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Beirut Arab University

Faculty of Engineering

ENGL300-20920: Speech Communication

“Assignment 4: Out of the Box”

Submitted to: Ms. Layal Mosleh

Dima Al Kibbi (201500560)

May 5, 2020
Is Technology Suppressing Creativity?

Technology, is defined as a gift of the digital revolution to humankind. Moreover, creativity is

the core of technology and it experiences a lot of innovations for future advancements. However,
without the brilliant minds of thousands of inventors, our planet will easily turn into a dull
duplication. Consequently, technology doesn't hinder creativity, yet it stimulates it.
First, there are several creations ruled out in favor of technology. All contact barriers have been
eliminated from technology. You can exchange knowledge, thoughts, and creative solutions with
people all over the world. So many innovative careers have begun with online awareness such as
freelance platforms. Besides, technology can cherish creative talent. It has extended the
parameters of what is feasible and what's not. As a result, the scope has progressed with the
productive pursuits. In engineering programs, for example, engineers may create content to
demonstrate their research and projects to others.
On the other hand, some claim that technology have replaced human creativity. Moreover, the
relentless use of technology have limited the area of knowledge and vision to the personal
computer. For example, graphics software and other technical advances restricted the originality
of the engineer's ideas. Besides, hijacking has grown comprehensive. Also, the most significant
restriction in providing clear control to personal creativity has been the use of pirated software
and products in the market. For example, data fraud has shifted a prevalent difficulty across
creative professions.
All in all, technology has simply released a human's potential for creativity and intelligence
from producing films and artistic creations to leading scientific innovations. Moreover,
technology has freed personal insight and contributed a comprehensive range for assisting
humankind's creativity. Solely communities that remain uniform and technologically superior are
striking individuals' creative powers.

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