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Distance Learning Guide for

Parents on Google Classroom

General information
The school may have provided you or your child with an email log on and password. For school-provided
email, the first time you log on, it will ask you to change your password. Please do so and keep your new
password safe, as the school will not have access to your new password. The email and password are then
used to log on for all of the Google suite. If you have problems with your email address or password please
contact the technical support person identified by the Head Teacher.

Logging on to the Google Platform for the first time - this includes changing your password for the 1st time

Logging on to more than one Google account- helpful if you have more than one child

Downloading required apps if using a phone/iPad - you only need this if you will not be accessing the
Google platform from a laptop or PC

Google Classroom
This is the platform where the teachers will post all learning. Please use the student log on provided by the
school to use this. You can use this directly on a laptop or PC or download the app for use on a phone or
iPad.The staff will post out optional tasks for the children to complete and the children will also see videos
of them at the times specified by the school. This is the channel the teachers will use to communicate with
the students. Here the students can check which tasks have been set and also ask questions of the
teachers/classmates by typing them on to the stream. The teachers will answer these questions during
school hours.

Google Classroom, available web-based, on iOS & Android App

Opening Google Classroom for the first time

Navigating Google Classroom

Asking and Answering questions in Google Classroom

Finding work (assignments), handing it in and including the work or evidence of it - handing work in is how
the teacher will know the student has completed a piece of work

Accessing Google Meet via Google Classroom

If you are new to the platforms and prefer a general video tutorial :
2. Guide for parents of children involved in distance learning
1. Provide the device and the internet access needed during the scheduled lessons.
2. Ensure that your child joins the online classroom platforms identified by the school or teachers. If
app is used, ensure that they are downloaded and tested beforehand.
3. Be aware of your child’s distance learning study schedule
4. Identify a comfortable, quiet space for your child to learn.
5. If the Internet is not filtered or monitored at home, provide a place for your children to access the
Internet that is not totally private
6. Establish routines and expectations for your child
7. Help your child process their learning through conversation and sharing

1. Be mindful of your child’s wellbeing. Check in about their concerns and challenges
2. Encourage your child to stay in touch with their friends and classmates
3. Watch the time your child is spending online

3. Feedback & Communication

1. Teachers will be available during school hour to answer questions and queries from students and
2. Parents can provide feedback to the teachers by directly contacting the homeroom teacher and/or
the coordinator through private messages. Please avoid writing on WhatsApp groups as we do not
want to share confidential information publicly.
3. Parents' feedback can be on concerns, general observations and positive remarks about the day.
4. Please keep the feedback message short and to the point focussing on the facts of the situation.
Teachers will have many messages to work through, so please be patient.
5. All parent feedback will be logged daily in a document visible to the HT.
6. Teachers will provide general feedback in the WhatsApp group and personal feedback in a personal
WhatsApp message.
7. Teachers will keep a daily journal recording how the day went. This journal will be viewed by the
HT and action will be taken where needed.

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