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Hello everyone, today I would like to presentation about how to be successful in running a

business with my opinion

Before I start, I want to introduce myself, my name is nisa, I’m binusian major in business

And lets get start

Owning a business is very appealing to people for many reasons. you get to be your own boss,
work with amazing people, create your own schedule and turn a passion into a career. There is
nothing easy about it, though.
So, what does it take to launch a successful business? maybe running buseiness with have
unique products or services are the keys. but the most important thing before running business
came up with some factors that are key contributors to business success.

The successful exploitation of new ideas is crucial to a business being able to improve its
processes, bring new and improved products and services to market, increase its efficiency and,
most importantly, improve its profitability.

Marketplaces - whether local, regional, national or global - are becoming highly competitive.
Competition has increased as a result of wider access to new technologies and the increased
trading and knowledge-sharing opportunities offered by the Internet.

so the first way to be successful in running a business , we should know about An innovative
business idea
You have to pay attention to trends. Most people think they have to come up with an entirely
original idea, but you can take current popular trends and build from what you're already seeing
out there, creating an improved service or product.
example we know the trend in 2020 (two thousand and twenty) is about Meal kit services are
becoming increasingly popular with busy people who don't have the time to shop and prepare
healthy meals

2. Branding and promotions

about branding we have to make a social media or a website with an integrated shopping cart. so,
Customers can select menu meal kit via online, or we can make a promotion to Social media.
You can tie in ads and offers on your Facebook page and have a direct channel with your
customers on Twitter or instagram

3. how are we different and better than our competitors?

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Our brains always require a simple answer to “How is this different and better?” before we buy
anything. It’s cheaper, it’s easier, it has the features I want, it has better service, etc.. It’s always
something, and it’s always simple.
example in meal kits we have something different which is with pre-chopped and measured
ingredients, along with instructions for cooking and final preparation, are delivered to their
homes on the chosen date. and we can put Listed information such as calorie counts allows
consumers to adhere to dietary requirements.q

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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