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Hello teacher good afternoon.

Today I’ll talk about my personality, also I’ll talk about my siblings and my better
Also I’ll talk about the things that I did in the total quarantine.
My zodiac sign is Leo, I am reliable, generous, and patient, but sometimes I'm
I am friendly, honest and organized. When I work on my projects, I am
perfectionist, I think that is my default.
Now I’ll describe my abilities and some things that I learned in this quarantine.
I learned to cook, I can cook all kind of food. for example peanut soup, chiken
soup and green soup.
The green soup has spinach, green pepper, green bean, and parsley also has
tomato, carrot, celery and and some chicken.
Now I will talk about my brothers
I have 2 brothers and a sister.
My brother Hector was very worried about the quarantine.
He has three children. He is very friendly, patient with his children.
He educates them quite patiently. He really is a good father.
My brother Javier is only his girl friend lives in Cochabamba, he was eager to see
her but because of the quarantine, I could not hear him speak for a few hours
on the cell phone.
Now I will talk about my friend
His nickname is Chino. He is mechanic engineer
He is out of work because of this quarantine. his contract was canceled right in
this quarantine.
he is living in the city of Alto only because his wife stayed in another place
because of the quarantine.
He was out of a job. He is very friendly, fun and reliable.
I was talking to him, we teach in this quarantine via online.

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