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hello every one!

My name is An nur syazila bt azallan and my matric number is 254495

so now i will present to u all about *implimentation of setting a bakery at sme bank
student residential hall in Bukit kachi.
so for the implematation we have 7 steps of implementation which are Investigating,
Observation, Searching, Calculating, Designing, Applying, and the Last step are Evaluating.
For Step 1, Invetigating.
we conduct a survey toward student of sme bank residential hall. the reason we conduct a
servey is to Investigate the students need and denan for their comfort ability living in Sme
bank. The questionnair has been given to 50 resp.
Step 2 is Observation. we search for a suitable location to set up a the bakery at sme bank.
the location of the bakery should be strategic and to access for all student at sme that have
8 block, also students from inasis bank rakyat.
Step 3 is Searching. we do the survey and find the right contractor for construction process
to set up the bakery and also the worker fo the bakery. for the equipment we try to find a
supplier for the equipment with the best price. And for the supplier of the bread, cake and
pastries we try to find the best bakers in Changlun. why we try to find supple in changlun
because its more near to uum so that its easy to get the stock. We will make agreement to
ensure the stock always available and enough.
Step 4, Calculating. In this step, we do an estimation of the cost needed to set up the
bakery, the cost of equipment, overhead and also maintenance cost for teh bakery. We also
hiring staff to make sure funds are enough to accommodate the expenses. in the same time,
we do the work schedule to estimate the time needed until everything is settled.
Step 5, Designing. in this step, we do planning the layout of the vakery to ensure the flow
of the business went well. The concept of the bakery is important to ensure a pleasant
experience and attractive to student. For the arrangement of the equipment, it also must be
correct and esmasy to manage.
Step 6 is Applying. This step we will apply what have been planned before. The arrangment
of equipment will be done based on the plan.
The last Step is evaluating. We will ensure the all things are right. Ensure all the equipment
works well, the flow of student once they step in the bakery and step out. All need to be
next, Personnel In Charge.
Student representative council of sme bank will involve in the process of setting up the
bakery. This matter also included sme bank management. start with the proposal of the
recommendation until received an approval from the principal, find a location, supplier for
equipment, bakers, and monitor the process of setting up the bakery, find worker, fundfor
equipment and all.
For the operation hour, the bakery will be open from 8 Am until 12 am. The bakery consist
of 3 shift, 8-1, 2-7, 8-12
Regarding work schedule, the process of setting up the bakery start from march to june, and
the bakery will be launche in september because that is the time the new semester begin.
The student will be excited to see a new facility at sme banks
As an observation, according to survey conducted, we manage to fulfil the students need
and settle the problem. The student does not need to go varsity mall to buy bread cake and
pastries. Its’ burden to the student. Also the shuttle are not convenient due its operation
The setting up of the bakery will beneficial the student, not just sme but also to student of
bank rakyat. The student will have better eating style. The bakery also provide the student
with various choices. The bakery also offer an affordable price to the student
There is action to be taken which is set up a bakery at SME Bank Student Residential Hall,
searching strategic location for bakery. Hence, the immediate action is finding bread and
pastries supplier to ensure the stock. We are confidence that with the opening of bakery at
SME Bank Student Residential Hall will increase student satisfaction towards services and
facilities provided.

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