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Ingles III

Reading comprehension pendiente

Presentado por:
Lyceth Alejandra Diaz Chaves ID: 564942


Administración en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Bogotá D.C


Reading compression offers meaning to the text, where readers use it to understand and
understand what is being read, in the same way allowing coherence when organizing the main
ideas, within reading compression you can establish different strategies that each person
consider to make a good compression of the text. Therefore, ten tips to improve reading
comprehension will be established below.
1. Creating a habit of reading texts in English helps us to improve our reading level and learn
vocabulary, they do not necessarily have to be long books, we can start by reading news,
comics, short books, etc.

Ilustración 1 Compreciòn de lectura Recuperado de


2. Establishing a reading in a quiet place and without distractions helps us to become more
interior in the situation of the text.

3. Taking out and writing down the main ideas helps us understand the text.

4. Ask questions after the reading, in order to realize if we remember what happened and
understood the reading.

5. Take short breaks and analyze what has been read there.

6. Extract the unknown words and in turn search for their meaning in order to interpret the

7. Creating our own mental images while reading does not internalize the reading facilitating
the understanding of the text.
Ilustración 2 Estrategias de lectura Recuperado de

8. Making our own reading conclusions shows understanding of reading.

9. Read slowly facilitating understanding between each sentence.

10. Self-evaluation after reading helps to show the understanding and understanding that was
obtained in the Reading.

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