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____1. What do you call the sets of practices that will reduce the probability of chemical and biophysical
methods necessary to protect aquaculture facilities from the consequnces of all diseases that represent
a high risk?

A. Biocontrol strategy

B. Epizootic surveillance

C. Biosecurity measures

D. Biohazard management

____2. Which in these is known as freshwater fish lice? These are external crustaceans parasites that
have reported to infest tilapia, milkfish, mullet, carp, snakehead and catfish.

A. Argulus spp.

B. Caligus spp.

C. Alitropus spp.

D. Gyrodactylus spp.

____3. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Supplimental feeds contain all nutrients required by fish

B. Growth potential of fish is enhanced by maximizing growth factors

C. The lower the FCR the better is the growth rate of the fish.

D. Carrying capacity is the ability of pond to produce natural food

___4. Which is a freshwater species common referred to as the “aquatic chicken”

A. Catfish

B. Carp

C. Tilapia

D. Freshwater prawn

___5. What causes low oxygen in pond water?

i. High water temperature

ii. High population density

iii. Excessive use of manure

iv. Decomposing organic matter

A. i and iv

B. i and ii

C. all except iii

D. All of the above

___6. What do you call the condition in fish in which an abnormal protusion of eyeball is observed?

A. Asphyxiation

B. Lethargy

C. Inflammation

D. Exophthalmia

___ 7. Formalin is how many percent (%) of solution of formaldehyde?

A. 27%

B. 37%

C. 72%

D. 73%

___8. What is the term for indirect manipulation (genetic engineering method) which is carried out
through conventional hybridization crossing two species belonging to two different genera?

A. Intraspecific hybridization

B. Interspecific hybridization

C. Intergenric hybridization

D. Genemic manipulation

___9. What do you call a shrimp that is intentionally breed to develop resistance to the disease caused
by one, or several specific pathogens?




D. High health

___10. What is the most common sex determining system that has been detected in fish?



D. Multiple W

___ 11. What was the top producing province for seaweeds in 2008?

A. Palawan

B. Tawi-Tawi

C. Sulu

D. Bohol

___ 12. The genus Scylla has four known species. They are distinguishable, mainly through the
characteristics of their lobe and claws spines. Which species is the largest and most widely distributed?

A. Scylla tranquebarica

B. Scylla paramamosain

C. Scylla olivacea

D. Scylla serrata

___13. In which of the following circumstances should lime be added to ponds?

i. pH of the water is low

ii. alkalinity is low

iii. pond bottom is muddy

iv. there is threat of disease

A. i and ii

B. i and iv

C. ii and iii

D. all of the above

___ 14. What species of tilapia is usually found in coastal areas and can thrive in freshwater as well as
full strength seawater? It is also normally used as a parent in hybrid crosses for the production of all-
male tilapias.

A. Oreochromis nilotricus

B. Oreochromis niloticus x O. mossambicus

C. Oreochromis mossambicus

D. Oreochromis niloticus x O. aureus

___15. The following are the causative agents of vibriosis, EXCEPT which one?
A. Vibrio alginolyticus

B. Vibrio harveyii

C. Vibrio anguillarum

D. Vibrio vulnificus

___16. Combine fish meal (FM) and rice bran (RB) to make a supplement. The total protein from FM in a
100g entry feed contains 25% protein, FM has 50% and RB has 8% protein. Compute for amount of
protein in feeds.

A. 4.76g

B. 21.5g

C. 20.24g

D. 5.26g

___17. There are three levels of diagnostic health assessment in shrimp hatcheries. Level three involves
complex molecular techniques. Which of the following is not level three diagnosis?

A. Bacterial plating

B. Dot blot hybridization

C. Immunodiagnostics


___18. What is the method of chemical treatment where highly concentrated chemical solution is added
at the water inlet and is allowed to pass through the water flow system and out of the effluent pipe?

A. Flow-through method

B. Flush method

C. Dip method

D. Short bath method

___19. A health classification scheme proposed by Ghittino and Kinkelin (1975) referring to fish reared
in water supplies in which pathogens could exist, multiply or maybe disseminated by wild fish. Disease
could occur but is readily controlled by therapy.

A. Fish free of specific organisms

B. Uncontrolled fish consist of fish not checked for presence of disease or pathogens

C. Fish free of specific disease

D. Fish free of coded pathogenic organisms

___20. These are species of algae that produce basically harmless water discoloration except
A. Gonyaulax polygramma

B. Noctiluca scintillans

C. Anaebaena circinalis

D. Scrippsiella trochoidea

___21. Causative agent of Ichthyophthiriasis (ich) or white spot syndrome in brackish and marine

A. Cryptocaryon irritans

B. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis

C. Amyloodinium ocellatum

D. Caligus epidemicus

___22. What condition can result from very low levels of dissolved oxygen (DO)?

A. Anoxia

B. Hypoxia

C. Asphyxiation

D. B and C

___23. This chemical is extracted from ground Derris species roots and has been used as pesticides for
centuries in South America.

A. Saponin

B. Carbide

C. Rotenone

D. Ammonium sulfate

___24. What do you call a major fishpond compartment consisting about 5-10% of the total pond area?

A. Nursery pond

B. Transition pond

C. Grow-out pond

D. Rearing pond

___25. A fish pond site survey equipment used primarily for measuring horizontal and vertical angels,
prolonging or setting points in line, measuring approximate distances by the stadia principle, and for
leveling operations.

A. Stadia rod
B. Engineer’s transit

C. Self-leveling device

D. Abney hand level

___26. A point where the elevation is determined for the purpose of traverse, but which is no longer
needed after necessary readings have been taken.

A. Foresight

B. Back sight

C. Bench mark

D. Turning point

___27. What is used to determine algal density?

A. Density meter

B. Hemacytometer

C. Sedgwick-after counting cell

D. All of these

___28. What provides the transition from the sluice way into the main canal in addition to retaining the
earth at both sides of the gate?

A. Breast walls

B. Wing walls

C. Side walls

D. Cut-off walls

___29. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Kappaphycus and Gracillaria?

A. Kappaphycus is known as gulaman and Gracillaria as guso

B. Both need a salinity of 20-25ppt

C. Gracillaria can be culture in ponds

D. Hanging long tine method is used to culture Kappaphycus in deeper areas.

___30. What will you use if you want to measure the turbidity of your pond water?

A. Microscope

B. Secchi disc

C. Hemacytometer
D. DO meter

___31. During live transport of abalone, the following should be taken in consideration except:

A. Abalone are placed in trays lined with cheesecloth

B. Food is provided while being transported

C. Only 3-4 kgs of abalone are placed per tray

D. Trays are placed inside a plastic liner and oxygen is added.

___32. Which of the following is an example of environmental-friendly shrimp farming technology?

A. Treatment pond without biofilters

B. High discharge system

C. Closed recirculating system

D. Use of short arm paddle wheel

___33. When is water exchange in pond operation usually done?

i. pH varies in more than 0.5 in a day

ii. Water becomes more transparent (>80cm)

iii. A stable foam appears in the surface of the pond

iv. Water becomes more turbid (<30)

A. All except ii

B. i and iii

C. iii and iv

D. all of the above

___34. Which of the following is true about tilapia farming?

A. The growth capacity of tilapia do not depend on the stocking density

B. Artificial feeds is needed to support extensive system of tilapia culture

C. Tilapia can be cultured in tanks at high density without adequate aeration

D. Monosex culture is preferred because male grows faster than female

___35. Catfishes are economically cultured fish species in the country. Which of the following is not a
characteristics of this group?

A. Ability to breath out of the water

B. Ability to walk on land

C. Strictly filter feeder

D. Benthic organism

___36. In polyculture of carp species, which of these is usually found in the upper layer of water

A. Silver carp

B. Grass carp

C. Common carp

D. Bighead carp

___37. This is a system integrating fish and high value vegetable crops in which fishpond effluent are
utilized to support the nutrient requirements of the fish. What is this system?

A. Rice-fish culture

B. Aquaponics

C. Integrated agri-aquaculture system

D. Vegetable-fish integration

___38. Trash fish is usually given as food to carnivorous species. However, several disadvantages have
been observed which include the following except:

A. Short storage life

B. Low feed conversion ratio

C. Possible carrier of disease

D. None of these

___39. Most common species of oyster that is being cultured

A. Crassostrea gigas

B. Ostrea edulis

C. Perna viridis

D. Mytilus edulis

___40. What is the most common catfish species cultured in cages in Southeast Asia?

A. Pangasius hypophthalmus

B. Clarias batrachus

C. Ictalurus punctatus

D. Clarias garipienus
___41. Tagging is one of the vital procedures in assessing fish population. This has been also widely used
in aquaculture particularly in broodstock selection and one of the common used is PIT tags, PIT tagging
is done by implanting a microchip that can be read electronically. What does PIT mean?

A. Passive Insulator Tags

B. Passive Injected Templates

C. Passive Integrated Transponder

D. Passive Invasive Test

___42. Which of the following is not considered as pre-transport activities for milkfish breeders?

A. Use of low temperature

B. Use of low salinity

C. Use of low oxygen

D. Use of anaesthetic

___43. What type of lime known as quick lime or burnt lime?


B. CaO

C. CA(OH)2

D. All of these

___44. What is the ideal sex ratio male : female milkfish breeder for optimum egg production?

A. 1:1 – 1:2

B. 1:2 - 1:3

C. 1:3 – 1:4

D. 1:4- 1:5

___45. What type of fish cage is designed for deep water, to overcome strong waves and rough seas?

A. Rotating floating cage

B. Submersible cage

C. Fixed cage

D. Floating cage

___46. Formulate a fish diet containing 30% protein using these ingredients: fish meal (60% crude
protein) and rice bran (8% crude protein). How much of each ingredient is needed to make up 100g
A. 43.21g FM and 56.79g RB

B. 50g FM and 50g RB

C. 42.31g FM and 57.69g RB

D. 60g FM and 40g RB

___47. Which of the following anti-nutritional substance is found in cassava?

A. Phytates

B. Mimosine

C. Gossypol

D. Cyanogens

___48. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Motile aeromonad septicemia

B. Edwardsiellosis

C. Red spot disease

D. Spinning tilapia syndrome

___49. Which of the following feed stuff has the highest apparent protein digestibility in juvenile tiger

A. Peruvian fish meal

B. Gelatin

C. Casein

D. Acetes meal

___50. Which if the following is the scientific name of red crab/ spanner crab?

A. Scylla serrata

B. Ranina ranina

C. Scylla tranquebarica

D. Scylla paramamosain

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