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Moving Shadows

Name: ____________________

Date: ____________________

Teacher: Miss Fit

Year: Year Three


In pairs, observe, record and explain how the position of the sun and shadows change
throughout the day.

Here are some steps you can take:

1. Choose special times of the day to measure your shadow (at least 4 times)
2. Standing in the sun, observe where your shadow falls and (using chalk) measure
this on the ground at each of the times you have chosen above.
3. Take a photo of your shadow each time.
4. Write a report to explain what happens to your shadow using the pictures you
have taken.
5. Write an explanation as to why you think this happens.

Things to remember:

 Make sure you stand in the same place every time you measure your shadow;

* Make sure you stand in the same place where you took the photo each time.


You can do this activity in class time. You have two weeks to complete this task. Hand
the completed task in to your teacher by the end of week 8. The teacher can give you
advice but cannot help you.

Important words to remember:

Observe, record, explain, report.

See the rest of the webpage for support on how to write a report.

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