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================================================== AXE Company Route Editor

The AXE Company Route Editor is a convenient solution to manage FlightPlans
(Company Routes) of the
Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319 or A320/A321.

It can create new routes, saved and changed existing routes or deleted.
The program is freeware and has no commercial purpose.

It is NOT a development of Aerosoft and NOT an official tool of the Airbus X

Please read Supportinformation in Capter "Support" in this readme.

Juni 2014,
Capt. PERO
(Peter Rosendahl)

========== SUPPORT
- The editor after version 2.3 is only compatible with version >= 1.10 of Airbus X
Extended. If you use an older version of
AXE please use the latest version 1.1x of this editor

- Since version 2.3 AXE Corte Editor is only compatible with the Aerosoft Airbus
Series (A318/A319) or (A320/A321).
If you are using Aerosoft Airbus X Extended (A320/A321), please use v2.2 of AXE
Corte Editor.
Please find download here

- If you have issues with a routing

- Please enter the route in AXE for test purposes and save it there. Then
compare this route with the problematic
Corte from the AXE editor. Waypoints are often wrong, so that a route is not
loaded in the AXE.
- Please always add the problematic route (eg EDDS ETASA-T163 PSA EDDF) and
corte.txt to your support request

- Support Forum
- German:
- English:

- Or drop me an email

- Or visit my website

========== NOTE OF
During the development of this editor, which began as a "finger exercise", I have
benefited greatly from friendly BETA testers.
Therefore, many thanks to Juergen_DL3FY, Torsten B�ttner, Nik Reichel and Otto

========== HOW IT WORKS
1) Create a new Route (z. B. EDDS-ETASA-T163-PSA-EDDF)
- Click �New Route�,
- Enter Name of your Route into �Route Name� e.g. �EDDSEDDF01�
- Enter Departure Airport into �Departure ICAO� e.g. �EDDS�
- Enter Arrival Airport into �Arrival ICAO� e.g. �EDDF�
- Enter your route into �Routing� e.g. �ETASA-T163-PSA�,
- Waypoints and Airways can be separatet by "-"� or spaces " "
- Since version 1.2 of the editor and version XXX of the Airbus X you
can use DIRECTS. If you want to use DIRECTS type
"DCT" to identify the DIRECT. E.G. "EDDS DCT DCT KRH PSA EDDF".
- Click �Save Route� or press �Enter� to save your Changes to the Editor (but
not to corte.txt)
- Answer Dialog �Create new route� with "yes". The route will be shown
in �Available Routes�.
- You route will be automaticly stored at the FlightPlan file at

2) Enter a new Quick-Route (z. B. EDDS-ETASA-T163-PSA-EDDF)

- This button is only available (not grayed out) if the FMGS.ini the Airbus X
configuration value "FullRoute=0". The value
of "FullRoute" defined if the route for AXE including the departure runway
and SID/STAR e.g.
- If you still want a new "quick route", please see the Options File >
FMGS.INI > "Set FullRoute=0" option.
- If you use "FullRoute=1" ("New Quick Route" is grayed out) and you
plan new route with "FullRoute=0" the AXE can not
deal with it because at least the departure runway is expected.
- Tip: Personally, I am not of the opinion that makes sense to set
"FullRoute=1", because we are dealing with
Company Routes. SID and STAR could be changed just before you take off
due to the weather.
- Click to "New Quick Route".
- Enter the entire route including start and end Airport in the "routing"
field (eg, "EDDS ETASA-T163 PSA EDDF").
- Click �Save Route� or press �Enter� to save your Changes to the Editor (but
not to corte.txt)
- Answer Dialog �Create new route� with "yes". The route will be shown
in �Available Routes�.
- The route name will be created from Departure and Arrival ICAO e.g.
- You route will be automaticly stored at the FlightPlan file at

3) Entering STAR, SID, etc.

- This option is only available (not grayed out) if the FMGS.ini the Airbus X
configuration is set to "FullRoute=1".
The value of "FullRoute=1" defined if the route for AXE including the
departure runway, etc.
- If you would like to change this click Options > FMGS.INI >
"Set FullRoute=1".
- Click on "New Route".
- Now you can in addition to the procedure as described in Chapter 1 SID,
STAR, etc. are entered.
- Tip: Personally, I am not of the opinion that makes sense to set
"FullRoute=1", because we are dealing with
Company Routes. SID and STAR could be changed just before you take off
due to the weather.

4) Jump To Route
In the selection field "jump to route" all routes names in alphabetical order and
you can as quickly to an existing route
jump (by clicking the mouse or arrow up / down).

5) Menu structure
- File > �Set BaseDirectory�
- Defines Base directory for Airbus X Extended (normally here [...]My
- File > �Quit�
- Quit the Editor
- Options > FMGS.ini
- �set FullRoute=0� (recommended setting)
- Set "FullRoute=0" in FMGS.INI. Thus, for example, a route must
not be given departure runway.
- �set FullRoute=1� (for the "tough guys")
- Set "FullRoute=0" in FMGS.INI. Thus, for example, a route must
not be given departure runway.
- You need at least a departure runway
- With every change the original �FMGS.INI� will be stored in the
backup directory.
- Options > Backup
- "enable" (recommanded setting)
- ensures that a backup will be created before the file will be
(see chapter 6 - Restoring changed from old data
- "disable"
- ensures that NO backup will be created before the file will be
(see chapter 6 - Restoring changed from old data

6) Restoring changed from old data

- If "Backup" (CheckBox) is checked, backups will be created before the file
will be saved
- If you want to change this click Options > Backup > enable or disable
- At each "Save Route" sets the editor to a backup
- The files are provided by the editor with a time stamp.
- If a file is to be restored, just overwrite e.g.
with your backup file.

========== KNOWN ISSUES
Since the editor has no access to the NAV data, he is not able to examine the
Any waypoint etc. must correspond to the currently installed AIRAC.

The editor not recognizes (yet) if the data fields are changed or not. Therefore,
prefer to save... , O)

========== RELEASE NOTES
v2.3 (21.07.2014)
- THIS VERSION IS COMPATIBLE TO Airbus Series (A318/A319) or (A320/A321)
- AEROSOFT AIRBUS X EXTENDED will only supported by v2.2 of AXE Corte Editor
- "Flightplans" are placed here <PATH MY
- Language support for German/English

v2.2 (15.02.2014)
- Filter function added
- Performanceoptimization if you have "many" flightplans ;O)
- Window can be resized now!

v2.0 RC (11.05.2013)
- Editor is now compatible with version >=1.10 of the Airbus X Extended
- Important: Version >= 1.10 of Airbus X Extended must be installed
- AXE CoRte Editor.ini new value
- Must contain 'BaseDir=<Path to [...]My
- If there is an input error all field will be hidden until the problem is
- Tested with Airbus X Extended Version 1.10 and Windows 7 64 bit
v1.1 (18.02.2013)
- Path to CORTE.TXT and FMGS.INI can be changed
- now you can use Networkshares or UNC-Path
- You can choose if a backup should be created if file is saved
- Settings will be stored in "AXE CoRte Editor.ini" (will be created if not
- You can define your own Weblinks (tree buttons) in "AXE CoRte Editor.ini"
- Tested with Airbus X Extended Version 1.04 Hotfix 11 and Windows 7 64 bit

v1.01 (14/02/2013)
- Fixed typo in README (thanks J�rgen Krebs)
- File> Options "FMSG.ini" in "FMGS.ini" corrected (thanks J�rgen Krebs)
- Tested with Airbus X Extended Version 1.04 Hotfix 11

v1.0 (12/12/2013)
- Final version

v0.52 RC
- If a route has been deleted the editor shows a diolog if you want to save
the corte.txt

v0.51 RC
- Full route status is read from FMGS.ini
- "Option" menu> "FMGS.ini" set / unset Full route available
- Corte.txt individual routes are separated by spaces, O)

v0.5 BETA Release Candidate

- Readme.txt created
- Fix: Blocked fields are unlocked in "New Directions"
- Fix: Link 2 changed

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