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Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment

Applying Risk Management Principles - II

Daniel Roberts
Copyright Material IEEE
Paper No. ESW2011-22

Member, IEEE
Schneider Electric Canada Inc.
6675 Rexwood Road
Mississauga, ON L4V IVI

Abstract - Arc flash personal protective equipment is ISO 31000 Risk management - principles and guidelines
generally selected based on one of two methods: an incident
ISO 14121-1 Principles of risk assessment for machinery
energy analysis method or a hazard/risk category method.
Neither method adequately addresses the deployment of arc
ISO Guide 51 Safety aspects - Guidelines for their
flash personal protective equipment using risk management inclusion in standards
principles and processes. ISO/IEC Guide 73 Risk management vocabulary
The obj ective of this paper is to identify and apply risk This paper will describe how the principles being
management principles and methodology found in current developed in CSA Z1002 can be applied to arc flash risk, and
standards to assist with the selection of arc flash personal in particular, to the selection of arc flash personal protective
protective equipment and to determine when deployment of the
equipment (PPE).
arc flash protective equipment is warranted.
For consistency and clarity the following definitions found
in CSA Z1002 will apply in this paper:
Index terms - acceptable risk, arc flash, electrical safety,
hazard assessment, hazard/risk categories, risk analysis, risk Consequence - outcome of an event
assessment, risk evaluation, risk management, risk control Harm - physical injury or damage to health
Hazard - a source potential of harm to a worker
I. INTRODUCTION Risk - combination of the likelihood of the occurrence of
Safety is "freedom from unacceptable risk" [1]. It is harm and the severity of that harm
generally recognized by work-practice safety standards, Source - item or activity having a potential for a
equipment safety standards, health and safety professionals consequence
and even society in general that there is no absolute safety.
To achieve a situation of zero occupational health and safety II. RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS
risk in the workplace is impossible. Every workplace and The following is a general overview of the iterative risk
work activity has inherent risks. management process found in CSA Z1002 and shown in
In the field of occupational health and safety the objective Figure 1.
is absence from harm. Managing safety risk focuses on A. Establish the Risk Assessment Context
reducing risk by applying the hierarchy of risk control Risk cannot be managed in a vacuum. Effective risk
methods to achieve an acceptable level of risk. The concept management requires criteria or a term of reference against
of an acceptable level of risk is sometimes referred to as risk which the significance of a risk is evaluated.
that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) [3]. It must
Relevant occupational health and safety risk criteria can
be acknowledged that not all workplace parties readily
include social, political, legal, regulatory, financial,
embrace the term "acceptable risk," preferring to call it
technological and economic factors as well as an
"effective risk reduction."
organization's policies and objectives.
CSA Z1002 Occupation health and safety hazard
B. Risk Assessment
identification and elimination and risk assessment and
Risk assessment is the overall process of hazard
control, currently undergoing development, has as its scope
identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation.
the objective of specifying "requirements for identification
i) Hazard Identification
and elimination of occupational health and safety hazards,
Hazard identification is the process to fmd, list and
and assessment and control of the associated risks." This
characterize hazards. Put another way: sources of harm,
standard borrows the risk management principles and terms
from the following standards:

978-1-4673-1059-8/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

their causes and potential consequences need to be • Identifying changes to the risk assessment context
identified. (i.e. changes in legislation, technology, etc.)
ii) Risk Analysis
Sources, causes and potential consequences are
analyzed to determine their severity and the likelihood of
those consequences occurring. Likelihood and severity are
Establishing the conte xt
combined to determine a level of risk. The level of risk
provides input to risk evaluation.
a) Likelihood Risk assessment
The likelihood of the occurrence of an event that
could result in harm refers to the chance of something
happening, whether defined, measured or determined I Hazard identiflcation
objectively or subjectively, qualitatively or + Monitor

quantitatively. Likelihood can be described using Risk analysis
general terms or mathematically (such as a probability
or a frequency over a given time period). +
b) Severity
The potential severity of harm may be objectively I Risk evaluation
quantified (i.e. first-degree bum, second-degree bum,
etc.) or subjectively qualified (i.e. minor, serious or,
I Risk control
c) Level ofRisk
The level of risk is determined by combining the 1
outcome of the analysis of the likelihood that harm will
result and the potential severity of that harm. Fig. I. Risk Management Process
iii) Risk Evaluation
The level of risk is compared to the risk criteria to III. ApPLYING RISK MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES TO ARC FLASH
determine if the risk is acceptable or if risk control is HAZARDS

required. This paper will focus on applying the first three steps of
C. Risk Control the risk management process to arc flash hazards:
Risk control involves selecting one or more options to establishing the risk assessment context, risk assessment and
modify the risk to achieve a level of risk that is as low as risk control.
reasonably practicable. For occupational health and safety A. Establishing the Risk Assessment Context
risks risk control typically involves: In the context of current social, legal and regulatory
• Removing the risk source factors workplace injuries are not a desirable outcome.
• Changing the likelihood that harm may result Employers are required by regulation to exercise due

diligence and create a workplace free of reasonably
Changing the potential severity of the harm that may
foreseeable harm.
"The entirety of purpose of those responsible for safety,
D. Monitor and Review
regardless of the titles, is to identify, evaluate, and eliminate
The risk management process should be monitored and
or control hazards so that the risks deriving from those
reviewed for the purposes of:
hazards are acceptable." [3].
• Ensuring that controls are effective and efficient in
NFPA 70E-09 Electrical Safety in the Workplace [4], CSA
both design and operation
Z462-08 Workplace Electrical Safety [5] and other standards
• O btaining further information to improve risk that deal with arc flash frequently refer to the threshold
assessment incident energy predicted to cause the onset of second-degree
• Analyzing and learning lessons from events bum. This is often misinterpreted as an acceptable threshold
(including near-misses), changes, trends, successes below which arc flash risk can be tolerated without risk
and failures control. In view of the foregoing, this premise is
Conclusion: Arc flash risk must be managed to achieve a
level of risk as low as reasonably practicable (sometimes
1 ISO 3 1000 Section 5.4.3 "The way in which consequences and likeli­
referred to as ALARP) [3].
hood are expressed and the way in which they are combined to determine a
level of risk should reflect the type of risk, the information available and the
purpose for which the risk assessment output is to be used."

B. Risk assessment The level of risk is determined by combining the
i) Hazard Identification Boolean expressions identified in the Risk Analysis for
a) Source likelihood and severity in the Boolean operation called
Arc flash hazards are described by the conjunction [AND]:
aforementioned standards as "a release of energy Likelihood 0 [AND] Severity 0 = 0 Level of Risk
caused by an electric arc." The energy released is in Likelihood 0 [AND] Severity 1 = 0 Level of Risk
the form of heat, light, and mechanical forces such as Likelihood 1 [AND] Severity 0 = 0 Level of Risk
sound and blast pressure. Current standards deal Likelihood 1 [AND] Severity 1 = 1 Level of Risk
primarily with the thermal component of arc flash iii) Risk Evaluation
energy, as will this paper. When the level of risk is "0" risk controls do not need
b) Cause to be applied as harm is not reasonably foreseeable. When
An electric arc is initiated when the insulation or the level of risk is "1" then risk controls need to be applied
isolation of an energized electrical conductor is as harm is reasonably foreseeable.
compromised; the electric arc is sustained when there is The risk evaluation could be described in a matrix as
sufficient voltage to drive the arc and available fault shown in Table 1.
current to feed the arc [6].
c) Potential consequence TABLE 1
Injury or death and the destruction of equipment and Likelihood of occur-
Likelihood of occur-
property. rence of harm not
rence of harrn ALARP
ii) Risk AnalysiS ALARP
Severity of Incident
a) Likelihood Energy 0 calo-
Risk Control Not Re- Risk Control Not Re-
quired quired
Since an arc flash event is initiated when insulation ries/cm2
or isolation of energized electrical conductors is Severity of incident
Risk Control Not Re-
compromised, the risk of an arc flash event occurring is Energy> 0 calo- Risk Control Required
2 quired
proportional to the likelihood that such a situation may
To simplify the risk analysis, the likelihood of an arc C. Risk Control
flash event will be qualified by the Boolean expressions The risk management process can and should be applied to
of "0" and "1," where "0" is the situation where arc flash hazards during the "design" phase (or design-review
likelihood is impossible or "as low as reasonably 3
of equipment already in use) and during the "use" phase.
practicable" and "1" is every other situation. i) Risk control during the Design Phase
b) Severity a) Likelihood
Arc flash injuries can range from minor, curable Risk control for likelihood during the design phase
burns to severe burns requiring skin grafting or and pre-use phase could include:
amputation. Death can occur when a significant • Equipment design features such as insulated bus or
portion of the victim's body is burned. distribution system design such as high-resistance
In occupational health and safety severity of harm is grounded distribution system
usually quantified by dose or magnitude of exposure. It • Testing, inspecting, commissioning to ensure the
is the magnitude of exposure that generally determines equipment is not defective and is installed per the
the severity of harm. In arc flash terms, the magnitude manufacturer's specifications and applicable codes
of exposure is currently defined as incident energy: and standards
"the amount of [thermal] energy impressed on a surface
b) Severity
a certain distance from the source, generated during an
Risk control for severity during the design phase
electrical arc event."
could include:
U sing the risk criteria that injuries are not a
• Reduce the arc flash energy by faster arcing fault
desirable outcome, any potential level of incident
interruption time
energy should receive risk control. To simplify the risk
• Divert the arc flash energy - "crowbar" the
analysis outcome, absence of incident energy will be
qualified by the Boolean expression "0," any incident conductors to collapse the voltage and extinguish
energy above zero will be qualified by the Boolean the arcing event
expression "1." • Contain the arc flash energy through arc resistant
c) Level ofRisk design

2 IEEE 1584 Section 4.2 and 9.3.2 3 ISOIlEC Guide 5 1: 1999(E) Section 6 and Figure 2

• Create distance between personnel and the arc ment is required in a given work situation would be the result
flash energy through the use of remote operation of estimating the likelihood.
and remote racking To summarize:
The above lists are by no means exhaustive. Safety by Severity of exposure determines PPE selection
design (inherently safe design) is a topic on its own that Likelihood of exposure determines PPE deployment
has been and should continue to be developed. A. Estimating Arc Flash Severity
ii) Risk Treatment during the "Use" Phase O ne method to determine the potential severity of an arc
a) Remove the risk source flash event is referred to as an incident energy analysis. This
De-energize electrical equipment before beginning method generally involves the use of complex formulas.
work. Examples of these formulas and sample calculations can be
The importance of this risk control option cannot be found in IEEE 1584 and in Annex D of NFPA 70E-09 and
overstated. Experience has shown that far too many arc CSA Z462-08. While this method provides relatively reliable
flash mJunes occur when work is performed consequence data, it is best done with the use of software by
unnecessarily on energized electrical equipment. someone skilled in the use and evaluation of such formulas.
Note: Some risk control measures can of themselves Incident energy estimation tables are another method of
introduce additional risks. The process of de- providing an estimate of incident energy exposure levels for
energizing has inherent risks. workers that do not possess the means or skill sets to perform
b) Likelihood incident energy calculations. While there are many
Risk control for likelihood during the "use: phase parameters used in current calculation methods, incident
could include: energy is generally the product of the short circuit current, the

arcing fault duration and the distance of the worker from the
Adequate maintenance and inspection of electrical
electric arc (known as the "working distance"). If the
distribution equipment and conductors to minimize
electrical worker can estimate the short circuit current and the
the probability of insulation or isolation of
time it will take the over-current device to interrupt arcing
energized conductors being compromised.
fault, then he or she can use an incident energy estimation
c) Severity
table where those parameters have been used to provide
Risk control for severity during the "use" phase
estimates of incident energy levels for various typical
could include: 5 6
scenarios. NFPA 70E-09 Tables D.9.1 and D.9.2 (CSA
• Training, education and methodology to ensure Z462-08 Tables D.8 and D.9) are examples of incident
that when a fuse is replaced the correct model and energy estimation tables where this premise has been used.
type is used; or if an overcurrent relay's settings
To a limited extent this premise was also used by the
are temporarily adjusted for testing or other
creators of the hazard/risk category method found in NFPA
purposes that they are returned to the correct
70E-09 and CSA Z462-08. As indicated in NFPA 70E-09
settings. Example: An incorrect fuse replacement 7
Article 130.7(C)(9) Fine Print Note No. 1 : the protective
can significantly increase the duration of an arcing
clothing and equipment specified by the hazard/risk category
fault event with a commensurate increase in the arc
method "were generally based on a determination of
flash energy.
estimated exposure levels." However, the Fine Print Note
• Routine testing of overcurrent protective relays goes on to state that where the "risk" (i.e. likelihood) of an
and their associated interrupting device (i.e. circuit arc flash event occurring was unlikely, very unlikely or
breaker) to ensure the pick-up and timing extremely unlikely the PPE has been reduced one, two or
characteristics are within tolerance. three levels respectively. A reduction in the protection
• Contain the energy with arc flash blankets.
• Use of personal protective equipment rated for the
4 Incident energy calculation methods are an evolving science. The cal­
potential severity of the arc flash energy. In
culation method most often referred to is found in the standard IEEE 1584
harmony with the hierarchy of occupational health Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations. At best, this and other
and safety risk elimination and control principles, peer reviewed methods should be viewed as 'best available estimates' of
this should be the last option explored. potential incident energy exposures.
5 Table D.9. 1 Low-Voltage Systems - Maximum Three-Phase Bolted­
Fault Current Limits at Various System Voltages and Fault-Clearing Times
IV. DETERMINING ARC FLASH PERSONAL PROTECTIVE of Circuit Breakers, for the Recommended Use of HazardlRisk Category
EQUIPMENT NEEDS USING RISK MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (HRC) 2 and HRC 4 Personal Protective Equipment in an "Arc in a Box"
As shown in Section III of this paper, personal protective 6 Table D.9.2 High-Voltage Systems - Maximum Three-Phase Bolted­
equipment is a risk control option for severity, not likelihood. Fault Current Limits at Various System Voltages and Fault-Clearing Times
Personal protective equipment selection is based on the of Circuit Breakers, for the Recommended Use of Hazard / Risk Category
equipment performance meeting or exceeding the exposure (HRC) 2 and HRC 4 Personal Protective Equipment in an "Arc in a Box"
potential. [7] Whether or not the personal protective equip- 7 See also CSA Z462-08 Clause Note 1

afforded by personal protective equipment is not consistent of operation, environment the equipment is located
with risk management principles. This principle is reinforced in, etc.
by a comment made in the 2011 Annual Revision Cycle As shown in Section III of this paper, probability can be
NFPA Report on Proposals by Mr. David M. Wallis of the qualified by the Boolean expressions of "0" and "1," where
US Department of Labor: "The fact that it is a component [of "0" is the situation where probability is impossible or "as low
the task based tables] does not justify that risk should be used as reasonably practicable," and "1" is every other situation.
to lower protection. The likelihood that an arc flash will Some activities involving interactions with energized
occur is not relevant to how much protection should be equipment could be characterized as "normal" operating
provided but only to whether protection should be required at interactions. The equipment was designed to be inherently
all." [8] safe while operated within the design parameter, provided
Table 2 is an example of an incident energy estimation that the condition of the equipment is also "normal." An
table. Incident energy levels have been estimated for 480 V example of a "normal" operating interaction is circuit breaker
and 600 V Class switchgear using various typical short circuit or fused switch operation with the enclosure door closed.
currents and typical fault clearing times. Similar tables can Provided the equipment condition is "normal," circuit breaker
be developed for other types and voltage classes of or fused switch operation with the enclosure door closed the
equipment. The table can be modified to substitute typical risk is "as low as reasonably practicable."
transformer sizes and impedances in the place of short circuit "Normal" operating interactions can be qualified by the
currents. Boolean expression "0."
Some activities involving interactions with energized
SWITCHGEAR electrical equipment can be characterized as "abnormal"
Short Circuit Fault clearing time (seconds) operating interactions. The activity is outside the equipment
Current (kA) 0.5 0.33 0. 1
"normal" operating parameter. An example of an "abnormal"
activity is removal of a bolted cover to expose energized
65 74 cal/cm2 49 cal/cm2 IS cal/cm2
electrical conductors.
55 63 cal/cm2 42 cal/cm2 13 cal/cm2
"Abnormal" operating interactions can be qualified by the
45 52 cal/cm2 34 cal/cm2 11 cal/cm2 Boolean expression "l."
35 4 1 cal/cm2 27 cal/cm2 8. 1 cal/cm2 The same logic can be applied to the condition of the
25 30 cal/cm2 20 cal/cm2 5.8 cal/cm2 electrical equipment. A "normal" condition would be a state
15 20 cal/cm2 12 cal/cm2 3.6 cal/cm2 approximating the original manufactured condition (i.e.
properly maintained) and manufacturer's operating
Notes: conditions (i.e. covers in place).
1. This table is provided for example purposes only. The calculations and
Deciding to deploy arc flash personal protective
assumptions have not been peer reviewed.
2. The incident energy has been estimated for solidly grounded electrical equipment can be determined by the combination of activity
distribution systems using the method found in IEEE 1584 and condition using the Boolean operation called disjunction
3. The assumed working distance 46 cm ( 18 inches)
(Activity O R Condition):
4. The calculations assumed zero conductor impedance
5. Incident energy results under 10 cal/cm2 have been rounded up to the Activity 0 [O R] Equipment Condition 0 = 0 Likelihood
nearest 0. 1 cal/cm2 Activity 1 [O R] Equipment Condition 0 = 1 Likelihood
6. Incident energy results over 10 cal/cm2 have been rounded up to the Activity 0 [O R] Equipment Condition 1 1 Likelihood
nearest 1 cal/cm2

Activity 1 [O R] Equipment Condition 1 = 1 Likelihood

A result of "0" would not require the use of arc flash
B. Estimating Arc Flash Likelihood personal protective equipment, a result of "1" would require
The likelihood of an arc flash event is proportional to the the use of arc flash personal protective equipment. Table 3
probability that the insulation or isolation of an energized provides an overview of this concept. Table 4 expands on the
conductor may be compromised. Factors affecting likelihood concept using the task based risk estimation information
can be grouped into two broad, but interrelated categories: found in NFPA 70E-09 Table 130.7(C)(9) and CSA Z462-08
1. Activities involving interactions with energized Table 4.
equipment. Examples of activity factors are found
in NFPA 70E-09 Table 130.7(C)(9) and CSA TABLE 3
2. The condition of the electrical distribution
Normal Equipment Abnormal Equipment
equipment, such as state of maintenance, frequency Condition Condition
Normal Operating Arc Flash PPE not Arc Flash PPE Re-
Interaction Required auired
Abnormal Operating Arc Flash PPE Re- Arc Flash PPE Re-
8 See NFPA 70E-09 & CSA Z462-08 Definition "Arc flash hazard" Fine Interaction quired auired
Print Note No. 1

Normal Equipment Abnormal Equipment
Condition Condition

• Conductors in a guarded or enclosed • Conductors not in a guarded or enclosed

condition condition
• Installation compliant with applicable • Installation not compliant with applicable
codes, standards and manufac- codes, standards and manufacturer's in-
turer's instructions structions
• Equipment state of maintenance • Equipment state of maintenance not com-
compliant with manufacturer's in- pliant with manufacturer's instructions
structions • Equipment may not be free of electrical
• Equipment known to be free of elec- faults (overload, short circuit)
trical faults (overload, short circuit) • Conductor insulation and isolation suspect
• Conductor insulation and isolation (deterioration due to contaminates or
not susoect environmental conditions)
Testing control components:s; 120 V (Note 1)
.!. =

.. = Arc Flash PPE not Required Arc Flash PPE not Required
.. -. • Programming or reading a panel meter (Note 1)
.. ....
c.. .. • Ooerating a panel meter switch (Note 1)
o �
-;� • Opening hinged doors/covers where use of tools
e..s not required
.. CIl Arc Flash PPE not Required Arc Flash PPE Required
= = • Operating circuit breakers, fused switches or
Z .-
contactors rated < 1 kV
• Work on energized conductors, including volt-
age testing
• Opening hinged doors/covers where use of tools
CIl required
;: Operating circuit breakers, fused switches or
.. •
.. =
.. - contactors rated> 1 kV
Ot: • Removal of bolted covers
-; f Arc Flash PPE Required Arc Flash PPE Required
• Insertion or removal of individual MCC starter
.. - "buckets,"
= Insertion or removal of busway plug-in devices

0( • Insertion or removal (racking) of power circuit

• Installation of personal protective grounding
1. Due to the nature of these activities or the voltage level involved it is unlikely that an arc flash event would occur regardless of the condition of the
electrical equipment.


Risk management principles and process can be applied to Daniel Roberts is the National Safety Manager for
any type of risk, including arc flash risk. Schneider Electric Canada Services and Projects Division.
When applied at the design or design review phase of An Electronics Engineering Technician with 15 years of field
electrical distribution equipment risk management principles experience working on industrial and commercial power
and process can facilitate the identification of opportunities to distribution systems, he is also a graduate of Ryerson
reduce arc flash energy levels and to decrease the likelihood University's O ccupational Health and Safety Certificate
of an arc flash event occurring. Program.
Applying risk management principles and methodology to Daniel serves on various Canadian Standards Association
the selection of arc flash personal protective equipment (CSA) technical committees and sub-committees including
ensures that: Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 and serves as the vice-chair
of CSA Z462-08Workplace Electrical Safety Technical
1. Severity of exposure is used to select the required
protective value of the personal protective Committee. He teaches electrical safety as a virtual faculty
equipment. member for CSA. Daniel is an IEEE and ASSE member.

2. Likelihood of exposure is used to determine when

deployment of the personal protective equipment is

[1] ISO/IEC Guide 5I:I999(E) Safety aspects - Guidelines for their
inclusion in standards
[2] ISO 31000:2009(E) Risk management - Principles and guidelines
[4] NFPA 70E-09 Electrical Safety in the Workplace
[5] CSA Z462-08 Workplace Electrical Safety
[6] IEEE 1584 Guide to performing arcjlash calculations

[3] F. A. Manuele; "Acceptable Risk - Time for SH&E professionals to
adopt tbe concept," ASSE Professional Safety; page 30; May 2010
[7] H. Landis Floyd II, "Arc Flash - Designing and implementing an
effective mitigation program," ASSE Professional Safety; page 33;
November 2010

[8] NFPA Report on Proposals, 2011 Annual Revision Cycle

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