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 Topic : Dating for Teenagers

 Topic Sentence : dating for teenegers have cause and effect to teenege life, especially
about the future and life of teenagers.
 Outline :
a. Cause : 1. Dating for Teenagers
b. Effect : 1. Free Sex will be dangerous for teenager which may interrupt the future
2. Drug use which is wrong in choosing a partner
3. Dating can make us wasteful and will endanger our future

 Essay :
Dating for Teenagers
Every person in this world have known that dating is a familiar thing and it is becoming a habit.
In fact, not only adults do the dating but also the teenagers. Dating can be safe for teenagers if
they have a good mindset what they have to do and do not. However, dating can also be
dangerous for teenagers if they cannot control their self and me will explain why dating can be
dangerous for teenagers. Teenager is the age where they looking for their identity, looking for a
lifestyle which is fit to them.

The main effect of dating of teenegers is free sex. One of the most dangerous consequence is that
free sex. Free sex is one of the lifestyle chosen by teens, which may interrupt the future and life
of teenagers.

Beside free sex, drug use is one of the biggest effects that may occur when the teenager entered
the free sex world. Drug use may occur when these teenagers always spend their time together
with their partners which their couple could have been hanging out with the wrong people.
Teenager is a time when their curiosity was so high that by viewing or hang out with friends who
use drugs these teenagers eventually interested to try it. It is of course a very disturbing
development of adolescents for using drugs.

And the last effect of dating of teenegers is can wasteful. Another result is that when teenagers
already dating for girfriend or boyfriend which can influence them to do bad things. Dating can
make us wasteful and will endanger our future. Related with it, the teenager then ask their
parents for money and teeneger spend those money just for having fun. the money the teeneger
use for dating is owned by parents and this can cause the teenager to steal money from parents
which are used for dating. The teenegers can took their parent’s money and do not want to know
where the money is come from and it should be right in front of them. However, this is extremely
dangerous for the teenagers themselves and for the people who are around them, especially for
the family.

So, dating of teenegers has 3 effects. The effects are free sex, drug, and steal money parents.
now we have learned about the effects of dating of teenegers. In conclusion as a teenegeers we
have to be wise in choise friends, do not let we fall on the negative things that will ruined lives

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