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I am Vina, and this is my story
I am a students in one of the college in purwokerto. Study in the college is my big dream,
people say if you have a dream you have to reach it. In my mind, college is a great place.
Academic people, I mean attitude academically. My mama asked me to study hard, and I did it
until the unpredictable thing happened in my life. Something that changed my point of view.

(Boys look at her, felt shocked and ask many questions after saw that girl walked beside them.)

Bayu: hi, b*tch, you don’t take a bath?

Boys: hahahahha!!!
Amri: your smell like a trash
Vina: just shut your freakin mouth up, lemme go!

A minutes later…………
(Willi heard someone cried out from the rest room, he feels curious and try open the door)

Willi: oh my fvcking God, what are you doing?

Vina: I am going to die, I want to die right now!
Willi: suicide is not the right way, you can tell me, what happened?

In another place, Vina tells the story..
The time before………
Willi: you are a cheerful, happy girl before? What happened to you right now?
Vina: I just a trash, just ignored me
Willi: no, I am sorry but I can’t, I have to know, you are my friend, believe me, I really want to
help you

The girl tells the story…………
Rama: You look so beautiful today
she smiles and both of them laugh together that morning
day by day, Rama and Vina felt close, until one day

whatsapp text:
Rama: do you like movie?
Vina: yes, I do
Rama: I heard about new movie, would you mind to watch together ?
Vina: let’s go, just both of them?
Rama: of course


At the cinema
Whatsapp text
Rama: what happened?
Rama: what happened?
Rama: what happened?
Rama: tell me, don’t ignoring me like this
Rama: what happened?
Vina: I just confused with myself
Rama : what going wrong with you ?
Vina : Nothing

At canteen
Rama try to apologize in the next day, he try so hard until Vina apologized him. But he did the
same way again. Unfortunately, Rama took a picture without permission and share to his friends
Vina: what the hell going on! Bastard! You did what? You look so down to me
Rama: Wait!! I can explain
Vina: I hate you (slap to him)

Vina is crying when tell all her story, she afraid that Rama will share the picture as he said, she
never thought that she will be harassement victims in campus.

In another place, Rama can spend his life with fun and save, it was different with Vina, but,
suddenly, icha, his sister get a same case, he felt depressed and angry. Until Willi met him.
Rama: What the hell going on?! Who did it to you, Icha?!
Icha: (crying)
Rama: Damn!!!!! I will kill that bastard!! For God’s sake! I will kill that bastard, Willi! I will! I
promise (throw the glass)
Willi: Calm Down, bro! control yourself!
Rama: You didn’t feel what I feel, shut your fuck up!
Willi: I am Sorry bro, but I am your friend, I suggest you to realize, everything just done is done
Rama: but it’s not fair, Wil!
Willi: do you forget, what you did to Vina? (angry)
Rama: what do you mean?
Willi: you hurt her, and now, your sister hurted by the other man
Rama: (Realized)

Women are noble, and good men are those who glorify women, what is planted is what you will
rep in the next day. Don’t ever be afraid to speak up, speak up to women’s right.
Let’s respect each other, male or female.
Men and female are partner to build a better world.
Stop all the harassing to other, men or women!
Happy women’s day!

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