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The Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide

Let’s Learn
The Philippine Physical Activity Guide
In this lesson you will learn about Philippine Physical Activity
Guide and its importance to our health.
Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is a plan that is
prepared for someone to be guided in having an active
lifestyle. It is the division of how physical activity. People just
perform activities they want to do and need to do but not what
they should perform. Being involved in regular physical
activities will give you extreme benefit on top of being
physically fit. Below is a sample of physical activity pyramid
for Grade 6 pupil like you.

The first partition are activities you should reduce like sitting and
texting all day, watching, games and taking escalators and elevators
instead of stairs. Not only that it slows down metabolisbut can make
also you feel languished and lazy…

The second partition are recreational activities you do during your free
time for at least two to three times a week. You can do calisthenics,
martial arts, boxing, gardening, jogging, sliding, swimming, hiking
stretching, dancing, skating and playing golf and bowling. These
activities can help you improve your muscles’ strength and flexibility

Playing physical games like badminton , basketball volley ball,
soccer, football , futsal and tennis are suggested to be performed for
three to five times a week. Doing exercises like bicycling, swimming,
and brisk walking are found to facilitate active lifestyle. Playing street
games also aid in making you fit.

To build an active lifestyle, one should include physical activities

in one’s daily regimen. Walking to school, doing household chores,
cleaning the yard, washing the car, running errands and walking the
dog are some activities needed to be performed as much as possible.


It is recommended that school age pupis do 1 hour or more

moderate physical activities per day and at least 3 hours of intense
activity per we activities. To increase your physical activities’
performance, make them part of your daily routine and choose
activities that you really enjoy. By doing so you achieve their full



In this lesson, the Indicators for Physical Fitness are learned to

know its importance in human health. The difference of the indicators
for Physical Fitness will be discuss in order to deepen our knowledge
through different activities like sports, dancing and other daily

Let’s get started

Look at each picture.

What characteristics should an individual possess in order to

accomplish their duties? How important is this in your profession?

Go and Learn
Physical Fitness is the ability to carry out the day’s activities
without undue fatigue. It is also the ability to perform aspects of sports,

occupations and daily activities. It consists of two components:
health-related and skill-related.

Health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do in

order to try to improve your physical health and stay healthy while
skill-related fitness is the ability to perform during games and sports; it
is also called performance fitness.

Health-related fitness is made up of five sections: cardiovascular

endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and
body composition. Let’s take a closer look at the five sections of
health-related fitness.

1. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart, blood

cells, and lungs to work continuously for extended periods of
time. This is how efficiently your body takes in, transports, and
uses oxygen while exercising. Having efficient heart and lungs
leads to increased energy throughout the day.

2. Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle

can produce in a single effort or how much you can lift in one
attempt. Performing exercises that use your own body weight,
free weights, or weights on a machine are excellent ways to
develop muscle strength. Having muscular strength will ensure
that you have the strength needed to lift a heavy object, for
example a box full of books.

3. Muscular endurance is your ability to contract your muscles

several times without excessive fatigue. Another way to think
about it is the length of time your muscles can continue to work

before tiring. What this means is once you have picked up that
heavy box of books, you can then carry that box for a long period
of time before you need to take a break.

4. Flexibility is the range of motion that your joints have during

movement. Maintaining flexibility can improve your performance
in physical activities in addition to decreasing your risk of injuries
by helping your joints move through their full range of motion,
therefore, allowing your muscles to work most effectively.
Stretching and yoga can be done to help improve your flexibility.

5. Body composition is the ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in

the body. A healthy body composition indicates that you may
have less risk of developing obesity-related diseases, such as
diabetes, high blood pressure, and even some cancers.

Two of the ways to measure body composition are body mass

index, (BMI), which is a measure of body fat based on height
and weight, and the skin fold test, which measures total fat
percentages by measuring the layer of fat that is directly under
the skin.

Skill-related fitness is important for performing the more

technical aspects of many sports. There are six skill-related

physical fitness sections: agility, balance, coordination, power,

reaction time, and speed.

1. Agility refers to the ability to change your entire body position in
space rapidly with accuracy and speed. Sports teams use zigzag
drills to enhance agility.
2. Balance is your ability to maintain equilibrium, or control your
body's position in space. This component can further be broken
down into static balance, which is maintaining equilibrium while
not moving, and dynamic balance, which is maintaining control of
the body while moving without succumbing to gravity or
momentum. Balance is important in sports such as dance,
gymnastics, ice hockey, figure skating and other sports requiring
extreme control.
3. Coordination is a skill that recruits the senses such as sight and
hearing in conjunction with body parts to perform tasks
accurately and with efficiency of movement. It integrates the
various skill-related components of fitness into accurate and
effective movements. Juggling, hitting a baseball with a bat and
dribbling a basketball are all coordination skills. Hand-eye
coordination tests or foot-eye coordination tests are often used to
assess coordination.
4. Power is the ability to exert maximum force in a quick, explosive
burst. It is a function of the amount of work performed per unit of
time. The shot put, a tennis serves, a sprint start, a basketball
dunk, and a baseball pitch all exhibit power. The jump height test
is one assessment used to test power.
5. Speed is the ability to perform a movement in a short period of
time. Reaction time is a subcomponent of speed and refers to the
time it takes for the neuromuscular system to produce movement

from stimulus to reaction. Moving your foot from the accelerator
to the brake is an example of reaction time. Combined, speed
and reaction time equate to total response time, which is the time
it takes from stimulus to completion of a movement. Speed and
reaction times are thought to be greatly influenced by genetics.

Let’s do this

Health-Related Components









Lesson 3
Physical Fitness Test



Grade & Section :
Age:____ Weight:_____ Height
: _____
Date: Pre - Test :
_________________ Post Test :________________
1. 1- minute Step Test
2. Curl- ups
3. Push –ups
4.1 minute -One- leg Standing (Right/
Left )
5. 50 – meter Sprint
6.30 sec. Touch Line (Right/Left )
7. Paper Juggling
8. Pen Drop Test
9. Sit and Reach
10. Standing Long Jump



STATION 1 – Cardio Respiratory Endurance: 1- minute Step test

Using the first step of the stairs, go up and down. Count the
number of steps you made in 1 minute.

STATION 2 - Abdominal Strength: Curl- ups

Lie in supine position with feet together and arms on your knees.
While your partner is holding your feet, raise your head and torso

upward and forward keeping the lower back on the floor. Then, return
to your original position.

STATION 3 - Muscular Endurance: Push – ups

Lie in planking position with both hands holding the floor. Slowly,
push your body up putting the weight on the muscles of your arms and

STATION 4 - Balance: 1 –minute One-leg Standing (Right/Left)

Stand on one leg for 1 minute with eyes closed. Record your
performance on both legs whether it is “Pass” or “Failed “

STATION 5 - Speed: 50-meter Sprint

After the “Go “Signal, run from the start line to the finish line as
fast as possible. Your speed is recorded on the time the sprint is

Lesson 4
Physical Fitness Test

A. Warm up exercise (Dance using model like video )

Ask these questions to the pupils.
What do you notice on the beat of your pulse? Does your
pulse beat fast or slow? Why do you think your pulse beat fast
after your exercise?
How different activities help you improve the heart beat?


Name :____________________________________________
Grade & Section : ___________________________________
Age:____ Weight:_____ Height : _____
Teacher: _______________________________
Date: Pre - Test : _________________ Post Test :________________
1. 1- minute Step Test
2. Curl- ups
3. Push –ups
4. 1 minute -One- leg Standing (Right/ Left )
5. 50 – meter Sprint
6.30 sec. Touch Line (Right/Left )
7. Paper Juggling
8. Pen Drop Test
9. Sit and Reach
10. Standing Long Jump



STATION 1 – Agility: 30 – second Touch Line (Right/ Left)

Count the number of touched line within 30 seconds.

STATION 2 - Coordination: Paper Juggling

Roll paper into balls. Using two paper balls, juggle them in the air
avoiding any ball to fall on the ground. As you juggle,count the number
of caught paper.

STATION 3 - Power: Standing Long Jump

From the “Start” line, jump and land on both feet. Measure and
record the length of jump.

STATION 4 -Reaction Time: Pen Drop Test

Your partner will hold a pen in between your index finger and
thumb. It is in level with the zero centimeter line. Your partner will
release the pen in the air and you catch it as quickly as possible.
Record the distance between zero and the number that your thumb
has caught the pen.

STATION 5 - Flexibility: Sit and Reach

Bend the hips and reach forward as far as possible. Hold the final
position for 2 seconds and move backward.

Lesson 5

Nature / Background of the Game Batuhang Bola,

Tumbang Preso and Kick Ball

In this lesson you will learn the nature/background of Tumbang

Preso, Batuhang Bola ,Kick ball.

Lets do the Action song with the tune ( Bingo)

Follow me
Wherever I go,
And do what I do
When I tell you so.
First we walk
(All walk the same way as the leader does)
And then we skip,
(Everyone skip)
And then we will jump
With a clip, clip, clip!
(Jump in place or around the room)
Now we'll run
A merry race
(Run on the spot, or in short 'race')
And then we will STOP!
Ev'ryone, stay in place!
(Everyone freeze in place)

Lets read the following then do group activity.

Group 1: TumbangPreso

Tumbang-Preso is a native game of the Philippines that’s a

favorite of Filipino children. The word tumba means “to fall” and preso
means “prisoner.”To play tumbang -preso, you’ll need an empty lata
(can) to serve as the center of the game and tsinelas (slippers or
flip-flops) to hit the can with. five to ten children play with one chosen to
be taya (“it”)

The object of the game is to make the can fall to its side and
retrieve the thrown slipper before the “it” stands the can back
up.Tumbang preso ("knock down the prisoner"), also known as
'tumbalata ("knock down the can") or bato lata ("hit the can [with a
stone]"), is a traditional Filipino children's game. It is usually played in
backyards, parks, or in streets when there is little vehicular traffic.

Tumbang Preso is a street game usually played in the
Philippines. It takes elements from tag and dodge ball to teach kids.

Tumbang Preso is a popular street game in the Philippines

that has been played by children for decades. The game is also
known as presohan.

Group 2: Batuhang Bola

Batuhang bola is a game in which players on two teams try to

throw balls at each other while avoiding being hit themselves

A game where two teams try to hit the opposing team with a
ball thrown from two sides, a point is granted with every hit on the
oppossing player....
Batuhang bola. Filipino version of dodge ball . A street game
where kids (even adults) play at any time of the day.
While these games are recreational in nature, they are also
used to test leisure involvement, and with the ethnicity and socio

economic background of. I Sometimes perform well in games like sipa,
patintero, and batuhang bola.


There are many variations of the game, but generally the main

objective of each team is to eliminate all members of the opposing

team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by a

member of the opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the
court boundaries when a ball is thrown at them.

Group 3: Kickball

Kickball is a game and league game, similar to baseball

invented in the United Kingdom. As in baseball, one team tries to score
by having its players return a ball from home base to the field and then
circle the bases; while the other team tries to stop them by tagging

them "out" with the ball before they can return to the home base.
Instead of hitting a small, hard ball with a bat, players kick an inflated
rubber ball; this makes it more accessible to young children and
Americans. As in baseball, teams alternate half-innings. The team with
the most runs after a predefined number of innings wins.

Kickball is a popular playground game and is typically played among

young, school-age children]The lack of both specialized equipment
and highly skill-based positions (like pitcher) makes the game an
accessible introduction to other sports. It is just as popular among
adults, who are more commonly known to play similar games like
softball and baseball

"The game seems to afford equal enjoyment to the children and

it gives a better understanding of the national game (Baseball), and at
the same time affords them an exercise that is not too violent and is full
of fun."

Kickball, originally called "Kick Baseball", was invented as

early as 917 by Nicholas C Seuss, Supervisor of Cincinnati Park
Playgrounds in Cincinnati, Ohio. Seuss submitted his first documented
overview of the game which included 12 rules and a field diagram in
The Playground Book, published in 1917.


Choose which team will get the ball first. The other team will have to
take the field while choosing defensive positions. ...

Choose an offensive lineup. ...

Roll the ball. ...

Kick the ball. ...

Switch sides after three outs. ...

Determine the winner at the end, based on the number of runs.

Group Activity.

• Group yourselves into 3 Each group will take turn in

giving words used in playing Tumbang Preso, Batuhang
Bola and Kickball.
• A 5-second time limit will be allotted to each group.
• Failure to do so, will mean a score to other group.

Skills Involved in the Games Tumbang Preso,
Batuhang Bola and Kick Ball

By playing target games, you are leaning skills that you need in the
real word. And you will learn those skills in this lesson.

“Mag isip-isip”
Mag-isip-isip, isa, dalawa, tatlo (3X)
Sundan n’yoako.
Sundan sundan sundan n’yoako (3X)
Ikaw naman dito.

Let’s Start
Have you used the following in playing? Select one and do tell us if
in what game you use it.

Let’s Learn
Skills Involved in Target Games
1. Strategy and Tactics– In playing the game again and again,
you have a tendency to absorb the routine and adopt how you
will play it. By having a goal in mind, you will find ways to win and
outwit your opponent.

2. Decision Making and Problem Solving– These are important
skill that will decide in bringing victory. It involves critical and deep
thinking to decide on the moves you will take.
3. Balance and Footwork–Your every move counts and so it must
be precise. You need to be careful in tour action especially if you
are targeting you goal.
4. Focus and Concentration– To hit the aim, you need to be
attentive by giving emphasis on the target.
5. Spatial and Proximity– You may be developing the skill in
measuring the nearness and closeness of the target or opponent’s
6. Transferring and Sending– In order to hit the target, players need
to hit aim, roll and shoot for the goal.
7. Eyes and Hands Accuracy– The eyes and hands coordinate
when releasing the object to the target.
8. Synchronization of Body Parts– Many parts of the body need
to work together to efficiently transfer the object to the target.
9. Motor Skills– These skills are developed through time of playing
which can help you be accurate and skillful in performing tasks.
10. Power and Speed– Target games help you to react to any
stimulus. Through constant playing, you can be stronger and alert.


Observing Safety Precautions in Playing Target Games

(Batuhang Bola, Kickball and Tumbang Preso)

In this lesson, you will learn the different safety precautions in

playing the target games which are very necessary to keep the
learners alert and safe during the Physical Education Class.

Let`s Review!

What are the necessary skills developed in the game (tumbang

preso and kickball) that you played yesterday? (Let the pupils do the
acrostics about the skills developed
S ______________
E ______________
A ______________
Watch Out!
Look at the following picture of different games.

Which of these games do you like to play?

Why do you like it? Can you play it well?

Watch and Learn

Videoclip presentation (Indigenous Game: Batuhang Bola,

Kickball and Tumbang Preso)

Group Activity

Each group will play these games following the safety

precautions in playing.

Group I- Batuhang Bola

Group II- Kickball
Group III-Tumbang Preso
Think About It………


Stretching- Before an activity, you need to stretch your muscles to
avoid injuries.
Attire-You must wear the proper attire comfortable enough so you
can move freely at ease.
Equipment-These must be checked if they are free from wear and
are still safe to use.
Weather-Check if the weather could affect the activity. If it is raining,
better do it indoors. If it is too shiny, put anti ultra-violet lotion on
your skin. Put insect-repellant lotion.
Health Condition-Secure medical clearance from the doctor or tell
your teacher that you are medic.

Do and Learn!

Put a check on proper column on how often you do the safety



1. Stretch your muscles to

avoid injuries.
2. Wear the proper attire
comfortable enough.
3. Check if the
equipments are ready
and safe to use.

Try These…
Directions: Conduct a short activity/game observing the safety

Proper Attire

Stretching is done

Equipment’s are ready and safe to use

Weather is suited to the game

Players are physically fit.

Execution of Different Skills of Tumbang Preso,
Batuhang Bola and Kick Ball


Directions: Put a check (/) on proper column on how you

execute the game

Game Performance

Well Done Average Below


Batuhang Bola



Values of Participation in Physical Activities

In this lesson, you will learn the different values in

participating in physical activities, values that we need not just in

playing but also in all things that we do in our daily lives.

Let’s Learn

Values Displayed in Playing Target Games

1. Teamwork - In order for the team to work well, each member

must cooperate with the co-players.

2. Confidence - By playing the target games, you will be used to

the game and will have a belief in yourself that you can do it

3. Discipline - You will try to avoid things that might affect your

performance and try to abide by the regulations of the game.

4. Respect- you will feel that opponents an teammates are

important so you will value their presence.

5. Overcoming difficulty – Winning the game is not easy and

goes through a hard time. You will be able to surpass any

challenge that will come your way.

6. Decision Making–In times that you need to select a strategy

and a move you will demonstrate the ability to think fast and

decide properly.

7. Patience and Determination- Success is not gotten

overnight. You sometimes need to wait for the moment to

come and show that you really desire to succeed.

8. Camaraderie and Sportsmanship- Playing games, whether

individual or with a team, will make you value the company of

other players. If your game is unsuccessful, you regard them

and still like playing the game.

9. Honesty- you enjoy playing a fair game. You do not like a

victory that is achieved by cheating.

10. Positive Outlook- Being in a team will make you adopt the

value of controlling your emotions to each game’s result. You

also understand the essence of playing.

Lets do this

Directions: Important and not important things on participating

in physical activities are written in the meta cards.

You will group them and paste on the proper


Honesty confidence selfishness

sportsmanship loafer discipline

teamwork boastful respect

immature decision positive outlook

Let’s Answer

Directions: Based on the learning you gained, recognize the values

of participating in physical activities. Write your answer

on the blank.

1. Avoid things that might affect your performance and try to abide

by the regulations of the game.

2. You enjoy playing a fair game. You do not like a victory that is

achieved by cheating.

3. In order for a team to work well, each member must cooperate

with the co-players.

4. Playing games, whether individual or with a team, will make

you value the company of other players. If your game is

unsuccessful, you regard them and still like to play the game.

5. In times that you need to select a strategy and a move, you will

demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.

Lesson 10

Displaying Joy, Respect for Others and fair Play During

Participationn in Physical Activities

Watch out !

Pictures of games…showing happiness

Picture of game showing respect to opponent

Picture of game showing fair play

Lets Learn !

Participating in any Physical Activities is not an easy task, it

needs more attention and focus so that we can arrive to a outcomes
which is appropriate to our health.

Values of the player is very important in doing such activity to

gain more success..It is important to be enjoy while we are playing.

We need also respect to feel that opponents and teammates are

important so you will value their presence .Enjoy playing a fair game

do not like a victory that is achieved by cheating.. Avoid things that

might affect your performance and try to abide by the regulations of

the game. Being in team will make you adopt the value of controlling

your emotions to each game’s result. You also understand the

essence of playing.

Lesson 11

Let’s Start

Health Related Component

Skill Related Components

Let’s Learn



Body Composition The amount of fat in Measuring height and

the body compared to weight
the body mass

Cardio respiratory The capacity of the Running, jogging,
endurance vascular system, walking
heart, and lungs to
bring blood to the
muscles during a
partial or sustained
physical activity

Muscular Endurance The ability of muscles Carrying heavy load,

to perform activities lifting weights
again and again for
several times to
sustain a specific
position extensively

Flexibility The ability of a joint to Sitting, picking up a

bend and stretch thing, bending,
when moving in reaching
different motions


Agility The capacity of the Doing obstacle
player to begin , stop course, dribbling a
and change directions ball
Balance The ability to support Standing on one leg,
the position of his/her jumping, and landing
body whether moving, on balance beam
running, jumping or
Coordination The ability to combine Circling, leg split
the different body
movements properly
and with grace

Power The strength of one Power lifting, jump
player in the squats
execution of the game
Reaction Time It is the ability to Hitting a ball back,
respond quickly to the kicking a ball
stimulus as perceived
by the five senses
Speed It is one’s Sprinting, running
performance of an
activity in a short time



This lesson focuses on the areas/skills that need to be improved

in playing different target games.

Let`s Show It

I didn`t I showed a I showed I am skillful in

Target Game show any little skill.(2) some performing .(
skill.(1) skills.(3) 4)

Score Equivalent: 4 - Outstanding

3 - Very Good
2 - Good
1 - Needs Improvement
Work More

Let them rate their skills after performing the different games by
checking the description in the table provided.
Group I - Batuhang Bola, Tumbang Preso, Kickball
Group II - Tumbang Preso, Kickball, Batuhang Bola
Group III - Kickball, Batuhang Bola, Tumbang Preso

Summing Up

Areas Need to be Ways of Improving


What are the areas to be improved? How will they be improved?

Let` s Try These!

Let the pupils perform the following activity for improvement of the
areas opposite each activity.
Shuttle run-agility
Race-cardiovascular endurance
Push –up-muscle endurance

Test Yourself
Directions: In the following activities/games listed below, what
areas need to be improved? Choose the letter of the correct answer
inside the box.
1. Batuhang Bola
a. Spatial and proximity
b. Balance and footwork
c. Focus and concentration
d. Problem solving

2. Tumbang Preso
a. Spatial and proximity
b. Balance and footwork
c. Focus and concentration
d. Problem solving
3. Kickball
a. Eye and body coordination
b. Strategy and tactics
c. Motor skills
d. Problem solving


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