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Technology: Blessing or Bane?

Maria Fatima B. Ombal

In the world today, new technology has become the order of the day.

Almost everything in our lives is becoming reliant on technology, from

the food we eat to the work we do. Even the biological processes such

as reproduction of humans, animals, and plants are becoming

dependent on new technology. Therefore, this brings the issue of

wether the new technology is a blessing or bane.

Technology affects people all over the world, both positively and

negatively. While I do agree that advances in technology have made our

countries safer and our lives easier, they have also negatively affected

our lives. My parents did not grow up in front of a computer or a

PlayStation. They did not spend hours each day looking at what their

virtual friends are doing on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Instead,

they went out ad talked personally. Unlike today we just used

technology in communicating to our family, friends, and relatives. In

school we do not go to the library instead we do research to the

internet. That's how powerful technology is but too much dependent

on it will slowly take you to the real world where you cannot do things

without the use of technology. Technology has become a very

important part of our lives nowadays. During the past few years,

technology has evolved in many ways and is probably without a doubt

better than ever before. People are always trying to find something

new that will improve our lives dramatically. Some of the creations that

have really changed our lives are the computer, telephone, internet

,television, and cellphone. Everything has a positive and a negative

effect on our lives and so does technology. Technology may be very

helpful but it can sometimes be very harmful.

It all depends on how you use technology. It is slowly taking over the

world and you can find it everywhere around you. How you use

technology is important. It is designed to make our lives easier, but

should never be replacing physical exercise, walking, reading, and

socializing with real human beings.

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