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from page 22 to page 51


3.1 Excavation of Topsoil
3.11 Description of Works
This involves excavation of topsoil at a wide cut of the route and at the borrow
pits, as well as below the embankments of various thickness, and its
transportation to a permanent or temporary depot.
The works must be done in accordance with the project, i.e., the requirements of
the Engineer.
3.12 Mode of Performance of Works
The topsoil is excavated exclusively mechanically, while manual excavation is
done only where mechanical equipment cannot perform it to a satisfactory level.
Bushes can be eliminated along with topsoil but must be separated from the
topsoil prior to topsoiling of the slopes of the road foundation.
The pushing of the topsoil into the depot must be performed in such a way that
prevents its mixing with non-top soil matters. In case of topsoil surplus, it is
necessary to previously plan the site and the shape of the depot for its storing.
During the topsoil excavation, water shouldn't be allowed to remain in the soil
preventing thus excessive softening of the soil by soaking. Therefore, during
excavation, care should be taken to provide permanent transverse and
longitudinal drainage. Water should be taken away of the road foundation by
linking to a drainage channel, brook or natural depression.
The areas anticipated for construction of embankments following the excavation
of the topsoil according to the criteria for preparation of the subsoil should
immediately be prepared and compacted and the same should be done for the first
course of the embankment in compliance with the criteria for embankment
The thickness of the topsoil layer that should be removed is determined by
previous testing (geotechnical study) and by parallel control in the course of the
The identification of the topsoil layer is performed on the basis of its smell, colour,
organic content susceptible to decay, as well as the quantity of total organic
matter. If the top soil layer and the soil suitable for the incorporation of the road
foundation are not possible to be visually determined, the thickness of the top soil
layer is determined on the basis of laboratory testing of samples (MKS
3.13 Measurement Method
The Engineer determines the thickness of the topsoil layer in presence of an
authorized representative of the Contractor, for each profile individually, or for
individual route sections, should the thickness of the topsoil layers changes at
different sections.
3.14 Terms of Payment
This work is measured in cubic meters of actually excavated top soil and is payable
according to the agreed unit prices including top soil excavation, transportation
regardless the distance to the depot with spreading and leveling, as well as all
other that is required according to the description in this Item. This price is
considered to be a full compensation for the performed works under Item 3.1.


3.2 Wide Excavation and Transportation

3.21 Description of Works
This work involves all the wide excavations, for all types of earth material
anticipated by the project along with transportation, i.e., pushing of the excavated
material into embankments, depots or depots for various needs, according to the
needs for which this material will be used during the construction works. These
works include all the excavations for cuts, cuts and fills, borrow pits, watercourse
regulation, road deviation as well as wide excavations during construction of
facilities. All the excavations should be performed according to the profiles and
the elevations, with inclinations specified in the project, i.e., according to the
requirements of the Engineer, taking into consideration the geotechnical
characteristics of the excavated material, as well as the required properties for the
intended uses of the excavated material, in compliance with these technical
3.22 Construction Method
In principle, the excavation shall be done by mechanical equipment and other
means, thus limiting manual work only to the necessary minimum.
Excavation of hard rock material should be performed by mechanical drilling, by
deep and regular mining of larger rock pieces, should this be required by the
intended use of the excavated material. Also, the mechanical pushing, i.e., loading
of the material and its transportation to the place of use, i.e., the depot of
unloading, should be considered. All the excavated material must be adapted to
the requirements for the intended use according to the project and these technical
specifications, both for the embankments and for the processing of the material
for the sub-base and alike. The material should also be classified by quality, if
All excavations should be done according to the profiles, with the planned
elevations and the prescribed inclinations in the project, i.e., in compliance with
the requirements by the Engineer. During the excavation, the necessary protection
measures for full safety at work and safety of existing structures and
communications should be provided.
During each phase of the work, efficient drainage of the road foundation should be
enabled. The aggravated conditions of work due to occurrence of water during
excavation should not be additionally paid.
The slope inclinations of the excavation should be arranged according to the
project, i.e., the requirements of the Engineer. This work requires also cleaning up
of all the unsuitable places in the earth material that require particular safety
protection measures, such as providing of safety to loose zones, caverns, water
springs, etc. should such works have not already been anticipated with the other
works such as slope protection of the cut according to the conditions for the earth
material, the geological findings and other manifestations in the cuts that shall be
taken into consideration by the Contractor in the course of the works and for
which the Contractor is not entitled to changing of the unit prices.
During the performance of the works, care should be taken to avoid digging out
from below, disturbing the balance or damaging the slopes of the cut that are
anticipated by the project and to the bed rock in the zone of the road formation,
i.e., the pavement structure, as well as in the zone of the foundation of the
structures, the regulation of the water courses and elsewhere where wide
excavation in rock media is done.


For this purpose, the Contractor prepares a mining scheme for each mining, in
accordance with the technical regulations in this field providing a guarantee of the
quality of the mining material for its purpose, as well as non-disturbance of the
rock media in the zones of the designed geometry.
In case of digging out from below or disturbance of the balance or other damage to
the medium, the Contractor is obliged to additionally repair the damage according
to the instructions by the Engineer without the right to ask for any reimbursement
for an increased scope of work or non-predicted works.
Regardless the type of excavation where explosives are going to be applied, the
Contractor must have available, well trained and qualified staff as well as a valid
certificate for performance of such type of work. While mining, it is necessary to
respect the regulations for performance of such works, which means careful
handling of explosives and providing of adequate safety to the surrounding, the
structures, the traffic routes and the people. During mining and performance of
the excavation works, all the effects, which could cause stoppage of traffic and
disturb people and the surrounding, should be reduced to the possible minimum.
Also, all the traffic and safety signaling should be provided upon a special
approval of an authorized organ obtained by the Contractor.
In case of such disturbances, the Contractor is obliged to immediately eliminate
them on his own expense.
3.23 Testing of Local Material
Before and in the course of the works, adequate samples should be taken for
testing of material useability of the for the planned use, at all the changes in
excavation, i.e., the quality of the earth material An attest issued by an authorized
institution should be provided regarding the useability of the material from each
more important larger cut or at the places where use of local material for tamping,
concrete and asphaltic aggregates is possible.
If the excavated material is intended for these purposes, clayey loose layers should
be removed and used for the embankment or stored at a special place suggested
and approved by the Engineer prior to mining.
In such a case, the Contractor is obliged to compensate, at his own expense, for
the embankment material, for the quantity taken for other needs.
3.24 Distribution of Earth Masses and Borrow Pits
3.241 If the distribution of earth masses anticipated by the project does not provide
sufficient material for the route, and no borrow pits in the vicinity are determined
by the project, the Engineer shall determine the place of a borrow pit. In principle,
all the borrow pits should be specified in the project.
3.242 If the Contractor considers that there is a more suitable borrow pit for him than
the one determined by the project or that has been determined by the Engineer,
the Contractor should prove the quality of the material at his own expense, and on
these grounds ask from the Employer a permission for use of this borrow pit,
paying himself for the land.
3.243 Before starting to use the borrow pit, the Contractor is obliged to submit to the
Engineer (the Employer) a proposal with a scheme and the transversal profiles of
the borrow pit (according to which excavation shall be done) for approval, if this is
not anticipated by the project.


Marked on the scheme should be the place where top soil and other non-usable
materials will be stored as well as the mode of the final arrangement of the borrow
pit, after the completion of the exploitation. On the basis of this proposal, the
Employer will issue a permit for use.
The Contractor is obliged to timely ask from the Engineer an approval for
additional expansion or deepening of the borrow pit. All the other expenses
incurred by the works, which are not covered by the approval for exploitation of
the land given by the Employer, are covered by the Contractor, including damage
to destroyed raisings and land as well as other resulting damage to the borrow pit
and the surrounding area.
3.244 Prior to exploiting the borrow pits, the Contractor and the Engineer shall inspect
the site. The inspection reports approved and signed by both parties shall
represent the basis for calculation of the incorporated quantities, considering the
transport and the distance. The Contractor is obliged to elaborate a proposal for
arrangement of the borrow pit after the completion of exploitation. Upon approval
by the Employer, the Contractor shall arrange the borrow pit in accordance with
the approved plan (leveling and topsoiling).
3.245 Opening and exploitation of the borrow pit should be done properly, with the
required inclinations for undisturbed flowing away of the rain and the drained
water. In enables avoiding of softening by soaking of the borrow pit material and
facilitates the work during wet weather.
3.246 The material proved to be improper for construction of the road foundation must
be removed. The Contractor is obliged to establish depots at the places
determined by the Engineer, i.e., places determined by the project. The depots
should be formed in a way that prevents sliding of the site and the depots
themselves and they should be leveled and arranged according to the project and
the requirements of the Engineer after the completion of the works.
3.247 For the borrow pits and the depots planned by the project or determined by the
Engineer, the Employer bears the expenses for expropriation or damage claims,
while the Contractor covers the expenses for the losses regarding damage to the
raisings and the land outside the area of the borrow pits.
For the borrow pits and the depots proposed by the Contractor, all the expenses
for purchase, damage and alike and all the expenses related to the change of the
site shall be borne by the Contractor, if the Employer has previously made
available the necessary borrow pit, i.e., depot.
3.25 Measurement
Measurement of quantities for calculation of the excavation is done on the basis of
the actual volume of the excavation measured in its original state, and according
to the measurement of the transversal profiles after removal of the top soil and
upon the final excavation within the project, i.e., the changes approved by the
Engineer. The excess of the excavated quantities in comparison to the designed
ones is not payable, if resulting from the Contractor's error. For determination of
the quantities of various types of earth materials in the excavation, the following
criterion is adopted:
During construction and according to the transversal profile, the quantities of
various types of earth materials are determined in percentage of the total area of
the transversal profile of the excavation, according to GN 200, in material of III
and IV category, for excavation done by mechanical equipment, without applying
of explosives and quantities of excavation in rock material done by usage of
explosives, which represents the basis for determination of the total quantity of
the excavation by types of materials.


3.251 In the case of wide excavation, in mixed material, the categorization of the
excavation is obligatory and regardless the requirement from the Contractor, it is
done timely and in the next month at the latest for completed excavations. A
commission composed of representatives of the Employer in the field, the
Engineer and the Contractor does the categorization for an excavation.
The commission shall prepare a report on the performed evaluation of
categorization on which basis calculations are made in the construction book.
Lenses, nests and caverns between the individual types of earth material not
exceeding 1m2 are not deducted in determination of the area, i.e., the volume,
while larger areas of those are deducted from the individual corresponding types
of earth.
Cavities exceeding 1m2 are deducted. All the material from the excavation which is
used for purposes other than embankments is deducted from the total quantity of
the excavation mass, if not compensated from borrow pits by the Contractor.
3.26 Payment
Payment is done per m3 of original excavation per unit price for excavation of III
and IV category, with transport regardless the distance according to the agreed
calculation, while for the higher category of excavation, an increase for excavation
in rock is approved. This price covers arrangement and cleaning up of the slopes
of all the unstable blocks and earth falls, leveling of all excavated and surrounding
areas, all the excavation works, with loading, transport and unloading of material
at a certain place for use according to the distribution of masses - including the
works under items 2.4 and 2.5, wherefore the Contractor is not entitled to any
additional compensation for this work.
In the case of borrow pits and depots, this unit price covers also the arrangement
of the site after the completion of the works, in accordance with the project or the
instructions given by the Engineer.
3.261 The calculation of the transported masses is done regardless the distance. After
the completion of all the works on the excavation along the route and the borrow
pits, the actual transportation distances are determined and the final calculation is
done according to them.
3.262 The construction of berms is not paid; neither quantity of works is calculated
separately, since these works are covered by the price for the wide excavation, i.e.,
the price of the embankment.
3.263 Calculation of the Volume of the Borrow Pit Excavation
Extending of the cuts for the borrow pits is paid as an excavation in a cut. If the
borrow pits are outside the road route, the volume of the excavation from the
borrow pit is calculated based on the quantity of the embankment in a compacted
state, which is done using material from borrow pits, according to the principle
that 1m3 of compacted embankment is equal to 1m 3 excavation from a borrow pit.
If an embankment is made from a cut on the route and from a borrow pit, then it
is necessary to make an embankment from the excavation on the route and then
from the borrow pit in case of no other requirements by the Employer. The reason
for this is to accurately determine the volume of the embankment made from the
excavation on the route and the volume lacking for the construction of the
embankment taken from the borrow pit.


There must be proofs for the above stated both in the construction book and in the
project (transversal profiles). Commissions, applying the same procedure as for
the evaluation of the wide excavation categorization carry out the determination of
these quantities.
3.3 Construction of Subsoil

3.31 Description
Natural soil on which foundation (construction) of an embankment is done.
3.311 General
The works involve compaction, possible digging because of drying or soaking of
the natural soil with thickness determined by the project, approximately 30 cm.
3.312 Regulations Applied for Quality Control of Materials
МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking of samples;

MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of the moisture content of the


MKC EN ISO 17892-2:2015 Determination of soil specific gravity;

MKC CEN ISO/TS 17892-3:2016 Determination of bulk density of soil;

МКС EN ISO 17892-4:2017 Determination of grain size distribution;

MKTC CEN ISO/TS 17892:2010 Determination of yield point and plasticity limit
of soil;

MKC 1015:2016 Determination of organic matter content in soil;

МКС EN 13286-2:2012 Determination of optimum water content;

МКС У.Е1.010/81 Earth works in construction of roads;

3.313 Regulations Applied for Quality Control of Incorporation of Material

МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking of samples;

MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of the moisture content of the


MKC CEN ISO/TS 17892-3:2016Determination of bulk density of soil;

МКС 1011:2015 Determination of compression modulus

3.32 Criteria for Evaluation of Quality of Incorporation

Before the beginning of the earth filling, the cleaned and smoothed foundation base -
subsoil should be compacted in accordance with the following requirements:


Required minimum %
of density (compactness
Description Compression modulus
level) according to the
Mc by plate 300 mm
standard Proctor's test
at least (MN/m2)
a) Original soil composed of
cohesive earth materials –
98% 20
the designed embank-
ment is not higher than
2,0 m
b) Original soil composed of
cohesive earth materials –
95% 20
the designed embank-
ment is higher than 2,0 m
c) Original soil composed of
cohesionless earth mate-
100% 25
rials - the designed em-
bankment is not higher
than 2,0 m
d) Original soil composed of
cohesionless earth mate-
95% 25
rials - the designed em-
bankment is higher than
2,0 m.

The embankment height is considered the height from the level of the constructed
subsoil - foundation base to the level of the road bed formation (sub-grade), at the
lowest part. Tests shall be performed at each 1000m2 of constructed subsoil.
In case the composition of soil - subsoil of the embankment is such that it does not
satisfy the criteria given in the Table (saturated soil, muddy soil, soil of organic
origin and alike), it is necessary that the subsoil be prepared, i.e., repaired in the
way given in the project or defined by the Engineer, prior to the construction of
the embankment.
3.33 Measurement
This work is measured per m2 of actually constructed base.
3.34 Payment
This work is paid per m2 of constructed subsoil. The payment for replacement of
improper quality materials in the subsoil is done in accordance with Item 3.4.
3.4 Construction of Embankments
3.41 Description
3.411 General
This work involves earth-filling, spreading, rough, i.e., fine leveling, moistening or
drying and compaction of the embankment material according to the proportions
determined by the project.
All the work must be performed in accordance with the project and these technical


3.42 Materials
For the construction of the embankment, all the non-organic materials with
prescribed quality will be used.
Organic wastes, roots, bushes, i.e., material which would change its mechanical-
physical properties in time due to biochemical processes could not be
incorporated in the embankments.
The materials for construction of an embankment can be obtained from cuts along
the route or from borrow pits.
3.421 Regulations Applied for Control:
МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking of samples;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of the moisture content of the
MKC EN ISO 17892-2:2015 Determination of soil specific gravity;
МКC EN ISO/TS 17892-3:2016 Determination of bulk density of soil;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-4:2017 Determination of grain size distribution;
MKTC CEN ISO/TS 17892:2010 Determination of yield point and plasticity limit
of soil;
MKC 1015:2016 Determination of organic matter contents in soil;
МКС EN 13286-2:2012 Determination of optimum water content;
МКС У.Е1.010/81 Earth works in construction of roads;
МКС У.Е8.010/81 Bearing capacity and evenness at the sub-grade level.
In addition to these standard regulations, the provisions stated in these technical
conditions should also be respected.
3.422 Classification of Materials
For classification of materials for construction of an embankment, a unique
classification as well as the U.S.C.S and AASHO regulations and the Casa Grande
plasticity diagram are applied.
3.423 Previous Tests on Embankment Material
To determine the suitability of the materials for the embankment construction,
tests on all the materials from the cuts and the borrow pits with cohesive and
coheesionless soil, including also mixed and rock materials, should be carried out.
The following tests should be performed:
a) Natural bulk density and moisture content;
b) Grain-size distribution and level of unevenness;
c) Atterberg limits of consistency: yield point, plasticity limit, plasticity index and
Casa Grande criteria for frost;
d) Optimal moisture content and compaction;
e) California bearing ratio of soil under laboratory conditions.



3.424 Quality Evaluation Criteria of Material to be Incorporated

- The moisture content of the material should be such that the prescribed quality
(close to the optimum) is achieved at compaction;
- The minimum bulk density obtained under laboratory conditions with energy E
= 60 mpm/m3 should amount to: d15,5kN/m3 for embankments up to 3,0 m
and d16,5kN/m3, for embankments larger than 3,0 m.

- The optimal moisture content - lower than 20%;

- The yield point - lower than 50%;
- The plasticity index - lower than 20%;
- The unevenness level "u" should not be lower than 9; and lower than 4 for
purely rock material;
- The organic matter percentage - lower than 8%;
- If the embankment is constructed of cohesionless material, the grains should
not be larger than 30 cm, i.e., maximum up to 1/2 of the thickness of the course;
- For the embankment, only materials with proved useability for achieving the
required stability of the road foundation could be used.
During testing of the suitability of the materials for the construction of an
embankment, testing should be carried out at each cut and borrow pit as well as at
each change of material. The tests should be performed on minimum two samples
for each type of material, i.e., upon the order of the Engineer.
The listed tests should obligatorily be performed in addition to the soil-
mechanical tests given in the project.
3.43 Transportation and Filling
The transportation and filling of the material on the prepared foundation soil, or
on the already constructed embankment course can be started after the approval
of the lower courses by the Engineer.
Each individual course should be spread in longitudinal direction, horizontally, or
at least at an inclination equal to the designed longitudinal inclination. In
transverse direction, each course should have double-sided or single-sided
inclination of 2-4%. This inclination is required for drainage of atmospheric
waters wherefore the surface of the course (while incorporating cohesive earth
materials) must be spread and compacted immediately (daily).
Each individual course must be filled according to the designed transversal
profile. When bringing the material, the passes of the transportation means must
be distributed as uniformly as possible over the whole width of the road
The thickness of each layer spread must be in accordance with the compaction
capacity of the applied tamping device over depth, the type of the filled material
and the segregation phenomena.
In case of requirements and possibilities for incorporation of an embankment
with layers with thickness exceeding 30 cm or any other thickness, the Engineer
can approve the requirement if the Contractor fulfills the following conditions:



At a trial section with a length of 30 - 50 m and using mechanical equipment for

compaction of the embankment, there should be defined the thickness of the
layers, the mechanical equipment, the number of tamping runs, the material
properties with moisture content and the compactness degree at five places, at
least two of which are to be in the lower half of the layer.
A joint commission composed of a representative of the Engineer and a
representative of the Contractor does the whole process of approval of the
thickness of the layers by a trial section. On the basis of the results, the Engineer
registers the required findings and gives an order for work in the construction
The cost for the construction of trial sections is borne by the Contractor whereas
the constructed embankment layer is approved as a constructed embankment if it
is on the route and of a satisfactory compaction.
Testing on a trial section and adopting of mechanical equipment for construction
of an embankment shall be done for each type of material incorporated in the
3.44 Compaction
3.441 General
Each layer of the embankment must be compacted in its full width, applying the
corresponding mechanical means, the compaction being performed, in principle,
from the edges towards the centre.
The inaccessible places for use of mechanical equipment, or places where the use
of heavy tamping means is not suitable from any other reasons (filling behind
structures, retaining walls, etc.) should be compacted applying other suitable
means or methods, as determined by the Engineer.
Before the beginning of compaction, each embankment layer must be wetted or
dried to a moisture content, which is in accordance with the previous testing and
enables compaction of the used type of material up to the required degree (Items
3.452 and 3.453). If, following the compaction and the quality control, the
activities are not resumed immediately by filling of the next layer, but instead, are
postponed for a longer period of time under different weather conditions, the
quality of the compaction and moisture content should be controlled again before
filling. In this case, the compaction may start only when the repeated tests have
proved the quality of compaction.
If mainly cohesive material is used for an embankment under weather conditions
that do not allow compaction, other procedures such as stabilization, processing
or replacement of the material by material of a quality required, i.e., selected by
the Engineer are to be used. The Contractor covers these expenses.
3.442 When it is likely to rain during the day, the Engineer will stop further work on
filling, if necessary, without reimbursement of the costs. In the case of an
embankment of cohesive material, the upper surface of the layer should be leveled
and rolled with a smooth roller (3-5 tons) so that the surface be at an inclination
of 2-4% on one side, smooth and without recesses where atmospheric waters
could remain. Before filling of a new layer, this smooth surface should be
roughened to ensure a better connection between the layers. This applies to other
longer stoppages of the works during construction of embankments due to
expiration of the construction season or alike.


3.443 The filling must be performed in a way that enables horizontal layers in
longitudinal direction (in order to avoid abrupt changes in the height between
layers of different thickness), constructed at an inclination at which proper
compaction is still possible.
3.444 The filling works will be terminated at any time if satisfactory results cannot be
achieved particularly due to rain, high underground waters or other infavrouable
weather conditions. The Contractor is not entitled to any reimbursement on this basis.
3.445 The embankment material must not be incorporated on frozen areas, neither on
snow or frost. Frozen earth material must not be incorporated.
3.446 On a site with an inclination greater than 20 o, the embankments must be filled
over cascade cuts with a width specified by the project, and be at least 1 - 1,5 m cut
in the site in which the embankment is constructed. The side areas of the cascade
cuts should be constructed at inclinations of 2: 1.
When the inclination of the site exceeds 30o, the cascade cuts should be made
without an inter-space, while when the inclination of the site is from 20 - 30 o, 1m
inter-spaces are applied. The transverse slope of the cascade cuts in cohesive
material should be made at an inclination of 3% of the lateral side of the cut.
If the works on cascades are not anticipated by the project, the Engineer
determines them, while the Contractor is obliged to perform them.
Cascade cuts are not paid separately, neither their quantities are calculated
separately since these works are covered under Item 3.4.
The Engineer will additionally determine the mode and the scope of further
parallel and technological tests.
3.447 The finishing layer of an earth embankment (30 - 50 cm in thickness) should, if
possible, be made of a better material (stone or gravel) from the excavation on the
route. If this is not possible, the material shall be taken from the borrow pit
excavation, if so determined by the Engineer.
In the case when the pavement structure is not planned to be constructed with a
rock material top layer, and if more economical proportioning is possible, the
Employer is entitled to introduce the necessary modifications, while the
Contractor is obliged to act according to the modified solution (distribution of
masses and the vertical alignment of the road).
3.45 Quality Control During Incorporation
3.451 Regulations Applied for Control
МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking samples;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of moisture content of the base;
MKC EN ISO 17892-2:2015 Determination of bulk density of soil;
MKC 1011:2015 Determination of compression modulus by the
round plate method test


3.452 Criteria for Evaluation of Quality of Incorporation of Cohesive

and Mixed Material with up to 20% Stone

Required minimum % of compaction

Position of filled layers according to standard Proctor's test
E = 600 kNm/m3

a) Layers of embankment with a

height of over 2,0 m measured
from the foot of the embankment
up to the level of 2,0 m below the
pavement structure.

b) Layers of embankment with a

height of up to 2,0 m and layers
of higher embankments, mea-
sured from the formation of the 100%
lower layer up to 2,0 m below the

3.453 Criteria for Evaluation of Quality of Incorporation for Cohesive Mixed

Materials with More than 20% Stone
The minimum required value of the compression modulus M c for cohesionless and
mixed materials of various grain size distributions is determined according to the
following criteria, by 30 cm plate test.
- For mixed material with 20-35% stone Mc = 25 - 30 MPa;
- For mixed material with 30-50% stone Mc= 30 - 35 MPa;
- For mixed material with more than 50% stone
at optimum or close to optimum moisture content Mc = 40 MPa.
The first value of Mc applies to embankments under Item a), while the second one,
to embankments under item b) of the table under Item 3.452.
For large-grain crushed stone materials (with diameter of over 150 mm) and
mixed materials, compaction control, if necessary, can be performed by volume-
based methods.
3.454 Scope of Parallel Control Tests
The compaction of the embankment layers is tested at each 1000 m 2, by two tests
in the immediate vicinity, giving one result, and a grain size distribution test at
each 4000 m3.
This holds for embankments of more than 50 m in length.
Moisture content of the material is tested daily. Construction of a new layer is not
allowed before the required quality of the previous layer has not been proved.
If during the control tests the Engineer finds deviation in the results greater than
the prescribed ones, he can additionally change the scope of the testing.


3.46 Approval of Incorporated Material

The Engineer, in accordance with Item does the approval of each embankment
layer 3.45 and the prescribed criteria. All the determined deficiencies related to
the listed quality conditions must be repaired, i.e., eliminated by the Contractor.
3.47 Measurement
The quantity of incorporated material is measured in m3 of the actually performed
quantities within the project, without the topsoil layer of embankment slopes,
including the haunch core.
3.48 Payment
The quantities determined under Item 3.47 are paid according to the agreed prices
per 1 m3 of material incorporated in the embankment.
3.5 Wedges by Structures
3.51 Wedges are made by the structures to avoid deformations of the pavement
structures at the transition from an embankment to a structure.
3.52 To achieve settlement of both the embankment and the subsoil to the highest
possible degree during the construction of the pavement structure, the wedges
should be made in accordance with the project or in one of the following ways:
- If the structure is completed before the construction of the embankment,
wedges are made parallel to the construction of the embankment;
- If the structure is not completed and the embankment is being constructed, the
embankment should be constructed as close to the structure as possible to
enable faster consolidation of the subsoil.
The size of the wedge depends on the height of the structure and the length of the
transition slab with a slope inclination of 1:2 towards the embankment, if not
defined by the project.
The construction of the pavement structure, at the wedge part, shall be done as
later as possible to allow consolidation of the embankment below the wedge and
the subsoil.
3.53 The material for the wedges should correspond to the material with a quality
prescribed by the project or for the lower base course of the pavement structure
(sub-base), in accordance with Item 4.3 of these technical conditions.
3.54 Wedges should be made in layers with a thickness of maximum 50 cm. The
compacting of the material per layers is done as in the case of the sub-base of the
pavement structures.
3.55 Testing of the compactness of the wedges is done according to Item 4.3 of these
technical terms.
3.56 If not prescribed by the project, the minimum compaction of the top layer of the
wedge shall be 70 Mpa, and at each 0,5 m downwards, it drops down for 10 Mpa,
to a minimum value of 40 Mpa.
3.57 The measurement of quantities for these works is done in m 3 of actually
incorporated material, in accordance with the conditions for embankments.
3.58 Payment is done according to the agreed unit price including procurement,
transportation and incorporation of material and all finishing works as in the case
of construction of embankments.


3.6 Arrangement of Sub-grade - Formation Level of Road Bed

3.61 Description
3.611 This work includes:
Arrangement of the formation level of the road bed at the cuts, the embankments
and at the cuts and fills by rough and fine leveling and compacting:
- In rock materials - flattening of the remaining rock tops, filling of the flattened
layer, spreading, leveling, moistening and compaction of the layer;
- In cohesive materials - leveling, repair of certain smaller non-homogeneous
places, moistening, i.e., drying of the earth by tamping up to the prescribed
compaction degree,
or, in the case when compaction is not possible due to excessive natural moisture
content of the soil, i.e., due to unfavourable weather conditions, 15cm deeper cut
shall be made with mechanical or chemical stabilization of the grading course. The
Engineer makes the decision on this.
The described works should be performed up to the elevation anticipated in the
project and over the whole width of the formation level, in accordance with these
technical conditions.
3.62 Materials
For construction of the sub-grade, inorganic materials are used as for the finishing
layer of the embankment, prescribed by these conditions.
3.621 Regulations to be Applied
МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking of samples;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of soil moisture content of the
MKS U.B1.014/88 Determination of soil specific gravity;
МКC EN ISO/TS 17892-3:2016 Determination of bulk density of soil;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-4:2017 Determination of grain size distribution;
MKTC CEN ISO/TS 17892:2010 Determination of yield point and
plasticity limit of soil;
MKC 1015:2016 Determination of organic matter contents in soil;
MKC 1004:2013 Determination of change in soil volume;
MKC 1014:2016 Determination of carbonate contents in soil;
MKTC CEN ISO/TS 17892-7:2010 Determination of compression strength of
MKC EN 13286-2:2012 Determination of optimum water content;
МКС У.Б1.040/68 Determination of sands equivalent in soil;
MKC EN 13286-47:2013 Determination of the California bearing ratio;
In addition to the listed standard regulations, it is necessary to respect all the
other provisions specified in these technical terms.
3.622 Classification of Materials
For classification of the earth materials for the sub-grade - the formation level of
the road bed, the terminology according to the U.S.C.S and A.A.S.H.O
classification and the Casa Grande plasticity diagram (see the enclosed tables and
diagrams) are applied.


3.623 The previous test of the material to be used for the sub-grade should be performed
in accordance with Item 3.423 of these technical terms.
3.624 The criteria for evaluation of the quality of material before its incorporation in the
sub-grade - the formation level of the road bed, must satisfy the following
- The moisture content of the material should be such that the required
compaction degree is achieved during compaction;
- The minimum bulk density obtained under laboratory conditions with energy E
= 600 kNm/m3 should be greater then 17,5 kNm/m3;
- The optimum moisture content should be lower than 20%;
- The yield point should be lower than 30%, and the plasticity index, smaller
than 17%;
- The unevenness degree "u" should not be lower than 9 and the greatest grains
in that course should not be greater than 60 mm (10% to 70 mm);
- The California bearing ratio should be higher or equal to 8%;
- The surface layer of cuts of cohesive material in the sub-grade should be dug up
before compaction.
3.625 In case the material for the road base does not satisfies the criteria according to
Item 3.624, a material with minimum 20% CBR in laboratory should be used.
3.63 Performance and Quality of Works
3.631 Filling and Spreading
3.6311 Filling and Spreading of the Grading Layer Over a Rock Base
Filling and spreading of the material for the grading layer can start after
smoothing of the individual rock tops so that they do not outcrop from the
designed sub-grade - formation level of the road bed.
Before starting with the filling and spreading, the quality of the material for the
grading layers should be verified according to the requirement under Item 3.62 of
these technical terms, i.e., gravel, crushed stone and other mixed material with
maximum 50% of sandy-clayey fractions but not clayey materials should be used.
3.6312 Filling and Spreading of Grading Layer on a Base of Cohesive Material
In the case of chemical stabilization of the sub-grade - the formation level of the
roadbed at cuts, the grading layers for stabilization should be filled to a thickness of 15
cm. This should be done only upon a request, i.e., approval by the Engineer.
3.632 Requirements for Sub-grade - Formation Level of the Road Bed
3.6321 Evenness
The evenness of the leveled and compacted sub-grade is tested by a 4m. long level,
with crosses or a thread, provided that the maximum deviation from the
anticipated plane in any direction in respect to the road axis (transversal,
longitudinal and diagonal) is not greater than 20 mm. The control of evenness is
performed per profiles under the proviso that the distance between them is not
greater than 30 meters.


3.6322 Surface Elevations

The surface elevations of the finishing course of the sub-grade at any place may
deviate from the designed ones for  20mm at the most.
The elevations at the individual measuring points are determined by leveling
instruments, while the measuring points shall be determined by the Engineer
applying the statistic probability method, provided that the distance between
them, at each transversal profile, does not exceed 30 m.
The transversal and the longitudinal inclination of the sub-grade should be made
according to the project. Lower sub-grade is additionally filled-in with a material
for lower base course, on the expense of the Contractor.
3.633 Compaction of Sub-grade - Formation Level (Planum)
3.6331 General
The total width of the sub-grade - formation level, according to the project, must
be stabilized mechanically. The excavated or the filled and spread material for the
sub-grade - formation level, should be immediately compacted.
In the case when the already compacted sub-grade - formation level, has been
exposed to unfavorable weather effects for a longer time, or it has been damaged
due to other reasons, the Contractor is obliged to bring it again to the state
required by these technical conditions.
3.64 Quality Control at Incorporation
3.641 Regulations to be Applied for Quality Control
МКС EN ISO 22475-1:2010 Taking of samples;
MKC EN ISO/TS 17892-1:2015 Determination of moisture content of the base;
MKC EN ISO 17892-2:2015 Determination of soil specific gravity;
МКC EN ISO/TS 17892-3:2016 Determination of bulk density of soil;
MKC 1011:2015 Determination of compression modulus by the round
plate method.
3.642 Criteria for Quality Evaluation
For the sub-grade of cohesive material and mixed material with stone up to 20%,
the required compaction should be greater than 100%, compared to the standard
laboratory compaction, while the compression modulus should be higher than 30
For a sub-grade of mixed material with more than 20% of stone, the minimum
required value of the compression modulus M c is required as obtained by a 30
cm round plate test as follows:
- For mixed material with 20-35% stone Mc = 35 MPa;
- For mixed material with 30-50% stone Mc = 40 MPa;
- For mixed material with more than 50% stone Mc = 45 MPa;
- For cohesionless materials Mc = 50 MPa.


3.643 Scope of Parallel Control Tests

- Testing of compaction should be done at each (50 - 100)m. by two tests in the
immediate vicinity giving the same result;
- CBR at each cut and embankment, based on test results before incorporation
according to Item 3.624, as well as repeated verification of CBR at each change
in material;
- The moisture content is tested daily parallel with to soil mechanical approvals;
- Grain size distribution tests are done at each 6000m 2 of the sub-grade, or more
frequently, if there are changes in material.
3.65 Approval of Works
The Engineer does the approval of the sub-grade immediately before the next
stage of the construction works.
For the approval, all the requirements under Item 3.6 of these technical terms
must be fulfilled.
All defects related to Item 3.5 and all the requirements by the Employer should be
eliminated at the expense of the Contractor.
3.66 Measurement
This work is measured in m2.
3.67 Payment
The construction of the sub-grade of embankments, cuts and cuts and fills is paid
according to the agreed unit prices of the bill of quantities per 1m 2, performed in
accordance with Item 3.6 of these technical terms.
3.7 Drainage and De-watering of the Road Foundation
3.71 Description
Drainage and de-watering of the road formation is performed in accordance with
the details of the main project and the instructions of the Engineer. The works
include the following:
- Complete drainage system with conduits out of the road foundation;
- Sewerage for drainage of cuts and fills;
- Outlet heads of side outlets;
- Channels (described under Item 3.10);
- Gutter (described under Item 4.10);
- Regulation of water springs (described under Item 3.12).
3.72 Materials
All the used materials must comply to the valid MKS, i.e., the corresponding
requirements in the individual items of these conditions, depending on the type of
materials. The Contractor is obliged to prove the useability of the material by
previous testing.


3.73 Performance of the Works

3.731 The excavation of trenches to the drainage is done by adequate mechanical
equipment, while manual excavation is done only to the necessary extent.
The excavation is done in accordance with the proportions given in the drawings
of the main project and the requirements by the Engineer.
Excavation of canals includes also possible timbering of the trenches required for
safety against earth fall as well as pumping of water.
The material excavated from the trenches is used for filling, i.e.; it is transported
to a place determined by the Engineer, which is included in the cost of the
The bottom of the ditches is covered with geo-textile 300 gr/m2.
3.732 Spreading of sand over the trench bottom (below the sewerage pipes), below the
manhole as well as under the concrete elements for surface drainage is done with
a given thickness in accordance with the drawings of the main project. The sand
must comply with the requirements specified under Item 4.2 of these technical
3.733 The performance of the concrete base or the clay base below and around the pipes
is according to the details given in the drawings of the main project, with
inclinations of the trench slopes toward the pipe. The concrete strength is given in
the project.
The clayey material must be of high plasticity clay properties, while the moisture
content of the material at the moment of incorporation must be within the range
of 2% of the optimal moisture content by the Proctor's standard. The clayey
material is incorporated in layers with a thickness of 10 cm each, and is tamped up
to a compaction of 95% of the standard Proctor.
The preparation of the base is not done until the excavation of the drainage trench
along the whole length and its approval by the Engineer, by elevations and
longitudinal inclinations that must correspond to the designed ones.
3.734 The placement of the drainage pipes and the connections, the collection and the
sewerage pipes are done on an arranged base, which has been previously
approved by the Engineer. The pipes are placed in a way that they lie in the same
axis and at inclination as given in the project.
The pipes can be made of concrete, ceramics, plastics or asbestos-cement
(asbestos-cement-corrugated sheets).
The type and the proportions of the pipes are determined by the main project.
The drainage pipes must be perforated on the upper half of their perimeter and if
this is insufficiently done, the Engineer shall require from the Contractor to
complete the perforation appropriately.
The connections of the drainage pipes are not sealed, except at the inlet of the
manholes and alike. The connection of the sewerage pipes is done with joints or by
sealing of the in a way defined in the main project.
The way of placement of the pipes is selected such that it prevents muddying of
the installed pipes.
The sewerage pipes for outlet of the collection drainage pipes, i.e., shafts, are
built-in according to the details in the main project and with the determined
proportions and longitudinal gradients.


The construction of the outlet from the road foundation involves obligatorily
building of a concrete outlet head.
If drainage is to be exclusively done by individual sections, but not along the
whole length, the vertical alignment of each section must be determined
accurately, taking also care to embed the drainage into a water impermeable layer
along its whole length.
3.735 The filter of the drainage pipes is made according to the details in the main
project. The grain size distribution of the material for the filter depends on the
material around the drainage trench and it should satisfy, in all, the criteria that
are valid for the filtering layers (Item 4.2 of these conditions).
The drainage filter layers must be tamped by light tamping means to reach a
compactness of 70% by the standard Proctor's test, taking care not to damage or
displace the installed drainage pipes.
The individual types of drainage materials should be incorporated in layers with
proportions given in the project or according to the instructions of the Engineer.
3.736 The manholes (shafts) are made of prefabricated concrete elements or by in situ
concreting, according to the details given in the drawings of the main project. The
works include: excavation, timbering, concreting (assemblage), transportation,
procurement and construction of covers and all that is required for the finishing of
the works.
The prefabricated elements should be installed with the necessary joints, by
position and proportions to avoid additional drilling. In such cases, the joints
must be properly done. The manhole stairs should also be installed. The
foundation elements of the assembling manholes are placed on concrete bases,
while the connection of the individual elements is done by tongues and grooves.
The other connections must be sealed with a sealing material.
3.737 The infilling of the drainage trenches after the preparation of the filtering layer is
done in accordance with the provisions of the project following the approval of the
finished filtering infill by the Engineer. The stone for the infilling must be stable
and correspond to these conditions.
The drainage trench is finished with clay or turf, in order to prevent penetration of
surface water and muddying of the drainage system.
3.74 Testing
The quality of the materials and the completed products for all the works in Item
3.73 are tested in accordance with the standards and the provisions of these
technical conditions. The Contractor is obliged to provide attests for the
prefabricated elements before using them (Item 8.34 of these conditions).
Cast-in-place concrete is tested according to the conditions of Item 5 of these
technical terms.
3.75 Measurement
The excavation is measured in cubic meters of actually performed works in
original land and according to the proportions given in the project, i.e., measured
by the Engineer. Up to the sub-grade level, the excavation is measured as a wide
cut. The drainage pipes (along with the joints); the outlets, the sewerage pipes and
the manholes are measured in m1. The filter, the infilling of the drainage and the
outlet heads are measured in cubic meters.


No measurements for calculation of transport, reinforcement, timbering, water

pumping, work in wet soil, formworks, scaffolding, clay, concrete and sand bases,
joints of pipes and connections, strengthening, covers of manholes, placing of turf
in trenches, are done since these works are covered in the unit price.
3.76 Payment
Payment of performed works is done by unit prices from the bill of quantities for
the individual types of works, by the measures under Item 3.75. The unit price
includes procurement of all necessary materials, transportation regardless the
distance and any work related to the performance of the activities under Item
3.73. Therefore, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional payment. Works
that cannot be measured are covered by the agreed unit prices and are not payable
3.8 Slope Protection

3.81 Slope Protection by Meshes

3.811 Description
This work involves mesh protection of rock slopes, which at a certain inclination
are stable, but their surfaces are susceptible to erosion.
3.812 Materials
3.8121 Meshes
Meshes are made of galvanized steel wire, with a diameter of 3 mm and with 5 - 10
cm rectangular or hexagonal openings. The wires must be double coated, with
thickness of the zinc coat of at least 0,07 mm.
3.8122 Anchors
For fixation of the meshes on the slopes, steel anchors with double galvanized
anti-corrosive coat of 0,07 to 0,08 mm, should be used in accordance with the
details in the project and MKS.C.B3.021.
For fixation of the mesh on a slope, in addition to the anchors (according to the
detail in the project), double galvanized tubes (according to MKS.C.B5.311) with a
diameter of 48mm and wall thickness of 3,5 mm and a thickness of the double
galvanization of minimum 0,07mm should be used.
3.8123 Weights for Hanging Meshes
Concrete weights should be used according to the detail in the project. The weight
concrete should be with concrete strength of MB30 and must correspond to the
requirements of Item 5 of these technical conditions.
3.813 Performance
The Engineer in accordance with the requirements in the project and these
technical conditions should determine the places and the type of mesh protection.
Before the installment of the meshes, the slope should be arranged according to
the requirements in the project and these technical conditions. Anything that
could prevent normal leaning of the mesh on the site should be removed. For
safety against rock fall on steeper inclinations (3:1 to 2:1), hanging meshes loaded
with concrete weights in the lower part and fixed, at the top of the slope, by
anchors and tubes enabling control of rock sliding down to the foot of the cut,
should be used.


In the case of slighter inclinations, meshes fixed by anchors should be anticipated.

The distance between the anchors is determined according to the geotechnical
properties of the rock, considering a distance of about 1,0 m. In the case of rocks
where direct hammering is not possible, holes must be drilled for the anchors. The
individual meshes should be connected by weaving, using double galvanized wire
of the same diameter as the mesh wire.
3.814 Quality Control
The Contractor should submit to the Engineer an attest from the producer of the
mesh. The Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of these conditions
shall do the quality control of the used material.
3.815 Measurements
The mesh-protected area shall be determined based on the measurement of the
mesh of the covered area in m2, as measured over the slope of the inclination.
3.816 Payment
The mesh protection of slopes shall be calculated according to the agreed unit
price per m2 of placed and fixed mesh. In this way, the cost includes all the works,
all the materials and transportation related to mesh protection, according to the
project, so that the Contractor is not entitled to any additional payment.
3.82 Slope Protection by Guiniting
3.821 Description
The work involves protection of rock slopes, which, at certain inclinations, are
stable, but their surfaces are susceptible to erosion because of cracking due to
weather or mechanical conditions.
3.822 Materials
Wire mesh of square or hexagonal openings with a side of about 4cm and wire
diameter of 2 m; the wire mesh must not be rusted.
The cement mortar is made of sand, cement and water. The quality of these
materials is defined according to Item 5 of these technical conditions.
The cement to be used for the mortar can be SC 350, while the approximate ratio
of materials is C: S: W = 1:4:0,75.
The amount of cement is about 400 kg. The maximum sand grain is 7mm. The
consistency of the cement mortar must comply with the gunite.
The grain size distribution of sand should be in compliance with the requirements
in Item 5 of these technical conditions.
3.823 Performance
The place to be protected shall be defined by the Engineer in accordance with the
project requirements and the geological conditions on the slope to be protected.
Prior to the placement of the mesh and the gunite, the slope must be arranged
according to the project requirements and these technical conditions. Anything
that could prevent normal leaning of the mesh over the slope should be


The mesh must be fixed to a sound rock and be adapted to the shape of the slope
rocks. This affects the number of holes to be drilled for the fixation of the mesh.
The mesh is fixed as follows:
Holes with a profile of 32 mm or greater diameter are drilled in the rock to a depth
of 20 cm. Wire of the same quality and diameter as the mesh is put into these
holes with its both ends protruding from the holes.
After placement of the wire, the holes are filled with mortar. The holes should be
drilled in rock. For fixation of the wire in these holes, quick-setting cement,
aluminous cement or Portland cement, which can set in 3 minutes, is used. The
wire should be squeezed up to the bottom of the hole.
Places where water has occurred preventing plastering should be dried out and
then plastered.
Plastering is done by using a sprayer under pressure of 2,5 atmospheres, and with
a thickness of the mortar layer as anticipated in the project. The gunite is treated
by a wet procedure during minimum 7 days or by sprinkling of chemical
The gunite with the wire mesh is placed at places where rocks are susceptible to
disintegration and where there are clayey nests and intercalation. The minimum
thickness of the gunite is 2 - 3 cm.
At places where rock surface is cracked, mortar with a thickness defined by the
project should be applied, without wire mesh. The minimum thickness of the
gunite is 2 cm.
3.824 Quality Control
The Contractor is obliged to submit to the Engineer an attest on the used
materials while the Engineer shall perform control testing, in accordance with
these conditions and depending on the type of material and performed works.
3.825 Measurement
Guniting is measured per m2 of actually protected areas, according to the
individual thickness and type of guniting.
3.826 Payment
The performed works, approved by the Engineer, are paid according to the agreed
unit prices and quantities of work, in compliance with these conditions.
The unit prices include the whole necessary work, the whole material, the
equipment, the transportation, the necessary scaffolds, treatment and aggravated
conditions of work.
This price represents a full compensation for all the items of the work. Therefore,
the Contractor is not entitled to demand any additional payment.
3.9 Protection of Slopes at Cuts and Embankments, Shoulders and Central
Reserves by Vegetation

3.91 Description
The work involves protection of slopes at cuts and embankments as well as
erosion-prone areas by top soiling, grass and planting of corresponding types of
bushes, i.e., topsoiling and planting of grass on shoulders and central reserves,
according to the project.


3.92 Materials
3.921 Topsoil
Active topsoil material should be used as it guarantees durability of plants.
3.922 Wattle-Work Protection
Fresh, life rods (willow-sali purpurea-twigs) of 0,5 - 3 cm diameter should be used
to guarantee plant spreading, i.e., stronger and more stable cut rods for protection
against erosion with vegetation stakes or seedlings should be used. The stakes for
the wattle-work protection should be 70 - 80 m high and 2 - 3 cm thick.
3.923 Types of Trees and Bushes
The types of trees and bushes must correspond to the ecological conditions.
Seedlings should be selected such that they provide durability of the plants.
For the areas exposed to wind, special types of trees and bushes, sustaining wind
and snowdrifts should be selected.
3.924 Seeds for Grass Covering
The type of seeds, mixture of seed and clover should be selected to correspond to
the ecological conditions and to provide long lasting growing.
3.93 Performance
Top soiling and plant protection should be done immediately after the completion
of the embankment, i.e., the cut.
Before starting with the performance of the protection by vegetation, it is
necessary to fulfill the following basic conditions, in order to provide stability of
the protection:
- The cuts and the embankments must be done to be at an inclination that shall
provide internal stability of the site. If water is the cause of instability, the
slopes must be drained in an appropriate way;
- Ground surface water must be properly collected and taken away;
- The edges of the slopes of the cut and the foot of the embankment should be
rounded by a circular arch with a tangent as long as it is given in the project;
- The trees which, due to their swaying in the wind, loosen the site and accelerate
the decomposition of soil grains, should be cut in a width of 3 - 4 m from the
upper edge of the cut;
- The embankment slopes, particularly those of the cut, should be roughly
leveled to provide an adequate roughness to assure compaction with the
vegetation protection.
The protection by vegetation should be done at places determined in the project
and to be performed according to the instructions in the project and these
technical conditions.
3.931 Topsoiling of Areas
This involves topsoiling of slopes at cuts, embankments, cuts and fills, shoulders
and central reserves with thickness as given in the project. The material for
topsoiling should be composed of active topsoil, which is a guarantee for the
vegetation. Used for topsoiling is the topsoil excavated from the route, if
adequate, and if not sufficient, it should be taken from a borrow pit.
The topsoil is overlain on previously prepared areas and with a thickness
prescribed by the project. Then, it is leveled and compacted.


3.932 Protection of Cuts

In the case of cuts in disintegrated stone and granular loose material, which are
stable in depth, the Contractor according to the instructions of a professional does
the elimination of the weed.
Sowing should start under favourable weather conditions, after rain, in the
following way:
Artificial fertilizer, Thomas phosphate flour, 400 kg/ha, and potassium, 200
kg/ha, should be spread over the slopes.
After fertilization, the land is prepared for sowing. If the slopes are of an
inclination slighter than 1:2, furrowing with rakes along the isolines is done. The
seed is thrown from above and then the area is rolled with a manual wooden
roller, so that the seed penetrates into the earth.
In the case of greater slope inclinations, the furrows are done starting from below
towards the top and grass seed is immediately sown. It is after the sowing of
previously made lower furrows that the next higher furrows are made and
immediately sown.
100 kg/ha nitromoncal is spread over after the performed sowing and rolling, and
another 100 kg/ha after grass germination. In case of dry weather, the Contractor
is obliged to water the sown areas since payment is done only for grass-covered
areas. The selection of the type of the seed is done by a competent professional
and according to the soil characteristics.
The Contractor upon a recommendation given by a professional procures the
chemicals for eventually necessary biological elimination of weed. The Contractor
procures the seed and the fertilizers.
3.933 Wattle-work Protection
The wattle-work protection whose purpose is to prevent furrowing due to
torrential waters for a short-time stabilization of the surface layer of the soil,
should be embedded completely in the soil so that the upper edge of the wattle-
work be at the height of the definitely graded area of the slope.
3.934 Bushes and Trees
The determined types of bushes and trees should be planted in groups, in holes
with top soil, without excessively affecting the grass protection and without
decreasing the view. The larger trees and groups of bushes should be located
primarily on the convex side of the road. To provide better protection of the soil
against erosion, the trees and the bushes should be planted in groups of about 1
plant/m2 over 50% of the total area, all in agreement and as instructed by the
After the completion of the planting works, the Contractor is obliged to clear up
the construction site.
3.935 Waterlogging of the soils
Waterlogging of the soils must be avoided. At temporary soil depots deep rooting
plants should be planted.


3.94 Quality Control

For proper selection of the type of the plants and fertilizers, the Contractor is
obliged to take into consideration the pedological soil properties. The results
obtained by the analysis should be presented to the Engineer.
Quality control of seeds should be done according to the generally valid
regulations. The attests by the seed producers must be submitted to the Engineer.
The Contractor is obliged to carry out parallel visual control of the quality of the
seedlings at the moment of planting. The Engineer shall control the quality of the
seedlings by the sampling method.
3.95 Measurement
The top soiling and the vegetation protection of the areas and the slopes is
measured in m2 of actually protected area that has been approved by the Engineer
within the areas in the project.
The numbers of trees, i.e., bush seedlings that should be calculated does the
Engineer approve the number of the planted life seedlings.
Measurement of wattle-work protection is done per m1 of performed wattle-work
3.96 Payment
Areas covered with top soil and vegetation protection are paid according to the
offered unit price for m2, in compliance with the agreed calculation.
The unit price shall include the whole work described, the materials for protection
and the transportation anticipated in the project, i.e., in these technical
The tree and bush seedlings are paid according to the unit price from the agreed
calculation. The entire unit prices for the vegetation works shall include also the
cost for one-year treatment of the vegetation protection. The treatment of the
vegetation protection involves additional sowing and regular fertilizing.
The spreading and the leveling of the remaining topsoil on the route are paid per
m3 of actually performed works, upon approval by the Engineer.
3.10 De-watering Canals
3.10.1 Description
Presented in this chapter are the works for construction of the de-watering canals,
in accordance with the details given in the drawings of the project, as follows:
- excavation for de-watering canals;
lining of de-watering canals with concrete;
lining with precast elements;
topsoiling and covering with grass.
3.10.2 Materials
All the materials to be used must be of high quality and in accordance with the
corresponding regulations and standards and these technical conditions, as well.


3.10.3 Performance
3.10.31 Excavation
The excavation for the canals should be done prior to the beginning of the works
on the embankment. The excavation should be performed precisely according to
the details in the project. All the excavation areas, both at the bottom and the
slopes, must be flat, with the required gradients and inclinations, in order to
prevent retaining of water and earth falls.
The whole material excavated manually or by use of mechanical equipment must
be used for embankments or other works, or is transported to depots, determined
by the Engineer.
In case the weather or the climatic conditions exert an unfavourable effect upon
the excavated areas, the works on their lining must be resumed immediately.
Possible extra works arising therefrom shall not be considered as extra work.
3.10.32 Lining of the drainage canals with concrete is done according to the project for
providing joints at each 3,0 m and casting of the mass. The concrete is compacted
by vibration, while the surface must be uniform, even and without pores.
3.10.33 Lining of the canals with prefabricated concrete elements is done according to the
details in the project. The quality of the concrete and the prefabricated elements
must correspond to the requirements from Item 5 of these conditions.
3.10.34 Concrete elements are placed in a layer of sand, as specified in the project. The
joints are cast with a casting mixture. The fixation sills are done according to the
Tops soiling and covering the canals with grass are done according to Item 3.9 of
these conditions.
3.10.4 Quality
All the finished areas of the canals must be done in accordance with the project
and the required longitudinal gradients, transverse inclinations and areas. Perfect
functioning of the drainage canals is required wherefore unevenness that could
prevent outflowing of water or cause settlement of mud is not allowed.
The individual layers of the base and the lining should correspond, in thickness
and proportions, to the requirements of the project and these technical
conditions. No deviations are allowed.
3.10.5 Quality Control
The Engineer is obliged to conduct parallel control of the vertical alignment and
the inclination, the quality of the used material and the performance. Should the
works are not performed with the required quality, the Engineer shall halt the
works and shall require repair of the defects.
Control of performance shall be done at each 250 m.
3.10.6 Measurement
The quantities of works are measured as follows:
3.10.61 The excavations are measured in m3 of actually performed canals according to the
project. III and IV category material and excavation in rock are measured
additionally. The excavation up to the level of the sub-grade is calculated as a wide


3.10.62 Lining is measured in m2 or m’ of the actually performed lining, considering the

open width and the actual length according to the project and the type of lining.
3.10.7 Payment
The quantities determined under Item 3.10.6 of these technical conditions are
paid in accordance with the agreed unit price for the individual types of work,
except for the top soiling and grass-covering, which is included in the unit price of
Item 3.9. Also, the unit price for lining of the canal by using prefabricated
concrete elements, covers also the performance of the fixation sills (excavation
and concreting). The unit price covers all the works that are directly or indirectly
related to the completion of the works, i.e., all material, work, transportation and
all that is necessary for completion of the works, wherefore the Contractor is not
entitled to demand any reimbursement for the work beyond the agreed unit price.
3.11 Shoulders
3.11.1 Description
This chapter presents the construction of shoulders, as follows:
3.11.11 Stabilized shoulders of mechanically stabilized gravel or stone material covered
with quarry fines, 3 - 5 cm in thickness and a width according to the project.
3.11.12 Topsoiled shoulders, 15-25 cm in thickness, planted with grass, with a width
according to the project.
3.11.2 Material
3.11.21 For covering of the haunch core, material for performance of the finishing layer of
an embankment can be used according to Item 3.42 of these technical conditions.
The material used for stabilizing of shoulders should be of the same
characteristics as those for the sub-base, Item 4.3. and material produced by
scrapping of existing asphalt.
3.11.22 For covering with sand and quarry fines, sand from sound stone material with
grain size of 0,8 mm and quality corresponding to the requirements of MKS
U.E9.020/66, and gravel and quarry fines with grain size of 0-30 mm, can be
3.11.23 The top soil must correspond to the conditions in Items 3.1 and 3.9 of these
technical conditions.
3.11.3 Performance and Quality
All the works must be performed according to the detailed drawings of the project
documentation, if otherwise is not determined by these conditions.
3.11.31 Shoulders Covered with Sand, Gravel , Quarry Fines and Scrapping
The material for an embankment and for the stabilized shoulders must be
compacted. In principle, the Decision under Items 3.4 and 4.3 of these technical
conditions should be respected.
The area of the filled layer must be performed with transversal and longitudinal
inclinations according to the project, taking into consideration the lowering of the
vertical alignment for the thickness of the compacted layer of sand or quarry fines.


The covering of the shoulders with stone material with a thickness of 3-5cm
should be performed exactly according to the designed profile with the necessary
superelevation to account for the compaction. Compaction should be done using a
3 ton roller.
The horizontal edges of the shoulders must be performed according to the project.
The deviations from the designed lines are allowed only to the limits, which
provide avoiding of visual obstacles.
The elevations of the final areas of the shoulders are allowed within 1 cm below
the designed area.
The deviation in the thickness of the cover layer in compacted state, with respect
to the project, is allowed within the limits of  1 cm.
3.11.32 Top soiling of Shoulders
Top soiling with a thickness according to the project and covering with grass
should be performed according to the conditions of Item 3.9 of these technical
The same conditions as under Item 3.1231 of this chapter apply basically to the
evenness, compaction and thickness.
3.11.4 Approval
The Engineer approves the works according to the conditions on the quality and
these findings.
3.11.5 Measurement
The quantities for calculation are determined in m2 of performed area of a haunch,
on the basis of actually performed work within the project. The performance of an
earth haunch core is calculated in the volume of the embankment.
3.11.6 Payment
The quantities defined according to Item 3.11.5 and approved according to Item
3.11.4 of this chapter are paid based on the agreed unit price per 1m 2. The agreed
price must include all the works related to procurement of material,
transportation, incorporation and all other that is necessary for completion of the
works so that the Contractor is not entitled to demand any additional payment.
The payment for the performance of the haunch core, topsoiling and grass
covering is covered in the performance of the embankment, Items 3.4 and 3.9 of
these conditions.
3.12 Arrangement of Water Springs

3.12.1 Description
This chapter involves arrangement of water springs along the route by perforated
concrete pipes  40 to 100 sm, incorporation of sand filter course at a depth of 1
- 2 meters, with excavation and an embankment. The arrangement includes
procurement and assemblage of a reinforced-concrete stopper, with a connection
to concrete pipes  20 sm. The whole work should be done according to the


3.12.2 Materials and Quality

The used material and the semi-products must correspond to the quality
requirements given in Item 5 of these technical conditions.
3.12.3 Performance
Works must be performed in accordance with the detailed drawing of the project,
i.e., in accordance with the instructions by the Engineer. For the individual
identical works apply the corresponding provisions of these technical conditions
(Item 5 for concrete works, Item 3.7 for excavations, concrete pipes and sand filter
The performance covers all the necessary excavations, placement of the concrete
pipes and the sand filter, spreading of material, incorporation, making the
connections of the pipes and concrete stoppers, final arrangement of the
immediate surrounding and clearing up works.
3.12.4 Measurement
Individual works are not measured. They are calculated per piece of actually
regulated spring according to the profile of the concrete pipe
3.12.5 The total work is paid according to the agreed unit price, per piece of regulated
spring, separately for each diameter of concrete pipes.
This price covers all the works listed under Items 3.121 and 3.123 and the works
required by the detailed drawing for completion, including the necessary
excavations, timbering, scaffolding, leveling as well as the procurement of all the
necessary material and elements with transportation regardless the distance,
arrangement of the site and the surrounding, and all other that is necessary for
completion of the works, wherefore the Contractor is not entitled to demand any
additional payment.


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