement
Compute the elongations for each segment of the axial member and compute the
displacements of points B, C, and D relative to point A. The areas for each segment are

Joint load at A 2,000 kip (to the left)
Joint load at B 7,000 kip (to the right)
Joint load at C 3,500 kip (to the left)
Joint load at D 1,500 kip (to the left)
Segment (1) area 0,09000 in²
Segment (1) length 18,0 in
Segment (1) elastic modulus 10.000,00 ksi
Segment (2) area 0,1200 in²
Segment (2) length 12,0 in
Segment (2) elastic modulus 18.000,00 ksi
Segment (3) area 0,06000 in²
Segment (3) length 16,0 in
Segment (3) elastic modulus 29.000,00 ksi
Segment (1) force 2,000 kip (tension)
Segment (2) force -5,000 kip (compression)
Segment (3) force -1,500 kip (compression)

Segment (1) normal stress 153,217 MPa (tension)

Segment (1) normal strain 0,002222
Segment (1) deformation 0,04000 in (elongation)
Deflection of Joint B relative to Joint A 0,04000 in

Segment (2) normal stress -287,282 MPa (compression)

Segment (2) normal strain -0,002315
Segment (2) deformation -0,02778 in (contraction)
Deflection of Joint C relative to Joint A 0,01222 in

Segment (3) normal stress -172,369 MPa (compression)

Segment (3) normal strain -862,0690E-06
Segment (3) deformation -0,01379 in (contraction)
Deflection of Joint D relative to Joint A -0,001571 in

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