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Name: Karla Benitez


Design Principles
Find photos that clearly illustrate these principles of design: asymmetrical balance, rhythm (one
of the five types), and emphasis.

1. Insert the photos in the table below.

2. Write a short description of the photo and discuss how the design principle is
3. Include a description of at least two of the garment's design details (what type of
sleeves, collar, skirt, etc.).

Asymmetrical balance
Insert picture illustrating the design
principle of asymmetrical balance
in a garment.

Write a short description of the


This outfit has asymmetrical balance because the Yellow under

top is unequally divided. One side of this top is longer and is not
centered in the middle of the outfit and top. Even though it’s
asymmetrical it looks balanced because of the unity that the
colors and texture display.
This outfit has a crew neck and sleeveless top.

FCS 208 1 Principles of Design Worksheet

There are five types of rhythm.
Insert a picture illustrating one type
of rhythm in a garment.

Identify the type of rhythm and

write a short description of the

This outfit has rhythm by

gradation because the dress and jacket go from a light color to
a dark color (ombre look). This outfit includes a tent dress with
a funnel neck and a bomber jacket.
Insert picture illustrating the design
principle of emphasis in a garment.

Write a short description of the


This dress
has emphasis because the textured design on the left side of

FCS 208 2 Principles of Design Worksheet

her dress catches attention. Not only the texture is completely
different form the rest of the dress, but its color is a great
contrast to the rest of the white dress. This is a strapless dress

FCS 208 3 Principles of Design Worksheet

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