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Learn. Achieve. Grow.

Virtual Learning Norms

1. Be ready to learn when you log into class
Your teachers are working hard to create a positive, challenging virtual learning environment for their
students. It is your responsibility to come to class ready to learn and participate.
2. Keep food and drink away from computer
Your devices are precious commodities at this time. We do not want an accident to hinder your access
to virtual learning.
3. Create a quiet work space
We want you to be fully engaged during live lessons and when working on assignments. Minimize
distractions during school hours. If you have a headset, headphones, or ear buds, please use them while
meeting with your class.
4. Keep other devices off during live lessons
In order to minimize distractions during school hours, please ensure that all other electronics are not
on during your live lessons.
5. Be respectful during live lessons
This experience is new to everybody, and it is important that you keep all interaction and
correspondence respectful. We can disagree, but we can do so in an academic manner while presenting
evidence for discussion.
6. Only post school related comments
Keep all correspondence school related on all learning platforms.
7. Check into class and turn in assignments on time
Remember that we need you to log into your Google Classroom 5 minutes early to each class. Also, you
must be organized in your virtual learning so that you do not miss assignment due dates.
8. Keep your camera off and mute yourself during live instruction unless your teacher tells you otherwise
Turning off your computer camera will make your connection faster, and muting yourself will help
reduce distractions during live lessons.
9. Use your correct name for live sessions
Log in with your first name and last name. Using any other name will cause you to be absent. Teachers
will only allow students into the live sessions that are on the roster.
Learn. Achieve. Grow.
Expectations for Teaching (at a glance)
- Must be available for synchronous learning and make plans for asynchronous learning
- Must take attendance multiple times a day
- Gradebook must be updated weekly – 1, no more than 2 grades per week
- Respond to emails within one business day
- Use google classroom, Zoom, weebly, and remind

Digital Engagement
- In the event that a student is unable to attend synchronous learning for the day, teachers will record a
live session and post it to their weebly each day. Students will also be able to use the recorded sessions
to review information again.
- Teachers will log into their virtual enrichment classroom and begin their Zoom in order to address any
questions that students may have. This time will not be utilized for new learning, but students can ask
for extra help during this time. Teachers will remain in the classroom Zoom for the duration of the
virtual enrichment time.
- During instructional times, teachers will participate in Zoom for at least one half of the scheduled time.
During this time, teachers and students will participate in direct instruction, guided practice,
discussion, and other student engagement activities. Teachers may utilize the remaining half of class to
allow students to work independently, read, or watch instructional videos. However, teachers will
remain in the classroom Zoom to answer student questions as they arise.

- Teachers will remind students to check their email each day.
- Teachers will provide daily feedback about student progress during planning or virtual enrichment.
- At least once a week, teachers will update grades in PowerSchool. PowerSchool gradebooks will be
checked each Tuesday.
- Teachers will return parent and student contact within one (1) business day.
- Update weebly with video learning each day and important dates weekly.
- Use remind appropriately (never send more than two (2) group messages each day).

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