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Be the change you want to see in this world

I am not going to talk about the five languages of love or the love itself
but I want to put emphasis on the LGBTQ groups that have been set as an
example in the self- awareness. This caught my attention. I think most of the
class did not grasp this but for me this is something I want to voice out with.
Discrimination and bullying have become very rampant these days,
especially to those third sexes. Third sex are those what we call the gays and
lesbians. They are often bullied because of who and what they are. We can stop
discrimination now. We can do many things to stop such act like respecting
them, accepting them and showing the world who they really are. Through
these ways we can stop discrimination. Third sexes are considered as assets
and liabilities and we must remember that.
Respect is the best way to stop discrimination not only for the third sexes
but to everyone. Showing respect means that we don’t judge and criticize
someone despite of who they really are. Instead they must be treated nicely and
in an appropriate way. Gays and lesbians, they have feelings to like us, they
feel pain, humiliation and joy. It’s not their fault that they are born that way.
Truth to be told that God created only 2 sexes, the man and the woman that he
asked to take good care of his creation and still they are considered a man and
a woman who is feminine and masculine. Well, there’s nothing wrong on being
true to yourself and I admire them for having the courage to reveal their true
selves even if they know that many people will judge them and that’s why we
should and must respect them.
Secondly, through acceptance such discrimination can stop. Accepting
who they really are would be of great help. We must give them a chance to
show us who they really are. Technically they are good people, take it from me
who has a gay not only as best friend but a younger brother and cousins. They
are good and loyal friend. They are fun to be with.
Lastly, we should show the world who they really are. Gays and lesbians
are different. Different in a way that they are unique. They can do what we
can’t. They have a good heat and clean intention. They can be a good role
model to others. Somebody once told me that gays and lesbians are his
inspiration because they are not afraid to show their real identity. Who they
really are. Yes, they might not be perfect, they have flaws but that isn’t enough
reason to judge them. I mean we are not perfect ourselves. Instead of criticizing
them why not look at ourselves in the mirror. Some says, being a third sex is a
sin but isn’t discriminating and bullying a sin also. We must think and reflect
Do you know gays and lesbians? Do you know who they really are? Do
you know that they are an asset and liability? Do you know how much they
contribute to the society?
These are the questions that we should ask ourselves before criticizing
They were created as assets, all of us are. We may be different from each
other but we must accept our differences. Gays and lesbians are special
because they have amazing talents that they share to the world. They are true
friend who lends a shoulder, give you pieces of advice and knows how to give
importance and care to the person around them.
They are good citizens and children, they may have some nasty attitude
sometimes but they definitely care and taught us things that can help us face
our fears and the obstacles come our way.
As I was walking, someone whispered to me that gays and lesbians are
useless and idiots who doesn’t deserve to be in this world. They are selfish who
only cares for their own welfare and happiness. Nut them, I disagree because I
believe in the saying that A comes first before B which means don’t judge
someone by their looks or their beauty but rather by their attitude and
All of us wants to be successful in life, even the gays and lesbians. They
work really hard in order to pursue their dream. They fight bravely against the
obstacles they encounter, including the problems they might encounter
because they have a different gender. But they never give up instead they prove
that they are an asset to this world and good children of God. These are
attitude we should adapt.
Gays and lesbians are real and good only if you give yourself a chance to
know them and if you give them a chance to know you. They bring color and
joy to this world. Yes, God created 2 sexes but gays and lesbians belong to this.
They are only different in gender. They are still our fellow men and we should
respect them. As a word of God states that we should love our neighbor as we
love ourselves. They are considered our neighbor and are considered as our
brothers and sisters.
Let’s not wait for someone to act. Let’s act now. Be the change.
Considering my arguments above, I believe that gays and lesbians are assets
and liabilities of this world just like us.

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