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The bar chart informs the precentage of population in five cities in Australia (Sydney etc) on their
habit of buying and drinking beverages (coffee and tea). It is clear to be seen that citizens in four of
five these cities prefer to go to cafe for coffee or tea in the last 4 weeks.
Most people in Sidney, Melbourne, and Hobart are more likely to drink tea and coffee directly from a
cafe than buy bought instant coffee in the last 4 weeks. It have has There is noticable gap between
these two categories. with the group of Went More than 60% of population in Sidney, Melbourne,
and Hobart went o cafe for coffee and tea. The precentage is a lot higher than the proportion of
people who bought instant coffee which is only less than 55% from total population. The category of
people who go went to cafe for coffee and tea has have proportion higher than 60%, while the
Bought instant coffee group only have less than 55% from total population. Smaller gap of these two
categories is seen on population in Brisbane, where 56% of the population prefer going to cafe to
buying instant coffee(53%). which have percentage of Went to cafe and Bought instant coffee group
56% and 53% respectively.

However On the other hand, citizens in Adelaide are more likely seems to buy instant coffee rather
than went go to cafe for coffee or tea by a slight gap of percentage. There is are 50% of Adelaide
population that brought bought instant coffee and 49% of them went to cafe for coffee and tea in
the last 4 weeks. The least proportion in all five cities is the category of people who bought fresh
coffee brought free coffee category become the least preferable option among population with the
percentage less than 45%.

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