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May 2003
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines


Micro-surfacing is a mixture of a quick setting polymer modified asphalt emulsion, aggregate,

water, and mineral filler. These materials are mixed into a slurry and placed onto existing
pavements using specialized equipment identified in the Department’s Approved List. Micro-
surfacing is a preventive maintenance treatment that can also correct minor pavement surface
flaws. It may be used on low and high traffic volume roadways to fill ruts, improve friction, shim
transverse and longitudinal joints, improve the ride, and stop raveling and aggregate pop-outs.
This treatment should only be used on structurally sound pavements without extensive cracking
or other deterioration.

This preventive maintenance treatment is applied in two courses and does not require
compaction. Traffic can usually be placed back onto the roadway within one hour under ideal
weather conditions. However, the time required is determined by the Micro-surfacer and
dependant upon the mix design and environmental conditions. Nightwork will generally require
longer set times because of cooler temperatures and higher humidity.

Type II micro-surfacing contains fine aggregate and is most often used in urban areas where
traffic volumes are moderate. Type II micro-surfacing can only fill ruts up to 9 mm in depth.
Type III micro-surfacing contains a coarser aggregate than Type II and is used for higher traffic
volume roads and rut filling. Type III micro-surfacing can fill ruts up to 25 mm in depth.
Additional information can be found in Chapter 10 of the Comprehensive Pavement Design

NOTE: Micro-surfacing relies on field quality control (QC) and quality assurance
(QA) inspection. These guidelines outline some typical communication,
construction and inspection practices for micro-surfacing. Since some
inspection items are not easily quantified, immediate and effective
communication between the Micro-surfacing Contractor and Engineer can be
critical to the perceived success or failure of a project. Contact the Regional
Materials Engineer for assistance whenever concerns are not readily resolved.

Preconstruction Meeting

Attendance - It is required that all paving operations begin with a meeting. This meeting should
be held at least two weeks in advance of paving operations. The following people should attend:

$ Engineer and Inspectors

$ Contractor including the Micro-surfacer’s Crew Supervisor/Foreman
$ Regional Materials Engineer or designee
$ Pavement Marking Subcontractor (if applicable)

May 2003 Page 1 of 9

Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

The Engineer should arrange for written minutes to be taken for the record and then distribute
these minutes appropriately. Individuals attending the Preconstruction meeting should be at the
project site the first day of production, before paving operations begin. Meeting attendees are
responsible for relaying the information covered and agreed to at the Preconstruction meeting
with the paving Crew and Inspectors.

Topics for Discussion

1. Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (M&PT) - M&PT is not always the responsibility of
the Contractor. On OGS Maintenance Contracts, M&PT will sometimes be done by the
Residencies. Refer to the Contract to determine who is responsible for M&PT.

$ Contractor, submits M&PT plan for approval, if responsible for M&PT.

$ Identify what equipment is needed - channelizing devices, radios, traffic cones, etc.

$ Verify Flagger locations in the M&PT plan. Additional cones and a flag tree are
required at each Flagger station.

$ Traffic Flow:

a. Determine how traffic control procedures will be handled at specific locations (such
as major intersections).
b. Discuss local business, resident and public facility considerations or conflicts that
might affect traffic (e.g., a school closing, maintaining access to businesses).
c. Discuss considerations for non-motorized users such as bicyclists and pedestrians.
d. Determine how supply trucks will enter and exit.
e. Determine a procedure for giving emergency vehicles the right-of-way.

$ Signs:

a. Discuss permanent and temporary signs required at the project site.

b. Discuss “Do Not Pass” sign installations.

$ Variable Message Signs (if applicable):

a. Discuss schedule and availability in Residency and Region.

b. Discuss who will arrange for their placement.

$ Night Construction (if applicable):

a. Review Contractor’s lighting plan.

b. Discuss lighting plan approval process and other nighttime construction concerns.
c. Discuss the weather conditions that might affect cure time and possible solutions to
avoid lengthy production times.
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

$ Lane closure, time restrictions as detailed in the Contract documents.

$ Temporary Pavement Markings - Discuss what type of material will be used for
temporary pavement markings. Maintaining proper pavement delineators/markings is
part of the M&PT responsibilities and includes correcting displaced markings when
using material such as preformed temporary tape.

2. Safety - Review safety requirements.

3. Responsibilities and Authority - The Engineer and Contractor should discuss the
responsibilities and authority of all individuals involved with the project. Identifying the
“chains of command” and who has the authority to make or approve particular changes will
reduce delays when questions, changes or other issues arise during construction.

4. Scheduling - The Contractor will submit a schedule for the Engineer’s approval. Discuss
how delays caused by weather conditions, equipment breakdowns, etc. will be handled to
maintain the project schedule. Also, discuss the anticipated daily production rate.
Determine how residents, local businesses, and emergency services will be notified of the
paving schedule. The Contractor may elect to assist the Engineer in notifying the public of
project schedule.

5. Materials - All component materials to be used in production are identified in the mix

$ Aggregate - All aggregate used in micro-surfacing will be stockpiled in a location

approved by the Engineer. Discuss any project specific aggregate sampling and testing
issues. The Contractor must provide the following information:

a. Aggregate supplier and source number.

b. Proposed stockpile location.
c. Determine when the stockpile will be constructed.
d. The schedule for submitting stockpile gradation and friction aggregate test results.
e. Assurances that proper notification will be given prior to building a new stockpile.
Adding aggregate to an existing stockpile requires the Engineer’s approval and
subsequent QC and QA testing after the aggregate is added and blended into the

The Regional Materials Engineer and Engineer should discuss who will take the
Department’s QA samples from the aggregate stockpile for gradation and friction
testing. The Regional Materials office must be notified when samples need to be
taken or when samples will be submitted for testing.
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

$ Emulsion - The emulsion used must be from a source identified in the Approved List
under Bituminous Materials Primary Sources for Asphalt Emulsion (Anionic and
Cationic). Remind the Contractor that an original BR 162c, Bituminous Material
Certified Shipment Notice must be given to the inspector for each delivery of emulsion
and that samples of emulsion will be taken and tested for specification compliance.

$ Mineral Filler - The Contractor must provide a producer certification stating the mineral
filler conforms to specification 703-08, Mineral Filler.

$ Water - The Contractor must provide the name of the water source to be used in the
micro-surfacing. Municipal supplies are acceptable sources. Other sources, must be
sampled and tested for acceptance according to Construction, Material Delivery
Inspection, 4. Water, in these guidelines, and specification 712-01, Water.

6. Mix Design Approval - Every micro-surfacing job requires a mix design approved by the
Materials Bureau. Request a copy of the approved mix design. No micro-surfacing will be
performed until the Engineer has received a copy of the approved or tentatively approved
mix design. To avoid delaying the job, facsimile copies or copies with minor errors
corrected by the Materials Bureau, with the Micro-surfacer’s permission, will receive
tentative approval. Tentative approval is good for 30 days. It is the Micro-surfacer’s
responsibility to submit an official copy of their mix design for final approval. Official mix
designs will be valid until the end of the calendar year of initial approval.

7. Equipment - The Contractor will provide:

$ A list of equipment, including serial numbers, to be used in production. Check the

Department’s Approved List to verify that the micro-surfacing equipment is identified.
If the Contractor wants to use equipment not identified on the Approved List, they need
to submit a written request for approval to the Director, Materials Bureau, at least 14
days before the start of work.

$ Current Micro-Surfacing Calibration Summary forms with qualifying signatures for

each micro-surfacing mix unit in accordance with Materials Method (MM) 8.4M,
Calibrating Micro-Surfacing Mix Units. If the original calibration date exceeds 90 days,
a 90-Day Micro-Surfacing Calibration Certification with qualifying signatures is also
needed. The calibration summary must use the same materials listed on the mix design.

$ The Micro-Surfacing Mix Unit Settings form identified in MM 8.4M, for each mix unit
used to produce the approved mix design.

8. Surface Preparation of Existing Pavement - For OGS Maintenance Contracts, the

Residencies are responsible for the initial pavement cleaning; for all other contracts, the
Contractor is responsible. Existing pavement marking removal, to be done by the
Contractor, should be specified in the contract documents and paid for under the
appropriate pay item; otherwise, the Residency is responsible for this work. The initial
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

surface preparation and abrasion of existing pavement markings will be done to the extent
required in the contract. Schedule this work to occur within a few days before the start of
paving operations. Routine debris removal during production is the responsibility of the
Contractor and is part of the micro-surfacing bid price.

The Engineer and Contractor should agree that all necessary repairs to the existing
pavement have been completed prior to micro-surfacing. Cracks not sealed at least three
months before micro-surfacing should not be sealed until they reflect through the micro-
surfacing overlay.

All manhole covers, water boxes, catch basins, and other utility structures have to be
covered by the Contractor with plastic, building felt or other material approved by the
Engineer. Recessed pavement markings and road weather information system (RWIS)
sensors also need to be protected.

9. Permanent Pavement Markings - Discuss who is responsible for re-establishing the

permanent markings and determine who will record the existing markings so that the
permanent markings will match the existing.


On the first day of production, the Engineer will arrange an informal meeting with the paving
Crew and Inspectors to discuss what was covered and agreed to at the Preconstruction meeting.
Individuals that attended the Preconstruction meeting should be present.

Mix Design - Review the approved or tentatively approved mix design to ensure only the
component materials listed on the mix design are being used on the Contract. Any brand name or
type of material not listed on the approved mix design will require the approval of the Director,
Materials Bureau. The mix design is also necessary to verify the mix units are set to properly
proportion the component materials.

Material Delivery Inspection

1. Aggregate Stockpile - The Contractor must submit delivery tickets from the aggregate
supplier(s) identifying the supplier’s source number, location, and quantity delivered. All
delivery tickets representing a stockpile must be submitted prior to sampling the stockpile.
Once the stockpile is constructed:

$ Notify the Regional Materials office so aggregate QA samples can be taken and tested
as agreed at the Preconstruction Meeting.

$ Aggregate Gradation - Compare the Contractor’s average stockpile gradation test results
to the approved mix design for specification compliance.
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

$ Non-Carbonate or Acid Insoluble Residue Content - Check the non-carbonate or acid

insoluble residue content QC test results for specification compliance. Depending on the
type of aggregate, one test result per week or one per day is required for the time period
representing the aggregate deliveries as listed in MM 28, Friction Aggregate Control and
Test Procedures, Appendix C. The Contractor is responsible for transmitting the test
results to the appropriate project personnel even when the aggregate source is
responsible for the testing. Compare the Contractor’s test results to the Department’s
QA results. Any non-carbonate or acid insoluble residue content below the specification
minimum will require further testing in accordance to MM 28, Appendix C.

2. Emulsion - Review the BR162c forms for each emulsion delivery to the project. Check to
ensure the primary source and type of emulsion are the same as listed on the approved mix
design. Sample and submit emulsion from each delivery truck in accordance to MM 8.2,
Asphalt Emulsion - Quality Assurance. Contact the Regional Materials Engineer for
assistance, if needed.

3. Mineral Filler - Review the certification from the mineral filler supplier stating
conformance to specification 703-08. Check that the product, type and source of the
mineral filler are the same as shown on the approved mix design.

4. Water - Check the water source for acceptability. Water from a municipal supply, is
acceptable. Obtain a three-liter sample of water from questionable sources, as determined
by the Regional Director or designated representative. Submit the sample with a BR 240,
Sample and Acceptance Transmittal form to the Materials Bureau to be tested for
compliance to specification 712-01 for its chemical properties.


1. Compare material delivery rate settings on the equipment to the Micro-Surfacing Mix Unit
Settings form periodically throughout the day. These settings will match unless field
adjustments were made. Some field adjustments are allowed, however, the Contractor must
notify the inspector before making changes. The maximum mix design adjustments are
identified in the specification. The aggregate gate opening is not allowed to change.

2. Check equipment for cleanliness, and that all parts are working properly.

3. Verify that the serial numbers on the micro-surfacing equipment appear on the Approved
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

Daily Inspection

1. Stockpile - Check stockpile to ensure that aggregate has not been added since QC and QA
samples were taken. If aggregate is added to an existing stockpile, the pile is treated as a
new stockpile and must be tested for gradation and friction aggregate compliance. The
aggregate must be screened at the stockpile prior to delivery to micro-surfacing equipment.
Check the screening plant for proper operation and worn parts.

2. Weather Limitations - The Weather and Seasonal Limitations are detailed in the
specification for micro-surfacing. Micro-surfacing cannot be applied if there is a possibility
of the temperature falling below freezing within 24 hours or rain occurring before the
micro-surfacing has set. If there is concern regarding weather conditions, the Contractor
and Engineer should discuss the possibility of rescheduling.

3. Surface Preparation - The Inspector and Contractor should do a walk through before paving
operations begin. Check that pavement markings are removed to the extent required and all
manhole covers, water boxes, catch basins and other utility structures in the area to be
micro-surfaced that day are properly covered. The Contractor is responsible for removing
leaves and other foreign materials before paving each day.

4. Application of Product - Notify the Contractor immediately if problems with the micro-
surfacing application are observed. The Contractor is responsible for correcting problems.

$ Tack Coat - An emulsion tack coat is required for micro-surfacing over portland cement
concrete pavements. Generally, tack coat is not required when micro-surfacing over an
existing hot mix asphalt pavement. In hot weather, the pavement surface may be
dampened with either water or tack coat. Check that the water or tack coat does not pond
if used. The tack coat does not need to break (change color from brown to black) before

$ Micro-Surfacing Mixture - Visually check that the mixture is homogeneous, without

lumps, balls, unmixed aggregate, segregation, excess water or excess emulsion. If a
problem with the mixture is observed, inform the paving crew supervisor and, if
adjustments are not made that correct the problem, stop paving operations.

$ Spreader Box - A sufficient amount of material must be present in the spreader box to
assure uniform coverage. However, overloading of the spreader box should be avoided.
At no time should the micro-surfacing slurry leak from the sides of the spreader box. If
the mixture leaks from the spreader box or is not providing uniform coverage, inform
the paving crew supervisor and stop the paving operation until the Contractor
cleans/fixes the spreader box.

The spreader box should not exceed the width of the lane to be overlaid. This will help
eliminate the possibility of water ponding in the mainline because of excessive buildup
of micro-surfacing at the shoulder breaks. However, there is no specification
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

requirement enforcing the width of the spreader box because sometimes it is necessary
for the Contractor to extend the spreader box to cover pavement areas.

$ Application Rate - Throughout the day, periodically check the yield (reference MM 8.4)
of the course being applied for compliance to the specification tolerances. If the micro-
surfacing is over applied, rippling, displacement, and segregation could occur. When the
mix is under applied, drag marks or bare areas might appear. Under application can also
cause excessive raveling and reduce the life of the overlay. An application rate should be
agreed upon before placement if ruts are filled as part of the scratch course. Tolerances
do not apply to a separate rut filling application.

$ Speed - The Contractor should apply the micro-surfacing mix at a constant speed. The
speed should provide the appropriate production rate (kg/min) of dry aggregate (PRad)
selected by the Contractor to determine the mix unit settings. Nonuniform or excessive
speed can cause the spreader box to “jump” or vibrate leaving transverse ripples in the
micro-surfacing. Nonuniform speed can also cause a nonuniform overlay thickness.

$ Longitudinal and Transverse Joints - Randomly check the difference in grade at

construction joints with a 3 m long straight edge and ensure the joint overlap is
adequate. The difference in grade and overlap requirements are listed in the micro-
surfacing specification.

$ Burlap Finish - The Contractor will place burlap on their equipment and handwork tools
(usually squeegees) for the surface course. The burlap is used to make the finished
surface more uniform. The Contractor will occasionally wet the burlap. A buildup of
material on the burlap can cause streaks in the surface. If streaks appear, check the
burlap and have the Contractor clean it if necessary. Material other than burlap may be
used if it provides a surface acceptable to the Engineer.

$ Hand Finishing - Hand finishing of the mainline or shoulders is not allowed unless
equipment cannot access an area. The surface texture of handwork areas must match the
texture of the surrounding micro-surfacing. Micro-surfacing that has set during
handwork should be removed. To prevent excess raveling, handwork tools should be
angled to push material back toward the fresh micro-surfacing.

$ Curing - The Contractor should not allow traffic on the micro-surfacing until it has set
(the micro-surfacing has changed from a brown to a black color). The Contractor
determines when the micro-surfacing has set and can be opened to traffic. The
Contractor may choose to lightly broadcast aggregate onto the micro-surfacing at
intersections to reduce the time to traffic. Any damage done to the micro-surfacing as a
result of opening to traffic too early or broadcasting aggregate will be repaired at the
Contractor’s expense.

$ The Contractor must remove temporary covers to expose drainage inlets, manholes,
recessed pavement markings, and utility structures before opening to traffic each day.
Micro-Surfacing Construction Inspection Guidelines

5. Pavement Markings - If responsible for M&PT, the Contractor is required to place

temporary pavement markings at the end of each paving day. Until permanent pavement
markings are placed, appropriate temporary pavement markings must be maintained, by
whomever is responsible for M&PT. Micro-surfacing requires at least seven days of curing
before permanent pavement markings are applied.

6. Ride Quality - Each day, drive over the micro-surfacing to evaluate the ride quality. Keep
in mind that, until the micro-surfacing fully cures, rolling traffic will tend to improve the
ride quality. Although there is not a specification requirement for ride quality, discuss any
concerns about the ride quality with the Contractor as soon as possible. Once aware of any
concerns, the Contractor will try to improve the ride quality of future paving, if possible.
Notify the Regional Materials Engineer if not satisfied with the Contractor’s effort to
improve the ride quality.

7. Stone Loss - Some minor stone loss may occur in the first couple of days. Typically, minor
stone loss occurs along the longitudinal joint overlap and where handwork was performed.
If the stone loss appears to be excessive, notify the Contractor and Region Materials
Engineer as soon as possible.

Final Approval

1. Check micro-surfacing for any defects.

2. Make sure Contractor has removed any excess material.
3. Verify that all utilities, etc. are accessible.
4. Check quantities of component materials used in production before payment.

Other References

1. Materials Method 8.2, Asphalt Emulsion - Quality Assurance

2. Materials Method 8.4M, Calibrating Micro-Surfacing Mix Units
3. Materials Method 28, Friction Aggregate Control and Test Procedures
4. Comprehensive Pavement Design Manual, Chapter 10, Preventive Maintenance
5. Micro-Surfacing Specification
6. Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials
Micro-Surfacing Daily Production Log

Mix Unit Settings

G, Gate Opening (mm)
Aggregate Sa, Belt Speed Setting (cthp/min)
Rap, Delivery Rate (kg/cthp) Total Quantity Placed = (Re + Rap + Rmfhp) x ∆CHP / 1000
∆CHP = Change in Head Pulley Count
Smf, Mineral Filler Speed Setting (ctmf/min)
Mineral Filler
Rmfhp, Delivery Rate (kg/cthp)
Emulsion Re , Delivery Rate (kg/cthp)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun Weekly Totals

Total Area (m2)
Head Pulley Count (start)
Head Pulley Count (stop)
Total Quantity Placed (Mg)
Traffic Control (m2)
Line Removal (m)
Line Painting (m)
Symbol removal (each)
Symbol Painting (each)
Paving Limits
Temperature Range
Weather Conditions
Micro-Surfacing Project Profile
Region: County: Route Number:
Engineer: Phone:
Contract Number: P.O. Number:
Project Limits:
mm to mm
mm to mm
mm to mm
mm to mm

Site Information:
Length(m): Total Width(m): Total Area (m2):
Number of Lanes: Lane Width(m): Shoulder(m):
Existing Pavement Surface: HMA PCC
Traffic Volume & % Trucks:
Curbing: Drainage Inlets: Manholes: Valves:
Total Number: Controlled: Uncontrolled:
Overhead Wires: Trees: Overhead Structures:
Production Restrictions:
Hours: Holidays: Night Work:

Existing Pavement Conditions:

Pavement Flushing:
Wheel Ruts:
Surface Texture:
Photos Attached:


Contractor Representative Date Engineer Date

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