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Directions: Utilize this worksheet to help evaluate yourself and your project. Be as complete
and descriptive as possible. This self-evaluation should give the scoring team a clear picture of
what you accomplished in your project.

Name – Caleb Knox Project Start Date – Second Semester, 2020

Title of Project – “The Biblical Foundations of Free Speech”

“Why, today, do we love to hate?” Project Completion Date – May 15,

1. In 40 words or more describe who your project benefited and how. In other words, what was the
impact of your project?

I believe today we all, including myself, run the risk of losing the great benefits of Western
Liberalism out of complacency. My project benefited those who are curious as to how Biblical truths are
relevenant to the modern man, or are simply looking to answer political questions below the gridlock of
political polarization. In my article I attempt to explain a casual force behind this. It is my belief that if we
garner a better understanding of the problems that face our culture, then we can provide better solutions. I
said multiple times in my lecture I am not answering questions, but asking them.

2. In at least 40 words explain how the project challenged you. How was this a stretch for you?

First and foremost was the amount that I had to research. Beyond the normal requirements of a 20
page paper I was living among the great philosophers of the western cannon for the large majority of
quarantine so that I could best present this information. On top of that I took the liberty of writing further
on this topic in an article, which proved difficult to publish. Now I love to take part in lectures such as
that, but I have never done so before. As J.F.K. once said “The ancient Greek definition of happiness was
the full use of your powers along lines of excellence.” That is precisely the form of happiness which I felt
after. Secondly, I am not technologically skilled to the degree which I find my peers to be at, this meant
that I had great difficulty in uploading my project and editing the two and a half hours along the way.
Finally, it was difficult to get my article published and secure a venue where I could speak.
3. List and then describe 5-8 fundamental ideas/concepts/skills of your project, which you
learned/enhanced during your project.
1) Intellectual rigor
- This project required me to not simply submit a paper. But hold my ideas up to the
highest level of scrutiny in a historical and philosophical light.
2) Excellence
- I have always been able to speak comfortable. But to sustain three days of lecture,
you can’t just “wing it.” Every element of research, writing, and speaking had to be
done to the best of my ability.
3) Truth
- This was an idea philosophically explored in my lecture and paper, but most
importantly individually I had to be guided above all by what was true in what I
wrote and spoke.
4) Articulate
- I was in the domain of complicated and abstract ideals. But through it all I did my
best to make what I was looking at accessible to many.
5) Time management
- In the bounds of quarantine it was easy to abandon responsibility, but I had to spend
my time thinking and researching throughout.

4. List and describe 4-8 problems/obstacles/issues you encountered in your project, and briefly
describe how you solved each.
1) Truth
- Above all I was worried I would lie. The Bible is very cautious in its warning
to those who wish to speak and teach of God’s truth. They are warned that
they will be judged on a higher degree. I hope that in exploring Biblical
concepts I find myself in truth and not darkness. This was best solved through
prayer and study.
2) Writing an outline
- The research was always stimulating and the speaking was so rewarding but
what bridged the two was an outline, which I have never been great at
constructing. I found that grounding my ideas prior was the greatest help and
difficulty. Eventually it took me sitting down and shackling to my desk to
complete it.
3) Technical edits
- I am not very knowledgeable in editing and posting videos. It took many
Youtube videos and long hours to get the videos to perfect.
4) Publishing an article
- Hampton Roads Weekly was gracious enough to publish what I had written
but it required a degree of excellence in research and syntax, along with
cutting through red tape, to see it on the internet and in print.

5. List materials used.

Camera, computer, suit, books

6. List all people who helped you on the project and briefly describe the help given.

Luke Uroskie helped me film.

Mr. Pratt helped me design my project.

Connie Meyer helped me get my article published.

Colin Fogarty helped shape my ideas.

Kelly Cox allowed me to secure the church as a venue

7. How does your completed project compare to the picture you had in mind when you started the
project? Explain the reason behind any changes from your proposal.

I had originally wanted to do something for Sedonia but it ended up going in quite a different
direction as a result of Covid-19. Nonetheless it went in the correct direction and I am glad with the
finished project.

8. If given the opportunity, explain what you would have done differently now that you speak from
Started earlier. I believe the lecture would have been more articule and comprehensive had a given
myself more time to reflect upon my outline.

9. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

That I have a great interest in speaking in writing, but have a paradoxical vice of laziness that haults my
ability act on such drives.

10. What grade would you give yourself on the project? Justify the evaluation of your grade in at
least 25 words.

Grade: A

Justification: Through countless books read, podcasts heard, and ideas written out this came to
completion in a 3 day, 2 hour and 30 minute discussion. I believe this goes beyond what was
required for a senior project especially in the time of Covid-19. On top of this I was able to publish
an article. It seems to me that each of these, or any lecture day on its own would warrant a high
grade, but in conjunction I think it deserves an A.

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