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Baby Class (English Plan)

Month Duratio Units lessons General Objectives

Unit 1 Lesson 1 *Identify Main Characters (Baz-Pat-Jig-Tess)
Lesson 2 * To recognize and say the sound /ae/ in the beginning of the word
-Trace, color, write and recognize the letter (A-a)
-Know the word (apple)

Lesson 3 *Learn how to greet People (Hello – Good Morning-Goodbye)

- Introduce himself (I’m….)
-Answer the question (What’s your name?)
-Ask other people about their names
Unit 1 Lesson 4 *Identify single objects.
Hello *To identify and write number (1)

Lesson 5 * To recognize and say the sound /b/ in the beginning of the word
-Trace, color, write and recognize the letter (B-b)
-Know the word (Boy)

Lesson 6 *Story
-To revise and consolidate language introduced in the unit
-To understand the unit language in context
-To review the letters and sounds from units 1.
-To review number 1
Unit 2 Lesson 1 *To identify Family Members (Mum- Dad-Grandpa-Grandma)
Lesson 2 *To recognize and say the sound /k/ in the beginning of the word.
-To recognize, trace and write the letter (C-c)
-Know the word (Cat)

Lesson 3 *Introduce Language for asking and telling who people are (Who is that? It’s
-To revise and consolidate the unit vocabulary
-To develop fine motor control through tracing
Unit 2 Lesson 4 *To count up to two and recognize sets of Two objects
Family -To recognize and write number (2).

Lesson 5 * To recognize and say the sound /d/ in the beginning of the word
-To recognize, trace and write the letter (D-d)
-Know the word (Duck)

Lesson 6 *Story
-To develop listening skills by following the story.
-To revise and consolidate language introduced in the unit
-To understand the unit language in context
-To review the letters and sounds from units 1 and 2.
-To review numbers (1& 2)
Unit 3 Lesson 1 *To identify four main classroom objects (bag, book, chair, pencil)
School -T0 introduce language to ask about what something is (What’s this? It's a….)

Lesson 2 *To recognize and say the sound /e/ in the beginning of the word
-Trace, color, write and recognize letter (E-e)
-Know the word (Egg)

Lesson 3 *To introduce language for classroom instructions

-To understand and follow classroom instructions (Quiet, please. \ Stand up,
please. \ Sit down, please. \ Thank you)
-To develop fine motor control through tracing
Unit 3 Lesson 4 *To count up to three and recognize sets of three objects
School -To recognize and write number (3).

Lesson 5 *To recognize and say the sound /f/ in the beginning of the word
-Trace, color, write and recognize letter (F-f)
-Know the word (Fish)
Lesson 6 *Story
-To develop listening skills by following the story.
-To revise and consolidate language introduced in the unit
-To understand the unit language in context
-To review the letters and sounds from units 1, 2, 3
-To review numbers (1, 2, 3)

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