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A: "Hello, ABC Company. Is there something that I can help you?

B: "Hi, this is Janet from Consult R Us. May I speak with Alex please?"
A: "He's in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?"
B: "Yes. Can you have Alex call me back when he is available? My name again is Janet,
and he can reach me at 555-987-6543."
A: "It's Janet at 555-987-6543. Can I tell him what this is regarding?"
B: "He sent over a fax, and the last page didn't print out. I will need for him to resend
the fax to me."
A: "I'll let him know."
B: "Thank you."
A: "Thank you for calling ABC."
B: "Good bye."
A: "Bye."

Amy : Hello/Good Morning, Daneline, This is Amy/ Amy here from finance dept. what can I do for

Mark: Hi, Amy. My name is Mark Rand from Traveloka. I’m calling for Sylvie Leinn

Amy : May I ask what it’s about? / Could I ask the purpose of the call, please?

Mark: Yes ofc. Im calling to offering some product to be promoted by your company.

Amy : ok, just wait a moment please

Mark: all right

Amy: thank you for holding

Amy: sorry, he’s out for lunch at the moment/ he/s out of the office today./ he’s on a business trip this

Mark: do you know when she’ll be available, please? ( ASK WHEN THE PERSON WILL RETURN)

Amy: she’ll be available on the 5th of December. Would you like to leave a message?

Mark: Please tell Ms. Sylvie that Mark from Traveloka called for offering some product to be promoted
by your company. Please call me if she already come back from her business trip on 5738260

Amy: oke Mark at 6557839 from Traveloka called for offering some product to be promoted by our
company. Is that alright?

Mark: Yes, that’s all

Amy: is there anything that I can help, Mr?

Mark: I think that’s all. Thankyou Amy for your help

Amy: thank you for calling, Mr. Mark. Goodbye

Mark: Bye.

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