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Teacher Candidate: Allison Butcher

Content Area: Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:

9th Grade- ELA Presentations 50 Minutes

WV Standard(s):

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for
writing types are defined in Text Types and Purposes.)

Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other
information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

Learning Objective(s):

SWBAT plan for a revision using the method of reflection.

SWBAT show their broadcasts to the class.
SWBAT generate compliments for each presentation.

Formative Assessment:



Pre-recorded videos, printed out newspapers, dry erase board, paper, writing utensils
*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time

Introduction The following will be displayed on the dry-erase board, What part of your presentation are This will be encouraging for
5 “Write for about five minutes about the part of your you most confident about? students who have low
mins presentation that you are most confident about.” confidence levels.

Core Instruction Time

Presentations 40 Pass out a group newspaper to each of the students so Does anyone have any questions The newspaper to follow along
mins that they can follow along with the article as the video is about the video that was just and the two positives activity
being played. Students will present their videos to the presented? will be good for students who
class. are easily distracted to stay on-

While each student is presenting, the other students will What are two positives about the The two positives will
write two positives about each presenter on the back of video we just watched? encourage students who have
that group’s newspaper. presentation anxiety to be less
nervous next time.

Closure Time
Students should reflect on one thing that they would What would you change about your This reflection allows students
5 change about their video or newspaper if they were given presentation or newspaper given the who did not have great
mins the opportunity. opportunity? presentations or article to look
back on the mistakes that they
Allow the students to share if there is time. made so that they do not make
them next time.
Contingency Time
If there is a planned interruption, have the students only
show a one-minute clip of their videos and do not do the
introduction activity.

If there is an unplanned interruption, only allow half of

the class to present today, or as many people who can in
the time, and have the rest of the students present in the
next class period.

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