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4 Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers

Fluid statics is the branch of fluid mechanics that deals there is no relative motion between fluid layers, there are
with cases in which there is no relative motion between fluid no shear stresses in the fluid under static equilibrium.
elements. In other words, the fluid may either be in rest or Hence, all bodies in fluid statics have only normal forces
at constant velocity, but certainly not accelerating. Since on their surfaces.

Manometers and Pressure Measurements

Pressure is the same in all directions at a point in a sta- above expression, we neglected the vapor pressure for
tic fluid. However, if the fluid is in motion, pressure is de- mercury. But if we use any other fluid instead of mercury,
fined as the average of three mutually perpendicular nor- the vapor pressure may be signifcant. The equilibrium
mal compressive stresses at a point: equation may then be:

P = (Px + Py + P J 3 Pa = [(O-O361)(s)(h)+ pvl(144)

Pressure is measured either from the zero absolute pres- where 0.0361 is the water density in pounds per cubic
sure or from standard atmospheric pressure. If the reference inch, and s is the specific gravity of the fluid. The consis-
point is absolute pressure. the pressure is called the absohte tent equation for variation of pressure is
pressure, whereas if the reference point is standard atmos-
pheric (14.7 psi), it is called the gage pressure. A barom- P=Yh
eter is used to get the absolute pressure. One can make a
where p is in lb/ft2,y is the specific weight of the fluid in
simple barometer by filling a tube with mercury and in-
lb/ft3, and h is infeet. The above equation is the same as p
verting it into an open container filled with mercury. The
= ywsh, where yw is the specific weight of water (62.4
mercury column in the tube will now be supported only by
lb/ft3) and s is the specific gravity of the fluid.
the atmospheric pressure applied to the exposed mercury
Manometers are devices used to determine differential
surface in the container. The equilibrium equation may be
pressure. A simple U-tube manometer (with fluid of spe-
written as:
cific weight y) connected to two pressure points will have
pa = 0.491(144)h a differential column of height h. The differential pressure
will then be Ap = (p2 - pl) = 'yh. Corrections must be
where h is the height of mercury column in inches, and 0.491 made if high-density fluids are present above the manome-
is the density of mercury in pounds per cubic inch. In the ter fluid.

Hydraulic Pressure on Surfaces

For a horizontal area subjected to static fluid pressure, 1

the resultant force passes through the centroid of the area. pavg =-(h, +h,)sine (3)
If the Plane is h A k d at an angle 0, then the local Pressure However, the center of pressure will not be at average depth
Will V W linearly with the depth- The average Pressure but at the centroid of the triangular or trapezoidalpressure
occurs at the average depth: distribution, which is also known as the pressure prism.

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