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The equation in Einstein’s first paper on the theory of relativity

“On the electrodynamics of moving bodies” is wrong

Yin Zhu(朱寅)

Agriculture Department of Hubei Province, Wuhan, China

(July 9, 2016)

Abstract: It is thought that the special relativity is established first by Einstein in 1905 with his paper “On

the electrodynamics of moving bodies”. Unfortunately, here, we show that, the main equation from which

Einstein deduced his all of conclusions in that paper is wrong. No conclusion can be obtained from it.

Einstein’s conclusions in that paper are that that were based on the ether theory and obtained before 1905

by other physicists.

Key words: Einstein—First paper of special relativity—Wrong

1. Einstein’s main equation to deduce the Lorentz transformation

In “On the electrodynamics of moving bodies”,[1] Einstein sentenced:

Let us in “stationary” space take two systems of co-ordinates, i.e. two systems, each of three rigid material

lines, perpendicular to one another, and issuing from a point. Let the axes of X of the two systems coincide, and

their axes of Y and Z respectively be parallel. Let each system be provided with a rigid measuring-rod and a

number of clocks, and let the two measuring-rods, and likewise all the clocks of the two systems, be in all respects

Now to the origin of one of the two systems (k) let a constant velocity v be imparted in the direction of the

increasing x of the other stationary system (K), and let this velocity be communicated to the axes of the co-ordinates,

the relevant measuring-rod, and the clocks. To any time of the stationary system K there then will correspond a

definite position of the axes of the moving system, and from reasons of symmetry we are entitled to assume that the

motion of k may be such that the axes of the moving system are at the time t (this “t” always denotes a time of the

stationary system) parallel to the axes of the stationary system.

We now imagine space to be measured from the stationary system K by means of the stationary

measuring-rod, and also from the moving system k by means of the measuring-rod moving with it; and that we thus

obtain the co-ordinates x, y, z, and, ξ, η, ζ, respectively. Further, let the time t of the stationary system be determined

for all points thereof at which there are clocks by means of light signals in the manner indicated in §1; similarly let

the time τ of the moving system be determined for all points of the moving system at which there are clocks at rest

relatively to that system by applying the method, given in §1, of light signals between the points at which the latter

clocks are located.

To any system of values x, y, z, t, which completely defines the place and time of an event in the stationary

system, there belongs a system of values ξ, η, ζ, τ, determining that event relatively to the system k, and our task is

now to find the system of equations connecting these quantities.

In the first place it is clear that the equations must be linear on account of the properties of homogeneity

which we attribute to space and time.

If we place x'=x-vt, it is clear that a point at rest in the system k must have a system of values x', y, z,

independent of time. We first define τ as a function of x', y, z, and t. To do this we have to express in equations that τ

is nothing else than the summary of the data of clocks at rest in system k, which have been synchronized according

to the rule given in §1.

From the origin of system k let a ray be emitted at the time τ0 along the X-axis to x', and at the time τ2 be
reflected thence to the origin of the co-ordinates, arriving there at the time; we then must have (𝜏0 + 𝜏2 ) = 𝜏1 ,

or, by inserting the arguments of the function and applying the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light in
the stationary system:--

1 𝑥′ 𝑥′ 𝑥′
[𝜏(0, 0, 0, 𝑡) + 𝜏 (0, 0, 0, 𝑡 + + )] = 𝜏 (𝑥′, 0, 0, 𝑡 + ), (a)
2 𝑐−𝑣 𝑐+𝑣 𝑐−𝑣

Hence, if x' be chosen infinitesimally small,

1 1 1 𝜕𝜏 𝜕𝜏 1 𝜕𝜏
( + ) = + (b)
2 𝑐−𝑣 𝑐+𝑣 𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥′ 𝑐−𝑣 𝜕𝑡

It is from the two equations, Einstein obtained HIS Lorentz transformation. For the convenience of the

readers, I cited a long sentence here. And, labelled the two equations with a and b.

2. The mistake in Eqs. (a) and (b)

It is noted that, the problem Einstein researched is very simple. It can be easily understood and solved by a

good graduate of physics. But, Einstein’s sentence is very unclear which resulted in that the reader is difficult to

know what Einstein said. So, the key is first to know what is Einstein’s sentence meant. And, as you are trying to

understand Einstein’s sentence, please first sentence it with you own words.

To easily understand this problem, it is resentenced as

There are two systems of co-ordinates k and K consisting of x, y, z axes and ξ, η, ζ axes and with the

coordinates k(x, y, z, t) and K(ξ, η, ζ, τ), respectively. The x axis coincides with ξ and y, z axes are parallel to η, ζ

axes respectively. Assuming k system is stationary, K system is moving with a constant velocity v along x or ξ axis.

It is noted that x ′ = x − vt defined that x’ is a point rest at the ξ axis.

At time τ0, as the origins O and O’ coincide, from the origin O of k system emit a light ray, this ray is

reflected to the origin O of system k and O’ of system K after this ray arrived at point x’. (It is noted that, although

Einstein did not sentence that the origins O and O’ coincide, it is true. Or, the ray must arrived at O’ from O first

before it arrived at point x’.)

To observe the 𝜏0 , 𝜏1 and 𝜏2 in (𝜏0 + 𝜏2 ) = 𝜏1 , observed at origin O’ of the moving system K,

there is

𝑥′ 𝑥′ 𝑥′
𝜏0 = 𝜏, 𝜏1 = 𝜏 + , 𝜏2 = 𝜏 + + (1)
𝑐 𝑐 𝑐

Accordingly, observed at O of the stationary system k, there is

𝑥′ 𝑥′ 𝑥′
𝑡0 = 𝑡, 𝑡1 = 𝑡 + , 𝑡2 = 𝑡 + + (2)
𝑐−𝑣 𝑐−𝑣 𝑐−𝑣

Again, we stress that x ′ = x − vt defined that x’ is a point rest at the ξ axis. Therefore, observed at origin

O’ of the system K, the time, 𝜏, of the light ray arriving at x’ and reflected by x’ is only determined with c. It cannot

be affected by the velocity v. While observed at origin O of the system k, as the ray is moving to the point x’, x’ is

moving with velocity v relative to the observer at the origin O. So, the time, t, is determined with (c − v).

From Eqs.(1) and (2), we know, Einstein’s Eq. (a) is questioned. We find, Eq.(a) is not understandable.

In fact, with x ′ = x − vt, Einstein did define the transformation between the two systems. It just is the
Galilean transformation. If it is not so, Einstein cannot have . Therefore, Einstein did a useless work: He had his

Lorentz transformation under the condition that the Galilean transformation is functioning. And, there are other

mistakes in Einstein’s Eqs.(a) and (b). x ′ = x − vt defined that x’ is a constant relative to the observer at O’ of the
system K because it is rest at the ξ axis. But, in Eq.(b), Einstein had . It is a simple mistake in mathematics. And,
what does mean? It only can be observed under the condition, the observer at origin O of the system k, the
𝑥′ 𝑥′
time of light ray reflected from x’ to the origin O’ of system K is . Then, what is the meanings of in
𝑐+𝑣 𝑐+𝑣


And, what does Einstein’s Eq.(a) mean?

3. Conclusion

As pointed out above, this problem can be easily understood and solved by a good graduate of physics.
Therefore, I am certain, Einstein’s main equation from which his all conclusions of the special relativity were

deduced is wrong.

Then, how did Einstein obtain his conclusion? As pointed out in Refs[2,3], no conclusion and result in

current theory of relativity is first presented by Einstein. Einstein just put others’ results based on the ether theory

into one paper. For example, now it is known that the terminology of longitudinal and transvers mass is invalid. It

was used before 1900 by other physicists. Einstein used the invalid longitudinal and transvers mass in his this


Unfortunately, it is thought that the special relativity is first constructed with Einstein’s paper “On the

electrodynamics of moving bodies”. How shall we image (assess) this theory and Einstein as we know that this

paper is radically wrong.

Note: This is Appendix B for “Einstein’s theory of spacetime is wrong”.


[1] H. A. Lorentz, et al, The principle of relativity, (Dover Publications)

[2] Y. Zhu, Albert Einstein need be reassessed with his original,

[3] Y. Zhu, Einstein’s theory of spacetime is wrong,

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