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Student Name Jocelle Jayne. S. Menoria
Track/Strand HUMSS
Grade and Section 12 HUMSS-D
Industry Partner Diamond Motor Corp. Valle Verde Branch
Department Service Department
Mrs. Gina A. Hamor

The 10 days of my Immersion moments was full of learnings, discoveries, memories

and opens a new door of opportunities to begin with. In this new chapter of my life,
I’ve learned how to deal and work under pressure and interact with the professionals in
Diamond Motor Corporation in Valle Verde Branch. The Company was kind of
Conservative and Strict, but sone of the people there are very wonderful and fun to be
with. I felled honored every time I greet or to start a conversation with them because
they always acknowledge me as one of them! They call me Ma’am as they do to others.
I was so very thankful that I planted in that company even though there’s a limited time
frame. I will never forget those people who treat me with respect and as a professional

In the beginning of my immersion, I was assigned to the Service Department and

undergo to the supervision of my supervisor Mrs. Gina Hamor. She is one of the
wonderful persons that I’m talking about. She was so very approachable,
accommodating and kind. She always treats me a food when I have no baon for
breaktime, always reminding me of the instructions in the task that she command me to
do in order to avoid mistakes, and always tell jokes in order for me to be comfortable
in the whole department. The manager of the Service Department which is Mr. Wencel
A. Coral gives me a ride all the way to the office. Once. During my Immersion days.
He is also one of the wonderful persons that I’m talking about earlier.

In my whole Immersion days, I’ve always encoding all the Service Invoice documents
and data using MS EXCEL and ERA.NET, Risowing different kinds of documents
Answering Telephone calls and paging the names of the Technicians and company
officials. In my 3 executive days, I was very nervous to page or announce the names of
some technicians and company officials because I’m afraid to said the wrong name or
wrong pronunciation but my supervisor is always hands-on to me and teach me how to
pronounce their names correctly and etc. , I'm really enjoying my task as a working
student in the Service Department. She is always ready to listen and approachable
whenever I have further questions regarding my task.

My Immersion days was full of learnings, discoveries, memories and opens a new door
of opportunities to begin with. And I’m very thankful for this kind of opportunity to
venture outside and make some discoveries and to not just only rely on my comfort
zone. But also, to experience work and interact to Business world as a Professional


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Student Name Jocelle Jayne S. Menoria
Track/Strand HUMSS
Grade and Section 12 HUMSS-D
Industry Partner Diamond Motor Corp. Valle Verde Branch
Department Service Department
Ms. Gina A. Hamor

Reflecting all the moments that happened in you when you are in a certain situation can
help you to boost your memory and gives idea how to perform your future decisions
and movements as well. It also gives hint and solution to prepare yourself incase of
repetition of the same situations that happens in you before. In my Immersion Journey,
helps me a lot in those things that I mentioned earlier and gives me different kind of
perspectives as well.

In this Immersion Program, thought me a lot of conclusions in life. In different aspects

of course. Like realizing that you need to venture outside and make some discoveries.
Do not just only rely on your comfort zone. You will never learn if you will just lean
on your own capabilities. So that I can Identify the significance of my social role as a
student that plays within my community by creating a social map of my relationships
towards my workplace. And also. I've realized that this Immersion helps us to make or
propose creative interventions and ideas to improve our Human Life and to be educated
about the reality of the Business World, concluding that you need to obtain positivity
and bring it to your workplace. No matter how complicated your work is. Because it
helps our brain or neural network works and our thinking processes are shaped by
social relationships. And thought myself that There is an intrinsic interaction between
me and in my company that I worked for. One of the best parts of my Immersion days.
Concluding that you need to maintain the environment of positivity and happiness in
your workplace. Even you are not in your comfort zone. Because sooner or later, you
will find connections and genuine relationships even though you are in your workplace.
Just keep smiling. It's contagious! Concluding that acquiring new learnings and
discoveries means your letting yourself educated. So that you can be free from
ignorance by the help of the machines that produce by Technology. It can facilitate
social relationships, occupies movements and make our works and task easier. So that
no time will be wasted. And lastly, concluding that showing off your talents, skills and
abilities means letting yourself free. Because It can change you from who you are right
now. It boosts your confidence and It creates linkage or connection between yourself
down to your social relationships and networks. It establishes your role and let the
society defines your purpose in your community.


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