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Date Line – January 29 Price Line

and February 4 2018

Masthead- contrast of black
and white creates a bold and
Slogan- ‘A hand up, not a hand enticing masthead. Also it is
out’ – Shows the magazines
recognizable and different to
social message and the the style of the illustrations
newspapers values- helping and the colours used in the
people magazine.
No barcode is Colour palette- three main
needed- sold by colour of White, red and
street venders purple

Central Image – Two Feature article- coloured blue to

illustrated mouths with really stand out and show how
speech bubbles coming from important the content of the story
them- takes up the whole is- Mental Health and talking to
page and the large letters others.
‘We need to talk’ stands out
and grabs the readers Cover lines- above them they use a
attention. The big issue tends heading ‘Inside’ this makes the
to use illustrations rather reader wan to find out more and
than photographs read the content the cover lines

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