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Maddie Meador

Taylor Martin

ENG 102

29 April 2020

Reflection Essay

For my research paper, it went pretty well! My topic was about dogs and

humans with cancer. I became very familiar with my research topic very easily

because I love dogs, I am of course a human, and cancer is a very known topic.

With classes moving online due to predicaments, I believe it has been a lot easier

for my writing because I can have more time to write and get my work done at

home. With the semester almost over with, I am going to explain overall about the

process of learning of my topic, the process of revising my writing, an overall view

of yourself as a writer, and my academic goals going forward as a UA student.

For my last major essay, the process of learning my topic and how my topic

evolved over the semester was very easy and interesting. I went from studying

dogs and humans with cancer to expanding my research about dogs and humans

with cancer and how to find treatments to cure both dogs and humans with the

same treatments for cancer. I found the most valuable resources on a website called

scout because it was given to me by the university for free to help me write my

papers. I faced many setbacks and difficulties while researching because I did not
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know what I wanted to research more into my topic at first. As time passed by over

time, I finally figured out what I wanted to research with my topic. While the

process of learning my topic and how it evolved during the semester was easy, my

process of revising my writing was also very easy.

Revising my writing in each unit has been easy, but in some cases, it also

has been tricky. There were many activities and feedback that helped me the most

and they were discussions in class and feedback from my professor. The types of

revisions I did were revising my writing, my grammar, making sure everything

was in order, and making sure I was on track for my topic. The things I changed in

each unit was how I was writing each time. I gradually made progress in each unit

to write better and I made it where I needed to be to write a great research paper.

While my process of revising my writing in each unit was very important, I figured

out an overall view of myself as a writer.

Viewing myself overall as a writer is a great thing to think about. Over the

past semester and last semester, I have grown so much as a writer in college. I

motivate myself as a writer by striving myself to become a better writer overall.

My ideal writing environment is just in my room at a desk to where I can think

clearly on what I am writing and or doing. Positive habits I developed overtime

with my writing is just building my writing skills overtime and being positive

about my writing and not giving up. My writing has changed over the semester
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tremendously because of my professor and my writing looks better than it has

before. My attitude towards my writing has changed over the semester because I

have wanted to get better with my writing during the semester and I have definitely

seen improvement. While analyzing an overall view of myself as a writer, I also

have academic goals going forward as a UA student.

Being a UA student has been challenging, but also fun so far. My writing

goals for the rest of my college career is to be a better and more enhanced writer

for the future. A big role with my writing will play in my non-English courses

because writing could play in my big career in nursing.

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