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hi, Alif. How are you? Can I give you a few questions about you visiting our campus?

Isi :

Is my campus environment neatly organized like your campus in Melbourne?

(apakah lingkungan kampus saya tertata rapi seperti kampus kamu di Melbourne?)

Is the learning you get at Bosowa University as fun as campus in Korea?

(apakah pembelajaran yang kau dapatkan di universitas bosowa sama menyenangkannya dengan
kampus di Melbourne?)

How do you feel about bosowa university?

(bagaimana tanggapanmu mengenai universitas bosowa?

Penutup :

okay, thanks for your time, tasya. I hope we can meet again another day. see you later.

Jawaban Yang di baca ALIF

Pembuka :

Yes please do it.


-the difference lies in Melbroune University, we live in a dormitory with complete facilities with
payments included in semester payments. it was quite small and lightened the other students.
Also, we entered the dorm at 21:00 at night. it's very tiring.

- in my opinion, bosowa university is very clean because it applies anti-plastic which we also apply
at Melbroune university. Then, the students are also very friendly, it allows students from
outside who come will feel happy with you.
yes, it is very similar to our campus method. But however, the campus in Melbroune Campus
teaches us to interact more with the outside world. There are several programs provided, which
are programs throughout the world, there are programs where we can apprentice to any
company for one semester, analytical projects that can be done in groups and hundreds of
extracurricular activities that can be followed as desired.

- Create a comfortable atmosphere. I see that there are still many students who do not respect
other students when studying. they make noise outside the classroom. Learning by practice can
also be applied. And also can be applied learning outside the classroom, such as internships etc.

Penutup :

Okay, see you later, dear.

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