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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The happiness advantage

I'll never forget the day I went to soccer school.

I wanted to run the whole pitch, make the best plays and score many goals all I wanted that day. It
was very difficult to reach and inscribe for the lack of money that we had in the house, that is why
I take advantage of every moment in this school, early morning very early, came almost first, came
very tired I weighed the body came home and felt that it was already Falling asleep, I had tried
many times. Before, but I usually felt frustrated or impatient very fast. Anyway, I hailed it every
day and explored new plays, reading reviews on great players in history.

Until I had the opportunity to play my first children's soccer tournament. No party was missing,
and he was always the starter. It was difficult; Sometimes I felt frustrated when we lost because I
could not score goals. In a very short time, I was playing better than my school and this made me
feel so good; It still does, like magic. I felt very satisfied. He had taught me to make discipleship, to
get up early to leave my room in order and always to perform in school because if not this
opportunity would be me. This was something extraordinary (for me).

Now always to part of the teams of the school, the neighborhood where I lived and excelled by my
good game.

Thus, the moral of The story is that to be happy and succeed, you need to find something

That you love to do, to grow as a person, to discipline your behavior; Something that makes you
feel you can. Be better every day.

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