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The assemblings are used for linking the assemblies, subassemblies or their component parts
in order to for more complex functional structures
The main classifying criteria (the mounting or demounting possibility) split the assemblings
in two categories: undemountable assemblings (also called junctions) and demountable
The undemountable assemblings are that ones which can be demounted only by partially or
totally destructing the component parts. These assemblings can be obtained by mechanical
technology (rivettings and seaming assemlings) or by using cohesive or adhesion forces (welded
asemblings, sticked assemblies and clamed assemblies). The main advantage of these
assemblings is the low cost, they being used when the construction doesn’t need to be demounted
for services.
The demountable assemblings can be mounted and then demounted without the destruction
of the assemling’s elements and pieces, how many times it’s necessary. These assemblings can be
made by their shape (longitudinal key assemblings, spline, pin, bolts, on polygonal contours
assemblings); by friction forces (self-fixing assemblings, with elastical shackle assemblings etc.);
by shape and friction forces (threaded assemblings). Even they are, generally, more expensive
then the undemountable assemblings, the demountable assemblings are very often used, because
of the conditions (of construction, of mounting, of services, of attendance etc.) imposed to the
pieces, to the assemblies and subassemblies.

1.1. Definition , properties, usage domains

The threaded assemblings are demountable assemblings made by two conjugated threaded
pieces: one exterior threaded (the screw), the other one interior theared (the nut or an element
which has the nut’s function).
The advantages of the thereaded assemblings are:
• they develop high compression forces with relatively low action forces;
• they permit an easy demounting and mounting;
• they have a relatively low cost because of the big series construction, in specialized
factories, on high productivity tools;
• they assure the interchangeability, because of the standardization and typisation on
national and international plane;
• together with the auxiliary ensurance systems they give a high safty in exploitation.\
The main disadvantages, the inherent ones, of the threaded assemblings are:
• the thread is, by his shape, a strong stresses concentrator;
• the value of the compression force can’t be calculated precissely;
• there are necessary suplimentary elements to assure them agaist the self-unfixing.
The threaded assemblies can be found, generally, in every mechanical construction, knowing
that over 60% of the elements of a tool have thread.

The screw-nut transmissions are transmissions, which, by a helical couple, transform the
rotational movement into translation movement, in the same time they transmit a force. The
helycal couple is the main element of the screw-nut transmissions. This can be made with
slipperying friction or rolling friction (helycal couple with balls).
The main advantages of the screw-nut transmissions are:
• they transmit relatively high forces;
• they are functioning with reduced noise;
• they are safe in functioning.
The disadvantages of the screw-nut transmissions are:
• the efficiency is low in the case of using the helycal couple with sliperying friction;
• the construction of the nuts which takes the clearance between the helixes is complicated,
which means high costs.

2.1.2. The thread. Way of generating, clasification, properties

The thread represents the main element of the screw and of the nut. The saftey of the
transmission depends on its strength and stiffness.
Generating the thread. By folding an enclined plane on a directory surface (cylindrical or
conical, inerior or exterior) a helycal line called directory helix is generated (figure 1.1, a). The
translation of any profile, called generating profile, along the directory helix, gives a print called
the thread’s helix (spira filetului) (figure 1.1, b).

a b
Fig. 1.1

The classification of the threads can be made considering some criteria, presented as
• Considering the destination, there are fixing threads (at the threaded assemblings),
movement threads (at the screw-nut transmissions), measuring threads (at
the measuring devices) and adjusting threads (for relatively positioning
some elements from the construction of the devices and machine tools).
• Considering the number of outsets, the threads can be with one
outset (generally), with two or more outsets. The threads with more outsets
(fig. 1.2) have a high efficiency, but it can happen that the condition of self-
locking is not accomplished. Because the real pitch p of one helix is
determined with the formula p = i p′, where p′ is the apparent pitch of the
thread and i is the number of outsets, the axial displacement of one
complete rotation is bigger.
• Considering the screwing direction, there are traditional threads, on Fig. 1.2
the right and threads on the left, used when this direction is imposed by some functioning
• Considering the measuring system, the threads can be measured in millimeters (mainly in
the machine construction) or inch (at the imported machines and pipes).
• Considering the shape of the directory surface, there are cylindrical threads (most of the
threads) and conical threads (where there are imposed sealings or adjustement of the clearances
appeared due to usage).
• Considering the dimension of the thread’s pitch, there are large pitch, usual pitch and fine
pitch threads.The large pitch improve the speed of the axial movement at actioning, but it may
unfill the self-locking condition.The fine pitch threads (used for measuring or adjusting threads)
increase the resistance of the threaded bar, assure the accomplishment of the self-braking
condition (self-fixing), but they discrease the resistance of the helix.
• Considering the generating profile of the of the thread’s helix, there are triangular
threads, square threads, trapezoidal threads, round threads and saw threads.
The shape of the generating profile and the geometrical parameters of the threads are
The triangular threads are used at the threaded assemblings, because they assure a good self-
locking. The metric thread
(measured in millimeters) has the
generating profile an equilateral
triangle (α = 600) and the
Whitworth thread (measured in
inch) has the generating profile
an isoscele triangle (α = 550).
In figure 1.3 are shown the
geometrical parameters of the
metric thread, these parameters
can be found also in the
Fig. 1.3 geometrical definition of the
other threads. The significance of
the parameters is:
• d, D – the exterior diameter of the thread for the screw (also called nominal diameter),
respectively for the nut;
• d2, D2 – the medium diameters of the threads of
the screw and of the nut, the same like of the
cylinder on which generator the solid is equal
with the gap;
• d1, D1 – the interior diameter of the thread for
the screw, respectively for the nut;
• p – the pitch of the thread, the distance between Fig. 1.4
two similar points from two neighbour helixes;
• H1 –the effective height of the helix of the thread of the screw;
• H2 – the practical height, the contact height between the helixes of the threads of the
screw and of the nut;
• α - the angle of the generator profile of the thread;
• β1, β2, β - the inclination angle of the helix of the thread corresponding to the interior
diameter, medium diameter, respectively to the nominal diameter; it’s used in
calculations the angle β2, calculated with the formula (see figure 1.4)
β 2 = arctg . (1.1)
πd 2
The metric threads can be made with normal pitch (simbolized M d) or with fine pitch
(simbolized M d x p). The base of the thread of the screw (see figure 1.3), can be straight or
rounded (used is the case of dynamical forces dor discreasing the stresses concentrator).
The Whitworth thread, destinated for pipings, are made with fine pitch, has rounded base and
the top of the profile without clearance at the base of the thread, assuring a good fixing and
tightening. It is symbolized Gdi, where di is the interior diameter of the piping, in inch (for
example, G 3/4 represents the thread of a piping with the interior diameter di = 3/4").
The square thread (figure 1.5) is
made for screw-nut transmissions. The
profile of the thread, a square (α = 00)
with the side equal with half of the
pitch’s value, is getting to the following
properties of the thread:
• higher efficiency;
• low stiffness and strength of the
• unsatisfying centering of the nut Fig. 1.5
on the screw, as a result clearances can appear;
• low productivity, the thread is machined only by turning.
The square threads are standardized with three values of the pitches (large, normal and fine)
and it is symbolized Pt d x p.
The trapezoidal threads (figure 1.6) are destinated for screw-nut transmissions. The
trapezoidal profile, with the top
angle α = 300, gets to the
following properties of the thread:
• low efficiency in
comparison with the
square thread’s efficiency;
• higher stiffness and
resistance of the helix than
of the square thread
• good centering (on the

flanks) of the nut on the Fig. 1.6

• high manufacturing productivity, assured by the possibility of machining by milling.

These properties make the trapesoidal threads the most frecvently used at the screw-nut
transmissions. The standard has three values for the pitch (large, normal or fine) and the
symbolization is Tr d x p.
The round thread (figure 1.7) has the profile formed by filleted lines by circle arcs. It is a
particular case of the trapezoidal thread, having the the base of the profile in an arc shape. By
this, it’s adding to the properties of the trapezoidal thread a high strength to fatigue, which makes
it more advantageous, as a
transmission thread, in the
case of dynamical forces, in
hard running conditions (the
railway couples, hydraulic
armings etc.). It is built with
large, normal or fine pitch
being symbolized R d x p.
A particular case of the
round thread represents the Fig. 1.7
Edison thread, formed just from arcs. This is developed by plastically deformation of the pieces
with thin walls and is met the most at the electrical installations.
The saw thread (figure 1.8) is destinated for the screw-nut transmissions. The profile, with
the active flank very low enclined
(30) and with the inactive flank
enclined with 300, is a combination
of the square and trapezoidal
threads, getting to the following
• the efficiency is very closed
to that of the square thread;
• stiffness and strength of the
helix similar with that one of Fig. 1.8
the helix of the trapezoidal
• good resistance to fatigue, because of the filleted base of the helix which descrease the
stresses concentrator;
• high productivity execution, assured by the possibility of working by milling;
• the asimetrical construction allow to hold the axial force in only one sense.
These properties are recommended for taking over high forces with shocks, which are acting
in only one direction (the compresing devices of the mills, the construction of the pressing
machines etc.). The standard has three values for pitch (large, normal or fine), simbolized by
S d x p.
1.3. Loads in threaded assemblings and in the screw-nut transmissions. Efficiency
At mounting or demounting the threaded assemblings (figure 1.9, a) and at the movement in
one sense or another one of a load with the help of a screw-nut transmission (for example it is
considered the jack with simple screw, represented in figure 2.10, b), on the component elements
are acting exterior and linking loads. The external load is a motor torque Mm, deremined with the
M m = Fm L , (1.2)

where Fm represents the external force, which acts at the edge of the arm, and L – the length of
the arm.

a b
Fig. 1.9
Because of the compression of the nut, in the threaded assembling appears an axial force F,
which stretches the screw and compress the assembled elements. An axial force F appears also in
the screw-nut transmissions, this being the load which has to be displaced. Under the action of
the force F, in the threaded assemblings and in the screw-nut transmissions appears two resistant
• Mînş (deş) – The screwing or unscrewing torque, which appears in the helycal couple due
to the shape of the thread and the friction between the helixes;
• Mfr – The friction (bearing) torque, which appears between the rotational piece (screw or
nut) and the surface where this is fixed.
The equilibrum of the piece over which acts the motor torque (the nut, in the case of threaded
assemblings, respectively the screw, in the case of the jack with simple screw – see figure 2.10) is
exprimed by the formula:
Mm = Mînş (deş) + Mf. (1.3)

The screwing torque. The unscrewing torque

The way of generating the thread drives to the possibility of an analogy of the phenomena
which take place at screwing (unscrewing) with that ones from the lifting (descending) of a case
on enclined plane. In this analogy, the angle of the enclined plane correspond to the medium
enclined angle of the helix of the thread (β2) and the weight of the case from the enclined plane
corresponds to the axial force (F) which loads the helycal couple.
The significance of the forces which appears in the calculus sketch from figure 1.10 is:
• H, H’ – the tangential force which, applied at the arm d2/2, creats the screwing torque,
respectively unscrewing and it’s the same with the same force which pushes up,
respectively down, the case on the enclined plane.
• N – the normal reaction of the enclined plane;
• Ff – friction force, which opposed to the displacement of the case on the enclined plane
(Ff = μN, μ being the friction coefficient);
• ( )
R – the reaction with the friction R = N + μ N , which makes the angle ϕ with the
normal force, ϕ = arctg μ being called friction angle.
The equilibrium equation of the case which is lifting on the enclined plane (see figure 1.10,
b) is

∑ F = 0; F + H + R = 0. (1.4)

From the forces polygon (figure 2.10, c), results the pushing force at lifting on the enclined
plane (screwing)

Screwing - climbing

b c

Unscrewing - downing

d e

Fig. 1.10

H = F tg(β 2 + ϕ) (1.5)

And the corresponding screwing torque

d2 d
M ins = H = F 2 tg (ϕ + β 2 ). (1.6)
2 2
At the descending on the enclined plane – unscrewing (see figure 1.11, d) – the equilibrum
equation is

∑ F = 0; F + H ' + R = 0. (1.7)

From the forces polygon (figure 1.11, e), results the pushing force at lifting on the enclined
plane (unscrewing)
H ' = F tg (ϕ − β 2 ) (1.8)
And the corresponding unscrewing torque
d2 d
M des = H ' = F 2 tg (ϕ − β 2 ). (1.9)
2 2
All the previous calculations are
made on the hipothesis of a profile angle
α = 00 (corresponding to the square
thread). In the case of the threads with
the profile angle α ≠ 0, the normal force
acting on the helix’s profile is bigger
then the axial force (figure 1.12). The
friction force, depending of the normal
Fig. 1.12 force, is higher
Ff = 2 μ = μ' F , (1.10)
2 cos
where μ' = represents the virtual friction coefficient. It can be seen that the value of the
virtual friction coefficient increase with the value of the angle α. This fact explains the use of
metric threads (α = 600) as fixing threads. The virtual friction angle ϕ′, corresponding to the
virtual friction coefficient μ′, is determined with the equation

⎛ α⎞
ϕ' = arctg μ' = arctg ⎜ μ / cos ⎟. (1.11)
⎝ 2⎠

The generalizations of the screwing and uscrewing torque equations, by considering the
angle of the thread’s profile, becomes
M ins = F 2 tg (ϕ'+β 2 ), (1.12)
M des = F 2 tg (ϕ'−β 2 ). (1.13)
The comparison of the equations (1.6) şi (1.9), respectively of the equations (1.12) and
(1.13), demonstrates the inegallity Mînş > Mdeş.
The friction torque appears on a surface, like a circular rim, between the rotational part
(screw or nut) and the part on which is fixed. In the case of threaded assemblings, the interior
diameter d0 of the surface is equal with the passing hole and the exterior diameter is equal with
the inner dimenions of the arm’s fork S.
The calculus equation of the friction torque

1 S 3 − d 03
M f = μ1 F 2 , (1.14)
3 S − d 02

The calculus equation for the friction torque for the couple screw-cup
1 d 3 − d 03
M f = μ 1 F c2 . (1.15)
3 d c − d 02
By exchanging the values in the equation (1.3), results

⎡d 1 S 3 − d 03 ⎤
M m = Fm L = F ⎢ 2 tg (ϕ'±β 2 ) + μ1 2 ⎥. (1.16)
⎢⎣ 2 3 S − d 02 ⎥⎦

This equation permits to determine one of the three parameters F, Fm or L, when the othe two
are known. In the case of threaded assemblings, if it’s imposed the action force Fm and the length
of the arm (L ≅ 12 d, at the fixed arms), results the axial force F (F ≈ 80 Fm), sometimes being
imposed the limitation of the compressing of the screw assembling (by using dynamometric keys)
In the case of the jacks, knowing the axial load which has to be lifted F and considering known
the action force Fm (Fm = 150…350 N) results the necessary length of the arm.

1.3.2. The self-locking /self-braking condition

The self-locking condition (used in the case of threaded assemblings) is the condition that
under the action of the axial force which loads the threaded assembling this one do not unfix by
The self-braking condition (used in the case of the screw-nut transmission) is the condition
do not appear relative displacements in the helycal couple of the screw-nut transmissions under
the action of the axial force which is loading it, at the moment when is not applied any motor
By analogy with the case of the enclined plane, the self-braking condition (self-locking) is
that a body under his own weight should not go down on the enclined plane.
The self-locking condition (self-braking) is equivalent with Mdeş > 0, which get (see equation
(1.13)) at

ϕ’ > β2 . (1.17)
For the self-locking of the threaded assemblings, the equation (1.17) is accomplished by
using standardized metric threads, but it’s enough just in the case of loading with static loads. In
the case of dynamic stresses (because of the shocks, vibrations, descrease of friction between the
friction surfaces etc.) and in the absence of suplimentary safety solutions, the unscrewing of the
assembling could happen. Because of this, for the threaded assemblings, the theoretical
verification of the self-locking condition will not be done but safety solutions for locking will be
For the screw-nut transmissions is absolutely necessary the verification of the self-braking
condition, because at some of the large pitch threads or with more outsets it can exist the danger
of unfulfilling it.

1.3.3. The efficiency of the helycal couple and of the screw-nut transmissions

The efficiency is determined like a ratio between the practical mechanical work (Lu) and the
consumed mechanical work (Lc) η = Lu/Lc and it’s, generally, the comparison criteria between
threads or between screw-nut transmissions.
The efficiency of the helycal couple is obtained like a ratio between the mechanical work
without friction (useful) and the mechanical work with friction (consumed), corresponding to one
complete rotation of the driving element:
L fara frecare 2πM ins ( ϕ′=0) 2πF tgβ 2
2 tgβ 2
η= = = = . (1.18)
Lcu frecare 2πM ins ( ϕ′≠ 0) d tg(ϕ′ + β 2 )
2πF 2 tg(ϕ′ + β 2 )
Because ϕ’ increases with the value of the angle of the thread’s profile, results that the
threads with enclined flanks has a lower efficiency then the square thread’s one (α = 0).
The efficiency presents a minimum interest in the case of the fixing threads, in the practical
work being used threads with one outset and a normalpitch.
At the movement screws, which are functioning with short and often interruptions, the
efficiency is to be as great as it’s possible, in these cases are choosen threads with large pitch
and/or more outsets, even the action is harder to be done.
The efficiency of the screw-nut transmissions takes into account the friction from the helycal
couple and the friction from the other elements being in a relative movement.
For the simple jack (see figure 1.9, b)
2πM m( ϕ'=0;μ1 =0) 2π F
tg β 2
η= = 2 =
2πM m( ϕ'≠ 0;μ1 ≠ 0) ⎡ d2 1 d c3 − d 03 ⎤
2π ⎢ F tg(ϕ'+β 2 ) + μ1 F 2 ⎥
⎢⎣ 2 3 d c − d 02 ⎦⎥ (1.19)
tg β 2
= .
2 μ1 d c3 − d 03
tg(ϕ'+β 2 ) +
3 d 2 d c2 − d 02
1.4. Materials and technology

The materials used in the construction of the elements of the threaded assemblings (screws
and nuts) are from the steel cathegory, neferous metals and alloys or even nonmetals (wood,
plastics). When the material is choosen it’s necessary to consider the work environment
(temperature, corrosive exterior agents), the main stresses (tension or share), the stress conditions
(statical or variable), the construction technology and costs.
Generally, the screws and the nuts of the threaded assemblings are made from steels grouped
considering the main mechanical properties. For screws, each steel group is symbolized by two
digits split by a dot (for example 4.8, 6.6, 8.8). The digits inform about the imposed minimal
mechanical properties of the material and: the first digit multiplied with 100 represents the
minimal fracturing stress at tension and the product of the two digits multiplied with 10
represents the minimal flowing tension (for example, for group 4.8: σ r min = 4 ⋅ 100 = 400 MPa;
σ02 min = 4 ⋅ 8 ⋅ 10 = 320 MPa). For nuts, each steel group is symbolized by one digit, which
multiplied with 100, means the minimal fracture stress at tension imposed to the material (for
example, the materials from group 6 have σ r min = 6 ⋅ 100 = 600 MPa). The value of fracturing
stress of the material determines directly proportionally the loading capacity of the threaded
assemblings statically loaded. The high value of the flowing is an important property of the
screw’s material, avoiding the plastically deformations of the bar at high stresses and the
appearance of the suplimentary stress concentrators, in the threaded part, because of the
plastically local microdeformations.
The plain washers are made by OL 34, AUT 08 etc., and spring washers (like Grower
washers) are made from spring steels OLC 55A, OLC 65A etc.
At the screw-nut transmissions are used general steels for constructions (OL 37, OL 50 etc.),
quality carbon steel (OLC 35, OLC 45 etc.) or alloy steel for movement screws, considering the
functioning conditions. The movement nuts are made from the same steels like the movement
screws or less strength materials.
The fabrication technology of the threads is choosen considering the series of production. At
the unique and small series production it’s recommended the threading with the anger die for the
screw and with the tap for the nut or turning both pieces, with threaded cutter. At the large series
production, the machining can be made on the lathe (with special tools: basic rack-type cutter or
circular tool), on automatic machines or by rolling. The rolling assures a high productivity and
also keeps the continuity of the material’s fibres giving better strength fot variable loads. At the
variably stressed screws the base of the thread is rectificated or cold hardened by rolling.
The movement threads are machined by turning or, for a higher productivity, by milling. For
greating precision of the execution, milling can be followed by rectification.
1.5. The calculus of the threaded assemblings and of the screw-nut transmissions

1.5.1. Causes of failures

In the most general case, the screw of the threaded assemblings or of a screw-nut
transmission is loaded with an axial force, a torsion torque and, not so often, a transversal force
and a bending torque. The loads can act statically or dynamically.
The failures of the threaded assemblings are the fracture of the bar of the screw and the
damaging of the thread of of the screw or of the nut. The reasons of the fracture are the fatigue of
the material (because of the action of some dynamic loads and the existence of the tension
concentrators), overloads statically applied, the execution, the mounting and the uncorect
exploitation of the threaded pieces.
The distribution of the tensions on the screw’s bar of a threaded assembling shown in figure
1.13, taking as reference the tension σ0 from the unthreaded bar. Coresponding to the maximal
tensions, the fractures appears mostly in:
• the first helix zone of the screw in contact with the nut (≈ 65% from the fractures), this
frequency of the fractures
being explained by the
Fracture frecvency, in %
ununiform distribution of the
loads between the helixes in
contact of the screw-nut, the
first helix overtaking
aproximetly one third of the
• the passing zone from the
shank to the head of the screw
(≈ 20% from the fractures)
because of the tension
• the zone from the first helix
of the thread (≈ 15% from the
fractures) because of the
tension concentrator. Fig. 1.13
The cause of failures at screw-nut transmissions is especially, due to the damage (crushing,
wear, shear, bending) of flanks of the thread helix.
In order to avoid failures of the threaded assembling’s elements, dimensioning and
verification calculus at the main stresses must be developed and also some technological and
constructive solutions for descreasing the tension concentrators must be consider.
1.5.2. The calculus of the screws loaded with an axial force

This loading case less met in practice (screw rings for lifting, assembling of the crain’s hook
etc.). The the screw is stressed at tension or compression, the tension being calculated with the
σt, c = ≤ σ a t, c . (1.20)
πd 12

For dimensioning the necessary interior diameter of the thread is established

d1 = , (1.21)
πσ a t , c

Considering this value, the standardized thread has to be choosen and, after that, a
standardized screw. The calculus of the screws loaded with an axial force and a torque

This loading case is frequently met being proper for the fixing screws – while mounting –
and the movemenet screws – while lifting or downing of the load.
The screw is stressed at tension or compression, by the axial force (the pre-compresion force
or the lifting load) and at torsion, by a torsion torque which can be a screwing torque or a friction
The tension (compression) stress is established with the equation
σt, c = , (1.22)
πd 12

and the torsion stress with the equation

M t 16M t
τt = = . (1.23)
Wp πd 13

These stresses are composed in an equivalent stress, determined with the third fracture theory
with the equation
2 2
⎛ 4F ⎞ ⎛ 16M t ⎞ 4F ⎛ 4M t ⎞
σe = σ t2, c + 4τ t2 = ⎜ 2 ⎟ + 4⎜ ⎟= 1 + 4 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (1.24)
⎜ πd ⎟ ⎜ πd 3 ⎟ πd 2
⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠ 1 ⎝ F d1 ⎠

σe = β = βσ t , c ≤ σ a t , c . (1.25)
πd 12
where β is an coefficient, introduced in the equation (1.25), which takes into account the
influence of the torsion stress in the equivalent stress. The value of the coefficient β depends on
the nature of the torque (and also on the value of the torque reported to the axial force).
If the torque is a screwing torque (the case of the fixing screws mounted with compression,
the main screw of the double action jack, the secondary screw of the telescopic and double action
jacks etc.), the value of the coefficient β results β ≈ 1,3.
If the torque is a friction (slipery or rolling) torque (the case of the screw of the jack with
simple screw or of the presses, the main screw of a telescopical jack etc.) the coefficient β takes
values between β = 1…1,1, with minimal values in the case of rolling friction and the maximum
in the case of slipery friction.
The equation (1.15) is equivalent to the calculus of the screw’s bar with an increased calculus
force Fc = β F. In this way, in the case of the fixing screws, stressed to tension, by the
compression force F, and torsion, by the screwing torque (β = 1,3), the verification equation is

4 Fc 4 ⋅1,3F
σt = = ≤ σat , (1.26)
πd 12 πd12

and the dimensioning equation is

4 ⋅ 1,3F
d1 = . (1.27)
πσ at

The allowable resistance σat is established considering the material of the screw and the
importance of the assembling, with the equation
σ 02
σ at = , (1.28)

where σ02 is the limited flowing tension of the material of the screw, c is a safety coefficient
depending on the screw’s dimensions (, low values for big screws and high values for small
screws) and on the importance of the assembling (smaller coefficient as higher the importance of
the assembling) with values c = 1,2…5.
In the case of movement screws, the calculus has a pre-dimensioning stage, where, the
interior diameter of the thread is calculated with the equation (see equation (1.25))
4β F
d1 = , (1.29)
πσ a t , c
and a standardized thread is choosen, The calculus is followed by a verification stage, with the
equation (1.24).
The allowable resistance σat,c, at transmission screws, is established considering the screw’s
material, the dimension of the screw and the danger of producing accidents. The calculus of the thread’s helix

The calculus of the thread’s helix is made just in the screw-nut transmission case, in order to
prevent the damage of the helix because of the crushing, bending or share stresses. This calculus
is not made for fixing thread, because the dimensions of the standardized fixing threads and the
heigh of the standardized nuts were established from the condition of equal resistance of the
thread’s helix and screw’s bar.
The calculus is made on the basis of the simplifying ipothesis:
• the external axial force F is uniformly distributed on the contact helixes between the
screw and nut;
• the load which acts on one helix F/z is uniformly distributed on the contact surface;
• the angle of the thread’s helix is irrelevant (β2 = 0);
• the profile angle of the thread’s helix is irrelevant (α = 0).
The crashing calculus (fig. 1.14). The crashing
surface of one helix is a circular rim between the interior
diameter of the nut’s thread D1 and the nominal diameter
of the screw d. The checking at crashing is made with the
F/z 4F
p= = ≤ pa , (1.30)
π 2
d − D1 2
) z π d 2
− D1
for the limitation of the pressure p of the lubricanting film
between the screw’s and nut’s helixes (imposed by the
damaging limitation).

a b

From the resistance to crashing condition of the lubricating film the necessary number of
helixes of the nut is established
z≥ . (1.31)
π d − D12 p a
The allowable pressure pa is choosen considering the materials in contact, choosing values
between pa = 5…13 MPa.
The bending calculus (figure 1.14) is made for avoiding the fracture at the basis of the
screw’s or nut’s helix. The helix is similar to a fixed bar with the lug load, the fracture section
being the external surface of a cylinder. If the nut’s material is the same with srew’s material, the
calculus has to be made just for the screw’s helix, this having the smaller section (the fracture
section diameter is smaller), with the equation
F d 2 − d1
M 3F (d 2 − d 1 )
σi = i = z 2
= ≤ σ ai . (1.32)
Wz πd 1 h πd 1 h 2 z
If the nut is made from a lighter material then the screw’s one, the nut’s helix is checked with
the equation
F D − d2
M 3F (D − d 2 )
σi = i = z 2
= ≤ σ ai . (1.33)
Wz πDh πDh 2 z
The allowable resistance at bending depends on the screw’s material, respectively of the nut,
taking the values σai = 60…80 MPa – for steel and σai = 40…45 MPa – for bronze and casting.
The share calculus (see figure 1.14) has a smaller importance. The fracture section by shear
is the same like in the case of bending. If the material of the screw is the same with the material
of the nut, the checking equation is applied on the screw’s helix and it is
τf = = ≤ τa f . (1.34)
A πd 1 h z

If the material of the nut is lighter, the checking equation for the nut’s helix is
τf = = ≤ τa f . (1.35)
A πDh z

The allowable resistance at shear depends on the material of the screw, respectively of the
nut, taking the values τaf = 50…65 MPa – for steel and τaf = 30…35 MPa – for bronze or casting. The calculus of threaded assemblings transversally stressed

Considering the way of mounting the screws, the threaded assemblings transversally stressed
are classified in: assemblings with screws mounted with clearance and assemblings with screws
mounted without clearance.
The assembling with screws mounted with
clearance (figure 1.15) transmits the transversally
load from one plate to another by friction forces.
The friction between the plates as a result of their
compression, the compression force F0 is stressing
the screw at tension. The assemblings transmit
correctly the transversally load Q if this one is
smaller then the friction force between the plates Ff

Ff > Q. (2.39)
The friction force is determined with the
equation Fig. 1.15
Ff = μ F0 z i, (1.36)

where μ is the friction coefficient between the plates, z is the number of screws and i is the
number of the pairs of friction surfaces (i = 2 for the assembling from figure 1.15).
From the previous equations results the necessary force of compression on one screw
F0 = β , (1.37)
μ zi

where β is an overunit safety coeficent at slipery of the plates.

The shank of the screw is stressed at tension by the compressing force F0 and the calculus is
made considering also the torsion load which appears at mounting (see subchapter1.5.3.), the
checking equation being
4 ⋅1,3F0
σt = ≤ σat , (1.38)
πd 12
and for dimensioning
4 ⋅ 1,3F0
d1 = . (1.39)
πσ a t

These assemblings needs a low precision, but they claim for relatively big screws.

The assemblings with screws mounted

without clearance (figure 1.16) used for
special screws (called fitted or precision
bolts), with larger and more precise diameter
of the shank. The transversally load Q is
transmited from a plate to another by the
contact between these and the shank of the l1 = l1′ + l1′′
The shank is shear stressed, and at the
Fig. 1.16
contact shank-plates appears the crashing stress.
The shear stress is the main one, the checking is made with the equation
Q 4Q
τf = = ≤ τa f , (1.40)
A π D02 zi

where z represents the number of screws, and i – the number of the shear sections (i = 2 for the
assembling from figure 1.16).
For dimensioning, the diameter of the shank of the screw is established

D0 = (1.41)
π zi τ af

considering this, the standardized screw is choosen.

The allowable resistance at shear τaf is choosen considering the material of the screw and the
tipe of the stress. In this way: τaf = (0,2…0,3) σ02 – for dynamic loads and τaf = 0,4 σ02 – for
static loads.
The crashing stress between the plates and the bar of the screw is calculated accepting as a
crashing surface the projection of the real surface on a perpendicular plane on the direction of the
force Q, the checking equation results
σs = = ≤ σa s , (1.42)
A D0 l min z

where lmin represents the minimal contact length between the screw’s shank and the plates (lmin =
min(l1, l2)).
The allowable resistance at crashing is choosen considering the material of the less resistant
piece (crew or plates) σas = (0,3…0,4) σ02 .
The necessary screws in the case of these assemblings are smaller comparing with the screws
from the assemblings with screws mounted with clearance, but the technology is more complex
(the shank of the screw is rectified and the passing holes are bored).

1.5.6. The calculus of the threaded assemblings mounted with pre-compression and axial

These types of assemblings are met in the machine construction at: the assembling between
the cylinder cover and the motor block at the internal burning engines, the assembling between
the top and the compressor’s cylinder, the assembling between the top of the pressured recipients;
the assemblings of the sleeve bearings etc.
At these assemblings, during mounting an axial force F0 (compressing force) is acting, which
tension the screw and compress the assembled pieces. During functioning an explotation force
appears having the same direction with the compressing force, superimposing on it. Functionally,
this type of assembling has to assure the sealing (at recipients, pipes, cylinder covers etc.) or
tightening (at sleeve bearings).
The study of the phenomena which take place at the assembling of the top and the body of a
recipient under pressure, which will be presented in the followings, (figure 1.17), is according to
all the threaded assemblings mounted with pre-compression and axial loaded

a b c
Fig. 1.17

In the assembling and exploitation of a recipient under pressure with top cover three phases
appear (see figure 1.17).
• The initial mounting phase (figure 1.17, a) is characterized by the sitting of the top on the
recipient’s body, the introduction of the screws in the passing gaps and handscrewing the nuts for
eliminating the clearances. In this phase there are no forces or deformations.
• The mounting phase (figure 1.17, b) is characterized by tightening the assembling with a
wrench. As a result, the compressing force F0 appears, tensioning the screw, deforming it with δ0s,
and compress the assembled elements, deforming them with δ0p. The deformations δ0s ≠ δ0p
depend on the stiffness of the screw, respectively of the assembled pieces.
• The exploitation phase (figure 1.17, c) is caractherised by the introduction in the
recipient of a fluid under pressure, which tends to through away the top of the recipient’s body.
The pressure is replaced, for the study, with an exploitation force which is uniformelly distributed
on z assembling screws, for every screw is given an explotation force F. By the action of the
explotation force F the screw is suplimentary tensioned with δs and the assembled pieces slack
with δp. The two deformations are equal (δs = δp) because the nut is not relatively displaced along
the screw. A part of the exploitation force, χF, participates to the suplimentary dilatation of the
screw, and the rest of the exploitation force, (1 – χ)F, participates to the uncompressing of the
assembling pieces.
As a result of the exploitation phase the total deformations are:
• δts = δ0s + δs, for the screw and
• δtp = δ0p + δp, for the assembling pieces. (1.43)
The forces which load the assembling elements are:
• Fs = F0 + χF, for the screw and
• F0′ = F0 – (1 – χ)F, for the assembling pieces. (1.44)
The necessary compressing force F0 is determined from the condition that the assembling
must accomplish also the functional rol (the tightening or sealing the recipient). This fact is
expressed by maintening a force which should compress the assembling elemens during
exploitation F0′ > 0, from equation (1.44) being obtained the condition F0 > (1 – χ)F. Imposing a
safety coefficient K to the assembling, the equation which determines a necessary compressing
force becomes
F0 = K(1 - χ)F. (1.45)
The safety coefficient K is choosen considering the variation cicle of the explotation force: K
= 1,3…1,5, if is static loaded; K = 1,5…4, if is dynamic loaded.
The distribution coeffiecient χ of the exploitation force is determined from the equality
between the suplimentary dilatation of the screw and the slacking of the assembling elements (δs
= δp) under the action of the forces χF (at screw) and, respectively, (1 – χ)F (at the assembling
pieces). The deformations δs and δp can be exprimed , considering the loads which determines
them and the stifnesses of the screw (ks) and, respectively, of the assembling pieces (kp), by the

χF (1 − χ)F
δs = ; δp = . (1.46)
ks kp

From the equality δs = δp results

χ= . (1.47)
k0 + k p

The screw’s stiffness and, respectively, of the assembling pieces must be established
considering the constructive shape of the assembling elements.
The equation (1.47) allows us to express conclusions regarding the influence of the stifnesses
ks şi kp on the functionality of these assemblings.
• The low stiffness of the screw, so an elasticall screw, drives to a reduced value of the
coefficient χ, so to a small load of the screw during the exploitation. Because the force which
uncompress the assembled pieces is increasing (1 – χ)F, it’s necessary a bigger compressing
force F0 for maintaning the tightning (see equation (1.45)). As a result, elastic screws are
favorites in the case of a dynamic explotation force, because the influence of this dynamic
component is discreased, the stress of the screw being closer to a statical load.
• The high stiffness of the screw increases the coefficient χ, so also the force on the screw
during explotation. It’s discreasing, also, the force (1 – χ)F which decompresses the assembling
pieces, the assembling necesiting, for the mainetance of the tightening, a compressing force F0
more reduced. As a result, in the case of statical loading in explotation, are preferated the stiffed

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