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Aulia Oktaviana – Class A

Scrambled Eggs
This is how you can make scramble eggs, a simple and delicious dish that nourish
your daily need. Usually, you can eat the dish in a hotel or buy it in a restaurant.
However, the scramble eggs become more special if you cook it yourself at home.
Making it is really easy, you only need at least 5 ingredients, such as eggs, milk, salt,
pepper, and butter.
To start with you prepare a medium bowl that used to beat all ingredients easily.
Beside, you prepare 4 medium size eggs which is in good condition and fresh. So it can
help you to make fresher dish. First, you break eggs into the bowl. After that, you add
milk, salt, and pepper. An egg need at least 1 tablespoon of liquid, so you add 4
tablespoons of milk to make the scrambled egg fluffy. If you like the spicy taste, you can
add more pepper or chili. But if you don’t, just add a pinch of pepper. That also applies
to salt, you only need a pinch of salt in a bowl. But if you like a salty, you can add more
salt or soya sauce. After that, the next stage is to beat all ingredients until blended. You
make sure that no lumps of spice are visible, so it shows all ingredients are ready to
Next, you heat butter in nonstick skillet over a medium heat. This is important to
know why you use medium heat to cook. Hot condition makes the eggs cook faster, so
they become drier, whereas scrambled eggs have fluffy texture. Well, if the butter coasts
the pan, you ready to pour in egg mixture. As the eggs begin to set, you gently pull the
eggs across the pan with a spatula. You have to continue pulling, lifting and folding the
eggs until thickened and no liquid egg remains.
Finally, you remove the eggs from heat pan and the scrambled eggs are ready to
be served.

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