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Zach’s Mental Fitness Program for K-1st Grade Students

Ideas for the Lesson Sample Activity Closing Breathing


Activity 1 What are feelings? Range of Emotions Starfish Breathing

--My Feelings What feelings do we
feel? Why, where do
they come from?
What purpose do
they serve? It is OK
to feel all the different
emotions, but we
need to learn how to
manage and
appreciate each of

Activity 2 What is Disappointment Lazy 8 Breathing

--Disappointment disappointment, Activity
example of times we
feel this way and
what can do about it-

Activity 3 What is fear and The Worry Scale Ballon Breathing

-Fear and Worry worry? Where does it
come from? What
purpose does it serve
and how can we
manage it?

Activity 4 What are coping tools Coping Tools Dragon Breathing

--My Coping Tools and why are they
important? Which
ones do you want in
your toolbox or tool

Activity 5 Thinking before we Think Before we Belly Breathing

--Kindness Contagion speak? How do kind Speak-Kind Words
words make us feel
and how do unkind
words make us feel?
How do kind words
stick to kind words
and make a

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