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Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E

City University
of Science and
Technology Session Spring 2020
Submitted To: Submitted BY:
Mr. Bilal Khan Abid Ullah

Id 9667
Section E
Date 7/7/2020
Semester 4th

Final Term

Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E

Answer Sheet


Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E

Reasoning is the process by which we
use the knowledge to draw conclusions or infer something new about
the domain of interest. There are a number of different types of
reasoning: deductive, inductive and abductive. We use each of these
types of reasoning in everyday life, but they differ in significant ways.
Discuss, all these types in detail also explain how these are differ
from each other?



Reasoning is the process of using existing knowledge to draw

conclusions, make predictions, or construct explanations. Three methods of
reasoning are the deductive, inductive, and abdicative approaches.
The process by which we use the knowledge we have to draw conclusions,
something new about the subject of interest.
Types of reasoning:
 Deductive reasoning:
Premises => Algorithms => Conclusions.

Deductive reasoning may lead to false conclusions if premises are

wrong or incomplete or if there is an error in the algorithm.

Deductive reasoning is defined as a way of building

an argument from general premises to a conclusion. If the principle
selected is correct and clear, the rules of deductive reasoning are
Derive logically necessary conclusion from given premises.

Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E

 Premise 1: If it rains, it means that the sky is cloudy.

Premise 2: There is not any cloud in the sky.
Conclusion: Therefore, it means that it is raining.
 Premise 1: Johnson is a student.
Premise 2: All students are young men.
Conclusion: Johnson is a young man.
 If it is raining then the ground is dry
 It is raining
 Therefore, the ground id dry
 It is perfectly valid deduction thought it conflict with our knowledge of
what is true in the world.

Inductive Reasoning:

It is the process of using examples and observation to reach a

Any time you use pattern to predict what will come next, you are
using inductive reasoning.
Induction can be done through the following:
 Observation
 Number sampling
 Statistical reasoning
 Analogical reasoning etc.
When you assume an observed pattern will continue, you are using
inductive reasoning


 All the swans I have seen are white. (Premise)

Therefore most swans are probably white. (Conclusion)

Abductive Reasoning:

More generally, Abductive reasoning is the logical process where one

chooses a hypothesis that would best fit.

Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E

Abductive reasoning is most easily understood through the analogy of a

doctor diagnosing his patient’s illness. He gathers a hypothesis from the
patient’s symptoms.

Sam drives fast when drunk.
If I see Sam driving fast, assume drunk.

Deductive vs inductive vs abdicative reasoning:

Deduction, induction, and abduction are like three parts of the same
puzzle, and all formal reasoning is done using them and only them.
Without abduction there is no hypothesis, without induction no testing,
and without deduction no way to falsify; i.e. not only is there no logic or
reason without these methods, there is no science (and essentially no
philosophy). They are simply names for the aspects of human reason.

Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E


Abid Ullah Id 9667 Section E


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