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Why take a gap year?

1. Answer the questions.

1) Did Georgina take a year off?
Georgina take a year off before university.
2) What is a gap year?
Gap year is break between studies.
3) Which three jobs were mentioned in the dialogue?
Three job were mentioned was law, veterinary science, medicine and dentistry
4) Why did Meg decided to take a year off?
Meg decided to take year of because she want to go to university with experience.
5) Did Tom take a gap year? Why?
Tom didint’t take a gap year, because he don’t know a lot and he don’t have much money.
6) According to Chris Rea, what are benefits of taking a gap year?
Demands on developing skills, experience
7) Which job might earn you the most money? How much you can earn?
Medicine studies might earn the most money.
8) What does usually students do during a gap year?
Students during gap year travel or stay in them country and try to get work experience.

2. Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE? If the sentences is FALSE, correct it.

1) Georgina is teacher. T

2) Georgina didn’t take a gap year. F, Georgina take a gap year

3) Just a few students take a gap year. F, a lot of students take a gap year

4) A gap year is a break between studies. T

5) Georgina thinks that studying veterinary science T

earns the most money.

6) Meg didn’t want to go to university. F, she want to go to university

7) Tom thinks that a gap year is an alien concept. T

8) Chris Rea is a higher education manager. F, he is from organisation

9) According to Chris Rea a gap year is not the way F, it is way to gain experience
to gain experience.

10) Graduates of Law earn the most money. F, graduates of Medicine and dentistry earn the
3. Give the definitions of the words.
1) at the back of my mind- that you have an idea but you don’t think about it frequently.
2) productive- leading to a good or useful out come.
3) predicted- presumption what will be in future based on current information.
4) an alien concept- strange idea.
5) practical- real and useful skills
6) employability- the skills and abilities that allow you to be employed

4. Write in the given words.

Many students choose to take a break. It is called a gap year . Students take a year off to improve their
skills. The experience of a gap year has become much more practical, because of the demand on
developing skills, specifically employability skills. Students studying Medicine and dentistry can earn the
most money.

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