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Pemeriksaan segmen anterior mata Ada ciliary body, mengandung cincin dari otot
2. Pemeriksaan visus polos yang mengelilingi lensa. Suspensory
3. Bagaimana air mata bisa keluar ligaments connect the ciliary body to the lens;
4. Proses melihat contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle
5. Menjaga kesehatan mata changes the shape of the lens to focus light on the
6. Visus ODS 6/6 retina.
Ada iris, berwarna tergantung melaninnya. Iris ini
 Eyelids=palpebra mengelilingi pupil. Iris ada 2 muscles. pupillary
 Apparatus lacrimal -> ngasilin air mata and drains sphincter (PEW-pih-lair-ee) muscle contracts
them from the eye. Ada lacrimal gland, waktu di following parasympathetic stimulation and
stimulasi neuron otonom, ducts release tears and constricts the pupil to reduce the amount of light
mucus ke conjunctiva sac untuk lubrikasi dan entering the eye (PUPIL NGECIL). Pupillary
menyapu debu dan debris. Lacrimal puncta dilator muscle contracts following sympathetic
nyambung ke lacrimal canaliculi. Lacrimal sac is stimulation; its fibers are arranged in a radial
located in a small depression in the lacrimal bone pattern, which causes it to enlarge the pupil to
and drains into the nasolacrimal duct. If tear permit the entrance of more light into the eye
production increases in response to debris, (PUPIL BESAR).
allergens, or emotions, you end up with a runny  Neural Layer
nose, and excess tears may spill over onto your Retina, mengandung sel photoreceptor untuk
cheek. deteksi kehadiran cahaya dan produksi sinyal
 EXTRINSIC EYE MUSCLE (6 skeletal muscle) neural.
Origo: dinding orbit Lens, mengandung lens fibers yang kurang nuclei
superior, inferior, lateral, and medial rectus + dan transparan.
superior oblique, inferior oblique.  Cavities and Chambers of the Eye
Fungsinya: The superior rectus moves the eye Large posteior cavity, located posterior to the lens,
superiorly, for example. M. rectus inferior superior is filled with a gelatinous material called the
tend to draw eye medially. Oblique muscles yang vitreous humor, or vitreous body (VIT-ree- us).
menetralkan (balikkin kearah lateral) anterior cavity is the area anterior to the lens and
 Layer dari eyeballs ciliary body. It itself consists of two smaller
(Luar-dalam) cavities: the posterior chamber, between the lens
Fibrous-vascular-neural and the iris, and the anterior chamber, between the
 Fibrous Layer iris and the cornea. These two chambers are both
Ada sclera, yang membentuk bag. putih mata. filled with watery aqueous humor (AY-kwee-us),
Banyak collagen fibers untuk mempertahankan secreted by the ciliary body.
Ada cornea, lanjutan si sclera. Tapi cornea Vision? Persepsi cahaya yang dipantulkan objek.
translucent. Nanti dia yg nerima cahaya dan  Basic prinsip of light
memfokuskan. Cornea ini avascular, makanya Visible light/cahaya tampak, adalah range panjang
butuh oksigen dari fluid behind it. gelombang yang bisa di deteksi mata.
 Contact lenses sit directly on the cornea Shorter wavelength (420 nm) : seen as blue or
and are designed to allow oxygen to reach violet. Longer wavelength (660 nm) : seen as red
it. Extended wear lenses can be worn
overnight because they allow more oxy-
gen through, which reduces corneal
swelling and the risk of infection. The
cornea also contains many nerve endings
that con- vey pain, but relatively few
touch receptors. This is why we can
tolerate smooth contact lenses, but not
jagged (bergerigi) particles of dust.
 Vascular Layer
Ada choroid (KORE-oyd) banyak pemb darah
kecil (kapiler). Juga sbg pigmen untuk mengurangi
hamburan cahaya. Pas di foto terus pake flash
biasanya suka ada effect ‘red-eye’ ini adalah
pertanggung jawaban dr choroid untuk ngasilin
effect itu.
 Unit dari light itu photon, yang stimulasi (inverted), and smaller than the object
photoreceptor di retina

 Focusing light on retina


 When light passes from one substance to another

substance that has a different density, its speed
changes and its rays are bent, or refracted. Light
rays are bent in the eye as they encounter the cor-
nea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor.
The refractive, or bending, power of the cornea and  Visual Fields and Visual Pathways to the Brain
humors is constant. However, that of the lens can Axons carrying impulses from the retina are bun-
be changed by changing its shape—that is, by dled together. At the optic chiasma (ki-as′mah;
making it more or less convex, so that light can be chiasm = cross) the fibers from the medial side of
properly focused on the retina. The greater the lens each eye cross over to the opposite side of the
convexity, or bulge, the more it bends the light. The brain. The fiber tracts that result are the optic tracts.
flatter the lens, the less it bends the light. The optic tract fibers synapse with neurons in the
The resting eye is “set” for distant(jauh) vision. In thalamus, whose axons form the optic radiation,
general, light from a distant source (over 20 feet which runs to the occipital lobe of the brain.
away) and the lens does not need to change shape
to focus properly on the retina. However, light from Each side of the brain receives visual input from
a close object tends to scatter and to diverge, or both eyes—from the lateral field of vision of the
spread out, and the lens must bulge more to make eye on its own side and from the medial field of the
close vision possible. other eye. Also notice that each eye “sees” a
To achieve this, the ciliary body contracts, allowing slightly different view, but their visual fields
the lens to become more convex. This ability of the overlap quite a bit. As a result of these two facts,
eye to focus specifically for close objects (those humans have binocular vision. Binocular vision,
less than 20 feet away) is called accommodation. literally “two-eyed vision,” provides for depth
The image formed on the retina as a result of the perception, also called “three- dimensional” vision,
light-bending activity of the lens is a real image— as our visual cortex fuses the two slightly different
that is, it is reversed from left to right, upside down images delivered by the two eyes.

1. Lakukan pemeriksaan mata pada care professional
untuk mengetahui sebenernya kita tuh udah butuh
alat bantu melihat apa gak
2. Mengetahui riwayat mata keluarga (menurun/gen)
3. Makan makanan untuk memproteksi penglihatan
1. You’ve heard carrots are good for your eyes. But
eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables,
particularly dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale,
or collard greens, is important for keeping your
eyes healthy, too.1 Research has also shown there
are eye health benefits from eating fish high in
omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and
halibut. Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group.
The relationship of dietary carotenoid with vitamin A, E,
and C intake with age-related macular degeneration in a
case-control study. Archives of Ophthalmology; 2007;
125(9): 1225–1232.

4. Jaga BB,
Being overweight increases your risk of developing
diabetes and other systemic conditions, which can
lead to vision loss, such as diabetic eye disease or
5. Quit smoking or never start
Research has linked smoking to an increased risk
of developing age-related macular degeneration,
cataract, and optic nerve damage, all of which can
lead to blindness. (- Age-Related Eye Disease
Study Research Group. Risk factors associated with
age- related nuclear and cortical cataract.
Ophthalmology; 2001; 108(8): 1400–1408.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PHYSIOLOGY TORTORA
Office of the Surgeon General. The Health
Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the
Surgeon General (Washington, D.C., 2004).)
6. beri mata istirahat
If you spend a lot of time at the computer or focusing on any FORMING THE VISUAL IMAGE
one thing, you sometimes forget to blink and your eyes can The visual process begins when light rays enter the eye,
get fatigued. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look focus on the retina, and produce a tiny inverted image. The
away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds. This can pupil dilates or constricts to determine how much light
help reduce eyestrain(ketegangan mata) enters the eye. Dilation is achieved by the pupillary dilator, a
(NATIONAL EYE INSTITUTE, US DEPARTMENT OF system of contractile cells in the iris that radiate from the
HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES) pupil like the spokes of a wheel. These cells respond to the
sympathetic nervous system and dilate the pupil when light
AIRMATA intensity falls, when we look from a nearby to a more distant
 Normally, tears are cleared away as fast as they are object, or when the body is in a general state of sympathetic
produced, either by evaporation or by passing into arousal. Constriction is achieved by a circle of smooth
the lacrimal canals and then into the nasal cavity. If muscle in the iris called the pupillary constrictor, innervated
an irritating substance makes contact with the by the parasympathetic nervous system (see fig. 9.18).
conjunctiva, however, the lacrimal glands are Pupillary constriction occurs when light intensity rises and
stimulated to oversecrete, and tears accumulate when we shift our focus to a relatively close object. The
(watery eyes). responses to light are called photopupillary reflexes.
 Watery eyes also occur when an inflammation of Image formation depends on refraction, the bending of light
the nasal mucosa, such as occurs with a cold, rays. Light travels at different speeds through media such as
obstructs the nasolacrimal ducts and blocks air, water, and glass.
drainage of tears.
 Only humans express emotions, both happiness and When we look at objects more than 6 m away, our eyes are
sadness, by crying. In response to parasympathetic in a relatively relaxed state called emmetropia (EM-eh-
stimulation, the lacrimal glands produce excessive TRO-pee-ah).
(berlebihan) lacrimal fluid that may spill over the When we look at something closer than 6 m, the light rays
edges of the eyelids and even fill the nasal cavity from it diverge more strongly as they approach the eyes and
with fluid. This is how crying produces a runny thus require more effort to get them to come together again
nose. (focus) on the retinas. The eyes must do three things to
compensate for divergence of the rays: (1) convergence—
they must turn medially so that both of them aim at the
object (the fixation point); (2) accommodation—the lenses
thicken to as much as 4.5 mm at the center, increasing their
refractive power so they can focus the rays on the retina; and
(3) pupillary constriction—the pupil narrows to screen out
divergent light rays at the periphery of the lens, which could
not be effectively focused because they wouldn’t pass
through very much lens material.

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