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Buckling of Steel Shells

European Design Recommendations

5" Edition. 2008


• E K S

All sc£lions thai arc repealed word-for-word from EN 1993-1-6 nrc marked with a thick \"crtical
line on the left hand side.
BIIl'kling ofSrcel Slr1'1/5· European De.fig" ReCO",mell(!arlOlI.f



Buckling of Steel Shells
European Design Recommendations C hIllI.
"1" 125,5 1• edition. 2008

Published by: "

FCCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
publ icutiQn~ 'tI ~1r..'Clco"
www,slcc\construct,colU 14
All rights I'CSCned. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systcm, or
trnn!omilled in any foml or by any means. electronic, m(.'Chanical, photocopying, recording or oth- Ih
erwisc, without thc prior pcnnission of the copyright O\\'ner. 17
l-res fbsumes no liability \\ith respect to the usc for any application of the material and Infonna- IS
lion conluined in this publicntion. I.
Copyright 2008 ECCS European Con\'cntion for Constructiollul Steelwork 20

ISBN : 92-9147-000-92 Legal Ocp.: 282703 08

Primed in Mu1tioomp Ldn. Mcm Martins. Ponugal
Photo co\'cr credits: Prof. J. Michael Roller

Stllbility ofSlccl Shells: European Design Rccommendations:
Fiflh Edition 2008

PART I: General recommcndations for design against buckling

Cha]Her Tille
Introduction II
2 Shell buckling behaviour and design concepts 21
Scope. con ... entions. definitions. units. symbols and sign con ... entions 33
Modelling of the shell 47
Materiul assumptions 57
Geometric tolemnees and i~rfcctions 69
Rules for Ihe plu3tie limit slUle assessment 83
Rules for the buckling limil stllle assessment using de3ign by global numerical 95

• Rules for Ihe buckling limit siale assessment u... ing l>tress design 147

PART II: Recommendations for plirlicular shells

C hapter Title
10 Cylindricul shelll> of constant wall thickness under general loading 167
II Cylindrical shell ... of slepwise vllriable wlillthiekncss 217
12 Cylindriclll shell ... under wind loading 237
IJ Conical shell3 nnd truncated conical shells under general loading 259
14 Liquid filled conical shells supported from below 281
15 Spherical shells under unifonn external pressure 309
:lriC\ 01 system. or
recording or oth- 16 Toriconical and torispherieal shells under unifonn e:<ternal and internal pressure 319
17 Cylindrical 3hclls with ring stiffener.; under eKtemal pressure 331
erial and infonna- IR Cylindriclil shells wi th longitudmal stiffener.; under meridional eompn.:ssion 353
I. Conical shell,; with longitudinal stiffeners under meridional compression 365
20 Saddle or ring supportl..-cl cylindrical shells 371


This. documcnt is described as thc 5111 Edition of thc ECCS European Recommendations for the
Buckling ofStccl Shells. It is thc succt."li$Or to the 4111 Fdmon. pubhs.hcd in 1988. which was 'cry
diffcrent In stylc, fommt and content, though somc of Ihc regulatory r(."quircmcnls of Ihc 41t! Edition
are here retaincd in the 51b Edition.

In thc 20 ycars since thc publication of tnc 4~ Edition in 1988. much has changcd to the field of
mctal s.hell buckling. E'ttcnsivc TCSCarch has been undcnnkcn. much nc" knowledgc has been dc-
,eloped. und powcrful computational modcllmg has trun~fonncd thc field. though much d(.~ign is
still conductcd by hand calculation. These chung(.'S are renC(;ted in this 51h Edition.

l' r('\ltlus cdititl ns

Thc'oC European RecommcndmiOll ~ hll"e quite a long history: thc Finot Edition was published in
1980.lhc 2nd in 19K3. the 3rd in 1984 and thc 4th I:.dition 1Tl 1988. TIlc cnergctic chainnanshlp of
Professor Vandcplllc o"cr this. period made progress \cry mpid. But after thesc 4 editions in thc
space of only 9 years. a gap of 20 ycars cnsu(."<! ulltilthe present 51t! Edition. Thi, 5th Edition has
been 'tOme 10 yeao. in gcstalion. Jh'lnly because thc de,'elopment of thc Eurocode 011 the Design of
Shclls (EN 1993-1-6. 2007) took up thc encrgies of the same committee. and the 5th Edition could
not be complctcd untiithlU sllllldaul was also complete.

Thc Furocodc EN 1993-1-6 was. in many rcsj>(.'Cts, the succe.ssor to thc 4th Edition, taking o\cr thc
rolc of fonnal regulation of dc!.ign of mctal shcJls against buckling. Its scope was far greater thun
that of the 4l11 ldilion. co\'cring othcr failure modes apan from buckling. extended to include com-
pUllllional treatmcnts for shclls, and having a vcry strong and c1car struclure 10 pemtit application to
shclls um!..:r 011 loading and stress conditions.. II olso borrowed greally from DIN 18800 Pan 4
(1990). "hich had becn dc\clopcd for Gcnnon-s.peaking countrics in thc Intc 1980s. The Eurocodc
"as required 10 h:l\c a fonnat. :.lylc. notalion and Icnnlllology thllt is compatible wilh the remaindcr
oflhc [urocodc s.tandnrds (EN 1990 to E 1999). Thi!>lcd to a number ofchangc!>III fonnal and
tcmlino\ogy reloli\'C to trnditional shcll dcs.ign fonnulations, and thcse are all adopted into the 5110
Edition of the Recommcndation!>.

The 5110 Edition quotcs. cl'tlensi\ ely from the I·urocooc EN 1993-1 -6 (2007) and IS complctcly com-
patible \\ith that standard. I-Io\\c\cr.thc Furocodc hos no commentary. so thc meaning. limitations
and origins of Illany mles are not ulwllys clear. This 51h Edition pro\ ides un cxtcnsivc commcntary
on thc cxisting rulcs relating to buckling in the Eurocodc. but cxtcnds far beyond It III gl\ ing rcc-
ommendauons. c'tpan!>ions.. ad\ icc ond wamlllgs. cxplanntions and cxamples. all of which !>hould
gl\e thc u!>Cr con~idernbly more IIlsight and confidcnce in applying thc mles of EN 1993-1 -6.

Struct urc oftil c document

Thi~ 5111 Edition is divided inlo t"o parts. Pan I sets oul the basic infomllltiOIl and gcncrol procc-
dures required to undcrtakc all shcll buckling calculution'i IIccording to EN 1993·1·6. It dcscribci.
the methodology and conccptual principlcs for numcrical analy!>is. cithcr to dcri\c the basic data
that Can be u~ in a ~trnightforward buckling design by hand calculation. or to replacc parts of this
calculation wilh numcrical as!>C, .. mcnts, or to carry out a buckling de~ign that is completely based
on IIUtnCriclIlassessmcnt.

Bucklillg o/Steel Sllells - Europeall Desigll Recomme"tllIli01I$

Pan II sets outthc dctailed infomullion fOf hand calcUlation rrocedures when a shell of a p..1nicular
geomctry is being designed for a p..1niculllr loading condition. Many well-pro"cn engineering for-
mulas. emplricnl data and simplified rules extrncted from numerical p..1rnmetric studies ha\'c been
included in this p..1n . In panicular. Ilan It contains nldiculty updmcd "cr..ions of the rules sct OUI in
the 4th Edition of the FCCS Recommendations. Ke~ ,.""'b",'..".
An membc,.., of
T he Dra ning Cumminee ECCS T WG tt4 Rccommendation,.
they arc named in
In the extcnded period since the 4'" Edition ",as published in 1988. thc mcmbership of the dmfting contribution,
eommiuee has seen sc\ ernl changes.

Chamntlllship of the commillee \~n); first with Dr Lars Snlllueisen. wus thcn lukcn o"cr by Prof.
Itcrbcn Schmidt. und finally passed 10 Prof. J. Michael ROUL,.. The cITons of cach of these chair-
men to progress the ",ork towards its final fonn are here ad:no\~ lcdged. The good \~ork of Ihe sec-
rcturics to the committee during this period. Prof. Marios Chryss3luhopoulos. Prof. Carlo Poggi.
Prof. Wcrncr Guggenberger and Prof. Spyros Kammano!> is ulso gr.ucfulty acknowledged.

Past members of the committee "'ho contribu!<."tl grcmly during the period 1989-2008 "'ere:

Dr Lars A. Samuctscn S,,,eden

Prof. Patrick J. Dowling UK
Prof. Mariu Lsstinger GemulIIY
Prof. Gerry D. Gat1etly UK
Dr JOlUt); OtIlund Norway
Prof J. Rathe Belgium

Current members of the committee (2008) who urc responsible for it:. full eontcnl. and \\ho have all
pantcipaled and contributed to atl chupters are:

Na me Countf) Mcmbership
Dr Jan Hlachut UK Futt
Prof. Murios Chryssnnlhopoulos UK Corresponding. fomlerly Fult
Prof. Alain Combcscure Fmnce Fu1t
Dr Cornelia Iloerich UKlGcnnany Com:spondmg
Prof. Richard Greiner Austria Full
Prof. A.M. (Nol) Gresnigt I"elherlands rutt
Prof. Wenlcr Guggcnberger Austria Fut1
Dr J. Mark F.G. l-Iol!!.1 GcmlllnylUK Correspondmg
Prof. Jutticn Fmncc Full
Prof. Spyros Kammanos Greece Corresponding
Prof. VIlIstimit Khlpka Czech Republic Futl
Prof. Guy Lagae Belgium Full
Prof. Ali Limam Frnnec Com.-sponding
Prof. Jakub Marcinowski Poland Corresponding
Prof. Carlo Poggi Italy Corresponding. fonnedy Fu1t
Prof. J. Miehuel ROllcr UK Fu1t
Prof. IlelmUl Saal Full
Prof. Hernen Schmidl Gcmmny Full
Prof. Werner Schneider Gennany Correspondmg
Prof. Andrea Spagnoli Italy Corrc!!.ponding


Prof Jin-Guang Teng liong Kong. China orresponding

,hell or a panieular Dr Wesley Vanlaere Belgium Corresponding
en engineering ror- Prof Walter Wunderlich Gcnnany Full
, studies have been
'the ndes sct out in
Kc) COlltribuli(lll~ of members to chaptcr~

All rnernbcn; or thc commillL"C dli-cti ... cly contnbuted in <;()mc wily to all or the chaptcrs in these
Recommendlltions, But because eaeh chapter was es~cntially written by one or Il few individuals.
they arc named in the text as Ihe "principal authors" of each chaptcr. Ho",ever. the very significant
shIp or thc druning contributions or othcrs to p..1nicular chllptcrs arc here Illso noted.

Chal)tcr Title Principal authors and

JKen mer by Pror.
::teh orthcsc ehair-
;xl work or the sec-
, Introduction
further substantial contributors ( ... l

2 Shell bucKlin; behaviour and desi I conce IS Ch ssanth ulos. Rotter

pror Carlo Poggi. 3 Scope. conventions. definitioos. unilS. symbols
wlcdgcd. and sl ·n comcntions
4 Modclling of the shell Rotter. Schmidt
:008 .....ere: Wunderlich)
5 Material assumptions ROller. Gresnigt
6 Geometric tolerances and imperfections ROller. Schmidt
7 Rules ror Ihc plastic limit stille IIsscs~ment ROller
8 Rules for Ihe buckling limit statc IISSL"Ssmcnt Schmidt. Rotter.
t. and who halre 1111 using design by global numericnlllll!lly~il> (KunIlTlanos. Schneider.
Guggenbergcr. Vnn lucre, Doerich.
9 Rules for the buckling limit Slate nssessment Schmidt. Rolter. Greiner
usi nt' stress desi !II Karomanos. J lolst)
Innerly Full '0 Cylindricul shells of constant wall thickncss Schmidt. Rotter
under genernl loading (Kurnmanos. Lm\3m)
now chaMS bv POl!lll and Vanlaere)
Cylindrical shells ofstepwisc variable wall
"'2 thickness
Cylindrical shells under wind loading
Greiner. Roller
Karamanos. Docrich. Schmidt)
Greiner. Guggenberger. Schneider
Schmidt. Rouer. Marcinowskil
'3 Conical shells and lrUncalL'd conical shells un- Greiner. Poggi
der generolloading (Schmidt. Lugae. Vnnlaere)

,. Liquid-filted conical shells supponcd from

Flow chuMS bV Po~~i and Vanlacrcl
Lagae. Guggenberger. Vanlaere

'5 Sphcrical shells under unifonn external pres- \Vunderlic~)

~"'Tly Full ,ure Knromanos
'6 Toriconical and torispherical shelts under uni- Wunderlich
fonn external and intemul nrcssure
17 Cylindrical shells with ring stiffeners undcr Schmidt, Greiner
external nrcssurc

BI/ckling of Steel SheHf - £tlrolX'(lIIlk.f;g" Recormnemk,tiolJS

18 Cylindriclll shells with longitudinal stiffcncrs Schmidt. Salllueison

undcr lIleridional compression Rotter)
19 Coniclli shclls with longitudinal stiffeners un- Chryssnnthoupolos. SP.1b'110Ii C losure
der meridional compression
20 Saddlc or ring supported cylindrical shells Krupka 1 he eommiuee
Schmidt. RoHer. Kllnamanos) Furopl.-an

Proposed 6'· Edition

1M. Rouer
The members of the committee are .. ery aware that simplc advice on many eritic..-ally important pmc- m.rotterfil,uJ..
ticlll problems has not been gi\en in the Sill Edition. The origmal plan was to include many more Edinburgh July
chapters. 1I0\\e\ cr. in the interests of completing the publication in II rellsonablc time. these chap-
ters were omitted. The following subjects are expected to be treated in a focuS(.-d manner in a forth·
coming 6th I::dition.
• GMNIA allIllysis and interpretntion nd"iee for complex load cases
• Cylinders with cut-outs
• Cylinders on local supports at the base
• Cylinders on local bracket.; and engaged columns
• Bending lind truns\ersc shear In long cylinders
• Bendmg nnd trnnsverse shear in short cylinders
• Cylinder-conejunetions in chimneys. towers and masts
• Cone-cylinder junctions in .;il(~ and mnks
• Shallow coniclli roofs and caves stiffeners
• Corruguted stlfTened and unstiffened cylinders for silos


The opinions expressed in these Recommendations nrc those of the authors and mcmbers of thc
droning commitlc..'C nnd arc not necessarily those of the ECCS.

Every effort has been made to ensure aceurney in these Rl."commendmions. but the publisher. the
ECCS and the authors cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or othcr consequence re-
sulting from the usc of this infonnation.

Anyone makmg usc of the infonnation or muterinl comained in these Rccommendations. in wholc
or in part. docs so at his or her own risk and assumes any and all liability from .. uch use.


~. Srag noli C l os u r~

The committee hopes tlUlI the reader will find much useful infonnalion In this Sill Edition of the
Karumanosj European Recommendntions. will forgive any errors in the document, und '" ill provide feedback 10
the commiUL'C on any issues that should be reconsidered.

J.M. Rolter
itically important pruc- m.roncr(tl
to mdude many more Edinburgh July 2008
nable lime. these chap-
USI.."'d manner in a forth-

~ and members of the

s. but the publisher. the

If' other consequence re-

)mmendations. in whole
1m ~uch UloC.


I Introduction
1.1 T he purpose of these Recommendations

These Recommendrllions are intendt.-d to provide thc designer of a metal shcJI stnleturc with un
extended guide to the design of the shell against Inilure by buckling. TIley represent, on the one
hand, the Sill Edition of the ;ntcmat;onnlly widely-used EeeS Recommendations on Buckling of
Steet Shells. of which four edition), \\cre publishcd betwf.:en 1980 and 1988. On the other hand,
they go much funhcr and provide thc designer with a far more eomprehcnsi\'e packuge of
infonn:lIion than the previous editions, as outlined heI'C3ficr.

These Recommendations arc fuily eompalible with the European Standard for the Strength and
Sl3bility ofShclts, (ENV 1993-1-6, 1999 and EN 1993-1 -6,2(07). and repeat many of the OIles Ihat
arc gi\'cn in that standard. A few small differences are noted below in 1.3.10. HO\\c\t."f. these
Recommendations provide greatly extended nIles to cover a wide range of problems that arc beyond
the scope of the European Standard. pcnlliuing hand calculations to be used for lI\any problems Ih31
h:l\e been explored by rcsearch ill\cstigations. oot y,hich ha\e not yet been codified into a standard.

In addition. these Recommendations provide a full commentary, both on the rules gi\ocn in the
European Standard. and on the additional nlk-s ghcn hcre. Wherc\er it is thought to be helpful. the
commcntary includcs worked exalllph.-s. Because the European Standard is not penllilled to include
cxplanatory or educational materinl. users of that standard will find the cxplanations nnd
amplifications given in these Recommend:lIions of great assistance whcn they are undcnaking the
design ofshclls against buckling.

These Recommendations arc limitcd to considenltions of fuilurc by buckling. Thc additionul

covcmge of lhc European Stllndnrd is described in 1.3 below. This document should always be used
in conjunction with EN 1993-1-6 (2007).

1.2 How to usc this documcnt for dcs ign calculation s

1.2. 1 General

These Recommendations are divided into two pans.

Pan I selS out the basic infonllation and general procedures required to undcnake all shell buckling
calculations according; 10 EN 1993-1-6. This pan also describes the methodology and conceptual
principll:s for numcrical analysis. eilher to derive Ihe b.1sic data that can be used in a strnightforv. ard
buckling design by hand calculation. or to replacc parts of this calculation with numerical
nssessmems. or 10 catry out a buckling design that is completely based on numerical assessmcnt.

Part 11 sets out the delailed infom13tion that muSI be adoptcd illlo Ihe genernl procedure whcn a
shcll of a particular geometry is being designed for a particular loading condition. Many well-
proven engineering ronnulas. empirical data and si mplified rules cxtnlcted from numcrical
paramctric studies arc included in this pan. III particular. Part 11 contains radically updated vcrsions
of the n Iles sel out in thc 4'" Edition ofthc ECCS Recommcndations.

BlicklinK o/S{('('I Shells· Europe'", Desig" RI.'CO",,,,endatiollS

Mcml shcll SlnlClures are used in many different applications. leading to a great varicty of shell
dl."Signs. The layout of this document has been chosen 10 try to ensure that all dcsigns are conducted
to a common mcthodology and wi th upproximately unifonn reliability. Thc layout pennils
additional information on specific new problems to be quickly assimilated into the shell design
procedure. and new research findings to be adoptcd mpidly.

1.2.2 Procedure for a shell buckling asscssmcnt

When the geometry. muterial of cunstnlction. loadin},!. lind boundary conditions for the shell hale
been dcfined. the Recommendations pro\·ide a set of calculations thut penni! the design to be
verified agains tlhe limit Mate of buckling. TIlrcc approaches are aVlliiable: hand calculation. mixed
hand and computcr calcuhuion. and fully numerical calculation.

Hund clilcuintion mcthods (see 3.2. 1) for Ihc buckling u.o.scssmcnt of shclls have been successful
o\cr a long period. For thi)o reason. the eonccptunl frnmc",ork uscd in hand calculutions fonns both
the basis 011 \\hich numerical evaluations are adopted into the design procl."SS. and the interpretation
that is put on each kind of cvaluation.

The hand calculation process (Fig. 1.1) begins with detennination of the key rc)oiSlances: the plaslic
limit load and the linear elastic critical load (A). These t\\O loads are used to detennine the shell
rclnti\·c slendemC!>s (13). which gmems the assessment of the relative importance of clastic and
pla)olic behaviour. Next. thc gcometry. 10:Id Ctlse a nd filbrie:llion quality Icud to no USSC:>~I1ICnt ufthe
charactcristic impcrft.'Ction (C). "hich is used to detemline the sensitivity of the clastic buckling Where a nil!
strength to both imperfections and geometric nonlineanty (0). The geometry and load case a re used replaced bYj
10 detemline the foml that thc clastic.plastic interaction should takc (El. These itcms arc then buckling a]
combined to detemline the characteristic clnstic'pla)ot1c buckling resistllllcC (Fl. Finally. a plirtitli
may bc rcpl
factor (safcty margin) is llpplicd to the chamcteristic resistancc to obtain the design value of thc
elastic-plastic buckling resistance (G).
Thc dcsig
The hand calculation procedure is indicated in Fig. 1.1. taken from Roller (2002a).
same- app
chaptCl"o in


If thc pani
the dcsignCl1
approaches I
design may
The dc)oign
(LA) "ith a:
colla)SC ana
geometric 1

Where onl
load" nnd "C
critical \ al
critical bud
buckling ~
three buckli


'Cat \llricty of shcll

signs are conducted Elastic Plastic
Geometry limit resistance
"'he layout penmts
110 the shell dcsign

Load case
Hustie imperfr.:ct
Boundary buekling resistance
s for the shell have conditions
it the design to be
Imperfection Elulltic-plu!>tic
, calculation. mixed
amplitude intemction

I\e been successful Quality of Chnmcteristic clastic-plastic [I

tulations fonns both fabrication buckling resistance
id tnc interpretation

Partial "safety" factor Design clastic-plastic @)

istances: the plnstic buckling resistance
detcnnine the shell
"-igurc 1.1: I-land l:l11culation process or I'. N 1993-1-6 and th~ Rl'Conuncnliations
ance of elastic and
III assessment of the
When: u numcrical analysis is pcrrom,,:d, some or nil or the Pltr1S or thc abo\'c process may be
the clastic buckling
replacl't! by a more precise assessment rrom the numerical resulls. Where a rully nonlinear
~ load ca:,c are used
buckling analysis on an appropriately modelled complete shell with geometric imperrcctions is
lese items nrc then
pcrfomled. the entire hand calculation process. with thc exception o f the partial "safety" factors.
). Finally. n p.1rtial
design value of the may be replac(..'t! by the numerienl calculation.

The designer should first check to sec if hill pllrtieulur shdl buckling case is covered by one of the
,). chapters in Part II. Eaeh clmptcr in Purt 11 gives hund calculation aS5Cssment procedures for n
particular shell buckling geometry and load case which are rclmively easy to usc. TIley follow the
sume approach as outlined abovc. The methodology and concepllllll principles of the hand
cnlculation appro.1ch are outlined in Part 1orthesc Rl'Commcndations.

If the particular shell buckling case being designed is nOi amongst those described in Pan II. or if
the designer docs nOi wish to usc those p.1niculnr ntles. Part I otTers a wider mnge of alternative
approaches based on numcrical analyses in line with EN 1993- 1·6. These numcrical approaches to
design may use onc of se"eml altcrnJti\-e procedun.:s, depending on which analyses arc undcnakcn.
The design ca1cul3lions may be based on a linear elastic analysis (LA): or clse on a lincar clastic
(LA) '" ith a linear bifurcution analysis (LOA): or else on a linear bifurcation (LBA) and a plastic
oolla.)SC analysis (MNA): or else on a comprchcnshc fully nonlincar global analysis including
geometric imperfcctions (GMNIA).

Whcre only linear clastic numcriealnnnlyses (LA) or hand calculations are used. the shell buckling
3SS(."SSmcnt is usually pcrfonned by stress design. The two kcy n.'s istances of the "plastic limit
lood" and "elnslic criticallo.1d" are cxprc!>!>l't! in tenn!> ofstrcsscs. i.c. the yield stress and thc clastic
critical values of the three buckling-relevant membrane stress components. which are tem'K,.'t! the
critical buckling str(.."SSl.'S. The evaluations that follow (the shell relative slendcmess. the clastic
imperfl'Ction reduction factor. the elastic-plastic intentction. the ehllntcteristic clastic-plastic
buckling resistance and the design buckling rc!>i~tanee) lire nil pcrfonned sepamtcly for each of the
three buckling-relevant membmnc stress components. Only at the very end or the assessment

Bllcklinc ojStC'C'/ Sh(!l1~ - £lIrtJ/Jellll De~'igll Rl'Comll/en,'C
"C.,_ _____________

procedure are these three components re-combin,:d by means of a buckling intemction check. The
\~ hole calculation
procedure is explained in more detuil in Chnptcr 9 of these R,:commendations.

Where linear clastic numcrical anulyses fonn the mam basis of the design. the designer may choose
to usc the LIlNMNA procedure. which imohl"S a global IIncar analysis of the structure. with a
bifureation analysis (LIlA) to detenninc Ihc 10\'oest eigenvulue ","hieh represents the elastic critical
load of the structure. Thc pillstic limit load may be fommlly ~-d using a !'o mall dIsplacement
theory elastic-plastic analysis (MNA) or else this limit lood may be conservatively estimatcd from
thc l"l"Sults of the linear elastic analysis. In the luller casco the result is likely to be vcry cOIl.'>Cr" mive
whcn high loeul bending cffccts or high locul stress concentmtions ure prescnt in thc structure (for
example. udjacent to locul suppons), but it involves less computational clTon and m;IY thereforc be
seen as a desirable dl'Sign procedure. In this CIISC. the "elastic critical lood" und thc " plustic limit
load" are c\aluated in tcnns of multiplying fuctors R. r und Rpi on Ihe applied load sct. Thc
characteristic elastic plastic buckling resistance is then directl y evaluated using thcse t\'oO values to '" I'I<IJ'-'-l
obtain u global slenderness. and inferring appropriutc \alues of the clastic imperfection reduction '" 1'1<13-1-1
factor and the ehL"lic-plastic internction factors on the basis of the type of stress condition and b'lI9'}3-1-~
buckling mode that the critical mode or plastic collapse mechanism displays. This aspect, in which 1
these key \alues must be inferred. means that the method is. 31 present. only good for \ery IN 1993-5
experienced designers or for situations in which the Stress dL':Sign appronch leads to great
conscrvutism. Il o\\cver. as this method is uSl-d more. un increasing understand ing will devclop on
all optimal methodology for assessing these parameters under dilTerent conditions. und it is hoped
that this method can be c.'(ploitcd in the futu re to enable complcx struetufCS to be designed using arc oUhidc
numerical analyses without having to fCl>On to the very onerous procedure o f a fully nonlinear
GMN IA analysis.

When a!>M.~illg the II hcll buckling n..':Sistance by global numerical GMNIA anulysis. the
imperfections and the material nonlinearity ha\c to be included explicilly into the modelling of the
shell. and thc analysis has to be perfonned laking full ueCOUlIl o f Ihe changes in geometry caused by
the loods and. where Ilpproprialc. changes in the lood directions cuust.-d by thL"SC changes in
geomctry (geometricully nonlinear analysis). The result can finally be used to lind the ehanacteristic Thc~c
elaslic-plnstic buckling resistance of thc she ll . I lo\\-c\'cr. this type of analysis is difficult to perfonn buckling.
and is only successful if the analyst has great experiencc und physical insight into the buck ling fatigue).
behaviour of shells. Nc"enheless, it is increasingly favoured by many design engineers for large (the rcfcrc
cxpensive and complex structures. nlC nccess:uy rules have thcrefore been devclopl-d for the ela"lic-pla~t
European Standard EN 1993- 1-6. and they arc ,..onscqucntly included in these Recommendations
(Section 8.3).
1.3.3 St.
1.2.3 Location of reluted information
These Rec
beam SCl..'Il(
TIlc previous L-dition of thL'SC Recommcndations (4th Edition, ECCS. 1988) had a very different li.llltl\\ mg ..
fonnat and methodology. but its recommendations on the buckling strength of shells \\ere and tori~ph,
influential in the development of the Europeun Standurd EN 1993- 1-6. It therefore remains an cxtend nro,"
imponunt background document for these Recommendations. the pro\'isio

Explanatory und descriptive infomlation on the nlethodolob'Y and conceptual framework of thc Although II
design process used in these Recommendations may be found in the bibliography at the end of this ~ted ~hcl1 •
chapler. Funher references on specific shell buckling problcms are given in the references qUOIed at other maier
the end ofeuch chupler.


lh..'mclion check. The 1.3 The scope of these Recommendalions and Iheir relationship 10 Eurocode
p:ommcndalion!O. 3 Pari 1.6
d....... igner may choose
Iho,! ~tructure. with a 1.3.1 Genenal
nls Ihe clastic crnical
a ~mall displucemcnl These Recommendations apply to the struetuml design of metal Slructures Ihal have the fonn of a
h\cly cstimatL'd from thm shell of re\·olution. They are intcnded for use in conjunction with Ihe European Standard CEN
be \ cry conscl"\ali\ c I~ 1993·1·6 on the Strength and Stability of Shells.
((mille struclure (for
and may Ihereforc be The Recommcndlltion ... are eoneCl\ed for use on ~ trueturcs similar 10 those idcntHied by the
anc.lthe "plastic limit Europc:tn Standards for ~pecifie applicutions. which include:
tplied load SCI. 1lle I~ 1993·3·1 To .... ers and masts:

g thC!>C t.... o values to EN 1993-3-2 Chimneys:

nperfcction reduction FN 1993-4-1 Silos:
stress condition and EN 1993-4-2 Tunks:
ThIs aspect. in which I' 1993-4-3 Pipelines:
only good for \ery EN 1993-5 Piling.
uach leads to great
'Kling will develop 011 1I0we\cr. the scope of these Recommendations is broader than the abme standards. These
tion .. , and it is hoped Recommendations provide guidunce and design mles for a wide r.l1lgc of shell design problems that
to be designed using arc out:.ide the scope of the abO\ e standards.
of a fully nonlinear
1.3.2 Resistances defined by these Recommendations

1NIA analysis. Ihe These Recommendations define Ihe characleristie \alues of Ihe resistance of the stmcture. Partial
~ the modelling of lhe safety factoI'!.. m.."t.-rled 10 detcnninc the design rel>istanec. arc specificd in other documcnts. as notcd
n geometry caused by In Section 1.3.9.
by these changes in
lind the cMruclcristie These Recommendation~ define the requircmcnt) only for d(''!>ign against Ihc ultimllte limit stllte of
is diffieul! to pcrfonn buckling. For other limit states that are relevalllio shcll stmctures (plastic limit. cyclic plasticity and
ghl mto the buckling fatigue). the provisions of EN 1993-1-6 should be used. Ilowevcr. it may be noted that a plaslie load
~ engineers for large
(the reference plastic lilmt load) is calculated IlS pan of the buckling evaluation to ensure that
en de\clopcd for the cillstie-pinstic intcmclions are full} included in Ihe buckling cheek.
!SC Recommendations

1.3.3 Strllctural form and nlluerlnl

These Recommcndations apply to shells of revolution and associated circular or annular plates and
beam section rings and stringer stiffcncrs "hcre Ihcy fonn pun of the completc structure. The
) h:ad a \(."1)' differenl following shcll fomlS arc spccificully co\crcd: cylindcrs. cones. sphcrical cups. tonconical hcad:o.
mgth of shells were and torisphcrical hCllds. Although cylindrical. eoniclll and spherical pUllels (shell pans thm do nol
therefore remains an c_'l:tend around II complete circumference) arc not explicitly dcscribed in these R(.'Co11l11lcndalions.
the pro\ ision~ can be applicable if the nppropriate boundary conditions arc taken into uecounl.
wi framework of the Although these Recommendations arc intcnded primarily for IIllplication 10 structural engineering
aphy III the end of this sleel shell Slnlelures. Ihe provis ion ~ can be applied to othcr metallic s hell ~. and shclls m:ade from
te references quotcd at other materials. pro\idcd thalthc Ippropriule 1I'IUlcriai properties arc taken into account.
Bllcklil18 o/SteeJ Shel/s - Ellmpe(llllJesiglf R('COlmll('mllqiolls

These Recommendations are not intended for application 10 slruclUrcs under the following
The partial
• radius to thickness ratios outside Ihe range 20 to 5000.
• mlllcrials with an inadequate ductility. ",ith the "";'"'1
1.3... Boundary conditions
Boundary condition!. that maintain the circularity of the shell are assumed, except whcre othcrwise
specified. These Rcco,nmi

Thc meridional boundary conditions assume full unifonn support for membrane forces in the shell.
except where otherwise specified. Where tensile forces urc induced at boundarie:-.. it i:-. assumed
that the support is cap..1ble of supporting them without any separation or Ihc support and thc shell .

1.3.5 L.onding conditions

than rule"
Thc provisions or these Recommendations apply to structural design under actions that can be final EN .".nda!
treated tiS quasi-static in nature. was made to a
omitted from
In these Recommcndations. it is assumed that all 10.1ds can. in generdl. be trealed as quusi-stutic
actions. Where the loads may be dynlll1l;c. the consequences should be taken into [It:count
according to the relevant application pan of EN 1993. including the consequenccs for fatigue.
Ilowcver. the stress resultants arising from dynamic beha, iour are treated here as quasi·static.

In the hand calculation procedures. the shell surface is assumed to be ~ubject only to distributed
loads (pressure and traction loads only). The boundaries may be subjcctto line loads.

Thcse Recommendations do not cover any considcrations concerning the leakage of ston.-d eOlllents.

1.3.6 Construction re(luirelllcnts 1.3.10 ..'

The provisions in tlu."SC Recommendations apply to stnlcturcs that are constnlcted in accordance In any rca1i!otie
with good practice for the fonn of construction involved. us ually eonsiSL\
actions. which
single "railur.:
1.3.7 T('m~ratur(' flIng('

The provisions of these Recommendations are intended to be applied within the temperature range
defined in the relevant application standards. The maximum temperature is here restricted so that
the influcnce of creep can be neglected in the buckling assessment.
These Rl."commendations are not intended for application to structures outside the following limits:
• design metallcmpcrulllres outside the runge - 50 to +3()()"C.
rcsistnncc R.
1.3.8 111"1111(' rraetu!"c the resistance R
load factor on
condition in thc
The provisions of these Recommcndations apply to structures that satisry the brillie fracture or columns.
provisions given in Annex C of EN 1993-1-10.

13.9 Partial fllcto rs 011 Imltls II l1d resistli lices

ondcr the following
The panial factors for actions 1.. tuld the panial factors for resistances 1M to be used in conjunction
\\-ith the rcsislIlnce verifications of these Recommendations should be taken from the relevant
application parts of EN 1990 and EN 1991 for 1F and EN 1993 for 1M. as appropriate.

13. 10 Oirrerences behH!cn the publishcd EN lind quoted passages here

except where otherwise
These Recommendations follo\\ the European Standnrd EN 1993· 1·6 (2007) very closely in almost
all respects. Ilowe\er. there lire a fe\\ aspects in which the formtlt or style or notation or content of
!fUne forces in the shell. EN 1993· 1..6 has not been followed . These are noted below, with reasons given for cacho
,undaries. it IS assumed
$Upport and the shell. Clauses concerning p rinci,)les

In the drnn stand;lf(is (tenned ENVs) published in 1999. all clauses that defined principles mther
than rules were assigned the notation (P) after the clause number. During the devclopment of the
1cr actions thllt can be final EN standards. an editorial decision WItS made to eliminate this style. Although this change
was made to a late version of EN 1993·1·6 before publication. the chnnge was unfortunately
omined from the published version. This amendment is therefore ineluded in these
e treated !b quasi-static Rccommcndlll ions.
be tnken into nccount
i1SC'Iuences for fatigue. 13.10.2 Figure furmat.§
re as qunSI-stDtic.

licct only 10 distributed it is not expected that these Recommendations will be trnnslated into any other language.
,lie loads.
Consequently. the requirement for the figures in EN 1993· 1-6 to be langunge-independent. with
numbered indicators and a legend bencath. is not appropriute here. All figures are therefore written
with English labels withinthcm.
kage of stored contents.

13. 103 Notatiun ror reslShlintt or a conlplete structural 5) stem

In any realistic complete structure. such as might be analysed using a global analysis. the load case
tstrucK-d in ueeordance
usually consists of many different point loads. line louds and distributed loads. pressure nnd other
actions. which may vary from place to place on the structure. It is therefore not possible to give a
single "fllilure load" as a sing le value that cnn be tenned the resistance of the struetufC. The
resistance can only be descrilx:d in tenns of the pattern of load that was applied to the structure. As
a result. it is expected that design loads will be used in these analyses. and that the calculation will
I the tempcroture runge find the factor by which these can be augmented before failure . This factor then becomes the
J here restricted so thut dimensionless resistance R of the structure when subject to that set of design loads.

In the dmn ENV 1993·1·6 ( 1999) and all curl y dmfis of EN 1993· 1· 6, the notation for the
e the following limits: resistance of a complete structuml system. when subjected to a sct of design loads of any kind. was
defined as the load fac tor on the design loads at the limit state. and was thus, by definition. the
resistance R. This notation seems entirely nalUml. since it matches the limit state tenninology thlll
the resistance R must always exceed the load consequcnces S (R ~ S). it may be notL-d that this
load fnctor on the design loads is dimensionless. relatcs to any kind of limit state or failure
condition in the structure, and remains valid for simple cases where the description relates to beams
try the briule frncture or columns.
Buckling a/Steel Shells - £lIroPCUlIlJcsigll ReCOmmellduriolu

A good notation for this (lilrnmctcr (load faclor on design 103d5 when the limit Slale is reached) is reliable than I, N
particularly important for computational as~mcnls of shells. since buckling or plasticity failures lor bolh d",,"",,",, I
may occur ill many different place!. in the shell. nUlY imul\c coupling bcl\\ccn severn! dilTcrclll
stress rcsultnnb und may rt."quirc those "lrel>S n:!.ullan15 to luke high values 0\ cr a finite part of the
shell. The simple idea of 0 "bending resistance" or ",orstonal n.... i~lancc·· is therefore difficult \0
os 5500 (19%)
Because Ihe notation R was used in ENV 1993-1-6 (1999) and for many yean. thereafter, this
notalion hao, nchlC\cd Yo idcsprcad use in the shell Mructures rc!>Carch and prnclicc community. fRCJ (1971)
Unfortunately a Illte c<iltorial d(..'Cision was made. !thortly before publication of E 1993-1-6. thai Tok)·o.
this notation would nOI be pcnniltcd in the publi!thed !tllll1dard. Ins tead u note is insened in EN
1993-1-6 (2007) "hich reads DASI-Ri on 1191<0"
"NOTE: For consistency of symbols throughout the EN 1993 the !.ymbol for the reference Ausschuss HI,S"hl~
resislancc mtio rR, is uscd inslead oflhe symbol R,. 1I00\e\ er. in order 10 u... oid misunderslanding. il
necds 10 be nOled here Ihal Ihe !tymbol R, is widely used In Ihe expen field of shell slrueture DASI- Ri 017 (19'>2)1
design." l)culltChcr A",,,h,,·.j
The IIOlalion rRi seems clumsy and unnecessary compared wilh R,. (as "ell as having polenlial DIN I K KOO
confusion with the mdius ,) so the Inlier is used Ihroughout Ihese R(..'Commendallons. In .. litut ftir ~O""'""I.

II may Illso be not(.."(i thai Ihese Recommendations do not refer 10 this quantity as a "resistnnce ratio" I'Cl'S (1988)
(as used in I; N 1993-1-6 (2007)). but refer instead to R as the "R'lIistancc" of Ihe structural system.
which is n correct Us.1ge of the ternt.

t .3.1 0.4 Relnthe slenderncu notntion l und i

In EN 1993-1-\. Ihe relali ve slenderness of a column or beam is given the nOI:1Iion i. The bar on
this !>ymbol has ils origin In Ihe usc of A. to mean Ihc slenderness mtio (Ur for II column). Ilo"e"'er.
EN 1991-1-1 no longer uses A. 10 signify Ihe slenderness of II column or beam. except for the sIX'Cial
cnse of II battened column. For shells. the distlllclion bet" een slenderness (not defined) and relathe
Greiner, R. (1997)
slenderness. 1II1he sense implied abo\'e. has no meaning. It Iherefore seems approprillte to drop the
eonsidemtion .....
mther precious detail of Il bar, and usc the notation of A. to mean the relati ... e slenderness
Spon. London. pp
(l- JRpI . R" ).
Greiner, R., Rotter, Aeeidenlal and unintended ccecnlricilles in lolcrllllce limits steel , h"lll "ru'''"'~'' j

In EN 1993. eccentricities that should be limited urc defined as "unmtended" cccemricitles.

I low ever. these ceeemricities were previously tenned "accidental". and although Ihis correction was
made to a late ... ers;on of EN 1993-1-6 before publicalion. the change was unfonunately omilK'd Pelersen. Ch. (
from the published \ ersion. This eorr(.."(tion is mcluded in thc~e Recommendations.

1.3. t 0.6 ": rrors in cqultllons

Structures: RI ~ k.

A \ery s mall number of errors have been detected in the equations in EN 1993- 1-6 si nce ils
publication. Some of these errors were detected before publication and corrected. bUI the change Rotter. J.M.
was unfonunately omitted from the published \ersion. WhlTC\er nn error is known to exist in the I'mmework of the
equations of EN 1993-1·6 (e.g. in Eq. 8.24), it is corrected in these Recommendations. Wherever it Hiologicnl S""",",c'l
is found that a discrepancy exists, these Recommendations shou ld therefore be regarded as more


'n thc hmit \tatc is reachcd) i~ reliablc than EN 1993- 1-6. It muy be noted thut csscluially thc SIlme dr.tning team wus responsiblc
buckling or plalllicity fllilure!. for both dOCUlllents.
lillg between sc\cral different
\alues o\cr 11 tillite pan of thc
lancc" is therefore difficult to
1.4 Bibliography for C hapt er I

as 5500 (1996) "Unfired Fusioll WeldL-d Pressure Vesscls··. British Standards Institut ion. London.
)r many years thereafter. this
LTCh and prncticc community. CRCJ ( 1971) " lIandbook of Structuntl Stllbility". Column Research Council of Jllpan. CorOIlIl.
)Iication of EN 1993-1-6. that Tokyo.
,lead a note is inscrtl.-d in EN
DASI-Ri 013 (1980) " Beulsicherheitsnachweisc filr Schn1cn". DASt-Riehtlinie 013. Deutscher
he !.ymbol for the reference Ausschuss ftlrStahlbau. Kal il. 1980.
r to amid misunderstunding. it
c'pcrt field of shell :.tructure DASt-Ri 017 (1992) "BculsieherheitSllaclmcis fuer Schalen - spezic1le Faile". DASt-Richtlinie 0 17.
Deutscher Ausschuss rur Stahlb,1u. Kaln.

. (Ib \\ell as hU\lng potential DIN 18 800 ( 1990) "Stahlbautell: StlibiliUltsfillle. Schalenbculcn". DIN 18800 Part 4. DcutschL'S
ammcndations. Institut filr Nonnung. Berlin. No\ember.

quantity as a "resistance ratio" lces (1988) European Recommendations for SIL'CI Construction: Buckling of Shel ls. 4th Edition.
ance" of the structural system. European Con\ention for Constructional Steeh\ ork. Brussels.

I: N 1990 (2003) Eurocode: Basis of strueturnl design. CEN. Brussels.

ENV 1993-1-6 ( 1999) Eurocode 3: Design of steel Slnlctures. Part 1.6: rulL"S -
Supplementary rules for the strength and stability of shell structures. CEN, Brussels.
:n the nOlatlon 1.. The bar on
, (I~ r for:l column). Ilowe\'er. EN 1993- 1-6 (2007) Euroc()(k: 3: Des ign of steel stnlclurcs. Pllrt 1.6: Strength and stability of shel l
or beam. e,cept for the special structures, CEN. Brussels.
mess (not definL-d) and reilltive
Greiner. R. (1997) .. /\ concept for the classification of steel containments due to safety
seems appropriate to drop the
considerations". Containment StnJcturcs: Risk. 5.1fely and reliability, (Ed. B. Simpson) E & FN
~3n the relative slendemess
Spoil. London. pp 65-76.

Greiner. R.. Rotter, 1M. and Schmidt. II. (1998) "The new c urocode on strength and stability of
steel shell structures", Proc .. Nordic Steel Structures Conference. 15-16 Sept. Vol. I.
Jullien. IF. (00.)(1991) " BucklingorShell Structures. on Land, in the Sc3 and in thc Air". Elsevier
-unintended" eeccntnellLes. Applied Science, LondonlNew York.
)d although this correction was
~c was unfortunately omiued Petersen. Ch. ( 1982): "Statik und StabiliUit der Baukonstruktionen" ("Strellgth alld SflIhilily ojC;d/
mmcndations. £"gil/(willg Sin/eli/res "). 2nd Edition. Friedr. Vie\loeg & Sohn. Bmunsch\\cig/Wiesbaden.

Rotler. J.M. (1997) "Challenges for the future in the design of bulk solid storages", Containment
Structures: Risk. sufety and reliability. (Ed . B. Simpson) E & FN Spon, London. pp 11-34.
~ns in EN 1993- 1-6 since its
and com.-cted. but the change Rolter, J.M. (2002a) "Shell Buckling and Collapse Analysis ror Structuml Design: The New
error is known to exist in the I-rolmework of the European Stllndard". in New Appro.1chcs to Structural Mechanics. Shells and
ccommendatiolls. Wherever it Biological Structures. Eds I-I R. Drew and S. Pellegrino. Celebnnion volume for the 60th binhdllY
hercfore be regarded liS more

B"ddi"g Of Steel Shells· EUM/X'(If/ 1J<'sign RecO",/1/e,Kiat;uIIS

of Prof. C.R. Culladine. University ofCnmbridge. 9· 11 September, Kluwcr Academic rublishers,

London, pp 355-378.
2 Shell
Rotter, J.M. (2002b) -Advanced computer CtIleulations in the design of shell struclUrcs", In\'ited
plenary paper. I'roc.. International Conference on Structuml Steelwork. ICASS·02. 1I0ng Kong.
December. Vol. I. pp. 27-42.
Principal .",'h"":~

Rouer, J.M . (2005) "TIle pruetienl design of shell stnlClttres exploiting difTerem methods of 2.1
analysis", in Shell Structures: Theory and Applications. Eds W. Pietm.o.lkiewiez & C Szymeznk.
Tuylorand Fmncis, London, pp. 71-86.

Samuelson. L.A. and Eggweru~ S. (1992) "Shcll .!liability hnndbook". Else\';er Applied Science.
lenging 10 ",""r."",~
Schmidt. H. (1990) "Shell buckling desib'll by means of numerically dctennincd buckling loads".
ECCS TWa 8.4 Rcport. May. 15pp.

Schmidt. II. (1991) 'The Genn:m code DIN 18800 Part 4: Stability of shell-type stccl struclUres. ~is). The enu..c ..
design philosophy and pruetical applications". Internati(lnal Colloquium on Buckling of Shcll !>trcngth ... hortfllll i~
Structures on Land. in the Sea and in the Air. Villeurb.'1nnc. Lyon. Fmnce. 17-19 Sept" pp. 265-269. hrier outline of the

Schmidt, II. nnd Greiner. R. ( 1998) "l:.rl tluterungen LU DI N 18800 Teil"''' C"Elllcidllliolls 011 DIN
18800-4 "). In: Bcuth-Kommcntur Stahlbautcn. 3rd Edition. cds J. Lindner. J. Scheer & J.1. Schmidt.
Bcuth and Ernst & Sohn. Berlin, pp. 33J...H 7. condLtions.
nonlinearity is
Schmidt, I-I. (2002) "Bculsieherheitsnaehweisc fOr Schalcn naeh DIN 18800-4. E-DASt-Riehtlinie i~ then dcfinL-J.
017 und DlNV E IV 1993-1-6" ("Bllckling strength tlSs('SsmclIl fur lltell.f according 10 ... "). In:
Smhlbau-Kalcnder 2002. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, pp 291-342
2.2 Stabilit)
Speicher. G. lind Snal. II. (199 1) Numerical calculation oflimit I(XLds for shel1s ofrcvohuion with
particular regard to the applying equivalent inititll imperfections. in Buckling ofShd l Stmeturcs. on Shell buckling
Land. in the Sea and in the Air (cd. J.F. Jullien). Elsevier Applied Science, London. 466-475. Or}. It is bc)'o",llh" 1
tion may be found
Teng. J.G. lind Rouer. J.M. (eds) (2004) "Buckling ofTIlin Metal Shells". Spon. London. Icnded a~ tin '""""" 1

The stability of a .
.. trcsS(..'S. which
may caultoC yield

In general. there
mon Iy ton""" ","p.~

SIIUp-t11ruUJ.:" ;mtub.
centric load. Thc goot
has a lower lotifTne~ ..
local maximum is reo
com~ unstable and II
nally applied load. [I (
on the remote ri ~mll r

Sltell hl/dUIIC heltm';ollr lind de,ric" (,(}/IC(!I"r

r. Klu"er Academic Publishers.

2 Shell buckling behaviour and design concepts

;ibm of shell slmcturcs·'. Invited
'Iwork. ICASS·02. lIung Kong.
I'rincipal autho rs : M . Chryssanthopou los and J .M. ROller

:xploiting dilTerent methods of 2.1 Inlroduction 10 shell buckling phenomena

PietraSlkiewie~ & C SLYmc7,uk.
The sufe design of shell structures against failure by buckling requires the designer to undcrstund
m:lIly complicated phenomena. The behaviour exhibited by a shell before. during and aner buckling
Xlk", EISC"ier Applied Scicnce. is \'cry sensitivc to thc gcometry. lo:tding p.1I1cm. geomelric imperfections. other sources of impcr-
fL'Clion and 10 the boundary condilions, making this part of stmcturnl mechanics particularly ch:tl-
lenging 10 understund.
Illy dctennined buckling lo:tds··.
Shells differ radically from other strueturnl fomlS in thai mOSI experiments shO\\ Ihatlhc strength is
onen far below Ihe buckling lo.1d calculated using simplc stnbility theory (linear eigenvalue analy-
ity of lIhell-type stL"C1 st ructu~ . lIis). The causes of this serious discrcp<Ulcy ure indicated belo\\. und the manner in \\ hich the
Iloquium on Buckling of Shell strength shortfall is addressed in design is outlined. TIl ill chapter is intended 10 ghe Ihe designer a
:ranec. 17-19 Sepl .. pp. 265-269. brief outline of the b3ckground 10 shell bueL.ling.

) Teil ~ .. {"EIII('illulimu (III DIN In Ihc rollowing, Ihc conccpt~ or shell buckling lire fir..t dCM:ribed. illustrated by thc behaviour o r
.indner, J. Scheer & H. Schmidt. geometrically perrect stmctures under perrectly symmctricul loading and wilh perfecl boundury
conditions. The subject or geometric imperfections is then discussed, and the role or material
nonlinearity is briefly descritx:d . The m:mncr in which Ihe design process accounts for these elTects
)IN 188()()-4. E-DASt-Richll inie i~ then defined.
for shells according '0 ... "). In :
2.2 S tability concellts
.ads ror shells or revol ution with
Buckling orSheli Stmctures. on Shcll buckling behaviour is best understood in the more gencml context or stmctuml stability the-
!eicnee, London. 466-475. ory. It is beyond the scope or this document to prcscTlt the tIH.."ory in any detail. but rurther inronna-
tion may be found in the Bibliogruphy at the end of this chapter. 11le follo\\ing remarks are in-
Ihclls". Span, London. tended as an introduction to various shell buckling phenomena and as an aid 10 understanding the
philosophy adopted in the Recommendations.

The stability of a shell is controlled by the tnembrone Slresses in the shell wall. The bending
Slresses. which vary through the shell thickness. do not affect the stability. except inasmuch as they
may cause yield of the malerial of the shell and thus cause a local reduction in Ihe Sliffness of the

In gencml. there are two ways in \\hich an elastic structure may become unstable. TI1CSC are com-
monly lenned slIllp-lllrOllgll blld lillg and bjfim:IlIi(J11 bllclilillR (Figs 2.1 and 2.2).

SlIup-throllgh ;m-Iub;lily is indicated in Fig. 2.1 using the example or an areh which camL'S an L"c-
centric load. The geometry or the structure changes as the load increases. and the changed gcometry
has a lower slilTness than the originnl underomlcd shape. The stmcture is stable under lood unlil a
local ma;-.imum is reached, callL-d the snap-through load. At Ihis point. the equilibrium path be-
comes unstable and the structure buckl(:s in a drumutic and very rupid manner. Under a fiXL'd exter-
nally applied load. a dynamic jump occurs (show11 by the dotted line) and the stmcturc comes to rest
on the remote rising region or lhe complete equilibrium P.1Ih. This next p..1rt orthc equilibri um path
Bllckling o/S,eel SIIells ~ Ellropc(1I/ Desigll Rccollllllelldafiolls

is stable. but the structure has undergone very blrge defonnations and has usually taken up a shape m. . nlal p.uh 10 th ....
Ihat rescmbles Ihe original Sln_Clure in an invcrtl.:d fonn. Tmnsvcrscly lo,aded arc hes and domes lire d.... ~nding on th ....
amongst thOM: stn.ctu rcs th.1t exhibit snap-Ihrough behaviour, bul it may lliso be found in cylinder to gfl.)\\ in an ....""
and cone buckling under certain conditions. When Ihis I>pe of slructurul beha\ iour occurs. the pre·bud,ling d~:I:~::~
maximum 10.1d is referred 10 as a IimilllHuI and is hcre denoted by P'im' cnilln \\ hich di

It should be not,,"<i that the "'quilibrium path is \ cry nonlincar before it reuehes the limi t 10.1d. It is
lliso worth noting that alt hough the limit lo,ad is !-.hown in Fig. 2.t b as a smooth maximum. the limit
load may tlppenr 10 occur at a sharp cusp: Ihe fonn o f the cunc in Fig. 2. 1b depends vcry much on
Ihe location and direction of the dis placement that is chosen as the nbsci~l in Fig. 2. 1b to charac-
terise displacements.

Lt'Od "


Snap Ihmugh point

" limit poinl" \

Load P " hm ~

L__ in this
stiffening pllth To !l"i~1 in ""d"''',"~
bifurcation e\en'" arc
~ hip. For thi~ ,",,,,,.0.1
3~ in bg. 2.l,(b:')
Cm",n deflecllon w
metne and unstable
(b) line-. rcprc'tCnt ""',"hi~
Figure 2. 1: Snap-throogh buckling: (a) changing gcomctry of the structu~. (b) Io.-w disploccmcnl response

Blfurt:tlliOIl ;,u'lubilil), occurs when two (or morc) equi librium paths pass through the same point,
liS iIIustr.lIcd in Fig. 2.2 using the familiar exumple of a column. The different gcollietries of the
structure are shown in Fig. 2.28 and n Iypical bifurcation in the load-deflcction diagram is shown in
Fig. 2.2(bl). 111e fundalliental (or pre-buckling) equilibrium path. emanllting fmm the origin, is
intersected by lhe secondary (or post-buckling) palh Bllhe bifurcation point. 11ac load at this point is
the hiplrca/ioll load Phil The fundnmental path is 11 stable condition for the structure until the bifur-
cation point is reached. but thereafter it becomes unstable. and a sudden departure from the funda-

Silell bllckling bellm·jOllr ond design collcepls

ld has u:.ually t:lken up a shape mCnial path to the scconrull) p:lth may occur The secondnry path lIlay be either stnblc or ull!>tnble.
·Iy loaded arches lind domes arc depending on the type of bifurcation. all diseus..ed below. After bifurcmion, the defonnations begin
m:ly :llso be fou nd in cylinder 10 grow in a ncw pattern, referred to II!> thc IJllcklill8 Intxle. which is usulllly quite different from the
tmcturnl beh:lviour occurs. the pre-buckling defonn:ltion p.1I1em. The form orthe IO:ld-displneement rel:llionship is aguin depend-
'lim· cnt on \\ hich displaccment is used as the abscissn III the plot (Fig. 2.2b2).

; it TC:lches the limit load. It is [ond "

IS:I :.lIIooth maximum. thc limit
'ig. 2. 1b depends \cry mueh on
abscissu III Fig. 2. 1b to chamc·

tal) PnllW)' (IIJ) Sa-ond3ry

(.) path cor",IIII" ~Ih condillon
M~bl.M:ktllljf M

l 1.n:If' I'

" Take ell new

SL'COIdary plfh

T)pIC<lI dlSplacemelt t~ y or w PC6I-budding disphlCCIllCi. w~

(b) (bl) Any Iypical dlSpbcCllll-rlt m structure (bZ) Displacement in buckling 1II0de
Fll,:urr 2.2: Birurcatlon buckling: (a) ehang"'g geometry or\he structure. (b) load-displaccmcnt respomc
In\crtcd shape
Slirrening path
To assist in understnndmg Ihe dIfferent effects Ihllt can llriSC as a result ofbirurcation buckling, the
bifurcation c\cnts arc best described in tcnns ofthc possible fonns of the load-dencction relation-
ship. For this purpose_ the ab!>Cissn is u!>(.'d ror the lImplitude I\"It or the buckling mode displacement.
as in Fig. 2.2(b2). There arc three different Iypes or birurcation (Fig. 2.3): asymmetric, siable sym-
metric and unstable symmetric blfurcntlon. The solid lines represent smble paths. and the dashed
lines represent unstable paths.
c. (b) load displacement rc5pOn5e

" pass through the same point.

i'he different gl..'OIlletrics or the
!defl ection diagram is lIho\\'" in
emanating rrom the origin, is
1 point. The load lit this point is
for the structure ulltil the birur-
!lden departure rrom the runda-

Bllckling ojSIet'1 Shells - EllrDfJeUfI Ik.~ign RI..'coIIJlmmtit,liollS

Lood Lood

- -- , ,

--- ,,
(.j "b (bj \'\, (c) wb

Figure 2.3: Bifurcation tyIX'S: (a) asymmctnc. (b) stable symmetric. (c) un~tablc symmctrlC

Columns_ beams and comprcsM.-d plutcs under in-plane loading nonnally exhibit stable symmetric
bifurcations. whilst most shell buckling problems produce unstable symmetric bifurcations.
Asymmetric bifurcations are rclathcly mre but may be encountered. for example. in axially eom-
pressed cylindrical panels. These differences are imponllnt 1K.'Clluse an unstable post·buckling path
causes thc buckling load to be scnsiti\'e to geometric imperfections, thus reducing the strength that
may be rclied on in design. Asymmetric bifureations are natumlly scnsithe to imperfL'Ctions in a 2.3
panicular sense. These matters arc descrilx.-d more fully below.

Where severol bifurcation buckling modes occur at thc samc critical 10.1d, a more complcx behav· pn.."i;i~e [t1..'OllIetry.
iour is found, tconed compound or multi-modal bifurcation. In such cases, the post-budding be· perfcctionJo can take
haviour is affected by nonlinear interactions bem-cen the potential buckling modes. In general. loading ru.ymmctriCl>.
multi-modal bifurcation leads to an increased sensitivity of the structure to small geometric imper- localthickne\\ "'i""o~
fcctions. as described below. The axially compres5(.-d cylinder and the extemnlly pressurised sphere studied elTects urc
arc the two 1x:st known examples of compound bifurcation. Intemetions bet.... "-cn modL'S can also be imperfection\ on
imponant in stiffened shells (e.g. local and stiffened panel buckling in stringcN>tifTened cylindrical :;ents on impcrl«tion
shells). bihtics (hg. 25a), the
perfect structure.
The elastic critical load of a structure that is susceptible to bifurcation buckling can be obtained
pammeter &. Where
from a linear eigenvalue analysis if the gL'OnlCtry of the structure up to the bifurcation point remains
H!ry signilieant role in
essentially unchanged (as to a compressed column). 1-loweH~r. in many pmctically important shell
indicated. d",ph"cmc"'1
buckling problems (e,g. axisymmetrically loaded shells ofre\;olution) both the critical load and the
le .. c1s and the distinct
buckling mode are significantly alTeeted by prc·buckling geometric nonlincarity. Nonlinear eigen·
perfect structu re~, ma}
value analysis is required to find the elllStie bifurcation point on the pre-buckling p.1th (and thus to
predict the critical load and mode).
The cqmlibnum path
corresponding perfect
Finlilly. it is worth noting that both snllp-through and bifurcation instabilities limy be simultancously
2.3a and 2.3c)lh' ,",,;lil
possiblc in cenain geometries and load cases. For example. thc load deflection diagram ofa shallow
dary paths of the
spherical eap undcr external pressure is shown in Fig, 2.4. For some geomctries or the cap. bifurca-
2.5h .... ith l," 0 and
tion into a non-symmetric buckling mode oceurs beforc the snap-through load is reached. The snap-
cause a limit lood
through load here corresponds to lIxisymmetric snap-through of the cap. Thc results of a linear ei-
genvalue lInnlysis are also shown ill Fig. 2.4 to ilIustnlle the influence of gL'Ollletric nonlinearity ill the perfect stmcture.
the prebuckling path on the buckling load. po..tbuckling condition
iour then rec;emblcs the

By eontrust. \\ here I
effect of geometric
.... ith either I: < 0 or I:
perfect s}~tem i~ '1'1"""

Shell hucklillg hehtn'iollr allti design collCeprs

Lood Pbif l-- ¢,(-- - l i ncar prcbuckHng

~ nonlinear
P hm +-f-...,.~""-~.
", ---prebuckling
Pbif .....
,... " . \
- - ' ----> .. " ...,..\
'trie, (e) un~lable symmetric ,,
ormally exhibit stable symmctric
nstable symmetric bifurcations, Defleclion
"Cd. for c:<umplc, in axially com- Figurt 2.4: Example; spherical cap under c:<tcmal pressure
o;e an unstable post-buckling path
as. thus reducing the strcngth that
Iy loCnsiti\e to imperfections in a 2.3 Imperfections and their effects

The abme description of stablhty phenomena has hccn presented in terms of a perfect systcm with
cal load. 3. morc complex beha\- prcci~ geometry. loading and boundary conditions. Ilowe\er. all real structures arc imperfect. Im-
lueh cases. the post-buckhng be- perfections can take the foml of g(."ometric imperfections (i.e. de\tiations from the perfect shape).
lial buckling modes. In geneml. loading asymmetries. imperfcctly realised or non-uniforn\ boundary conditions. residual stresses.
uctu~ to ~mall geomctric imper- localthickncss variations and other less common conditions. Ofthesc, the most important and most
the e:<tCtnatly pmosuriscd sphcre ..Iuelied effecl.;: arc tho<;c elue In geometric imperfections of ~h3pe. The effeet of tlu.'SC gcometric
:tions between modes can also be imperfL"Ctions on snap-through and bifurcation instabilities is ilIustmtcd in Fig, 2.5. whcre t: reprc-
g in stringcr-stiffcned cylindrical sents an imperfcction amplitudc, The perfcctlolructurc is denotcd by e = O. In snap-through insta-
blhtics (Fig. 2.5a). the response of the imperfi.'Ct l>Iructure is similar to thnt of the corrc!!ponding
perfcct structure. though the value of the limit load "lim varies with the value of the imperfection
'Cation buckling can be obtained
parameter I:. Where bifurclllion instnbility may occur (Figs 2.5b to 2.5d). imperfections may playa
p to thc bifurtlltion point remains
\·ery significant role in changing both thc rC~ I)()n)oe of the sylilcm lind the type of instability load. As
many practically imponallt shell
IIldicatcd. displacements in the foml of diflercnt buckling modes may grow from the lowest load
on) both the critical load lind the
lc\cl ... and the distinct bmnching of equilibrium paths. which is characteristic in the behaviour of
ic nonlinearity. Nonlincar eigclI-
perfect Mrueturcs. TlUlY be Imt.
'Ie pre-buckling path (and thus to

The equilibrium path of the imperfect structure is usually close to. but di\-crgL'S from. thnt of thc
corrc<.ponding perfect structure. Whcre the perfect system has an unstable post-buckling path (Figs
labilities may be simultancously
2.3a and 2.3e) the equilibriUln path of the impcrfL'Ct structurc is bounded by the primary and secon-
if deflection diagram of a shallow
dary p:uhs of the perfect syMem and the effL'Ct of imperfcctions may thcn be dmmatic_ as in Fig.
tc geometries of the cap. bifurca-
IfOUgh load is reached. The snup- 2.5b with c< 0 and Fig. 2.5d with cither c< 0 or c> O. In these circumstances im~rfections can
.c cap. The results of a linear ei- cau!>C a limit load Pllm to be reached at a considcmbly Im\-cr load than the bifurcation load PII/fof
\nee of geometric nonlinearity in the pcrfL'Ct structure. The impcrfi."Ct structure may then pass from the prebuckling condition into tbe
po!>tbuckling condition progrcssi\ely. "ith a limit load representing the maximum load, The bcha\-
iour then resembles the snap-through behaviour displayed by a perfect structure (Fig. 2.1).

By contrast ...... herc the perfect structure ha!! a stable post-buckling path (Fig. 2.3a and 2.3b). the
efTect of geometric imperfcctions is less significant. as sho\\11 in Fig. 2.5b with c> 0 or in Fig. 2,5c
wLlh either c < 0 or c> O. A fastcr growth of deflections is obscn cd as the bifurcution load of the
perfect system is IIpproached, but the equilibrium path remains stable and continuously rising.


Blldding ofSleel SheHf - Europeall ~igll Rt..'Co"''''elfdaliolrS
Load ~rlection fonn ... ca,h
prci.iI"ion!> of the _
a......:.. ~ments of the

The form of g,ometric

Ix .. imply ddincd. a.,
Dcncclion the foml or "o",d,", .•"
teriou!> 10 the .. trength
ill. !>Irength unoer
Load Load
c=o .... un es from lime to •
l\iftP;:&ct)':t independent of the
mea~urcmenl.. tll
PIl~IIJ1)Cfroct mean!> of 3\ aiding
~'-o-?"i <>0
In de ..ign strength
__-,W;.!!b (c:..)_.Jl'----:w;Eb }:l.'Ollletry before I I

rigun' 2.S: The em.oct or geometric unperrl.octions ror. (II) !>Illip-through mstllbllllY 10 II perrcct ~Iructurc. (b)-
tor tI. and the '''''''''''''1
(d) blrurcallon Insl.lIblhtlcs In II perrect structure
\, here Oi r I' the t
2.4 Accounting for imperfections in des ign against bu ckling Iher snap-through or
the ba.~is of the CJ;,.
2.4. 1 T he efTl.'t:1 or imperret:cionll on buckling llirengch calmg s.hells the
rrchud.ling ~lIh. \\
Mo"t shell buckling problems di'iplllY unstnble post-buckling puth:i wilh rc:ipcct to somc pos!>iblc
imperfection paltems. so the em.'Ct of gl.'Ollletric imperfections lIlust be understood lind quantified. geometric """"',"" ",,-1
and hifurcatilll1. sn
This !>itumion has led to the developmcnt of imperfcction sensitivity theories. particularly in relation
of the clasllc enlleal
to shells thai di.,p[ay compound unstable bifurcation .... "iuch a.<; the a:<ial1y compressed cylinder and
the c:<lemnlly prcssurised spherical shell. For these structures the reduction in the lood carrying mllon. A ke~ chan)!e
cap.1city in the presence ofimpcrfeclions is very sc\'ere. helo\\

For 1II0~t shells. there is a substantial difference between the clnstic critical buckling lond that m!ly 2....2 the il"",,,r"'9
be calculated using elassicnl methods and the experimentnl buckling load. The chief source of this
discrepancy is the geometrically imperfcct shape causcd by the fabrication or manufacturing proc-
Although the 'alue uf
ess. E.. en \ery small imperfections can eausc a sub!.tantml drop in Ihe buckling load of the shell if
buckling stre "':5
they happen to be in a particular shape. The sensitivity of the buckling strength to imperfcction~
rre...:nh a logical
depends primarily on the fonn of the shellnnd type of loading. together with Ihe shupe of the poten-
Since .. nap-through
tial imperfection. though boundary conditions and the unifonnilY of load applieUlion may also be
geometric nonlinearit)
imponunt. The imperfection sensitivity may vary from moderate to extreme. even for Ihe same ~hel1
geometry under different lood1llg or boundary conditions. For example. a cylinder under axial com- hifurcation ., the
pression is extremely scnsithe 10 a wide range of imperfL'Ction forms. "hilsl the same shcll under cilrit)' i~ pla,ed \\ ithin
external pressure exhibits much lower imperfection sensitivity. Other sources of imperfection may detenllined if ,o,,,,p,,,.~
also be important. although their effects ha .. e rccei .. ed eomparntively little attention from research- ... ~ciill geometries
'<S. ",mighttomard to
ear cllllotiC bi'o"",i,,"
The sensitivity to geometric imperfectIOns varies accordmg 10 both the form and amplitude of the mJoptcd "ithin I·
imperfection. Some fonns of imperfection strengthen. mther than weaken. the Mnlcture. and very
lnrgc amplitude imperfections mny !llso begin 10 mise the strength noove Ilmt !lssociated with ('are .. houlo be tilken
smaller amplitude!>. lIowe\er. full scale struclures generully conluin II wide range of different im- other literature. Grcat c

Shell buckli"g beh"";ollr and desig" co"cepl.f

perfection fonns, each with a difTcrent amplitude. As II R.'SUlt. it i~ \ cry difficult to produce precIse
p~ictions of the stfCngth of fCOII structur,-'S. and dCl>ign methods !>hould idcally be based on rcnlisllc
aS~'ismcnts of thc fOnTIS and amplitudes of imperf'-'Ctions that the linal structure may f1OS:.ibly con·

The fonn of geometric imperfcction that most seriously afTccts the strcngth of the stn-cturc cunnot
be simply delined. liS it cun for a bellm or column. The "worst" imperfection depend!> ... cry much on
the fonn ofl(Xlding. :IS well as on the boundary conditions. Thus. an imperfection that is \cry dele·
terious to the strength of a '-'Ylindrical shell under axial compression may h:I\C very liltle efTeet on
its strength under extemal pressure. MOlot pruetical stnletures arc lo ubjcct to complex 10.1ding that
\'aries from time to timc. so the tolerances on imperfcctions must often be sct in a manner that h,
independent of the loading pallent. This places a large burden on fabriclltors to undenuke tolenll1cc
measurements to cowr many difTerent imperfL"Ction fomls. but there docs not appear to be a simple
m~ans of avoiding this problem.

In dc .. ign strength assessments. the combmed effect of all imperfections and changes in the shell
geometry before buckling lire usually qU:lI1tilied by lin clastic imperfection (or "knock-down") fac-
tor a, and the characteristic bucklmg stress of the imperfect elastic shell 0:. is delincd as
JIblabdit)' in II pcrf..'Ct !ouucture. (b)-
"'ore ... (2.1)

\\hcre O'er is the clastic criticlIl buckling stress of the perfcct shell. traditionally associated with ei·
buckling ther snap-through or bIfurcation buckling. lIowc\cr. considemble care is n,-"Cded in disctls!>ionll of
the bnsis of the O"r... the clastic criticul buckling stress of the perfect ~hcll. UnfonunalcJy. for blfur·
catlng shells the traditional definitIon of Ojr omitted the effects of geometric nonlinearity in thc
prcbuckling p.'lth. whilst for shell .. exhibIting snap·through the delinition of O'r r ncce!>sllfily includ,-"<I
1~ ..... th
respect to some possible
geometric nonlinearity. In nmny shells. there is strong intemetion beh\een geometric nonlinearity
J~t be understood and quantified.
and bifurcation. so this anomaly prc..cnts a challenge. It is very difficult to genemlise the meaning
)' theories. particularly in relmion
of the clastic critical buckling stress O'rr whilst both types of buckling are included within the deli·
axially compressed cylinder and
Ie reduction in the 10.1d carrying mtlOn. A key change in tcnninology has therefore been introduced in EN 1993·1·6. Ill> described

Ie critical buckling load that may 2.4.2 The imperfection senslthil) flletor a ln EN 1993·1.{;
pg lood. The chief source of this
brication or manufacturing proc·
Although the value of a has traditionally been related to the lower of the two potential perfect shell
I the bucklin!! load of the shell if
bueLling stresses (elastic critical bifurclltion buckling strc!)!, and snap-through buckling stress). thIS
IClding strength to impcrf'-'Ction~
prt.'SCnll> a logical difficulty when a shell can easily pass from one fonn of buckling to the other.
• ther with the shape of the poten·
Since lillap-throu!!h buckling in a perfcct .. hell is caused only by geometric nonlinearity. the role of
of lood application m.1y also be
c'ttfCme. e,en for the !>lime shell geol1'lCtrie nonlinearity falls within the (\'aluatton of O'('r for these shells. BUI for shelilo in which
nplc. a cylinder under axial com· bifureation is the reference buckling mode of the perff.'Ct structure. the efTL'Ct of geometric nonlin·
om. whilst the same shell under earity is placed within the \alue of a. Mon.'O'er, the linear bifurcation buckling lo.1d can alwaylo be
1aK'T" sources of imperfection may detennined if compressive strcssc-s exist within the shell. but a lollap-through load only occurs in
ely lillie allention from research· .. p..'Cial geometries under lopccial load cases. TIlus. for a completely geneml description. it i\> m~t
stmightforward to place all cfTccl.s of ehllllgc of gcometry into the fuctor a. nnd to usc only the lin·
ear elastic bifurcation load liS the reference ... alue for detemlining O'er This delinition has been
III the fonn and amplitude of the adopted within EN 1993-1-6. Itnd i~ follow,-"<I here too.
I weaken. the ~tructurc. and \ cry
IJSth abo\'c that aloSOCiated with Care lohould be tllken when values of thc imperfcction sensitivity reduction factor a IIrc taken from
lin a .... ide mnge of difTercnt im· other literature. Great care should be cxereiM."<I to ensure that the quoted valucs rcprclocnt the large
Bllckli"g a/Sleel Shells - EllroP(!llll Dt·.\·igll R(·col/lml!lId{lfi(m.~

reductionlo rellllivc to the linear bifurcation loud that urc used here. and not the smaller reductions de .. ign methods :lre
rclatl\e to 0 snap-Ihrough buckling load. the le.. t "]lI!clmcn~
ing proce". The
204.3 hnperfL'i:llons lind geometric nonlin('llril~ form and III 'm,,"""d~
im]ll!rfcction<; i~ still
.. hells i .. both rare
The clastic imperfection n..'duction factor a nonnally depends on the !.hcll geometry. loading condi-
tions. initial imperfection amplitude lind other facton.. It is nonnully chosen by calibrutiOIl from
e.I(perimenlal test rcsults, though th~ tc"ls often ha\e geometric imperfections that may be quite 2.S
different from those occurring in full '>Calc structu(C\. The clastic imperfection factor a is selected
so thut a high percentage ofexpcrimentul test results (typically 9511 0) ha\e u buckling load abo\c the
valuL'S predicted by the dL"Sign method. The aoo\ e
to the point
from malerialthat
It should be rcmemben..'d Ih3t Yoherc the elaslic imperfection factor a is used in connection with model. characteri!M!d
bifurcation buckling. il accounts for two separate phenomrma: nonlinearity in thc prcbuck ling p.1th
and geomelric imperfections. llL-elluse two :.cramle elTeclS are invohed in this single parumeter. it Very thm shells
is not easy to exploit numerical an3ly!lCS in design if thc) takc only one of the:.c elTecls illto ac- m..:an.. that local
count. Thus. the predictions of a linear bifurcution a nlllysis lhat includes geometric imperfections
of the .. h..:11 '''',,"'n''''~
(LBIA). and those of a geometrically nonlinear analysis of the perfL'Ct clastic shell (GNA). arc diffi- definition U,IoCO in th..::
cult to assimilate mto the dL"Sign process.
Apan from the UloC of a numerical LA analysis to obtain an L"quivlliem stress stllte corresponding to J. ~.JflllT<T-
that found III hand calcu lutions, the EUroPCllll stllndard EI\ 1993·1-6 pennits only tYoO procedures
Yo here IT,-r \... the
for the usc of numerical allulysilo. In Ihe first. the lmear clastiC bifurcation entiealload and the plas-
tic Illnil load may be detcrmined numerically. with the rcnlainder of the e\aluation following the yield ~trcss of the
procedures of hand calculation. In the second. a full materially and geometrically nonlinear analy-
sis that explicitly inc1udL":o geometric imperfL'i:tions in the gL'Ometrical definition of the stnlcturc
dition,. RpJ
value cllI~tic
may be us..:d to assess the eharueteristie load directly. lIowe\er, Yo here the laller procedure is used.
it is 3 requirement thaI the linear clastic bifureation erilicallood. the plastic reference load. and the Mo~t rc..earch on
geometrically and materiully nonlinear fllilure load of the perfect shell should 1111 be detenllinL'd as (FEM). Ther..: arc far
pan of the cvaluation procedure. so Ih31 the user may be eertuin of the slcnderness of the system and the lotal dataoo:-c i~
th3tthe effectivc reduclion factor is appropriately low. nonllncarity on
ni .. ms to !>Iudl' the
2.4,4 Impcrfeclionsllnd tolerances buckling come.. from

The cfrcet of local I

Because the ~trcngths of shells display a high sen... itivity 10 geometric imperfcetions. any dL"Sign
from Fig. 2.6 that
method should c1eurly identify the maximum allowable an'fJlitude or imperfection associa ted with
buckling occur<; in
the design strength. The amplnudes so identified can then. in theory. be translated inlo tolerances
that should be mct afterwards m the fabrication process.

Tolerances define the limning Illllximum ... alues of measurcmC1lts Ihut can be made rclllli\cly ealoily
on a final constructed shell. The proce...s of devising methods of measurement that renecl Ihe rich
range of geometric imperfcctions thaI may be considered in the design process is \ery for from
straightforward. The Eurocode (EN 1993-1-6) defines a 13rgc sct of dilTercnttolerancc mea ~urcs,
many of which are conducted by u'sing a stick placL'd against the shell \\ all. Other new fonns of
tolerance measurement deservc in\'cstigntion. and there is an urgent need to find improved methods
ofrclati ng the imperfection fonns thai arc chosen in design t:alcululions 10 lolemncc measurements
on Ihe conlolructed shell.

The tolerances required in pmetlcal construction must e\ idently be chosen to relate to common fab-
rication and manufacturing proccsses. It should therefore be IlOK'd that care must be cI(ercised when

Shell bllckJi"8 behlll'iollr alltl desj~tI cutlce/J/.\·

'C. and not the smaller reductioll~ design methods are derived from experimental da ta (c.g. using a Im.. er bound 011 tcst results) where
the test specimens have been fabricatL-d III a manner that is different from the full-scale manufactur-
ing process. The impcrfL"Ctions in these two groups of structures may be quite different. both in
fonn and in amplitude. The relationship bch\een luborutory geometric imperfections and full scalc
imperfcctions is still an uctive area of scientific rcscarch, and dala on imperfections in eon!>tructL-d
!>hcll~ is both mre and highly sought aftcr to assist in improving Ihe reliability of the dcsign method.
he shdl gL'Ornelry. loadmg condi-
n:llly chosen by calibration from
imperfcctions that may be quite 2.5 Material nonlinearity
imperfection fuctor a is selected
.) h3\C 3 buckling load above the The above description has chiefly related to shells whose material of construction remains clastic up
to the point of maximum Stn.:5S. after which they arc ductile. Mild steel shclls are typically madc
from material that exhibits a uniaxial stress stmin behaviour that is close to this ideal clastic-plastic
.or a is used in connection with model. chamcterised only by all clastic modulus £ and yield stressh"
lhncarity in the prebuckling path
ohcd in this !>ingle pammeter. it
Vcry thm shells buckle when the shell is still clastic. but the inerea5(.-d strength of thicker shells
nl) one of thc!;c effL"Cts into ae-
mean:. Ihatlocul stresses can cxcct.-d the yicld stress before buckling occur.;. The relathe thickness
nelude!> geomctrie imperfL"Ction'> of the shell is characterised in teml~ of thc rclati\e slenderness of the structure. In kecpLllg with the
Cct elru.tic shell (GNA). arc dim-
definition used in the analysis of columns and plmes. the slenderness parameter is dcfined for shells

k'Tlt \tress state eOlTCllponding to ... (2.2)
1-6 pennit:. only two procedun....
rcation critical load lind the plu.!!- where aCT is the linear clastic bifurcation critical buckling stress of the perfect shell andh' is the
of the c\'alualion following the yicld stress of the matcrial. Where II numerical analysis is used to detcnnine thc loads for these con-
d geometrically nonlinear unaly- ditions. Rpi represents thc lo.1d factor at the plastic limit and Rcr the lood faclor of the linear cigcn-
lrical definition of the lItnleturc \'alue clastic buckling condition. The chamcteristic load fac tor is denoted by Rk-
here thc IUller procedure is ullcd.
IC plastic referenec lo.1d. nnd the Most rcsearch on clastic-plastic shcll buckling has been carried out using numerical methods
!hell should all be detennincd as (FEM). Thcre are far fewer experiments on clastic-plastic shell buckling than on clastic buckling. so
hc slcnderness of the sy:.tcm nnd the total dlllubasc is mthcr ~lIlnll. A few analytieul studies have explored the effect of material
nonlinearity on bifurcnlion buckling. and SOIllC attempts hnve been made to dcvelop plastic nl(~cha ­
msms 10 study the post-collapse behaviour. but thc bulk of what is known about clastic-plastic
buckling eomcs from numerical studies.

ytric impcrfL"Ctions. any design The effect of local yiclding on the buckling strength is illustrnted in Fig. 2.6. It may also be noted
from Fig. 2.6 thai geometric Imperfections ha\'e a smaller cffcct on the buckling strength when
!~f Imperfection a.ssocilllcd with
r'" be translated IOtO toler,IOCC<; buckling occur.; in thc clastic-plastic regimc than under elastic conditions.

t can be made rclati\cly easily

l!CII:>urcmcnt that renect the rich
~Cioign process is \cry fur from
of diffcrent tolemnce mC3!>UTCS,
!:hell wall. Othcr new fonns of
nl'Cd 10 find impro\l-d methods
bons 10 tolerance mca!>urelllenb

.hoscn to relate 10 common fab-

'lut care must be cxerci!tL'(] when

BUl'klmg o/Sleel S}",'ll\ - Em'OfH!llll Ocsign RL'l'OI111f/(mdafitJIu

p lastic col lapse

[C(,S (11)"":1~~~~;::~1
Europo.:an r 'I

\ I ...,linger, \1 IOd
clastic buckling (pcrrt..'Ct s hdl) York.
It' e lastic buck ling (imperfect s hell)
HUgge. \\
c urve

~:::;t=====:;j:======:- ___!S~lldeniess J.. Koiter. W.T.

sity. 'etherland~.
plastic e la ... tic-plaslic daslic buckling
collapse buck li ng C (lQIC!) .\'1
Figure 2.6: TYPical cu'""c orbuckhng load factor HI ogU,"51slcndcrUl.~ A for a shell 'tCh\\ cig.

Where the material ~tress-strnin cUl'\oe cannot be simply reprcscnlcd by lin ideal elastic-plaslic be- kng. J,(j. and Roller. J
haviour, shell buckling design recommendations s till gencrully limit the number of parumeters
charactcri!>ing the material to only two, so thut the chlstie modulu!> E lmd a "proof we!>!;"'!;, are used ThoIHfhOn.l\tT and
VIith \ ery simi lar design infonnalion. For consistency, the proor stress should be taken as the stn."SS England.
at which a plastic strain of 0.2 0 0 has dc\elopcd in a lensilc test. Funher mfonnation on nonlincar
material behaviour and its trealment in the design process may be found in Section 5.3. Timo:o.hcnko. S.P and
2.6 Summary or behaviour in relation to shell buckling design
Yamaki ..... (IQS·1) Et
Science Puhh h..-r;. \m
All rational !thcll buckling design procedures should be b.1scd on:
• thc stability behaviour or the perfect !>hell:
Teng. J.G. (1996) "8u,
• Ihe imperfection ~n!>ilivity appropriate to the geometry. lo.1ding and bound:lry conditions con- \'iews. Vol. 4Q, "0. 4
• the tolerunees thac are imposed on imperrcctions:
• the interaction between clastic buckling and yielding.

These rUetors arc alllilkell illlo account in the design procedure thut is descrilx.'d in Chupters 8 and 9
or these RI..'Commendutions. based on the procedures or EN 1993-1-6.

2.7 8ibliography for C hapter 2

Brush. D.O. lind Ahnroth. B.D . (1976) "Buckling of Bal'h. Plntl..'S and Shells", McGruw-llili. NcVl

Budian~ky, B. (1976) (Fd.) Bl/cHillg u/Slnlcillres, Proc .. ItJfAM SYlllpo!lium 1974. lIanard Un i-
\crsity. Springcr. NcVl York.

Bushncll. D. (1985) Compllierird hllckJi fIg O/w(I·.ri!. o/.vI1('l/s. Dordn.'Cht.

Calladinc. C.R. (1983) Tlu'oryo/Shdl SIn/cIl/res. Cambridge Unj\'crsity Pre!tS. Cmnbridge.

Donnell. L.H. (1976) Beams. Plafe.v and Shel/s. McGruw 11111. New York.

Shell bllck/illg behaviour Qnd design co",:eplf

ECCS (1988) European Rccommcndallons ror Stccl Construction: Buckling or Shells. 4th cdllion.
European Con\cntion rorCon.\truetional Stcch\ork.Brussels.

b~linger. M. and Geier. 13. (1975) Poslhm:kJillg Be/wI·jour of SrnlClllrl'S. ClSM. Springer. Ncw
·errect shdl) York.
;Iing (imperfcct shell)
nOggc, W. (1973) Srn'!>'S(!S m Shcll.\. 2nd cdn. Springer.Verlag. Bcrlin (1st Edition in Gcntmn.
__ ~s::'''':,;:demcss A.
Koiler. W.T. (1945) "On the SllIbility or Ha.!>l1c 1:":luilibrium". (in Dutch) PhD Thesis. Delft Uni\cr-
sity. Ncthcrlands.

Petersen. C. (1982) Sralik I4IIlI SllIhJli/llI/ tier BaIlAolI!>lrllcliollell. 2.... cdition. Vicweg. Bmun-

M1 by an ideal clasllc-plastic be- Teng. lG. and ROller. J.M. (eds) (2004) BlId/illK of Thill Mewl Shells. Spon. London.
limit the number or pammctl'fS
f: and a "proor strcss",h. arc used Thompson. J.M.T. and IIunt. G.W. (l-dS) (19M3) Co/fap.f{·. Cambridge Unhersity Press. Cambridge.
I'C!;5 should be takcn as the stress England.
:urthcr mronnation on nonlinear
)lind in Section 5.3. Timoshenko. S.P. and Gerc. J.M. (1961) Tlu.'Ory' of £IcH/ic Stahi/il)'. 2nd edn. McGmw-11i11. New
ling design
Yamaki. N. (1984) £I(I5lic Siabilill' ofCimllar Cylilldril'lll SIIt·lls. North Iiolland. Elsevier Applied
Scienec Publishers. Amsterdam.

Teng. lG. ( 1996) "Buckling or thin lohclls: reccnt IIdvanees lind trends". Applied Meehllnies Reo
g and boundary condi tions con- \,ie .... s. Vol. 49. No.4 April. pp 263-274.

is described in Chapters !:! lind 9


jnd Shells". McGru .... -11i11. New

r.>mposium 1974. lIarrard Un i-


r..ity Press. Cambridge.

Scope. conW!l/IiotlS. d(:jiniticmr. ""ils..'i)'mhol'i and .~ign rom-elllions

3 Scope, conventions, definitions, units, symbols and sign

3.1 Scope of EN 1993-1-6

3.1.1 General

The scope of EN 1993-1·6 is wider than these Recommendations in that it deals with a tOlal of four
different limit states: plastic limit. cyclic plasticity. buckling and fatigue. The following statement
of scope therefore extracts only the restriellons on scope that are relevant to the buckling resistancc
ofshdl struetun.'s.

3.1.2 SeOI"! limitations in EN 1993-1-6 Sectio n t.2

(I) EN 1993-1-6 gi\'es ba;ic design rules for s teel shell Slructurcs that ha\c Ihe fonn ofa thm
~hell of revolution.

(2) EN 1993-1-6 i)o intended for usc in conjunction with EN 1993-1-1. EN 1993-1-3. EN 1993-1-4.
EN 1993·1·9 and the relevant application parts of EN 1993. "'hich include:
Pan 3.1 for lowers and masts:
Pon 3.2 for chimneys:
Pan 4.1 for si los:
Pan 4.2 for tunks:
Pun 4.3 for pipelines.

(3) TIlis Standard is concenll,:d with the requirements for design against the ultimate limit states
plastic limit;
cyclic plas ticity;

(4) EN 1993-1-6 defines the churnctenst1c and design values of the resistancc of the structure.

(5) O\'er.dl equilibrium of the structure (sliding. uplifting. overturning) is not included 10
EN 1993-1 -6. but is trcmcd in EN 1993- 1- 1. Special considerations for specific applications arc
included in the relevant application p:arts of EN 1993 .

(6) The provisions in EN 1993-1-6 apply to :axisymmetric shells and associated circular or annu·
lar plates and to beam section rings and winger stiffeners where they fonn part of the complctc
structure. Gcneral procedures for computer calculations of all shell fomls are coveR:'tl. Detailed ex-
pR."Ssions for the hand calculation of unstiffcned cylinders and cones are given in the Annexes.

(7) Cylindrical and conical pancls are not explicitly covered in EN 1993·1·6. However. the pro-
\'isions can be applic:able if the appropriate boundary conditions are duly taken into account.


.. ~---.-...
Budding o(St('4!J SheJJ~· EUroP('OII De.figll Recomm('"datiOllf

(8) I:N 1993·1-{; i~ intended for applicatIOn to structural engineering teel J.hell structures. How. 3.2.2
e\er. it!> pro\isions can be applied to other metallic shells pro\ided that the appropriate material
propcniCl! arc duly taken into account. A calculation that

(9) The provisions of EN 1993-1·6 arc mtended to be applied within the temperature runge de- tlk! c\ aIUali("'":;'":~·~~:1
fcn.xJ by the ~I
fined in the rcle"anl EN' 1993 application pans. The maximum temperature is rc.stricted so thnt the
influence ofen.oep can be neglccted if high temperature ere!.'P elTects are not eO\iercd by the relevant
application pan. 3.3

(10) The provisions in EN 1993-1-6 apply to stnlcturcs that snli~fy the brittle fracture provisions 3.3.1 Structural
given in EN 199]- 1- 10.
3.3.1,1 shell
(II) The provisions of [:N 1993-1.6 apply 10 slIUetuml de~ign under uctions that can be tremed as
quasi·!oIutic In nalure.
A 'itruclure or a ittru..:lul

(12) In EN 1993·1-6. it is assumed that both wind loadmg and bulk solids flow can, in general. be
tn.~.llcd as quasi-Malic aelions. shell or re\ olu

(13) Dynamic elTects should be Inken into account according to the relevant apphcnlion pan of A ~hdl" ~ gcomctri
EN' 1993. including the consequences for fatigue. Ilowe\cr, the stress resultants arising from dy- generator Jjn~ around 11
namIc behaviour arc treated 10 this pan as quasi.sUltic. conlplett nh.
(13) The proviSIons in this Stand3rd apply to structures that are constructed in aceord:mce with
A ~ he Jl comJlO!-Cd of 3 r
(14) ThIs Standard docs not cover the aspects of leakage of stored contents. 'ihtll 'i~ment
(15) This Standuro is intended for application to Slructures within thc followlOg limits:
design IIlctaltemperuturcs within the runge -50°C 10 +300 c:
A ~h ell ur re\ nlutilln I
radius to thickness ratios within Ihe range 20 to 5000.
cylinder. conical fru~tul

For the elT!.'Ct of elevated tempemtures in the runge 10000C to 300"C on matcrial propenics such as
the modulus orelustieity and proportional limit. sec EN 1993- 1-2. shtlllJanel

NOTE: It should be notOO thal the stress design rules of this stllndnrd may be rather conservative if A n im:ollll'icle ~hdl or
lIppliOOto some geometries and 101lding conditions for rclati\icly thid•• walled shells. ax i ~ th rou~ h 11...., than 2

3.2 Terminology used in these Recommendations 3.3. 1.6 middle !turrllc,

Different methodologies or analysis arc referred to in these RecommendatIons tb follo,,"s_ Th~ surface thai Ii~... III
\\ here the :.hell IS "'illTe
3.2. 1 flllnd u lculation a, the middle surtace I
ana l )'~i • and (".In be
ecccntrieillCll Ihal Ina) 1
A calculation that uses calculations perfomlcd on paper or in computer spreadshccts to evaluate
both the stress SUIte in the shell cau'lCd by the loading and the rcsisUlnee of the structure to those
loads. It is based entirely on the usc of ex is ling fommlns. junction

The IlIle at " hir.:h hHI I

line o r nltachmcni of a r

Scope. txmlY!nliolls. dejilliliollS. IInits. symbols UlKi sign cOIIIY!ntkm.f

ering stccl shell structures. Ilow.

3.2.2 Numerical l1nal)'sis
idcd that the appropriate material
A calculation tllat USL'S a linite clement or similar computcr calculation 10 c.lclemlinc 'lOme or all of
the evaluations n..-quircd in deilign: the stress stille eauscc.l by the loads. thc resistancc to them of-
within the temperature runge c.le- fen..--d by Ihe structure. and the dcfonnations of thc structure.
mpcruture is restricted so that the
:ts are nol co\-cn..-O by thc relevant 3.3 Definitions from E 1 1993-1-6 Section 1.3

3.3.1 Structural (orlm lind I,:eollleiry

'ify the briulc fracture provisions shell
kk"'T actions that can be treated as
A .. tructure or a structural component fonned from a cuned thin plate.

ilL. solidl> flo .... can. in general. be shell orre\olutlon

, the reb ant appheallon pan of A shell \\ hose g,."omctric fonn is dcfillCd by a middle surface that is fonned by rotating a meridIonal
stn:ss resultanls arising from dy. generator line around a single axis !.hrough 2n r.ldians. The shell can be of any length. conlplelc alls) mille' ric shell

: constructed in accordance: with

A shell compo!.Cc.I of a numhcr of pans, eaeh of .... hieh is a shell of revolution.

contents. shell scgllu'nl
the following limits:
A shell of revolution in Ihe fonn of n dcfincd shell geometry with a constant wall thickness: a
eyhnder. conical frustum. spherical fru!>tum, nnnulllr plate. toroidal knuckle or other form .

Ie on material propcnies sllch as shcll pan el

ard may be mthcr conservative if An incomplete shell ofre\'olution: the shell foml is dcfin(.-d by a rotlltion of the generator about the
1cL.-\\alled shells. nis through less than 2n rudians. middlc su rraet'

llte !>urface that lies mid\\ay bct..... ccn the insidc and outside surfaces of the shell at e\cry point.
nmdatlons as folloVo s.
\\<111!I'C the shcll is stifTcned on either one or both surfacC!>. the reference middlc surface: is stilllJJi.:cn
as !.he middle surface of thc curved shell plate. The middle surface is thc refeI'Coce surfaee for
analysis. and can be discontinuous at changes of thickness or at shcll junctions. leading to
eccentricities that may be lInportant to the shell structural behaviour.
flPuter spreadsheet!> to cvulualc
;i~tancc of the structure 10 those junction

Thc line at which two or more shell segmenb 11l(.'Ct : it can include a stifTener. The circumfcrential
linl! of attachment of Il ring stiffener to the shell may be Irentcd a.s a junction.


. ----_. -.
Buckli/lg ofSIC.'t'1 Shel/s - Ellropea/l De.~ig/l RecomltlelUk,tiom. stringersliffenef e.-~ die.-

A locul stiffening member that follows the meridiun of the shell. rcpn..'SCnting a generator of the
shell of fC\·01ution. It is provided to increase the stability. or to assist \~ ith the introduction of local leading tll a
loads. It is not intended to pro\ide a primary resistance to bending enecls cuu!tOO by tnm"verse exhau!>lcd.
3.3.2",& bucklinp, rib
The ultimate hlllil
A local member thm provides a primary load eanying palh for bending down the meridian of the cornprc..,ion and or
shell. representing u genemtor or the shell of rc\ olution. It is used to transfer or distribute transverse .. uppon til\: appli..:d
loads by bending. rlttigue ringslirrcncr
The uhimale \;;m;;" '''~
A local MilTening member that passes lIround the eircumfel\.'11Ce of the shell ofrevolutiol1 ut u given
point on the mcridllln. It is nommlly 1I!>!>umed to have no stiffness for defomUltions out of its 0\\ n 3.3.3 Actions
plane (meridional di'piacements of the !>hell) but is !>tifT for defonnations in the pillne of the ring. It
is provided to inercase the stubility or 10 introduce loculloulh uCling in the plane of the ring. a};ialload bast fing

A stnlcturnl mcmber Ihat passes around the circumference of lhe shcll of revolution at the base and
pro\ides a meuns of attachment of the shell to 11 foundation or other structural member. It is nceded
10 ensure thut the 113~umed boundary condition~ lire IIchie"'cd in practice. ring bcum Of ring girdcr

3.3.3_' internal

A circumferential stifTener tlmt has bending stifTncss und ~trcngth bolh in the plane of Ihe shell
circulur seclion and nonnallO Ihut plnne. It is a primary load cunying structural member. provided Component of th..:
can \ary in ooth
for the distribution oflocalloads into the shell.

3.3.2 Limit state'!

NOTE: For 11 shell. there ure five situations defined as ultimate limit stnte where the structure is Component of th..:
considered to have reached itl> lo.1d bearing capacity. clln \ Ilry in both the

3.3.3.S h~ dro\Utic plastic limit

The ultimllle limit state where the stnleture dc .... elops zones of yielding in a p:lIIcm such thut its
ability 10 resisl increased loading is deemed 10 be exhausted. II is closely related to a small
deflection theory plastic limit load or plastic collapse mechanism. lull f,;''';"'~ tensile rUI)1urc Component or the

prc.... ure and actlOg
The ultimate limit stale whcre the shell plule experiences gross section failure due to tel13ion. cont;lincd within the

Scope. cOIII'l'miollf, th'fi"ilio".f, IIl1irs, symbols and sigll col/I·ell,ioll.'

33.23 c~clie plasticity

representing a genemtor or the The ultimate limit stme where repeated yielding is caused by cycles or loading and unlo.'lding.
~t .... ith the introduction of local leading to a low eyclc fatiguc railure where the energy absorption capacity or the muteriu! is
ng effects euultCd by tmnsversc exhausted.

33.2.4 bueklin~

lbc ultimate limit state where the slnleture suddenly loses its stability under membmne
lding down the meridiun or the compression and/or shear. It leads either to large displaeell1ellL'i or to the structure being unable \0
I tran~rer or distribute transverse suppon the applil.:d loads.

33.2.5 fatigue

The ultimate limit state \\'herc many cycles or load1Tlg cause crocks to dC\l,~lop in the shell plate.
he shell of re\ olutioll at a gi\ en
ror deformations out or its OWII 33.3 Actions
lIion~ In the plane of the ring. It
in thl! pla~ or the ring.
333.1 axial load

rXlcmally applied 10.1din8 U>.;lin8 in Ihe: axial direclion.

ell of re\'olution at the hase and

333.2 radial lond
structural member. It is needed
E~tcmally applied loading octlllg 1I0nl1alio the surraee or a cylindrical shell. internal pressure

both in the plane or the shell
ng structural member. provid(.:d Componenl oflhe surrace loading aeling non11all0 the shell in the outwurd direction. Its magnitude
can vary in bolh the meridional and circurnrerenll3l directions (e.g. under solids loading in a silo).

3.3.3,4 external pressure

mit state where the structure is Component of the surface looding acting nomml to the shell ill the inward direction. Its magnitude
can \lIry in both the meridional and circumrerential directions (e.g. under wind). h)drosfatic pressure

Iding in II pattern !ouch thut its Prc!osure \'lIrying linearly with the venieal coordmate of the shell or re\'olulion.
t is closely related to a small
3.33.6 ,ull friclion load

Component of the lourfacc loodillg ucting on the shell wall due to friction conncctl:d with internal
pressure and acting in the direction or motion or the contained mnterial (e.g. when solids arc
m railure due to tension. contained within the shell).


- - - - ._-.. locolload
the mlddic surfaec 01
nnl relate tu \ Ihr...luID
roint applied force or distributed luad IICling on a limited pan of the circumference of the shell and
o\er u limited height. plltch 100td
An anal~!>l~ bal>i:d llll
Imear clastic matenal
Local distributed load acting nonnal to the shell. al.a.:ounl... fully lilr,
chcc.:k. i.. indud,.;d al suctiun
303A.6 ma'criall) no
Unifonn net extemul pre!>!>ure due to the reduced internal prcs.sure in II ahell \\,;th openings or \enls
under 'Aind action. An anal)"!>b bibcd on
..mall ddla:tlOn as 'n partia l \sC bum geometricalh
Unifoml net external pressure due to the remo\al of stored liquids or solids from" ithin a container
that i!> inadequutely \ ented. An anal) I t" on
nonlin.:ar lars,.; dd1...·d
3.3.3. 11 Iherma i llclion A bifurcation ci!!clI\ul

Tempernture variation citlll~r do\\ n the shell meridian, or around the :.;hcll circumfcrcnce or thruu~h m c tricall~
the !ohellthiekness.
An anal)" ... is \.\lIh [ml"'<!
J.3A T) pes of a na l) sis l.lrpliCd tu the Imperf.
dc\ ialion .. from thc id,
303.4. 1 glubul un:ll)sIS thai 3ccount.~ lull) 1"01
material a.. lincar ela~t
and rc ... duul 'tre '>C".
An analysi~ that includes the complete structure. mlher than mdividual struetuml pans trcmed
303 ....9 geom elricall~
(G \Ii"'iI .\ ) memb ral ne theUf) a nlll)sis

An analysi!> Yo ith imrc

An analysis Ihot predicls the behaviour of a thin-walled shell structure under di~tribuled 10:1ds by arplied to the .mperfl
assumin.: that only membrane forces stltisfy eqUIlibrium with the e~ternolloods. dc\ iatmn... fmm the Id,
that account... fuli)" fl1t". li nellr elastic shell ual)sis (LA) plastic matcriallaw 1
residual strc"~es. .\ I
An anoly!>i!> that predicts lhe behaviour of a thin-\\ullcd ahcll structure on the basi!> of the small analysi .. may be ~"Cn I
deflection linear ela.... tie shell bending theory, related to the perfl..'Ct geometry of the middle surface callctl a full) nonline<u
oflhe shell. linea r elastic bifurcatio n (cigen\lIlue) ana lysis (LOA)

An analysis that evulumes the linear bifurcation eigenvalue for a thin-wnlled shell structure on the
basis of the amnII deflL'Ction lineur elastic shell bending thcory. rclated to Ihe perfect gcometry of
ScOJN!. COlfH.'IIliollS. 4kjiniliom. wuI.f. .nmbols alld sign rotlH!IIIioliS

the middle surfacc orthe shcll. It should be noted that, "'here an eigenvalue is mentionl-d. thi .. docs
not relatc to vibration modes.
le circumrcrence or thc shell and geomt"trH=ully nonlinrur rhuti.: Iuullysis (GNA)

An w1Uly~is bll~ on the princlplL"S or shell bending theory applied to the perfect structure. using II
linear clastic materinllaw but including nonlinear large denection theory ror thc displacements that
accounts fully ror any change in geometry due to tnc aellons 00 the shell. A birurcation eigenvalue
eh ..:ck i.. includcd at each load Ic ... cI. materia II} nonlincar anuJ) sis (MNA)

in a shell '" ith openings or .. cnt",
An analysi~ b:u.I.-d onshell bending theory applied to the perrl-'Ct loIructure. using thc 3.-.sumption or
~mall dcncctions. as in but adopting a nonlinear elasto-plastic material In\\. 2eom.:trK:lIl1} lind mliterillll) nonllnellr anaJ)lIill (C~I~A)

or solid) rrom '" Ithm a container
An analysis based on shcll bending theory applied 10 thc perfect structure. using the assumptions or
nonlinear large dcncction theory ror thc displaccmcnts and II nonlinear clasto-plaslic material law.
A birurcUlion eigcn\oluc check is included 01 each loud le... el.

e shell circumrerence or through geometricllIIl) nonlinear elastk analysis "ilh imperrections included (GNIA)

An analysis with impcrr<.'Ctions explicitly included. based on the principles or shcll bending theory
applied to the imperrcct structure (i.e. thc geomctry or the middle surrace includes unintend<.-d
deviation:; from the ideal shape). including nonlinear lorge denection th<."Ory for the displaecmcnts
that accounts rully for any change in geomctry due to the !lctions on the shell. l1nd treating thc
material as linear clastic. The imperr<.'Ctions may also include imperrcctions in boundary conditions
and residual stl'C!>SCS. A birurcation eigcnvaluc check is included at each load le ... el.
(Ji ... idual structural parts treatcd geomt"lricall) and lI1atcdall) nonlinellr anul)'sis with imperrcc:tions included

An analysis with imperrections expliCitly 1I1c1udcd, based on the principles or shell bending theory
tturt under distributed loads by applied to the imperfcct Mnacture (i_c. thc geo~try or the middle surrace includes unintended
~cmal loads. dc\·ialions rrom the ideal shape), including nonlinear large dcflection theory ror the displacemcnts
that accounts rully ror !lny changc in geometry due 10 the actions on the shell and a nonlinear ciasto-
plastic matcriallaw. The imperfcctions may also include imperrections in boundary conditions and
residuol stresses. A birurcation eigenvalue check is included at each load le\'cl. This type or
!JCturc on the basis or thc small analysis may be secn as a combinntion orGMNA and GNIA analyses. and in the literature is oRen
geometry or the middle surrace called a rully nonlinear analysis

~in·"allcd shell structure 011 thc

lated to thc perrect geometry of


...... ~-.-- -.
B/lckling o/Steel SI,elb; - £/Iropt!llll f)esigll Recollllllt!lIt/miollS

3.3.63 plastic
Table 3.1: Types ohhcllanalysls
Type of an:l1ysis Shell theory Matcnallllw Shell geometry The plastic limll
Membrane theory of shells membrane equilibrium nOl applicable perfect plu\lic material
iMlIrop), (muddkd
Linear clastic !ohcllanalysis (LA) lincar bending linear perfect
and strctchiOiI.
LillCllf clastic bifurcntion analysis lincar bcndmg lincar perfl,."Ct
(LilA) and strctCh1ll2
Geometrically non· linear clastic non-linear lincar perfect Thc load aSS(Klated
analY!ols (GNA) geometry due to
Materially non-Iincar analysis (MNA) linear non·linear pcrf~1 l:O'hlrucll~ln. and

Geometrically and m:lIcrially non-linear non·lim."3r perfl,.'Ct

non·llllear arualy!>is (GMNA)
Geomctrically non-lincar clastic non-linL"Ur linear imperfect
anlll SIS With Imperfections (GNIA) TIle nominallt><tIIt,mj
Geomctrically and m:ucrially non-linear non·lincar imperfect
non·lmear anal),!>,.) with 'mpcrfCClKMl~
(GMNIA) 33.6.6 desif!.n

33.5 Siress cah.'gorics used in slress design The design "IIIC or I~

Ihe panial factor
33.5.1 primal) slrtosses design
The stress system required for equilibrium with the imposed lo..ding. This consist!> primarily of
membnme stresses. but under some conditions bending Slrcsscs may also be required to achiC\ic Thc nominal m'tnt'~
equilibrium. S4..'Condar)' stresses

TIle value of ~trc!>~ .
Stresses inducl..-d by imemal eomp..1tibility or by compatibility with the boundary conditions. a buckling limit·
associated with impo!oed loading or imposed displacements (Iemperuture. prcslrc!>sing. settlement.
shrinkage). These !>trcsscs arc not required to achie..e equilibrium bct,,-cen an internal stress state 33.6.9
lind Ihe e~lernal loading.
The calegory of
33.6 Sl,ccial dcnnilions for buckling clilculations
3.4 criliclil buckling resislance
3.4.1 Bucklin~
The smallest bifurcation or limit lo..1d detennined assuming Ihe idealised condilions of clastic
mmerial behaviour. perfect geometry. perfcet load applicalion. perfect .!.uppon. nULlcrial isotropy blfurcallon
and absence of rcsiduill stresses (LBA unulysis).

A load at \\ihich
33.6.2 critical bucklln~ slress
a new fonn '::~:;~~
slope of the 14
The nominal membrane stress associated with the erilical buckling resistance. which is followed be
librium path may in'
modal fonn (hg. 2.:

Scope. COIII'I.!flliOlU·, dejilliliolls, ImilS, symbols and sign com>ellfiollS
--------------~-- plastic r eferen ce r('Slstance

leriallaw Shell geometry TIle plastic limit load, detenninL-d assuming the idcalisL-d conditions or small displacements. rigid-
apphcable perfect plastic material behaviour. perfect gL-ometry. perfect load Ilpplication, perfect support and material
isotropy (modclled usi ng MNA annlysis).
~ perfcct

pcrrL'Ct 3.3,6.4 characteristic buckling resistance

perfect The Jo.'Id associated with buckling in the presence of inelastic matcrial behaviour. changes of
" geometry due to loads. the gL'Ometrieal nnd structural imperfections thai ;are inevitable in practical
4linear pcrf«1 construction, and follower load eITeclS.
-linear pi.'ffL'Ct characteristic buckling st ress
The nominal mcmbr.:ane stress associated with the characteristic buckling resistance.
-linear Imperfect design buckling r('5lstance

Thc design value of the buckling load. oblllincd by dividing the charncteristic buckling resistance by
the partial factor for resistance. dcsign buckling slrt.'Ss

19. This conlli,!,!!> primarily of
y ;also be required to achie ... c 11le nominal membrane stress asM>Ciuled with the design buckling resistance. kcy \'alue of till' siren

The value of stress in a non·unifonn stress field that is u!>Cd to characterise the strcss mab"l1itudcs in
ith the boundary conditions. a buckling limit stllte assessment.
nure. pn.·Mre~ing. settlement.
etV.een an mtemal stre,';!. state fabrication tolerance (IUa lily class

TIIC catcgory of fabricntion tolerance requirements thllt is assumed in design. see Chapler 6.

3.4 Additional definitions needed in (hese Recommendations

3.4.1 Budding hcha\ iour and phenomena

;lcalised condition~ of clastic
eet support. matenal isotropy bifurcalion load

A load at which the static equilibrium defonnation mode of the structure abruptly begins to take on
:1new form superimpost.-d on the previous dcfonllation mode. This usually leads to a change in the
slope of the lo.'Id-displacement relationship, The dcfommlioll modc of the primnry equilibrium path
iSllmcc. which is followed before the bifurcation point may continue to be fo llowed. or thc secondary L'qui-
librium path may inslcud be fo llowt.-d. involving the development of displacements in a diITercnt
modal foml (Fig. 2.2). Following bifurcation. the stntcturc mny support cither incrensing or de-
creasing loads whcn it follows thc MXondnry pmh (Fig. 2.3). For a fuller description. sec &.'Clion
2.2. snllp-Ihrough or Ilmilioad

A load at \\, hieh the changing geometry of the structure causes u condition in which incrementnl
addItional dlsplacerncnts occur in the current mode of defom'l3lion \\ ithoul nny chnnge in the value
oflhe appli,..d load. TIt is corre!tponds to zero tangent stiffness in that mode relati\'e 10 the applied
load. The structure rcaCM'S 3 ma;timum lo..1d-carrying condition and smaller loads are carried at
incT'Cnl>ing displncemcnts (Figs 2. 1 and 2.4). For a fuller description. see Section 2.2.
3.4.2 Material eonstituthe modebi
(I) Forth\! s)mmctl) in compression and tension 10\\ illS are

It is commonly assUlrn..'<I that. for metals. the yield stress in uniaxial tension is L"qual to the yield (1 )
stress III uniaxial compression. nnd that plastic strnimng occur.; WLlh no ,olume change.
304.2.2 \'on ~lIses criterion or plasticily
Under Slates of biaxial or triaxial stresses. most Tlletals yicld under conditions that nrc similar.
These yield conditions may be represented by scveral different enterin. but the most widely ac· (J) PresSUfC!>:
ccpted as aecurntc is the "on Mises cnterion. This is the ooly criterion used in EN 191)3·1-6 and 1'. normal to
throughout these recommendatIOns. p.
I" ideal elastlc-phutic
(4) Linc forces:
This tcnn is used to indicate Ihat the stress-strain behaviour of the m:ucrinl in unIaxial tension may p. lood
be represented by an clastic part that has constant modulus E (with Pois!>On's ratio v) and a plastic P, load
1', lood per
part at constant SlrCSS);_ It commonly assumes symmetry in compression and tension (sec
TIte nutteriallaw is esscntially a two-parJ.mcter model.
(5) Membrane
n, idrlll clastic - linur hardening n,
n .•
This tenn is ust."<i to indicate that the stress-strain bcha, iour of the material in unt:n:ial tension may
be rcprcsenlL"tl by:m clu!otic pan that has constant modulus E (\\ith Poisson's ratio v) up to a yield (6)
stl'C!o!>);~ aftcr which it has a plastic part Ihat has a constant strain-hardcning modulus E,. It com· m,
monly assumes symmetry in compression and tension (see Thc matcrial law hns II bilinear m,
fonn with a threc·parumeter model. m.B
3.5 Preferred unil s q,.

(7) Strc<i~:
(1) SI Units should be used inllccordancc wi th ISO lOOO. U,
(2) For s tatic ealcululions. one of the follo\\ ing altcnlati\ic sets of consistent unit!. are recom-
mended to be UJ>(.."<i: u'"
r. r,lf

ScOjX'. COIu'('lItiOllt. tk:fillitiOiIS. IIl1its. symbols Cllld .figll NJIIH:llfilJ/U

a fuller ~nption, !.CC Section

• dimension and thickness m mm
- unit .....eight kN 'm1 N mm'
- forces and loads kN N
• line fum'S and line load~ kN In Nmm
- pn.'Ssurcs and area distnbuted uettOflS kl'u MP,
- unit mass tonne/m' k&lmml
condition in 'Which mcrcrncntlll J
.... ithout any chungc In the value
- acceleration
- membrane stress rcsuhunts
.hat mode relati\c to the upphed - bending stress rcsultunl" kNmlm Nmm/null
,,1<1 smaller loads arc curried al - stresses and elastic modu li kllu Ml'u ( ~ N/m1l1l )
, sec Section 2.2.
3.6 Symbols from EN 1993-1-6 Section 1.4

(I) For the purposes of E 1993-1-6. in addition to the symbols defined in EN 1993-1 - 1. the fol-
lowing arc used.

ial tcnSKm is equal to the yield (2) Coordinate system (sec Fig. 3. 1):
no \olume change. r radial coordinalc. nonnalto the axis of fe' olution:
" meridional coordinate:
= axial coordinale;
o cireumferential coordinate;
; meridional slope: angle bet.... cen axis of fe\olution and nonnal to the meridian of the iohcll.
Icr conditions that arc similar.
itcria. but the most widely ac- (3) Prl.~un:li ;
:non used In EN 1993-1-6 and
p. nonnal to the shcll:
p. meridional surface loading pamllel to the shell;
1)11 circumferential surfuce loading JXtrtlllel to the shell.

(4) Li ne forces:
lalerial in uniaxiultension mlly load I>cr unit circumference nunmtlto the ~ hcll;
Poi~son' s mtlO v) and II plastic load per unit cireumference ac ting in the meridicnul direc tion:
s:;ion and tenston (sec 3.4.2. 1). load per unit circumfercnce IIcling circumfercntially on the shell.

(5) Membrane Siress resultants:

n, meridional Tllembrnne stn:ss resultant:
n/l circumferential membrane stress resultant:
n,/I membrane shear stress rcsullant.
ten.1I 10 uniax.ialtension may
:toisson's ratio v) up 10 a yield (6) Bending stress resultants:
iUrlcning modulus £ •. It com. mA meridional bending moment per unit width;
rhe matcrialla\\ has a bilinear mil circumferential bending moment per unit width:
111 ,/1 twisting shear tnOllll"1lI per unit width:
q... transverse shear forte associated with meridional bending;
qllo transverse shear force associated with circumferential bending.

(7) Stresses:
u. meridional stress:
If con~i!otenl units nrc recorn- Uti circumferential stress;
u,. von Miscs L"quivalent SlrcloS (can also take negative values during cyclic loading):
T. r~o in-plane shear stress;
Blldding olS/eei Shells - i::llrolH!tm Desig" R('Commclldd/iolls

( 10)
r, .. , ra, meridional, dreumfercnlilll trnns\ crsc ... hcar stresses ussociu{(,:d with bending. ,
(8) Displnccmcnls: U,
/I mcridionnl displacement:
" cireumferellIial displacement: u. initial
U, initial
w displllccmeni non nul to the shell surfllcc:
p~ mcridional rOllllion (sec 5.2.2 o f EN 1993-1-6).
(II ) I'ropertlcs
(9) Shcll dimcnsions:
I. Younl!;'s
d inlenllli diametcr of shcll:
r~ Ion \ii'>C,
L tOlnllength ofthc shell :
I length of shell segment:
r. yield
gauge length for mellsurement o fimpcrfcctions:
gauge Icngth for measurement of impcrfl'Clions in circumferell liul direction: (12) Pllrameters III '
gauge length for measuremcnt of imperfections ucrms welds: C coefficient
D 1 i
limil(..-<I length of shell for buckling strength assessment:
radills of the middlc surface. nonnalto the axis of rc"olution: /..u
thickness ofshell wull: F Rd
p apex half :lIlglc o f cone,

Circumfcrcnl ial o v

\5(Non11Ui ~w /;'RpI
Meridional x II
RJ dc,ign
I Directions I Coordinatcs IDisplaccments I R,
z N.... critical
The follo\\ ing Note
udoptl'fl in thc
p. follo\\ ;n;:~;'.~~:~::~

Tmnsvcrsc shear
Surface press ures IMembrane SII"Cs,osl strcsscs,_ - , k cllhbralion
Figurt' 3.1 : Symbols in shells ofrelolution
NO".:: In EN 1993-\ -6. tensile stresSCJ.llre treated as positi ve e\elywherc, cxccpt in Chaptcr 8 of p
that sllIndnrd which is concerned with shell buckling. \\ here compressive membrane stresses are r
trealL-<I as p<».itivc . Thc direction of positive mcmbmJle shear strl"!>!>CS has .. Iso tx:en fC\CI"S(..-<I rela- I
th e 10 the publishl..'<i EN 1993- 1-6 (2007).


SeO/H..'. cflIfW'l/IiolfS. defi1litio1ls. IlIfltS, symbol.. and .\';8" ('OI/I'('I/I;01lS

lied "ilh bending. (10) Tolerances (see K.4 of EN 1993-1-6):

/! ccccntricity between the middle surfaces of joined plates;
U~ accidental eccentricity tolerance parameter;
U. out-of-roundncss tolerance paramctcr:
U~ initial dimplc imperfcction nmpliwde pnrurneler for numerical calculations:
Uo initial dimple lolcrunce pnrurneter:
&11'0 tolcrance nonnalto the shell surfnce.

(II) Properties of materhlls:

£ Young's modulus ofelasticily:
f"'l von Mises equivalent strength:
r; yield strength:
f,. ultimate strength:
\' Poisson's ratio,
rcntial directIon;
(12) Parameters in strength assessment:
s: C coefficient in buckling strength assessment:
D cumulative damagc in fllligue assessment:
f' grncml;=1 ,,';0",
n: Fr.J action sct on a convlete structure corresponding to a design situation (design values);
FRJ calculated values of the action set at the maximum n:sistance condition of the structure
(dt.''Si£,1I values):
FRJ calculated values of the action sct at the maximum resistance condition of the structure
v (ehamcteristie values):
calculated values of the IIction set III thc clastic critical buckling condition of the structure:
FRpI calcullltt..d values of the action set ntthe plnstic referencc condition ofthc structure;
R calculated resistance (used with subscripts tu idcntify thc basis)
u RrJ design resistance. defincd ll.'\ thc mtio (F p.~ I F, d):
Displaccmcnts I Rk characteristic resistance, defined liS the mtio (F It~ I FI;d):
Rpi plastic reference resistance (defined liS II load fllelOr on tksignloads using MNA analysis):
Rc. critical buckling resistnnce (defined !IS a load factor on design loads using LOA analysis);
The following Note in EN 1993-1-6 (2007) indicates the reasoning behind the a"kward not!llion
adopted in the published version of the EN. The symbols used throughout these R ccomT1lendation~
follow instead the notntiOIl -widely used ill the e'(pcrt field of shell strtlcturc design",
NOTE: For consistency of symbols throughout thc EN 1993 the symbol for the reference resistance
mtio r.. is used instead of the symbol Rltl. Ilowc\er, in order 10 a\oid misunderstanding, it needs to
be noted here that thc symbol Hltl is widely ust.-d in the expert field of shell S!rtlcturc design.
rrnns\crsc shear
stresses k calibration factor for nonlinear analyses:
k pammeter in internction cxpressions for buckling undcr multiplc stress components:
number of cycles of loading:
"a clastic imperfcction reduction factor in buckling strength assessment:
)'\\ hen:, eKcept in Chupter 8 of p plastic range factor in buckling interaction:
lressi\'e membrane stn..'SM:S are partial factor:
.cs has also becn re\ erK-d rela- d range of parameter whcn alternuting or cyclic uetions are in\ olvcd:
plllStic strain:
interaction CKPOI1(,.'Ot for buckling:
rela ti vc slenderness of shcll :
Am· overnll relu ti ve sl(.'Odemcl>S for the complete shell (multiplc segmcnts):

Bm:kling (lISleel SI1f!11J - £UroJX,(III Design R('(:mm"e"dOl;ous

squash limit rell1ti,c slcndenu:l>s (vul ue of A. abo"e which resistance reductions duc to
instability or change of geomctry occur): 4
pla..<"ic limit relath c slenderness (yuluc of ). below which plu:.ticity alTects the sUlbility);
TIle notation 1 is used in the published vcrsion of EN 1993-1-6 (2007), bccuusc the charnClcr A. Principal ••• ho'''l
had previously been used in EN 1993-1- 1 to define a rntio related to strnin lit yield, The distinction
between A. lind 1 seems unnecessnrily complicUled II:. nOllllion for the slendcnlCSS of a shell, M> 1 4.1 General
is here replaced by A throughout these Recommendations.

(J) rel:ltivc length (Xtnllncter for shell : Th\..-..c R~~"n~:~n;~;j

i» pro\ ilk'\!,
:t buckling resi:.t:mcc reduction fuctor for clastic-plustic clTects in buckling strength dcslgn \!lluc:.of
assessment: com,hllun.. arc 'oCt
:t", owrall buckling resistuncc n..duetion f.1Clor for I.:omplctc shell. arc ...:t nut In Secil

( 13) Subscripts:
E \·aluc of stress or displncemelll (arising from design actions): ~.2 Rule~ of
P actions: for anul)
AI material :
R resistance: (I) The ~hdl
cr critical buckling \ulue: Illiddle ~urr.lcc.
d design vuluc:
illt intcrnal: (2) "!he rod,.,0'
k charnClcristic vuluc: thc nominal radlu»
m lLt nmximum value: .. hould be n'I,'c~I,-d.1
mill minimum value: K of l.:.N
nom nominlll vuluc: ( 'hapten. N and Q of
pi plastic:
/I ultim.1te: Ol An n..'>Cmbly
J' yield. hi: .. ubl.!i\ilkd into
,I" unle the b..u..~
(14) Funher symbols ure defined where they first occur. Illent aT\' chosen In
3.7 Sign conventions manlll.'r.

(4) A oo:;e nns

nlC sign conventions used throughout these RL'Commcndations (consistcnt with EN 1993- 1-6) arc
port fOl\:c int{llhe
as follow5:
fflll1l th~ .. hell LI
The direction outward from the axis of the shell is positive.
!tmll ..tate LSJ.
Outward displacemenls are positive.
Compressive stresses arc positive,
(~) h:centricitLe..
Shear stI'CSSCS are positive as shown in Fig. 3.1.
..urface .. hould bc
Both external pressures and intcnllli pressures arc lrCatcd as positive whC1'C thcy occur.
If they induce I

NOTE : In EN 1993- 1-6. ten:.ile stresses arc trcatc...d as positi\e everywhere. except in Chapter 8 on
shell buckling.
1Il~ an c'

(tl) \t Juncllom
,hell -.cgmcnh

Mockllil1K of Ille sllt'll

h resistance reductions duc 10

4 Modelling of the shell
lSlicily uffccis thc stabIlity);
2007). ba,llUSC the ehamclcr i Principal authors: J.M. RoUer and J I. Schmidt
slrnm al yield. Thc distinction
he slendcrness of a "hcll. so I 4.1 General

These Recommcndations Ul>C the MIme nllcs as EN 1993- 1-6 for severnl purposes and a commentary
is prodded. For modelling thc shell gcometry for analysis. the nIles are SCt OUi in Section 4.2. The
CffL'(;L" in buckling MtCngth
dcsign values of g(.'OmctricIlJ dat3 lire sct out III &-ction 4 .3. The general rules concerning bound:try
conditions arc M:t out in SL'Ction 4.4. 11IC spcciul ntk... on bud, ling-relevant bound;try condition"
arc sct out in Section 4.5.

4.2 Rules of EN 1993-1-6, Section 5.2.1, on modelling of the shell geometry

for analysis

(I) The shell should be repl'CM:nted by iL<; This O.'i.flllI/plio" is IISed throllglwllt all tilm .'fhell
middle surface. a//{//t'Se.~_

(2) The rndiu') of eunBturc should be takcn as

the nominal rndius of eun.ture. Imperfcctions
should be neglected. e~ccpt as sct out III Section
8 of EN 1993-1-6 (LS3 buckling limit state). or
Chapters 8 and 9 oflhcse Recommendations.

(3) An assembly of shell segments l>hould not Whe" a IXIrl of a .,·hell .HntClllre i.\ eXll'tJc:ted
be subdh'ided into scp:.lmte scgtnetns for annly- frolll the II'IIOII! for design pllrposes. care IIIl1sl
J;is unkss the bounffiuy conditions for each seg- he 'akell Ihal the adjlcellf .{('gmellts IIdlher (IP-
Illent are chosen in lIuch a way as to rcpl"CllCTlt P~I' tllle.\1x'CIC'tJ loall... 110/, prol'ide /I/I(·x/X.'cted
intemctiOlls betwccn thcm in a COllllcn'uti, c re.\·lromt.l' 011 thf! wUllysed segment,

'stcm with EN 1993- 1·6) arc (4) A base ring intended to tmnl>fer locall>up- A INlse rillg is pcl,·ticlllor~l" impol'tOIlf ill keeping
pon forces inlO the ~hell ~hould nOI be sepurutL'd (I .dICJI bO//lJdw)' circillar, ali(I OIlt-af-roIiIltJ dl't-
from the shell It suppons III an a!>scsslllent of pllK.'CIIIl:ms al a bolllulan' N!JlIte\lrfmg~lt to It\'-
limit 1I1ale LS3. illl IIlf!mbmm' slresses in lite shell.

(5) Eccentricities and steps in the ~hell middle The dt:"imioll of 0 /ille of 1111'1151 III tllf! ..hell
here they occur. surfacc should be included m the analysis model CWI.H.',J bl' a'ftep in the mielelle .'fllr/{U:t> mdlICI'S
if thcy mduce significant bending cffects as a Jignijical1f local bending. III relation 10 the e/fect
vhere. except in Ch:lptcr tI on rc~ult of the mcmbr.tnc !>Ire!>!> l'Cl>ultnnl!> folio\\'- of 'Well ~lIfriciti(!S on hllckling. rl.'glllllliolis
ing an eccentric p:.lth. mat· he f(Jlllld ill SecliOIlS 6.3.3 and 11 .3 of IIu·sI'

(6) At juoctions bcl\\ccn ~hcll !>cgmenL<;. any Af(lhol'f!.

eccentricity betwccn thc middle lo urfacl,.'S of the
shell segments should be considered in the mod-

Buckling o/Steel Shell.v · Ellropmll Desigll Recommemlllt;lJflS

(5) The buckling

(7) A ring stiffener should be treated as a Where ring.\· tll'e IOCllled clos('r 111(111 1.5 ..r;:;, 6 lIhould nOI be
separate structural componcnt of the shell, ex· the shell alld rillgs tlCt integro/~I' alld may be
cept where thc sp.1cing of thc rings is eloser than Ireatetl us;lIg a smellrctl rillg model ralher II/(II/
1.5 Jrl. liS discrelr l·t;fJimer.~.
(8) A shell that "as discrete stringer stiffcncrs "'''ere ri/Igl' fire foc(/l(!(1 closer Ih(1II 5 Jrl.
attachcd to it may be treated as an orthotropic shell tllltl slijJellt'rs lJ(.·1 illtegrolly alld mar he
unifonn shell. provided that the stringer stiffen· lrealed usillg a sml!(IIwl sfijJeller model mther 4.4
ers arc no further apan than 5 In . 111fI1I a dist'rcfe .\·fijJellers.
(I) The
(9) A shell that comtgated (vertically or
The dime"siull 0.5..r;:; is" .\'mall INIrI 0/ the should be
hori.lOntally) may be trented as an onholropic be"tlillg IKIJf 1\'(II"elellglh (if lite sllell so IMOI
unifonn shell pro\'ided that the comtgation belldillg of lite coml~aliofls does 1101 influellce
wavelength is less Ihan 0.5 Jrl. Ihe l'/I't!SS /x lltel'll sigllificllflliy. buckling ,"1,"I"i'm~
to 4.5.
( 10) A hole in the shell may be neglccted in the A hole smalll!r Iltall lhi.f limit mlly be regllrtled
modelling provided its largest dimension is (U' all imperjeclioll II'hil:h is COl't!lT!tI by tltl! im-
smaller than 0.5..r;:; . /X'rfi-clioll retlllClion concepf lor h"cklillg Ctl/CU-
( II ) The ovcmll stability of the complete wuc·
IU~ should be verified as detailed in EN 1993
Pltns 3.1, or 4.3 as approprilllC.

4.3 Rules or EN 1993-1-6, Section 3.2, on design values or geometrical datil

( I) The thickness t of the shell should be III general. the lIomillallhicklless oJtlte plllle is
lukcn as defined in the relevant application St:III· IIsed ill mlcklillg clilclIllIliollS. IIOIl'l.'\·cr. ;1
dard. If no application standard is relevant. the .fltoufd be nOletl thaI local thicklle.u I'OrimiOIlS
nominal thickness of the wall, n.."<luced by the (e.g. ctllised by 1I /NlrticlIl"r jilbrictltioll prace.u
prescribed value of the corrosion loss. should be or by "brasiOIl or/rom selecliw! corrosion) may
'sed. play il significant rofe as all imperfi'ctioll/orm
Jor soml! s/lell bllckUng cascs (,vee 6.1. I).

(2) The thickness mnges within which the For ,fhell bllckling, a limilation a/ll relllli"1!
rules of EN 1993-1-6 may be applied are dcfined thickness IXI/·tIllIC/er, s lich 0 .\' ";t. Is I1l11i:" more
in the reJevam EN 1993 application parts. rcle\'tllll thun a limillllion 0/ oh.vol,,'e Ihicklless

(3) The middlc surface of the she ll should be This is a basic assllmlJlion 1I.~ed in ,,1/ Ihi" .~heJJ
taken as the ~fercnee surface for loads. tll{'orie.\'.

(4) The radius r of the shell should be taken TilL, i.' a basic assumption lISt'll in (II/ Ihill .~ltell
ns thc nominal radius of the middle surfllce of IIll.'ories.
the shell. measun..-d nonnalto the axis ofrevolu-

Modelling oflhe shell

locO/ed closer Ihan 1,5 .;;:;, (5) The buckling design rulL'S of E 1993·1· In (l(ldition to lite I'el')' ge"eral limits
~s acl ilflegralll' alit} mLn' be 6 should not be applied outside the ranges of the 10 s: rlt s: 500(} W!I 0111 in 1,3.3, mort! slringe"l
'/{!ored ring model rtllher 'II/tlll rli ra tio sct out in Section 8 or Annex D of EN opplicatioll limit_~ are reqllired for ct'rtaill hllck·
.". 1993·1 .(; or in the relevant EN 1993 application
/illg design niles, These limits lIri,w~ from the
limi"'tiOll5 of Ihe al'(li/able re:.'eart:h el'idellce
for 1"D.~e conditiOll,f,
'omler.! closer 1110" J,f;i , Ihe
"S ad imc>gm/(I' (lnd mil)' Ix'
nt'UrI!d slijJelfer 11ftx.ld ralher 4.4 General rules of EN 1993-1-6, Seelion 5.2.2, on boundary conditions
(I) The appropriate boundary conditions Thoorelically, for a shell th,,' h"s bolillChll')'
s Jrl is a small parI of Ihe should be used in analyses for the nsscs.sment of co"ditiOlJS III its /n'0 end, 12 differt'''' bOlll/dlll')'
t!lellgtlt of '''e~''ell so /oml limit slates accordi ng to the condi tions shown in cOllditioll combillaliolls ure possible, /11 Ihe reo
o-rugalilms dot's nol mfllle"Cf! Table 4,1, For the special conditions nceded for s('(lreh lileraillre, Iltese (Ire IISll0l/y ahhrel'ialed
iglli/iccml/I'_ buckling calculations, reference should be madc 10 the tenllil/%gy dl.'1'isl.'{1 by Sillger: CI C4
to 4,5, (damped), SI-S4 (simply supported) Will FI
IIIIhis limit mm' he rc>garded F4 (fn-e). HOlI'ever, IIOt all of Ihese combilla·
, which is co\·er"d br the im. tiolJS 1101'(' ('qllol sigllijicallCl! for practical sltell
'n concepl Jar buddillK c{licli' stn/CII/res, The N!ilSOIl is that lilt! load corryillg
belta\'iollr of a shell (Irises from 0 mi..'cilire of
membralle alld belldillg aclions: oftell aile of
these tll'O domi/lates, bllt somelimes 11t(')' illfer·
oct ,ftrollS/),' III particlIl"r, litis jll/('rtrclioll
",elms IJWIIIO( (III pllr/S oflhe .,hell ilia)' he si8·
lIificwlt/y affected hy some felli/Ire, of lite
:!l of geometrical dala bomu/al')l cOlldiliom,

,il/al thick"es.l of lite plllte is The ideas bellilld Ille ,<;electiOlf of specified
mlclliatiolls, Ilol\'e\'('r, il bolllldary cOllditi()/L~ ,~hOlI'll ill Ttlhle 4, I ort' (tf
at I(X'"I lhicklless I'CIri(Jlioll,~ follows:
articlI/ar fabrlcatioll pr()(:e,fs 0) Tile IIIlli" ca~e,f BCI, BCl mul BC3 r.!e-
rom se/ecliI'e corro,fioll) ma)' ,f(~rJbe Ille three COIIIIIIOII pracliclIlly relemllf
'Ole as all impeifc.'Ctioll form combillatio/ls, These illl'O/I'e Ihe Ihrt'e col/lii·
ring cases (fee 6,3, I), liol/s for the axial displacemellf II alld lIormal
displacemelll W {II (I cylillder or coile edge: ei·
a lim;le/tiol' of (I rt'llIlil'e Iher hoth displacelllems are reslraillt!d or ollly
1",SlIch us rll, is milch mort' Ihe Iwrmtll displacemel1l I\' ;s reslmilled, or
italion of aruoillte Iltidme,u else lleill,er ofthem is reslroined,
b) Tlte re.ftrailll of lite third displacemf!1II I'
(If (I cylillder or coile edge is \'t'I')' closely reo

mpliOIl IIsed ill all Ihi" .fhe/l 10100 10 lhe re.flrai,,1 of I\' becOIlSI.' praclical
COIISIn/Clioll details lead 10 litis cOllplillg, .fO il
is Ilml('CI!,uory for proctical desigll pllrposes to
PIPlioll IISL'll ill "lItlti" shell idemify its comliliOIl separalelyfrom Ihal of w,
c) rhe meridiOl101 rolatioll P# (II a cylillder
edge ltD.f oilly a millor illflllellce all Ille ,f/wl!
:.'wbiliIY. excepl ill l'el')l short shells, "is there·
fore illellided only as a delail by lise of lite
ack/ed charoc'ler , for "restmilwd~ alld f for
"free" IIsed lI'ith I"e classificatiolu' BCI (//ul

B"dding ~(Slt!eJ Shells - Ellropctln Cksigll Rerommendt~"~":'":':..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(3) Suppon
For 011 11m!" of IIIC.51.' d('(ormmiom; /I, It· {lful p., chl."(ked to CJ'I!>urc
if .~/,m/ld be 'lOti"I IlwI if il i-; lIssun,,?d ill t/('.\igll
th'" liI(') Orl! restroilll.'cI, the ctmSlntctioll de/tlil-
jllg IIIlIsl "'lSlIrI! tllat thi.-; rewroim i.~ reliah~\' middlc surfacc.
(I('lIi("I'('(/. Por schelllmic t'Xtllnl)le.~ of hmmdary' rclc\ nnt EN 199]
('(Jlldilioll.' , ,\·ee '·'ig. 41 in Seelioll 4.4. Where tnilcd ,p"h,,,,;o. or ,h!
tIIl.I' dOl/bl exi!;/\ cYlllce/'llillg Ihe r"strailll of II
()I' p., t-ach sho/lld be (ls.mllled 10 he frt't!. (4) When a global
Where there if douht c·nncemill8 IY'.~/roi", of the boundary
,,,,, IlOr"",1 displacement w. (I check .fOOllld IN! ment ". should abo
petforml'd to ('wllml/f.' the raJial sliJlhe.u of the tml disploccmcnt 1".
rt!Mrlllllillg collstructioll eil:mt'III (e.g. till elld "tanel.."S make this I
rillg). The m;II;IIIIIIII .I!{fJII"S,-; rt'qllirl!d /()
(lchicl"I! tffcclil'l! rl!.\lroilll d(!pell(l~ fm Ihe Inm!
c(lse; forllllllllS for thew! .~/iffm!ues (If'(! Illere- 4.5 Special
(ore gi\'rn ill Ille reil!l'lllli C"lWPI(!rs or !!('f.'lIml.~ cunditiuns
q/lhese R«ommeIKhlfiolls.

Table".I'. Boundary condlllOllS for shells

(1) For the b",',"'.
lion should be pmd
Boundary Simple l:>a.criplion Nonna! diS- Merldlonnl Meridional which arc rclc\ unt
condition '''m placements dlsplncements mtlltion Tllents of bu,kl;' g
""'0 mdllllly rcstmmed
d isplacements).
condllions arc
.. • , •
Bel, Clamped Illcndlonally mtrnilk.'1l
roIallon mtmmcd
P. • codes ofTablc 4.1

rudillily reiolrumcd
BClf mendionally mtnuncd .. • " • p. ••
rotallon free
mdially n~tminl..-u
1)(,2r meridiunally fn.-c
\"'OIallon rc:.tnunOO
. • I/ltO P• •
radially rotmmcd
I'mned mcridiooaUy free
mlallon free
.• " ,,0 {J~., 0

nKlilllly free
I ree edge
Bel mcndlonally free I\' "to 0 lilt 0 {J,lt 0
mtatlon free
r-oOl E: l'he Cllcwnfcrenhal dlsptaccnll:tll , is \CT)' c~ly Imled 10 lhe dl.splact'ltllml ..
IIOI'IT1at to til.:
surface !iO '<f'3n1I"o: = r y rondlUOOli arc 1101 IdcnllfK.'d for lhot 1"0 p;lr.unc\l.-nI (!ICe ("n. bul !he \all.lC!l m
oolunm" ~Id be 00 for dl~L,ccnICl11 I

(2) Rotational restraints III ~hell boundarics 11I~"ellf Illal ore l'ery ' .\II0rl. Ille Iwo h()Jllldllry
lIlay be neglectcd in modelling for plaMie limit rollliition.~ c(lci, ex(,rt (III efJet.·1 IIwl l'lItillrC'.\'
state, but ~hould be included in modelli ng for III/'flllgllfllli the lellglh of IIIl' !;/wll. UI/tler tllc.\e
cyclic plllstieilY and fatigue limit ..tates. For shon comliliun.\. Ille rolllt;rlllal re.vlroilll 1II Ihe ('IId
shclls (see anne" 0 of EN 1993-1-6). the rota- IIfI.f (I .~igllificalll cffi·(·t uti IIII! memhr(llle .w 'cu
tional restraint should be included for the buck- field withi" tire .~"ell. 110\\"('I'('r, thi!!' tloe.~ tlOI
ling limit MatC. tll)l'l)' to Iht! primary.' .t lreu field (lssocill/£'" Ililll
111(' plastic Iimit~llIte. WI the<;e rolllliOlWI re-
.~/rt1illl!! //Illy be iglloredfor liIi.~ em/llmit",.

Modellillg oflhe .dudl

(3) Support boundary conditions should be St.'('U/IM! the .\hell is lhill, il is slIsceptible 10 w-' dt'furnwllmu II, II" wId PI-
crn.-cked to ensure that they do not cause exces- I'CI'C local belldillg if the membrane fort'e}j' ill il
L'J 111m if it U tl.ullmed ill lh'l'igll
sive non-unifonnity of trunsmiued fon."'CS or in- arc 1/01 cO//Cel1lricaf(I' slIpportt'd by Ihl.' hollnd-
.truinL'fi, III" C'OII.iIn/C'lillll dell/il·
troduced forces that are ecccntric to the shell l try. Where Ihc bollndOl)" £."Olldilioll may pm-
t' Ihul IIII:~ rl!f(mi", i.1 rdilll/h'
middle surface. Reference shou ld be made to the ddc tI ,fli~""y ('(.'celllric SIIPIH)rt 10,. rhe mem-
" h<'lIIalic e:m"'I"I'.1 of holll/(/m;'
relevant ..::N 1993 application parts for the de· hnl//(' lo,.ce ill the sltell, care sholiid be flIkelllO
Fig. 4, I ill Set'lioll 4.4 W"e/~
luilt:d applicution of this nile 10 !oilmi and tunks. l'l'lIltlllte rht, l"OIISl'qlll'IICes Olll,l' re,mltillg local
~ wI/,'emillJ: lilt' re.I/I''CIilll oj II
.\"'ell belldil1g.
limld he> //S!jl/I//('t/ II) he> Irl..'e.
(4) When a global numerical analysis is used. This sftlletlt('111 is dis('u,uL'(1 iI/ Ihe Cl)lI/lIfclIl
dollhl cone-"nlinx rl!l/milll of
the boundary condition for the nonnal displace- ahOl'eoll(I).
IUt,t'lII/:m 11', a che("k .rhould he>
ment 11' should also be uSl:d for the circumfercn-
all/dil' Ihl! rudial flijJlIl',fS of Ihe
tial displacement v. except where special cireum·
11n«:lil)lI clt'II/('/11 (I'.g. UII elld
stances make this inappropriate.
"ill/um slilrnt'll rt'ljllir('d tu
• "".\lr"illl tit'pelliis UII 'he load
(or Ihel" ,\Iiqm.'ut',~ IllY! Ihat'. 4.5 Spt.'Chd rules or EN 1993-1-6, Seclion 8.3, on buckling-relevanl boundary
, rt'1t!WIfII cllUfJll''''' or SL't'liUIIS condi1ions
(I) For the buckling limit state, specinl nllen- II is I/(llIlrllllltlll tlte bolilldar), colldiliom for It
lion should be paid to the boundary conditions sllell .,hollid be thollsltl of as IlIIcitollgellble Ix..
McndlOllal Mcrnhonal \\hich are relcvanl to the incfement:ll displace- IlI'('f!II differl'III fK'rt.i of the sll"IIclIlral r(-'spolls(-',
JI"J'II~b fOIallOll 1I",-"lIb of bU1;kling (as op(JOSl.'tI 10 pn.:-oo1;kling 1/0II"el't.'r, bet.·mue Ihe b/lckll/lg .wrc/lglh If
displacements). Examples of relevant boundary .wm/l'timc..f INlrliclllarly sl'tlSitiw: to 'he fIXifl' tlf
, 0 /1. 0
conditions are shown in Fig. 4.1, in which the
COOl'S of Table 4.1 are used.
,Ill! hollllt/llries. if is particlliarly importttlll Ilwl
the.(e condWolIS .iltould be asseS.fed ill a COli·
0 PI~
" 0 Comml'llts all tilt' "C()(/ijit'(/'" bolll/dllr)' cO/u/i-
lioll ("(IlIIbiIlOtioll.f lI.fed i ll Fig. 4. 1 olld (/(1;11(.'-(1
.. 0 in Toh/e 4.1 aN! gil'ClI ill 4.3 (I) .
P. 0
/;"lIrlher disClIssioll of Ihe boundary c."(Il1diliulls
11"'0 PI'" 0 ;s gil't.'l1 ill Seclion 4.6.

"",0 /'_",0

" nunnal 10
bullhe 1.1Ul., In

l"t'rl' shorl, lit" 111'0 boll/It/un.
ncrt (III cqa'i thai ('IIl/lIr~.~
~/h of ,Ite shclI, tllder IIt('l'e
nuliollal re.flrui"t UI thc elld
r/ft'd Oil the mcmbrw/{' ,\II'cH
/wll. 1I001'(!1't'r, Iltlf does III}/
fry' ,ftre.ujidd a.I.W)('i(lf('d lI"illl
~fflll',m Ihl'.I(' rotlliioll(li rt'-
Ion·Jforlhir ""·(",Il/Iim/.
BIIt.'klilfg u/Slf!el She/!!,' - Elllvpemf Design Recomllft!lfdflllmfS

Although the aboH~

OO f
Ben Bor

BC lr
clastic cnilclil \tre~\
i~ truc for bolh I
siclll formulas lor I
tlmt arc obtained
a) tank withoutllochors b) silo withoutaochOOi c) tank with anchors

___ .L... __ lu\,

___ -1. __
I Bel KOf 4.6.3 The eITects

Fixity genemlly
nClr Bcn
_ _ _ J.. _ _ _
l>tresscs may be

..nIN fiwn buill ....

---+--- culculation. Thu~ it
buckling and b",'kh~
d) open tank .... Ith anc hors c) iabonuory experiment I) section ofiotlg ring.
stiffened cylinder Many commcrcial
"'I~ure 4. 1: Schematic c:'(ampics of boundary conditlon.~ fOl'" the huck ling limll ~In l c
of .~':~:':,.::~,::~!'~
~ign>tance is
4.6 EXlcnded commentary on boundary conditions
sumed boundar)'
ling anal)':o.C\ arc
4.6. 1 Ge neral nllal)'),e~. it ~hould
the hund "'~"'.,,,ooj
Shell struCIUrI.'S prescnt a particular challcnge in the identification of conscrvative boundary condi· calculation. This
tions. Real boundary conditions on 1111 structures are never ei ther ideally free nor ideally fixed. so muhts to eslabli.,h Ihl
these 1\\0 simplifications are nlways intended to be chosen in a manner that is eithcr conservative or
unimportant to thc design. Finally. il should be:
conditions for bolh a
4.6.2 Historical background
A more dcnulllding
in Section 4.7. SuitD
In the carly dc\'clopmcnt of thc analysis of the buckling of shells. it was difficult 10 produce IIlge-
brait buckling solutions for conditions in which the prebuckling stress slate was anything othcr than
a unifonn mcmbranc stress stale (sec, for c:'(amplc Tirnoshenko and Gcre. 1961; FIOgge, 1973). 4.6.4 Bounda'1 l
The boundary conditions required to achieve purely membrane pre-buckling stress stale nre ralher
special. and these usually involve no restrninl at thc boundlry against displacements nomlal to the As notcd the COlT
shell surfnce (e.g. rudiul di ~p laccments at the end of a cylinder. nonnal displacements at the cnd of a rcsi~tancc.",hit..t it
cone). Such boundary conditions are gencrally unrealistic. bUI they do produce simple prebuckling '" hich might rcdur..'C
stress states. By contrast. the buckling modes generally require radial constraint of the displace-
IllCnlS at the ends ora bucklcd 70ne (otherwise the buckling strength is very low). so in the histori- Where a flcxurally f
cal de\elopment of this field . different boundary conditions wcre adopted for the incremenlnl dis- boundary. \\ohich le~
placements in the bifureation modc from thc boundary conditions used in the prebuckling stress an LA unal)"i, (thai
analysis. The fonnulas resulting from this methodology nrc referred to as the "classical" expres- n.-duction in assessc
sions. elaMic analysis Will
translallonnl rcslmiT

Mcx/eJlillg o/the x/,ell

Allhough the above may appellr completely hiSlOrical and no longer relevant. il is imponant 10 rec-
ognise ilS cOlllinuing place within Ihe design o f :.hell Siructures. Both hand calculation designs lind
Belr : hllnd buckling checks made using stress analyses undertaken by computer usc Ihe classical elastic
critical stress condition to provide u relcrence buckling resistance. This rcferem:c value i ~ Ihen
I modifiL-d to account for thc effects of imperfections. geometric nonlinearity and phlSlicilY. Funher-
Bell more. most of the [ileroture on shell buck ling (e.g. Yumuki. 1984) relnlCS all other findin gs to the
elustic critical stress condition. so il is entirely nPI)ropriute to retain it in all hlllld cnleulalions. This
is tnle for both the results of more accumte analyses and the inlerpretation of test dalu. But the clas-
sical formulas for elaslic critical stresses nre only able 10 be wrinen as Ihe very simple equnlions
Ihnl are oblained because Ihey nre based on a prebuekling siress field Ihal assumes pure l11embrnne
c) IlInk wilh anchors slrcsli'-"'S. which nrc often constnnt over the shell surface. Thus the elnstic criticnl stress fomlUlas
used here include the misnullch of boundary conditions Ihal lie within the classical reference fonnu-
___ .L...__ _ la~.
___ .J. __
8C2r 4.6.3 The ('fleets of boundary conditions on ass('Ssed clastic buckling slr('ngths

Fixity genemlly leads to higher induced "tresses in a prebuckling LA calculntion (these higher
_ _ _ J... _ _ _
Slresscs may be S(."Cn as detrimental), but fixity can also cause higher buckling strengths in un LBA
---+--- - calculation. Thus it has long lx."Cn common praeliee in shell dl..'Sign to dislingui:.h bel .... l.."Cn the pre-
buckling and buckling boundary condilions.
IsectIOn orlong nng-
sulli:ncd cylinder Muny commercial FE puekages thm muy be Uq -d for bolh a Siress cn lculmion (LA) and nn eigen-
the buckling limil Slate value analysis (LBA) do nOI provide any opponun ity to ehllngc the boundary conditions from one
of these calculations to the other. Care should therefore be taken to ensure that the calculated de-
sign resistance is nOi sensitive to the cho ice of boundary condilions, or to guarantee Ihul the us-
lo umed boundnry conditions lire fu lly rcali!>Cd in the final constnlelion. Where numericlll shell buck-
ling analyses are undenaken using the Slime bounda ry conditions for the prebuckl ing and buck ling
nnnlyses, it should also be noted that these calculations will probably not provide n perfect malch to
the hand calculntions bccllUSC of the change of boundnry conditions used in the fonnu lus for hand
f eonscrval;"·e boundary condi- calculution. This should be kepI in mind when numerical results nre checked IIgainst classical for-
:lcal1y free nor idcally fixed. so mulas to establish their ueeumcy.
Icr that is eithcr conscrvllti ve or
Finnlly, it should be nOioo againthnt sometimes it may be unconservative to usc the same boundary
conditions for both analyses.

A more demanding silualion. where u boundary condition cannot suppon tensile forces. is dcscrilx.-d
in Section 4.7. Suitllble procedu res to 0\ erconte the rcsulling difficulties arc also presented there.
I was difficull to produce alge-
~ state "as anything other than
jKt Gerc. 1961; FIOgge. 1973). 4.6.4 Boundar~' condilions and conscT\ulh'c cslimatcs of r('Sistanec
<buckling stress slate arc mther
1st displacements normal to the As noted in the comment abo,e. additionlll restrai nt of clastic buckling may increase the buckling
al displacemenls at the end of a resistance. whilst il muy ulso lead to higher stresses in Ihe prebuckling slate. causing curly yielding
-do produce simple prebuckling which might reduce the assessed strength.
dial constraint of the displnce-
• is \cry low), so in the histori- Where II nexurally fix,,-d boundary is chosen. many shells dcvelop high bending stresses close to the
oopled for thc incremenl3l dis- boundary. which lend 10 u reducl..-d assessment of the plllSI1c strength if Ihm assessment is b:lscd on
used in the prebuekling stress nn LA analysis (that is. unless all MNA or GMNA annlysis is used to detennine the strength). The
:d to as the "classical" cxpres- reduction in assessed strength is genern lly spurious. since the high local stresses calculated in un
clastic nnnl ysis will o nen be remo vcd by plasticity. But where the high SlrcsseS nrc inducl..-d by
tmnslalional rcstrolilllS, the problem becomes morc complic:lled.
Buckling o/Steel She/b., - £lIropeul1 Design Rt!CI)lIIlIIell{lotiom

Givcn thai boundary conditions will always lie somewhere betwccn the limits defined by the
simple descriptions. difTerent possible boundary conditions should be invcstigated as pan of the
design process. Ifthcre is any uncertainty about which assumed boundary conditions k...d to a con-
sen uth'c cstimate of slrength. both the fn.:c and rcslmincd limiting cases for any dcgn..'C of fret.-doll1
should be cxplorctl, and where this leads 10 significant difTerences, considenation should be ghen to
assessing the true stifTn<..'l>s of the ooundllry condition :lIld modelling it with an appropriate elllstic

4.7 Example: A nat botlom tank

A nat bottom tllnk is a Iypical example in which it is necessary 10 pay sp(.'ciul allcntion to the mod-
elling of boundary conditions whcn a numcrical buckling analysis is undertaken. Onen these tanks a)
are built w itoout anchors into a concrete foundation to restrnm \ crtical displac~ments of the bolloll1
of the wall (or with only weak anchonng for the erection condition). Thus. BC2f is a proper bound- B,v
ary condition for the lower edge of the cylindrical wall in u buckling analysis (LBA). But the free
mcridional displacement condition 11 :1- 0 which is required in BC2f(Fig. 4.2b) cannot be used in an
LA analysis of the prcbuckling condition. as it would not resist vertical forces at nil (thus "iolnting
equilibrium) (Fig. 4.2a). There is no simple solution to this anonully.
The first of thc-.c
the phenomenon of
In pruclical tenns. thcre are two choices a\'ailablc to the analyst. First. ifthc FEM (':olllputer pack-
\'dnd loading). In I
IIgethut is used permit!': it, the meridionlll displacement boundary condition should lJc ch;mgcd rrum
lower edge \\ould 'I
"restruined" (BC If) for the LA stress analysis to "free" (BC21) for the LUA eigenvalue analysis.
b;l!>C detail,
Altcm:uively, whcre thc software docs not penni! such a boundary condition change. two scpanate
be n.'Cogni'-l..-d i
calculations must be carried out. In the first calculation. the design action combination under con-
only linear I
sidemtion (including the panial fuctors 7F) is analysed with the boundary condition "rcstnained"
tact or spnng
(BCll). TIlis analysis delivers the meridional reaction forccsA. along the base supponed edge (Fig.
calculallon~ in
4.2a). In Ihe second calculation, thcse reaction forces nre applied as an e)(tenlul linc 10:ld, giving an
equilibrium system together with the other cXlemnllo.1ds. In this second calculation. the appropri- analysi~, and ~~~~~
is obtained. F
ate boundllry condition Ue2f can be uS{.-d in order 10 deJi\'Cf a COlTCCt LBA result. It may be not<..-d
thai must be _pplied
that in the st:cond calculation three nodes must be \ertically r;:stnalOcd to prevent rigid body tnansla-
lions (or possibly singular matrices). and these mUSI be chosen with carc to avoid constraining the
buckling mode.

Mocklling o{l~ sltclf

lv.ccn the limits defined by the

I be imcsligmcd as part of the
Jndary conditions lead to a con-
:ases for ally degree of fl\.'(.'dom
:onsidcratlon shoultl be given to
IX it with lin appropriate clastic

ay spL'Cial allention to the mod-

i undcrtnken. Oftcn these tanks
a) b)
:al displacements of the bottom
Thl&. Be2f is a proper bound- a,V
19 analy~is (LBA). But the free
:Fig. 4.2b) CanllOl be used in an Flgu~ 4.2: McridlOlllll dlspllKrl1lCfll condItions al the Iov.~ edge of a flal boilollliank Willi WIthout ancbor-
mg. a) rrebuckhng analysis (LA). b) bud!;n& anai»)1.s (LBA)
ical focces at all (thus violating
The first of these two methods may also be affected by another typical femure of nat bonom tanks ~
rsl. iftht;' FEM (''Ol1l pulcr pack the phenomenon of uplift under linear .. tress conditions (e.p;. v.hen the empty talll. is exposed to
,dlllon should be changed from v. ind loading). In this cnsc a simple LA analysis lhal adopted the BC I f boundory condition at the
. the LBA eigenvalue analysis. lower edge would yield some tensile reaction forees .~, at the basc v.hich cannot be resisted by the
condition change. 1\\0 sep.1mtc baltC detail. Instead, the tan!.. base rises (uplifts) in a limiK-d region oflhe base perimctcr. It should
action combination under con- be recognised immediately that this is a non-linear phenomenon. and is not ca!<tily caplun.'d u!<ting
oundary condition "restmined" only linear analyses. 'Iowe\icr. this problcm may be o\'ercomc either by imerposing nonlinear con-
g the base supported edge (Fig. lnel or spring elcmcnts bct"ccn lhc tank wall b.1!>C and thc foundmion. or by pcrfomling n series of
calcu lutions in which all nodes that de\'elop tensile meridional reaction forces are freed 11\ the ne)(1
an eXlcmal line load. giving on
:tond calculation. the uppropri- analysis. and repeatedly applying this procedure until n comcrged solution with no tcnsile reactionlo
is obtained. Figure 4.3 lohow. nn CXllnlplc III \\hich the final compl'\."'SShe reaction forces are !<thowl\
f t LilA result. It may be noted
id to prevent rigid body trunsll1- Ihnt must be applied as UP" aTd nodnl force ... in the s(''Cond c.tllculation (Schmidt et al., 2(03).
care to a\oid constraining the
BI/cklillg a/Steel Sheff.f - EllropeOlr Desig" R("COmme"dnlio".~

': .":. . '. [§l

Principal authors:
zero support

. .. .. .'~-
5.1 General

..... '- ;r-.. :~.:~,8' Ise2f1

"---'~;'--: 211' The prinl!ipal ru.,um~
the rule .. of EN 199
.....:t " ideally clastic-plasti
Poisson's mlio I'arc
tension fr is also requ
Pan II of these Re
I1lcchanieal beha\io
Fi~urt 4.3: Modelling BC2fboundnry conditions althe suppor1td cylindcr edgc ofll nal bottom ta nk in 3n ThUli. EN 1993-1-6
uplift loading Silualion (sc: lf~eight plus .... ind)
commented belo.... L
Section 5.].
4.8 References
5.2 Rules of
FIOggc, w. (1973) Stresses itr Shells, 2nd edn. Springer-Verlag, lJerlin & New York.
( 1) The materi:lI
Timoshenko. S.P. and Gerc. J.M. ( 1961 ) TIr('Ory 0/ Ela\'!ic: Stability. 2nd cdn. McGraw-JliIl . New
obtained from the rc

Schmidt. H .• MOiler. B. lind Sehiborr. M. (2003) "Shear buckling a linllt stntc 10 be COllliidercd in
cylindrical stccltllnk designT'o Proc. Int. Conf. on Design of Cylindrical S{(:cI Tanks and Pipelines.
Prague. Czech Republic. Oct. 8-10, pp 102-108.

Yamaki. N. (1984) Elastic Stability o/Circlilor Cylindricol S"efl~. Nonh Iiolland. Elsevicr Applied
Science I)ublishers. Amsterdam.

(2) Where materia

curve... are inn)l\l.-d
carried out under ,t
1993-1 -6). the imtia
nlodulus t: ~houl~

Material asSllnlpliOlU

5 Material assumptions
Principal authors: J.M. Rotter Dnd A.M. Grcsnigl

5.1 General

The principal assumption concerning the behaviour of the rnatcrillls of construction thtll undcrlic~
the rules of EN \993-1-6 is that the material uniaxial stress-slmin relationship may be treated as
ideally elastic-plastic. Under elastic conditions. Ihe two pammelcrs of Young's modulus £ and
Poisson's mlio varc needed. For calculations 100'" 01'o'iog plasticity. the yield stress in direct ulliu.,ial
tcnsionJris also required. This means that the hand calculation rules in EN 1993-1-6.35 well as in
Part II of these Rccornmend:ltions. arc 011 based on a mther simple thrcc-pammeter model of
mechanical behaviour (only two of which. the elastic modulus and yield stress. M\e a strong
er edge or I flat bottom tonk III on
od) Thus. EN 1993-1-6 contams only a few statements on mlllcriul behaviour. These arc repeated and
commented below in Section 5.2. Enhanced advice for computnlionai modclling. is gi\cn III
Section 5.3.

5.2 Rules of EN 1993-1-6 on material properties (Section 3.1 )

in & New York.

',2nd cdn. McGm\\--lI il1 . New (I) The material propcnies of steels should be This nile COlleems fhe WI/lies of yield slress
obtained from the relevant applicution stundurd, (,/lid II'llC're appropriale for EN /993-/-6, the
IIllimole lefl,l'ile ~'Ire.u) for each '\1H!Cijied ,I'leel,
~_ limit Siale to be considered in The rule imfllie.f thaf Ihe standard i.f limited ill
real Steel Tanks and ])ipclincs, ;Is tJl,plictiliOfl 10 sfl.'e/ shell SInIl..'IW'eS, hilI litis
;l' 1101 Ihe case: ;1 is mlid for shells afld shell
segmellfs of lIf1iform lhieklless fabr;clIIed from
ooh lIollnnd, Elscvier Applied allY i.IOlf"O/Jie malerial II'ho,W! m('Chafljeal
/)(-/",..ilJllr mUI' be represemed as ideal etaslic-
pitlslie, Mosllrealmellls ofolher meWls liSt! Illis
_mll/e /IItHlc/, so Ihe rules presellled heN' do
htn't' wider rdl!'l'{lnee,
The assumed material behm';our i.f geflemlly
aJmmed to he characlerised by 0 ,fimp/e
e/ru/ic-plrulic mockl in lenus of all elaslie
mOl/II/I1,1 E, Poi.Hon '.f ralio I: and yield .flreu
j,. hul more preci,fl! models are also adopled
where approprilile.

(2) Where materials with nonlincur l!IIrcss-strnin The rll/e ('oncerttl' mlllerilli.~ Ihal rna)' begi" 10
cur\'cs arc involved and a buckling unalysis is (li.~pft'I' p/a,~/i(" .~/ra;flS al slres,l' lew!!.I' helml' Ihe
carried OUI under stress design (sec !tS of EN flOtiol/ol ')'ield ,~tres.\' ". "'here Ille maler;lIl
1993-1-6), lhe initiul lungcnt value of Young 's t/OC.f IIot IWI'c (I II'clI defillcd yield pailll, lhi.r
modulus E should be rcpluccd by u rcduci.'d yield Wreu ;,f cOfll'l'lllioflally lake" (IS Ihe 0,2"0

BIIf;/JIIIg ujSJeel Sht!lis - EIlFUpeun Design ReOOHlme,tdoJWt"

...alue. If no bener method is a .. ailnble. the st."Cllnt prou{.flre.u. 5.3 E \lended

modulus at lhe 0.2 0 0 proof stress should be used
when 1lSSCSS1IIg the ela!>tic critical load or clastic The reaStm for '''is~/Jt-(:itll nile 1.1 ,"m plaslic 5.3. 1 Buclding
critical ~tress. .flraillS Ihal (J(·('lIr aJ/OlI'crf/reu It!w!/.\' IIIlIII Ihe
yield stren in .wcll mllll!rialv a" UOCOlIIlNHlil!d
hy 1I reductio" in rhe lal/gent nlOt/llll1f, This The a~umption thllt
reduc,ioll If! l1I{1(ed,,1 sliffncss lIIaI' ('"use ha.!. nn ideal ""\;'-P
premalllre hudding Care! sll(},lId be raken ill IIssumed in unillxinl I
assessillg 'he "redll(wll'O/l/(!" 10 CIlSllr(" ,hal il ...on Mises is eommon
i.f aplwollriare 10 'he (/(-sigll "'re.\\' lel·el.
It i~ also commonly I
Th,s rule oll/~' (VIIC:crnv sireu de.f;gll /lsillg
under stlllie condilion
either IUlI1d calclIllIIiow; IJr LA wuJ LBA
increasing lood~ on th
cmalrsl!J jur SInK'wres 1II(J(le of""'Ierl(lls other
may be expected to be:
Iholl slrllctural ("lIrhon sIn/. II slHJuld be
is be1ic\(~d 10 kaJ III
untkrslooJ Ihal "lIlhe rule.f gn'ell Iwre wuJ i"
£,V I99J-I-6 ar~ based OIl OIl ukal elastic.
Sincc most computCT
plastiC model of maler;al behariollr.
necessary to take care
Thif ru/p IJr·(JINl.f~ 1/"" thl? modulll~ be reduced Yo ilh rcspt"Ct 10 I~ rc
to the St'(·alll \'ulue til IIu> 0,]°. prooj .~/re.'iS.
This it (I I'CI)· cnuk ntle imleetl The ntle
prol'ides a l"rry' tlppro.ri"",le al/mwIIICf' for Ille
IOS!J· of nUllerial SIiJ/nt'Sl' II'hell Ihe .{Ireu 1f!1'e/ is
Fllrlher JisC"lIssirm is gil'ClI in 5.3.3 below.
(3) In a global numerical analysis using Thil mle ;I1dicale.ffonlml/l' Ilmlihe O.2tJ Qprooj
material nonlinC:lrity.the O.2~D prooflilrcss should Slress is 10 Iw lI.fed as Ihe "ferellc-e "yield
be used to represent the yield SlresS I. in all slress" ill Ihe simple Ih,-ee-pal'flme/l'r model
relevant c,,"prc!>sions. The stress·strnin eurve I10led abOl'e.
should be obtalm:d from EN 1993-1 -5 Annex C The strpss l '/mill ('lIn'es gil'etl 11<-1011 are
for carbon 'Iteds nnd EN 1993-1-4 Annex C for co/u'istem ll"ith lilrue u{ 'he idemifiell
stainless steels.

(4) The Illaterial properties apply Where 3 material h:b

to AI
e/emled lemperulllre.\', oolh YOllng:r
temperatures 001 e~ceedmg 150"'C. sc\cral altcmalilc Yo
modI/IllS lIIuJ Jhe yield siress dt!r:lme jor 1II0S1
matcrial bc::hli\iour, a'
melllk The rale oj ck'CIil1{! is slighll\'jasler jar
NOTl: Thc Nntional Annex may gn'c Ihe modlllllS Ihall for lite yield Slrl!SS. for calculation.!. in Yo h
infonnation about material propemcs at CalcultlllOlIS for shelJ.{ III cleW/led the O,r,. proof stm.~
temperatures exceedmg J50"'C. lemperalure.f \·holild n-cogllise the N'lel'tll/t be used Yo hcre thcre i
the !>i1'C!oo!> bello in th,
I"f!(h,ccd \"Ullie of ell(:h pmlH.!rIy at Ihe de{Ign
critical. Nc\ crthck"-·
lemperuture. Whert! eleWlled lemperu/lltes
beloit' 150"C lire illl"O/l-ed, COIIl/O"~"Olild be
below lhc O.21!. proc
tangent modulm; al bt.
ererr:il'ed, as some melll/s (r.g. lIlISlellitic
Siailliess .\I('Cls and (lllIlIIillillm) do dilp/tlJ'
.~ignific(lnl properll' I'O/lle reduclions ill lhil
range. Itifomlllrioll UII these IIwlfers lIIay be
fuulld ill F.N /3084 -7 (1(}05),
Mull.>rial ussumlllHNu

5.3 Extended cOlllmcnhlry on nonlinear m:lterial belul\'iour

· ,hil fpt·(it.11 rule I.f Ihal plastic
53.1 Buckling allol)5e5 using an idcal cll1Slic-pJlIstic model
our III 10llL'r _f/ress lel'el\ IluIII fhe
I/lell IIII/ferial, are lXXQIIIIXlI1ied
, ill the IIJl/gent mot/llllls. Thi~ The assumption that is used throughout most shell buckling analyses of metals is thm the muteri,,1
mUlt'rial .\liO'll..,.'(S I/UII' CtlU!)'f! Ims an ideal clastic-plastic response, with Young's modulus £ and yield stress,,~ Symmctry is
Wng Curl' should be' wkel/ i" ru.~Ull1ed in uniaxial tension :lIld compression (Fig. 5.1). Thc multi-axial stress yield criterion of
redlR'eJ Wllm'" to ellSllre ,htll il \-on Miscs is commonly assumed, with a nonnal now m le for plastic strai ns.
'tIlhe dC_Ii/.:" slrt'fS lewd
It is also commonly assumed that the stmins are always increasing. since the load path 10 failure
C:Oncerllf flreU design It~illg
under static conditions is undefined. As re\ of the din..'Ction of strains (under monotonically
-a/nllaliOIlS or LA all" LBA
inerca~ing loads un the ioImeture) lelld~ to nn c1l1stie modulus responsc in those parb. the structUI"C
'!If.:lures made ofmalerio/s OIll('r
may be e.,,:pccled to become more stable if thc direction of straining re\erscs. Thus. this as~umptioll
I carbon 51«1. " !J/ttJu/d ht!
is believed to lead to a conSCf"atlve treatment of the stability of a structure under most conditions,
r IlIIIM ruler gi\YII hen! ami ill
In! hal!'" Oil WI idhll dllstir.:-
Since most computcr Ilnalyses of elastic pllLSlic buckling adopt this simplified model, il is always
'"w/erial m'ht.1I"/OlIr,
necessary to take care in intCTpI"Cting the n..'l>ults of ~ueh calculations in a manner that is L'OIlscn'uli, e
.'e~ /rul th" modulll~ /It! n!dllC't:d \\, lIh respecl to the real Stress·strain responses of the 1113terials of construction.
oal",. '" tlw 0.10. proof ,ftres.f
cnuk nil,. illd...'('(I. The nile
UPl1I"0.:cimule allmo,ance for the
stiffnl!SS IIh"1I11w f/reH Il"I"(" is
ioll if giren in 5.3.3 he/Ow, Tension
Il'S fonl/ull"lhalIhe O.:r' 0 proof
used Uf Ihe rc[erelll.'e ')'il'ltl
sllIIple three-purClllle/er nuxlel Stmin c

aill clln-es gil"(,11 belall' are ry

~ those of Illp idclllijicd
Figu rt' 5. 1: Ideal elustic-plU!olic ~tn:~!o-wll in rcsponloC

Where a ITWtcrial hus a significantly diITerent stress strain cunc from this ideal model. there arc
reRlperCltllre.f, bolh Yow/g '.\
SC\ ernl altcm:llin~ ways of devising a simple conl>Cn ath'l! clastic-plustic n.-prescntution of thc
e yield stress dec/in,. for IIIO,II
IT\3terial behaviour. as indIcated In Fig. 5.2. The representation shown in Fig. 5.2a is gencrully sufe
of(/edilll' is slightll" faster for
for calculations in which plasticity dominates and the diITerence betwccn the proportional hmit and
Ihon for lhe I'jeJd Slreu,
the 0.2~. proofstrcss is not great (c.g. pemaps 2oo.). The representation shown in Fig. 5,2b should
jtwfhells al dem/('tI
be used where there is II large dilTerencc bet\\,ccn thc proponionallimit aod thc 0.2". proofstrcss.
/timId n'rog/lise Ihe I"W.'It!WIIII
the stress le\'els in the structure: significantly exeeed the proportional limit and stability elTccl!; are
if each propt'rl\' 01 '''e de.fign
critical. Ne\crthclcss. it should be noted that a stability flU lure that occurs at a mean stress Just
Where ,!lnuted lemperalllN!.f
below the 0.2"/" proof strcs~ is gcnerdlly not I.:onscnutively represented by eithcr choice, as the
'"t' inm/l't'd, cclll/ion shollld he
tangent modulus at buckling is lo\\-er thun the secant valuc shown in Fig. 5.2b.
,oRlI!' meWls (,..g_ austenitic
and alllmillllllllJ do dupla)'

r~I' l'lIll1e red/lclivlIs il/ ,IIi.\
'01/ vn these mullen lI/f1y he
4-7 (2005).


~ ---
Blick/illX urS/cd Shcl/:J - Ellropcall Design Recommellt/lIl;oflS

elastic-plastic treatment

Where materials .... ilh

under !tlre!>s dl'Sign
initial mngent \lIlue
elastic-plastic treatment al caeh point in the
Proportional limit Where the Slrcs\C" in II
modulus should be rep
o 0,2 o 0,2 imc.'>Iigalion. " here no
single \ ulue of Slre~~ n
a) Young's modulus ....,lIh 0.2-_ proohtrcss b) reduced modulus with 0.2-, proofsu"Css
modulus Er at the rele'
,,'IAure 5.2: Itleal clll~tie·plll"lIe representations of nonlmear stres..~~! rllln mponse
rolher unifonn membral

5.3.2 Buckling a llul)ses "hcre the load path ill\ohcs rncnaluflitrain direction
For more complicated
of the buckling reS!,tan
Where the lood path to failure is known and somc parts of the structure may experience a rc\crsal in reduced \ulue COfTC'opo
Ihe dlreclion of Ihe strams. Iwo effects occur. The pennancnt plastic sirnins Ihal hn\c de\c\oped arc
Ihe Commenmry abO\
retailll.:d. leading to residual stresses that may later influencc the beha\ iour. and the local modulus 1993- 1-6 to be conS!"
dromatically increases as the Ilunerial becomes claslie (Fig. 5.3). In genentl. this situalion Icads to conditions where the g~
an increase III Ihe buckling lood. as illustrated by the diffcrence bet""":en the langent modulus tlnd
5.2b is le~~ Ihan the ;,
double modulus Iheories of column buckling. lIowc\cr. where Ihe slrains are considerobly reduced
Ilo\.. ever. '" hilS! it canf
from the plastic condition. funher account may need to be t.'1kcn of the Bauschinger effect. which
com;crvali .. c treatment
causes carly panial yielding in the re .. erscd Slntin din.-ction palh and leads 10 a n.-duction in tangent
modulus belo"" Ihe elaslic valuc al stresses smaller Ihnn Ihe yield siress.
In a global numerical U'
from one of the followl

It "hould be noted Ihal

/1.1 part or Ihcse slress slm
,, \ Sinun dm:cuon plaslic strains III Slresc;c
" I
from 1II!n:

"" 5.3.4
The namc "Rambcrg-l
uniaxialtcnsion may b
zone. folloy,cd by lhe I
&U!'iChingcr dfa:1 "train-hardening mOOl
Ramberg and Chgood (
of behaviours. 11 pen11
modelled with n..awnal
Flgur" 5.3: EIIIMIC unloadmg I'C!otorcs the clllStic modulus. oot IS latlT subJcct to the l1au!.thmger cffect
Whcre residual strains due to cold working may be present In the us-built stntcture. consideration
should be ghen to the possibility thut Buuschinger em.'Cb may cuuse a ehnnge in the Cffl"Cthc c,
stress-slnun curve of the matcrial.
in which c is Ihe unia
paramctcrs "hich ma)
ell is given by

8 11 Go E

Material assumptiu/ls

5.J.J Buckling IInal)'ses In\'ol,'lng materials "ith cun'llllIcar stress-Slnin cunt'S

Where materials wilh curvilinear stress-slmin curves nre used and II buckling analysis is carried OUI
under stress design (sec EN 1993- 1-6 SL'Clion 8.5 and C hapler 9 of these Recommendations). the
initial tangcnt value of Young 's modulus £ should be replaced by a reduced val ue ER approprill te
elastJc-plastic treatment Ilt each point in the structure to the stre!!os level nt lhlll point althe in!'Otant of buckling.
-' Proportionallimil
Where the s tresses in the buckling region of the shell pass the limit of proportionality, the clastic
modulus s hould be replael.'(! by the tangent modulus Ilt the appropriate stress le .. cI. For further
E investigation. where no better method is lIvlIilnble lind the stress field is reilltively simple so that a
du lus ~ ilb 0.2-. proof Sircu single value of stress may be used to charoclcrisc the majority of the structure. Ihen the tangent
1~51roln r\"SpOIlllC
modulus ET at thc relevant stress level should be adopted. This is the situation for shells under
rather uniform membrane stress fields (u nifonn compression. unifonn external pressure etc.).
)fslrain dirft'lion
For more compl icated situations. where a very rupid buckling evaluation is required. a first cstlmale
of the buckling resistance may be obtained by replacing Young's modulus in nil fom1Ulns \\ith the
re may c\:pcricncc a fe' crsnl in
slr.I.ins that ha\C dc\c\opcd are reduced value corresponding to the secant value at the O,r,. proof stress (Fig. S.2b). A':> notl.-d in
\3\ ,our. and the local modulus the Commentary abo .. e. this is nonnally a .. cry eonscrvmive assumption. and is adopted in EN
gCTICrnl. this sl1unlian lead!> to 1993·1-6 10 be consistent with other parts or EN 1993. but it could be uneonscrvall\'e under
conditions where the general siress level exeeeds the stress at which the t1l.ngentto the eune in Fig.
""cen the tangent modulus and
mins arc coru.idcrubly n.-duced S.2b is less than the slope of secant line 10 the 0.2°. proof stress (typically around 75'/. or J.).
the IJauschingcr em.oct ..... hleh Howcvcr, whiisl il cannOI be guaranlced to be always conscr.aliH:, ill mu~t \,:~~ thb will be a .. cry
leads \0 a reduction in tangent conservative treatment for shel1s !!oince the MresS levels are oncn well below yield.
In a global numerical analysis us ing material nonlinearity, the stf(..'SS-Slruin curve should be oblllincd
from one orlhe rollowing sections, according 10 the melal rrom which the structure is constnlc tcd.

It should be nOled that buckling ruilurt.'S in shclls ge nentll y involve s tresses Ihnt lie below J.. so the
pmt of Ihese stress strain cur.cs Ihat s hould be uccunnc1y repn.."SCnll.'(i is Ihat associnted with slIlull
plastic strains at slresses below"..

5.3.4 Ramberg·Osgood

) The name "Ramberg...Qsgood- is used 10 indielltc thllt the stress-strain behaviour or any malerial in
unin.'(iultension may be represented by a non-linear relationship thnt models an initial linear clastic
zone, rollowed by the progn..'Ssi\oe dc\oelopment of increasingly large plastic strains, but with a finite
slrain·hardening modulus throughout. A ~p'-"Cialised .. ersion of the model was pro~ by
Ramberg and Osgood (1956), but it is now cOlll1l10nly generalised (Fig. 5.4) to penmt a wider range
or bchaviouni. It permits stress-strain eur.cs Ihat represent austenitic steels and aluminium to be
~et:t 10 the IklUM:hmgcr effect modelled with reasonable accuracy.

r. buih structure. con... idcrallon ... (5.1)

lbC a change In the cm.'Cli ... c

in which J: is Ihe uniaxial slmin. q is Ihe unia.xial stress. 0'0 is the proof stress, and a and 1/ are
p.arumetcrs which may be modified 10 lit an experimcntal stress strain curve. The rererencc slrain
eo is given by
... (5.2)


BI/ckling o/Stcel Slrell~ - Ellmpean Oesi~1I R~nmmelldlltiQns

\\ here E is the clastic modulus. Ir 0"0 is taken as the 0.2~'o proof Stll$!>. then

1I "" O.OO2{ £/0",,) .. . (5.3)

This model is oftcn implcmcmed willi the dcfonnalion theory of plasticity. Fur Co

It is common practice to delennine the value o f the parameter II from the proofSIrCSSCS:l1 0,0 1°. " /,
:lnd o.r.
plaslle stram (0"0 and UpO.OI rcspecll\cly). \\ hich gi\c the \':llue of II as For c. c
111(20) t1 !. + hE(&
n - .,' (5.4)
In(uolupO.O t) in which h ;\ the ratl\)
Ilowcn.:r,lhe JXlrameter /I may also be simply obtainl..'<l by ])Crfonning;l direct best lit 10 the poin of
the cune that the user needs to de line acc urately.
c" c. IJ.. J.)

--- --- ---- ----

Thc value of hE I'"n,,,,,,
---- ------
.. - ...
{ /0&,< £,
• 0.8
E hut In ~ limte

0.6 -11 - 100
n - 20
5.3.6 Strc~s-S"lraln

•• 0.4
c 0.2-_ proor stre.~ n - 10 The Rambc....i!-O good
•E 00
0 -5 accurate 1
i5 C. 0. , E.
E" mlllal 1.1n£c.. modulu~ 11 -3 pro\'idcd the pla.,\ic
0.2 repn.'SCntalilln lI:nd,
11 - 2
cunc thu!> o"".Ni'''.~
0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
l)imen~lonlcu strain £Ie.
Flj,!urt' 5.4: Gencndiscd Rambcrg-Osgood stress-strum cuncs

5.3.5 Stress-strain cuncs (or structural curbon ~tcels

For structural carbon steels, as for exnmple S235 in EN 10025 (2005). the following .. implc modcl
IS widely used. The uniaxial stress-stmin materi:ll definition is go.. cm(.'<i by the clastic modulus E,
yield stress;;. and ultimate tcnsile stress };,. A plastic pl:ltcau may be employed bcmccn the yield
stmin l?' and the struin hardening onset strain t;. LlIlcar hardening is assumed bct"ccn (he struln
hardcmng onset .. train c.- and thc ultimate tcnsile stress};,. The ultimate tensi le stress};, occur; at the
!.Imin Cu.

The totullllrain /.'a t any instant is the sum of the clastic strain (- attl and plastic stnlln.

\lal.:riuJ a.UllniptiOlU

... (5.3) q Ec ... (5.5)
tbticity. For G < cSt; (the plastic plateau)

from thc proofMrcsscs til 0.0 11.. (T -. /y ... (5.6)

\alue of II as
For &., < c"::: c.,

... (5.4) /. + hE(t: - G.) ... (5.7)

In which h is the rotio of strain hardening modulus 10 elastic modulus and
mg a direct be:.t fit to the p..1n of c.. h E ... (5.8)

t; + (f,. h.J (hE) ... (5.9)

The value of hE for con\cntional ~ tructurnl carbon steels is commonly taken to be 600 MPa .
.-:;-.- .. - - - - . - The length of thc plashc plateau is \'cry "ariable. I-'or structures with one-dimcnsional stress fields
alld mad.: from structural carbon sleels.
- /0 G· < t; < -J5t;. . .. (5.10)
bt.u in some finite element calculations. II may be appropriatc to ha\ c no nla<:Iic plateau.
-n - 1oo
_. n - 20 5.3.6 Stress-strain cur\\~ for uustenitic lind stainless steels
--- ' n - 10
The Ramlx:rg-Qsgood expressions. in the implernenlation described in 5.3.4. provide a reasonably
"- 5 accuratc representation of the stn:ss-strnin curvc for !lustenitic steels and aluminium IIl1oys.
"- 3 provided the plul>tie struins lie within the rungc 0 < 171 < O.02~... lIowever, at higher slruins this
11 - 2 representation tends 10 overestim:ue the Slress at a gi\cn slrain (Fig. 5.5). The Ramberg-Osgood
curve Ihus ovcr--cslimlllcs bolh thc <:trcss and the tangent modulus at higher plastic strains, leading
to uneonscrvalive strength c\'aluations for both plastiCity and buckling.
3 3.5 4

,,5). the fol1o'>'ing !.Imple model

rmed by the clastic modulus E.
be employed bely,ccn the yield
• is assumed be''>'ccn the "lram
:lte tensile stress/" oceul"> at the

and plastic Mrain.


----.---- .-...
Buckling ojSfl'el Shells· EIiTupeanlJa'lgn Recommcndations

a Stress

Ramber&-Osaood CUrve ~ ______ ' ultimate ~t rc!.!..

-- ---- -- 0.20. proof ... tl'D~.

---- ---- --


The \ alu ... of EJlI'"

0.0001 0.002 fO,l
Fi~ u re 5.5: Errors in the Rnmbcrg.Qsgood representation Ilt higher Slrt'S.'i le\-els (after Rasmussen. 2(03) 1+ nE,c

To address this problem without too much complexity. Rasmussen (2003) developed the following
equutions to represent the behaviour of austenitic steels at higher plastic strains.
and 1/1 i ... dl," I ".."",,
The stress·strain curve up to the 0.20: 0 proof stn.'SS a., - o'(U is still rcpn."IiCnlcd by Eqs 5.1 to 5.4.
To cover conditions at highcr strains. the curve was extcnded 10 become thc fo llowing. 111 _ 1+3.5[: )

. . . (5. 11 )
Ra!ltl1u~n (200J)

. .. (5. 12)

and. whcre m.'\:c . . "'-II)'.

with 'P 0,002. 0;, is the 0.2°~ proof stress. E" is the initial tangent modulus and Ep is the tangcnt
modulus at the proof stress. The strain at the uitim:J.te tcnsile strcss 0'.. is 1.;..
. O.2+IMS - (u

A 1110r... rn..-cis"':;;:::.::1
5.11 \\ilh th ... c

II II" II/ "

in "hich the ""''''''''9
run~ ...

\fa/erial tl.ullmplioll.f


. .
ultimalC stress. 0 "
0.211" proof stress. 0"

0.2~. str:lln
Strain ultimate Simin. c..
Figure 5.6: Defin1t1on of m1tial tangent modulus £ ...
o.r. proofstrt"is a... uit1matt' !t'"sile stress <T. and tangent modulus £,. at O'v

The value of Ep is gin:n by

E = ~ ... (5. 13 )
5 k\'CIS (lifter Rasmussen. 2003)

2(03) dc\clopcd thc following

,. (1+";:')
.t1C straIns.
and m is closely approxilTlalcd by
represented by Eqs 5. 1 to 5.4.
orne the follo ..... ing. 111 : 1+3.5( : :) . .. (5. 14)

.. . (5. 11 )
R:lsmusscn (2003) also oITcn.'d u simple cxpression by which I:" might be estimated us

... (5 . IS)
.. . (5.12)

modulus and Ep is Ihe tangcnt and. whcre necessary. the following cstirmllCS for <T"
'ir is &".
~ "' 0.2+185( <T.) for aus tcnitic and duplcx alloys ... (5. 16)
o'. E.

a 0.2+185(0'.. E. )
~- for all ferritic alloys ... (5. 17 )
o'. 1- 0.0375(,, - 5)

A more precise relationship was dcwlopt:d by MacDonald ct al. (2000) which is cxpressed us Eq.
5. 11 with thc exponent /I gin'n by

" I O +/l/(~ r (all vnlucs of c) ... (5. 1R)

in which the p..1mmctcrs y • /l "I

and k arc a ll cho~1l to provide all accumte fit to test data for thc full
runge of stmins for the chosen material.


~- .. ---
BI/Ck/III1: a/Sleel SltelL~ - f:urope(m Dc.vigll RecullmJe.'lItialiOlIS

5.3.7 Stress-slnin cunes ror aluminium IIlIo)s In Furocodc 9 (EN

mechanical "ntpC.",~
Some typical Mrcs!>-strdln CUr."CS for aluminium alloys art' shown in Fig. 5.7. For genentl Mruetunll
applications. the alloy E AW-6082-T6 is thc commonest choice. ",hilst EN AW-2024-T6 i.. 5.4
commonly used in aircraft application!>. Bccau.!>C of ib high copper content. EN A W-2024-T6 is
lell!. re!.i~tanl to corrosion than other alloys. Muny ... ilm IIrc constructed using the IIHoy EN A W- EN 1993- 1- 1
5754 (AIMg3 WI9 ill 1S0 Icm11l1ology). Its 0.2!! .. proofSlrcss depends on the temper u... ed but is in
the mnge tOO to 270 MPu. A commonly used grnde hus an ultimate tensile strength of 1RO MPu
and a 0.2.... proor stress ubove 80 M Pu.

Stress I MPa

7075T6 EN 1993-1-5

v 2024 T6
",tllbilityof 1

3004 Hx9 '6082 T6 EN 10025 (2005)

200 LN IOORK·' (2~05)l

5005 Hx9
EN 13084-7 •••.•• ,
100 fubrications 10'U""
__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12000
V MucDonald M.. Rhl
chllnncb" in LaBel
°OL--------------~~~~~~~~ Coldfomted Sleel Sl
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.38 0.4
Strain Ra~mu!.~n. K.RJ.
COll!olructional Steel
"-i~urc 5.7: Stress-stram CUf'\CS fOf SC\l'fU! IIluminiurn alloy~

The clastic properties orscvernl alloys arc ghlen in Table 5.1. The 0.2.... proofstrcss and ultimate
tensile stress depend on the gnlde used.

Titbit' 5.1: AlumllllUm alloy elastic moduli ~nd I)Oi~!oO'~'.~'~"'~';~"'~3~E~

70500 0.33

Marerilll ass"'''/'fiOlu

In Eurocode 9 (EN 1999·1·1. 2(01). very few stress·strain diagrams are presented. but the basic
mechanical propenies for some alloys muy be found there.
-'ig.5.7. For gcrlernl structural
:. whilst EN A\\ ·2024-T6 is 5.4 References
r cOlilem. LN AW·2024·T6 is
Ictcd u!omS the alloy EN AW·
EN 1993- 1- 1 (2006) Eurocooe 3: Design of steel Structu res. Part 1.1: Genernl rules and rules for
ds on thc tcmper used bill is in
buildings, CEN. Brussels.
e tensile strength of INO MPa
EN 1993-1-2 (2006) Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Pun 1.2: Structures exposed to fire.
CEN. Brussels.

EN 1993-1-4 (2006) Eumeode 3: Design of slL'C1 slnlcturcs. I'un 1.4: Supplementary rules for
stainless steels. CEN. Hrussels.

175 T6 EN 1993-1-5 (2007) Eurocode 3: Dt.... ign of steel structures. Pan 1.5: Plated structur,d clements.
CEN. Hrusscls.

2024 T6 EN 1993-1-6 (2007) Eurococle 3: Design of steel structures. Pun 1.6: Genernl rules · Strength and
stability of shell structures. Eurocodc 3 Pun 1.6. CI: N. Brussels.

EN 1999·1·1 (2007) Eurocodc 3: Design of aluminium structum.. Jlan 1.1 : Genernl structurnl rules.
CEN. Brussels.
5082 T6
EN 10025 (2005) NOli-alloy structurnl stl..'Cls. CEN. Hrusscls.

EN 10088·1 (2005) Stainless steels. List of stainless steels. CEN. Hrusscls.

EN 13084-1 (2005) Free standing chimneys - JllIrt 1: Product specifications of cylindrical sh.'C1
12000 filhricllliolls for usc in single wall steel chimneys lind sll..'Cllincrs. CEN, Ilmssels.

MacDonald M .. Rhodes J. lind Taylor G.T. (2000) " Mechanical properties of stainless sll..-cl lipped
channels" in LaBouhc RA. Yu W·W,I..' ds. I'TOCI..,."dings. 15th International SpI..'Ciulty Conference on
0 .4 Coldfonned Steel Structures. University of Mi!>!IOuri-Rollu. pp. 673- 86.

Strain Rasmussen. K.R.J. (2003) "Full -mnge stress slmin curves for stuinless Sled alloys". loum:tl of
Constructional Steel Rcscllreh. Vol. 59, pp 41·(, 1.

,20 • proof ~trcss and ultimate

.. ·s milO!>
U~ MP. POI~'~ milO
, OJ]
, 0.]]
I 0.3]

GooltI('lricu/ to/eral~es alit! impetfi'Clioll.f

6 Geometrical tolerances and imperfections

Principal aulhors : J.M. Rou er and II. Schm idt

6.1 General

The principal toJcrunees that arc defint"<i in EN 1993·1 · 6 conCCnl deviotions of the shell surface
nonnal to its nominal middle surface. The only exception is the empirical interface flatne"s toler-
ance in 6.3.5.

Othcr S":OlllctriC de\ iotions may aiM) be imponant in the construction of shcl ls. and indeed do IIffcct
the shell strength. Ho" e,er. the current state aCknowledge limits the extent 10 which other geomet-
ricaltolernnces can be specified.

Tolernnces on dc\ iations nomml to the nominal surface are specified in EN 1993-1-6 in detail be-
cuu~ they ha\ e a major influ;:nee on Ihe strength of the shell. The smne tolernnccs are also definl"<i
(but wilh less completeness) III the druft execution standard EN !090-2 (2006) Table L.I.8. The~
loleranees lire thercrore 'itt out hcre in Sl'Ctions 6.2 and 6.3.

6.2 Rules of EN 1993- 1-6 un geomelrical1olcrances and geometrical imper-

fections (Sec1ions 3.3 and 4.1.3)

S('('l ion 3.3 orEN 1993- 1-6 The t/£"'illfieJn'l t/l1ille(/ here (Ire ul/ IIorlllal /(j
( I) Tolerance values for the deviutionll of the II,e .\lte/l .\/IIjtK·e.
gl.."ometry or the shell surHlcc from the nominal
values urc defined in Ihe eXL"Cution lItrUldards due rltt' 11I,."e forms of t/"l"iatioll an~ ,feparale~I'
to thc rl.:quircmenlS of scrvicellbility. Relevant it/entified with diffe,.en/ maximllm ali/pUll/de,,·
ite11l~ are:
The /lOIC illllieull's Ihal Ihe IO/l'nmct's c/('./il/ed
• out-of·roundncss (deviation from circu-
Il('rl' IWI'c beCII mlo/Hed ;1110 II,e slll/It/(m/ 01/
c.tOC/llioll (colISrI"llClioll/. hili III,,), are pre.fe,,'ecl
• eccentricities (deviations from II conti·
Ihen' iI/ ollllille ()Ir~\'. They ure .fel tllli ill EN
nuous middle surrace in Ihe direction
199)·/·6 ill fliller t/etail bec:ul/.~e of Iheir lit.'.,·
nonna! to the shcll aeross the junctions
role ill cOlI/rollillg slrcllglh. It should"" IlOlecl
bemccn plates).
Ilmt il ;~ 1101 Oll~" the lIlI/plilllCk of Oft ill/pt'rfi'c-
• local dimples (local nomlUl devilllions li(m Ilwl CI{ji.-'l:I.\ IIIeHrc!IIglh of II ,hell. hilI Iltf!
from the nominal middle surface). \/H.'I.:i{ic: furm (ureu und .I/rupe) of Ihe' illlfJc!r{t..'C-
~OTE: The requirements for cxecutlon are set 1;011 Ihul is of crilicuf importul/ce. rhlls. Ihe>
out in E:'Il 1090-2. but a fuller d..:scription of lolerwlf.·c \'I.llue.f for Ille impeiff!Cliol/ oll/pli·
thc»C toler.mces is gh en here because of the Imle.f cJl'fil/(>(/ here> ca" ol/f,· 11(11'(' meulIlIIg ill
critical relationship between the fonn of the ,lie ,·mllexl of lite melhod of",cent/rillg Ihem. If
tolerance measure. its amplitude and thc u clifTerc!1I1 met/uxl of fIIe'll5l1rl'melll is Ilse,/. III('
evaluated resislllncc oflhe sh..:ll structure. rt!.'iIIIr~ of Ihe measllreme/ll "'"SI be CfIUhrClled
o/llu Ihe> ",elluxls defined here to ('II.H1re (Iwi
111e' rc!lmio//\"ip helweell Ihe differell/ cl'alutllecl
all/plill/dc.1 ellll be detcrmi//ed.
(2) If the limit stllte of buckling i~ one of the Tulercmc('lIur lite bllck/ilrg /imit ,ftale> "re> idell·

Bllcklillg ofSleel Shells - ellropeall Desigll RecommendaliOI/.v

uitim:IlC limit stalCS to be considcred. additional lifh'(/ tJ.v reql/iring IHlrticlilar/y cUrli,,1 defil/i- on Ihe ..ufel}' of the
buckling-relevant geometrical tolcrunccs have to lioll bt'cllllse lite hllcklil/g ~>Irenglh of mOllY
be obscned in order to keep the geomctrieal im- .~hell gr"cllll"('S is tlCllteJy .~eltfiti\·e to \"el)'
perfections \\;thin specified limits. These buck- slIIolI dt!\·iariol/s froll/ the idelll geomelry.
ling-rclevunt geometrical tolernncL~ urc qUllntified
in Scction 8 of EN 1993- 1-6 (and SL'Ction 6.3 of
these Recommcndat;ons) or in thc relc"ant EN (2) The
1993 application pans. should he cho~en
according to Ihc
(3) Calculation values for the de"iations of the Where geometrica/(l· f/of/lilleor fillite elemelll 6.1 10 6.4 of
clIlclI!t"iollS are "sed Iu oblai" bllcklil/g scnpll0n of ea..:h
shell surface geometry from the nom mal geomc-
.\irellgllts. the el/'lil'lllcm g(.'OlI/err;c imjJetfec- c\alualion .
try. as required for gL'Onletrical imperfection us-
s umptions (ovcrnll imperfcctions or local imper- liollS ellas·ef/ Wilhill rhe jillile efemelll motiel ~OTE, Th, 10)"",01
fections) for the buckling dcsign by global mllst n.:/l('C1 Ihe IHHelllial imperfi.·etioll.~ alld
GMNIA nnalysis should be derhed from the IOlermlC'e restriclialls oflhe filial COIISlructioll.
specificd gcomctrical tolernneL'S. Relevant rules rdul ii,o~'~":~~h.ii~P:,:,~~~ '~~
arc ghen in &.'Ction 8.7 of EN 1993-1-6. Chapter and tl
8 of thcse Recommendations and in rele"ant EN
1993 application pans. (3)
cI,,\~ified ""'"''''''
cronce qualit)
Sec.-lion 4.1.3 or EN 1993-1-6
high tolernnce.
(4) Because the strength under the buckling Three lliffe,...m qllu/iI;e.,· of COllstm(·tiOll are
limit stmc LS3 dcpends strongly on Ihe qUlllilY of permillcd wilhill the c()(.lijied rilles. Ih'll 1"('51111,
cOII"lmetion. the strellgth assessment shull IlIke a rdllli l"fdy lUll r,jel"/!II(:e 'Ire"glll f.~ IIS('l/
(4) The different
account of the associated requirements for fabri- lI·heN! tllen! i.f 1m gllam"'ee Ihal the qilillilY of
cation tolernnces. colISrruelioll will he high. hili II'here Ihe design treated
NOTE: For this purpose. Ihree fabrica tion if P(lrt of (I n'pctili1'e pnx:e.,·.,·. rite t/('sigll C(l1I
quality classes are SCI oul in Section 6.3 below. helUjil from 'lte ('xtm ~/rellgllt allrihmahfe ta
SlnlCtlll1'.f hllill wllh righllu/erallces.
sample checks on
thc mcasuremcnb
6.3 Rules of EN 1993-1-6, Seclion 8.4, for buckling-relevanl geomclrical tol- lion.. !olay "ilhin
eranccs Mipuhll\.-d in 6.::\.1
6.3.1 General
(6) Sample
!thould be u",len"" ,
(I) Unless specific buckling-rcle\allt geomet- Tlte to/(.mnce.~ slx'Cijiet/ here lire .f/x'Cijiml/y (except for ~clf
rical tolerunee!' lire given in the relc\ ant EN collcerllt'd lI'illt Ih(' sC'IIsitil'ity af ~ltell hllckJillg \\llh Ihe operalional
1993 application parts. the following tolerance stre"gth~ 10 Ihe fimll mrt/ lmiplillll/e of Ihe
limits should be obscn.ed if Ihe bud.ling limit g('Omelrictll imperfections in rhe shell .miface.
slate LS3 is one ofthc ultimate limit stutes to be
considered. Tlten! is {f l{frge liler{flure 011 litis s/lbj('cl, hili it
is~till difficllit 10~pecifY to/erimces Ih{fl make
NOTE I : The charncteristie buckhng stresses
detennined hereafter include imperfections that relewml mem;ure~' for all .~/lclls. rite lo/er-
nre based on Ihe amplitudes and fonns of alice.,· Ilml (".e imporlcllli c/elJel/d fJll lite .Hress (7)
geometric tolernnc~ Ihlll are expected 10 be met state ill Ihe sltel/. hili tlte dnif/illg Projet:l Team fCCllons
during execution. decided tlwl it 1I'01ild he too complicated 10
make Ihe reqllired IOlertlllce delJl!IId emin.'l)' Oil mel1dlltion~.
NOTE 2: The geometric lolernnces given here
II,e de.lign ~tress cOllt/itiol/. As a reslllt, O"~I' tlte !>Iroightening.
are those that nre known to hnve a large impact
dimple ImperjL'c:liOllS lire lIppliL'li lI'ilh some cided indi\ idually.

Geonlelril'1I110lerallCe!llllld imperf«IIons

illg parlicllftlr/l' cUr(jul dt'filli- on the safety oflhe structure, (ICCf)Iml /x'iIlB wh'II of Ihe slrl'J.s slllie. Oil,,:,..
',e hltcldillg flrt>IIglh of 1II1I1II' Ilife. tI/I .fhe/l~ tire reqllired to lIleel tI/I wIer-
. is (ICII/e/l' femilil'(" 10 11.'';' tlll("c~, el'e/l whel/ Ihef/Jecijicd wlemm'e may
'from Ihe idelll gf..'fJlIlell1', /101 IUII'e a gre(11 bellrillg all II/{> hllckllllg
slrellglhlor lilt, fXlrtlclllur ,~"el/,

(2) The fabrication tolemnce quality clu~!!o 8C'f'(lfI.It! lilt' shell hlleldillg rt'.... i~ta/ll·e if wry'
should be choscn as Class A. Class B or Class C ,Ie//,Ii/il 'c IV Ihc Cllllplilllde of Ihe geolllerri{,ltl
Dccording to lhe totcrnncc definitions in Tables imlJelfi'Clioll, il is m/l/ablc 10 ha\'t! di/Tere",
1Ctl/{1' //cJIIlillem' jilllfl' ,'Ielllem 6.1 to 6.4 of these Ih,'COITl/nendution~. The de- c1lt,ne,~ ollabrictlliOll, permitting Ihe higher
'e IIsed Iu uhlajll hltdlillg scription of each class relates only to the ~trength CJllality (\/llaller illllX!rj'ecliom) 10 he defiglletl
qllil'fl/elll gl'OlIlelril' Im/X!rfi'(" c\'aluation, /() higher Slll.'IIglhs,
1tlti" lite jillile eft·lltem mOl1e1 NOTE: The tolerances definl..-d hcre nUlIeh those
• polemial imperfi'(:liollS allli specified in the c.''l:ccution standard EN 1090. but The lime ill(licales Ihat (Ilrhollgh sOllie illlormu-
liolls oJlhe jill,,1 cmtllml'lioll. arc set out more fully here togi\e the detail of tile rioll i.~ cOlI/uilled ill lite eYeclllioll Slltlldllrd £,V
rcllllionship bcl\\ccn the imperfcction amplnudes 1()9(}.1 (1006) ill relalioll 10 ,~hell ,~rMlCr"res, il
and the evaluated resistance, is gin'" ill fillh·r derail here OCCU/I,\ t! of il.\' criti·
cal role illihe srrellglh '!'IVllllt/jOIl process.
(3) Each of the imperfection types should be "'/tell tit" lolerances relemlll 10 tI higher qual-
classified sepanllcly: the 100\cst fabrication tol- il)' doss cmlllot be (1CItierN/lor all the cliffer('l/t
cronce quality class obtained, corrc!>ponding to a ~pt'Cified lolerance m(!(lSUrt'.f, Jhe qlwlill' c1clSS

q/wlilie.1 of cmulmaioll 1Irt! high tolcrance. should then gO\ em thc entire flJr delign ItIII,W he wke'l (I.~ Ihe lowel't dast,
Ihe codifit'll n/ft·\, At (/ I'('sllll, design,
rljcm.'lll'e sirellgll, is IlSeel
J gllorOl//ee Ih(l/ Ihe quulill' of
(4) The different tolenmce tyIX"S may each be £(1C1t lolerallce metlSllre is dcemed 10 be II sill-
be Itiglt, hll' where Ille de{ig/l treated independently. and no internctions need gIl' ,fe/xlI'me lIIellSllre.
"ilil'(' prtX'e.\'.\', ,Itt' tlesig// C(1Il normnlly be considered.
e:r:ml Slrt'IIglh (fllrihl/whl" w
'illt lighIIOll'nmct•.\,. (5) It should be cstablished by rcpre.c;cntntivc Ti,e ICI'III "represellfatil'e sllmple che(:ks" is
sample checks on the completed stnlcture that IIWtl 10 illdic'(lre 111lI1 it is 1101 1Il'Ct'.UlIl)' to
the measurements of the geometrical imperfec- II/e(l.l/ll'e el'el)' /Xirt ol,he ,fllell, prol'ided 111(11
rch~\' anl geometrical 101- tions stay within the geometrical tolernnces Ihe slml/)Ie ICtkell lllleqlllllely ('CI/Hl/reS II,e \\VrM
stipu lated in 6.3,2 to 6,3.4 of thL'SC R,.'commen- jmlX!Ifi'Cliolls,

(6) Samplc imperfection measurements The gtVlllelric illlJN!ifecliOi/s shollid be 1II1!tJ.\'-

should be undertaken on thc unlO:lded struClllrc IIred II'he" Ihe stnlCtllre is fmlOlJ(ktl /x'CtllI,fl!
pedjied here are ~'IH'Ciflcally (except for self \\-cight) and, "here possible. ftJllI.lillg II/a)' eith{'r increase or dct:rease tire
Ie lellSilil'il)' ofshell b//{'klillg "ith the operational boundary conditions. metbllret/ umplitllde 01 imperfi'('(iollS, hili Ihe
Jonn (flld umplilllck' 01 ,lte sirellgih assessment is based Oil Iltese iIllIWifec:-
r!eclio/ls ill the shell .wifllce, lio"s ill tll(o fmlOlKkd slttte. Where self-lleigitl
reprt!,fellls a significolII complmellf ollhe lolal
lerolll" Oil rltis slIbj('f:I, bill it 100ul Oil Ihe shell. il is 1101 pa,u ihle 10 meel Ihis
specify lolerrlllce.f IIItll lIIake colldilioll.
lor till ,IIIellv. Tht, wIer-
~al// tlt'pelld 011 'lte 1"/r(',H (7) If the mcasurements ofgcomctrical imper- Allempl.f lit Hraigillening ca// uften le"d 10
blllihe dniftillg Proj('{'1 Tell/II fections do not satisfy the geometrical toler- more .\'eriolls illlJJetfecliolls, a ,f tl.ueued Il,fillg
wJ/lld be 100 compliCilled 10 ances strlted in 6,3.2 to 6,3,4 of these Rccom- Ihe lIleasuremelli s),slems de.~crihed here,
'1Olerallce depelltl ell/irely all mcndmions, any correction steps. such as by Siraighft'llillg (/Ctil';lie:o' oftell c/l(lIIge ol/e lorm
vlldilioll As tI resllll, O/l{I' lite strnightening. should be inve~tigatL-d und dc- 01 imlX!ifccli(JII illlo (IIIOIher: lite lorm rhar is
toilS are (Ipplied IIltlt ,,'ollte cided individually, mO.~1 t/(IIllagillg 10 Ihe strtmgllt de/x,"ds 011 rhe
Non ·:: Be fore a decision is made in fa ....our of .Hress romliliOl/s ,har lite ~ltellll'i11 C,\7H!rie"ce,
!otmightcning to reduce geometric impcrft'Clions. fa it is "o1 tl/lI'(lYs delll' 1/1(11 Ihe (mumdedform
11 should be noted Ihllt this Clln cause additional IIHf fJrtll'i(ic- 1I MlIl'I' SIl'IICIIII'I: thtlll Ihe origi-
residual stresses. TIle degree to which the I/al. III lIdditirm. II-/,ere gl'Ollll'tricul illlpeift.->c-
design buckling resi~tanees arc utilised in the I;OI/S tlrt! redllced h,l' straightening. lhis I/WI'
design ~hould also be considered. illstead ;1It/lice /'('.\'itilwl .l tre,He.I' II'hil'l, cOlild
film he de/e/('riom to IIt(' il/1'1!1IJ:lh of till! ,III'/IC-
IlIrl!, bw u-ltlch lIl'l! 11!,\'.f \';~ihle Wid II/UI'I! dilJi-
clii t to lIIetlsure.

lli'(·i,\i(J/I.~ rl/l the lIppropritlfl! cO/mie lytlClioll if

1I f)ltell doe,f 1/01 meet lite tlesiJ{1I tolera//ce us-
slimpliolU should Ihe/'(>(ol'e all(\' he lakell lI'illl (3) The out-or-rour
expel't atll'ice.
suti .. ry thc condition
6.3,2 O ul-or-roundncss lolera nee Ur S LJr,nllu
\\ here Ur, ml1.~ i, Ihe
(I) The out-of-roundncss should be as~scd 0111 of round impetfi'(:limu h(1l'e I/ot beell parnme\er for the rei
in tenns of the pammeter Ur (sec Fig. 6.1) gi\cn Ilide~I' sflle/it'e/ fbI' 1IIMI ICHIe/ ctue,~. alld Ihey
quality cla!i.~,
by: nppenr /Q he moSI SC'I'i(m.~ III/dcr l'XiL"n1(l1 pref)'-
,fIII'e 10001;lIg 1H.'(·tl/I~e II,e IHIIII of Ih(' I'esliiting
' OTE : ValUe!> for
u, ... (6.1) cirrlm!f"rl"'lia/ (·ompre.llicm j.~ lig"ifiC(III/~I'
anee parnmetcr Lr.r,
tiel'in/eJ/rom th" ;d{Ial,
the "alionnl Anne,
\\here: arc ghen in Table lI.
The ;//creu.\'('d /tl('(1/ mdi/l.\' (If ('un'tlilire IIllIy
d"'f is the l1la)(imum mcn~ured internal diamc-
also affi'cl the resislallce ItJ lIxitlli'O/l/pre'uioll
h/li-kiillg. hlllihif i~ 11,\11(1/(1' le.\.\ .\·el'ioll.\ .
dm1tl is the minimum Illcallured intern!!1 diame-
ter. 71,e pa/"tm/t!lel" Ur make.1 Ihe toleral/ce di/l/ell-
is Ihe nominal intern!!l diallieter. .\·iol/le.I.I, .I't) Ihal it cal/ he apl,/i{'(1 to till ,\be,~ of

(2) The melbun:d intern:11 diameter from a nle mellmtl dtjitllid h"re if) prohah/l' Ihe .fim-
gi....en point ~ hould be taken Ib the largest distance p(e.w wal' of d('lenllil/;I/g the (:ffi't:til'l! Olll-O!-
Tlble 6
across the she ll from the point to any other inter- rolllulll('U of lite sltd!. II 11lL\" .m /l/C distltil·lIl1·
nal point at the same axial coordinate. An appro- lage."i hectl/lf)e il fni/.\' ItJ d('(c('/ some .~;gllificalll
priate number of dinlllctcrs should be measured to compOl/elll.v of 101l'-mQ(le drclllllferelllilll im- Fabricallon
IdentIfy the maximum and minimum values. petfet:IIOIIS. II0we\'(·r. /1O hell('r .I·i/l/ple method loil'-r.II1CC

Ctlll \'el be aqeretl qualuy cln!.



Geomf.'lricollOlertmces lIIId illlJN!rj"eCliolu'

Ihtll Ib" ,fh,,1I11'i1l e.xperiel/cf.'"

.J" c/t"ar Ihm Ihe umellded/brm
("tlcr slmc'llIrl' Ilmll 11/" origi. \,
where g("olII~'lriclll imlN'tji."C- ••
'd hr wroiglllt'IIillK, 1111,1' IIm\' •
-l'sidulIl .f/rl'.Ut.'.f whid, ('(JII/~'
IU 10 II/e .l/rt'II#III ()f lilt' SI"" ,·
,,.,.. leu I'isihle lIlId /l/orf.' diJIi-

b) unsymmclrical
upprOpri(1/1' ('OIlrse of (<<:Iiun if Figure 6. 1: Mc:t!oUll!II1Cnl of dllunclcn. for as!tCSSlllcnl of O\Jt-of-l'O\lOdni.'SS
meet lite d<!siRII lolertlllcc' IIl'-
I therefore 01111' he WI.:CII lI'ith
(3) The out-of-roundnl'!>~ pammctcr Vr ~hould TIl(' Inlertlllce \'lIll1eS V r.WIUX ill Table 6.1 "N.'
sutisfy Ihe condition: hll,l'f.'d 011 well-esflIblishf.'d trtl(liliwwl I'lIllIes.
TIle), lire illiellded In o\'Oid lite OCCllrrellce of
... (6.2)
loco/ =OIl(! S of SigllijiCUfII/" n'tlllcf!d Clln'CIlllrf!,
"here Vr •maT is the out-of·roundness lolcnancc which l1Iighl be deleleriOIlS to Ihe slrenglll of
mpf.'r/t"(·tion.f Illn't' 1101 /Jeell th" shell.
par:uncler for the rcle ...ant fabrication lolcmncc
Ir most ItxJJ '·U.fe.f. (/lid 11/1'\' The NtlliOl1tl1 Alml!.'C 10 EN /993 -1-6 lIIay spt'C-
quality class.
t ,feriou.f mult"r eXlernal Prf.'.~. if)' Ihe wler(ll/cf!1j' 10 be IIsed Tuble 6. 1. II'IIidl
JII.1t' Ihe POll! of Iht" re.III/lillg dl!fillcs n'COmm('f"led i'll/lies, is purl uf the
~OT t:: Values for thc out.of·roundness toler·
"umprcuwlI iSfiglli/kalli/)' 11011.'" (II1l1 is 1101 .uric/(\· port of,he sttmd"rd.
'th·u!. '
ancc flo1rnmctcr Ur,mlLl: may be oblaincd from
the National Anncx. The l'C1:ommcnded valuc!! II fila),be see" tlml differelll alii of rtJIIII(IIIe,H
('(11 rotliliS ()f ('lIn'lItllre mm' arc given in Table 6.1. loit'rlmc('s are sJX'cijied fur shells of rehllil 'e~r
risltJllct' 10 (('fial cumpn'.uio~/ ,Wl/mll diameler, These IO/CrtJIICt' sJX'CijiclIliOlU'
;.f /lsl/alh·/el.1 ,f('rimlf, come mo.~t1)' from ch;"",,'y cOllstl'llCliOll, whihl
ll/Use for Ihe larger di(lmeter.v (/erjl'e m()~lly
"'lIl.:e,~ lit" tolerance tlilll('l1- fru/II (m/k {/lid .\·i/u CUIIMI'IICliulI. TilesI.' prm.'li-
WI/ he tlppliedw all li=e,f of cal ()I'igill!)', alld IIIl' fabriealion melll(xil
ot/opl('d ill tl,('sf.' illdustries. ,vhol/ld be kepI ill
mimlwhell .\/H!cijyillg IIII.' reqllired mlerallct's.
I'd hC're i.~ Jlmh(lh~\' th(' si",.
rmillillg Ihe ''ffi'l·til·<! (JIlt-of ..
Tabll' 6 I " Rl"COmmclllk-d \ alucs for oul-or·mundnl~ tolcmnce pammclcr U ,-
l"ell. II has some eli.we/wlII- DIameter ,I ~ 0.50m O.sOm < (J < 1,25m 1.25m '" d
lill 10 (It-tul fa"" , Siglli/iwlI1 run~e

\1-mo.4o drclllllfeN.'miai jm. FabriC'Jlioo D•."sc."riptlon Value of Ur .max

I'rer. I/O betler .~imple me!luNI lok-raocc
quahty class (In these e"p~Ions d IS In m)
Class A Eu::dle-nt 0'()()7 + 0'()()93(1.25
0.014 0,007
Cla;,s U IIJgh 0,020 0.010 + 0.0133(1.25 0.010

CI~C N""",I 0,030 0,015 + 0.020(1.25 0.015


BIICkUlIg ufSle," Shells - Elln)lH!ulI Desigll Recommelldutiolls

6.J.J Unintended cccclliricil) lolcrljncc th icker plall'S ut

(I) At joints in shell wllih. perpendicu lllr to UllimCl/ded ('ci·emricilit'.f III jolllt,\, ure geller-
membrnne compn.~~i ... c forces, thc unintendcd (l/~1' 1101 us ;o,'('r;IJjIJ as dim/Jle im/X'rfi.'l't;ul/J,
ececntricity should be cvoluated from the measur-
obiI.' totlll eccentricity I!/<H and the intended on'sct
There ;s crJllsitierob/e I!\'idcllce Ihal IIl1illleill/ec/
e'M from:
r!CCelll";ci';es do 1101 /UI1'C' a rlll/ielil effioct Oil
... (6.3) _~hC!1I ,vlrellglll (E.ulillger fllld Geier, /977; Rul-
ler ali(I Tr!llg, 1989: G,.e/ller alld Yallg. 1996.-
whcre: Roller 1(04). n,e reas01l is llral 'he lou of
elfH is the ea:entricity bet'" cen the middle sirellgill dlle In geometric ;mperfi'<.'lioll.f of Ihe
surfaccs of the joined r lUles (see dimple type lIl'C! gel/C!mll\' nIllcll gl'eale,. Ihall a) unintended
Fig.6.2e); those Clf/IS('{/ hy IIft.'se ('<.'('C'IIIridlies. Illoug/, Ihe VI lito there
f!1ItI is the intendl'ti offset between the middle error.; of .flullH! rIf'C' IIIl1ch le,\.f ,~Irikillg to the 1
surfaces of the joined pirltes (see lIak('" e),e, If {I di/llple illlpel'fi'ctioll (){'Cllrs
Fig, 6.2b); adjocell/ to a jO;III f!Ccemricily, {IIId all Ihe op-
e" is the unmtended eccentricity between the pro/Jriult! sic/e, Ihe jO;III cerlllill/Y does C!,"((Icer-
middle surfilces of the joincd plalcs. bale Ihe effeci of Ihe dimple (Roller alld Tel/g.
1989). but lhi, circ.mU/al/ce is 1/01 I'ery' prob- (4) Tho "",""".kdl
should satisfy the
V" S; VI',"""
Where a shell does 1101 1I1(.'('t these 10/ertlllCe where:
(2) The unintendcd eccentricity e" should be
less thall the maximum pcnnilled unintended ec- reslrictiOlls, il i.!J eOll.w~n",/il 'C lu Ire{lt if a.\' {j V ......," is the ""'''''"'
cenlricitye... _ for the relevant rabricl1tion toler- ,I'hell lI'ith lap jO;I/I.\ (.{I~e EN /993-/-6. A,lllex
ancc quality class, D3 atld Chapler /1 of Illese Recommcllda-
NOTE: VlIlues for the maximum pcnniltcd un- NOTE I : Vlllues
intended eccentricity"......... may be obtained from The Natiol/ol AIIIlI.'x wEN 1993-/-6 IIWI' SfX'C- toler,mce parnmeter
the National Annex. The recommended vlllues arc if)' Ihe wiertlllces 10 be 1I.~C!d. Tahle 6.2, which the Nationlll Annex.
ghen in Table 6.2. dejilll!.\' f1!(:olllllle"dt..'" \'(lIlies. is IXlrt of the given in Table 6,3,
1I0le, {lilt! is 1101 slricl(I'IHIrI oflhe slt/lldurn.

Titbit' 6,2 : Iteconllllcndl'ti "ulues for mO:r(imnm pcrmined unultendcd cccentrieitie:. treated within OoptcrJ
Fabncllllon toleroncc quality I.>cscnptlO11 Rl'COmmcnded values for nlll.'(1-
clll!I~ mum pcnnitll'ti
unintended eccentricity I.'
Class A Excellent 2mm
Chl.u 0 IIi h 3mm Fubrication tokro
C11l~C NOntlal 4mm C IllS.~ A
Class U
(3) The unintended eccentricity cQ should also TM,f IHlrtlmeler V" "'likes 'hI! lo/eraller! dime,,-
be assessed in tenns of the unintendt'd ecccntric- s;ol/II!.\.f , .YO IIIlII i t ellll be applied 10 all ,fi=e.v of Class C
ity parnmcter UfO gi\ cn by: !i/,e/l,

6.3 .4 Dimple IDler

... (6.4)

(I) A dimple meaS

used in every POSitIon
1m is the mean thickness of the thinner and meridional and eircur

Geomerricallolertlllces (lIId im/X'if«tions

thicker plalcs at Ihe joint.

<l1lri("i/kl III j(lillh art' gl.' l/er- I min I~

IS as (Iimple illlper/i'llimll' I
1'--->\ 1'-1: co -- .."tot - c·Int
r~Ji .-p.
pcrfl'Cl joint :;
I ;rS,o",,"'1'
geometry ~:
., .;
'"lIb/(' ('1'id(,lIcl' Ihar IIl1illlt'llded :1 i\...perfect join
IIOf "ave (I radical t'f fi.'ct all gcol1¥:try
u/ingw alld Geier, 1977: HOI- Ie,
!i ~c.,1
)<~9.- Greiner olld Yang, 1996:
t,C reason if Ihot rite loss of ~ I' ;iC1n;1 1

I' 1mn' -I
reo/l/£'Iri(' illlperfet:lio" .. of lite I n".~
genera/~I' nUld, greater IhOll Il) uninlendcd ecccntncll), b) intended olfsctllt a c} lota1 eccentricity (unm-
'h ..u! etUlllridlies, thougll '''1' when there is no ch.,nge or cha ng~ or plllt~ thick~ tended plus intcnded) al
a~ milch leu flrikillg to lite plote thickness "ilhout unintended eccen- change orpllltt thickness
) dimple ill/perj«I/01/ ()(Xurs tricity
'7t f!t'C'e/llrici~I', (Illd OIl Ihe (IP- "' igurc 6.2: Un1lltcnd~-d ecCCfllnclt)' IlOO mtended offset Ilt a jomt
re joilll c('noil/~I' (lot's e:w cer-
lite dimple (ROller tllld Tel/g,
Ir"Cmns/tJIH.:e is 1101 1'('1)' prob- (4) The unintended eccentricity pamlllctcr Uc The laleraflees UI!,ma.~ giwII ill Table 6.1 are
should satisfy the condition: based Oil long"i!Stablislted IrtNlifiOfl(l1 m/lles.
Tlte)' UIJ/X'C/f 10 be hlIsed more Oil a ql/(Ilil), of
U" S U~. _. .,. (6 .S) Uppe(lrtIllC(' for lilt' shell Ihllll Oil llll)' (USt'S!>'-
rJeS 1/01 1I/l.'I!1 10lerlllICe where: mem of ri,e eDecr all ti,e sllell bllck/i/lg stre/lgll"
cons('n'a/il'f! Iu treal 1/ (n (I U~.-u is the unintended eccentricity tolcrnnee
'/liS (\t'e EN 1991-1-6, AllI1e;r parnllletcr for the relevant fitbricntion Where till illll'lml (Jimple illlfJeifl.'Climl OI.'CII'"
. I I of t"es(' Heco",me",la- tolernnee qUlllity clIISS. jllSI (Ibo\'(' u joillf 1I"ilh Imil/tellded ('ccelllricity,
thi.~ is lite mO.~r deleleriolls a/"l'(l1/gemelll for the

NOTE I : Values for the unintended eccentricity sllell (ROller alit/ Tellg, 1989). J-Jo\\,('lW, '''i~
fe"( to E.V 1991-1-6 111(11' \/N.' I.:- toler:lIlce pamllleter U,..lmlf may be obtnincd from ('ollclitiull i~' c;o l 'CI'Cl1 by II,e dim/lIe wiertlllce
10 he IIs('(l Table 6.2, ,rhiell the National Annelt. The recommended values arc mea,\/IN!nle,,1 gil'ell below,
nc/t'tl I'lIllIe,\'. i, IKIrI of tlte given in Table 6,3.
ric/~I' I)(/ft oflltewllIllJlIrd. The NlIIiOfWI A,,"e\' to EN 1993-1-6 "'")' spec·
NOTE 2: Intended offsets and lapped joints nre ify the loler(lfl(:es 10 be IIsed, Table 6.1, which
ended CCt"t'fllriCIU~"S treated within Chapler 10 of these Rl'Commenda- dejine,f f('COmme"ded 1'tI"le~·. is pan of Ihe
ltd Hl hJC!> ror malll- tions. These two ca'iCS are not treat/,.'(! us impcr. 1I0ll', and is 1101 striclly (KIN of Ihe sUllldartl.
n pcnnm..-d rcctions within EN 1993-1-6.
ttCCIltntlt t'
2mm Tablt' 6.3: Recommended vlllues ror unintended KCrotricit)' tolcrunces
J~ Fllbricntion tolerance ualit closs t>escnption Rcc:ommcnded \'3l u~ of U
'mm Class A Exeellenl 0, 14
~ ma/.;es Ihi' tolerallce (limell- Class B I-ligh 0.20
J CiJII bt' olJplied 10 all si=e.f of ClassC Normal 0,30

6,3,4 Dimple toll'Tlln("ct

( I) A dimple measurement glluge should be Dimple im/X'ifl.'Clio"" rome ill (I greoll'tlriel), of

used in every position (sec Fig, 6.3) in both the fol'lllS. and mry (vi/sit/erabl)' ill Ihe effi'l.·llhe),
meridional and circumferential directions. The 11l11'f! 0/1 the bllcklillg s/n'"gtll of Ihe slructllN!.

Bllckling ((Slee/ She/If - Ellrop<'<111 Design Rl.'COmmen{klfioffS

meridional gauge should be stra ight. but the To/eran{,l!.f {I I"(! 5p<'Cifled ro In' 10 CO/)(II1"(! lllOse
gauge for measurement" in thc circumferential illIlJf!t/«liol/ fiJrll/s IlwI are /Xlrtklilarll' 5eri(JlI.I
direction should hale a eun'ature equal to the for Ihe bolit' 1(){1l/ W ,W .\' of {u'ial rompn',\ ,\ iml
intended radius of curvature r of Ihe middle sur- (lIId ewert/al f)re,\J,lIre,
face of the lohell .

(2) The depth l\1I'0 orinitilll dimples ill the shell The guuge.1 ore del'i,\'e(J to /'('/ole 10 III(! ,\'i=e of
willi should be melNlred using gauges of Icnglh buckles tlwt are '-'XP('l.'lt!t/ to fOl"m W IlIe /' each of
'g whieh should be taken as follows: Ihe different Ixll'ic 1(){1t/ cme,I', The lel/glh is
dIOse" ill the liglll of the le/u'itil'itl' of huckli/lg
a) Wherever meridional compressi\e strel>3Clo stl'ellgtlt~ to illlpetfi'Ctimu i/l Ihe fOl"'" of the
are pn.'M:I1l, including across welds. measuremcnts lowesl elaS,l inl1 eige/l/luxle. 17,;s "'{~I' /10 1 /x.,
the most seriOIiS ;1II/JCrfi'(-'tim/, hili it i.f mw of
of Ihe depth l\1I'{h should be madc in both the me-
lite IIUl.ft serious, lO pruric/c:> a m(){/crareJ),
ridional and circumfcrentilll directions, using Ihc
goo</ cOlllrol.
gaugc of length 'p gi\en by: a) Mca.;,urtme
AIIIIOIlglt the radil/:> r i ,\' dt'jim~d as
lite imellt/et/
... (6.6) radills of ('11n·tllur(' of 'he shell. IIhich is gen-
eral for till tlxi~)'m",elric shd/s. l/tese e-rpre...-
b) Where circumfefCnlial L'Ompressi\c slresses
SiO/ll' "m'e reaNr OI11y heen dC'\'e/oPNI by COI/-
or shear stres:oCS occur, measurements of the depth
6wllllshouid be made in thc circumferential direc-
.fidering cOllditions reil.' I'(11/I to a cyUndriccl1 '"'&,
fhell, Whl!n' olll(!r shell gc'Omelrie.~ are il/- -+
tion ulting the gauge of length IJlII given by: mil'ed. approp/'i{l/{'~" dlosel/ gauge shape.f c/lld
lengths should he u.w!d,
but ... (6.7) ,
where: The basis of thi's mle i:> Ollllilll:ti i" Sdlmidt and
Greiner (199.Y),
, is Ihe meridional length of the shell seg- ,
ment . <>--'
e) Addilionally. ncro!>s welds measurements of
the depth 611'0. should be made, in both the
c) h~tlnclllol
eircumferemial lind meridionul directions. using
the gauge lenglh 'J(K given by:

'go. 25t or ' ... - 25Im ill'

bUI wilh/,....S 500mm ... (6.8)

Innn is Ihe thickness of the Ihinnest plme 31 the

Geometric,,, IOlertmce., (lilt! imIJerft,<-'liull.\

Vlf!r:ijit'd 10 Iry to C"Upflil'/! I/IO.te

'1'tf,hul (lrt! parlindarll' serimll
1<ul ('tJle.\ of luiul co";pre~~io,, inward

u('I'i.\'('(11O relme 10 Ihe si:e of

'erlk'e:lt'll 10 Jorm Imder etlcll of til'
tlie 10IIt/ CtlSl!S, The lellglll i~
.:ht of the tellsitil'ill' of bllddillg
pt!r{i.'Clio/l.1 ill the form oJ Ihe
'eigellfllode, Thif IIUII' 1101 lx-
S illlpetj(Xlioll, bill it olle oJis
tu, .fO proriues a mrx/ef'(lU!iy

a) Measurcment on II ITK:rithan b) First measurement on a circumfercntial eircle

:/ills I' i,f ckjilll;od u.~ Ille i lllellffl.'ti
lure of Ihe shell, l1I1id, is gcm·
ty",ml'lric ,fhells, '''esc {'xpres'·
:r oll/r /lcen Ik".,./oped hy COII- inward
Ions Nit'WlII1 to U C"),/illdrical
)Iher _fMII gcomclri{;.f tIl'/! ill-
iute'" cOO,fell gauge S/UlfJe,f lIIul
t! llSed.

nile is Ollilillt'll ill S<:h",it!1 (/fill

e) Firsl measurement across II weld d) &.-cond mCllsurcment on circumrerential em:le

7 ~I

e) Second measurcment aero!lS a we ld I) McasuremcnlS on circu mfcren tHl I Circle across

with special gauge weld
FiJ.:u r e 6.3: Measurement of depths 6\\ 0 or IIIll1al dimples
HIICklillg ofSlc.'C1 Shells - Europe"" Del'iXII Recommell(klliolls

(3) The depth of initial dimples s hould be as- Thi.f parame/er II/(Ike,\' Ihe tolerance (#111£'11-
sessed in lenns of the dimple pammcters V"". UIi/Io ,\'iall/e,\.\'. .~o th(lt it ellll be "I}IJlied 10 (III si::e,f of
VOw given by: l'IIell.

... (6.9)

(4) The value of the dimple panullctcrs U/h. The \'(lIlies of the.\'e p(lrt/meters lire Ihe dami-
Voo. U/Jw should s.1lisry the conditions: IIIe(lSlire rel,,'illg tlte fohl'icorioll 'IlItllily
cI,,,(.\' to the sIIell strength. The m/lles gin'lI
Itere are ,Jm relaled IU IltUle gil'f!lI ill &'Clioll
8.J.1 (18) of the.{e R(''COlllm{'lIlkll;OIl,~ COlleen/-
Va.. s: Uo..,; . . . (6. 10)
illg Ihe all/plill/de,\' of IIlIpeifecriOlIS 10 be 0.\'-
where Vo._. is the dimple tolemnce pannncier for slimed ill globol II/lmerical Ulmlysi.f ossel'l'-
the rclevam rubrication to lemncc quulil y ChL<OS, mellls of sIre II slrellglh /IIuler a GMNIA or .\';mi-
lar 'm{/k~i\',
NOTE I: Values for the dimplc tolem nce {XI' 6.4 [~tc nd cd
rumetcr Vo._. may be obtained rrom thc National The Nmiolllli A,l/le:r to EN I99J- I-6 mlly SJX'C- ricaliolci
Annex, The ",'Commended values arc gh en in if)' lite IrIlerallce,' to be IIl'ed. Table 6.4. which
Table 6.4. t/t:/iIlC.\' r{'L'm,,,,,c,,,led \'(lIlies, is pUrl of Ihe 6.4. 1 Imperfect
IIOle. (Illd is IIoll'lriClly IHlrl oflhe sumdard.

Tillie 6 4' Rl'COmmended vnl ues for dimple loit'1'W1CC p:1mmclcr 110
Fabriclltion tolcruncc u:ll~cI:ls.<o IX~~,on
Value of U,,-.
EN 1993-1-6 S\.'Cti
following potcntlill
inclusion of !lnpc
Class A Exccllent 0.006 reqUires Ihat arrTOP:
Class n lI igh 0.0 1 cannot be 3\oidcd iI
a) geomctric Iml
ClassC Nonn.11 0.016 _ de\ 1311<1
6.3.5 Interface Oulne!iS tolerance irrcguhu
(I) Where another structure continuously sup- Thl! ill/l!ifuce betll't'f'1I OIl{' SlnK'IIIn! alld all-
lack of
ports a shell (such as a foundation). its deviation other or lite ,wnlClllre (lIfd lis fOll/lllalio" is the
from OaIIK'SS at the interface s hould nol include a me(lI/,f lI'IIl?N!by membralle force.f are trallsmit-
b) material iml'Ci
loca l slope in thc circumfcrcntilll direction greater ted
limn Ptl
Whert' Illesc II/f!mbrlll/eforces arc IIol/ralls",il-
NOT E: The National Annex mlly choose the Ic{1 ill (I mallller Ihal leads to {j relatll-eJy /111;-
Further possible
valuc or Pu 1be value Po - 0.1% 0.001 ro· fonll .ftress ill the strllctllre. local higlt ,~tresses
R(i'\l\l~. such as
dians is recommended, call ari. "e. {II"I Iltese C'III Ic(uJ to buckling.
imperfections," t
TI,er(' is relUlil'ely lillIe research ill this {Irea
(Essli//ger ('/ al,. 1977). bill thc effects of SIII'-
Whcre appropriate l
purt sClllclllellt are qllite simi/ar 10 Ille effect of
impcrfl'Ctions rrOlf
Imel'f!II .\'/lI'I)(Ir/, alUl the l"i'Cc/l1 ,~tlldJ' of Ilol,ft
alld ROller (100J. 2(04) illlI,flrtlles thaI I"e
problem is l'Cry comp/e:f:. bill 1101 so seriOlIS.

T"e 1)(lrmneler 0/1 wlllch lhil' tolerance is {L~·

GoomelrlmllOler(lIfces (Illd Jmperfa'''OILf

m(lkes Iht' lolenmce dimell. ~eu('(/ II"(I.~ de\'i.w!tl by Ihe PmjL'C1 Tcam Iltal
I W1IIN.' uppli{'d 10 {III si=ef of draft(·t/ EN 1993· / -6, bm it is idemim/ to that
m;ed by Es.flillger el til.. (19 77). III the Com -
",('nUlry' /(I the tflt Edilioll (if the £CCS Rcm",-
",ent/alifllls, lJ brief s ta/ellle m 011 thi.~ nlt/ller
",t/icate.f 11/01 mllle.f of PII of eilll(!r 0.000/,
0.0007 or O,M/2 mig/II he lIppropri{/te ill dif
fcn!1If l"irclllllsUmces. HOII"('\'er, rl'CCI/f CXIJIfJ-
mlioll;o. of the pmctiml sign{ji{'{Jllce of '''t'~e
St' ptlrrlllleters ure the domi- m/lle.f (Greiller, 2(08) .fhow that Ihe.l' {I/'i.' afll'lI
tlti1lK '"l' jilhrictlliull qua/itl' qllite imprllclim/{v sl/wll. The ,hcon!lic(11 htJsi.\·
sfrength. rhe m/llt,;o.' gil'e~, of thew! ,·tlll/e.f IIIl1st therefore he N..'Collsitlered
'led 10 Ihose gil'i.''' ill !i<'Clifm (Iml /'el'iell'('d ill 'he light of ,/,(' work of Ilo/st
, Rn·fm,,"e/u)utiofl.I' en/teem.
ami Holter (2003, 1(04), (llId 'he NatiOllal AIl-
S o[ imperfections 10 he (IS-
nexe.f may he expl'Cted 10 he IIIIICh le\·.~ .\ Irici OIl
""merit'tli ul/a/,'s is (l.He ... ~­
'1Ii~ to/emllCe.
'lgth untler (I GAiN/A or sin;i-

6.4 Extended commentary on geometry, geometrical imperfections, geomet-

'X 10 /::"N /993-1·6 /tim' .\]>ec- rical tolerances and other forms of imperfection
o he J/Sed Tuble 6.4, \Illicit
tied m/lle.f, is /)(Irt of 'he 6.4.1 Imperfection form!!
'C/~I" purl ofthe stwu)art/.

EN 1993·1-6 Section 8.7.2 (8) (repeatcd in Section (9) OflhL'SC Recommendation!!) li!>!!. the
lalueofUn_ following potential sources ofimpcrfection as rcle\'antto numcricnl glob..,1 modelling using explicit
inclu~ion of imperfection" (GMN IA and GNIA. see Section 8.3 of these Recommendations). It
0.006 rL'quircs that appropriate IIliowance should be ineorponlled to cover the effects of imperfections that
cannot be avoided in practice. including:
a) geometric imperfections. sueh as:
0.0 16
deviations from the nominal gl.:ometrie shape of the middle surface (pre-dcfonnations,
irregularities at and near welds (miTIor L'eeentrieities. shrinkage deprc.~sion.!>. rolling
curvature errors):
t'4!11 0111' slnIClllre (111l1 (//I_ deviation!! from nominnl thickness:
re ulICl it.f [olllum/ion Is Ihl! lack of evenncss of !>uppons.
rrbrutl(! forces are trulls",il-
b) material imperfections. such 1lS:
residual stl'CSSC!l caused by rolling. pressing. welding. straightening etc.:
inhomogeneities and anisotropics.
11'''' forces aN! 'WI trims",;,·
II lellds tu if reftllil1!(\' Imi-
,rK"tllre. IUClII high SIn'.ues Funher pos!!ible ncgathc ml1uenccs on the imperfect clastic-plastic buckling rL~istancc mtio
!re am le(1l1 10 budlillg. RGMM1 • such as ground SClllements or Ilexibilities of COllnections or suppons. are not classed as
riftle rest'arch i/l litis WWl imperfections in the sense of these prO\isions.
77). blllihe ejfi'CIS of St/p-
rUite ,fimilar to tlte ('ffi'C1 of Where appropriate. a global numerical nnalysis of the structure should include all possible relevant
, the recent study of 110/sl imperfections from the abcne list that may be significantly deleterious to thc strength of the
,1(04) illllstrates ,!ttll Ihe structure.
"ex. but /101 so serious.

?Iich thi;o. tolenmCl! is lIS-

Bllck/illg ofSleel Shell.\ - Europca" Desigll RL'CQI1II1II.!1ld(llioR\
6.... 2 Thickncss imllcrfections lind tolerances
The e\alumions of EN 1993-1-6 ure based on the nominal thickness of the plnle. Where the plate is
relathcly thick. this poses fc\\ problems. 1I0we\er. where \ery thin pillte construction is in\'ohed Bomscheuer. F.W,.
(e.g. < 3nlln). the lower limit of the thicknchlI that is Ilcceptable under production requiremcnt!> mny Rundsch\\'ei!.!oniiht
be below the \ulue . . required for buck ling design.
DIN 18 800 (19901
No restrictions have been placed on imperfections Ihm nre local thiekJII..'SS variutions in the shell. Institut rur Normung.
This topic has been the subject of one known mujor !>Iudy (Gllsic et at.. 1998: Gu!>ic. 1999). but the
delcteriou!> em.'Ct nppcars to be co\ered moderately \\cli by the reqU1rements rel31ing 10
ImperfectiOlb of shape. FCCS (19Igg'8~:),~:~~:;
European C

6.4.3 'Vcar and ctJrrosloll

Where the shell structure is in contact with other materinls that may either cause mechanical or
chemical degradation of the material of the structure (mechanical damage as wear: chemielll
damage as corrosion) proper allowance should be nlUde for the expccK"d effecl o\er the lifetime of structures. CEK
the structure.

nle commonest case of both wear and corrosion is in si los. Some silos contain rough and IIbmsive
solids thut slide IIgainst the wall during discharge. clmsing considerable wenr. Although scverul EsslinQer. M. lind
examples exist of silos being so badly worn thnt holes IIppearcd in the cylindricn l walls. no failures Axi!tymmetrie Irrcgu\
are known due to this em..ct. and no research studies are known that ha\ e cillplored the reduction in Dowling. J.E. ilardi
buckling strength due to local wear. Corrosion often ari"C5 where there are eorrosi\e subSlnnccs
within either a stored sol id in a silo or a stored liquid in II tank. Esslinger, M .• Geier.
concerning I!.otropie
Rules concerning wear and corrosion in si los may be !bund in EN 1993-4-1. Liege.

Greiner. R. (2008) ..
6.4.4 Non-uniformities of IOllding, fore~ transfer bet"ccil shell segments IIl1d force lransfer Rotter. Feb.
10 boundaries
Greiner. R. and Yan
No restrictions hll\ e been plnced on imperfections that arise from minor non·unifonnilies of the stepped wall thiekn
applied loading and support. Where the shell is subject to membrane forees from other structural Measurement. Charoc
clements. thL'SC may be significnntllTld cllre should be exercised to eTlloure tlmtthe 1I0n·unifonnity of
forees applied to the shell boundaries is appropriately considered. Guggenbcrger. W. (\
process and coru.i~tc
6.4.5 Residual slr('Ss('S Workshop on Impcr
C A-Silo. Lyon. F
No special allowance has been made for rcsidunl stresses in the shell structure. A few studies of the
Gusic, G. (1999) " F~
development and consequences of residual stresses in cylindrical shell s have been conducted d'epaisscur" (Buekli
(Guggenberger. 1996: Rouer. 1996: 1I0lsi et al .. 1999. 2000). These gcnentll y lend \0 the imperfections). ThCi<
conclusion that Q consistent residual stress field (onc that sntislies equilibrium lind can be present in
thc shell in its final imperfL'C1 gcomctricul fonn lind docs nOI increase the amplitude of the
geometric imperfcction when the shell is unloaded) is usuully slightly beneficial. in Ihat il increases
Gusie G .. Limam A.•
the buckling rcsiSlllncc of the imperfecl shell. Some earlier studies of the problem (e.g.
influence of loca
Bornschcuer et al.. 1983) reached a different conclusion bllt were conducted without using a Mechllnics Ad\'aoce!'
consistent residual stress field .
liolst, J.M.F.G. and I
Metal Shells. cds 1.G

Geometric,,1 to/erCI"Cf.'s u"d imperfecfioll.\

6.S Referenc es
,f thc phllc. Whcre the plate is
platc construction is invoh'ed
Bomseheuer. F.W .. IUfner. L. and Rallllll, E.. (\983) "Zur Slabililfil eines Krciszylinders mit einer
r production requircmems may
Rundschweissn5h\ unter Axialbeillstung'·. Ocr StllhlbllU. Vol. 52. I left 10. pp. 313-318.

DIN 18 800 (1990) Stllhlb..1lJlen: Stnbilitlltsflll1e, Schalenbeulcn, DIN 18800 Part 4, Dcutschcs
ckncss variations in the shell.
Institut fUr NOnllUng, Berlin, November.
/.. 1998: Gusic, 1999), but the
he n:quiremenls relating to
ECCS (1988) European Recommendations for Steel Construction: Buckling of Shells. 4th edition,
European Convention for Constructional Stcclwork. Brussels.

EN 1090-2 (2006) Dmft: Execution ofstccl structures and aluminium structures. 2006 draft. CEN.
}' cither cause 1l1<.'Chanical or
damagc as \\,car; chcnucal EN 1993-1-6 (2007) Eurocodc 3: Design of stccl structures. Part 1.6: Strength and stability of shell
too cm.'Ct o\cr the lifetime of structures, CEN. Brussels.

l:.N 19934-1 (2007) Eurocode 3: Design ofstccl structures. Part 1.6: Silos. CEN. Brussels.
)S contain rough and abrasive
)blc "car. Allhough scvernl Esslinger, M. lind Geier. B. (1977) "Bockling Loads of Thin-Walled Circular Cylinders with
cyhndrical \\'alls. no failun.'S Axisymmetric Lrrcgularitics··. in Steel Plated Structures: An International Symposium. Eds PJ .
a\ e elCplon.'d the reduction in Dowling. J.E. Harding and I).A. Frieze. pp 865-888.
'!ere arc corroshc substanccs
Esslinger. M.• Geier. B. and Wood. J.G.M. (1977) "Some Complcmcms to the ECCS Dcsign Code
concerning Isotropic Cylinders". Prelim. Rpl, 2nd Internal. Coli. on Stability of Stcel Structures,
,-4-1. Liege.

(1:III ... nts and force Irllnsrcr Greiner, R. (2008) "Tolcmnce valuc uf unc"cnness uf foundation", Private communication to 1M.
Rolter. Feb.

Greiner. R. and Y:mg. Y. (1996) "Effect ofimperfcctions on the buckling strength of cylindcrs with
inor non·unifomlitics of the stepped wall thickness undcr axial loads", Proc. Int. Workshop on Imperfections ill Metal Silos:
forccs from other structurnl Measurement. Characterisation and Strength Analysis. CA-Silo. Lyon. Fr,mce. 19 April. pp 77-I«J.
rc that the noo-unifonnity of
Guggenb.crger. W. (1996) ··J::o.ffcct of geometric imperfections taking into account the fabrication
process and consistent residual stress fields of cylindcrs under local axial loads". Proc. Intemational
Workshop on Imperfections in Metal Silos: Measurement. Characterisation and Strength Analysis.
CA-Silo, Lyon. France. 19 April. pp 217-228.
Ucture. A few studics of the
hells ha\C~ been conduct,,'d Gusie. G. (1999) "Flambage des coques eylindriqucs sous pression externe: innuence des dcfauts
h~ gcnernlly lead to the d'epaisscur" (Buckling of cylindrical shells under external pressure: the effect of thickness
Ibrium and can be present in imperfections). These de doctorat. L'lnslitut National des Sciences AppliquCcs de Lyon. Lyon,
il:aSC the amplitude of the
eneficial. in that it increases
dics of thc problcm (e.g. Gusic G .• Limam A .• Jullien J.F. (1998) "Buckling of thin cylindrical shells under external pres~ure
conducted without using a - influence of localized thickness varilltion", 11th International Conference on Experimental
M,,"Chanics Advances in Design, Testing lind Analysis. 24-28 August. Oxford.

Holst, J.M.F.G. and Rotter. J.M. (2004) "Settlement b.cneath cylindrical shells". in Buckling of Thin
Metal Shells, eds J.G. Teng & J.M. ROller, Spon, London.


- .. _--- .- ....
Hl/dlillX IJISI('c/ Shell!!'· Ellropeall DesiXII R('(Y}/ml/(!II(JatiIJllS

I-ioist. J.M.F.G. and Roltcr. J.M. (2005) "Axially CompresK'(I Cylmdrical Shclls \\Jlh Local
Settlcment··. Thin-Walled Structure!>. Vol. 43. No.5. MIlY. PP HI 1-825. 7 Rules
1I01st. J.M.F.G .. ROllcr, J.M. and Calladinc. C.R. (1999) "Imperfections in Cylindrical Shell"
re'lulting from Fabrication Misfit~". Joun131 of Enginecring Mcchanic... ASCE. Vol. 125. No. 4.
Principal aUlhor:
April. pp 410-418.

Iioist. J.M.F.G .. Rotlcr. J.M. lind Calladinc. C.R. (2000) "hnJX=rf(.'Ctions and buckling in cylindricill 7.1 General
shclls Yo Ith con .. i~tcnt residual streioM.'S". Journal of ('onslnlctional Stcel Research. Vol. 54. pp 265-
282. 1.1.1
Rolter. 1M. ( 1996) "Ela!<ltie plastic buckling and collapse in internally prec;surisc<i axially ioilo cylinders with measured axisymmetric imperfectIons: interuetionc; bet\\ccn In the tnillihonal
imperfections. residual stresses and eolillpsc". Proc. Intcrnational Workshop on 11Ilperf(.'C tions in used and a h;~~:t:~,~
that material
Metal Si los: Measuremcnt. Charueteri'Wltion and Strength Analy:!ois. CA-Silo. Lyon. Fnmee. 19
April. pp 119-140. preach i.. known as

Roller. J.M. (2004) " Buckling of cylindrical shells under a'(ial compro:ssion", in Bucklillg 01 Thill In the period 1940-1
Metal Shells. Spon. London. complete stnlctu~
pend on '" hcthcr the
Rotler. 1M. and Teng. lG. (1989) "Elastic Stability or Lap-JointL'(I Cylindo:rs", Joum:ll of structures the '1
Structuml Enginco:ring. American Society ofei\il EnginCCfli, Vol. 115. No.3, March. pp 683-691. which the most

Sehmidt. II. and Greiner, R. (199M) "Erlautcrungcn 7U DIN 18 800 Teil4" in Slahlbaulen. Eds 1
Lindner, J. Schccr, and II. Schmidt. cmst & Sohn and Bculh. Berlin. pp 333-422. istic assessmcnts
mine. so simplc safe
is widely taken as the
par.unctc.... (ideal
ioIrcsses may be ""'''i'~

In It stnleture ":~~:.::.~
the beha\ lour I
collapse or plastic
axial compression.
In It simply supponcd
beam represents an
any rearrangemcnt
and cross-K'Ction~
that is far below

slnlcture cannot
plifying the analy .. is
that the strc<;<; state in
tions, local vurilltions
These simple methods
10 great dlfficulues if
finite clcment "~~I,~~~
Ihan the simple I
lem becomes more

Rille.'r/or Ihe pla~/;c Umilwate ttlI(11)/tlSlic rejerellct! loud assessment

Cylindrical Shclls \\ nh Local

25. 7 Rules for the plastic limit state and plastic reference load
rfcction~ in Cyhndricul Shcll~
lnic~. ASCI'.• Vol. 125. No. 4.
Printilmi llulhor: 1.M. ROller

ons and buckling in cylindrical 7.1 General

teel RL~arch. Vol. 54. pp 265-
7.1 .1 T he s ig nifica nce or the plnslic limil load
internally prcssuriscd a:(illlly
Celions: intcractions betuLocn In the trac.litional approach to struetul'lll engineering strength evaluutions. clastic culculntions ucre
WOIhhop on Imperfeetions in used and a limitation wus placed on the maximum calculated stress. This was inlenc.lcd 10 ensure
s. CA-Silo, Lyon. Francc. 19 Ihat malerial brcakdoun did not occur at thc design loac.l. IUlgmented by a SllrCty margin. This ap-
proach is known as the -pcnnissiblc stress" or "allowllble stress" approach.

.pression". in Buddillg (if Thill In the period 1940-1980. great Prob'fCSS was mac.le in understanding the conditions under uhich
complele structures truly rcaehL'ti their nUlximum loac.l conc.lition. These conditions naturnlly de-
renc.l on whether the malcrial from which the structure is T1Ulc.lC is c.luctile or brilllc, but in metal
:>i01OO Cylinders". Journal of 'Itructurcs thc c.luctility or thc malerial leads to II substantial reserve or ... trcngth beyond the loml 111
5, '\0. 3. \iareh. pp 683-697. \\hich the most highly stressed point reachcs the malcrial strength limit. Howcycr. the s ize or the
strength reserve is \ery sensitive to thc typc or stmeturc. thc geometry. loading and boundary condi-
Tcil 4" in Slahlbaulcn. Eds J. tions. In a modem limit statc phi losophical rnullcwork. stmcturul eyaluntions are nil basec.l on real·
pp 333-422. istic nsst.'"Ssmcn ts of the tme strength of the stmeture. This s trength is somctimcs difficult to dcter-
mine. so simple s.'1fe eonscrvntivc Ilpproximations to il may be USl'd instead. The malerilll strength
is widcly tnken as the yicld s tress, since this penl1its Cllch mllleriulto be eharucterised by just two
p.1ramcters (ideal clastic-plastic material with clas tic modulus and yield stress) evcn though largcr
str<.'SSCs may be sustained at large stmins.

In a stmcturc made or ductile idcal clastic-plu.'Itic m:lIerial, anc.l where no stability phenomel1n am.'Ct
the behaviour berore the maximum load is rcaehL'd. Ihe IIInximum 100'1d or the stmcture is the plastic
collnpsc or plastic limit load. [n very simple stmcturcs. such as a \'Cry shon column unc.lcr unironll
axial compression. there is no difference between Ihe attainment or !'irst yicld and the plns tie limit.
In a simply supponcd I beam. the first yicld load is also close to the plastic limit looc.l because the I
beam represents an efficicnt d~ployment or matcrial anc.l the detenninate structure docs nol pemlit
any rellrrangcmcnt orlhe load carrying stress path. By contrust. structures that are highly redundant
lind cross-sections that are solid (as in 1m isotropic shell platc) both usually reach first yield at a load
that is far below the plastic limit load.

It is nmul'lllly desirnblc that seriously conservative estimates of the strength or a structure are
u\oided. since this leads to uneconomic design. In com·entional design. the conclusion that thc
structure cannot survive a load targl.... tl1:m the very low " first yield lood" is avoided cither by sim-
plifying the analysis (e.g. using membrum: thL'Ory instcac.l of linellr bending theory). or assuming
thm the stress statc in the Slructure is relatively unironn (ignoring the effccts of boundary
tions. local vnriations in applied lo.'1ds. s tructurnl details. local IIl1achments and pcnctl'lltions ctc.).
TI,CSC simple mcthods of avoiding a realistic assessment or thc true s tress state ofthc structure leac.l
to great difficulties ir computational models nrc used to Ilnll lysc the s tructure. Even the simplest
finite clement analysis uses linear bending theory 1ll1d I)r<.'tiicts first yield to occur at lower loads
than the simple mcthods. As progressivcly more realistic fini te element IInlllySl'"S arc used. thc prob-
lem bccoml.'S more and more serious. The only solution to Ihis problem is 10 use a relllistie assess-

HII(.'klillg o/S/('e/ Shells - Ellru/wull lks;g" Recom",e"d{lli()/I.~

ment of the true strength of the n.'dund:mt ductile structure. The realistic nssessment of strength for
an ideal elastic-plastic structure is represented by the plastic limit Io.,d.

Notwithstanding the above. it should be remembered tlmt the extent to which the !irst yield assess-
ment is conservat i~e depends strongly on the gt.'omelry and lood case of the structure. For example.
a cylindcr that is carefull y unifonnly axially compressed has little rescn'e of strength beyond the
!irst yield condition. By contrast. the !irst yield criterion mlly estimate the Mrength of a cone-
cylinder shell j unction at only 2()o,. of its real value (Rotter. 1985).

7.1 .2 Ruptu re li nd bending collapse Illechllnlcs

The plastic limit slate in a shell cm ers two conditions lhat are normally regarded as distinct First it
covers tensile rupture or eOl1lprcssi~e yield through the full thickness (membrane yield) along an
extended line through the struclure. S(."Cond it covers the development of a plastic collapse mecha-
nism invoh'ing bending (the achie"ement of a classical plastic limit 10.1d). These two stnlCS ellnnot
be easily separat(.-d for shells because bending of the shell always in~ohcs associated stretching.
nnd ,cry few load conditions involve only membrane (pure stretching) stn.-sses. Bccau..c the I
slenderness ).. and
The plastic limit state represents the st1lle of extensi~e rupture or unaecepltlbly lurge plastic defor- limit 10.1d always
mations in tension or compression. but when stability phenomena do not imen·enc. The simplest lunil 10:ld i~
and clearest expre!osion of this cond ition is the classical plastic limit load. which is derived from an
ideal clastic-plastic tInulysis using small displacement theory. This type of anulysis is tenned MNA
in EN 1993-1-6 (sec Section 2.2.7) and inlhcsc Recommendations (sec Section
7.1 .4
7. 1-3 l'llistie:: Iimilload and buckling limit state assessments
The plastiC limit
... tnlcture \\ hen
In a !oimple axially 10.1ded column. stability effects intervene in slender members. but the plastic
limit (yield stress) limits the strength of stocky members. The relationship betwccn the plastic limit The plastic limit
load and the elastic criticulload is used to define the relative slenderness o f the member. The same confused \\ ith the
generalised definition o frclat i\c slenderness is used in EN 1993- 1-6 for shell structures eeptiblc to I
nomena pennlt
... (7.1)
hr"t. no material
where RpJ represents the plastic limit lood and Rcr represents the clastic criticul lood. It may be ,tre'i~ belllg
noted thai Rpl is referred to in EN 1993- 1-6 IlS the plastic reference resistance and Rcr as the critical An appn'Pnate
buckling resistance (Fig. 7. 1).
The second
be I (so
tion may be
changes to .... anls a
•. geomettrr:;c~:,'~1.Ct~~
it is not p

B(."Cuusc thl'<;C t\\O

quantify. neither is
limit load is I
RlIle\ jiJr III('II/uslic limil !;/(Ile lllld plaslic reference 10lJd assessme"l

~istic ~sment of strength for R", j,mall displacement theory

"'. plastic limit load (MNA)~
t 10 \\-hich the first yield assess- Lotld faclOr
e of the struelure. for eXllmplc.
rcsen'c of strength beyond the
~jmale Ihe strenglh of n cone-
on design
!/ lL_ _ _ Elastic-plastic behaviour

, _ - - - - - Rpl l..'S tilllatc from linear elastic analysis (LA)

ally regarded liS distinct. First it

css (membrane yield) ulong un Defonnation
en! of II plastic collapse mechu-
load). These 1\00 0 Slates cannot Fi~ur(' 7. 1: Plusllc rererencc l't.';,l!>t:mcc Npl mid simple ~limat c using LA
jmohcs associated stretching.
Because the definition of the buckling strength in the clastic-plastic regime dcpends on the rdati\'e
siendemt'Ss).. and the plastic limit load is uS<.."<i in the definition of slcndem~ (Eq. 7.1). the plastic
]J9cceptably large plastic defor-
limit load always remain!'> rclevllnt to a buckling strength assessment. For Ihis reason. the plastic
do not intenene. The simplesl
limit 10;ld is carefully defined and described in th~ Rccommendmions. e\'en though the focus of
ioad..... hieh is derhed from an
the RI..'COmmendations is on the stability of shel ls.
MX= of analysis is t!;'nned MNA
7.1.4 Effect orstrllin hardening and gl..·tJIl1ctric ChllllJ.:I.'lI

The plastic limit load is simply 1\ reference load. y.hieh assists in identi fying the strength of the
struclUre when slllbility plays no significant role.
roder members. bUI Ihe plastic
jffiship between the plastic limit
The plastic limit load is currently defined only for an ideal clllStie·plastie material. It should not be
ness of the member. The sume
confused with the real strength ofu Mocky structure. as outlined below. If the structure is not sus·
for shell structures
ccptiblc to stability phenomena. its tnlc strength is not limited by the plastic limit load: two phe-
nomena pennit additional loads to be carried .
... (7. 1)
Finot. no material is perfectly elastic-plastic. so struin· hardcning o f the material leads to higher
Jastic critical load. It may be stresses being sustained locally. which in tum leads to higher lo.'1ds being camed by the structure.
esistance and Rcr as the critical An appropri:ue ··failure loao' is more difficult to identify. since no clear maximum load is attained.

The second phenomenon is change in gl..'Omctry. As the structure deforms. the change of shape can
be dcstabilising (so recogniM!d as pan of a slllbility effect) or stabilising. An example of stabilisa-
tion may be considered as a circular flat plate under transverse pressure. whose shape slowly
changes towards a hemispherical shape. with steady increases in the pressure sustained. This
··gl..'OlllClric hardening" effect (ROller. 2(05) is present in many plastic collapse conditions. but IIgain
it is not possible to define a clear maximum load.

BI..'Cause these two phenomcna both lead to changes in the plastic state that arc rother difficult to
quunt ify. ncither is included in an assessment of the plastic limit load. In EN 199)- 1·6. the plastic
limit load is defined in a unique manncr by associating it with a material behaviour that is ideal
clastic-plastic and Ihe kincmutics o f small displaccmellllhcory (Rotler. 2002a& b. 2(05).
Bllckling o/Sfeel Shells - Elllvpeall De~'ig" Recommc"mllions

7.2 Different methods of estim:uing the plastic referen ce resistance

7.2.1 T he formal plastic limillnnd

In EN 1993- 1-6.lhe ideal clastic-plastic limit load may be used in "direcl design" ".. here II fonnal
limit load is known algebruienlly. Where an eluslie-plastic smull displacement numerical analysis
(MNA) is used. Ihis may also find the plastic limit load precisely. pro\ idcd thlll the rcloUitS can be
appropriately interpreted (see Section 7.5.1).

When simpler analyS(.'S lire used. the plastic limit load must be estimalL-d with a lo\~ er bound up-
proxim:lIion. The simplest ofthesc 100~er bound upproximations is the (lltainment of first yield. but
as noted above this often undereslimat(..'S the strcngth very eonsidembly.

7.2.2 Estimation based 011 m embra ne theory clllcuhltions

Where a membrane thcory analysis has been used to detennine the stress stale in the shell. first
yield (II the most highly stressed point in the shell according to \'on Miscs criterion is used as an 7.2.3 ESIil1llltion
estimate of the plastic limitlo.,d. This gives the simple internction bctwCCl1mcmbrane stress resul-
tants according to von Miscs eritcrion (Fig. 7.2):
Where a linear shell
on the surluee at the
... (7.2) be u~-d a!> lin "",m''''i
true pla!>tic limit load
where II/ and 111 are Ihe principal vulues of the mcmbmne Siress Tl..'Sultnnts. recognising thai Ihe gen- yield on the surfllce i..
enal mcmbrune stress slate will involve the three mcmbrJnc stress resultants II... noand " \(J.
than design ba~ on
that are cakulatcd
equilibrium of the
If the stress stale is entirely axisymmetric (11.,0'" O).lhis crilcrion may give a close upproxim:lIion to
tircly (it is difficult
the true condition at plustic collapse. because the full plastic state is achic\ed around the entire cir-
cumference. though this sti ll does not neeC5S.'1ri ly uchieve a mech:tnism of failure, I lo\~e\·er. where
c1a!>lic anal} ..i .. to
the stresses are significantly unsymmetrical. this criterion often provides a very conservntive esti-
lound In Seclion fLU.
1l1.1te of the plastic limil load: yield 31 a point does nOI pennit development of the cOTllplete plastic
mechanism required for collapse (Ihe kinematic requirements of collapse are not satisfied). In par-
ticular. whcre the Io.,ding produces a local peak in the tnCmbmnc stress distribution. this method of In lenn!>
with the 11
estimuti ng the plustie limit load can become extremely eonservalive. MOfCO\·er. then: is no simple
sires, .,WI". \\hiht
manner in which Ihe conservatism can be alleviated empirically using notions of phlStic rcdislribu·
tion. hct:ause equilibrium will be violated,
it is not possible to II linear elastic

In an attempt to n.'SOh
"Ulte, EI\ 1993·1-6
ing and n, ~;~::b::,~,i
criterion finol 1
mtemellon that i~ !>!Ife
action. It i, slilll ~.~~~
pla .. ticity oflhc S4



RlIle.\ '/or Ihe plmlic h"'il~tale all(/ plaslic referellce lomi lJ.ueument

!DCe resislance Second principal membrane

stress !\!Sultant "1
Safe stress !\!Sullant
eombinaaions inside
this envelope if. L - - ,
'direct design" \\here II fonnal
splacelilent nurnericalullulysis
rovidcd Ihut the results call be T·T First princiIXl1 membrane
-if. C·T st!\!Ss !\!Suitanill/

nMed "ith II lower bound ap- T.c if.

e attainment of first yield. but
T TcnSloo
-If. C Con~sim
f lgur!' 7.2: 111&SlIe slrcngth mll'mCllon bct"een membmne ~tress resultants
Sires!> stale In the shell. first
Mi.scs criterion IS used as an
7.2.3 Estim a tio n based on linear clasti( s hell be nding theory calcula tions
tween membrane stress rcsul.

Where a linear shell bending thto'ory analysis has been u'\Cd to detennine the stress state. fil'\t yield
on the surface at the most highl y stressed point in the ~hcll according to \'on Miscs criterion \:ould
... (7.2) be used as an estimate of the full plnslie rcsistnnee. but this lends to an e .. en lower estimate of the
true plastic limit loud than the membrane stress e\aluatioll of Section 7.2.2. If the criterion of first
Ints. recognising thai the gen- yield on lhe surfllee is ndoptoo. design D:1Sl.-d on lincnr bending thcory becomes more conser-uli, c
Innb 11,. I1nand 11\1J than design based on membrune theory. which S/..'CIII!> inapproprintc. Howc\er. thc bending actions
thm are calculated u!>ing linl'ar !>hell bending tln:ory are sometimes necessary to suppon the static
gi .. e a close approxima tion 10 equilibrium of the stnleturc (Rollcr. 1985). Consequently. these moments cannot be ignored en·
~h ie'ed llround Ihe emire cir- tirely (it is difficul t to define geneml crileriu tlml identify when these moments are imponant to
1 of failure. Uowcvcr. where slmic equilibrium and when nOI). Tlu:sc difficulties all arise when an allcmpt is made to use u linear
(lcs a very conscrvutivc csti. elastic anlilysis to idcntify the plastic reference resistance. Funher discussion and advicc may be
1"1CTIt of the complcte plns tic found in Section 8.2.3.
F .are nOi satisfied). In par·
In tenns of the definitions of EN 1993-1·6. Ihe stl\.'SS s tatc in the shellthnt is required to cquilibrnh!
dlstnbution. this method of
Morem'er. there is no simple with the louds (irrespective of \~ hether clastic or plastic stresses are involved) is tcnned the prill/an·
:flre.U Sf(ll(? whilst the stresses arising from compatibility considerntions are tenned S(-'COlldt,,)'
notions of plastic rcdistribu-
Slrf!.ue.~. J-1owe\-er. although this conceptual difference is very imponam in the pR.'SCm discussion.
it i~ not possible to idcmify cU!>ily Yo hieh strcliS/..'S belong in which class \\ hcn lhey nre cnlcullm.-d
using a linear elastic numericalnnalysis (LA).

In nn allempt to rcsoh e the unfonunate scriou~ con'iCrvatism of the abo\-e assessment of the linut
statc. EN 1993·1..() uses Yo hat is commonly temlCd the Ilyus hin yicld critcrion for combined bend-
ing and membrane SI.rcSSCS to provide a measure of increase in the enlculmed surface stresses. This
criterion first combines the hcnding moments and membrane forces in cach direction to produce an
internction that is sufe for uniaxial bending. and then combines them into a biaxial von Miscs mlcr-
nction. It is still e\'aluali.o'd in tcnns ofstn.'SSl.'S. but the outcomc represents a closer approueh to full
plasticity of the section than can be obtained using surface strcsSC!> (Fig. 7.3):

... (7.3)
BlId:/i"K n/Slul SI,,>/'s - ElIrtJl)t!{II/ De.~igll RecommclldtlliollS

in which: 7.3 Rules of

UO ·
!!JJ.. ±-,-
InO ... (7.4)
I r 4 7.3.1 Design

!!JJl.. ±, (I)P Allhough

m \0 . ". !l..!!L
I r '4
'" , ... (1.5) clm.lie unalyloi~ and
predici the pla~tic
the ba!>is of the I
This criterion now pennits the full phu;tie moment of the shell to be dc\elopi.."<i lit II point. but gi\(~s
II linear interaction bch\-een moments and membmne forces. when the tnJC full plaMieity interaction a con\Cr..-athe ''''''~
rcsi<.tallee \\ hieh j.,
is parabolic (Fig. 7.3). It is therefore still a very conservathe criterion. This is e\en more evident
limit state (sec EN
\\hen it i!o T"CCOb'11ised thllt plustie hinge fonnalion III one point is far from the development ofa plas-
tic collapse mcchnnilom. which here mUM in\'ohe both bending Ilnd siretehing. This erilerion is
commonly more con!oCnllli\'e than Ihal used for membmne theory analyses.

.. ""
-j "

II "
~l "
•• 02

", (2) The Ilyulohin }'

, 0.2 G. GI 01 as detailed in (6). tha
UnIaa'-l_I'''' pMMk _ _ _ (""""-" plastic collapse .. tatc
facc slress e\alulltion .
•' Igur(' 7.J: Uniaxilll plastic strength inter.action bct\\,"'Cn mcmbrnnc force per unit width lind bending mo-
ment per Unit width (clastic limIt. llyushllllllK1 full plasticity)
(3) At each point
value of the strcs~ a
7.2.4 Estimalioll bused on g('omclriclIll} nonlilll'llr clllcliialions highe~t primal)' .. tre.
analysis that eon'iid~
If geometric nonlinearity is included in an analysis to detennine the plastic limit state. problems between imposed do
urisc over whether the s tructure displays geometric hardening or geomelric softening. For gL'Olnetri- forces und momcnh.
cally softening s tructures. the distinction bcm·ecn the plllStic lint It and buckling is lost. and the peak
load is the same as that for plas tic buckling. unless bifurcation occurs. In geometrically hardening
structures. the plastic limit depends on Ihe maximum pennittcd defonmllioll. which is not si mple to
define. (4) The primary loti
maximum \'alu~ of
The relati .. c slenderness used ill the buckling cvalUlUions that occur later in these Recommendations equilibrium \\lth the
is thereforc only defined wilh respec t to a small displllccmenilheory analysis for eVlllualion of the along un axisymmetr
plustie limit (MNA). and gL'Omelrically nonlinear allalyses (G\.1NA) s hould not be used when dc- ture.
tennining the slenderness (Rotter. 2002b. 2(05). This is discussed further in Chaplcr 8.


___________.-:.R:::"/cJ [or 'he ,,1"Slit" Iim;1 ftllle lind plastic rejerel/Ct' load aues:",IIcm

7.3 Rules or E 1993- 1-6, Section 6.2, for the plastic limit slale usi ng slress
... (7.4)
7.3.1 Design "a lues ofslrrsscs

(I)P Although stress design is based on un The pftmic limilflll'" shollld .ftricl~I' be Jomul
'In ... (7.S)
clustic unulysis and therdore cannot accurately jiV/1/ a 1IU1/edt/lly nOllfj"etlr (l/IfI~l'fis. wllich
predict the plastic limit stutc. it muy be u!oocd, on lI'ould liSt' 1I m mplete "Imu;e ('ollap.\c mcdl(l-
JC\c10p!..'<Illl:J point. but gi\-,.."S the b.1sis of the lower bound theorem, to provide lIi~m to dejine the lilllit sU/te. III a ,Ihc/l .111'1/('.
: true full pta~licity inlcrnclioll a consen'ative assessment of the pl:1Stic collupse tlll'C, I//ch a IIIL'Clwllism ;m"Q/I'e,f both be/ulill}.:
)fl. This is c\cn more evident resistance which is used to represent the plastic al/d l'''1:tc:hillg dfj"ormotiolL\", so 111lI1 Ihc pitmit'
om the dc\'cloprncnt of a plas. limit statc (sec EN 1993·1·6 &"-ction 4.1.1). eo/lops(' mt'C/wl/ism im"Q/I'c.~ 1101 Oil/I' Ihe lor.
J stTCtching. Thi~ criterion is 111(11;011 01(111 adcquate Iwmber 01p/astit.' hillge.1
lyses. ("ic!d lilll!.~), bill e.T/ells;I'(' IIIembral/e slre/t'hing
to (K'hiel'e eml/polihilit)'. /11 lhis COllleXl, III!,
(KlopfiOil 01 u failure criferioll haved 01/ fhe (II.
wi",IIe", of.fllfjal'e yieldillg at a sil/gle l)(Jilll ill
f"l!f"I!/lIISII("~I' l('lIdv 10 a porlil'lllar!,' COlln'r·
,'alill' tl.ueumellf of Ihl! Ii",it load, TIr(' (Iiffer.
cllce be/ll('ell this emde e.l/lI/llIte of thc limil
10(1(1 from eluSlil' (lIIalpil alld fire (K"'lIratl!~"
I!l'(fhllllet! mIl.' from MNA grows CIS Ilu· /ollf/ill.l:
tm Ihe .Ilrefl becolllef lIIore complic(lfcd.
Thi,\' lrealmelll i.f II/erefore 1I/()lkrafe~I' ClCCllrll/l'
for cL\iSl'mmelric(l/~"I()(IC/ed slrell.f. bllt hecome.f
"('1)' COII.fCn'lIliw for IlIIsylllmclri("a/~I' or hI-
C"/~I' loud!'" l·"d/s.
(2) The Ilyushin yield criterion may be u,cd, The 1(l"lIlhill critt'riOIl is Ihc l'imfJ/~1 plmlid/l"
• us detailed in (6), that comes closer to the true
plustic collapse slate than a simple eluslic sur·
£Tlterilm fOi' u .fllell. II is (uloptt..'d to pr/wide (I
("f"ileriflll Ihat fl' alll'ays safe, hili il is often 11:0'
ruee stress evuluution. mle, It i.f, hOlI'ell'r, leu co/lseM'atiw! t/"III the
c:r unit \\ idth and bending 11K).
bW:ily) aileriOIl offinu yield ollihe slrelllllrjt.lCe.
(3) AI eaeh point in the stmclurc the design To "I/sl/I'e IIItII el'l!lI Ihe simple.11 ("cues arl!
\ alue of the stress C1;>I.I:J should be takcn as the trctlted eOfls('n"CItil'e(,', Ihe limil lillie i.1 UI··
highest primary stress detennined in a stmctuml fe'ned 011 Ihe hasi,f ofSlrt'SS"S at Cll'illgle l)(Jillf,
analysis that considers the 11m:. of equilibrium TI,/'I i.1 hcl.fed 0/1 the fOIl'"r bolllld Iheorem of
plastic limit Slale. problems between imposed design load and intcrnal plul"lil"itl'.
:tnc softening. For gcamctri- forces :md moments.
TlI/.f dell/.fe (Il.w illdicale.f Ihot the QlUI~\"fi.f IIsed
iJUCkling is 10!01. and the peak
I/{','d flOI he all elastic {lIIo~\'sis: materi(lll.l' 11011·
• In geometrically hardenmg
/illear (J//CI~\".f(,S lIlso Slllis!)' Ihese colldiliom.
alion. ~hich is nOI simple to
(4) The primary Slress may be Iliken as the This d,lIIse i.f agai" t:lellr tlrtll if " St'l 01
maximum value of the stresses required for .wN'.ucs call he fOllnd Ihlll eqllilihra/(' Ihe /eN"LI
jr in these RccommcndnllOns (,"quilibrium with the applied loads at a point or tI/lt! do 1/(11 exct'l'li lire yield aileriQ/I, II",,, tllt'st,
nalYlois for c\'tllualion of the ulong lin axisymmetric line in Ihe shell struc· II/al' he IIsed in Ihe p/uwic limi/ftate aue'nll/em
oould not be used \\ hen de- ture. (lI.fillg Ihe 101l'{'r bolllld IIIc:or..:",).
fr in Chapter 8. The tenll ",,/mlg lIli u'(isymmelric lille ill III"
~lrcll stmctl//'('" r{'/"'e.f fo tlxisrmlllf!tri<' ,/fit!
.\';lIIi/or load conditions, II'I/el'e the slime llre.u
Bucklillg ufSIt'f.'1 Shells - £lIrolJellll De.~igll R(.'(·UllJlllelld,lIiom

\I(l/e ilia), he ohloim.' lI %ng a IIIIu/e lille 7.4

Iltmll~h IIIl' WnlC'lIIre.

(5) Where n mcmbrane theory analysis is The eqllil'lliem ,h'Si~" .ftreH it; htuecl 01' the 704.1 The "" .,''';
uMXf. thc resulting hH)-(hmcnsional field or ,'pplicmioll of mil Mise", yield t"rire"ioll to the
~tress re)UltaIlL<; II , ~J, " IIU and lI ,au may be colelilwed strl!.n es. II hert' lite slreH" SUlI(' i.f As noted abo\'l:. the
repre<,entcd by the "."qui' alent design .. trcfo.!> ,wmillaled by I//('mhnme str('sses. lite Crilf,,.ioll EN 1993-1-6 and in
a"'lhl oblninl..'(i from : g;l'(·s WI lIl"!:lIrate ('I'"hwt;Oll of first thrulIMh- vcry safe.
Ihit-Ime.\ \ rielcl (II a sillgle poillf ill III(' fhel/.
It is difficult to

... (7.6)

(6) Where an LA or GNA annlysis is used. II here ", I,ell hellclillg\lreues. tiS ll'el/ m 11/('111-
the resul ting two dimen)ionul field of primllry hl'fllll' strefses. are prell'lII. the problell/ of de-
.. tresses muy be repn.-scnled by the \on Mises finillg a ('01111'/('1('(" Melleru/~il1lpl(' ,.lIle tllUl is
cqui\ulcnt design stl'CloS: ,,/lm),s sure bill is 110/ s('riuII.dy Clmsen'tltil'('
herom('s qllife difficult (e.g. Gre",'lIigl, 1986).
, .1:.(/
. +aO./UI - a . ,&1 a 1I, TlI(, betldillg sireue.'i ill sl/t·/Is "1'1.' colI/l/lonly
... (7.7) wiJOciatl!llll'ill, Ille Mllisfactioll of COIII/XllibililY
+3( r~o,F., + r;n,£J + r,,".F
.d ) t'()ll(lili(Jt'.~. UllcI ("(III be cli\regan/Cl/ ill " piOMit"
lilllil uUeUllle/ll, bill il i.\ 1101 (I"I'(~rl' /I'lle Ihol
in ",hich: the), UN! 011(" reqllired 10 suli4\' C"IIIIXllibiliIY.
III ,~O",(' g'.-'OlIIetries {lIId looding cOlldilium', the
bel/ding sl,.esses pl{./\' tI I'ilUl role ill meelillg Ihe
eqllilibrilllll relillircmellt.~ fO"IIIe .' ilnlClltre (RUI- rI '
ler, 1985). Siml,le e.wlI/plt·", urI.' 1I lip.lolltleel
(,llIIlilew", plure, IlIId 1m a-cilllly /oat/('l/ cuniclIl
.\hell 011 mller ",111'1)01'1\ Ih,,' ,I.·lide IIO,.I//a/IO Ihe
... (7.K) she/l aX;'I. III \00

"-i~urt' 7,-': BlII"l:ial

Tim er,,('rioll i",' IlI/fUrl/lIIlIle ill thai a lIIure W1-
pllislicalttl {'//10~"~is (LA ill ploce of IIICn/brlme
T 0 J:.d _ _"_,0_._""_ ± _"~
' .~0=.Ed",,
· Ihool)') Ihat gil,(,.\ (I Miler N.'prc.\'CIIUllio/l of Ihe
:t. - t 12 / 4' IH!hm'io/l1' alld (:ulllpalihility ofiell IC(lds IrI (.Iff More scriou!>ly. the

liol ,ttl liOn.I:.(1

e,'ell more ('Omen·,l/il'e ,~/re"glll asse.umelll
(IIJi,\' is !Hx'(lII.\"(' Illc ///(llerial model has IWIIx:ell
nism that is':;~~~:::~
T:t" ,I:.'(1 =--,- . TOn.F.t1 .. - -,- ... (7.9)
imlJl'Oll!tlul all). /11 Illese CUles. Ihe desig/ler in\ oil. e a complex
dwuld Ihe bolil/dury cOlldilioll.f 10 fee non-symmctric
NOTE I: Thc abo\c cxpressions give u II"Clher Ihc)' hm'e Ix'f!// de.\'iglleel /() be co/xlhie much highcr loads
simplified conscn'ativc equivalent stress for of earn'iffg Ihe /()(I(/s elllire~I' hy ml.'lIfbnme (1('- cntcnon.
design purposes. lioll,
A reiu:cmio/l of Ihe slricl crilerioll of Eli, 7.7 7,4.2 T he pl:ulk I
NOTE2: The values of TUI,eJ and Tlkl.J are
usulIlIy \-cry small und do nOl afTcct the plastic 1OII'Ortn' II/al of Eli. 7. 6 fila), be ('fmsiderct/ if
resiSIIIIICC. so they lIlay gcncrnlly be ignored. I"i.f lesl for membrolle lIctiOIl ul Ihe boll/uillries The plastic hmlt 103
i", IIIcl. rcfcrl!lIce rc!>istllnce,

Whcnc\'Cr the clastic

resistancc i!> rcqum.'(\
tancc should Il!\\uy ..

Rilles for tire plustie limil stale olld plastic refere"ce loud t.lS1esslllelll

OhWlIIl',1 alollg U IIhole lille 7.4 Extcndcd commenlary on plaslic reference load assess men I

JI!\igll f/r('.H if hem."/ 011 II/(' 1.4.1 The Ilyushin ~ield critl'rion
011 ,\Ii~C_\ .rielcl uileriOIl 10 Ihe
.fI!f. Ifhl'rl' Ihe ,llreu ware is As noted nbove. the Ilyus hin criterion is Ihe simplest plllslicity criterion for a s hell , It is ndoptr.:d in
('lIIhmlll' ,slreUt·.f. Ihe Uiler;(1II EN 1993- 1-6 and in these Recomrnendulion~ 10 provide a cri terion that is always safc. but it is onen
'It' l'I'ulltltlioll l!f first Ill/'UIl811- \'cry s.,fe.
, (I sillKle pO/III illlht' shell.

It is difficult to draw this yield criterion as II 3-D imnge. even for n simple case. Since e,'en under
axisymmetric conditions there nre Jour lItrcss rcsultmlls, 11,.110. m~ nnd III(J, the simpiL'St case requil'L'S
a 4-0 image. which is difficult for the reader to assimilnte. An example image. for conditions under
which momay be eliminatl"<i, is shown in Fig. 1.4. The complete \'on Miscs yield surface is shown
dilrn ,lIrt:ne,I, In lIell (If "'t'",-
in Fig. 7.4a and the redueed Ilyushin surface in Fig. 1.4h.
Jl't' pn'It'III. lite problem l!f de-
d .. gt'm'rol fimple nile 11101 i.\
is 001 leriolls/l' colUen'{lliI-e
fTjelt" (e.g. Gre~mgl. /986). fn z ,

eHt'J in sltell.v urt' co",mOIlI .. n,
he Solisfo(:liu/f uf rom/kllihilill'
'un he dilN!gllrtu.,,1 in u plo.\lic
hili il i~ 11m ('/I\'tl\'_f Irllf! Ihat
'1flim/ tu ,fali.lf... ~lIfXltibilill"
ref olld loading wmJili(m.v. the
.• --- m, ---....
plm' a \'ilol role in mcelillg 111(' :. '/I"
Ihe ,ftructlln' (Rot-
lrenlC'III,I' (or v·
)/e e.r:ulflp/e\ ore (I tip-Ium/cd D
1II1t/ t/ll (niulll' Irliuled ('ollical
}/JOrtf thaI ,vlitk· nu/'lIll1lw Ihe
11) von Miscs pla~l ic inter".1etion b) lIyushm plastIC intemctlOn
!I."(Orfimllt(' ill Ilwt II lIIo/'e .m· "-Igure 7.4 : l1iaxial plastic strength mtemctlOfls between t .....o membmne forces per unit \\ idth and onc bend-
. (iJI ill pluce of melllbmlle
ing ,,\Oment per unit \\ idth (,on Miscs lind Il yushin)

~ heller n1JrI!.lelll(llioll o/Ihe


patihilllY uftell lelKLI' to lIli

en-dtm! flrellK,h a.ue.v.""ef//
",u/t'riul mollelhus 1101 /leell
More seriously, the criterion is only applied to the stl'L"SS state at a single point (oosed here on an
elastic stress evaluation). Thus it docs 110t allow for the de\elopment of a complete plastic mecha-
nism that is necessary for a true plas tic collapse to occur. In IIhells. such mechanh.mll generally
III lhese ('uses. Ihe desigller imol'e a complc:< mix of bending nnd stretching even in the simplest a;~isymmetric cases. but in
~ hollllck'n- eumlitiOlu /0 Sf'(> non-symmetric cases thc nN.:cllunism can be \cry involved indeed. These full mechanisms lead to
ilt'en desiglll'd to he capahle much higher loads being sustainl"d al the true plastic limit load than are found using the llyushm
0Js entirell' h." II/l'lI/hrtlf/e (JC- criterion.

te .llrit:1 crilerion of £q. 7.7 ' .... 2 The plastic refercnct resistance in buckling strength alllll~sis
r.t/- 7.6 mal' he collsiden,,1 if
.,-une aeriOl/tll Ihe "OIlIIthlt'ies 11IC plastic limit load. assessed in this chapter. s hould be secn only as the ideal "alue of the plastic
reference resistancc. The plastic reference resistallce is always a 501fe estimate of the plastic limit

Whcnever the elastic-pl:,stie stnbility resistance of the structure is assessed. the plastic refcrence
resistllnce is required us II formnl p.. rt of the clastic-plns tic buckling strength assessmcnt, This resis·
tnnce should always be evulualed u.'oing I smnll-displnecTl1cnt titl..'Ory rigid-plastic or elastic-plastic


~ .. ---- ---.
Buckli/lg ofSu'C!l Shell.~ - EllrolX'(1II Dc,\'ig/l Recollllllemk,l;mu

analysis (MNA). Such analyses give a clear and unique maximum load, but this IS only a reference Biological Structures,
load. TIlis 10.1d may be found from classicul plasticity analyses (presented ill EN 1993-1-6 as Direct 3SS-37R.
Design) or from finite element or similar numerical analysis proc(.'(iun..'S. Wherc lIumerical allalysis
is us(.'d. it may be difficult to dctcnninc the plastic collapse load accumtc1y and special proc(.'(iures Rotter, J.M. (20021,) .'Aj
are recommended to assist in this process (see Chapter 8 und Ilolst et al .. 200S). It should also be temational Conference
noted tlmtthis plastic collllpse 10.1d may invol"c severe local plastic straining in pans ofthc shell. so 42.
pan of the difficulty in finding a clear collapse load may be due to the use of a mcsh that ;s ade-
quate for clastic and mildly plllstie eulcullitions, but canllot follow the SC\iere straming involved ill a Rotter, J.M. (200S)
plastic collapse mechanism. Analysis". m Shell
Tuylor and Franci!>.
7.5 References and Bibiography for C h:lptcr 7

Annen, II. (1979) "Assumptions. Models, and COIllI)utational Methods for Plasticity", Computers
and Structures, Vol. 10. pp 161 - 174.

Oa\ic. J" Elsharkawi. K . and Taylor. T. ~ .• (1978) "Plastic Collapse Pn..'Ssures for Conical lnds of
Cylindrical Pessure Vessels, alld their Relationship to Design Rules in two British Stlllldurd SJX.'Cifi-
cations", Inl. Jill Pressure Vessels and Piping. Vol. 6, No.2. pp 131-145.

ENV 1993-1-6 (1999) Eurocodc 3: DeSign of sted !>tnletures, Pun 1.6: General rules - Supplemen·
tary rules for the strength tlnd sttlbility of shell structure!>. CEN. Urusscls.

l.N 1993-1-6 (2007) Eurocodc 3: DeSign of !>IL-cl structures, Ptln 1.6: rules - Supplementary
ruks for the Mrength and stability of shell structures. ('EN. Brussels.

Gn..'Snigt, A.M. (1986) "')Iastic design of buried steel pipelines in settlement areas", Heron. Vol. 31,
No.4. 113pp.

I lodge, P.G. (1963) Limil "'llIft'J;S of ROllltio"(l/~I' S1'I1/I11('/";C PllIIl!J lIml SII"I/.o;, Prenticc Ball.

lIodge, P.G. Jr. (19S8) Plaslic II"all·.\·;'\ of S'r/lClllrl'.\', McGraw-llill Book Co" Inc .. New York.

Holl>!. J.M.F.G" Docrieh. C, and ROller. J.M. (:W05) "Aeeurale detennilllltion of the plastic col-
lapse IOOld!> of !lhells when using fintte clement analyses", Proc .. Founh IntenllltiOllll1 Conference on
Ad,ane(.'S in Steel Suuctures. IC ASS'OS, Shanghai. July 200S, pp. 1789-179-1.

Kalnins. A. and Updike, D.P. (1998) "Plasticlty and changing geometry in pressure ,"cssel dc ..ign",
PVP-Vo1. 360, Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes and Standurds· 1998, American Socicty of Me·
chanical Enginecrs. pp 91·99.

Massonnet, CE. and 53\ e. M.A. (1972) Plaslic Aml/I'Si.f am/III(' DesiX" of Pltlt~.'i SlII'II.\· tllIIl Disks,

ROllcr. J.M . (198S) " Analysis :lIld Design of Ringbcllllls". in Dc!oign ofSteclllin!o for the Stornge of
Bulk Solids. edited by J.M . Rolter. Un;\er..ity ofS),dncy, pp 16-1-183.

Rotler, J.M. (2002a) "Shell Buckling and Collapse Analysis for Structuml J)c.,jgn: The Ne\\
Fnllncwork of the European Stllndard". in Nc\\ Approaches to Structuml Mechanics, Shells and

Rideslor lite plastic lim;t slt/I£' utld plastic- refere"ce lood assessmellt

ad. but this is only a referencc Biological Structures. Eds II .R Drew and S. Pellegrino. Kluwcr Academic ]'ublishcrs, London, rr
'mcd in EN 1993·1·6 as Direct 355·378.
In.~. Where numcrical analYliois
lJralcly and \pecial proccdun.~ Rotter. J.M. (2002b) "Advanced computer calculations in the design or shell struchlres". I)roc .. In·
ct al.. 2(05). II ..hould also be ternational Conference on Stnu;:tural Steelwork. lCASS'02, lIong Kong, D<.'Ccmbcr. Vol. I, pp. 27·
:rainmg in pans of the ~ hell, so 42.
the usc of a mesh that h, nde·
'SC\crc Mraming invol .. ed in a Rotter, J.M. (2005) "The Pmctical Ocsign or Shell Structures Exploiting Different Methods of
Analysis", in Shell Structures: Theory Ilnd Applicntions. Eds W. I)ictraszkicwicz & C Szymczak.
Taylor Ilnd Francis. London. pp. 71 ·86.

Sawezuk. A. & Hodge. G.P. Jr (1960) "Comparison or yield conditions for circular cylindrical
shells". Journal oflhe Franklin Institute. Vol. 269. p5.
)(b for Pla.o.ticity", Computers

~ufC<l for Conical Ends of

t\\O Briti ~h Standard S]X.'Cifi.

:;: Gcncrnl rules· Supplemen·


leneral rules· Supplementary

emelltarea.o.··, Heron, Vol. 31.

JJ Shel/s, Prentice Iiall.

Book Co.. Inc.. New York,

Fination of thc plastIc col·

~ International Conference on

p.: in rTC!>5ure \essel design"'.

f!. American Society or Me·

i" of Plule.f SI,C'lIf tIIld Di.\k.s.

SI...'!!I Bin!. ror the Storage or

llructural Design: The New

kural Mechanics, Shell .. and
Rull',\ jiJr Iltl' huddi"g limil \late tlHt'Ulllelfl IISillg glubal "umerical (II1(I11 ·,\·i5

8 Rules for the I>uckling limit state assessment using glol>al

numerical analysis
I'rincipal authors: II. Schmidt :lI1d J.M. ROller

8.1 Gcncral

8. 1.1 Int roduction

A Ilumber of din-erent approache~ to the dc!oign of shells against buckling ha\ e been proposed in the
past. but most of these call ooly be applied to a Imuted range of SlruCIUres and are difficult 10
generalise. For the Furopcan Standard IoN 1993-1-6. a COll.!oiderable en-on has been pUi 11110
dc, ising quile general proc\."<Iure!o that .. hould nrrly to all geomelric:.. an loading condilions and all
nUllcrial conditions '" ilhoul inconsistcncies or ambiguities. E~ 1993- 1-6 specifics. as briefly
outlined in 1.2.2. Ihree approaches Ihal art appro\ed for use in the assessmenl o f buckling
- Dc:.ign by means ofa global nurnerieul GM IA analysis:
• Design by means ofa global numerical MNA LOA analysis:
- Design by means of buckling stresses.

The third of these three approaches IS desenbcd 111 Chaptcr 9 of these Recommendations as
··buckling stress design". It should be U'iI."<I "'here the dL'Sign is OOSl."<i on :1 membrane Ih(.'ory or
linear bending tlK'Ory analy!ois (LA) of the !otnlcture. and where the eillstie erilical buckling lIIrcs!>l"ll
mlly be evaluated using the e.~prcssionJ, ghen in these RL"Commcndalions. This procedure is ulso
termed ··hand calculation" within these Recommendations. It is nlso pemlincd to usc a numerical
linear cigenvalue nnalysis to dctenninc the clastic criticlil buckling stresses in plnee of the si mplc
algebruie expre~ions. Where this evaluution is uscd. the eigen\aluc shou ld be interpreted "ith
care. Advice on this subjcct is gi\ cn in Chapter 9.

8. 1.2 G loblll num (' ric llllllllll ~siJl

The fi rst two approaches are both b.1sed on a globa l nUII1('rical a nalysis of Ihe shell struclure in
question. The procedures ha\ e been de,'clopcd with much carcfulthought about the great range of
possible bcha,iours in !ohell struetun.-s of din-erent geometries with din-erent load cases. din-erent
boundary conditions and different imperfL"Ctions. In the eOlitexl of Ihis gl'C'.1I r.lI1gc. the methCKb
h:l\e been selecled to Iry to ghe a conscrvatl\e and consistent outcome to the calculations for all
shell structures exhibiting :til hchaviours from clasllc to plastic. nnd from geometrically perfect to
, cry imperfect. The C1Ilcululions in\'ohed in these t"'o appro.1ehes are set out in this C haptcr 8.
They may be used either ror shell structures for'" hich no e.~pres!oions are available for Ihe buckling
resistance. or in situations "here the designer belie\cs that a more economic outcome can be
achie\ cd by replacing the nccessnry eonscl'\'mism of a hand calculntion "lIh more accurate
numerical e\uluutions. lIo"e\'C r. cure mu!>! be !ukcn "'hen using globul numerical analysis. because
geometric imperfections play such an importunt role in detennining Ihe buckling re!>isllll1(:C of shell
struCIUres and the army of possible din-eren! detrimental imperfcction fonns is so grcallhut it is not
II IriVi1i1 mUlier to achieve 1I robustl y Slife design. based on II numericalnnalysis nlone.

Buckling ofSleel Shells - £lIropetlll Desigll Rt..'COIIIIIIClltk,lioru
into this category. Si
8.1.3 MNA I LUA approach has been adopted hen.:
and materially nonlin
The loimpler M"IIAILUA approach. set out in the Section 8-2- muy be secn as a generalisation of tile
stability reduction factor appro.lch used throughout many parts of Eunx:odc 3. 11 is recommended Where the anal} ..1.. I~
by the editors of these Rccommendntions for many applications. and it has essentially the same modelling of impcrf<
basis as the trnditional stress design buckling appro.leh. Its methodology is explained in detail in plui>lie buckling rcsii>l
8.2.1 and cxtcn\i\c additional comments arc mude in 8.2.3. ..hell is sct out in S
perfonn because mun
8.1.4 Gcomctricall) nonlinear IInal)'ses must be related to to
the fully nonlinear d
.. trueturcs. and for Iili
Where u gl"QIIlCtrically nonlinear clastic analysis is used without taking c"'plicit account of
lolandardiscd shell hu
geometric imperfections (GNA). the result can be used to identify the possible occurrence of snllp-
through buckling. Apan from this rolc, it is difficult to makc grc:ller usc of a geometrically
nonlinear ehlJo,! lc analysis of the perfect structure (e.g. a bifurcation analysis from a nonlinear
The GMNIA allalys
prcbuckling palh). because this result docs not til easily into the philosophiclll frnmework of EN
methodology in any
1993-1-6. The chief reason for this is thai the clastic impcrrection n.-duetion ractor a has long been represents II con~idc
used 10 account ror the effects of both geometric imperfi.'Ctions and geometric nonlincarity on the not be taken'" ithout
elastic bifureation load in such ~hel1s as axially compressed cylinders and eoncs. If all shell
through the usc of SI
geometrics and load conditions are to be treated in a conSistent manner. the effects of geomctric
nonlinearity must be placed in the same position for all CUM$ . One consequence of this choice is
that Oil onalysis that includes only one of the 1\\00 effects of geometric nonlineari ty and geometric 8.1.6 Sumnllu) 0

imperfections but excludcs the other is (Iuite difficult to exploit. A comparison of the result of II
geomctrically nonlinear da:.tic or the perft.'C1 structure (GNA) with 0 linear eigcnvalue Summansmg th ...'<;C
analysis (LBA) can thus identify the value of the "clastic imperfection reduction fuctor a" that numerical anal)':.i~.
deri\ cs from snap-through buckling. a~ standardis...--d shell
the..c Rccommendati
Where a geometrically nonlinear analysis is used including explicit modelling of geometric of the laller are u..cful
imperfections (GNIA). the result cun be used to identiry the innucncc of imperfections. by
comparing it with the result ofGNA annlysis. This analYlicaltrcntment hAS also not been explicitly
included in 1:.N 1993-1-6 because it is only valid for shells thnt always remain elastic. Howc"er. for
many cases of thin shells. the buckling behaviour is cntirely clastic. nnd lhe outcome of GMNIA
and GNIA analyses are identical. 111e clastic imperf(.'Ction reduction factor Q may be detcnllined
using a G IA unalysis. but all the precautions relating 10 imperfections ror GMNIA analyses
(Section 8.3.3) must be obscr. ed.

8.1.5 GC(IIl1etrielilly lind l1ultcrhtlly nonllncar =llIal)'5(,,5

Where 0 g...'Ometrically nonlinear analysis is used including the material nonlincarity. but still
",ithout taking explicit account of geometric imperfections (GMNA). the ~sult defines the strength
of the pcrf(.'Ct ~tnleture. This is an imponant result. and is .Iways nceded for comparison with the
GMNIA analysis to dctennine the importance of geometric imperfections (note that these
Imperfections relate 10 definllble construction tolcrnnces). This fully nonlinear analysis of the
perfect shell is requircd by EN 1993·1-6 as pan of the full GMNIA trclllmenl.

But a GMNA analysis is not used independently of that full GMN1A treatmcnt because it can only
be valid for shells that are relotively insensitive to geometric imperfections. and it is not easy to
define genernl classes of shell configurations which ha\e this insensiU\IIY. Ln general. such
inscnsiti\ c lohells are relatIvely thlek-wolled, with u collapse mode thnt IS dommnted by yield but
with minor ~tability effects. 11 o", c"er. there are also many cases of instllbility in thin shells that filII

Rilles for the bllcklillg limit st(l/C' ,w'C'ssmC'tlIlIsiflg global fllImericul 'muluis

into this category. Since it is difficult 10 gener.llisc concerning such situations. Ihc safc approach
has been adopted here to demand that a full GMNIA analysis is alway~ used if fully geometrically
and m:llerially nonlinear analysis is to be exploited.
)C!iCCn a~ a gcncrnli~tion of the
Eurocodc 3. It is l\.'Commended Where thc analysis includes nll the effects of geometric and materinl nonlinearilY with explicit
and it has essentially thc Slime modclling of imperfcctions (GMNIA). the IInlllysis mny be uscd to find the ehllructeri~tic clastic·
odology i~ explnined in detail in plastic buckling resistance ofa pructieal shell directly. TIlil. fully nonlinear analysis of the imperfect
shell is SCI out in Section 8.3 liS thc GMNIA trealmcnt. However. this analysis is difficult 10
perfoml because many different imperfection fonns must be investigated. and the imperfections
must be relutL-d to IOlcrnncc mcasun.'li thut will be set for fabrication or manufacture. Noncthc1e~s.
thc fully nonlincur design uprrooch is purticularly vulunblc for prestigious. c."<pensive. or high risk
)Ut taking uplicit account of stOlctUres. and for failure invtStig.1lions. In this siluation it has been included in EN 1993·1·6 as a
he possible occurrence of snap- standardised shell buckling design fonna\. and hence the relc\'anl OIles are also included in these
greater U!>C of a geometrically Recommendations.
lion analysis from a nonlinear
~hilosorhical frame"ork of EN The GMNIA analysis design procedure encapsulates the most advanced calculation de~ign
methodology in any structural cnginccnng standard to date. and its fonnulation in EN 1993·1·6
eduction factor a has long been
repn..'SCnts a eonsidcrubJc advance on codifk-d methods of the past. 110\\ e\ er. such advances should
J ~eometric nonlinearilY on Ihe
,I\dCr.l and cones. If all shell not be laken without some caution. so the procedure rcquil'C!> u thorough' erifieation of each stngc
anner, the effecls of geometric through the use of simpler reference analyses.
=COnsequence of IhlS choice is
tric nonlinearity and geometric 8.1 .6 S ummary of p('rmltlt'd d('5lgn proct'dures using global analysis
~ comparison of the result of II
jNA) "Ith a hnear elgen\aluc Summnrising these introductory statements on buckling limit state assessment using global
:-Clion reducllon faelor d' Ihnt numerical analysis. both the slmplL'St and the Illost '\.Ophisticated IheoreticaltrcatmenlS arc pcnnillL'<i
as standardised shell buckling design fonnats in the European Standllrd EN 1993·1·6 (and hence in
these Recommendations). while mosl oflhe intenncdiale le\els have becn omitted. 1I0we\·cr. Illany
'llieil modelling of geomctric oflhe Inlier arc useful for specific problems in which particular phenomena play no significant role.
,nucncc of imperfections. by
ent has also not been explicitl y
remain clastic. IloweH~r, for
and the outcome of GMNIA
faclor Q may be delennined
fecllOns for GMNIA analyses

natcrial nonlinearity. but still

1 themoult dcfines the strength
bled for comparison wllh the
~rfeclions (note thai these
lily nonlinear analysis of the

treatment because it cun only

!fection~. and II is not easy to
sensili\ity. In genernl, such
hm is dominated by yicld but
tability in thin shells thul fall
Blldlillg ,,(Steel SII<'Ils· EIIIVfX't1ll I)I.-'sip,II R('COlIIlIIl'mJat;ollS

8.2 8uckling design by glob:.1 numerical MNAILBA analysis

8.2.1 l)"signl)rOccdurc
In Ihe follo\\TTlg.
As alre:ldy ~I:llcd. the MNNLBA design melhodology for ~hcl1 buckling strength assessment plUYIo a MNA LilA fom131
ccntrol role in the European Standard I~ N 1993· 1-6 u~ well n.!> in these RI..'ContTocOOations. II in thc ri},lhl column.
in\ oh cs the follo\\ ing loteplo. illustrotcd previously in Fig. 1.1. and hcre repealed as Fig. 8.1: executed and the

fo, thcbucklin" 5"cn~

Geometry EIII.'>Iic criticlIl Plastic reference
resistance Rcr fC'iiT<,lnncc Rpi The reason \\ hy the
u ~d in I.N 199]· 1-6.

Load case M.2.! Rules orE'

Ehlslic impcrfl..'Cl
Uoundary buckling rcsislllnce oR, ... Slendeml..'SS A.
M.2.2.1 ncslgn
inlerllclion 0.. p. )>()o I

membmnc Iot~!>Cl> .
Quahtyof Chnructcrislic chllolic.pln~tic
laken into !lecount,
fabriclliion Q buckling resisltll1ce R.

lX'Sign elaslic-plaslic
Partial "safety" factorY\1
buckling rt.'Sistnnce R,/
Figurr 8.1: Step:; Tn budding lolrcngth ~:.c!>smcnl uSing design by global numencal MNAlLlJA analYMs

(I) Dctennine the clastic critical buckling resistance R1'r of the perfect shell:
(2) Identify an upproprintc value for the clastic nnperfl..'Ction reduction ("knock.<Jown") faclor a and.
hcncc. deduce Ihe elastic buckling resistance for the imperfcct shell as aRu:'
(3) Cnlcuiute a lo\\er bound 1..'SlimU\e for Ihe plastic limit load of the perfcct shell repres{.'nllng Ihe
pl!l'itic referencc resist,U\ee R,,,ofthe shell; M.2.2.2 ncsign \3Iu"
(4) Deduce the relnti\ c slenderness A of thc shell \\ hieh eombmes R,.r and RpI:
( I) The dc<oign hllc
(.5) Dctcnninc IIlc buckling strength reduclion fuclor 1. as a function of dimen~ionlcss lolcndemes!<> .t dclcnllil11xl from the
to account for plasticity effect!. and apply il to Ihe plastic refcrence resistance Rpl' In lenns of applied to the
buckling. this accounts for m:lleriul nonlinearity by n..'<Iueing the clastic buckling resistancc of the combination of acti
imperfecl shcllto gi . . e the characteristic buckling rcsilolance HA: ea!>C.
(6) Apply the panial safety factor rH 10 deducc the de~ign \ lllue of the buckling resislUnce R tl.

II is possiblc to U~ this proccrlure hased only on a lincar clastic analysis of the lohcll (LA). Ihough il
may become rather con~l'\ati\e for thicker shells. From un LA tll1ulysis undcnuken using Ihc
design values of Ihe aclions (factored by n-). il is fi~t possibJ.: 10 c'ltrocl an c:.timale of Ihe plastic

RIIll',\ for Ihe hmMillR lilllllll(l/(' (1.\'«('''''111('111 "'(illg gloht,llllllllericil/ (///(//ni~

anal) sis referencc resislance Hpi by uSlIlg Fq. 8.1 directly. Thcn by pcrfonning a ... upplcmcntary cigcll\aluc
unulYl>il>. the c1aslic eriticu! m.i~lancc R" may be found. An FEM program nmy easily be urr.mgcd
10 gi\e Ihc eigell\alue as a load faclor on Ihe applll,:d load~.

In the following Scclion 8.2,2 the mles gl\ell 1Il1:N 1993-1-6. Section It6. for the global numerical
ling ~trength a~sc<ismcnt pllly~ a
MNA LIlA fomml are rc(X!<llcd \~ord for \~or<1 III the lell colullln. with a comlllentary on each mle
n Ihese RL'Col11lllcndations. It
in Ihe right column, It should be no ted thm in the EN fonnul. Ihe ubo"c SICP (2) ili not cxplicitly
're repeated as Fiy. 8.1:
executed and the clastic bucUing rcsbtanee 01':111 im(X!rfec l lihell d(X.'S not IU1\e its O\\n nOllllion.
Ho\\ever. the clastic buckling rCliilitllllce of the imperfeel shell. aRn .. i... implicit in Ihc expressions
for the buckling s trength reduction fac tor X. IUld explicitly appears us XRpI for slender shells,
astic reference
"CSlstance Rpi The reason why the notmion R \\11 .. udoplL'ti here 10 reprc-.cnt re)oistunce. in place orthe nolnJion rR
uS(,.-d in EN 1993-1-6. muy be found in SI..-clion 1.3, 10.3.

8.2.2 Rules or EN 1993-1-6. St-ction 8,6

Slcnderness l Design \ alul.' ur IICliOIl'l

, (I) All relevant action combinations causing

compresshe membrnne siresses or shc:lr
Shell imwbilill' phl..'tIo"Jelw are p/n'\icalli' c{III.le,1
hy cOlllpre~';1'(' lIIembrane foret's mlher Ihall
eplaSlie mcmbr:me stl'C"SN in Ihe shell WIlli .. hould be reI/rill· forcer or Nmdi11g I'JOIII(!"'~ T"~'rt'fi'rt·.

nee Rt laken inlo account. Irhell cmllIH,.\illg 11/" aClio/l c(jmhilU/li(j/l~, II,,'
(OUI,I IIIII~I he Ihose lK'tioll..l lIlIll itHJt.A II"IIi£"l1
(lel'l!ioIJ Cm1lIJrcnil'c lIIelllhra/le fim:e.1 "'/llmr
Ih('lII" IIWlllbrtll/(' forces, II ml{I' lx- IIO/ed 'h,,' I'
Ihc'al" melllhralll' force lilli)' he lIlrerlllll;I'('~I'
ce Rt! repre.lcllfed ;" fenl/, of a IXlir (~( prill("iIHII
CmnIJI't'.\·\-;I'C and If!II!)ile forccs,
numerical MNAfLUA Il IHlIY51~
8e("(III,lc WI eige"l'OllIe (llIah·.I·;.\' IWI I/J he
t shell; 1H:lformed, I/O slI/H:rpo.\;lhm 'if m:tioll.\ (01' IINItI
W.H'.f, re'iJx'(:liI'I!~rJ is po.Hih/('. Thcre/bre
, ("knock..doy, n") factor a and. ('Olllplel" comhill,,'iollS of {K"Ii01lS h,,1'(' to he
aR"r. {'omitiered
~ perfcct shell rt.'Prcscnllns Ihe Dcsign \ aluc or resiJtance
and RpI:
(I) TIle design buckling resistance ~hould be III lIlII' n'ahl/il' complelf! lIrllcllIre,llId, (I..I miJ.:/1/
f dimcnsionlesl> slendenu.'SS l detennined from the ampllficallon factor RJ hi, wll//pn.! IIsing a global c1tu/~I's;s, Illl' 10",1 (',I.\{'
R.~i ... tance R"" In lenns of applied to Ihe design \ alues of Ihe /lnl(l/~I' Wllfisl.f of mallY d;fferelll ptJilll loods.
tic buckling resistance of the combination of action!> ror the rele\ unt 100Id lille !tN/elf WId di.nrihllled /O{/(lf, pl"e.nllre (III/I
case. olher at'lioll,\, \I"'ieh mm' mryfrtJIII P"K'(' to pftK"('
Oil Ihe\lrm:wr(', "i~ Iherefore I/ot ptJllihlc f()
_ buckling rc<;i.lolance HI"
gil'/! (I 'failure 10(1(1" or rC>,fifr{IIICC> {/.~ a .~;I/gle
\'(fille, Ti,e re.f;.wlI1ICe CUll OIl~I' he tI(',\ lTihed III
,is ofthc ~hcll (tA}. lhough il lerm,l IIf 'he ,xlfI('rf1 of 100,d 111lI1 IHI.I appli('d 10
naly~is undenllken using the Ihe \fI'llCfl,,'e, A.\ (I reslIlt. ;t i.f e:qH:cled Ihal
net an L~l illlate oflhe pla~tie (/{'.~igll lomb; l\·iIIlH.' IIsed ;11 flll!w (1lI(/~I'.I("\' tllld

Buddillg ufSt('f!1 Shellf - Ellropeall {)e\igll R('COmmClldaliolls

111(11 IIII! mlen/lIIioll Il'iII fint/ the /tn:tur hi' whidl

Ihese alii he (1II8mt'IIICd before /tlilllre. Thi.f
f(tclOr Ihell 1H..'Co",e.~ Ihe clim(!fU'ioll/C'u re.fis/afl(.'c
R 0/ the strtu.'llIre II'hell sllbj('C't /(J Ilml SCI of
desigll loods.
nil' IIUlI/IK.'r ill which thi.\,/al'tor ma)' be c_Hill/tlled
frum em LA lII/{//Jsi~ i" OIIII;'l(.'d ill lite
rommt'lIItlry' 011 (4) heloll',
(2) The design buckling n.'sistance A small/)mhlem of tamillu/(JMY ari.fe., here. n,l'
FIfJ = RJ' FI:J should be obtaincd from the IIolllti(J1I of EN 1993-/-6 defilles rRd {IS "Ihe
plastic rcrerencc resistance F /(pi = RpI , F £J ('a/cllit,led 1'lI11Ie., of the uctioll set {It the LoarJ
lind the ela!>tic critical buckling resistance "",xim"'" resi.'iflmct! (,(Jllt/ilioll uf Ihe stn/clur(' 0" d
f 'kr" R.... , Fu. combinmg these to lind the
chumeteristic budding resi~tanee
(desigll \'oll/('s) ", {II lite I£'..'(t of lhis /Xlrtlgrap/',
thi.\' is .\i",!Jlijied /() "de.\igll bucklillg r('si~'IUf/('C ",
Fn. "" R~ 'F,J. The partial factor rm ~hould hili thul t('rlll if rew!n'(!t/ here for lire Ix/remreter
then be used to obtnin the dCMgn resistance. R,,. 7'/rrtmg/rolll thest! Recommelldatiolls, R is
re,fenw.ljor the re_\'i~ulllce of the stnIC:lllre.
Tht" s/(/U'"e,,1 of this paragraph is " brief
del'criptioll of 11'//(/1 II(I.~ he"11 set alii ill more
clewil ill ILl. I . II is i/llI.Itrmed ill t:ig. 8.1, which
is n.jernx/ to i1l thl' fol/oll'ing (.'mll",elri(lry.

(4) Where II is n
l1l:lterinlly non-lin
Jlla~tic reference
con~r\ otil ely c,li
anlllysi~ (LA) con
,alues of the appl!
using the folio" ing
membrane ~tm~ rc
lI.flU al any point'
to e:.tunme the pi
f'ixurf! 1J.1: BIISlc nJlrcepl of 111(' slwll brld.lirrR tt"igrr
hi' g/o!>tllm,,,,('ric(/I MNA 18A 1111(111'.\1$ R =...,...,-........:j
(3) The plastic reference resistance Rpj (sec The pltutic nierl'fIl'e lomi l/(j~ beell de.\criht·d ill
fig, 8.3) should be obtained by materially non- dewil III Ch(l/lter 7. nlf.' reader is referred 10 Ihm
linear analysis (MNA) tIS the plastic linl1t load lexl for ufir/l de,fcriplioll ofiu tktermi1lalia1l,
under the applied eombmatlon of actions, This III IIII' MNA I.BA bllt..'khllg de~igll tIPPNHlCh, tire
load Rpj may be taken as the large!>t value ffl"'enllillaliQlI of RpI is sQmetimes olle ~f the nw,w r-.:OTI·; A ~fe ...-,.111
auailll.:d in the analysi~. ignonng the eIT._'Ct of c-/1(I/I£'IIgiI/8 deml'l/lf, Strit:tll' speakillg. Rpi obtained by opfll~ in
~Irain hardening, .fhOllld be deu'rlllllled tIS Ihe pluslit: limit lood of the three poinh in t
the perfl'clr/,ell, /lsillg ,111/(111 dispitl(,(·lIIl'lIIlhc.'flry' three buckhng-rel
(fee C/llIplC'r 7). rc~ullllnb oUnms lb

For ~o",e itHW c(lses il 111(1.1' be simlJle /t) idemify the IO\lcst ofthl..-..c t

Rules for tilt! h/l('k!illg Imllt wate as!it'!(Wllem IIsillg globol mllllerical U//CI11-sis

will fill,1 the fuctor hi' whi('h H,oI, tllld Ihe plastic collapst' s/r('IIgths of mall)'
"'emt·d ht!forc fuilllre. rhbi .. hell strut·tllrt'S are docllll/('/lled ill AlII/ex B of EN
$ the diml!nsifmless rc.ristllllce 1993-1-6. Jloll·I.'I'C'r.for more ('ompll'x Cllfe.r. 'he
Il'he/l $//hjl'ct 10 tlwt w·t of formal determilllllioll of Rpi may be too (J/Ieroll~
for the desigller. III Ihese ca.~e.~, a 1011'1.'1' bOllllclllJ
II this fuclor he e,ltimlltet/
Ihe pl(l~tic filllil load IIIay be ewillwled frulII WI
f!!~\"fiS i.f ulli/illt'd III lite LA (///(/I\'\i5. 0$ c/e.\crilwc/ ill Ihe 1Ie.'(1 paragl'Clpll.
I£'mlinology urise$ here!. The RpI s1l11111 dispillcemcm thL'Ory
3·/-6 t/ejilla PRJ CIS "lite pln ~ ti c limit load ----_~
of Ihe lIdiollret Cit lite Load ractor
('olldilioll of Ihl' sln/clI/n' on design
ln 1"1' text of t"i.f INlrograph. actions !\INA
·d•.'sigll hlld-/illg re.~i$lallce ".
n'ed "I!N' for Ihe ptlr(lIIlell.'r .J.,-------- Rp cstllnatc rrom LA
CIt' Rerommemkltioll.r. R is

\/"/t:(' oft"efln/c:lllrt!_
11m pdragroph i.f 0 bri£j ~lBA "-- rrom linear
clastic birurclltion
hus ht'ell .n'l (Jill ill more LA
i/"(flral(',1 in Fig. 8.1. II'lti{'h
lowinK ('(I1I/1II('lIltlf)'. Dcronnation
""'gun' K.J: Defimtion of pla)lic reference n.'!>I~tancc RpI aoo critical bud:ling resisi:lrlee R.. demcd from
globul MNA and LOA unalyM.'S

(4) Where it is not possible to undertukc II All I.A {II/ClIy.I'i\' ,\hould be petj'orllled OJI tll/ .f/wl/s
materially non·linear annty~is (MNA). the Ilml tire! Ctl/clllllle,1 using cOII/plllers. 71/1' LA
pillstie rererence rcsil,tnnce RI" 1I1uy be (///(/~I'l'is is Jleeded for Ihe mhl'r lill/il Wlllt!~ of
eon'\Crvllthcly eloolimated rrom linenr .!.hell fatigllt! alld Sl'I'\'ict!lIhili,), ami i.1· CI /1(1//11'(/1 fir~1
unlllysis (LA) conducted using the design (/l/tlll'\·i.f. The 1'1.',\ 1111,\ of LA llllll~J'$'e$ (Ire! Iherefo/'e!
\-alues of the applicd eombinnt ion or actions gt!tIl'ra/~I' I'ery' Clcce$$ible to '''e desigller. This
using the following procedure. The e\-aluated II/('thml of ('sti"Wlillg Ihe plastic referellce
membrnnc SIres.!. resultants "O J . flIlid and r('~irta/lce Rpi ir cOII.fen·olil'e. hilt it I/UlI' rn' "en'
II, (U.J at nny point in the shell should be used coIIsen'atil'C' I.-here lfX'al IO(lCh or geollle/ric
to estimate lhe plastic rererenee resistance feclllln· ..·/('ck/ /(J high 10(:ClII), elemlcd Mrc.\!ie.\,
rrom: Se,:tim/ 7.1 of the_fe Ret:(JIII/IIem/CIIUJII.f c/e,\aihe.f
0.1'1 oftho. ,IIId' hl/cklillM clefi';"
Ihe pa/ifjculilJ/l for IIsillg all U w1Cl1I·,Ii.~ 10
R = ~______~
t,\'.~ LB.4 anolni.f I~f,~"~__~~ ... (R.ll
e~tim"t(' R"" This paraerupll gin·.f Ihc forll/CII
I J,,;,LI" ,.,.,11",." + II':,l + 311;' TJ
ftatC///l'/11 Ihat al/oll'$ the desigllu lofjllc/ CI 101\I!r
I.' loud"~ ht'l'lI dt'fcrihe,1 ill hOlmd cslimate of Rpi from linellr _fllclI (1II(1/l·,fi.f
n,.· rc'uJ.·r i$ re/t'rre!d 10 111lI1 The lo\\-cst \alue or pl3.!.tie resistance so (/.. 1). 1I0Ire\'C'r. Ihe plostic reftrelk'l! rl!_li\llJ/ll'e
IliOIl of ils ckU'nrliIlUliIJl/. calculated should be taken as the estimate or deji//('d in Chap,er 7 mH!.f lIot fWrll/il the helll/i//~
the plastic rererenee resistance Rpl. IImmelllf III he igllored. .fillce il il' INJuihie Ihtll
,eldillg ,I".figll uppmoc:h, the
""IU/illg II ill he a primary' /mld-carrying Pd/h ill
iffOmetim.'_f Otle of the mO.rl NOTE: A sare estimate of RpJ elln u.!.ulllly be .Wlt/t' vx'Ciul .thell.r. lIere. hy {·(lIIlr"st. (m~\' the
'1.1. SlriC'/~I' ,f{Jeakillg. Rpi
obtained by applying exprcs~ion R,I III tum al /I/l'mhrll/I(' .\' freH re.mltclllt,\, ill thelhell are lI.1{'d,
d Cl.1 ,ItI! plm/ic limil fOCld of
the thn.'C points in the shell whcre each of the le(l(/lIIg to (I len {'ollsen'alil'l! e.Himafe of Rpl.
"g ,Imull ,1i."plut..'cmclIl 'heor)'
three buckling·rele\lllnt membmne stress Thi.\ ill('OIISi,\'I('IICI' i.~ 1101 gOCJt.!. hilt the rille gil'l!lI
resultllnts attains it.!. highest \lulue, nnd using here i.I' pro/HlMI' a sClfe choice II'hell shell
-' i, mt~I' be sillll)11.' to idelllify the lowest orthcM! thrL'C estimates or Rplu!t the bliCklillg cOlldi,io/ls "fOliC are heing camidel-ed


IfJII/.11 II! ,1110= '''IIIII!,11 11!'/lI/O!JlJI,),1 I",J/.f ,tif(/ iJl'Op

v ,),\/111 1'/'101/1. 1'8 ''':if OJ :fmp,ul.).lt) Pi)I'JIII'},I,)
l] fdN '):Jlltlllf.I·,lJ ,)11/ 1I,)!ll" /" JII!(H/ ,'III '/",/,1,,,,3
II/ 1),JSI/ ,1q 0/ I"MII ,1/11/1 11I,11ll,18p".f :tU!J,),'lIIill,}
,)1lI0\· 0\ 'l'S,J.NUd llill 8/1/\'11 "',).11 01 I/IIJ!//lP
<1.10 l.lm.' 'rltls "II,l'/~· ,Jill III ~;},JtJI(IIlI;)J"-ff!P iJ/.lllb
II! ,Jft/,m 01 iJlHJIII :f1ll1_y.JllII ,Jill pllV ,J/H)/II ,}!,tlIJIIO')
.1!/I'''ld ,lI11 JOj "/II'lW(/ 1·1 II XolJIIJ.)IUll ,1/uO~- II/
.,J.' !II'. U,'fIlO:J ,\.t,).\ ,liltJ.1.JI/,1X
~'I •. " " J:!III tI! pJ/tJUII/1,' fdN ,).l/ItJjS!S,1.I ,);J/Ii1.J"./.u
J!ll'lllt! ,l'll ,l.)/I!!.· 'IUiJ.1lIo.J I{JIIIII 001 ,JSIIOJ
1011 1'1'1(11/\ IIltrld .U,),I,) y.JJ11-' 01 IU,J11I.l.1!lIh.l.J
PfJIS ,1'1' jo IIt11JtJU)JiU Ulll. .,,,,/,1.\ '1IrIllIl,\JI/II l11
1iI1/r>,m ,,,·.JI/I jo ,J//U ,1.MII" "JI/PII,IIS ,)111 II! MllltHl
iJ,WII ;JIll ,Y·M'!-) OJ IIl.lfJ!/J"., 'IJItJ.1,11I.J;t S! If IlJIll
IPII.JIII/Uo.-,;U ,JJnj.l.J,J111 "ION ,J/II ',J/'U "Irllufl' tJ .ry
'piJ,I/O,IlI! l! /1'/1 .ItJ ""'f} II.1o .... ·"11 '_,/lI;)IIOCltU(},}
~q Jr.ILlII" ,([[U:lI\,{I[d
,1J,wj ,1ItlUl/lllo"1111 llIt},I"I,l.1-3u!/_y.llll( ,),1.1111
IUll!iill [~III,ll lll"I[lm~
RU1~11 100 p"~n:l
,)111 ji) ,1110 I l"IJ,l1 JI) ;J,M't" ,J.fiJ/11 ,loll) J',l,/iJPI.I·II(I.)
i')tj~ atjl JO Jnol\U\pq ')(1 fJI P,),J/I IIJIII l /ll!IXI "1"0 '''II '-Y·),)I,., :t11!P/.)IIl/
II ft."! .I·!III ,1,JII!~ 11Il! JlIIIlIY ,1q 1\·///11 (f·R '''3)
UI Ja[[IlJ II U!I!\qo
""',"U;)ih;) JI;')III pun ndJI,I· ,JIIIUqlll,111/ ,),I!I.).-'.//iJ II"')//,'j!fl ;}III 111!.11 1I;}1/1'

'Iqnop JO S;)'iU:I III '''II II! III!tHl,l'll III/II 1',1111/1 ,J<I ,Iilllll! ,li,),IfI1Jl1,t.lIIV

r no'l \Il111 ;'1(>01.1111;'181;)

n ~I 111111 IUllllJol1lu
A OX! Plnoq" II (9)
,rlll!oo 110 OJ I"'!lrkln i1q 'IItJ!IIIt);J.ud IJ W 1Jf/WI/I
, '8 'h.'1 1'I,)!f ,u,lOf ,Jlm,II/1I1.J1IJ 1')/101l"IM/U!P
-11."1 II l·t ,l.J.lIll ,).1"'1-" 'l·,HOJ /IlJ.11I.lX , "I
';).1111,)/1./11' ;JIll "!

T8 '(",,(,6 i),u") llfiu-,)p

v'nq [II~IIIU :lII~Up
lW.1/~ Xlllp/,mlf ,lOf IIJIII 01 fIJ.'!III'1fn 1'! I{J!'I"
(lJ POOl uOIlu:unJ'q)
;tr.Jl ,.,
{V'i1l1;)Ij' I3.)JJ:x.i
~~JJIS p:l1t:ln~lll~
(.I'Ii) ,..
r'J ~ " '0

(I (Va1) <;!~,(ICUll
:lPP XI Plnoll~ J'N noD M'D
~ :'111'11[;'1 ailL (S) ---
r'f - ' N '0 r'f :: "'N

III,JII/,1ml" /'JII()!m,Jillip
-,1110 I'}!·I!,II II Dill! _\iJIIJ.I,)tt,J:ti1/} f'8 'h3 'S,)JUII!WOP
.1;iJM/dlllO,J "'/I ,J.).I~r ,W'''I' .10 1/1/ .10 'II ~·,J.J.lOf
,1.lIn,J,U/llm.» I/IIIJI/""J.I .I\"",II' ,1111J.lIIW,1'U 11II1.I,l/,I.I
-811!/,y,Jllq ;)iJ..lIII ,1'1' fll ,JlI/J ,),I.l'l II '.I·,Jm;} ,J/dw!~ II/
',l/Nllll ,).JlIll'if,t.ltIlll!.Ir/ ,Jil' ,., XII!/,y.mqfi
".).JOII:f! .ii,Yil., i1q ,m,} ')!""II IVlIII;)!ldllll IIII.Jlt/OlIl
ts'II!/J/l.Jq ji) ItrI!H!IIW '''11 ."IN ji'I"/mll!/~')
.MfJtJ.uiJmoJ OJ plMI OJ ~p/l,ll 1I0!IVlllo,l,) IlI/or/-.llf
-11110(/ 1"'/1 0\- '1II1lWJI/.,.,1I/ 1/"/11 .\-,J.\/f),III! ).\il.II/"
IWIU/" ,1.1111111/ .mnJlr/ /J 'Iillm/II" '/I,JI(S ,'III II!
/IIwd ,UiM,' m p,l.,/drl" ."><//1'11111 Y""{J ,J/II '.liP!.IIS .I'IN JOJ :lnIU\ Iu\H;)[~

IlW1flJIJII,JIUIlIO.liJN 11811..."0 Im;)(/ruIl3 \lI,JlIS /,MIS Jo :f1ll/y-'lIfl

RIlIt'lIur 111(' bll(·Hillj: lilllil SIIl/I.' tlllt'UfI/('IIII1Sillg globell 'fllmeriwl U"(I~nif
III1M /It.. upplied til ('wn· 1J(lilll
hl/(·klillg i~ pn'dic·Il'd 10 OC'Cllr.
",gh tJ p/wli' (1111111·(> alll/tHI
jllllllln:lulIIl.\//I, \0 '''i~ poillf- If 11111.1' (llw he lIppropri(lll' fo lI.ft' lhif 101l"('r
, It lid! 10 Icwl to cYJI/.lelTtlliI'e hoI/lid estill/lIl(' of Rpi from till LA (m(lll'.\·i~ (
The omi.Hioll u/ JI(·l/tilll~ /II1·,elul of Ihe Ilwor(,/ictll/.\' corre(:1 plaslic limit
'tIf Iht'~" mil he .~(l(d, ' i~lIor('d /rHld), i" .I·illlaliom lI11er(' approximale m/llc.1 (i)r
·iflwfT/llih,ll- //Iotit'. Ihl' fiml· 01'('1"011 Imc4/illg Iwrtllllel<'rl au,. I~",
,at' Olll' 0/ fll,' Ihre(> Jl/lddill~­ ..l.... o ",/(1 'I", IIl11'c /() he udopled IIIIicil IU/I·I.' lIof
/)('('11 ('(I/iI'1'(/Il'd 10 Ihl' smull di.I/J/tl('l'lII('1II pluslic
Wt'.u n'l/llImlt1 (cllm/lr{'.H·il·(·
Iimi/ lOl/(l of IIII.' l"('/c\'(l/ll shell caw' (.fe('
• .\!tcctr lorn' 1I,1i COIl/lllt'Idl·
IKlrtlgrtlph II J. 71li~ prohlem ;~ di~{"/IH('d ill
d<1C.·llt'ruln illto (I "il';lIl 01/("
IIfor(' (/emil ill Ille EXlellded CUmml'lIIt1r), 8.1.J.5.
More tlellliled ('OffllllcmS (lI/ RpI~ee X.l.J.4.
(5) The clastic critical bockling resistance III mO.fl F£M progroms, i/ is a relnlil'ely silllple
RCT should be dctemli nl'(! from an cigell\lllue lIIaller /(I perfarm a filletlr eigelll'llllle anal)'.fis
analysis (LOA) applied to the linear elll.. tic fullUll"ing 011 LA UIlt/lysis, su Ihis i.\ IIul all
calculated stress state in thc geometrically Olll'rollS demalld,
_ I"~
R , ---,. '" (11.1·) perfect shell (LA) under the design \alucs of II .\Imll/tl he 1I0(('ti Ilw l Ihe progmm II·ill onlr
r (oJV] the load combination, The kmesl eigcmaluc delermille it relM'alll eigel/l'lIll1e if compreuil't!
(bifurcation load factor) should be tukcn Il!<t the ml!mhr(lIIe \·Ire.UI!.~ ((II le(l.u (Lf principlil .flre.ue.f)
10 11t", fur ",«:klillg Mr('.\.\ clastic critical buckling rcsistllncc Rr,.. sec Fig, exi\1 IIi/hili Ihe ,~/nlclllre,
oUS".I, II//('rt' II/£'r(' if tI III·U·
Irdl/l' fon·(' (h'M, £1/ H.I (6) It should be verified thai Ihe eigenvalue Jfglobol tllla~I'.~i.f if used, if is I"('ry' imporUlllllliat
lIioll. ht· (lfJPIi('I./ 10 all IJOill'" ulgorithm that is used is rclillblc al finding Ihe Ille .Wffll'llI"(, if I"('/iahle. £igellmllie l'.,·'mclioll
cigcnmodc Ihal leuds to thc lowc!<tl cigcnyuluc. ji"(lII/ 1(111:l' eqllolioll syslem.1 (·t/f/ .\oll/clill/i'.\ hc
In cases of doubt, ncighbouring cigcllyulucs (li/liclIll, .\0 ('''I"efill ,·IIeck.!· mlu l lx, maclt' 10
hI' 1((lIl'd Ih(lf lilt' puillf ill Ihe
and thcir cigcnmodcs should be cu1culnted, 10 l'lIsm'C ,lIal Ilic "Igorillim 111m i.l" u.l"e(/ i ll Ihe
'.\I(,/(I.'Uil"l' 1II('mhl'(lI/e .I"II"I,!.I.I·
obmin a full er insight into the bifurculioll ,1·OftW(I/'f! Iw.\· "OIm;ued Ihe Cril ic(lIIllOl/e.
JOl/lul B", fill(,(' llli.l· il 11
oll~r puillil Illal lIeeti to Jw
behu\iour of the !ohcll. The unaly!<ti~ ~hould be II i.~ illlPOI"((1/I1 f(l aflprecitlle 111m till LRA lIIw(l'fl~
carried out using software that has becn should he lI.\'e(/ 1/(11 tlllly 10 exl mct Ihc IOIl'f!fl
t' II"h.'r(' III It',ul m/c of Ihe
I('\w/I lIIemhrllll(' force
:1uthclllicaled against benchmark cuscs with eigelll'llille. bUlend, sel·erol eigellm/lles lhollid
physically similar buckling chanlctcrislics.
or I/~ or 11,,1 i.~ illl'O/I'f!d lx- l'xlmcted (perhaps 10), all(/ II", II/rx/efor e(l('/,
\ i1ft' I",'n1Im.' n'(:olllmclltis plolletl f(l detent/ille its forlll alld IOClltion
$/Ilfkit'l/I to /"IIt'c·k 'he '"n'c Whel"(' .R'l·l'rtll cigclII'allll!S I/(/I'e similor 1·011/('5 ill
IIh,'1"r? 011(' 01 ,".·ff! tmlll/If
II/O(/e.f tIl Ihe fUme local ioll (tLf ON:IIN ill axillll.\'
nIU rl'IUWfioll of 11I('IIril·' ('{)It/llr('uet/ (I'/illtlers), IIIi.f dlOuld he ta'CII ll~ a
., t'l .•'n" poilllillollid mil
lI'ammg Ilral ,Ire imper/ecliull seluitil·ih'
conn"" .Iinc·t' Ihe pillS/it.:
ret/lloioll {tH·ror a m(lY he 1011".
RrJ ('Uiml/lt'd ill ,hil II·(~' i.f
r·um·... Wh('l"(- Ihe 100\"l'.~Ieigelll'tlllle C()rr("ifNmtl~ ItI (l
m(J~/e Ihul tN.'CIII"'I ill 1I
wry· differ('1If ItN.·Oliwl (I'fHII
~, if IlOllihle fur 'he pl(wic
Ihl' lIeXI IIWll('.\, c"r(' .\hOllld he wkell 10 ('lI.mrl.'
t'hllddillg II/(}(Ie 10 m·iIl' ill
tllIIl II,,· highcr eigenl'tlllle IIIrxle.f tlo 1101 OCCllr ill
i, ill 11"'111.,1/ SlId, caWf an'
ill.': fhi.~ 1'1'fH.·eH, Wlf(lll/('
=mle\ wilerI' Ihe 8('OlIIell")' (tIul.\lre.H t!i.llrihlllirll/
I('ad It) high illl/K'lft'Clion sel/silMly (loll' a).
til 1I1d.1· m'(,,1 fIJ he IIl'cd III
r. II"hich III(' n!liMallce Rpi i.I' (III, III(' IIS(' of till LBA llfltl6'.\·;s 10 prl'dkl
, f/'OI '('
10 £q. N./I·hol/ld IIm'l' tl Ihc hl/cklillg sIrcllg,h of imper/ecl .~I""Cllfl"r?f ("(III
,,,shipll illl III(' =m/(' ill which ht! qui/e lI·icky. tllIll il i.~ ill/p0l"Uml /(I ohlai" II/(,
BII('k/illg ofSu..'d Shells - European De,<;ign Re("()IIIIII,-'I/t/miom

he" pouible iI/sight illlo tlu: dijJerellt /)()Wn/ial

III(N.Je,,· if the \INA LBA process is tu be IIsed.

(7) The O\'crall rclallvc slcndcOlcss Aul'l} for TlII_~ defillitioll is adopted to be ill filiI' willI Ihe
Slelld{'rlle.'.1 dt.1illitioll l/.fl'd fur\lnlClllml
and 'I
the complete shcll should be dctennincd from:
c()IIIIIIII.~. II-!wre it h(ls a more physicalllleullitlg. imperfection
... (8.2) nonlinearity and
shell buckling
these pammeters
(8) TIIC ovcrall buckling reduction factor Till' Io:lohol IlIImeri(:ul wIU6'<;is melll()d heillg compari-.on '" Ith
de,{crihcd here relie,<; (111)" otl LBA wId MVA (sec annc~ 0 of
,ro>' should be detemlincd as X.., - J(Ao., .t..d)'
a,.., P- 'I,,.) using (4), in , ... hich au, is atlll/Y~£',~ (llith I.A (1II(1~I'.<;is al.~o (lI'"i/ah/£'). 0" similar~~.'k~:::~:;,~:~
the ovemll clastic imperfection reduction the ba.\;.f of these atwlne.f (110111'. it i.{ nawml(..
1IU1 /x},\sihJe to de/ermine //011' seluitil'(! liIe similar y',,'d',"g
factor. P, .. is the plll... lic range fnctor, Il, is the
r(',f;SI(IIICC /Jf the shell mo\' he 10 KL'Ott/elric poslbuckhng
interaction e~pone nt. and .t..,1} is the squash illllH!ljl'ct;ons, gL'Ott/C'tric 1I0nlinearity. yield al ~ hoold a\\O take
limit relati,'c slendcOlCSs. lUll' 101m I('\'(.'I.~. or simi" Iwrdenillg i/l the fubricution 10""",,,,1
mtl/er;el/. Come'l"em/y, alllh"_H.' foctor.f nllm he
a.uessed Sep(lmle~I" /lsillg liIe pl"OCeS!i/!.~ of Iii£'
NOT1~; Care"~:~~:rl
appropriatc \;
/Ilmd Cll/CII/al;OIl of ",<;tress de!'Jigll "
used on shell
These aspL'Cls ort' cowred h,l' lite "bm:/dillg
IHlrtlmeters·' a, P. '1 (md hI II-Jt/ch ",IISI be wherl! ~~~:,:::.~:
Such caS(.~
e.Himatcdfor liIe glohol ,<;rslelll miller 111(' lomlillg and domes undcr
t),pes felllllrilll; jll Ihe tIc.dgll_ For l1Ie syslem. suppor1S that can
11/(.')' (Ire g ll 'tll the slIb.fcripl "0\'" /0 illdicale Ilwl
appropriatc ,alue
they refer w the whole slnll'lIIm/ _"'ystem lIlId 110/
with care when
mIl' compollem.
case produce
The bl/('klillg imemctiull III whklt Ihe.\e
Iklrtlme'ers /ea/llre i~ .~I't olll uXelill here so Iha'
sen ...iti,c to
unJ.tilTcm..-d JIl
'he Wi'-' I· doe.f 1I001I('('dIO njer to conical
compressive loads
x. \Ihell ~, S";".o ... (H.3) commonly
load... for thc'>C ..
based on gl'Oml!t ·
applied to a perl",,;
A ••
=1 which pn.-diCh the ~
By contra~t. the melit
the linear bifurcati
whell ..t,1I'.O S..t,1\ S Av"p ... (S.4) clastiC critical budd
often much higher t~
Thc dc~ign ealculati
twO source<; of
II"hell ..t,,,,p SAo,· • (8.5)
appropriate choice
imperfection reductio
where: must include the efJi
nonlinearity (that e
A. [a '(I·p »)" ... (8.6) and the additional ~t
gcometric impcrfl'Cti
The /l(u..-kXnJIlIU/ 10 'hese c..'fprenioll.f IIIl1\' he
fill/nd ill Ruller (2001) which 1,,/lI' generali5ec/ Ihe
Rilles/or tl,c bllckling limil _flatt! (lsseumt!nlllsillg g/obal,lllmcriwi (1I/"(1'5is

II i/llo Ihe dilen'lII ptJll.' ,,'ial ellrlicr prolJOsal and concepllllll dt!\'elopmellt of
BA pmCl.'H if 10 be IIseel Sdllllidl (1991 , 1994).

i/npll"/IO k ill lille lI'illt Ihe (9) The evaluation of Ihe raclors ..t... I/o a.,., Silfcl! Ihc IH/rtllllc/ers a. fJ. ,,1I1Il1 A 0 C(IIII/Ol he
lioll 111'e,1 for .UI"IIl"lliral /1... lind '1,,, ~hould tuke account of the cmllllllt'd fUl"l1wll)" for II,c glolNll ,fysl('m IIIIder
t\ u mort' phniraf 11I(! lllli"g imperfection senSlt)VII)" gcometric thl! 10(/(/i1l8 'YIJCS fCll/llring in the dcsigll, it i.1
nonlinearity and other aspects of the particular imp£'r"'iI'e Ilml thcy {Ire c(JIIsen'alil'fd.l' e.willll/lcd
shell buckling casco Conscrvutive \ulues lor hased 011 II,e de.~igll/:r 's best e~'lim{l/e of Ihe
these pammetcrs should be detentlined by l'tI"/C~i Ilwl (Ire like(I' to be relel'{lIIl. This d{II/.\('
'ell CIIw/niY 11If! f/UN/ heillg comp<lrison with known shell buckling cuscs indicat('s Iltm Illc choice shollld he mllde
c("'C'f"/~I" ttlkilfg i/llo (1£:£'011111 tiS mllclt rC'lcl'll1l1

"I 01111' ( )II LB.-' and MNA (sec annex D of EN 1993-1-6) that hnve
lIafni!> also an/illlhle). 0" similar buckling modes...imilar imperfection dewi/ (1.\' cml he gaillered in re/lIliunlo Ihe Iype 0/
af\"\(',f alOIl(', il is " " lllralfl' sensitivity. similar geometric nonlinearity. h/liMillg helUlI'iOlir 10 be eXpt'Clcll
,·tl.'mllllt' hmr 'iellfi/il'(' 111(' similar yielding sensiti\ Ity and Similar II is imlHJrlmll thai the gt.'OIIIctr)" domi""", slrt!u

J/:II lIIal' be 10 gl..'(Jllletrir pDStbuckling bcha\ iour. The \ alue or a... IHII/em alld bollll(/(lr), cont/i/ioltv ill Iile partf of
~tri(' "{)IIli"t'llri~\', yield al should ulsa take account of the appropriate the SlrllClllre IlllIt hOl,(, beell idemijied {I.\ critical
(tmlll Iwrck!lfillg ill the fabrication tolcrance quality class. ill Ihe LBA alld MNA e\,a/liutiollS shollid be used
III', all th,' \e factors II/11SI he to m{lke " c{Irejill choice fur lite m/lies of Ihesl.'
u.\II~ I/'e prrJ(·I!.ut',~ of Ihe NOTE: Care should be taken in choosing un IHJrume/en . n,is is whul is IIIeallt hy
Itn'ss d,'si£II " appropriate value of (J,,, when this approach is Tt.'CUmml..'mlillg " comparisoll wilh 10/(111'1/ dwll
corl'n'd by 11K' " hlll'41illg used on shell geometries lind loading cn!>CS blicirUlIg cases". The choice is rclllliw~I' eas..-
whcre snap-through buckling may occur. wilell a cl'/imlriclIl or col/ical sltell pc,rt //tllier
'1 WI,/ -4, )\hid, '1111,\'1 he
Such cuscs includc conical lind sphcrical caps pllre clrclII,,!erellliul ('"u"'pr~",iull 0/' pl/re 5"1!(II'
I.fy~t.,,,, III/tier thl! hHIdillg
and domes under extcrnal pres.-;ure or on is (:offsit/erell, since l ilt! clllcliiated eigel/mtHl1!
~(! d"fig" for 11,(' syslem,
suppons that can displace r.adi:tlly. Thc 1004.f .fi",iltlr to the correfJJO"din~ ",ode of Ihase
~hl'("TIpl '.0\'. ' 10
mdicat(' tllllt
oIl! Iin/etural sntem (lIId "0/
uppropriate value of an.. should also be chosen from Ihc rc/el'llllt ba~ic 10l1f1 ClUCS, III litis "{lSI.' It
with cure when the shell geometry and lo..1d i.\ tI remOlwble choice 10 adopl the buckling
case produce conditions that arc highly /HJrwllcl£'rsfrolll Secl ioll 0 .1.3.2 of EN 1993·'·6
emdiOI/ 11/ I\hiell Ihew! scn~iti"e to changes of geometry, such as :11
far circulllferemial COII/pre,u ioll ao POliO mill
IS .f1!101/1 aXllill hcre .\'0 Ill{Il unstifTcllcd junctions belween eylindric:tl and
'clIO n~fi-'r 10 92.1.2(4): conical shcll segments under meridionnl ..tID or from Seclioll D . I.4.2for shear a,. P,. 'lr
compressi ....e loads (c.g. in chimneys). The (llld A.rQ. tiS Ihe I'llftle.~ of Ille ""croll bl/cklill~
I ~'" S ~".o ... (83) commonly reported elastic shell buckling pcW(IIIIcte/'S a.... fJ"., '1", alld ;"', ,1). if lum'CI'Cr
louds for these special cases are nonHally meridiollal comprcssion i~ imv/l'ed, or Ihe ~1t('11
based on geomelricnlly nonlinear unnlysis luIS {/(mb(I' C/ln'L-d pc,rlS (spherical, ellipsoidal,
l applied to a perfcct or imperfect geometry. tomidfll, hY/JerboUc), a reasollable choice i.f
which predicts the snap-through buckling lo.1d. morl..' difficult.
By contrast. the methodology used here adopts
" .lhOllld be IUJ/('(/IIIUI the lIon/illeflr hi/llremioll
the linear bifurcation lo.1d as the reference mOlie (lisillg a GNA or GMNA mfOl)'.fis) mo)'
... IH.4) clastic critical buckling n..'Sislancc, and this is
somelimt's be qllilt! dilJerem fmlll Ihe 101\'('$t
oftcn much higher thull the snap. through lo.1d.
/iI/car bijllrr.:otioll (LBA) mode tllld 1I1(1)' ('I't'"
The design calculation must account for these
occllr ill a differellllHlrl of Ihe stnlClllre. so cal"('
•. 18.5) two sources of reduced resistance by an sllOliM be excrcised 10 t!IIsure that the )'lIll1e_1
appropriate choice of the o\'eral1 elastic
chosell hcr€' are cotlSen'tllil,(, i/l all IHlri.f of the
imperfection reduction factor a.". This choice finlClllre, (llId Ihal Ihe)' are similar 10 Ihos(' tIJm
mllst include the efTl.'Ct or both the geometric woult/ (Irisc i/ the desigll II'CTC IlIIdertakell IIsiflg
nonlinearity (that ean lead to snap·through) Mres~ design.
r ... IH6) and the additional sirength reduction cuuscd by
geometric imperfcctions. II ~1tu/lld be 1101('(1 Ihat lite shell bllckling
rcsislllllCC is /101 eqllally sellsilil'C to all of Ihe
/he.11! I!xprt'.nioll.1 maj' he
fOllr hlll' kling p{lr{lmeler.~, TIle qllfllil)' of Ihis
ZI II'hidl/IIIII' Kcnemliwd Ihl..'

JJIIt'AIiIl~ of SII..'('I SIII'lIs - Ellmpt.y.1II J).. ~igll R{.CUllllllt'"dll"C

(' (/im(//l',1 m/llt, muW hc.' "ighc.\/lor a. .. hili the (I:!) The I
\'(/IIIe.~ of fl ,,, Ar ... , ,~ '/. mlly hi! eHilllllled Irilll .. hlluld b..: obtained
h'u pn'('isioll 1\/lho/llH'riUl/3fl' ad\Y.'r~('~1'
II/{l'(:tillg tilt' UII1WI/I(', Tilt' prilllar), jiU'- ",\ ,\hOilld R, .lUI Rp/
11f.' Oil Ih" (II'erall ('/cu/i(' impl'rledioll 1'('lll,U/tll/ \~heT'l!:
jil('/(Jr 0. .. I,-!tid, t'xc/mil''''''' cOlllro/., Ille ellII/ii' R, is th~ pla~tic
bucklillg hehal'iollr. tim/lillie" rmfl' 11m il lIIillor
roll' IIh('lIllJe on'rall n 'h,lil'f.' ,\/elldl..'nwu is .\/11,,11 (11) I he tk-.lgn
(Mmdul"{'.\ "1/(-4/illg illllu' plmli(' rt.'gioll). bo.! ubtnintxl fmm:
(10) I f the prm 11I1On!> of (9) cunnot be WilerI' Ihe dlt)i<'" af 1'(1111(:,\' of Ihl..' IJell'lIlIIc'len iL" ..
aehie\ t-d bc)'ond reasonable doubt. appropriute Po... 'I, ~ tIIlll ArlO " ('W/lIU! Iw "~lOhli51/('d Il"i!II
tests lohould be cumed out. fN 1990. UI)I)mpriflfl..' CfJll{it/"rlCt', 1I IllOrollgll GMVlA \1 here:
Annciit 0, ;'1I'''Sliglllioll ()f Ihl! proh/{'''' dlOlild Iw rill I~ thc panial
IlI/dent/A('11 h{'e 8,3 heloll'/. Where gr,'{/I budding ",,"d~
I/I/{'ertail/~I' t'Xlll.1 am/IIII' mHC(II//(' is 1)(lrliclI/llr'"
(·rilicul. I/Il' fiflll/llrbiler mml Iw all IIpproprime
I('.fl programme (~ee 8.3.3,6 heloll'),
(II) If lIpL'Cific valucs of a, ...fl. .., '1,. and If a GMV/A flll(I~nis afld /{'w~ ('lIImol ht.'
(I) It !>oould '" "nl
Ar",11 are not a\uilable according to (9) or (10). IlI/den"J.efl. wid douh, r('m"II/,\' tm ,11('
the value.. for an uiltiully compressed approprillll' m/tle~ of '''''.fe p(lrame!"I'.\·, 11,;1' mle F fJ S r,u ~ RJFI:J
un~tiffened cylinder 11l.1y be adopted. sec ~il'e,\' dt"lI/llIm/II('.\' 11m/ are det'med 10 he WI(e{(1r
10,2,2, Where lInap-through is known to be a mool h"lIIm ~IIell hllckling (y.llldilioll.(. I, is b(l~cc!
~ibility. uppropriutc funher reductions in Oil ,''(' plaw,i"'!' (/.HIIIII/"iofl ,lwll/()f"ell huckling
a. ..hould be con!>idercd. case cafl be imal!inec! to he more impl'lf('('I;''''-
,\emilll'l! ' '(111
WI /l1/.\liffened circillar C.:I'lilld"r
u"d"r lI11ifimll (u;ol c()mpre.Hiflll (ll'hich bd"n't'l
sllllilClr(1' 10 WI eXlenwlfl' pn''ullri,w'll '~P"{"·I..,). H.2.3 r,dendl'ti eel
Ollt! 111lI1 (l1)lllring Ilf btlckling IHII'(II/Ief('l'S
a" /Jr, '1<, ~ 10 any mher she/l blldding l'll~e 8,2.3.1 Kc~ rCliturH
,Ihol/ld 111t'rifore be olllhe all/sl'n'll!iI'e ,I'ide,
The aho"I! proIHJ:J'ilioll (Irises from cOllsideration The MNAIlBA pnx:
of elm'/ie bllC:klillg alld jmlH!rjecliofl ,\ etu·itil';t.r shcll struclUres undcr
pl,el/Ome/Ill in\'hells, II sllOllld therefore be "ulec! long been nceded to
Ihal wht'rl.' ,11f! comlil;ofls "rise ifl nhid, lite ~/I('II "~tn."SS design'· proc
i.\ slIhjecl 10 e.I'lellsiioe yieldillg bejiJre bl/dUng the key differences be
(tlml 11111,\' le.f\· Impeifecti()11 ~ell.\·ilil'e), it IIWI' he a rigorou.!> and
,ha, Ihe mllll! of A. tJ!isoda,ed Idllt lite
III/Sliffefled cyliflder is 1101 a/lI'ayf COtaen'(llil·e.
The second of thc'>C t
£"en for e/elSlic b/lcklillg $;IIWlioIlS. ,he
bound estlmatc uf the
proPOSitiOIl Ih(II ,he (t\'loll), cOlllpreu('d cylim/er
Ihen the outcome ror
COli IX! IIsed U.I IIIl' t!xtrl'lI/e of .\"ell jmlH!rj£'Clicm
!>tn."l>!> pattern ineh~\;
l'ell,~;!i\';/.I' n'li{'~ 01' 11m k(,)' a,5slImpIiOlU". Tlte,5e
identical), but it enn I
are e/i,\"{~lIssed ill Ihe Extellded COIlllllelllal)'
because II finite Tone
8,1,3,6, II;s recolllmelllkd Ilmi. lI'hell appl)'ing
mechanism. Where
,he apl)roxinulle mil' ill tI,ls ptlragraph, the
del'igller slloilld calY.1"ully cI,e,,!>: hi!> parlit'lIlal'
procl.-dure e...aluUles I~
"rue tlgllillSI II,,, bad.grolmd sel 0111 III Ihe
consequently leads to
('xlelldetl romRlet/lul)',

Httlt,~ for lite hlld lillg limil \1lI11! a.I It'l ,m('''' II I iflg glohtll mill/t'rinli Ullull'lil

I /Ie hi.~/u',' (or a. .. hili Ihe ( 12) The charnc teri ~tic buckling n.:si\lllnce R, 1II .\ /n:lIglil rt'dllcliU/u dlle to ,Jillen'f// ,'I!('U\ 11/"('
,~ " WI' /1.... ell/maled lI'ilh .. hould be obtained from: illelm/ell ill lite t'\'(I/tllllioll of Xu.'
flholll wrioll\/l' adn'I"'t'~)'
't' n,.'prillllln' fix:uI ,/multl
.. (R.7)
III/it· illll''''''/t',"lim, rn/ll('lilm
11I1"iI'.,~1' nlllfmll II/t' daHi/"
Hri is the plastic reference rc .. i<;tllncc.
1II1t} Ilhid, (11/)' hal I I 11111/01'
! rdalil'(, .l'it."";,,.,,(,,H i.1' wlI/II
(13) The design buckling resiMancc H.I ~ hould rllt' 1'''/11(' 01 lilt- parlial facwI" ru lI/e/Y Iw e/e/illl.:c/
illlh(' pla.l /i,· I"f'Mitm).
be obtained from: ill III(' Nulimllli AlIIl('x. WI,e/'(' I/O applinllimt
I <1/111'1" of lite ptll'cJllle/t'r,\ «.. , ... (8.8)
\/uml"l'(/ ('xi\I.\' fbI' Ihe form o( coml/'II(/iIJII
H" H~ r ift ill\'()/I'ed, /II' lite "1,,,!it'lIlioll s/(/IItJard dUC!1 1/01
("(111m" ",. estahiil/lt'd lI'ilil
nn', 1/ Ihomugh G \/WA where: defille IIt£' re/t-I'IIIII 1'/I"U',f of n~ it ;,.
,II,' pmhlem ~/101I1d II/.' )'\.11 is the p.1l'1ial factor for re'ol<;tance to r(,{'OInlll('m/t'c/ fltal lite wIlle u( rvliloll/(/ 1101 h<-
J beiOlI'). II11t're gr,'(ll buckling according to W4e"cl.f,ml/ll/er llt(m I'll 1./.
Ilht' 0111, ollie il I",rliclilarl,'
il.r mUll he liII IIppl'OIJrillle
8,2,2.3 Buckling str('n2th \('rificAtlon
IU.3.6 "'' 011') .
IiI 111,,1 Il'f/f CIIIII/Ol he
(I) It should be\erified thm : rhi~ \'('l'ificlIlioIlIllCl)' IIppC!ar (Ilitl/ewrtlllg(' \1/,(,,,
!kJllht n'lI/lIlIIl 011 II/{,
jir\1 W'('II, hili il i, corn'ct. ",/r,.11 111(' de.,iMnlo(J(L,
IlIt'ft' P<lrI.lI1/{'/('n. , Ilti~ nlll' 1',;'1 S FRJ = Rd F&1 or Hoi ?- I ... (8.9)
(Ire ClJlf)lied 10 ( I Mmctllre hl'ilIM lI/w/I's(-d, lilt'
r WIIJfl! d",'/1/t'(' 10 lit, ,Illfe (or
jill(/I r('qllirelll('1/1 i.( 111m the 101111 fllCtor 011 I/um-
,;J.illr,.: nm,llII(mr. II is ",,,'>t,J
(Ie,figll 101llb; Cli Ihe IX)i", of de.~igll mIlle o( Ihe
Iplioll tllaillf' I/wl/lmd.lillR
ane.ned ful/llre l 'u"daWII ,~'IOII/d he grf'tlll'r I//tlll
I to lit! more imperll'r/irm-
lilli/I '.
UliUt'nl't./ circlliar tT/imlt'r
cm"pref~iOl' (",hid, hehtlll',1
UJ/~\' prt'I,luri.fed ,fp/r('Il'j, 8,2.3 ": xt('ndcd t'onunenl!H) on MNAlI .HA numerical hucklin)! design
in b'RMiIlM IXlrWller"rf
mll.'r slrell l'fIeJ.iing l'lIse
8,2.3.1 K('~' fellturl's of che ~INAJ I . nA pruccdu re
illite colII'('n 'm il'e .fide,
(mm £Y)/nidermirm
III (IriSl'S
The MNA/LBA procedure is founded on the methodology of a tmditional hand calculation. For
~IIJ imfJClji.'Clioll'itl' shell structures under ull but the simplest loud cases, II linenr clastic numerical analysis (LA) has
It should 11It'rl'lore lx- 1I00e~/ long been nceded to dClenninc the stress state of the structure as part ofa hand calculation. nod the
iOlls arise ill IIltidl lire xlrdl "stress design·' procedures set out in Chapter 9 include such usc of LA numerical analyses. TIllIS
11" yil'MiIlM IN.·foll! hllddillg the key differences beh\een MNA LBA nnd Ihe hund calculution procedure arc
(a'lio" sellSilil'e), il 111(1.1'be a rigorous and accurute evaluution of the clastic criticlll buckling resistance of the structufC
fJ. anoci(II('d Ililh Ille a rigorous evaluation oflhe plastic collapse resistance of the structure,
, 1101 ohm)".'; COIISen'(llil'e.
hlld.:lilrg sillllllimlS, Iht! The second ofttk.--sc two onl) comes inlo piny ira true MNA nnulysis is pcrfomlCd. Ifonly a lower
lXiClIII' mll/pll!ssed n-limlt'r bound estimate of the MNA rcsislUnec is found based Oil an LA analysis accordmg to 8,2,2.2 (4).
rlrl'Rl~ o/(llell illlJ1f!ifeclioll then the outcomc for this part should be very close to thm of a stress design when the prebuckling
,\"0 A:~' ti5.fllllfplimu , TI'('.f('
stress pattern includes zones of rcillti\cly uniform stress (for which the processes arc almost
'Ie E:rrC'm!c.-,1 COllllllell/an' idcllIieal). but it can to significantly diffcrent results where high stn."Ss gmdiellls occur. This is
It'lIdl!d Ihal, IIIIell (lpplYillg because a finite zone of shell is rcquir"..d to de\elop both an clastic buckle and a plastic collapse
'e ill Ihis Il(lrllgrnplt. Ihe mcchunism. Where the buckle dc\'clops in a 70ne of high stress gradient. the stress d,""Sign
11t1~r dl('(:4 his IXlnil'lI/m' procedure evuluntt'S the buckling eondllion as if the sallie Slresses e-<ten<kd o ... er a large Lone and
K"4gmlllld l '('1 (Jill ill lite conscquelllly leuds to a much lower prediction for clastic buckling thun thc MNA/LBA procedure,

Buckling ojSrL,td Sitl'llf - Ellrope,,,, Desigll RL'f;ollll1ll'lIlk,lions Care "hh

A major advanlllgc of the MNAlLI3A procedure using an MNA analysis to detennine the plastic
L'OIIIIPSC resistance liL'S in the rigour of its conceptuill fr.IITlC .... oric. In future. "'hen shell buckling
rescarch results are being dcveloJX.-d for pmctical design purposes. this methodology should be Whcn a global
used. Dclililed proposals for Ihe method of extrnction of the kcy p<lrnmcters a,. A. 'I. and Ay{} from thoroughly. but
process is likely to
the rcSUltio ofGMNIA calculations nrc given in Rollcr (2002. 2(05). If this procedure is follo .... ed
by those who study new conditions in shells. an increasing number of buckling pammeler ..cIs for structures thai ha\c
various shells will be avuilable to the dcsign cnginL'Cr.
Ho .... c\er. al present. thcre is slillll shonuge ofbuckHng parnmeters calibraled to tnle MNA plastic become i l l
collapse resistances. though the ba...ic buckling caS(.'S do meet this L'Ondition. Consequently. the approprilllc choices
design engmeer may oflen fnll back on thc si mple membranc yielding criterion when nlnning a
MNNLI3A design chL'Ck based on an LA analysis of the structure.
110" e\ cr. gre,,,"~' I
criticality. The relation~hip between LOA analysts and hand (alculatlon pr()(cdurcs
locill stiffening
procedure Ilpphed
During the early dc,eloprncnt of the field of shcll buckling, it was , 'cry difficult to perform an hllnd calculation
algebraic analysis that included all the phcnomenll that were known to influence the buckling modes
resistance. As a result. mttny simplifications \~ere adopted in this early research. One of the most
imponant simplifications was thc assumption of a mcmbmnc pre-buckling stress state in the shcll .
evell though Ihis is geller.llly very difficult to achievc in prnctice wilh any realiiolie boundary
conditions. It was nCCL'Ssary to conduct the buckling analysis using more eonstrnining boundary cigcnvlllue. which
conditions (to prevcnt very low buckling stresses being found). so the conccpt of different boundllry
shells. Com"~"''''9
conditions for Ihe pre-buckling stn.'SS sillte from those for the sTn."l1i displaeemcnts of the shell thot
occur during buckling has u long history. By way
The reasons for remining Ihe distinction in the 21" ccntury relate more to ensuring thnt the buckling rchllh'CIy
calcuilltion is conser.!Ithe. The strl.'SSl'S calculated in a pre-buckling analysis ure genemlly largest mode in the
when high degrees of fixity nt boundary conditions lead to high local stresses. but the buckling impcrft.'Ction
analysis provides a more conservative estimate whcn pinned boundary conditions are assumed. The be far less Ihan
diOicuhy ofcnsuring adequate rigidity in fixed boundary conditions is a good reason to retn;n shell calcuilltion before
dcsign according to this simplcr idea. but it is diOicult to sustllin when u numerical analysis is mnde the benefits of this
using finite elements or similar procedun.-s. overlooked.
Where numerical shell buckling analyses arc undennken. the same boundary conditions may be This situation
adopted for thc prcbuckling and buckling unalyscs. but it should be nott.'<i that: a cylinder .... ith t\\O
a) these calculations mny not pw\·idc n perfect match to the hand calcuilltions because of the circumferential .
boundary condition chunge: sphericlIl ho,ds, '" ~
b) grellt care is net.-ded 10 enioure Ihllt the boundnry conditions assumed in the numerical example was first
calculation can be realised in the final construction.

One of Ihe key differences between MNAILBA and hllnd caleulalion (in thc fonn of Buckling
Slress Design uccording to Chapter 9 of these RI.'Commendations) i!> that the hllnd cillculation
e'l(amines each pan of the structure scparutcly and makL'S an independent e\'alulllion of its rL'Sistance
relntive to the design loads. l3y contmst. ulthough the MNAILBA treatment can be IIpplied 10 the
individual pans of the structure. it is mostly described in tenns of an analysis of the \~hole structure.
Problems rcillting to this appro."Ich. and remedies for them are discusSL'<i in thc following S(.'Ction.

Rilles fur 'lte bllckling li",ir~"'u.' (lSs('.~smem IIsing global lIl/merical u"u~n"i.f

lulysi; to delermlne the plastic Care "ith the interpretation ofthl' LIlA anal)sis
In future. "hen shell buckling
. this methodology should be When a global analysis is used. Ihe m~t criticul part of the structure is idcmified and trcat<..-d
~melers a~. /l.. ,/, and l,u from thoroughly. but less attention is paid 10 other l..ones thut mny be close to critical. As a result , this
Iflhls procedure is follO\~ed proccss is likcly to be lk."Cure and successful when applied separatc1y to parts of structun..'S. or to
of buckling parameter selS for structures that have a clenrly identifiublc critical zone. For such structures. the LBA nnalysis can
deli"er a considerable enhancement of Ihe evalullted critical buckling resistance R,.,.. and an MNA
IInlllysis c:m produce II huge increase in the evalualL-d plastic resistance R",. Thc dL'Sign clln then
calibrated to true MNA plastic bI.:come significantly morc economic than thai produced by hand clliculation. provided Ihat
tondition. Consequentl y. the upproprillie choices for the values of thc buckling pnrametel'S a,. Pt. 'h and lAO can be made (Sec
ing crilerion ~~hcn nlllning a

Ilowe"er, great care s hould be exerciS(.-d when the structure possesses multiple 70nes of comparable
'on procedures criticality. That is to suy. a ~truelure thot is highly optimised in each part (using thicknl'Ss changes.
local stiffcning and similar measures) s hould be treated with caution \\hen design<..-d using this
procedure applied to the complete structure. Such:t structure s hould be \\ ell underslood using II
\cry dif1icult to perfonn an
hand calculation (Choptcr 9) before Iltlcmpting to optimise it further using MNAILBA. and cnlieal
n to influence the buckling
modes corresponding to eigenvalues Ihat lie above the lo\\ cst s hould be carefull y examined. It is
uly researeh. One of the lIlost
recommended that as many as ten eigenvalues and their associated modes should be el[amined to
i:kling MTl'S!> state In the shell.
ensure that a zone that is highly imperfection sensitive but \\ h~ cigenmode is. for example. fourth
with any reolistic boun<f:1ry
from the lowest docs nOI ha\e :l lo"er impcrf<..'Ct buckling resistancc than that wi th the lo\\cst
more coostr:Jining boundary
eigenvalue. whieh may ha ve mild impcrf(.'Ction sensitivity. These remarks relate to unstiffened
toncept of different boundary
shells. Commcnts on problems \\ilh discretely stiffened shclls are ghen in the parugra ph belo\\ .
lisplacemcnts of the shell that
By way of example. a eomplclc structure <..'Ons i ~ ting of two principal componcnts. one of which is
highly imperfection sensiti"c (e.g. an llXially compR'Sscd cylinder) and the other of ",hich i~
.to ensuring that the buck ling
rc\;lIi"el y insensiti ve to imperfections (c.g. A ring in compression) ma y be found to ha vc its critical
,naiy)is ore gcnernll y lArgest
mode in the inscnsitive pan. so thAt design attention is focusS(.'<i on this aspect. By contrast. the
cal strcs~"'S, but the buckling
imperfection sensitive zonc could be quite critical since the imperfL'C tion reduclion factor a could
conditions arc assull1<.."(1. Thc
be far less than unity. By understanding the criticn l zoncs in thc structu re wen th rough hand
. a good reason to retain shell
calculation before commencing an MNA/LBA cnh:lIlcelllcnt. the designer should be able to exploit
I A numcricIII unalysis is made
the bencfits of this procedure without risking the possibility Ihul critical failure modes hA\'c been
boundary conditions may be
,cd that: This situalion may be more clearly iIIustrmcd by a sJX.'Cific example. A vac uum vessel consisling of
a cylindcr with two hemi·spherical hends is shoWII in Fig. 8.4. The cylindrical p''1n under mainly
d calculnt ions because of Ihe
circumfcrential compression is relati"ely insensiti\c to geometric imperfcctions. but the two
spherical heads arc under t"-o.dimc nsion:1i compression and nre highl y impcrfcclion-scnsiti ve. This
; assumed III Ihe numeric:ll
eXllmple was first presented by Schmidt (2002).

on (10 the fonn of Buckling

is thnl the hand calculation
'n! e\uluution of its resistance
:atmen! cun be npplied to Ihe
mlysis of the ",hole Structure.
j in the follo\\mg lk."'Ction.
Flgur~ 8.4: Buckling
modc.~ ror a vacuum pressure \csscl (schcmlllic)

Hudd;"g (~I Sleel Silt·1I1 - hl/mlN.'l'" 1Ji.-',\ig" R('{·,m",u'm/fI!ioll.\

but \\ here Ihi~ m<'lhl>dc,11I

Concerns about the difficulty of choosing appropriatc \-alues of the buckling par.unclcrs \\ hcn u!>ing
Ihe MNA LIlA procedure ha\c been expressed by Schmidt (2000). To IIddrcs!> the:.c concerns, the
following procedu~ arc rccommendt-d. StudIes by Uo!-.t l·' a/,
found b)' u~ing a pl(lt
Where thiS MNNLBA methodology is applied to an clement of a ~tnleture. the proccdure is deh.'nninatilln". Here. It
gcnerolly 'WIII"f:ICIOry and 11 i~ not nccessal)' to considcr more th:m one eigenmode. FUrlher. \,hcre Ihe load factor llrl de"i!:!n
the stres!> MUIC in Ihe ~tnlClurc is dominated by shear or circumfcrential compression. the sensitivity R" al:!i.IUht IN" 11'), \\
to gL"Omclric impcrft'Ctions is lo\\cr and this procedure can be used \\nh some confidence. lead to \ cl) prcr.:i~
Ho\\e\cr. "here the MNA I.IlA procedure i~ applied to a complete ~tnlC lure and significalliaxial result~ of computation,
comprc..sion is prescnt. it i~ highly de~irable that thc fiN len eigenvaluel> are dctcmll1led and their givc'l "ngle pmhctcd I
corresponding eigenmodcs plolted to illustrme the rnodc shape and the location. Where several
eigenmode!> occur al a Mmilar location and the elgen\-alucs arc clo-.c to each olhcr. thil> i" u !>Irong
indication tllllt the !>Inleture is likely to be ,ery scnsi th e to gcomclric impcrft'Ctions, with a
corn..-spondingly 10\\ valuc of a".. for these modt'S. Since a low value of a leads to a con... idcrable
change in the clastiC impcrfL'Ct shell buckling resistancc. II I§ \ Ital that these modes arc identificd
and used al> P.1r1 ofthc MNA LBA de~ign proccdurc.
dctenninL'ti by u"ng. an
conSCl"\ati\e prO' idcd
It i... recommended here that. '" such eircUll1lo1ll1lCCS. euch cigelllnode should be lreated as a l> to d..:\ I~e a gencral
dc::-ign casc and taken through thc dcsign buckling re~i"tnnce process (Fig. H.l) using approprime conl>Cnati\c fllr '>lIme
,alues of the par.lmetcrs a,. fl,. 'I. and Ad/ for each mode. according to its location nnd stress state. l>\ructun.... under cia'tic
This methodology will remo\\! much of Ihe unccrlainty that has been in somc of thc The ","1n1e is Inn: In
eommcnts conceming Ihe approprilllC choice or a.... P,. 'I, lind A\o :lIld should lead to reliably s,1 1c cffects ure sufficiently
designs. \\UY'" of \Cpardtmg oot
LA anaIYl>i~.
Discretely stiffcned !>hclls presenl many addilionul difficultics. Commonly. these struCIIII'CS huve
\cry nex iblc shell walls with much stitTer elemcnt:.. ns stiffeners. When an LBA analysis is
pcrfomled. the first 100 or so modc::- may all be local modt'S in the shcll wall and do not Impact on an LA IInaly~" th.11 is
the global strength of the strucmre significantly. In stich situations. the LBA outcome will greatly strictly safe if applied
tlndcrpredict the intcndt-d buckling stI'Cngth of the structure. and some special measun.'s may be system is bending is
needed in analysis to find an appropriate LOA modd that captures the glob:11 buckling mode be safe for shells in
including stiffener defomlations. stnlcturc~ in which
guaranteed to be 'tOfc
FUrlhcr form.1lisation of procedures to address thL'SC issues is an aClive l'CSC'.trch urea. but thc abO\ e
appears 10 providc a safe proccs.o; on the basis of current knowledgc. It il> hoped that the
oftcn cause ",,,,,i'''""l
mcthodology will be refincd in thc ncxt fcw years. with more pn:else inform:ttion available on the In cOl1loidcring the usc
proximity of cigenmodcs and formalised mellstlrcs to lIddress these ~ues. resistance, it i... important
separatc conditions at
H.2,3.4 C .. rc uith the interp retation orthc MNA .. na l}'sis These are:
n) Ihl 000111"."",." ~
b) the coliaploC occur;
The MNA analysis is USL-d to obtain a fomlal plastic fC.'iistancc for the shell. For simple geometries
plastic strain... cun
und load CIUCS. closed ronn unulyticlli solutions can be found, and many ofthcsc nre documented in
c) the collaJhC occur.>
Massonnet and Sa\ e (1972) lind Annex B of EN 1993- 1-6 (2007). 1I0wc\'er. for II'K)l>t cases. a finite
circle: and
clcment nnalysis will be n:(IUtred.
Where a finile clement analysis is used to obtain this resistance. the analysis must be malcrially
These are ,"d,,,dluailly di~
nonlinear and may in\'ohe high local ).IrainS at some locations. Mnny programs. c .. cn well known
commercial program!> of high quulity. ha .. e diniculty in reaching It full plastic IIlt'ChanislIl. so the
Whcre ntCmbr.lne yield
plastic resistance may be difficult 10 define pn..-ciscly. In design calculations. this is not of great
yields exactly thc same
imporlance as any load ltttained before colillpse may be udopted as a conSCI"\'lIti\e estimate of R,,,,

Rilles for the hlldlillM limit _Hilt/! II.Ue,ulllc"t II.fillg global IIlII1l('ri('ul ufwl\,s;j

but \\here thIs methodolob'Y ts used for research 'Iudles, It 1<; \ery Important that the true pla~lIc

Uing parameters \\ hcn u~ing collapse statc should be lIeeurntcly kno\\n,

) :u.ldrt."l>" IhLo;,c concems. the
Studies by 1I0ist ('t (II. (2002.2005) h:\\e ~hown ho\\ the true plastic limitlood may be aeeumtc1y
found by USlIlg a plot .!oimilar to the modified Southwcll plot for c'lpcrimcntal buckling load
~tmcture. the procedure is detemlination". Berc, it i" recummended thlllthe chnmeteri ... tic di~plncement of the !<Itnlcture II' und
eigcnmodc. I-unhcr, where thc load factor on design loads R, !<Ihould be used to ghe a gcncmliscd modified 5outl1\\ell plot of
comprL-ssion. thc scn<;lt.vity R" :lg:lInst (R" w). where" is a Ix)\\cr whIch may be taken as" I. but by more careful choice can
sed \\ I1h somc confidence. lead to \-ery pn..'Cisc estimatc~ of the pla'tie n..'Si",ulIlcc. In particular. it is rccommend{.'(1 that the
ructure and significant (lxilll results of computation:. using finite clement mc~hc.!o of dincring refincment can all be brought to
ues are detcnmncd and their gi\'e a single predicted plastic resistance by appropriate choice of fl.
he location. Where sc\cml
:> each other. this i~ a ,trong ASI)eets of the use or l,\ IInal)sis 10 obtain a lo"er bound estimate to ~INA unal~ds
.ctric imperfections, \\ ith a
of a k...tL. 10 a consIderable
As noted sc\'crai limes in the commentary abm-c. an LA analysis may be used to oblalll a lower
I thc<ii: modes are identIfied
bound e:.timate or the true plastic re .... "tance of the ... hell. the true \aluc of \\hich can only be
dctennilll...d by using an M A IInal)si~. nli~ use of lin LA :lIlalysis for such a purpo~ i...
eonse.... ati\ c providL-d that an uppropriatc critl.'rion or failure is adopted. but it is extremely difficult
ould be treated as a separate
to de\ ise a general criterion of fuilure thm is both always consc....·ati\·c and not dramatically
(Fig. 8.1) using appropriate
con..c.... ati\c for :.ome srx,.'Cial CII!>l!S. Thi~ i.. !x.'CauM: ,cry high local stresses often dc\-elop m .. hcll
, ill. loc'l1tion and .,tress Slate. Mructurcs under ela~tic condition!. and thcw are Mnootlll.:,d a\\ay by plUMicity long before railure.
n e .. prr.... ..r.'tI in '>Ollle of the Thc same is true in many OIl)I.'r MruCIUrcs (e.g. around bolt holes in bolted connections) but these
should lead to reliably '>tIfe elTcclS are sufficicntly wcll documcntcd for them to be always ignored. It is not easy to lind Simple
ways ofscparating out the important and ull1mponunt stn..'Sscs prcdictL-d in a shell structure u.!omg an
LA unllly~is.
nonly, these structures 11lI\-e
When nn LOA analysis is In this conIC'II. it should be noted Ihullhe erlteriOIl of failure (Eq. ~. I) lor MNA detennination from
I wall and do not impact 011 an LA analysis that is adopted in thi .. chaptcr and in S(..'Ctioll 8.6 of hN 1993·1·6 (2007) is not
: LUA outcomc will greatly slrictly safc if applicd to all .!otructure.!o. sincc IIny structure in which thc princip..11 10..1(I--cmrying
~ special TTK.'IIsurcs may be system is bending is trcatcd unconsc ..... uti\cly here. nIl.' critcrion gi\clI here (Eq. 8.1) i~ bclic\-cd to
the global buckling mode be safe for shells in which buckling considerntions dominate ill thc design chccks. since these urc
Slnlcturc~ in which ~tresses nre dommant. Ne\cnhelcss. this criterion cannot be
guaruntccd to be safe under :111 conditions, and all a1tenmthc criterion that is so guamlltccd would
rc!oCllreh llrea. but the above ol\en cause exccssi\e consc.... iltism.
~ge. It is hoped that the
rformation 11\ uilablc on the In considering the use of an LA analysis 10 Oblllill a 10\\ cr bound estimate or the plastic reference

i rcsi!>tancc. il is imponantto identify the dllTercnt kmds ofslrcss state that can arise in a shell. Four
separate conditions at plru.tic L'Oliapsc may be idcntifiL"tI which ean occur in an a,'1isymmctnc shell.
These are:
II) the collapse occurs by mcmbranc yield or rupture on a complete circumferential cirele:
b) the colillpse occurs by membrane yield or rupture III a limited zone so bounded that indcfinite
hell. For simplc gcometries
plastic struins (''Ull occur all around thc ..onc:
ofthcsc are docurncntL-d in
c) the collapse occurs by II combination of bending and stretching on II completc circumferential
e\er. for most cuses. u finite
circlc: lind
d) the collapse occurs by a combination orbcndmg and stretching on a limited zone oflhe shell.
which docs not extend far around the circumrerence or IIlong the cylindcr Icngth.
blysis mUst be materially
These are individually diseussed in the follo\\ ing puntgraphs.
progrnms, e,en \\-cll known
I plastic mcchunhm. so thc
Whcre membrune yield occurs around :I complete circumrcrence (II). the complete MNA unalysis
,lations. this is not or greal
yields exuctly the same outeomc as is used in the buse cases of Stress Design: the yield strcss is
onsc.... ali\e estimate or Rpl.

Bucklillg ofSleel Shells - £lIropellIlIJ.e.figll Rt..'COImllelltk"lolIs

reached through the full thickm:~s all around the circumference. 11lere;s then no dilTerence Ihllt is highly ",,,.,r.""i,,.
between a rigorous MNA computer analysis and Iltrivilll1y simple hllnd calculation. the entire
ofa I
Where mcmbmne yield occurs In Il limited zone around a part of Ihe shell (b) so 111111 inde finit e
plastic stro ins can occur all around Ihe boundary. Ihe rigorous MNA unalysis again deli\cr.. the
same outcomc as "ould be found from a hand calculation ofplastie .tOncs. A good example of Ihis
Iype of failure is a brocket support on II cylindrical shcll (Docrich el al .. 2(05). Howcver. hcre the
MNA analysis ghl:S a \cry diffcrent result from that obtained using an LA analysis and any ofthc
;altcmath c first yield criteria. Ilecause thcre is a SIrc.liS concentrntion. Ihe LA analysis predicts the
In Rulc (II) II is .
plastic reference resistunce nt betwccn 1511 0 and 2()01I of the true vnluc for a typical structure
(dcpending also on the criterion of failure used). 11lUS this C!.limate is 5 to 6 times 100 small. parameter.. a.... P- '1 .
the commentary on this
Clearly. such an estimate of the plastic reference resistance is extremely low and i!> unhelpful in
design: designers using simple hand calculations and engineering j udgment would obtain a correct simple concept. Th~
and 501fe cstimate. whilstlhosc ut-ing LA would find thai the referencc resiSlance nppears to be vcry the shcll stnbility i
low. Thus. LA lo\\cr bound estimates of the plastic reference resistance should be used with some cylinder for "hich thc
assumptions eonccrn
caution for complex stres!. statcs.
method of assessing Ihe
Whcre plastic collapse occurs (c) undcr a combinalion of bendlllg and stretching on a complete adopted. then the two I
circumferentiul cirele. the lo"er bound LA estimate is signi fica ntly but nOI so drnm3ticully
conservative. A \ery ~imp l e cxample is Ihe ring loadL-d cylinder (Massonnct and Suvc. 1972). (a) Geometric "."h~"~
panicular. special
whcre the membrane stress criterion of Eq. 8. 1 produces 3n estimntcd plustic reference l\."Sistunce
Ihal is j ust 80010 of the true vul ue. The estimated l\.'Sistance tends to fall lower as Ihe stress state
becomes more complicated. but the LA cstim.1te is not so very conservative for uxisymmetric load
only '~~":~:;;~
cascs. buckling. This
commcnt on thiS
Where plustic collapse occurs (d) by n combination of bending and stretching on a limited 70ne of
the shcll. which docs nol extend far around the circumference or along the cylinder length. the (b) The a.l[ially '."'P"o!
lo"er bound LA estimUle can easily become dmmatically conS(.TVlllivc. Unfonunlllcly Ihcre arc scnsiti\ ity "hl.'Il
\ery fewlligebrnic solutions for problems of Ihis kind. nnd Ihe d e~igller must always I'Csort to finite is therefore on the
clement anulysis to obtain a good L'S timate of the plastic resistance. Where such situations are yield in a thicker
crilical 10 the design (relathely Ihick shells widl highly localised stress development). it is value of p (i.e. i
recommended that a full MNA analysis is USL-rl. firsl nlTccts the
the \ alue of p for. Uuekling and plastic collapse in differentlocatiolls in the structure
load lind the true

One exnmple of
COlleem is sometimes exprL'SSL-d thnt if the plastic collapse (or the highesl stress condition) and the where global
buckling mode occur in dilTerent parts of lhe structure. then perhaps the above methodology might global bending).
due to the ""'"'"'""~
not be secure. It is certainly true Ihut thcre will be lillie interoction between plasticity and stability
elTects ifthcse two phcnomena are widcly separatcd. the values of the
But this concern may be addressed by considering the in thc structure in which buckling is
found to occur. If the true plastic colilipsc strength of this local region \\ere found. it would pro\C
10 be higher than thc vlllue thnt is takcn for the structure us n wholc. because the lowest plastic
collapse load is associnted with a mode elsewhere. So if thc true clastic-plustic interaction
associated with the buckl ing mode wcre used. it would Icad to higher eltlslic-plastic buckling lo.1ds
than will be obtaincd by assuming un intcmction betwccn two phenomena thnt do nol interact. Thus As noted in Chapter 2.
buckling. The m,c. ~~k~::~
the calculation procedure is conservative in Ihese cases.
the criticnl clastic
The only real shon coming of this methodology is Ihnl the LBA analysis finds the lowesl elastic analysis is always the
critical resiSlnnce of the Slrueturc. nnd this may be locllted in a struclurel clement Ihat is nol very
imperfection sensitivc. If there is a higher elnstic critical resistance in 3 dilTerent structural element

11 2
Rilles for the bllckling limit slate usses:"III('III IIsing globallllllllerical ana(I·.fi.f

There is then no differencc that is highly imperfcction sensiti... c. thcn thc eharactcristic resistance may be found to be higher for
calculation. the entire structure than is valid. For this reason. it is important that care is taken with thc adoption
of It si ngle clastic critical resistance for the structure where the structuml clemcnt concerned is not
he shell (b) so that indel1nite as imperfcction sensitive as is possible in othcr clements ill the structure.
~ analysis agam dclivers the
ones. A good e.~amplc of this 8.Z.3.7 Clue when making simple choices for the parameters a.•. fl••. 11.. and )..... (Ru le
at. 2(05). 1I0wc\·cr. here the (1\»
In LA analYSis and any of the
the LA anlllysis predicts thc
In Rule ( II ) it is indicated that. where it is difficult to determine appropriate values for the
"aluc for a typical stnlctu re
e is 5 to 6 times too smllll. p..1r3meters «.... {J.... II.... and Au" ,IIo the values for an axilllly compressed cylinder may be IIdoptcd. In
mely 10" and is unhelpful in the commentary on this rule. it is noted thutthere arc two implicit assumptions which lie behind Ihis
~ment "ould obUlJn a correct simple conccpt. nlCSC two w.sumptions depend on the simililrity bel\\ccn the basic mechanics of
I resistance appcllrs to be very the shell stability situation under considcration and thut of the unifonnly axilllly compressed
oce should be Il\.t-d \\ ith some cylinder for which the buckling parameters lire taken as an approximation. These two key
assumptions concern the role of geometric nonlinearity in the prebuckling behaviour. and the
method of assessing the plastic reference resistance. If the axially loaded cylinder values are to be
stretching on a complete adopt/..-d. then the two following aspects should be cllrefully eonsidcl\.'d.
nl)' but not so dranuuically
1assonnet and Sm e. 1972). (a) Geometric nonlinearity should not have u great impact on the stability behaviour. In
plU!.lic reference resistance particular. special attention is required with regard to the possibility of snap-through buckling.
fall lo"cr as the stress state These effects cannot be covered by the val ue of a. becausc the axially compressed cylinder is
l"\"3ti\e for axisymmetric load only mildly affccted (IS-f.) by geometric nonlinearity and is not susceptible to snap-through
buckling. This mUllcr is addressed in E 1993· 1·6 in the Note in A further
comment on this mailer is given in S.2.3.g.
tching on a limited 70ne of
long the cylinder length, the (b) The axially compressed eylinder has becn adopted for this purpose because its imperfection
I\e. Unfonunatel y there lire sensitivity when susceptible to clastic buckling (when thin) is btfC3t. Thc focus of this choice
:rmu!tt always resort to finite is therefore on the par:lmeter a. However. hccuusc the prcbuckling stresses are unifonn. first
Whcre !ouch situMions are yield in II thicker structure may be vcry close to the plastic col1l1psc lo.1d. giving a rather low
H stress de ... clopmcnt). it is value of P (i.e. lillie separation of the plastic collupsc load from the load at which yielding
first affects the behaviour significantly). Thus, consideration should be given to inerensing
the value of P for situations in which the LA lower bound estimate of the plastic reference
Irurture load and the true MNA value of the plastic reference lo.1d are widely separated.

One example of this situation is found in the long cylinder under wind loads (chimneys).
hcst stress condition) and the where global bending dominlltcs (giving a large separation of first yield and fully plastic
~e abme methodology might
global bending), coupled with an interaction with circumferential compression and bendi ng
'tween plasticity and stability due to the unsymmctrical pressure distribution. For such situations. it is recomlllended that
the values of the parameters a.... II.... and Ao~, O be taken for the axially compressed cylinder.
rueture in "hich buckling is but that the value of ~ should be iocreasl.-d from the current Pr (- 0,6) to p.,. =: 0.7 to ensure
1 "cre found. it would prove that the earlier yielding in sueh structures is accounted for properly.
:. because the lowest plastic
JC clastic-plastic interaction 8.Z.3.8 Situations thllt require a GNA IInal)"sis
~Iastic·plastic buckling loads
11:1 that do not internet. Thus As noted in Chapter 2, a shell may be subject 10 either bifurcation buckling or snap-through
buckling. The methodology of the MNA/lBA procedure covers only bifureation buckling. where
the critical elastic buckling strength may be found using a linear elastic eigenvalue anillysis. This
ysis finds the lowest clastic analysis is IIlways the basis for the reference clastic critical resistance.
Jrul clement that is not very
l different structural clement

11 3
!lo\\c\cr. for condition~ whcre ~nap-through buckling may OCCllr. thl! IInl!ar cla~tlc clgcmuluc
ilO unable to detcct the buckling c,ent. Instead the progrc~:-.i\C chungc of g...'Ollll!lry under
the applied lo.1d:o mu~1 be followed 10 dele mIme the true budding !>Irenglh of the pcrfloct Mructure.
and thi~ require)o II (iNA or more sophi .. l1emcd analysis. l\c,cnhdess. thIs Inle perfcci shell ~
buckling strength i!t not u:.t'ii II!> thc reference critical rcloi~t:lIlee. but I~ e,ulualcd I\!oo u lnocL.-do\\n
efTcct due to geometric nonlllle~lrI\) from the clastic bifurcation reloi,\lInce.

nlC cla.... ~ic e~umplc of a .. hell buckling case where snap.though bucklmg controls is Ihe shallo\\
- t ..
spherical cap. !lowc\cr. cylindrical !>hclls or panels subjeci to locttl Ill.. d~ tiT \\llh loeul boundury
conditions or SI1f1cners may also be sU.!oceptiblc to such ~nup'lhough buckling. Wlh.:n.: Ihi~ is the
caloc. it i~ Illo..t Illlporwnt Ihut the efTect of geometric nonlinearily i!t mdudcd in Ihe clustic
- t ..
imperfccllon reductIOn r.1ctor a and adopted into the design procc!;S. For Ihi ... type of nllaly~i .... thc
reader i... rcfcrred to SL'tllon IU on global nonlinear analysis.

Gi\cn its imponallcc. il is unfununute thut a eOlllprehen ... i\ e Ii ... t of con(lIlion ... thnt lead to snap·
through buckling cannot be 'Hillen at Ihe present time. 01500 Sh('l1~ oh 11'1 ing radius (rones lind doubl~ cuned shel!!)

One final aspect conccnling the conscrvuti,c "'Iimatc of a; by mcall'i of I'_N 1993-1-6 Rule Fij!urc 8.5: Sleel (hlmn~') ~ should be mentioned here. Where thc shell radiu ... \arie .... it i.. unclear \\hal \alue of
radiU',> ... hould be u'iCd \\hen thc characlerislic imperfection amplitude i... defincd for a cylinder in
tcnns of ib radiu~ (I·.N 1993·1--6 Anncx 0 Fxprcssion 0 .15 and lq. 10.15 of these Technical dat,l
Rccommcndallom). Thi .. choice influences the value of a •. and thU!. the com-sponding \uluc of 0"
if thc lVIiully compre.'>:.t-o cylinder lrealmem is used. One cxample of Ihis diffieullY is the case of a MUICrilli: StroClUml ..,,:d S 1
conical shell "here Ihe critical buckling mode e)(tends o'er a range ofnldl1. "hil"t another is Ihe 1-.: 110<
case of doubly cuned shel ls \\hcre there arc two radii of curvnture. For !luch case~ it is perhnp ... f.t ::m~

morc uscfulto formulate thc expression for Q, in tenns of the relati"e shell slcndeniL'SS i. III plnce Fabriclltion quality: ("I:h'" n
oflhe rtI.
~igTl aetl0n
In plnee of Ihe exprc~sion 0 .15 in Annex D. it is proposed Ihal thc dimensionless slendenless be Prcloading force of one ten"i
used to definc the ehnmcleriSlie imperfcction Llw. If it is rccogniSl.->d that lIlost of the data uioed 10
define thL'SC imperfcclions relale 10 steel with/. 250M?a. Ihe expression D.15 CEq. 10.15 in these
;;0 Rudi:11 strip lo'ltI of one tcnsi
RL'tollllllcndutionio) lIlay be rcplIlCL'ii by -
An LA analysis of the cyli

6". -( ~)" ... (K. IO) cqUl\,lIlcn\ .. t(l'S'" field sho'"

:malysi .. (LBA) yields the r
R.... 1.64. The de-;ig.n chL'l:1.
in "hich the \ aluLos of Q for different fabriclllion qualities remain uochangL-d.
max CT.n".J H35 MPu
8.2.4 I-: ulllplt·s of use of the MN rV LBA buckling design procedure
a",- a.. 0.65; jJ. 11: fill Steel chillln(') \\Hh encireling prl'lolid from aeri:ll attacbml'nlll'nsion hl'lts [0.65 (1~.60I['"

Mobile phone acrials arc 10 be allnchct1 10 all existing steel chimney by means of four nm sleel 0.651 ..\l ! 0.379
tensioning belts (Fig. 8.5). In order 10 e)(clude slipping of the acrinls do\\n the chimncy. il is
RJ 0.J79·2.HI 1.1 ~
intcnded to prelo.'1d Ihe lensionlng belts by means of high strength Ml6 bolts. It shall be pro\cd that
under the chosen prclO<lding rorce F, - 50 kN the cylindrical chllllney wall Will not be dnmnged by Thc plastic refercnce fC\oi~ta
buckling. maximum mcmbrJllc cqui\

Rul('f.for III(' hud./if/I:! limil 'WIt' aHt·.Umt·lIIl1sil1M g/ub"/IIIIIII('riC'lIl (II/alnil

the Imear ela~lie elgell\llluc

11\ e change of gl.'Onlelry under
rcnglh of the perflo.'Cl lotniclul\!. Be 2f
eI~...,. Ihi)' lrue perflo.'Cl lohcll ~ .!...
IS e\ alualed 11., :t lnock-do\\ n
nce. § tenslonin~ bell
140K 0

kling e~lnlmb I' the !>hullow .!...
loath or \\i[h loelll boundury a
buckhng. Where Ihi ~ i, Ihe
'I) i, mcluded III Ihc Chl'lic
1:6 ' .... :1.64
ror Ihis Iype of analysis. Ihe

cOI~hlion ... thaI lead 10 snap- ",.,..

01500 a) 83.5MPa b)

a) LA membrane cqul\'illcnt'o a-,~

b) lBA l()\\eo.l eigenmodc
all.'> of EN I99J-I-6 Rule FI):urt' 8.5: S!("-cl chimnl')' "ith tem.ion mg bells "' I):urt' 8.6: EqUI\uk'tll SII"CSlo field and fir!>!
. it I.. unclcar \\hal \o,lluc of cil;cnmodc
i, defined for a cylindcr in
- and Fq. 10.15 of tlu..'SC
TL'Chnical data
be cOn'L'!>ponding \alue of a. ..
!hi ... difficulty is Ihe case ofa Mnlcrinl: Slruclur.lI steel S 235
f radii, ""hil.,1 [Illolher is Ihe E = 2 10GPa
For such casc, il i, perhaps f,A - 235 MPa
: shell slendemess I., III pluce Fabrication qUlllilY: Class B

Pc:-ign aclion
dimcn~ionlcss slendemcss be f~•. , 50 kN
Prc\ooding forcc of one tensioning bell:
Ihal mosl of Ihe data used 10 F•.d 1.5·50 75 kN ,
sion D.1 5(l.;q.lo. I 5 in Ilu:sc Radinl Sirip load of onc lensioning belt: P~.J 75/(0.75' 0.14) - 7 14 kN, m·

An LA analysis of the cylindrical shell under Ihe rour design strip loads yields Ihe membrune
... (8. 10) equivalent stress field shown in Fig. 8.00) with a maximum of83.5 MPa. A follO\\ il1g eigcnvaluc
analysis (lBA) yields Ihc first eigclllnode shown in Fig. 8.6b) wilh an eigenvalue load faclor of
R..,. 1.64. The dLosign check now reads as follows:

,co max O". ...,.£J 83.5 MPa RpJ - 235 83 .5 - 2.8 1 R.. 1.64
a... '" a, 0.65; flu,. '" Po- o.60 Am- (2.8 1 1 . 64)o~ 1.31
~ "II t' nslo" twlls
Am.p - lO.65 /(1-0.60)f·~ ~ 1.275 < I.J I

by means of foor Om sleel 1'0\ '" 0.65/ 1,31 ~ = 0.)79

115 down lhe chimney. it is
boilS. It shall be prmed Ihal Rd - 0.379·2.8111 , 1 - 0.97 .. 1.00 OK
\\1111 "ill nOI be damagcd by The plaslic reference resistnnce Rpi was conscrYuli .. cly dClenllined according 10 using the
maximum membmne equivnlenl strc!.s wilhin Ihe lohel1 region COVCI\.-d by Ihe criliclIl eigenmodc.

BIICldillg O/S(('f!/ Shl!"-~ - £lIropetm Desigll Recolllllll!IIlillliOlIS

Because the membrane stress state is virtually pure circumferential compression and the lowest
eigenmode shows a purely circumferential waviness (sec Fig. 8.6b), very similar to the basic
external pressure shell buckling case. it is. in this case. indisputable to choose 08 as the overall stiffening clement (i.c.
clastic impcrf(,.'Ction r(,.'(!uction fnctor a.,.,. only allowing radial i
cylinder. is modelled as a
8,2.4.2 C) lindl.'r subj N:1 to local stress conccntra tions due to bracket 5uPlJOris
Culculation mulls:
From the, I
• Rpi 2.238 R,

For fabrication tolerance

Brocket s nllnet For a IIn,ifo,nnlly "0n,p,,,,'1
s upport
~I h
2. ~
a, · 1+ 1,91( ,\11', I)''"

a... a: Q" 0.319

"" The assumed \ alues of the
as follows:
p fJ,.,.. a: /J... 0,60 1/ I
Applying the calculation
"' Igunr 8.7: llru.:k ...1 :.uppunctl cylinder
~,. =JFNJlI ' FRu - R,,,
Technicpl data
MlIlerial : Struetunll steel S 235
£ = 210GPa
h.J. - 235 MPa Since "-v1"11 > Ao" > Au,.o
Fabriclltion toler-mce quality: Class A
The rele\ant clastic-pla~i
Design action
Tension on the bouom or the cylinder: F, P \ 5,46 N/mm!
F" rFF, - I's · \5.46 - 23.l9N/mml

Geometry (Fig. 8,7); RJ : Xu,, RpJ r ,II 0,51

( 10 mm The com.'sponding GMN
,F600 8.7 of EN 1993-1-6. The
l1-4r The imperfcction fonn 0
Brocket: inwardly oriented.
II/re=-0. 12 The result wa!> Ru "',.
II/d=-3 This show!> that the MN
for a case of this kind.
Note also that RGIL\U

11 6
RII/es lor ,lie bllCklillg /im;'~llIte {b.W!\Wllet!l IU';/Ig g/oballlllmeric{l/ llll{/~I'SjS

1I compression Ilnd thc lo.... cst Boundary conditions and a~sumpti{Jns~

Sb). very similar to the basic Out-of-round defonnations lire constrained Ul the top and the bollom of the cylinder to simulate a
Ie to choose fld as the overall stiffening element (i.e. roof and hopper). The bmd:eHo-columll connection is assumed to be stiff
only allowing radial displacement of the brockct. Thc bmckct. which is locatcd at mid-height of the
cylinder. is modelled as a rigid element.
eket supports
Calculation f\.-sults:
From thc fini te clemcnt calcul3tions in which I:"" WIIS IIpplied to thc struc ture

• R", 2.238 Rf~ = 3.917

For fabrication toler.mce ci:ISS A. Q 40. from which the imperfection amplitudc is 11l1"w' 0.612
For a unifonnly compresSl.-d cylinder without intcnllli pressure.
Q)l"" :---:~o,:".6-=-2--:T"-
H 0.319
144 = t4-1
1+1.91(.111".. I)' 1+1.91{0.612) ·

ao. .. a, = 0.319

~• . The assumed \'alm:s of the othcr global p.1r3mcler.; for this locally axially compressed cylindcr nre
as follows:
p fk., 'I< fJ,. = 0.60 " "" I ..1.....,,-0.20
Applying the calculation procedure

A." • JFRpl I FRrr - JRpl l R,. (2.23813.917)" 0.756 (8.2)

l,,. ..p =- [Qo1,l(I - Pm' ) fJ [0.315/( I-O.60)J°o5 0.MM7 (8.6)

Since -'\" .. /1 > 1,,1' > 1,,1•.0 or 0.887 > 0.756 > 0.20. the shell fa lls into the elastic-plustic region.

The relcvant clastic-plastic interaction is then

23.19 N mm~
"'O,.• '-P",[ Auv.p-Avl'.o
A"..- A.". J' - 1_ 0.6[°·755 - 0.2]1.0
0.887 - 0.2
0.516 (8.4)

R" "" Z(II' HpJ l r", = 0.516·2.238 / 1.1 1.05 > 1.00 OK

The corresponding GMN IA calculation of this structure was undcnakcn using the rules of SL'Ction
8.7 of EN 1993- 1-6. The required imperfection al11plimde for GMN IA analysis is 1l\\·O.rqll 0.980.
The impcrfeclion foml of the first lincar eigenmodc was adopted. with the peak displacemcnt
ill\\urdly oricnted.

The result was RGM,\"H - 1.78 so Rd """ Hc...I/\/f ' rll 1.78 / 1.1 1.62.
This shows that the MNAILBA calculation procedure is significantly conscrv:lli\'c (1.62 » 1.05)
for 3 case of this ki nd.
Note also that HG.\f~·',j 1.78 < 2.238 Hpland RG.U,\I4 ... 1.78 < 3.917 = R..,.

11 7
RI/I f

8.204.3 Ctlnicill rOtlf of II silo ~upportinJ! a eentrall~ loeuled nIler

-- 1.3
0 2000 2.'1
filter r,.t. ~ boundary
~ I cond;tlons of the « ~O.62 (I 1.91-(1.1Q\)

,f ~ FE
l..-Jh__,,&odel A.II"I'''' [0.1711 (I-0.ltO)J

eaves ring: I~
~~'td~!it -9 O.17K 1.363' 0.0%
¢'00x30 H.I :. O.096·II,K.'I 1.1 I If
A similar de,ign Chl'I.:\.. at th
the reader_ I'or th..: (l\cr.lll t
D.l5 In Annc\ DofL' lIN:
07000 • I
Filtur\, JU: Silo roofwllh filter on lIS lOp Flgurt M.9: br.t eigemnodc

T !""£hnical data
Mutcriul: Structuml aluminium A1Mg
£ 63 GPa
f" KOMPa
Fabriclllion qUlllity: C la!>s I)
Dc5ign aCllon<;
Sclfwcight filtcr: G, - 33 kN
Wind moment filt er: /II., - 26 kNm
Self\\eight roof: q, 0.30 kN/m2
Life load (one-sidcd): fl •. , 0.50 kN/m
Underpressure: Pd. .. 0.20 kN/m2
Design combinntion of actions: All actions to be mulliplied by n-" 1.35 und acting together.
Boundary conditions for FE model
The boundary conditions of thc upper edge of the truncated cone arc ntodclk-d a!> u modifk-d
slUnd:mJ combination I)C2f (sec Table 4.1). i.e. with the "ring condition" of conical shells. Irsinfl +
II"'Cos{J - O. instead of II' - 0 and 1/ 1:- O. At the lowcr bouncL1ry of the roof a 2.50 III long section of
the adjacent cylindcr is includcd in the FE model in order to ghe. togcther with the flllt CIIH.'S ring
stiffener, correct continuity conditions. At the bottom boundary or the cylindcr section pure
membrane boundary conditions. i.c. qUI 11''' -I ' /I e> O. are assunlCd.

Bucklin" dcsiw.n s:;hl,.,k

The LA nnalysis yields under the design combination of aClions mcmbmnc cquil'alcnt st ~scs with
maximum values or 6.75 MPa at the upper edge and 8.65 Ml'a at lhe lo\\ cr edge. Thc rollowing
eigcmaluc analysis (LBA) yields the critical cigeTllnode shown in Fig. 8.9 with an cigenvaluc load
faclor of R,r 6.38. The design check at the upper edge reads as follows:
Rpi !iO.O 6.75 11 .!i5
R,r 6.38
~. ( 11 .85/6.38)°-' "' 1.363

NII/I'.' {t}r Ih('/IlI(:Alillg Ii",i, .<;f(l/(-' (lH('~~lIIe"'II'lIIg glohalllllltlc!l'iwl (//w/l'~i~

". • a, q",,): p., • I~ 0,60

~ 1.363 1.199 ("0)
~, -0,62 (I 1.91'(1.199)1.""1 0,178

..t." ,,- rO,I78 ( 1.0 .60)t~ 0,667 < 1,363

X". 0.17R 1.363 0,096
N,I - 0.096·11.85 1.1 1.03 1.00 OK
A sll11llar design check at the lo\\cr edge would pron:: to be le"~ critical. ill> may ea:.ily be tcsted by
thc readcr. For the o\crnl1 eln~IIC unpcrfL'Ction reduction ractor ~ ,. a modification to c'iprc~~ion
D. 15 III Anncx D of EN 1993-1-6 hns ix.'Cn used (see lq. K.IO in,

5 nod acting togcther.

are modclll-d n~ a modified

rn~ of conical shclls. I/"sin{J +
Fof a 2,50 m long section or
'Icthcr \\ ith the flat ca\ cs ring
f thc cylind.:r section pure

IOmc equi\alcnI stresses with

c lo"cr edge. The rollowing
. 8.9 "ith an cigcn\<aluc load

Blldlit/8 ofSleel Shells - £lIropt.·(lI/lJf!sigll RecollllllC'lIe/alions Rll/u)

8.3 Bucklin g d esign by global num el"ical GMN IA analysis

8.3.1 I)csign p rocedo re OHign \ IIlul' or re\i·
This analy~is procedure seeks to exploit Ihe full power of modem numerical analysis to obtain
directly the charactcristic elastic-plastic buckling resistance of a pmcticai shcll. This is not tiS (I) The design bucklilllt rc
simple a task tiS it would be for u fmme or plated struclUre, chiefly tx.'Causc of the lurge number of determined a, a load !ill:tor
po~~iblc buckling modes 11Ilt! the sensitivity to imperfections. 'nle procedure i~ therefore mther de ... ign "alue~ FF.J of the cum
extended with many checks. for the rcle\'ant load Cil~,

The struclure mllst be anulyscd using a sequence of nnalyses of increasing sophistication as (2) The chanacteri~tic buc
folio\', s: should be found from the
Linear clastic analysi~ (LA). follO\\ed by a linear bifurcation Ilnalysis (LBA) to idcTltilY the pla...tie buckling rc .. "tance R
clastic critical buckling rl-sistancc: the calibration factor k
Mutcrially nonlinear unalysis (MNA) 10 idcntify thc plustie resistance:
buckling rc ..istancc R.J ~h~11
Gcomctriclilly and malerililly nonlinear analysis (GMNA) to identify the clastic-plaMic
u.. ing the partial factor 1"1
buckling resistancc of the perfect structure:
A series of geometrically and matcrially nonlinear analyses (GMNIA) using different
assumed imperfcction modes to idenlify the worst pmctically relevant Imperfection form .
The 10\',cM TCl>iMance dctennined from these analyses is deemed to be the best numerical Load factor
prediction for the clastic-plastic buckling rcsistllnL'C of the imperfect structure: on dc...Lgn
A calibrnlion calculation in which a strueturnl system for which a test result or well \erified 3.:1ion"
calculmion is used to check thc precision of the GMNIA anlilysis thllt is being used. This R
structural systcm l11ust be chosen in such a way that it has similar chllmcteri~tics to the
design structure, 11le eulibnation ealcuilltion compures the GMN IA unalysis with the
known result. und uses the mtio of these two values to produce a safe udjuslment of the
analysis used for the design stmcture. This clilibration is used to ensure thm the result of
the GMN IA calculation is Slife in Ihm crilical phenomena huve not been omilled lind thut
the computationul model is sufficiently detailed for the purpose.

Of all the above nnalyses. the Illost onerous is the series ofGMN IA analyses. since it is not always
cllsy to identify in advancc \\hich fonn of imperfection muy be thc most critical.

8.3.2 Rult·s of EN 1993-1-6, Section 8.7

(3) To dclcnnine the
buckling rco,i .. tance R•• ,~,,; I)esign \ lI ll1e or llclion.s
of the gl.'OnlCtricall} i
appliL'd combm:lIion of
(I) All relevant action combinations causing Because IhLv IIIcilIOlloluW' i.v oo.\'ce/ Oil out. accompanied b} an
compressive Illembrune stresses or shear
membrane stresses in the shell wall should be
IIolllilletlr ca/cIlItIl;Ol/S, lite prillcip/e of
SIIpcrposlllOlf does 1/01 apply a"e/
detect po..... ible
taken into account ~on: Whl,."fC pla~ticit)
sllperposiliolf of "cliot/.f (or ItKul cases,
mpec/il'ely) i.\ Iml po,n/hle, Therefure 'he on the buckling 1
sc\'eral 10(1(/ Cll1ieS of colII/l/e/e combillee/ to en .. urc that the
aciiOlU III11S1 he lI.fed. induce.. -.orne
the ~hear Lo,
Shell illswbilil), IlhellolllcwlI lin! phy.tica/(I' plastic ... hear ~Iruin .. , In
call.ved hy compre.u;\'e membra/le forces problcm~ (e,g, .. hear
ralher IhOlllet/sile forces or bet/e/itlg IIIOlllems, if thi~ ell'cct is otmttcd,
Therefore. when C.'UI1IIJOl'illg Ihe acliOll

Rules/or Ihl.' hucklill8 Iilllit .nate Il\·se...Slnellllu·iIl8 glohtll ""mcriclil 1"'(lk~Lf

('olllhilllllioIlS, Ihc /OCIIS should be Oil those

u('liom' (lml lollC/s which del'elop prilllllri6'
NllllprCU;I'e IIIcmhrlmt! Jbrce.f (lillI/or .\·ItCI/r
memhrane /arce.\·.

8.3,2,2 Design \ ahll' or rl'sl!llanCe

I numo.:rical antilysis to obtain
-mctical ~he l l. This is not as ( I) The design buckling resiMuncc should be TIIJ.\· requireme", lies behilld aff /luI/linear
ICCBU!IC of the lurge number of
detcnnined as a l(Xld factor R applied to Ihe L'ompullltiol/lli f!1'(IIUCllio/ls oIf/mcwrt's.
procedure is thcrefore n il her de .. ign ... nlues F£J of the combination of actions
for the rcle ...antlood case.
[ inerea!ling sophistication os (2) The characteristic buckling resistanec Rl Thi.\ is thl! IxlSic sliItemC/II ohoul ,hl' jim,1
should be found from the imperfl'Ct clastic- (/('sigll re,~i.fuJ/lCf' 10 be emluaf(!(l
analysis (LOA) to identify the plastic buckling resistance RCM'I". adjusted by
the calibrnllon factor k{,,,,,,,. 11lc design
buckling resistancc Rd should thcn be found
to identify the cla!ltie-plostic
using the partial factor n.1I.
~ (G\1NIA) usmg different
Rc;\I"1A is the lowest of
)' rcle\ant imperfection fomt.
these aitemati\'c mcasures
med to be the be!>! numerical Load factor
)('rf('('1 ,;trucIUrc: on design
;h a tcst result or \\ell \erified actions
.I}~i!o thot i!o being used. This R
similar ehufUcteri!>!ies to the
e GMNIA analysis with the
Juce a safe udJustmcm of the C3
cd to cn~ure thut the rcsuil of
n 'C not been omitted nnd that First yield
!kafe estimute
alyscs. since il is not olwuys large..t tolcmblc Dcfonnmion
!)SI critical. defonmuion
Figure 8.10: Dcfillluon of buckling n:~i!olllIICC from global GMNlA analysiS

(3) To detemline the imperfect elastie-plu!>!ie TI,i.\ j\ the chic" al/a(\"Sis requiremclI/, Tlte
buckling resistance R(,\I'l " . II GMNIA analy~is bifitn.'atiol/ ,·heck is required h«atlse tI
of the gcomelricnlly imperfect shell under the nOlllilll'ar l lllalysis IIsillg till algorilhm
applil-d combination of action) should be carried rom/Xll"lIhle lI'ith Rib roillillt' 1I1(I.\'/(lillO ,kl£'d
",('tlradolog)" is ha.~f...'li Oil out. accompanied by an eigcmalue annlysis to WI UIISWh/f' hronch und (VI/limle "Iullg tlt,-
ulmiolls. Ihe prillCiple 0/ detect possible bifurcations in the lood path. pril,,,,n- IXllh. Ihus int!icatillg ( I mllclt grl'uter
does not app(I' lmd res;SllmCI.' thall Lf oppropriall'.
UC:liOlIS (ur '00(/ cases. NOTE: Where piaslicity has a significant CfTl'Ct
IlOt possibll.'. nll!rl.'/ort' Ihe on the buckling resistance. care .,hould be taken The NOlI.' ,'Ollcc'ms clIrc that IIIIISI he eXl'I"Cisl'd
to ensure that the adopted imperfection mode II hell IlIIdcrrokillg hi/urcaliOlI calcullIli(mJ in
Ffes 0/ complele comhilll.'d
lSeJ. induces some pre-buckling shear strains. because the plaslic tkJll1(l;II. III shell hud/ing
the shear modulus is \ery scn.,iti\c to Mlmll ,\iIlWlilJlU", ;1 111m' be "ocessllry' /(} IISC Ihe
phenomella are physically plnstic shear st ruin~. In eenain , hell buckling Iheoretic(l/~I' Imjllslijillble " t!efOnllllliml
f.prcss·iI<e memhrant! forces problems (e.g. shear buckling of nnnular plates). Iln-ary' ,. af plo.f/icily (ralher thtlll fhc POl\'
le forces or bellding IIIOllle"'.... if this efTect is omitted, the eigenvalue analysis t'",or),) 10 makc (,Oll.w!n·ulil-e es·lilllale.\ of Iile
m {'omposing Ihe actioll

Blld..lillg of Sled Shelll - E"Nlpc(1II rk.~igll Rl't."()/1/IIl1.'nelaliolU

before rcaehmll- the

may gi\c II eon\i(i..:mble O\ere\lim:nc of the hlldUIIg re.\u/(mce. Fllrtlll·r il/forll/alilll! WI
claslie-plllStlC buckling rcioi\tancc. Ihis if gil""11 ill Ihe Er/l·neleel OJllIIlIelllan· Criterion 0:
dcfonnation, where
UnJbrrlllwte~I" Ihe EIII"(K·tH/c! commitlce elid //0/
loadin~ path betore
.~/wrf' Ihis !"i1'11 (lilt/ Ihe 1I00e rt' /lIIel' la 1/1(';1"
(lr a limit IOiJd.
COIU'C'/J/ uf a mfl' 1I.\tI~:e off/oil' Iheoryfor Ih£',11'

(4) An LBA analysis should first be performcd Thi~ mIl' tll'lIumd.1 thai /he de.~ig/l1'1" emlllllies
on the perfect <;tnlcturc to detennine the clastic Ihe 11\'0 /)(,.\"ic njel"t!llce l"efi.~lllllce,IIur ,hC' shcll
criticul buckling rcsi"anee R,~ of the perfect R("~ (mel RI'I li.lil1g (III 1.1111 (IIu/ AlNI! (1II0(I'S;1I'
shell. An MNA should ne:(t be pcrfonned on the I"C'SIJec/iI'f!(I'. lJCwrdillg 10 Ihc ,.,,/e.f gil'('/I ;11
pcrfL'Ct stnlelure to detennine Ihe pcrfL'C1 plastic M'Ctioll 8,1. The.\c 111'0 "",,fI'.,·C'.,· prodllCe' all
reference resistance Rpl. These two rcsistanel..'S ow'mll relmil'(' shell s/el1cJemess, If Ihe IIIOrl'
should then be used to cslublish the o,·crall comple/{' propo.m/f gil'f!lI ;11 8.1 are IIsed uml
relati, c slendenle..s 4,. for the eonlplete shell sel'f!ro/ t'lgell\"lI/lIe,~ m·e oh/(l;II('(1
according to Exprc.;sion 8.2. com'spollt/;III: /() differelll eige"l1/O(k~. sl!l"eml
tliJferem shell re/(l/il'f! .~/e",kme,"·e,1 ,,·iII he
ohwilll'd. Tlle.ft' (III(I(I'S£'$ ure imet1lkd to
('I/SlIre Ihol Ihe (k,\iglll'r (1II(I(I'fl t/t.·I'f!/aps (III
(AA'qllllle ;fl.I·;glll illUJ Ihe jimdllmelltal
dlOracteri,wics of Ihe .\·/,ell hllcldillR ca.~e heiltg
,l"Ilidied: pure6' elastic hud-Jillg, hud-IiIlR IIIleler
(7) The IU'l;e" tokrobte
heal')' pitl.l'licily, 01" hlldding mukr p"r,itl/(I' be a~..c, rdati,\! to Ih,
d"\'('lopt't/ pla.llidfl' ill Ihe I!!ILftic-pltl.~lic
indi\idual !otniCIUI"I!. If
(\\ailablc. the large't tukml
(5) A GMNA UllUly~is should then be The sm'lIglh of Ihe IJetfi't'1 .1·,mClllre i.f lIll be deemed ttl hiJ\e heen
perfomlCd on the perfect Mructurc to detennine imporllllli lII(,lIJllr(' of Ihe re.l';IWIICe lif Ihe ~realc~t lucill rotatiun of th
the perfect clastic-plastic buckling resistance .I·/,."c'llre. II, silllm;OIl.f II'here Ih" Mrellglh ;s of the ~urtilec rcloll\c 10 It
RC,"'A. This rcsisltlllec should be used Inter to relalil'ely iltSell.~ilh'f! /(J illl/JelfecliollS, ,hi1l :lttain .. the \lIlue /1.
verify that the em:cl of the chosen gL'Ometric I"CSislClllc(' is dose /0 Ihe cJllIraClerl.~t;c
imperfcctions ha!> a ~umciently deleterious clTect SII'f!lIglh. The (~/J(,CI uf diffirelll forlll.' olld NOTL: The 'ati(lnal Am
to gi,e confidence that Ihe lowest resistance has tI"'plit/lde.f of ;1II/K'Iji.'Clioll !Jhollld (1/1 be ,,,Iuc of p. Thc ,aluc
been obtainL"<i. The GMNA .malysis should be (,l'lIllItlled re/Cllil'f! 10 Ihi" illlporUlII1 ,.ejen!llce recommended.
cnrried OUi under the applicd combination of reS;SlelllcC'. AX"ill, till ('ig(',,\'(/III(, hiflllTlIllolI
actions. accompanied by un eigenvalue analysis cllcrk i.f 1I('t.'(kd bectlllse IIII! l/(J//lille(lr (II/ulni~
to detect possible bifurcations in the load jXlth. 11/0.1' filii 10 (kl t'C1 WI lIIu/tlbh' hrallch cmel
LVllli""e lIlullg Ihe p,.imory ptllh. thll!J
illelicalillg a IlIIlell gr('aler /"('.~i~tallCl! 1/1(111 ;.f
(6) The irnperfL'Ct clastic-plastic critical Thr...'(' cr;ll'riCl offailllre (lrl' ffl'jim'eI fi)r tlle.fe
buckhng resistance R('''''A should be found IlS 1I0tl/iI/Mr allo~I·,fC'S. TII('/('.tl here n{ef":l Oil/I' /(J
the 100\~t 10.1d factor R obtained from the titn..-c III" GMNIA Illla(I'.f;f. hili III('s(' WIllie three (RI .-\ con~natl\e a
following criteria C I. C2 and C3, see Fig. 8.1 0: cr;Il'r;II I·lwllld aIm he IIf('(1 for Ihe GAINA imperfect ela.. uc·pla,IH':
(lIIa(l'sil· of(5) lIIN)I't', R(,,,,,", nt.1} be ol'ot.lined u'
Criterion CI: The maximum load faelor on
the load-defonnntion-eunc (limit load); of the jlcolllctriciJlly Impc
The crileria C I lIlItl C1 do IIUI I"f!llllil"f! fllrthcr
applied combmat;(ln of a..:11
Critcrion C2: The bifurcation load factor. COII/Illt'III. Cri/eriu/l CJ i.I' fur I/rIU'lIIre.\· 111lI1
follO\\lng enlcriun .. huuld
di~plll)' either IIwler;,,1 1I /m;1I IwrdcllillX 0/'
\\ohere this occur.. during the loading path the lo",c~t 1(I>ld fiJclor R,
geulllciric I",,,klling (RolU'r. 10(5) !J'O 11"" rh('

RlIk\ fur IIII! hm:J.lill},! limil .\IIIIe! IDW.HII/c/ll IISillK global IIIl1l1t'ril"1I1 (11111/1'\i \

befDre reaching the 11I11It point Df thc lo.1d- IO(k/-difp/tu·ellll.'l11 relalionship is (,(}lIIilll/(Jm~I'
ann', ri/rther ill(onnllfifJIl UI/
defonnatiDn-cune: rl~"'g.
ill Ihe Erl('IIdcII COlI/mel/ltll'y
Criterion C3: The large.,t tolemble Ilf/lUl/lti /)(' lUlled Ihal sOllie \/I'//{'tm'e!1 1II1~\'
defonlllltion..... here thi~ occun. during the .11I!Tcr l'ery' llI/all hifurcalions "I' ,I/w/)-IIIIVIIM"
'hl' £lIrtK'(1("-' ('ol1llllillcl' did IWI
loading puth befDre reaching a bifurcation load III 101\' /rHold /el'ds, followed hy SIlIb/e
Imd 111(' 11011' rl.'lwj'.f TO Iheir
or a limit load. h('/IlII'iOllr, lIndlhal S/lclt loctll ill.fWhilily /lilly
',: IIW.f,/l' of(lml' IlImn,/ol' 1/1I!.\l'
//01 il/ll'lfere lI'ilh II,e ol'erall /x'rfbl'malll"(' of
II,e ~tnl(:IIII'l' ill sen'iee, EXllmple,\' ji,I' \/It"ll
hellcwim//' clre jiJl/lld ill local sellle!lIIellls
',dl IlIul II/(' cl",tigll<'r l'l'lI/I/C/U!.I· m'I/"1I11t II 9'lillllrica/ /(lIIk (lIolsl (lIItl ROIlt'r,
(t'rt'III:e! rt'ti.II(l/Il'l.'sfor Ille ,\'/Jl'lI 2(04) or flre,t;,t; peaks III lite cm11en' (if (III
"1: UII LB,I 111,,1 AlVA lI/w/rsi,1 o/H.'IIillg ill (/ cl'lil/t/er, G(}(Jl1 I!lIgilleerillg
'COrciillK tu Ihl' nlle.f gin!;, ill jlldMl'/I/l'/11 sllUuld he used 10 delel'mille II/wIlier
'('Ie 1\1"0 (lIIulrfeli /)fY)(III(,(! till
Cri/('I·iol/ C2 11hollld hI! flSt.'{1 ill sl/ch Ctl!ies.
{hell Jleflcleml!Sl', If IIII! 1II()rc' There lire tllw .\InlcII/ral jonlls ill IIhieh Ihe
roll gil'e!II /1/ 8,1 (IN! lued lIlId desi~lIC'r t/elihertllciy "lam Ihal .mch IMal
'IIIn/lle.f U" o/Jwillec/ hijifrcaliollS IIIll), ocellI' It';lholll dl!lrime"'lo Ihe
? cll/fi·rt·1II eigellmock.f, seWrtll \lrll(·IIII'/!. For e:r:ample, tl cie.'iigller mll\' ,kligll
'l.'lalil'f!flcllckml!s,fe.f Idll be! 1111 {'Xll'l'lIIell ' IhilHlalled silo II ilh eXIl'rlIlI/
~e ullalnc... tIrt' ;/IIclldcd 1o orlhugo",,/ sliffi'II;IIg I"m carrie.f "II Ihe
tkosigller allul\~1 (k\'C'lops W/ //fC'mhrallt' forcl!.f. 1711' loca/ hud/illg of IIII.'
rhl into III(' jilll(hlllll'lllul tllill~"ell II"tll/ .dwllftl 1101 be! "(}I/.\it/"I'~d II
If Ihetlwll hllddillg ClI,fe IH!/I/g criu'riml ofji,illire for this desigll,
'Iu.llie Imdlillg, hlldd"'g IIIlder
(7) The largc:.t tolemblc dcfonnation ~hould I! il difficull 10 filld u jll,~lific"lioll fbI' II
or blicAlillg limIer IXI/'I;"III'
lidl)' ;11 Ihl' elmlie-pitUfie
be assessed relati\c to thc conditions of the IXI/'Iiel//ur mille for Ihe larges·1 lolcl'tlble
indhidual structure, If no other value is "~1on""liuII, UI/like hllildilfg ,~II1ICI/lrt·.f ill
a\uilable, the largcst tDlemblc defommtion may which I"e ol'('rall ,HI '(I)' (if ,,,,, ~tn/('IIIrl' If{/~
r,lle pet/CCI .IInK·lIIre if till be deemed to have been reached when the {'O//liderab/" l'iMlfiji(,(IIICe, ,"e lII'l'rull
Ilre of Ihe re.riSIIIII('e lif II/e greatest local rotation Df the shellllurfuce (slope di.lplac.'CIIICIII of 1/1/),11 ,\"ell .f!I"fIC/uI'l,',1 i,\' 1101 C/
IllIlium "here II/e sll't!llWh il of the surface relathe 10. its originnl geometry) SOIll'('(.' ofCOIIC'el'1f III oWllers lIlICl IU'CIT
ilil"t! 10 im/w1fi'CI;OIu', lhis ulluiTls the '>'lIlue p 81' (,(lIIll'c/.I/, lucCI/ dct"itlliolls ~f III,' 11'"dl
O.W! 10 Ille dwr(loeriflic
llt/fllCt' )i'OIll Ihe ideal (Ire! jrt'f/"elllly "{'ry'
I:{ti.·o of tf{jfeN!1II jorm,l alltl NOTE: The National Annex m:ly choo<,c the l'il;hll! 111/(1 do {'tW,W {'Ol/{'('rl/. SIIl·/f ,/el'iolio/ll
;"'fJ\'rfe(:li(m~/101i1ti all he \olue of p, The \oluc p 0,\ rndmnll is W'l' he,ll reprt,',I('IlIC'd hy Iltl! rail! of dUIII1{C' of
10 Ihis impurlolll n,/eN!l/{'l' recommended. Ihe lIormtll ,/i.~/)Iac.·l'lIIC'1/1 of II/e .~//C'II Ili/"
'11, till ('igelll'ul/l1' hijilrc'fllioll
rl!Sp<'t:1 10 POSiliOll, which i,t c/f(Irt1cll.'ri.t;M hy
'WLfe Ihe lIolllillcur allall·I'i.,
IIII.' 1(~tll mllliioll of Ihemrjt,,:1' (till' d~J Till.'
rt·/ WI IIlIslahle brtllld, mill
Willie o( (), I r(l(liwu' has heWI IIcloPlt·c/ t/.\ u
Ihe /"'ilt/an' palh, 1111/1
},!IJod /IIl'lI.llIre of the .~/op.! tldt'c:lec/ hi' I"e
8m/ter re.lil/llll('e 1111111 i"
"u/.;,'" t:1'{' lIS s{'rio/ls (simillll' 10 Ihe! j"t"lillclliOil
ofI"e '-1.'{lIImg Towl!r of Pi.mJ
fuilllrt' tll"C' l"-iil/('d f(}r Ih"w!
.1. n,l' leu hl.'N! n'/i.,-., (ml!' 10
rJ:\'.\i~. hili Ihefl! .WIIII! litrt'l' (8) A eonsen'3tile assessment of the "'''crt,' il is desired 10 1IIIlIl.'rll/h' a GMNIA
be lI\et/ for Ihl! GAlNtI Imperfect clastic-plastic buckling resislancc
R£j,,'I" muy be obtained u)ing!l GNIA IIn!lI)'~i ..
(/II{/h'fi.~, hl/l m(l/erial lIolllillC'tlrity ('allllOl
iIK-/Iit/ed \lilhilf Ihe lII()(kl, a l'OIf.I('n'tllil't'

of the gcomctrically imperfcct shell under the /I'e(fI/lU'1II ilia), be ad/iel'l'd by u11illl{ a GNIA

c/ Cl c/o 1/01 rt'qlllrl! jill'lher
applied combination ofuctions. In this case, the "'I(l/rsi11 (Illtill11illg CriU',,;olf 4, This crill'rio"
·011 C3 ;~ for .\Irll("fure,l· "tal
following criterion should be u'oCd to dctcnl1\1lc i~ g('I/C'I"(I/~I' quill.' CO//.{I.'n'alil ·t', t'.Y:cef'/ ill 1't.'/:a'
Il!rilll slraill "ank'lIill~ fir
the lo\\cst load factor R: ,I-/ellde" W'IICIIII,(,S ,"m hllckle daslic(IIII', WIN!
!JIIK (RoIIl'r, 10(5) so Ihal Ihe

Bllck/ilfg ()/SU't!/ SheHf - Ellm/Jf!afl /Je.flgfl Recolllllle"dalioll.~ Rli/n J

it doe,f Iml IK'rmii afly plaMic:ih' to dew!!op at

- Criterion C4: The load factor at which the
all (lIdllter throllgh lhic:klfess 1I0r spa/i(//~)' 011
equi\alenl stress nlthc most highly stressed
Ihe shell sllf:fill"e),
point on the shell )ourface renclno's the design
value of the yield !>tre<;'s./)d - ./)'k:YllfJ It ;s (Il!mys Il('C('SS(II)' 10 ll'tlm 111m bijurcafioll
(fig. 8,10), e;gem'alue checb are required, .fitlce Ihe
cOII.\'e{llIeIlC(·.~ o//ai/ul'l! w delet'l II "ijIlIT'lIt;ml
NOTE: It should be noted thot GMNA. GMNIA tire I'ery' ,\eriOI/,\'. (II) The imP'!rfl..'Ction\ ~h,
and GNIA unalyses must always be undertaken introduced by menns of eq
with regular eigenvlLlue cht:cks to enloure thut any imperfections in the fom
possible bifuremion on the lond path is detected, de\'intiolls perpendicular to II
the perfect ~hell, unll"!i:-. a
(9) In formulnting the GMNIA (or GNIA) ]1,;s ;S Ihe firsl ami mOSI gelleml .\·Wlemefll u<,(."<1. TIle middle ~urfacc (
nllnlYloi... IIpproprilllc allowances !>hou ld be tlOOII' Ih" impery('("iOlI,\ ,ha' ,'wuld be impcrfl..'Ct ~hel1 ~houid
incorporutcd to cmer thc effects of l'OIIsidercd lI.\ IJUrt 0/ the de.\'igll, Mml,' a/ tl,(' !.upcrposilion of Ihe eql
imperfections that cannot be avoided in pructicc. ;tt'ms Oil IM\ l;sl IUII'(' 1I0t beell e.\'tell.fil,(,~I' imperfections on the pcrflXt ~
including: researched, lIlId mme mll)' pili)' a rery' mulll
a) geomctric imperfcction ... !>uch as: mil!, The Iisl is gil'CII 10 ell.\lIre Ihlll 'he
de\iallons from the nominal geomelric shape desigller cOIlsider.. all IHJ.Hihilitit·s I\},ert
of the middlc surface (pre-dcfomlatlOns. oul- d(-'Iernlillillg 1111(1t qllC'SliollS tltc' 1I/1(I1y.ris ,rllol/Id
of-roundne..s); midr('ss.
- irrcguhlritic"lII :tnd ncar", cld!> (minor
ccccntricitics, !>hrinkagc depressions. rolling
curvature errors):
- dcviation!> from nominal thickness:
luck of e\'CnnCliS of ~upport,\;.
b) TIllllcrial ifl1pcrft,.'ctions. such as:
l'C!>iduul !>tresses by rolling. pressing.
welding. )otruighlening 1.'11.',:
inhomogcncitie~ und unisolropies, (12) 1 he pattern of the I.'
iOlpcrfl'Ctinn~ ~hnuld be
NOTE: hlr1hcr possible neglllil'e innucnccs on
the impcrfcct chlstie-plll.o.tie buckling resistance tlml il has the mosl .
R(;"'lA' )ouch alo ground 5Cttlements or imperfcct eia'>lic-plu"lic
R(,\"IA of the :-.hd1. If
nexibilities of conru.'Ctions or supports. are not
classed as imperfcctions in thc ~n'iC of these pattern cannot be
pro\ iloions, rea.\Onnblc doubt. the
out for a sufficlcnt
(10) itnpcrfl'Clion!> lohould be allowed for in the EN 1993-1-6 I'c.'ql/irt'.\ 'hat imperfecliolls arc
imperfcction pattern... Ilnd
GMNIA nnalYlois by mcluding appropriate exp/icit~I' 1110&..'11('(/ 'IIImC'riclIlly ami ,,01 ,fimp~I'
value of R(,\{\l,d .. hould be
additIOnal quanulics in the anlllytical modcl for Irealed lI.f small perll/rhotimn to ,ItI.' pt.'r/(!('/
the numcrical computation, gt~(}lIIetn'. The real(}II i.\ 11t,1/ IH.'rwrho'iml (13) Tho c;""H",>I'-"r.~
'''('Or\' IIIUI' wlmelime.\ gil'e ,figllificWII errors at u:.\.'d unlelo~ a ditlercnt
;mperfi'('tioll amplillu/C'S Iltal appcar ill bcjustified.
COIIstnlcted .flnlCtllre.f. 'OTE: The eigcnmodc
II may m' 1I00ed that mltr!r lIpproac:ll(,.f 10 tlt(' critical buckling ~kk '
imlJf!ry('l'lioll \(,II.\itil'ill' flf ,/tell,' IIlII'e heell critical bucklin~ rc'I,Wm:c
proPfllUi. I" olle upprouc:ll, .\fK'('ifk analysllo of the pcrrl..'Cl 1
pe,.tll,.lHllioll·h<I.~ed algorithms lin' IIs('d 011 tile
peryecI ,fl,ell f() pl'(}(Ilice simi/ar .ft/'c'flgtll lou
(Krflp/ill el lIl., 19H5; IJllllder alld KIIO/.;/!,
2(}(}3), ll·ltil.~1 (J/ller." "(Il'e prol)().\ed lower

Rules for till! bllCklillg /imit slllie {IllCSSmem /lsillg global II"merical OIllllpi.r

IiI lin.\' pltl.\liC"it\' 10 den"op 01 holllld Ire{llme/ltS ftJr a/l shells (e.g. Croll ami
Ilgh lhid:tle'ss /lor SfHlliull.' ml E/liIULf. 1985). AIIII'ese aPIJrtJlJChe.f slill m.'I!d
I. to be relall.'d 10 measurable lo/enmccs, ,fo af'('
IIOt yel applictlhle ill design. For tltis reaSon,
'Hat:\,to U'Cln! Iltal hiplr(:tlliml lite neulral wordillg "{lppropriole mldilimllli
h lire' rl'qlliri!d, ,rilln' lite qllalllilie!J'" has beell dtosell ill EN 1993· 1·6.
fllilure 10 th'I('C'1 (I hijilrcatioll
(II) The imperfcctions should geneOilly be Ti,e domilllllll ftm" of imlX!Ifi'Climl Iltal is
illlroduecd by means of equivalcnt geomctric knoll'n 10 Ital'c a dclele,,;olls 'ffcct 01/ sltell
imperfcctions in thc fonn or initial shlll)C slrc"glh is a {Iel'ill/ioll oflhe slwpe from i/~
dcviations perpendicular to the middle surfacc or ideal forlll , I;'urlher, more research IIlL\' bel'li
the perfect shell, unless a bcller tcchnique is I",denakell 0" IIIi.f form of illlperfi"'lioll IIt(III
IIlId mO,fl gl'/Il'nll SUltt'IIIC'1I/ used. The middle surruec of the gCOIllI:tricully {lilY otltcr. both ill rel"tioll to lite !Jltell
'1t.'rji.'('liul/!J 11t"1 \'hollld !H.' imperrcct !then should be obtained by gt.'olllclric fOl""'s, Ihe 100ui cases alld tlte
In of III,' tks(e.II, \I(IIn' of tltc' superposition or the equivalent geometric holll/dm}' co"diliolls. Geometric impeifectiOlu
\! huw.' 1/01 !H.'c'n C,I'lemil'e/I' imperfections on the perfect shell geometry. of llti.f form are l!terefore Cllrrelll(,' b)' for lite
10m.' Rlm- pltll, tI \'('/)' ,s1//all be.fl choice for lise lIS represelllalilY!
;s gin;1I 10 t'lI.ntre Iha/ the' imJJ4!rfi'Clioll tyIX'.
it'n all po.5.fihiliti,''\ II-I/e",
HOlI'el'Cr, tlte desigller/allalysl sltolild 1101
I qllntiOl,.f Ih.' lIflcl~\"!;i.f .\I"mld
forgt'l IIt"1 Ihese shape del'illliol/S are
"royj\'(lfCIll" impeifecliollS. {Illd Ilml lite\' nllISI
al.w COIY!r lite effect'i of all other '-'7N!.f of
gcometric illllX!rfi'Clion (e.g. mCIIlbr{me lad of
fil, bolllllltl'J' errors, fad: o/foodillg aligllml'"1)
and all types of material imlX!ifL'Cli()l1S (e.g.
re.\'idllal wreues). as indicated ill lite liM ill (9),
The IImllre of l'lillimiem imlX!ifL'l.'fiOll.1 i.\
disclls,l'cd il/mOl'e dewil ill 8.3,3,3 10 8.3.3,5 ..
( 12) The pancm of the equivalent geometric A,\' a IIItllfer (If prillciple, Ihe forlll of lite
imperfL'Ctions should be chosen in such a rorlll tL~Sllmed geometric imlX!ifecliolls .fltould l"fI'e
Ilmt it hns the most unravoumblc effcct on thc lite mOSI IIII!m'OlIrtlble l1J"ect Oil lite hllCklillg
imperfect clastic-plastic buckling rcsistance r£'sisttlllce of lite .ftrllclllrC'. Tlte cltil1 rea,I'OI'
R(,""IlA or the shell. If the most unravoumble \l'h)' {III Iltese forntf IIeed to he cO/I.~ider!!{1 is
pallcm cannot be readily idelllifk-d beyond ,It", illllN!rfi't:lioll!o; ojlIIa"y clifferelll sill/IX'S alld
reasonable doubt. the analysis should be carried form!J' al"e foulld ill real shell cOllsln/clioll, alld
out for a sufficielll number or different a reliallcc on (III as.fllmed f0ntl of illlpeifecliOll
imperrection panems, and the worst case (Io"cst is lII/SlIfe IIIIII.'SS il i.f a l'e/)' tmftn'OlIrtlble form_
/lin'.f Ihal illlpt'rfi'dimu arc:
value of R('~L'lA) should be idl.:ntified. Ne\·erll,eleu. lite strici reqlliremelll giI'C.'I/ ill
I/IIR1t'rit'a/~r IIrre/,wl si"'IJh'
lhi!>' principle is .fOfielled ill laler dlll/sf!S.
p.'rtllrlotJliOlI\ 10 Ihe paft-oct
Tl'U)()1I i.1 Ih"l pertllrhalio/l (13) The eigenmode-affine pallcm !thould be Tile mode Ihal is fOlmd ill all LBA tlllairsis is
'ml'~ girl' _figlli(it'tllll e:mJrs al used unless a diffcrent unfa\'ournble pallenl can ofiell 11,(' mosl mt/m'Ourahle, til snmll
'Plilllt!..,'j Illal appt!ur 11/ be justified. amplillldc.f, 10 lite elastic bllCklillg oj
In'f. ,fltelk TI,i.f dttl/se Ihere(ore ,flllte.f tl\ill/ple
NOTE: TIle cigcmnode affine pallem is the
llep l!tal call he etn'i~)' takell 10 uscerwill
,/ldl Ofha approtlChes 10 lite: critical budding mode associated With the clastic
whelher lite stru('{lIral cOII{tgllrtllion i.f likely 10
ili\'j,\, o(llrd/l hm'e hel'" critical buckhng resistance RN' based on an LUA he I'ery' imperfection sellsitiw.'.
Ollc.' tlpprudc-II. VH.·ci(ic nnalysis of the perfcct shell ,
jilalgorilhRl!J m¥.' lI.fe:cI 01/ Ihe: 110II'L'l'('r, lhis simple impeifel'tioll fon" i.\
rcJdIlI·elllllllaru/,.'IIRIIt /0.1,1 IIIIICit less reliably de/eleriO//.~ IIt{lIl il i,1 for
1985; DillJ.ler mill Knoke, hellll/, COIIlIllIl alld pfme ,flrllCfllr!!J. Ti,er!! are
rht'fl han' propo.lI'd 1(}II'c'r lIIallY sltell fmcklillg exall/ples where litis lillem'
Bl/d,lillg 0151(-'('1 Sltell.1 - E"'"fl/Je.-'illl D"_ligll R{'C(III1111elldc,liom

I'/gl'II1111H/e 1.1' 1/01 Ihe IIIO~I IItlfill'OlII·lIh/l'.

('.\/x'(:i(ll/\' IIhere lite Imdlillg /IIfNle if /tN:III
(SOftg "I tIl, !O(}5) or 1I11I.'re Ihe prehm'4/illg
hl'hol'iollr is high~l· lIunlill('tll" (Greill('r tlml
/J('r1er, 1995: f)fH.'rk/, ('( a/., 10(5) or "hen' (IX) The illllrhiude Ilf
plc,.lIicil.\' IIUlI' olIO ul[e('/ IIIl' fmU'Oflll' geomelrie imrcrkcti\>Il f
(St:hm'idl'r. ](}04). II i~ IllI.'njh/"(' illlpo/"/tI1If dC(lCntlelll on the t
Ihal Ihe ill/IIIY.VI doc:. 1101 place too /llIIcli cla...... I hc ma .. lmum
re/i(I//('t' Oil calc"lalioll\' Iltllt ".Il' IM~ mud"
alolle. F'lI"lht'/·l1w/·e, corefltl t'fl//I'lderalifm
of the cquiHllent '''''''''f,,,,1
... hare ,\11',..., ... hould he
:,'lIoltld ht, WI'l'lI Iu hij.!/lI.'/" I//IHie.\ fillllld ill (1/1
nnd .111' '. ",here:
LHA (l/Ia(I·~i;, .5illce Ihell.' ,\'olllelilll(,\ are /l/O/"('
c/"iticul IlwlI III(' 101\"('51 t'igclI/l/ot/e (set· (Ilso \11'"...,., - I l.,
8.3.3 ..5 ami R.3.3.6).
(14) The pallem of thc equivalcnt geomctric The IlIIper/eeliall fanll.f Ilwl ore /l/a.~1 criliclIllO t1, I L..
impcrfl."ctlOns should. if prncllcablc. reflect the lite dc_\igll lire Iho.\"e 1i/tIi l\'ill lwife ill prtll'licl',
conMnlctional dctlliling and the boundary so lhis ~lal(''''elll i.\ ('/"itic(11I1' i/l//Nlrlflltl_ II
condition ~ in un unflllournbic manncr. /l/oy he diffkllil to delel"l"itle II'hal 1)1X'l' of i~ all rclc\ ant ~au~e I,
imper/t'Clioll lite fllhricllliall ami COl/slmClioll
IJ/"()ceue.~ lI'ill elltlSe, hili )I'here Ihif i.f pauihie,
i ... the local shell" alit
Ihe,\e illI/Jt-'/fccliO/I.\5/lfmld he tKiupled illlo Ille
II, i ... a muhlplil'f to Jeh
tolcrance 1c\el;
(15) Not"'ithManding (13) And (14), patterns FolIOIrillg '''1'abu\'e gt'lle/"(Il ,H(I/(,lIIell/f, il il {, ., and l,'.... are the dimple \I
may be eJ(clud(..-d from the il1lc!otigation if they permiltl'd I{J igllo/"(-' IIIIIW,!i-l"lic forms o( amplitude parumetcr..
can be eliminated as unrealistic bccllUSC of the imperfection ely.'" if IIIc~I' IKllcmially "m·l' 1I rabricatlon loler:lnl-c q
method of fabrication , Illanulncture or crection. \'e/':t' lkleleriolls effi.'(·1 WI hlldr,lillg re,fi.f/(IIIC('.
Ollt' eXlilI/ple of ufoI'''' IIltll COIlld he idemified ,on I The l'atiunal AI
he/"e is lite eige//l//(xle a.Bo!'illled lI'ilh high laluc of II,. Thc \ulue II,
~hl'llr sm'ues (IOl".fioll), 1I'/IIdl il /1II!ik£'lI' W be
Icell (II a re,\'II11 o//(lII";('(lli(1I/ p'·(N·(-'HC'f. Non 2: \'alues for th,
( 16) Modification of thc adoph:d mode of The jim" dcfined ill (14) i.f he/"e c!(II"ijit-d ill' pammctcr U~I and l '.... may
geomctric imperfcctions to includc realistic I"f.jerellce tolpel"ijk ((1/"//1.1' ,hal (II"(' A·llml'l/ In he Nntional Annc ... The reelll
~t nlc dct!!ils (such as ax isymmctric wcld u-ide(l· jiJllml ill pra{'lit'lIl C'O/Ml"llclimt, One gi\cn in Table 8.1
dcprcM,ions) ~ h ou ld be cxplon.-d, itle/llijied /ol"m 'WI lIIelltimlt-'d here il Ihe
dimple WIISl'd hy iIllIN.'Ifi·{·1 Jiltillg 0/ phlll"~
NO II'.: I he Nat ional Anncx may definc additional (HoI.\! el aI, 1999), 11111 rhi5 i.f mort'
requirements for thc 1I!<~ssmcnt of appropriate {'olllplit'tlied /0 dt'luilN.' IfllIlI Ihe \\'elt/
pallcm\ of impcrfl"Clion ... depressiull IlOled ill Ihe 11.-'.\1. A furlher IHlllel"ll
is Illl' cheqllerhtH.lrti JXlllem of llei,1
d('prenimn jiml/d ill largt'~il(-,-II'l'ldl.'d Um!.s
olltili/oo\' (Huhller el a/., 1006)
(17) Thc sign of the equi\alent geometric III gellt'ral, ~h(lIH.· tie\"i(lti(lII.f Ilml IWl'l' Iltdr
impcrf(.'Ctions \hould be chOM'n In such a manner lIIa:cilll/lII' omplill/de 100nlrtll lite ('l'//Ire of
that the ma:< llllum il1itial \hapc dc\ iations arc CllnYllllrl' of 111l'1/,ell lire mure ,kleleriwn /(J
unfll\ourubly oriented tOllard" the ccntre of thc hllt'klillg f/l·..nglll II/(III Ol/lll'llrtl Imlj.!f!.I. Tlte
shcll cUJ"\'atul'e. /"e(I.WIII i\ Iltlll Ihl' W·""811t n( IIIl' "ltell arises
from ill' aln'lIllI/V ami iml'w'd dell/f h(/\"I'
I"('dl/('ed (·lInnllln'. 11001'e\'t'r Ihi,1 ,Iimpl(' rille i.1
/101 qllile IIIlil'(,/":,'"I, ami sOllie e.wlII/Jle,\· u(

Rli/('.\jur lite bllddillK lilllil.\/(//(' UB('.HIllf!IIII1Sillg g/obul ",mlt'rim/ ul/,,/ni\

nol Ibt' 1II011 Im{invlllru"'t', e/mlic-pItUlic "IIlMi"g muy lx' fOllll" i" II hidl
'.' lIlt blld,lillg /I"xll' ;\' 1(I('al 1IIIIII'1Ird hlllg('\' are IIIore I1l1fill'Ollrahle,TIll'
If}J} or .IInn' Ihe preblldli"K ntle j,\ Ihen:/iJrf' tI gelleral gUide rull'l'r 111l1I/ (I
igh~l' /I(mlillt'tlr (Gr.'illt'r tlllt! I/l'kl ill.\lI'lIt'tiOIl,
)o.rid, ,'I til, 2(H)J) or II'hel't'
(1M) The :unplirl.lde of the adopted cqui\alellt /I il I'illl/ Ihlll lilt! gt'O/l/elric illlllerfeUiof/l'
(l1.\() IIfli.·t:1 IIIl' mlleOI//{'
gl'OlIletric imperfcction fonn ~hould be mkcn liS lIIslIlfIt!d by lilt, slrtlelllr(li ell/.:illt'(!r 11/ hi"
14/, /I i.f III.'r"fill'l' illl/H,rltllll
dependent on rhe fllbriemion toler.lIlee quulity del'igll al'e recognised hy Ihe ('lIgiIlC!'I','
)1 titk!,f 1101 "I(/('t' 10() /IIl/cll
class. The ma.ximum deviation of the geometry illmll'ed ill Ihe /al(!1' COII.lfntcti(1II lmd
Im/llliell/l' Ihfl/ IIW IlIlt II/()(Ie
of the equivalent imperfection frolll the perfect t~I('t'lIIioll, Fol' lhis 11!(/SOIl, Ihere! h (I £"Im't!
WI/IOn', t'urt>(l1/ t'(II/~it!.'ruliOIl
shape AII'll.", should be the larger of nll'fl"vl /Y'lflliomhip lx'/II"t!e!1I lilt· si=t· of lilt· (u.\II/l/ed
t IIJ hiMher m(xl.',1 /iI/lilt! ill UII
and n'I "~"i":' where: /IIIlleifl!CliollS Will Ihl' roll!rtlllCf> I1Il'll,1 1tI'C'ltIelll\
illn! tlw,W! ,fOlllt'limt',f urt' 11101'(' Iltal II/II~I be tI/{u/e Itller, This nile prtll'id,,-''1
1111\<'\/ l'igelllll(l(k· (\('(' allYl ... (8.11)
" U.., 111'0 WlIlllillldcs of gt!omelric illllleife(:liOlI, III
IN n 'llll(' 10 I},t· lolerall£'(' IIIl'(lSltrt'lIIelll.f ikl('rilH.'d
J 1(I",l~ 11'"1 art' mrul l'rilieallO II, I UIOl .,. (8.12) i" C/ltlpu'r 6.
ww IlIuI will ariW" 11/ pmdiee,
"here: 11,c /11'0 amplitud('s rellllt' to lilt! 8(lIIg(' 1t'l/glII
'!III i.1 tTilimll\' illl/HJNflm. /I
of lite III('lLflirillg ,' O·flelll of Chap'er 6 1lI1l1 10
I 10 (J..'ll'nllill(' IrlllIl 11]Jt!\ of (~ i~ all rc1e\ ant gauge lengths according to Ille ,fhell,ltidlle,H. III gellertll, lite forlller will
f<1hrkuli(J/I allti l'OllHrlleliUlI
6.3.4 (2): he lite lIIore important ill l/till sltell.\' Iltal
111.\", bill Il'ht,rt' Ihi,f i.t poui"'e.
is the local shell wal1thickm:sl>; expericllce clastic bllckli'18, (md lite lallt'r ill
?IIJ slwllltI "" (Nfo/lled illlo Ihe
II, is a multiplier to aehie! e an appropriate Iltil'ker~/Ie/ls where plasticit), is illlporltllll
lolerance le"el: TI,e I'lIltle.t of lite parttllleler~ Un/, Un! mid III
,IIfJI\' gt'lIl,rtlf ,51C1Il'IIICIIII, il il' U~I and UII ,' are the dimple imperfcction I/C/I'e IIlJ/ 1H..'e1/ eXlensil'e(1' wrifled by
'glltm.. IlIIr('(I/iSlk form.1 01 amplitude parameters for the relc\ ant clilclI/alio/l or le,\ ling, so Ihese mllllhers ,\ IIlWld
l'lI if Ilu'I' IHllelllio/ly ful1'c! C1 fabrication tolerance qUIllity c11bl> he regarded (IS gllidelines 10 he ful/owed ""d
t'l/l1.:1 all hlldr,lillg /'(',\;~tlmce. e:qxtllt!('{/ 011, 1I/11i1 1II0re (!I'it/cllcc il'
II /onll Ilwl ell/iltl he it/elllijied NOTE I: The National Annex lIlay choose the (I{'(' /1111 II fm et/.
('IImod;> (lS\ol:iu/{'d lI'illl high value of II" The v<llue ", '"' 25 is recommended. Tlte amplilude of Ihe equil'lllelll gt'OI//('lI'ic
niml), wllidl if IllIlikefl' W /N:
illl/H.!lfi'elioll 11(IIIII'{II(1' t/ellelld\ Oil ,lte
{{c/hrim/jlm prtK:('\~(',t, NOTE 2: VItIUl'S for the dimple tolenlllce Fabricaliull Tolcrallce QualilY Ow's (we
I ill (I,/) i.f hen! dari/it'd hi' par.ulleter U~I and U.. ~ may be obtainl..-d from the OWI)ll'r 6) 10 hi! rt!a/iset/ ill COIISlrtlctioll w,,1
iiit- (cmlll IIIlIt art' kllOIl'II 10 hi! National Annex. The recolllmended values are 1!.Y('l:lIlit)tl,
pnXlit'ul nm,llnll'litlll aile gi\'cn in Table 8,1
/t\'/lOuld he IIOf(!{llltol Iltl' SIOlllktrdi:ed l'lI/II('S
lit)( 1I1t'lI/illllt'(l htTe i\ l!tt'
of Ihe dimple imlH.!tft'l:lio/l (lmpliluties ill Tablt·
y imf't'rji.'>CI jillillg of plall',1
S,I (lrl' abolll6f1',,/arger Ihan '''e~llllllklrl''=etl
1999), bill l/tit if II/ore
Wlllt'l of lite dimple lolerallce /l/l'tl.\lIrf!\ ill
tit.'luiht' II/all 11Ft' In'ld
Tilhle 6.4 10 \I/tich lilt,' ure rl!lulcd. T"t'
ill Ihe le.I/. " llIrlllt'r lH.iltem
allll'fiji('lIlioll is pro,·idcd ill all lI/telllpl 10
erMtlnJ l/(tIIL'm of weld
{1C"(.'(J/tIIl jiJr ,ltose ilJl/leifec:lioll.v whiclt are 1/01
~ in /11'11.' file-wellkd tauh-
sl/C/JX' d£'I'iaIiUJls alld I,/tiell ill geller,,1 are 1101
el u/., :!fK(6)
mea.fllr"h/e, As Ihis alllpli{ielllioll i.f II
(J..'\'illliOlI.f 111m /t",'C! Iheir fllh.Wllltlefor relll,tlllll('a.fllr{lhle illlpetft'('liOlu',
",tit., IIIII"</reil Iltt' t:elltre (!f Iltel' ore! ('jJeclil'e/y "'equil,tllem " iIllJH.'ift!t·litllIS,
.~hdllln! 1II0r" (h.'/f!I('rimu' to
For furtlll'r (Ii.~cl/.uio" of l11e amplitl/de of III"
~ 111,/11 tJ/IIIl'11rti hIlIMe,\ ,TIlt'
iIllPt'tfi'C: liOttl, .\'f..'l! 8.3.3. 7.
~, Vt'I."IIgllt ~f lire J/tell arisel
lire 11/1/1 11/11"</1'(1 dellt~ lit/I'('
~. /lowt'I't'r Ilti\'limplf! ru/e i\'
III, lim/ sUllie ('xC/lI/plt'\ of
Bllddil.g 0fSleel Shells· £lIropellll Desigll Rf'COInnumdllliolls

Tllble 8. 1: Recommended '1Ilues for dimple imperfcction IImplltude parumclcni

he much larger Ihan

factor a. and no closc
cxpccti.'<I, 1I0wcloer.
controlled by buckling
sub~tanlially claMic, the
should be only il little
( 19) The amplitude of Ihe geometric Si"ce Ihe "sS/mIL'ti geomelric impeifeclirJII "lid
delennmoo by hand ca1cul,
imperfection in the adopted pattcnl of the Ihe g(''OlIIelric lulerllllce memllre (we reqllired
leading 10 the higher .. aluc
eqUivalent geomctrie imperfection should be 10 be dOl'eI) relaled, Ihe illllJf!ifCClioll ,fluwld
inlcrprcted in a manner which is eonsistcnl with be illlerpreled in the lighl of Ihe mell.wN?melll
(23) Thl! 1'I.!liability ot
Ihe gauge length method. sct out in 6.3.4 (2). by me/hodfor tolerances (Chllpler 6).
delennined imperfcct cia
which it is defined.
re~istance Ru.",,-\ ,hl)uld b

(20) Additionally. II should be ..erified that an III mallY sllell buckling cOllfigurllliol/s, ( I small the follOWing alternall\e m
analysIs that adopts an imperfection whose alllpliltllk ImlJf!tji.'Clioll ClIU,~es a redllctioll ill a) by U!oing the ~mc progr.'
amplitude is I<r!. smaller than the value 6\\"~", Ihe b'lCklillg .f/rel/x,iI, bill a l't'I')' deep RI'\I'I~.<'iIod for other h
found in ( 18) docs not yield a lower \ alue for the imperft'Clioll Clm lutl'e a sliffen/ng (md which characten... tlc
R(,,,,,,,.If a 100Ioer value is obta;m:d. the proce- therefore slrrwgtllellillg effecl, The amplil/Ilk \aluc ... R~ an
dure lohould be iterated to find the lowest value al whichflrmglhelling IH.-gim is I'e,)' pmbletn c~ 'hlluld u...c
of R(,\",,, as the amplitude is \'lIried. dependent, lO 110 gellerul gllid(mee CUll be imperfection 8S$.urnpt'
gilWI. lloll'el'Cr, il is I't'')' imporlalll 10 Ihelr bud;,hn& contmlhn
cSlahlis/, tlral tire _~hcl/ lI'olild ,,01 he wcoker if rclllli'e ...hdl ,,\em,\erne
Ihe imlJf!rfeclioll ampliwde were wlUllfer Ih(l1l \iour. impcrf"'Clion
Ihe assuIIIL'li I'lIllIe. ,finee lire 10leratICe nonlinearity and matena'
mellSllremem call/WI cOllirol litis (II (III, Tht, b) by compari,on (If
GMNIA or GNIA wIll6'se,~ mll.{1 find dlher Ihe (Rl,,,,,,,.dIeQ.) a~run
sirengih rcdllcti(m {I,Hoc/lIred lI'ilh Ihe (R.,...,.~ ...............,.),
'I hc ~
IOIerllnce mC(Lmrl!, or Ihe mill;III/1111 re,I' i.~llIl1ee s..1tisfy the 'illme simllari
if 1/101 i,5 less 111,11/ Ille \'1I111e lIss(){'ialed with Ihe (a).
tolerallce metIS/Ire.
"sOTl.I: Other ,hell buck
(2 1) If follower load effects ure possible, either Follower load effi."'ls nicr 10 l(}luls whose thl! chamcteristic bucklin
they should be incorporated in the analysis. or it directioll chtmges liS Ihe sintclllre dliorm.f Ru,-.dIod at\! kno .... n Ill.
should be .. erified thllt their inOuenee is (I\'al er i,l',miltgfrom a hose pipe beillg 0 c1a.ulc scientific literature on .. hcl
negligible. example). One e:culllple j,r u cylillder or rillg be noted thai the "hand cal~
Imder eXlcmal pres:mrl! where follOll'er cffecls 9 and 10 are dcri\cd u, i;cr
Call "m'e 0 sigrlificlIlli ill/pacl ill redllcillg Ihe tc-.t rc-.ulb. and thc~ son
resistance, low ~sed \aluc, fo
(22) For each calculuted value of the imperfect Sillce imperj'ecl iml se/l.{ilil'il), is slIt'h Otl buckling n.... i~tancc Ihal tl
eillstie-plastie buckling resistance RC,M""" the crilicul(\' imparlUlli aspecl {if Ille ,1 /N?lIglh of u llblainl..-d numcricall)
ralio of the imperfect to perfect resistance shell, ulld Ihis )'ories so nIllch from olle 'OTE 2: \\hcrc t .....1 l't.'Su
(R{"."" R{,,,,,, ) should be detennined and geomelry lIlId 10<111 cllSe 10 (lIIOlher, lind is so be e,tabh,hl..-d that the gl..'(
compared with ...aluL'S of a found in sellsitil'e 10 it/emijicltlioll of Ihe mOSI presenl in the h:M may
!-.N 1993-1-6 Annex D or Chapter \0 of these IlIIf(1l'OlIrllhlr form, il if I'illll Ihal -wille check i,r represcnlall\e of IhO!'C
Recommendations 10 .. erify thut the chosen made to e1l!lIIrt> 1IIlIIIhe alilCOllle of Ihe GMNIA practical con"trucillm.
gcometric imperfi.'Clion has II delelerious effect ealcllft/lioll h(ls pl'(}(Jllced all iltlJJf!ifCClioll
setlSilil'il), 11I1I1 is appropriale 10 Ihe t'1I.fe ill (24) Depending on the rc:
Ihol is comparable with that obtained from a
lower bound 10 lest results. qllesliml. check ... Ihe ealibrnli(1n tile
Thi.r check agaill.I'1 " hlllld clllcllllliioll lI.rillg evaluated. 0' upprcopri!llc. Ii

________~R~,~,'~e:.'fo~'_'=he huckling limit _filiI£' {lSSessm('m using glohalllllmerical Ulwll'fL\

~ panunctcrs U. 1 and U~ forlllllla~ for a COIIIIOI he very precise. hilI

NOTE: Where the resistance is dominated by
nde Rcwmmcndc sllOuld be IISed 10 gil'f! I},,! desigller cunjidellce
plasticity effects. the mtio (R('Ml>oIA'Rc.W'~A) will
{, d \alue of V o ' Ihlll hI! 11lI.' fOlllld all lIppropritlle~l'
be much larger than the clastic imperfection
0,010 lI11fal'lJllrtlble form.
factor a. and no c1ol>C comparison enn be
0.016 £I'ell IhOligh Ihe shell may be all ;'IIIJI!ifeclioll
expected. However, where the resistance is
0,025 ~'e/lSilil'l! gl.'tJlllel,J' tllld l(Xld ctlse. where
controlled by buckling phenomena thut tire
substantially clastic. the mtio (R(,\I",/R(;\I'''\) plaslidlY domilllltc's Ihe hudUng IJI!lulI'iollr II,C
should be only a little higher than the value imlJl!ifet:lions do 1101 plllY sllch a big role, .W
'J geometric ilflpe'fi'Clioll (lIId lhi.\ mlio will lend 10ll'tlrt/s Imity as plasfidt)'
dclcnnilll..'ti by hund calculation and Ihe fuclors
/I'raflcf' meusllre are required hct'Ome!o' ~jfeadil)' more damillalll.
alell, the imperfection ,f/WI/lt!
leading 10 the higher value should be considered.
the light of the metlSlIremell'
rI/<:a (Chapter 6),
(23) The reliability of the numerically Alt/wllg" a !ollhslcmlitll efforl haf /leell pllt infO
dClcmlined imperfecl clastic-plastic buckling ('SIC/hUshillg (I r('liable alld safe l'lIll1e for lite
resistance ~\(sIA should be eh,"'Cked by one or rf!.fistOlIt:e at lhis poill/. i t ImlSI be recognised
dlillK COlljigllrclliollS. a slIwll the following alternati\'e methods: thai there ure other I!ffecls Ihal hm'l! het'll
(fflion CtrllSl!S a rt'lJllction ill II) by using the same program to calculate values otl/il/cd or !o'implijied wilhill Ihe mode/. The,ve
RC;\NIA,docd. for other shell buckling eu!iC<; for
mm' illellle/e reali.flie bOlmdan' detailor,
1fl'''Rlh, hilI a \'ef)' dl'l'IJ
rl'Uliftic )oilll delOil,•.,lip. r!!Sit/lial stress('.'.
II' h(Jl<? a sliffcllillg and which characteristic buckling rc!>l!>tllncc
helling eJfff/_ The (ltllplilll(W values R................are known. TIle check
('ollsInI(:Iiol/ lIIi.ifj/., mId similar ilems. For tllis
reusoll. il is most desirable Ihal Ille CtllCIi/olioll
~l'nillg hegin.' if I'cry' prohlem cases should usc iXlsically similar
10 g<tIl'ral I:llitlmu.'e {'W' bt·
he "ctllibm/ed " tI~ailJsl leSI reslIIIs 10 1:/I111rt'
imperfection as:.llmptiom and be slinilllr in
IIUlI ,'lOme atijllsllllellt of Ihe ollteome is made
~. il i.\' I'en' important 10 t.heir buckling l:omrolling panunelen, (!ouch as
ibr fJ"ellOmelUI Ihtllwert' omilled.
slIellll'ollld 1101 be lI'eaker if relative shell slenderness. postbuckling beha-
ompli/lltk wet'(' smallC'r tllall viour. imperfection sensitivit.y. geometric The procedllre here is .,illlp('· to lise a
I'ob/t. .rim:e Ihe In/ertlllce nonlinearit.y and material behaviour): 'lII111erical model of simi/lIr detail (ml!sh si=e
'1//01 co/llrof Ihis al all. The b) by comparison of calculated values ele.) 10 predicI " kllo~1'II relitlhle rc,mll (~r (I
l um/~I'sf!S mllSI jimJ eilher the (R"'lNIA.dI<d.) against test results prohlem that hlls simi/al" feulI/res. alld Iu /I.\'e
·Oll anociall'd lI'ilh Ihe lite el"rUI" ill Ihis prediclion (IS a gllidc 10 Ihe
(R....u-.,.d.<'cl:). The check cascs should

f . or the millill/llm resi.~/(mce

Ihe ,"uflle (mwl.·;lI1ed willi lite
satisfy the same similarity conditions givcn in
I\OTEI: Other shell buckling cases for which
error 111U1 lIIay he pr(!,w'IIl ill Ihe reqllired
GMNJA pred;c."liulI. III ge/leml il is' he.\·1 if Ihe
clllelilmioll is performed on e:rperimclIltJl
"_mil\', hili Ihe.'l' {Ire oftell hard 10 ohmill and
lleets refer 10 1001l/s whose the charactcristic buckling resistance valuc!> t'ritiml dola. Sllt·h tJ., Ihe dellliis of Ihe
f.S os Ihe _rln/{'/lIt'I! tkfor",s R~n.dI<d are known may be found from the illlper/t'(:limu illihe le.\I, may be mi.uillg, II i.f

m a how.' pipe bemg a c/tl.uic scientific literature on shcll buckling. It should Iherefore "Iso permilled 10 lI.ft.' ,fltJlldurd
umple is a cylinder or rilll: be noted Ihal the "hand calculations" of Chapters prohlem.f for nhie" Ihe all.fll'er is 4//0WI/.
t'.\SUre lI11et'(' follower effct'lS 9 and \0 are deri\:ed as general lower bounds on
r eam imfkJCt ;1/ rL'tllldllg III(! test results. and these somctlmes lead to such The 'IOte warns Ihol. iI/ Rel/eral. Ihe halld
low a!>l>CS~ values for the characteristic ("Oleli/lIlion predil.·tiolls 0/ shell strf!IIg'" are 1/01
~n s('nsili~'il)' is sllch an buckling resistance that they cannot be easily ,\/Iilah/e for IIIIS checkmg purpose.
m Uf/Jef:1 of Ihe Slrenglh of a obtained numerically.
mril'f .m mlld, from olle NOTE 2: Where test results are used. it should

'od c,",-"c 10 tII/Olhcr. ami is so
'delllificatioll of Ille mo."
il is I'ituf Ihal wille check i.\·
be established that the geometric imperfections
present in the tcst may be expected to be
representathe of those thnt will occur in

allhe fJ/IICfJme of the GMNIA practical construction.
prOtlllccr.1 01' impeifcclioll
f oPIJropriale 10 Ihe Clue ill (24) Depending on the results of thc relinbility This simlJ/e .fc·alillg/aclOr i!o' used 10 dc/enlline
checks. the calibration factor kc,\N" should be Ihe ol'der of errol' Ilwl "'''J'
be pre!iefll ill Ihe
Wil a hand calcllialion 1I.~inR evaluatcd. as appropriate. rrom: predicti()II, Alla("sls should II0t eXJX'CI leSI

B/ld;JiIl~ o/Skl!! SIII:llf· f.'IIIVJA,.m {J.'\igll Hl"'lm"""I"laliow~

I. _ RI.J;n., ....".,h... J.
n'\11II,~ III hal'" l'(llll(,,~ of *
111111 un' do\('1' 1111111 8..1.2,3
(.i \1\/1 -
(/ /<'11 {!t'l'("'/I1 ItJ l/IIi~\', hilI kllOlm MlmdarJ
H(i \ I\"II,"",~,J. 1//(,/1 hl/(klillg IlImn'liml n'I/lII\ I/multl lit,
(I) ('he tI.:"i~n
I"l'pmt/m'c'd rllllll'l' do\('6', hi! ohl:uno:d frvl11:

1\ h.:re:
II- hero::
HI '*', """" i~ Ihl! kno\\ 11 charnclcrI:,tic 1-1l1ue; MI h th.: p:Jnt:J1
R, ...... is tho: kno\\ n 1I.",t rc.. ult; ac.:ordmg to '1.2."."'21 I
Hl.olt\ll dint is Ihe cakul:Jtion uUlcome for the
chl.'Ck buckling ea:.c or the te .. \ (2) It ~h(luld ""'''inl
buckling ca~, a~ approprillic.

(25) Where lest result:. ure used 10 dClemine Tlti\ "'\ll'ic'liOIl il illelutil'd hel:u//\/, Ihe' Inl
I.('\I"~. :Jnd Ihe ci.lculalo:d \aloe of *,.""" I'~'\IIII "WI' han flClclilimllll Ml'l'lIRIIIl'lIilll!,
cxcccd~ 1.0. the adoplcd ,aloe ~hould he 1I.'wilf 111111 aI'" 1101 prc'Il'/I1 ill Ihc' rl'al
{'OllllnlC'lioll, d/lc' 10 Ihl! rn/,.;('/('d 1IlIIIIn' (1/
1.',\1'1\ 1.0.
IlIhomwry It I/illg 11111~, 11111' IIIldl'r·prc'diclitm
of Iln'lIl!,lh lI.Iillg (i,\I\I.' 1/1fI,,1d l>t., WI.('11 al /I
8.3.3 blclHh·d
r,'{/Iiuit· /IIl'II.III/,!, of 111l'1'lnnR,h of Iht:
11/'l1l'1l1n' (.f,'1! ,,/w £.\/n/({~'" ('(IIIIIm'IIlm:1'
H.l.l.9J. 8,],],1 On numerical
(26) Where a I.IIU\\11 dllllllclcrbuc \ulue b;\~cd II IIIc' allell/Illioll o/Ih .. {"lllillmlioll {m/lll' il
011 cxi"ling c... ahli~hcd thcory " 10 <II/hide: Iltil r,,"g~', IIIl' 1111<1/.1 II ,{/IIIIIIt/IIOI /i.'j'l
Tho: (,\1'1 \ III ly".s
\c'('/lrl' ill lIil mockl mill I/mllld t'-Il'lort! Iltt"
thl!' ;1r..:-knglh method
dctennino: 1.1.0"1''''''. and the calculalo:d laluo: of
ddonl1:1lion palh of Ihe
1.(,\1"" lic~ oUillidc Ihe moge O.M· 1.(,"'1" 1,2. l'IlIIl't'f, 11'l'.I" hflllluA tire ,11'1111'1/ 1'11111"1' widl'
(///(1 {'{'I'IClIII~I' f/lOllld 11011>..' ,'xu'{',kd II) \\ cmpn.:r (1971)
Ihis proco:durc "llOUld not bo: used, Tho: G\I"IA pmlcrlul for~udl<.''i
rc ..ult ,lIould be dO:O:I1~d inlalid. and funho:r I.::JII ca .. l1~'>limll
cu1culutinn, undenn!.:cn 10 c"tnbli.,h the ClIU'CS of
Iho: di",.:ro:pancy.

(27) 1 he charncto:rislic
"htmld he obl:uncd from:
huckltng rcsi~lnTlcc Tht' dll/n/('/C'ri.llk \'allll' i,l (lilll/illC'd hi' \'f'ulill,1!,
Ihl' h..'11 1',,-'1/111 of t'l/lc-lIlllliOi/ I/Iillg Iht,
"t//ihmlioll (fl,tor,
R ... (It 14)

J "j
II here:
H"I,.., i~ the calculated Impcrfc..'Ct c1u!>tic·
plastic buckling n: .. i"lnncc; j::
1.,,111/1 l\thc cahbmtion factor.
f.. ,
'u.s "}' 111<11 an' cI"lt'r ,"all IU.2.3 lJuckling slrenJtlh \ eriricnlion
IIlIill', "'11
'/101m ,fim,k".d
• urt;1l <II rnllfl, ,,/"1II1d I ..., (I) The dcsign buckling l'C!.i\t1ll1CI,! R,/ 'hould IIhuc' no appl;l'{llioll ,fUlI/clard ('.{i.I/,\ Jor Iltl.'
'/lIItll, he obtained from: /i}r'" IIJ (YIIIHnICl;OII im'ofl'('d, or Iltt'
"ppliUllitJII ,Ifillldal"ti dOI.'s 110/ delille' tll('
. , (N. l:oi)
n'I{'\'(/II/ I'/Ilm'l of YI!, the' mIlle t~f }'I/l/tu//M II.'
1tI'('1I lI.1 110 11.'.\\ Ih,," 1,1.
II hcre:

'/111 is the panial faclor for fC\i .. wncc t{) buckhng

accordmg 10 9.2.2,2(2),
(2) II should ~ Icrificd that' 77/h I'('ril;",,'ioll mu\' "IJ/I<''''' " little ,lraJ/g.,
wilt,,, fin' ~I'('II. hili i/ ;,\ corrcx/. IrI'l'n th..
IH 16) cfl'ligll /0",/\ lIrl.' applied to CJ\//1/1"fun' hdll}.:
1n,ll/dul /In.III'\l' Iht' leU (1II1I/1'\(',," the {iIlCJI rc'fJllin'/tIt'f1/ i~ Ilml th(' 10Cld

!1<l..hlioll<l/ I/r( IIglll/'lIIlIK /in"tor 011' d"lign 1tH.N.l, lit th" pOilll o}
nor pr. It III III III. r(',,1 d"\iKII \'01/1(' I!f till' ClS,n'\WJ luillln.' ('(Jllt/ilillll
/0 IIU' n Ilrit It'J 11<11,,,.... til IfuJIIld hc.' gn'att'r thtlll lI11il.r
nlln. um 1111.1. r'prt',liC'lim,
G \1\/ ~ ,I"mld hi' ("',,,, III " 8.3.3 Exlended co mm e lll ar~ 0 11 C "'\I \ lIulllt'rlca l buckling design
0/ lilt lIn IIglll 0/ liI('
'm £'f/.lld,,/ COIIIIII.'man· O n numerical c h a llc n ge~ II lunJ! III(' C \I'\I \ Imul-ddorm alion-p:llh

0/ IIIf! t('''''''Jliml It/( tor il

,II.· tllI"I,,1 ,Imuld lIot It'd 1",: CiM IA nnaly!<>ls of a loaded \hcll \truetun: in a finite elemcnt package is usually d{)nc u~ing
kit I ,11/.1 1//l1/I1d (''f/,lor .. Ih. thc arc-length method. In thl~ method. the algorithm look~ for ,ueccv.. i,c pomts on the load-
'/111,1, <lrt d/'t/II'II rallta lI;ck'
dcfonnation path of the 1(Xltied \tnlclure, Kcy ~tep) in the d..:\cloprnellt ofthi .. method \~ere IllJdc
by Wempner (1971). Rib (1978). ('ri",ficld (l9MI) and Rmnrn (1981), TIli\ mcthud i", \cry
1M /lilt "', j'.ln'.,kd
powcrful for Mudics of shcll buckling. \\ here th..:",..: 'tiIT light .. tnlcturcs suppor1 ,"cry high lood\, but
can cUloily trnn\fonn into rolpidly coll!1I)\ing \ylotCm~ (Fig, R.II).

\tll"t ontaill."/"1 ,wlllill~

/1 ... .....
flf wit IIlulicm I/lillK ,II,'

f-::. - .... -0.1
_ .... ·O.S
_1.11: .1.0

" " D3 U D'
0' OJ . .
II) a .. iall) c(,)1l1rrc~~cd e)'lind..:~: nOle th..: ,l..,;or rU~lbuckling path

Bllck/ill8 o!Sfeel Shells - EurofJe{1II D<.'sigll RI..comme/lt!mio/l.\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ Rill.

A !iCCOnd diml:ulty .... hen

0.35 bifurcation il> panicularly
palh as thc post.buckling r
and \10 \Imply unklad strai
3• Thi~ ~iluation i~ more dim
.!! 0.15
small pcnurbation of the
algonthm to lollow Ihe dc<
c S4R-S8R
-S8R5 wilh n slightly dillcn:nt d
~c 0.1
... S4R occur un: . I
•E 0.05
'6 0 A third problem ari~
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0006 0.001 may follo\\ a ne\\ ~"",4
ull~table). Thu,. the
dimesionless vertical deflection on the top
of the silo w/r and the critical b,'un"';'o~
b) loc:Jlly supponed cylmdLT. notc the dewit ~uired to capture the: buckhng load accumtely the langent stljrn~s
FI~urr 8.11: Typicul1oad-displllCclllcnl CUl"'~ for bifurcating m~rfL'Clion-scns iti\e shells check for ncgati\e I
must be fuund I
Although this nrc-lenglh melhod i~ very good at following nsccnding lind dL'SCending load paths thnt
are smooth. it sometimcs hus difficulty when nbrupt changes occur. such as a bifurcation with n Howc\'er. tills bifurcation
strongly descending post-bucklmg path (Hg. It II). us occurs in many shell buckling problems. In infommtion that I:an
this lIitUtltion. il is often difficult to capture the bifurcation POint accurately. because the arc-length .... ith a positi\~ definit~
method Jumps over from the pre-buckling 10 the post-buckling p:nh. missing the true peak by some malri,", In this situatilln.
margin (}-'ig. 8.12). with a pollltl\e ddinlle
beller chance lhat the
accumtcly av'......."-'ti.
- automatic arc length control used As with the M!\A LUA
0.62 - user-deflned arc length control used Commonly, these ,"u",,~
The G\<tNIA anal)si~
0.6 nlgorithm may ha\e
::- buckling ~trength ",'u,,1
Ihrough is pas!iCd. there
~ 0.58
c\cnb. J'IllS\lbly alm(l~1
"i: nn outcomc that greatl)
a.. 0.56
mcal>ure~may b"'~', I:~~.~
buckling mode II
0.54 J'IO~I-buckhng ~trcnglh
post-bul:kling ~In:ngth
0.52 and Ihe path taken to
depcndlllg on .... hich
0.5 modification in a (i;MI";\1
0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003
dimensionless vertical deflection w/r On detection of
Figurt' 8.12: Arc-length method may mis!> the tnlC brfurcatlon pomt

Thil> difficulty m.ay be o\ercome by Identirying the load Ic\clthat is closest 10 the bifurcation point As notL'(.! abme. In the
on the prcbuckling path, and JoIlIrting the analysis again from IhlS pomt ulling an arc-length that is Ihe rrimary path \I.) a
constrained to be very small. Ifu \ cry small arc-length IS chosen from the start of the analysis. the definitcnc ~ 'O~f.~'h~'~·t~~:~~:j
computation will lake an c:(ccssi\e amount oftimc. so this solution must be a\oided. incremental ( I
c\cntuall)'. L'quilibrium

Rules for 111f! hudding IImil _~'ule as.fe,f,flllem Ilsmg global "'m/erical Ulw(\'Si.f

A second difficulty ",hen the change from the pre-buckling path to the post-buckling path at
bifurcation is particularly sharp is that the arc-lcngth routine may unfortunately choose the londing
p..1th as the post-buckling path (both paths hn\e fnlling loads and some similarities of dcfonnation).
und so :.imply unload :.traight down the loading path and potentially into the negall\e load regime.
This situution is more difficult to 3\oid. but t\\O techniques are potentially useful. First. a \'ery very
small penurbmion of the gt.'Ollletry in a non-symmetric mode may assist in encouraging the
nlgorithm to follow the desired post-buckling path. Second. the difficulty can often be ovcrcome
with a slightly difTerent chOice of finite clement nu.'Sh. so thut the round-ofT errors that naturally
occur are difTerently dh.poloed in the new unulysis.

A third problem arises due to the nature of a bifttrcntion pomt. This is a point whcre the structure
may follow a new secondary pmh or maintain the origmal path (even though this lancr is aelUally
unstable). Thus. thc arc-length method may pass by a bifurcation and continue on the primnry path.
and the critical bifurcation point may be mi:.sed. To ovoid this problem. it must be n ..cogni~-d that
)Utkhng load accurntcly the langent stiffness matrix \\ill ha\'e neg3l1\c eigemalu~ after the bifurcation point is passed. so a
rfcC1Ion'SCnMtl\C lohclis check for negoti\'e eigenvaluC5 is a useful chcck for a missed bifurcntion. This bifurcatIon pomt
must be found to detennine Ihe lrue buckling load. This is di'oCulosed in morc detail in .
.nd descend 109 load paths that
such Ill> a bifurcation with a However. this bifurcation point cannot be accumtely located from this first analysis. since the only
~hdl buckling problems. In infonn:ltion that can be derived from thc calculation is that it lies somewhere between the last point
ratcly. because the arc-length ,\-ith a pmiti\e definilC )litTocslo matrix and the first point "'lIh a non-positi\e definite stiffness
ni!>.\mg the true peak by some matrix. In this situation. it is again ncce:.~ry to reslan the analYloi:. some\\herc below th~ 10)1 point
with a positive definite matrix and adopt a eonstmined :.mall arc-length step. There is then a much
heller chance that the tme r"OSt-buekling palh will be chosen and the bifurcntion point cnn be

As with the MNNLBA treatment, discr..:tcly stifTened shells present mllny additional difficulties.
Commonly, these structures have very flexible shell walls wilh much stitTer clements as stiffeners.
The GMNIA analysi~ will encounter local buckling of the thin shell wall at 3 low lood. nnd the
algorithm may have dinicuhy in pl]!.. ~ing this point. which is not very significant in thc glob;!l
buckling strcngth evaluation of the structure. Even when such a local bifurcation or local snup-
through is passed. there may be other second. third and fourth simi lnr bifurcations or snap-through
e\-enll>. possibly nlmost simultaneously. All of these e\-ents can cnusc the annlysis to stop. To avoid
an outcome that grclltly undl.:r-prcdict" the intend..:d buckling ",rength of the structure, some speci;!l
measures may be nceded in analysis to find an approprinte model that can IIchic\-e th..: global
buckling mode including stiffener defonnations. lIowever. grem care must be exercised when the
post-buckling strength of the shell parts arc .. till bemg exploned in the final outcome. because the
post-buckling )lrength 10l>S i:. e:<tremcly .. uriublc depending on the assumed imperfection pattern
and the palh taken to reach II. The po!>t-buekh.:d :.tate of a thin lohell ha:. a , 'cry variable sirength
depending on which bifurcations and snap-throughs occur (Yamaki. 1984), and a small data
modifiealion in a GM IA analysis may lead to a quite different path.


11011 poml On detection or possible birurnlions on the G'A, G'IA, G\I'A and G\I'IA load-
deformlltion.plIt hs

~l~'!>tto the bifurcation pomt As noted abo\e, in the cour..c of a nonltneur unalYM". the prc..enee of a potential bifurcation from
mt using an arc-length thut is the primary path to a secondary equilibrium path can be detected through the loss of positi .. e
m the slart of the analysis. the definiteness of the tangent stifTne!>!i matrix . Usually. a NCW1on-Rnphson solution is conducted on an
6~t be a\oidc...d. incremental (step-by-step) ba... is. and during each inercment (step). iterntions arc perfonned so thnt.
eventually. equilibrium bet\\L'Cn external and internal force:'> i~ uchieved at the end of the step. In

.. uch a ea~. thc ('ItNII\e definllenes:o. of the tangcnl stiITness .. hould be ch\.'eked al Ihc end of Ihe ft •.1 ..1'" Thl' Tol,· "r-,·,,,,;;
entire stcp (i.e. upun rcaching un cquilibrium Matc).
·\s e\plained n the ~,Jt11rr
II should be al!;() notcd thaI. til cach itcrntlo n \\Ithm a stcp. a "l>IilTne ..s matri'C" i ... fOrnl ...-d (the (g\.'Om~lr1( il11rcrlc~uun )
Jileobian lllalri'C of the NewlOn-Raph'iOn inercmcmallilgorithm). (hl..'Cking the positi\ e definilene ... ' flumencal compUlallllll"
of thi ... Jaeobinn Illily rcsull in emlneou.. conelu .. ions regarding bifurcutiou: Ihis i, a "~ tiITn e ... ~ elll'Cl nfl Ihe \lul'klmg
Illatril(" thllt cOIl\!.. ponch to an inlcnnr.:dillie trial (non-equilibrium) stille and, therefore. It does nOI c'pltlTl!d than m~ Ilthu I
represent the ae tunl stillhess oflhe <;l ntClUre. iUr1hcmlorc. lhis "stilTncss Immix" (Jacobwn) is \'ery engineer hllUld rll"..:r 1
often wrillen in un Ilppmxilmne fonn (modified -":e"",,on-RlIph"')1I). As 1\ re ... ult. 10 be sure nf might h.:. rcpre,enls m
dell..'Cling bifureiLtion. il i.. m.'Cessary to be .. ure thai the exaelilingent stilTfle ... ~ 11lutril( a t 11 eOll\crgcd mU'llInphl!ltl~ I!tl\ he
equilibrium stug.!.! ~huu ld bc u!>Cd. More details ofthc stiffi1i!sS matrix fonn:ltiollllnd e\aluallon can
be found in ('ri~lic l d (1 1)97).

The ahmc chl..'\:k of bifurcatltln becomes more complielll\.-d in Ihe eOUN: of an ela ... tic-plll .. tie
nonlinear anal}si,. In such 11 ca~. upon rcaching an equilibrium swgc..... Itil sc\ ernl material point!.
in thc inela!>tic rnng!!. there is sollie uneenaint) about .... hether each of these ('I01Il\'; is undergomg
IIlcrea~lIlg or d\.'Crea~mg ~Imin~, and consequcntly .... helher the 10\\ pla!>llc lOildmg modulu .. or Ihe
high ela~tic unllXldmg nuxluh ... should be u",-d in fonning Ih~ tiUlgen! .. tiITne" matri,. Thi ... a\ 1Ilbic on the ell ·... 1
ambiguily cun he U\ ercomc h) IIdoplUlg the "compari..on ..olid" cllllc!!pl or Hill (195S). According slablTi IIlg rath!,;f than ~ I
10 thi ... concept. n:a'-Onable upper-bound birun.:ution load pn.-dictitllls can be oblninl,.'(i by adoptlOg al. 2(06). !';\\,'nh"]!';
Ihe plu~lIe loodlOg moduhh at all poin", thai ha\e already enteredlhe inda ... tlc range (i.c negk'CtlOg pnnt:lple fllr all con truck..!
the pos'ihihl) of clastIC unloading). More complcte pn:senlallon .. of Ihi .. concept ha\c (lcen al-.o pm\ je III III I
produced b)' Ilulehin-.on (1974) and T\ergllilTd (1983).

8•.1 •.15 l nlh· .... landin~ th, Bifurcatioll checks durin~ purtialillastic deformalion
\\hen l,."-IU1\1I1I~I'1 1m Ir
TIle detec tion of bifurcation in the pla:o.tie mnge requires thai the clastic-plastic materilll moduli arc IltInlinl!ilr .1\Ii1ly~t II r
cmployed 10 limn Ihe langcnt stiflness matri .... Thc choice of such moduli lor ela'>lic-plns\ie rd;llllllhhlp Ixt .... «n tl
beha\ iour is nOI uniquc. gl\cn the lilci that ... c\ eml pla!>licity theories cxi~t. I·or melUh, Ihe ciassicul Mlht of the hUge rcscarc
nO\\ Ihl..'"Ury of plu~ticit} i, II widely ucccpl!.!d model 10 dCsCribe their induslic behaviour, und thi~ C4ui\.lknt g!!OIlli,; Ii,; Impcrl
thl,.oory mil)' be u~cd 10 tmel! equilibrium path!>.
hum a hr~l\lrrlal pol
1I00\c\cr. hifurciltion prediclion, ba~ed on flo\\-theory moduli appcllr tn o\!.!rc~ll1n"te ... uh'luntiillly ;mdll,u.llJ4 11" t fir
the huck ling load \\ illl respeci to c:r<pcrirnentul dilta. Surpri~ingly. predlclions hased on Ihe 1,lrge d\;flcClllll p h t
increm\!nlal moduli of the Ie!>!> rigorou!> defonnation thcOl} pro\ idc bettl!r prediction .... much eloser ('It"Klhud..1in~ ran 'i,; S c
to Ihe c'lX'rimcntal rcsulb (Bardi & K) rial-ides, 10(6). rhe SuperiOTlly of dcfom1.1tlOn theor) 0\ cr th\.'0'1 I hcsc fundam n
flO\\ theory m bifurcatIon pn.:dlctlOn!> ha .. been attributed 10 Ihe "nonnaht)' princlplc" of thc 110\\
Imul,IIIIl\lI\.'Chnaqu.: (
Ih!.!ol). \\ hieh n.... ults in ",tirr' moduli and dncs nOI r!.!preSl!nl aco.::urutci), Ihe tnte material h.:ha\iour !i Illsllcal ml1hods n he
"hen abmpl chan~e:o. in stres' din.'Ction occur during buckling. Thi .. dilTcrenee i, sonlC\\hat
alle\ial\.-d b} considcmtion of 1111tial imperfCctions (llulchin!>On. 1974). It I" olw noted Ihal more .\11 the cI lI,;al xl I
sophi"'icillcd flo\\-I}flC plasticity models ha\e been pro]X>\'.'tI to account I(lr Ihl" dl"Cre{\iln9. ,uch i he!'!: olien display I Iy
II~ Ihe comer theory (Chi,lolTeN:n & lIutchin~n. 1979: T\e'll:aard. 19S~). '\e\cr1hcless. Ihe
C\:lmplc. muluple el
IInplementillion of such modd .. i.. nOI r\.'(;omlllentk-d for d\!sign purpoSl!S. Ilonlinear prcilul;k In
aHlid Ihc dillieu II un I
In<;lead. \\ here po.... ihlc. il is highly recommended Ihal Ihe ddonnation theory langent modulus pnlpo cd numern. JI III I
,hould he u~d \\ h\!n Ullemptmg 10 delect the bifurcation of II ,tcel shell ill the inelu,tic mng.\!. hl~her \lnk'r e4111hllnum
Ill\.'(;hilnie, hilck&round

With rer Ird 1\1 the mn 01

pll'lhueklmg p,lIh ,IS dc\ I'

_ _ _ __ _ _CRC'~",:::'~ (or Ih(' "IItMilJg/illlil\/"II..· u'\U'\\/IIf!/I/ /I\ill.l: glohal ""III"rinl/ mld/ni\

be dll.'ckcd at the end of the The role of ~equi\ alent "' I:cometric hl1J)('rfccllons ill desi~n cDlculations

A\ e\rlaincd in the commentary on H..1:!.:!1 II) nbme, de\ iations in the gcometrie lohare of the ~hcll
nne, malri'(" h fnnn ..'d (Ihc
(gcometric 1II1pcrf..'Ctioll\) h,l\e b..:en cho\en a .. "additional qu:mtitie, in the analytical modcl for the
ckmg Ihl.' fIlh.iti\1.' ddinitcne~~
numerical computation" (faCC lll.'Cau ..e they III\! kllm~nto hu\e a dominating deleterious
furcatillll : thi~ i~ a "lotinnc~ ...
cffect nn the buckling behaviour :md bccnu\e their influence ha!. been much mOl\! c:oo:tell .. j\ely
tall.' and. Iherelore. 11 doc" nOI .... :oo:plor.... d than any othcr imp.:rf.... chon. Hut, Il\ also staled in the abo\c commentary. the dCloign
, ..." m.1Im:·· (Jacohmn) I~ \cry
engineer ~hould ne .... cr forget Ilml tmy geomctric imperfeclion modclling. howc\"cr sophislieated LI
). :\, a rc,ult, 10 be ... ure of
might be. represcnts merely 3 sub~titulc imperfection. Th .... "equi\'alent" g..:ometric illlrcrfectinn~
Iin"n....., maln'( at 11 con\crged
IllU\t implicilly cO\'cr till.: cffech of all othcr imperfections .
• 1"0n11allon and e'>atuatlon can
The St."Cond mOlot e:\plorcd fonn of imp..:rfcction i, rl... ldual 'Ire~\es. It ,hould be noted th<ltlhere i!>
il \Irong connection bet\\ccn ~hapc dc\ iation~ and r.... ~idual 'Ire\'\Cs in the shell: if the mllterial of the
~ eOUN lIf an c!a ... lic-ptll'lic
.. hell i.. e'(actly loufficient to produce a pcrlCct structure, then II gL'Ometric il11perf..'Ction i.. ine\itubl)
c. \\Lm sc,cral mat ... rial poinh a,..ociatcd \\ith rc ... iduallllClIlhrulle 'Irc,,\e,. By contm .. \, if the rnale:rial ilo nol ,ufficienl to producc
(If thcsc pcnnh 1\ undergOIng
thc perfect \tmclure. the ~honfall le.ld .. tll g.... llm .... trie imp..!rf""Ctions normal 10 Ihe .. hell, but other
,1'''111.' Inadmg modulu\ or the lack-Of·fil residual M~ al!.O tk\..:1op (Hol .. t ct Ill. 19(9). There i, little infonn.1lion currently
ang ..:nl 'limlC .. malri'(. Thilo a\ililahle on the eff..-ct of these r~ldual 'tre~'\C\. but the:rc i, \Ome: e\ idence that they arc u~ulllly
;.... pt Ilf Hill (IQ5K). According
,tubili,;ng mlher Ih'lII de'tabili~mg (Rolter. 19%: Uuggenberger. 1996: 1101"1 1.'1 ai, 1000; Hobner el
, ...3n be oht,uncd h)' adopting
al. 10(6). l'e:\erthd ....", a\ long a.. thi, ilpparently 'tabiliJ"ing enCct is not prO\ed il!. a gcn .... rnl
nd III.' range (I.e ncgllXlmg
principle tor all construct.... d lomh of ~hell~. th .... 1I~"ullled l'qui\ aknt geometric imperfection .. \!muld
Ii of th" wnccpt ha\c hl:cn
al",) prm ide \ome "contingen0' rc<;el'\ c" for:1 pt)\l>ible negali\ e effecl of rc ... iduLii 'tre..........

8.3,3,5 l.i ndc .... tanding titc rolc and cfrects of R(,{)ll1clric imperfection ...

\Vhen cljui\lIlcnt ll"'omelric imperfections arc selected lor inclul>ion in an J+ model of iI ~hell for
tic'rlalollc malenal moduli nrc nonlinear analy~i .. , there remain .. II great chilllcTlge 10 dl'Cide on il\ fonn and amplitud ..... and the
ICh moduli for ela'tLe'plrhtlc rclallonship bel\\cen d ......,ign Il....,urned imllCrfcclinn\ lind tolenmce rnea\Ureml.'llb 'Ilicr eomtnlctlon.
c\i,\. l'or 111....1011" Ihc cliI,~icul
\\0" nf the huge research effort Ihol has gone into the ..eareh for rea~onablc as .. umptiom for
inda'tic bdlil\ iour. and Ihi,
e4U;\'ulcllt geomctric imperfection, lies behind Ihi~ cOlltinuing challenge.

I· rom a hi~ lorical point of ... ie\\, \on "-linn,in and ·'-..ien (e.g . \on Karman el aI., 1940; \'on "-amMn
to 11\ cn,:.. timatc .. uh"lantially and Il\u. 19-11) werc the tin;t to achic\c a clo~ .... r conl~lnllity \\ ilh e'(perimental data. Fol1tm ing their
fl. prcdictilln.. ha.\ed on Ihc IlIrgc dcncction lIppruaeh, the Im\cr 'tllbliLty lil1l1t can be d .... tenllincd by computation .. in the dl'Cp
~lIcr pn.'(iLclton~, much clo!tCr
[lO\tbuckling mnge. Sum.... yL~.t,... 11I11.'r. Koit .... r 119-15) propo,ed his celebmlL'd initial po\lbuckting
t~ of dd~mnallon thl'ol) 0\ er
theory. TheloC fundamenlal idea' abo fonn the ha~i .. for interprctmg modem computer·orientated
lit~ pnnclplc" of the nO\\
.. imulation tcchniques le.g. d)11<1mieal comrulutioJl), of jXhtbuekling beha\ iour (Rit.. .. et al., 199(,) or
I} the true mat .... rial beha\ mur
\tuti\tical method, in the cont . . ,t of rcli3bilil)' IhL'Ory (ArbocJ" et al .. 19(5»).
hll> dilli:rcnc.... i, !.Ome\\ hal
·n It Ll> also noled th:1I more All the clalo)ical m.... thotb of .. hell ..I:lbilit) anal} .. i.. arc ba....'tt oTlthe c\aluation of perfect lotrudures,
nt fllr thh ul'oCrepanC). ,uch
fhi!..c often display highly en\iti\e beha\iour in the \icinity ofhifurcation poinh that ha\ ..... for
rd. IC)R:l). 'e\ .... rthd ....". the c,ompk. multiple cigenmo(1....... Sr«ial care mU~1 al ..o be ta! for probJcm~ in \\ hieh .. ignificonl
nonlinC'.tr prebuckling changc.. occur .a.'" \'ell a .. for those sho\\ing multimodal bifurcation. To
,l\oid Ihe diffieult;e-. ari\ing fmmlhe ,cpar.ttmn ofmuillpic buckling modes. Mlme researcher-. ha\ ....
tion theol) tangent modulu,
proposed numericill method .. \\hich ntt .... mpt II dirl'Ct tnlll,ition from the primary r;.uh 10 onc of thc
I in Ih . . inda..lic rung .....
higher order equilibrium paths (e.g. Croll lind Lllina\. 191'15). .\ proper explanation of the
meehanicl> background 10 the'wC mathematical fonnulation .. is, unfonullalcly. 'Iilllacking.

With regard 10 the r.Ulge or ,atiuilY il ~hould be nnted that the a,ymptOlical appro'(imatlOn of thc
pmthuckling palh ... as devised by "-oiter (\ 9-15) lind lill .... r uloed by rnllny othcr., (c.g. lIutchi-.on ,lIld
Bllckling a/Steel Shells· £lIrolH:(1/I De.f;MII R('commenclllfiOIf$ Rill,

Koitcr. 1970; Budiunsky. 1974) restricts the application to small imperft."Ctions and allows only a cnginccring "hdl ~Iroctun:
relali"c pn..-diction ofthc imperfection sensitivc behaviour. t ran~lotcd into 0 dctcrmmL·
The highly ~nsitl\·e behaviour ofperft."Ct .. hells can be a ... oidcd by ia\cstigatmg the imperfect .. hell
directly. The firc,t idea.. in thi!> din..'Ction \\-ere fomlUlotcd by \'on Karman et al. (1940). but like The second conceptual a
Koiter they u!tCd imperfection fonns that did not changc with the proccs.s of deformation. and this is imperfcction. This ~h
an ~!tCntially limiting aspect of these theories. was often the pn nclpal 31
imperfection'> began to be
1I0we\er. from experiments (e.g. F!>slinger. 1970: Yamaki. 1984; Jullien et al.. 1998) it is known ( 17) in the 1·.N roll.... fur d~
that imperfL'Ctions progressi"cly defonn and grow as the lo,.'ld increa~es (ns was long rl"Cognised for elTorts explicitly. lIo"e\(
othcr structural fomls). This behaviour can be modelled by including the imperfection variables as by mathemotical mcans
fundamcntal unknowns in the govcrning L'quations (e.g. Oeml and Wunderlich. 1997) to cstinlllte applicability to typLcal
directly the lowest possible load le\·c1 with the "worst" imperfeclion shape. "wonot" kind arc far from
i mperf(""Ction-~s i ti\ it)"
This approach requires a fully nonlinear analysis of the '>Iructural n..~[lOnse in combinution with
sophisticntcd shelltheorics. More recently. the de\clopment ofnumcrienl solution slrategic§ within The thIrd approach
the framework of comprehen"i\ c finite clcmcnt algorithms ha\ c made such extensivc computation!. equivalent ~l'Om!trie
feasiblc. 1I0\\c\·cr. thc po\\er to perform such analyses has not yct re~hcd thc kcy qucstion!. "alholute y,OI"'ot" Ib
conccrning thc relationship between design assumptions and practical con!.truction. and much buckling behaviour. and
further research and discussion is needed to address these i!.!.ucs. similarity to cither the
de,·intion. The
eomprehc nsi,·c
In investigations of cylindrical and spherical shells. single buckles ncar the boundarie .. ure
Mlmetimcs obtnincd. This has led to the recommcndation that this imperfr..-ction fonn should also be Ihnt are obscl"\ cd in full
considered in numerical simulations and should be compared with results obtained using assumed of fabrication of I
Imperfections in thc shape oflhe finot eigenmodc. as from (13). construction ( Rotter.
direc tly comparable. Conceptu al a pproaches to d e (jn i n~ equiulenl geometric Imperfections in numeriul
design calcula tions
It is hoped that. by
geometric impcrf'L'Ction
equi"alcnt imperfcction'>
Despite the llbo\e long history and huge "olume of research. the seareh eontinu(..~ for some simple s tructu re allcr I
comprehensive and generally upplicable fonnulation of statements ubout appropriate equivalent tolcrunces III the final
imperfcction forms nnd umpli tudes for design calculations.

It !lUlY be snid that there lire three dilTerent conceptual appro.'lchcs for choosing thc equi"lIlcnt
N.3.3.7 O n Ihe pallern
geomctric imperfections thnt can be considered (Schmidt. :2000: Rottcr. 2004) when undertaking
determmistic calculations using GMNIA analyscs.
For application in d,,,.,.]
In the fiN approach the equivalent geometric imperfections should be modclk-d as "l"C""dlistielllly" liS pattern (or a fey,
possible. From an enginecr's smndpoint. this is the Il"lOSt obvious method. Ho\\cver, there art two representing the be,';',·;" J
problems here: first. this is a pnori not a fcasible procedurc because the residual stresses and adopung a specific form.
mmerilll Imperfcctions arc naturolly omitted. and whcre they arc considered they are difficult to h:IS led to the current
quantify. Sccondly. in esulblishing the eomponcnt of the equivalcnt gcomctrie imperfection that
deriw,> from real geometric imperfcctions. there arc eonsidcntblc difficultics in translating the Rcscllrch studies on
"realistic" fonns illlo equivalcnt Mmplificd fonns in a dctenninistic 1I1111l1lcr. This situntion mcan~ aOine pre-buckling
Ihat this area of shell buckling rcsc;lrch will certainly continue to be a field of intensive nelivity for s tud i(..'S of many ~ pccifie
<;ome tllne. proetical fonn~
19(8) ",hich info~ .
A notuml route to deal with these problems is to tum to ,>tochastic treatments of real and Teng. 1989: Khamlichi
characterised imperfection fonns. Ho\\e ... cr. all attcmpts to tackle the task in a stochastic manner forms 1974;
based on measurements at a large number of similar shell structures (e.g. Arbocz. 1983) hu\c found (Greincr and
it ... ery difficult to achie ... c a simple and reliable methodology thm can be applied to typical ci"il ideas

RII/~for 'he hllddmg limit JUlie (I.<;seumelllllsillg global "lI1m!ril'al (mal.l'$is

rlcction~ and allows only a cngmccnng shell structures In gcneral. the outcome of such stochastic treatmcnts need to be
transluted into a detenmnistie methodology that yields eomparablc rcsuhs. and this IlSpect is still
'!>11jp1ting the imperfcct ~hell
nnan ct a1. (1940). but like The second conceptual approach is 10 seck the "worst" gcomctrical fonn for the cquivnlent
~~ of defonnation. and this is imperfcction. This search is natumlly wilhin the context of givcn tolerance amplitude bounds. TIlis
ww. often the principal nim of rc~nrchcrs workmg LII thi!> field from the time when geometric
imperfections begnn to be ineludl,:d in their in>.Cstigations (c.g, Yumaki. 1984). The clauses (12) to
ien ct aI., 1998) it is known (17) in the EN rules for detennining the buckling resi~tuncc by GMNIA (M.'C 8.3.2,2) refll,.'Ct these
(Il!o ~ ai. long recognised for cfforts cxplicitly. 1I0we\cr, attempts to perfect the search for thc "worst" geometric imperfection
he imperfection vari:lbles as by nuuhellllllical Illcan~ (e,g. Oeml & Wunderlich. 1997) havc also not yet reached a status of
Llndcrhch. 1997) to c!ottimate applicability to typical civil engineering shell structures. Moreover some imperfcctions of the
'P' "worst" kind are far from realistic (Roltcr. 20(4). nnd cons<''quently tcnd to cxaggerate thc apparent
imperfection.sensitivity of prnctical construct ions.
sporu;c in comblOatLon wllh
cal solul1on trategle,> ~ithin Thc third approach n.'Cognis.cs the abo,>e and delibenllcly aims to choose a relatively simple
~uch c~den,i\ c eompulatiol1!ot equivalent geometric imperfection patlcrn. abstuining from making it "fully realistic" or the
~h ...-d the key questions "absolute worst". Its basic function ~ould be to "stimulate" the characteristic physical shell
ca.1 con~truction. and much buckling behaviour. and for that purpose It is only required to have a ccnain degree of geomctric
similarity to either the eriticul buckling mode or the fll1lure mode or a fabrieation-caused shape
deviation. The amplitude must then be ealibmted either to experimental evidcnce or to the results of
~ lk.'3r the boundarie!, are compreht.'nsive numerical paramctric studies and related to the imperfection fonns and magnitudes
rrtection fonn should also be that arc observed in full seale construction. In this context. it should be recognised that the mcthods
ull.:. obltllncd usmg assumed of fabrication of laboratory test specimens are generally quite different from those of renl
construction (Rotter. 1986). and the imperfl,.'Ction fonns and amplitudes are consequently often not
directly comparable.
Imperrt'Ctions in numerical
It is hoped that, by now. the reader hns n rough idca of the g0.11 of the choice of an equivalent
geometric imperfcction for a design·oriented OMNIA anulysis. It should be clear that these
equivnlent imperfections cannot correspond precisely to a mensurable reality in thc completed
continue,> for some simple structure after fabrication and erection. despite the fact that they must be related to measuruble
Ul appropriate equivalent tolerances in the final structure. The 11s~umption of a suitable equivalent geometric imperfection
features two parts: the imperfl,.'Ction pattcrn lind the imperfection amplitude. :IS described below.

for choosing the eqU1valent

r. 1(04) when undcrtakmg 83.3.7 On tht' pattern ohqui\'lILlcnt geometric imperfections

For npplieation in design enlculations using OMNIA alialyS<.'S. it is necessary to adopt a specific
Cnodcllcd as "realistically" as pattern (or a few patlerns) of imperfections and to treat these in a deternlinistic manner as
1-00. HOM'\eT. there arc two representing the bcha\ iour of the completed structure. To understand the decisions to be made in
r: ,the TC<;ldual slre'>'>C!> and
ldercd they arc difficult to
adopting a specific fonn. it is nl,.'Cessary to understand something of the historical development that
has led 10 lhe current position.
geometric imperfection that
IifficuitiC) in trnnslaling the Research studies on equivalent geometric 1mperfection fonns began with the classical eigenmode-
nner. This ~itual1on mcan~ affine pre·buckling defomullions adoptl,.-d by KoitCT (1948. 1963). continued with the very extensive
field of inten~i\ C DCti\ity for studies of many specific imperfection fonns (e.g. Budiansky. 1974; Yamaki. 1984). moved towards
pruetielll fonns exploiting measurements of constructed shells (Arbocz. 1982. 1983: Ding ct al.
1998) which infonned sc'>cml investigations of wc1d-deprcssion imperfections (e.g. Rolter and
btie treatments of real ulld Teng, 1989; Khamlichi et Ill .. 2()().1). progressed 10 stochastic studies of ensembles of imperfection
.. ta~k in a ,>tocha~tic m11nncr fornls (Amazigo. 1974: Singer et al. 2002). the usc of (J(1-I,OC fonns suitable for Jh1rtieular problems
g, ArbocL. 1983) ha\'c found (Greiner and Ouggenberger. 199H: Schneider and Brede. 20(4) and is still cominuing with recellt
~l be applied to typical civil ideas of"quasi-coll11psc'11ffinc" p:1t1crns (Schneider et al.. 2005; Getlel and Schneider, 2007). All
8/1cMIIIg (lj Stt'!·' Sh""\ - f:mvpell/l J)c:~i~1I Rt·(·mllmemlc.ltimn

oflhe ah(}\.: are. 10 gencm1. good candidale:; for an t.'qui\alenl impcrf••!ction fonn. but none can yet Yamaki. IIJIW). il IS co
be identifkd for uni\cr.alapplieatlon. buckling rc-.1~ncC'.

LN 11)93·1·6 SIX:tion 1'1.7.2 (17) ~Ime!o Ihat an im\urd-orieTlled Imperfcclion should ah\a)'~ be
ha\c ... urh Im\ ,,,,p'''",Jci
amplitudc in rigvrous
eho""n ... mce IhlS IS genernlly the mO'>l dcleteriotb fonn (e.g. Tcng and ROller. 19901. lIowcwr. Ihg. H.I"). It 10; therdor . .
thi~ i, !otr;etly only tnle for o;hclls that buckle in Ihe clulltic region. For thicker !ohello; \\here It should be nOIo..'tlth;rt Ihe
phblieity 1Il1I) intcl'\ene. il i., somelime.. IK"Ccssary to conSider nn oUI\\ard axi!oyml11etric ring hulge. gi\ en 1Il1.lhle 10\.5). 'h<>ughl
which enn become more d .... lrin'k!ntlll limn an ilmard one bccuu'tC the Yield eondilion is fulfilled !om;rller amplitude, til) nol
carlier at the centre of Ihe outward bulge (eompr....liliioll in the IIlcridional dil'l..'Ction coupled with
ten .. ion inlh .... elrcumfcrentlUl dlrecllon) (see Schneider. 2006b). No geneml guidance cun be givcn Ilere II is TeConuncnticJ
011 when dUlItic-plu!otic buckling w ill occur at a lower load for out\', ard nnhel thun ilm ard oriented SO" 0 to I00" D Ilf the '" ,,,'" 1

H.3.3.H On Ihe Ilmplitudes of cquh 1IICl1t gcometric imperfections

In g.... ncm1. II larger amplitude of imperfection will e3U~C II reduClion III the bucklmg re ... islnnce of
the ,hell. 110\\"'"Cr. some fonns ofimperflX:tion cnuse rapid rellUl..1ion .. foIlO\\I..'tI by a ~lllblh"':lIion
of the reduclion. whil'l olhers cau...c ... Io\\er reductions in liIrcni!th that continue ul1l1b;rIt.'tI (e.g.

Vllmaki. 19IN). Thu!t difT.... renl fonn ... of imperfection e:lII~ dlnerenl eh;rrocleri!ttic lilrenglh
n.'tluclion .. and II i!o not po!»lblc to iopccify Ihe "\\O~t" imperfection fllml for II particular geometry • '"
and load ea...c \\ Ithoul 31-..0 definmg the amplitude of the imperft..'Ction. An c"illmplc i...... hO\\ n 111 Fig.
1'1.13. where Ihc linear bifurcation 10\\C1>1 cigenmode (LEM). non linear bifureation 100\c.,1
eigenmoc..le (NlM). !lO!>t·buckling defonnt..'tI shape WDI) and weld depression (\VDl imperli..'Clion
fonn, arc all calculated for 3 cylinder und .... r \oc'1ll axial comprc... liion (Song ct al .• 1()().4).
1.0 lUI

-+- LEM fiJ:urc 8.14: I \iIIllrlo: ufoJc

..0' 0.8 --+-- NLM The \lIluco;gl\cn III l;rhleX
~I'DP difTercnl filbr;Cilli\1I1 Lju;rllty
-Er- WI) (I.. I..b, d I..b) the hand c;rlcuillti(ln huddin
~ Hnd 10.6). lIowever.lhe rd
"- 0.4 gi,cn in Table ItS may I'IC C"
0.2 On Ihe ca libration

TIIC aim of a (j\1\IA prell

0.0 structures onen ellnwin mall
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.4 2.8 lor Ihl ~ reason. II " IIIl~1 de
Imperfection Amplitude n· t outcome of a tc>;t l'I!!i.ult for
~otallon: U M LIIIC'ar ligcnmodc difTerent \Calc. It 10; ntlt nt."'\.
NI·M l'\onhnear Eigenmod ... be II rCfl'"Cl>Cntation (If Ih . . rul
PDP POiotbuckling Ikformt..-d Patt .... m
\\'D Weld Ikpl'\.~ion In prcpamtilln 10r'1I cahbrall
Figure 8.13: D1ITcfCni nnpcrfl..'Cllon <,CnMII,"iC<i for dilTerent impcrfcclloo fomb on a e}lindcr unJ . . r local (lXh!>ibly bl.lth III t. ."
a~1!!1 load wlIh r t of 500 (after Song el al., ~0(4) condition... (If the leo;l arc 11111
detemunc \\ helher MIll)!': nu
BOlh Ihe o;hllpe and the Ilmplitude of lin nnperfcction arc e!o;,ential componen" in the e\lIlu"lion of !oenMII\ e to scomctnc unIX
the buckling re,i"'llmcc. FolIO\\ing Ihe cxtcnsi\c siudics ofimperfcction !oen~ili\ity of!ohclh (e.g. !opecimen arc me;r,urcrJ. I
Rl/h·\ fur ,lit· hI/cUing lillli,\I,,'t· "nt'Hlt/Cn' 'I.\illg j!/obu/ f/l11II("rinll UI"''' ,\/ \

'.."u\m Il.nn. but nonc can yct Yamaki. 1984). it is commonly thought that a largc amplitudc imperfection Will cause a IOller
huck ling rc-.i\tancc. Ho\\cl'Cr. thi~ ~imple picture i.. o;omctimc\ only truc for imperfcctions that
hale such lOll amplitudes a~ to be impructically ~mall. The choice of a larger imperfection
pertecl1(lO !>hould alwa),!> be amplitudc in rigorou~ calculation~ II ill not always produce a IOller stability limit (on the safe .. ide)
mJ Ruller, 199(1), Ilowe\er. (hg.8.14). It is thcreforc hil!hly Udll!>..1blc to lIl\CSllgate se\eral equi\:llent geometric amplitudes.
n. ~ur Ihicker ~hcl1~ where II .. hould be noted that the rule .. of I-.N 1993·1·6 define only onc equII'alent gcometric mnplitude (as
.ard a\i~~mm..:tric ring hulge. given in Table 8.5). though u wuming i.. ghcn in IU.2.2 (20) thut the culcul31iolls .. hould verify thai
Ie Yield condition i.. lilltillcd smaller amplitudes do 1101 cause lower rcsi~tunce~.
linnal dlf\."Ctioo coupled with
'en..:ralguidance can he ginm lIere it is recommended thut the ell1cullitlons ~hould e,plicitly explore a mnge of amplitudes from
'd mth..· than imlard oriented 50"0 to IOOOfoofthe IlIluL~ gil en in Tlible 8.5.


m the bud.Jmg rc'l\tance of
n, Ii.lllow~-d b~ a .. lah.Ii..allon
thaI wntinue unabat~"tl (e.y.

0 .•
ICI\"I1I I;hanl(!~-ri~lil; !>trenglh
)nn for a panu.:ular geometry

~ 0.4
.\0 e\ample j, ,holl n 10 ,. ig. 8
m linear bifurcalion IOlle,t ~ --e-- d 051.
0.2 ~ d 0(121).. 1
ep[ ~""MUII (\\ D 1 [[1\1)1;[ 1i..·\:1 iun
~ d ).•;1
ong ct al.. 21Xl41.
0 .•
0.0 0.4 0.' 1.2 1.6 2.0 2,4 2.8
Impcrfeetlon Amplilude Ii I
Flgur(' 8.14: Example of descending lind a!.Ccnding i[llpcrf~'Cllun :.cnloJti, ity cUl'\-e~ (after Sung <:1 aL 2(04)

The values given in Table 8.5 lIere derived from the relationship to the tolemnee TIleasuremenb for
different fabrication quality elu!>scs gilen in Clmptcr 6 (Tables 6.1 to 6.4). and their relationship to
,d I.b I thc hand calcul:llion buckling curves for those quality classes gi\en in Chapter 10 (Tables 10.2. 10.5
and 10.6), lIowever. the relationship is slill u httle uncenllln. and somc modificatIOns to the values
given in Table 8.5 may be eXpL'CtL"tl as un outcome of future re ..eareh ~tudics in the next few yean"
i"'-5"'" On the calibnlion of Ihe nu IIIcriclil G\INIA rcsull b) mellns of lesl resulls
t,'"'?) The aim of a GMNIA prediction is to aceunltely forecu:-.t the strength of II real structure. Real
structures often contam many fealures that nre Ignored or simplified for the purpose of the analy~is.
2.4 2.8 For thi' reason. it is most desirable that the GMNIA modelling is soccessfully cahbmted ngainstlhe
outcome of a tcst result for a !oIructurc lIilh similar features to the real structure. albeit at II lery
different scale. It is not nece»llry for the calibration \{.~t arrangement und boundary conditions to
be a representation of the full scale structure.

rb un a q hnder under loeul

In prcparution for a ealibnlti()(l Ie"'. enreful lIleliSUremenh of the stre!.s-strain CUf\'C of thc matcrial
(~sibly both in tension and cOll1pres~ion). und careful uS:o.CssTllent of the lIetulil boundary
conditions of the test are imponunl. The load1ll8 and suppon should be e~Dmincd wilh great cure 10
detenninc whether some non-ull1fonmty is belllg IIltroduccd accidentally. If the shell structure is
ponent .. in Ihe e\ahmtinn of ,cnsitilC to gL'Ollletrie imperfections. thell il is 1I1~0 imponllnt that Ihe imperfections in the IC<,I
ion\iIY of ~hell, (e.g. speci men arc measured. These mea:.urcmenLo; cun be fcd into the GMNIA arlUly~is !.O thut the

Hllclditfg ofSrt!t!1 SluoJls· EllrolH!(lII Design Rl'CO,'",I(!fIdlltiotls

comparison is deemed 10 be scicnlificnlly justifiable. nnd not merely adjusted 10 fit the lest outcome
u~ing <lula Ihal is unknown. lIowc\cr. many allcmpts havc been madc by difTerent research grou ps 8.4 References
to aehic\-c good matches betwccn tests and quality GMNIA an:llyses. using mcasured
imperfections. and the results havc been almost always disappointing. Ne\-erthelcss. if s uch a Amazigo. J.c. (1914)"
dcscnption of the test can be made, the GMNIA analysis. including its simplifying assumptions. ed Rudiansky. Springer.
s hould lead to a l1lodemtely close reproduction oftllc behaviour and s trength ofthc tcst.
ArOOc.l. J. (1982) "The
It is nOI simple (0 define 11 criterion that dctcnnincs whether the analysis hus uchieved 11 close Bllddiflg ofS"l'If~. I.:d. I,
enough reproduction of the lesl. Some shell buckling conditions arc so sensitive to small deviations
(e.g. ncar perfect cylinders nnd spheres) that an accurnte fit cannot be expected except where Arbocz. J. (19~3) "Shell
cxccplionul control of the test configumt ion has been undertaken. lIowcvcr. under more Iypical Thompson and G,W. Ilunt
circumstances. the culculatcd strength on firsl realistic attempt. s hould lie within the bounds
Arboc7~ J. and 1101. J.M.
0.80 < ,.G.HW'-
_ R'l'ft).llOltll .chtd, < 1'0
J.. imperfL'Ctioll!<o". Thin-Wall
R GMS/A.clu:<'k
Rardi. F. C. and Kynakldl
Ifthc prediction is higher than kG.If"~ 1.0. EN 1993-1-6 Section 8.7.2 (25) requires that kGI'''f -
Pan I - e"pcnmcnl ....
1.0 be adopted in application of the analysis to the real structure. For other cases. the GMNIA
outcome for the real structure must be scaled down to allow for the o\er-predictlOn built into the
Budiansky. B. (1974) "T
finite clement model.
Advances in Applied Met O n th l.' plolling ohtresses fro nt finit e clement a n a l~·.ses in plastic rtgions Crisfield. M.A. (19MI)
Through'.- Compolers nn
Care mll ~ t he take n when interpreting fin ill.' clement results u ~i ng tt ulormnically generated contour
plots. In some eommereial finite element packages. it is possible tlmt when looking lit the \'on Crisfield. M ,A (1991) V(
Mises stresses in a contour plot, val ues larger than the yicld strc5S arc seen although an ideal ela)t1c- John Wiley & Son~, Lond
plastic material behaviour has been assumed. This is especially the case when local yielding occurs
in the model. The explanation lies in the way the plotting ailloritlull extntpolau..'S the results Christoffersen, J. and lI u
(stresses) found at the integnttion points 10 the nodes of the clement. Ifa shell element with multiple plasticity", J. Mcch, Phy~.
inlegnttion points is used. the algorithm detennines the gmdienl in the von Mises stress between the
integmtion points and uses this to extmpolute the von Mises stress to the nodes. This can lead to Croll, J.G.A. lind Ellina!<o,
volues hlrger thun the theore tical maximum being shown. It is however clear tlmt this is only a and unstiffened cylinders'·
problem ofrcprescnllltion and that the values at the imegnttion points remain reliable.
Oeml. M and Wunderl icl
buckling". Compo Mcth. J
8.3.3. 11 GCII{'ra l concluding cOllllllcntary
Ding, X.L.. Coleman. R.I
Further discussion of many aspects of the use of GMNlA analysis may be found in the texts noted scale silOli and l!Ink~". Jou
in the Reference lis t below. 122. No. I, pp 14·25.

It should be noted that an analyst undertaking a GMNIA onalysis should ha\-e a very good Dinkkr. D. and Knoke, (
understanding of the behoviournl ehnmcteristics of shell structures. Many phe nomena seen in such Thcor. App!. ~kch .• Vol.
analyses arc difficult to understand and may be anributed to the wTOng cause. A thoroug h and
detailed s tudy of such texis as Yamaki (1984) and Bushnell (1996) is highly recommended to those Docrich. C.. 1I01st. J.M.1
under1aking such analyses. supported on local bn«
Structures,ICASS·OS. Sh

Docrich. C. and Rotter . .

bmckcts", Journal orStru

RI/h'sfor Ihe hl/ddillg limit stllle 1I.ue.umem II.~j"g globallllllllerical at/a/ysis

jJustm to fit the test outcomc

, by different ~an:h groups 8.4 References
analyllCS. \bing measured
ing. ~c\cnhclcss. if such a Amat.igo. J.e. (1974) "Buckling of Stochastically Imperfect Structures". in Buckling of S'ntClI/rI.'S.
Its sImplifying assumptions. cd Budiansky. Springer. New York, pp 172·182.
cngth ofthc tCltI.
Arbocz. J. (1982) "The imperfection dntu bank. a means to obtain realistic buckling loads". in
lal)'~i~ has achie.. cd a closc Buckling of She Ill'. cd. E. RUIlUIl, Proc. Stlllc..of·the-An Coli .. Stultgan Univcrsity, pp 535-567.
, sen~It1\e to small deviations
t be e)[pccted except where Arbocz. J. (1983) "Shell SUlbility Analysis: Theory and Practice", in Collapse. Eds J.M.T.
iowc\·er. under more typical Thompson and G.W. Hunt. Cambridgc University Press. Cambridge. England, pp 43-74.
lie within the bounds
Arbocz, J. and Hoi . J.M. (1995) "Collapse of axially compressed cylindrical shells with r.mdom
imperfections". Thin·Wallcd Structun.'s. \'01. 23. 131 · 158.

Bardi. F. e. and Kyriakidcs. S. (2006) " Plastic buckling of circular tubes under axial compression,
:! (5) requires that KGUS".
Pan I experiments".
:or other cases, the GMNIA
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omatical1y generated contour
lat when looking at the \011 Crisfield, M.A. (1997) NUI/lil/ear Finite F.leml!l/l AflllIYl·i.\· afSolids (/tid S'nlc'l/res. Vols I and 2.
iCCn ahhough an ideal clastic· John Wiley & Sons. London.
Ie \\ hen local yiclding occurs
thm extrapolatcs the rc~ulLS ChristDffersen. J. and Hutchinson, J.W. (1979) "A class of phenomenolDgical comer theories of
a shell clement with multiplc plasticity", J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 27. 445-487.
"on Miscs stress between thc
r thc nodes. This ClIn lead to Croll, lG.A. and Ellinus. C.I'. (1985) "A design fonnulation for axisymmctrie collapse of stiffened
C\'er clear that this is Dnly a and unstiffel1(:d cylinders", Trans. ASME. Vol. 107. Sept. pp. 350-355.
emain n:liable.
Dcml. M. and Wunderlich. W. ( 1997) " Din.-ct evaluation of the 'worst' imperfection shape in shell
buckling". Compo Mcth. Appl. Mcch. Eng.• Vol. 149. pp 201 -222.

Ding. XL, Coleman_ R.D. and ROller. J.M. (1996) '"Technique for precise measurement of large-
be found in the texts noted scale silos and tanks". Journal of Surveying Engineering. American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol.
122, No. I. pp 14-25.

should ha..e a \'ery good Dinklt:r. D. and Knoke. O. (2003): "Elasto-plastic limit loads of eylinder-cone configurations". J.
\any phenomena seen in such 1111.'Or. Appl. Mech .. Vol. 4 1. pp 443-457.
long cause. A thorough and
'ghly recommended to those Docrich. C .. Holst. J.M.F.G. and ROller. J.M. (2005) "The behaviour of cylindrical steel shells
supponed on local brackets". Proc .. Founh International Conference on Ad'anccs in Steel
Structures. ICASS·05. Shanghai. pp. 377-382.

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Verification of Cylindrical
!lral Stability and Dynnmics,
9 Rules for the buckling limit state assess ment using stress
Principal authors: H. Schmidt. J.M. Rotter und R. Greiner

9.1 General

The buckling limit ~Iatc al.l>CiI)mCIII u!.ing litre...... dc!>ign (rcfcm.-d to bclo\\ 3S "buckling '>lress de-
~ign") follo"s. as noted in 1.2.2. the So'llne reduction faclor approach as the buckling design by
global numerical MNA LilA analYSIS. \\hleb \\a~ prc'>Cnlcd III Section R.2. Buckling ;,Irc.. ~ design
may. in Mlmc <;C.hC'>, be st..ocn as a .. peeial CUloC orthe MNA LBA procedure. though there arc wille
'cry !lignificant difTerence!>. Buckling litre...... dL~ign is ci>:.cntiully the traditional hand calculation
procedure that may be found III m~t orthe lilcrolure on ... lIcli buckhng d($ib'll until the introduction
of the Eurocode EN 1993-1-6.

In buckling j,trcss de ... ign. the HlriO~ rc ... i.<.tuncc quantilil~ for the shell structure are expressed In
tenns of stresses (by controst \\ IIh the non-dimensional load factors R u!tCd in the generol
MNA LBA fomlat). As a result. for a ease 111\01\ Lng gencrol loads. the efTC(:b of all three of the
buckling-relc\ant mcmbronc stress componcnts (meridlon31 compression. circumferential compre!>-
Mon. shcar) must be mcluded m Ihc buckling 3s..cs .. ment. and 11I1appropriatc buckling faclor n ..duc-
lion found for the combination of the threc componcnt ... It i" nOI ~imple to achie\c an appropriatc
reduction for any combination in any ~hell eonfigurution. w in thc current fonnulation. each of the
three components is first treated scp.'lr.uely (finding a reduction lor cach indi\ idually). and Ihe out-
come for cach of the three component' is thcn re-eombined 10 :10 1Oter::lction at the end of the as·
.. e'~men t procedure. TIlis methodulogy mlly be irnprmcd upon ill the future . but this has Ix.:en ac-
cepted as the best genenllmethodology III pre..ent.

Although this procedure may look much more elaborme than the general MNA LilA fom1at . II has
the great ad\anlage that it can make U!,C of thc immcn'tC kno\\ II.-dgc on basic .. hell buckling case"
asscmbled 0\ er the lasl hundred yean. in Ihe fonn of c:..:pressions for elastic critical buckling
Mresscs and clastic imperfcction reductIon factors. Thus. buckling lIolrcss design is usually per-
fonned by "hand calculation" uSing fonnulas andor diagrams. and this mcthodology is commonly
found in other standards. hambooks and l'L'ComnlCndation". The furopcan Standard EN 199]-1-6
offers a considemble amount of informlltion that i~ irnml.-diatc1y applicllble for this type of .. hell
buckling design by h:l.nd calculation. and Ihese Recommendations follow that methodology In Part
II. In thIS Chapter 9, the rules for buckhng ~trcss de"ign gi\en m Seclion 8.5 of LN 1993-1-6 arc
o,ct out. lind commenls are si\cn on th\!"-C nliL's.

The design procedure for buckhng stress dc!>ign im ohes the folloy, ing steps. as illustl11ted in Fig.
9. 1:
(I) C.:.lculalc the linear elastic stress ficld mduced by the applied combllla!lon of actions. leadmg
to the complete mcmbranc stress field UtE/I- ul£d and trl£d throughout the structure (both
comprcssi"e and tensile ~t re",scs):
(2) Find the elastic critical buckling stresses u,Rlr ulMer lind 'fIR..,' for the perfect shell at any
location \\ hcre a compreM.i\'e or shear membrane stress ClIUSCS u buck ling check to be needed:

Buckling ofSteel Shells · Ellropean Design Recommendatiolls

(3) Deduce the relative slendemess parnmeters of the shell A.". A.o and Ar which relate the yield
stress to the clastic criticnl buckling stresses:
(4) Dctcnninc the clastic imperfection reduction factor ("knock"down factor") for ench mcm-
bronc stress component ax. a(Jand a,.. and hence deduce the each oflhe thn..'C c1a.'otic buckling
stresses for Ihe imperfect shell. a...-axRc,. aoalRcrand arr..,lMu.

(5) Detcnninc the buckling strength reduction factor for each component L. xo and X r as a func-
tion of its relative slendemess parnmeter. Ax. A.(J and A./' 10 account for plasticity elTect!>"
These reduction factors are then each individually applied to the yield stress. Ily this process.
the elastic buckling stress for each component for the impcrfcct shell is reduced to find the
three charnctcristic buckling stresses Gx/U;' GfRJ; and rxiM.k"

(6) Apply the partial safety factor on resistances 1M to deduce the design values of the buckling
stresses GxRd' afl//I and fxlMd"

For somc special cases. the distinct steps (I) to (5) of this procL-dure cannot be used. and the buck-
ling stresses aRk are given by expressions relating directly to the geometry. material properties. In the follo\~ ing Section
loading and boundary conditions" It should also be mentioned here thaI in thc EN rules sct oul in the ..ign fonnat are repeated
column. When appl) ing
following Section 9.2. the clastic buckling stress of the imperfect shell identified in stcp (4) is nOi
in the dC\lgn model .. and
explicitly detennincd. though the valuc of a is used and this calculation procedure is implicit in the
perfL'Ctions a... gi\cn in
detennination of the buckling strength reduction fac tors Lt. XU and Xr"

For an clcmenmry load case that involves only onc oflhe buckling-relevant membrnne Slress com- 9 .2 Rules of 1'.:1\ I
ponents, the buckling slrength verification follows a simplc Slress limitalion :
(7) Show that the design valuc of the highest value of predicted acting buckling-relevant mem- 9.2. 1 5"..,;" d'fi;"";" ~
brune stress (which is either Gxf:d or afE/lor rxBF.d) is not greater than the eom.'·sponding de-
sign value for the buckling stn.'SS (GxR/1 or GIRd or rxlMlI) This check must be perfonned
(I) Reference should
separnlely for each shell segment if there are multiple segments of dilTerent thickness"
delillltiom. of'''m, "'""g
Where the membrane stress field involves more than one of the buckling-relevant membrane stress
components. the check must be performed on cnch stress component aod an additional buckling
interoction check must be pcrfonncd:
(8) Show that the design value ofcllch ofthc highest predicted acting mcmbrnne stresses (each of
axEd and G(»"d and r..,BF.d) is nOi greater than the corresponding design value for the buckling
(2) In addition to the

Check the severnl possible buckling internction!; between the individual membrnne stresses"
additional symbols ,h"o','l
9 as set out III (3) and (4).

(3) The !>tress

should be IUkcn as
II".' CT,f.J are the
brone strc~s
"iti\e "hen
n~ a,F.J :a,:n:~~':he~,:~;:~~
and slress

Rilleslor Ille bllckling lilllit ,~lall! asSI!SSIIICI/t IIsi'l& stress desigll
ind ..l.r which rehne the yield
.: Iulic "Itld "res
awn factor") for each mem-
il of the three clastic buckling
Impl'rrl'C1 slenderness
~neOl :fr,Xo lind Zr as a func- hudd'n!.: S ln'1~
ounl for plasticity effects.
yield stress. By this process, Ehaslir-phastic bucliling ~Ir"s
~ shell is reduced to find the Inll'neliun

bign \alui$ of the buckling Dnlll;n clnlle-plnlle

hueliling JlrC'Ss

II be used. , "d Ihebuck-

comelry, material properties,
Figure 9.1: Sll'PS in buckling strength assessment u$my stress dl.'Slgn according to EN 1993-1-6

In thc following Seclion 9.2 thc rules gi\en in I!N 1993-1-6, Sections 8.2 and 8.S, for the stress de-
sign fonnat are repeated word for word in the len column. complemented by comments in the right
• in the EN rules sct out in the
column. When applying these rules, the designer should always be aware of the idealisalions made
I identified in step (4) is not
in the design models and of their limitations with rcspcctto loading. boundary conditions and im-
procedure is implicit in the perfections as gi .. en in the main text and the commenlnry ofthesc Recommendations.

9.2 Rules of EN 1~~3-1-6, Chapter 8, for buckling stress design

1e.. aOl mcmbmne stress com-
9.2.1 Special definitions alld s}'lI1bols for buckling siress design (Seelion 8.2 of EN 1993-1-
Cling buckling-relevant mem-
r Ihan the corresponding de-
!lis check must be perfonncd
( 1) Referencc should be mnde to thc special These atklilitJIllll defi"itions ie/c·mif)' Ihe lermi-
of dilTerentlhickn(.'Ss. definitions of temls concerning buckling in 3.3.6. lIolugy wicel 10 distillgllish differl!lIl IOrl/1lI1
\'(IIIICS of bucklillg slresses lI"der different it/e-
ling-relevant I1lcmbmne stress 1I1i.fed colle/ilioIlS. The)' arl! illl/Klrlwll ill l)rtr
:11 and an additiollal buckling \"ie/illg (III IIIllImbigllOlIS pm" /0 ,hl! cmhlfllioll
olll .wife dl!sign resistallce.
18 membmne stresses (ellch o f
design value for the buckling
(2) In addition to the symbols defined in 3.6, These "ek!iliO/IlII symbols relate '0 Ihe specilll
additional symbols should be used in this Chapter lermiltoloK), defillcd abem..'.
Ji.. idual mcmbmnc stresses. 9 as sct out in (3) and (4).

(3) The stress resultant and stress quantities II sho"ld be ,toled Ihat Ihere are Ihree dislillcl
should be taken as follows: membrolll! slress resliitallls or ml!mbrom-
II,~ G,t:d are the design values of the acting :.1n:SSI!S al (m), point ill the shell, {lIId Ihat. il'
buckling-relevant meridional mcm- gel/eml, al/ ll,ree will be prese/ll (If magllill/des
bl'3ne stress resultant and stress (p0- thtll {ifft-'CI lite .flobi/ity oltlte SinlCltlrl!. Simple
sitive when compt'Cssion): axisymmelric: lood CW·I!S gc·"emlly do 1101 hOlY!
II (FA 0"fE:J are the design valu(.'S of the acting Ihis leatllre, bl/I Illey (Ire illmriably IIsed as 'he
buekling-relevnnt circumferential n'fi'rellce coses fro'" which 'he IWlld colellla-
membl'3ne (hoop) stress resultant lioll e:rpre.uiOlU" lor ,lte bllcklillg S'rf!.fSI!S ha\"('
and stress (positive when comprcs- bee" derilY!d. The rilles gil'l!lI here (Ire ,IIere-

Mon); fun: SIIfl/en/1lI1 /IIor,' u''''p/inlll',1 ill Imnllil (II
", ..... r,,..4 ar\,! the design \alues of the aclmg hud,lillg ~tr('"gth tl\\!'\\/1U'1/t1 lilr gt'lIcr,,/ (11111
buckling-rele, ani ~hear membron\'! {'omph'x ItrCH ltatL',l,
sire.... rc .. ultllnt and ~tn':MI.

(4) Buckling rc .. islllllCC p.'U3l1leters for u-.c in Sel! Sediml 3,3.6 {ur IIR' definitioll of the aiti-
~trc!.s design : cal, ('/W/'l/('tt'';''it' (1m/ e/t.'I·igll IlIId/illg
O',R, , is the meridional cla!.tic critical buckling Itre,I,le,~ (2) The kc~ \alu\"S Ilfme
stress; Set' COIII/llell/ he'loll' 011 {iJI" b,,{'k-
he taken a~ Ih~ maxnnum
that a\lal (l'H)rd1lla t~' 111 hi
i~ the cireumferential cla!.tic criticnl grolll/d m{rwlIIlIfiOlI OIl 11'111' ill ,,/tielt 'he ~lrt'.H
1I~('(/fiJr IIII{-k/ill~',I,llIIl''''.\ Jill." bel'lI 1"'0,1('11
cifie pru\i'"l1l' 1m: '\\1,:,
buckling .. tr\'!!.~:
19(H-I-fl ur the re!c\ull •
is the .. hear du~tic critical buckling Irom lite (I/Il'nmtin' \'(//111'\ m'di/ab/e ill 1.1 real-
Mr\,!ss; istit- sln'l\ .Ih'fd
I.. the meridional ehuructl'ristie buckling "00 II In s"m~ (3 Ie
"Itc'<!l: (ireUlIlli:rcnlHlI l,(lmp • 51IJ
IS the elrcUinfercllliul charoclcristic F' 1(~JJ·I-flJ. the k1.'V
buckling .. tre .... : ~tro.o;c:, an: 1i1.lltlOUS 31

i~ the shear characteristic buckling .. tre ..!.: 1Th1\lmUm \,IIIIC

is the meridional dc!.ign buckling Mress:
O'(RJ IS the clrcumfercntml de!.ign buckling
r,/#l.1 i~ the .. hellr dc~ign buckhn~ stre!>!>.

NOTE: This is a special comcntiun for shell

design that diffcf'\ from that dctllilcd in EN

(5) Thc ~ign COll\cnllon for usc with the buck- TIti.I .I;gll l'UIl"t'l!lIlirm il' (k/Opll'd ", (II'oid lite
ling limit slllle LS3 ~hou ld be tukcn a!. coml)re!.- Il'it/('!>pr('(lt/ list' (if "egalil'/' /lilli/hen ill Illll'k-
sion posih\ e for meridionlll and eircumferelllial ling stn'''glh aHi'lllI/elll,.
slres!o.CS and lotre~~ rcloultant!.,

9.2.2 ASSl'Ssmcllt ofbud:llng strcu design (Sei.:lioll 8.S of EN 1993-1-6) Ocsi)tll \a lut's orslrcsst'~

(I) Thc deloign \alucs of Mrcsscs O'IEdo O'OF.J TI,esi' dt'_~igll 1""lIt',~
uf .\tn'Hr'!> 0'f.4/ are the
and r.,tIil/ lohould be taken as the kcy \Illucs of lil/t'ar elastic pret!iued 1',l/lIe,I' IIIduC(·t! by lite
compres~i\c and ~hear membrone stresses ob- loodillg or Ih(' uppl/{,t! comhill(lfiufI "I (lCliOI/S (]) hit ha"l( 11IaJing
tainl'd from linear !.hell analYSI!. (I.A). Under Ullt! l'lII'I! been tIllRIII('I/I{'d from lilt' c/llIl"(u-Il'r- .. trc~,cs ma~ be talcn
purely a.XI!.ymmetrie condition .. of loading and i_flit' mIlle ql:J. hI' thl! lildor rf" to ac/tiel'e {j (" ofL' IlJtn-l-h.
!ouppon, and in other ~lInple load cases. Illelll- de_figll mille (lI/lenllllil'!'/I' (lilt! pn'fl!rab~\', lite
branc Ihool)' may generully be uscd. c/mr,,{'leriW;t· /(Jud~ In're Wt/:lIIl'lIll'ti hy III"
faclor rr to oriJit'\'(' ,Ie'lgll i'll/lie... uJ Iltt' 1(}(ldl
1x1ure the llI/(1(ni~ Ii'll' perfimlled).
9_2_2.2 O('~i~n ",''''"'
Unc/t'/· IIxis\,/lIl11e/";c /o(ld~, tht'\(' /1u'mbralle I he bUl'lhng
tie" ign "''_\ 0'/:',1 (/1'(' em1(I' it!t'lltified frolll ..cnll!d b~ Ihl! bu(lling,

RI/h'~ lor tht' hllC-klillg limit I/Clle IU \t'l III/elll 1/1///1-: Itr('ll cI"ligll

lIlt, I't'.lulfiflg uniform m,'mbrtll/(' Mrt'H /ie/d{

t'f.mplinllt'd ill II/Inllil of
(l'./,~, ill C/ (y!illd....r I/lldl'r IIl1ilonll axill/ l'om-
\ ,'\\/11111" j(lr J:t lIl'r,,1 IIml
,,,'eHioll (lnd or IIII!form radial I,,','IIIII'C or
IIlIifol'lII tonimllli ,1!tI'Clr). lIor,' dClrilr il
Iwee/ed 1I1t"/1 reali.llk-allr complt'x IOlld ('oIllM-
r: lIn' t/l'lillilioll vllhf! n'il i-
u/ltl flefigll hllddl/lJ:
/lIIliol/.\ I/r,' II/)fllied 10 Iltl' ,l/n/('(",.", (II' e\'-
pillim'" "'-'101\'.
(2) TIle key \ul ue~ ormcmbrn nc ..Icc .. ~~ ~holi i d 711l' /t',.", "kt,.I' 1'111111' ojll/NlIlln/l/(, ,1/1'1:111'1"
hi.- taken rut the maximum \'alue or each ~ l rc .. S 31 Ittl~ hel'lI illlmcllln'd to illdicalt' IIIul,
WI 1).1.1.3(/) for hm-J,-
Ihal a~ia l coordinate in the s:ructUfI!. unle ...... 'JlI.:- II) II'/t('rt' Ilttn' h tI ltij{ItII' 1I01I-IIl1il(}/"III If/t'lI/-
0/1 w<I:r ill llhidl 1/1l'ltrt'.l.1
cific pro\ l.'>ion.'> arc gi\cn in Anne, D or FN
I t'\\III<'II/\ 11m Pt.'t'll dw.\t'll hnml!l/n'\\ dillrihllliml, tllt'lJ1t:d/k \In'.I,'
1993-1-6 or the relc\ 1I11t tlpp1icUlion part or IN I'd/m' IlItII i,'I IIM'd 10 ('Wllpan' II'illt /I dt'Ji/:1I
I<Iltll'l uruil"bh' ill tI r,'ol-
blldlillgllr,'u lil'rin'" frolll III" rt'/('\',ml "'t'-
1IIl'lIIur:'l' nnt' 11111\1 he' t"ClI't!lIlh' wI,1 11/1/1r1I/lI'i-
\;OTl' In some caloe.. (e,g .... tcprx:d \\011 ... under
circumrerential cOlllprc~~ion, ~e Anne, D.::!.3 of
I \; 1993-1-6), the key \alues of h) it il pOHih/e II/d/ll/ore thull 1IIIt' memhrum:
... trc ... ~ ... arc fictitious and brgcr than the rc:ll Iln'\\ ("Ilm/xlllt'lII emllrihlll,'; 10 ,Itt' blld.IiIlR
maximum \aluc!>. fI"t'1l0/lU'IIUII, JO thai Ille ('/Ioi('(' tit wltit It
"r,'lll',\ ~//()lIld hi' IrC't/It'd m ill/crlll'lillg ill 11111
IIIIII/I/{'r rl'qllirel aJlProprillle t/e{illiliOlI.
If 1IIl' "kr:1' H,III('" 0/ ('(1.1, \/r,',H il dllllt'll (/\
if I "'a:rimllm (C'OIII/Ire.I.I'il'l') rulliI', lite n/lt-llle/-
lilli/ iI l"mll('/"'I·ulil'C!. II'/lC'rC' lilt' JI/"t'.H clltll/gl'~
qllil(' rapid/r I/('Clr tlte IIIw.:illlllll/ HI/III', Iltil
('/wil'l! hcCmlll',~ 1'('0' {'oll~I'/"'I'IIIi1'e, TIll/I /I .11/1/-
ph' hl/l'klillg ,llre,\\ t1f!,ligll forllltll il tld,it'I'cd
by I/Iillj{ Ihe IIItnimUIII mlllf!, h ilI lIlt' /1t'IIttlty of
111;,\ ,Iimplkill' IIItty iH.' tI 10.H {If (,('OII()IIIY il/
Ifill i,\ uc/opt(',1 If) umitl Ih(' d".,iRII The,l(' pl'Oh/ell/,~, ami ('.I'tllI/ph', 0/1('\1
r 1Il)~'llin' II/lmh.,/"'I' ill "/It.-k- ('O/I\('I'I"tllil'(' c-/Wil'C',\ /01' Ihe ".lei' 1'1I11It'.I" ttrc
\/l/t IIlf.
lJiIl'/IIII"/ il/Illorc lit-rail ill 9.J.1,

Spenfit' pnn·i.lioll,\ for dw;<:e.1 0/ An \"tl/II('),

Rh'('11 ill A,II/('x 0 of E.V 199J-I-6, til',' II/II\'
93-1-6) rt'/Jt."IICc/ ill Ih(' rdel'<llli clwptt'/"'I of PlIrt /I of
Ihe~e Recmlllllt'lldaliom, il/c-/I/dil/g fidililJ//\
\/n'\\ l-aluel IIIaI mal" he /1.1('(1 lilY n'!illdrinJI
Ihdls lI"illt .It"/JIJt'd 11'1111 II,idl/('$\I'\ 1111,/..,/,
'/t'l o{ IIrt'\\t'.1 (1f:.1 Url' III(' drnllll/i.n'lIIial ('om/1reuioll (,fC'e Sn.liml
lil'led m/l/l',f illdlln:d ht· lilt,
pI;'.! mll/hillatiml of "t'liOIlS (3) I-'or b.., ... ic Io.,di ng ca~'!. thc mc mbrunc SoIllC of Ihe eX/II','uioIlS gil'C'II ii/ .-1'111.'1'1'1 A
gmdllt'd {rom Ihl' dwrll('/l'r- ... 1 n..~M.'!. may be \lIken rrom Annex A o r All ncx lIlItl C ~f £.V /99J-I-6 (JI'(' rc!/JCt/led ill Ih,' rde-
r Ih.' fUt. mr rf III UI:hif!\'/! (I C o r EN 1993- 1-6, I'tllli dW/llt'l"'\ of Purl /I of Ilw.lf! R('('QIIlIII('lItlU'
m'lti n '6' IIlId 1m/emil"', th(' lioll.\,
IfA win' 1/u~I1II'/IIf!d h.I ' tht'
l'l' dt' {ign 1'lIflll'l oj the ltH.ul l
9,2.2,2 DesiAII resislallcc (bllckliliA strength)
~ Illis /X'rftmll('tf).

,rk /Otll/l, Ihew IIIl'm hl'llll/' (1) Thc buckl ing rcsi.. t:lnce .. ho uld be re pre- 711t',\(' 1'.\"/I"(',I\iO//.\ de/il/e Ih(' }illli l ,I('.\'igll I'alm'
i-AI un' C'II,lilr illt:llfilh't./ ji.,,11/ sented by the buc kling .. tre ....c.. II.'> de fined in 3,3.6, of re,\i,I/IIIIC(' "hell lIueuillg Ihl' huckling

Bllcklillg (ifSI('I.'1 Shell.f· EIIIYJpI!Oll l:ksigll Rel'O",,,,elllJatiolls

Thc design buckling stresses should be oblUined strength nl a shell'InK'wre whc/I 1I\'illg Ihe
from : .wre.u de.figll format.
... (9.1) buckling

(2) The panial factor for rcsi!>tuncc to buckling The pClrlitll/acwr.\ rill lire d(jined jiJr ellch
rMI should be tukcn from the relevant application {IPpliClllio/l i/l Ihe ,Iftil/doni,' lor ,Ii/O.I· (EN
II .
standurd. 1993-4-1), flmks (EN /993-4-2), rowers tlfld
"'(IsIs (EN 1993-3-1) alld chlmnl.'ys (EN /993 -
NOTE: The valuc of thc panial factor rill may be 3-1). For thcse .wrtlclllre.~, Ihe m/lle.f gil't!l)
dcfined in thc National Anncx. Whcre no appli· Ihere :.ltollid be OCWIJI('tl IlII/c.\ .\ the NaliUlwl
cation standard cxists for thc fonn of construction A/lIle."C defilles a differe", I'llille. For miter
i",,",ohicd, or Ihe application standard docs not stnIClllres, 110 101l"('r \,tl//l(' 111(11/ th,· gem.'ral
define the relevant values of nil . it is recom- referellce mlue lUI 1,/ shollid he IIsed for
mcnded that the valuc of nil should not be taken thefollowillg reasons.
w.smallcrthan}'lll 1.1. To al'Oid UIIY collfllsio" (which miglt, letld '0 (4) The bw.:khng retiUCl10
errors), (11/ c/ltlrtlcteristic hlleldillg Slreue.f (lIId be delennmetJ a
resistallces gi\"(,11 III the..e R('('ommelUullion.f
~lcndcmc"s of the. hell A Ii
are C(llibrau-d to nil - 1,1 which is the IxlSic
portial filClOr far bllCkli11g re.fiSIl1t1Ce throllgh- \\hcn
alii £lIrocode 3, P(lrliclilar cure .\ hollid he
takell when ctJlIIlH.lril/R ellriier nile., from tlte
4th editiol/ of the ECCS Recomlllem/atio,JS
wilh the prest!III mle.\·, 11/ ,fOme ~ectiol/s of the
41h ediliOIl an atkliriOlwl l}(Inial ,wifelY fo clor a
was lIS(W (e.g. 1,33), blilihal is 110 100Iger re-
/(filled here: illsle(l(J Ihe c/wmC/l'rislic \'{IIIICS
,- ",hcn

hmY! /teell d(JIl'IIgraded ta acMel'e Ihe WIllie where:

filial de."igll .\'aJeIY II/{11'gill. a is the cla.,tic impcrli.:l.:li
(3) Thc characteristic buckling stresses should Althol/gh mallY s"ell.~ bllckle ill Ihe elastic re· p is thc plastic runge fal.:l,
be obtained by multiplying thc characteristic yield gillie, so the el{u'lie ailieal btlcklillg ,ftl"eSS 'I is the mlcrnclion C\rxm
strength by thc buckling n:duction fuctors z: might be tllOught of as the ,mll/ral nfen'IIc(' Au is the Mlua~h IimLt rela'
mille, lite bllck/itlg Sfr('SS is Itere re/ared to tlte 'I he \alues of thc,e pOIr.ul
GxNk - L!.;. Goo ZO!'·.A. yield sIres.' 10 be COl/si.\·lelll lI'ith (11/ miter JXlrlS from Anne'\: DofFN 19'J~-
of EN /993. II should he n.'(:allL'tl thatlhe yield
rxiMk - Z r!.·,j l..{j ... (9.2)
strl!ss ill shear is f, / ..{j accordil/g 10 \'01/ ~OTE I; \\ here Annn I
Mil'es yield crileriOl/. \"nluc~of trn.'\C pammch:n,
the "ational Annc\.

'OTE 2: F \pr~'10n ~ 5
buckling stres .•lccountLn~
tCction~. In thL ca.o,c. "'hcL
ILI"CIy cla,tic, the dlllrtlch:L
may altemal1\cI~ be
"TN!. U,(TtR,,.. cttfl.

rtill/J. u,r,lff,,..

Rlliesfor Ihe blll..-k/ill8 lim;1slme assessmefll IIsillg Slress tlesigll

el/ flnu:lllrv lI'hen IHillg Ihe !'Imot,c

'luI, pilltetlu
Plastic \imi!
1.0 j--Z---,_=---.:==::::...----\:--- Elastic perfect
~ buckling
slrCngth !'hlstic·plastlc
X Elastic
ml lilt are (!t'(illed fl,r e(/ch
he s'UI/(Jetrcl~ flJr ,~ilos (EN • ·•
I-p .......•........................ imperfect
fEV 1993.4·1), 1(}\l'er,\ (md ••
3· 1) uml chimlll.'.J'S (EN 1993·
.UnI,'Wn',f, 'he HIIII('$ gil'ell ElastIc behaviour
lkkipleJ unil'Sf Ih('\'miontll
diffen'''' mIlle, Far ol/lI.'r
~lIt'r I'uflle IIIuII 'he gelleral )', Rclati\e slenderness }.
tu' 1,1 shoilid he IIsed for Flgur~ 9.2: Capacity CUJ'\C and the pamm':IL'Th Q. p. ),,3nd q
",(usioll (II-hieh miglll lead 10 (4) Thc buckling reduction factor. X.' .roand Zr EqllCllilJIIs 9.3 to 9.5 for X defille lite I..·UIHlt.:i/l'
.(:terislit' bllcklillg strf."SS('S alld
"hould be dctcrnlim.'<i as a function of the relativc C/ln'e for all shells, relulillg lite (·ltar(1Cleri,flic
" ill these Recomlllelllkll;ollS ~m.'llglh R. 10 lire plasliC' srrengrh Rpi (fee
slcnderness of the shell i from:
'lv, f,l Ilhicil is Ille basic: H.1.J.1(8)) or allernalire(l' alU 10 j; (in rhe
• bucklillg re,fiSfml('e lilrough. when ... 19.3)
~/N-'H defigll fn,.",OI). B(!(YJ,,~e "'011-" dilfi·renl
Parl/nllar c(,re ,rhmlld he
fl)r",.~ (~( itl/erell'lion he/weell ela.~lic hll(:k1ill8
purillg earlier nde,l from ,lie
,he ECCS RecollllllelltialiullS
nlle.f. III .fOllle secliollS of Ihl..·
pf Ap-t-J.aJ'
L ~}
whcn..loSiS:i,. ... 19.4)
uml plaMicill' OCt:lIr ill shell.\', Ihe CUPO""I'
clln'e i.~ dl..'filled in a parliclllarlr ge/lertll \I'(~I'
10 accolllmO€/(l/e diffeN!1I1 imperj(!C'liml .w'·
ddiliollol partial safe~1' factor
IMlles, differl'lff plaslic plalea".... differef//
,33), hltllhal i,I' I/O IOllger re· ... (9.5)
nmdilitlll.\ fur if/cip/elll plaslic effixls, (lIId
od Ihe c/wrtlcterisl/c milll!l'
differelll c/ln'('/I".e.~ of tire elaSlic p/(U'lic mll/·
rs:rd(k'(~ 10 aclliel,/! ,III..' l '/, I/Ie where: silioll {'lIn'e (ehlSlic·plaslic imertlClioll),
'marglll, a is thc elastic imperfcction rcduction filctor,
The form of tire caJXlcity elm'l! (Fig, 9.1) il
hell.f buC'kle ill IIII.' ehlf/ic re· p is thc plastic mngc filctor,
Ihll.~ illdeJX!ndemly defined for el'e')' geomelry
as/ie: criticell hucklillg ,~lreSl' 'I is the interaction e\(ponent.
amllood ClIse, hy 'he choice of \'allies for lite
~ of as Ihe "alllral referellce is thc squash limit relati\c slenderncss.
/X'rtIII/e/(!r.f a. P, 'I alld io TilesI.' IXlrtIII/eler.v

sl ress is IlI!re re/all!d to 'he The values of these parameters should be taken
COlISislell/ lI'ilil a/l Olher /X,rls IIII!//Isd~'es ",ay lx' ('hosell 10 \'(I')' lI'il" olhc'r
from Anne\( 0 of EN 1993·1--6.
foalllre.~ of II,e ,fheJ/ goomel,)', 100uiillg, ho,,"d·
"Id he rl!Call('(/ fllaf Ihe yield
ary' cmuiiliolLl alld imperfeclioll amp/ill/de.
is f, Jj tlCC'on/illg 10 \'011 NOTE I: Whcre Anncx 0 docs not dcfinc thc
The huckgrOllfld 10 Iltese expre.uioll.f //lUI' he
values of these parameters. they may be gi\'cn by
j" thc National Annex.
fOll/ld ill RolI('r (1999, l001b. 1(05) 11'''0 fillll'
8c'"C'roJired Ihe ear/ier proposill of &hmi(1t
(1991, 1994). More disCI/.uion i.\ gil'ell illihe
l\OTE 2: E"pre-"ion 9.5 dC!>Cribe" the clastic ('O//llllef//an ' em
buckling stress. accounting for gcomctric imper.
fections, In this case. whcre thc behnviour is en· E(./(·/, nu:mhrOlle Slre,U com/JOI/('n/ i.\ Ireuu'J
tlrely clast ic. thc charactcristic buckling <,trel>SCS imlil'icillalll' 10 dell..'rtllilll! tlte correspolldillg
may altcrnativcly be dctcnnincd from sh'fldemen of Ihe shell, il.f proximily 10 a yi(!ld
cOlldilian and il,f carrespolldill8 choT(l('(erislic
C7,Rk;; QxarRcr
hllCklillg .\ Ire,u if Ihal compoIII!III h{lll beell
r~fMk arrxflkr- U(:liIlK ulmle, Ti,e ralios uf '''el'e im/iridllal
dlClrtlcleriSlic bllcklillg SlreSl'Cl' (or Ihe desigll

hlldding ,/rI"\lt'\ (/, rllnl (mill IIIl'III) to ,h,'
lillClIr {'/m/lt' tk/illg\lrnH""\ II ill I<,I('r h..' IIH'd Stre\\ limihllioll
ill UII illlt"ra("/WII ./ormllill In dele/"lIIill(' IIII' t,{,
{l'U oj Ihl' c"omhilll'd 1"ln'n 11(11l' Thil Jiron:· ( I) "\hhtlll·h Out:kh g
""r~' i, II 'lilt/pit' 1I/'1""O.1;/1I1<1lillll lillie:" i"1 ("Oil" initialed lailure phcr.:>mc
l('r\"(I1,,"... hili 101lll'/i/llt".1 il i\ 1""'1" ("tllI~('I"lIli\"l' ~Iilte. "11hlll th" t:hllp (,(,
wht'n: lilt' , '("Iillg Iln'H(', 1'1111" I""l'i,/lI' by hmllmg the deSign
(5) The \(llue or the pl" .. tie limit relnti\e .. Ien- For (,lIdl lIu"mhrclllt' .\In'H CO/llIIOIIt"1/I illCli· .. Ire~.. 1he mlluence III
derne .... ..t,l ..hould be detemlined from: \'idlWI/I", 11t(' lellllin" ,I//e/l .1/t'/ldl"l"IIt'\\' I~ hucklil1~ 'Iren~lh ma~ I1c
ari ~e il~ ilre tilt 01 nll1.'tlll
(Olllld, bdoll' Ilhiell lilt' ('/f('d" Olllllll("/'ial nl'leI
ru (9.6) "'i.~lIili{"Ulllh" Illfl'("1 III(' hlll'4/il/g jlnH.'j'H i( Iltell
II)' reqmremcrlt In Ih (

v"i"/i COlI/pOl/t'lII In"·(' flc'llll"~ 111111/", 01 ("Iml""II', lili,1

It'llt/;. /(J IlIn·(, \1:/lf.lnll(,I/t"/Iek'l"m"\.\t""\ JOl" IIIe>
frum 1f",;,,1 luaJ or Ir~\rn
ciall.:lllhidcr.llwn ,huuld I
0111('1 IIfpl(/.l/if ,"lfl"d.I" IWm'Il/111lid, il lIt'I"'"'-
,\uril\11II 11("( IImtt' 1/111"\\111,"/11 01 th" lOlllhill('d
\lrl'n nmdili()'1
.,. Eq. 9"6,111111\ ";'1' II ("O/ltrollt"d h.l' III" {,{af-
li(' rallgt" {dCIUf· fl,
(6) 'Il,e relatl\e .. hell .. Iendcmf.... ~ param..:te~ for n'I',ll" n.'{alinl/t'mk,.","\lt"\ lin' ./111/\" IlIIa/("
din"ere", ~trc .... c()mponcnt .. ~hould be dctennined gO/u 10 tht· OWI""f/ r,"tt/lin' ,It'IId, ""~ H {or till"
from: cOlIIl'h.,.. Ihdl d,{il/I'd ill 8,J.J.1(7/" bill III'n"
('mil o(til," ,1"tT 1/1"1"11 ,"tI/II/NIIII."tl hl/I ill tIIllI
n:lu/in' .\ h'IIJ, rlll""H.

(7) The ehl~tic critical buckling strcs'>Cs lT1R,r ,11/111" ('"\pn'nioll\ ,(Ir litl' "'til/if" t"l"ilil"(/I hlld-
lilll: ftn'H IlIr tlilfcrclII Xi"IIIII'"trit"\, "mmdull"
a/If" and rl/R.,. .. hould be nhtll llled hy mean .. of
l"olldilioll\ alld Iml(l ,"mCI IIt'11 art' Xil'l'1I ill
the rcleHlIl t e"pre .... lons III Annc" D of ·11111('\ D o( E,' IVVJ·/-6 (eT/ill//"n.' all.! WIlt'I)
LN 1(1)].1.6"
,Ire illdl/tlnl i" Iht' /"1,/"\'11111 t-/It'pll'l",1 01 Part II
IIj ,IIefl' RI,,(IIIIIII('lId<l//O/II. 1,lcIil/llIl"II\', 11t(' (2) DI! pt.'nJlIlg lin
dWl'ftn, flf Pari II ("llIIlIIill II/Orl' (".I/'I"I'lliol/\
for mill'r }!t'(llnl'lrit"1 IIII.! 111",1 (,1\('\

HI) Where no appropnate e'(prc.."ion.. arc gi\ en Tllil dllllll' hrillg\ tIlt" IIIII/.! ('U/( IIllIIillf! ('n'/I

in Annex I) of 1 'I 11Jq]-I·I\, the cln~tie critical dO.Il'r It) Iltt· "\I"\"~ LB. I glohtl/ rr"<lIn/elll
bud"ling ~trc ..'>C.. may be e'(tmeted from a nu- S/,I-'("iol ("'lrl' vU1I/1d he t".an i,,"d II lit II ,'I"rr<l,"t·
merical 1 BA anal}'>i .. of the .. hell under the buck- illg (/ .,ill/<!t' (Tilitlll hllddillg \/1",'\\ I"(lhll" {rolll
ling.rclc\ant combination" of action .. defined in Iht' l'igt "11\""1,,., IIlt'lIIhnll/(" \11""1 I IWlt' (I{ a /.8"1
1:.\ 191)]-1-1\ Section IU (~'C K"2"2"I(I) in thc'>C (II/flfni\ ,-I cit 'C11/n/c'OIllIll,"I/If1n' (1/1 Ilti I m/lt't / , 1)
Recommendation.. )" "-or thc condition .. that this
i, l"t'It'lItt'.! in 9"J.4
analy.. ", mu .. t '><ltl .. fy, \\.'\! Et\ 1993-1-6 SectIons
1(6"2(5) and (6) (!Mo.'\! K"2"2"2(51 and (6) III thf.'!>C
mg mll' r,l.:tlOn l"-:ck
!.t Tl.'S" U tI! "MuM Ix
ckrn'i.'l.l fn/m ,lIt'm} to "n'
111: ,In '\1" 1I1111111t'r f>..' 1I\I'c/ Stress limihltion (bucklinJ.: strclIJ.:lh Hriliution)
IC1f'mufu III dthrmim' Iht' 1'/·
"<11 Iln"1 111I/t'. Thi\ PN}U'- (I) Although buckling is nol a purdy ~ tn=~s· Fmm Ihl! dil'ClI\lioll ill C/WPII'I' 1 of IIWI I' R('c
"Pl'rm:imll/iml "lIidl i,' nm- initiated railure phenomenon. thc buckling hmit if il dear Iha/llldl .lIahilify
H 111m I II iI' nn' (11II1('ITt//iI'('
stille, within this chapter. ~h tlll id be rcprcM:ntcd pIWI/OIII{'IIt/ I'(l/II/ul be l'imph' cI{',I'{'rillec/ ill
In III" I'I/r)' rapidll.
by limiting the design \alue~ or mcmhrnne lent/l' of "'re,He,i;, \loreO\'l'r, Ihe ('olltlp,\(' /'(11/-
,lI/,' lin' I ('0111/"1111'111 iudi· stres<tCs. The influence of bending clYcc!!. on thc dilit", 011.1 l'l!n' Ihid• .I111!1I ' '(If
dl'l,,'lopI (1,,1111'
n, ,h, II I,,",I,,'III'\\' )." il huckling strength may be ncglcctcd pro\lded they li{' medwlli.11II CIllO mllllOl he c/('lui/lt'll III
ari~ as a result or mcctLllg houndary eompatlbll- It ntH 0111 ('ClIt-IIII11C't/ sln's.\ Cli tl ,\illgl(' /on/'
" Ih(' ,/It('h fJf IIWlt ri,11 yidd
jty requirements, In the case or bo.:ncling .. tressc), IUJII, Hul tim'c' fllell hucklillg he/\ II /ollg hil'
Ih t hmf"lill!: pm(t'11 if Ih"l
from local load:. or from tl:cnnal grudients. sp.:· IIIn' ill IIIIi('/, Ih,' huclilillg ('i'elll il tlHoc:illll'd
lIc.f/llg .:JIm" 01 (mint', lhil
el<11 consideration should be gi\ en. i\ illl 1IIl' mell1hralll' \1rl'H III tJ .\lIIg/t' poilll III
:part/It! f/, lid, nI, <\t \ lor Ih('
Ihe .\IId/, Ih(' sln'.\.\ tk.\i/<II nmt'epl 1I~,'d h('re
'Ii. • I~, mmt! "/ 1\ hll h il IIt'( t'l· lor r/lellHllhilill' d..'sigll i\ (I {'olllprull1i~l' 111<11
~ a1st IfII..tll (I/Ihl' (1III1hlll('.1
('0111''''\ Ih,' f'ia{/ic hI/( k1illg n'.fhIWICt' dldl"ck.
lenwJ hl' Ihe .\Irl'H al 011(' I'0illl II'lIh a 1'\('11-
dOp/tI.Hit' n·.liMtlIIC" dlUruc:I{'ri.n'd hI' Ihl' \'idd
\lrt'H (1/ IJII('/H'illl (by 1II{'ll/lf of Eq, 9,1),

I l'OIIIII1CIII (Tili6l/11 u( Ille ,\lr".11 (/Cligll {'C/II-

~/,," \t I ClTt' 111111' (11111111-
r,l/J/n. ,hl/d,nl'IIJor lilt' «'pi fnr hm·f"linK UH,·\ "".,,1/ "f'XIIl'1 1/,,,1 "f 1/'.,
It/,d //I ,,( 2 1,2(7), bill 11('1'<' lilllil 111Ift' ,klilled hy II/(' dwrtl£A'rif/ic" hlld-
'fl I' (IWI/IfIll.,"1 1111\ ill O\\'Il
lill}.! ,IIITIIl".\, 1110",1" ltx'(Jliflll.\' iliaI' ('xiII /1/ WI
illl/k.'I'/('("{ .\l1'1I("{ure when' 111l' itX"Ulll/llllhl'lIl/(
\1/'('1\ i.1 1111/(''' high"'- Ihelll 111l' {'ulnt!alnl
""ucMillgl',reH To Itllt.l' Clew/IIII (II lhi..
,.,.ilil'II/II, IIII! hllc-lt.lillK SIn'" wo/l1d h(/l',' TO h.'
1'l'/i..,,.,.ec/ f(J Il,\ Ihl! ""o/llilllli hlKkllllj.! lilt /II-
lor lilt dtLl/ic ui/i.('u/lm('f,,· "I'flllt' ,\IIT'\\ ", T"l' CEX Pro},"'1 Teal/l 111m
<nlll gtOllltlrit'l, hmllld/IIT dew/fll,,'J LV /993-1-6 lit'cic/{'tl (lgClill,\1 Ihi\
J I tI~t I Ih"1 II/'( gin'" ill ('olllpll"\"il\' (II tI 1'/II1If>..·rwmll' dari/kfl/ioll Ihol
IJ3-I·fJ (0 IlIuit.,.., (Illd Wl/l'I) .l/wultl IJIIII' II{' /lwd \\-//('11 Clhmlllle/\, IWCl'I
rei.'¥tJ'" "/<I/,it /"!) olPllrl 1/
IIIJt1.f Ifftlii/ol/.IIII·, Ih(' (2) IXpcnding on the lo.:lding .lIld 'itrC\),1Ilg Eac:ll Iwd./illg-rdt'l'am IIIell1hrtllll Iln'l I ('0111-
II HIII/,'/1/ mor,' nprt'HiIJ//\ ~itualion, onc or more of the follcm 1Ilg checks for IH)If,'1II 111111/ h..' S('p<ll"clle/r {'IIn·f"ed, (-OIll/Jilrill1!.
~ unJ IOIl.1 tit\( I. the kcy \ alues of single n'k!mbmne ~tress comJlo- m mlmg .h'\' mIlle 11(,('OI'(/ill.l: to 1),1,1,1(1)
IIIe 11.111.1 (,,/111/"'1011 en II nenb <;hould be carried out: Clgaillll Ihl' illdil'idllu/ defigll budlillg f/n'~f,
1.8 ~ gloheJ",.w"m //I
d /It, t It n 1\,,, it h, II e\lrll{ I-
f hue I.lill,f!. \In'" I <lIIIt, Iroll/
bnm~ 'Ir, " 1I1I1t· II/Il LB, J
d mlm, III'If)" 1111 Iltil t/1/1t'I'1 0) If more than one oj thc three huckling- 11"1,1'/1 nllll/Hlred \\'ilh ,h.. ft'I't'ral tfilkn'lll
r..:1c\ lint mcmbranc .. In=.... components aro.: present IlUd/if/1{ illl{'rlldiof/ eXl'l't'lIiOIll 01 1//1' 411t
under the actions under con\idcr.tlion, the follow- fdili(1II III lilt' ECCS Ruolllllu'nd,,'illlll, I/Il
ing internet ion chcek Jor thc combined IIlcmbnll1e I/('\\' LI/. 9.9 i\ .\'0 K('lIt'm/ Ihal il nlll f>..'
~ t ress stale shou ld bo.: carril.-d out: IIdt/JlII't/ III IlIIr fllC'1I eme hy /1/1'(1//\ 01 '''''Iollr
''''''tl/m'll'rl It.,, k//, k, Cllld f"i,' F,wlll{'I'lI/on', iI
1111,1 Ihl! K,wll (/(ll'tlllwge Ihelf il rllII Jlmgrt'~­
\in'/r "'tl/I.I(orlll {i'OIll Cl I\'I!II-('\Iuhli\hecl ('/lll/ie
BIICklillg ofSI('e1 Shells - EllrolJeUII /ksigll R(·(.'ommf!IIclulitJIlS

bllCk/illg imeraclioll for I'ery' lhi" sll('lIs i",o

( )" (ux........,)(u•........,)

I ax,Rd aO,Rd
... (9.9)
mil A/ise.f yield crilerion for I'ery' Ihick fhell.f
(.fee Paragraph (6)),
Specific IX/rtll/wler I'(Ihlcl"/or cylhu/rict/I shells
+ (aO'fA)' + (tAO,f~/)":S; 1 tll'f! gil't!11 ill ",me.:c I) of EN 1993-1-6 (II!I!
Clwptl!r 10), Th('/HI('kgroIllICI to t"I!.~e tTlilldl!r
imeracliol/ plIrt/metel'!>' ",ay bt.' fOIll/(1 ill lI'ill-
Whcre a r /:"" aao,land ~~m:/J are the interaction- ters/(.'Ifer (2()()()) and Wi/lfl!~'telfer t~ Schmi(/t
relevant groups of the significant values of com- (2002).
pressive and shear membnmc stresses in the shell Whell IJeryormillg thl! hucklillg i/lferaclioll (6) Whcn: the , hell
and the values of the buekling intemetion expo- dleck OIl II'liclIIII' cOI1l/,II!:( ,1'/l'e,U field, Ihe includt.-d in Annex D of 1
nent p..1rameters k,. kll ,k. and ki arc given in An- ('rt/ciul dt'cision COllce,."s which "sigllificant ling intl!rnction exponent p;:
servati vely e~ti mah..'tl u\i ng
nex D of EN 1993-1-6, stress \'(lIlies" should he il/eludeel in (III ·'iIlU'r-
lICliml-re/ewlllt gmup" amI Iher(,/ore ,~//Ould
k:r-z l.O+X,
he introduced logelher illfo Eq, 9.9, For u
dil·("IlSj>ioll of this qlleslioll, S('e the cummelllon·
011 Port/graph 5 tllld tIle E;rt{'lIdet/ COllllllemllf)"
9.1.5. Ii. r
1,5 0.5 Xl"
(4) Whcre utt.'d or u(#.'t.I is tcnsilc. its "aluc 111 gCllertll, tens;le Siresse.f ill Iltc orthogonal
directioll 10 Ihe coml'reuil"e .~treu thtll induce~ A, Lr;.la)
should be tuken as ..cro in f"pre ..sion 9,9,
bucklillg enltullcl! Iltl! 11II('/';/ill1: rl!.fisltlllce, !'on.. ~ rules rna)'
NOTl: For axially compressed cylinders wilh HOI\'el'f!r, I/O genemilurlllll/(lliollfor lhis I!ffe("f <;en'ali\ e. but thc~ ha\ ~ t!
internnl pre..sure (lendmg to circumferential len- ;s l/l'ailable at preselll, so tltis elml~e im/icOle.f "'hich arc "'ell e~lahh~h~
sion) :.pcciul provi:sion .. an:: made in Annex 0 of 111m Ihe effN"I fhrl/lltlJw igtlnrt·d mnge of cu:.o;::s:
EN 1993-1-6, The l'C!iultmg valuc of c¥rRd ac- Il0wl!\'er, lit" C{lSI! of WI a:ri{l/~I' cOlI/pres.fed a) in .. cry Ihin ,hdl, the
counts for both the strengthening effect of internal qlimll!r ,mhja:1 10 ill/ernal prl'.\·Sllrt' arise.f and all;~ linear. and
pressure on Ihe clastic buckling resistance and the \'I!ry' ojien ill /(mh, ,~ilos alld olhl!r ('ontailler,\', h) in "cry thick .. hdb thc ir
weakening effccl of the clastic-plastic elephnnt's so special prol'il·ioIU· fur l!ti.r (1/"(' lilt/tie ;1/ EN of "on M I ~s.
foot phenomenon (Expression D.43 in EN 1993- 1993-1-6. 71ll'w.' vx'cial l'rfnoisiO/u motlif)' Iltc
1-6), If the tensile uOI:.'d is then lukcn m, .. ero in ('alcli/(Ilet/ 1'(lllIe 01 Ihl! rl.'.I·i.ftmICI.' /(J a 0111.'- 9.3 Extended conn
Exprc~sion 9,9.thc buckling strength;s accuratcly dimel/,fioll,,1 compressil'c stl'e.u fidd UfRJ. so
rcprcscntL'tl, lite correct re.wlt is {lcltiel'C'lI for Ilti.rwl'l'lIgth-
9.3,1 The usc of classic:
elfillg {1Jecl whell atf,' ;.f igllor('ll ill I!q. 9,9.
(5) Thc locations and ,'alucs of each of the For a genera! .ftrI!S,f field im'O/I'illg all l!tree Thc membrane rrehuddm~
buckling-rele\'ant membmne stresses to be uscd memhrtllle ,flre.u COlI/pOl/em.f, Ihl! lIunimliRl resistance. so Ihc'll! arc \ er
together in combination in Expn."S!!ion 9,9 are ,'ollie of eadl {OOlflIJOllelll Il'il/ II(x'euarilr occur ..Ire,....talcs in ~hell ~truell
defined in Annex D of IN 1993-1-6, ill 0 d{ffcrclI/ locatiol/, Since hllcklillg (x"("llr.f
since mO!ot of the literature
O\"er a fi"i/c :om!, il i.f ""fllml to thillk tltllt
fomlUlas. so it I~ entlrel) III
high wreue\ (1t (lifTerl'lIl tocaliom RIm' ill/er-
to d('Cide II'liid/ .Hre.u
tlCl, so it i.\ IIlCce.Han'
m/lies should be com billed ill Eq. 9.9.
9.302 I\ e~ \ II lu ~ of "Ie,
If Ihl! CUfl! /IIltier COllsidl!ratiOI/ i.~ 1I0t dealt
nith i11 Anfl"x D ofE.V 1993-1-6 (see COllllflCII-
To unde ..... tand the need fl'
to,)' 011 dUl/sl' (1)), lit" follml'illg cOluit/l'm-", it i~ helpful to rcn
tiO/IS arc rc/emlll, A,f (I gl'llC'ral nlll!, tlte hl/d-
complex sl~~ Mat~ musl
lillg ('heck i.1 (JI//.' reqlllred to he (11,,,li('" /(J lite
this must gcnernlly be und.
set of membralle stn'n compollents Ih"t arl'
tremely !limplc elementary
present at eadl poim ill lit" stnlclllre Tltc
iour of a ~hcll under a COI11

Rllle.1 for IIII.' bucklillg limil slllte asSC.fsmelff "sing slrC.fS desigll

;011 for 1'l'I)' 111m ,slleJl~ mlO ,ffreues ill diffircm localioll.' (a.r defill('(/ ill
'rilerioll for I'en IlIiclc .rhell, 9.1.1, 1(1) a.f "key \'alllC.f '') do ,tol need to be
in. coli/llf.'li. Huwe.'er. there may be special cases
'r 1"<1/III.'S Jor cl'lil/Jricul.fhdls' whc're Ihe COl/piing ojstresses of dijferem loca-
'ICf 0 of f.,V 1993-1-6 (see '0
tiOIl.f sho/lld be recommelu/ed be'
f,adgrolllu/io 111t'.re n'lim/er cel'lai" of II slife procedllre. Nel't!rtlteless. it
.~//f)lIld be 1U)led 'hal prtICliG,(11 CJ(llmples oj
·11.'11!1'":I mUl' III! fmmd IfI Will-
alld Il"illiersieller & Sdmddl CIIS('!.- where this is lIece.U(lry hal'(' IIOt yet beclI

s:- Ihe budlinK i/llertlClioll (6) Where the shell buckling condition is not 1'ltc cho.fell \'OllIe$ of the imeraclioll paramc-
caf~r complex .ftreu field, the included in Annex 0 of EN 1993- 1·6. the buck· ters leatl to rather co,uen'ali\'e estimates oj
(1J11n:nJs II'hi('h "sigllijicallt ling intemction exponcnt paramctc~ may be con- re,fi.lf(mce based all engilleering jlldgement
scrvati\-ely estimalL-d using: oml tlte gelleral literature OIl shell sWbilil)'.
mid lit, illduded ill WI "illler-
TUlip" ulld tllcnjofl! sholl/d
k... 1.0+ Z.
, The \'01111.'.1 /IlWC bl'Cl/ tIe/iberale(l' cIJose" 10 he
". (9.10) milch lower tl/lm the ' ·Ollle.f for cylinden giwm
gelher illlo £q, 9.9. for a
qllt'II/OI/. R'i! Ihe ('Oll/mcntan' itt Allllex D oJEN /993-1-6 (S('C Chapler 10 of
... (9.111 Ihese Rf.'t'Olfl",cttckJtions). These \'01I,es for
iIIJ tilt' Evtl'nckJ Commelllan'
k r --1.5+ 0.5Xr
, ... (9.121
cylillders IU(l'(! bee" thorollghly reseaTrhed in
II/(IIIY sludiC.f. bill Iheir accuracy whell applied
Ie .\Ircuc\ tile ortlwgtJ/wl
11/ 10 other ,ftnlCl/lre.r i.f less cerlai". II is thollght
k ... (9.131
~mpn'ssil"e Siress Ihal illdllct's • Ihal Iltey .fhol/ld he consen'aliw! for mOllY
'l' Iht /md/ing resisiallct!. NOTE: These rulcs may sometimes be \ery con- other geomctries. bill both IIIlmerical afld i!X-
'ral Jilnllll/ulion fi" Ih'.1 "O'el't servative, but they ha ....e the two limiting cases perimelllal tlata all Ihem is rather scarce.
nt'lII, ,~u tillS dm/!ic indicatc.I which arc well cstablished as safe for a Wide
JIM be igllom/. mnge of cases:
1'C of 1111 oxiof/I' compre.ued a) in vcry thin shells the intemction between 0:.
to ilflt'nwl prc:,slIre 'Irises and 0"0 is linear; and
ct. ,fifo,f and other colllaillC'r.f, b) in vcry thick shells the intemetion becomes thnl
iOlu for l11i1 liN.' mllt/e ill EN of\"on Miscs.
IH..'Ci<1/ prol'i.liflllS IIIcx/ifi' the
oj III.' r.'sisf{//lce 10 a olle- 9_3 EXlended commentary on buckling slress design
rI.'nin' .Itn:,\\ fidd (F,RJ. \0
i.1 urlliewd fur l1Ii.1 .l/rel/Mlh-
9.3.1 T he use of chusica l formulas for r eMI shell buckling conditions
alEd U igllon.'cl ill £q, 9.9.

'.\.\ {tdd illl"Ofl"lllK off three The membmne prebuckling strcs!t state Icads to relothely simplc analytical fonnulas for the critical
rompofll'IIIS, tlte /I/(Uillllllll resistance, so these are vcry wcll suited to hand calculations that must rely on ronnulas. Thc real
r:menl I\'ill f1C'Ceuarill' O«IIr stress states in shell structures may not be very close to these purely membrane stress statcs. but
tum, Sim'l' bllddmg tk'l'lIr.r since most of the literature on shell buckling relates more accurate infonnation and tcst data to these
, it i\ lIulllrul to Ihillk Ihat fonnulas. so it is cntirely appropriate to retain them in hond calculations. Sec also thc discussion in
ilTton.,,1 /(x:uliulls m(ll' illler- 4,6,2,
fury' to cit'Cidi' 1l"IJichftreH
'on/hillt'd ill £q 9.9.
9.3,2 K c~ \ alues of mcmbnnc stresses
cmuidt'rotion if not dC'alt
if£.\ /993-/-(\ (,fee COIII/rlel/-
To understand the need for such an app..'\rently unusual quantity as the "key value of mcmbmne
n, lilt' follollill): ('omid.·ra- stress". it is helpful to remember the ambitious aim of the buckling stress design procedure: very
A.f a gt'lItnJI mIl'. II,e hllc/.;.-
complex stress states must be as.'-Csscd 10 c\altulle the safety of the structure against buckling. but
reqllired 10 /It. appli£'d 10 ,hc'
this must generally be undcr1llken by means of buckling stresses which have been derivcd from ex-
sIren f.'o",/)(Jllt·III,I' t/WI are
tremely simple elementary shell buckling stress SlllICS, If it is postulated that the buckling behav-
il/l ill Ihe .Itmell/re. The
iour of n shell under a complicated mcmbmne stress field cnnnot be worse than its behnviour undcr

BfI(-A/illg vI S/('('I Shell, • F.llmp,·,m lX.\I.~II RtHJmmt·"dvl/l}/!"

a unifonn mcmbranc ~tre~~ field. pm\idcd thai the eom.t:mt SlfCS!> \'alue I!; taken Il~ Ihe maximum l nlil nll\\, h... t.:
.. tn.... ~ \ alue of the \ :triahle field. then the general proccdurc of 1- N 1993·)·6 is thc rc<;ult_ ...adl uf tht.: ~mgk nc
I hI" e\ cr. 1Il000t fl.: )
rhe maXlinUIll (compre!;!;i,e) ,alue of each membrune "Ire"" i" d.=fined a~ II'. "key \ :tluc" \() Ihal It
may be compared 10 a dl!'iign buckling !;trChll deri\Cd from Ihe elemcnlary cu...c a!l'tOCialed \\ith ,I nll.xi ....,.alcl) Simple lOt
buclding undcr a !;ingle .. Ire.... (axial eompre.... ioll qr' external prc~ .. Llrc u/I alld to""lon hmed la, r...'tjUlI\.·d by , ~
r,/I) Thi .. elementary eomparic;on i!) a eonscr.:1I1\C procedure. Whcre Ihe mcmbrune .. Irc .....c" all~ include all tllrCl! 01

change quite rapIdly ncar the maximum \alue. thc proce..!; hL-cotnc.. \Cl) COIhCI"\-:tll\'e hL"Cau!.C Ihe \ulue Ilf c.lCh "r 111,' Ihr~
fonnalion of a buckle requIres a high !)Ire!;!) o\er a Lone comparuble \\ jlh the .. uc of Ihe bucklc Ihal ale .. Ihe e\en IIlIIr\: ""11;,,,1.
may form. If II .. Ire ......Iille lI1\ol\e.. a ,'cry localised Slress, then thc de!llllblli!tlllg efTcct i!; ruther Irlxiw.:ed inlol ~. I)') 1 ~,
millor. and the Ireut1l1cnt gi,cn hefC i, ,cry con"cl"\'ati,e. A heller trealmenl reqUIres, howc\'cr. an
e\'aluallon of thc "i/c of potcntial bucklc" and their indi,iduill ~trength .. , and ,inee a ..hell under 9.-'.-' Ilu' \Iahilil~ rl'(itn
gi\cn loadmg I.. "uscc)lllbic to a largc number of dilTerent buckling mude ... each \\jlh a difTerenl
"Irenglh. Ihi .. la.. k " nlll ....nple. I he pre~nl treatment is relained pcndlllg furthcr ad,ance in idea~
I he general lonn lor tht.:
on ho\\ 10 munage buckling ~trcngth a!l'tC ...... mcnl" in 10111..... of,arymg !;Ire .....
Ihe) 11N1-I·(, I j rd
\\hl ... h I.:ar. ke man jlnt.:r
A~ an engincermg approxlIl1ation. it may c;omeljme.. be appruprilltc to chOlhe thc key \aluc of <I
"Irung roll;
mcmhrune "Ire, .. a.. a \illue that i, smaller than the maximum \alue. A common CXlllllP1c uf .. ueh u
"ituation i.. found in thc ele\aled membrane stre!tSCS ncar restr-llned edgcs (boundarie'lo) ora shell.
\\here Ihe ma\lmum \alul...... may oceur al the re .. lrainl..-o edge ihelr lhc'ic .. tn-....~c'i cannot cause
buckhng as thc edgc Ihelr n ... lrnllh Ihe buckling di")lI<1celllenh. Since II buckle elln only lonn if the
..trelo .. field I'i "ulliclemly high mer an area comparable ill slLc "ilh Ihe buckle Ihal mighl fonn. a
"' ne
!il ell
lit.: c llapse n all; uthe
"11ll)l1e rule for cyllTldrlcal .. hell .. may be deri,ed as tallow .. : "'le,ated membrnne "tre,,~ .. that de-
Ille (' tit.: Impc:rt bud; I
\ clop Wllhln a band 01" \\Idth, adjacent 10 a re"truined l-oge recd nol be con .. idercd In buckling strc 'Ih I; \dupe luoc
calculation .... (.....'\: 1- ig. 9..\).

'1 he lilm paramc\t.; ul the

ca ...e 10 ha'e Its II\\n IIIdl\ld
"l.Ihilll) r,l\e 01 mllu nee 01
Ihell0 Imlll rulhsls I

I hi ... rd lion hl)ll~ the u t.:l

P, Recnl1l1n ...'11.I.ttIOli I he
11\ it) and a Illleat .. I s I -P
I I~urc 9_'; An c'(am)llc of the application of lodge band 2.r;; rule: l.:\ll11plctc rclailim h p \\ P
A C) lllldncal shell" lIh an ooge-,"ncncd CUl--(lUl may be Immd 10 Ro 1\; (200
Th~ atxl\e ...... lon relates 10 a ~pecific ca~ ofrc<;lraincd ctlg.:... In other ca...c" ~JX.'Cial kn{l\\I·
edge ma) he a\allahle frmn num!!rical or cxperimental !>ludic" \\hich may idemify a panieular 93.4 CriliCliI bucklinlC
.. trc...~ 'Illue .... \thin Ihc complelc \ariahle .. tre" .. field (or c\en a licllllou, !;trc'\ \'alue) that may be
adopled as Ihc "key \aluc" to be compared to the rcfercn~~ ....nplc budding "Ire.... I \.amplc" of I he cI Ie (nllcal oock I
thi'i "llIIallon include the I '1/ 1993·1-6 Annex D de"ign rult: ... lor buckling of qlindricnl "hell .. of a hnear 1.'1 tH hlfut\ Iton
~tcp\\l ..e \ariahlc \\all Ihickne ..s under e\.lemal pre!>!>ure (M:\! (lapler II of Ihe'iC Recommenda- (If f ' 19'n·l-tt and I I
tion .. ), the rule .. for ..Iod.. y cylindrical .. hells undcr \\ ind loading (sec Chapler 12 of Ihe"c Recolll- on lhlS Ihl.'OI"C\lC I Ill(
mend.lliolh). and the rule .. fur conical .. hell .. under circumfeTCntial com)lre .... mn ;Jnd shear (scc sumpllOn III a PUI\; nenb
Chapler 1:\ of thc\C Recommcndlltion~). condilinn .. 10 S..."1;ll<ll .. flJ
ti(llh ma~ he !{lUnd 1 ran I
alue I' taken a~ Ih~ m.1Xlmum Until no". these cases ha\c all been Ireated by trying 10 find an appropriate value (kc)' \alue) lor
,)3- 14i I~ Ih~ l'C'oult, cnch orlhc smgle membrane ~tre" bud.ling cheek~ ..... hill>tlhmg the .. implc procedure of I·q. ').1<'
lIo"c\er. mo~t real ~hell ,lruclUrcl> lire .. uhJCCh,..d 10 rdali\ely complex eombinatiun.. of loading
,ed a~ il~
··ke} \alu~··!tO Ihill il from different sourcel> (dead. I,\e. wind" .. now. eanhquake. thennal etc.). each of"hich ma), induce
=m~ntal) ea'>!! a,..ocialed \\ilh amooer.tlely simple stress slalC. Whcn thc ~tre .. '>C~ ari~mg from the indi\iduallood cn~ are com-
lemal pre~~ure a"
and lon.ion bined (ns requm_-<i by ]'''S 1990). the re .. ultmg .. tre" .. llltC" ilre genenilly mlhcr complicated lind 1"'11-
,\ h~n.: the membrane \ Ire\<;c\ lilly indudc all thn..-c of the l11embnll1e .. tre .... ctlmptlllen.... In general. the penk buekling-n:le\ill1t
\llitie or each of lhc three membmne ~ t re"e, (1" (1Uund 'tUOCCUn.11I a differen t location, Thi .. erc-
\ cl)' con ~T\'atl\'c 1x.'C3u!>e Ihe
"ilh th~ ..i/c of the buckle Ihlll ales Ihe even more difficult tn~k of choo"ing the propcr intcmctlOn-rcle\':tnt st rcl>~ vlllue~ to be in-
,~ ,.lc,lahili,ing effeel il> Mher troduc,..d into Eq. 9.9 ( 9 ..1.5).
-":lItment require,. ho" c\ er. an
!Iglh,. and "nee a ~hell under 9.3.3 The s l a bilil ~ r educ tion fac tor ;(lI lId its fo rm
. mllde . each \\llh a different
ndiny further ad\anl.:e in ide.l ..
Thc geneml fommt for Ihe n:dul,;lion factor it u~ed hen: hil' heen de\c1ollCd "pcl,;ially for
the EN 1993-1-6 standard. Thi .. lonnat cunl>i ..... uf a pla~tic plateau. an clastic-plastic il1lerlll,;tion
"hlch can take many different !.hal"'C". and an ela .. uc: regIOn "here Imperfection ,"emltl\lly plilY," a
I l) ..:ht'lO'>C the kc) \alue of a
,trong role.
-\ etlnlmtln e,amplc of .. uch 3
I.-Jgl.... (btlunJaril.... ) of a ,hell.
TIle TC3!>On for the de\c1opm~'nt of thil> fonnal i.. Ihat l>hell structurc-. of dillcrent gcomelrie~ ilnd
·lbl."SC ~trl!'l>",,""" l.:al1not I.:UU:.c
undcr dillerent 10.1dll1g condillon<; dl ria)' a \cl)' greal \anety of clastic-plastic inlcractlon.. , In
oe a bud.le Clm only 10n1\ if the .. mne ca<;e<,. there i.. ahnn" nllllltcractltlll ht..'t:ilU'-I! tho.: phenomena of the c1a .. tic hucl..le and thc rla ..-
he hudde that might fonn. a tic eul1arM: mode arc mlher .. eram1e ilnd dil>linct. Thi .... ituiltiun produee~ .. tn:nglh pn.-<iictiun .. where
1.-<1 membrane ,tn.:,,~, Ihal d~­
the elaslic imperfect bueklin~ l>trcn~th ilnd Ihe pl,,~til,; cul1apM: strenj;!th almOlot define il bucklin/o!.
I not tic con~ldered In buckling ~trcngth en\elope alone.

By contra .. t. in other ea'oC". Ihe pla'tic I.:lllhlp..e mude and budding mode arc cloM:ly relaled, lind
\ery milrked strenglh n.-ductiOlI" arc found "hen the impo:rfecl cla~lic buckling .. trenglh i.. moocr-
alely high. The fonn orlhe ~tablhty rt.-dul,;llon h'h tx>ell de\eloped 10 accommodate these dillerent
pa.. .. ihilit ie .. in a gencral and no.:,ible manner.

The four pammeten. of the il1lcraeliun lire u. It 'I and A41. They pennit elleh .. hell geometry lind luad
ell'oC 10 ha\ e ill> own individuill al>l>el>.. ment uf imllCrfection ~en .. ili\ ity. initiation of yield clkcL.. on
l>tability. rate of innuence of }icld ctlt.'t:I!>. and rclilti\ c slendenlelolo at which the small displacemcnt
theol)' plastic limit analYSIS lood ... exceeded.

Thi., rclation,hir i~ Ihe outcome of a long dc\clormenl ~inl.:e the rublication of the ... ~ Edition of Ihc
Recommendations. The change in the detinillon of ~lendemC!>s thaI eliminated imperfcction sensa·
II\lIy and a linear elastle'rlas'ic Intemellon .... ere propo'>Cd by Schmidt (1991. 199,1). and thc final
comrlele re1alionl>hip wa .. pmpol>cd by KllIIer (1')1)')). I' unher infonnation outlining It.. u....... fulne"
may be found in ROllo.:r (.2005}.

In tither C;:ht..... 'rccial knowl -

ch rna) identll} a (lanicular 9.3,,4 C ritical buc kling ~trCS!ies frolll n,: cigcnu lue a n a l~!ii!i

Olh ~tn..... ~ \alue) Ihal rna) he

bu..:kling ~Ireh i- ,amplel> of The clastic critical buckling .. trcl> .. e~ .... hich nre Ilo.:edo:d for the ~trel>" dC'iign procl..'<iurc.. deri\'c from
' kting of C) hndrical lohell .. of a linear clastic bifurcallon (el~ell\'nlue) anal),,,,, (1 11"). MOl>t of the expre~<;ion<; gi\ en In Annex ])
I."r I I of th~ ..c Rccilinmenlt.- of I·N 1993-1-6 and included In the rc1e\i1ll1 chapte..... of Pan" of tlu..'l>C Recommcndatllln.. ure
Chilrler 12 lIf the ..e R~e(llll­ bll~l.-d on Ihi~ thL-orcticnl mOO..-l. 1\-1o.. t of the'oC exprc.... ion .. "ere dcri\ed u,ing the ··da .... icar· .".
,,:olllprCl<o~ion and .. hear hec .. umplion of a pure m~lIlbmnc rrebuckling .. tate (~cc al ..o the e,tended eOllllllentllry on bound.lry
condilion!> in Seclion 4.6). AdditIOnal expressions lor Ihe crilical buckling stress under othcr eondl-
tion~ may be found in Pan II as \\ell a .. in the ... hell huckling literature.
Buckling ofSleei Shells - Ellropc'''' Design R('Commentimio//!;

II is a relatl\ely simple matter to obtain the clastic critical buckling stresses for a particular shell
stresses a1 and a,~
<;trueture directly from the dcsigner's own LBA analysis. This is explicitly statcd m EN 1993-1-6
acting de~ l b'l1 ~ l rc .. \C ..
(M.'C of these Recommendations). Where this calculation is perfomled. care should be
taken to ensure that: analysis is marked a~
a) the soflwure is cupable of detecting the lowest eigenvalue. especially when there are muny obtai ned as aIR. r.O'
closely Sp..1Ced clgcnvalues: notes the fact that each i..
b) the numerical modcl of the structure is adequate to represent the buckling mode well (it Ii mates may be used to
should be noted that a model that is adequate for stress analysis may be completely inndc- fi nd m c harnclcri~l l c

quate for an eigenmode enleulation):
where the lowest eigenvalue is associutL-d with un cigenmode that is in 1\ p..1rt of the struc-
intcnlclion dc .. ign """,j"
proach. II ~ hou ld
ture for which the clastic imperfection reduction filctor a is assessed as larger (less sensi- far from a unmxiul ' IfC'; S S
tive) than that for cylinders under axial compression. additionul eigenmodes should be ex- dure. the outcome ... unl"<lnl
plored to detcrmine whether an eigcnmode with II higller critical resistance mny have II
smaller eilistic IInperfection reduction factor a lending to a lower design resistance.

There are three main conditions under which it may be advantageous to obtain the clastic critical M:n.lnmm a ,
buckling stress using a finite clement or similar analysis. These arc:
i) shell geometries that are not explicitly identified within these Recommendations (e.g. cyl- 0,
inders with discrete stiffeners. cones with stepped .... alllllickn\!ss or ellipsoidal shells). In
th~ caS(.'S. there may be no hand calculation procedure offered in the Recommendations:
ii) load combination!> lending to complex loading cases. In these cases. the hand calculation
procedure offered in the Recommendations may be onerous to perform and very eonscrva-
iii) eonditions where the stress analysis of the complete structure is already being pcrfonncd
using a finite element model to find thc acting design values of the stresses. and little extra
effort is needed to obtain a good estimate of the clastic critica l buckling resiSlance.

In these cases. it is importllnt that the linear eigenvalue analysis should be perfonned in accordance
with thc procedures sct out and commemed in Section 8.2 of these Recommendlltions. This advice
is not repeated here. However. the task of extracting reasonable or appropriate values for the criti-
cal buckling stress (lind not just an eigenvalue) from the cnleulatcd prebuckling (aetmg) stress state
is not ulwaYli liS simple us it may sound. I-"Igurt 9.4: Int.

When the load easc under consideration produces only one ofthc three buckling-relcvant membrane
stress componcnts. this task is not difficult and cun be solved in a straightforward manner. The ex- One naluml way out u f Ih i:
ample of u chimney presented in is such a simple cusc. Instead ofpcrfonning a MNA/lBA load eombinationl 1-;, into
design check. onc could extract the critical circumferential buckling strcs5 a(ffrr directly as the proximately) the pure ~ 1Il ~ 1
maximum acting circumferential compressive stress Ug;;,/ augmented by the eigenvalue R". It is it is pos"ible 10 pcrlllnl! 3 1
then liimple to perform a stress design check. Fig. 9.4 they are call1!d ,.. l
in Eq. 9.9. An c\umpt..: .... t
Howe\er. when the load case under considcration produces two or all three of the buckling-relevant ea!>CS. it is not po-... iblc. It
membrane stress components. the tusk pro\CS to be more complex. The reason is that the LBA !.lIion used m 1' 1\ IIN'· I ·
analysis here includes the mlernetion betv.ccn the different stress components. but only in a linear \Ire .." eomponent\ mtu Ihe
clastic scn'iC for the perfect structure. Whm is required here is to separate the effects of the two or but un unfonunate uutcOllll.
three components so that imperfection and plasticity effects can be accounted for in the individuul
components before recombination takes place using the intcrnct)on formula (l::q. 9.9). The most
difficult p..1rt of this process is the separation of the LBA eomponcnLs. nnd this is illustrntcd in the
follo .... ing.

Rule., for Ihe hucklillg Ii/llil~u/lc ClssessmclIIlIsing slress design

Figure 9.4 shows the ma~imum \alues of the stress state in a t\\O component case with membrane
; ~trcsses for a particular shell stresses O:r and (To Beginning with thc dcsign load combination F EJ. thc maximum values of thc
plicitly stated In EN 1993-1 -6
I is pcrfomled. cure should be
acting design stresses (max (T,F..,) and (max (T(F..') are identified. TIIC result of the LBA eigeTlvalue
analysis is marked as Rr... Thcn lower bound estimates for thc critical buckling stresses may be
':Specially when there arc lIumy obtained as O:rRcr.t' (max (T.rF../).Rr,. and (T6Rcr.(' (max r7(£d).Rm "hcre the final subscript e de-
notes the fuct thut each is a conservative estimllte of ill. uniaxial critical buckling stress. These es-
!nl the buckling mode well (it lim:lIc!> may be used to delinc the slendcmclolo and imperfection sensith'ity for elleh component to
ysis may be completely inade- find its characteristic buckling Mress. lind these characteristic values are finally introduced into the
intentetiun design procl.:dure of EN 1993- 1-6 . This is a dil1..'Ct, but general ly very eonservali\c ap-
Jc that ilo in a pan of the stme- proach. It should be recognised Ilml this procedure is really only eITecti ve if thc load 1"1th is quite
. 3!i!>CSscd as larger (less scnsi- far from a uniaxial stress Slate. Where a stress state close to the uniaxial is treated by this procc-
:mal cigcnmodcs should be cx- dure. the outcome is unfonunllcly domin:lIcd by the wrong stress component.
critical rc!>il>tallCc may huve u
O\\Cf dc~tgn rcsist:mce. bifuremion under
partial load group F~
JS (0 obtain the elllStic critical Maximum o~

~ Recommendations (c.g. cyl- ~


or cllip!>Oidal ~hells). In
:red in the Recommcndalion~ : --- -- R..
loading path
under F
~ cases. lhe hand calculation
to perform and ... cry conserva- - " ,, bifurcation under
ll'C is already being pcrfonned
Ed ,, panilliload
max(a, ld) I------~"
,of the stresses. and lillie eXlru
al buckling resistance.
Id be pcrfonncd in uccordllllcc
ecommenootions. This udvicc
~propriale values for the criti- prcbuckling
buckling (acting) stn."SS stme state
Figure 9.4: tnlemeticn bet\\;.:en buckling-rclcvllnt membmnc stress components
when u~ing LOA IInal)'S4."S
buckling-re1cvam membrane
ightforv.ard manner. The ex- One nalUrul way OUI of this unfonunme dilemma is to try to decompose the acting design load (or
kI ofpcrfonning a MNNLBA load combination) FJ into fictitiol& 1"1nial loads (or 10..1d groups) thm each produce (at least ap-
lotreslo r7(ftrr directly as the proximately) the pure single stress fields inhcrent to the real combined stress field (Fig. 9.4). Then
is by the eigcll\·aluc R,.... It is il is possible 10 perfoml an cigenvlllue analysis for each of these fictitious panialload groups (in
Fig. 9.4 they are culled F, und Fo) und obt:tin more <; ullllble values for t7" .Rrr and r7O.Rr,. IO be used
in Eq. 9.9. An c..:ample where this d(..'Compo<'itlon is possiblc is shown in Fig. 9.5. In many other
three oflhe bud:ling-rclevant cases. il is not possible. It should be clearly understood that thi!. problem arises because the fonnu-
The I'CU.'>On is thaI the LOA Imion used in EN 1993-1-6 has placed all al>pccb of the interuclion between the three diITerent
mpo11Cnts.. but only in a linear stress components inlO thc onc equallon (Eq. 9.9). This is not an inherent feature of shell design.
te the effects of the t\\-o or but an unfortunatc outcome of the procedure devised for hand calculations.
COUnted for In the individual
fommla (Eq. 9.9). The most
and tIli., is illustrated in the

BlIckli"g ojSU!I!i Shell\ - Ellropt.'OIl Dl!sj~1I R(!Com",ellddIiIJII.~

de .. i!!n strc!>M.'), due to the

TIll': remainder of Ih," ,on

·1he t"CqUlrcl11l!nl of
potnt 01 \\ hich the . I
\\ ell kno\\ n Ihal local t
1003: Song ct aI., lOW.
often \'ery eonloCnlltl\e.
(Rouer. 1996. l00:!u).
li\c hand cakuhlllon
Load .". - r,o +
1:lgure 1J.!Ii: Simple c'Iumple ror dccompo!>itlOn or a load 11110 partlalload~ .... ith "pure" slIIgle membnlOe
and all lood e3'tC';. It
tend over n 70,""::',~~:;;,:'~
ual point may II
"tress statCli
An e\en morc ,0n"",·.,,1
9J.5 Buckling interaction bernf'('n differenl membrane slress components highcst \ alue of c,,(h
combined u"ng Ihc 1nteructions under uniform ,tre's llialell minillli The ,u,"bi"~

The buckling strength tntcmction c'l:pn........ iun ghcn in I.:.N 1993-1-6 (~Iq. 9.9 in abO\e)
Ilo\\e\ cr. \\ht."fI tl) mg
has been fonnul:ued in a manner Ihat is us geneml as possible so thnt it can be adapled 10 any shell
nile by pcrfonning a
case for \\hieh relemnt kno .... ledge is a\ailable. The ideu behind the chosen fonn of the equation i~
thilt the proper choice
thut it captures the gencrnl concept behind well estnbli~hed clastic shell buckling ll11cmelions (e.g.
eommentury R.l.3.7l.
Yamaki. 1984) bUI il eun also be made 10 tmnsfonn into the \'on Mlses' yield ~urfaee for \ cry thick
shclls... imply by choosing appropri:uc expressions for the four pammeters 11,. 11 0 • IIr lind ",. The that thclly
'>Cn.,lll\ \'a"n::o~o~',e
u :::'~~i~
cxprcs!oioll!o in Eqs 9.10 10 9.13 pro\ ide a snfe inlemction for all ~nown cases. bUllhey may onen be
'cry con~""lIti\c. In n ,ery thick shell. allthn.-c or the buckling reduel10n raetol"'i for ela~tic-pla."tic
9.4 Examples
effects l'•. l'onnd l'r mo .. e towurd 1.0, ond Eq. 9.9 upproaehcs von Misclj' yicld surfnee. It should
be nDlcd thnt J;qs9. 10 to 9.13 arc nOI lxlscd on sophi\licaIL'd nutllcricalmodelling. but they ha\e
been dc,' i~'d in such a way as 10 be much morecon!>C .... uti\c than any of the known interaction la\\lo o example" for the
for indi\iiduaJ shell buckling problems thlll ha,e lx.-cn explored. Thcy nrc 'ery much '>lifer than the render's nllcnlion i..
eorrespondtng well-researched c!'(prcsloioTls ror cylinders. Gennan. thc refercn(c
1KKOO-4. much or the
By contrast with the IIbO\'e. Ihe buckling strenglh internet ion pammetcrs lor cylindriellilohelis given prmide ten complete
in EN 1993-1-6 (sec Section 10.2.6 of thcse Rccotllmcndtllions) arc \cry wcll e!.tnbli"hed by both shells.
Iht."Orctical and e:<perimentni evidence. They were deri,ed rrom simple imerdelions bct\\CCIi lxlsic
load cnses on cylindrical ... hell!. (Yamakl. 1984; Schmidt and Winten;tellcr. 2(04). In J>.1nicular. the 9.S References
inter:lctinn bct\\eell axial compression Ilnd e~ten131 pre!<o'ture. the interactIon between IIXill1 compres-
sion and torsion and Ihe intemelion bemecn extemnl presloure nnd torsion ha .. c each been studied.
and Ihese indh'idua l mternclion relaliolbhips ha .. c delennined the geneml p(mer law interaction <':ai. M.J .. I tel,11',1. J "'~
Cylindrical Shcll,
rule gi\en in (3) abo\e. Recent numerical research prodaced quile aceuralC relationships ror
ch;l1Iics Confcrem:c.
Ihc mter.actioll par-unCleI'!> ror cylinder buckling under unifonn slr1!S3 slales (Wintenileller. 2000;
Winter.tetler and Schmidt. 2002): \he<'c ha\e lx.-C1l adoplL'd into Annex D or EN 1993-1-6 (2007)
~rieh. C. and .,.I",el
(sec 10.1.6).
bmekcts". Journal of, ~on-uniform lilresli lilah's

There is a more difficult quc:.lion where the shell is not subJecl to unifonn stress condItions. which
is commonly the Ctl.-'>C. Under such circumstances ...ome choice must be madc concerning which
~lrueIUn..'S. CF.I\. IlnM,1

Rules for tile hltt:kJillK Iim;1 Slale lISsessment /lsillg s/rt.'u de-tig"

design stresses due to the applied loads should be combined in this intcraction strength aS~)Smcnl.
Thc remainderoflhis commentary is concerned with Ihat choice.

The requirement of Annex D of I~ N 1993·1-6 IS thai e,ery point in the slrueture must be tre:lled as a
point at which Ihe buckling inleraction rule for unifonn stress stmes may cause buckling. Hut It i..
\\cll known that local high slresses induce buckling only under much higher stresses (Clli et aI.,
2003; Song et al .. 2oo·t Guggenbcrger et nl, 2004; Docrich. 2(08). This requiremcnt is thcrefore
often very conservati ve. Although thc conservlll ism of this treatment is sometimes con~idernble
(Rottcr. 1996.2002:1). 1111.: s hell buck ling research community hlls not ye t idenlitk-d II less conscrva·
ti\-e hund calculation proced ure thai can be Ilssured to producc safe predictions for 1I11 gcometriL'S
F. and all load eIlSCS. II s hou ld be recognised that buck ling genernlly requires the high stresses to ex.
tend over 11 zone comlXlruble in si7e with II typical buckle, so the check of the )trcsscs Ilt an indi\id.
ual point may underestimate the strength considerubly.

An e\en more conservative nl temati\e is also olTered in Annex 0 of EN 1993·1·6 in \\hich the
componenlJi highcst 'vulue of cach of the three membrane stress componcnts III dilTerent locations in the shell arc
combined using the unifonn SIn.'S.i intcraction rule. This is oITcl\..--d so that thc design cffort can be
minimised. The combimuion of the three membrane stresses from diITcrcnt parts of the shcll docs
not hu\c a good basis in mechanics.
lee i-q. 9.9 In ubO\c)
Ilo\\en~r. \\ hen trying 10 0' creonle the ob, IOUS O\cr-conscrvolism of the buckling Mrcss intcraction
1 it can be 81i.1ptcd to any shell
rule by performing a global numerical MNAlLHA analysis. the design engineer should be n\\arc
coo...:n form of the cqulllion i ..
Ihut the proper choice of the 0\ crall buckling parumeters is of comparable difficulty (sec e~tendL-d
hell buckling inlcrnclion~ (e.g.
es' )ield !turfnel! for .. cry thick commcntary In conclusion, It seems impo)sible to escape from the physical phenomcnon
Ihot the various membrane stress components III 0 shell contribute differently to the imperfcction
lmetrn I." 1.0. "r and k,. nle sensiti vi ty undcr combined Iu.:lding (WintCNcllcr. 2(02).
In CII.)('\, butlhey lIlay often be
!Clion factors for clu!o.lic-pll1!>lic
\1i-.c .. ' yield ~urracc. It ~hould
9.4 Examples
rical modelling. bUI they huvc
of the kilo .... II intcmction lnws No examples for the appliemion of the buckling stress design fonnat arc gi\-cn hcre. hll,lead. the
y arc ,"cry much safer than the reader's allention is dro wn to the two workL-d examples in Section 10.6. For those who cun read
Genmm, Ihe reference to Schmidt and Greiner (199M) muy be useful. Although this relates to DIN
188004, much of the infomlation is common wi th EN 1993-1-6, and Schmidt and Greiner (19911)
en; for cylindrical ~hcll~ ghell provide ten L'Olllplctc \\ buckhng s tress design exmnples. including conical :lIId spheric:11
\cry .... ell ~ulbli!>l1Lod by both shells.
Wlc intcI'3C110ns between oosic
tcn~'f. 20(1). In par1iculnr. the
9.S References
!-action bc'"ccn Iniul comprc..-
brs,on h:l\c each been studIed.
gcneml po"cr la\\ Interaction Cai. MJ .. Holst, 1M.F.G. and Rolter. 1M. (2003) "Parolllctric Study on the Buckling of Thin Steel
~uile accurate rclulion!>hLps for Cylindrical Shells under Ele\-alL'tl Axiul Compre,,:.ion Stresses", Proc. 161i1 ASCE Engineering Me·
!olal~~ (\\jmcNCItCr, 2000: chanics Conference. Washington Uni\(:rsity, Scuttle, July 16-18111 • 7 pp.
DC\: D of E~ 1993-\-6 (2001)
Oocrich, C. and ROller, 1M. (2008) " "I he beha, ior of cylindrical steel shells supported on local
brackets". Joumal ofStructurull'.nginL"Cring, ASCI·, August.

ECCS (1988) Europe'lIl Recommendation) for S teel Construction: Buckling of Shells. 41h cdltion,
European Co", ention for Constnlctionul Steelwork. Brussels.
iform ~I~ condition ... which
bl be made conccming \\hich I ~N 1993· 1·6 (2006) Eurocode 3: Design of l-tecl stnlctu rcs, !'an 1.6: S trength and stability of shell
Stnlcturcs, CEN. Bnlsscls.

Bucklillg afSleet Shells - Ellropeall Design H£.'(.vmme"dafiulls

Song. CY .• Tcng. J_G. and

Guggenbcrger. W. Greiner. R. and Rotter. 1.M. (2004) "Cylindrical shells abO\C' local supports". in .. hell~ )oubjttt tll .,anial !l.\.ia
Buckling ofT";" Mewl S"ells. cds lG. Teng & lM. ROUer. Spon. London. pp 88-128. July. pp 7ISS-7U<O.

ROller, 1.M. (1996) "Shell structun:s: design stundards_ recent progress and unsolved problems". Wintc ..... tcllcr Th. \. (1000
Proc .• International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures. lCASS '96, 1I0ng Kong, pp. 621· Bcan)opruchung", Dr. Ing. T
Wimeritettcr, I h.A (20():!)
Rotter. lM. (1999) " Proposal for gCllcrul ismioll of the elaSlie-plastic buckling inter-Iclion nllc frOlll au .. Stuhl h\!i '" '~:;',~;::;;:~1
Eurocodc 3 Pan 1.6", submission to CEN TC250/SC3/ PT4 and ECCS TWG8.4 Buckling ofShclls, \fnu·/u/"t'.\ ,,/Ida
\\ imcNcller. -I h.A and
ROller, J.M. (2002a) "Advanced computer calculations in the design of shell structures", Proc., In- comblllcd loaJlIIg'
ternational Confcrencc on Advances in Steel Structures. ICASS'02, Iiong Kong, Vol. I. pp. 27-42.
Yamaki. \. (I t}l<4) """".,.,
Rollcr. 1.M. (2002b) "Shell Buckllllg alld Collapse Analysis for Structural Design: The Nc\\' Science Pub1i~hel'\. ,\'",1.'.
J' mmework of the European Standard", in Nell' , Ipproac"es to Stntctural Mechlmics. Shells lind
IJio/(Jgiml Structllres. L-dS H.R. Drew and S. Pellegrino. Khl\\er Acadcmic I·ublishcrs, London, pp

ROllcr, J.M. (200.t) "Buckling or cylindrical shells undcr a."<iol compression", in Bucklillg of Tllill
Mewl Sheik eds J.G. Tcng & J.M. Rottcr, Spon. London, pp 42-87.

ROller_ J.M. (2005) '"The Practical nc ..ign or Shell SlnlctuTl..-S Exploiting DifTerenl Methods or
Analysis". in Shell Stmctllrt!.f: Theon' ami A,JplicUliofu', cds W. Pielrnszkicwicz & C S7ymcmk.
Taylor and Fruncis. London, pr. 71-86.

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tures 011 Land. in the Sea and illlhc Air, Villcurballllc, Lyon, Fronce, 17- 19 Sept .. pp. 265-269.

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Bcuth and Ernst & Sohn. Berlin. pr. 333-417.

Schmidt, II. and Winterslellcr. T.A. (2004) "Cylindrical shells undcr combim:d loading: a",ial com-
pre~~ion. external pte!>sure nnd lorsional shear". in Buckling (ifnlill Mewl Shells. cds 1.0 . Teng &
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Song. c.Y .. Teng. J.G. and ROller. J.M. (2004) "Imperfccllon sensitivity of thin clastic cylindrical
hells !lbmc local suppons", in shells subjcct to panial axial compression". InlemlltionaJ Joumlll of Solids and Structures. Vol. 41 .
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loilmg Different Methods of

cua~kic .... io
& C Sl"ymclllk.

y determined buckling lo..1ds·',

of shell-type steel structures.

Jm on Buckling of hell SII'UC-
17-19 Sepl .• pr. 265-269.

\crstciftc Schulcn sowic

"Buckling design for stiffened
ures") in SWhllxlll-lIlllldhllcil.

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Teil 4" ("Elucidations of OJ

doer. J. Scheer & II. Schmidt.

I:ombincd loading: axiul COI11-

,H.'wl Shdls. eds J.G. Teng &

Cl'lim/rka/ ~hl'lIf (~f cmullllll wall lhicklll'U wu/er gt'lIeralllJurlill!ol

10 Cylindrical shells of constant wall thickness under gen-

I'rincipill :tIIthors: II. Schmidt and J.M, ROller

10.1 General

This first chapter of Part II of the Recommendntion .. dcul .. with unstilTened cylindrical shells of
constant wall thickness undl'" any mcmbrane MrcSS field . The cylindrical shell is certainly the com-
monest shell geometry for practical engll1eerll1g construction "here shell buckling i!o the primnry
dc~ign con!>iderntion, though the wall!> mOlY often 'my.

The rules gi\en in this clmptcr are ba!ol.'ti on the concept of bud.ling stress dC'iign, deo;cribcd in
(,hapler 9. Consequently the genernl slatcmcnts in Chapter 9 on stress design all apply here. It
~hould be that thl~ de)ign methodology is based on the assumption that no significant
shell bending stn."SM.'S de,clop. e"ieept Ul> U con'it.'qllencc of boundary compatibility efit:cts. Other
special cases of cylindrical shcll .... for "hlch more l>pccific rule .. are u\311able. are III
('hupters II. 12. 17. I K. 20 and 2 L

In Sc-ction 10.2. the rule!. and l'quation .. of Anile..: 0 . 1 ofl,N 1993 I 6 arc SCI OUI and commcmcd.
Although presented in II ne" fonnut in EN 1993-1-6, mo)t ofthcsc rule .. have a subslantial history.
In some cases recent research has led to udHlIlce!o that provide bener rulL'S than "cre pre, iou.. l),
IHniluble. Some extended and enhanced nIles for special situations arc therefore giwn in St'Ction
10.3. Extended eommenlUrics and no" chart .. are gi\cn 10 Sections lOA and 10.5 to help thc prue-
ti~ing cngineer to usc the ruk!o. The "orked e":lImpte .. in Sect ion 10.6 olTer a further illustmtion of
the application of the rules. Some uscllll references arc ghen in Section 10.7.

10.2 Rules of EN 1993-1-6, Annex 0.1 , for the buckling stress design of un-
sliffened cylindric:.1 shells of constant wall thickness

10.2.1 Nolalion specific 10 Ihls chlllHer IlIId IJOundllr) conditions

(I) Geometrical quanti ti c~ The ffl.'filliliml oJlhe (Tli//(ier h'llglh t/epl!//(/s Oil
, cylinder length behH'cn dcfint'ti boundll- the I//L'Wlillg u/ " defined hOl",d"rl', Thew
/)()'lIIlk,riL'S lin' (/('scribr,.,,1 ill (2) he/ow
rndius of cylinder middle surface
thickness of shell
..III', charnctcristic imperfection amplitude

Bueldillg ofSwt'l SIIeilf - Eurol}(-(III DI.'.~igll RL'COmme,uit,limJS

(1) The boundary conditions are sct out in 1.3. The nlle.~ gil'{' l1 in E.V 1993- / -6 St.-c:lim, 5.1.1
S.l .l and S.3 of EN 19931 -6. tlrf! repeuu-t/ in IIIe'''e Recol1llllC'lItitlliolls {IS St.'l'-
lioll 4.3: liIose uf EN 1993-1-6 5<'CliOlI 8.3 til'('
re/Jellu'd lIS 5<'('1;011 4.4,
(2) The length of the
TI,e defillet/ boltlu/arie.\ are. ill gellem/. hiue or Iscd In lenlll. of the
roof de'ail.~ alld l'illg HiffeIlCl'.\', 11111 (11/ illCI'eilse ler (J)'.
in !.hellllrickllcH 111t{I' illm t/cjille (' hmmtlm)'.
I r;: I
(ll"" r 'If J;;

~ o.v
:I Ilo=aot
(3) The critical meridlO
FI~ure 10.1: Cyhnder geometry. ml:mbrane stno;,!o(.~ and ~trc~s fCSultants
ing II I alu..: of C fmm (
obtained frorn:
10.2.2 I\lcrldional (adal) compression

10.2.2. 1 Criticlll meridional bucklin!:, strcsSl'!l

0.605 1:.('1 I

(4) For mediulIl-length

(I) The follO\\ ing expressions may only be ror hllckling lIIuler (,xill/ c.'OI1IIJ/·e,I,lifm, Ihe fined by:
used for shells with boundary conditions BC 1 or 11/011'1 ilif/uel/litl/ holllllltll)' ('OI/tiilioll if IIII' re-
Be 2 :11 both edges. sImi", aUlIim, me/ia/ di.lplacl-/l/c·",S (II' 0). 1.7 :s; (j) s: O. 5~
Tile 0111('1' bOlli/dan' ('fIIldilirlll... dlfillet/ ill Ihe
BC-('(}(Ief o/Tahle 4.1 11l1I'/! Im/l' {I 11/11/01' ilif/If- the fuclor C. should be UtI.:
eIlCf'!. The olle e'(celJlioll is /lrar lire rexlrmlll
aXuhuI /{Ingemial e/i\pl(lCememf (1'- 0) plt~I'S a
c. = 1.0
l'el")' imporuml role. All Ille Ctlll(llions of this
Sl'Clioll implidl(1' (1S!.IfIllI,' Ilwl /llt/glmlial (Ii.~­
pltK'emellls will he fi,I~I' re.wrllllled (.\C'C' lime
III/del' Tahle 4. IJ.
If lire edge.f Wl'rt' fn'" 10 di.~plllce rlH.Ii"II" or
"'"gelllillll, ', 'he ailiclIl meridio,,"1 blldlillg
SIre.u W01l1d drol) hy uIJfJro.rimale(I' 5(f' 0. He-
C(llise Illis ,f ill/tlfion dot.,!. /lot ('oll/II/(ml,· arise hI
prt/clice alld hi!cllll.fe /10 proper e:qH!rimC'lIIal
f!l'idellce i.\' tlllIi/ahle, I/O equilliol/!.· lIrc ill-
cllft/l't/lren! fur Ilti. .. ('a,l e,
To " chien! a cO/u/ilirll/ Ih(ll lIfJproacllt's !i11l rt/-

C)'IiIle/riclIl shells of constalll lI'lIl1lhickllCSS III/der gel/eral/o!IClmg

'n £.\ 1991-1-6 Seetion 5.2.2 dial n',WI'aim (11'''"- 0), it "'(~I' lx' I/l'Ccssa/")' 10 liS('
'l'.fC' RtWmml'ml",iOll.{ 1I.{ Sec- II wiff ri/lg. The reqllired minimllm sliffneu for
E.\" 1991-/-6 &"(:Iiun 8,1 arC' lhil ring il' disclI.I".I·et.1 in 10.4.1.
JIJ 4.4. (2) The length of the shcll segmcnt is charuetcr- The rdCllil'C' or dill/c/I.~ionle.u length ()f a shell
darie.t (In', ;11 ~W/lc'r/lf, "a.\(' or iSl.'<I in tcnns of the dimensionless length p.1mmc- /lllI)' II/! dwrllcleril'et1 ill l'cl'{trtll diffin'lll lI"ay_\.
';ng wlffi'ner.r, hI/I till il/cl'eelse ter ar. The INII'(II/IC/er (d is ch()sen ill EN 1991- 1-6 h('-
IIIc11' allo d"fille (I hOill/dar)'. eWI.le it i/lcreases lI'itll i"t:/"ell.~i/lg lengllr, il
... (10. 1) \'{Idel' lineady lI"ith Ihc' lel/glh (so is emily de-
.\ crihed liS III(' dimensionless h'lIglII) ami it
1I00·lmlli.I·C'1 IIII.' leI/gill rellllil'e 10 IIII.' c!wrtlcf('r-
i.\i/lX tlh/lell.~ioll Ilral cOl/lroll· IIIlIch of IIII.'
l'lrell's bellm'iOllr,
A //Iol"e lradilio/lul c/wrac:teriStllioll i.1 IIII! Bul-
dory IHlralllcler
Z ,... J1- V " ,( ( ' r/) '" tv ' JI - v ' , hili this litiS

Ihe IIIlIltiple tlil'{Nh-alllages thai il i~ 1/01 linelll'
lI'itll lel/glh (so is 1101 a dhllellsiollles:. lel/wh), it
Ims tlte /III/recesso/")' complictllioll of depelUlillg
\l"eaJ.~1' 011 Poi.uoll '.f /'(Ilio. alUl it ojtellllppellrs
(IS i ! 0,. z3 ! i/l L"IlIllliOll.f, IIIII.~ relltiermg Ihe
lerll/ ( 2 illihe eqllfllioll ralller IlIIhelpflll
(3) TIle criticul meridional buckling :.trc'>s, us- IIql/OIioll /0,2 lI"ilhollllhe COf.ffic:it'lII C. t/ 't,s
ing 11 value of C. from (4). (5) or {6}. should be fN/1II d(tf.~i£'lIl lilletlr Dollllell-1)1Jf'f/lC'1I hll("k-
obtained from: ling Ilreol)' applied 10 medilllll-lel/gih (:I'lilUlen.·
/ll/der IlIIijbnl/ (uial compl'C'uiUlI (I'ee Fig.
C1xR('r c O,605 £ Cx - ... ( 10.2) 10.2). This hllcklillg sln'ss is lI'id..~I ' Il_ierred 10
I" a.\ Ille dll.uical elaslic aili("al .flre.f.f, II 11·1I.1·
(4) For medium-length cylinders which arc de- jil',\1 fiJI/lid intiepelldelllly hy Tillloshellko,
fined by: 501111111"1.'11 aud Lorell= illl/bollt 1910.
Itr drial (."omIJrC'ssio/l, Ihe
rollflt/an' ('OIl(lili(1II is till' re- Eqlllllioll /0.2 /"'5 IOllg been lire celllra! nier-
1.7S(j)SO,5~ .. . (10.3) ('IIC(' 1'lI11Il' for all ('asc's of cuial cumprellio/l
irIdial tli.lplaccmellfs (11' - 0). I
'lry'('ol/e1itie",s llt'filled ill the hl/cklillg ill a cylilldrical wall. Till' faclOr C.
4.1 hm'e 011/,1' " millor illfll/- Ihe factor C. should be tak""11 us: CfJlY!rl' Ihe sIH..'c ial fealllre"~ of .'11/0/"1 alld 10llg
~("lPIIOII i.i
IIItII the re.flmilll C,:. 1.0 ... (10.4) cylinders. All g('OlIIelrica/~\' IlOnlillear e.ffi-'Cu
Ltli.w/occmC'lIIs (\" -0) pft~I'.~ a lire ;'l('ll/det1 lI'ilhill Ihe imperji'Clioll fU("Ior a,
r.e. All the nJ'WlIOI/S of Ihis 'Ihidl il gil'ClI helow iI',
assume 111,,1 "mg('fllial ,Ii.\-
~ filII\" r('flrainl'tl (fee 1101('

flu: 10 di~pl(lre rmlial(I' or

critiml meric/iOlwl hlld/ing
~ h.l· appro.rinlllle/1" 5()ll ... Be-
l/ doe.f /101 rommOir/y aril'e ill
!llI.le /II) proper (''7H?riml'lIflll
roMe. 110 l..'qll(lli0l11· lire in-
is ceiSe.
(ilioll Iltm CIPfll'lNu."hel filII m-
Budding ofS/{'j!l Shell.f - EllffllX'{1II Desigll RI.'COmmemlaliOlIS

c .. ,· I+~
" I
Cd, I
C. \ 0,6(1
w here C." 1\ II
bound3ry condition..
10. 1.


0,5 1 2 3 4 0.1 0,2 0,5 1 2 5 10
,.' Igun· 10.2: Cntical mt'fidiollal bucklmg \11'CS!ieS according 10 dassicallincar bucklulg theory

(5) I;or shon cylindc,", \\hich are defined by: lI'ilh del.:rell.lillg n/intier h'I/gIII Ihe crilical
(dS 1.7 meridiol/al hIlCJ.lil/gllN!.H a.n""pIOlicaI6' Uf)-
'" (10,5)
protK:he.f Ihe p/aI(! bllcklillg\lre.n (If WI il/defi-
the fnctor C~ may be laken as: IIilely wide pIa,,, ~/rip {fe,· /'Ig$ 10.1 (lilt! /0.).
I,R3 2.07 For t.:Ia.Hiclll hmlllda,,· nwtiiliol/.f BC1! III bmh
C-f '" 1.36 --+-,- '" (10,6) edges, 1111.' lrim.liliml 1H!lll'l'C'/I ,hell (//1(/ p/OIl'
m m"
h/lckling i.f dosell' rI'IJrc.\C/lled hI' 'he empirical
Eq. 10.6 (KfJ'lik 11J1J4. Schlllilil & K,,'.\iJ.
1994). For tlxi(llh' mullOr rowliol/(llll' re-
.\/railll'd ('Cl.l!ej Ihe Inm.\ilirll/\/(Ir/\ (If high,'"
1'(II/(e.\ of Ihe (1IIIIemimlll'u lenglh (j) Iha/l 1,7
so Eq. 10.6 become.\ a (VIIlI'en'lIliI'e e.l/imale.

"-igurl' 1O,}: Plate buckling Ib hnulmg ca-.e ora

shan cyhndricullohcll under 3';1::11 comprel>sion
(6) For long cylinders \\ hich are dcfined by: A 1'('1)' IUllg cllimler hudde.v (I.V (I compressed

, Euler coflmm. Ihe Elller jlex/lral hliCklillg

(1.1 > 0.5- _,_ ( 10,7) clln'e is sholl'n (II Ihe riglll of Fig. /0.2. This
fr(m.'l;I'(!t'Se h/ldling difl)llIcel1lelll oflhe shel/
Ihe foclor C~ should be found as. lI;<i.f, l!"il/WIII d,slorlloll oflhe cro.n-s('Cliol/,
correspoff(ls 10 Ille cirt.'tlltl/erelllial hlll"kling
C. C.\ '" (10,8)
m(J{/e "'- I.
in \\ hich C•. \ is the greater of:
For medium lenglll qlinden', lite hll('kling

Cyli",Jril"lll .~"ell.)' (if comUm/ll'alllllic/.;lIeu muler gcweral/()(u/mg

0,2[ 2 ,]
1+ - - 1- w-
III()(W n'dllcl.'s Jrom lIIallY " 'aI 'L'S tlmll/ul till'
circlllllfel'ellce to fell'l.'r ,ifill fel\'{'r U .f Ihe Eliler
... (10.9)
ex" r bllcklil/g col/dition if approached. The more
aod I)/"I..'(.:in' ,I'hell h!ldlillg Iheory of Flligge (/9 71)
ShOll '.)' ,hot fhe loll' ,:irclfm!ert'mial mllde,I'
C r , \ ' 0,60 .. . (10.10) bllckle at 10ll'er sm'.)'s('s. I('odillg 10 II feMool/ oJ
where C,b is a paramcter dcpending on the rl'lillcetl ,~tnmglhs (Fig, 10.1). The I"edllcliol/
boundary conditions and bclllg tuken rrom Tuble IIU~V be COllxf!ITatil'ely approximated hy Eq\'
10, 1. /0.& 1010,10: the e,,"felll ofthefall ill ,l'Irellglh
depel/ds 011 II'helher the cylinder edges ure wei-
ally I"('\"Imined or II0f, II'hicll is cOI'el'cd by fhe
(l{klitimltll J)(lrameler C.~ As Ihe cylinder 1It,-
co",e,~ IOllger. the bliCk/illg IIIO(le jilltlll)'
dlllllges 10 (I sinMle c:ircllllljcrclllia/ II"OI'I!
(III - I), 1II00kllillg liIe ElIll'r j1t',ntml hl/cAlillX of
fhe mhll/ar COIIl"'".
SlId, jle.:wml bucklillg i,f lrot COt'l!rCe/ ~l ' II,,'
l..:aJ hnear bud.:IlOg throry
nile." lif EN 1993-1-6 or Illese Recommelldll-
liOIlS lIlId m"SI he c"(ocked ,~el)(lrole~I' (e.g. It'-
n1inJer It'llgth Ihe crilical
ing EN /991-1-1), It is IIUI III..'(,'('Ssary' /() C(lII-
'1g SIn'$.\ cl.H'mplo/jca/~I ' lip-
.fider jlllemctiOlI5 bent'CC/I loctll shell b"ckling
bllCk/ilfg \/r l' U of WI imleji-
and ol'erall coflmm bllckling ill Ihe de.tigll
'rip (,It'" Fig.. 10.1 (IIIJ 10.) ),
"/'tN.'C.IS; I'I!I! J(lA.l . 1
Jan- nmdiliulI.1 BC!f"I /oollt
tall /It.·flll' t'll ,.,he/l alltl,Jlme The l)(lr(llllc/l.'r C~ \ ill Eqf /(J.N 1010,10 rep'"('-
rl'prt'U!IIf('J hy Ihe empirical l·em.l· fhe redllctioll ill Ihe elaslic criliCIII .UrI.'H
1994, &.h",i,1I & Kn'\i/'; heloll' Ihe eI(u.)·jcal cla.Hie: critical bllck/il1g
FIr lIIuJ,or row/iOllafll' 11.'- 11",
,~/I"(',U, Tile I"edllClioll git'cII Iter£' is SOlllell
~ Irf.II1.)ilioll JIeIl'I,1 til hig/II'I" e.mggeraled II'hell lite meridional membrall£'
'1I.liollle.\1 lell.l:III (t) Ihem 1,7 .w·e,~.~ jield diffel"\ ,1·jgllificXllllly from ,ltol filr a
e." U ('olls('n'Cltil't! eMi/l/ale, IIlliformly COIIIIJreSS(w 10llg e:ylillder, ,1'0 IlII.f
II"('(IImem is collsc/"mil'e,
Wltere Ihe meridiQllll1 co",pre.~!iioll ill a IOllg
cyliluler "rise.~ from glolNll bel/dill8 (e.g , ill a
chi",,,ey), '''e.\"e eqllotiOlIS "'(1)' also be lued he-
CllIOC e:ross-Sl.'t:lion dislorlioll il/IO {l/I m'tll
I -,ha,X! OCClirs (tllp Bra=ier cjft'CI), c"usillg u
I I I I drop III tlte meridiollal bllcklillg SlIl'ss ill Ihe
U, helldillM compres.fio" =one, This effect 111(1)'
i _buckling ~ hmltlng case of a also he appro.rimale(I' represellled by Ille /ac lor
~11 UrKk."'I" ll.,aal cornpl'Cl>SlOIl C~ C.\~ Ilowever, illlhe/ollolt'ill8 l)(lrugralJh
(7) ;1 is elear 111(11 the strcnglh redllclioll moy
!A'r buckles tIS II compressI'd he omilled /01" IOllg cylillders /II/der globtll
~t' £lIler jlc.nlral bllCklillg belldlllg if Ihey ore made of stn/el/(I""I slee/.
I~ righl oJ Fig. 10.1. Tlli... More backgrOlllld illfon1Wlioll on I"e t'ffl.'Cl 0/
, d,s,,"II:ellle/ll oJ Ihelhdl ol'tlli.f(llio/l Oil 10llg cylillders ""der global
r(JrliOll oJ Ihe ('ross-R'Ctiofl, helldillg i.f gil'l!II ill 10A.l,} ,
!he circllmJerl'lIIia/ bllcklillg

gill cylinders, Ihe bllckUIIM

Bucklillg o/Sleel SI,ells· Europetll/ Desigll Rec(Jllllllelldtllimu'

Tabl" 10.1: Pal'',IIm:tcr Crb for the elrcel of boundary condilions on

Ihe elaslic critical meridionul buckling .stl'l."SS in long cylinders AliI ~~/
C.", Cvlinder cnd Bo,,,,"" condillon C,'
I cnd I BC I 6 where Q is th~ I

, end 2
cnd I
Be I 3
lion quuhty p.1mmclcr.

end :2 BC2
3 ,"" I IlCl I
end :2 1lC'

(1) For long cylinders 3S defined in (6) thut !illt· £(/II(lliOl/ /0. // i.) 0111.1' olle U/I/lf! Ihree re,,'lric·
isfy the additional condition: liollS gil'f!1l ill the puhlished EN 1993·/·6 Sec·
lioll D.I .l . I(71. The draflillg COllllllilll'l: chose
500 S; ~ S I()()() .. .(10. 11 ) to 1'('/IIon' 111'0 0/ t!"we re,,'lr/cl;ol/s. hili fill/or·
f y •k 1I1I/(lIe~I' Ihe pllb/MI/!d I'enitm COIII(li/U' 1111
Ihri't.'. Tlu! 01//)' Olll' Ihal ""II/ers is gil'f'fI ill Eq.
the faclOr C.. may uhem:uh ely be oblaincd from : 10. // .

C ::::. C axE.N + axE. At III IOllg l'ylil/(Ii!r,~ made 0/ ~'rrl/(.'II/ral Sled ,\/Ifr.
... (10.12) j(·C/C.'l/ 10 globlll be/ldillg. rhe geofl/('lriclIl(1'
x :r.N a a
xE :1'£ lIol/IiI/L'ar ol'u1i,mliol/ lIIellli(med ill Ihe com·
where: melll 011 (6) tkx'l' 1101 tk...·e/opfigllijiC(IIlIly be·
~/. is the design value of the acting merid· /Ol'(! yieldillg /x'gills, triggerillg e/mutrplll.\liC'
ion31 stress a ,l:J. bm:klillg. For Ihe.fe srn/clI/re.' . il is jllsrijiah/e
arE. \' is thc component of a,l;.1 Ihal derives from 10 Il"(.'t,t global belldillg (either pllre bendil/g or

axial compression (cireumfcrcntilllly uni· hl,"t/iI8 wi,I, s/wllr dUI! 10 Irtms,"CrSI! forces)
fonn component). with C, :0 I,D ill.ftellli O/IIl';lIg Eq.~ /0,8 to
/0,10 (Speicher & Stml. 1998): SC(' "Iso
a,r \I is Ihe component of a ,I.J Ihul derives from
tllblliur global bending (peak yulue of the,
circumfercntially , rarying component). BccCIfISC Ihe e:qwriml'lIIal illl'C."igllliolls bellilld
The following simpler expression may also be lhi.f IiIx-'ral rille were ollly per:fim"ed 011 mild
used in place ofEq, 10. 12: .~leel ,flH!cillle1lS. 111('), shollld flol he IIsed OIl cyl.
illders lIIade /rom slCe/s wirh SigllijiC(lII'/y 11'.\'.)'
Cx ,., 0.60+0.40 alf:. M ... (10. 13) dllctilil)" "filiI fi,rlhC'r ill/onl/arioll ix'COllles
a xl;.- OI'(li/l lbk Thi)' i.\ {l.f.'iII/'(!d hy Jhe COIll/ilio"
gil"CII ill cq, /0,11,
£lJl/fllioll 10. 13 i.~ /ol/Ild ".1' illlNNll/cil/g
C,\ - 0,60 illlo Eq. 10. /1. 1\1('rldlonlll bueklink IlItrllnlch,' rs

( I) The meridionul elastic imperfection factor Eql/Illiol/ 13 of 'hi' 4111 EdifiOil of 'he Rccom·
should be obtuin(.'ti from: melldmiolls sill,ply 801'e 'he d{I.~'ic illl/Jeifec·
lioll/aclor a .. as { I jill/Clio" o/,he shell re/milre
a,, = 0.62
4-* ... ( 10. 14) .u rl t. lIolI't!I'Cr. ;1 has 10118 ix't!/I /0;'1011'11
1+1.9 1(AII',&- I I) · 'hOI 'he hucJ./i1l8 ,f/rel/gl" 0/ {III imperfect c)'l.
it/tier is !'t!ry lelu'ifil't! 10 '''e
(llI/plill/de of
where t ill'. is Ihc charnctcrislic imperfL'Clion am· gt..'Ometl';c ;lIIpeift.'('t;O/lS (Koifcr, 1945; )'''III"ki,
plitudc: 1984: ROller. 1(04), Dt'sp;/C! (I hl/ge .\'dl'lIIijic
literalm't! 011 lhi,f lopic. ProlJOslIls for its iI/cor·

Cylilldric,,1 shells 01 COIISIllIII ",alliltick"css /IIlder generallOtuling

CondlUons on portlliOll illto practical tie.figll did 1101 come III/-

\C}hndcn. Al\'k:~~1 Iillite 1980,f (Rotter 1985). and ther how! 1/01
' .. (10.15)
beetl adopted illio 0 desig" ,fllmdoni ulltil EN
C /993- 1-6, The illlIOI'(I,iOIl 10 defillC' diffl!/'t'llt
6 where Q is Ihe meridionnl compression fubricu-
qllolilie.f 01 fl,hriclItiotl, t/Ssig/l IO/CrtmCC,f to
lion qualily par.mlclcr,
litem lIlId Iltell exploil II,e f!.\'/ellsil't! Ii,ercllll"c
Oil lite illlpeif(.'('Iiml sell!>itil'ily 01 !illells ill de-
sign cerUlillly "epre,felll,~ 1I lIIajol' ndl'llllce i/l
prlIcticlll sltell desigll,
Tlte relotioll,d lip betweell Ille elastic imperfi'C-
onfl' one of Ihe Ihree rewric- lioll I'etim'lioll fllelOr a.r ill lite 4th Editioll 01
pllhlislll:d EN /993-1-6 Scc'- Ihe R('COltlltlelldlltiotlS, IOgeiller witlt Ille lo/er-
rhl' drafii".« commil/('C chus(' tmee lIIeCLlllrel' dejil1L'li then!, lI'ere used (Rol-
Ihese reslricliOlls, bill wifor- ler. 1998) 10 del'i,w! 0 single reilltiollship be-
lishl'd Ilmi;(J11 COIIWim all 111'('('1/ Q.r tllld lite illlperfi'Ctioll amplillltk (I:."q,
'Jt' Ihal mclflers is gil'ell ill £q, 10. 14). This meal/S that lite lIell' eqlwtiolls re-
Illte to Ille same test dotobosC' os tllose 0/ ,lte .r
nwtie of Slntclllrol ,f/('('/ ;1IIb- Etiilion,
bellllil'1(, Ih(' g('Ome/";CO/(l' TltC' ;m/H!rfi'Ctioll amplitude is repre,~etllC'd III
'Iioll mellliollC'd ill Ihe com- term,f 01 tlte 11O,,-JimellsiOlwl impcifcclio/l tIm-
nol c/eI'f'IOfJ sig"iJicamly ht.... IJlillllW .111'.," since litis me{L~lIre or;,w~-, ill (III
il15, triggerillg eltulu-p/aMic im/H!ifeclioll ,f(~lIsiti\'ity cllla{J'ses (1I'ltich define
.:n' l/rlll"llln'l, il il jllMijillllll' ,I,C' relllliollsllip betweell a OIld .1I" ,VI), Tlte
"di,'1: (either pitre.' bendillg m' queslioll 01'101\' 11Irge llie impeifeClio/lt"ollltJ
or dlle /() Inmsl'f'r,W! lorce.\) be lor a gil'ell qllali,)' ollabricaliol/ 1I11d itOII'
1,steoJ 0/ /lsillg Eq.~ 10,8 10 litis l,/to"ld tk'JX,"t/ 011 O11t('r laclOrs, l'/lch (IS tlte
& Stml, 1998): SL'C abio geomC'fI)' 0l,lte sl/{'II, ore still open 10 djfclI~­
SiOll, Tlte rule iterelalloll'.f lite PI'llf1o,\lIl 01 Rol-
iflll'lIta/ im'esligatiolls behilld tel' (1985. / 998) 1I11d relales lite tIIl/plill/de III
~'ere.' 0/1/.1' fX'rfonlled mild Ihe sqlwre rool 01 rlt, bllt Ihere is (,I'idellce '''til
r' 011
.~hOllld 1101 be IUfd CJfI cyl-
sleels with signifkalltly le,I'!.'
it mighl allC'rlltllil'C'ly he defined os IiI/early tle-
lH!tldelll 011 rlt (ROller, 1997: Scltl/C'ider el lIl..
'Ir1lwr ill/orll/(l/ioll bL'Comes lOO5). Howel'er. nlllcft more I!\';ck/lce 01 tlte
Cl'isllre.'cl by Ihe COlldition lImplil"d('s 01 imJX'rfi'('liolls ill real shells is
Ileet/ed belore litis questiol/ ClIlI be resoil'C'd, III
IXlrt;clllar, il ,fhould be /loted Iltat lite ompli-
is /mmel hy ifllrodllcillg
r 10.11.
IIIdf!.f olimpeifectiolls illl'et}' lltill sltells (rl-
1(00) defilletl by lhis relllliol/ship on.' 1IIOIIghl
to be I't!f)' cOllsen'al;"e (lIjibller C'I (II, 1007),
This relaliol/ship betweell lobriclIIioll qlwlilY
{II1t1impeifC'Ctioll omplitllde will I!\'ellllwlly be
fie 41h £dilioll 01 tlte RI.'CO/II- lI,fed lor olher ,fhell hliCklillg colltlilioll,f, hili
~' gOl'f Ihe elmlic imJ14!rfi'C- there i,f 1101 yet slIjJicielll dlllO 10 muke g{}(J(1
:J fimclioll olllle .,hell re/lIlil'e prol){),m /,
~'ttI'fr. il has 10llg been kllOll'1I
strellgth 01 CI/I imperfi'Cl ql-
silil'e 10 the amplitllde olthe
FClimu (Kaiter, 1945; )'om"ki,
~), De.~pite" hl/ge l'c:ielll{fic:
lopic, 101' ils i/lcol'-

B"d:/illg ofSu'(!/ SIIells - Ellropcall Dc.fig" RecO/l/lI/elldotiOllS

(2) The fabrication quallly parnmeler Q should The IXlraml'ler Q was choscII til' a dil·i.wr ill
be takcn from Table 10.2 for the spl'Cificd fabri- I£q. 10. 15 10 glll'~impl(' illll'ger 1'CI"ll'~' lI/lIl ill- 1,0 -,--,..:
culion tolemncc quality class. crcase (IS Ihc qUlIlilY rises (Ihi,~ I'('emiug 10 b(!
Using Eq. 10. /4. Ihe mille ofQ - 15for Clan 0,8 +--1-,
B was clIlihraft'd 10 Ihe /ull-,f/rellglh relllli(J11-
shipl' ill Ihe ~ Edilioll (Roller, 1998), Idlll
ClclSse.f A lIlId C repre,telllillg more (11/(1 Ic.H 0,6
d(!/Ilmulill~ lu/,'r(IIICe SIJf.'('-'ificali()lIf I·C.f/K'C-
fil'e~" (it ma)' be lIol(:cI Ihal 1//(.' .fA Edil/Oll
sUiled ralher holdly ill Ihe CO/lIllIt'lIftll)' 111lI1 Ihe
loler(III/..'C ctmlcl he t/(Illh/ed if Illc CI.I'S('s:,,·('d 0,4
stre/lglll WlU' lIall'('(/).

Tablt' 10.2: Vlllues offabriClltlOfI quah ty parameter Q 0,2

~bric:uion tolerance ualit class Dcscri tion o
CIUMA Excelknt 40
~n III'
Class C Normal "
0,0 0,2
(3) The meridional squash limit slendemL'SS The e!a.f1ic-ploslic slllhili,y illlCycx.'tiuII I~f de-
rlj:.un' 10.4 : R~.,jlll:IIOI
A...-o. the plastic range faclor {J. and thc interaction filled ill tenlls of three /Hlrtll//elen A. P (IIId 'I
exponent 'I ..hould be taken as: (Eq\' 9.3 /0 9.5). TI/C.fl' lIrc IISClllO deduce Ihe
(4) "or long c)lindcr.
siability rC(IIiCliQII filClor Zo. Further disclI.f-
condition~ of (7
A..tO ::: 0, 20 p .. 0,60 'I 1,0 ... (10. 16) .fioll o/Iheft! Ix/ran/elers IIIl1y be fOl/lld i// St'C-
liol1 {/lid 9 J J nf ,h('f(' Ht'n)IIII11<'lulo- limit ..lendcmess A,JfJ 11lJ\

Wi,II ,IIeft! mlut-,f alld a . from 1::".1' IO.N lIlId l a,t
10.15, imnxluccd i//lo the ge//eral Eqs 9.3 10
9.5, Ihe re/miollship hetwee" clmraCI('ristic "here:
buddil1g slress (lilt! Ihe re/tlliI'(! ,\ lIell s!elldcr- a" IS the de",lgn \I

lie..... is show" i/l Fig. lOA, lltn,.'M. a".J

atl \I i~ Ihe eomponcll'
The l'tl/lle.. of Ihe Imckli"g /XIrlIll/eter:..· A. p aud from lubulllr gloha
hee" c(lUhmted (lgaillsl a gr(.,{11 mill/her
1/ IUI\'#!
of the cin.:uml\:r\:
of bucklillg le\'ls Oil //Ili/brlll/Y COlllPrf.·SU't/ <')'/- flent)
hulers from al/ Q\'W!r Ihe I\'ur/d (."ee 10.4.6). III
particlllar, Ihe \'a/ICes A.lO 0.20 (It'hich i.f YCllher (.5) Cylindcl"\ 1k."I..xI nut
smull) lIIId 1/ 1,0 (which melitis II rather SI('f!I) ridional shell buckling if
ffl.'Creusc from II,e plaslic IJlall!tm) (IN! IIL'CI!S-
sory 10 col'(!r axill/ compressiol/ luisymmelrlc !:. S O.03~
plawic hucklillg ill Jhick qJil/elrical .\"C/l~ (see I f,A

Cylilldrica/s/u.J/s' uf lYJllsram wall thicklless t/llder genera//ootlillg

\ItO dlO,Wm Il.f U (lil'i,I'or i"

implC' illf£-ger nlllll:\ thai m- 1,0
i~\, ri,fC',f (this sl'l'millK tu he 2
11 A,
I{' m/llt> of Q 15 fur C/tu',,' 0,8
(} 'he filll-,~Irel/gill relfllioll-
'Jili()/1 (Rotler, 1998). lI'illl
"epresellfillg /l/ort' alld le.n 0,6
'k't.' VN-'CijiClitioll.f n's/x'c-

IUJt{'J t"ut lite ",. Editioll Xx
, ill lite cOlI/mellfar)' that IIIl!
e do'lhh'" if til(' Il.ul!sSL·d 0,4

1L'TQ 0,2

::BE 0,0

0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6

flaMlin' illfCrtKlioll is de-
Fij,:urt- 10.4: Kcducl10n fllelOf' X, for cyhnder bud:hng under axial compression (sled grade S 235)
r" ptlraml'lcn ..t P lIlItl 'I
'hcsc are II!Jcx110 ckd'Ic:C 'hc (4) For long cylinders Ihal sall!>fy Ihe special A lT/imler IIl1dcr IIl1iform tl.Yiul compre.uioll
factor x" Further disclIs- conditions of 10.2,2.1(7), Ihe meridlOnul squash QII~I' (lc"it'I'('s 'he _I'ield strc,U hefart' hmMing if
1etcrs may he foulld ill Sec-
limil ~Iendcmess ..ItO may Ix oblmncd from: it f,' quill! ,~/lOrt ().xO small),
1,1 of t"('se Rt'{"()I1/II/t'mlu-
81' cOlllrmt, a l:I'fillCkr IIl1der glohal /wlldillg iI'
A,O = 0,20+0,1O(a).E. II ) ... (10.11) I/iII abh· 10 n'lIc" III(' yidd .\Ire,\.\' /r1C{11I1 ' 1I-ItCII
JIIII a , from f."qv 10,14 (/lid u,. il i,I' ,I'f}mell'''m I"illller. Cylillders sllbjl'Cl to a
"'0 Ihe gCl/eral Eqs 9,1 to
where: £'Om/mllllirlll (if glolull bending \l'ith IIlIiform
~ip helWl'£'lI clltlrtlclt:r;,\'Iic:
at} IS Ihe design vulue of the nlCridlOllul C()IIII)/'es,l'iulllie hetll'l!en '''e tll'O cme.f. Eqlla-
/ the rellllil,(, .,he/l .I'lel/der-
stress a, r.J lioll 10, I 7 altt'mpls' to mudd litis cUlltiitioll h.r
L klillg jXlrtmwle/'l' ..t p al/d
OIL'" uguiTl!u a gretll /lillI/her
a" \I is the component of (7,1..1- that derh cs
from tubular global bendmg (peak ,ulue
of Ihe eircumfercnually varying compo-
m(Klifyilig 'he limitillg ~/ellderl/elS IK"cal"llillX to
Ille ,\"II'(!U flllfc U/'i.\;lIg from Iltc lIpplil'dlollcls,
11.\ lHui.~ i,1 le\s fal'llll/Ify \"eri}ietl.
, IIIIi/onnl), compress(.'{/ (.)'/- nent)
Ir Ihl' world (s('j' 10.4.6). III
f.' A.o"'0.10 (which is rtllher (5) Cylinders need nm Ix checked again!>t mc- Tltc hllC41illg ("/1{'Ck omis,\;oll nllr.. of t.q, 10.18
( ....hich III('tIIIS u ratlter ,flt..'{'IJ ridional shell buckling Irlhcy salisty: i,~ illlcllded 10 ide/llify the le/lglh of Ihe IJlaSlil"
"'llIStic plotl'{lll) liN! "l'CCS- , E plmcllI/. \\"'crt' 110 blld/illg d'l'ck is /It:("('UlIn'_ axisymmetric -sO.OJ- ... (10.18) If Eq, 10,18 is illlnxlllcC(1 illfa Eqs /0,1 aflll
thick ~'Iindrical sheJ/~ (.\'t_ '£' I f,.k 9.7.11"/111 C. '" I, il isfmllld 111m Ax- 0,]11 (ill-
we(,,1 of A.ocO.1(0) alld X. 0,985 (ilts/('lI(/ of
x. 1,(0) jbr stecl grlltic S 135 (Illd f"(,hriCllf;OI/
QII(lIi~I ' Class fl, This slighl ill{"()IIli.l'leIlCI' illlu-
Imlt'l Ihe ftlOlhat Eq, 10.18 is lI.rimpli/i(,tl tool
I'lIlher thall all exact descripli()II of the plmtic
pitlt£'{111 of lite bllcklil/g Clln'e, TIl{' re,I"lIltillg
1,51>" m'cllgtl, dt:ficit is judged 10 he lICCf!/"-

HI/cAli/1M ,yS/et'1 Shellf· ElirtllJC{lII /J('sigll &'{·ollJl"e"dali()Il.~


10.2.3 Circumft'ft.'nllal (hoop) compression Cri licul circlIl1Ifefcllti:11 buckling slresses 1,5

(1) The IbllowillK eltpressions may be npplicd For bllckling limier ('.l;/e/'/wl pres.\'III'c (ein.'I1I1/-
to shells with nil bounda ry conditions. jere"lial ~/1l.'S!!es) there lire ~Ulm.' flrat'lim/ I,D
cases of hllCkJillg with cylinder bOlme/ariel' 'hlll
are radially free. This COI/Wasts with III(' ("(lSI!
for bucklillg under meridi()lllll ('ompreu;oll,
II'here III(' IXI/mdt/rh',., cWlIlul, ill gCl/eral. hi-
Rilles art' Ihcn%re gil'en fur ull Ilm.-'c .H!f.I of
bolllu/or)' COIU/llirms (BCI. BC!. HC)). 0'---
(2) The length of the shell scgmcnI should be See com/t/cmr 011 10.1.1. 1 (1).
chamctcriscd in lenns of the dimensionless length Figurr 10.5: Criticaltm:umf,
parumctcr w:
, fr I (4) The factor C8 ..houl
flI "" ;VI "" Tn ... ( 10.19) 10.3. with u \'ulue that dt
condition~ (sec 4.3 and 4.

(3) For mcdium-length cylindcrs which arc de- Eqlllltion IO.}1 lI'itholll Co ari.\·£'.,' fivlII da,~,\i­
fined by: col linellr OOlU/eIl-(17X! sltell bllckling 'heur)'
applied IIJ II II/t'llilllll-lellgth cylinder lI'it/t sim-
20 S ..!!!.... S 1.63!. ... (10.20) ply-sIIIJportet! celgt'.1 (BC1) mul/mllied by 111/;_
Co ' fnrm e.xlerl/ol pn'.ism ·e (Figllre 10.5). Thi.\
the criticnl circumferential buckling stress should critical .1·lre.u has been IIWtit' 'he cell/ral refer-
be obtained from : CII£'I! I'llllll! for all CtISI!.~ of cil'Clllliferelllial
compressioll buddiug illtl £:I·Ii,u/ricolll'tllI. 71,e
GORer"" O• 9_lO
t ... (10.21) filc/or CD £Y.II'I!~ IIII! ;,ifll,ell('('I' of OIlte,' bo,ll/d-
'" , lI!)' COI/elil jolls lIml uf lite ,I/Jedol featllres of
~IIort cylilulcrs. It !>hollld be lIoted II/m lite
critical circllm/erelllilli bllCklillg Slre.H uf II
medillm-Iength cylillder (ie/leI/tis directly 011 tlte
cylillffl..r lellgllt II'hich CO/ll"IJ"I.( 11';11, the he-
!tm';our of meridiUlmlly cUlI/pre.\ letl £TIi,uk'rs.
Eqllutiol/ /0.1 1 yields I'irllwll,' tile .Wlme ,-e.·wlt
as Eqs 6.7 amI 6.8 of the 4tll Edition of Ihe
Recollllllelldafifms. wllere tile crifictl/ bllCklillX
pressllre of ( III exlerl/all)' pressllrised cylilld('r
had to ix.' ,/eterRlilled by fIImimi.\'illg all/(){Iified
1'01/ Mises fOri/III/a lI'ilil reslx'Ct 10 the circlII"-
ferefll;alw{/\,t! /llIlI/ber. Eq"tII;oll 10.21 ;.~ mm:/t
more cO/ll'ellil!llf. Itll'lI,\'fir.{I dedl'ed by Hil/darJ
(/947) lIml Iulcr illliepellliemly by Ebller


CylimiriCflI ,filell" ofCOI/SUlIII ImlllhicJmess IIIrcler generulloadmK

ae"" /(£ fA //oj
_!.l , \ r i
short ,L--1!!.....edium-lBnath , long
I l-
\ [\~;;;'ELL .{?>
e1 '-1}-
'r (~"Ienwl pre.I.l'llre (circ/llI/-
Ihere urI! .\ol/le PIYI(.'liclil
\ f'.. m=5 4 3 2

~' 92
,';Ih cylillder bmmdc,rit's Ihal "'-'1.,\
Thif ('01llras15 lI"ilh the ('(1St' I
m \ FLOGGE I '"
rr nlt'ridiomll cOlllpreui(lI/,
0,5 ~\ .€ I-
rrie~' ('tJlI//U1, ill gelleral, IH'

1 .,.J

'l'gin'" lor ull Ihr('C ~e's (if

'tf (BCI, BC), HC)), o '"
1 5 10 501000,1 0.5 1 5 10
J.1.1.1 (1).
Flj!urr 10.5: Cntlcal clrcumfcmlli:a1 buckling stll'SloeS IIccording to cllIssicnllil'lC'.lf buckling tlK.'Ory (DC2)

(4) The faclor C, shou ld be laken from Tobie The critiCllI cirl'lmiferemial bllcklillg stres!>' dt.'-
10.3. wilh a value Ihal de~nds 011 Ihe boundary pelld.. .ftrullgly 0" the bOlmlklF')' conditions.
eondilions (sec 4.3 and 4.4), Tlus H a IUlfliral cOi/seqlleflce of the de/H.'I/d-
eflce on the l'/ICII ~'('gl1l('lIt lellglll, IIhiL'II illdi-
ItlW1I1 C, arises /rom d'I.'.,i- I:,,'e,( Ihm the hliCklillg IIIOlle \l'iII be "xi"lI),
I-IYpe shell buckling them)' IOllg, This depemle"ce Oil boulldary cOi/diliom
Inl-Iel/glh qlilule,. lI'ilh silll- L'Ollfr(IlH' lI'ilh IIII.' cose of axial cOlllpre,u ioll
~s (BC1) alld lomled hy III/i- bllckling.
rS!II'" (Figure 10.5), Thi~ n,i,f bo",ulm)' comlitiOlI effect is taken ifll/) Cl(.'-
heel! m(lde lire celllml rl{e,.- cmllli Ihrough the factor..' CfJ,. II should be·
~I C(l.te.f of circlllt/Jeremial nored Iltal. ill ,lte bolllltilll)' cOlltfitiu"\'el Bel,
("g ill a c),lilltlri(,(l/lI'a/l, The it is Ihe meridioll,,1 reslmim of till.' ('dges (/lut
~ ",jllll?lI('('f of Oilier bOill/d- III(' rolt/liO/wl restroil1l) II'hicil rahes CII to
~ vi 'he l/H.-'uulletlfllre,\' 01 1,15 or 1,50 rt.'!iJX·ctin!ly. TIt('niore 110 dillillc-
shollid IH' limed 'hat the lioll it "'mle ill Tahle 10.1 hetll'eell BClr alld
plfial hudling stn.'ss of (I BC If "'hell exploiling these higher \'allies 01
["Jer tJcpe,Jds din't'tl)' 0" the C 9 the desigller shollid ellSure Ihlll tile n"'rit/-
~'ich COIllrnst.f willi 'he he- iOlwl reslrai", is reliah(r pro"id"d by tilt> e"Oll-
r.all\, cvmpressell eyli"de~. Mrllclioll delllilillg al lite relel'lmt cylillder
ru I'irtlla/l,' the sallie res/llt ('dg"; c:wmples are ~'''OIl'II ill Fig, 4.1,
8 of the 4th Eclitioll ollhe Tllis COIIStrllClioll detail 01 lite bolllular), is e'\'C/I
where Ihe critictll buckling /11ort> imporlllllllor Case 4 ill Table 10.1: lIi,It-
~rn(l/~\' pressllri!ed ry'/i"der Ollt Ihe meridiOl101 restrai", til ,lte supported
<d hi' mi"imisi"g a 11/(J(lifled elld, lite memhrtllle .~ti.ffne.u of tlte sltelf i.f 1101
II'ith reSJX'Ct to ,he cirC/II//- ellgllgl.'d tit till. alfd rapid colll/pse em;lIe,\'.
ber, Eqlltltioll 10.11 is milch
was first tieril'l'll by Btltdorf The i'll/lies C, -=- 0 lor Cost>s 5 alld 6 ill Tabl"
illde/H.'IIt/efl1(I' hy Ebl/er 10,) haw! hl,'e" illc/llded for edllCllliolltll rca-
l'OIIl'. Tlle.\'(~ 111'0 cOlldilioll., .\'''ould alll'lI)'s be
(woit/cd: /11c"iI",,-lellgth c),lilldl'iclll .1'I/·IIClllre!.'
Hlidi/illX ofSU'f!J Shell\ - £",YI/k' all IJe.dgll RCCOmlllell(klioll.~
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

lIilh Ollt! {'lid mmllJI)Oned lIlId II/e ()11,er ('lid (6) The factor C,.
Otl~l' radifllly $II/Jporletl, lIml (T/illlWrf 11#11 111'0 lOA. \\Ith a laluc that
Im.mpl)()ru'{J I'm/f. If if il' IIul /)(/Hibie to tllVid condition~ ('M!C 4,:\ .n'''~
Ihele condililll'.I', ,Hu'l, a J/nl£lIIre /tim' he de-
Siglll'd a.1 all itlfllgmtln' IHIr/ of fm imit'/il1ileil '
/ollg cylillder ,mt/l'r C\Ierlful prt'H'/lre (usi"X
":t,. 10,16) which '(!(ld~' IfJ 1I ,'el,. Illmll i'll/lie'
for C II (rml/('r Ih,m C u 0),

-, .
Tilbl ... 10.J .. F:ttcmal pre~surc buckling fllctors for 1llf."tilUIll length e),lmdc,", C•
Ca!tC ()I in~~r end BoundMVeondition Vlllue ofC
I cnd I BC I I.S
end 2 BC I Tlbl... II
- t-
2 end I BC I 1.25 C~
end 2 Be:!
3 ,,'" I Bel 1.0

0"" 2
end I
DC I 0.•
, cnd 1
end I
BC 3
BC2 0
cnd 2 BeJ
6 end I DC 3 0
end 2 rJC 3

(5) J.'or !>hon cylilldcnl \\hieh lire: defined by: lI'itl, dl'c:real!l/g cylllltier leI/XIII the ('1'1111'11'
circ:/llllferelllilli huddillg wren mymptotil'ulll'
~ < 20 ,.. (10.22) appro<lcill'S lilt! plllle hlfd.:lillg llreH ()f 1m ill-
Co d('filli/(,~" /0118 "Imew";/) (,\('1' Pigl f(U fmd (7) For long cylinders " I
thc crihca l circumrerential buckling !ltre!>!> !.hould 10.6). The {tn.-Iu,· C 11 (imleat! (~rCfJ COIW,f Illil
be obtnim:d in~tead from: effeC'1 oflll{'rf!l~\i/lg l/l'ellxlll. .!!!... > 1.63 r
Co I

(TIJR..,· = O. 9-' I~
... .£& I
- ... ( 10.23) the eriliclli circumrerential
Iv ,

be obtained from :

"OR" =£(; 0.275+ 2.

FiJ:ur... 10,6: PI:llc buckling liS hmitUlg ca!loC of II

!>horl cyllndrlclll !>hcll under eircumff.'fCntlal

_____________C:.::.•.~h~"~/,~k:·'~,/~,~"~,:":s:of~co"slllIII wall Ihicklll'U Imeler gel/crill loading

;/lflJlortl'J tlild ,Iu' miter eml (6) The factor Ca. should be laken from Table The e.\l)N!uiO/I.~ for C,. ill Tahlt· 10.4 tire Cltr
>orlcl/, und qlilltk'n, n Itil 111'0 lOA, with II \'alue lhal depends on the boundary prolimulioll.f It, I/umerical/y preci.fC'(i' (,"/l'II-
If it is 11m INJ.\\ih/l' to tllVid conditions (S(.'C 4.3 lind 4.4): lau-d m/III!S (.~('(' left ha"d .fide of Pig/Ire 1n,5),
wC'h tl I/nIC'IIIre mm' he dt,- 7711,)' we/'(' t/cw! /oIJCd by Greim!r (Sd,l//idl &
~ilkln· 1",rl of till i"d"fillilch' Greilfer. /998), Althollgh Ihe rolal;wwl I'I!-
ia l~\ll'nwl preH/Ire (uling .\'II'"i", /x'CQI1Il!.I' il1cre(lsi"g~I' il/jllli'mial (IS 'he
leadl If) a l'l'0 ' .m lt/II I'allfe Q'/im/u h'/Igll, d(!t:rl'Wi(!~ (.w.'t! Figllre 10.5). 110
II C,l 0). dMillCliol/ is Illude belll'l'L'1I Bel,. (lml BCl!
The (!xp,.ewi(m.~ gil'ell /01' Casc>s ] lIIId j ill Tu-
ble 10.4 lIrt: I'lIlidfOl' pi/llied bollndaries allhe
Bel (',,(/s,

. . External pl\.~ure buckling factors for short cylinde~ C•

Tubl" 104'
us C"", Cvlindcr end Boundary condl\IOn C.
I ,"" I IlC I 10 5
I." ,"" 2 IlC I 1.5 + ---, -
0.6 - 2 IlC I 8 4
"'" I
l.-nd 2 1lC2 1.25 +---'-3
o ",- '"
"'" I 1lC2 3
cnd 2 1lC2 1.0+--rrr
o "' .
4 end I 11(. I
cnd 2 1lC3 0.6+~ - 0.;
w- w
cyli"der It'llgtll til" criliCllI
1u.'It.Ii"g llre\\ IIfl"nlfJ/(}tic(llIy
"here w-r,;
fu/I' hllC'41illg .llrl',\1 or
till ill-
(7) For long cylinders which nrc defin(..'d by:
tltl! l/rip (se(' Figl 10.5 w,,/ With illcrellsillg cyli/lder le/lglll the IIlIiformly
[/4 (im/emf oreIi (·tJI'e~ IMI pre.l'l"uri.n!d cylinder buckles lI'ith til - 2 \I'{II ·(·...
• .I'Irl'lIgl11. ..!!. > 1. 63!: ... (10.24) (IrQ/md 'he drclIIlIferenc:e (see righl hand side
Co ' of Figure 10.5). lIs cin:ulllferemilli buckling
the criticlIl circumferential buckling stress should .WrI!.H. according 10 lill('(1/" silt'll bucklillg ' '1.'-
be obtained from: w)'. ll.l}'IIIPWliclIlly approaches the mlue fur tI
\'(''Y IUl/g cyli/lder (i.e. a "Iuhe "). TIti.~ lo"g
cylinder buckli"g sirengih i.v the ...·tlllle as 111lI1 of
1I pitllle circulor rillg IIIlder a ulliform immrt/
! huckhng as limiting CMt: ofa
0'.... .. 12(13£<' , 0.175· E(-;:,), ...(10.16)
- v~ )~ .~:
" \hell un<k.Tcircumfcrcntial
Eqlltllioll /0.25 describes Ihe lrallsilio" from
""""""~ .~hell bllcJilillg 10 If,i.f rillg bllCk/illg mocle. lI"illi
'hI.' .\·('COllti lerm 1I1JProoclti11g =ero as lJJ ap-
protK'hes <Xl,

Bllckling o/Sled Shells· £lIrolX'{1n Eksigll RL'CQmmelldal;olls Clrtumf('fcntild buckling paramt'l ... rs

(I) The circumferentinl clnstic imperfection Eql/(1fiOIl 70 0/ 'he 4,11 1-., 111;01/ of the R('COIII- 1,0
factor should be luken from Table 10.5 for the mel/dariolls ga\'(! lJ.(J 0,5 (U' 'he .\'/IIgle ellmie
specified fabrication tolcmncc quality class. imlJetj"eclioll IMlar fur ,"e clc.\igll (if olllills/iff- 0,8
"fwd cylintlers III/del' IIlIiform external pres-
Sllre. Thil' refafil'ely /011' ,'alt/I: origiflll/eel from
0/1 el'o/llotIOIl 0/ a/mill 700 (",W.f (Gill el (II"
1970). alld it 1I'OS fmcr cmifjl'lt/ed hy fI fell'
more res/!" (1/ LiI'C'1)()()/ VI/iI'usil), (Gal/erl)' el 0,4
01, /91:17). The dCl'igll proced"re ill 'hI! (It E{Ji.
film of 'he R('Comlfll.mdtltiOll.f \l'as meulII to 0,2
co,'er hoI" h),tirrw{llic pre,\'silre (il/dm:illg lI.Yial
COIIIIJressioll in (uk/itioll to the c:in'lll'iferelllial
compn'ssiQII) tIS " 'ldl (I ,Y extl'/'Iwl pn..'331Ire 0,0
a/om!, BII/ (111IIm'l all 1eJ.IS Illn't! /x'ell clIrricw 0,
oul using hy(/rrultllic pl"4!S.W n:,
"'Igure 10:
By COlflmsl, EN 1993·1·6 lretlif hydro.fllllic
pres.~lIre (phy.,ically corroctly) U,f {II/ illler~·
(2) I'hc clrcumfercntia
lioll between cirCllllljerel1lial bllcklillg (from
ness ABO ' the pla;,tic mng
presslln..' 011 'he wall) (lilt! meridiollal bllckling
(from pre33I1N.' 011 Ihe /!IId closllres). Takillg action exponent '1 ~hould
Ihal illlo (ICCO/lllt, the lest r/!llilis ul rt!(lliwica/~I' A/IO 0,40 P 0,60 "
i11l/H.'!fi·r.:t suet f/H.'t'iml'1U call Ix' described
qllill! well by a 9 - 0,65 (Schlllidl & Slrlll'ke,
1987), n,i,v m/I/t! btu '/It'nju/'L' bc.'ClIl:llu.I'l!lIlor
Cltus B cylilldt'l':l, It may be IIIJletl,llat a9 - 0,5
is tlll'U all ah.l'(lllife 10ll'er limit Ihal Ctlll he
prol'f!d Ihl'OlwiClilly (E.\'slillgcr & Geier, 1975)
prOl'idl'(l the imJX!!fi'Ctitms are Ol/~V ill 'he IOl'm
ojtlel'ialioll,f 1I0rmailu Ihe l'h/!II ,mrfl,ct!,
(3) Cylinders nl't,'d III
circumfcrcntinl ,hell buck
Tuhle 10.5: Vlllues of ae based on fabricalion quality
Fllbricmion lolcmnce Qualil class
Class A
Dcscri lion
.cI S O•2I JIloA
Class 11 Hi.h 0.65
Class C Nonnal 050

Cylilldric/ll ,d,ell.'f of LV}/ISUmt Wtlllihickllcss IIlIder gellemllomJill!!:


Ihe 41h Edilioll of Ille Recom-
• ~ 0,5 as Ihe ,~illglf! (·Iaslit' 1/)"
'or for lite (/rsigl1 of {III Im'\"iff- O.B
muler ""iform t!.I'lemal /Jrt!.\-
l'e~1' loll' 1'0/111' originated/rom

r uholll 700 'esls (Gill et ai" I,
'US Illfer L'(}/!/irllll.'ti h)' 1I fell'
0.4 a..
''''rpool Ullilwsit), (Gal/ell)' el
",figll pnxe(llIre ill Ihe ( . Edi-
'ommendoliOlI.f \I'(Lf ",calif 10 0.2
c' §; .....::::
ISlalic prcssllre (illdllclng (uial
'kiclitioll 10 lhe circuII/Jeremial A,
J '11'('11 lIS t!.flcnml p/'l.·s~ lIre
J.f/ all le.fl.' IIm'e bee" cllrri('(1
aD a2 a4 a6 aB 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6
Iatit.' pressllrf!. "' igurl" 10.7: Buck ling rcduclion (octors (orcircumfereotial cyhoderbuckhn&
I /993-/-6 lrem,f IIydrosllIIi~
allr correclf") a, Ufl itllemc- (2) The circumferential squash limit slender- TIr£' sql/Cl$h limit relalil'C s/efldemeu l'aille 0/
/'C/lmferetllial bllckUng (from ness ~oo' the plastic runge (actor p, and the inter- ~/ffi =0, 40 is higher tlla" Ilml fiJr meridiollal
wall} anti meridi01ll11 blldclill8 C'tlmlJreuiol1, allt/II'as calibrated I/sillS: t!.t/Jl'ri-
all the efl(1 cloSl/res). Takillg action cxponcnt '1 should be tuken a... :
me",,,1 el'ic/c!IIce dl/ring Ihe del'e!opmem of DIN
• lite lest re,fIIIIJI of rctlli.~tiC(lI(\' lOO' 0 ,40 fl 0.60 '1 1.0 ... ( 10.27) UJ800-4 (1990),
s{X't'imem Cllll he de!J,'crihed
1 0,65 (Scltmidt & Stmcke, The redllctioll filc'lors Zo tlrat /'I.'Sllit from tl/C!sc
r hclS therefore ocell chosell for m/llt,s of the /XII'all/elers (Eq, 10.17), coupled
~. "mil)' be /Jotcd Ih(ll a/l- 0,5 with ao m/lles fro m Table /0.5 Il.\'eti ill Eq.\' 9,3
,llIle lower limit Ihm CllII be 10 9.5, (II'(' l'IIoll''' plotted lIgllillSf Ihe shell re/a-
':1/~\' (Es.fli"ger & Gl'il'r, /975) lil'C! ,f/ellt!Cl'l1eSS i" /;";g. 10,7.
ler/ecliollS ore olfl)' ill '''e for",
I SIIe1I~lIrftlce.
IIII to Ill'
(3) Cylinders need not be checked against Eqll(l/ioll /0.28 relales l!.:rtIct~\' fa Ihe Iimi/(l/i(J/1
circumferential shel l buckling iflhey s:.lIisfy: ~oo S OAO willi ('Tflkor according 10 Eq, 10.26.
quahlY 77,e Ii",ilillg mille of rll ill Eq. 10,18 i., there-
• a
... ( 10.28) fore a rtllher LVllSen'tlli\'C I!l'/im(lte for "II c)'l-
illlkrs II'hich {Ire 1101 c/uss('tl eLf 101lg, //OIl'CI'cr,
lhis lilllit ,hmlld ,flricll), depend all ,/r , blllll'e
O.SO Projecl Tetllll II'lro de\'I!loped EN 1993-1-6 L'OIl-
sideretl this 10 be 1ll1reasollably L'OII/plicaled,
IIIS/t'llll, Eq. /0.18 represel/ls I I Simp/I! Slife
It/(!(lSIITC for exclllding 1I0n-bllcklillg-re/l!wmt
Cll.\t!.\', Nf!\'f!rllre/~, if other bolllldary L'(}lIdi-
I;OIlS ure lI!il.'tI in II,e filII bllck/illg assl.'ssmem
proct'SS, Ihosl' for II'hich a bllcklillg check is
IImu!ces.ftlry will be sholl'II 10 be so. I!\'CII iflhey
do IlOlmeel Eq. /0,28. TI!i!J,' eqllll/ioll is there-
fore limply (III aid 10 designers.

BudlillX v/Slcel Shcll.\ - Elll'OfN-'OII Design R(.'CVlIlI/lc/ulallOlIl

10.2.4 S hl'ar

10.2.4. 1 Criliu l shl'ar buckling SlrcsSl.'S

(I) Thc following expressions should be ap- Tlli., mle re.~I'il'h Ille hOlll/tlm")' cmltlilion ('tlSe.f
plicd only 10 shcll~ \\Ith boundary conditions Ihal ON! penmttetlfor Ill/dling ///Ider \'1,('(11'. 3 H-- I
DC I or DCl at both edges.
No good eXfN-'rimellwl eddelll't! i.f aW/ifahle for
she(l/' hliCklillg of C-"lilld{'r~i lI'ith md;o".I' ji-ee
edge.~ (Be3). This if a/w) Ille ('ose fm' n/il/derf
/I/Illel' m('ric/jUlwl (·0/"11I'f!,\·,\·1(",.
For cylil/ders ;/1 she(lr 1/" c/i.wiIlCliuII i,l mllCle he· o
111'('('11 BC J (Illd BCl, IJIII rill/ialalld circ/lm{l.'r- 1 2
emial r('slmill' uf di.lpftlCl.'mel//\ ill Ihe cylil/der
elld~' is (1/1!IIliol "mil' assllll/pliuI/.
H~urt IO.M: (ntl(al
(2) The length of the shell segment should be See {'O/Ill/U!III 011 10.2.1. 1 (2).
characterised in tenlls of the dimensionless length
(4) For m.:diulII-1cn!!th
pammeter ('!F. fined by:
m:;H i . . . (10.29) IO S bJ'SR.7·
(3) The critical shenr buckling stI'CSS should be IfEq. 10.30 i~ writ/ell willlolil C,. 'he hllckling the factor Ct lIla)- he f,.u
obtained from : ~Irexs is Ihal of II classlc(,1 lill(!(lr Dollnell·~11H! C 1_0

if '
sllel/ bllcklillg 111('0,)' (lIJ/JIiC(/ Iu (I medillm·
r,ORrr "" O.75ECr - - ... (10,30) 1~1I8'h c)'Ii",k". It-itll pi/met! hmlluktries (BC2j)
, (11 r
(mt! lotll/oo by /lIIi/orm membral/e ~IIC('r lI.f 1'1'0- (5) for ~hon cylindcn. \
tiliCeti by (I com,o,,' lorque (lilli/arm wr.\·ioll).
This mIlle /1lJS beell cllo.fe" (IS Ihe reference (11< 10
mIlle for "II ca~'e_~ of.\'hellr buckling ill cylindri- the fnctor C. may he ""t"i,
clIl shells. 11u! (elmlie) criliclIl ~'IIn'r buckling

~'II'f!.~~· i.l· shown in Figllre 10.8 jiJr Ihe wllole
lellglh range from ~'''orl lu long c.J'1il/der.~ Cr
(Kromm, 1940; Yfll/l(lkl, 1984). 7711.' illfluences
of Ihe 'V)('Cifllle(llllre~ of ~'/lUrt (lIId 100Ig cylin-
ders lire c01'ert!d by IIiefuclor C ..

Cylindrical .\"cll~ ofCfJllSlUlII lI'alllhiclmess Imder gcncrlllltNh/i1l1-:

bOlli/dory c()ll(lilio/l (,'lI.\'C.I
, 11Il' medium-length I long
'fiN' huckling III1t/lfr s"('ar. 3 t-1r-t_--'Short
ell/al el'ic/el/cc is cl\'tlilable jiJr
f nlil/dlf/'S lrilll r""iul(I' ji-C('
, il' CIllO Ihe cllse jbr cylillder,fI m=4 3
075 r
"('ur IH) di~liIlCli(1II iI' IIIlIdc he· o '----"-ofoI'"-
~C1, bill rUllic,1 ulld circIIlI/fer. 1 2 5 100,5 1 5 10 50
'difplocClI/clII.f aliltc (:I1iIlt/er plate buckling twisted tube buckling
JI b.J.~i(' USff/III/Jlioll
ngurl' 1O.H: ('nllcal ~m."3r buckhng ~trc<iSC!O Recording 10 cla"slcallincar buckhng theory (B(2)
0.1,1.1 (1),
(4) For mcdium·lcngth cylinders II hleh arc de- II.I/fluld heIIot(>tllhal Ihe criticlIl ,~//(>tlr hlld-
lined by: lillg lIre,I,\ of U 1II("t/illlll leI/gill (:l-Jim/(or ,Io.'IJf:lldl
01/ lilt' cylinder leI/gill. This COlllraSll' "it" me·
10 ~ (d S; 8.7 - ... (10.31) ridiollal hlldling, hilt is similar W drn"n/(·I't'''·
I li!,1 hlldding: mdcecJ. it may he limed Ilwt lilt,
thc factor C, may be round 1I1>: dn.:lllllfcre",ial hllcJ.lillJ: .f/re,u i,f il/l'(ne!l' 1Jrt.1-
-1IIf'IJwi/17m" C .. 'lit! bucklillg
IlOrliorm/1O (d , ll'Mlxl the sllMr bllcklinK strt.!Sl
, da.nicollil/ellr DoIIIIC'II-I)'PC C, 1.0 ... (10.32)
rron' upplied Iu " 1II('(lil/lI/· i\ il/l'er\e!l' /Jrt.JIX),.,i(JIw! to ~ , (l1It1 the merid-
'ilh pill/\('cl boll/It/aries (Belf) iOI/(I1 bliCklillg Slress is int/('JX'"dellt of tv .
i/or", memhr""c shcw' tIS I)ro- (5) For short cylindcn. II hich are dclim..'ti by: With cic!('I'CtI,mg cylinder lellgth Ihe c.Tilit"C/1
'all/ lorque (1IIIifor", lorsioll). ,~II('{I/'
bucklillK .\In',\.\ (ls.l''''fJtotiCCllh' afJlJrlXlchc,1
IITII chosell as IIII' referellce (d < 10 , .. (10,33)
Ihe sl,elll' /mcklil/g ,~fn':>:J of (/II i"t/'1/"ife(I' wide
f ofshellr bucklillg ;11 cylillt/ri- the rUetor C r IlliIy be obtllinl.'(! from: pIC/Ie Ilrip (Fig,.. 10.8l1l1d 10. 9). Eqllatioll 10,34
'Iostic) crit;ClII shl'ar buckling de,\ uihe.\ Ihe trcll/.Iil;OIl,
(II Figllre /0,8 for the wllole
~1/ sllorl 10 10llg c),lillr/('r.f
C'r JI+ ;d~ .. , ( 10,34)
r'"l1aki. 1984). rhe illjlllef/ce"
r'rt's of short (llIlllollg cylil/-
r"hefoctor C ~

.' Igun' 10.9: I'hnc buckhng as hmltmg ca..c ora

~hon c)'hndncal shell under membrane shear

Bucklillg o/S/cel Shells - Ellropellll Desigll R{'c()IIIII/C!IIdm;(ms

(6) For long cylinders w hich lire dcfin(."(! by: With ;IIl'r(!mjllK ' :I'iillder lel/M'h 'he lII/ifimll(I'
, hl'/~/l'd cyiilll/er h/lckle.~ lI';tl/ III ... 2 helicul p O.n"
tV > ~.7 - ... ( 10.35) 11'(II'(',f (w!(' right halld sit/t' of Fig. /O.N). "'or u
I (3) Cylinder-. 1l\.'Cd
\ '('1)' IOllg cyfilll/£'r. Ihe critic(,1 .flle"r hllck/ill8
.. hell buckling iflhc)
the fuctor C r may be obtuinr.:d from: j,'lr('.U alJIJIYJ(Il'he,\" the chusktll .W lllliull jiJr
/lI'islC'd Iltll(! 11'111.'1/ fhe jill/lienee of
, ,·

=1.3 V'u~ ... (10.36) eOluli,;ol/.'; is II('gh.' {'ted (Scllln!rill. 1925): O. 16 1..!::...T
j .•
J I (~)IJ .. (10.37)
4.143 lJl-,,' ,
EqulIliotf!" /036 unci 10.30 de.H.'ribe IIII.~ clani- 10.2.S '.cridional
c(II !iO/lllioll.

10.2.5. 1 Shear buckling ,JUrllllH' ll'n
( I) The cntleal mend,ol
( I) The shear clastic impcrr\.'C lion filctor :.hould There is a Iflflrked .~i",i1ari~l ' ilf 111(111.1' ph.l ~lkal may be a!o!oum~d \0 be
be taken rrom Tublc 10.6 lo r the speci fi ed rubri- " .f/x'cb /x>twj!ell Ihe Iwo h(l.~1c .~hdl bucklillg of illlernal prc~~ure arn.ll
cation tolerance quality class. C(I.~e~ lerm('(/ "cylillder IInder IIni/on" erler/wI lied in IO.2.:U.
pN!.~sllre·· and "cylil/der IIIIder III1i/onll lor-
siOl/al !ihear" 1I'1Iic/, dijferelll;me.I' litem fmll/llte
II,il'd lx,sic ('(LI'e o'''c)'/i/ldel' III/dcr IIII i/orm me-
ridiml(ll coII/prcssioll". The "rilical bucklillg re-
si.I/{IllCe_~of t/tt' firSI two are leI I _\'rollg~l' dOllli-
IItlled by 1II('lRbrlllll! stiJIiu'ss; Iheir eigellm/lle.f
l ire 1/01 d(m!h' dllstered: their /JOstbllck!i/lX be-
IIm';o/lr is h'ss t/I'llllllltica/(I' t/1!.~cl!I/dillg, (ll/(l lhe
tl't'Orelical dastic puslbuckling lIIillilllllm \'(lIlies (I) The pm~uri ....'tl
of' (lrt' 1\1);C(l/(1' (trull/Ill 600" of Ihe /i"ear ,hould be \erilied I
critiml \'(lIlies O'(lIIlllki. 1984), i~cd meridional b",'kl,,,,g~
9.4.3 and 10.2.2.
Murc.'OI'f!r. Ihere i.~ less eJ,1X'rilllell/(/1 data Oil
clll~tic impcrlt.'Ction
cylinders ill lon;iml Ihtll/ (III cylillders IIIIder ex-
lenwl preSSllrl', II ,herefoN! mllkes SI'f/5(' 10 IISI!
by the pressuri~ed clo:.tic i
lite slim/! b"dUIIS jXlrlll/w/er.1 for .~he(lr (IS for
ci/'CIlIII/erelllilll compressiol/. Tll('rc is ,,1.1'" SOIll/!
eXIX'rilllc'II",1 stll)Jlorl for litis (lpprot,eI, (Ellill{n
elo/" 1984).

.. ,
Tllbll' 106· VlllUl'S or u bused on fabriclltion qunlity
Fllbrication lolcrolllCC quuhty class Description .,
Chw A Excellent 0.75
Class n II i I 0.65
ClnssC Nonllnl 0.50

(2) The shear squash limit slenderness .40. the See col/mlelll 01/ lite p/'('(oedillg IHlragl'l'plt.
plastic runge ruclOr p. and the interaction expo-
nent 'I should be taken as:

Cylim/riclll shells ofCOIU/alll IHI/I Ihicb,eM IIl1der generClllo(lllmg

cylintler Il'nglh Ihe IIIIi/onnl),

hud/cf Idlll", 2 helical P 0.60 'I 1.0 ... (l0.3K)
h,,"d sit/I? of Fig. 10.8). Fur a
(3) Cylinders need not be dll.-ckcd IIguin~t lohe:lr Eqlltllhm 10.39 ful/oll's from )'rO ':= 0.40 Irtlll
~·r. Ille critiml ,511(,tlr hllckling
lohcll buckling iflhey s.1Iisfy:
'J III.. du.Hil'ul _wllltioll for tl Ihe elm/ie·plaslic sll(,tlr bllCklillg wre.u r.I'f~RIT
('/I Ihe inflllellCI.' of hOlillt/ary
h'cll!tl (St:llIl"erill, 19]5):
/ f,.k
·67 gil'e/l by Eq. 10.37. Th" limilillg mille of 1'1
... ( 10.39) from Eq. 10.39 is therefore tI mIller CYJ/I.fen'tl"
li"e ('willlme for all cylillder,\ "hieh tire 1101

l ~(,-)}J .. /rmg. Fm' fimher COl1llllel//, .fee Ihe (///(JIU~Olll'

(/0.37) COllll1lell/ ill /
,I I ,.' ,

olld f(UO tk.fcrilw II/if cltls!>;- 10.2.5 Mcridional (axial) c.·tHlIl)rCssioli nith l'oc\i'ill'nllnlernal prl'!lsure Prl'!lsurised criticulmcridiol1l1llmckling ~Ircss

(I) Thc critical meridional buckling lol~!. a ,A'.or Umkr IiI/ear shell b/lcklillg Iheory, IIIIiforlll
t;J I/mi/oril\' in II//lIIy p/~I'Sir:lIl lI\ay be assumed to be unafTl-cted by tile presenec dn..·llI1lfel'l!lIIiallellsioll does I/ul mise Ihe crili-
Ihe' /11"/} /li/sk .\'111'11 buckl;IIg of intcrnal pressure and mOlY be obtuincd as speci- colmeridiOlml bllCkling slress a,A'.or of a cylil/-
..Iinl/e'r 11111/.,1' IInifurm c'Clenwl fied in 10.2.2. 1. del' (e.1{. Fltigge. 1973). n,i.f i.f hecoll~e (me (If
"cylinder limier /l1/i/orm 101'- Ihe IIIlllly eigelllll()(les 01 litis crilical .Hreu i.\·
ich Jif!c-'relllitlle.f Ihem from Ihe IL'ri_fY'",I/erric olld IIIIi/orm illfenml presslln..'
)f "cylinder I",der 1I11i/orlll lIIe- (:{IImo' aller lit" criliclll hllckling siren of trlCh
f;O,," Th" t:rilil'tll bucklillg N'_ II 11/'''''/'''
irsl two are II's!> !>'Irongli' domi-
JIIe J/iffiwU; Iheir eigelll'tlhu's
I'blere'd.- Iheir ,lOslb/lckling m'- 10.2.S.2 Prl'!lsurist'd lIIt'ridionlil buckling lIarlllllclcrs
'"maliealll'tleseemJillg, alltlille
:- ,xU/hlidUng lIIillill/lIlII I'lIll1e.\ (I) The pressuriscd meridional buckling stress Hml'el'l!I', fill' till illlpeifecr cylilll/er. lite eltl~/i('
WI/I' (lrmllld 6(11'" of III(' Ii/I('ar ~ hould be verified lIImlogously 10 the unprcssur· lIIeridimlll/ bllcklillg ,)·Ire.u a, ·UrR,., IIIay Ix!
/loki, 19<~"). ised meridional buckling stress liS spt"Cificd in ('vllsidembly raised by a I//Iiform jmel'lwl p,'('S-
9.4.3 und 10.2.2. Howc"cr. the ullprelosuri~-d S/lre. T/til is /x'ClIIIS(! rite illlf!I'IIlII/)r(!,\',\'/lr(! lIl-
i.1 11',0 experilllellllll dllw on
clastic impcrfc.-ction factor a, should be rcpluced le\'l(/fe.~ Ihe delrimcl/llIl {1fi'cl of IIII' g(!OmClr;.
Olllh,," Oil C\'limlel'S III/del' cr-
IJllherefor{' make.) ~'e/ue /() IHe by thc pressuriscd claslic imperfcction fuctor a,p' (,1I1 impetfi'l.'lilm.f by redtlcillg Ihe =Olle.f of

;f parameters for shear as for (YJlllpre.uil'e lIIelllbrUlle .~/re.f.fel· int/uced hy lite

pmWf'SSiOIl. Then.' is aIm sOllie
f ... ,1", "1'i'~K'h (£m,,",
hll/X'Ifi-'Cliol/s (Cal/ooille, 1983; ROller alld
Tel/g, /989). III rhe 411, Edilioll of Ihe Ri'(·om·
lI/ellllariflllS lhi.f l:IJecl war /liken il/lo t/ccolIlII
by il1crea.~i/lg Ihe ela.wic impctfi'l:lioll /tk'lor
"ap "from lite basic /tlClor "00" hI' (III ammmi
Iltal delJelldt.'ci 011 Ihe "IIIemol preulIre, fiJl/olI'-
I a, illg J/lllcilillso/l (1965), Weil/gar/ell 1:1 al.
0.75 (/965) alld similar slI/dies. This Sllm(' co/lCepl
0.65 1/(1.\ m'ell Wkl'lI ow.'r jlllo EN 1993· /-6,

Blld-ling afSIN'1 Slu,dls· £lIropt'(1/I De,rigll R{'COIIlIIllHulalimlS

(2) The IJr'C... ~uri ...ctl elaslic IInpcrfL'Clion factor AI high il//('Nml pr(!\!illreS, II/{, {'Omhilltllirlll of
a." should be taken as the sllUlHer of Ihe two fol- Ilu.' meridiun(11 crlftlpreH'iml tIIltl drt:llfll{i.'rt'/I-
10\\ 109 \olue . . : liullC'nsioll tIIJPrutJt.Jw,\ tI III/illiioll IIher(' ,l'ield
a.,.. i~ a factor co\cring prclo~urc- mdllced wlt/er "fI'
hhu'ial ,flre,n' field (1(,(,(lr(Jillg In "Oil
clalotic ~ ttl bi li \.1 ti on: Mi:JC'l' il lIJ1proU('/ll'd IIQ1H'I'Cr, tl(/itlc£'111 10
0'IP is a factor co\cring pre. . ,urc-mduced
plastic dc ..tabi li\.'llion
bollllt/aries, rillgl, jllll('lioll f tlIIl1,}/tIIl' 'hid-IIl',I,1
dltmg(',~, a pitu/i{' Imlahilil!' ON'II/',f ('arlil'r,
I' , --1!..>-11'
a"Re, I
flout/illg 10 tl /alllll'(' ('01111110/1/1' ler/m'd "('it'-
plmnl',l /iXIf ", The 1IIt'lIIlIral/e .lfrt',I,1 Mflle if \\ hcre:
p. i~ the .. mallesl
co/l.fidt'/'{/b~I' I/uitil' Ihe 1'(11/ MiSt's elll'£'lope
II'hell lhi,f /aUIIl't' 1II()(le fJ(.'C'/IrI',\' ;IIce gL'OIl/{'Il'i£' nal pressure til the
illlpt'rfi-'C'lialU and /lvulleltll), {'ol/tiilimn lead 10 ocing as!>C''teJ, gum,:
lucul /lelldillg II'ltid/ il1('I'('uJt',1 Ihe memhrwl(' the meridional COlllp:
flrC',f,fes 100',Jk ,I I "('n' high ill/('l'Iml pl'el- 0, is the unpTC ,uri~..,
,lure,l' olltl 110 (u'iul ('Ollllu'enitm, lite ,l'IrellXlit lnlpcrlcl.:tion factur •
tlIJPr()(lChl',f lite I/) Sln',n ,~talt' hllr<i;lmg pres- 00"
Sllre fiJr Ihe ,,'/illtier, a'~-r is the wlil.:ai meriJ
accorJmg 10 IO,:!,:!,1
TIliJ prohlent h(u het'll t',\/Jlort.'(1 for hnlh
bolli/dun' ('Ol/,liliol/l (R()II{'r & fif,'ide, /9,117;
ROller, /9901 ami .filr illll't.'rfj.·,.'liulIJ (Roller,
1996), 1!'lIer(' il i,f \('f.'11 Iltal rh(' ''ffi'('1 of
srrellglll gain.f m/tler elm lie hll!'klillg romli-
liol/s amllhellr(,lIg,It loues dill' 10 depltulII'f
/001 hucklillg urI' a/lllml ('OIllII/e/(..II' /I/(/...,H:II"-
elll J'ilr IIlill (Ilim/f.'n (Fig, /0 10) Bt'(,tl/ISf.' of
Ihb, illdelH!IIc/"IIt:C', 111'0 ,It'/ H./nlle nl/l.',\' (1/'(' gil'f.'11
10 de.,luihl' Ine 111'0 e/f{'('ls: 0ll~' ./i}r lite elaffic
.~//'ellglll gaill mill Or,.,., for '''t' /Jlmlil' ~//'t'l/gfh
10S,I, The ,llIIrll/el' oflhe,l{' 111'0 I'(I/III.'S {'()I/Iro/~
Ih(' desigll,


- ---.:-j Q.

Figure 10,10: Influence of clrcumfl-rt:ntmltension

rrom Internal Pl't'li~urc on the mendlonal buckling
~tm~ (lIChcmatle) (4) The faclor 0 shoul!
inders that an.: long acnmj
(3) The factor a.,., ~ hould be obtained from: Fol/tJI\'illM lI'e \1'0/* of III11('hiIlW)// (1965), it lIddlllOn, II ~hould not bo.=
n'C..'Ogllt.\'l!d l"tII a-ri'~Ylmllelri(' illl/H!rfot'-
the follo\\ mg t\\O conditior
liolls lead l u ,ItI' \//wlle,\I\II'('lIgtll K{/i//,\ dlle to the cylinder I ~ meJi

() 'lhulricalf/ll'lIs of cOIISltlllt wal/ th;CAlII'S.f IIlIder gellertlllOlH.lmg

pn5f11n'f, Ihe cOlllhill"liml 0/ IIIIC-'rtW/,Jl1'u/we, so £q, 10,40 il' /xlSed 011 cal-
_'o"'l'r('\\iol/ Wlel Cirt: lIl11f('rt'II- ('tlllIliol1.'f relmillK 10 Ihew! mode,t (Rol/('r,
'(}Cl(.-i/L'Itllllllall()l1 11"11('('(' yil'ld 1997). ralher 1/1(111 Ihe more opllmi,f/ic galll,f of
'I III"',\.{ .fidd tI('tlJrdillg 10 1'(111 ,lte 4'" £dilioll of lite R('t·OIllI1lf.'lIdalioll.\', \l'hi':!1
K.-il.'ci 11011('11'1', lII/ill!'('lIt to Im,f empirically deriwd from t~r:pt:rim"III,I'
I', jl/fIC'liOnf mlllpl(l((' IhiC'lm('.1.I
'lit, illlWhili/1' (I("CIII' I f'urli('r.
p, =(u:':" )(~) ...( 10.41)
(lI'eillglll"lel1 l 'l 01., /965) ,hal fUKI ill/lX'tie(' -
liOll.1 'hal were largdy /1II.lymmelricllllllld 1111 -
ill/rt· "oml/wlI/l' Icrmt'd "dl.'- l'{'p/·(!.f(!/IIt1Ii1·e of real cOmlnlclioll, Ulllikl! lite
r-ht' lIIelllh"II/(!\fre_I'.I' \fuf(' il
where: cOl'l'e~po/l(lillg prol'isioll if! Ihe .f. l:.i.lilicm of
p. is the smallcst design value of local inter- tlte RC'('OIllIllI!IIdaliOlls. Eq. /(JAO lI,f,fe'u('.f Ihe
;i,I.' Ihl.' I'ml IIlse'_f ('III'('lopl'
1IIOt.le (l(xlI~,li/lce gl'o/1/('fl'ic
nal pressure al the location of the point ill/erlml pl'e"I/ll'e 0/1 Ihe mJJis of tI correcl me-
d hm/fu/ary t'Ul/(/iliolll It'tlti 10
being asSCSM.'<i, gUllnIl1IL'\.'tl to coexist wilh (:I"mit'." l'epl'f!SCllflIlioll of il.l dilllell.liuII/e,11 dl'-
the meridional compression.
hh h illcr"(I,W,1 II/(, mt'lI/brlmc' 1X'I1de//('1! p,, '
AI \"l'n- higll iflf(,rll(Il pl'l'_I - at is the unprcssuriscd meridionu] clastic
wi nJlI1prrll'imr, Ih.' HI" 'II/{Ih imperfcction fnclOr according to 10.2,2.2. It i,l "en' impOrf(lIIf f(J rc.'coglliw IIIlII II'lIer(' ill-
JD sln'.'.f ,flUff! hlirMillg pl1' ~­ ..d len",1 prenll/'l.' Ctlllse.f illcl'{!lued \'lrl'IIglh
til.'r. (J.~,~ is the critical meridional buckling ~Irc ..:,> (('/tutic stabilist";OIl), the IOH'er dltJraderi_llil"
according to 10,2,2,1(3). ( I",ulle.ft) ill/crtml pressure, l!tal is guurulltt'ed
Id~ he-'I.'I/ t':rplun'c/ fbI' h0111 III coexisl lI'illt lite meridiollal comprl'tfirlll
'jol/l (Roft,'r & S4..'ilIt.'. 19ln: \Iwuld IH: illfrO(llI(.'ed. ThaI is, cure _f/mliid IH:
rrJ for i"'l't'r:{t'ttiollf (Rollt'r. wAt.'1I 10 I.'II.fllre Iltal litis is lIeillter a (111n'I.'II-
, i,1 It't'/I Ih"1 Ihl! ('11('('/ of
limwl (ie,fign l'llillt.' P£J. 1101' I.'IWI all "1'IJt:r
mJ..·r l'illslit""~ cfllldi-
c1wrlKlerislic mille PF.J., bltl a pre,\ ,\ IIre IIt", i\
1II1{Ih Itlnt',f till(' to e/{'pJ"'1II \-
a.f.IIII"('d 10 ix' presell/.
, "/,,,(111 C'm1Ifl/{'le{I' il/(/l.'fJC.'lld-
rdc-'~ (Fig UJ.IO). B('('mm' of For eXlImple, Ille _HlIllmll'd ml ..i1(}." EN 1993-4-
t. /II{) ,I'{'pcmlle rllll'1 tI/'{' gll'C'1I I (1007) requires Ihallhe discharge II.I:ial ('{Jm-
11"0 ('{",as' alf'" for Ihl.' eiaMi£' P'Y?Hioll sho/lld he em/llal('(1 ill conillllclioll
II arppfur 111l' IJlmliC' ,\I/'('IIRIIt lI'illl lite fillillg illlel'l1al pressllres (EN 1991-4.
'r ofllll.'.l(' tu'o 1'/11/1/.'.1 cmltro/l 1(07). /l.Iillg pmperlie.lf(}r Ihe~lOred m/id Ihal
IIIlI.dlll;\(' Ihc' C(I/cliialeel tl.{iol c'olllpreuiml
(amI IIII/f redllct.' lite calclllalet! illfel'l1al !In'.I'-
MIIY?) to ells"r" Ihallh£' lood cme i.t .wfe.
Tile older GCI'/I/(II/ Sumdllrd for l'i!O loe,cls DIN
/055-6 (19H6) allowed O"~\' 33"" of II,e 1\"(111
preullre 10 be illfroclll('ed illf(} Ihe hllckllllg de-
' ,0
sigll, Ihollgh il IIsed fixed lIIaterial prolH.'rtil' \
which 1II('allfllwllhe njr:rl'IIce calclllau'" IJrt.',\ -
1I1TY.' IWL\' 1I rllther exaggeralcd ""I/lr: {II/(I
1I{,('lled rl.'dll('/iOIl.
III tlti... COl1leXl, il i.f l)robab~I' wisl! 10 applt' lite
parlial faclOr 'ff 1.5 f(}r Ihe m;ial comprc!,f -
S/(}". blilihe JXlrtio/ fa(,lor 1F 1,0 IO Ihe illfer-
1I1I1 prC_ffllre wllt'll ealclllalillg CA<pr'. Ih(}ugh (/11,1
nucoct' of circumfrn:nllallt'nsion i.\ 11m ftmnaJ~I' required by Ihe f/lllltUml_
rc on the meridional buckhng (4) The factor a .,... should not be applied to cyl- Thl.'fc e.rc('JJlinm refer 10 silllalialls ill 1\ hid,
tn.ou (..ehcmatlcj
il1ders that arc long IIcconhng to 10,2.2, 1 (6), In lite IJllcklillg IIIfHle i.f sIlch IIIlIt illfel'l1l1l,Jn·,t -
addition. it should not be upplit:d ul1le ..s one of SlIre ~ IIU1 prm'ide a sllIhi/isillg eff('(."t
or/,: of Ifllfl-hill.fUII (/965), il
the following two conditions arc met :
Illal a.r:i,f,I'/II/I/{'tri£- impl.'rf('£'-
the cylinder is medium-length Recording
~I11/1I1I.'.u JlrI.'lIgm gflillS dill.' /(J
BII,k/illg ofSwei SheJl~ • Ellropeall Del'lglI R('commClldallollS

to 10.2.6
the cylinder is short acconling 10 And shClIor (5) and C, - I has been adoptcd
in (I) The buckling t
used in may be
(5) The factor a.,.. should be obtained from : Eqllalloll /0.41 dc,vcrlbes Ihe cielrimellfal effecl
kJ - I.25 -+ 0.751'

[!!..)'}[I I ][052
of high IIIIenwl pre.u/lre III c(lIIsillg (I p/{L(lic

a,,,, ' 1-.I; + 1.21.01.; ]

ill.llahility (e/t-pl"m' 's fom) (ROller, 1990).
k, 1.25 + 0.75 I'll
1 - 1.1 2.,) " ,(HI) It \'ery' ;mporlcmt 10 ret:ocnise ,11m where i,,-
i,l '
'enwl pre,ISlire C(llIse.1 dL'Crt'lI,villg ,w '{'/Iglh
(plllslie de'ftllhilislltiOl'). /he lorg('\" i1flema/
kr 1,75 -+ 0.25 1'r
pre.U llrl' Ilml call plls!iibly coexlM wilh Ille me·
... (10.42) ridiollal colllpn'l'liclII 11111,\'1 be imr(}(/Ilced For k, <x.xi
eXlIlllple, for silos desiglled (lccorti;IIg 10 EN where:
( p-)(,)
'" (IOA3)
1993·4·1 (1007) lite dil'c:JU/rge luial COIllPH'l"
_fioll sltolild be el'Clllia/L'ti ill cUlljlllK:liall willi
Ille disc/WIRC ill/e/'llu/ P'"t'S!ffl/'('s (EN 1991·4,
1'.. 1'91't arc the bu<'k""~
lined III ""''''1
1(07), IIs;//g praperlles 1"(1/ lII(lximis(' Ihe (.'(11·
, --,- '" ( 10,44) cillmed w;i(11 cOlllpn'ssio/l to ells"re 1/1(11 ,lit,
400 I /(}(Id ct~e h ,vufe.
\\hen:: 1/111".1' be IIf11ed ,Iml lite \'011 /.//w,',\· .I'il'lt! cOlUli· (2) The thn.-c
p~ is the lurgest design value of local intenllll lioll I)ra"im's Ihe rt'ferellcl' plm/ic sfCIfe f"r IIIls should be dccmt.'d 10
pressure at the local ion of the point being
uny point in the "~':~,'~~:~
\Ireu cO/ulilioll, tmdl/WI lhi.1 farm of illswhil·
l,,~e ..scd, and possibly coc)(isu~nl wilh the boundarie~. the_
ill' C'lII' aIm he dl!scribec/ ill lemu of thl! cUl)U("
meridional compression: it)' Clln'(' rel,,'i"e 10 IIti~; sWle. nli,f fo rnlllltliioll be ontined for nil poinb
..1.,1" is the dimensionless ~ h c ll slcndemcss pa·
mmcter acconling 10 9,1.3.2 (5):
(Roffer. 20(6) /eucls 10 a /1/0/'(' ('olllp/iCCl/et/ ft'l
of I.'l/IWI;O/IS for Ille de.dglll'r 10 "w//trge, WI
ary zone It.'Ilb>1h 'R .dj""1
U~R,'" i~ the critical mcridionul buckling stress '"l')' lire 1/01 (t.'t-·tJ/II/"elldcd for IISl' IIl're. e\'('/I
cyhndricnl segment.
according 1010.2.2.1 (3). Iho//gh ,IIL,\' lire IIKln! £'OlIsi.\lelll Il'illl 111e' EN smalleroE
1993· / · 6 L'o//cepllllli framework.


'R 0.16 r~
Cylilldrical ,'ihells of collslalll \\'0/1 thlckne.u under genertllllHKiing

10.2.6 C ombinations or meridional (axial) comprClision. circumrcrcntial (hoop) cOll1pnossion

a nd shear

(I) The buckling interaclion p'IOtIl1CtCrs to be Rece/ll re,feorcit (lI'i/llersteller & Schmidt,
used in 9,2.2.3 may be obtained rrom: 2(01) 11lI.I' ,fhOlI'll tltat Ihe buckllllg illl('roctioll
rA'scriber Iht' (Ielrlme/lwl t1Tec-" C\7Jre.uioll,~ for cylindrical ,~hell' gil'ell ill the
pressllre ill CllIISIIIg II plllSlic k.- 1.2S+0.75 X, ... (10.45)
41h Edifiol/ of the Recommendaliuns (Illd in
1(1111 \foot) (Rlltler, 1990), ENV 1993-1-6 (/997) lIrt! I'et)' consen'mil'e fO/'
'" (10.46) shells which lire nOl I"eIY tM/HI'tllled. Tlte mort.'
(1/11 /(J n'Cogni.I'e 111(11 where In·
l'flltSe\ dl.'{'n:tlsillg ,\'Ire/lglll getteral eJ.7,re.I'.I';Oll (Eq. 9.9) der;"ed from thi,I'
Ii. 1.7S + 0.25Z. ... (10.47) research II'(LS (ulopled 11110 EN 1993-1-6 (2007)
fis(llioll), Ihe IUfJ:l!st Imenlal
II possibly roexi.fl 1I'irll lite III£'· and penllits a //lore general bucklilll( ill/erllc-
ssioll IIm.w he III/rot/Ilced. For
... (10.48) 1101/ 10 he defilled for e(/{'h shell geolllt'It)'
'os tk,fig,,~"/ af.'Cordillg 10 EN \\-here: Ihrough Ihe IHlramelers k" k(; k~ (lIId k, The
I Ihl! di,lt"horge ariof (Vlllpn',I- Z.. Z/J'Z. arc the buckling n.'duction rnctors dc- I'tIlue.f gil'f!lI here for (ylll,dric(llfhellf (Ire
cmflwl,.J ill ('Olljllll<-'ll(1II willi bos('d ()/1 C\'IJerlllle/l/()1 el'ldel/ce from more
fined ill 9.2,2,2. using the buckling
~/em<11 prf.'.f.fllrt!J (EN 1991-4, dum 2000 pl/bllslll!d cylillder bui:kIiIlR lests lind
parameters ghell in 10.2.2 10 10.2.4.
)11t!rli('f Ihar marimise IIII! cal- the III/mer;('(II ~';den('e from II ('ompreh,,"siw-'
,IfIlprt:\jioll 10 e/t\llre Ihol II", IX,mmelrlc GMNIA-sllldy ("'llIIe~/e/ler,
Ih<1r lIN! mil MiSt'S yichl cO/uli- (2) The three membrane stress components AllllUllglt the ;lIteriK'tian (Eq, 9.9) \\,(u derilwJ
• r''fi-'rt!/I('e pltulic ,fllll('for llti.f should be dccmed 10 interact in comblllntion at for IIIIi/orm m('mbrOlle siress fields, ill II'hi£'h
IIIk/,h", Ihi.f fiJrnl (~f i"~/lIhil !lily point in the shell, eJ(ccptth()l;C adjacent to the tIle whole .~hcll was susceptible to bllckle lor-
k,\criht,t/ ill linllS of II,e ("{IIHIe- boundaries. TIle buckling interaction cI!I.:ck muy 1IIlIIIrm, II is a mfo procedure 10 trem tile (/rt.'ff
• /() I/Ji.f .sta/£'. TI,is forlllulalioll be omitted for all points thm lie withinlhe bound- .I'Wle til lII'y IHlilll ill a sllell a.f allailling Ihe
.'"ds 10 tI /1101',' roll/plic(I/('d sel ary Lone length 'R udjueent to either end of the bllCklillg comlili()l1 i/ ,ltis eqlllliioll is sll/hfied
r 111(' tll!.figll£'r 10 IIwlwge, WI or a IHlillf. Tltis procedure is elellrly cafl!Jen'lI-
'O""'I('I/Cled jill' 11.\'1' herl!. el,(,11 cylindrical segment. The vulue or f R is the lil't!, .I'/IIce till buckles musl hOl'e (, fillite .I'1=e,
, lIIore COI/,I'i.\fellt n1tll /IJe EN smaller or: Imt it der;I'esfrom Ihe concepls that merit/iom,1
111(1/[rmllell'()/'k, cOIIIIJrl!nloll buckles CllII be I'el)' .\'fI1l/1I alld 10-
fIF O, IL ... (10.49) callilld 111lI1 ills'!l/iciL'1II is klloll'l/ "bollt Ille e.f
and fi,(:/~ of slre.u grodielll.f Oil b/lckling slrenglh to
jiJrlll/llale a less COl/sen'mil'e bill general nile.

'lfO,16 r
rr ,.. "
1II1IY, /wll'el'f!r, oftell letld to I'f!t:" (VIIsen'(f-
(I O,SO) til'e res/llts,
Tlte lise {if ,lte Iltree membrtll,e strc!J!.'C\' UI ub-
.folmel), lilly poi", ;11 Ihe shell lellds 10 rt'.ntlts
tlllli Clm be set'll to be 100 COI1Sen'llI;\'f!, es/H'-
ciolly lLf exlemal pressure alld .fhear hllc'kli"g
f/lOllel' ('(mIlOl casily del'elup Ileal' hu'llldc,rie,I',
COlI.feqllcllfly t/tis m/e pennils Ihe crc/IIl'luli of
IIalTOlI' hOlmdt"y =olles ill w/tich meridioml/
blick/inK is 1/01 offi'Cted hy OIlier stre.u coml'o-
nCllls. NO/llrolly Ihe intli"idlltll check (fgaillst
",eridiOllal bucklillg lKcordillg I() 9.2.1,3(2)
111111'1 he /Jerf0r",ed at all localiolls. i"eI,lding
ncarlhe bmmlklt)"
Eqllllti(lIIs /0.49 l/lld 10.50 Itm'f! 110 rigorou.f
sc:ielltijic backgrount/, bill are based 0/1 ellgi-
neerillg jilt/gemelli: Tlte "bolmt/lIt)' =Ulle" i.~

BllckJmg oISI('ei SI,e/l.I' - £lImpL'01I De_figl/ RC('OlIIlIIcluJlItimu

"ullllled to COI'Cr 10"0 01 tlte "lrmg cylillder"

leI/gilt occordillg 10 £q /0.14.

See aIm Ille more gel/eml tii!J'('II.uioll il/ 9,3,5. t,

(3) Where chccks ofthc buckling interoction al /)elX'l/dil/g WI Ih('mjilt'urc: heillg liSt"', illllOY L tf
an points is found to be onerou:., the follol1 ing he 1000";011.\ /(I check till ,)Ojl/'I jll 111(' .I'he/l,
provisions of (4) and (5) pennit a simpler conser- 1I'/1t're lhif i!J 11111 a sllllple muller, (11/ en.." more
\ uti\ e asSC'lsmcnt. If the nmximum valuc of IIny C'Olu'('n'llIfl'j'tlp/Jlyx/cll is offert'tJ by rhi,' c/(f/l.~t'.
of the buckling-rclc\,lInt Illclllbnmc stresses in 11 rhe IIItU;'1/I111l \'{IllIe of elld, (lj rht, hlldling-
cylindrical shcll occurs III a boundary zone of rewwlIlI ml'1I1hrmll' Hrl'!J,1 ClIIllI)OI/el/l~. irre-
length I R adjacent to cither end of the cylinder. lpectin' of IIII.' itJC(lliOll of e(J('I, il/ IIII.' shell,
11/0.1' he Nlmhilled ill WI "inrerll(:lioll-relel'lmr
the II1tcroction check of 9.2.2,3 may be under-
gl'OlIll" in the cht'ck tlccordillg 10 £q. 9,9. f('('
taken using the "'lIlues delinl-d in (4).
paragrapll (6). 110lt'e1'('r•.Iillce rhlf (lpproal'h ;."
el'en lIIore cOlI.\en'(lIin'. it -"('CIII.I retlsol/llble fa
excltille (/11.1' nlllximlllll wlllI(' llial deril'e.I·lroll/« '011 '''h "'''I
poilll wirhin eitlu!r (y Ih" bolllltlm)' =0111.':0; Ilf Figurt 10. 11 :

lIcconJillg to (2).
(4) Where the condition:. of (3) arc met_ the UsillK .m"'f! arbitmri/l' a.IIII/1/"d disrrillllluli/S
maximum value of clIch of the buckling-relevant of rile /lIrge.u m"mhrrllle SlrCli.I· III ('(H.·II ',,1'1'1 \i~lOn!.
mtllln!. of i d~.~'::'~,:~<,;:~
membranc !.tresses occumng within the free (/UlI'lIllie /c'l/gIII uIlI cl'lilllier. Fig, 10.1/0 illlIs-
bronc ~trc"~ c(lmponent....
ICllyth f I (that is. OUbidc the boundary :rones. see trale,\' hull' 1'(,llIe.\· lIirhill lilt'
Iflt, 11/(1.\'/11/1111/
Fig. 10,1 Ill) may be used in the intemction check ·t,......lellgtll .. f,
helll'(-'ell rll(J IHI/Illt/lII)' =OIlt'.\
tl\C tre:IIIllCn t
\Blue of each membrane.
I~ ... tlll

cation 111 the ... helL mil)

01' (3)_ \\ here: ,llOultl be itllrotillced illlo Ihl' illll'rilCliOll d,(d .
'f~L-2flJ ... (10.51)

(5) For long cylinders as defint"<l in 10.2.2. 1(6). 771is rule i.1 al\() btlSec/ 011 I!lIgineeril1X jlldgf'-
the intcmctlOn-relc\unt b'TOuPS introduced mto the 1111.'111 (ltltI 11(l.~ (mil' II 1I'('"k he,.li,' ill rt.-'!Jetln-h
LIlteroetion check may be rl'Strictcd Iltrthcr than el·idl'llce. If Ihe '11'''1.' lel/glh" hetll'('(!11 tim
the provisions of p..,ragraphs (3) and (4). Thc boill/tlary =0/1I!!J' is IOllg"r rllllll 8(1'" of II",
stresses tkclllcd to be in illteruetion-relevllllt "Iullg cylinder" /t'l/gIli {K'('OI'(Jillg 10 £q. /flU
groups may then be restricted 10 any section of (wll£,tI r, ... IlC.'rl'), il if mSlIllled IIIlIl IIIlU'i",II'"
length f ""fulling within the free remaining m"lIIhrcllle strt'.~.I' m/llf',f '''"' OCL'lIr allocations
length " for Ihe II1tCr.lctlOn check (see Fig. farthe,. "IX"" jiVIII ('(Icl! 011/,,1' rhtlll f.." tk, 1101
10.llb). "here: ill/ertlel 11-;'11 N'gllrd to hiUMillg.

',,,, l.3r~ ... (10.52)

()'/ilulriCllI lll('lIl uf COII.Hcmt ,,"all Ihil'l",e-ss IlIIller gel/em/loudil/g
L'r UP. of Ihc "Iollg n'Jj"dt.'r"
{(O £q. UJ.14, , ....... ----'\-- ......- ---
'(' g,wcra! di,\C/I,uioll in 9,3,J.
-- ,1
',I' ,m/ill'llr!! bei"g 1I.<i('d, il 11"'-1' ir
dlcxk till 110ill/\' 11/ Ihl' shell,
L imI "0 I I
, ulilllp/{' muller, tin 1'1'1'11 11101'(,
'mCK'" is Offi'I'l'd hy 111i.\ c/uwe.
i ir
t- I

'a/III! of CIK'" of Ih.' huckling-
vile .Itrt'\'\ (Y""IJ(J/Il'III~, irl'l'-
of (,tl(:11 ill IIII' ,~hell,
ill 11/1
~td (K'{'()rdi"g 10 £q, 9,9,\e('
fOlI.'ra, ,1'/IIn' ,hif apPf'()(/cll is
........ ........
'",<1lil'l.', il n'f'm.\ rt'a,\mwh/t' II) a) In a ..lion cylinder b) in II long cylinder
imllln i'll/lit' IIt", dL'ril'e,~ fro", ° I'OTE: I:.ach ploued membmne ~t~ i ~ thc high~t \ IIluc III lhalIIIcridional coordinate.
"l'r of lite hmlllt/ary :Olle.f IR Fi~ure 10, II: I· \ample!> of Inll'TDctHm·rc!c\lInl groups of membronc stress compoocntl.,

(6) If (3)-(5) ab(n c do not pro\ ide :o.pccilic pro- r"i\ i~ '''1' l'l'ry' colISen'''fi\'e gem·ra! mIl' 11/('1/.
'ilruri~r anumed di.flriblllioll.\'
'Lm/>rulll! IIrt'H (1/ {,(Il'II !PI'e/
\ isionl<l for defimng the rclall\'e locations or sepa- limJ{'(1 ill '''t'
abort! commel/f Oil pt.lrtlgrtl!,11 (3).
rulion~ of intcruction-rcle\Wlt groups of mem-
r)j II o1imk'r, Fig. 10, I Itl illll~­
brane stress components. lind II .. imple eon!>Cr\'a-
m<l:(illlll'" 1'<1/1/(',5 nilillfl II/('
U\C treatment is still required. the maximum
I:Jj.'lw~t'II IWO hmllldary :O//l'l' \lIlue of each membrane stress. lrrc5pcctl\e of 10-
/(:I:d ill/() III.' ill/('rdcrioll dl('Ck. Clition in the shell. may be ..dopted miD Lq. 9.9.

hCl.f('d (m ('IIgill{'erillg jllC/!{I:-


tI \\'i--,,,k hmi~ ill l'ef{'tll'ch

, "free if:lIg,II" 1w/lI'een /11'0
i.f /ollgl'r ,h,," BOO" of 1"('
leI/gill lKX'OrtJi"g 10 £q, 10.N
• il i.1 tJ!WtR/t'd '''m
milles 'hut oo:ur tlf IOC(l/irm,f
I e(ICII oll/('r thall ' . do 1101
d fo flUck/illg,

Blld,ling OfSIL'f!1 Shells· Ellropeall /)('sign Recommelld<.,liorlS

conhng to

10.3 Extended rules for buckling slress design

j. yield
"""'B" "\

10.3.1 Lonlo: thick-wailed C) IInders s ubjl'Cled to uniftlrm extern III pressure

(1) The fo llowing mles apply for circular cy· The limllntioll of 11/1:' proposed VN'dal ck!iigll
lindrical shell'i subjccted 10 uniform cl(lcnUll ntle:,' 10 cylinders sali.ifying Eqs 10.53 alld 10.54
p~ure Slllisfying both is btlSeti 011 Ille ("'ohmlio/l of "old" leM data by
Willdellbllrg tllld Trilling (l9J4). Cletrlw
rl $ 100 ... ( 10.53)
(1956), (md Dull' (1965), tllltl reC('1Ii tl!l'/f
filllll/tilillg illfi"ifei), 10llg cylinders ,mhj('C(('d 10
(v :~~ 25 ... ( 10.54) e:ctenl(ll pre.nllre by Imhller el til. (1007). Ti,e (3) The remaininfl

"" latler im'estigalio/lS lI'l're clII'rieti UIII lI'ilh
sp'-T.iul referellce 10 ,(teel pilillK.
design pmccdure
eluding the d"""m~
(v rclathe lenglh parnmeler ofshcll. II .\ hollid he IIuted t/l(lt £qs 10.5J lmd 10.54 do circumferential
r rndius of Ihe middle surface. /101 IIIlI((:II tile definiliull of "Iollg" c)'Ii/l"er~ should be pcrlomlL'd
I thickness ofthc shell wull , Wilhill Ihe gellera/ circllmfen>nlitll compn-'ssioll
fralllell'urt ill £N /993·/·6 (Sl'e /o.1.J. £'1.
10.14). If "lung ,hick-lI'alle"" cylindel' cm'erell IID.2 \I cridional
by tl,e.fe ''1H..'Cial design niles (vmld he classed a,f
of "mlv/illlll.length" accordil/g 10 Ihat defillitioll. (I) ThC!>C rulL....
~hc1l ... made of
(2) In the buck ling stress doign of long cylin- U",iI I/OII'. 'heN! IIll.f Ix'ell I I di.fcn'/xlIlC)' be· loaded
drical shells sntisfying Eqs 10.53 and 10.54, a III'eel/ 'he design rule.f for buckling ill the 111'0 tcmpcratun.."S up 10 .
modified circumfercntial elaslic imperfcction standards f;N 1993·1·1 (COllllll" b"d'ling) alld
fac lor a; may be appli<.'tI in place of the circum· £N 1993·/·6 (fllel/ hucklillW. The differellce
betll'een Ihe.\'e 111'0 formlililliul/.~ lellli to anoma-
ferential clastic imperfcelion fuctor a{J from EN
lies wllell a 10l/g ,"he l\'l1S designed according to
1993·1-6, as given in Table 10..5, The modified tlles(' tll'O differetll Mlmdortis, Irealillg 'he tllbe
factor is a simple modification of ao and is ob- ei'her ll.~ ralher thill rillg 0/' as II rather lhick
tuined as: sllell. £qllaliOll 10.55 c/OSI!_~ "ll' gap betll'e{'11
the two filn/llliatiolls alld resoiloes this problem .
... ( 10.55) Tile bllcJ:/i"g kX1(1 (pre.ullre per IlIIit leI/gIlt) for (2) Thc dc-.ign p
a \'CI)' 10llg cylilUlrical ,~"ell slIhjecled to eXler· fomled as ""I up in Q,2
in which: lIall)n'SSIlN.' is ,It"
some as that for ,lie ill.plalle made of MRll.:tural ~I
blle/dillK oJ a rillg of re(:IlI11glllar cro:u :,·('(:t;OIl. lurc~, but u~ing £ ITJ

a nng - - - - ' - . . . , - ... (10.56) The N! I~ tlwI II,e oolllu/ar), conditio/ls oj tcristic .. aluc~ of Youn
'he :"hel/are so fal' alxJrt ,hal their i'yllll'lU:e Oil ity. r •. and of the }\cld
1+0.257' E
, j. ,h" glo/)"I hlle/dillK pllel/OIll""Oll i.f Ilegligible. £,/7') i~ Ihe
Thif is trlle for the theoretical elaslic critical Young'~ modulu~ of II
hll{'kUllg 1001d. specified temJ'ICrnture
R ".(TI i~ the
... (10.57) Ilu\\,/!I'er, the n'(/lIctioll factor a to he applied to
p.artlcular ~t<.'(1 al the ~
Ihe critical bllCklillg lo(/(/ 10 obillil/ 'he clwmc-
wherc: leriSlic eJa.flic hllckling load is djfferem. The
ao circumfcrential clastic imperfcction lac· elaslic impelfi'clioll rC'llllctiuII factor il/ £ ,V
tor according 10 Table 10,5, 199J·I·6 for circumJeremial compl'es.fioll i.\' ao
;< 0.50, 0,65. or 0.75 dept!lIllillg 011(1' 011 till'
ari"$: elastic imperfection reduction factor for
QIllIlil)' Class, ,\'jllce lite bllckle is treoted lIS
buckling of a ring in its own plane ac·

Cylindri('lIl,lhellf ofCOfl.fUlII1 \I't/lllhicJme,\s Imtler generalloodmg

cording to EN 1993-1·1, e/cl.llic and impt'r/oc/ioll semilil'f.'. By (Vl/freL'!/,

[. yield strength. Ihe co('t/icienl for hll('kling of 0 circlllar rillg oj
E Young's modulus ofclust;c;ty. rL'Ct(lllglllar cro."." ...eclion. tI.\. deril'etl from the
Iret/tll/em ill EN 1993-/·/ (111(1 gil'en ill Etf.
rlla! pressure 10.56, depends 011 both Ihe r t·rCllio alUl Ihe .~teel
grade M'C(lIISf' /he mme pllenome"on is trc.'a/ed
liS ctllll"('(.1 by yieltlillJ:, Thi.1 cJifferetlce re.wlt~ in
'if lite proposetl .\fICcifll dt·.llgl1
Of W/ILifyillg £qs 10.5J tmd 10.54 l·lIll1t'.f ann,{ > 0.71 hI' :JlIli.\fyil/g £q. 10.57.
'ulll<l/iOl' of "old " les/ doltl hv
Trilling (l9J4). Cletn'f!r Eqlllllioll 10.56 i.l· I'll/id fiJr 1I PoiSSO"·.f ratio
Oil (1965), tmd recelll lesf.f ''''-0,3.
It'~" 10nK cJlillek",' .whjected to
, hI" 1m/Iller el 01. (Zoo7). Tht' (3) The remaining steps of the buckling stress Thl' clll£>gories of 10llg lIlId meeJill1ll lellgllt Oll~I'
0111 It'f!re carried 0/11 wilh design procedure accordmg 10 EN 1993· 1·6, in· offel."1 Ihe elaslic illllH!rfi'Cl hllek/illg .I/rt·flgllt oj
toS/t't'1 pi/illg. eluding the detennination of lhe elastic crilieal I"e lTlimler,m Ihe discre'/I(IIIC)' IH!IIH'en Ihe
eircurnferemial buckling Slrcss Ulmer itself, c/(o'l'(ficatifJIu (""Il:tli/l/1/" (Il1d "Iollg") 110
/"11/ £qf 10.5J und 10.54 do
'!iI/ilioll of "IOIIg" cylif1l/l!r,f should be pcrfonnl-d as described in 10.2.3. longl'r "/(Iller UIIl.·1! a~ is defined.
01 circllnlferelllial compressioll
-, /99J-l -6 (st'e 10.l.J, £q.
,hid·ln/lIl·,/"' cylilllk'r cOI'ered 10.3.2 McridiUllltI (Inial) wlllpn'S ~i o n In cylinders Illude of a u ~ l c ni1i c 5tll inl(,55 Sleel
fcJiXII rilles mltltl he c1l1ssed ILf
"If" accordillg to that definition. (I) These rules are applicable to cylindrical The ntlt'l o/IIIi.\· w(:litm {Ire ho.\"ed all experi·
!!.hells madc or austcnitic stainless steels and mental el'i(/ellce (Jlmttala & Sd/II/idl, /99N) (IS
lULlhet!n a discrepollc), he- loaded meridionally at amb,cm or elevated \l'el/a.1 III/mel"ical IHIl"lIIlIelrie .\wtiies (lIwtltlfa,
for hllcklillg itl lite 111"0 temperatures up to 500D C. /998: &'l!lIIidl & /llII/wlll. /999). BOIl! buckling
3·/·1 (mlumll hllCklillg) tlllt! 1£'S/l' alld IIl1l11erical lma~I'.I·es hm'e been curried
/I huckling}. The di.fferellCt! 01/1 Oil .~teel t.1'/J4.'.f .1/5/ JO-I (X-ICrYi IR IOJ;
" /tmllll/tllio1lS 1(,tN/to 0110",(1- AISI J/61. (X1Cr.ViA/o 17 JJ 1) alltl A lSI 316Ti
fllbt' 11"ll.1' d~ig1letl accordillK 10 (X6CrNiA!oTi 17111) at lelllpel"ullII'CS from
pI Heme/ortis, lI'ClIIillg l ite llibe 10°(" 10 40ff'C. £1:lraptJlu/ioll 10 other tlIISI",,-
111111 rmg or us u rllllter Ihick ilic .flllillit'ss SIt'e/s II iflt .{imilar .flreU·.f/relill·
lfl.55 c/oS("S l/w gap belll"een rellllimuhips and 10 higher It'm,Jc.'rlllltrc.'.\ lip 10
115 lmd re.mfl·e.' /lti.f proble/JI. 50f)' C i.l· /hollgltl W he reasO/wh/e.
f (preHllre lH!r IIl1il le"glll) fur (2) The design procedure .. hould be per- For \fee/s \I';,h I/(JII/illellr .f/n'n slroill Clln't'.I·,
driml .flle/l .mhjected 10 eXler- fomlCd as sct up ;n 9.2 and 10,2.2 for cylindcrs EN 199J·I-6 mal.('.\ a gl'm'rtfl rolUt·n·lIl;1'I'
~ fame' us Iltal for Ihe i"-p!tll/e made of structural steel at IImbicnt tempem- .fllllem(·IIII11m u reduced "ullle F...-.J of lite elO.flic
of rt'CwlIglllur t.:rru.l· ,\·ecIiOIl. tures, bUl using E/,(T) and Hr.iI:(TJ as chamc- I/Iod/ll/l.f :"holl/d he /lwe/ in hllCklillg ca/cliialilll/S
I lite hmll/llar)' cOllcliliulls oj tcristic ... alm_'S of Young 's modulus of clastic· (fee 5.1(1) ill Ill('w H«Olllllll'lIdclliolu). 11 el'f!lI
Ir llfJl.1rl1l1U1 Iheir illflllence 01/ ity, Ej, and of the yield ~ tre ..!>.{, t. where: sll~e.l/s lite lI.fe ()f IltefC'Calll modll/lis al Ihl.'
"g pllt'flOtnenOlI i.f IIegligible. £/,(T) is the initillilungent \ulue of O.:!" 0 proof slreS!1. "I,,{-I, lead, /() I"l'ry' lOll" hllcl.·
,hl' liI(·orelical elastic critical Young'!> modulus of the panicular steel al Ihe lillg .I//,ellwlt el·"iJl(lliuns.
spccilicd tempcnllurc T.
SillCt' IIlIIcli man' i.~ kll()lrllahmll /hif fIIme,.;"I, il
R,..idTJ is Ihe 0.2°. rroofslI'CSS of lhe
ICliO// {/.It.:lor a 10 be applied Iu i.1 lIppmprime 10 tel IL'!ide Ihi.f ...ufe Xllit/wu·t' alld
panicular steel at the spccifk-d tcmpemture T.
;,g lOt'" /0 ohtolll Ihe cltartlc- lise Ihe illili(l/WIIg('''' modll/II., Ed as a fi,r
d;lmg lond is differe",. The Ihe el'clllllllioll. The ntle.\ pre·.I·c'med iterI' III'(Jid
!Oll rec/lle/ioll faclor ill EN III(' OI'l'I··COIISt'I"Wlti.WII of II/e gem'/'(/I recommel/·
"',ferL'IIlia/ compI'Cssioll il' aO datioll.l hy Oll~I' ret/IIl"illg lite hudlillg Slrt'lIg/h
leiL'(·lil'l.'fI·, 0pp"'il/g Ihe rl'dllClions 10 ml'dilllll-
(J,75 c/epelldillg 011/.1' 011 Ihe slemkr shel/.f II"hi£"ll huckll! mult!r .ftre.tSe.f ill Ihe
IKe /"(' bllck/e i.1 treolecl l IS
slre.u-.flmill Rt'Xioll 11 (.\·ee Fig. 10.11). III l/tif

Bucklillg o/SIl!l4 Shf.'lI.f· Ellro/X'illl Desig" R(·collllllf.'mklliOlI!J

rt'gioll the lIonlillC'ar ffress-strail/l"Iln·f.' cmu·.'.' a nal buckling ~tn!~'

lus'f o/'ftiff"elY. Ilhiist ill Regiolls I wrd 11/ a bi· procl-dUrc usmg £1
iiI/ear .Hrf.'.u-.nrail/ l'un'C' u.fillg Eo allli j; -'-HI'/J: to" is n buckling
delil'f!n. appropriate b,u'klil,gftrt'"gtl, l'lIllIe_f_ tal.en from Table
relative slendeme~~

carbon steel @J

W.4. t \l inilllum I

Many rok-s relating to I

'arc tan E. EN 199]-4-1 (2007).
O ~~--~--r--+--~--
o 0001 0002 0003 O.OCU 0006 0.00II sufficientl), stilT
mendati()n~) are a ,
those ~iat\.'d \to ilh
Figure 10. 1Z: Slrcss-slmm-cun;cs of austenitic
slnllllcs.'I sire l and carbon sleel (schemullc)

(3) The \'alues of £ rlT) and RI'.o .{T) should EN /(lOlIS (1001) J.:il'e.\' approlJ/"i(lte m/lle.flo/, 'he
be laken from Ihe rclevam lechnieal dcli\ ery m/'iatilJII of ,"e umgelllll/O(/u/lis (Ind 0.11>0 proof
conditions of Ihe p.1nicular Sleel . sfre.'fS Idth It!mfH!rtI"".e for (I \'{Irie~I' of austellitic 10.4.2
sfainleu steeb;.
Ta bl.· 10.7: Duckling com:cllol1 faclor 1jI for 10.·'-2. 1
ausIcnlllc !>lam
. Il'llS Sl l'CI j;
T IOCJ ... • Long column~ arc 'ubjttl
< 100 length_ the ~~ulting
~ O.40 1.00
non 1.110\\ n as interaction
0.40100.65 I.OO-O.KOO(..I.. 0.40)
su~cptible 10 IOC"':I'::~:::j
buckling :-.oould b I i
0.65 O.KO 0,80

0.8010 1.00 O.W + 1.000 (1. - O.RO) The e'Opcrimental l\.'1.:oru i

2: 1.00 1.00 column. one or rno short
> 100 bent C)'lindcr_ For lonll
.s; 0.30 1,00
S 500 conser\'alllC roh.: Itltakc
0.30 to 0.65 1,00 0.714 (..I., O.~ :-.imple method_ Hll\to&:\Cr.
0.65100.80 0,75 ~uch an 1I11crnclion rule. I
rule \\ould furthcr ,edur.:c
0.8010 1.10 0.75 + 0.833 (..I., -0.110)
10\\ Ihe laluc:-. ohlu1l1ed
2: 1.10 1,00 The c'Iisling rule:-. arc
duced by the litctor C, \;
(4) The buckling strength vcrification IlC· As sUlf(w ill III" commell' tm (1). Ihe .flainleu 'f/('('I duced critical buckling
cording 10 should be carried out hlldding CO'T(!climl factor VI rt'duce.\· the hllcklillg treuted. )0() Ihc outcomc j,
with a reduced design buckling SlresS. t7,ItJrnJ. !>"I'('l/glh .fl!l('CliI'i'~1' ill tlte slel/tierlll!Ss regioll thai II
ling. :-.hould be nolt..'1.i
dClennined as: i_f /x II'ticularly fensitil 'e. hilt amids ,1II11'tll/ted lioll-scn,iti\'!! cylinders
tJI'er-cOIlSen'atil"'for tltill a",llhkk _fhells. <;en'lililc long&:r \\IlIC
Ud.( rnI "" ",·u,u .. , (IO.SH)
e'Oplicil Recount of this
AltllOugh 11(1 'lJx"ific illl'C'l/ig(llioll.f //(I\"(, beel/ C(lr-
ried nllt. il may he .\I/IJjJOlWI Ihtlt apP(I';'Ij!. Ihe
tr,ltJ is Ihe design' alue of the mc ridio.
bl/ckling Clll'l"C'C tirJII faclIJrf ji'OlII Tuble /0.7 to Ihe

("lilltirical ih"'I.r 0/COIm(ll1/ lI"olllhicklless ulltier gf!IIemllOlUlillg
'r s/rt'u·.~/rllil/ ("I/n'(' Ca/15('.f it nal buckling stress obtnim:d by the EN· other tll'O hucklillg cases (circum/erell/illl com·
'i!fI ill Regions I tlml III II hi· procedure using £, Elland};J Rp.1) J pn'.uivII ollil ~..llL'ar) may also )'ield re(ISOlltlb/e
is a buckling strength correction fllctor ,'slimall's of bucklillg stn'llgth. Of cours,', i" this
mnl' I/filFg Ell tlml j; RI'IJJ
l' /luckling ftrr.'l/glli mille.f, taken from Table 10.7 as fun ction of the cme ill Tahle 10.7 the .r/el/deme....... l)Ortlllleler'
relative slendemess' IIIII.W he I'cp/aced hy the refc\'llllt ,ffclltierm'u /X"
rmm:ler ..toor as approlJritlli!,

10.4 Extended commentary

10.4. 1 Minimum ring stiffnC1S

Many rules rela ting to different conditions for the minimum stiffness ofa ring stiffcncr arc gi\cn In
EN 19934-1 (2007). These are chiefly intended to mnke the physic;11 boundary ofa buckling lone
~ufficiently stiff to ensure that the assUlm:d boundary conditions (sec Section 4.3 o f thl.~ RL'Com·
;1020.0030(104 0005 O.GOe
mcndations) arc aehie, ed to 8i\e the buckling strengths associated with BC I f and BClf (rathcr than
those associated with BC3. which are "cry low).
~·'IIIJn-cu"C'!i of austCfl Jtl C
xl caibon ~Icd (schcTtulic)
Whcre it is necessary to proportion such ca\L"i rings. intcnncdiate rings and end rings. the reader i~

il't'.s oppropritl/e mh,,'s fvr III('

","Commended to look for the appropriate rules in EN 19934- 1,
rgt'lII moth/Ills alld 0,1"" proof
1lIn' for it mri('O' 0/ (tII.f/(·IIi ric I 0....2 ~ I c.'ridi o nlll compression in long C) linden Inlerllclh e buckli ng ill thin· n a lled tubula r ('olulI1l1s

Long columns nre subject to Euler flcxurnl buckling. lind iflllocni buckle occurs withlllthe column
length. thc resulting reduction in stiffness and mo\ cment of the nCUlrnlnxis lends to the phcnomc·
non known as intenlction buckling, Since the thin !<ohells dealt with in thL'SC Recommendations are
susccptible to local buckling, it is natural to ask if the intcrac tion of loclII shcll and overall col umn
buckling should be explicitly accounted for in the design.

The experimental record indicates that. in most cases, lit the ultimate load of a thin·wallL'tIlubulnr
column, one or two short ,u' e half.ring buckles de,clop on the compression side o f the o\crall
bent cylinder. For long cylinders In offshore structu res. Ellinas ct .. I ( 1984) recommended a simple
conscr"'"ti"e rule to take this buckling rntcraction mto account and API RP2A ( 1993) also offcrs a
simple method. llo"e' er. the ProjL'Ct Te:Ull thlll de\dopcd EN 1993- 1-6 chose not to introduce
such an interaction rule. and the same reasoning has lx.'Cn u~d in thl~ RL'Commcndalions. Such a
rule "auld further reduce the asscssed buckling strength of an axially compressed long cylinder be·
10\\ the ,aloes obtained using the rules of LN 1993-1-6. which already account for Icngth cffeclS.
Thc existing rules arc conscn-ati\-e in "\0 ways: first. the critical meridional buckling sttCSS is re·
duced by the factor C. ,; S(..'Condl y. the clllslie imperfl.'Ction reduction factor a. is appliL'tI 10 the re·
Ir.'n/ 011 0), Ille ,flail/It'5S $/('''' ducL.'tI critical buckling stres~. Each of these reduetion3 in resiM.ance asses~ment is conser.ath ely
filClor \II reduce... Ille hll(:klillg treated. SO the outcome is s ufficiently conser. atj\e without a funher allo"ance for intcraction buck·
in l1Ie slelldeme.~f rt'gioll Illal ling. It should be noted thaI the ,,1Iues of at ha,c been calibrated against cxperiments on impt'rfec-
ISi/il't', /1111 DlYJidf 1I1J11'(mred lion·scnsitive cylinders thllt de\-cJop short WII\e buckling patterns. and not the less imperfection·
or lhill (Jlltl rllick illell,'. sensitive longer wave patterns covered by C •. \' 1'hu<;, an anlcndment of these rules 10 tnke further
explicit account of this intcmction would re'iult in un unrcnlistienlly con<;crvlllivc design
, im'f!Sligl'lioll.~ 11l1I't' heel/ C(II'·
e sllpposell Ilml 111JIJII'illg lite
factor.rfrom Table 10,7 to the

Budding a/Steel Shells - EllrolH!(1I/ ~sig" R('{VIII",ellda,iolls

11).4.2.2 Dendin!,: lind o\'HliSlition in long cylinders moment or a pcrrl..'Ct

gl'Ometry and .. hould i
In an clostic pcrrl'Ct long cylinder under global bending. the cireulur cross-section distons into a on Ihe original urnldorrn~
nancncd ovol shape duc to geometrically nonlinear cffects. The distance bet\\-(,."Cn compression ond non lincllrily is quite ",ell
tension rnc(..'S is d(.."Creascd and thus the lever nnn for the s tresses suppon ing II bending moment th;lt dc\elop. a .. round b}
steadily reduces. The mte of change or shllpe finally overcomes the mte of increase in stress. lelld- 6 pcnnits >In,,,,,ml ,~",",~
ing to 0 maximum moment (snap-through limit lood). This phcnomenon was first anolyscd by Bra- count or 0\ ali-,ation in
zier (1927) and is commonly called the "Bmzier efl'ecC. O\'ulisution also CUtises higher local
strcsl>CS lind an IIlcrease in the local mdius of cur.ature of the cylinder in the curnpn..'Ssiun .Ionc. rulc has been II"""""""~
tuml carbon ~tl,"cI ond
both of\\hich CIIII)'e earlier bifurelltion buckling in u wrinkled pallem , To evalullte the g(..'Ometri- 199R). Ahhough thc tc~t
cally nonlinear ovalisntion effcct in a perfcct cylinder. it is nl't.,(:S!kIry to lise a geometrically nonlin- included in EN 1993-1-6.
ear anulysis (GNA). Within the !>tress design methodology of EN 1993-1-6. bas4.'<l on linear analyses
(LA lind LBA). it is II conscrvathc. yet efficient. IIppro;tch 10 account for OVlllislltion through the
ond for thiS ord,,. ,of ,n""a
<;cs or Schneider (200 I).
factor C ..... according to Eqs 10,R to 10. 10. IIlthough this rac tor WIIS originally devised to account significantly thinner than
for a differenl phenomenon (K'C commenl on 10,2.2.1 (6)). Rr nding and
If ncither yield nor bifurcation buckling occur. as the cylinder is progresshcly bent. the global
bending moment on the cylinder reaches u limit momcnt (snap-through instability) when the dilltne-
ter of the cylinder has n.'<luced to 0.78 of the original valuc. Th~ mu'(imum moment obtained by Where the .. impler I"""m'~
Brn7ier (1927) is gi\ cn by: largot \.duc of each
not occur at a Single POint
(l-'ig, 10.13) is II \Cr}' 1
\1 Hr,c =- 0, 91i E1 2r/ .J"I--;J ... (10.59)
ridional eotnpn..... ~ion
\\-hieh is 54° ° of the elastic critical buckling (bifurcation) moment circumrerence ","'Clm
mther loeul.
M~,. = 1.8I3EI 2r/..fI--;J ... (10.60)

culculatcd for the undefonncd g("-olllelry lind using the meridional classieul critical buckling stn..'Ss
(Eq, 10.2 with C, I). Evcn though this critical Sires:. was deri\(.'<l for unifonn compression. it is
very clo<;c to thc correct value ror global bending (Flugge, 1973: Seide and Weingartcn. 1961),

Under elllstic conditions. bifurcation oflhe perfect cylinder into II wavy buckling pattem occurs lit a
moment M e,. that i\ slightly lower than M 8m;:;

M r,. =- 0.97M H,.,,= 0.95EI r/fi"7 ... (10.61)

This result was first derhed by Axelmd (1965) using an appr01dnlute anllly1ical method. and \\as
later \crified by the asymptotic analysis of Fubi::m (1977) and the recenl finite clement results of
Houliam & Kammanos (2006). This result indicate.' thatlhe OVlllisulion limit moment (F..q. 10,59)
can be safely UK'tIIIS the clastic critical buckling moment for un cillstic long cylinder, It is \~onh Thu:. in thi:. ca'oC il is
Ireutl..'t! a, inh:meting in II
notmg thai the 54°" moment reduction with respect to M~,. is. quile accidentally. ,"ery close to Ihe
factor 0.60 in lq. 10.10. although this faclor describes a completely different effect (see comment according to 10.2.6(5).
on 10.2.2, 1(6))). Therefore. It may be concluded that the present rules account for the 0\UIi5.1Iion ional and shear I""'"Ib'''''1
deemed 1I0t to mtemct
effcct in an indirect mllnneT.
nuckling I\:~i .. tancc.
Ho\\e\er. this approach is \ery conser. ati\ e for real structuml applications. In mosl cases. cylinders
are not l>O long betwccn ring stiffeners Ilmt they allow thc cross-sections to O\uli'oC freely : such end Although thl'> ~I~:\:ial
restramts and intennediate ring stiffeners cause a significant reduction of o\'alismion. Funhcnnore. bending and tmns\crse
yielding invariably inter\-cnes in cylinders ofpmctical gl'Omctry. leadmg to clastic-plastic buckling ten.tener. 2()(H) and "a~
berore the oval s hape dc\elop,> by more thai a few pereent. 11ll1s. the reference clastic buckling III,,} Antmnc cl a\. :!OOO:
found it difficult to

Cylindrical shells ofCOIISltml 1I'(lII,hickness IIl/dt'1' gt'lIemlltHIlJillg

moment of 3 perfect cylinder s hould probably not be modified to tleeount for s uch large changes in
geometry and should instead be taken as elementary critical buckling moment M~,. which is based
ar cro~~-st."Ctioli distorts mto a on the original undefonncd cross-section. In addition. this moderute reduction due 10 geometric
ance behH."C1i eOlllp~ion and nonlinearity is quite \\ell eonlpens.ttted by a lower imperfeclion sensiti\'ity in the buckling (l3ttem)
,>upponmg a bending mOlllent that de\elop. as found by Fllbion (1977) and Houliam & Karnmanos (2006). Therefore. EN 1993-1 -
rule of increa.'OC m stress. lead-
6 pennits Slructuml carbon steel cylinders with 500 < EI};A < 1000 10 be designed Without taking ac-
'non .... a!> fir..t unul)''lCd by Bm-
count ofovalisation in detennining the meridionlll eritieul buckling stress (sec 10.2.2. 1(7». This
Plion abo CIIU!M..'S higher local
rule hilS been theoretically lind experimentally verified on 10llg ellntilc\cr cylinders mude of strue-
nder in the compression lOne.
tuml carbon s teel lind exposed to eonst:mt or linearly vllrying bending moments (Speicher & SIlOI.

. To c\alullte the geometri-
1998). Although the test cylinders hud rll ratios below 150. this geometrical restriction has nOi
to usc a gl.'olllelricully non lin-
mcluded in EN 1993- 1-6. In pmeliee. long cylinders mrely hll've:1I\ 1'·/I"•.IIio grealer than about 300.
-1-6, based on lineor anlllyscs
lind for this order of magnitude the rule in (7) is supponL-d by the nonlincar collapse nnaly-
III for o\'ahsation through the
Sl'S of Schneider (200 I). Where II dcslgner seeks to use a long cylinder under global bending that is
originally d..:\ i!M..-d to account
significantly thinner than this. some caution should be exercised. Bending lind Inns,,:rsc shellr in long c~ linders

progrcssl\ely bem. the global
~h in~llIbihly) when the diame-
paxirnulll moment obtained by Where the simpler treatment of intenleting me11lbnl11e !>tress components is used 10.2.6 (3)-(6). the
lurge!>t value of each stress comlxment is combined with the other... even though the'iC stresses do
not occur nt n single point in the shell. The long cylinder in global bending due to an end .. hear load
... ( 10.59) (Fig. 10.13) is a ... ery natuml ease Ihlll elills this procedure into question: the interaction of the me-
ridional compression stresses due to global bending with II !>hear that is located at 90" around the
circumference seems mappropriate. especially as the meridional compression buckle is gencmlly
rulher hX:1I1.
... (10.60)

assleal critical buckling 'mess

for unifonn eomprc....sion. it is
e and \\ einguncn. 1961).

~y buckling p:lt\cm occurs at a cr,

-..-.:'-.! ____ :- ___ Tot

... (10.6 1)
max cr,
~---....;.::~L->....,max t ..
It.' analytical IIlcthod. and was
• em tinite clement R!'.ult .. of Figure 10.13: \1embnme 51~ses from beam-type tubular bendmg in II long cylmder
lion limIt momem (Eq. 10.59)
jIlic long cylinder, It is wonh Thus m this case II is evident that the maximum values of the two membmne stresses should not be
accidcnllllly. ,ery close to the treated us interacting in a ehL"Ck according to Eq. 9.9. c\en though they oceur within the length 'lnt
different clTi.'ct ('\l'C comment neeording to 10.2.6(5). The maximum values of the sinulloidully distributed valuc.. of the mcrid-
e~ account for the 0' ali<mtion ionallind shear membrune stresses. u, and r,(I. from beam-type global bending (see Fig. 10. 13) arc
del!lned nOi to IIlteraCI before the postbuekling rnnge is reached ..... hich would not affect the design
buckling resistance.
ion:.. In ~t C3!M..'S. cylinders
s to o\alise freely; such end Although this special eonservati\c rulc for the SImple tl'l,!utment of 10.2.6 (3) to (6) 11\ the case of
I of 0\ IIh\:lIlOn, FunhemlOre. bending and Irnns,ersc shear In long cylinders is s upponL-d by many experiments (SchmIdt & Win-
ng 10 dru.tie-plu!ollc buckling tCNetter. 20(4) and "as thoroughly explored theoretically for all lengths by Antoine (2000) (sec
the reference ela!>tic buckling also Antoine et al. 2000: MUlhon lind Lim:lm. 2006).lhc Project Team responsiblc for EN 1993-1-6
found it difficult to rcsoh'e the infonnution into a genernl1y applicable nile and they consequently

Hltcl./i"g o/S((·e/ Shell\· - EIIIYJIJe(1II /Jesiglt Rtx'ul/I/IIellt!tl/im/,\

omilll."tIthis from Ihe slandard. It is still unclear whal the generol criteria should be that detcnlline stress ~tg.1:11 i, about
whether two such stresses will internet in buckling. Thus, until more information becomes available
wuy~ be cho-,cn <;0 that:
it seems wiser to retain the more gencrol conservati\-e approttch of 10.2.6 (2) and apply the buckling
interacllon check at each individultl poinl 111 the shell . 0.2 0w.led O\.J.l:.d

This leads 10 a beller cond

10.4.3 locally etc\"lcd IIIcridltHlal compr('ssiol1 in (',}Iindc" than is gi\cn in the codili

In many stornge structures. non-uniform pressures against the wall of u cylinder (and nOI wall fric- The cqui'lIlent hnmlOnic 0
tion) lead to local eIC\'lIled meridionnl membnme Slresses. which CWI reach \ery high local values in
limited parts of the shell. These e]evoll."d lIolresses arc oRen associaled with reluli\-cly low cireum-
n - --""
I 'I u,
ferentialtensions, lind thcy are highcsi on II symmetry line .... here shear is not present. If /lOll. U
Ihe stress combination rules of EN 1993-1-6 are used. the highl.'Sl meridiOlml eompressi\e mem-
brone litre!>!> is limited 10 Ihe value for unifoml compression. whil!>! there ill ubundunt evidence (e.g. whcre LlOIi ii. mClli.urro 111
Saal. 1982: Il ol~t el nl. 2000: Song el ai, 2()().l: Cn; ct nl. 2(05) that mueh higher compressi\-e duecd to the \'ulue volu),
membmne stresses cun be sustuined without buckling if the zone of compression is relatively ~nUlll. factor ax. The '1Ilue of II
For these reasons. EN 1993-+1 (2007) ghes special rules for this condition (ROller. 1986.2001). Ihe stress distribution 1/ an
The height of the lone of merldlOnlll compression is 110t Important. ns the buckle~ nrc in\uriubly ~
rather short in height compared with the height of the compre!>l>ion stress lone. Thc stresses are as- I + hzll
suI11c<1 to hllve been evaluatt'<i u!>i ng a linear clastic analysis (LA). producing a local zone of merid-
ional membrane Stress Ihal "ariel> around Ihe eireumferenee in Ihe pa.llcm sho\\ n in I-ig. 10.14. in \\hich:

b, 05~

b, ( ',,; )- ,

Ilnd VI. is the 'lillie of V u

II'h 0.40
The hannonie localisation
lion sensitivity is gi\en by
0, o II, I hi

NOTE: The peak mcmbmne SIR'S!. (7, ./..1 il> us~uml"tllo occur III circumfcrcTllinl coordinate 0... and the analyst Following the tlctcmlinntio
is requiR-d \0 chOtbC II coonhnale O~ ~LlO. at which 10 e\'aluale Ihe Sl fI."'i5 " .. u e\'ulUOlion may be perfo
FIgurr 10.14: Representation of local dlstnbullon of a'(ial membrafIC !.ITCSli resultant around lhe tionll.
10.4.4 Zont'!l or, a~ Ing
Thc design value of the uxial compressive stress at the circllmfcrcntml position where it is highest is
delined us located althe eireumfercntiul coordinate 00' The design valuc of the axial com- In praclical con .. truclion•.
pressi\e Mrcss at a pomt ut the !olImc axial coordinate. but scparated from Ihc point in question by case of pure ton;ion i\ \c
Ihe cireumferential distance rLlOIL is found us ""1:..£(" The cireumferential distance rLlOg is defined transverse 10.1ds is oRcn !I~
in EN 1993-4- 1 us: rcction. Thc fo\lowing rul
(1986). penmts htgher pea
rLIf4 = 4 J;i ... (10.62) 1111.' base boundary (iocali

but this may be found to be quite a large di ...llmce when the procedure is app1il"tllO highly localised Ihese Recommendations).
wess conditions. A beller choice is then \0 ;;cil.'Cl the nngular sep:Lnllion LlOg nt a point such tllllt the

tcria should be that dctemline ~trcss trx,:. £J is about half the \-alue or the maximum st~ u w. l:"d- The separalion dOg should ai-
nformatlon becomes a\'ailable
"ays be chosen so Ih:lI:
2.6 (2) arK! apply the huck ling
0.2 CJ,;o.Ed < CJ)gJ:d < O.R CJ)o.l.:.d ... (10.63)
This leads 10 a better conditioned evaluation of the equivalent hamlonic 1/ orlhc stress distribution
than is gi,cn in the codifiL-d procedure of I·.N 1993-4- 1.

-11 cylinder (and not wall fric- The equivalent hannonic of the stres~ di~tribution is then obtuilll..-d as:
"tach \·cry high local values ;n
td with rclnli\cly low circum-
" =-
--c"" ,[a,g.f."J ) ... (10.64)
nbrnne lihear is not present. If !lO$: U;lO.t:.:J
neridional compresshe mem-
ere is abundant e\'idence (e.g. where dOg;s measured in mdians. The I..'qui' alent imperfection dlt\. in Eq. 10. 15 may then be re-
hat much higher compm;siq! duced to the 'alue 1"'~\ll\. to oblUinthe approprilllc increased ,ulue of the meridional imperrection
lmpl"C\sion is relalh·cly small. factor a,. The value of the imperrL'Ction n.-duetion I"' is dependent on the equivalent hannonie of
dition (ROller. 1986. 200 I). the stress distribution 1/ and is found n~ :

as the buckles are \n\ariably ,, ~ ~ ... (10.65)

'C\s lone. Thc st~!.CS are a~­ 1+ bz"
>ducing a local Lone of merid-
m which:
emsoown in Fig. 10. 14 .

b, 05~ ... (10.66)

h,- ('~; )-1 ... (10.67)

lind Vb is Ihe vlllue of IjI under condition .. of global bending (11"' 1). taken to be

11\. 0.40 ... (10.6ft)

The hamlonic localis,1tion at which there is no reduc tion at all in buckling strength due to imperfec-
tion sensitivity is gi\'en by
... (10.69)
ial coordinate 0... and the analy~t Following the detennination of a modified \alue of the impcrfl'Ction reduction a,. the buckling
·tnc lItl1:!>!o a, LJ evaluation may be pcrfonllcd according 10 the procedun.'S or9.2 and 10.2 ofthcsc RI..'I.."()lIlmendll-
5tn:ss ~uhant around the lions.

10...... lA nes or varying membrane shear slress

'(XhIilion whcre il is highest is
licslgn ,alue of the a"ial com- In proclical construction. il i~ rother rotc to find 70ncs: of uniform shear. The reference buckling
from the pomt m question by case of pure torsion is \ cry utX"()mtllOn on II lurge diameter cylinder. and shear associated \\-lIh
ential diSlance rLlO, is defined lrans\ersc loads is often applk-d in II distribu\(.-d manner. leading to a varying shear in the axial di-
rection. The following rule. taken from EN 1993-4- 1 (2007) and de\-iscd by Jumikis and Roller
(1986). permits higher peak shear SII'e'>SCS 10 be smlamed where the gradient of shear stress is high .
... (10.62) The base boundary (loculion ofh;ghl...... t shear) i, u~sumcd 10 be Bel f (Seclion 4.3 and Table 4. 1 of
FIS appJted 10 highly localised these Rccommendu tions).
Ion JOg at a point such that the
Bucklillg o/Slf!eJ Slu4/f · £IIropeuII CI"
" ,,ig,-,_,C
" ""
" 'C'C
' IC
';o_,C"C'_____ ________

Wh(."I'C the shear r ,0.1:'1 \ uri(.~ linearly \\ ith the axial coordinate in the struelUre. the elastic critical I11cndutions). Clearly
shear buckling siress at the poim of highest shear m.ay be taken 3.\ 0.25) if there .,," "''''~

TTO.R,,. = 1.4£ :" ( )"()""

~ .. . (10.70)

wilh f0 delennined from:
... (10.71)

where (drd,;.• fJ
) is the axial rote ofchllnge of shear a\eroged mer the zone and rriJ.J::d.rflin is the

peak \alue of !ohear !oIrc"5. Where the lenglh , tJ exceed .. the height of the stnu:ture. this rule should
nOI be used. bUllhe !ohel1 .. hould be trealed as subjecllO unifonn membrane shear.
0.60 ....


Thc resultmg clastic entical buckling shear stress !ohould be adopted in plnee of Fq. 10.23 into Ihe
procedure!'> ofChllpters 9 and 10 ofthesc RecOlllmendations.
10.4.5 Buckling pura mcler5 ror n iul compression
When de\elop1llg the Gennan .. hell buckling standard (D IN 18800. 1990). more than 1200 buckling .00
lests on unironnly compressed cylinders carried out worldwide ~lIlce 1930 and published in more
than 60 papers or repons \\ere re--c\aluatcd. The rc'iult1llg "eloud of P01llts" is shuwn in Fig. 10.15 I·
(Schmidt. 1989). In a ~ccond step. allleslS which Ilppe:lred to be incompletely documcnled \\cre
climin:llcd. The re:.ulling cloud of points or about 750 "reliable" test rc)uits is shown In Fig. 10.16.
For )... ~ 0.6. it shows a reasonable scatter band wilh an upper bound well below the IinC:lr bifurea·
lion cun-e of I i.,1 and n lo\\cr bound simil:lr to Fig. 10.1.5. The three cnpacity cunes given in
EN 1993·1·6. previously sho\~n in Fig. 10.4 nnd now drown 3guin into Figs 10.1.5 and 10.16. dem·
onstrotc that the two buckling p.1romelers a , (Eqs 10.14 & 10.15) and /1 0.60 arc rca!>onllbly well
ebosen for unifonn compression.

Howe\'er.lhe large !>Caller secn for relati\ely thick cylinders (small relati\e slendcmc~M.'S. i. :5 0 ..5)
thaI wa!> pre~nt in Fig. 10.1.5 remain!> in Fig. 10.16 too. Instead of choosing a struightforward
lower bound cune (sec Fig. 10. 16) which \\ould ha\'e had no "plastic plateau" al all (like the chIS·
lic·plasllc intcraclion curves in thc 4111 Edition of the Rcconlillcl,dations). it 'Was assumed by Ihe
droning commillec ror DIN 18ROO Ihal this scatter 1l1U~t have been by difTcrcncc~ In 1l13tcrilll
testing and imerprctlllion in the various Inbomtories. ruther than by impcn{.'Ction buckling phenom·
cna. Therefore. a specific te .. t series on thick·walled cylindcl'\ wilh I. , value~ in the ronge 0.10 <:)..
<: 0040 was Cllrri{.O(\ out (Schmidt. 1989. 1990). Its results clcarly pro\ed that for duclile metal~ a
m:lrked "plastic plllleau" exists. Itl! length should properly be SOIl1<!whcre In the runge 0.20 <: ).,/1 <:

For Annex D or EN 1993·1·6. the ~maller \ alue or this ronge \\ a~ adopted as the mcridional squa~h
limit slendemcs!o ;.,'" together \vilh If - 1.0. A) clln be secn rrom the resulting capacity cunes
(Fig. 10.16). these \lIluc~ nre !!2! 100 consen·ati\e (m. is sometimes argued by proctitioncrs .... ho
compare Ihc EN curves with Ihe clastic-plastic interuction curve of the 4th Fdilion of Ihc Rccom-

C.l'lin{lriclll\·hell.~ tI/COIIS""./ willI/hiclmess ,meier gellert/llooding

hI! :-.trul!tun:. the clastic cntlcal mendmions). Clearly the squash limit slendcnlCSS parumetcr ;'.0 could only be increaS(.:d (e.g. to
0.25) ifthcre wcre also lin accompanying decrease In the \'alue of the illtcruclion exponent '1 .

•... ",u."
... (10.70)
" .....

" .,...,
X"'." .."'"
... (10.71)

o """'"
1.00 A .""""

the Lonc and r tll.l.d.1TI&'iI is the 0.80

fthe ;.tructure. this rule

branc shear_
~hould 0.60 '"

in pIal'!! of Fq. 10.23 Into the

~). more than 1100 buckling 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 lOO l50
.: 1930 and published In more
poin,," is \ho .... n in Fig. 10.15 .-Igurl.' to.15: Results of published nxinl compres....ion cylindcr tcsts.
lcomplctcly documcnted were compared to the EN buckling CUf\CS
results is shown in Fig. 10.16.
\\cll belo.... the linear bifurca-
hrel! capacity curves gi\cn in
to Figs 10.15 and 10. 16, denl-
p 0.60 lire reasonably well

.Il1ti\c ;.lcndl!nK.-s:.c~. J. , S 0.5)

bf choosing a struightfornard
platC<lu- III 311 (like the das-
ons). it .... as IIs.';umcd by the by dilTerelll!(,!;. In material
perfection buckling phellum-
\ alucs in the mngc 0.10 < I. ,
\t.'d that for ductilc metals a
here in thl! runge 0.20 i.. ~ <

/P.tL'd a.~ thc meridional squush

l!he re .. uhing cupaclty cuncs
argued by pmctltloner.. .... ho
c 4th [dilion of the Rccom-

Blld/illg ojSf(!d Shdb,' - Ellropeafl Desigll R('{'olllmemk,lioll!;

> ......' "

X """"-'-
1.40 • Q.AAk-HQLT

· ~""""'"


·• ""'fA
e MIllER
"."' ~ PFE I FFER

0.40 EHE>6I " " " " " '

C, .1.16 !-.!.\ . ~
x. • "
0.00 .(.:.===~.,---~-=::::::~~:::
QOO 0.50 tOO t50 200 250
"' igurl~ 10. 16: Results of a "reliable" SCk-CIIOO of published !lxilll compression cylinder Il')IS. comp:lrcd to the
EN buckling cu"cs
I 0.5 Flow cha rts
, - -- ,
The followi ng nowcharts may be vuhmblc to the designer in fo llowing the sequence of culculations
required for each condilion.
• •••

~ I I\t.. tt
~. '
tn. (I,t

.,~ ...,;,



C"lindrica/,heHf (if COl/SWill wtllI/hicimess muler gellerafloodillg


MElle . --/llQAQAH-SElDE


• AUI'IOnt-tlFllSH-ttJUS
41 < 1.7 N > O.S;
.""" 1 .1'S(JJ~ O.S~

"""'''' Shan cylollller Lon. C) hntkr

"""'" .......
""""" ........ C _ "36~'~
(' , C, - mu{.• ~~[I ~2M;}O.6}

200 250
~ .... O.60S£C !..., : A
17, ...

1IIl") lil14kr It"Slli. compared to the
" Q 140:25:161 , '-"~ Q
I u,

l+l.9{~tr ,
g the sequence of cnlculutions f·--' .!.,._ O.2 :/1 0.6 : '/ ',0
• i .• I ,

~, - ~-~, ,
Common proct'd~ f.. Ihcl
buc~h"l otn.'1I&lh ,~""r""'lI.,n l

l ,
..., ",,- n


.. ... -

1'1 .-
--_ " r::::::I
-- .....

Budling (ljSrCt!/ Shells· ElirolH!{lII lJesign Recommendatiotl.f

I'Roc..: nURE FOR


~ t>I.6)~

c, ,
'ilion <) hada M"",~<')'mdrr ..... <)1 .....
, -
E(; J'[o"'. 'Ol(~J'] f -
- ,C , ('

a ..... O.92£.;;L- D.~ _O.92E.:..t _

a ....

-::, ... JE D_

t I
D, \0.7S;0.6S:0.SO} , ~ t
"' ~-~
A,.,- 0.4:11 .. 0.6:11 '"- 1.0

.-:.t".,. c _ pmmlUR'
i ~
I L~.::'"
ii' ~
ic_ '"" 0_ Co

r..1I~blldJ ...
MfnIIlh 'enraot_ I 1,><1
Hel ,
, "'"., ~

.. ,
1,2S+ ',ro
* • 0,60

"'" no~
, 0
• nod' -

• 0

_.- ... -
h> ." --....
.>1 > • •
Cylim/rict,/ site/I!.' of £'OlIsIUIIIII'{llIlhicklle5S flllder gelleral/lN.II./iIlK



IU>H.7 r

10 ~ III .. II. 7!:

...... " Sbon C)i,..drr
, !, O.m.2.0lr!L)' I- [<2
\ - C. _~ I +j c,


.. ......
. .

"'"'- ~ l

ClooA ." o {O.75:0.65:0.501
- -- A,. 0.4./1 0,6"1 1,0

......, ~
oc.cI,hO" ~
SCI 1.50 C_"", ~IIR! r", IIw
He, ,,, bucldl".lIf\"11i1h .mOta/ion

...... ,, 0Cl
0Cl ,.ro
...... ,, "'"
~-'---- 0."
... ,
r-:'" "'"
:g- o I-

-- ----

HIiCk/ilfg o/Steel She/b.' - £,lro/X'w, De.~igll RecommclIllatiolis


The ~ ......11"""'1 bucU.....""""'.-huII1d ~ ' .... rood .............". to the ~",ro mcndIon;ol bucU.,. """'I1h. .."""'.,, ,''''
~ ~~ 'mpltf«l"", r""lOf", n.. y he <q!1Ked by"'" ~ rioosIIC ""pnfa;l_ r"" ..... o . '

rrom the mcndional

COOlpre!\S1OIl procedure
0, , ;',,0',_

-f'. J'L - ..!L
, >- -
10' • ••

10', ••
o - u +( 1- 0 )(
...' . p , +o,J r.<J 0 .. - [ -')( - 1.12+ _f" )['.'(.ul) 'J
I !!..J..
- ;.:
I I II l- 1,21A,


la» mmta~.awll

' . - 1.25+0.15,r.
t .. I.2StO.7~,r.

k. - 1,15+0.25,r.
t, (Z.,r. )'

' ..... ohooId .... be """lied IQ .... C)11fKkn(oo>GJr I)
... ~...., ~~ Iic>op ....... <>f1ocal_1 ~.the Ioauon .,(1""...,... bet. . ..,.,......,,....-...ed IQ nIQ,ot ",110 1.... 1IItI'1d1OM1

r. .~ the IarjnI Iic>op ...1.... <If Ioaol onICnMI .".,....... .. dw "'"""" .,( the poont be.. . ......-I 111M ..... con... " 'M Ibo ~

CylilldriCal{IJells ofCOI/Slalll "allihidmess /ll/der gel/cralloaditlg



fi'oIn _ pan,cul_r
!OIId l'Ol1d,hon
(I,P,II, J..

r----------------------- Conunon procedure rOt every!ODd OO(l(lIllon

1.I.2u" J(.r - I)

, 1


[ ""~~)'
,,[ ",.AI
".~ )[ ""')+[ ",""')'.
r". 1IJ

' ., 1.25+0.75,r.
t , !.25+0.75,r,
t . _I. 75+0.25,r.
t , '(,r,,r,)'

Budling o(S/('('1 SI!ellr· Ellropeun Dc.~igl/ Recommel1lllllioll~

10.6 Exa mples

Buckling interactIOn
k~ 1.25+0.75·OJK9
10.6. 1 Buckling stress desi~n for a \ucuurn "essel
100 ~ 1.25+0.75'(0.651,
Geometry and struclural systcm sec Fig. 10. 17 10/ =- (0.589' 0.65 1.8(1 )
Technical datg (34.7/40, I )1.tA + (28. 1
Operating under pressure: 95° 0 ,'acuum 0,865't 0,223' 'I
Malcrial: Stnlctunll steel S 235

__ L_ f :2 IOGPII
1., "" 235 Mila 10.6,2 Uuckllng str('ss d
Fabricntion qU:llity: C luss 11
Pn l
-<=-= - - =-=>- 1BUfl Dcsign valucsofslrcsscS
I 1,8
=--f- ( 1.35' sclrwcight

=- r -=
+ 1,5 . under pressure) Iltd .. 225 kNml
c!' rinaltilli"
... l...ted
1''''1 a xd =225/ 8=28.1 MPa
IOLida ,
tp, p,t Pnd = 142.5 kN m-
aw ::: 142.5 · 1,95. 8 = 34.7 MPa

,l p 3900 ,l
"' igure 10.17: Exlllllplccylin(il-r 10.6.1
Circumfe[Cmjlll buckljnM :

(J) 16OOf( 1950 . 8)o,J 12.8 < 20

Cflt - I,O+3112.8 )'- 1.096
aIM" ,,- 0.92 . 2 10 . 10 . ( 1.096112.8) . (811950) ,. 67,9 M Pa
..1.0 (235/67,9)o,J - 1.860 1

ao - 0.65
A.lP " (2.5' 0,65)o.s 1.275 < 1.860 so the buckle is elastic
n,1 1 I

aIM,/ 0.65 ' 67.9 / 1.1 .. 40.1 M i'a > 34.7 MPa
M!;'ridional buckling
0.605 ·2 10 · IO · (8 / 1950) - 521.2MPa
).... (2351521.2,0.' .. 0,671 ,l .8000
Q.. 0.621[1 + 1.91 ·( 1125)1 ·« ·( 195018)0.12 J e O,315
Figurr 10.18: E.umpl~
A.:<p (2.5 . 0.315)°·, 0.887 < 0.671 so the buckle is elastic.plastic
L I - 0.6 ' (0.671 0.20Y(0."7 - 0.20)1'~ 0.589
CT..Rd - 0,589 ' 235 1 1.1 12S.R MPa > 28,1 MPa ./

CylilJdric(ll,hell.f ofCOfl!iI(l1II Imllihiclmess Imder gCllcrallollilinK

BuddinG inleraelion eheck

t, - 1.25 + 0.75'0.589: 1.69
tB 1.25 + 0.75 · (0.65/1.86l ) 1.39
-ucturnl s)'lIlem sec Fig. 10.17 lei (0.589 '0.65/ 1.861) 0.0 I
(34,7/40. 1)1.1>9 -+- (28.1 / 125.8)1..19 0.0 I . (34.7/40. 1)(28.1 / 125,8)
pl"C\~ure : 95 0 0 vacuum 0.865 1.f19 + 0.223 IJ' - 0.01 ·0.R65 '0.223 - 0.895 < 1.00 ,/
Icturnl SIl'C[ S 235
210 GPa
'235 MPa 10.6.2 Duckling stress design fu r II silo under !i~' llIm ctri c lil solids fillin g loads
ty: Class B
Geometry and structural system sec Fig. 10.18
slresS1;5 Technical Data
"r pressure) P;cd 225 k m
Stored solid: Wheat
Approx stored mass 9500 tonnes
8.1 MPa Wall material: Structural steel S 235
m' Px,g Px.g
r' :
/.& - 235 MPa
8-34.7 MPa Roof slope 20"
For simplicity, a constant wall thickness is as·
sumed here. gh ing the critical location at the
p'. b""t base ofthc cylinder.

Barrel unifonn wnllthickncss R mm
Fabrication tolerance quality class: Class B

Paoial fllCl0rs according \0 EN 1993=4·1 (2007)

I aIcirt
1.35 · sclfweight + 1.5. solids action

n,1 I Actions on the structure

Loads defined by EN 199 1.4 (2007)
I.",j Actions on the silo: stored solid symmctrically
0 t ,.10 filled only.
n,o Appro:< stored mass = 950 tonnes
loe-j 100 < 950 < 10 ()()() tonncs
Silo is in Action Assessment Cialls 2 (Table 2.1)
l .8000 l
• •
Figure 10.18: Example Simple silo 10.6.2
Blldding o/S/ed Shellf - £JJroIJelIll /Je.fign Rt..'COIIII1IemlaliUIIS

T\.'Chnical Data from EN 1991-4 Annel( E Di~chargc symmetrical I

I)ropcnic!o of wheat 38.0 1.15
y - 9.0 kN 1111 Olschurgc ~ymmctrical
Wall friction class 02 smooth (Tuble 4.1)
" .rr 1.10 235.9"
~ - 34
K", - 0.54 Oi'>Charge .,,,,h
p'", •• ur~
QJ. 1.11 Location: =0
II", "" 0.38 so=p= 7.576 m
(1,, = 1. 16 Dischargc symmetrical
C,,,,,,-,0.50 PItr C. p.. {I- e (7.~1b

1)[CloloUrcS and sIre":. rc~u 1t(\nt s in the !ltnlcturc EN 1991-4 Section 5.2 1.15 )( 40.90
II, 20.50 m DIscharge patch P"''''''''
cI, 8.00 m No ecccmricitiC'o <;Q f ..
So h,./tI, .. 20.50 8.00 = 2.56 > 2.0 C,..- 0.42C,." IIJ ( I-e
so silo a'p'-'Ct retio is classed as slendcr.
0.42 )( 0.5 )(
K,,- 0.54 x 1. 11 - 0.60
K, 0.54 1. 11 0.48 I'p<" C,,,.)( PIw
II ori70nlai force due 10
JI" O.3R x 1.16 .. 0.44
1'1 0.38 1. 16 - 0.33 Fi,,'" '2 wi,. P 1"- 1.571
, = 113.6 kN
AU I1:r-21t1' '" rl2 .. 2.00 III
Mhu,,' - " ,w)( (20.157
Ilcight of lop pi le ofsoli.Js 4.00 mn34°
.. 2.698 III Patch load base axial
",/Jaw.,...... MItow
Depth of equivalent surface below ca\ cs = 1429,(11:
- (2,3) x 2.69M 4.000 tan20° - 0.343 III Total base axial wall
Depth at base of cylindrical wall below equi .. aJcnt surfacc 20.500 - 0.343 20. 157 III (7, .£4 (259.5 28.4)

Maximum axial compressiun load case:

Maximum K with InllximUIll II (Tablc 3. 1) y~ 1.5 x solids action
Jansscn referencc dcpth (Eq. 5.5)
=" 2.00 (0.60 x 0.44) 7.576 m AI thc base of the bar,,1 ,(~
Janssen asymptotic llonl1ll1 pressure. I'N/ ~ 9.0 x 0.60 x 7.576 at/Ed ' 1.5 x 36.0 54.0
40.90 kPa (Eq. 5.4) Accompanying Internal
)~ {1_ e -(20.IS7 .' 7..S761} 0.9301 Pili Pit{ 3f1.0 kPa

Filling symmctricalnoml:tl pressure al base of cylindrical wall (Eq. 5. 1) PII/ In the skin (I 10.Omm)
1111( "" 40.90 x 0.9301 = 3M.0 kPa (TdlfJl 1.5 )( 36.0 x (fl I
Filling symmctrical venical membmnc Sires!> tCl>ultunt at base ofl.'Ylindrical wall (Eq. 5.7) "if
- 0.44 x 40.90 x pO.157 7.576)(0.93011
"" 235.9 kN/m
Dimcnsionless Icngth f<J-
\)ischnrgc factors: Action Assessmcnt Class 2 Length check 1.7 < 115
c;, - ell 1.1 5
C... ~ 1.10 Classical clastic ,nl".11 s~

Cylindrical shells ofCOIu/(ml \\'allihickness IlIttler gelleralloading
Discharge symmctriclll nonnal pn.-ssurc at base of cylindrical wull (Eq. 5.18)
38.0 x 1.15 43.7kPa
Discharge symmetrical \en!cal memhnmc Slress resultant at basc of cylindrical wall (Eq. 5.26) 11,,.
" f ,. 1.10 x 235.9 ., 259,5 kN 'm

Dischnrge patch pressure

Location: =u O: 7,576 m < 0.5h, 10.25 III

so =" .
7.576 rn
Discharge symmetrical pressure III =p is
JlIIc-_ C", pu {l _ e-(7.S76 7.S16) }

- 1.15 x 40.90 x 0.632 29.73 kl):1

Discharge pateh pressure factor Cpr (Eq. 5.28)
No eccenlricities so £ 0
C'If'- 0.42C<:y> I1I ( I - e t-\I'" eI) I])
0.42 x 0.5 x (I - e - 1.5[2.56-1)) - 0.190

P/N"' Cpr x plIc- - 0.I90 x 29.73 5.65kPa

Il orilonlal force duc to patch
FpI' Isdr PP'I"- 1.571 x 0.2 x 8.00 x 5.65
- 1\3.6 kN
Mllaw- Fprx (20.157 7.576) 1429kNm
Patch Io.,d base axial wall
, stn.-ss resultantllx
II ,!H,.,., I""ell
... MIt<Jw I(,It,·)
- I 429/(lt x 4.0(n .... 211.4 kN/m
Total base axial wall Slress
0.343 "" 20.157 m O'x.U - (259.5 + 28.4) 10.008 36,0 MPa

1l\;sigl1 values of stl\'SSCS

Yr 1,5 x solids action

At the base oflhc barrel (t - 8.0mm)

0'.d£d - 1.5 x 36.0 54.0MPu
Accompanying internal pressure (tilling value)
PilI P!if - 38.0 kPu

. 1) JIlt( In the skin (t "" IO,Omm)

O'.r(J£d - 1.5 x 36.0 x (8/ 10) - 43.2 MPa
Kincal \\311 (Lq. 5.7) IIr!
lla5C of barrel section - meridional buckling
Fabrication toierant.'C quality class: Class B so Q = 25
Dimensionless length (tJ = f, ,J;i - 20,50 I J4.0 x O.OO/S - 115
Length check 1.7 < 115 < 0.5 x (4.0'0.008) 250 so this cylinder is medium length

Classical clastic critical stress O'M " - 0,605£( ; )= 0.605 x 2.0 x lOS ( o~~n -
242.0 MPa

BI/cklillg ofSreel Shellf· ElirolX'(lII Desigl/ RL'COlmtlelllltll;um

'"""' .Ign •Impcllcctlon

........ ..r ' l!.1I·.. -= -I ~ -:: - I ~-4.00
- ~ 0894
. ChlSS'ca\ c\asllc crit,cal
I Q I 25 0.008
Elastic imperfection reduction factor (unpressuriscd) Wilhout iTllem'""I~~:~:~~'~:!
a.l 0.62 "" 0.62 _ 0.236 Chamcteri!>tic b
I + 1.9\ (.6I' k ' , )1.44 I + 1.91 x O.894 t•44 Design buckling !>ITC!'>'
Design check

Slendcmcss Ax:: ~ :: _ .. 0.985
Uxc' 242
fffi35 Ux.F.J 43.2 MPa '
So this dl'!.ign is safe.

Without jntemal pl\."S.'iure strengthening effect:

Plastic limit relative slendcmess Ap = ~ 1 aP :: ~0'236

1- 0.6
10.7 References

Check on clastic-plastic slenderness zone: Ax - 0.985 > 0.768 Ap

so this shell is slendcr and buckling will occur in Ihe clastic regime. vct'S une amelioration du
Cllllmcieristic buckling stress O'x,RA a , 0', ,.,. " 0,236 )( 242,0 =- 57.1 MPa lindrical shclls under
Design buckling stress ud d IT.•.fUt 1 rAt .. 57.1 1 1.1 .. 51.9 MPa n,,1 pressure)". PhD Ih"".,
Design check
O'~.f:" - 54.0 M\'a > O'x.R., - 5 1.9 MPa cal shells "It,j"",~
So Ihis design is nOI marginally adcquatc by 4%.
for Shell &::;;C:,ii ~S~~'~I~
Strucrures \1
Including internal pressure strengthening cffect lEgs 10.40 and 10.41 );
API RP2A (19931 R"'o"~
p, = (-...!'.L-)(!:.] (38,O X I0-» )(~) - 0,078S shore 1'latfomlS. API
0' x. Re, I 242.0 0.008 Axelrad. E.L. (1%5)·
preerilical deformation".
a".. = a,+ (I-a,) [ p,
p:r+ 0,3 I a x
0.07~J0.236 1 0.322
OJ]' 0.236 + (1-0. 236) [ 0.0785+0,3 Nauk. Mckhanika I
Batdorf, S.B. (19·m I
. I"mnt rcIatlve
PI3StiC ' sIendemcss Ap
' = v'"j':fj /a :: JO,322
1- 0.6 0.898 NACA TN No. 1341.
Bro.-ier. L.G. (1927) .'On
Check on elastic-plastic slcndcmcss zone: ..t.• - 0.985 > 0.898 Ap Soc .. London. Series A. '
so Ihis shell is slendcr and buck ling will occur in the clastic regime. Cui. M.. Holst. lM.F.G,
Chllr.lctcristic buckling stress U •. RA· a .pe 0'..... - 0.322 )( 242.0 - 71tO MPa local a,xial compressi\ e .
Dl'Sign check Imcrures.ICASS·05.
0:..£<, ... 54,0 MPa < ux.Rd - 78,0 MPa
Calladinc. C.R. (1983)
So Ihis dl'Sign is !>lIfe.
Cleaver, P.c. (1956) .•
Repon No. 253. Ministry
Skin meridional bucklin!:. DIN 18800-4 (1990) Sta
Fabricalion tolcnmcc quality class: Class B so Q - 25 Instilut mr Nonmmg, Ber1~
Dimensionlesslcngth £IJ:: " .{;i - 4.00 1 J4.0 x O,010 20
Dow. D.A. (1%5) Buckli
Length check 1.7 < 20 < 0.5 )( (4.0/0.010) - 200 so this cylinder is medium Icngth failure by Uniform extema
· . ..recl,on
Dcs'gn,mpe" ' 1~
.611) ::- I -
- - 0800
25 0.010
TN-D-311!. NO' I. Langl
Ebner. U. ( 1952) ·'Thcoreti
EI . . ~ . red . fi 0.62 0.62 _ 0.260 jl..'CtOO 10 n."tIuccd prcs:.urc·
~ IIStlCImper cellon ucllon aclor u" - 144 :: 1+ 1.91 - 0.8001.....
1+ 1,91(611'k " ) ' "" Ellinas. c.P .. Supple. W.J.
Ihe-an-rcvic\\ of the buckli

Cylhlflriclll_~/l/dls of('t)/lsflmlll'(ll/lhidmess III/der gC"('ml ICHllIillg

Classical clastic critical stress CTxn' 0.605£ ( ';) _ 0.605x2.0x lOS ( ~~:) ;5 302.5 MPa

Without internal p,,:ssurc ~trCTlgthening efTL'Ct:

Charactcristic buckling stress U,Ri a, (TOIl'" 0.2(0 )( 301.5 78.7 MP:.
Design buckling stress Ur.R,I '" U, Hi f rll 78.7 f 1.1 71.5 MPu
Design check
CT".f.',I ·· 43.2MPa < (TA,RJ 71.5MPu
So this design is sure.

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The \erification of the buckling reSI~lancc of!>uch a stcpwise varillble thickness cylinder. as used in
~eometrie Imperfections for the
this chupter. is based on that for u comparable or equi\u1cnt cylinder of unifonn thickness. The
bJcct to :lXial compression", m
definition of the parameters of the (."<Iu1\ alent cylinder depends on the loading condition under con·
I & C Sl)'lTIczak. Taylor and
sideration. The parameters have been defin(.-d for the elcmentary cusc!> ofunifonn a~inl compre!>!>ion
and unifonn eXlemal pressure. but they arc deemed to be applicable to the more general real mem-
n Gt-nnan), ZAMM 5. p. 235· brane Mrc'>s ,tates in the cylindrical wull .. of contulIlment MruCIUI"CS. In panicular. they are gener·
ally rele\ant 10 cylinders in "hich the loading i!> im·ariant around the circumference al any a'l:iul
Cylindrical Shells Under Pure coordinate.
112-116. The rules gi\'en in this chapter for .. uch cylindrical ,>hells of step\\iloC \ariable \\all thickncl>l> ure
li\'ity of thin clastic cylindrical based on the concept of buckling stress de!>ign a!> explain,,--d in Chllpter 9. Therefore the follO\\ing
Solids and Structures, Vol. 4 1. nlks are :lpplieable prO\ided th:1I the genenll requirements of Chapter 9 are met. It should be em-
pha!>i ..ed that a key a.!.sumption in the~ rcquiremcnb. i .. Ihat no !>ignificant shell bending stres<;cs
should be present. exceptthoM! arising from compatibility em..oct:. ut joinb and boundaries.
Krciszylindcrschllien nus SllIh l
The Icngth of the whole cylinder lind of elleh COUNe i.. a.. ~umed to correspond to a cylimler of mod ..
;ml shells II/Ilh.'r bel/ding -
emte length. The boundury condition!> for each individual course arc innuenc,,--d by thc type of con·
nectlOn, which may be either welded or bolted. The latter oftcn results in nn o\crlap of the plates.
ity of Thin-Walled Cylindrical \\hich descnes special con ..iderntlOn for buckling under axial compression. but it may be lurgely
mp~ion", AIAA Jnl, Vol. 3. ignoR.-d for buckling under extenUlI pre...!.ure. Further conllnenl!. on the length of the cylinder and
of each indi\'idual course are gi\cn in the following sections.
bin cylindrical shells under ex- In Ihe follO\\ ing Section 11 .2. the rulc!> and equation!> givcn in Annex 0.2 of EN 1993 .. 1-6 for butt·
JOinted \\alls arc rcpcaK-d and commented. They are of an approximate character. but haH! pro\ed
combined loading" (in Ger· to si\e a ~nable and eon!>Cnati\e dCMgn for many practical structures. The rules gi\en in An-
nex 0 .3 of EN 1993-1-6 for lip-jointed \\all .. arc prc-.cnIL-d in an analogou!> manner in Section II. J.
They are of an e\ en moI"C approximatc charncter. but also deli\er reasonnbly conscf\ati\e de .. igll!>.
helnenl stccl shells under com-
Some extended commentaries are presented m Sccuon 11.4. and an example is provided in Section
11.5 10 help the prnetilioncr to apply the nlh.:s. A list of references in Section 11 .6 completes the
IlmlNt\\ York/Oxford. North- chnpter.
Buckling O/SI£'e/ Shell.\,· Ellrupt'cm lA!\igll Recommelltl"li,}//,~

11.2 Rules of EN 1993- 1-6, Annex 0 .2, for buckling stress design
of hUll -jointed shells
(3) Providl,:d that th..:
11.2,1 Ntlililion spedne to this ehupter. boundary conditions und gl'Ol1Il'try cylinder increa!oC'l
top to bollom (Sl.'C
givcn III this section may
( I) In this elull~e the following nOllltion is u..oo: The cOIII"lele cI'limler ;\' t/il'ided illfo ,lel'el'lIl
L ovem l! cylinder length ,1'l.'CrioIlS, e(/ell uf II'hiclt 11M ( I cmUUIIII 1\'(/1/ (4) Intended onSct~
r mdius of cylinder middle lourrllee lhidme,\.\', 7711.',w.' ,n 'eliu/I,I' 111(11' he 01 (/i,ffel'(!1/1 adjllccnt sections (see lig,
j un integer indc," denoting the ind ividual cyl- 1('IIglil ji'OlII ellch or/fl'r, covered by the follo .... mg
imler st..'<:tions with eonstunt \\nll thick. thlll the intel1(,kd valu..:
ness (from) - I toj II) Tlte IIol(lfiml L if IIsed f() ide",ifi' rite Ol'f'rall
lellK,h olflle c:l'/illt/er, Tift' lellg,It,\ ul'lte ill(li-
pcnnissiblc \alu..: I' Ilhl
I, the constant \\nl l thickness of sectionj of the
l'itillal s{'c'iu'~\, e(ld, 01(:omwm wall 'hiekll"s,l , the lomaller of:
cylinder (''''' 0,5 (, , 1
'i the length of section) of the cylinder
are idemified IL\ ' I, ' 1, ( 1 ('Ie. ~f Ihieklwu II ,
I], I) elc,

The radills of 'he midt.lle""'f(lc f! I' 11/(11' c!tallge e".p 0.51_
II'hen 'he Willi Ihidme.J.1 dumge,I'. bill 110 "C-
0011111 01 ,his is iliA ell ill IhC!le calel/llI/iolls
..... here:
lx'c'lII~e '''e~''ell i,~ Il.ullllled 10 b.! lhill, Where I ..., is the thickn"~~ of t
lilly ,/al/bl c.ri~/~, 'he lIIeall mille 011' $Iwllid be jomt;
lI.~ed I""" is the thickn",~ ort
The .~ig" OOIll'('llliOIl,\ lire idellliclIl 10 ,'uue
/I,wx/ ill Cllo/}Ier 10,
(5) For cylinder, .... lth
(2) Thc follo\\ ing expressions may only be A defilled bol/udll!'y i\ {III elld hmmt/mrlor 'he ofTse\S bchl cen pllltC'-
used for shcll ~ with boundary conditions BC I or $lrll(:llIre, 1I shell jlll/(:Iioll or a rillg ~/iffe"er, according to (4), the mdlU~
BC 2 at hoth edges (see EN 1993-1-6 Sections 4,3 melln \ulue of all scct ion~,
nnd 4.4). wi th no distinction made between them, The IIo/lllt/,"y cOlldilio",\ are fakell m ,ho,fl'lor
,lte cOlllplele ('.I'IIIIt/er (01 It'IIgll1 L) rm/",r 'hll/l
the ;mJiI'itilllll COIIrSl' f or uocliollS, No \IN'cill l
(6) For cylinder.. wil h 0
IW/II;''f'lIIellb eire laid dOIl'IIIO/' ,lte )oillls be-
joint;;). the pro\i~ions for I:
(weell cOllrses or '\{'cli()I/J, given in EN 199.l-1-6, All'
or these Rccomrnellllatiol
Tile boul/d"ry cOlldiliof/.l' III Ille IWO ellds ol'hl!
.fhell ",IISI prOl'itie 1I1"11 radial re,I'I,."i", (IS dr!-
filled hy BC J 1I1/d BC 1 (set! TlIhle 4,1), n'l!
l!II'O olll (yli"drical cOllwi""'l'l/I SImi'I/Ire are
/1511(1111' closed bl' 1I rool a"he tol' 'Illd alwPIJl'r
or 00110111 pill/('s ailite ha,I't!, \I'hielt remit ill lite
fl.'q/liretl radilll reslrllilll (see Figf 4.I{I-c),
Opel/ /(II/irs (see Fig" Id) III1UI IIl11'f' {I~'rollg
rillg lIllhe IIpper e'/gt>, /lectlll,f(! /n'l! (,t!g(' j ' (BC
1) are IIO( cm'en'" by 1111.'1'1' nlle,f ,
Addiliollal axial re,\'Iralllf.f til Ihe bollolll (ill Ihe
seine 01 BC I) camwl /Jl'11K'Cijically wk"" i,,'o
lICCOI1II1 here, II {/mllid be lIoled "/(lIIg" ' 'tII
Ihe)' do 110' /Iarll/(//~)' figllijiCtllllly illflllellce 'he
bllcklillg beh'II'iulir (if ~/el}IN.'d cylillder.I',
Moreo"er, lIlI l 'OIII",elll.\' i/l 10,1.1,1(1) 011 'he

CI'li/u1rica/fhe"-~ ofstepwise mriable walllhidllf!Ss

Iress design hUlllldar), co/uliliolls ill l"ylilldl'ical shells a/~'o

uppl)' here.
(3) ProvidL"tI that the wall thickness of the Th(' rllle.~ gin!" here lire bllSed 011 I"" (1551/1111'-
cylinder increases\cly ... tcpwisc from tioll 111(11 Ihe .\('CliUlI beloll' '''1'
aile heillg COII-
top '0bouol11 (sec Fig, I [. 1), the procedures flde/'ed i,v a/l\'(l)'s IIlicker IIIU/l Ihe ulle hem},;
gi\'cn in this section may be used. ('tIIl,1 iderell.
Tlim/.:r i\ dil'iri£'(1 imo wl'emJ
O!IIJlid, htll tI C'OII\"falll 11'(111 (4) Intended oITsets ('0 bel\ICCn plates of T"e,~e "imellded offsers" (I";",e wherl! OIl,er
~(' ,f('{'liOI/$ 111(11' he of diDi'/'e/lt IIdjucelll sections (sec Fig. II , I) m..y be treated us (;(III.I'idel'(lfioll.f (.\'IIcIl as a SIII{)(J11t imernal II'tllI
" Oill/'r, COl cn."tI by the following expressions providL"tI "'lIIfa('(' al jui/UI' betwel!lI ,\'ecli(IIIS) demlllld II/(/t

if 115('(/10 illt'lIlili' 'he (II'('mll lhat the intended value eIJ is less limn the rite mllklll' s'lII/cu'e.\' uf Ihe IIplJf!r (mil 10ll'er ~ec­
riO/I\' {/I'e IIor coilicidelll. Thl! (/('11101 offil!l al
Iil/"~'r. The lellg,';.1 of 'he indio pcnnissiblc vulue eo.p which should be luken liS
(1111' IXlil/l ill Ihe emu/mcted ",hell is Ihe SI/II/ of
mdl ofcmn'mllll'(/lIlhidmf!.~,~, the smallcr of:
Ih,' illtellded (/mlll,e accidelllal Offil.'l (~ee Fig.
, 'I, ':' , J (',e, o( I"klm('\\" '/, e fl.p '" 0,5 (/.... t_> ... ( 11.1)
Wlt£'rc.' rhe ill/cllded offrel e:rcet!tl~ rile limilillg
'e miJd/e slIrface r fIItn' chollge ... (11.2) I'lIllIe.l· gin.o" Itere, the shell mar he treated III/-
,hie/iJ/('ss dlUn~ws, hili 110 uc· der the rl/lef for falrjoill/et/ cylillder,1 (we 5£'(:.
"ll.en ill Illftsf! ('a/cl/lmiom where: 1/011 11.3 helml·).
'I i~ U5.nflned 10 be lhill, Whert' ,_ , is the thickness or the thicker plllte at the
, I"~' meem I'ahlt! of r shollld he joint:
t_ is thc thickness of the thinner plllte at thc
'II/ioftl are i(/emil"o/ to IIIo.\"e joint,
(5) For cylinders with pcnnh,:tiblc Intcnded 111l' riu/ills of (I rhin shell ,/oe,t 1I0r 1'(11)' grt''''~I'
~ry' is 011 em/ holl/uuwyfor Ille oITltCts between plates of adjaccnt M."Ction) t/.\. (I re.HI11 ofOffil'IS, so Ihis prul 'i~'ioll h a (or-
fjll/Klio" or a rillg wi./fi'lfer. nccording to (4), thc rndius r may be tukcn a... the IIIaIiIY,
IIIdi,iom til'!! 1lI/f(!/I (If Iho~e fur mean value of nil scc tion ~,
Imler (of h'IIKIII Lj rllllle,. II/(III
'1I1f)'e,! fir s('('/iol/~'. No .I/H!cia/ (6) For cylinders with oVl'rllll'l)ing joints (Iup
laid (/(1\1"1/ for lit" jui"'1 he- joints). thc provisions for lup-jointed construction

f''l:li(J/I'I' given in EN 1993-1-6. Annex D,3 (Section 11.3
of these Rccommcndllliolls) below shou ld be
ulilioll5 tlilhe IWO elllJs of Ihe uscd,
a jiffl roelia/ reflrailll lI~ dl!-
BC ! (5('t! T"bh' 4.1j, 11/1'
'h:ol cOII/ailllm'lII slrtlel/lty (lrl'
a rooftlilhe lOp (Jlltl (I hopper
lJltlU! oo'fl!, Irhich rt'.mlt ill thl!
restmilll (st'f! Figv 41,,-eJ.
Fig. -lId) mllst IIol't! (t rlro"g
('d!{I!, hec-mlse fn't! edge.I' (BC
'd hy tIK'n.' nile.,.
struinls (1/ IIw hollO", (i" Ille
IIIOt be .1/Jedficlll(,· wJ.ell illlo Figurr 11 . 1: Intended olTltoCl ~ In a bUII'Join'cd shell
.IJOII!d be /JOled tlm"gll thai
0111' Jigllijic(llIfh' iltjlm!llce Ihe
~r ofstepped cyiiml£'rs.
,wtu'lIfr ill UJ.2.2.1(/) 011 Ihe
Bllckli" g o/SI/.'e/ SlIells - EliroPCOII Desigll Rl.'c:ommendlltimtf

I 11 .2.3
~I pcrrl..'C l join!
I it'"""gl'OtnCII)' ~ Crilical ""u,.fl'~

a) accidental l'CCer1lrielt)' b)1I11cndcd off!tC1 al a C) loud e(ccnlricily (accidcmal (2) Ir the cylinder
\\ hen there is no change change or plale Ihickncss plus inlended) al changc or (i.c. eon!>lanl ~all
or plale Ihickne\5 \\ ilOOuI aCCIdental cc- plate thiclml.~ Annex D.I (Chaplcr
"" !lure 11.2: Unmlcndcd ccccnlricily und imcndl-d off.-.ct !ll a Jomt
dations). should be 'P"""'I
(1) Ir the c)' lmder
11.2.2 Mt'ridional (adal) comprcssion different wall Ih
(7) !>hould be applied.
fi ctitIOUS sections. " "nd
orlenglh " should Bec'u/I~e the b/ldlillg mOOe III/der (lxi(ll COII/-
( I ) Filch cyl inder S(.'C tion j Ihi cknc!>~.
preuiml is r,"(lfil,(,~I' local, lIilll 1I/0/ll'lillllllw-
be tfCated llS an equhalelll cylinder or overall
IIl'OlI.dl' critical mOlle.f, al/lI'it" \I'(l\l'lellRllu of
length , L and or unironn wall ,hickn,,'SS (4 ) Ir the c)' liml.:r
I, IlIl' urder o/,r,:" Ih/! local axial sln'l.1 1I1 tllll'
..ections \\llh diflcfCnt
nccording 10 S"'Clion 10.2.2 of tIK";!'C ((rial location ill lilt' !.hell i~ a good hmil' un Il.3a). il ..hould fi rst be
Recommend"t ion!.. \l1Ikll 10 mlitklle Ihe lhe/l's hliC/r.lilig rcsis- cylindcr eornp ri~i ng thn..'C
toIg. 11 .3b), I he length
Tl!il' filrm 0/ ~tmMmclio/l i\ t'Ommo/lh' mcd
lIhould extend to the 1
where Ille {uilll comprc.uiu/I progre,uil'ell'
'>'-'C tion Ihat has n wall
r;Sl'l' dowlI IlIl' lI'all (orisi"R cilher from lei!
1I'('iglll or /rolll WlIlI /ril'lilm ill (I silo or from
nOI compri'>C more than
glo",,1 belldillg) .W Ihul Ille (.'rilit'(IIII' \'Ir('u('(1
the cylinder. TIle length
IJUillh lie (II Ihe ('h(l/lg(' 0/ plale Ihic~"e.u . .fitl
Ihe re/ulioll.\hip 1U!/II'l't''' load-illduced /o"cI!,~ '1> and I, .. hauld be ,,,bl"'1
'. '. '00 ,
all" hllckli"g re.~i.\'llIlice cOlllmoll~r ll11.cs 011 0
ralher .vow-/ooll, c/l(lr(lelCr. The hliCklillg e"l!<-'~ /.
dC,\('rihed here Ihere/ort' re/lIIe,\ IU Ihe 10(.'01
cumliliolls ollhe hmlOlII o/('lIch COII/'se,
if '. < L3
IllIIl'.I' he Im/tel '''"'Ihe il/eTt'llSC o/plole Ihic'I.-
IICU (.'0/1 P/"{XltIC"l! .figlli{i{"(1II1 il/crecul! ill
'. ', 0,5 (L ' .. 1.
la< L 2
if /.J
hllt'klillg SII"t'IIi-!lh (Roller 1I11d Tellg, 19H9h), hilI
II,il' t~nh'l i.f alwl~),l' ignored ill tlc.\'igll praC'ficc.
Tilt, ('ffeel McOll/c.f I(lr~:t'r as lite rlllio of
(5) The fictitiou~ "all
Ihidt'r IU Ihinner phlll! Ihil'kllCUt'S riSl'S.
of the three ~Iion ..
(2) For long equI\alenl cylinder... a!. go\emed Thi.\ i.\ {j COllwn'ulil'el"la/(,fllefil rooU'd in Ihe \\clghled average or the
by 10.2.2. 1(6). the parameter C,,,
, hould be (l1'IJlvximulcc/I(I/'(I("/ertYlh('rllle.f. or the Ihree ro,"tlIO',,"""oii
eon!M!.... lItl\'ely laken us I. unless a beller 1
,ulue i"Justified by nlOfC rigorou!> analysis. ',,'"'-rIll

Cyli,,(/ricol ,fhells ofsiepwise mriable wtllll!ticJmeu

t~" 11 .2.3 Clrcumfcrcntial (hoop) comllrcssiull C ritical circumferential bucklin),: stn.'ss(.'S

' geometry
~ perfect joint
(I) I f the cylindcr consists of th ree sections with
For Ihe IreaWIC'11I of drc/l/llfere11litll c:omflre,\ -
different wall thickness, the procedure of (4) to sio", Ihe aclulIl ,~Iepped 1I'1I11 cylilldC'r is w,'-
, (7) should be applied to the reul Sl.'Ction ... II. blind
,nm/{!(I ro lx' 1000ded by IIIIi/orm e.rrerl1al pre.~­
, t !Tl,'l\ e. s(..-c Fig. 11 .3. stlre. FOI' cylinders IlfIder wind IO(l(Jing. see
Cllal'ter 11. The :>'IC'pped 11'(1/1 cylinder is' here
ntriclt}' {accidental (2) If the cylinder consists of only one Sl.'Ction Irwufurlllec/ inlo till eq/liWllelll cylillder of lilli-
dcdjlll change or (i.e. constunt wull thickness), I~N 1993- 1-6. form lhic:klles,~ III/del' ulli/orm exlem,,1 pre.v-
'''''' Annex D. I (Chapter lOin these Recommen- mre. Tlli.f ;'11'011'(:5 tI I11'O stell llrocedllre tI$ fol-
dations). should be applied. 101l",f.
i...'t II D. )Oint
FirM IhC' sleppedll"all (Fig. 11.311) is' re/,laced
(3) If the cylinder consists of two sections of
by UII eqllil'ufelll cylillder comprisillg 3 s(."CtiolU"
different wall thickness. the procedure of (4) to
(I. b, (' (."('C Fig. 11.3b), The lenglh ofils IIpper
(7) should be applied. treating t"'O of the three
"kling mOtk //IICkr axil,l a,,,,- lielitious sections. a and b. lIS being of the sume socti()/1 "'fhol/ltl t'Xle"d 10 Ihe IIpper edge of
;rt'lr /o(:a/. w;,h mUIII' .,-illllllta- thickness. Ihe COl/rw! Ihal has a I,fure Ihiclwes.,' greurer
fIlllclc.\, ullll"llh wm-e/rmg,IIs of Iholl 1,51/ Ilht're ' / is rhe Ihicklless ofille lhi,,-
(4) If the cylinder consists of more than three lIeSI (lOp) cOllrse. bill lhis IIpper .fOCliOIl shollld
,lit' /()(:ull.l:ria/wrl!'u lI/ (111.1'
r '''t'sllt'll i.1 1I grNli1 htnif (III
sections with different wall Ihicknel>SCs (sec Fig 1101 comprise more Ihall half Ihe Willi n'lillder
11.Ju). It should first be replaced by un cquilulcnt lel/glh L. 1 he lellglils of tlie two oilier .\"I..'(·lioID
'It' Ihl' "bd/:S bllddillg re,\';,,'·
cylinder comprising th ree sections a. band c (sec Ib alld Ic til'(' obtailled by £qs f 1.3 wulllA.
Fig, IUb). The length of its upper section, 'OJ'
I/WnKlioll is ro"IIII()I/II' 1I.I('d The eqllil'{llem 11'(1/1 Il!ick"es.fe.f I... 1& lIlIdl, (If
should extend to the upper edge of the first Ihe 3 .f('{·limu' shollld each he delC'f'll1ined ",~ III"
,1 ctlH//,n'«io" IJrugr/!.nil'(!iI'
Sl..'Ction that has a wall thickness greatcr Ihan 1.5 lI'eigllled tn't'mge of Ihe II'tll/ lhic:klle.v.\' (weI'
\luff (ari.IIIIK eillll''' from self
'(Iff j;-;('/ioll ill (I _Ii/O or froll/ times the smallest wall thickness 'I' but should eacll 'if Ihl' w.'clioll,f which is' o{"("ofllplished by
WI ,hal ,Ill' crilimlh. s/re,f,\'(·d nOI comprise more Ihun hulfthe tot:lllcngth L of Eq." 11.5 fo 11.7.
dU1II111' of plafe Ihicktw,\'.I. So the cylinder. The length of1l1e t"o othcr Sl..'Ctions
The II/'{x'edllre of lI,d ng alhn'C-stell{Jt'd eqllil'u-
/It.'/I\t'l'n itxw-ilU/llced fon't'_I' f I> and f ~ should be obtained liS follows:

lem (J'/illt/er (l,\ (/ ,~ I/h.~lillllf.' for more gellel'lll
i.itallcl! rommolll\' WkC.f Oil (1

,'haracll'r rhe buddillg dlf!i"k

rht'rl'{ort.' rl'illle,f 10 the Itx'a/
" '. ~ and
• L 2'...
forms of slc'p"i,\'e I'llrilliioll is ha~e(J OIl Iht' re-
.f(!(lrch of Greiller (1971) 1I11d Re.~i'lgC'r &
if fg'!f, LJ3 ... (11 .3) Greiller (1974) and (1976), IIhichfoclIss('d 011
hollOIn of('fl('h Wllrfl-'.

(!at tIlt' m,'rt'/lfe ofl'/(I((' Ihkk-

Ct' U .I/jllllfinllli /II(-ri'CISf'
(Roftt'f'ulld TCII~. 1989h). hl/l
" - f~ = 0.5 (L -',,).

ir U3 <fg S U2 ... (11.4)

cylimkn nJl1.\i~ting of a IIl1mher of counes of
.~/lort or moderare le"glll, " i,v imporuml 10
/lOIe rhar Ihe meridional dimellsilJII of III(' blldr-
lillg mOlIC' ofte" exlellds 011(1' o"er (me or mort'
_'\ ignored ill d{·...igll I,mOin!. of Ihe IIpper (IIIimu.'r) collrse.f it1SieiKI of II"..'
~Il'\ lurgt'" as till' mlio (If lrhole cylillder, This}(}//d~ physictllly 10
(5) The fictitious wall thickTll~ I", I~ lind I,
plute IIIIC~nt'.H('\ riSC'.f Ihe IhillllC'r IIpper courses being re.~tmil/ed hy
of the three sections should be detcnmned as the Iht' Ihil'ker 10ll'er COllrses. TIllis. o/iclI Ilu! ltJIr-
Ilin' 1I(I/('mC'1II ffl(}1('cI ill lite weighted average of the wull thickocs!o o\er caeh e.fl colln'e." may IllIt Itlke part ill Ihe crilicul
'Ia of lilt' mll'\ or the three fictitious sections: bllckling mode til till (see olfo st.'Clioll 11.4. /).
I As 0 re.mll, II simple ll"erage 11'1l1lIhit/me.n W
I =-~( I · ... (11.5) form (11/ C'qlli,'olem C)'fillder of (VI/SWill Ihid-
u,"-J J
" " II{'S.\ (II-hidl might he assumed by a design ell-
gilleer m 1I rougll tll'Pro_vimarion) i.f oftell ill

Bucklillg ofSlce/ Silellf - EllrolW(III/ksigll R('C(Jnllllellc/aliolls

seriolls ('rror-.
... ( 11 .6) Till' tll ic!.m!:i$ milo of 1.5 lIIr/u'llolit /() he lm
lI/JproXillllllC' crilerioll l o dc.!.(-rihe II,i.\· /'C.\'rulll-
I ,--~I/j ... ( 11 .7)
IlIg effecl. fO Ihal '1,,.$ 1.5 ('oult/lx'II.\etiw
1(" ,. rOllgll~I' tiefille ,lie portloll of rhe cylilldl'r
Il'lIgrh COlllfJ/'i.lln8 rhe /J/Icklillg IIIOl/e. AI'erag-
IlIg of rht, II'{III ,IIic-kllt!.\.\ wit" re.VJect ItJ III"
hllckl;'18 /X1wl'iolll' I.!.'. I"el'(jul'c, reJtric-red w
Ihe cOl"/-espolldillg lellW" I ... Iltm'l' l'er, lite {II'-

eragillg III rhl' lireif\' of (~tlllti l ,. i~ III/ii/lly 1I.\ed

for e.~Ii"'(l/i/lg I"e Minill'l'~ of rhc.!.c IX""~' lI'irh
re·\lx'C·' 10 their N.'wralnlllg ('ffi.'CIS {JII Ihe upper
Tile rewll\' of Ihl' gil't!ll prrx:edlll'" til'(' ('."((1("1 if
Ihe real nfimler (Ym-e~IIO//(Js 1I"it" the three-
slepped cylillder. Abo Iwo-~'el'IJl'{1 n/im/e"
lIIay, Illl'rr.'fore, lx' Iret/l(,,1 by ,,,Iaplillg Ih('111 W
'he IIIr(!e-~It'"ped olle wltll two S('CII{)IIS heillg
of Ille .\"lllll( tlllcl."e.~,I·. Tile qlllllilY of rhe lip-
proxinwriull for (Tlim/er\ wirh II1l1lripll'-
~/eplx,{/ lI'olll\ moi"II, colI//('C'Ied Ililll II,e {k'li-

lIiliulI uf"1I! g()l'cmillg "Plx'r lellgllt ' .. ill relli-

1, .-. 1<-',
.... I ~
lioll to rite differ"", !.lIIt" of II'l1I1 lhicklll',u

m,.iario/l. Tlte eYJIIIIHl/'i,WJII 1I"illt mller deslgll I, ;..::
lIIelhot/!:> i.\ {Ii~c"ucti ill Ihe ('xlt'lldec/ C(llllmel/-
wry 11.4,1. L
I J X -. ...',
(6) The three-section-cylinder (i,e, the equivlIJcI1l rhe crilil'fll hllcklil/g preHllre of IIII' Ihree-
one or the real one respecti vely) should be .!.('etioll cylinder htls heell re/(l/etilO ,lie IIPIJer
rcplllccd by Ull cquivlIlcnt si ngle cylinder of (I"illllest) purl of'he (:rlil/tier, ",hich i\' fl/ll'ay.t
effective length , rtr ond of unifonn Willi filII), illlv/wd ill 1111,' IlIIcklillM pI1K·en. rill' -. - •
Ihiekness I I .., see Fig. 11 ,3e. The efTI..'Cti\c lellMIII I .. i.\ 1I/rN./ijied hi' ,." ill ('flt/lext lI"illl Ihe (u) Cylinder Of\ICp .... I'>C \an
length should be detcnnined from : Miffileu of Illl' Cllllr,(', ill Ihe lower IXlr, of 'he
cylillder, III ,his lH1\' tile hlli"klillg jilr","I" for t'lgurf II ":
'rff '., 1 .- ... (11.8) q", ... I/I(~I' be ullderslooJ u.... 'he I)(.u'k-furlllllfufi,r
in whieh A" IS .. dimensionless factor obtained till eqllil"{l/elll ".I·limler of IIIl' Il'lIglIl I rtr II'illl
from Fig. II A . {VI/Sill/II wallillit·knc'.\·.\· I.. (md filllplC' bOlli/dc/I)'
colldiliutl.\ lllitier IlIIili,rm c.(lcr/wl pre.ullre:

... (11.9)

rile c(N.1/ich'/11 11.- \I't/,f deril'('d frolll I/IllI/efYl/I.~

GNA bllckhllM ("{IIt'lIllIllOII,I' of /hrt'e-wepIJed
cylillders of /lIf' dill", lel/gth Illider lilli/arm ex-
lemal 1)/'e5sl/I'e COIIS1tlllr 1111 rhe hei~h' (if 'he

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _CC.C"Ci'C"C".:;icul.I"ell" o/f/epwise I'Oriuh/e II"lIlIthidmess

cylillder (Re.{iIlKer & Gre;lIer. 1976). The

rulio of 1.5 IUn/l'ti 1)11/ IIJ he (III 1£,lIglh of lite (:I'lilldl!r lind (if il.f illt/iI'id/1ll1
rilerioll 10 tlcfcrihe litis N..'.\lmm- COIIn;es were lI!i!illlll('d to be of m(}(ll'rate
,htll 1,1/'5:. 1,5 could he Wit.' lI,V leI/gill, 1I.\ ill typiclIl cylillllriclIl CUI/luil/II/e/ll
e Ille porliUlI of Ihe n'fim!t',. .\11'//('1111'1'.\' (,IIoI"(lge /(lIIh', ,filos. elc,).
\ill1: Ihe hlldlillg III()(/e, ";I'('mg-
The hOl/l/dul'Y ('Ollt/ilium were (lSJllllled to be
/I Ihidmes.l· lI"illl re~pl't.·1 II) Ihe
mtlia/(I' jillll' re,\ lmillet/ (llId (ui(I/(I' (Illd roW-
I"iollr i.I, Ihert{(Jl"l', I·l'.f/l"icled 10
lim/(/lI,1' li1.'(' tlf bmh emk A;drllly drm1/wd
lill.!!. It'llglh ' ... 1I()1I'('I'I'r, Ille m'- hollll(/tlr;l'.f (/I the 00110111 end of U cl'li"del" are,
Un'tll of IhOllt! , < i\ 1II1Iil/fI. 'oed Illel"fjrlre. cOllsen'ati\.,.'" cOI'(!rcd, i"lull'el'er, it
shollld he lIoted ,har lhis (""liliol/(I/ rl'sml;1II
Ihe ·\Iifl,ll'H of tlJ('se JNII"lS \I"illl
11/(1.1' (I(.'lIIalll' he 11"ilhol/l (III)" bt.·mjicial e.Qi..'(·1
. n'Slruillifll{ dli.·c.""· IIIIIIJ(' IIpper
jor cylillders, lI11icil (Ire alre(ltly .Iignijic(llllfl'
restrailled dill' la 'he thicker 101\"l!r (.'()lIrse.~,
,"., nil...'" JHVt'(!cJllre tiN! e.wc:1 i/
ler COrTl'fpOllds \HIIt II,e Iltl"!!!!- I., N!lln!felll.f 'he si:1'
II 111m' he II.HIII1Ied 11/(1/
~r. .-11\0 f11"O-.ffl'Ppt..'C/ cl'/mderf of I"e hllckle Ihal will ocellr ;1/ Ihe cylimier,
he Irm/t'ti hI" at/aplillg IIIL'III /tJ It/,('re IlIil' is neet/(.'CI fi)r olher l'1'alll(/liOlls or
...>J olle II illt Mil .feuiVla hl'illg cU/uidem/ions oj srrellglhellil/g lI.mlg (lrk/i-
'ic'II.'u. Th., qllafill' tlf Ihe ap- liollal rings,
ror tTlilltier; lI"ilil 1II1I/liIJle-
Inuillll" ("(JIIIIl'C.lo'IJ lIilh /h ... 1"-'/1-
I"t!n/illg 1I1'11<.'r /t'ngl" '" ill re/tI- f, ........
.... <-'•
f]l'rlwt Mllds of lI"all lhickm'u f, . <-" I,
("(JlIIll<.lrifOlI lI"iIIl uthel" tie\igll f, . ~
<- "
lI,ucd ill '"l'
(,,"em/cd "Oll/mell-
~ I<-~
.... 1<--"
{i t 'J II
f'Milll{ /J/"C\.I/ll"e of Ihe 111I"!!1!- II
"Of hem re/tlled to Ihe IIPllf'r
if 'he I')'limler, Il"hir.:h i.1 ulll'lII '.\' - I<--~ II
ill Ihe hllc'klillg process, Tlte •" J!
'c/i{iell hy "" ill COIlle.TI lI"ith IIt(' (a) Cylinder of SICPW1SC ,"Bnable wall (b) f:qui\u1cnl cylinder (c) Lqui\'alent single cylinder
ill Ille l()In:r IXlrl of tile
)lfT'fe.'i thickness comprising thl\.'C ~Iions wllh unifonn ..... alt Ihick~
Iwr the hlldlillg formula for "-ig urc 11 -3: Tmnsfom1.111on OfsICJllX.'d eyliooer 10 cqul\alcnl cylioocr
enlOOti Q\ the hllsic fOl"mula fiJI"
·Iilllh.'r of thl! length Irl I\'illt
Ji.neu ' .. (md .filt/ple hmmdllry
r. IIl1iform eXll'nmf,lre.fSIIN..'.'

... (11.9)

' lias ,/er/l'cd from IIIllI/l'TOIIS
cakllllll;ons oj IlIrl!l!-Slepped
illlll Il'uglh wllk'r III1i/orlll ex-
('(JIbIUIII lip IIII.' heighl ollhe
BlIck/ing (ifSreel She"-~ · Europc(1fI Ot-'!i;gn Rccommclldm;ulI.\

, , , !.. :;:...- , !.
L -
•• - -
i; ~~
,, ,
b!;;k '00
L .. U) • • • •

..•• - - ,
: rt.!17
. '. t. 11 1S
" ,... L.1:t-=
, , , I! i1 , ~

0.7 07 0.7 , (8) The length of the
.'1. .,
V .U
-t 1-', ,
" riscd in temlS of thc
parameter fir
0.' 0

•••" ,~
.' " "
T' li .. IO "'0
.•, 'v
I~ 10
0.' 0

0.2 ,

"0 '. ""'~ fa "" f~ ,~ -'<

2 , o, 2
, ,o
, (9) Where the e)-linder
< < ond additional Ib'-l..'!>!tment
F1i:urc 11 .,& : Factor" ror the detemllnallon or' cfl should be made, The
derived from (1) and (10)
(1) For cylindcr sections of modcrnte or short Usillg Ille \,,'('\.\' dc,\'igll cOllcept olEN 199J·I·6. buckling de..ign cheek
length. the clastic critical cireumrercntial buck· Ihe c/l'sigll lJr(x'cc/llre is IKised (1/1 Ille crilictll
ling stress of each cylinder section j of the origi· circlimferefllilll buckling stress (IIUI olllhe huck·
nal cylinder or stepwise variable wall thickness Iillg IJN!Uure) 10 rake the effccls ofpluslidl" /lito
should be detcnnincd from : tJCCmllfl. The aitil'lll circumferential bm:klin8
siress for etH,:h of the indil'idlla! CO/lrse.f j o/Ihe
(70.Rcr.j -['.iL]
t j (70.Rrr.rff ... (11.10) original ,fU'P/X'c/ l:\'!imlc!r may be c/etermillec/ {L~
that ,~tn'v.f whid, i.v prl'sefll III/der the crilical
bucklillg pre,ullre:
wherc (71111,..." is the clastic critical cireumreren·
tinl buckling stress derivl..-d from 10.2.3. 1(3).
10.2.3. 1(5) or 10.2.3. 1(7), as IIpproprimc. or the lJOR<:r =lJRcr[~]. .. (11.11)
(10) The eylinder section
cqui\alent single cylinder of length IdI accord· IlIIrutllldllg qR,~from Eq, 11.9 il1/o ElJ.II.11 long if:
ing to paragraph (6). The fuctor ('" in these ex· alld oh.len-illg Eq.IO.l'. (J/le ohrailn rlu' ('X·
(tJ j > \,63-
prcssions should be gh en the ,"ulue C { I - 1.0. preuioll gil,('" ill Eq_ 1/./0. Ar firsl gilltlce II,it I)
equation might 1/(11'(' II fll'Ongl' appearallcc. Bill
l\OTE: Equntion 11.10 may secm strnnge in that 'he reil!Jo/ll/Ig behi"d i/thollid be cie{lr from lilt'
in whieh ease the elastic C'
the resistance IIppcars to be higher In thinner NOle amlth('n'fore "t'till' /10 ji/nlter call/me",
buckling stress should be de
pilltes. The reason is that the", hole cylinder bi·
furellle!. at a smglc critical extcmal prt."S!.ure. and n'e hll,-k/illg d,('(·k i.f per/ormed COIlrn' bl'
Eq. 11.11 gi\ es the membrone stress in each
COllr!N /0 ('OWl' Ihl' gellcral c{lse (if {In illft'I'll('·
course nt that inlolant. Since the external pressure lion \\'illl hud.ling ulltier arial {'om,Jre,\\irm, Ihe
.I'lrellnth ,ifwhich l'lI";e,\·wl'Ongly lI'ilh Ihl,! 11'0/1
"O.R",) E( ~ ~ r[ 0,275

i~ Ilxially unifonn. these loIrcss \llIlues lire smlllier

in the thickcr courses. It should be nOied Ilull thc Ihick"l,!s.~,
dcsign membrane circumrcrcntial stress. with The pl'lx:ec/url> lIpplie.f 10 eqllimlem cylimler.~ of
~hieh the n..-si!.tancc stresses will be compared in all IIIn'f! 1t'lIgl" cllIl.'gories for drt'lIf11jerelllia!
a design check, is also !.maller in the thickcr bllckling ("short". "medilllll.lellgth" (lml
coun.e.. (see Fig. I J.S), Ir n stcPpL-d cylinder is "Io/lg". W!" f(}.l.J). (IS defilled hI' the nlle_\ for
cla~tic and under unironn cxtcrnal pressure. the conSlmll 1I'1I11 Ihil'lmeu cylillller.f_ lIoll'ewr. if
ratio of the design membronc circumferential Olll! of Ihe lIIt/n'idual cylillder w!ctioll.f i.f ilse/f
stress to thc design resistance !.Ire!>!. i!. constant a/read\' "Iollg n, the" sl)Cl'ial care IIIII.W he wkell
throughout all courses. Thif additiomu ~aN! is col'ered by t/,e addiliollal
clled pre,t('l'ibed ill l}(Imgrtlphs 8 ro /0. The

Cylimlrical s/,ells 0l.ftel)wise \'Uriah/e Iwllihickness

definition 01 c\'/illder s('cl;Olls "01 m{)(.lcrat(! or

short lel/glh ", melltiol/(!d in the firsl .fentC/ICe of
tlte prescm pliragral)It 7, folloll's a.f Ihose I/ot
defilledru "lol/g "hyEq. 11./3.
(8) The length of the shell segmcnt is eharnete- This definilioll i.f .fimply a clear stalement 01
rised in tenns of the dimensionless length Itow the ftmglh plII·tmlcter "0)"
•, parnmeter llt: fltOflld he illlcrpreictill'hcfl applied to Ihe illt/i-
"idl/al sectiOI/S of a s t(!pped-v.-oJ/ cylinder. It

r VI} - .Jrt)
corresponds /0 the dimellsioll/es.,· length "sed
... (11.12) lor C)"lindrictll.~hellf Ihrollgholll A,II/e.f D of EN

3 (9) Where the cylinder section j is long, 11 lice- A steppet/-wall cylim/er in which .~ome illt/iI'ie/-
ond additionlll assessment of the buckling stress ,ml sec/iolls are tllem..~e"'eS olready "101/8" is a
should be made. Thc smallcr of the two values buckling condiliOIl of 011(1' minor practical rele-
derived from (7) and (10) should be used for the I·ance. As an e.r:ample, a pipe consistillK ol.ff!'IJ-
;1:1' concept of E.V /993-/-6. buckling design check of the cylinder section j. eral paris Irhich how! djfferem wall Ihicknesses
/I"" is htm'd 011 the ai/ielll all(1 heillg loaded by a /)(Jrtial \'tICllllm ",ollld fall
ildillJ.: ,1/n',\,1 (1101 ollihe huck- illto Illis calegory. SlIch stmctllrcs 1I"01i1d IIor-
/i.e Ihe ('flecl.I' ofplasticity ;IIfO IIwlly he e/e.l·igm.'d 10 1/1(' critcria 01 piJWlille
nil d/'(wllj<" .."ti,,1 bucklillg \f{mdartls mlher Ihall a generic ~·hell bllcklin!!
/k: imJil'idlial course., j ofthe sumdard like EN 1993-1-6.
ilindc:r ",(I\' he ,k:lcrolilled al Nov.-cl'er. the m/e ill thi.f paragraph 9 ha.f been
b prnt'/11 ImJ..'r ,he critical fOnlllllaled to kl't'p EN /993-1-6 cOllsistellt,
complete anti cOllSen"(ltiw! jar application /0 all
shell sln/cll/res.
... (1/.11)
(10) Thc cylinder section j should be lrcated as This paragl'tlph II.W!.I' Ihe abal'C illdil'idlltlilellgth
fq 11. 9 i1ll0 £q. I U I long if: pllrall/eter definition for a "Iollg" cylinder Im-
IIL?/. 0111' ohf(l/lls Ihe ex- , tier circlJmferelllia/ compression. and applies it
01,>1..63- ... (11.13)to Ihe indiddl/al sectiollS of a slepped-v.·uJ/ cyl-
<;q.II./(I, .",f/irst glance IlIi.\ I}
r " .I/rflllge upJX'(lrcmce. 8111 int/(!r. Thus Eq. II. I 3 simp~\' applies the mle of
lui ilfhollld he d('ar from 'he Eq. 10.23 10 IIIi.,· ca.ll'. The same slt/lell/el/l can
in which case the clllstic criticol circumferential he madefor Eq. 11.14 ill reiatiOlrto Eq. 10.15.
".'t'ci, 110 jilrlher romme'll/. buckling stress should be dctennined from:

ck i.f IN:rjOlllU'c/ cOllrse hy
gl'nt'ra' {'lin' of UII imertU'·
IIn.I.·, uxiul compression. 'he
ntrh" HTOIIglF \\'ilh the wall
... (11.14)

Ii(,s to ('f/llil'fllelll cylinders oj

QIf'gOrjeo.f for circllm/erC'fIIial
"m(-dium.h'lIgll!" (lIId
t., u.\ dt'jincd II.\' 'he nll('j, for
p,~S$ cyliIlt4>rs. 11001'l! \'Cr. if
ral cylml/er W!(:lions is i/ff!/f
tIIl/k'{'W/ cure mllst he tukel/.
Ie is t'Ol'I:rr:,J hI' the addiritJIllll
jn PClrIlKrtlphs 8 to 10. TI,('

Buddillg OfSteel SI,(,/l~ • EllrDJH!Ol1 /Jesigll Rccommel1dolio"s

t tJuckling strength 'erifleation for t'ircumferentlal compression (3) If the dl.':!oign \aloe of
stres!> rt."Suitanl "Ill:. \aric~ \\
(I) For each eylind..:r M-"'Ctionj. the conditions of The hllddillg slrellglh l"f!riJiclIlirm jiJlI(1l1'~ 111(, the key .. aluc of Ihc em:umfc
EN 1993· 1·6. Sect;on 8.5 (Chapter 9 in these Re· basic nt'e.~ 0f'md'lillg Mreu de\';gll lIpprocK'h membrane stresi> ~hou ld b..: t
commendations). should be met. and the follow· for cylilldt!r.~ limier dn'lImfi!re/llilll COli/pre,,'· value U Of.JJ _oJ detennincd
mg check should be carried out: .~;OI1. IIoll'el'er, Ihl' check is ill Rel/eml IIImle value of the circumferential ~
indil'idlllll(I' /or each o/Ihe diffel'('lIf collr!jes of any" here within the length
U /U.J.j S C1111fJ" ... ( 11.1 5)
l/ie qUllder. Ac(:ordillgll' lite /J//cklillg cher:k i.\ local thickness IJ (!>r": Fig, II
\\herc: /x'SI'd Oil I/II! dn'Imifl!rl!lIIilll II/"III/}rcml! .,'Irl!.\'\
U llf:JJ is the key value of the circumferential ill each C()III"S(" t711.£.Ij. mu.1 max (nIJ,fJ ) IJ
eomprc",,;\e membrane stress. as de·
tailed in the following cluuS\."S;
t7SJfJ.J ;~ the de!>ign circumferential buckling
stress. as derhed from the ela!>tie crilical
circumfefCntial buckling stress accord·
ing to

(2) Provided that the design value of the circum· The de,~ig" cU'Cllmfl'relllitil huck/illg ,ffre.<;.Ve.~
fCfCntial stress resultant "a EJ is constant ure. as ollllmf'd 11/ {I/HJI'('. n'llI/{'d 10
throughout the lcngth L. the key value of the Ihe 1I11i/orm e:fferl/tli bllckling IJresslln:. III'I/(.,(!.
Circumferential eompresSI\'e membmne stress in i/ the oc/illg circuniferelllinl W"f!U resulllllll.~
the section). should be taken as the Simple value: {Ire crmsltml alollg IIII.' II.'IIglh of Ihe c)'/il/der.
Ihey reltlle uccurlIleil' fo lite referl!lIce huckling
.. . (11.16)
casf' o/lIlIi/orm exfenwl pre,Bllrl'.
UlIlkr IIIIi/onn exll.'nllli IJI'(!SSll'" flte r(l/io he·
III'C{' " aClillg sln·s.~ (Illd Ihe eJwuic crilical
hllcklillg .flre.fS ;.~ COlmlllll alollg ,'',. leI/gIll of
Ihe cylilltkr. Bill il shollid he IIoled Illal fhi.~ ;.f
1101 alwlI)'s I/"lle for Ihe I"(Ilio o/Ihe t!e,\'igll mi·
Ui'S of (lcling (md buckling slress (e,g. i/ IIII.'
Itllter is illiltl! elllslic.pifl!J'lic I'('giol/),

C),IJlltI,-iC(II,lhells uf,f/(,pl\'l~e \"twit/hie II'tllllhicklleu

Jlo n (3) If the design value of the circumfeTCmill1 For S;llIlIIioll.f ill u'hid, Ihe cirnmiferelllllli
stress rcsultunt "81:.1 varies within the len~th L. sln'l,'" rt!w/Uml naw ;.\ 1101 COIISIlIIII (}I'er Ihe
'Ih n.'ritiel/tion /Ol/Oll',f thl! the key value of the drcumferemial cOlllprcsshe cyfitttkr height (e.g. III/der (lxlally \'CIrlable ex-
)liflK stn's,f design (IPpNKu:I, membrane MTCSS should be taken as a fictitious lenllll pre,f.mre), (III ('qllil"(llelll I/I/i./brm pn's-
rr drclllflj,'rl'lIIial co",prl!,~· value l7ftf..IJ. - ' detennincd from the ma:<illlulll wre II///.\I Ix' foulld if Ihe alH/I'e IJr(){·edlll1!.~ {/I'l'
('h.'d. i., ill gelleral mmk \alue of the circumfercmial stl'CiS resultant "a£J 10 bf.' used This lilli/arm pressllre II/IISt he
"of Ihe diqf!n'fll COllr.~e.\' of b(I!J(·(J 011 II,e luad a,'I,flllllpl;'III of lite hmit'
anywhere within the len~th 1.. divided by the
,Iillglr Ihe hllckli"g eh(·t:k i,' locnlthid.ness I,(see Fig. II ,S). detennincd as: huddillg ('o,\e,
",'Il'rell/hll ml!mbrClne Sireu
O'fU;dJ.f"",1 max(Ito.&/) I IJ .,,( 11 .17) A gllortlllleeti ('OlIl'en't/li\'e de.figll i,~ uhwilled if
Ihe II/(I.\'illllllll .\'I,-e55 ,-".flllulIIl CIII)1I'1I1.''-'' wilhill
lite lel/glh L ;l' tromfonlle,! illlu {III ('qlliWlI£'",
IIlIifurm pressure, fI,\ ,llIle,1 ill (1) alld illlll-
Imlet/ ill Fig, 11.5. HOII'''l'C'r, .filch { I I/ep m;ghl
lead to a "en' cUI/.\en'(Itil'(! de\igll lI·hell the
mtL'l:illllllll Mress occ"r.i (If II,e holtum (as ill
Fig. 11.5) wllere il il far olltside Ille effi't.'lil'e
1l'"glll ',,(f(we Fig. 11.3.c),
'''krell/ial bllcklillg stre,u'e,\'
" 11.1.1,1 ahOll", relntLw W For ('xtlillple, if lite maxim"", ('xtemal preu"re
til hllddiflg pre-f.\'lIrl!. Helice. iI/ a wmd !tN/ded .\IIell is wkell llf ,lie lIagl/(I-
/lmfi'~fllilll .flrl!S.' rCSlllllmt,~ liOIl/Hlillt {Illd IISl'tJ to l'I'lI/tmte hllf.-klillg {It III('
, Ille fcm~t" of Ihe cy/illtkr, Il?I'e/ til \l'hich thl' hlld"e ()CellI'S (i.e, octing till
Iely to Ihe refC'N'IIee bllCklillg III(' (~Oi-'t.·lin' leI/gill I "w), Ihen a C(Jllsen'(ltil'e
,,'nltll pref5l1re.
em/llatioll i.\ Cerl(l;III1' plYXJllced. Sillce pr('s-
l.:nltllpreUIIN' the ratio he· \"IIre\ (K'lillg un ports of the ,hell Ilml lie Ollt-
r.ff and the el(L'Ilic critictll "it/e this l'Ift'ctil'e huckling =otle tlWI' ,digltlh'
CfIIlSWfII ultmg the /ellgllt of red",: /! thl' ~ti{f"e.u of the restraillillg COllne,I,
it ,\hUlild be 1I0ied Ihal tl".,,· i.~ hilt ill praclice lhis ('{fi.'Cf i.f ,mulll, The higllest
/I' Ilu' ralio of the desigll mi· IJre.nlll1! i!i IISUlll~I' (III Ille higllL'l'l (lhillll(',~I)
I IlIIdlillg ,rtreu (e.g. if Ihe COllr,~I!, so thi.f tlSlJl!f."I ,f/umltl I/ot COII-
"ic·pltlSlie "'g;oll). cerll,

I llOsd,nlOd
I ,
I ,
L VI, ~losd i t-aOl:dj

1, '---aOblJ.mod

Figure 11.5: Key \'Dlul.~ of the cl!'Cumfl.'R:nt,al com~,\c Tmmbronc stn:» 10 cast'!.
where nlll J vllril'S within the length L
Bllckling ofSleel Shellf· Ellropean De.~ign Rt..'COmmelldOlioIlS

I I .2.4 Shear
(4) The follo\\ing PTO\1'I(l1
I Critical shear buddinJ.: stresses joints Ihat increase. and I~
radius of the middle ~urface of
( I) If no specific rulc for cvaluating an No comp"Wlional 0/' l!xperillll!1I1l11 el'it/ellclt is (5) WheI'C the lap joil
equivalcnt single cylindcr of unifonn wall thick- known /(J Itlwhle VH.,(·ifk rulcs 10 he t/el'iset/ for circumferential din.'Ction arou
ness is available. the expressions of EN 1993-1- litis cast!. /JulI't!''t!r. iI is II good l!ngineering (circumferentilll lup Joint). I
6 Annex 0.2 .3. 1 ( I ) to (6) (sec Sections 11 .2.3.1 appI'Ollch 10 llllo,,, II'e procedul'e IIsed for e.\'- 11.3.2 ~ hould be u \.-d
( I) to (6) of these Recommcndatlons) may be lemal pressllre. heCllII.W' il i.\· \1'1.'11 known Ihtll compression.
applied. Ihe hllCklillg llild IKJ.\I-Imckling helUII'jU/Ir of (4) Where many lap j\
cylinders ill !.heur i!J' similal' 10 Ihm of q Ullden c ircumferential direction aM
IInder exlerlwl preSSlire. (circumfercntiallap joinb) W\I
(2) Thc funher dctcnnination of thc clastic thickness down the ~hcll.
critical shcar buckling stresses may on principlc 11.3.3 !>hould be u!tCtl ~
be pcrfonncd as in EN 1993· 1·6 Annex 0 .2.3.\ compmsion.
(1) to (10). but replacing the circumferential (5) Where a cor\lLnUl1U, lar
compression expm!>ions from EN 1993-1-6 to Ihe shell a.xi~ lun\!a!!!!cr
Anne:( 0 .1.3. 1 (Section in thc:.c Rec· joint). the provi\lon, 01' II .
ommendations) by the relevant shcar expres·
for circumferential compm'I'
sions from Annex D.1.4.1 (Section in
these Recommendations).
(6) In otht"r ca.-.c!>. no 'p
need be given for the mnuo;l lIud.:llng strcn~lh \erifiealion for shear
the buckling resistant\!_

The nlies of EN 1993·1-6 Anne:( may be

applied, but replacing the circumferclllial com-
pression expressions by the rc1cVllnt shellr ex-

11 .3 Rules of EN 1993·.-6, Annex 0 .3, for buckling stress design

of lap jointcd shells

11.3.1 Definitions, J:cometry. stress resultanls

(I) Circumferential lap Joint : l11t~se IlI'O tkfilliliullS urI! IIsed 10 idemify the
A lap joint Ihal runs in thc circumferential dirL'Clioll i" II-hiC" " /tIP joilll nms. It i.' recog-
direction around the shell axis. nised that lap joillfed COItilnlClio" rommo"/,·
(2) Meridional lap joint:
involw!s lap joims i" 001" direcliOlIS. b,ll Ihe
A lap joint that runs parallel to the shell axis
dislillCliOll is madl! here for Ihe em/rllllio" of
(meridional direction).
Slnlcll/ral respo"s('.
(3) Whcre II cyhndneal shell IS constructed These prol'isions lIrt! leu OIlt'roW.- 11,,111 l"OSf! of
usi ng lap Joints (see I-ig. 11 .6), Ihc following 11.1 ulKJI'e I"hiell. if fomUlII,' (Ipplied. wo1/1d

Whel~~i':':l "~";~:::~
provisions may be used in plnce of Ihose set oul describe a Illp joilll lIS U .ferioll.f imemil'd off~el
in 11 .2 abo ... e. exceeding rhe pCrllli.uihlf! I'(IIlIe,\', I-/OII'f!l'er. Ilml meridional
wOllld igllo,.e Ille wiffltlllllg effecl of Ihe lap slrip jOlOts. the
which I'llI'll)' cmllpf!IISalf!S for Ille negalll'e effecl for a unifoml or

C.r/illdrical shells ojstepwise l'(Jriohle wuH thick"e.u

uftilt' off{t'l.
(4) The rollowing provision!> apply to lap Thi~· nile c/llrijies Illal iI i.~ /l1II/III)()rt,ml lu Ille
joints tllOt increase, and those Ihat dccrcllsc the buckling el'(lhWlioll u-helher lite s('COlld plme i~
radius or the middle surraee or the shell. olllhe im'ide or ul/l.~idf! oJlhcjirfl,
I or I.'XIH:riml.'1Iful I.'I'itkncl.' is (5) Where the lap joint runs in a Tills i.r Ihe Oll~I' cuse aJ lup joilll strenglh Ihat
'Pl'd/it" ntles 10 bt' dl.'l'iset/ for circumferential direction around the shell axis hus bee/l ~lIIdied liMllijiC(J/IIl), in Ihe{cielltijic
wr, il ;s a good engilleerillg (circum rcremial lap joint). the provision:. of lilerulllre (('.g. E.ufillger, 1973; Railer lllld
j,1 Ihl' procedllre IIsed for ex· 11.3.2 lIhould be used for meridional Tetlg, 19H9a).
/1t'CUIIlI' il is Ifel/ kllOIl'II Ihol compression.
I pf)!jl-hIlCklillg bt'lun'iolir uf
• il .fimilar 10 I"m of c,I'/illtkrs (4) Where many Jap joilll~ run III II 11fe change of radifH al Ihe "~1J joilll doc_f /101
HI/re. eircumferemial direction around the shell axis cOlISrill/le a del'iulioll ofrhe 10lld polll ill II shell
(circumferential lop joints) with changes of plate u/lder circumJerell/illl compression, (mel Ihe lup
thieknl..'!>!> down the lIheli. the pro\'ision!> of itself IJrol'itics a _fnwll =0I1e of IIciJitiOl/ul sliff-
11.3,3 !>hould be used for cireumferential lIess aga;Irsr bl/cklillg ll11der I.'.'tl('nwl pre$$I/rt',
compression, so this .\imp/e rille i.1 cerlai"iI' COlIJerl'Olil't'.
(5) Where a continuous lap joint runs parallel The lII('ridiOlIllI Illp jui'" due,\ prexll/cl.' (/ "('l'ia-
to the shell :1,xis (unsta.ggercd meridional lap lioll ill 1"1.' load IXilh. This nile is concerned
joint). the proviSions of 11.3.3 should be u<oed willt ,m III111SIWI design ill which lite lup J'Jims
for circumrerential compression, lire IIUI staggered Formdl a ,Jesigll. proJX'r
aCCOl/1II oj Ille 100liJ IXIIII del'iillioll is req/lired.
(6) In other case:.. no special considerution When' meridional lap joilll.\ /Ire .flaggered, Ille
nL'f..-d be given for the innuence of lap joints on loelll d{'1'iatiOlI5 of Ille lood PUI" are deemed w
the buckling resistnncc. he compel/.mled (t" by Iht' large _fi=e of Ihe lM-
le"'illl fJIICk/C rell/lil'C 10 Ihe illlen'(ll.~ betweel/
lap juillls_

ress design

lio/lf lire IIsed to idelltify I"e

h il lap jOillf nlllf, II is r(!Cog·
'Iillted constnlt.-'Iioll cUIII/1/olll)'
u ill holh din,,·,io/ls, bill the
de hC'n! for '''e emllimioll of "-igu rt' 11.6: LapJoinlcd \rn:1I
Un! leu O/lerolu rlu", rhose of 11 .3.2 M('ridlonllll (nillll) compression
h. if fontldlly upplied, 1I'01iid
in! m u seriOll,f intel/ded offi·el (I) Where a lap Jointed cylinder is subject to Tim nile il a I-en- simplified dedlictiOll from
"'1I~\fihll.' I'ul/le!>'. HUH'el'er, Ilwl meridional compression. with cireumferentiol lap Ihe .fwd)' oj ROller {lIId Te/lg (19890) ill rela-
.f/iOCllillK effect ufthe lap slrip joint:.. the buckling resistance may be evaluated as lion 10 imperfecl cylillder.f Ililh u seriOI/$ im·
f't"l$alt'S Jor rite nC'glllil'e effect for a unifonn or stcppcd·wall cylinder. as perfCC"lioll dIm! tu lite lup jui/lt (oddiliOlmNI'
Budlillg o/Sreel Shells· EllrtJlH!UII Desigll R{'COIIIIIIl'lIdllriuIIs

appropriate. but with the design resistance SlIpported by rhe jindillg.f of i!s.vlinger (197J)). e .... de\ic~ allhe top. Thl..'
reduced by the factor 0.70. Further illfonl/miml /lUI)' he fmmd ill lite su«l· ...Iantial chang.\.'" in .... nll
it's of Tr.'llg (1994) lIml Greiller ,md Yallg
sive stress rl.."l\ultnnt "~;,:~~~~~
(1996). cs<;clltially n local pi
(2) Where a change of plate thickness occurs at This is lite Wlltle amllllplioll us IIsed for him The 'itep incrca~ .. '
the lap joint. the design buckling resistance may joillfed cylillder.~. tion~hip bet.... L'Cn '';;'~~::~~~~
charncler. The axial
be token as the same value as for thot of the
thinner plate as delcnnmed m (I). locul condilion!o atthl..'
The eircumrcn:ntial , .. np'·-4
11.3.3 C ircumr('r('nllal (hoop) comprt'ssion cxternal prcs~ure III the
..lire (and ils '>uCllon o".~.,1
small compan.-d .... ith the
(I) Where a lap jointed cylinder is subjcct 10 The I'II/t·.f of 1111.\ welioll arc bused Oil ('ll1;i·
circumferential compression across continuous lI('t'rmg jmlg('ml'1If rorlK'r rlu", research check is w,uol1y m,~:~:7;:~~
critical ,..ondition 1
meridional lap joints. the design budding .Hlldi('.\' Iltar mklresS('{III,(! qll(·~ti(J1/S direct""
resistance may be evaluated as for n unifonn or cylinder.
slepIK-d·wall cylinder. as IIppropriale. but with a
reduction rtlctor or 0.90. 11.4.2
(2) Where a 1111" jomted cylinder is subjL'Ct to St'c COIIIIIIl'm (III (I) abol·c.
circumferential compression. wi th many
circumferential lap joints and a ch:mging plmc Apllrt from the d\.... ign
thieknC'l!o down the shell. Ihe procedure of 11.2.3 DIN 18800. '-C,cral
should be used wuhout the gL'Ometrie R.'strielions given in BS2654. III L:.N
on joint ececntricity. lind with Ihe dL'"l>ign bueklmg ther method. Yo nh .. ,00<'
resistance R.'dueed by the fnetor 0.90.
(3) Where the lap joints are used in bolh
directions. with staggered placement or the
St't' ('allfmt'm Oil (I) abOl't',
Before '~;:~;:'::~I;'~f~h~~
Illustrati\e I

meridional lap joints in ttitemale strokes or In this example. tanK..

courses. the design buckling rL... istllllce should be in the up per eoursL'!.. but
evaluated as in (2). but 110 further resiSlllnce tOIll and Ileu at the
redUCtion need be applied. mined using GNA I I
III buckling of the same
ugainst bolh radinl and
11 .3.4 Shear
ling modes ha\e the I
wrong 10 U!>C a deri,ed
load a!>SC!o.Slncnt (~:~~:~~~
(1) Where a lap jomted cylinder is subject to This rille i,f ht'.f('{/ all ellgim..'erillg jlltlgt'fllelll
Illembmne shclIr. the buckling resistance may be mrllt'r tillUl re.\'('{I/'(:l1 silldie.~ Ilwl (<<ldl'e.~.fed 111(' lead 10 either the
e\'nlualed as for a unifonn or slepped·wall (1"c.\·licm.~ dil'ecrly. buckle height process
cylinder. as appropriate. withoul any special
allowance for the lap JOints.

11.4 Extended commentary

11 .4. 1 Aspec:IS or the slruclura l rorm or cOlllllinmelit ~ Iruclurcs

As introduced in 11.1. cylindriclil ~hclI .. of s tepwise variable wull thickness arc typically found in
containment structure... The axiul compression in such eontainn'K'nt structures usually arises either
from selfy,cighl or from wall friction in a silo or from global bending by wind lo.,dlllg or by proc·

Cylimlrklll slldls ofslepll"ise mrioble "·all Iltid.lle.~'f

./iIlJillgf of Es.~lillgcr (1973)). dc\ices at the top. The induced torces In the shcll increase strongly towards the base and sub-
iOIl lIIar Ix· fOlllul ill Ille 1I11t/- Mantial chnng(.'S in wallthickncss ,m: n..quin:d. In all or thCM! load caM!S. the acting axial comprc\-
194) {Illd Grc>ifl('r alld Yang sivc stress resultant increases continuously down the shcll. But buckling under axial compression b
essentially a local phenomenon III thin shells. so thc strength is dominated by the local thickness.
(lS.mmplion as luwl for hlltl Thc step increases in wall thicknc .•• dTectivcly Icad to n stcP\\ i!>C IIlcrease in strength. so the rela-
tionship be"... (.'Cn load-induced for~cs .lIld buckling resi"tllnce commonly takes on a ruther Sllw-tooth
charactcr. Thc axial compression buckling eheck described here thcrcrore rclates principally to the
local conditions at the bollom or each course.
The cireumrerential cOllipres~ioll occurrin8 in such containment structures is nonnally caused by
extcrnal pressure In the foml of under-pressure. often controlled by sarety valves. or by wind pres-
sure (and its suction effcct) and often has a magnitude or the order or I kPa. ThI$C rorees arc so
fl'{·'ion (In! htl.f('{/ 0/1 C>f/gi- small compared with the intcrnal pressures caused by stored solids and fluids that the buckling
('fit railla 111(111 re.~earcll check is usually most critical when the cylinder is empty. or eoul"SC. the upper coufs(.~ may be in a
:!>u·J lhe qlle.HiOlu· din.'(:lk critical condition when the cylinder is hair rull. but this is simply part or the assessment or an empty

11.4.2 Bud:ling design approaches for (") lindcrs with stepped walls
(I) ohm·C'. under external pressure

Apart rrom the design procedure defined ub()\ e. which has been adopted into EN 1993-1-6 rrom
DIN 18800. sc...'crol other approach(.'S ha .... e been devc1opL-d by different researehers. One or these is
given in BS2654. in EN 1993-4-2 and in rcccnttank standards established by CEN TC 265. A fur-
ther method. with a more r:ttional basis in energy principles. may be round in Trahair et al. (1983).

,11 aoon!. Before embarking on a discu'ision or the different design concepts. it is hclprul to begin with an
illustrotive example of three eylindricaltunks with stepped walls similar to typical practical designs.
In this example. the IUnks are subjected to unifonn external pressure. The three tanks arc identical
in the upper courses. but have different total heights. The boundary conditions nre BC I f at the bot-
tom und BC2f at the top. The buckling mode ror eueh or these tllnks is shown in Fig. 11 .7. deter-
mined using GNA calculations. 111e modes illustrate that the variation or the wall thiekn(.'Ss results
in buckling or the sanle upper courses only. while the lower ones provide consider.1ble restraint
against both rodi .. 1 and axial dIsplacements at the boundary between t\\O courses. Allthrce buck-
ling modes ha ... e the saine GNA buckling resistance or 1.87 kPa. As 11 result. it is sometimes clearly
wrong to usc a deri\ed effective wall thickness rur the whole lUnk wall us the basis or the buckling
eJ 011 f!lIgiIlL't'rillg jmly,('1tI1!1II load assessment (Resinger and Greiner. 1976). Indeed. an intuiti ... c examination or Fig. 11 .7 \... ould
h SllIliit!f 111lI1 addrc>s.'fC'd Ih(' IC'dd to either the effeeti ... e length concept u!;Cd In 11 .2.3. or even more natural1y to the indiVidual
buckle height process devised by Trnhair el al. (\983).

ickncss are typically found in

~truclUrcsusually arises either
g by wind loading or by proc-

Buckling a/Sled ShC'II~· EUTOpeml Desigf1 Recomml'f1dalitms

."" 0
,~ ..... If the concept of the Ih.<·,'I'I'I
three tanks, 1m clTecti\e I
evaluated bu'kl'o!",,,,"""'.~
,• •, •
"'~IJ , A more comprehcTI\i\c
" " " buckling p".'ssure~, Thi~
depend significantly on the
" " " that the method of length
" " " fornmlation. it is not abl~
" tributions of wall thickne ...,.
. . . . 12 ... D D

An additional t'Ompari-.on

. . . . 1. . .

11 .7: Buckling modes of cyhndriclilianks of 40 m dillilleter lind dilTerent willi heIghts
(1999). 11 shows I
the clastic critical buckling

11.4.3 Combined action

A further clarification should also be given here. The buckling modes sccn in Fig. 11.7 have the
general fonn of:l buckled Lone that il1\-olvcs sC\"~rnl courses. each being cffcctiyely anchored at a No 'iJX.ocial rul~ are iP\..:n
particular change of plate thickness at the base of one course. If buckles of different heights arc and circumferenllal o.,,,p«1
consid~red like this (Trahatr et al .. 1983). then it i:, found that the top course may buckle alone rc!oCareh study is
where the bhcll is very thin The small thickness leads to a low buckling prc:,!oure. but the short to significllnt ,.',11'"0; .f~'"l
length increases the resistance. Thus d(..")pite its thin plate thickness. the top course docs not com· twO pos!>ib\c procedures by
manly deli\'er the mode with the lowest critical prcs.\ure. If longcr buckling modes are cxamined,
the effccti\'c 0\ crall thickness rises ill accordance with the stepp/..'d Willi. but the length of the buckle Fio;t, the fonnal Slress
grows. leading to reduced re!oi!otunces. Thus if all potential buckle heights (bet\\-ecn the top and an temetion check opplicd at
anchoring change of plate thickness) are examined. it is nonnal to find Ihal the evaluated critical but it may pro\-e vcry
pre:,sure falls as the mode length grows and then rises again as the thick plates ncar the base give stnlke (zone of constant
greater resistance. TIle reslraining effect of the lower courses on the upper ones in a buckling mode utf..-d.
should therefore be seen as incomplete restraint. since the involvement of more of the shell has the
dU1l1 effect of both increasing and redUCing the resistance. Ahcmati\cly, it may be
different. so it is again
By contrast. the concept us~d in IlS 2654 tmnsfonns the cylinder with II stepped Willi into Iln eqUlV· compression buckle
alent cyhnder of constant thickness equivalent to the plate thickness of the fiNot, upper course lind strongly with the oxl"m"q
with on effective length that is found II:' a reduclion from the length of the mdividual courses fJ' past. and it SCCIm.
regions of a lank .",iI., wI
This reduction is given by the factor {/I I/J)LS. which lead:. to 'c:fJ': L' (Il111)'"
j • For the given
friction from osl.,oo ..I,;
three example tllnks shown In Fig. 11.7. this results in f..'qui .... alenl cylinders that all ha\-e n thickness Howe\er. in the unusual
of6 mill. but whose icnglhs arc found to be 4.37 m. 4.46 III and 4.50 111. The clllculnliOI1 then leads which induce ",go,rool",!
to an eVlllu:lted critical buckling pressure qcr of 1.38 kPa. 1.35 kPalind 1.34 kPa for the three tanks. be laken \0 ensure thaI
The real clastic buckling pressure of 1.87 kPa (sec above) is clearly underestimated by oOOut28 0 0. con!oCl"'I'ath'e manner.
as a resuh of two efff..octs. Firstly. the axilll restraint of the lower courses. which provides a 25°,'0
beneficial effect. is ignored. Secondly. the effective wall thickness of the portion of the cylinder Whcre there is 'm,d,,"b.l
that is im'olved in the buckle would be bener represented by the mean thickness of this zone. rather ing to the procedures of
than the thmnest thickll(..'Ss. special case that has

Cyli"drical .vhcll.v oj.ffe/)wise I'Oritlblc \t'{/lithickne.u

If the concept of the three·stepped equivalent cylinder given in 11.2.3 is used Instead for these same
three tanks, an effective length of 3,92 m is found With a wallthiekness of 6,5 mm, resulting in an
evaluated buckling pressure of I ,88 kPa in allthrcc cases.

A more comprehensive comparison is givcn by Rcsinger & Greiner (1976) in tenns of the critical
buckling pn:ssures. This shoYos that the magnitude of the discrepancy of the 13S2654 method ma)'
depend significantly on the pattem of thickness varintion in the wall. On one hand. it may be snid
that the method of Icngth reduction is an intuitively correct npproach. But. at ICllSt in Its current
fonnulation, it is not able to aeeumtcly account for thc dtfferent restmining effects of different dis-
tributions of wall thickness.

An additional comparison USing design valU/..'S of pressure was prescntl'<l b)' Saal & 1I0rnung
(1999). It shows that some significant eTTOr.; also arise in the 8S2654 approach because it uses only
the clastic critical buckling pressure for design and ignores both imperfections and plasticity.

id dlffcll!Tlt ~all heights 11.4.3 Combined action of uilllllnd circumferentlill coml)rc.'ssion in t'ylinden "ilh stepped
secn in Fig. I J.7 have the
lng cff«ti\cly anchored 01 a No special rules nrc given in EN 1993·1·6 for guidance on the combination of axial compression
k~ of different heights are and circumferential compression (e.g. from external pressure) for cylinders with stepped walls. No
~ course may bucklc alone research study is known to ha\e explon.'<Ithis problem. This is probably because load cases lcoding
~ling prc~!>UIl:. but till: short 10 significullt vulues ofbolh oflhc~c stresses arc relatively rdre. Irthe problem dOCll arise. there nre
!he top eours.c docs nOI com· two possible procedures by which this combination may be dealt with.
ackling modes are examined.
1. but the length of the buckle First. the fonnal stress design procedures of Cililptcr 10 for linear analysis may be used with an in·
ph (bema," the top Ilnd an ternction check applied at any single point in the shell. This will produce a con'iCrvative outcome.
nd Ihat the cu!.lu:ned critical but it may prove vcry conservative since the axial compression will be local ncar the end of each
lick platcs ncar the base give strnke (zone of constant thickness) whilst the cireumferential compression will be widely distrib-
per oncs in a buckling mode uted.
t of more oflhe shell has the
Alternatively, it may be nOll-d that the buckling modes for these two conditions are genemlly very
different. so it is again likely that they do not interact strongly. It could be argued that an axial
a !>Iepped wall into an cquh,· compression buckle might be ready to fonn in the 7mm strnke in Fig, 11,7 and this would internet
of the first, upper course and strongly with the external pressure buckle. However, no such failures hove been reponed in the
of the individual eourses '1' past. and it seems likely thlll the reasons are thntthe external pressure buckle fonllS ill the upper thin
regions ofa tank or silo when it is empty. but the axial compression in such a zone arises from wall
/,/)'" . For Ihe given
£1 i (}1) friction from a ston.'<I solid, so the two do not c()-Cxisl.

itdel'lthat all have a thickness lI owever. in the unusual ease where Iln empty containment structure carries very large roof loads
m. The calculation then leads which induce significant axial compression in the upper thin sections of the shell wall. core should
il1,34 kPa for the three tanks. be taken to cnsure that the potential interaction between these two stress resultants is considered in a
~Iimatl'<l by about 2g-/o• conservative manner,
u""..... ~hieh provides a 25%
of the ponion of the cylinder Where there is IIny doubt. it is strongly recommended that a GMNIA analysis be perfonned. accord·
I thickness of this zonc. mlher ing to thc proccdun:s of Chapter 8. to detemline whether significant intemetions may exist in any
special case that has not been explored in the researeh literature.

Buckling (I/Sll.'ei Shell.\· ~ £lIrope(1I/ De.IiX" RI."COIllIllt'IIt/lIlioll!J·

11.5 Example: Tank with stepped butt-jointed wall subject to partial

vacuum Real eight ~tiQO qlirnkr
according 10 11.2.3. 1(7)
This c:<ample illustrates ho\\ to cstablish the critical circumferential buckling stresses for a cylindri-
(Jalf,'J 4.81 (6.6711,)
cal !>hcll of stepped wall thickness tlccording to the EN 1993·1-6 n11l.'S givcn in Section 11.2.3 •
nbo\-c. Thc load case of panial vacuum is identical 10 unifonn cxtcnml pressure (i.c. it induces
circumferential stress resultnnts "at" Ihat arc constanllhroughout the hcight (sec 11 .2.3.2(2»). 11 .6 Rdcrences

The tank has a mdius ofr-l5m and a total hcight ofL= 16m (sec Fig. Il.3a). It is composed ofcight EN 1993·1-6 (2007) l:uroc
courses. each ofthcm being 2 m tall (/1 to I.:: 2m) and of varying wall thickness (It to I . = 6 6 stnlcturcs. ClN. Ilnl~I~.
8 II 12 14 16 19 mm). 11le steel is structural steel with E - 210 GPa. Es!>hngcr. M. (19B) -~c
Blcchplallen" (Strn..\ r~'\111
Egui\'alcntlhree section cylindcr Vol. 42. pp. 261·268.
nccording to 11.2.3. 1(1) to (5). see Fig. 11 .3b. Greiner. R. (1972) -Ein ba
L)'linderschalcn unter Man
Grciner. R. llnd Yang. Y. (I
stepped Willi thickness un
1. ",/,=5m :
Mea~urel1lcnt. ChllrllClcri.

t. : (6+6+8) '2/6 :. 6.67111111 Resinger. F. und Gremcr.

Wanddickc unter Mantcld
1,:: (11+12+14 · 0.5)·2/5:::12.00mlll- ';{ = 1.80 Resingcr. F. and Grcmcr.

I, = (14 ·0.5+16+19) ·2/5:16.80111111 - X = 2.52

baU\\CrKC fUr Uotcrdruck".
ROllcr. J.M. aod Teng. J.
tuml Engineenng. Amcric

Eguivulcllt single S(,.'C tion cylinder Rottcr. J,M. and Tcng. J.G
Journal of SlniclUml Fog
according to 11 .2.3. 1(6) and (7). I>CC Fig. 11 .3c. 1244· 1263.
Saul. II. and !lomunl!.. U.
,.. 1.005 (Fig. 11 .4. right dillgmm) \I'(!igllllfll!l'1 (lIIJ uilimillill

'., J(005 5.97m (Fq. 11.8) Teng. 10. (1994) "Plastlc:

W", (5970 15000) (15000 6.(7)o~~ - 18.87 < 20 (Eqs 10.19. 10.22) ofStructuml Engineering..

C 9. t1f - 1.0 + 3/( I R.R7)uS 1.057 (Tablc 10.4) Tmhair. N.S .. Abel. A.. A
Steel BillsfiJr 8111k Solids.
(JfJ,~.r,<1/ - 0.92,210000 (1.057/ 18,87X6.67/ 15000) =- 4.RI M!)u (liq. 10.23)

Ahcmlllivcly. thc clastic criticul buckling resi~tancc of the cylindrical shell of stepped wall thick·
ness may be expressed in tenm of Ihe clastic critical buckling cxtcrnlll pressure of the equivulcnt
cylinder of constant wallthickne!>s ' . and length r~ according to Eq. 11.9.

) 15 6.67 .~ l '
q - 092 · 210·10 · 1.057 · - - (- -)' = 2.14·10 N IIIn,. 2.14kPa
... • 5.97 15 . 101

It is simplc to check that this clastic critical buckling ptcS!>urc corresponds 10 the above elastic criti·
cal circumferential buckling stress found !IS 2.14'1 0') N/nlln~ '1 5000/6.67 - 4.81 N/nlml.

Cylilldri(,lIl shel/s ofs tepwise \'(Irillhle walllhil'lmeu

bject 10 partial
Real eight section cylinder
according 10 11.2.3. 1(7)
uckling stresses for u cylindri-
rules gi\'cn III Section 11 .2.3 tlaR,rJ = 4.81 (6.671IJ) - 5.34 / 5.34 14.01 1 2.22 / 2.67 / 2,29 / 2.0 1 / 1.69 MPa (Eq. II . IO)
emal pressure (i.e. it induces
height (sec 11 .2.3.2(2»). 11.6 References

11.3a). It is compoK-d of eight EN 1993-1-6 (2007) Eurocode 3: J)csign of :-.Icel structures. Port 1.6: Strength and stabi lity of shell
II thickflC'ls (II to I. - 6 / 6 1 structures. CEN. Brusscb..
Esslinger. M. (1973) "Schnillkrflfle und Bcullasten \on Silos aus Qberlappl \'erschrnubtcn
Blcchplallen" (Slress resulUlllt.f wul bliCklillg 10lld!>· i" silos ",tlde of lap boiled pll1le.f). Sl3hlbau.
Vol. 42. pp. 261-268.
Greiner. R. (1972) "Ein bauslatisches lOsungs\'crfahrcn zur Ikulbcrechnung donnwandigcr Kreis-
zylinderscbalen unter Manteldruck", BaulIlgcnicur·Pr.u:is. Vol. 17. Verlag Ernsl & Sohll.
Greiner. R. and Yang. Y. (1996) "ElTeet ofimperfcctions on the buckling strength of cylinders with
stepped wall thickness under axial Io.'lds". Proc. Inl. Workshop on Imperfcctions in Metal Silos:
Measurement. Characterisati()11 and Strength Analysis. CA·Silo. Lyon. Frnnce. 19 April. pp 77-86.
Rcsinger. F. and Greiner. R. ( 1974) "ZUTn Beulvcrhnlten von Kreis .. ylinde~halcn milnbgcstuflcr
Wnnddieke untcr Mnntcldruck". Swhlbau. Vol. 43. PI'. 182-187.
Resinger, F. and Greiner. R, ( 1976) "Prnktischc Bculbcrcchnung obcrirdischer zylindrischer Tank-
bauwerke fUr Untcrdruck", S13h100u, Vol. 45. pp. 10-15.
Roller. J.M, and Teng. J.G. (1989a) "Elastic Stabi lity of Lap-Jointed Cylinders", Journal of Stmc-
lurn! Engineering. American Society of Civil Enginccrs. Vol. 115. No.3. March. pp 683-697.
Rotte r, J.M. and Teng, J.G. (1989b) "Elastic Stllbility of Cylindric>! 1 Shells w;th Weld Depressions".
Joumal ofStmctu rnl Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 115, No.5. MIlY. pp
Saal. H. and Hornung, U, (1999) "Design niles for tank structures - different approachcs";11 Ugh"
(Fig. 1104. right dillgrnm)
wcig/u steel a"d a/llmi"illln SimClllres, Elscvier Science, pp. 399-407.
(Eq. 11.8)
Teng. lG. (1994) " PlllSt;c Collap5C tit Lap-Joints in Pressurized Cylinders under Axial Load". Journal
(F-qs 10.19. 10.22) of Structurnl Engineering;. ASCE. Vol. 120. No. I. PI> 23-45.
(Table lOA) Trnbair. N.S" Abel. A .. Ansourian. p.. Irvine. II.M. and Roltcr. J.M. ( 1983) $tnlClllral Design of
Sleel Bhu for Bllik Solids. Aw;tralian Insti tute ofStecl Construction. Sydney.
(Eq. 10.23)

:>hen of M~JX.-d "atl thick-

pressure of the cquh alent


)Ilds 10 the abo\iC clastic eriti-

1,67 4.81 N/lIlIn t ,

Cyli"driclIl sludl.f u"der lI'i"tlloadi/lg

12 Cylindrical shells under wind loading

Principal nutho rs : R. Greiner, W. Guggenbcrger and W. Schneider

12. 1 General

The buckling check or cylindcrs undcr wind pressure should considcr the different stress fields pro-
duced by Ihe wind load in Ihe cylinder wall, as , .. ell as the effcci or nancning orlhe cylinder curva-
lure by Ihe locul inward pressure on the windward race. Because these effects vary slrongly wilh
the aspect mtio or the cylinder. a distinction must be made between stocky cylinders. intennediate
aspect mlio cylinders and slender cylinders.

The case or wind loading on a cylindrical shell is one orthe rew non-axisymmetric lood eases Ihal is
thoroughly trented in Ihese Recommendntions. The lack or axisymmelry begins with the oon-
unironn pressure distribution around the circumrerenee or the cylinder. but this also dmmntically
aOeclS the stress distribution in the shell, and consequently the lo.1d-canying behnviour or the shell.
At different aspecl mtios. different railure modes occur. and thL~ must be carerully distinguished
(Fig. 12.1).

• In stocky cylinders (Fig. 12.1a). such as oil-ground tanks and squat silos. the governing slress
component is the cireLlmrcrcntill1 compression in the stagnation zone. while axial and shear
components arc or negligible magnitude (Resingcr and Greiner. 1981). These cylinders are dealt
with in Sections 12.3 and 12.4.

• In cylinders or intennedinte aspect mlio (Fig., like silos or modemte aspect mlio. the
circumrcrential compression in the windward zone intcrncts wilh axial compression rorces that
are genernted by the external pressure in the same zone (ncar the mid-height) and buckling oc-
curs there with a significant geometrically nonlinear effect caused by circumrerential ovalisation
(Greiner and Derlcr, 1995). For Ihese cylinders. there are no spI..'Cific rornmlas. but design ad-
vice is gi\'en in Section 12.5.

• Slender cylinders (Fig. 12.le), such as towers. chimneys nnd \'ery tall empty silos and tanks.
may buckle on the leeward side orthc cylinder. cither in the base arca (Mode A) or in the lowcr
hair or the shell (Mode B): the laller CDse is strongly influenced by the effccts or o\'olisation
(Schneider. 2(00). Ir the shell wall is very thin. buckling may occur in the upper hair or thc
shell on the windward mcridilln (Modc C). This windward Mode C is a local railure mode. but
thin-wailed slender cylinders lIlay also rail in the 1Il0re global failures Modes A and B (Schnci-
der and Zuhltcn. 2004). lllcse slender cylinders arc dealt with in Section 12.6.

It sht.uld be notL-d that the categorisation here is dominated by the pattern or prebuckling stress in-
duced in the cylinder, so it is quite distinct rrom the categorisation used ror the length conditions
that govern the buckling strcngth. Thus the calegories siocky. internledillte and slender should not
be conrused with the additional categories or short. medium and long cylinders used in the buckling

It should lliso be noted that eumnt research leaves a gap between the geometries that have bLocn
iJl\'cstigated under the category "intenllediate aspect rntio" and "slender", since there are no known
studies Ihol cover the mnge 7.S < Ur < 20. Where Ihe geometry lies in Ihis mnge of aspecl mlios
(Eqs 12.12 and 12.13). the genernl procedures orChnpters 8 and 9 should be used.

Bucklillg ujSlee/ Shells - Ellropcolllli'S/g" Rerommemialiolls

Ih thickness
I, thicknes:.
.f .\ II long wa\ e d..-cuy I
XW = 2.33 r[tli
(c;) 'I rotio of the ,
the wind pressure
1 12.3 Stocky C) linden
.... 1
.... 1'@
1 0'
rules are

(I) TIle length

I ) ch:troctcriscd in terms oflh..:
parnmeter No
a) stud.)' cylmder b) mtcrmediate a.'P«t c) slender c)'linder
rnho c)'linder I
w T,;
Flj!url.' 12. 1: Buckhng modes m c)' hnd<.'fS '" IIh diffen...,t aspect r'JIios under", md pressure when empty

12.2 No1ation spl'tific to this chapter

C0l1 ! reaction force. is assigned to the lit stiffener

efr aerod)'namic force coefficient as given by EN 1991 - 1-4. $i..-ction1.9.2
£ modulus of elasticity
1_, minimum second moment of area of the cross section of the ring stiffener I (2) Cylindrical shell!>
k. equivalent uniforn1 pressure reduction factor for wind stagnation pressure boundaries at both end!> arc
k.. meridional comprCS!oion augmentation factor for Ihe I-th segment of II slender c),linder wilh buckling stn.'!.S design p,,<,,~
II segments for circumferential
I length of shell segment tx:tween boundaries or ring stiffeners following condlllOn is met:
I. length of first L'quivulenl cylinder segment
Ib length ofsccond equivllient cylinder segment
Ie length ofthiro equivalent cylinder segment
(, length of the segment i in which Co is a factor
( ""'_.J influence length for the segment I boundary condillon~ (M.'C I
rIl0l._11 model influence length for the ring stiffener I
( Ut{.n-.I system influence length for the ring stiffener I
L length of COIl1I)lete cylinder
(3) Thc non-unifon11
tnrr critical mode of circumferential buckling (number of complete WIIVl'S around circumfer- rcsultmg from e\;temal
ence) m3y. for the purposes
qr local \ulue of wind pressure acting on the shell wall q"(OJ""cpc(u,·qp according to EN 199 1- slIb.. titutcd by nn """""cj
14 Sections 5.2 and 1.9. 1 pm.sun! (Fig. 12.2):
load part (eircllmferentialline load) assigned to the ring stiffener i
q•.., A.. q .....
peak velocily pressurc at windward meridilln ace. 10 E 1991-1-4. Section 4.5
cosO P.1rt of tile wind loud (amplitude) \\ herc q,. _ I!> 11K- m;,~:;:;1
the amplitude of the component of the wind pr\."Ssure which is in the fonn e0s20 and k. is n reduction
thickness of first equi,'alcTit cylinder segment

Cylindrical shells limier lI"ill" 1000/illg

1/1 thickness of second L"quhalent cylinder scgmenl

Ie thickness of third equivalent cylinder segment
r, wallthiekness of the segment i
Xsv long wa\e decay lenglh of the scmi membmne Iheory for a cos20 circumfercntial load;
"HI 2.33 r Nt
" ratio of the amplitude of me eos20 component to the amplitude of the eosOeomponenl of
the wind pressure

12.3 Stocky cylinders ofconsl:tnl walilhickncss

" The following rules arc partly e~tructed from EN 1993·1·6, Annex 0,1.3, for the buckling sttCl>S
design of cylindrical shells under wind lo.1ding.

(I) The lenglh of the shell scgment IS Tile bllck/mg "ffi'Cl dlle 10 Iljlld load Oil tlly-
characterised in lerms of the dimensionless length lilldrical Jilel/ lila)' he btlSed 011 plln' ci~II"'­
p.1rameter (d. feremial Lvmprf!s.\'ioll prodded Ilmlll,e Wre,Uf!S'
CtlIlSC.'tl b)' ,"e at'itl/ /Oll(l-CllITyillg IH!/un'iollr
I .,' (12.1) ( In' so .onal/ ,hal 'lrey call be ignored, Tltis Ita.\'
III md pressure when empty Tn been dell/mlSlralell h,· lI'illd-lIIllllel lestil/g (see
Ri·.finger 'lfId Greiller, 1981) for slIitable ge-
omelriL'$. The n'SlIltv tire mUd for II,e I\';nd
pres.mre (IiMribllliOll IIUlI OCClirs on (III iso/tlle(1
!1'/,."clllre. so where Ihe ,wnlClllre IS olle of tI
grollI'. a diffl.'relll choice of lite pammeter .{"
7.9.2 shollid he mode (see (3) (IIId 11,7. 1),

, stiffener i (2) Cylindrical shells with mdinlly fixed Tltis design prrx'f.:dllrt' lI'II5 dcw:loped hi' Res-
~ pressun: boundaries at both ends arc here trt.'lIlL-d uSing the
mgL'r mltl Greillt'r (1981) for l'ircmllferL'IIIilll
nt of a slender c)'lindl..'f wilh buckling strcs5 design procedure of EN 1993-1-6 bllcklillg II'UI'e-II/1/11IH!r.\ III.... (,IKH'e 15. (Jlld \\'a.~
for circumferential (hoop) compression if Ihe exlellded by jimlter 1('slS (Uemlll:'JI/ tllld Uchi-
following condition is met : ytlma, 1985) for 11I()(/eS lI,~ loll' (IS nt.... 10.
Eqll('lioll 12.1 descrihes litis plll'.{ica/ limitation
... (12.2) i/l term" of lite g('ometrie JHmll/lI!lers. Tlte fiK'-
ItJr C /I OCCOIIIIIS fiJr lite elJL'C1 of (lxial resm,i",
of tltt· IKm"dtI";es ollihe II'tll'C'- mlll/her 111", Tlte
in which C(J IS II factor Ihal uccounts fo, the
boundary conditions (see (4». fi,elOr C(J wwif!!.' betll'eell 1,0 for arillll)' free
elltis lIml J,5 for (LritlJ(I' l'/mlllH!d cOllditimu' (II
huth elld~,

(3) The non-unifonn distribution ofprel.surc q~ 71,e i'(H!fficielltf n.46 (lIId 0,1 ill Ihis rille were
ete wa\cs around circum fer- rc!!oultillg from extemal wind loading 011 ,--ylindcrs (kril'i'lifrolll lIilllllmlllellests Oil iso/tlled cyl-
may, for the purposes of shell buckling design. be indt·rs. so the 1\-;lI(lpre.ullre di.'1rl'ihllli(m COITI!-
ADrqp according 10 EN 1991- substituted by all equivalent unifonn extcntal :'IJOl/ds 10 lhi:. cave.
pressure (Fig. 12.2):
neri nle idea of rt'lulillg the /}(,llk (If tlte IWI/ -
... (12.3)
IIlIiform preulln' di-vtrihllliOIl (which oCCllrs ill
1-4. SectIon 4.5
where q .. -. i... the maximum stagnlltion pressure 'he stagmllioll :one) to (/ ficlitious eqllil'll/em
in the fonn cos20 and k.. is a n.-duetion factor: Imijbrlll /In'swre 11'tI.\' (/ewoJoped 011(1 I'erified
by l\'iml-llIIlIle/ te,lls by Re.fillKer {lml Greiner

Btlckling o/Steel Slte"s - European De.~ign Recommendatiolls

( ~l
(1981, 1982) for i.~olall!d cylillller,f of .flocky
k. = 0. 46 I 0,1 ~.~, ... (12.4) shupe. rhe n:dllcliQ/I facIO,. Ie ... was deril'l!d
<u from ,he 1C1iIS based 011 un eiu.\fic: 1It11H!rjt.'CIIOII
. faclOr of 0,7. II is pl/picall)' IIII(/erSftmt/ub/e
with the value of k... not outs,de the runge Ilwl Ihe Iuclor k .. approtlChe... I,D II'hell 'he
0,65 s. Ie", s: I, and wilh Co laken from Table 10.3 budding ware-mill/ber is I't'f) ' high (01",11
in Chllplcr 10 according 10 the boundary bllcklcj' ill thl' lI'illt/lI'llrll =um~). /x.'C(JlIse ,I/C,W!
conditions. hllckle.'! are them lOt/ded h)' II/l' fil/l sltlgl/(l/io/l
pre!iSllre. CmU'crsely. 'he faclOr (imp.. 10 ahom
0,65 {II Ihe lower el/(I of 'he /'tlllge of lIlJplico-
bility I\'hellihe buckles ore l'l'IY large o"tlw;"d
pressure is IlOIulliJorm al'e,. 'he hI/cleft- (In'a.

Allhough Fig. 11.1 .~//Uw_\ a .~rmmetricllllI';IId

pressure distriblllion and the tnle di.~trihutj(m
may differ from this ill praClic('. Ille cttlibratiOlI
agolllSt wind IIIIIIIel le.f/.~ doe.f illdude this ('/
Figure 12.2: Wmd r~un: (
fi"Cl, .fO Ihe procedllre is cOIJSen 'tltil't'.
(4) The dcs1b'ft ,·alul.! l
II sholiid Iw nolet/ I/wl the wll/d pre.ullre dis·
stress to be introduced m
Iribution on 0 cyli"der IhOl i.f part ofa group is
from :
l'elj' differelll (see 11.7. 1J. Par lhis Si""";OIl,
Ille mlue k.. 1,0 should Iw IIR'(/.

A more precise sel of lI'illd IJreSSllre (Jil·lribu·

aO.Ed - (q"l +qJ>( n
lio".~ Iholl were lI.fed ill del'elopillg Ihese for. where q, is the internal suet
/till/til· is gil'tm ill EN 1993·4·1 A'II/ex D. where
internal partial vacuum or 0
Ille mriatiOIl of Ille e:cter/wl pressure regime
with the OSfX'CI ratio of the cylinder il' i"eluded.
Complilmiollol pret/icliolls nmdt· IISillB tltem
/till)' therefore letld 10 dijJere", bllCklillg as·

(5) Where cylinders UI

subjL'Ct to additional intc
circumferential eompressi
may be dClennincd from:

(70.&1 :ok.,. qrq ( 1 ~

where q ...._ is the stagna

12.4 Stocky cylinder

The following rules adopt

They combine the EN ru'~
(hoop) compression accord
evaluating an equivalent u
identical 10 Fig. 11.3.

Cyli"dricol.fhells !mder lI'i"d loudi"g

iwluied cylifll/ert of slocky

/tio" /aclor k. IWLf dl!ril·cd equIvalent
d Oil an ela.llic imperji.'Clioll uniform
~~ phy.\"i£'oll.l' lIfulf!rSIa"d(Ihle pressure tleq
, upprouches 1,0 whell 'he
1I11~.'r is 1\'1}· high (small
q.... ~
wward :o/Ie), oc'CallSe Ihese
'mkieci hy Ihe filII slaglltllion leeward
f:h. Ihe /(KIOr drops /0 aoo", side
,..",1 of Ihe ra"ge of applica-
r:kles tiN! 1"t'0' large (md lrind
Varm lJI'er Ihl! bllckle area. stagnation
1 shOln Q symmelrical wind
;0" alld Ihe trlle di.~/rilJ/lliOll
liJ in prac:liN!, Ihe calibm/ioll <a) wind pressure distribution llround shell circumfl'fCnce (b) cquivulcllluxisymmetric pressure
wi It'lts dof:s illClllde this I.'/- distribution
hlN.' is con.fen'fltiw!.
Figure 12,2 : Wind pressure distnbuuon for an isoilltoo cylinder and equIValent unifonn external pressure

d that Ihe I\/Ild presSlire tlis- (4) The design value of thc circumferential nit! desigll procedllre follOIl'.f Ihe gel/eml niles
fnJ..·r Ihal is pan ofa grollp is stress to be introduced in Section 9.2 follows of cylinders lIIuler "niform eXtf!",al pressllre
from: based 0" q..,. The combinalioll of wind load
1" 11.7.1). For this simalion.
with all addiliolwl SUCtiOIl q. may be soll"f!d by
• sJ/Ould be IIS('(/
... (12.S) Ihe .fimple l1lldiliOIl of q,. O/Id q •.
el of 1\·,1Id pressllre dislribll-
/Lfed ill del'eloping these for- where q. is the internal suction caused by venting, Where Ihe cylinder i.f "etlled. Ihe sl/clion is
EV 1993-'/-/ Allllex D. where internal pat1ial vacuum or other phenomcna. freql/etllly gil'ell by q. - 0,6q ..._ ill nWII)'
llu! e.tlernal pre.f.nlre regime stalldorcJs. so Ihal Ihe corresponding circum-
flio oflhe cylinder is im:lmled. ferential membra"e Siress is
r("(/ieliOlls Imule /Ising them
a O.Ed : q".. INIl(k,,+O,6}( 7 ) ... (12.6)
rod to differelll bllckli"g us-

(5) Where cylinders under wind load are When' IIIe cyli"der Is subjecl 10 additiollol ill-
subject to additional internal pressure ql. the lerno! pres.wre, (I smoolh Ira"s/tion b' pro,·;ded
cireumfcrential compressive membrane stress b)' Eq. 12.7 from "0 effect whe" this itllernol
may be detennincd from: pressllre is small. to complclely elimillat;,tg lhe
r bllckling problem if Ihe itll(!rnol pressuN!
(TO.Ed -

Ii", q~
I .
- -- -, ) (
....12 1) reaches Ihe sla""atioll
.. maximllm pressllre
( q",mu , q",./MlU"

where q"".ar is the stagnation pressure (see Fig.


12.4 Stocky cylinders of stepwise variable wall thickness

The following rules adopt the buckling stress design procedure of EN 1993·1-6 (sec Chapter 9).
They combine the EN rules for cylinders of stcp-wise variable wall thickness under circumferential
(hoop) compression according to $cetion 11 .2.3 of these Recommendations with the EN rules for
evaluating an equivalent unironn external pressure given above in Section 12.3. Figure 12.3 is
identical to Fig. 11.3.

Budding ofSIt:el Shells· EllmJW'''' IJesig" RccommeIllJU/iOll"

I, ->1'-"
I+- I, l , (4) The crilical b""k"",.,
"I, h 1+-'2 1+"
~ -; Eq. 12,9 dcpends on the
I+- I,
~ ~
r,. Ihiclmesses I,. IOJ which
~ I+-Lo height of the bucklc,
L -; I+-'b l b
I j : -; +- " "
" (5) For smaller chang\!\ in
--> +-~
l, "" the condilion:
," II "
(n) Cyhrl(k:r of l>lt"WIM! \'an· (b) Equivalent cylinder (c) I::qlll\'a1cnt single cylin(kr with
able wal1thlckncss comprising three ;,cgnlCnts umfomt ",alllhicknt:ss
ngurt' 12.3: TmlbfunnatlOfl of SICPpl.-d cylmder to equivalent {.')'lindcr is satisfiL'tl. m,rllhould be fm

(I) The buckling check for cylinders wilh 77/(· design pnx'edllre for bucklillg ofcyli/K/t·r.,'
stepwise varitlblc wnll thickness under wind with step"'ise WlI)'ing l\'tlll Ihidlleu miller
pressure should be carried 001 by using the willd preuure (Grt'iller. 1981) IIUI' tiel't!iapl'll
procedure given in 11.2.3 and by replncing Ihe itt close rellllio".I'hip to Ihe dl'l't'iopm('t1I afwo. where
wind pressure with an equi\alcnt unifonn cedun..'S for L:llillders Wllh ~/ep"ed wall IMck·
cl(temal pressure accordmg to 12.3 (3). ""SS(!S II/ltier Imijorm eXlenw/ pressure.

The proc('llurl!jiJr /lOII"lIIijorlll pn..'SSltr(· 11'0 ."10 (6) For larger changes III
rep/Clce Ihe lIilld pre,","lIrl! hy (III eqflim/I!III Ihe condition:
IIlIijorm P/'CSSIIl'i!, Si"ce Ihe del(!rlllil/mif)j/ of
Ihl! I!qllil'll/(!l1Il1l1ijO/'/l' pressure depe/lllI' 011 the ,
I> O.4 ( ~+--+2
,. 0,2 1
IlI/mb4!r of hucklil/g WflI't'S ill Ihe :olle of
circ.·llIIifi.'relllia/ L'omprl!,"."iOI/ (I'et' COIIIIII('lIlmy
0/1 12.J (J). tile l1Iain challenge of the im't'sli· is s'ltisfied. IIIN' should be fo
galion was to itiell/ijy IIII! buckling wfII'e mllll·
ber jilr I I gil·l..,' IHIftl!m of 11'011 thic:klle.ues in
"'rr::: 2 .74 K(O.92+ 0.38
the slepped'll'(ll/ CY/ifllkr. In lhis~"tl.n' Ihe ap-
proach is a plausible ('.\'t('lI.Ii(1II of thl' 1II('lhod (/b I"
tierit'('ll for 0 C)'/im/I!r lI'ith L·O/I.\/(1II1 lI'alllhid!:·
The value of Kshould be la~
(2) The eondllion of Eq. 12.2 should tM! replaccd The COlu/ilioll of Eq. 12,8 i_~ mllg"~~' I!quil'll/elll
by: 10lhal g;\'l'1/ h.I' Eq. 11,1.
12.5 Intermediate aSI
mer ~ 10 ... (12.8)

wilh Mty being lhe critical buckling wave·number ( 1) The following desig.n
in circumfcrential dil'l."'Ction of the stcpped cylindrical shells with m<iLal
cylindcr undcr unifonn el(lenml pressure. bolh cnds lhal mcctthc folic

(3) The cquinllcnt unifonn cxtenUll pressure Eql/(l/ion 11.9 i.~ the 1//0/'(' JoWl/eml jim" (if Ell
!=JL !: < III and ~S20
15 ,
givcn by Eq. 12.3 should tM! delcnnin(.'<i using the 12.4. n,l' reduction jilCtOl' kM of Eq. 12,9 ;\'
following rcduction factor k .. : equil'll/I!III fa Ihal (if Elf. 11.4 for Ihl! Clm' of a
CO".~1t1/l1 wol/ thie/me,I,1 lI'ith ratl;(lI~I ' fixcd (lml
... (12.9)
(u'ioJ/y/ree "mllll/ar)' conditiolls (CII I),

Cylilldricalsh,,/ls IfIlller Willliloadillg

(4) The critical buck ling w!J\'e-number //Ic-r in 11,e formulae gil'ell by £qs 11,10 lllld 12.11
Eq. 12.9 depends on the ratio or equivalent plate prelem lIfJproxilllflliol/!t,/or Ihe critical circuit/-
thicknesses ,; , which controls the meridional fl'ren/ill/ bllddillg II'o\'(!-I11I111herx ill stepfX'd-
height orlhe bu;kle. 11'(1/1 cylinders fN's(!(1 Oil lite t..'OIIcepl of ilII
eqllim/em cy/mder col/sisling of IIIn,'l.' t:OUNl'.f,
em:/t uf t..'OI/SfillIt rhit:kllcss.

(5) For smaller changes in wallthickncss where Equatiolls 11. /0 tieJill(! III/! ol'eral/ bllCklillg
the condition: m(}(ll'. II'hich ucctJrdillg/y may be based 011 all
lI\'er(lge eqllil'Olem Ihickl1ess I. for Ihe II'hole
!r..SO.4(!A+ 0.2 +2) ... (12.IOa) cl'/i",ler.
' (I 1( 1 (Il L
JI~alcn blllHle cylinder with
jnlfonn v.all thid;:m.~
alent cylinder
is satisfied. mrr should be round rrom

dlln' for bllckling of cylilld('rs

11f')'itlB wall IlIicbleu IlI1tkr
Iller =2, ~
74J!..L ~I;;; ... (12.IOb)

;"'ill{'r. 19,Y/) lI'm' ck,'(!/uped

/tip 10 IIle tk"{'/opme/ll ofpro- where
dc.'rs "ilh SU!IJPOO Imll lhick-
oml exumwl preSSIl".
'm = (10 "0 +lb"b +le:" e)/L ... (12.10e)

r f/(III-Im;/urlt/ pressure was 10 (6) For larger chungL'S in wall thickness where The C(I.fe of II /}1I(:k/(' formillg 011(1' ill IIIl' Ihill-
;I I'reUIIN! by ilII eqllimlem the condition: lIer uPIJCr JXIrI of Ille cylil/der il' de.5cribed by
r. Si/lce lit,.. delen/li/wliml of Eq., 11. I I blued 011 rite "PIJCr colln'e lI'i,h Ih£'
ifonn pn:,f.Wrf' depell(l~ mllhe !r.. > 0.4(!l!..+ 0,2 + 2) ... (12.lIa) lhicklless I" allcllhe lel/glh '0'
iling 11'U1'('S ill IIII.' =Ol/{' of ,(/ 'tl'11 L
rfJlllfJn'.uioll (st.'#! cOlI/lllel/wry
mllill dlalh'llge of lite illl'e,~Ii­ is satisfied''''er should be round rrom
m/ift.' lhe hlldding lI'(/I'e 111111/-
Ikm of 11'0/1 Ihickm'sses iI/
cylitlllc.·r. III rltis .fellse lite np-
~ihlt! l'X/('lIsioll of lit" lIIeth(}(1
inti.. ,,. Id,II (VI/s/(ml wal/lhit'k-
... (12.lIb)
The value or Kshould be taken from Fig. 11.4.
Eq. 11.8 if rollg"'y eqlllwJ/em
12.5 Intcrmedi:lte aspect ratio cylinders

(I) The following design advice is givcn ror The ~et:1 of IIII' ll,'(ia/ comprel'sioll {trlsmg
cylindrical shells with radially fixed boundaries at from lI'ind I(}(Kis l'WrtS 10 affi'Cl Ihe bucklillg
bolh cnds Ihal meet Ihe rollowing restriction: resiSfilllce ill gt..'Otll(!lri(·s 100Iger ,hall Ihe /oll'er
c ,. limil of Eq. 11. 11. This sirellgilt retillclioll is
.=tL _ < (1.1 and .£S20 ... ( 12.12) C(IlI.fed by Ihe ,fell,\'IIil-ity of cylillders 10 w:lo/
lit .. mOn! glmeral form (if Eq. 15 I ,. compre.uil·e ,flrelses. This pl,C'IIOIIIC'IIOII lI'as
t'l;Otl /II('/or k. of Eq, 11.9 is
i/l\'f'stigatoo by Derler (I99J) allll Greiner ami
flo(Eq 11.4/orll,eCaS(·o/ll
Derler (/995) II'ho COIllluclec/ holh willd-Immel
fd"l/t':t.f II illt radially fixed (111(/
tests (lIId IIIIIIIerica/ simulalioll,f n'e rallge- of
dUI)' ('OI/(/ilio/ls (Co ' I).
genltlelriC(I/INlrtlmeters illI'estigllled Ihere ends

Bllck/ing ofSteel SIIt~lIs - Ellropeall Design RecommMdat;OIIS

til Ihe gt.'amelries giw'II by Ihe IIpper limil of compressive meridional m

Eq. /2. /2. be evahllllcd based on
theory. augmented by the fa;
(2) The buckling check should be based on the The de.\'ign procedllN! giw.'11 here is based on l:.qs 12. 16to 12. 19.
interaction of the maximum axial compression in tlppro.r;matio/U' to Ihe aclual stress conditiolls
the front area (windward sidc) of the cylinder and in the cylillder, The axi(I/ stresses ill all IIIlStiff- O'r - k~.j --,-
the circumferential membrane stress resulting elled cylilldric(11 shell reach (I marimlllll com- Irr-t
from the equivalcnt uniform extenml pressure q .. pression on the wi"dwurd meridiall at abolll where AI is the glo~
according to 12.3 (3). mid-hcigllt. where the circllmferemitll shalH! is calculated at the boltom of1
.~Jgllific(mtl)' jlClltelled dlle to tIl(' ol'U/i$atioll
wind pressure di'itribulion fl
The axial compression stress should be callsed by Ihe 1I0lHmijorm pressure distrib,,-
determined as the maximum at aboUi mid-height liall of the willd I()(.Id. This jltlltelled geollletly Where this method is II
of the cylinder on the basis of the semi- rcdllcel' the bllckling rt!l';slance to aria/ com- membrnnc stfCSS resultants
mcmbrnne-thcory or equivalent linear shell pressioll (llId shollld, Illerefore. be lake" inlo direction may be neglcctl'l.l.
analyses under the non-uniform wind load IICCOmlt.
distribution, Funher, the rcduc(.'d curvature
(flattening) of the windward cylinder wall should The radial pre.f.fllre ill Ihe slagllatioll =olle is
be detenninl..-d rc!.ulting in an effl..'Ctive mdius of aplJroximal/!ly I,.ea/ed ill the sal1lc way as for
curvature r, which is largcr than the nominal Ihe stocky cylillders. Tltis is IISed 10 etl!mre Ihal
valuc. The buckling check for the axial IllerI.' I.f a smoOill Ircmsilioll from stocky to
compressive stress should be baSI..-d on an },'Iellder cylillders.
equivalent cylinder with the effectivc radius rr'
The wind pn-SSlire distriblllioll shollid be rakell
from Seclioll /2,7. / cJ(;(;ordillg to wllNller Ihe
cylindrical stmclllre (typically silo.~ and umb)
is iso/alcd or ill tI grolllJ,

12.6 Slender cylinders

12.6.1 General

(I) A cylindrieal shell with a radially fixed Tlli.f eqllCllioll reslricts tile geometries of ,fhells
boundary at the base and held circular at the top IlIIder collsitleraliOll 10 ,t/ellder cylillders,
may be trented by the buckling stress design
procedure of EN 1993-1-6 (~"'C Chaptcr 9) if the The folltJIl'ing procedllres are Ixl~ed OIl (III as-
following rules for c\'aluating thc specifi c key .fllmt.'d 1I';"d pressure dist,.iblltion II'hich is COII-
values of the acting IlIcmbrane stresses are used. .~tatllllp Ihe shell height. bllt \'tI'),illg arOlllld the
and the following conditions arc met: circ.mtjerellce (IS gil'ell by EN 199/-/ -4, Seclioll
and !:.., ~ 20 ... (12. 13) 12.6.2 Ke~ '1lues of the

(2) The procedures are not applicablc to step- If Ihe rillg stiffeners ON! missillg ill a shell " 'ith (I) The peak compressioJ
"~se variable wall thickness cylinders, except s/eplI'isc I'ar;uhle \l'af! t/licklle,\'l', Ihe general
a slender wind-loaded
where thc different wall thick.ness zones arc {Jesigll rt!qllircmetlls of EN 1993-3-2 mllst he
characterised by the paramc
made into separate segments. each with a ring alJplieti ill a comen'ulil'c mamler, Alfen/ulin!!y,
stiffener at the junction between each pair of IIIIII/erical tn'O/llllliolls mlll'l he made IIsillg , /1
segments (sec Section 12.6.6), GMN/A (Schll~Jckr 1.'1aI. , 1(04). (L , r)-

(3) In the following, key values of the acting Simple engineerillg bending l/teory is II$('{/ IU

Cylilldrical shells .mder lrind 100KIi"g

S gil'(,11 by Ihe IIpper limil 01 compn..-ssivc meridional membrane Mresscs may obwill fictitiolls relerem:e m/lU.'s 01 Siress.
be evaluated based on engineering bending wllich are thefl augmented by lite laclors k .... to
theory. aU1.'ll1ented by the raetors k...1 as defined in al/al\' lor gL'OIIU!tric(II(I' and lIIateriall., /lonlin-
ttiun' gil"ell here is based on Eqs 12. 16to 12.19. ear effects, and Ih.IS to ohwit/ key mlucs lor Ihe
o the octlwl stress cOllditiOlIS stress desigll ch~k.
"he arial stresses in an I/IU'tiff- AI
u, k .... --,- ... (12.14)
shell retlch a marimllm COIII- lCr-' In ,I'le"der rillg stiffcned cylillller.f, a\'i,,1 1..'01/1-
willdward lIIeriditm al aholll where M is the global bending moment /Jressil'e strl'.ues playa domillalll rule in deter-
-e the circumferelltial shape i.f calculated at lhe bonom or the segment using the mi";IIg II,e buckling resisUlllet.'. grelltly WITJHlSS-
Jelled due to the omlismion wind pressure distribution from EN 1991-1-4, illg Ihe effects 01 cirr:um/eremial ,"'tresses
on-uniform pressure distribl/- (Schneitier et al.. 1(00).
lood. This jla/ll.'lIl.'d geometry Where this method is used. the clTcclS or
Villg resis/(lnce to axial com- membrane stress resultants in the circumrerentiul Althollglt " slender 1M" cylinder IIwy IWI.,. a
fluid, IlIel'('lore, be /liken into din.'Ction Illay be neglccted, beam-like geomelf)'. il dot'S flOI belulI,(, like a
bet,lll. Tlli.\· il /)f.!L'lI/U'e Ihe deformation uf the
c:rosS-.\'('CtiOIl clltllfges the re.\fJO".n! (engilleer-
rUN! ill Ihe slt/gl/(llio/l =olle i.f ing bent/;ug 1111..'(1)' tJ£SlImcs all III/distorted
TOlnJ in Ihe same way tIS lor cross-senion). lJistorlioll 01 the cross-sL'Ctioll
~rs_ This is IISed to ensllre Ihal is here ca".~l.'d IIIlI;IIly by lite IIOIl-IlIIl/ormit), 01

~II trullfil;on lrom stocky to II,e wind pressure around the circflm/eTf!IICI.',
Ilwug/i (Ilklitiot/(II ol'{lli.mliolf il' CtllISL'{/ by II,e
bendillg ollite cylinder.
re dhrribllrioll .fhoilld be laKell
.7.1 accordillg to lI'helher Ihe The amplification /tieton k"" aI/oil' simplified
tun' (I)pically silos and wilks) calculalions 10 be IJeifonIlL'li, IIS;IIS the Slress
2gmllp. rcsu/wlIIs 01 beam Iheor)" el,(,If olltside Ille ge-
omelfy TtIllge g;I,(,II in EN /993-3-1.

The luctors k~,1 are blued on /lonlineol' strflC-

IIII'l1I mmlyse.f ond /(Ike material plasticity ill/O
lI«Dlml (Schlleitier, 1000: Schlleitier el til..
stricts Ille geometries 01 shel1s
ion to slencler c)'lillders. If lite lujffile.f.f of Ihe rillg stijJeller is grealer
11m" the millimulII sliffness 8il,(,11 ill 11.6.4. the
'VCedllTl.'l are bllSL'li 01/ all tlS- ol'(J/isatioll 01 the cross-s~/ioll I.r re,\'lriCled, so
ISllTe dislribuliOIl wl/ich is COll- Ihat the effi-ct 01 aciiOIlS i/l Ihe L'irclllll/erelllial
I height, bill I'tlf)'illg around the direction may he .mlely ignored (Schlleider er
i gn-ell by EN 1991-1-4, SLoclion til.. 1(02).

12 .6.2 Key l'alues of the acting compressh'c axial strCSlR'5 for slender cylinders of uniform

Jers arc mil'lillg in (I sh('//lI'it"

(I) Thc peak compressive meridional stress in The ptlTlImeler lI, chaT(lcteri=e.\' Ihe illL'ret/l'e ill
,e lI'ull thickness, the general
a slender wind-loaded cylinder may be Ihe lIul,'Cimlim compre.uh'e merldiollul mem-
Il!IIIS of EN 1993-3-1 mll.fl he bralle lo~ ill Ille shell re/tl/il'(' to Ille m/fle
characterised by the p.1rametcr a, given by
1f'n'Olil'e mUllller. Allematil'('ly.
from heam tltL'On', (Schlleider. 1000; Schlleider
lW/ions mllsl be mode using rlt
ti, :: 5,88---, + 1 ... (12.15) alld ZlIltlwlI, 2004) This proct!dllre II'OS de-
!ierettll.. 1004). (Llr) l'ised /lsillg GAfNIA alll/lyses 01 cylillders.
';lIg befltling I"L'Dry is used to

Bucklillg oISI£'('1 SI,eIlJ'· £lIrope{1/I /Jesig" Recm1lmC'II{/aliollS

(2) The general design requirements should be 12.6.4 Kc) \ulues of the
tuken from EN 1993-3-2 and l:N 1993-1.-6. segments

(3) For n shell of unifonn wnllthickness with a nil! 1I001-lIlIiform willd Prl!"~.\IIrC' di.'/rihlllitm (I) TheM: ruk... apply 10
top ring stiffener. the factor kl./ for Slrt..'SS arowul circunl/ere"(>e is ((Ikel/ i",o (ICCo/lIIl hy segmcnts of cquul length I
resultants utthe base is gh'en by 'he uI'e ol,hefi/Cf(I" k u. 71,(, IIIlIxlmllmlll('riti- til the top and between cach

1.0 for tl, :S" 2.0 imw/ compressioll lorce /llIISf 1101 he a SlIlIIl('{1
for2,O < tI, :S" 6,O . .. ( 12. 16) '0 be .\Illl/ller lilim "1lI1 Wltil'll d(!ri1 ·(!~ lrom
k ... '" " 1/ 2
1 4 6 /"1 forti, > 6.0
bellm Iheo,.)' l"O ' hI: limitillg l'lIll1e k ,,1 1,0 i.f
TIlc I~ind load design of the top ri ng stiffener and
its minimum stiffness should be laken from
Section 12.6.6.

12.6.3 Kr)' \'alurs of the acting comprcssil't' axial stresses for slrnder cylinders \\jlh two (2) Where th\! thn..-c ring
segments hale the '>!line wall thickn
<;tn.'SSCS may be appm"imat
(J) These rules apply to a shd l with two The willd lood de"igll ollhe two r;lIg .ffiffC'lIC'rf bending theory without augm
segments of equal length ill. wilh ring stiffeners {mel IIIeir mmimum Sli1llll:u .I/IOIiId he taken
al the top and bcmccn the scgnlCnts. from Seelioll 11.6.6. (3) Whcre the three segm
\\allthickn~ses. the meridit.,
(2) Where the t\\O ring stiffened segments have resultants at the critical locllt
the same wall thickness, the meridional stresses may be found u~ing the iol1u
may be: npproximated by c1nssical engineering
bending theory without 3ugmentation. (4) In the top !.Cgment, the
detennincd u!oing Eq.12.lg
(3) Where the two segments hu ve different wall Tilt· illll'rlw/lorces ill II,e lUI) wgml!lII mlly
given by Eq. 12.15 u~ing the:
thicknesses, the 1I1eridionlll membrane slress siglliflc{III,ly exceed ,!tare 01 betlm Ihl:my, (!I'en
(1 Ill> L nnd the wall thicl
resultants at the lower end oflhe top segment may if ,here are se\'l'rtll ring .\·tiJlel/(·rs (Sdllleitier,
be found using the factor kl.1. 2005). scgment liS I .
ror tI\ S 2
The rnctor k}.} should be detennined using for III 2
Eq. 12. 16, with the fnclor at givcn by Eq. 12. 15
using the upper segment length '2
as L and the
(5) At the ba'iC of the 11
wall thickness t } of the upper segment BS t .
factor ku ilo gil en by
(4) Where the two segments have d ifferent wall k:U I.4 S k.D
thicknesses. the nlCridional membrane stress
resultants nl the oose may be found using the
faclor kv given by (6) For the ba!.\! of the I
factor k .I.1 i~ id\!ntiealto thl
1,0 forL/, 2: 30
lq.12. 11 .
k-.., t- t +OJ)06(30 - ;L)' ... ( 12. 11)

1 forL lr<30
(1) For this panlcular ell
mcmbrane .. trc\.~ rc!oultal1b ,
in which L is the overall length of the shell. axisymmetric p~urc dl
tN 1993-1-6 and Scctlll
R,."commcndations .. hould
intcraction buckling ch ...'Ck
Cylilldrictll shells finder II-iOO 1oodm8

12.6.4 Ke) \lIIlues of Ihe IIcling compressh e ul:.1 Siresses for slender cylinders with thr~

..,,, willd pn.'Jsllre t/is/rUm/ioll (I) These rules apply 10 :1 shell with tlm..-c n'e IImd h,ad desigll (if Ihe three ril/K .~tiffem'l'Y
'(ort!~ is rokc'll i1l/o (1CCO/l1It by segments of cqu:1llength 1.J3. with ring stIffeners 011(1 Iheir mi"i/1/llm Miffill!sS should he wkell
:,('Ior ku. The maximllm merit/- lit the top lind between each pair of segments. from Sectioll 12.6.6.
iOIl force mliSI /WI he flSSIIIIU't/
111U1I 'hat II'lticl, derh'e_~ fmlll For 0 .\'Iudl with more Ih(1II three .~eg/llell'.\· or
~ 111(' limiti"g mille ku J,O i.~ //II('C/IIllI 5('gl//elll leng/ils. lile Mress resl,lltmb
"'(1.1' be delermined usillg iiI/car sltell tlt('OI)'.
f/rm'e l'l!r, the mc(-rill/llm meridiOllll1 COmf)ref·
.\we .\Ires.\" .\/rollid 1101 be lUke" o.~ less Ih(1II 1/1(11
llhiclt deriw!s from beam Iheol)', Tlte imemc ..
lioll betW('I!" tlt(' meridiollal lII/d circl/Illferel/-
lial .ftr(!5SeS S/101I1e1 be coIISidered.
)r slender r)linders \\ilh 1\\0 (2) Where the three ring stiffened segments
have the same wall thick~s. the meridional
Stresses may be approximated by engineering
cksign of tile two ri"g~tiffel/ers bending theory without augmentation.
·mum stiffiless s/lOflld be /like"
~.6.6. (3) Where the three segments ha\-e different
wallthickncsses. the meridional membrane "tress
resultants at the critical locatIon in cach segment
may be found using the fo llowlIlg \lIlues of k" .•.

(4) In the top segment.. the factor kJ.) should be

detennined using Eq. 12.18 with the factor tlJ
Urces ill Ihe WI) seglt/em lIIay
givcn by Eq. 12.15 using the lOp segment lcngth
ceed those afbealll IJu..'(}ry, el'ell
(.l as L and the wall thick/le s~ IJ of the top
.'ernf rillg sliffeners (Schneider.
segment as I.

f',O for lI3 s: 2.0

... ( 12.18)
14 - 6 / al for (I1 > 2.0

(5) At the base of the middle segment. the

factor k J.! is given by
... (12.19)

(6) For the base of the bottom segment. the

factor kJ./ is identical to the factor I.!.I gin~n in

(7) For this particular case the circumferential

membrnne SIR.'SS R.'Sul talib due to the cquivulent
axisymmetric pressure distri bution gi\-'cn ill
EN 1993· 1-6 and Section 12.3 of theloe
Rccommcndlllions should be combined in all
imcnletion buckling check with the meridiollul

Buckling oISt('('/ She/l.f • £lIropeall De.fig" RecommelldatiullS
mcmbranc stress resul tants cvaluated using thc Pro-r l&ll& \\ ind aell
values of kJ.l.
(I) The locnl line load p
12.6.5 Bud:lln g r rsislancc lhe ring lolifTener i ar1<:es as
influence length { .•>l1 of th
(I) Using hand calculation to detenlline the A III/II/ericill LBA calclIlaliu" wOIII" fi"d (I lur· the wind pre~sure q.. aCling
critical meridional buckling s tress according to ger mIlle lor II,,, elastic critiml bl/('klillg re_~i.\'· (12.20).
Section 10.2.2, the factor Cot in Eq. 10.2 should tollce of (J .ffender II'II/d·/()(uled cyli"der thull
be taken as C~ 1.0 ilTC!>JlCCtivc of the Lir rutio. thut ubU/il/cd from lumel calclllatiollS U.fillg
C.- J.0. This is IlllIs u cu".w!n·ul;I't! aue.uII/el/l_ The influence lengthlo (
lotiffencr and the intennc
12.6.6 Ring sliffencn on sl('nd('r l\ind·loaded C) lind"" i \\ ilh up 10 thr('(' s('j!IlI('nts should be ealeuhned acc('Irdi
12.6.6. 1 Definilions., d('s ign proc('dure
(2) For a lohell of unifonn
top ring stiffener. Ihe influen
(I) The plIrt of the shell between t"'o stiff· n,e
top ring ,f/ijf""er shollid. besides meetil/g thf' ring stiffener is given by
ened cross·scctions is termed a segment. A specific rt'qlliremeflls u/lllim.." ill the follo"-i"g
slender shell is described with a maximum of s«tions. (liso 1IJ('Ct the reqllirelllf'lIIf tlf EN 1993· , 0.49r -Jr;:7/,
r ' 'I ." O. 37
three segmenL'i of equal length and three ring 3.1
stiffeners. 2,
(3) For n shell with IWO scg"l
TIle numbering or the segments and s tirreners
, sllffcner and an intermediat
s tarts at the bollom of the shell (sec Fig. 12.4).
"" 'iCgment of length L 1. the

the ring stiffeners are gi\et1'

Intennooiatc ring stiffener:

.~2 1." .. ),1 f .r....'.1 + f..:.

...-, L I infr~g.2.1 - O.R4r -J" 'I r;tt; :s; O.

-, 'ml".scl.2.2 O.84rJr l t~ "!i O.


Figure 12.4: Slender n ng stiffened cylindrical shell

Top ring stiffener:

'Inf.M.2.2 -==O, 49rJr / t2 So 0.1

(4) For a ,hell with thn.'C

rillg Miffcncr and t\\O
with Ihree segmenls
stiffeners. each segment be
influencc lengths of the nn
(2) The follo wing cnlculation ste ps should be The de.fig" ,."Ies gilWI here "Ul't~ been del't!foped
as follows:
undertake n fo r the ring s tiffe ners: Oil Ihe bafis of cufllprehellSil'(' IIlImerical pora·
a) Pro- rata wind actions o n the ri ng s tiffe ne r fII(·tric $lIIdies (Schneider er ul. 1(01)
First intcnnediatc ring stillcr
b) Minimum bending stiffness o f the ring 'mr..u._1.1 'mf.5f:g.J.1 -+ 'mr.
s tiffene r (
e) Ultimate limit stute verificatio n o f the ring
stiffene r ( 12.6 .6.4) (mf......"3.t O.84r Ft; s O.

Cylilldri(.'al shells Ill1der u-jlld 10(l(ling Pro-ntlll" ind actions on t he ri ng stiffeners

(I) The local line load 1'...1) acting mdially on The Iypic(ll diSlrihutiOll of 'he wind pressllre q ..
the ring stiffcner ; arises as Ihc product of thc aromld (/ l'f!rliC(l1 cylindrical shell is showII ill
influence length {lIf{.w.1 of the ring !>lifTener i and Fig. 12.1. Till! COIIC:rele \'allies 11I0l' be obWilled
A wfCllfmion wOllftJjilld a lar- the wind pressure q .. acting on the shell wall, Eq. fram EN 1991-1-4.
t!elaslic crilical hlld:lillg­ ( 12.20).
Jer wlnd·lomled cylillder IhO/l ". (12.20)
from ho"d COICllloliolls Inillg
IIII/s" col/serl'll/iI'f! lIssess",e"', The influence lengths {""..,., of the lOp ring
MifTener and the intennedinte ring stifTeners
P to thret segments should be calculaled according to the following

(2) For u shell of unifonn wall thickness with II.

top ring stiffener. the influence length of the top Till! equolioll,f (/2.21) 10 (l2.23g) are ha.~ecJ Oil
ener~hollld. he~ide~ mc-l'tillg thc- ring stiffener is given by 'he Scmi Membralle T/Il..'of)' (Greiner. /980).
olillil/cd ill the fi,lIoll'illg
~/IJw m/llirClllelllS ofEN 1993- finf.M.1.I :0.49rFt; sO.375L ... (12.21)
Till! mk/iliollal mbscrifJl ahl!od of "i ". com-
puree/ to Ihe gellcro/IIO/(llioll ill Eq 12.20. de-
" (3) For II. shell with two segments. with u top ring IIOIC.t till! II"mber ofsegmellls of which Ihefhell
, stiffener and an intermediate ring stiffener. eaeh l.t composed. For e.rumple. Ihe subscript
segment of length U2. the influence lengths of "ill/..\"I,2./ " meolls SlIffcller J ill a shell w;lh two
,n.-gmellfs; fhe slIbscript "i,if,seg.3.1" "'('(JII.f

Ihl: ring :.liffl:lll:ni un.: ~i\1:1l as follows:
Stiffener 2 in a shell wilh ,hrei' sl'gtnem.~ (.fee
Imcnnc.·'(iirlle ring stifTener: Fig 11.4),

, .I.•. ~,I '" (1oII: ••••l.I + , l1li'.....2.1 ... (12.22a)

......,., L 'inf.scg,2.t ~0.84r~rllt S O.2501. ... (12.22b)

'inf.sq:.2.2 = 0.84r~rIt2 sO.3 12L .,,(12.22c)

Top ring stifTener:

'mf.a2.2 =0.49rM SO.18!!L

(4) For a shell with three segment!>. with a top

... (12.22d)

ldcr nng SllfTened cylindrical shell ring !>tiffener and two intennedi3le ring
>jth three sq;ments
stiffeners. each segment belllg of Icngth U3. the
IIlfluenec len&"hs of the ring stifTeners are given
gi\'f!" he~ hm'f! beell del'cloped
as follows :
comprehens;w· nllmericol poro-
chfleider el 01.. 1(01)
First intemlcdiatc ring stiffener:

' "" f inf.sq.J.1 + f mf.scgJ.2 ... (12.23a)

(lnf.scg,J.l =0.84rM $0.1671. ... (12.23b)

Bud/illg OfSIl'f!/ SI,ell, • Europctln Design Rcromme,uk"iolls

sioned 10 resist the c,"""'f~

',nr.scg.J.2 0.H4rJr"2 SO. 167L ... (12.23c) fect of the pro-nita wind
Eq. 12.20. The ultinulle
Second inten1ll..'(!illtc ring s tiffener: under this line load should
ing to EN 1993-1-1.
Imf~~.l,2 = f mf.scIl-J.2 + 'mfJ>l:a.J.J ... (12.23d)
(2) TIle internal Siress
'm(wg..l.2 .; O.84r Jr 112 S 0.167 L
Sliffeller arising from t hi~
... (12.23c)
approximately determmed us:

I in(<q.JJ;:: 0.84rJrlll SO.2081. ... (12.23~ O,S·r

, ,qp' 1I1r. ... 1

Top ring stiffcner:

"',.nY..\ =1,S·r·Yp·lmr.... ,
'inr.R.J,J 0.49rJr1/J SO. 125/. ... (12.23g) I·,.mu 1.0·r'qp.lmr.u., M inimum bcnding stiffness or the r ing stiffeners 12.7 Extended comm(

(I) The bendmg s tiffness ofthc ring s tiffeners Limilillg Ihe ol'a/istlliOIl 10 1"" ochiel'cs om 12.7. 1 Wlndpress uresull i
should be sufficiently largc to limit the posililV.'lffi'C'lS:
o\'alisation of the ring stiffened cross.scctions . a re/alil'C!{I' IIl1iform di:urihlllioll of Ihe willd Silos and tanks lire oO.:n sit,
under the \\ md action to 2" ... foods 10 all slifle/len, wind when cmpty. and the ~~
• limitalioll of the ein'IlIIiferel1lial bt'lIdillg I/I(~ vessel. with II consequent ml
meflls il/ I"e shell so thaI IIIf'Y hm'e a 1'(',)' .fllWIl Sections 12.3. 12.4 lind 12.~
e.ffeclOIl the IIltimflle limit s/(Ile. pressun.: di~lributioll i~ liS ~h\
the windward gcncnllor. folic
(2) To achievc the required bending stiffness, A rillg stiffener who.l·e .\'ecrmd mOil/em of area layer separates at a po~lIIon ;
the minimum second momcnt of area of the exef.'l.'li.I' Ihe 11I;lIiflllll1l dejil/ed h)' Eq. 12.24 ell. wind pressure distribution ,II{
cross section of the ring stiffener /-., should be slIres Ihat lite cross·sl'ctioll (J"(/liwrioll is lim.
cilicuilltcd liS; irf!d 10 1°" oflhe radills (Sclmeider el al.. 10{)1). TIle wind pressun.: diMributi(
( _ ,Jt,nr.sIiQCot20 If Ihe 11'01/ Ihiclmeu I., /lI'1.!.e. Ihe.le l!tlllofimu' Olllctry (0.5 < II ," 2.0) is I
nun,l O.IHE ... (12.24a) I1UI)' deli''C!r a ''f.'ty\mllll 1II/"illllll1l secOl/d mo. datu (ROller. 2(0)) .
me'" of aretl. Thil' illdic(lIe.~ th(lf the lilick l'hell
in which wall is ahle I(J SlIpport Ihe cirt.·'lmferelllial bend- For an ;Wlul(!d ci(h(.-d roof'
illg arising from Ihe "oll-/lIIi/orm wind pressllrt.• di!>tribution (positl\'e mWllrd)
... (12.24b)
wilholll cXcessi"e dislorliOlI ofl"£' l'ro.U·Sl'{·lioll.
Cp -0,54 O.Ifl(1
l'O Ihllt it dOl'S 1/01 IIef.'t/a rmgfliff(mer. In Ihese
... (12.24<:) situalions. Ihf! ril18 s'iffe//erl'hollid ",. dimell-
{0.36 0,(
siol/ro 01/ IIII! heLI'i.' ofprtlclical cotl.l'deratiolls.
\\ here d, is the dilllllClcr (lr tl

- +0.16 ~
'1 =1.00+ 12.5 -S5 ... (12.24d)
is the aspect ratio for the cor
L , less than 0.50. the \aluC!; for
based on the height II, of the
in which '- and rare c"prcsscd in meters. Ullhnut c limit slale n rilica titJ II tJr the r ing stiffeners

(I) The ring stiffencr lIhould be dimen.

Cyli"drica/ sl,eJls ullder 11';"" lOt/ding

sioned to resist the circumferential bendlllg ef-

f....ct of the pro-rata wi nd line load accordmg to
Eq. 12.20. The ultimate limit <,Iate \oerifielltion
under this line lo..1d should be pcrfonned aeeord-
ing to EN 1993-1- J.

(2) T he intem al stress resultants in II ring Tlte.\/! e.'7,rel'.\;OIl.\· (I/'(! /vl/gII COIISf!IWl til 'c C,W;-
stiffener arising from this line IO:ld IIllly be 111"1('.\' /01' lite ,w('n re.fl/f'alll~ in II ";/lg hell",
approxi mately det..:nnined as: which Is 100uiet! with II lille load dislribllfl..'c!
, ... ( 12.25a)
(/IV/lilt! lite cirCIIIII/erf!IICe liS lhoWII ill Fig. 12.2.
AI 1.n1n -:- 0.5 · r- . lip ·'IfIf.Jl.1 (pcwr.\cn, 1006: Pu"', 193JlI: Pohll9Jlb)

.v,.ItU\ 1.5·r ·qp ·',.,r.Sl" ... (12.25b)

... (12.25c)

12.7 Extended comm entary

ulisulion 1(1 ZOo {K:hiel't!..t tll'O 12.7. 1 Wind p,.cssurfS on isolated and gro upC'd silos a nd la nks

riform llisiriblllioll o/Ihe wind Silos and tanks are often situ;ued in groups. These structUre!> are susceptible to buckling under
(U!n, wind when empty. and the spacing betwccn one cylinder and the next atTecls the air nO\\ around the
fie circllnr[erelllilli belldillg IIItr vessel. with a consequent innuencc on the wind pressure dl"tnbution. Thc descriptions given in
!Jso IhlJt tltl..')' hm'(' II I'el)' .fllmlf Sections 12.3. 12.4 and 12.5 ubo\c rel:lIc to an isolatcd cylindrical structure. for \\hich the wind
ntlte Ii",it slat('. pressure distribu tion is as shown III bg. 12.2, \\ ith a small .lone of strong net e;'(temal pressure on
the windward gener.llor. followed by a high net internal pressure (e;'(ternal suction) as the boundury
I"lIme .sectmd mOlllem (If arca layer separntcs at a position abom 30° around the Slnlcture from w indward. These diITercnc(.'l- in
'''111/1/ defined by £q, 12,24 en- wind pressure distribu tion should be noted whcn using the abovc infommtion in design calcuhllions.
'"05s-Se(:lioll ol'llfi.~lltioll i.~ fill/-
radius (Schncider et al.. 2002), The wind pressure distribution around cylindricul lohcl1 .. of rcilltivcly low aspecl mlio (sqU;l\) ge-
:"ess Is laTge. ,hC'$e ('q/I(/IiOlIl' ometry (0.5 < U 'dc < 2.0) is gIven in EN 1993-4-1 Anne;'( C. based on very cxlensi\'l,~ wind tunnel
'IT ,rmoll mi/limll'" !f('COIlt/ 1110- data (ROller. 2(01).
'is illdicllies thai Ihe IIlickfhell
'Pportlile dn:llm/ercfII;al bent/- For an ;!Jlliull.'d closed roof structure (sec Fig. 12.5), the circumferential \ arilllion of the pressure
tlte /lOIl-IIIIi/orm wint/ pre.{slITf! distribullon (positive Inward) is gi\en by (Fig. 12.6):
"distortioll o/t"(' cmu-sec,lolI, + O.04(tI,llf)} cosO + t 1.04
0.54 + O.I6(dll I) 10,2g 0.20(t!J H)} cos20
Jlllct'd u ring .f/iffeller. III 'hese
rng sliffener l/lUuld be dimen- + 10.36 0.05(d,IU)I cos30 - 10.14 0.05(d,IH}) e0s40 ... (12.26)
tis ofproc/ielll comiderll/ion.\'.
\\ here d, is the diameter of th(! cylinder and I I is the O\er.sll hcight of the complete structure (H d,
is the aspect mlio for the complete shell and its suppons) (see Fig. 12.5). For cylinders \\ ith U'tl,
less Ihan 0.50. the \alues for flleI, 0,50 should be adopted. The pressure dis tribulion should not be
b.1scd on the height Nt oflhe ~hellllione.

HI/dUng o/SteeJ Shells - EllffllN!OII Dt.'sigll Ret.'onlllU!'llk,tiOfIS

- II,


I" "I
l' lgurt 12.7: Wnw
l' lgurc 12.5: Wind looded ~ilo or tank

12.8 Examples relatin

c, .~ ... ,81)'
12.8. 1 EXIIOlllle A: C) lindel

In this example. the shell wa~

, structuml carbon steels. cord
r 10m
-l /.. :. 6m
" ll:ur~ 11.6: Wind pressure, o.Iriatiun uround half circumference In isol:aled cylinder t 8mm C,=I.O
Fabrication Tolerance Qualityj
Where this structure is one of a gro llp 1)/ c1MI!Jy spaced similar structures. the wind pressure distri-
wind load: safe
bution is sub"lanlially changed, with :I Oluch lllrger ;rone of net external pressure, leading 10:1 higher
potenlial for wind buckling. For II closed roofstrueture in a group (Fig. 12.1) the circumferential q... '" 0.80kN 1m' r,
variation of the measured pressure distribution (positi\l,~ inward) l1l3y be then be approxilllllH.'d by q.",0.48kN mlr",= I.lO
Cp e +0.20 + 0.60 cosO+ 0.21 eos20- 0.05 e0s30- 0,13 eos40+ 0.13 c0s60

0.09 eosSO 0.01 cos I 00 ... (12.27)

This cqu:Uion is ba.o,cd on relatively little d:ua (Vickery and Ansourian. 1914). and a close s pacing
of the adjacent silos.

"' igurt 12.8: Example

The lirst step to be taken con

cal shells:

c !'.. f. ",!QlOOOO
, 'V, 6 8

The l:quivalent unifonn e:<tet

stagnation POint q. a by the rd

k. =O.46(I+O.IJ58.9)=O.

q.. O.81-0.80 ,:O.65kS m


<~t .. _
Cyli"drical !,ltells miller wind /{J{u/i"8

.,. us·
' "' '
Figurt' 12.7: Wind pressure variation IlroUOO half circumference of cy hnder In II group

12.8 Examples relating to Sections 12.3 and 12.4

,... 12.8.1 Exomple A: cylinder "jlh uniform wallthickncss

-: : :'=~ .
In Ihis example. the shell wall is 50 thin thaI the shell buckling phenomena arc entIrely clastic for

----- Siructurni carbon Sleeis. Consequently no stress checks arc described.

r -o JOm
L =6m
:e In 1\0111100 cyhnder t =8 111111 C, '" 1,0
j'lIbnclillOn Tolcmnce Quality Class B (Tubk 10.5)
I:lures. the wmd pll$:Ourc dilllri·
wind lood: safety factor.;:
lal prc~ .. un:. leading to II higher
(Fig. 12.7) the circumferential q_ '" O.80tN I ", : Yf '" 1,50
be then be approximated by q.= 0.48kN f m~ r~"" 1.10
3 c0s40· 0,13 c0s6(}
c- ,. -- ,
... ( 12.27)
r= ~
ian. 1974), and II close spacing e-
..- 1Om



I-- I-- '-

Figure 12.8: Example A. cylmdncul Ulok structure With .... 1Om. L 6m.1 8mm (unifonn)

The first step 10 be taken consists in vcrifying the applicability of the fonnulac for stocky cylindri·
cnl shells:

€ = 106 JIOOOO
= 58.9 <!' 15

The equivulent uniform external pressure is now determined by multiplying the wind pressure at
s tagnation point q.." by the reduction factor k ...

k.~ 0.46(I +O. I "S8.9) 0.81

q.. = 0,8 1.0.80 = O.65kN ' nil = O.65kPa

Buckling o/Steel Shell.\ - Elll"Ope(1I/ De.figll Rl.'COIIII//""dafirms

Following Ihe p~."I"~"""1

The 10lnl equivalenl unifonn pressure aCling on Ihe shell wall is cqual lo Ihe sum of q..., and Ihe in- ture is first trnnsfonlK-d
Il."I'1Ial suction q•. multiplied by the load snfelY faelor n--.
1.51_ = 7.5mm
q... = (k~ q~" + q, )r" = (0.65 +0.48) · 1.50 = 1.70kPa II.
The erilical buckling load '1R,r and the ultimate buckling load q lfJ arc gh·en by the following exprcs-
'i{ '-
sions: I~ = (5 +5 +6) 3 5.3Jmm

• ... lor
0.92 ·2.1 · 101.- -K - )'-' = 5.83 · 10 }N
6 10000
111m! 5.83kPu t. = (7 +8·0.5) 1.5 = 7.1'1"1

For Fabric:lllon Tolernnce Quality Class B. ao - 0.65 r. = (8 ·0.5 + 10) 1.5=

'I =- a · q ..· / 065 . 5. 83 / = 345AP"
It.I /ru ' / 1.1'
The elTcct1\e length of the
l'inally. the design check can be pcrfOOllOO:
.. diagrams in Section I r.'"
,. -0,82 - L.- :; Yo.N2:::-
The critical. and hence the
of Ihe eqUivalent ,yl;oooo,1~

11.8.2 E"lul1ple II: ~) Iind cl'" "ilh lilCIJPcd n ll lllhlcknc.loJi q_ 0.92 .2.1 . 1<t ·

In this exnmple. Ihe shell willi is \0 Ihm Ihal Ihe shell buckling phenomena arc entirely elastic for For Fabrication Tol,"",,,, Q~
slruclUral carbon st<..'Cls. COIlSL'quently no stress eh<..'Cl.s arc descrilx:d. q RlI =ao ·qRrrIrll

r =- 101II wind load:

Before detcnnining the retiue
L - 121// 1,= 5111111 safelY faclors : r, - 1.50 latcd as follows:
tj 61//11/ rll = 1. 10 I
...L_ 1.75 > 0.4 ( 1.37+-
0.2 2
t~ 7mm '. 0.5
t, 8mlll
'.:::: 10111111 "'~ =2. 74 .0.82 ( 0.92+ 1~:7tl
then k .., is found as
fabrication Tolerance Quality Class B (Tnble 10.5)
k. 0.46(1+0.037 .18.7)=0

The final slep consists in per
wlice qRJ c:(cC(.'(b Ihe cqul\'ule
q.. 1:. 0.78 ·0,80 : 0.62 kPlI
r-, IOm q...,l '1.. ·r,- ;. 0.62 · 1.5=-0.
6mm E
!1M.", .1.02 =1.10
-' q., 0.93
Figure' 12.9: Cyhndncallank SlruClure 'Wllh 6 courses of Slcppcd wall thickness t,.

Cyli"drical s"t!J/.~ IInder wind /()(J(lillJ:

Fol lowing Ihe procedure illusll'Ul'--d in the e'tample of Secl,on 11.8, the ghen cylindricalwnk Slruc-
lal to the sum of 'I.., nnd the in- lure ilo IirM Imnsfonncd into an equivalcnl 3·slcppcd cylindrical shell.

1,51_=7. 5mm _ 'it """"2~ 0.5 ..... ' .. _6111

t gi\Cn by the following exprcs-

'i. = ~~- =0.25
I. =(5+5+6)13=5,33mm

t. (7+8-0.5)/1.5=7.33111111- X = 1.37

1 ,",(8-0.5+10) 1.5:9,331111" _ ; { = 1.75

The effceti .. e length of the equi\ alenl cylinder of unifonn wall thickness is evaluated by u... ing the
I\: diagmms in Section 11.4:

...· ... 0.82 - L<1f =Yo.82 7.32m

The crilical. and hence Ihe ultimate buckling loads elm be delermined by referring to the geometry
of the equivalenl cylindrical shell of wallthiekncss I" and heighl Lr(-

- 0922.110' 10 (5.33 f·~ 1.73.I0 1 Nl mm 1 - 1,73kPu

q.p ' 732
, 10000
enonk!na are entirely clastic for For Fabrication Tolerance Quality C lass B. ao 0,65
qRd ::=. ao-qRirM = 0.65- .
17 XI "" 1.02kPa

q. 0,80kV 11/
Before detennining the reduction factor k..~ the eritieul buckling wave·number III,~ must be ealcu-
faclors: r, 1,50 luted as follows :
rlJ 1.10
!.r. 1.75 > 0.4 ( 1.37+ 0.2 +2)= 1,51
I. 0.5
III" = 0,92+ O.3~) !O6 lOOOO
1.37 5.33
- 18.7

then k. is found as
•• ;0,46(1+0.037-18.7) 0.78

The linnl step consists in pcrfonning the dLosign chL'Ck. showing that the ultimate buck linK resis-
tance qHd cxel."Cds the equivalcnt. unifonn design wind pressure q.J_
q~ ""0.78-0,80 ,,,,0,62 kP(1
q... ::=.q.. -rr-O.62· 1.5 O.93kPa
6mm E
7mm "' !!rL 1.02 = 1.10
-' qoJ 0.93
'J>td 1'.31llhlckness I,.

Bllckling afSteel Shells - Ellropean ~'ig" RI..'commem/oriolls

12.8.3 [XIlmple C: a slender c.=yll ndcr c.=orresponding 10 a chlmncy

Mi"imlllll bending stiffil"H
In this brief outline example, the specific wind loading is omiued to make the example geneml for
all wind conditions. Consequently, only the stress augmentation factors and ring stiffener require- 1'1 1.00+12.540tO.16',(4CII')
ments are set out here.

Cylindrical shell with two segments, top ring stiffener and intermediate ring stiffener
,-1.0m The values of C"f and qp
L Om Ur=40 ill'S!> and the termin category.
{I {120m (11r"20 lz/r=20
11-IOmm ril l 100 Mintmum bending ..liffne."
Iz-·8mm rlt1- 125 length.

Sirtu design nrthe shell 12.9 References

DeterminatiOll ofthe ClugmellWtiClII factors accordillg to SL'CtiuII I l. 6.J
Derler. P.
The c.=ffects of mc.=mbrane stress resultants in the circumferential direction may be neglected (sec Technical Un,,,,,;', orGr.uJ
12.6.1) Greiner. R. (1980) . . ,n",,,,,"~
In'>l. f. Stahlbau. IlolLbau u.
The maximum meridional membrane stress of the bemom segment should be assumed as
Greiner. R. (1981) "Zum
Wllndd;CKen\crlftur·· I I
with Greiner. R. and Derler. P. (
Thin-walled Structures. \'01.
1e!'1 1.0 Eq. 12.17
P":lerscn. C. (2006) 51,,/0/1'1
The maximum meridional mcmbmne stress of the top segment should be assumed as Swllloolllell. Vie"eg&Sohn.

Pohl. K. (19313) ·Il<'""hn~

Bcllung". Stahlbau·t 49-~",
Introducing (1 and 11 into Eq. 12.15:
a,..z.2 1+5.88'1251201-2.84 Pohl. K. (193Ib) . . [I,re,hm'l
Introducing tI..u into Eq. 12.16:
leu 2.8412-1,42
R..."inger. F. and Greiner. R.
Beulbcrechnung .
Ring stiffeners
Rc.=",inger. F. and Greiner. R.
I"flllence '''ngth oflhe rillg stiffeners
un~tifTencd and "n,·,,;11'' ",4
Gennany. May 6-7. I
Intermediate ring stiffener ROller. 1M. (200\) ~Wind
02. Institute fur h"rro","",,,"reJ
{... t.Ml.2.Ic().84 · I.Om· V<IOO)~8.40m <0.250 · 40m Eq. 12.22b
(1Bf.....l.i"'O.84 · I.Om· V< 125)=-9.3901<0.312 ·4Om Eq. 12.22e Schneider. W.. 116hn. K..
(tal.....z.1 8.40m+9.39m""17.19m Eq. 12.22a auf die Bcme.. ~ung ". 'hlcm<j
chimneys). Stahlbau. Vul.
Top ring stiffener

ltal.a.2J= 0.49· I.Om· \."( 125 5.48m<0.188·4Om Eq. 12.22d

Cylilldrical shell,\' lIutie,. willd /mlt/illg

Minimlllll bel/ding stifflless of'he ri/lg stiff(!lIe,..~
make the example general for
tors and ring stiffener require- '1 1.00+ 12.5/40+0.16 ' " (40)- 2.32<5 Eq. 12.24d

Eq. 12.24b and 12.2Sb

Ie nog stiffener
The values of cr and qp should be dClcmlilK-d from EN 1991-1-4 accordmg to the equivalent rough-
ness and the Icrrdin category.

Minimum bending stiffness iohould be calculated using Eq. 12.240 using Ihe dctcnnincd influence

12.9 Rcfcrt.' nccs

Derler, P. (1993) "Zum TOlgvcrhahcn rylindrischer Bchfihcr unter WindlllsC: Doctoml Thciob•.
ircclion may be neglected (sec Technical University orGml., Institute for Sled. Timber and Shell Slnlclurcs. Graz. Austria.

Greiner. R. ( 1980) " Ingcnicunnllfiigc Bcrechnung dOnnwrmdigcr KreisLylindcrsehalc". Heft 1-1980.

Insl. f. Stahlbau. lIol"b..UI u. FUlchcntt3gwcrXc. TU Grnz. 1980
/wuld be IIssumcd as
Greiner, R. (1981) "Zum Ilculnacl1\\ci ~ von Zylindcrschalen untcr Winddruck bei abg(,'Stuf\cm
Wnnddickcn ... crluuf'; Stahlbau. Vol. SO. pp. 176-179

Greincr. R. and l:>Crler. P. (1995) "Efft.'Ct of Imperfections on Wind-loaded Cylindrical Shells".

Thin-wallcd Stnlctures. Vol . 23. pp. 27 1-281
Petersen, C. (2006) Swhlhtl/l - G/'Imd/ttgell tier IJerf!Chmmg wltl mil/lichen AlIsbihllmg Iym
~d be assumed as S",iIIlHllllc". Viewcg&Sohn. Br.lUnschwcig/Wiesbadcn. 3. AuO.

Poh!. K. (193Ia) "llerechnung des bicgcstcifen Kreisringcs mit radialer. sleliger, clastischer
BClftlng". Stuhlbau 4. 49-54

Pohl, K. (1931b) "Bercchnung der Ring\'cl'Slcifungen dOnnwandiger lIohlzylioder". Stahlbau 4.

157- 163

Resinger, F. and Greincr. R. (1981) "Krciszylindersehalen linter Winddnlck Anwendtlng auf die
Bculbcrcchnung obcrirdischer Tankbauwerke"; Stahlbau, Vol. 50. pp. 65-72

Resinger. F. and Greincr. R. (1982) "Buckling of wind loudcd eylindricul shclls Application to
unstilTened and ring-stilTcncd mnks··. Proc. State of the Art ColloqUium. Uni\(~rsity of Stuugan.
Gcmmny. May 6-7.1982

ROlfer. J.M. (200 1) "Wind pressure distributions on squat silos and tanks". R(''SCarch Report ROI -
02. lnstitute for Infrastructure and Environment. Uni .... of Edinburgh.
Eq. 12.22b
Eq. 12.22c Schneider. w.. IWhn. K.. Schroth. H. and Waitz. S. (2000) "EinfluO der Umfang!>beunspruchung
Eq. 12.22n auf die BCITICSl>ung stnhlemcr Kmmnc" (Influence of circumfercntial loads on the design of stt.'Ct
chimneys). Stahlbau. Vol. 69. pp. 490-496 (in Gcmlan)

Eq. 12.22d
8/1d/il/g a/Steel S"elf.~ - EmV/X.'WllJesigll Rt.'Lvmmendllfioll$

SchneIder W. (2000) "Struklllmnalyse schlunker slfihlemer Krciszylindcrschale11 unler statischcr

Wiodbclaslung" (Structural unal y!>is of slender cylindrical stccl ~hclls under static wind load):
Aachen. Gennany: Shaker. (in Gcnnan)
13 Conical '""11'
Schneider. W .• Bn:dc, A. and Thiele. R. (2001) "Bemcssung dcr Rmgsteifen st!ihlcmcr Kllmmc"
(Design of the ring stiffeners of steel chimneys). Stahlbau Vol. 71. pp. 67fUJ77 (in Gcmmnl I'rincipal aulhors: R. Grci
Schncider, W. und Z<lhltcn, W. (2()()·t) "Load-Bearing Bchaviour lIod Structural Armlysis of Slender
Ring-Stiffened Cylindrical Shells Under Quasi-Slatic Wind Load~. J. of Constr. Sleel Research. 13.1 General
Vol. 60 I. pp.125- 146
This chllpter CO\crs unstilTen
Schneidcr, W .• 116h11, K .. Timmc1 , 1. and Thiele, R. (2()O..1) "StnlklUnll1ulysc lind l1cmessung
field . This is II frequen t shell
st5hlemer Kmninc" (Struclllmi analysis and dL'Sign of "teel chimneys). Bauingenieur Vol. 79, pp. bal>Cd on Ihc concept of bud.1
155- 166 (in Gennan) rules arc applicable pro\ idcd
phasised that a key assumptl
Schneider, W. (2005) " Design of Steel Chimneys". Proc. of ICASS'05 - Fourth International Con-
should be present. except tho
ference on Advances in Steel Structures. Shanghai. Chinn, 2005
longitudinally !>tifTencd COOLe
Schneider, W.. Timmc1. I. and 1I0hn. K. (2005) "The Conception of Quasi-Collapse-Aflinc Imper-
fections - A l1e\\ Appro.1ch to Unf:l\ourublc Imperfections of Thin-WuJlcd Shell Structures", Thin- In the follo\\ing Sccl!on IJ.:!.
Walled StruCltircs Vol. 4318. pp. 1202-1224. pe:lled lind commented. They
structures. Ne\ cnhclc-.s. for
Uematsu. Y. and Uchiyama. K. (\985) "Dcnection and Buckling Behaviour of Thin Circular Cylin- n.".Curch. Extcnd ...-d eomml!nt
drical Shclb undcr Wind Loal.b", J. uf Wind Eng. and Industrial Aerodynanl1cs. Vol. lK. pp. 245- 13.4. and t\\O cxnmpll!:'> arc
261. list of references 111 Seclion I

Vickery, B.J. and Ansourian, P. (1974) "An imcsligution of lhe f!lilurc due 10 wind action of a 13.2 Rules or EN 199
group of sh silos at Boggabri. NSW". In\cstigation Report S152. School of Civil Engineering.
Uni\ersity of Sydney, Sydney.
13.2. 1 Notlltion specific to

(I) In this cl3USC the fol

" axi:11 length (height) or th
L meridionul length of I
( II/cosP);
r rndms of the cone middle
eular to a'(is of rolation,
down the length:
/'[ radiu!> at the ... mall end of
r: rndms althe large end or
P ape." halrangleofcone.

COllical shell!>' lIlIt! milici/let! cOllical !>'hells IIlIder gCl/emlloat/illg

yhndcl'!\oCh!llell ullter slatischer

hells ullder SIalIc "lIld load): 13 Conical shells and truncated conical shells under general
tin~tcifl'T\ :,t!ihlcmcr Kaminc"
? 670-677 (ill Genn:m) Principal authors: R. Grei ne r and C. I'oggi
I Structurel Analysis of Slender
~ J. of Corbtr. Steel Research. 13.1 General

This chapter co\cn; unstifTencd conical shells of constant wallthid:ness under any membrane stress
rukturallaly:,e und Bcnll"!o.\Ung
field. This is a frequent shcll buckling case found in practice. Thc rules ghen in this chapter arc
)!». Bauingenieur Vol. 79. pp.
based on the concept of budling Mrcss design a:o. c)(pluinl'<i ill Chaptcr 9. Thcrefore thc fol1o" ing
rules are applicable provided that the general requirements of Chapter 9 arc mcl. It should be em-
phasised that a key assumption in these requiremcnts is that no significant shell bending Slresses
'05 - founh ImemUllonal Can-
.. hould be present. except those arising from boundary compatibility effects. The p:lnicuhtr ea~ of
longitudinally stifl'cned conical shells is discussed in Chuptcr 19.
fQuasi-Coll:lpse-Affine Impcr-
W:lllcd Shell Stnlcturcs". Thin- In Ihe fo llowing Section 13.2. thc rules und equations givcn in Annex D.4 of EN 1993-1-6. nrc re-
pciltcd nnd C0Il1111cnll.'<1. They IIrc reasonablc and have proved to be conscrvati .. e for nlllny pr..lctiCIII
structures. lor some of them altemnthes arc availablc all the basis of morc n..-eent
tun iour of Thill Circular Cylin- research. Extended commentaries are presented in Seclion lJ.3. Flow charts are givcn in Seclion
erodyn:lmio. Vol. I R. pp. 245- 13.4. and two cxamples arc provi<k.'<1 ill Section lJ.5 to help thc practitioner to npply the rules. A
II ... , of refcrence:o. in Section 13.6 eomplctC'5 the chupl~·r.

ailure due 10 wind action of a Rules of EN 1993- 1-6, Ann ex D.4, for bu cklin g stress design
• School of Ci,il Engineering.

13.2.1 Notatioll s pecific 10 Ih ls chailler, bound ar)' eondilions and 2ro llu~l r)'

(I) In this clause thc following nOl1ltioli is

" axiallcngth (height) of the truncated cone:
L meridional Icngth of the truncated cone
r radius of the cooe middlc surface. perpendi-
cular to axis of rotation. thm vories linearly
down the length:
r, radius :It the small end of Ihe conI.':
~ nldius althe huge cnd oflhc COliC;
/1 apex halfong lcorcone.

Bllddi"g ofSI('(>1 Shells· £lIrop<'(1I/ D('sigll R('('ollllllelldaliUlu

n,w ~ O,\,


L / (4) Only tnmcalcd cone~
r h
( thickness and with RJlI!:< hiliI'll
--- ~ 110="2' Fig, 13 ,1):treco\-crcdb)"thcfo
I no,. tt
(5) The fllbricatlon tolcranc~
requirements sct out in Chapt.
sho\\n in hg. 6.3 IIpply. but th
rne:lsuremcnt tnustall \011')" 001
f.·i~urc 13. 1: Cone geomelry. mcmbnme Slresses and !>IR.-SS resull:lnl the cone liS the radms chanllc",

(2) The ro1l0v,lng expressions should be used The niles gin'" h('re all tI.u lI",e IIw' am' 13.2.2 Dl.'loign buckling Jlre-
only ror lohclllo with boundary conditions BC I or bolllldary (1(ljacl.'m 10 'he bllckle ;:1' held circlllar
BC 2 at both cdgo. wilh no distlllction made (HCI or BCl (Icerm/i/'g to Tahle 4.1). 7],t.' Equiulcnt c~ lind
between them. They should not be used ror a wardillg of IM\' rille If a lilllf! llI11higlWlIf, as il
shell in which any boundary condition is BC 3. i.v permifled 10 h(f\'e BCI (II olle edge alltl Bel
(If lite o,her t.'dge of" shell. l/olI't.'l't:r, Ihe rilles (I) 111e design buekhnl!
do 110/. ill allY seilS!'. co\'(' r fret! £'llges (BCJ), or needed for the buckling .. tren·
edges r('.~/r(lil1£'(llI~illg Oll~\, II lighl rillg, Mar('- cording to EN 1993·1·6. Sc
Ol'er, till cOI/IIII(,,,,I:,' ill 10.1,2.1 (I) WI Ihe IHJllml- 9,2,2 in thc~ Rccommendal
lII)' comlitiolls for cylimlrictll .~hcl1.\' al.\'(} ",1,1/), round by treating the conicul
10 roll/clll she/ls, Special C(lI'C :"hollftllx' Wkell lent cylinder oflcnglh '. tlnd 0
lI'ilh 111(' required re.\'lraim agaillst f(lIIgelllial
displllcemellls (v 0).
'e lind rc dcpend on thc I)'JlI!'
distribution in the conical ,hd
(3) The niles in this 5(..'<:tion 13.2 should be This /Xlragraph tHklre.\'.\e.\' 1I bolll/tillry ft.'lIf1tre
used only ror the rollowing two mdial displace- Ihal l/ol:S 1/01 ()(''(.'II/' iI/ (Tlimlric,,1 ,11/cl/l, The
ment restraint boundary conditions. at cither cnd col/tlitioll "1\" = 0" ill Table 4, / reslruill~ 'he
orthe cone: etlge aga;,U/ diJplac('IPIt.'lIIf IlfIl"llwl 1(1 II/(' .fllt'll
a) "cylinder condilion" 1\ 0: 1\'0/1, B(!ClIuv(' the ermierll ~hellll'all is iI/dilled.
b) "ringcondilion" IIsinp + lI'cosp = O. Ihis requiremenl hru ulIll' Ilu.'orctical\igllifi-
callce, rarher thall CI IU'{jlll mewlillg for COII-
stnlclioll purposes. I/owt.'w'r. most of lite {'lIr·
lier theoretirol re.~ellrc"~IlI(lJe.f ,,~ed thi,f " c)'l-
imler oolUlilio,," iH!C(lIIll! it i.~ ea.~it.'r 10 imple-
me", ill lIIu/~l'tiC:lIl soilltio"s, I" praNicol COlli·
ClI/ .~hells, circlllarity of Ihe edges is usually
prol'id.:d by rillgs or diaphragm,\' or .fimill/I'
elell/ellts which (,'UII.Hrllll/ 'he rtlditll di.lpll/l'e-
II/e/lt.\' (1('rtI('lItlirlllllr to III(' (ui.I' rotatiOll.
This is ofte" ctllled tl/e "rillg comliliull" (Illd
become.I' itlelllica/ 10 'he ,,'!indel' cOl/tliti(lll

COllicul .lhell.l (1",1 Inmcu/{·d cOllicol shells /IIuler geller(lllo(llllllg

II'hcII 'he COliI.' halflIJlgl1.' PIIpproaclle.1 =ero,

~ O\'
, II is (lSSI/III('(1 ,hoi the diffl.'rl.'IIce betweell IlIe.w!
two /'(!.'1troilll clmdiliOilS luIS iI .mllllJ illflllence
011 Ihe de.lig" hucklillg re!>isllI",."e. ,fO ,Iwl all
da!>!>icoll.!Xpre.uimu' oblt/illcd lI'ilh Ihe "cylill-
der ('olldilioll" 1m,), illso be applied to "rillg
crmtJitioll" Cllse~,
(4) Only tnlllcaled eOllcs of uni ronll wnll Slll/llol1' calles with P > 65° I(·//d 10 fail hy
thickness and with apex hair angle P S 65° (lice Ol'e/'llll s//{/P-IIIIVIlSh buckling precedC'f/ hy
Fig. 13.1) ure ,,'Overed by the following rules, larg(· /lOlllillellr defonnllliOlIS rolher ,h'III hy
local hijl/rca/ioll hl/cA'lillg, Tlli,,' i!>' lIuI C(}I'ered
hy Ihe L'qui!'ale/ll L:,'Ii"der OIJPnxlch ol/tUlled
(5) The fabrication tolcrances ~hould mect the Since Ihe gaugl! lellglh used 10 assess imperfi'C-
requirements set out in Chapte,( 6, The images ,iolls mri('S doll'lI 'he meridhlll. 1I fell' key locll-
lIhown in Fig. 6.3 apply. but the gnuge lengths or 'iolls for I1u'asllremel/l sJml/1tI he ",kell, The.fl!
measurement must all \ ary dOI\ n the meridian of \'hol/itl i,/C/llde Ihe I11'O ends of IIII! coile olUl (II
the cone as the rndius changes. 1l'II.1f mle ('entrallo(.'aliOll.

I herr all a.mmle 111m lilly 13.2.2 Dcsign buckling stresses

fllO Ihe hucA:/e is lIeM cin.,""1ar
rnmJillg tQ TClbh· 4,1), The
11/e is a lillie ombiglloll.f, II.V it Equh'ulent cylinder
fin' BC I flI olle edge ( lilt! BCl
I of II sllell, HOIi'f!I'('r, Jhe rules ( I) The design buckling stresses thm lire Till! de,lis" f/I'fH..'edurl! for a cOile or tn/llc~I/('d
ue, col'('r fn'l! (·dg,·!> (BC)). or needcd for the buckling strength verification ac- cOile 110,\' been Ir~lIIsfo,.m!'d illlo Ihe bucklillg
/lsillg 011(\' (I light rillg, MOIl.·- cording to EN 1993-1-6. Section 8,5 (Section strength l'erijicolio/l of 1I11 (!(ll/il'lIlelll cylillder
1,.1 ill /0.1.1, 1(/) OIl Ihe hmll/d- 9,2,2 in these Recommendations). may all be ofleI/gilt f., 011(1 /'(It/illS r,..
.r l:l'Iim/rical ,Ihell\' aim allllly found by treating the conical shell liS an I."quivu-
Special care! should bf! /liken lent cylincJer of length Ie and of radius /'e in \\ hich The lellglh Ir ami radius r .. h(ll'!' bel''' deler-
d reslmilll 1I1;lIillSl /tll/g('fllial milled il/I/lcll 0 \\'(1\' Ilml 'he crilical buckling
0) I ~ and r~ depend on the type of mcmbnmc ~l reliS
re.I'i.~I(",('e of Ihe eqllil'lliellf cylinder is equlIl to
distribution in the conical !ohcll, Ih(l/ of Ihe ('ol/il'lll shell. Ti,e dl.'.figll forlllultL~
~k1Jre5SI.'S a bolllldal)' fellfllre
OIl' ill C:l'lindriw/~/lIdk The gil'ell for 'he cyli/lller .51101lId he "I'pli!'" in u
" ill Tuble 4,1 re,I'lruim 'he mamler Ihat i.1 collsi!>'lellf uill, re!sfX'Cl 10 th,·
')/ucemeflls IIorlll(ll'0 II/(' ,d",11 (·ffiXI., of bo,ll/th'l)' condilions (see /3.1. 1(2)-
(! conical sllellll'oll i.f il/clillNI. ())) (I/UI of relel'lllll {eIl8'" (i.e. for l '(!I)'fhort
has 0116' Iheorelical .figniji- COIIl'.f. the Irll1lSitiml from .fllell huckling to
:1II II IISl'fi,1 mmllillg jbr COif- I'llIl" hllck/lllg .,'llOlIld be recog"ised).
:!S. J/olI'('1'C'r. mosl of Ihe {'or-
Thi,f lraditiollal eqllim/"/II cylil/der (ll'l'rtJclf..'h i!>'
pS(!(Jrch sllldie.f IUM ,ltis "c)'l-
him..'" OIl Ihe physical similarity of bo,h Ihe bi-
bec-lJIISI! i' is I.'(uier 10 imple-
filn'lI/ioll hehUl'iOllr (lild 'h" imperfi'Clioll femi-
JI sollllions. III praclicill (,OIli- lil'ilY uf cylilldrical {lIId ('ol/iclll sl'l'lIs. htllil (if
Illrity of Ihe ("'ge.I· is 101lall),
whkh "1Il'e! tlelY!/oJHlhle ,mrfoce.f.
gl or diaphragm,f or siml/ar
ronltmill the mdial dill'/(lce-
II111r If1 Ih(· {{'(is IIf mlll/jlll/.
'h," Ihe "ri/lg cOlldilioll" III1lI
01 to 'he cylilldcr cOIlt/ilion

Buckling ofSIl.'eJ Shells· Ellropean Design R''(vlI/lII~ll(ltllim/S
--------------------- Meridional etlll1prcssion
q. that ha\e either the
3t both ends or the oo.""da~
( I) For cones under merid io nal compression, This rule pfOl';t/es (I gOOl/ l/ppro.\;",U/;O/l for both e nds. the fo llowing
thc '-'quivalcnt cylinder le ngth '. sho uld be laken rfllllCl/led COIlt'S which ('O/'I'espolld ro II/('{Jilllll' to produce 3 1m"'" ,,,,,,,,,mie
/e/lglh eqllil'U/t'/11 l')'!inden' (ICCOrtiing 10
10.1.2,1 (4). For fllart (md long L'qllil'{llcml ql.
... ( 13. 1) ;'Ider.~ IIII! lIJlProxillltllio/l i.v illcrclIsillgly IJOOr.
MOf(! prec;!>c fontl/lllll' for Ihe.f/! (,(ISC,f 11m)' be
/olllld ill Ille U ICII(k'{/ COllllllelllary 11.4.
(2) The equhalcnt cylinder mdius a t any buck- Tllc mllll! r~
{/('C.'Ordilln /rJ £q, 11,2 rcpresell/s
ling relcvlmi location r. !>ho uld be take n as: Ihe p";/ldplll mdi//.\' of (,lIn'tllllre of Ihe ('(JI/C III
, Ihe {trilll coordi,,"'e wlll'rc 11K' sill/pic r(J(lills i.~
,.. .-eosp
- ... ( 13.2) ,. C ircumfere ntial (hoop) COI1tI)rcssion

( I) For eOTll'S under circumfercmial compres- II ~/101i1d he /lo/{'{I 111lI1 pllre l'irnmiferetllial
sion. the l'quhalem cylinder length 'e shou ld be ('{)"'Jlreuil'e f/rc',UC.f ill (I ('olle ('urre.vx)IId 10 (I
pm-el)' Ih('Orellml COl/cC'/H, 1I.~cjill O/l/y /Ul' IIIl'
taken as:
PIlI1)()SCS 0/ (I mh.I'''fJ1WIII ~"",b;'llIliull
... (13.3) ('h('('k wililill III(' bllCklillg ,~Iref'r desigll ( IP-
IJrotICh, For rell/ /0(1(1 (,lIses. lIIeridiOllll1 (COlli.
presJiI'I! or IeIl.~ilC') S/I'I.'I'.I'C' wil/ almuJ'1 U"I'lII'~
d{'I'C'lop when cirnllllfercmlial i'Otllpreslin!
,f/re.u(,'s DeC"r. sOllll'll",('$ willi {J(/(liliOlIll/ ,fltC'ur
J Ire.\,le,I'.

(2) The (.'qui\uiem cylinder r:ldius r .. s hould be EqualiOlIS 11.1 alld 11.4 IItn'e /well IfIkell from
laken 3S: Ihe 4'" Edilioll of Illc R('C(Jllllllel/(k,liollS, IIml"-
el'('r. ill /llal lexl, IIIe." II'ef(! {ilsu iII/elided /(1
, . _(fl+fZ)
,- ... ( 13.4) ctJI'cr Ihc CIlSe 0/ hydl'O.IItllic exu' l'Iw/ pn!SSIII'('
2eosp (see commclI/ary he/ow) wilhom wkillg lII'C'011II1
of Ihe adtliliOlUlf IIIerldiollal compreJ'SiOil III·
duct'" by ' he 11Il'.~Hlri=(,{/ elld closurCJ',
B(,{,lJIlle Ihe lrellll/lelll af "J'lirosllllic ex/em,,1
plY'$SlIrc ill EN 1993-1-6 i~ differc!lll (see cum·
"'elll 011 Eq,I' 13.3 (/lid 13,4 st'n'e
here (111)' tl~ II rollgh tlPP,v.t:illltlle /'/lIe III;lahlc
for am' XCI/eral load Ctll'e, 711('), orc rlllJl('r (:.,,1-
f('n'{l/j~'t! for IIII! case of uniform e:flen",f pn's,
SlIre (lI'illlOIll presSlirc UII elld c/o.mres). wlllcil
should he Irell/cd iIlSlc'lK! IIJillg Ihe eq//alio/ls (2) The cquhalcnt C)' 1i
fur I. {lIId r r gill?/I ill, taken as the I~ of:

',. ~ L
1l.2.2.4 Uniform l'X1{'rnull)ressurc

I (1) For (''011CS under uni fo nn exte rnal pn.'Ssure COllieal.I'hell" /,xKk'" hy ""ifo,.,,, illlel'llill or

COllicallhell1 tmd Inmcalct! roniclli .\·hell~ IIm/('r J!(!11('/"tlllolldillg

q, Ihat hOle cithcr the boundnry conditions BCI e.,'ernal /JI·e....I/II·e lIurll/ol f{) Ihe shell illdllce
at bolh ends or the boundary conditions Bel m memMellle \lre:.\ l'eltllwlII~ oj differ!!", m(lHlli-
~'s a good Ilppro:cimUli(JII for both ends. the follo\\ ing procedure m:ly be used llltie.f ill Ihe cirl'lm!feremilll wId "writ/IO/wl di-
Ilhirh cOrr/!lpmlll (() medilllll- to produce a more (.'Conomic design, /"i'('tiom (Fig. 13,1), TI/is lIIelllU', Ihal. hy COII-
rill M'lim/crs (K.'cordillg to lrast 1I';lh tt cylillder, Ihe hllSic 10(1l1 clm~ Jor
{OOrt alJJ long eqllilYllel/l (')'1- "'ci/"i'III11Jel'!!lIIial ('ompressio,," (thtll i.l, olJtlrei\'
~Yi"'lIt;OIl is increosing/" poor. circllllifer('lfIia/ I/Iemhrtllll.' wn',\.\ field) ill Ihe
r/lll/flu for Ihew! ('II!.·/!.\' mol' be cOile corn'V>OlId~ 10 II rtlfhe,. IIl1likely /ood (,fI.I'('
'('.oJ Commel/wlJ' 13.4. oj cOli/hilled IIml-lll/ijorll/ pn'ulII·1.' mit/ Jrie-
rortlmg 10 Eq. 13.1 n'prese/lls liOlWI drag 0/1 lite ('olle slI/fOCl!.
li/ll of (,lIn'"/III'/! uf Iitc (,OIte (f/ F/lrthermore, IIItder ,,"ijorm e.'r/el'lwl prc,U"re
IIIIlt' \I here '''('~implC' rtNlills il' Oil Ihe c()Ilit-al sll('lI 11'011, Ihe meridiullal IIIt'II/ '
hrallc .{(n'ss re-'fllum/~ (k/Jellt! 011 II", lllpport
comliliOl/.f Jor lite {YIIII!. Willt II SIIPPOl'( (J/ Ihe
/tuxer I'Il(li" ,I' oj Ihe COII(" eXlel'lwt pre,I.IIIrc
CIlIIse,f meridiOlW/ colllprcuioll Jorces ill Ihe
{Yml!. hili a SIIPport (J/ Ihe Hlwller rue/illl leads
10 fIIt'ridiollal lellsil" JUlY:eS. rhlls lite support
I,I/t'll Iilul pllr/! £'in'w"fl.'I·""lilll cOlldi,ioll\' (Ire illl/x,rltllli JUl' lite ossel.II//{!'" oj
r.\U'! 11/ U COIW currespont/lo 0 cOlltiifioltl ca/llillg bllCklillg
at (·O//('('P'. Im'flll ollly for Ihe
~ II h{cII"elll .~ I,.e,\'.\'-com hiIIlll iOll
~ I",dding Mrf!SS tk.sigll ap-
,11out1 ctlSes, merit/iollal (com-
iM slrcrse.f will olmost alwCII's
circlllllJ/!rl.'lIIiul COlllpl'/!ssiw!
Olin/dillies 11'1111 uelditiOlm/lllellr
a~ q. t.cosl}

(l/ul 13,4 hm'(' be/!/I wkclI fiv", .-ljtllfe 13.2: Stl"l:SS l\.'SUltants caused by umfonn
of Ille Rr!C(}III1tIl'/llilllioll:C. I/u\\'- external pressure on II conical shell supponcd at the
~/, Ihe)' wert' (1/1() ill/em/cd (()
large cod
Df IIn/roM"I/(' enemol prt's:m/'(' AtkJiliollal stress re.\UfwIII.f "Ilt>' ari.~e if exfertllli
,'III!1/JII) lI'ilhol/l U/killJ; (lC('01I1II fJ''t!.u"re ill opplk'll 10 cill,er one {Jr holll c"t!
01 1I/('ridiOlftll colllpre\'sioll ill- c/0!i1lf"CS oj a mlllctlied rolll!. rhill e.\"Icnm/
llri::i!d ''lid c/USllrt!S. prl.'lISIIre ilrcnmW!.f lire compre5siw! meridioll(l/
membralle Jorces: thh ca....c is rcJerred 10 tIS
~U"'/(,I/I oj hydro,I'lmit' e.~terll,,1
"/lyt/l'O.Ht/lic e.-rlel'lw/ pressure". It i.\' 1101 COI'-
IIJf)3-J-6 is differem (l'ee com-
ered by Ihe pre$elll simplijil'tJ nl/es Jor "u/li-
oJ, I n, Eq,f I J.J ",ul 13.4 sen'f'
Jorm ex/('nwl prt!s.HIre". These tlSfX'('IS oj I!'y-
rollgh ul'I'l"O.\'illl(l/" rille I/li/(lhle
lenml/y pre.ullriseJ (.'tJIWS mtiSI he comideretl
1(J(1l1 cme. Thl,)' (Ire rtllller 0011-
careJully j ll tle!i'igll calCillmiom.
I! case (lJ ,,"iform I!.\'tertlaJ pn!s-
IY.'WIlf'f! 011 elld closun'S), which
led illMmd IIsillg Ihe eqmllio/ls
/lilt 13.1.1,4.
(2) The equivalent cylinder length 'c should be The mlCklillg ItIIX/cS oj a tnmcalet! (."OII(! mllk:r
lI11ijO,.", e.,·le,."a/ press/II'e tlilpltlJ' dil'/Jloce-
taken as the lesser or:
mellls llO/'mollo lite ~"eJl ol'(!r II sigltificanl part
1,,=1. ... (13.5) oj Ihe sirelllellgl" (Fig. 13,3). 11re ptll/em dif-
Jers Jrom II,al oj (I cylinder Jnr II"lIich it Itvllld
,nd extend 0\'1.'1' the filII leI/gill. /tOIe(lc/, il has a
slftlpe Ilwl is sig"ificamly rellrailled h,l' lite 11/-
I(J(,,/ed by ''''ijorm illlertlal or
creasing circ"mJercllliu! sliffness of the shell 01
Bucklillg ofSteel S/U·lJ.f - EllrolX'(1II Design Recommem/lIliOll.Y

decreusing riulills. Tllil' restraill;lIg effecl is so

,,-(-!i-)CO.53+ O.125p)
... (13.6) strong rlwr the LYJllicul slwll helltll'(!_~ flY if II l/ltd
1I BCI bolllllkuJ' coudirion at sum!' luclllitJII
O 7i
[ co> p
wilhill Ihe ...hell h'ngth: Ihe part of Ih(' l'hell he-
~ here the cone apc~ holf angle p is TIlcu!>ured in
yUl/d rhil' IlK'lIliUII luu 110 (1fect 01/ rhe hllcklillK
nldianl>. (5) The buckling strengt
bellm·iour. be based on the nOl1onnl c
Thlls afimilillK lellgth f,. (Eq, 11.6) ll'm de- branc s tress:
!'iI'ed IU dtfi"e Ille eqllil'(llellt cylillder (Fig.
13.3) (Koller 1980. Re.\illger 1987): dewily of
this el'afllllliOIl /I/'e gil'l!/1 ill St.'(:llolI 11.1,/.
in which q is the external p
count is takcn of the mendl01
induced by the c:-.:temal prc~~1 Shea r

(I) For cones undcr mcmbl

equi\ alent cylinder lcngth '.

equivalent (,,- "

(2) The equi\llient eylind

lake n as:

r•• ",,[I+P,II- ;Jr1'cosP
I.. I r.
in which:

Figure 13.3 : fqUlI'nlent cylinder for

Pg _J'i'""
uniform c;o,:.cnml pressure Unirorm lonion

(3) "-or shorter cone!>, where the I.:quivalent The radillS tlwl musr eqi.'(:lin:/I' lIf'proximalel
length 't
is gi\en by Eq. 13.5. the equiHlieni cyl- the hllckling n'sis/(mce IISillK Ihe equil'll/em
cylimier cOflce/JI II'lIY fmmd to be the radillS til
(I) For cono under mer
inder radius r, should be !lIken as: where Ihis is produeed by un
55"" of the dislllllt:e from 'he large emJ 10 Iht! ing a shear that varies quo
small elld (Fig. 11.3). Thill' thil· radilLI II'{U
r, =(O.551j + 0.451j ) ... (i3.7) adopletJ as r, in Eq. 13.7 for the equil'a/elll ct'/-
meridian). thc follo\\-ing pn.:
eO'!> p 10 produee a more cconon
imler. Pit S; 0.8 and the boundary c
both ends.
(4) For longer cones. \Ihere thc equivalent Equotio" f3.8 foliait'S from Eq. /1,7 by illlro-
le ngth it is gi ... en by Eq. 13.6. thc cquivalclll cylo dllcillg the COile radiII" (II lite Wlnl/ eml of tl,('
inder mdius r, sho uld be token as: equil'llli'llt Itmg," I, Wig. /1.1) (olilld 1I.lil/K Eq.
f3.6. if/placeofn.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~C:::
ollieal shells ami Inll/ell/cd eOllielll shells muler gelleml foadill8

lIS. This r~/rU/llmg effOC'I i.ffO

"Onical !thel/ belulIl's U\ if il hlld r~
. 071
. Ij, [ I- O.IP
P] ... (13.8)
.,. conclilion SOIll{' lex'alil)II

1f'1I~lh.- Ihe pllrl of II,,· shell Ix'-

m htls I/O effcci Oil Ihe /1II('kling
(5) The buckling strength vcrificution lIhould Eqlllllioll J3,9 describes it olle dill/ellsimUlI
be b.1scd on the nOlional c1rcumferential mcm· drclllliferefllilil stress state ill the eqllil'(l/em
Icn~I" , r (E(/. I J,6) was c1e· bronc !>Ircss: cylinder (i,e, lilt! emhllliioll is based 011 elllcllla·
111(' I.'qllimll.'fl' cy/lmler (Fig. liull uf ulIJy Ulll! slre.u). COllse(/lIelll/y the bllck-
)80, Resi"ger 1987) ; dl.'wi/,' 'if ... ( 13.9) /illg ('",'(,k uf (I cOile under IIlIifonll c.Xfenw/
're gil'ell ill 5«,ioll J3,3, J, pre,u llre implicil/y col'(' rs Ihe effecl.~ of oo/h Ihe
in which q is the extcmul pn."SSure, :md no ac· circlllliferellfi(11 alld merit/ionllJ compre.fSil'l:!
counl is lilkcn of the meridional membnmc !>Iress membralle stre.u rest/IUmlS presem ill ils II'lIlI
induced by the external pressure, 11'''('1/ /jllppuned lit its larger elld; see also
commem Oil 13,2,3,2 ( I),

13.2,2.5 Shear

(I) For cones under membrone shear stn.'Ss, Ihe See commelll all (1) below,
equivalent cylinder length ( r ~hould be takcn as:

1 t, r.. Ie
... (13. 10)

(2) The l.'qui\ulcnt cylinder radius should be £ql/lIIiOIl 13,11 WlH' rewim'd from Ihe .f" Edi·
taken as: lion of Ihe Recommendations where il luul beell
r htciec/ 01/ Ihe I)iol/eeril/g work of Seide (1961),
III EN 1993-1-6 illltls lx'l!fI rewined (1,\' II rollgh
I q approximllie mil.' s/lirable for till)' g('l/eral I()("I
ill which:
Improl'l.'lJ expreSS;Oll,f for the spt.'(·ia/ food case
of lilli/arm 1or.,'imUlI shellr tire gil'el/ belull' ill
, .. (13. 12) /3.2,2.6,
3: Eq\lI\uknt cylinder for
rm c~lcmal pressun::

13,2.2.6 Unifol'lII london

n/O,f l e/fi-,('lil't'{I' lIl)proximllte.\
,isumee /lSlIIg Ihe eqllilY.llefll (I) For cones under membranc shear Stress, Sh(",r ill (uisymmelf)' ;s crealed by a lorsiol/al
II at found IU he the radillf (It
where this is produeed by unifonn lorsioll (induc· mOIll('1I1 "hollt IIII! luis of rotatioll, The niles
~ from Ille Itlrge ell(l 10 Ihe ing a shear Ihal varies quadrntieally down the gil'ell here are mlid for" IOrsiUlwl mOnle", tlUlt
/3.3), Thlls this T(uliu,\' It'l1,I' meridian). Ihe following procedure may be u~ i.\ COIISWIII olY!r Ihe height of Ihe Calle,
:q. 13.7 for Ille eqllimlefll n /- to produce a more CCOOOIIl1C dcsign. provided
P. S 0,8 und the boundary conditions are BCl at As torsion letuls 10 rapidly i"~r(,lH'illg slresses
bolh cnds, close fO Ihe l'erte:c uf Ihe COile, ollly inlllcated
IIUlll from Eq 13.7 hy i,,'ra- Ctme.f wilh r Jlr}>0,2 (idelllicallO 'he collc/ilim,
rac/illS III the small end of 'he P. 5 0,8) can he lrealell by Ihe fol/owingforlllll·
'. (Fig, 13,3) fillllld /Ising Eq, Iliefor II,e equimlem cylillder IIlIcler shear,

If IIIay lx' IIol('lI,hllt the I'"bli.\'hetl EN 1993-/-6

HJlddillg II(SII'I'I Shl'lI.\'· Elll'Ope(1II Df!'\~;"~

colllaim a prmlmg "rror alld ic/('mijic' \' Ihc'

cone. both the sl1\all radms ' 1
w/rill/ioll of \'/1('<11' \Ire,u 0.' iiI/ear dDlm II,e me·
1'1 should be conSidered us po
ridi(m ;m./e(K/ (1q/ladralic,
the most critical position.

(2) The equivalent eylindcr Icnglh f ~ ~hould be Sec' COIllI1lC'I/I 011 ()) m'lolI'.
tnkcn liS:
(3) In Ihc case of mcrid'
I, L '" (13,13) cnuSl,-d by a eon~tlln t global b
the conc. the small rudius 1'1
the mOSI critical.
(3) The equivalent cylinder mdius r. ~hould be The oo('kgrmmo to Eq, 13,14 (Iogelher wi,h Eq,
luken as: J3, 13) is as follows, The crilical buckl;lIg re~'is· (4) The dl.'signllleridional
lallce of (I coIIK.'al she/l ,,"c/('r IIl1iform lorsion should be dctennincd for the
.• -(~)(I
2eosp - P..'-')
" ",( 13, 14) war "'''''''1';('(116' (ler;w!(1 /Ising [)OIJl/ell.I\'IW
h"cklil~ f.'q/lallml.~ hy )'a/1/aki & Tlmi (/969).
according to EN 1993·1-6.
lion 10.2.2 in Ihese Kecomm
Their reS"II\ l\l're gil'ell for diJ!i:/'t,,,, '''c'On'li·
in \\hich:
cal combilwliolls of bollllllar), co"tlilioll.~. ji'OlIf
13.2.3,2 C ircumferential
Lsinp which lite .'illIl)~I'·'\'IIIJ/JQI'tl'd bollllll",), com/iliOIl
Pu "'--- cal/ld he~efl'C/ed W( a gcxx/lIpprlJxill/",iol/ to
'2 ... (13, 15) ( I) Whcre the circumferen
caused by unifonll eXlcmtll
Thl' (/el'eloplI/el!/ of(I desigll formulafrum Ih{'~'{' de~ign check should be ca .
rl'~III'l' (Schmi(II lIml Greiner. 1998) II'll!> ('or- sign circumferential membTUf
r;{'ll 0111 by cO'''lxlri''g IIw COIlie'Lll $iI('1I (k,w
w;lh Ihe h"ck/mg I'l',·dfumce of (III eqllim/elll
tcmlinoo using Eq. 13.9 and
fcrcntial buckling stress Ull
cylil/der. III Ihe IIIIQ/e illw!!u;gtlled fXlrameler
ters derived from lhe proc
rallge (lOO<rYI< l000.-
0.05 < p" - Lsin p I ~ < 0.95) Ihe elJllimll'f11
I'lIdim' depc·tIlls Olt~I' 0/1 Ihe r{llio p,.. By ell"'I.'
jillillK 10 Ilte.\·e re." ,III\', ,lte simple eXIJl'es~'iulI
Eq. /J. /4 11'(u' jmlldji,r 1'... II'lticlt gil,(,,\ (I du,\'e
mlllclt willI lite IlIIltIeric,,1 dt/It/.
OfCOIII'fe, Ihe cOlltlmoll of oowlllory ('lJlldilimu
BC I ul holh elld,\' i.1 ('()I'en'ti (,()II..'J'en 'tlliI·t!~I" bill
lite iH!llC'fjdlll c{f(.'l'1 of ,lte meridiOllal I'l'SII'lIifll
CiltlllOl be l'.:rIJlici/~l· exploiled

13.2.3 Buckling strcn)!th \erlneallOIl

13.2.3. 1 Meridional cOnlpre,;slon

(I) Thc buckling dL'Sign check should be car- III gell('I'lII, il i,f IfUIIX,.uible 10 idemifi' a lillgle
rk-d OUI al Ihal point of the conc \\ here Ihc com· loculioll ill II'l .\he/l a' which a bllckle limier
bination of design meridional rnembrnnc SlresS meridh)l/tli C:UIIIIJrc'ssioll will OCCllr. Thi.f rule
a.IJ nnd design meridional buckling stn.'SS a.,~ ,It"
I'IISIII'l'.' 1/1(11 re.f/JQllsihility I'l'.f!f 1I";lh Ihl'
according 1013.2.2.2 is mOSI critical. desiglll'r 10 ched till polelll;lIlloclllioll,f , Rllle,1
(1) and ()) Cll.H\1 ill 'his dlf.'f.'killg /mx.·es~·.
(2) In thc case of meridional comprc:.sion III litis ('a,W! lite (K:lillg meridiOlwl .\·Ire,~~ de-
CUtlSL'ti by u ConSIUI1I axinl furce on a Inmclltcd creaSl'S lim.'ll/'hl lI'ilh 1111: ill('rl'lU'illg mdilu, Be·

COIlic"I .~lrellf {lnd tnmcau.'tI oo/lielll she/lf miller generalloudinR

ling error {IIItJ i{k''''iflc~ III('

cone. both the s mall mdius r, and Ihe lurge mdius cullse ti,e critical bllckling slress a/so t/4.'CretLfe!f
r nre.u lU /illellr doll II 1111" II/C-
r } should be considered as possiblc locations of lI"ilh increasillg rat/illS. it i.~ 1J().t.fible for either
thc most critical posilion. CII(/ '0 be 'lrc IOC/llioll oftire eriricul bllckle (tle-

(3) befolL IJellllillg UII tile 1I1110m" of plllSlicilY imvlw!d:

i.e. on the locul relalil'e .flent/enres.f).
(3) In the case of meridional eOll1pn.'S~ ion III 11Ii-, cose Ihe {lcli"g merit/io"al .fIIY!.U t/e-
elluscd by a conSll101 global bend ing rnornenl on {·,w U"es liS lire .I·ql/orc uf the illc/wlSing /'(Ulill.f .
the COliC. thc smull nldi u!> r / should be tuken us Thereforc the slIIlIlI end is allm)'s Ihc locafiull
Ihe 1Il0st critical. oftile airiml bllckle.
10 £q. JJ.14 (Iogelher with £q.
The crilicul bllckling re.\'i.~­
'II'S. (4) The design meridionul buckling slrcss O"...u
of shell mukr /miform lursiun should be detennined ror Ihe equivalenl cylinder
, tierilwJ /Ising DolIl/clI-I.I'P" according 10 EN 1993-1-6. $(.'Ction D. I.2 (SL'C-
Ilif hI' }"tmwlii c.( Tim; (1969) .
lion 10.2.2 in these Recommendations).
" gilt'll fur differcm '''('Oreli-
I of OO/II/Iklr)' co"clilioll~', (rum
13.2'),2 Circumferenlial (hoop) compr('ssion and uniform u t('rnlll pressur('
bolll/tlary COI/tlilioll
d us u goo<l ullpru:cimllrion 10
(I) Where the circumrercnlinl compression is TI,i.f nile lIIemlS thtlt tI single cirrllnift-'retll;al
caused by unironn externul pressure. the buckling btlckling de_dgll check occortli"g 10
ofU llcsign formlilafrom Ihese design check s hould be carried out using the de- ,""1II1d be peiforllleti for 'he eqlliWi/elll qUI/-
aluJ GN.'im:r, 1998) II·{.I.\: mr- tier. Tire critical c:;rc:wnjere",ial hllcklillg SlreJiS
sign circumrerclllial mcmbmne sln..'SS frftU de-
paring lhe collieal shdl dC/lei
K re.dJIQIIO.' of 0/1 eq"il'llfelll
tcnllilled using Eq. 13 .9 und the d'-.ogign circum- ;., IIh/t1;n"J h)' il/lrtHlllcittg ,Ire I,(I/IIC.' ~ tmd r~
rerential buckling Si ress Gft~ bused on p.'1mme-
llhule 1II1'I!sIIgllleti IXJr{/II/('lcr gil'('11 by £qs 13.5 IU 13.8, illMetJd uf t alld r,
( IOO<ri l<l{XJ(); lers deri\'L'iJ from the proc~. dllrcs or nnd
i",u £q,f 10,1910 /0.15, lI'itlr N!.flleCt tu Ihefiu:-
fJ ~ < 0, 95) III(' ('tIllil'lllem
turs Cu or C. frolll TlIbles 10.3 or 10.4. 011(1'
m(l' Ihe r",io p... 8.1' " /liTe
011 Ihu.fe UIJ/Jlicuble 10 rlre Cuses I ur 3 may be
rl'.\/I11r, 'h£'_filllple ('xpn'.u lol/ lIpplied (bec{lIIse of the b()lllldwy t:ollllirioll I'C-
WltJ for r ... whif'h giW!.f 0 close .~trictiull ill If BC I Is aSlrtllll('t1 (Cu
fllleriCCl! dO/{l. - 1,5), ('{I/"e Imlsl be Iakcl/ 10 ellSllre Ilml lire
meri{/i()lltll I'estrai", til borh COliC e/"ls is PIYJ-
rulli/Oil of bOll/ufor)' COlld;liOI/S
I'Ideti by tieUJllillg uflhe lIclllal CUllstrllclJolI.
, is (Vll'rI.'d (VIUl!n 'l l/il 'eil', b/ll
« t of ,lie merit/iOlwl rcstraim It sho//ld be emIJlw.f/;:ed again (see
f(I' e:rploited IlmIIM.' ,fingle chock implieil!y Cfwer.f tire effet'l
of ,he meridiollul compres5il'f! membrrme
51rcsses t/tut un: illdllct'" by lite e:demul pl1!S-
slI/"e 011 the col/ica/wall i/Self wilen I//(: cOile ;5
SlllJIHJrteti ell 115 lurger e/ld.
The metlltH.l does /lot corer the lItklitiOllll1 me-
ridiulIlll cUlllpressil'C membralle "tN!.f.fes IIIlII
fiJ' pos.~ihle 10 i{/emify a _fillgle It'UJlld be indllced ill ti,e Imll by extenml/JreJ-
lbell ut lIl/icll II buck/e wilier sun! 011 emJ c/osures. If lite e:ctenwl IJ/"e.U Jlre
jn>uioll 1I"iII occur. Thh nlfl' (ICI.' 011 the end c/05/1re5, Ille resulti"g meritl-
fl.'fpoilsibility re.\ ls wirh Ihe iomll compres.fio" musl be i/reltlded ill (I S('IXJ-
~ "II polcntwllocmimu. Rilles mit! bucJcIi"g inlerucliml checJc between rlre
ill this clledillg pnH.'ess.
circmllferelltitlllllld the meridiOllul stresses.
ac:lillg meridiullal ,wreu t/e- Purfilrlher tii.fClIssiuli oflilli/ur", externa! prc..f-
';111 1/',· ill{'reruill}j, radil/". He- .mre Oil lite cOIIJclll .1m/ace 0111)' (ltere ler",eel
"u/liform exler/1lI1 pressllre ", (mel cOI'{!/"ed hy

BIiCk/illg O/SU>e/ Shell~ - EliropeOll INsigll Recollllllelltk,liolls

Ihe pre.felll nI/(,.~). alld III/i/om, eXlenwl pres- 13.23.3 Shear and unirur.
sllre Oil holll Ihe c(mil'almt/ace (Illd ('lid c/o-
SIIrt' S (here terllled " /m/roM(IIil' eXlernal pre.\'- (I) In the case or shear ca
s/I/·e ") . see /J.3.I, global torque on the conc, tl
(2) Where the circumferentiAl compression is check should be carried OUI
The "elm/lope jimc/iull" IJnx:edllre de.w:rihe(/ ill
cAused by Action ... other than unifonn external thi.~ c/(llI.fe i.f illlIstmrcd ill FIg. 13.4 for (III (ui-
membrane shear stres~ r.ll/..
prl'Ssurc. the ealculutl-d :-.trcss d istribution u fJ, ,.:./r) .f)'l11l1/elric cilse II'here the cll'cIIIIJjel'elllia' stress I' = "c cosp und the design hi

should be replaccd by a fictitious enveloping is COIISICilII lIrO/llld file c/n'I//IJjerellce lit allY T<QIW b..'1sed on p:mullcters de
stress distribution q/J,F.i/ ~,,,(r) tllUl everywhere (u'ial coorc/illaf,' bill I'(wies dUll'll the mcridiOIl cctlure of 13,2.2,1. 13,2.2.5 al
exceeds the calcuillted \'lllue. but which would (lIId cOIISetlliel/l~" lI'illl /'lit/illS.
arise rrom a ficti tious unifonll external pressure. Tile ""moe/ope opprQ(I('" '' c/cilr/y /I('CUIIICS (2) Where the shcaf i, cau~
The buckling de.'.ign check should then be carried progre.uil'e~I ' more c(}//.~cn·lIIi\'(' (I.f the aClillg than a constant global torqu
oul us in pamgrllph (I). but using u~ ""d .....(r asPJ memhrOl/e .flrt"l',f ~tlI/e (/iffel'S lIIore from the shear foree on the cone). tl
instead or u9. l;/.,r,cosPJ. 1I11i/orm eXlenwl pre.uIIN' .flre.'f.f Mate. A/thollgh distribution r'~f.Jr) ~hould l
"or sllIl('d ('xplicilly ill EN 1993- 1-6 bm c'er- titious cll\eloping stress d.~t
lain~l' pen/lilled. it i.f a/lmy,f /1OSsib/e to l/l'e II,e
that c\ery\\ hcre c:<ccc(b the I
a/terlUlIit'(' prMl'llllrt! of a \·t(III(/(lr(/ nrc'u hllck-
which "ould arise rrom II ficI
ling illll'racli(m cIlL'CA' IIl/h lite illleracliOI/- Thc buckling dcslgn check ..t
re/emm gro/lps of membralll' ,~/n:sses. us de-
out as in paragraph (I). but u
filled ill 9,] ,1.3. 8111 wltere this procedllre is
1I.~ed. ull Ihe lIIl'ridiOlWI stre,\·.\·e.\· IIl11st be ill- instead or T,aJ.r.oos/J).
dlldl'll ill the check

"-igun' 1304: Buckling strength \crificatlOn ror thc

funclion o,,(r) Imt varies" ith mdius down the mc-
It "U~.' be ,,00et/lhat the pllblished EN /993 - / -6
(ZOO7) defi"e,f the I'(Irialim, offlre.u witll re-
specl 10 the meridion,,/ t/in.'Clioll x , This has
bee" corn'Cll'd "ere to a mrililiOI/ \I'illt r to
permit a simple relt/tionship to lite effi'Clil'l' ra-
dillS r,co,fP.
(3) The design buckling strL~ (7a«J should be
detcnnincd using the parumcters ror the '-"quiva-
lem cylinder gi ... en in EN 1993- 1-6. Section
D. 1.3 (Section 10.2.3 in these Recommend.'1-
tions), (3) The design buckh
should be dell:nnined USI
COllical sltellf (mtllnllu:aled conical site/if IIIlder ge/lerallocllli"8

I. ancl IIl1iform eXlenwf pres· 13.2.3,3 Shell r a nd uniform lorsion

(,tllllwlmr:!oce and eml do·
iJ "/mlrolilalic I!I'((>mlll pre.,,· ( I ) In the elll>C of shear c:mscd by a constant This rille /IIe{/II,\' 111m Ihe eI('sign tlCtillg lIIelll·
gl01>.11 torque on the cone. the buckling design brtlll(' ~/lC'lIr l'Irt!S.\ sllOlIld be c(lfcllllllecl (IS:
!f:lim," procedlllY! describt!tl ill chL'Ck should be Cllrried out using the design
'trrtlt(·ti ill Fig. 11.4/or all cL'Ci· membmne shcar stress t,B.f.J at the point with txO,Ed - 2 ... (/J. /6)
lu're the cirCllllife"cllfial s,,.e.\'.\' r :. "~ cos~ :lIld the d~ign buck ling shear stn.-ss 2Jt1(Ij,cosp)
!rtl the L'irrmllfi,,.ellcc (II allY r:.B.U based on p.1ramctcrs deriwd from the pro- where MI,II is lite (/esigll I'(IIIle of Ihe {!Clillg ""i·
bill l'dri('S (it}\m Ihe meridiall cedure of and /orllliorsionlll mOlllem.
lIi,h rmlills,
4JpprOlICh" deady hec(JI/I('\ (2) Where the sheur is caused by IIctions other
rr confen·atil'e tiS II'I! (,cl ing than a constant g10b.11 torque (such as a global
\fate cliffl'rs more /rom thl' shear foree on the cone). the calculated stress
prl',f.fllre siress S/(lle. Althollgh distribution t"B.d.r) should be replaced by n fic·
;1(1' ill EN /991-/ -6 hili ee,.- titious envcloping stress distribution r,w.J. ....Jr)
il is alway." pos.~j"'l! 10 wu~ Ihe
that everywhcre e)(ceeds thc caJcul:uL-d \lIlue, but
III1N' of a ,~lalltlard ,\Iress III/d·
which \\ould arise from a fictitious global torque.
d1(d. 1Ii111 Ihe illfertlcliol/·
Thc buckling design check shou ld then be carried
of /II('/11""IIIC ,f"cue.f, tiS de·
OUlIIS in p'lrugroph (I), but using r,tJ.CJ.rm(r.,cos{JJ
Hili where tlti.f procedure i,\' "
rillimml stresSI!!.' m/lsl lx' ill· instead of r,tu:/.r..cos/IJ.

"'. Figurt' 13.5: Ducklmg ~lrenglh \erificntion for t(r)

Ihat \'lIries wilh mdiu~ down the mcridillil
rite "elll'elope filllCliOlI" pr(}(:elillre described ill
litis dClllse is iIIll.fIrallW ill Fig. / 1.5/or atl (,xi-
sY""'U!lric CllSe where Ihe shear stress is COli·
sl(lIIl arOlmd Ihe circllltifercllce (II (III)' lel'el bill
I'arie.\' doll'lI Ihe meridian atld {.'OIIl'eqllemly
lI'illt rtlllills,
n'e "em'C/o/X' appfYXlCh" dearly /x'COme>s
progres,til'el), lIIore COllsen'lltil'f! tl.f II,e (1Clillg
me>mhmlle ,~/I'e.H slale differ,f more from Ihe
ding strength \crilicalion for the IIniJorm IOrsi()ll stress slllle. Af lor Ihe co~e of
\ III Ith radIUS down the me-- external preSSllre>, al/hotlgll 1101 !;(lIIed explici/(t'
ridian ill EN I99J·/· 6 h/ll cerlllillly pl.'n"irted, it i,f
hallh" p"blis"l'll EN 1991·1·6 ll/lm),.f /XJSsihle /u lise lite (lllemmit'l! IJruce-
lit' mrialion 0/ ,~/re.'l,\' will, re- dllre 0/ II .fUmtlllrd SlreS.f hllckling ill/eraclioll
'idimwl tlireclioll:C, This IllIs check willi III(' i"lertICtioll-re!f!WIIII grollpS 0/
here 10 II I'lIriariOIl I\'it" r 10 membnme Slreues, (I.f defilled III 9.1.1,1.
NdllliollWip 10 IIII! effectil'e rtl-
Ilmll)' m'l/oled thar II,e pllhlislted EN 1991·/·6
(1007) defilles Ille \'lIr/lilion of stress lI'il" re·
Specl to Ihe meridiollal direclioll x. TI,il' lul.f
beell ('Orn'Cllw Itere '0 {J I'(Jrialiolf wilh r 10
permit 1I simple rclflliOltf/lilJ 10 'lte effeclit'e ro·
dilll' r .,c.·osp.

(3) Th, design buckling shear stress ~,au

should be dClennined using the paramcters for

SlIckli/iK ofStt!eI Slid/s - Ellropean lJesign Rocolllmendat;OIIS

the cquivalel1l cylinder given in EN 1993- 1-6

Section 0 . 1.4 (&.-ction 10.2.4 in these R,"'Com-

in which the patamCter

13.3 Allernative rules for special cases

13.3.1 C onical shells under uniform e:eternal pressure on eilher the cone (uniform external
prHsure) or thl' COliC lind end dosurts (hydrostatic cstenlal pressun')

This section describes an a lternati ve sct of nllcs thai may be used for the two special cases of uni- Bel -Bel : CB
fonn e:eternal pressure and hydrostatic eXlernal pressure. The background to these rules is de-
scribed first. follo","-d by appropriate expressions. An c.'I(umplc then follows.
and the parameler C, d<.1~"'~l
The cri tical buckling resistance of cones or truncaK"<i cones under meridionully nnd eircumfercn-
tinily unifonn extenml pressure was studk-d in a eompl"l!hcnsivc numerical investigation by Koller uniform cltternal
( 19W) and Resinger ( 1981). This study used linear buckling theory (LOA) using the in-house soft-
"IIrc developed by Esslinger et al. ( 1980) for the I1Inge of parameters 50 < P< 150 and 100 < rJiI <
2000. The cn\culalions covered both of the boundary ,"'undition combinations OC I-Bel and BC2-
BC2 and explored both the loading conditions ofunifonn external pressure and unifoml hydrostatic
external pressure. All the shells were supported at the larger rod, causing the extem:11 pressure to The procedures gi\ en
induce meridional compression in the COIlc. As outlined in the comrncntnry on 1). where
thc results for this lo uppon condilion are used rOf" the condition of !itlflPOr1 at the smtlll end. the oul- b:'::~~I:~~;,~::U:.",~I;~
be imrodue,"'d i
come is a conservati ve '"'Stimate of buclding strength. It may. however. be V'"TY conservati vc for
a onc-dilllcnsional (70 ""'''!
con,"" with large apex half angles p.

The linear prcbucld ing analysis (LA) took proper account or the boundary conditions (i.c. the- 13.3.2 [),lImple: Conical
prebuckling stress state was not the membrane theory result. but included ehanges to thc membrane-
stress state caused by lhe constraint of displacements at the boundaries). The study showed that
thcse restraints only affect the results for vcry short shells as defined by the condition:
The conical shell di"","".,,,\
r t 500 11\11\
L 1000 nlln
... ( 13. 11) £ 2.1 " IO~ MPa
Fabrication Tolcmncc
whcre L is the meridional length and r l is the large: radius of tt.: ,"'Olle (Fig. 13. 1). 11f'Ie para~ (it
is thc dilllensionles.... length that is also used for cylinders in tIIcsc Recommendations (sec Chapter
10). s..'lfety tilelor Y\I 1,10

This parametric study resulted in 1500 systematically sclcctl,:d cases for the elastle critica l buckling
resistance (in Icnns of the pressure) of the perfect structurc, qfb. Their cvaluulMln showed that the
effects or different loading conditions, boundary conditions and lenlths of shell depend on the di-
mensionless length parameter w,
'd. : -iL- . .. ( 13.18)
.Jr . t
where 'r is the length of the equivalent cylinder according to Eqs 13.5 and 13.6. and r. is its radius
according to Eqs 13.1 and 13.8.

The effects of different boundary conditions C' Bi and of different loading conditions ("L'1 may be
included using the multipliers Cs and CL when obtaining the critielll buckling pressure:

CU//icl ll .~hells lllld mil/cared co//iclI! shells /IIIdel' gf!//C'rtI!!u(leling

... (13.19)

III which Ihe parametcr elf d(.-pcods on thc boundary conditions:

BC2-BC2: C8 = 1 ... (13.20)

the ('one (uniform extern,,1
.1 pressure)

the fWO l'pceial cnses of uni- DCI -I]C1 : CH 1,5 ,[ ~:~ )+[ 32~S)
wO' IiiI'
... (13.21)
19round to these rules is de-
and the parameter Cl. depends on the loading conditions:

leridionally and circumfcren-
encal in\cstigotion by Koller unifonn cxtcrn.,1 JX'CSSurc: CL :, I + ( ... (13.22)
.BA) using thc in-house soft-
50 < P < 75° and IOO < rf l <
hydrostlltic eXlental pressure: CL .:; 1.0 ... (13.23)
,inalions BC I-BC I ant.! BC2-
ssurc and unifonn hydrostatic
using the c.""tcmnl pressure to The procedures given above sometimcs pennit the designer to make a beller estimate oflhe elnstic
JlCtlIary on I3.2.2.4( I). where critical buckling pressure of a conical shell. Whcre Ih(."SC relationships are used. thc outcome should
pan at the small end. Ihe out- be introduc(.'tI into Ihe buckling n:si!>tance verification procedures ofehapler 9 interpreting them as
ver. be vet'}' con~alive for
II one-dimensionnl iTo stress state.

ooundary conditions (i.e. the 13.3.2 Exa mple: Conica l shell under hydrosta tic extl'rnal llrl$sure
ded changes to the membrane"
mes). 11le study' sbowed that The conical shell dimensions lire gi\ en by:
y the condition: r, 500 mm
L ",, 7000mlll
1'1 - 5000 111111
, 12n1ln p s 400
... (13.17) E - 2,1 )C IOS ~Wa C,::: I,O
Fabrication Tolerance Quality Clnss B
(Fig.. 13.1). 1k parnl'1lCt&.Tw
ecOlllJ1'lC'ndations (sec Ou.pter o..'Sign \'alue of e.'(temal pressure qu ::: 30.0kP"
safety factor rll 1.10
or the clastic: c.ritical buckling
F. evaluatm showed lhat the
, hs of shell depend on the di-

... (13.18)

.5 and 13.6. ant.! r. is its mdius

rading conditions (~L .•) may be

)tICkling pressure:

Bllckling ojS/eel Shells - £lIropellll/)esigll Rt..'('OlIIl1telltioliom,·

!!M _ 41.90
qEd 30.00

Glcck on circumferenlml

It should be noted thai Ihi~

Where thc memhnlllc """-" ",(
10 g(.'t1ernl SIn:ss design formal 0

13.4 Extendcd cornmci

t"igure 1.3.6: Example conical shcll meridional cornpr

The first step of the buckling calculation requires the length Ir and radius rr of the equivlllent cylin" Where a lruncated cone IS ~ub.
der \0 be found : mcmbrane stress ,'aric<> do""
buckling resistance. u~ing an

I" ::: -5000 n)

. - - ( 0.53+0. 125 ·(40°) · _ ::: 480 1.5 mm < L=7000 mm
slO400 180
work of Seide (1956). This l
Pariallllono (1994) and by ..
Schmidt & Krysik. 1994). Th,
set ofstabihty equation .. for th
r" (5000 - 0.55·4801.5 ~i n 40")Ie05400 = 43 11.1 mm range of geomctric parameter.. ill quite SQtisfoclory
The critical buckling pn.'ssurc qlfrr and thc ultimate buckling pressure qlfJ can now be calculated by proximution for both short and
using the values Ir and rr in the expressions givcn for cylindrical shells under external pressure: cones may be found by appl}'il

qR(T ",, 0.92 ·2. 1· 10 ~ . _

431 1.
-1( -12- ) 2.5 ::: 7.09 1· 10. "-N/mm 2 = 70.9IkPa The critical meridional bucklir
4HOl.5 4311.1
u xRrr ~ (,.Im, {o,
For Fabrication Tolcmnce Quality Class B. ao- 0.65
whcre rr is the equivalent C)' ll1
qD~_ 70.9 1
qRd : ao ·....:..<l>..'- .... O.65 · - - : 41 .90kPa tures of both short and long co
Y\f 1. 1 on the dimensionless conical ..
Finlllly. the design check can be perfonned:

which is a comparable mcru.ur

the radius m(.'Osure as the goo
ends r •.

'. M
For short cones. dcfined a!>
wron SI.7
the correction factor is:

Ctmicol.~"ells alld rnmcared coniclli sllfdls tllllkr generalloodillg

Check on circumferential stress k,\'el: u",.u '" qF.J( 7"). . 10.8 MPa «1)-

It should be lK)(ed thm this shell is so slender that only clastic buckling considcnuions are involved.
Where the membnmc stn..-ss level in the shell may exl..'(.'Cd 0,4 j;, the clastic-plastic intcl1lction according
to gcneml stress design fonnat ofChaplL'I" 9 must also be taken"into account.

13.4 Extended commentary: Short :and lon g truncated cones und er

meridional compression

dius r~ of the equh'alenl cylin- Where a truncated cone is subjected only to an axial force at its ends, the meridional compressive
membrane slress varies down the length. The traditional approoeh to obtain the clastic critical
buckling resistance. using an equivalent cylinder. has a long history. stnrting with the pioneering
work of Seide (1956). This concept was later con finned by many researchers. most n.:cently by
Parialmono (1994) and by Krysik (1994). !tee also (Pariatmono & Chryssanthopoulos. 1995:
Schmidt & Krysik. 1994). TIle lutter used Flfigge's (1973) more rigorous shell theory to develop a
sct of stability I.."quutions for the conical shell. From u comprehensive numerical study over a large
range of geometric parnmetcrs it was shown thaI the simple equivalent cylinder approach. as used in is quite satisfactory for medium-Icngth cones. but ix!comcs a progressively "OI'SC ap-
e qlJ can now be calculated by proximation for both short and long cones. A better upproximation to the buckling strength urthesc
Is under external pressure: cones may be round by applying the following expressions.

The critieal llleridional buckling stress should be obtained rrom:


u sRcr '" CS.(YHI J10.605 £t}

... (13.24)

when: r~ is the equivalent cylinder rndius according to Eq. 13.2. and the factor C..... cO\ers the fea-
of both shon and long l..'Qnes (C~....... I ror ml..-dium-Iength cones). The value orc........ depends
all the dimensionless conicul shell length JXlr.ulleter

. .. (\3.25)

which is a comparable mcasure to the dimensionless Icngth of the cylinder (Eq. 10.1). incorporating
the radius measure os the geomctric mean of the rndii of curvature (nonnul to the cone) ot the two

.w; ... (13.26)

For short cones, defined as
(dro/f S 1,7 ... (13.27)

the correction factor is:

Blicli/illg o/SleeJ Shell.f - Ellrop('(m Desigll RC'C'O""l/erul,,'iOlrs

C•T....'" -- I• 36 - 1,83 + 2.07 1 ... (13.28)

"'hll, ( I'dn ,.. t I'ROCEO URI-: FOR 'III
For long COI1~. defined as

I'd.'W, "
:i!: O.S .......
[ '1 )
-'1- . .. ( 13.29)

the correction rile tor i~:

_ .
C ..... .....II, - 1.20 0.4O(d,,_ [.!L)O~'
IC"'P .
-~-- .. . (13.30)

Both equations n.-ducc to the corresponding Eqs 10.6 and 10.9 fo r cylindrical shel ls \~hen thc apex
halfanglc p approaches .lcro.

13.5 Flow charts for calculalion procedures

The following nO" chanl> may be valuablc to the dl.'signer in following the sequencc of calculations
required for c3Ch condition.

'1 lilt c.f or _ _

~ -..0 loy •
~ ulll rc.c. _ •
t.-..I - . bolh ... ....
...... r, IlIId dw ......... r,

......wllf~ ........
~ fOr die _ cnloai

Conical shdh.' cllld /nil/co/eli collical .\'hells //fuler ge/le,.,,/I(}{u1itf8

... (13.28)


... (13.19)
/!.:.l. I
r.<II'"...ImII') " 1IIkr " 1""u
, ~ I, L
~O.6 ... ( 13.30)


'- --
I)'lmdrical shells when the apc:tt
~' I
'''''''''''' obipI dln:k .mxdons 10 ..... ql'lI<icf
"t ~
~c:JII'ic<d ...... , tlIat f"""IlIrtlw~hd whrre
,he """011"..'..... "r
lbiprtlC'ridkxllll n........."'"
....,. - t 4r1apI huckl". i I ' - .. ""'" anal. TW
100loI.- choon .,11 ckpnd 011 .......... caw

;ng the sequence of calculations

- .
--, ., .---""'" .,
.......... ,r
- - ..
- - ....
or ........ imo. ...mell..... l In all .... _ ai, ...-...,
Ir...-d - .
boJth Ibc -a

• -
..... I!mchna ...........
.. ... -.IIoo!.-lI""""'r,
• .......

,.. ..,_lhe .............,

.......,.k ....... Mm._
"'-lot be ronooodc<ftl _ ,.,....,.. ~
" - _ r... the ........,...

.. ........ .. .
Thoo -.... ......idooMl """.1:1. .
_ """"Ill "" ,*,nunnl lOr

• ,
. . """,valent c~li,* 0Itt0fdi •


I T1Iew a~ oIInuld be IIppIIfd 0lIIy '" ...,•., WIllI boundof)r ,C*I,_OCI

In ..'htch ...,. ~ COO!d,_ .. flO
Of IIC2 .. hoIh'" T'hoy ~ ...... lor .-d ,." .......,

B/lcklillg a/Steel Shells - E"ropt.'oll De." igll RecomnumdllriOfIS


for _ ..... ~lmIDIr""","," 1 f .... mgft ~ 1Il1Crnlu." lOr _ ..... ... ,r"""
0._1 ~ "'- ,
compawon. .he equ'VllicnI cylmder III"" e,1hcr 1hc boundIoy roIId,hOns IJCI . , bod! nidi or Be:! .. boIh mds. ,he
d,_..,,: IOlkrA,.. eqII'Vllit,U e>lrndo" d'n~ ....y be IIM'd
I Land,. _[ O.SS'i +O' 4S'i ) 1Or1lftonor_
, ""p
I, [ ~,"jJ
" ) <O,S3i o.mjJ)and,. ~ O'11'l[~1 "--~osjJ

. . 1"*,.
Uld.l.......... c...d,
1On'OI'd. . 1<1 ~
pcri>mItd •• ~ poIn. In ,he aM of . . . ouKd by.
, c r.rosjJ "" !he rone. !he buc~~. IbIp
anwd OUI ..... lilt ICIqI . . . .
poonI whmt, · r. CO!>jJ To
--' ~ ' . ..,.
, [<'''-)(1 /."),.....
• 2rosjJ •
When: ,he t.",... nfaauoaJ ~ it caUKd by WIlen! m. cm:urnfcrenn..1 toftlIn'Mlon it allM'd by
P•• LSmjJ S O,H ..hhcbouM
_ odin' dINl unilOrm olmlal pn'IIUR'. lIIe llllifonn 0 ,"",,1 ..-... ... ,he ..I'm.hve pruR'lhn
.-blued _ _ dimiI:ouboa (Io,r,j(r) IhoWd be rqUmI ;. ........ ,be 1Nd1, . daopo clMck ohcaoId be arried ...
..... \he ..... ~oaJ
OCl .. badI .....
by. 1l<1l_ ............ _ _ ~ ,,--Ir)
..... ~ CM!ftdo 1hc .-.....c.I ....tue. buI .ftoch
_101 ..".. ITuno • flCllI _ _ 1Orm cx ....... """'"'",
The """klint Iinip (bed: ohould dial be camecI OUI
- a ,.u ""l~) ... be ~ r - •• -p No

K'ClOUnI " w.... or the mo:rod..-I ~ _

" " ' . " " .. + -o.u..... ,r..,.p) .1IIiIl«d by the Oll'l'lllli PftSIUR.

....., e.,.-... .......... be oppI""'OI'IiyID . .b.'JIh ~ ~ 8(1 or 0Cl .. 10(0 . . . lhe1 ~.ut be.-! 1Or .....1
...hdI...,.1!ooInIW) roM" ..... II("J

CO" ie,,/ sl,,!lI.\' (lilt! /I'lIIlell/ed {'U/tical s"ell.~ III/der gell(,rtlllQ(u/ing



t:J. I
.... 1'+'"
... ....., ...1Qrm ....1mOIIl . . . - "*
, "-~ --1 I,
('1",,1Ilmt II)hnd«-

" Ii -. .,;

I .. baIh .... 01 Bel ., boIlI C!:IIIb. 11M:

......- , <-'-
.. --- ~

• P, -

'- ..

, ['O"P]
•• 0.7Ir. - - - .. _ _
~P I'
. . r: -( 1+P, - . . !. . )'iOOSP

f r-
1I""~h.. dm", d ..d ...~urdUlll
III "'" C)I' ........ pnI«durr
.... ~a.. ~.Iho:...-.
r ' r,oosp

In ,he caw of ohnot ~ by. mMIaIII . . . . . ""'lilt

. . tho _ . ,he budd... d wk ~Id 1M'

.... ..... .. ....

amcocI OUI . . . . IIw: IICWII bpi _ t ...... II "'" Whm Il1o:: ....... It c.......d by Kt_ oilier ........

..heft " r. f;O~p . To""'-" • _ _ _ p"'-IlDIqIIt IMOdI ., • Pobol . . . '-" ..

" ~,
• "'" ~). 11M: QIcuIloICd ..""'" dlmibuhon ' .... "'.)

•_(_'i.e':') _,.)"
• ., p
.= P. JIIO"Idtd
ohauld be rq'IIII«d by • /kt"io\o ",.'clopi,. _
do .......... , .........(r)_~W~ .......
n'ft)""hm, ..... whtdI ~ ....: ~ • fOCl __
1JI<IbI1,,,,,,,,", The buc .. h,. dtsop dI«k ohould \hal be
- - . """,w ;"" It 0-.1 by 1. 51n P
, - ... _~.,.....m.n P. _ - - S 0,8""" the bcMUwyC'OCllb_.c ~ 0UI1OIi", t...I"-'r~l _ _ oh ... J:.pIO/Il

!II ...... o;Md; oIoouId he OUI

IIei.op (in:umlcrm ... 1
HCl: III bolch nods.

I:) . -
- ........
01 dot mend_I mo:mbnone _
1. _ _ • No I
l he doll" b,dh ... "'.-
ohoI&kI he ~,ntd IQr 1M
ftIUI'a .... C)I ..... 1ImJOd,.
10 tilt -.""""'" fOr .......

;t- ...., .....,


•p~ (1...,(1,

" "
.: ...... .,.(.)

, "l"IIcw r~ thould "" 1f'(II.... 001)" 10 "I~ ""III ~ rondJ_ OC I <w 1K'l III bulb ""lift. T1q' ohould .... he lOr. ~II
.... bock...,. ""'-*Y rondJuoo .. lICl

BllcKJi"1l a/ Sleet Sh"J/s - Ellropeall De.~igll Recam",t!lIclaliOlI.~


rrum. pwtK:UIar E3slingcr. M.. Kirkhorr. II ..

load condition dC's Progmmms H)-IB07:
a. p. ll.~ axinlsL.nunetniM:hcr lkla!;tu

l'Ummon p!'O«du~
r(]l" e,ety IuM! condition
Koller. S. ( 1980) Die Stabi1
Univer..ity ofGrtl7.

Krysik, R. ( 19'N) "Stabilitllt

Inncndnlck" (Swbilin' ofl/('f'J
4 • /a i"/emal pn·ulIN.'). In.-Ing. In
, 'I"Hi
I)arialmono. N. ( 199-1) "The
College London.

I)ariatmono, N. and ChrySS3n

ZI -P[~)' A~-~
pressed conical shell:. ",Ih \ 111

Rcsingcr. F. (1987) "Uni\emI

Colloquium on SltlbiltlY of PII
zr. ~
r. Seide. Il. ( 1956) "Axisymm
Ml'Ch .. Vol. 23. No. 4. pp 62Sj

Seide. P. (1962) ''00 the bud

pp 321 -328.

Schmidt, II. and Kryslk. R. {

axial C'ompression and inteffi31
".... )"[)[)[)'[
_ .t~...u
' ~,II.I
+ Clu

" + t ...u
t ..,I>l
>1 I Rc-design
Melbourne Dec. 1994. AABi

Schmidt. H. and Gremer. R.

Lindner. J. Schl'Cr. and II . Sc

Yumaki. N. and Tani. J. (I

k, - I.O+Z,'
Vol. 8. pp. 47 1-480.
k,- 1.0 + 1,'
k, - 1.5 .. O.5z/
Ir, - (I.IS

COlliCll1 fhdl\' olld /nlllco/('ll (Y)III(:ol ,\'hdls mICler g<'/U!rtliloadillg

ON 13.6 References

E..... linger. M .• Kirkhon: II .. Melur. II.W. and Tnclmann. E.W. (1980) "Thcoretische Grundlagen
d(.'S Progrumms F().fB07: Ocn.'Chnung der Beutlasten \'on duennw3qndigenRot3tion~halcn Ulller
a,ialszmmetrtischer Oela!>tungim clasti:.chen Bereich". Report KI' K-CA D 176. KFZ Karbndle.

Koller. S. ( 1980) Die StabilitlH der Kcgcl'>Chale unter Ausscndruck. Doctoral thcsis. Technical
_.............. "1 Uni \ersity ofGm7.

Krysik. R. (1994) "Stubilitlit st1ihlemer Kcgclstumpf. und Krci~lylindcrscllUlen unter Axial- und
Inncndruek" (Swbilill' ufS /lT/ /nlllc(I/{!(1COlliCII/ l md cyli"drical ,\/l(dh,. lIIKkr {uial compreuioll (mll
;II/erll{ll pres:'illr{·). Dr.- Ing. thl"Sis. Uni\'cr:-.ity l-'.sM:n.

Pari:\llllOno. N. (1994) '"The collapse of axially compressed coniclil shells". PhD thesis. Imperial
College London.

Parilltmono. N. and Chryssalllhopoulos. M.K. (1995) "Asymmelric clastic buckling of llXiully com·

.1'- AT pressed conical shell, with \'arious end conditions". A IAA Journlll , Vol. 33. No. II. pp 2118-2227.

RCO'inger, F. (1987) "Uni\'cl'SlCiflc Kcgc1schlllcn unter Ausscndruck Regelungs\'orschlag", ECCS-

Colloquium on Stability orl'latc and Shell StructUrl'S. Ghent-University. 6-8th April 1987

SeIde, I'. (1956) "A.,isY"lll1etrical buckling of circular conc~ under u.,iul eumpre:.sion·'. J. Appl.

I. .
......... ........ ,
MI..'Ch .• Vol. 23. No.4, pp 6250.628 .

Seide, P. (1962)'''00 the budding oftruncatcd conical s hells in lorsion". J. Appl. Mcch., Vol. 29,
pp 321·328.

Schmidt. II . and Krysik. R. ( 1994) "Stlltic ~trcngth oflmnsit ion cones in tubular mcmber:-. under
u.,ial compression and internal pressure". in Tllblllar $rmcfllre,'i VI, rroc. 6 111 Inl. Symp. Tub. Struct ..

~ >, I ',,",,1" Mclbourne Dec. 1994. A.A.Balkcll1a. RottcrdantiOrookftcld. pp 163-168.

Schmidt. II . and Greiner. R. (1998) " ErlauterungL'11 zu DIN 18800 Tcil 4" in SIlI"'''(IIIre". Eds J.
lindner. J. Scheer, and II. Schmidt. Ernst & Sohn and Bculh. l3crlin. pp 333-122.

Yllmaki, N. and Tani, J. (1969) "Buckling of tnlllclItcd coniClil shells under lorsion", ZAMM 49.
Vol. 8, pp. 471--480.

UfJflid-filied co";l'al shells sflpportedfrom below

14 Liquid-filled conical shells supported from below

Principal uulhors : G. Lagae. W. Guggcnlx:rgcr a nd W. Van lcarc

14.1 Gene r al

The rules of this chaptcr huve n long history. beginning in the extensive expcrimelllul and
computational work ofVandepitte and hb team in Gcnt inthc 1980s. The major rl.'sc:lrch elTon was
initiated by a serious failure \\hich WIlS in\estigulI..-d thoroughly. The research resulted in n set of
rules for stress design that fomloo an imponant pan of the 4 111 Edition of the ECCS

These rules ha\c here been IIdapt(..-d to thc ncw fonnat of EN 1993·1·6. and have nlsa Ix.-cn
e:.;lensi\ ely checked against new calculntions pcrfonned in Gmol.. They therefore hu\ e II \ cry
e:.;tenshe nnd sound basis in both lests and computlltional \erilications.

The buckling stress design concept of EN 1993 .. 1..6 is used for thcsc rules (sec Chapler 9 of these

14.2 Geometrical properties, notation a nd boundary conditions

14.2. 1 Type of 5hl.'11

The following rules apply to conical shells with a venital axis of re"olution und constulII \\ull
thicklll..'Ss. supponcd at the lower sllmllcr end of the cone. The thin walled conical shell fonns II
vesscl which contains liquid with spccilic weight ,' up to a height'" above the base circle of the
cone. The rules may ulso be applied to conc cylindcr C01l1binulions (Fig. b) or vessels \\ith
other 1I1eridional shafX.-'S provided Ihal they are concave lowards the axis of re,·olulion. The :.hell
above the fluid may be subjl.-Cl\..'d to un uddilionul :lxi:11 compression. It is assumed lhat the s urf:lcc
of the fluid is at atmospheric pressure and that no other loud case is combined with this fluid
pressure and axial loading.

14.2.2 Nota tion spcc:ilic to this chapt er

Blldding nISIN" S/I(' fI.\· ~ Ellropetlll ~igll RL'(.vmmem/alitJfJS
a ,ct.'tl design value of the aetl

r, q q geometric p:mu1)Ct;:r {1J1

geometric parumctcr {
q r
14.2.3 8ounda'1 eondilillll

( I) The following rules ~

liquid filled cones \\ith bound~
(paninlly or fully clamped)
. J_ , . edge. as defined in 13.2.1

(2) The upper edge of the

v may be ~tifTcned by sunn
,.' Igurt 14. 1: Gcomelri ...'S of liquid filkd cOl\!eall>hc1l~ (a. eOllleal 'hell segment. b. cone eyhnder which maintnin circulnrity bu
eombmallon) mmcment and out-of·plan\!
other.... isc the OOb'C may be COl
1: sclf\\eight (per un;t area) of the shell
h' height of Ihe liquid le\'(~l abO\e the base
" the axial length (height or venical distance) from the cone b.1'>C to the highest point on the
conc that is in contnct wi th liquid
I. meridionallenglh of Ihc cone lICgmcnI
p illlemal pressure parameter (lao I100.lRcr ) nt Ihe conc suppon
;; some as p. but including effC'Cls of sclf-\\ eight and roof loading
q roof loading (per unit circumference)
r radius of the coile middle surface. perpendicular to the axi~ of rotation, that \ aries linearly up
the length (3) The boundary condition
rl small radius nt the base of the cone the description in Chnpler 4
r: large radius at the upper end of the cone 4. 1).
rJ' blrge radius at the liquid !ourfaee le\el
thickness of the conical shell 14.2,4 G~ m e lr~

Q ", meridional elalotic imperfection reduction factor (C7.1Rd tT.I'Rcr )

fJ apex hnlfangle of the ,,'One ,
y' specific weight ofthc contained fluid
p non-<iimensional co-ordinate (rl r,)
iii statical-gcometrical parnmeter. depending on ~ or ~t : ratio of meridional to eircumferential "
membrane strCSl> at the cone suppon ( 0". II 170 , ) .) COital,·,. mf'ricY

; as iii. but including the effects of self-weight and roof loading Figure 14.2: bquld
C7.rRcr clastic crilical buckling stress of the unifonnly axially compressed conical s hell
I) The following ru les may
(O.605·£/Cf"P/~ ) vessels with other than \l
0"xRk characteristic value of the meridionallllelllbrnnc stress resistance at the cone suppon shapes provided the mcridllln
\\hich arc either straight or co
O"xRJ design value of the meridional membmne stress resistance at the cone suppon
axis of revolution (e.g. sphene
O"oa characteristic value ofttle acting eircumferential membrane stress at the cone suppon segments) aod the joining
C7OJ.;d design vnllle of the acting eircumfeI'CllIilll membrane stress at Ihe cone suppon connected tangentially \\ ltOOut
O",t Et charucteristie value of the llcting meridionnl membmne stress ot the cone suppon 14.2.8).

LilJllid-fillcti conic-tlll'hells slIPPorled from heloll'

UAEd design value of the acting me ridional membrane stress al the cone support
q f geometric parameter (Ian p.h/ '1 )
" geometric parnmeter (Itln p.h 'Iii)
14.2.3 lJoundury cundltlons

( I) The fo llowi ng niles lohould be used for /)(1;11;1/011.\' of 111(' howu/ar)' COllditiolfl' for

, ,.
liquid liIkd cones wilh boundary conditions Be I COllic{" ,\'/1('1/\' (Ire gil'ell ill ella/Jler I J,
(partially or fully clamped) or Be 2 at the lower logethl'r 1I';lh (I cUlI/mellta,)' ()II c(lre IItx'lkd
edge. as defined in 13.2. 1. if! if/lerprelillg tl,('/II.

(2) The upper t.-dgc of the conc (al radius r : ) rhe boul/dary colll/i,iOlI wi,II ( I jn'e upper
may be stilTened by suituble ring stilTeners edge (Be j), qllite IUllllrall.., re/u/es 10 Ihe
\\hieh maintain eircul:lrilY btll pennit rigid body 1(lhomlun' ~illl(lliul/ where Ihc'liqllid lc'n'l i.f
~I ~ment, b. cone c)'lmd.:r
nto\'emcnt and out-of·plane di"plnccmcnts, or illC.T t'{ued X"{It/llal(I'. dllrillg l e.(/illg, IIIllil Ihe
otherwise the edge may be completely free (Be 3). shell ('oll(ll1s("(, 111l'~e '~/x'Cifi(' (,(Jllt/itiol/\'.
together lI'illt th" s/x.·c:ific mcmbrcllle l 'II'f!Sl'
t/istrilmfilJIIs aloug III(' "I('ridiull IIm'e to he
cQl/Sidtn'c/ (l~ Ihe C(lIIse jor 'lie I1Il1rl.ed
a!JC to the highest point on the djffCI'l'/ICl'... ill imperjectio" lel/"i!il'ill'
helllll'ilJllr COlli/HIred lu cY/;'ldricul ur lVllica/
"heJ/., IIIKkr Mlmlur loadillX (lIId membrtllle
slre.u cum/itiolls (combil/{!t! (uiul
compreuioll mill ime,."al IJre.u.,re),
IloU'e1'l'r. the (1C11wl bolllldar), colldilioll ul
•rotation. thaI \ aries linearly up the upper edge \'irlllull)' pluys I/O roJco.
(3) Thc bouluhuy condition coI.h:s used follow
the description in Chapter 4 (SL'Ction 4.4. Table
4 . 1).

14.2A Geometry

?f mendlOnal to circumferential
II) COIICII \'(' m t' rldi a ll~
v I
'" -'

b) con \'t·~ lI\ erilJi a l\ ~

Figure 14.2: LlQuld-litlcd COlli cal shells \\ ith conca\/! and com ex mcridiolllli shapes
lIy compressed conical shell
I) The following rules 01.1)' also be applied to
vessels with olhcr than struight meridional
ICC althe cone support shapes prO'ided thc meridians consist of parts
\\hich are cither straight or conca\e towards the
1(' cone support
axis ufre\'olution (e.g. sphencal or toroid:tI shell
'CSS al the cone support segments) and the JOIning shell parts arc
Ihe cone support connected tangentially \\ ithout !oc\ ere kinks (Fig,
14 .2.0).
11 the cone support
Bllctlillg ofSleel Shellf - £lIroIJC(m IJe_figll Rt..'commelllk"iolls

(2) TIlc meridians lIIay not exhibit any kinks

close to the supponed lower edge.

(3) The following niles do nOi apply to Ircsscls

with mcridional sh:lpcs \\hich arc convex towards
the axis o f re .... olution (Fig. 14.2.b).

(4) The npex holf angle p, measured from thc Sleep cOlles. wilh (III aIJC.'· Im/f allgle p he/O\l'
meridional tangent ugllinst thc uxis of revolution 15". are e.rc/llt/ed from Ihe appliclItioll of Illese (2) The fabricntion quality pal
at the cone suppon is limiH.-d us follows : desigll rule.\" \ill{·e Ihere u,.e 110 reliaIJ/e leM be taken from Tuble 14.1 belo"
,.esliits or C()III/'IIUlIiOlUl/ ,.esliits {tmilah/e lor fabrication tolenlilce qun hty eta!
... ( 14. 1)
thesc gc.'Ometri('$. Therefore lite inrerpolm;oll
furmllia for the rtm}:e 0" ~ p ~ 15~ 1I-11;clI was
ronlaillec! ill l1Ie 4th editio" of Ih~
'flblt I
Recommefldatioll.v IIlI.v '101 hl'f'fI reltl;fled ;n lhi.~
5" Edil;(", of ,lte Rectlmlllendatic)//.~. This
g('OmctriclIl range lI·iII be row!recl whe"
relemm research n's/llts are m·(Ii/ab/e for Ihis
(5) The following nllL.., lIpply only if the
meridiolUll length L of the cone segment satisfies (3) The dimple fabricnl ion to\
the following condition: checked with panicular
circumferential strip abo\c th
L ~ 5'J:' ... ( 14.2)
conical shell extending O\er III
where (... denotes Ihe gauge length in the the meridional direction" here:
meridional dircelioll for mCl.suring initial dimple
imperfections in meridionnlly compression f rllt."f"k = 5(8X \I";lh I lit 4~
loaded shells (sec also Eq. 6.6).

f = 4J-r", ... ( 14 .3)

.' coo\" p (4) Geomctrical fabrication
r(..-spcct to gl01>.11 out-of ro~
checked according to Ihe fat
(6) The
fo llowing geometrical limi!Utions The lim;Wt;vm ill £"Ill/ue (6) o,.e nvt
Ihcorelit'olll' 1)(1:.('d, but ~illlp~I' correspond to qu:t1ity class (sec Section 6J·1
Ihe rallge of geomelric IHwtWICterf which lI 'en> - tlmm s.U

1:s; JO all(/ I, s; 10 ... (14.4) "sed ;11 the le.ft prog,.tlmme III I'lllldepitle et 01 d

14,2.5 Gcomelricalloleranc('S 14.2.6 Material

(I) Gcomelrieal fabrielltion tolerances with rhe dimple rolt'rtmce ",eaVl/res for till '1utllit)' (1) The folto\lring rules
rcspeclto local initial dimples should be checked classes sf1CCifiNI in Iluf clOII~~ /1(11·(' been assumption of clastic·pcrfcci
according to the rclc\unt fabrication to1crnncc adapted alld IIIade mo,.e reMriclil'c (h.r with Young's modulus E and ~
qunlity class (sec Table 14. I). approxil//{l/e(I' 1JI' 0 fi)r QIICllin· C/tI~S('S A lIlIt!
C) 11/(/11 the p,.C!iOIl.f I//('(lmre.f of Ihe 4th Edition 14.2.7 Actions
[\110.1" :s; I ~, . Uoma.. = - -- ... (14.5) of t"eve Recomme"dt,l;tm.\·. TI!i.\' 1",.\· m'ell done
. cosp lu lIIainlain (·OIllIHllihilill' between II/C_\e de.\igll
,."/e.\ ,mt! ,I/e llell' dt'./illitiOlI (ifquali!,l· c/{L\'!N.f
fa,. (uia/(v cOIIIIH·e.f.f('(/ CyliIllIriClf/ and cnnical
(I) The coni,.'al shell may b
filting with specific \\cighl 1
Liqllid-jilled collic{lI .I·hell.~ SIIP/XlI·'(."!Jrom Ix'loU'

sheik The lIell' Quulil), C/usses A tIIlll C

corre·vxmd IU Ihe Jormcr clfI.uijicali(1I/ uJ
"good" allli ",)OOr" colle.\·. lI'illl Ille
illlerm('llilllc Qllolily Clas.f B beillg (Kkk'll by
illierpolllliOil. The dijJerellces ill Ihe reslillillg
bllCklillg resisuII/ces are 1101 markl.'{1 Jor tlre.le
Ih/'('e q/lalily cI(un's ojJahricaliull and UII/IIIIIII
o"ly 10 less 111011 about 7f!o.
" WI IIjJe.r half Imgle P beloll'
II from 'he (lppliclIlioll oj Ihc.fe (2) The fabricmion quality p:J.rumeter Q should
rc:-e Ihae tlfe.' I/O reliah/e leM be laken from Tnble 14. 1 below for the sJ)(.'Cified
111111WIIIII rt.'.sllll.f (J""i/(Ihle Jur fabricution lolcruncc quality class.
TlII:1l!foN.' Ihe illlerpulaliol/
r(/IIKe W...::: p . .: : 15". wllicll 11'(1,\ Table 14..
1· Values of fabrication quality parameter Q
Ihe 41i1 ('clilioll of Ihe Fllhrictl/ioll
lui.f 1101 OCe.''' re((l;IIed ill lhi.f wit'rC//ICc De.fcripI/cI/I Q Uo_,
lite Rl'COll/lllc"dcllio/u. Thi.f Ollallll' CII/ss
,tg" l!"ill be ~O\·er(!(J 11"/1('11 A excellent 40 0.006
tit /"t'.fII/IS til'(' omi/tlh/e fur lhis B
hi .h
normal "I. 0.010

(3) The dimple f!lbrienlion tolerances should be

checkl'd with particular carc within a
circumferential strip above the support of the
conical shell extcnding over a mngc of 'tht:d in
thc meridiunal direction when:::

I r"•.orA; .. 5f g:( willI - 4

'g.r- ~'
,,,,p. ' ... ( 14.6)

(4) Geomctrical fabrication tolcrunccs with

respect to g10b.11 out-of- roundncss should be
checked according to thc fabrication toleronce
u i" dtll/SI! (6) are IWI
qwality elass (sec Section 6.3.2. Table 6. 1):
'lIt·,!. hili simp6' NJrrcVlOlld Iu
/fJIIII:lrk IHlramelerl II'hich lI'('re

"mol\ - "mm ... (14.7)
programme of VUlUh'pillc el (1/ d SU,..max

14.2.6 Material

erum:e nlC'(lSUrt.'~ for all qllalily ( I) The following rules IIrc based on the
'II /11 liI,.f cluuse hu\,(' bee" assum ption of elustic-pcrfcctly plastic material
1/11/(/1.' ilION! N!.flrlcI;\'(! (hy with Young's modulus E and yield strcssf, .•.
17"0 fur QU(lIi~I' C/asxes A (111(1
l'imIJ mt'dSIIN.'S tif ille 41ft Ediliol/ 14.2.7 Actions
!tr'I.'lIIltlliom n,;\ lULl beL'" do"e
nlptllihllil.\" belll·!'ell 11'C'.lfC' tle.~igl/
( I) The conical shell may be lo.1ded by hquid-
"t'll 111.'filliliOIl af qll(llily d lLIII'.1
"prt·.ut'd cylindrical 1lI1d (.'(mica/ filling with speci fic weight r.
self weight g and
Buddillg (11$(('('1 SheJJ.\· - E/I/YJpe(lll IJe,fig" R('COmmelldnriollf

axial loltd applied to the top of the cylindrical

shell (c:.g. from a roof) q (Fig. 14.1).

(2) The rules of this cltnpt(.'f apply if the (k.-sibttl The IimiratiDlu ill Eqs 14.8 (md 14.9 (Ire 110'
value of the internal pressure parumctcr fulfils thc ,heoretically jJwu/t.'l1 hilt correspolI(l f(J 'he
following conditions: range of luudillg l)(Jrameters which ",ere wlet.1
ill the test progr"'1/Im.! of Jlolldel,ille I!I of
0001 S PRd ... (14.8) (/980).
• h' '1

Pf(d S 10 I" IIII! desigll lJI'I)I.:edllre. Ihe merieliolllli

... (14 .9)
h' '1 t.:Jlflrac:ter;SI;c buddill!: HrellS u;fRIt if gil't!ll hy
Iht' fO",t'r hoImd of experimental bllckling
stresses ohlll;"ed from mCIII.I' IlImdrl'l/s of lests
Oil .~impl.l' :rupporl('ll ctmical models ""Illl' of
four differem malerials (Paridm!ll.f el (II..
1987). Tilt, b",ilCllioll 10 PRd!(~',.J90 is
based 0" llil' rtlllg!' of lliese tests. I" tI few
",yl"r 'e~1 C:O/le,\', the IX/I'(III/eler I' Rt'! ( ~' ",) (2) Whcn thc Ic\cI of thc liqui
re(lel,,:d 1'lI11It.'.\ CIS high "S 10. axial length of the conical .. he
(3) The follo\\ing OIles apply only if the statieal-geomctrical parumelt
additional contribution of self "eight and roof obtained from
loadmg is less than or equal to 2()C'~r the total
\ ertlcal loadmg or less than or equal to 2S·6f " . (I +c, )"
the hydroslluic pressure loading contribUlion. with
nlis condition can be clCprc!'lM:d in tcnns of the
dl'!'lign values of the acting meridional membrune ,, : ~<,{( 3- 2:'.)<2+<')+ .
compressive stresses as follows:

U xt:tig + U xF.dq S O. 2(u rEtlp + U ,1:'<4: + U ,I:, Iq)

... (14. 10) ,
~ lC tun p .'"-
or equivalcntly

u,El", +u,Edq SO.2SU~E. ... (14. 11)

(3) When the liquid ..L
cylindrical pan of the rest.'noit
h' of the liquid is larger than
14.3 Characteristic acting stresses and resistances
the conical pan thc St:lIiClil gee:
Vi should be obtained from Eq.
14.3.1 C h:tr:lctt'ristic k~l' \'1I11H~ oflilress
JI'_ -_.
1 <.(( 3- 2-" ) (2+<)+-/.
6 h' h
(I) The magnitude of the acting meridional The musl mlflll'll/ choice of II sIre,,,", Ihal
membrane compressive stn..-ss at the cone suppan elmmcteri.fe.f Ihe comph'fl' slre~\ ~ /(I/c of 'he
due to hydrostlltic liquid pressure. self "cight and
roof loading is used to characterise the acting
,ftnK'tllrt' re/t./I£'.' ro Ihe lowl lY.'rtical foud Oil
II,e siruclllre: ,hal i.~ Ihe liquid COlllelll ('orr;ed
~=llInp ·-

stress stlltc of the stOicture. This key value of lhe by Ihe COliI.' + M!/f weighl + roof loculillg. Tile
c - (', .",
... , +c, .w... , -c, ' j'
acting characteristic meridional SlfC!o.S is directly liquid COII/Cllt corrit'll by Ih" coile (:vrrespomb
proponional to the total \ cnical load. \\ hich is 10 Ihe liquid cOlllelll Olllsitie Ihe cyfit/der uJ
,- (1 +<, );;
eurri(.'(! by Ihc continuous circumferential suppan 1',
radi".\' (gre.l>-.'fh(u/c'l/ (Iroo ill Fig. 14.1). The
of the (."Oniclli s hcll. including thc slnlctural mogllilllde (if Ihe meridiollal memhrtlll"
configunllion and pan ofthc liquid content, (,o",pr£'~'~'iI'f! SlIl!~~ al Ihe coile .fIIPIHJrl is

Liqllid:/il/I.'d cO'liCtlI\,lte/l.~ slIpporloofrom IJt:lall

prol'0"iollal to this IOIaI l'('rliClIl 100ICI alld

... (14 .12)
tlu'f(.jorl! if CllII IK' dif('('/6' IIsed (IS lI,e Al~'
m/llt! ofS/r('Sl' for Ifte 1)I'('SI.'III proble",. 0" lite
f Eqs 14.8 and /4.9 an! 1101 mfter halld. Ilti~ qlu",rjlY aIm direcllJ' gol't!",S
wkd bill com'vxmd 10 Iltl! lite hlld/illg i llSllIhililY abo\'/! IIII! lIlPP(J/"IS. 711('
paraml!ll!rs whiclt were IIs('l1 magI/iI/ilk uf lite meridiollal mcmhnllll'
:rlllnnH! of I'umJ..'I)ille £'1 "I ctJIllpre.Hil't.' l'lI'es5 (1/ llie cone ,\up/x)/,l lII'i.\e,\
m tile SIIIII (If three cO/II/Xlllellls: hrcJtY),\/(//k
fiqllid P/'('SS/"'I! (YJ. sl.'l/-lI'eiglll (If lite
JI,/K'('dllre, Ille lIIel'idiulIlIl llmel"I'e (g) lIIul addiliOllal roof lom/illg (q),
"kllllg Mre.U CT rRk i\' gil'l!lI I)), Thl.'l'e COlltrib"I;O/U' {WI.' repre,w' III('t/ by lite
I of 1!.lperimellwl bllddillg IHII'(I"'cter.f W'Illd p, For COlliCll1 sltell fOl'ms
'/rom mllll.l' '''lIIdreds of le,\'/f I!tCll.' /Hlrllllleler.f (IN' explicilly ~/H'cifi(>d in thi.\
!ned cOl/ielll m()(Ie/.f mlllk of tk'~igll IJm/JOWlI, Far shell forms 011,1'1' thlill
7Itlleriu/s (PClridtU!IIS el 01 .. c{micill 5/1ells (Pig, 14.1.ll) Iltest! /JOrall/clcrs
iltJliOlI to PRJ/(~".J~/O Lv mll.\l IH' i/U:lil'id"a/~\' developed for elK}'
Vlge of Ihe\/! 11.'!i/S, I" II fell
, lhe pummeler PRJ/(h''1 ) (2) When the le\ cI of the liquid is lower than the
axial length of the conical shell (thuS hit') the
IS high as 10.
statical- geometrical par,uneter ~ should be
obtained from
... (14.13)


Vi=-·'· " ) ( 2+, ') +-

1 , (( 3- 2-
6 It'
") --,',
I!' 6
1 '(3 +,')
.. ,( 14. 14)(u)

, , :: tan p ,-
" ... (14.ISX.)

(3) When the liquid surface is in the

cylindrical part of the reservoir lind thus the ic\cl
h' of the liquid is larger than the axial Icngth of
thc conical pan the statical- gcometrical parnmelcr
Wshould be OO13ioOO from Eq. 14.13 \\ilh
i' = .... ~.((3 - 2~l(2+~) +~)
6 ft' h'
.. (J4.14Xb)
'Ilftll cooit'e of (I .\Iren Ilwl
.lte complele .nrt'Ss SUlle of Ille
1'5 10 Ihl.' wwl l'('rliclIl '()(I{/ 011
.hal is lite liqllill cO/llelll corri/!,I
self lI'eighl + roof 100Ulillg. Thl' e .", +e .", -e .",
CO"i('(/ by Ihe oolle cQm'spo"ds c::"""-' ... (14.16)
, (I+e,)",
colltl!lI1 mllsi,k till.' cyli"dl'r of
'-s/wdl.'d (lr/!a in Pig. 14.1), Tlte
r Ihe lIIerit/iOlwl lIIellllJn/lle
,tress UI Ihe cOile SliP/XI" is

Ol/cAiing ofSted Shd!!, - Ellropt'llll Desigll Recommendatiolls

-,, -_(I+-
-)- p
LSin- ... (14.17)
/I 21j Ij

- I Lsinp
\I' = +- - ... (14.18)
• r, 14.3.4 Elastic buckling pana
c. •
... (14. 19) ( I ) The eltlstic imperfectIon
be obtained from

c = -q- ... (14.20)

, , 'II Ij a.",. =0.50.(1 1.50)(,.n
p .'
' ~-

(4) The hydrostatic pres)ure pa.... mctcr (dcsign For II/e I/Iai/l '()(l(/illg C{l!>e afpllre hrdrosflItic
value) should be obtained from pressllre locu/ing (i.e. ill tl/e absellce of .,·elf-
-Pu (I+ c, )pu ... ( 14.21)
weight alld roofl(){J(lillgj, c, '" c, "" c, "" c, "" 0,
II,e ful/oll'illg simple reltlliulI,~hi/J.f fur the

... (14.22)
- -
\I' "" \I' allli p =- p .
l'UillCl of Ihe JX,ramelen,' hold:

c _ !..em.. tsinp ... (14.23)

, - r ' II (2) Thc tabneatlon qu:ahty para
taken from Table 14.1 r.
fubrication tolcruncc qu:alit)' cll!
14,3.2 Elastic uitieal buckling resistance
14.3.S Plastic bucklinA pan
( I ) The cluMic criticul buck ling resistance is Ti,e dlllmcteristic hllck/illg ,\'lrl.'U ,f/x'('ijier! in
given by the clastic criticul mcridional buckling lhi,f chapter i,\' hoseti OIl Ilil-ge ,\'(!r;e.f IIf bllckling
stress of thc unstifTcncd conical shcll undcr tesls (Vlmtiepillf! et al. 191m). The jbrmol ( I) The meridiontll squash
meridional compression and should be obtained repn:sel/laliOll of the bllckling formlliae has Au. the plastic runge fac tor p. I
from : been dUlI/ged, COII/P{llw/ to the 4th r..ililioll oj exponent" should be taken as:

CT ,~
= 0.605 . £1 cos/!
... (14.24) - -
the Recollllllell{lulion.\', by ;IIlmt/IIClion of the
parame/ers \I' lIlIti p . The lulter (illlel"lw/
pressllre JXlrwneler) a/!Jo "I)pears ill other
;"~ O. 20:

p = O.60: I{ ~ I . IHI

Thc rel:ati,'c shell slcn,

should be dctcnnincd from;
related cllses of {Ixit/lly compresu't/ cylhulrict//
or collic,,1 shell prob/em.f w;lh co- exi.ftem
illle/'l"'/ pressllre. Til(' swhili::illg 1.'ff~1 tilll' 10
jlllemo/ pressmi::ulioll i!J ItIkell i1ll0 acCOIlI/t by
A ~::
lite explicil l/epcllt/ellCJ' of II/e ('/{u /ic
imper/cctio" jiK:tor Oil Ihe II(m -llime'lfiOlIOI 14.4 Buckling st reng1h
hydrmwlic l)rCSHlre INlrllft/eler p .
14.4.1 Design bucklin~ rt'Si!i

14.3.3 l'la"ltle rcfer('ne(' resi"llane('

(I) The mcndiomll com
buckling stress should be obtai!
(1) Thc plastic reference resistance is given by
the chuructcristic valuc of the yield stress of thc
lIlutcrillland should be oblainL-d from
Liqllid-jilletl conical.thells slipporu'tlframlJelol\'


14.3,4 Elastic buckling pari meters

(I) The clastic imperfection factor Cl'J'I' should The elll,\'lit: il1lpetj£.'cliull Jucrur oJ Ihe liq/lld
be obtained from fillcd L'lmit'lIl lhell d{'pemJs 011 'he mm-

p u)
dimelll'i01wl Itydro-sltllic presslln! IH/rall/e,er
p {md 01' a filrlher geometrical purameler
p (which correspollru IU Ihe ralio of
'"' , Ian
Ihe lewd of liquid-fillillg uhow! 11/1.' COliC
tkkling C(lSf of pllN! hydrostatic ... (14.26) slipport 10 the rmJilis of the f,(/Se circle).
Irg (i.e. ill the uruelK"(! of self- Liqllid -filled LYJllical shells behm'l! dijferem/l'
r loadillg), t','" t', "" C, "" C. '" 0, I\'illl n!Specl 10 bllck/illg. cOIIIIHlred 10
simple re/ariollsllips Jor the LT/illdrical .\'11£,1/., IlIIder axial cOli/pression "ml
lIes of 'he IHlrameters llUld: CDeri.flelll illferllal /Jressllre. Ti,es/! It/ll,.kcd

p. difference'\" are dlle fo fhe speciol Jealll,.e.'; of

this lotldillg case \!"hich art! maill~11 wllsed by
fhe possibililie.t ofglobal ill.,llIbili/l· (fn'f! Ilpper
t'l/ge ewu/i/ioll). alld lire local mriafion oJ till!
membrane .\·Ire'ssel- udjm:ell' f() ,he .fII/I/KJI·t:r.
(2) The rubrication quulity pammctcr Q should be
taken from Table 14.1 for the specified
fubncution tolerunce qunlity class.

14.3.S PllIstic buckling panlmeters

I/i(' bllckli"K l'/rCSS sJK'Cified ill
ouscJ all large serle.t of bllt'klillg
( I) The meridional squash limit slcndernessIII "'mosl till ,lte lesfS 111lI1 were /H!r/brmed
te el til 1980). nUl formal
of Ihe bud/mg furm ulae has ..l,. . the plastic runge factor p. and the imcruction
elaslic b"ck/ing occurred alld 1/01 ellQlIMh dOIll
exponent '1 should be taken u~: werl! oW/i/"hle 10 deduce Ille pltUfit' bllt'klillg
rompaml TO the 41h fAlilioll of
).,-0.10: p.O.•O: '1 1.00 fX,rWllf!lers. ThereJore. Ihe m/llc.t Jor lite
... (14.27)
'Ju1;Ons, by illfro€Jllc timl of Ihe
axiall.l' comprl!.fSf!d IInslijfc'II£'d n/inJer wcre
and p Tlte laller (illlertllll (IlJoplt'll This if recommentk'tl ill 5<>(:/ioll 8.6.1
(2) Thc rclati.. c shcll slenderness pammcter
"eler) aIm alJpeor, ill olher should be detemlinoo from: oJ E.V 1993-1-6 (1007) alld sho/lld "·tlll 10 0
( {trial/.!' cvmpre.\.\"I!d t'ylilldrical
ell problems wilh cO-f.'.;rislelll
reo The swbili:illg t'ffi.'cl dlle 10
"i:atioll is /lIkell imo CIl.'LYJlml by
.< = t·'".-" .. Co/Llen 'afll'/! design .


(h1Jelldt'II(I' of Ihe clastic

M'TOr 011 Ihe 1/Q1I-(lil1lellSi01IOI 14.4 Buckling strength verification
rsllN' parame/er I) .
14.4.1 Design budding resisflmce

(I) The meridional compmsi .. c design

buckling stress should be obtaim:d from
... (14.29)

Budding o/Sleel SheJ/~" EliroPCllII De.~igll Hl!COmmellda'iUlls

... (14.30)

(2) The buckling reduction factor Lv> should

be obtained by the procedure in 9.2.2 using the
buckling p.1rmneters given in $<.-ction 14.3.S.

14.4.2 De~ i !.: n \ alll es orthe key lIetin!.: 'Itre'lS (5) For conical shelb. Ihe de
gl'QlIletrical pal'llmeter h' (,
(I) The design value q.u of the key acting vulue is It'.) should be oblUJ
stress due to the action of liquid filling. self fO llowi ng three cond it ion~
wcight and roof loading should be calculutl..-d different possibihties or po;
fmm Ihe charncteristic values of the loading lc\el (design \ersu~ ehal'llctj
parnmeter. the load factors. and the geol1lCtrical to Ihe transition bemL'Cn thl
p.1rnl1leters as follows: shell gl..'QlTletries (Fig. 14.1)
- ... (14.31)
({I +~'.)' _
, .( 1 Y,
(2) Two alternallve rnethod~ of lnad increase are Two lIltenmliw' bllcklillg (.·h(.'Cic...; ('till he canil·d <•
po!>!>ible in vcnicat liquid IiIk-d lanks. i.e. 0111 1\hi('11 relale 10 Iwo allemat;I'e me/hodY of ~ r,((~'t+I)' 1
volume increa!tC (MellllH.l I) and increase of the 'flcreasiflg Ihe liqUid lood' 1'0111111(' increrue 01 - +-'-''''-'--'--;
speci fic weight of the liquid content (Me,hod }). /lXed specific ,,"'eighl (Melhod J) or SJX'Cifil' ~l ' 3{1 +)'
The~ methods should be checked as follows. lIl!lgllI increase al/lXt-oJ liqflid \'OIl/me (Metllud
whichever applies in the real pructical situauon: 2). Then! hl'O melhods of louditlg ('OrrevxJ/ld 10
I (3.;' +2<
Y, (r,- )3(1+<),
'hose of the 411t Ediliol/ of lite
H(!('Omme"daliOlls. By ('xplid/(l' prodding IIt('se
IMYI melhuds ,ltcr(' shQllld he .wJ/idcflt jle:ribilih-
10 IIIcel all)' prt'~/icol silllmioll.
(3) Melhod I (6) M el/tOtI}:
The resulting dl..'Sign "alue of the internal The load pan.ial factor r, 31
p~!>urc parameter Pu !>hould be obtained from or the value of the spt.'Cifie \\1
(' " J)' ~ (/CasP)
-Pu "'Y.· In this case the de~ign n \
... (14.32) parameter should be ootuincd

Pu (T,r.')·h'.
~ ("""P)-
(4) The load safety foetor r f applies to on The desigfl \'Ollie of 'lte parameter h' (lllc a,lf.,
Increase in the volume of the stored nuid. l'erliL'al dislUJlCI! belll'eell lite liquid leI'''' alld
Consequently. the depth of the nuid must be Ihe plalle of Ilti! (Vile ·\IIP/JON). dCpi!IItis ill a (7) In the case of other than
modified from Ihe charncteristic value associated 1I01/1i1lear nUIIIII!!r Oil Ilf/! aclioll JX/rlial faclors 14,2.a) the design \lJlue h'J
with the parameter h' to the design value h~. 011(1 Ihe geoll/elricol J)(l/'(llIIelel':J'orIhe cOIli('ol panlllleter It' (characteristic
shell. Thi!J' de_\igll m/lll' .,hollld be ca/cilialed ill
The design vulue h~ should be introduced into obtailll,."<i uccordrng 10 the 1,11:
,~II('h 0 wo)' Ilml it oorrc.'IXmdf 10 lite Sil/wliml
the buckling d~ign procedure in place of II: oflhe specific meridIonal !>hap
Ihatllte de.fign \(IIIIt! of Ille liqllid I'O/Ilme !Uored
wherever il appears in the buckling design ill Ihe laflk is faclorelJ by 'lte actioll JXlrlio/
fonnulae (Eqs 14.14 to 14.23). fa(:lOr r, applied 10 II,e ('lmf'Ol:leristic m/llC uf 14.4.3 Dudding strt' n ~lh \
Ihe liquid Ivlllllle (i.e. VJ - r,.·V.). Three
po.\'.\'ihililie.\ mllst he disliflguished: (I) II should be verified Ih:lI:
((I) where the (·har(K"fl'ri.flic and dc.~ig" I'allle_f q :.JSG"dIJ

Lilfl/idplled collieal shells sllpportedfrom belo",

of'" lire both smoller thtlll the height" of the

COllielll part,
(b) I"e c/wr{lct"rislic \'{Iflle of h' is ,nllaller hilI
1"£' design l'allle of'" is larger ' '(111 the height"
of Ihe col/ieallHlr' alld
(C) Ihl! d/{/r{WIC";stic lIlId desigll I'lIll1es nf'" lire
holh Iw].wr Ilwn Ihe "eight" of III" conical fHlrI
oftl1e t{luk.
(5) For conical shells, the design "ulu..: h~ of the
g".'omctrical p.1rnmeter ,,' ("hose chllrnetcristic
value is h',) should be obtuincd from one ofthc
following three conditions, according to the
different possibilities of position of the liquid
le\el (design versus charuetcrislic) wllh respect
to the trnnsilion beh\ccn the cone und cylinder
shell geometries (Fig. 14.1)

h'l. < 11'.01 < h (killk 1/01 reJem/ll) (a)

/lud/ing d,ceD CUll ",. (.'urried
to two a/temat/\'(· ItIc'lliods of
qllid IQQ<}' I'O/I/me ilK'rease' at lor (h)
·d!!.ht (Met/uxl I) fir vJt.."f.:ijic
at fued liquid 1"OIIIme (Melhod
'Ihods o/Ioading correspolld to (e)
f' 41h Etlilian of Ihe
1.1. By t~rplidtfl' providing Ihese
....' shollld be! sllflicielll jlesibilih' ... (14.33)
fica/ .filllatioll.
(6) Melllml2:
The lood p.1nia1 factor YF applies to an increasc
of the value of the specific weight y' of the OUld.
In this case the design value of the londing
panulleter should be obtained with
-Pu=(Yry',)·II',' ,1/ (""'fJ) .. ,( 14.34)
fie' of tlw fH,rameler h' (the q~

hetween Ihe liquid In'el alld

CO/Ie support), depemis iI/ a (7) In the case of other than conical shells (Fig.
!r on the aclio" p"rtia/ factors 14.2.a) the design value h'oI of the geometrical
it"!l! parameters 0/ the colliwl JXIrumeter h' (ch3rnclcristic \aluch'l) should be
1 mlue sh()uftJ he calcltfated in
it rorrc.fJXmdf 10 the .~/II/{/Iifln obtained according to the geometrical JXIrnlncters
~/ue of the liqllid I'oillme slored of the specific meridional shape.
~torf!d hy Ihe actio" p<trtial
'd to 'hI! characteri!jfic mIlle 0/ 14.4,3 lJuckling slr('nglh \('rificlIlitm
me (i.e. VoI"'y"V,). Tllree
/Ie distinguished: (I) It should be verified that:
IOrUf:leri.\l/c ml{1 de.fig" m/ll£',v cr,u s cr,y ... (14.35)
Bllck/ing ofSreel Shells· EllrolJCall Dcsigll RL'CommemlnriOlU'

The elTects of self .... eight and roof loading ha\'e

,'.H . 'i
to be suitably taken into account .... hich means
" '" ICOSP IIIternal
Ihlll the modified parameters VI :Ind p Imve to a,,,.,
be introduccd into the buckling design proccdure,
instead of the basic quantities and V for pure p H~dro~t alk liqul
hydrostatic loading (sec S(."Ction 14.3.1).
When the level of the liquid
14.5 Extended commentary the 1i(IUid IS larger than the
14.45a and 14.47.
14.5. 1 Section outline
• Distribution of meridior~

' .~(13
This extended eOllimelllary provides useful equations for determining the membrane stresses and
dimensionless parameters. These ~tresscs and parameters are nI!CdL-d in the design procedure u <!,oj., - r '·H.-
tcosP 6 (
dcscri1x.-d in Sections 14.3 and 14.4 .
The fonnat of this design procedure in $L"Ctions 14.3 and 14.4 is completely dilTerent from the one
in the 4111 Edition of the European Recommendations. Guggenbcrger pcrfOnllOO a step-by-step a .,..,.-" =-
a ,6,
6 II' .; J
transcription ofVnndepiue's origmal design equntion (as in the 4110 Edition) intO:l new fonnat. The
relationship of the new buckling desib'll fOmlulmion to the original fonnulation may be found in
Lagae and Guggenberger (2007). with a demonstration of the complete equivnlence of the two _P'!!.[3[ (I+~'f
fonnulations. 6 p'

14.5.2 Membrane section rorees • Magnitude of the III

(r ='iom1p ::o l)
The meridional membrane compre"5i\'e stresses and circumferentilll membrane tensile stresses due
to hydrosullie internal liquid pressure. self .... eight of the conical shellnnd additional roof io.1dmg
(i.e. their distributions along the cone meridian and the magnitudes at the cone support) ure a ,,1' r,l I
-= r , .----'---.-.-
ICOSP 6 r,
presented iIlIlUll- dimcm·iOlwl form . Abbre"lations

II l.sin p
,: \an
P. -h' amI ~:Iall p._=-
... (14.36)

When the liquid surface le\cI

r.' II', r.' r: II
.:1.-= I + tanp ·- = I+ ~ lIlId 2;;;.:1. =1 +lun p ·--=I +, ... (14.37)
'i 'i 'i 'i 'i If' i { (3 +';') .... ith.;' tn
The first pan of Eqs 14.36 and 14.37 is valid when the bel of the liquid surface is in the conical
pan of the shell, thus ii' = h: the second pan of Eqs 14.36 and 14.37 is vlliid when the level of the When the liquid surface le\
liquid surface is in the cylindriclIl p:ln of the shell, thus II' ~ II . liquid is larger than the n.'(ia'l

p- -
, ... (14.38) - I h h
'" = -~«3 2- X2 ~ .;) -)
~ 6 If' · It'
r~ r,' r. ( I +~')
....... '" .:l. . .:L = _ _ when h
, r, r, r, (I +~) ,
hnnd ........ = ....... ·...... "' - - when II ~ h ... (14.39)
r 'i r P r 'i r p

a ...... ,.,. 0,605 · ElcosP/ 'i ... (14.40)

Liqllid-jilled cullical shells !mpportL'lijrom below

y'. /I. ~
-- ___,,-,,~,,,~p~
- internal pressure parumelcr
P ... (14.41) H)droslalic liquid "rcss urc

When the level of the liquid surface is in the cylindrical pm1 of the rcsel'\'oir and thus the level II' of
Ihe liquid is larger 1han the axinllength "ofthc eonc, then '"' must be chun8"'(! into, in Eqs 14.43,
14.45a and 14.47.

• DistribUlion of meridional membrane compressivc stresses

"r. (~)-f
[~ -+~.....,..:J.-). [ ') [~-(~)')J
19 the mcmbrune stresses and . r I r. "r-r. r,
dcd in the design procedure 0'<£,0(., = Y ./1. _ _ .- -+2 - 01 ... (14.42)
ICOSP 6 h r1-Ij r /I r: Ij r

lplctcly different from the one

~er perfomlCd a slep-by-step
dltlon) imo a new fom\(ll . The
fomlUlation may be found in ... (14.43)
lplctc equivplcnce of the two

• Magllltude of the meridional membrane eompressi,'e stress at the cone support

(r=ljondp I)
membrane tensile stresses due
ell and additional roof lo.1ding
Ides PI the cone support) arc
O'".,,=y.• _Ij_ ._--,
I h'
[(.)( ( ) 1 ()')
3 ...... - 1
II r.
/I Ij
or ... (14.44)

0'IT"...., . P'((2+q,).(3~+~)-.2
6 II
let +n').E..,( ~
/I 6 \
+'q )..l( l- 'q)j) •h)
... (14.45a)

... (14.36)
-q'((3 - 2-h) (2+, ,h
6 ".
)+- ) p''P

Whcn the liquid surface le..,el is lo .... er than Ihe axial length of the conical shell (thUS h h,
... ( 14.37)
- I'(3')
+, ' hq=lan
Wit ' ph'
liquid surface is in Ihe COnical
7 is ' -ahd when the Ie' cI of the When the liquid surface le"el is in the cylindrical part of the reservoir and thus the If:' el h' of the
liquid is larger than the axial length of the conical part (thUS h- ~ II )

... (14.38) - I II h. "

'II = -~«3- 2--;)(2 + q) + --;) wllh '" = tan P-
6 h h Ij

... (14.39)

... (14.40)

Buckling u(Slee/ S"ell.~· Europeall lJe,figu ReCUfl/f1/elldaliUII.\

• Distribution of cireumferenlUlI membmne tensile stresses in the (:ollieal pun of the shell

II r r. ) or
-.....,......... ... (14.45)
II'r1 - Ii • Mugmtude of the "n,"n~

... ( 14.46) Roof l{Jading (in

• Mugliltude ofe;reumferentiul membrune tensile stress at the cone suppon (r :li< /j ami p = I)

hJ p ... (14.4Ha)
• Dis inbullon of meridio

", "
The value of Ihe nOli dimensional e;rcumfercntiul membrune tensile SlresS nl the eonc suppon
coincides wilh the internal pressure panlllleler.
• Magnitude of the mend;
An ultemative expression for the mugnitude of the membrane comprcssi ... e stress UI the COliC
support :
" -- ~
q r, q
when the liquid surface level is mthe COllical part orlhe shell (It It, ,I,. teosp Ii leosp
Y ' /j+
3 ) Uin p
• Circumfe rential membnu
a" = ...(14.4Sb)
""hen Ihe liquid surface Ic\'c\ is mthc cylindrical pan of the shell (h' :1' h ) " ... 0

I{ /j + _
P)+(II- ")(2/j + '/lUll P) Dimensionless m,
a ,rl' r''' tun P' L"--_-'J~.L__~____ ---l ... (14.4Se}
In this M."Ction the non-di
An ultenlUti\'e expression for the magnitude of Ihe circumfercntilll tensile stress at the cone support :
arc wrillen down. based on II
y" "'i lo.1dmg in comblll31ion "ith
a jlj "" ...(14.48b)
temp dimens ional "ilh I'C\J1I.."C1
compressIOn. 5£lf·\\ t'ight of tht' COlliCliI shell lI)drostatic liquil
• Distribution of meridional1l1embmne compresshe stresses
_a ('i)
a r =-.
" . ()
I sh.(2P) (,) ( ,- I )
g .:.L
[[ I+L';"P
' 'i
]' I1p ... (14.47)
Whcn the liquid surful!c bc

• Magnitude of the meridionallllembrane compressi ... ..: !>tress 111 the cone support

a tl
- , '
!i. ')
'1 -
I !i.. I
g t . sin(2p) [( +-,-,-
.)' I )_ g ~. I (2+
1 Lsm P
I sin(2p)
LSiIlP ) L!>m p
'i /j
Whcn the liquid \urfoee IC\I
liquid is larger than the a"(iul

... (14.48) h
2E. X2 .:)
, h'
• DistribUlioll ofeircumrerenlialmembrune t":II!>i1c !>tresses

Llqllid.fillctl cxmicu' s"d's sup,KJrtedjrom bclo\\

g r.
cal part of lhe s hell
(Tit (r ~ = -t11np·r~g:l.tanp ,p ... (14.49)
• I I
... (14.45) • Magnitude oflhe circumfL"l'Cntill1 membmne ten~ile stress utthe cone support

... (14.50)
... (14.46)

14.5.2'" Roof louding (Indudina $('If-\u' ight of Ihe cylhulrlclll UIII,('r IIl1rt)
~ppon (r:: 'i 'Illd P '" I)
• Distribution of meridionnl rnClI1bnlllC compressive stresses
... (14.4Mn)
I + Lsinp

c ~trcss at the cone ~upport

(T (r) :::_q_ 5.. ",, _q_. 'i ... (14 .51)
t£j tcasP r teasp p

• Magnitude of the meridional rnernbnlne L'Omprcs!>i ..e !>Ire!>!> at the cone support
lipre5si\c SITCSS al the cone

... (14.52)

• Circumferential membrum! tensile stresses

IT""" :: 0 ... (14.53)
h) Dimenslonll'Ss m('mbra n(' section forcl'S lit Ihe sUPlmrl for co mbined IOllding
... (14.45c)
In Ihis section the non dimensional membmne stress components al the le\'cJ of the cone support
~il c stress Al lhe cone s upport: nre wri nen down, bnS(.'(! on the fonnuille of the foregoing !>l'Clions. i.e. for the case hydrosl!1tic liquid
10•.'lding in combination wilh self weight und addi tionnl roof loading. The pammelcr is nUlde 1I0n-
... ( 14.48b) dimensionAl with respect to the eln .. lie criliclil buckling ~tress u ...... for pure meridional
compression. I-I,)drosililie lillUid prl'Ssur(' ( r 'li)

... ( 14.47)
When the liquid surface le..'el is lower Ihlln Ihe a.'(illilengih oflhe eonienl shell (thus" "1
¥' = -~1'(3 +~ 0I ' h{ '
Wit Inn ph'
l'One support 6 r,

. I ( 2+LSlnp ) LSinp When the liquid surface level is in the cylindrical pan of the reser..oir and thus the le\el h ' of the
liquid is larger IhAn the axial length of the comcnl part
sin {2p) 'i 'i
... ( 14.48) tanp
... (14.54)

Buckli"g o/Steel Shells - EllropL'lJII f)esigll Reromm(!"doliolls

1""... (,,( ;; ... ( 14.55)

""~ Sclf"cIAht(g =,.. ~l )

. I Lsinp
= +-- ,,
"""(") - (r~
a, ..,
"'p' -'--=.
I ). +
lAin p
L,;"p L,;n p - -
- - )--=p,c'l(I
2 'i r; "
... (14.56)

p - ICOSP a,,.
... (14.57) When the liquid surfacc lc\'cl
- I
\If =-;'(3+;') "ith.;' Roof loading q 6
When the liqUid surface leH
L,;n p - -
- - ) -p·c'li'
liquid is larger than the 3.."ial
p. -9- ) .( 1+ ... (14.58)
( ,'Ur; 'i "

... (14.59) Summ ar') Load combination

In the case of combmed l~

... (14.60) additional roof landing inSle
IP may be simply replaced b:

... (14.61)

The following p..'lrnmeter substitutions hold for the more gcncrul ca!>C of combilll..'d lo.'ldlllg: hydro-
liquid pressure combincd with self weight and additional roof loading:
SUll ie

;:p.(I+c,) ... (14.62)

;;-V·(I+e,) ... (14.63)


... (14.64)

c. _ ~. /sinp ... (14.65)

'-,' H

C _ c,
... ( 14.(>6)
, - (si np)'

c ._9- ... ( 14.67)

, ,'Ur;

Liqllid-fllled conical shells slIpponedfrom be/ou

- -_( I+
LSinp) p
... (14.55) I" - -LSin
-- ... (14.68)
• 21j 'i

. I
\I' '" + - - -

... ( 14.69)

... ( 14.56)
-p= , _'II .:1..
f q
... ( 14.70)

... ( 14.57) When the liquid surface level is lower than the axial length Of lhc conical shell (II==It,
- I
IjI ""6c;-'(3+ q ,) . h q ' :: Ian P .'"-
Wit ... (14.7 1)

When the liquid surface levd is in the cylindrical part of the reservoir and thus the Ic\d II ' of the
liquid is larger Ihan the 3xiallcnglh of the cOnical pan
... ( 14.58)
- I h h . h
Y' =-q«3- 2-X2+q)+ - ) With ,-umfJ- ... ( 14.72)
... (14.59) 6 h' h' Ii

14.5.2. 10 S ummuy

In the case of combined lo..1ding (hydroslalic liquid pressure combined with self weight and
... ( 14.60)
- -
addi tional roof loading inSIC:ld of pure hydrostatic liquid pressure loading), the parameters and
'I' may be simply replaced by p and VI inlhc buck ling design fonnulae (Sections 14.3 10 14.5) .

... (14.6 1)

: of combined 1000dmg: hydro-

... ( 14.62)

... (14.63)

... ( 14.64)

... ( 14.65)

... ( 14.66)

... (14.67)

BlId/illl( ojSleei Shell.'1 • EllfTJlWUn De:":ig~'.:.~R:ea::::m='m:e:m:j:a='i:OI:"=--_____________

-PEiI ' "',I )~

=(Tt· ("""PI
14.6 Examples usR,r
a.rEf/=~·PEd·GIR.r 2.22
14.6.1 Tank of a colhil)Scd ,uler hmcr
- . 13nP:.O 354.1.235
Ptd' r ' ' ., 44
~d ~.

The lo\\er p;m of the conical lank ofa sleel wateNower that eoltupM!d \\as thicker Ihull ils upper
part. Buckling occurred in Ihe thinner upper [lnrt. The meridional membrane compressi .... e ~ I ress al a ",, 050 .(1 1 ,50X~anp.
the bottom of the thinner pan was due primarily 10 the water content. nle self"weight of Ihe conical
.,..., Q ~~

lank. orits loroidnlupper IXlrt and of its spherical roof contributed lillie to the membmne stress. The
membrane SII'CloS at the bottom of the thinner p.'1rt wns cn1culnted as 77.7 N mm l \\hen the ~hcll
A. '"
JaI -P 1/1lt "" 0,379..- 09
1- 0,6 '
aelually colla[lS<.-d. This stress was found for the water depth" " 6215 mill.

A:;::'lITlling Ihlll Ihe Ihmncr upper P.1rt was constrained 10 remain circular and ",us ::.imply supported Z" -P(''p -.lo.lo)' 1 0,<
at its 10\\ er edge. and that the relevanl fubrieation tolerance quality was Class A. Ihe follo\\ ing dala
and calculations nrc rcle\UI1I: U _lRt "" X'GtRp! = 0,404·147
Technical Data
G.tR.1 =asRJ. r\l =.59.6 1.1
r, - 3800 mll\ E 196200 N mm! Y:9.81. 104t N mm'
I 8 nun f,. ~ 190 N mm~ "k ; 6215 nllll a l ,,« "" 123.3 = 2.28
a,R.1 54.2
".. - 1.5
Mcrjdional bucklmg resistance
, , The design n..--qUlrcmenl for 1'\1
" .,.
V4 - l u + l n ""Jr·'1-· I'J. +2·Jr·('1+ - 3
Itt·mnp ). "k- Innp
2 The lohell actually collafbed'

V.(- = 3.14.(3800)2 .62 15 + 2.3.14.(3800+ 6215· tan 51°) (62 15)2 . Ian 5 1° Method 2
3 2 u s E,, =- I,5 ·77,7 '" IlfI.6 N n
282. 109 +953. 1091235 . 109mrn 1
".(- =
~;,""tanp·'id l 'l 1:m51°·(
G~ YA'''~ :.9.8 1·10-{) . 1235. 109 ,.,. 12110.10 1 N "" 12110 kN - -,r,·
I , «3-2-X
" 2+<,)
,,,. 6 ~I
9 T '" ,
ut.k- n rA·ll
9.RI· 10-{)·953· 10 "-77.7N/mm 2
I - 2,T'I"cOSP 2.3. 14 .3800+0055 1° usRpI'" If 2,111. ...
0,1t« .. 0.605· 1%200 · Ii· cos 5: " 3800 157.3 N nun1 ~1 +1f+1JI . I

Melhod I r---~~-
,. JaxRp/. 136,3. 0,9'
a xRr:r 157,3
" S _,
Ill. .;.
I (~rF((1 +!O',D1- 1) + I - I) ""-., I (~1.5«1 +2.02)3 - 1) + 1 - I) '" 1.209
2.0~ - ( 'h' )1) (I COS,
Pt.iI .o:. YrY,' J
IIj :. I. 209 ·1,;' .::. 1. 209 ·62 15 '" 7520 111111 a,l,r
- 1
Illnp _ 0 440 . ,235
.;~ - lanp .h,1 '1 = lan51 °· 7520 3800= 2.44 PEd ' r' -, ., 02
- I , ,h II i "I ~.
If' -'~J ·«3-2-)(2+;,1 )+ - ) = -· 2.44«3 - 2)(2 + 2.44)+ I) = 2.22
6 II' Ii 6
",, 0 50.( I_ I,50 tan P .
a ,lRp/ - J -If' -, ./ '4. .,. JI'" 222' ·190 "" 1..17.7 N nuu-,
2.22 a
- '
1+1f'+1f'" + ~.~~ +.

;.=J~-'-I!e!..= 147,7 = 0.969

A. ""
I -P
l /1e
"" JO.40 1
1- 0,6
usR" 157.3

Uqllid:filled col/leal sllells Sllf)po",edfrom belOit

-Pt.a -- ('
r" · /',1
' )'i (ICOSPl _9°1 10'
.n · _ . 3800 (S ·cos51 °) -- 0. 3<.
· 75'0 ....
G'fRcr 157,3
- - ,
"(;JI .. VI ' P ;JI . G' ,'Rc,. :: 2. 22 ·0,354 ·157,3 '" 123.3 N/111m ~
- p 0354 1, 235 -0 179
-,-=, '-,--- '
' II _.44
>Cd was thicker than ib uPI>cr
150 lun p - ~.I"(I.UlOl 0 50(1 . i,50 i,235 . 354)o.lJm' ~J -_ 0 37"
'mbrnne comprcs!oivc stress at ~
40 X 2,44 '
rJ.,.."" 0,50.(l - .....!--Q X-;::-'P I,j ) '" 0
The sclf. weight of the conieul ~ .. ' •
e to the membnllle !otrcss. The
; 77.7 N'mm' when the shell A.
:: Ja.
lle _ 0,379 ",, 0974
1- 0, 6 '
Ao < A. < A.,1 .:::) Cftl.llic- ploMit:
: I-P[ l - ", )" - 1- 0 6 .( 0,969 - 0.2 ) ' = 0 404
1M and was simply support/,:d .r l
_ ,. ' 0974 - 0 2
15 Cilfu A. the following dm"
" ,Rt :: Z , u:CRpI "" 0,404 · 147. 7 59,6 N/mm2
u J(Rd :: azRJ: I r J,I :: 59,6 / 1, I ., 54.2 N/mm2
G'(F.I/ :: 123,3 = 2,28
a zRd 54,2

The design requirement for stress limilillion (7 014 <; (7 <u is IICII fulfilled .
The shell actually collup5(.'<i 11\ Ihis condilion. It is evident Ihnl Ihe assessment is conscn ati\c.

51 ° Method 2
a XEfl :: 1, 5·77,7"" 116,6 Nfnlll12
, ;, "" tun P'/'tl / 'i = tnn 51"· 62 15 / 3800 - 2.02
- I · Ir · 111
'" = 6 ""' «(3 - 2 ",)(2 +'1/) +- /1) "'6" ,2,02«(3 - 2)(2+ 2,02)+ I) "" 1,690

VI 1.690 .,
arRpI- l ., .~." e J 2 · 190 = 136,3N/nlln-
,,1+11'+"'- 1+1,690+1 ,690

a J(RrT
d llll ;< 136,3 ",, 0.931
_ 1,209
liEd =' (r,.,.r" .lid) ') ' (I cos P) :: 1,5.9,81 . 10-6 . 6215 . 3800 / (8 ·cus5 10) =0, 440
axRc,. 157,3
.., . 1flnP ... 0 440 . ,235 ", 0269
I Ed ,"d • 2,02 '

150 tnnp - l.n.. . • ..10 1 1,50 I,235 . 0 440)··ll~I·!·::: 0 401

.., 050·(I- -'Q- X- _
, · /, u ) j) ,., 050(1
40 X 2.02 •
~, ' ,

1 "" Ja:c~
p I- P
=- JO.4Q1 = 1003
1- 0,6 •

Hllcli/ill8 ojSree/ Shells· ElIrOI}(!{I/I Design Recommendatiolls

q~ =lanp " ;,, '1 ;umSI"·8

Z: I- P[ ,1 -<0 )":1 _ 0.6 .( °·931 0.2 ) ' : 0.454
Ap <0 1.003-0.2 - I, " '
Y' =-'qJ ·«3 - 2- X2+Qd)
, 6 /I'
axlU. -= z·atRpI : 0.454·136.3 = 61.9 Nmm-
, a¥RpI- IP 2'/1"=-
axRJ '" a .•Ra, I YIf ; 61.9 / 1, 1= 56,3 N/llllU- JI+'I'+IJI ,

t7d·F.d = 116.6 : 2.07

. 1. = t7,"Hpl ", JI53.6 =0.69
t7s Rcr 315
t7~·H.f 56,3
- ( ' " )~(ICOSP)
/JEd ""rk"J :=
The dl.."Sign requirement for stress limitation t7WI Sa.u is not fulfil led. t7xRcr

The shell acnmlly collapsed althis condition. II is c\'idcnt Ihm Ihc as~menl is again conscrvali\c. a .fElI = "i·PEd · t7,Rrr =2.61
The rotio a rF..1 is higher for Method I than for Method 2. This is also found to be the casc in the - Innp - 0 0990 1.235_
p", - - - ._- -
axRJ ',j' 2.73
following examples. Mcthod 2 is evidently slightly less conscrvativc than Mcthod I .
a ... 0 50'(I _ I,SOX lnnP .
y.' Q,~
14.6,2 Improved " ersion urlhe lank In Example 14.6. 1

Thc conical WIlier tank is assumed to havc thc smne dimensions as in Exnmple 14.6.1, except for ilS
Ap =r'' ' I-p :r,31]
1-0,6 :0,8
Ihicknl..'SS. which is now taken as t 16 mm. It is again assuml-d thaI Ihc rclc\ anI fabrication
tolemncc quality is Class A. When the water is at overflow Icvel in the tank. = 6985 111m. iti, Z:I - P[ApA- <0Ao )"= 1 0.1
produces a meridional thrust of 825 kN pcr m circumferencc at thc lower edge of the conical shell.
The buckling strength should be checked. axHk =z ·axRpI =0,563 · 153
a A·Rf/ = a rRlt 1r.u",86.51.1
Tcchniep! Data
r l- 3800 mm E'" 196200 N/mm1 r'= 9.8 1 · 104l N/nun ' a xF4 := 8 1.2:: 1.033
1 - 16 mm [.. ~ 190 N/mTl11 n.-: 1,5 a .tRtf 78.6
p 5 1" "k '" 6985 111111
Meridionnl bucklin!!, resistnncc The dcsign requiremenl ror '
, , within the error bounds oflhe
., , hA • tan P Iii Inn P
Va, '"' '''' +Vu "' ff·'1-·",,+2·JI'·('1+ . 3 ). - 2
Method 2
"a, '" 3.14· (3800)2 .6985+ 2.3.14. (3800+ 69~5· tan 5 I 0) (6985)2 . Ian 51 0 a~Ed = 1.5·51,6 .... 77.3 N nu
3 2
"t -3 17 . 109 + 1264 .10 9 9
= 1580 ·10 mm J q~ '" Itln p.hJ f 'l '" lan51 °· 1
- I · h •
Gk = rae .V... : 9.81.10---6. 1580.109 = 155OO· lolN = 15500 kN VI : '6 "11 ' «3 - 2'h'X2 + 'If)
, 6 9
t7 t H -
rae ' ''p.. =
9.~ 1 · 1O ·1264· 10
- 5 1,6N/mm
. 2mj/ ' cosp 2 ·3. 14 ·3800· 16·cos5 1° a;cRpl "" J VI 2'/'1*"'·
a~ltu 0.605 . 196200 · 16· cos 5 1° 1 38~ 3 15 N/mm 1 1+,,+11' '

Method I
;.:/,'Rei :J'43.5
t7x Rcr 315
= 0.6'

h~ : '!"(~r,.«1 +q,)' - 1) +I - 1)_ ~(~I,5«1

I,... ~t ... _7
+2.27)' - 1) +I - I): 1.203
II;' == 1.203 · "k '" 1.203·6985 :: 8400 mm

UfJllid:fillC'd conical shell., slipportedfrom /wlow

,~ ::: tan p.,;" / '1 ::: tan 5 1° ·8400 / 3800 '" 2.13
VI -
,, ·ltl
.«3- 2i()(2 +''')+Jj) :6-. 2• 73(3 - 2)(2+ 2,73)+ I) = 2.61

(TxRpl = J VI
., 'flli: J1+2.61+2.61-
2,61 ., , 190 = 153.6 N/mrn2

A: U:dpl = ~ I S3.6 = 0.699

(TxRcr 315
PEti :::: (rt .ltd) rl / (tcosp) =9,8 1· 10 6. 8400 . 3800 / (16 ·cosS I0) - 0.0990
u xRcr 315
- - 2
ssment is again conservative. UxF.J "" Ip • P F.J ·uxRcr = 2.61 ·0,0990 ·3 15 = 81. 2 N/mm
- 1.235
o found to be the Cllse in the PfA" - , - "" O. 0990· - - : 0. 0450
,,, 2.73
1an Method I. 1 50 1 235 '
a 1 50 P )tll'l'
: 0 50.(I--·-)(~·P ' '0 =0 50(1 -·-X-·-·O,099Ot '~"·' :: 0.313
' .• ,

.... . Q ,; u ' 4 0 2.73

A. =
I- P
= J0,313 = 0,885
1- 0,6
)0() < A. < A.p ~ elllSlic - plastic
14.6.1. except for its
Ihal Ihe relevant fabrication
I Ihe lank, Itir ::c 69H5 mm . it Z=I-P(Ap - ..10 2-)0() )" _ 1_0,6 .( 0,699 - 0.2 ) 1 - 0,563
l"er edge of the conical shell.
axRk = Z,uxRpI "" 0,563 ·153.6 =86.5 N/mm2
a xRII :: a .IRk / rM = 86,5 / 1. 1= 78. 6 N/lIl1n-
a .rtAI =8 1. 2 = 1033
a , ;Rd 78. 6 '

The design requirement for stress limitation a,TAI S u..., is nOI quite fulfilled. but this is cenainly
within the error bounds ofthc method. so the requirement may be deemed to be salisfied.

Method 2
uxul = 1.5 · 51.6 '" 77,3 N/mrn2
,~ = tnnp .,;" / '1 = tan5I O·6985/3800 ... 2.27
=_.,,, h ·h l
·«3-2-){2+'d)+-) '" _. 2.27«3 - 2)(2+ 2.27)+ I) =-1.994
ii' II 6
II' 1,994
aXRpI""l ., 'f,* J ., · 190 = 143.5NJrnm-.,
,,1+1p+1p- 1+ 1.994 + 1.994-

A. "" Ja{Rpi =l43.5 =-0.675

arRcr 315

BliCk/illS o/Sleel Shellf - Ellropenll/Nsigll Reoommel/{/atiolH

-pru -
- (r,.··",·
'/')'1 (/oos/1) -- 159
. .8.
110-"6985 . 3800 / (16 · cos51 °)
IJ .. 0.123
u.RCf" 315 Melhod I
hd (~
PEd. la~p
1 235
= 0.123 . .
"' 0.0670 hk '"
":, =1.170·",
,* I II


1.00 I ,;, - tan P";J '1= laIl45°,

= 0.50 '( I_ I.50 ) ( llIn /1.p )CI.IJ5II'
Q,~ I;J
fJ I ;;: 0. 50(1 _ 1.50)(~.0. 1 23)o.I1~I'''''' ",, 0.33 1
40 2.27
I .
="6"11 ·«3
2-)( Z-+ ..'J)
' "
'p= Ja.!p('
II 1_ /1 JO.33
1- 0.61 ;;: O,91 0 '-" I '
"0<11 < lip =>('(lSIIC-p asflc:
I '

;PI_P('<-.lo)' '<p - .lo

. , _ 0, 6(°·675 - 0,2), = 0.598
0.910 - 0.2
tT.tRJ.: =Z ·tTxRpI "" 0. 598 · 143. 5 :: 85.8 NImm-,
er rRd "'tTxRk 1rM ", 85.8 / 1.1'" 78.0 N/mm 2
UxEd ::~. PEd ,uxlk,. "" 10.7
tT rfd '" 22:..! "" 0.991 -p . tan/1 -0.01 61._~,...
UxRd 78. 0
£d' 'd 6.67

The design requirement for stms limitlllion tT.' lJ S tT.1U is fulfilled. a.,.. 0. 50.(1 _1.5° xtU",p.

14.6.3 Water lank

A conical vessel is filled with wilier. 1lle buckling strength check is 10 be undcnaken. The
.< -
p -
r v, -
1-/) -

1- 0.6


eontriblllion of the self-weighl of the conical tank to the membrane slress al its lower i.-d ge is ;r ,_p('<).,. -Ao)'
u .rRI; ;;; Z ·U.•R,H '" 0.582· 22{
T hnical Data
r,a 1000 mm E - 2 10000 N/mm1 y': 9,SI · IO-O N/mm' u _fR., = u,R! r" = 133.1 I.
, - S mm h'l - 240 N/Ilun 1 h '=- 5700 mm tTr&1 = 124.2 =- 1.026
P - 45° Quality C luss A ", - 1.5 tT:cRd 121 .0

Meridional bucklj ng ch«:k

The design reqUIrement for '
h~ · tan/1 ) . I~ Ian/1
V.t""",n''l-.h.t+2.n'(Ij+ - 3
2 with1n the error bound~ Oflhl

~clhod 2
Vt '" 3.14.(1000)2 . 5700+:2 .3. 14 .(1000+ 5700 ,:"45 ) (5700)2; lan45°
u,EJ",1.5·81.7 122.5'1rr
V.t "" 17.91 . 109 + 296 . 109 _ 3 14 · 109 mm J
;~ - tan/1 ";J 'I ta"45~, '

Gk '" rio' v. : 9.8 1· 10-6 . 3 14 . 109 - 3080 · IO J N '" 3080 kN

y"VAl _ 9.81 ·10 ·2% ·10
-", -8 1 7NI
2n'1"oos/1 2·3. 14 · IOOO ·8·cos 45° - ,
a"R« - 0.605 · 2 10000 . 8 . cos 45° I 1000 z 7 19 N/mml
- '
Ij/ "'0
6' '11

·«3 - 2'h-)l) +;J )

Liqllitl:filled Mllicol shells slIpparlf!tllrom belo"'

c!..l.l 0,123 Method 1

h~ =~(~rF«1 +;,i.)3 _ 1)+ I -
"k ;,
I) __'_(~).5«(1 +5, 70)3
1)+ 1 -1)= 1.170
":' = I,170-h, ",, 1.170, 5700 ... 6670111111
;;,=tanp";d ' 'l tan 45°,6670 1 1000 6.67

"II~ " • I
-I · " , hI
0.123 .... =0.331 VI = -';d ·«3- 2-)(2+; ,)+-) ~-' 6,67«3 2)(2 + 6,67) + 1) . 10,74
6 h' f /I 6
VI r 10,74 ?40 229 N/mm2
t7., Rp '-l 2'Jrt = J ,'-
Vl + ¥,+¥, ' 1+10.14 + 10.74

l "" ~axHpl = J229 =0,564

CTIRrr 719
PEd =(r,i. ,hd)'1 ' (tcosp) 9,KI , 10 6 -6670 . lOOO / (S ' cos45°} :r 0,0161
a .INrr 7 19
uxfA = ¥,. Pu ·axRcr '" 10.14-0.0161 ·1 19 124.2 11111112
- lanp I
PEd'- - = 0.0161 - - - - 0.00241
;d 6.67
150 ,onp - "')~hl··1 150 I .11~1.ll
a -o O.50·(I--'-X-"- ' p ) (I = 0.50(1 --'-X-·0.0 161) · .til :: 0.209
... Q;~ E.J 40 6.67

). = JaN'!
p I -P
:: ~0.209
1- 0,6
= 0.723 l < ..ip;:)da~tic plti.~'ic
'k is to be undenaken . The
e stress tit ils lower edge is x.'-p(<p<-;.-;. J" . , _ 0,6(°.564 - 0,2)' . 0.582
0,723 - 0,2
t7,dU = Z-uxHpl=0.582,229 133.1 N/mrn 2

om' t7.Nd::t7,rNk ' rM =133.1 / 1.1 121.0N/mm 2

a .,f41 :: 124,2:: 1.026
aXNll 121.0

The dcsi&'1l requircmem for stress limitation a ".J S a ,u is not quite fulfilled. but this is cenalllly
within the error bounds of the method. so the reqUIrement may be dccmL-d to be satisfied.

II' Method 2
u(£d "" 1.5-KI. 7 ", 122.5 N I1In1 2
;~ ~ tan P.I;J ' 'i :: Ian 45°. 5700 1000 :::: 5. 70
- I · h · hl
¥' = - 'Cd ·«3-2-)(2+;d)+~-) z __ ·5, 70(3· 2)(2+5.70)+ I) ,.. S.27
6 . h' 1/ 6
VI R,27 ,
a "HiN :: , · /1* - 2 . 240 :: 225 N mm-
JI+¥,+VI- ~1 +8.27+8,27

BlIdlillg o/Steel S"el/.f - E"ropeoll Design RecommendatiOIlS

.l= t'ReI F25

7 19
G. :: 9,8 1·10... ·2400·10·
V.I:.h'WrI.I = ".t
P£d = (lJ;' ri '''d) '} '(tcosft) - 1, 5 ·9.81 · 10 -6 . 5700 . IOOO / (8 'cos45°) . 0.0206 uxEI: = 9.81 .10- 6 . 1696. 1
u,RIT 719
- Innft I U:.Rcr = 1),605 , 2 1'1JO(1O ,16 ,1
PEd'-- = 0, 0206 ·--:= 0. 00362
~d 5.70
I 50 I"'P - OJ1~1.1,.) 1 50 I OI'~I" I
a ::050·(I--'-V_"_",) (J =050( 1- -'-V-·OO"06) , ' .... = 0"" 1
~ '" 13n45° · - - = 1.200
.,.. ' Q 1\ ~~ I'I~ • 40"5.70' - .--
A. = Ja fPC: =
p I- p
J O. 221 .. 0 743
1- 0.6 •
A. < il. p ;::) elastic - plastic ~.t
, 9000
= Inn 45°·--:: 1.800
" 1,0 h~ = 1.5-(1.5 - 1)' (J.l.200
Z=I-P A Ao = 1_ 0,6( °,560 - 0,2 ) = 0,603 "k 3( 1+1.:
( il. -Ao ) 0.743 - 0.2
":' - 1.351·9000 = 12160 mr
ufRA: = Z , u xRpI = 0.603 · 225 = 135.7 N /mm2
, 6
Vd ::3. 14 ·(5000t ·6000+-
u,Rd = u .fRi rAl = 135,7, 1.1 "" 123.4 N/mm2
uxF.d . 122.5 ",, 0.993 V" =3600 · 10' mrn J
:: 1.5· ' ;
uxRd 123.4 - -<> 50
P£d ::9.8 1· 10 ·12160·-

The d($ign requirement for Iitl"Cliili l imitation t7>LI !S: t7.u is fu lfilled. • 0 12160
~d - tan 45 .- - = 2. 43
Mcthod 2 is again sl ightly less conservati ve than Method I. 5000

a =0 50 . (I _ I.S°H~
14.6.4 Cone-cylinder (ombin l1l ion (Fig. 14. Jb) :qlt!' 40 2.'
The wall of n reservoir ta nk consists o f a conical shell above which there is II cyl indrical shell
u WI =9.8 1. 10.... ~='=G
16·cos 45
whose height is 4m. The buckling stre ngth is to be checked.
=73. 1 N/mm1

Tcthnical Data
r l- 5000 mm £ 2 10000N/mm l Y - 9,8 1 . 1O.eN/nm,J aeEd =-
r'lI Ii'}
-- --- -
9,81· 1
I oftheconc - 16 mrn t of the cylindcr .. 8 mOl ,,= 6000 mrn ICOSP
It· ,. 9000 mm q 4. 13 N/mm };. - 235 N/mm 2 ; . axEd::: 73, 1 . •
1 387
II = 45 0 Fabriclllion Q ua lity Class A ", - 1.5 IU9EdI 52,7
rllN/=77. IO 6 N/mm J 6000
or ~=tnn45°' 5000 = 1. 201
The snow loading is included in the roof looding q acting at the upper ri m of the cylindrical (XIrt. 1.387
The roof rests not onl y on the upper ri m of the cylindrical shell bUI is also supported by a central
sleel shaft. t7xRpl = J I + 1,387 + 1.3872 .

. . J' 57,O =0 739

14.6.4. 1 M,.,it!irmu1 huclili",: rlll'eli ....e1f-li·l'ight Ullt! roof-Ioat/it" ar(' lIeg/t'fft.t/ 287 •

2 6000 . 6000 ., A.
- Ja~
I- P
= ~0.337
1- 0,6
.. 0.'
V.t =3. 14 ·(5000) ·6000+ 2 ·2·3.14 ·(5000 +2000)+3. 14 ·(II OOOt ·3000
Ao < A. < il. p ;::) elastic - plaJ
V. - 2400· IO' mm)

Liqllid-filled conical shells slipponedfrom Mlo""

Gt "" 9.81·10 ' . 24(X).I 0' = 23600 . 10 1 N : 23600 kN

9 1
VA:./(HV '" VA: -3.14 ' (5000)2. 9000 = 16%· 10 mm

5°) .= 0.0206 t7.rF.k : 9.81 . 10--6 . 16% .109 ' (2 · 3,14 ·5000 ·16 ' 00545°) = 46.8 N/mm 2
t7.rRcr :Ell 0.60S · 210000 · 16 ·cos4So, 5000 : 287 N/mm2

Mcthod I; increase of tile volume V oflhc liquid

OJJ~ j . I I
«I ",, 0.221 ,= tan4So.- - : 1.200

' A: '"
· 9000
13n4So.- - = 1.800
h1· : l
1.5_(1,5_1).(3.1.200 +2 · 1.200 ) = 1.351

". 3(1 + 1.200), -1.800

h~ : 1.35 1· 9000 = 12160 mm
... 6000 · 6000 ...
VJ : 3.14 ' (5000,- ·6000+ 2 · 2 · 3. 14 , (5000 + 2000) + 3.14·(11000)- ·6160

Vol '" 3600·10' mm J = I,S·V. = 1.5 · 2400 · 10' mm)

p~'" '" 9.81·10--6 · 12160 . 5000 / (16 ·cos4S0) = 0 183
- 287'
· 12160
~J '" lUll 45" . 5000 '" 2,43

1 SO tun 45° O.IlS(I+ I )

a xpt! - 050·(1--
, ' -)·(--
40 2, 43 · 0183)
' 40 - 0337

u,U/ 309 81.10 6. 5000 .1-.
12160 ({I 1000 + 1).(3{ 11000 _ 1)+ 6000 ) - 2 . 6000 (11000)1)
:h there is II cylindrica l shell , 16·cos45" 6 5000 5000 5000 12160 12160 5000
=73, 1 N/mm 2

UOEJ '" - r'lI ,,'I = 9,81.10--6 · 12160 · 5000 = - 52, 7 N/mm2

m (COSp 16'90545°
; = u .TF.J = 73, I = 1.387
6000 - 1.200 6000 6000
or '''' tan 45°· - -= 1.200 => VI - --«3 - 2--)(2+1,200) + - -)=1.387
5000 6 12160 12160
er rim of the cylindrical pan. 1.387 2
U.rRpl = ·235 = 0.668 · 235 : 157,0 N/mm
is also supponed by 3 cenlral
+ 1, 387 + 1.387 2
l : lS7.0 = 0 739
287 '

l : : JQxpt! ",~O,337 = 0917

p l-p 1- 0, 6 •
Ao < l < lp => elastic - plas/ic
811ckllllR tljSwd Shcll.\· £/lrtJperm De.fign Recommendations

Method 2 is again shghtly I

r>l-p( ).,.,lAo)' )~
1_0.6[ °·739 - 0.2)1,0 =- 0.549
0.917 - 0.2
urN! ::: ;('C1 r HpI = 0.549 · \ 57.0 .., 86.2 N/mm-
a IRf l :J£ C1 IH! 'If = 86, 211.1 = 78.4 N /lllln-
Calculation of the Stresses III
- self-weight of the conical st
a,u "" 73.1 ",, 0.933
U ,u 7R.4
",E" ~. ,;n(2P) ([ ~ J'
The dl'Sign requirement for stress limilalion a ,lJ SU,1tJ is fulfilled . ,
(1'14 ~-g·7· tnn p -77· \1
Method 2: Incrcu!>C of the \ulue of the specific "eight l' - roof-loading including the s
uJI::d ... 1.5 · C1',rU '" 1.5 -46.S .., 70.2 N/nlln
q=4,1J+77·IO 6. 4000 . 8 0"
/JEd '" 1.5 ·9.81 · 10-6 .9000 . 5000 (l6 'co!o 45°) - 0.204 --.~
q ,., 6.59

h'J - 9000 mm ~(J Ltan45 0.:: 287

tcosp "i 16-c<b'
uOEtq ::: 0
-self-weight and roof·loading
150 tan 45 0 0.13S(1~)
a . 0.50 ·(1 --'-) -(- - · 0.204) . . . 0.356 1.478+ 1.282 =2.7611
uxEir =
:qw 40 1.800
a m =-0.385 N mm '
_ y,.,,'!td'l 1,5 -9,8 1. 10 . 9000 . 5000 585NI 2
GOf;J - - ---- - - . mill
tcosP 16 · cos45° The stresSCll due to the ~If-'
~ "" ::: 70.2 1.200 or liquid-filling. Therefore the 50
l"OEdI 58.5
6000 - 1.200
'''" tn n45°·--:=. 1 .200~1p' ""--«3 2 6000)(2+ 1.200)+ 6000) . 1.200
5000 6 9000 9000
uxRpI "" 1.200 .235= 0.629 .235:: 147.8N/mm2
JI + 1.200+ 1. 2002
;.=JI47.8 ,., 0.7 17

;. =
Ja ~I'" = J0. 356 = 0.943
1- 0.6

1_ 0.6[ °·717-0.2 ) 1.0 = 0.583

0.943 0.2

UrR" :u,RA rM =86. 1 1.1 =78.3 N 11\11,2

~= 70.2 =0.897
u oN 78.3

The dL'Sign requirement for stress limilntion UWI SU,MoI is fulfilled.

Liqllid-jillL,(/ ro"ical .dl('/l5 5"I'IKJrlcd/rom helllM'

Mcthod 2 is again slightly less conl>Crvati\'c thlln Method I. Cmuiduutim' 0("1{' ,,'rlf.M',,;g'" ulld I',,! I'fwf.l(ludi"g

Calculation of the stresses at the conc suppon duc 10 thc chnolcteristic lends:
• self-weight of the conical shell

" p .•
$ '''Ii
- !!. .
sin(2#) 'I
_')_ 77-10-6._sin'0_.[(_
000_)' -,].,.478 N/onon'

u"u.:: w :J.· tan p ::::-77· IO . ·5 000 · tnn"5 1)::::~O.J85 N' nun-.
- roof· lending including the self·wcight of the cylindrical upper pan
q :::: 4, 13 + 77 · 10 6 ·4000,8 ", 6,59 N/mm

a.fF.kq ::::-q-.~,., 6,59 I 1000 :::: 1.2f12 N/mm 2

• ICOSP 'I 16 ' oos451) 5000
u OF.Aq '"' 0
·sclf-weight and roof-loading
U$1:'. '" 1,478+ 1,282 - 2.76 N/mm2
u,a"" 0.385 N/IlITl11

The SIrCSSCS due to the !>elf-weight lind roof·luw,Jing un: s lllull comp.lrcd 10 lhe SII'C:J.SC!I duc 10 the
liquid.filling. TIlcrcfore the self-weight nnd roof-loading muy be ncgh.octcd in this c;(omple.

_ 1.200
Buckling ofSu'c/ Shells - Europetlll I)e,\';gll Recommelldalil1lu'

14.7 References 15 Spherical she

(II ECCS (1988) Buckling of Su..'C1 Shells: European Recommendations. 4'" Edition.
PrincipII I author: W. Wur
Recommendations R: Liquid-filled unstifTencd conical shells.• pp. 90- 105. ECCS. Brussels

121 Lagae. G. and Guggenbcrger. W, (2001) "Developing the new fonllat of the design 15.1 Ceneral
equations for the liquid-filh.:d conical shells". IllIenml Report nr. LMO-01-10-30. Ghent
The niles of Ihis chapter are I
131 Pnriduens, R.. Vandepiltc. D.. Lagae. G .. Rathe. J. and Van den Steen. A. (1981) Design GMNIA le~cI (Albertin 2~
equations accounting for clastic buckling of Iiquid.filled oonical shells. International perfect and imperfect spherif
Colloquium on Stability of Plate and Shell Structures. April. Ghent. Proceedings. pp. 425- rial. pro\idcd with difTerent
430. numcrical calculations deh
141 Vandepittc. 0 .. Rathe. J.. Verhegghe. B.. Paridacns. R. and Verschaevc. C. (1982) sures. The numerical analy
"Experimental investigation of buckling of hydrostatically Io.'tded. conical shells and (Wunderlich ct al. 1989). TIt
pntctieal evalUlltion of the buckling load". in BI/ckling of Shells. pp. 315· 399. Springer.
Berlin. Heidelberg, New York. In order to ofTcr to the desigf!
have been reworked imo tht
151 Vnndepille. D. and Lngac, G. (1983) "Thooretical and cxperimental invcstiglltion of
Recommendations. UO"C\c~
buckling of liquid-filled conicnl shclls". Preliminary Rcport of thc Third Lntcmntional
what different from Ihe "she!
Colloquium on Stability ofSlecl SlruelUn.-s. Paris, November.
analysis". as slandardized m;
161 VllnJcpitlc. D .. Van den Sleen. A .. Van Impc. R.. Lague. G. and Rathe. J. ( 1988) "Elaslic 80rh rhe clasrie eriril'ol blld
and clastic.plastic buckling of liquid-filk-d conical shells". in Bllckling ofStmcltl~; Theory mil'S /uu'l' been l/er;I'('(/ from
(lnd E:rperimem; The Josef SinKer Alllli)'t'f'$tlf)' Voillme. pp. 433449. Elsevier Science they an: based on small defl
Publishers. Amsterclnm.
15.2 Ceomelrical prol

15.2.1 Gcollletry and 11U11i

(I) Type of shells: The f

applicable to spherical shell
under 1II1cmai \3CUUm or
pressure with different
111e wall thickness of I
should not \ary sigmficantly:

(2) Geometry: The followi

(Fig. 15.1):
Sphericl,i shells lI/u1er IItliform C.'ftenwi IJressllN!

IS Spherical shells under uniform external pressure

!Ommendations. 4111 Edilion.
Principal uulhor: W. Wunderlich
?p. 90-105. ECCS. Brussels

: new fonn:u of the design 15.1 General

tI1 nr. LMO-07-10-30. Ghent

The n.1I.-s of this chaptcr ure baS/.'d on extensive numeric:.1 parametric sludi~ on ONA. GMNA and
den Steen. A. ( 1987) Design OMNIA level (Albertin 2000. Wunderlich & Albertin 2000. 2002). They included geometrically
conical shells. Intemntional pcrfL"Ct lind imperfect spherical shells of constant wall thickness and made of clastic-plastic mate-
Ghent. Proceedings. pp. 425- rial. provided wilh different boundary conditions. lind subjcctcd to unifoml cxtcnlal pressure. nlC
numcrical calculations dcli ... ered clastic-plastic buckling pressures and axisymmetric limit pres-
and Verschac\'e. C. ( 1982) sures. nle numerical analyses were perfonnL-d by using II scmi-discretc finite element method
r loaded. conical shclls lind (Wunderlich ct al. 1989). TIte results .... ere cnlibr.lIed against all avai lablc cxperimental d..'Ita.
~e/ls. pp. 375-399, Springer.
In order to offer to the design engineer rules tlmt arc procL-durally as unified as possible, the results
ha .. e been reworked into the geneml buckling reduction factor fomut. as used throughout these
:xpcrimenud investigation of Recommendations. Ilowever. it should be carefull y noted that the theoretical background is some-
rt of lhe Third International
..... hat different from the "shell buckling design by glob..'Il numerical analysis using MNA and LBA
analysis··, as standardized in the Europcun Standurd EN 1993- 1-6 and as outlil1L-d in Section 8.2.
and Rathe. J. ( 1988) ··Elastic Bolli ,"e elasl;c crilical blld:I;"g reslslll"ce tllld Ihe plrulie rifen' ,IC"(, I"('Si~>IuIlC'C ill III(' /0110"·;118
SlICk-ling ofStn/ell/res: Theory niles hUl"(, beell t/erin.·d/rom 8('Omelric(llIy lIul/lillear (II/(/('·SCS. contrary to the EN-approach .... here
p 411-44/). Elsevier Science they are based on small deflection theories.

15.2 Geometrical properties, notation and boundary conditions

15.2.1 Gcomelr)' nnd notalion speelnc 10 Ihlll chllplcr

( I) Type of shells: The fo llowing mlcs are

applicable to spherical shells und spherical ClipS
under internal vueuulll or unifonn cJ( temal
pressure with different boundary conditions.
The wall thickness of the spherical shells
should not vary significantly.

(2) Geometry: The follOWing notation is used 0fte", ~1)11II sleel shells ore protlllcI..'li i" which
(Fig. 15. 1): 'he 11',,11 Ihicklless alollg 'he m"rit/itlll Ctlll 1"(11)'.
11/ this Ctu·c. the wall thickllcss I for desigll of 0
Splill shell should be Ihe U1'erageti lhickness
U1'er Ihn..-e mi"imllm wall thick"ess "aims 0/
more '''tlll 10 measllrillg poiflls olollg 'he merit/-
itm oflite shell:
... (15.1)

Buckling (ySlee/ SJlell.~ - Europeal/ Design RccommcndatiOll'"

15.2.2 Bou nd:l'1 condition

, (1) Boundary condillon:.: 1

j cable for shell!. \\, ilh the ~
, 4
R , conditions only (sec fig. 15.3
Be I : complete .,pltcrc \\, i
" .... itlt m~ridionul rin
Be 2: :.pheriell! cap \\,1111 el
BC 3: spheric!!! CliP .... 1111 It
nally rc!olmim.:d. hilll
BC 4: .. phcrical cap with n
nally n.'lIlrained l-dg~
edges nonnallo shc!
Figurl' 15.1: Spheneal gcometry
Be 5: sphcrical cap \\llh rt
R r.tdiull of sphere (shell middle surface). pl:lI1e orbasc circle
r - r(:c) radiu'i of shell middle surface.
perpendicular 10 a;ch of rotalion
ro radius ofOOsc circle of spherical cup,
t thIckness of shell.
; semi-ungle of spherical cap.

(3) Loading: The n iles only :apply 10 unironn The d(',vigfl IWlll(, uf ,I", pN'.'fSlln· is ubtaill('t/ by
inlcnlllJ vacuum or cKlemal pressure loading p mll/lip/yillg IJ Will, Ille N!V}(!(,lit'e p(lrtial .mfery
perpendicular to the shell wall. sec Fig, 15.2. /twlnr ".. IlIkell from 11,(, n.d(!\'{lIIf tlpplic(lfiull
The design vul ue of the pressure PCJ should be It is 1101 "CCCU(II)' In calc."lflle lite .\'I/'t'.u-
lakelt as Ihe key vul uc. rt' w/Umts II, mid 1111 (or stresses) for lit" bllck-
flng dC\'/gll (It:cording to t!li.\· c/wpler.

15.2.3 Ttllcr:uu:es

(I) Geomelrical 101cmncc):

1993-1-6 (see SCCllon 6..1 (I
dations). thc geometrical 10
tied in thn.-c fabrication
eln)l>l'll A 10 C.

a) Complete sphere subjected 10 mtcrnal 't'tlcuum or b) Spherical eap ",bjecled to clllernal pressure
c'IOlemal pressure
n gure 15.2: LOtIding 011 spherical shells and caps

3 10
St}heriml shells II/tder Imi/urnr exwnwl/JrI!S!il/n!

15.2.2 Bound:l r) condi tio ns

(I) Boundary conditions: Thc rule!> are applI- The different effects 0/1/".0 oollm/"ry t'fJ"ditio/ls
cable for shell!> ",th the following boundary (Ire cO\'Cred bl' 1I/(!(11f.f 0/ the /tlCwrs (~. ami CpI-
conditions only (sec I;ig. 15,3): Thl!)' were t!cWr",i"l,,1 bywstt'"wlil' IIIm/erical
BC 1: complete :-.phere without suppon or pilrollletril' fwdies (Jlld 11('1'1' (1/"" ,'criflcd by
"ith meridional ring !ouppon a\"Oilable e:rperimellwl N'slIlts,

BC 2: sphcrical cnp with clamped edges

Sp"erica/~hells with ; - 90° h(ll'(' Ihe slImc
BC 3: spherical cap with rndially and meridio- bolllldm)' comlitio".f Be " oml Be 5. III thi.f
nally restrained, hinged edges ctl.~e Iltc boll/uk".)' colI(/itiO/l Be 4 11111\' be I/set/.

BC 4: sphcrical cap with rJdilllly nnd meridic-

TlJis htls be.',," l'l!rifil'f.l by ",,,,,erical ,~lIIdies.
nally fl.'stramed edges, but rndially free
edges nonllallo shell midsurface
BC 5: :-'I)hcrieal cap with radil11y free edges in
plane of base circle

BeY;\. Be3~
.J~~- -->
Be 1: •
'hI! P"':u,,"" is ohllli"n:1 h)'
the rt'slJCC't;\'e I}(".,;al safe-·t),
)rm the rdemlll "IJplict/tiOtI
Be~ Be~
n' to mlclIllIw the SII'('U-
,_ (()f" slf'('.ue.~) jilr 11,(' hllck· "'igll l't' 15.3: Illllstratlons or differenl boundary condilions
I/lg to this ChlllJlcr.
15,2.3 Tolera nces

(1) Geometrical tolerances: In analogy to EN n,rt.'f! flp<'s 0/ g''f.In1l'lric tol"rancl!.~ On! .\pt'('j-
1993-1-6 (sec &'Ction 6.3 or thoc RecolllTl1cn- jicd: O/ll-O!-IV'lIIdIlC.\·l ', occidelllal t..'CCClltrici-
dations). the gL'Omelneal tolcmnccs are c1as:-.i- tit'S. illitilll dimples. Dellliled t!t'fi"itiOllS 0"'/
lied in three rabrication tolerance quality ro"ge.f ~ef' 6.3.
clasM::-' A to C .

IUbJcctoo 10 ~;(tcmal pressure

Bllclclill8 ojSteel Sh('l/.f - E'lrOpeatl DeS/gil Recm"meluJa
,.<_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

15.2.4 Ra nge IIrapplicabl lily Tahir IS.I:

Be 1
(I) The rules or this chapter are applicable only Eqlllllioru' 15.2 ami 15.3 lIescrihl: the range of
where withm the ranges given by Ihe mmleriC(l1 plIrametric /1//1(lie.~ h)' which the
c 1,0 0,11
bucklillg pllmmelers glw.'11 ill 15.2.3 hm'e been
!!...:S;3000 ... (15.2) deril·ed. and In which 'hey hal'e bee" I'('rijied
by (lwli/able' experimemlll re.\'IIII.~.

;SI3S 0 (spherical cups) cxccpt ror n,t' 11I1I'cr limilllf opplicabilitv of thc~'c ntles is
gUI'emed by the colltlifion d('.fined I" £q. 15.4.
;=1800 (complete lIpbcrc) ... (15.3)
The rules apply only to CtlSCS where the shell
segments are connected by welded bun-joints 15-3.2 Characteristic buck
or by bolted symmetrical double-lap-joints or
where the shell consists or a single sphericul (I) Thc charactcristic bue
clement without any joints m the interior.
should be dctcnnincd as:

15.3 Buckling design
in which:
p~ plastic rererence f"C<I
15.3.1 Elas tic cril ica l buckling resistance
X buckling reduction
plastic buckhng
(I) It is not necessary to check the resistance Thick shells lx/ow tile Ii",it R!t-ratio gil'ell by
to buckling in shells that satisry the rollowing &[.15.4 fail by yic/ding ralher 111(11/ hy huck- (2) The plastic reference n
conditions: spherical shells that satisry the ling. l/11(1 slIfety lI"ith re/1pt'Ct to tlte )'idd 100ui obtnmed rrom:
condition slwuld he chet."ked.
R £ PR,II .:. fl".A ·CpI'R
-S--·C ... (15.4) The hucklillg be/lllI'iOllr (if I'el)' filii .\]J/terlclll
1 20fd c caps IIIlder lite /ill/II gil'ell by £q. 15.5.f/mliltl
be checked hy "U!lIIIS of 1I plate bliCklillg (lIItll) .. in which the ructor C,. i..
and very fl31 spherical caps thai satisry thc con- boundary conditions and I'>
sis. This li",iI gil'ell a/~o ill IJIN 18800-4 hlls
dition Table 15.2.
beell I'erijiei/ by IIwlleric:,,1 Sill/lIll11ioll .

... (15.5)

(2) The clastic critical buckling pressure PIk Eqllatiol/ 15.6 WilllUilt Cr i.~ 'he expressioll de- Tablr ...2'
I~ ~ ...
is given by ril"('d by Zoel/)' (/915) jor 1I complele pcrft'Cl
Be I 1

"#7)2 ·c .£.(!...)2 ...
J ( 1- "~') R
The filC/or Cr CQl'ers the bucklillg resistallce
I ,. 0,' I
redllclioll C(lIIsl.'{1 by tlte diffi·rl.'l1l boll/Ilial)' f.,
collditiulls uf ekutic spherlCllI COIJS. Thcrifon"
whcre the ractor Cr is a runc tion or Ihe bound-
ary conditions and is to be takcn rrom Table factor Cr de/wntls UII II,e hOlll/dlll)' cOlltillialls
gi\'el/ ill 15. 1.(5).

Spherical shells IInder m,ijorm eXlernal pressllre

.. , The \'(IllIe.~ for Cr Itm't': bee" jimlld from 1111-

Be I 2 3 4 S meril'ol elgellmltle allalpis pet/onlled Oil GNA
nd 15.1 describe Ihe rOllge of ha.~il (Wlil/dcrlich el 01. 1989). ThLf I!Xprc.~sion
C, 1.0 0.' 0.1 0,4 0.1 Iherefore inellldes 8l'omelricolly I/ol/lil/eell'
ramelric ,~lIIdie.f hy Irhich the --
Applicable SI/op-Ihrollg" bllcklillg plumomel'" which (11'1'
lef'S gil'!!fI ill 15.1.3 Iwl't! been
f•• - ;s 13.5 0

eXc/lided jfl Iheformulaliolls ofC/mpter ,Yo

,'hieh they 1/(/1'(' OC('" I'('rifled
II l/tIl' bel'li checked thaI Ihe delJentiellCf! all I"e
lIppliCllhilifl' ofthe:Je rllfl.'J i.\' tlllxle ; h small Olltil/wl it i.\· nol m.'{·c,utll)' 10
Ilditioll defilled in £q. 15.4. i/lClllt/e it as till mltiilion,,1 /Xirelllleler. lViIIl
regtlTtl to the filll;1 for Ihe angle;' l'ee /5.1(7).

15.3.2 C hll rllctcri.'l lic buckling resis ta nce

(I) The charncteristic buckling pressure pn Thc delermillalioll of the ciwl'll(:terislic bllck-
should be determined as: ling resistO/lCe follows procedllra/~\' Ihe buck-
ling retlilction jilClor apPlYJ(lCh of EN /993-/-6
PRJ. Z P«pl ... (15.7) (.\·ee S~.'ctiOlI 8.1).
in which:
P«pl plustic reference fCSbtance
Z buckling reduction factor for cI~tic­
plustic buckling
'" Ihe limit Rtt-ratlo gll'ell by
"ie/dillg ralher II"lIt by bllck- (2) The plastic reference rcsistnnce should be Equatiml /5.8 withoul CpI is the e:fpre.niml for
wilh resJXocl to Ihe yMd loud obtained from: tltc elemellll"J' membrane J'ield lood of a com-
d. plctt! spherical shell. as pre\';ollsly IIse(1 in IIIl'
41h HeliliOIl of Recommendations.
~a\'iollr of \'el}' jlal .{pheriml
imil gil'ell by eq. 15.5 sho/lld Tlte fill:wr CpI eOl'ers lite yield load redllction
:tlIlS of a pltlte bliCklillg ollal),-
in which the fac tor C", is a fUllction of the
boundary conditions and is to be taken from
(·tll/sed hi' the t/ifferefll bouI/t/ary cont/iliol/s of
\'efl also ill D IN 18800-4 has elastic-plastic spllerical caps. Therefore. faclor
'fllmeriC'1I1 siml/llI/ioll. Table 15.2.
CpI t/e/Jelltl\' 011 Ihe tlifferem holilulan' COluli-
1;011.\ gil'ell ill /5.1(5). Willt regard 10 tlte /imit
tll/gle ;. .vee 15. / (7).

The milies for CpI resllit from extellsil'i! 1111-

merical .f//l(lies bas{'(loII GMNA an(l("_vi,~ (AI-
ithow Ct" L~ lite exprc.uioll t!e-
(1915) for a complele perfecl BC I ,
T.ble 15.2 : FactOD C"
3 4 S
hertill. 1(00). The mille of CfII LV the 100m IMY'"
\I'here lite effecti\'i! (mil Mi,ves) .~tre,H first
C" 1.0 0.> 0.> 0.' 0.2 readle.f the y ie/d .ftre.u 01 .wlt/e poi'" all th('
O\'/!TS tlte hudding Tl!l'isttllICC Applicllble shell's middle sllt/uce. The \'(IllIe~ of CpI for
;S 135~
d by the differem bolllukiry f•• spherical caps are snlll//er Ihlln /. because the
sliC'sphcrical ClipS. Therefore, t'ffeclS of bolmdan' collt/iticHlS call~e earlier
Is 011 tlte bouI/dary collditioll.f IJlaslijietlliOlI oflite lIIaferiul Ulld Itellce .mlllller
referencc 10l1t1s Ihell/ Ihe elel/lelllory memhrane
yieltilOlIt/ of 1I complete s/JheN!. The I'lIll/e of
CpI ,·I/Quld 1/01 he COllfll.ved with lite referellt'e
pitl.flic 100ui Rpi which relale.f to lite fll/h' plll.v-
tic lillie.

Bucklillg o/S/('el Shel/.~ • EUNJIH.'all /JtI_~ig/l RecommelldatiollS

(3) The buckling reduction fac tor should be rill' pClrtmlt'ter X i.\· laJ.e" frolll ClWIJter 9 0/
detennincd from : Illese Recommelulm;OIu', where 1. f( A) I,~ = (3) The squash limit
Z /(.1) ... (15.9) presellled ill the/on" o/Eqs 9.3 w 9.5. is ide,,· the plastic range ructor p.
licallo W!ctiOil N.5,] of EN 199J·I·6. Til(' Ihree exponcnt 'I should be luken
whcre l is the rc1uth e s l cnde ml..'S~ ptlrtlmctcr ranges of A (k,~crihed hy the,\'(' Eql/(/fioll.~ re·
fer. Jur Ihe .whericlIl _~"elf. 10 II",' lo/loll'illg .. - 0.20. P 0.70.
. ... (15.10) I'lIllIes 0/PRI: The plnstic limit relative

AS .... fJRI P/lill (fJlll.Ilit:) be dClcnnincd us:

and where the function X /( l) is 10 be lakcn eill.l/ic-plllSlic illferll{:ti(1II
from fo. 1993- 1·6 or Chaptcr 9 or these Rcc-
ommendations. using the bud. ling p.1ralnctcrs Ap<l: PRI - a Plt.~ (ela.flic)
which are gi\cn below,

IS.3.4 Hucklhlgslrength \t
IS.3') Duckling pllnllnClcrs

(1) The clastic Imperfection factor should be A refalio" hetlleen eilllt'r thl! clI/c-,,/tl/('(1 bmo'''- ( I ) The design buckling rc~1
obtained from: lillg load or the lin1lt load amI/he i"'fJeifeclioll be obtained from:
lImfJfilm/e of 01/ imfJer/e("/~ph('riclll _~hefl hrtf
u- __ ---'0"•.::70'--....,.,'" ... (15.11) bee" ohllli"ed from mam' IItllllt!riClIl calc"I,,- P~.
I +. '
I 90( LJ.\li. I)O.7~
lioll~ (1I'Imt/erfich et al.. 1000: II''''I(/er/ich and
Alberlin, ](01). II wa.~ pos.whle tO .fe1 all ufJfH!r
where .1.11.1 is Ihe charuclcrbolic impcrfl."Ction limit lor Ihe ;'IIper(L'('liUlI amplill/de lor fI/I
amplitude w here the sarcly raclor ru
spherical shells. Tllil' filllil jill/t·liall i.f (/c.
from EN 1993·1·] us:
fcrihed here ill lel'llU of the ellISlic imper/(!(.·-
L\1I',t =1. JRi ... (15.12) lioll redllclionlClctor a which is, III gf!lIer(l/, a
jimclioll ollhe relatil'l! impC't/c-'CllolI (llI/pfill/de '" 1.1
in whic h Q IS the fabrication quality parnmctcr .111'''/1 O"~I'.
given in (2).
(2) II should be \crifiL-d I
(2) The fabrication quuli ty panlmeler Q The milles Jor Ihe labrication lfll"litl' parlllllt'- P&I s: PR,I
should be taken from Table 15.3 for the s(X'Ci. ler Q III Tahfl! 15.3 (Ire wJ.e"lrom E.V 1993·1-
fied fabrication tolernnee quality. 6, ,,!tere tltt')' are IIR'l1 It}r {'"yli"ctrical shell,
(see 10.1.1).
r.blc I S.J· ValUCll of quuluy p;lmmcler Q
Quality Class Dc<;criPllOf1 Q
f - Class A c'(cellent 40
CIa..~5 J) high 25
- -
Class C nonnal 16

3 14
Spltericfll shells III/der mliform eXlemalpressll1i!

Z Lf 11IJ.{·11 from Chapler 9 of rhe Iwo n.ji!rence r/elldeme.u paramelers )0()

'IIJoliOllf. whcre 1. - f( A) ;, (3) The squllsh limit rel3ti\c slendcnlcss Ao.
wId Ap tkjille the Ihree Ix/rts of Ihe bllCklillg
'Jam/ ofEq.~ 9.3 to 9.5. is idclI- the plastic mng;e factor p. lind the intcnlction
'_5.1 ofE.V 1993-f-6. The l"Ii!C clln't!:
cxponcnt '1 should be taken as:
'wrihed by Im'st> Eqlllliiolls re- (,) p/a.\lic: pl(lle(1II1O Ao.
'Ic:rie:af she>!f. 10 Ihc lollowillg Ao 0.20. /1 1.0 ... ( 15. 13) h)e!mlic-pla.\·t;c imemctioll /wtll'ec!II ~ alld AII'
The plastic limit relative slenderncss All should (.) elawle bllcklillg bt.')'Ollti Ap-
PRJ. PRpI ("Instie) be dClennined as: rhe hllckling IXfrflmeters (Ill! n'l X!tllet/ heli! III
e!UMic-pltLwie il/f('rtlcl;oll ('11m!'!! thai II Lv l/IuJenU(}()(/ holl' Ihey sJI(JIIItI he
... ( 15.14) IIft'tl. ct.msit/~·rillg Ihe differem hlUit of btJIh Ihl.'
Pb - a "R,~ (elt,.wic) plasllc njel'ellce load ul/d the elastic critical/olltl
g/l'l!1l illihif chapler.

15.3.4 Duckling strength ,·t rlncallon

't!n eilh"r l1Ie ClIfcul(/fed bllck- (1) The design buckling resistance IJII'Jshould
limit load lIl/d Ihe imperj"t.'t"'tioll be obtained rrom:
imfJt'ffttt rpheriellf sltell lI(u
"om mam· nllmerical ealcrlla-
It ('I al. 1(J()(); Irmulerlicll and Pu:&. ... (15.15)
ftlm.r pos5ihh' 10 sci all upper
rp(,r(n:liull amplilmll.' fur (III
n,is limll fimt"li(1I/ il· de- where lhe safety ractor 1'1 should be takcn
from l-.N 1993- 1-1 as:
/£'rms of lire eluSlir im/>erfi.oc-
Clor a IIhi£·1I i.f. ill gel/cral. 1I
rll 1. 1 ... (15. 16)
lalil'" illlpt'rfiv.:liol/ amplitllt/I.'

(2) It should be veri lied that

If' fobrieutioll qllalily purallle-
Ptel S PRd ... ( 15. 17)
.J are mJ.ulfrom E.V 1993-1-
!'(' u.retl for ( I'lilldrical .rhellf

BIICklillg a/Steel Sire//.( , £IIIYJ/H'lm De.'rig" RecommelldatiollS

IS.4 Example
Buckling parnmetcn;
Design of a sphericlI! pressure \ esse! head against buckling under paniul vacuum Q - 25 A"l 14.31
)~ : 0.20 {1 - 0.70

, . 7'V Plastic reference resjsIJlOcc

; i f rD
.....'./....... -- CpI - 0.9

... •...
--- ........... ~; , .........
PHpI - 0.846 M I'a

Chamcteristic buckling [l'Sistt

- ~R"'"
-- ........ ~ .. ..... J ,., 1.090 > J, so clastic b1J
l' - 0.2144
PRk ,., 0.181 MPa
Pressure v.sseI
Pcsib'1l buckling mi~tanc~
PRd='0.165 MPa
P£J- 135 kPa - 0.135 MPa <
00 ...

, 892~ 8928,2

Technical dala
R - 8000 mm.l - 16 mm. ;-- 120", r" '" 6928,20 mm
The: slifTring al Ihc edge is dccmcd 10 be sliITenough to match the n.--quircments of He3 (Fig. IS.3)
Boundmy condition: mdial1y and circuTIlfcrcntially restrnincd lit thc base. with hinged edges (BC3)
Matcrial: strueturnl su:c1 S23S: E 2.l x lOs MPa. v 0.3•.1;. 235 MPII
Characteristic intcrnal vacuum pressure: I)' 90 kPa
Fabrication tolerance quality class: B

Dc~ign \ alue~ Qr !o.1d~

Adopting a panial factor or 1.5
Design intcnml \acuum pn..'ssun:: I)" 9O x l.S 13S kPa

Range or applicability
Rlt - SOO. Cc - 0.7
- >--·C 31.28 (Eq. 15.4) consequently. the buckling resistance must be checked
I 20/.-J c

!2. 0.866; ~ 0.049


R "R t
Elastic critical hue~linl!. resisllInec
PRt:r' 0.712 N/mm' (Mf'lI)

Spll(!rico/ sllel/s ullder III1i/orm exlernal pressllre

Buckling par.J.meten
ial vacuum Q == 25 AII',t "" 14,)1 mm a 0.2548
..10 "" 0.20 p -- 0.70 ,, - 1.0 A, - 0,9216
Plastic reference resistance;
CpI - 0,9
/1RpI '" 0.846 MPu

, ....... Characteristic buckling resjsulDcc
A. - 1,090 >..t, so clastic buckling resistance mllst be chL'Cked (see comment on 15,3.1 ( I»
, .l - 0.2144
PRk 0,181 MPa

Design buckling resistance

PRd - O.165 MPa
PEd "" 135kPa - O.135MPa < PRJ ./

luiremcmsofBeJ (Fig, 15,3)

!sc, .... ilh hinged edgL'S (BC)

tnncc must be checked

BI/dling ofSleel Shell.f - £l/rfJIH!On De_figll RecommelldoliollS

15.5 References 16 Toriconical

Albenin. U. (2000) "'Bemcssungskon7eple mr Slabi lil!itsP.llle impcrlcktionsltCnsitiver SchalcnSlnlk-
external or il
IUren", Berichte lIUS dcm Kons lrukti\'cn Ingcnieurb.1u 112000, MRnchen. Technischc Universitfll
MOnche n Pl"incipul auChor: W. Wu
BI:lchul, J. und Gallctl y. O.D. (1995) "Buckling sireng th of imlx.'rfect steel hemi'phercs"', Thin-
Walled Structu res, Vol. 23, 1-20. 16.1 Generul
Wunderlich, W, lind Albenin. U, (2000) "'Analysis lind load carrying behllvior of imperfection scn-
sitivc shells"', Inlemationul Jounml of Numerieal Methods in Engineering. Vol. 47, 255-273. The rules of thl\ chllptcr ure 1
Wunderlich, W. und Albenin, U. (2002) "'Buckling behaviour of imperfect spherical shells", Inter- GMNIA le\'c1 (Wunderlich
national Journal of Nonlinear Mechnnics, Vol. 37, 589-604, geomelrically pcrfL'tt and ilf
and different geometries, m
Wunderlich, W.. Obn:cht. II . lind Schnabel. F. (1989) "'Beuh erhaltcn \'on Kugel!.ehulen unter stctig internal pressure. The num
\erltnderlichen Fll1chenlaMcn", Schlu3Sbcricht cines Forschungs,'orhahens des lnstituts mr BlIu- axb.ymmctric limit pre\ufC!
technik, Berlin Nr. 16.65, Technische Unh'ersilill MUnehen I Ruhr-Uni llochum, Insiitul rur Kon- finite element method (WUI\cn Ingcnieurbau. available e:o:pc:nmental data il
Wunderlich, W., Obrecht, II., Springer. H. and Lu. Z. (1989) "A semi-analytical upproach to the
nonlinear analysis of shells of revolution". in Allaly'ictJl and Cumpl/llI/iunol MOl/el.f for SI,{>lIs, In order 10 offer 10 the deMgJ
Noor, AX. Belytschko. T .. Simo, l C. (cds), Ncw York. ASME. Vol. 3. 509-536. ha\c hccn reworked into thl
Recommendations. It should
from the "shell buckling de
~tandardi/cd in the Furopcan
critical buckling I'C\L~tancc I
derived from geometrically r
on small deflection Iheones.

16.2 Geomelrical pro

16.2.1 Geomccr) a nd nota

(I) Type of ~hclls: The

applicable to "hell end, of
foml. which are connected to
a knuckle. The probable ath
may be considered as a ~pec
wall thickn~ of the ~hi

(2) Geomelry and nOl:1II

nOlation is u.'loi..xI rcfening
surface (Fig. 16.ll;
D diameter oflhe adJuccn
r radius oflhe spherical t
p opening angle of the kn
r radius of the knucUe.
t thickness of all shell so:
I. length of the cylindriea

TorieOllical (Il/(l IOri,lpherit'al sh(!l/.~ ullder /llIifarm eX/crlml or imerlllli prt.'SSllrt'

16 Toriconical and torispherical shells under uniform

external or internal pressure
_kt ion~l>Cnsiti .... er
jkhcn, Tl'Chnische Uni\.-crsitllt
rrincipnillulhor: w, Wundcrlich
fcct \tcel hemispheres'-, Thin-
16.1 C eneral
bch:1\ ior of imperfection sen-
ring. Vol. 47, 255-273. The roll's of this chaptcr are based on ClItCTlSi\'c numerical parametric studies on GNA, GMNA and
)Cncctllpherical shclls", Inter- GMNIA levcl (Wunderlich et al. 1982. 1986: Wunderlich & Albertin 2(00). They included
gcomctrically perfect and impern.:cI lonspherical and toriconical shclls of constant wall thickness
and different geometries, made of clastic-plastic material, and subjccH.'d to unifonn external or
'on KugclschaleTlunier sletig inlenlill pressure. The numericlil calculations dclivered clastic-plastic buckling pressures lind
habcns des Instiluts rur \Jau- axisymll1ctric lill1it pressures. The numerical analyses ,\.-ere performed by using a semi-dbcrelc
jni Bochum, Instilut tnr KOTl- filllte clement method (Wunderlich et al. 1982. 1989). The n.-sults \\ere calibrnted against all
available experimental data including Blachut (1998).
:ml-anal)'lieal approach to thc
plIl(lliollOI Models for SheJ/s, In order 10 offer to Ihe design engineer rules tlmt arc proccdurally liS unified as possible, the results
3,509-536. hn .. e been rcworkl'd into the general buckling reduction factor fonnat. as used throughoul these
Recommendations. It should be notl'd Ihough Ihm thc Iheorelical background is somewhat different
from thc "shell buckling design by global numerical analysis usmg MNA and LBA analysis", as
standurdiled in the furopcan Siandard EN 1993-1-6 and as outlined in Section 8.2. Both the clastic
cntieal buckling rcsio;tance and the plllslic reference resistance in Ihe following rules have been
derived from geomctrieally nonlincll r analyses. contmry to the EN-upproaeh where they are based
on smull denection theories.

16.2 Ceomclrical properties, notation a nd boundar) conditions

16.2.1 Geomt"l ry and lIolluion spceiric 10 this chaptcr

(I) Type of shclls: The following rules are Geomelrically petfi·(·t and imlH!ifet:1 .~h(,"-f
applicable to shell ends of conical or spherical .H lhjected 10 the'ifH!Cifle loclCl cases of ",.iform
foml. which ure connected 10 cylindricul shells by cnemalor ifllemal pre.ullre Iren im'esligaloo
n knucklc. The probable absence of the knuckle tlullming e/a.\'lic alld elaslic-pla.flic malerial
may be considered liS a special case (r 0). The hehmliOllr (GNA. GMNA, tlnd GMNIA
wall thickness of the shells may nOI vary alltllrfis) (Wwlderlieh el ai, 1981. 198(j,
significantly. W"nderlich and Alher1m 2()(}{}),

(2) Geometry lind notation: Thc following The 1\'011 Ihiclme.\'.\' (ilong Ihe meridian offf11111
nOlllllon IS used referring to the shell middle \Iee/ shell~ call 1'1I1)'. 111 lhis (:ase, lIlId for olher
surface (Fig. 16.1): shells willt \'(Irving wall lhidmess alollg the
meridiall. lite \l'all tltiekneu t far de.fign should
D diameter of the adjaeem cylinder.
r radius of the lIpherical shell, be 'he minim"m \l'lIlI Illiclme.u ofthe knllckle.
p opening anglc of the knuckle,
Gellerally. if i,f 1101 tlllolI'ed 10 (Illaime a
r mdius orthc knuckle,
COllieal or /Jpherical .fileJ/ il1depcl1demly of lite
I thickness of all shell segments (unifonn),
C'OI1IU!CliOl1 10 lite c)'limkr beclllise lite
L length of the cylindrical shell.
l'OImecliol1 helw{'('" Ille /J/ltdl .~egment.f

Blldding a/Steel Shells • 1::llropeUI1lJel'ign Recommendations

influences the 10lu/ c{lrrying behm'iollr pressure and SIltisfies the con
L I,6
thc n it should also be t""*
cylinder under comb'
t R cireumferemial compresst
EN 1993· 1·6(SI,.'C 10.2.6).
• DI2 L,
• DI2
.) 0)
.'IJ!ure 16. 1: Shell gl,.'OmCtrics: a) toncomcal shell. b) torisphericall>hell
16.2.3 Tolerances
(3) Loading: The rules apply only to unifonn rite desig" wIlle of lite pre....'illre i" ohll1illcd
pressure loadingp perpendicular to the shell wall. by nmllip(\'jj'g p lI'illt tlte re,'pl'Cti\'t' partial (I) Geometrical tolerances
safel), foelor n- wkel1 from the relemlll 1993·1.{; (see 6.3 of Ih~
applicolion sfatularo. the geol1lCtrieal lolemnet'S a.
The design \'alue of the pressure PEJ should be
taken as the key value. fabrication lolemncc quality (
The nl/e3 ure applicable 10 shells IlI1der
IIl1iform pressllre of the II'hole "hell \\'a/l.
They are also lIpplicahle /(} sheU, llI1der
16.3 Buckling due to I
lI"iform pressllre Oil the kllllC:kle al1d the
co"ical or spherical part of the shell ollly. The
cylindrical purt of'he shell doe., 110t need to be 16.3. 1 [ Iastie critical bud
under pre,fSllrl'.
(1) Toriconieal shells: 1
16.2.2 Rangl.' or applicability buck ling resistance Pl4r 0'
s ubjcctcd 10 cxternal pressure
(I) Rangc of applicabi lity: The rules are Eqllations 16.1 to 16.4 de!;cribe the range oj
applicable only within the runge given below: 'he 1lIImerico/ p{lrmllelric stlldies by which Ihe 13.68 ,.. PI
"RU ~ 0 7" .. Sin
bllckling IHlrameters gil'en ill 16.1.4 {II1t1 (
1- ,,-, ) . ~
70 S 0 S 2500 ... (16.1) 16.4.4 have beell dt.·rived, (Jlld ill which Ihe)'
hun! bee" \'I!rified hy {II'{Ii/able experimcntal
45°S P S 75° .. . (16.2) re:mlls (e.g. Bluehll' mul Galle">, 1986), This
r{mge of UppliCllhililY inciluks Ihe mosl
R pmcliml shells 111lI1 may be hlli"-
O.6 S S I,5 .. . (16.3)
The Iml"t~r limit of Ihe reIn/iI'(' lenglll L ill Eq.
O S ~ S O.2 ... (16.4) 16.5 is gi\'ell 10 prel't'lII .figllijicom i"fl"ellce (2) Torispherical shells:
of the hoUl,dary colldilioll.f uf 'he cylinder 0" buckling rcsiswncc 1',4< of

.£D ~ O,9IfD
the shell hlldlillg. subjected to external pressure
... (16.5)
The effi'Ctil'f; howu/lIl')' cOlldiliollS for 'he
collical or spherical emJ til the trllll5irion 10
Ihe knuckle
regiOll are /H!11I"(!en BC] and BC4 tlccordillJ.:
10 C/ltlplcr 15, Fig, 15.3.

(2) If the IIdjllcent cylinder is under external An tipper 1;'1111 of Ihe rt!itllil'C le"l-:th L i.f gil'en

Toricollicol lllld lorilplterica/ shelll' IIIICier IIlIiform e.'fIenw/ or itllctrtllli pressllre

lood carrying behUl'iolir pressure and satisfk-s the condition ill Eq. 16.6 for l!'l:ll!nmlly pre.ssllri:ed .fhells.
A/)ol'e litis Ii",it, the clmrm:ll!ristic meridiollal
~~ 1.6 It ... ( 16.6) alit! circllmfere"'ial bllCklillg loads of the
/J 'Iv ('J'lilllier .ff/mlld a/so be delermilletl The
then it should also be trcaled scpnrntcly as a s fl/al/t-r o//e of lite /11'0 characteriSlic bllcklillg
resi.~ttlllce~' (combilled merielimm/ I
cylinder under combint.:d ux itl l and
circ umferentinl compression uccording 10 t:in'/lIII,forelllial btlckling of lite cylilldrict/I
EN 1993· 1-6 (sec 10.2.6), .\'ltell, bllcklillg of IOricOI/ical or to";.fpherictll
~'hell) ~,ltollld be IIseel for Ihe desigll re.\'isttmce
o/Ilte sltel/.
DI2 BIICklillC 0/ tile spherical or cOllical ptll"l of
lite !iltell mllsl 110f he illl'C'stigllled selxI/'afely,
isphcncal shcll
16.2.3 T olt'ranccs
Ie of lite pressllre is obwim:d
p wilh Ihe respt'C'til't' JXlrIial ( I) Geometrical tolerances: In ana logy 10 EN Tlm'(- I),/Jes of geometric ,olerances aN!
p token from the relel'Dnt 1993- 1-6 (see 6.3 of these Rccomrnem.lmions). .fpecijied: alll-o!-rolllldlless. lIccidellUtI
'dord the geometrical tolernnccs arc clussi fi(."(i in three l!CCelllrlCllles, illilial dimples. Delllilt'(l
fabrication tolernnce quality Classes A to C. t!tfi"ilimls 1II1d Nmges St'f! 6.3.
applicable 10 shells tinder
utlre of Ihe w!tale shell wal/,
appliea"'e tOfhctlls mlder
16.3 Buckling du e to u l e rtl~1 press ure
're on lhe IUllicHe alld the
~icol purt of the shell Oil/I'. The
oflltct shell does "Oilleed 10 be 16.3.1 [ ilistie crilical huckling resista nce

( 1) Toriconical shells: TIle clastic critical Tlte jilllcliUlU' 0/ lite eltL~/ic critical hllckli"g
buckling resistance PR(r of torieonical shells resi.flmlce Plk liS gil'ell by Eqs 16.7 10 16.9
subjected to cxtcrnal pressure is givcn by IUII'e hee" fOlilld frolll mmlericlil t-igt-I/I'allle
C(lfelllaliul/,\' IJefjbrmed 0/1 GNA Ix/sil'
10 /6.4 de,fcribe Ihe rallge of 2.5
armfletriL'l'ludil!!J' by II'ltil'lt lite
13,68 . I5 I (lI'f/lulerliclt el al. 1982). Tltey t!escrilH! III(!
PR '" 0 75 Esmp(cosp) ' ( - . )
rI(!lf!rS gil't'lf ill 16.3.4 0"'/
/PI dl.'ril't'd, am/ ill which they
cr (I - v2)' D
bi//lremioll buckling ill eillter lite
co"icllI!.~p"e,.ic{l1 IXI/'I of Ihe slldl, or ill lite
kllllckle. prodded l!tmllte limit oflite lellgllt L
'jed by omilable f!.XIJerimelllol
. .. ( 16.7) of lite cylinder accordillg Iu 16.1(6) is /101
,chllt und Gulletly 1986). Tlti.f
with e:cceetkd.
fkabililv iltcilu/es lite most
Ihal may be bllilt. J)" ::: 0 + 2r( (."OS p - I) + 2,f;:; sin p s o ... ( 16.8)
of Ihe rdU/il't' lelfgth L ill Eq.
J prewml sigllijicant illflue/ree (2) Torisphcrical shells: The clastic critical
cOlfditiOl/s of the cylillder all buckling resistance PIIrr of torispherical shells
IK· subjccted to external pn.'SSurc is givcn by

~/mda0' colldilimU' for ,lte

rcol em/lit the lrallsiliolt to

'11 BC3 ulld BC4 accordilll:

~ig. 15.3.

VIhe relalil'e lellgllt L is gi\'ell

Bucklillg of Sled Shells - £lIropl.'tlllDesigll Rt.'CQmll/t'lIdariuf!s

16.3.2 Pllislic refcrcncc rcsislll nce

(I) Torieonical shells: The plastic reference Tilt· pleulk' N!foN.'IICe re.\'if(ollce of lorit'UIli<:ul
resislanec P~ should be obmined from : tmd loris/JIIt'rica/ .\hell~ htu, here bee" twjilled 100 PHI'l ( D)'
{IS Ihe lootllew!! nhen' Ih" 1'011 Mi.\(!\' "[frClil'e
£ emIl I
"Ri"~fd,-( 14,5 450f~ ). .\Ires.~ fi~I re(Whl',f II/C' ykld .W ·t ',11 (1/ tml'
poillf Oil ,h£' slll!!1 ',I' mldd/(' _I /IIftll'!' ill ( I GMNA
... ( 16. 10) allll~I:~is. ThIS dejil/itioll Il'lItl~ 10 mllle.f tlllli
are IOl\"erlhall Iht.' 1IIt.'1II/Jl"tllle rield IUIUI of Ihe
'[ 1+ 4'!:'+2,.S(.!:.)'J cosp
D I) (D I I)I.S (:UlliClIl 0/' .ll,hel"iclIl/xI/·I of 111£' ~'IIell h(·cU//.\e
II/(' kllllckle (,(III.\e,\' ('arlie,. plmlificlIliulI.

The jimcliOil of p~ gil'ell hi' Eq. /6.10 11lI,~

IX'r!II ohl(l;,red liS II reSlll1 of c'(Iel1.lil'(!
IIIllIIel'it'a! Sllll"t'.~ lI.\'illg GM,vA 1II/(/~1·.~t'.~. II i.~
also gil'l'lI by Ihe diagralll if! Fig. 16,1.
(2) Torisphcrieal ~hctts: The plastic reference
resistance P/ttII may also be calculmed with
Eq. 16.10. with the opening angle gh,en by

... (16. 11 )

Figun ' 16.2: I'lasuc rdcrenc

16.3.3 C h llruC I l'ri~ l ir bud

( I) The charncterblic bu,

of a loriconical or lori!orheri ~
exlenml prc~ure should be d,

p~ is the pla!>tie rcfcn
Z is the buckling n:om:

(2) The buckling reductio

dClcmlinL-d from:
.r f(,()
w here .J is the rclalin! ~ Icnd(

Tor;c:olI;ml cllld tor;j;J1hel';cal s"('I1.~ IIl1der lilli/arm exlerl/ol or illlenm/ pressllN!

'rellCI' n!S;.rWllce of IOric(m;('al

'(II shell.f /U/.f heN.' beel/ defined
"ll hl'rt' Ihe 1'(11/ \/isej; I'm't'/iI 'e
lOOpRp/ (D)U
£ c:osfJ I
x:h('s Ihe ,I'ield \/rt',u til (1111 '
>/1 ',f mil"'/(' ,Hlr{il('{' if/a GAINA
("'fillili(m l('lI(l~ to m/lle,f IIIaI
Ihe R/elllhnllll! yield /()(u/ of Ihe
'rieul pUrl of Ihe ,~he/I hectlw'e
,fe.f earlie'r pltUlijictllWII.

if p~ gil't'lI by f."'q /6. 10 I",,~

I fl.\ U re.flII! 0/ e.I·/('lIsil·e
kr IIS;'Jg GMVA olwlne,f. I, it
ktliogmm ill Fig. /6.1.

o 1 2 3 4

/000 J"IE
Figure 16.2: Plaslic refcrence R.-SiMIU1CC PMpI of lori coni cui and lorisllhcrical shells subjcclcd 10 c!<lcm31
Iln.'l>~urc, uccordiny 10 Eq. 16. 10

16.3.3 C hunlctcristic bud:ling r('sislnnc('

(I) The charnctcristic buckling resistance IJIU The d('/('I'lIIillalio/l of IIII' clllll'acteri.~tic
or a lorieonienl or toris phcrical lIhcll MlbjL'CU.-d 10 hlldding I'1'.fis/(mce follows proc('(llIralll' IIII!
e,'(lernal pressure should be detenninL-d as: hllC'klillg ret/IlClioll fuctor approocll of EN
1993-/-6 (,\('e &'('liOlI 8.1 of Ihese
PJU = X IJIIpI ... (16.12)
P-", is Ihe plaslic reference resistance (see
X is Ihe buckling reduction r.'tctor

(2) The buckling reduction factor lIhould be The 1}(JI'clllwrer X ;.\' ({Ike" from owprer 9 of
detennined from : rllf'j;e R('Collllllellt/!lliolls, where X =
/(1) j ,t
X J(A) ... (16.13) pn.·s('II«'d ;/1 'he form of Eqs 9.3 '0 9.5, ;,t
it/(!/II;C!l1 to S('CI;Oll 8.5.1 of EN 1993-1-6.
where 1 is the relative s lenderness par:l1l1ctcr
The Ilwee /'{II/ges (if 1 described hy lh(!,f(!
(.'qllotimIJ 1'1.1'1'1', for Ihe wr;collic(ll (llId
/ori.\·I,heric:al :.hells. 10 IIII! followillg I'lIIlIe,\' af

811c1dillg ofStl'el Shells· £ lIropt'UII Desigll RecommemJatiOlu

... ( 16.14) PRt IJ*PI (pfemic)

~ < A. S A.p : e/elSlic-pftutic imeraetioll
and where the function z - f(A.) is to be tuken A.p<A : PRJ a PfW (elasllc)
from EN 1993-1-6 Of Chapter 9. using the 16.3.5 Duckling strengt ..
buckling p..11'3llleters which arc g iven in 16.3.4.
(1) The design bucklin
16.3.4 Uuckling IlllflllllCtCfS torieoniclLl and torisphcrica
external pressure should be
( I) The clastic imperfection factor should be A relClliulI/wlweell Ihe cafclllmed hudding U/·
obtained from : PR(/ :: !!Ek-
Ii",il load. t1!!ilJL'Cti l'e~v, emd 'he imIJeIjc.'CI/OII rAt
omplill/de of ;//IfJerfi.'CI 10r/COII/Clll mill
a_ O.IW 075 ... ( 16. 15) lor/spherical ,file/Is 11,,\, beell oblained hy where the safety foctor TV
1+1.30( 11', 11) ' EN 1993- 1-1 as
mr/olls IIIl11l('rical C(/IClllalilJllS 11'ilh O MNIA
where .1U', is the churncterislic imperfcction {lllalysis. It 11'ClS IJO.uible 10 !i'el (III IIpper loclCl
amplitude limit rela/l'll to Ihe imIJetj'ecliol/ amplitude for
lIlI shells cOllsidered. Thi.~ limll jilllCliulI is Ihe

fOf toriconical shells: All). .. ~ g; . . ( 16. 16)

impetj'oc/ioll laclor a 11'hich is normally 011("
a jilllclioll of the relllli\'(' imperfi.'CtiOll
(2) It should be \crificd t~
lII11plitue/e i l11'...". PF.J SPRJ

for torispherieal shells: 6W* "" ~./iii ... ( 16.17)

16.4 Buckling due ((I
in which Q is the quality puromcler gil-e ll j" (2).
16.4. 1 Ellistic criti n l bUI
(2) The quulity panulleter Q should be tuken from The Wlille.f for 'he qllClIi~11 IXlrwI/eter Q ill
Table 16.1: for the srx:cified fhbrieation tolernnce TlIhle 16.1: lire wke" from EN 1993-1-6. ( I ) Toriconical shclls:
quality. where Ihe)' life IIsl'll for cyli"driL'lIl shells (s('e buckling resistance f1~
10.2,2). subjected to inten131 prc ..:.UI
Tll ble 16..
l ' Valul'!; of quality p.1Tl1mcter Q J
Quality Clw.s l)cscription Q
IOOOJ1·£( ~)
C la s..~ A excellent 40
Class B high
Class C normal

where the parameter J1 ..

(3) The squash limit relative slenderness Au . The two slel/llemess parumeters Ao (lilt! A.
p Table 16,2.
the plastic runge factor p. und the interaction defi"e Ihe IhN:e IKINS ofthe buckling cun'e:
exponent 11 should be taken us: aJ plastic pla/eem 10 Ao,
)'0 =. 0.30. P 0.50. 'I 1.0 ... ( 16.18) b) elastic-plmtic ill/eruCliOll hetweell Ao alld

The plastic limit rclllli\'c slendenu."SS Ap shou ld

be detemlincd as: c) elastic buekling ht,vlld AII'

Toricollirlll (lIId IOrispllericlll .{hells 'illder IIl1iform e.r:tenllli or illlenwi pressure
Piti = P~ (plastic) .1 =
Vy ... ( 16. 19)
elastic.plastic i/lleractioll
Piti a Pkr (e/asfil')
16.3.S Buckling strcngth \'Crificlltiull

( I) The design buckling resistnnce /lltl o f

toriconical and lorisphericnl shdls subj(""Ctl.:d 10
elttenml press ure should be obtui ned fro m:
.'eell the m/m/"t..d bllcK/ing or !!..&. ... ( 16.20)
~'(·til'ely, and Ihe imperfioctiull PHJ '"
. imperfi.'C"1 loricrmical lIlId
~hell.f har Ix'('" ohlai,,(·d hy where the safety factor 1M should be takc n from
'icul ca/Ol/mio"s lI"ilh GMNIA EN 199)· 1-1 as
s po$$ible 10 sel (III IIp/H!r 1fH.«/ 111 1.1 ... ( 16.2 1)
the impt'rfi.'C"lioll umplifllde lor
tiered This Ii",i/ jillN.'lioll i.f Ilu!
Ktor a IIhicll is IfOrmally Oll(V
(2) It should be vcrified that
if lhe re/mil"f! impeifL'Clioll
'I. flEdSPRJ ... ( 16.22)

16.4 Buckling du e to int ern aillressure

16.4. 1 Elasfic critical buckling n~ l .. t:lncc

. lite q/lalit)' ptlrflmeler Q ill
Jre /like/! from EN /993-1·6, ( I) Toriconicnl shells: The elnstic cri ticul The jimctiolls of the eltl.wic crilica/ huckling
IIsetljiJr qlilu/ric(11sltell,,' (see buckling resistance fiR, uf turiconicul shells re.,isltmce (LI' gil'ell by Eq, /6.13 have been
subjected to intemal pressure is gi\cn by fUlllld ji'OIII IIIIII/ericlli eigelll"aille ca/clllatiulU'
Oil GNA h'I'('1 (Wllllderlich e/ al. /986). TI/ey
lOOOP·E( ~r will'll!... "" 0
de.fcrihe the hifllrcatioll ill/he kllllck/e regiol/.

PRCT '" Tiley IIm'e 1x'l!1I checked agaillst the

r ('x/X'rimelll!)' ami/able. /00.
wile" - 'It 0
Va/lle.ffurflle/ls lI"ith a kllllcld~ r(lt/ills r-D>
... (16.23) 0.015 IIIay be illl~rpo/a/ed he/weell/he l 'a/llef

c eu pammeters ..!o ami A.p

'JH1rts o/tl", hucklillg cllnY!:
where the parameter p
Tablc 16.2.
should be takcn from
of Table 16.1. flowel'Cr. ,he resllils are 1101
l'alid for shells Iyillg betweell r D - 0.0 and
rD 0,015. so illlerpolalioll should lro/ Iw
/II/tler/aliell ill Illis rallge.
Wil la )i).
'ic illleroction be/weell ..10 {lIId Tile IXI/'lI/lIeter fJ· is also gil-ell ill Pig. 16.3.
Hl/dUllg ufStf.·e/ Shdl!! - Em'opellll Design Rerommelldatiulls

Tllbll' 16..
2' Values of p.1rnmeter fl' for Eq 16 23

..- ~ p

,0 52,50 60- 62.5" ". 7

0.00 3.43 2.15 1.34 0,78 0.45 6
0,025 7.42 5.27 3,51) 2.21 0,99
0.05 5, 10 4.10 3,05 2,03 1.00
0,10 2.115 2,42 1,96 1,56 1.11
0,15 3.13 2,54 1.93 1,37 0.78
0.20 6,53 4,13 2.112 1,74 0,88

o t , D
45- 60- 75-
"-i~url' 16.3: Ilammetc", ror l:q. 16.23

(2) Torispherieal shells: The elastic critical Hqualimt 16.24 lI'tU fI!ied in Ih(' 41" Ediliol/ of
buckling resiSlllllcC pit.... of tori spherical shells rile Rl.'COI",,,cndaliolU for ,"e .{pecilll can' ofit
subjcctl..-d to intcmal prcs!>lIre i<;l,:ivcn by tori.{pheri{'al 1'11t41 lI'i,,,
Ilw gt'OIII{'f";cal
M JX,ri/lllerers R.D 1.0 ami rID 0.1. Thi{
/JRcr- IOOH ( 3,7 ~ + 0,68 )( ~ ) ... ( 16.24) eqlllllioll \"".f ohlllilled by W",,,/erli{'h {'I (II
(1982) Imd Itller \'erified hy Albe"lill (2000)
16.4,3 C hllrl&ctt'ri!llic b~
/Ising GUNA IJlla(I'.,·is.

(I) The chnmcleriSllc bu

16.4.2 ,'Iastj( r t:'ft:'rt:'nc t:' rcsishulcc a toriconicul or IOri'phcn
intenml pl'CS.'>ure . . hould
dcscrilx.-d ill 16.3.3 ror C'l:t~
(I) Toriconical shells: The pluslic reference The plaslic nfol'ellce resi.HCIIK·e 11lI.I' /x.'(!11
resistance PKpI !>hould be obtained from : defi"edfor liIese ,flwll\' as ,,,(,IOlKI ICI'(!/ 11'/1('1'('
16.4.4 Buckling parlllllC
PR", = f,'J ' 1.2
[ 120. £ ./,., 1 liIc effi'CliI'l! Mre.u reachC'\' lite yield S'l'e.f.f {If
all arbilrary poi", UII 'he shell's middle
(I) The clastiC IlIlperfct
.. . (16.25)
sllrface. II it cUlllrol/('d by 'he plil.~tic
behal·iollr oflhe kllllckle. obtamed from:
'[1.7.S!:.. 26S(!:.)'l·--'c='"'p",.
D D (D l t(lS Tlte pltlstic PIfIlI (U gi\'ell·n!IICl! n!Si.llilllce a=
by Eq. /6.25 call a/s{) be de/lie/f.,,1 ill ,he 1+ 1.0(611.1 I}' ·
diagram of Fig. 16.4.
\1 here 611"l is the char.
(2) Torisphcrical shclls: Thc plast;c reference
resistance P/fpI may also be calculated with Eq. amplitude, as defined In II
16.25, with Ihe opening angle gi ... cn by the qualilY p.1f11l1leler Q.

1 ' )
cosp= ( 2 D ... ( 16.26) (2) The qU3lity p.1mmc

~ ~
from Table 16.1: for thl
10lel'1lncc qU31ity.

Toricomcul uII(ltori'fpherjcfll'fht'''-~ Imder lilli/on" exlemul or illlemaiIJfl!'i!JIIN!
1S r---------,---r--,--,
200 P~i (/J). /,0.(1.20

£=p ,
'" 10
/ rf():(l.10

5 rf[):().D5


~~~~~- o
so- 75- 0
. ----
: Par.uneter p' for Eq. 16.23 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Md'! /lscti In the 4tll f..ili/iQII 01 JIXIO /'J/ £

~tio"s lor Ihl! llN!dal caS(' of"
h,,11 Ifitlt the geometricnl 1!lgu re 16.4: 1'I1l511c rcrcrcooc rcliist:mcc P.... orioricomclllllild lon~phcriclil !>hells subJ~tro to Internal
1.0 and r D 0.1. TIllI pressure. accorchng to Eq. 16.25
IItuil/cd hI' Wrlt/th·r/icll et til
r I'"rifi('(/ hy Alhertill (2(}(}())
16.4.3 Characlcri.'l lic buckling rcsislllncc

(I) TIle chamctcristic buckling rcsisllltlcc PRA of &e ('OlI/lIIe'" 011 16.3.3 (1).
a toriconical or torisphcrical shcll subjccted to
intern:,1 pressure should be delcnnin(..'(1 ns
described in 16.3.3 for external pressure.
'reIICt! resi.I/(IIIC{' Il(Is beell
,/",/ls as tltc 10al.llel'(!llI"ltc/"{'
, n>ache's lite yieftl MI"/!sS al
16.4.4 Buckling parllmclcrll
jill 01/ 11ft' shell's lIIir.klle
(I) The clastic imperfection factor should be Gell('rI.llJy. 100'iCOllical "lid ItJrispltl!rica/ site/h.'

("()//Iro/letl hy 11ft' plw,.,ic
llld /e obtnined from : IIIllkr illtem(l/ pressllre art.> less impc>rfi'Clioll
: . W!IIsitil'l' Ilur" e.'Clema/(I· pressllri=t'd .~11f"'.1.
lICe resistance PIfpI ax j!il"4!11 ... (16.27) Thi.\ is e.r/Jrf!ssed by £q. /6.17 IIllkh i.1
i'" olso he dt!picted ill the (JijJel"C!m from Eq. 16.15. It has bee"
6.4. ("'(l/ogall.'~I' dt!ril'ed (see CO"IIIIl'tII 011
where &Wl is the chnr.lcteristic imperfection '6.3.4(1)).
amplitude. as defined in 16.3.4 (I) as function of
the quality parnmctcr Q.

(2) The quality pammctcr Q should be taken See COIIIIIICII1 011 16.3.4 (1).
from Table 16.1: for the specified filbriclIIioTl
tolerance quality.

Bllcklillg alSteel SheJl.f " £lIrop<"t/ll Desigll Recommelldt,tiOlls

(3) TIle squash limit relati ...e slenderness )'0' SL-e cOmll1el/lOll 16.3.4(3).
Ap :: 0.9123
thc plastic rdngc factor p. und Ihc intcnaction
exponent '1 should be taken as: ham '<:ti I k n
A, 0.30. p- 0.30. '1 1.5 . .. (16.28) ), :: 1.136 > ).,
The plastic limit relnti\'e slenderness )'JI should Z - 0.3225 ,
PR! ~ O,IO] Nlmm"
be detennincd rrom Eq. 16. 19.
Buckling streng"l \CriliCBti
16.4.5 Buckling strength \'crificalion
PRJ .. 0,094 N/mnf
,= kNnf - O
( 1) TIte buckling strength verification should
be verifi l'd liS in 16.3.5.
16,5.2 Buckling des i ~ n I

16.5 Exa rnl)lcs Notation see Fig. 16.1 b)

Technical D:lIa
16.5. 1 lIuckling design ror . \'ueuurn lo riconicu l \'essel (externa l pressure) D "' 8000mm.R 6OOO.r
Internal pressure: 100 k'
Notation sec Fig. 16. 1 a) Material : Structunal steel S
Technical Data
D - 8000 mm, r - 800 mm. t - 16 mm.p
, - SO". L - 400 mm
Internal VUCUUI11 pressure: SO kN/rn" Fabrication quality: Cit
, Design ,"alues or 100lds
Material : Stn.ctunal steel S 235 £ = 210000 N/nun-
" '.• - 235 N/ mm- 1.5 . pressure: /11,1- 1.5
v = 0,3
Fabrication quulity: Class B Range of applicability
0 11~ 500, RID 0.75. r D
D;;sign vnl ues oflQads
0.9~ 0,0402. 1.6~
1.5 . underpressurc: /l1.d- 1.5 . SO - 75 kN/m-
Elaslic critical bucklmg res
Range ofaQpiieability ,
P«rr' 10,890 N nlln"
DII 500. ri D 0.1. UD =- 0.05
Pllislic rercrence rc,i~tuncc
0.9~ 0.0402. 1.6~ 0.0716 cosp - 0.6154
Elastic critical bucklin!!. [C5islance P/tpF 0.2907 N mm
0· = 760 1.80 mm Bucklin!:, parameters
/I«rr = 0.247 N/nun1
Q 25, dll't 12.394 mill.
Pln5tic rererence I\.'sislancc
", . 0.30.p 0.30,'1 - 1.
Pw,F 0.319 N/mm1 Ap ,", 0.626
Buck ling panllllCtcrs
Chanacteristic buckling res
Q 25.D.ll'.- 10. 12 mm.a 0.4162 ), = 0,163 < ;..
", . 0.30.p- 0.50." 1.0 X = 1.0 ,
PRJ. - 0.2907 N/mm"
Toricollical olllllOrisplll!rictll shells /I"der Imi/onll e:Clernol or imerntll!Jress/lrt!

'116.3.4 (J).
).p ",, 0.9123

C har.tClcri'llic buckling resistance

.1= 1.136 > .1,
Pill -
0.103 N/mm
Bucklin!!, Sirell!!lh verifiel.. io"
P RJ e 0.094 N/mm-
, '
l'Ul"" 75 kN/m '"" 0.075 N/mm- < 0.094 N/II1T11 - I1BJ . /
16.5.2 Buckling d t'Sign ror U Itlrisphcritlll \ essel under unirorm inlcrna l pressurt'

NOI:u ion sec Fig. 16. 1 b)

Technical ))nta
prts§urt') o ~ 8000 mm. R 6000. r 800 111111. I 16 111m. I. 400 111111
Inlcmal press ure: 100 kNJII1
Malerial : Structural steel S 235 E 210000N/mm
f..A 235 N/lIlm2
v " 0.3
Fabrication quality: Clas~ B
Iksign values of loads
1.5 . pr(."Ssure: J1F.d = 15 . 100 - 150 kN/m-
Klinge of applicabi lity
OIl " 500. RID "" 0.75. rID 0. 1. UD 0.05

0.9Ji - 0.0402. 1.6Ji 0.0716

Ela'ltic critica l buckling resistance

PRr~= 10.890 N/ mm
PIa.'1tic rcrcrcncc rcsistuncc
cosP =- 0.6154
PRpF 0.2907 Imm-
Buckling oor.tmeters

Q- 25. ~II'! - 12,394 mm. u - 0.4382

"'=O.30.p ~ O.30. ,, - 1.5.
).... =- 0.626

Characteristic buckling resisuillCc

). : 0.163 < ;'"
z = 1.0
I'll! - 0.2907 N/mm2

Buddillg o/SIed Shell.\· - £m-opelltl De~·jgll R(,LVIIIIIlt!"d"tiolls

Bucklinl!. :-II\'I1&lh \ crificntion

17 Cylindrical
16.6 References Principal authors: H. S

Albenin, U. (2000) " llclllessungskon7..cptc fiir Stubilitfitsfdllc iml>crfektion ...scnsiti \'cr 17.1 General
SchalcnstmklUren", Berichte UUl> detll Konstnlkli .. en lngcnicurbau 712000. MUllchcn: T...-chnischc
Unh·ersitnt MClnchcn.
In their uppro.1ch to the gl'
Blachut. J.. G:llietly. G. ]) (1988) "ChltllpL"<i Torisphcrical Shells Under EXlemal Pressure Some cal wall. the design rub
ney, result ...... Jounml ofStmin Analysis. Vol 23. No. 1.9-24. throughout Pan 11 of thes.
Blnchut. J. ( 1998) "Buckling of sharp knuckle torisphcrcs under extern:ll pressure". Thin-Walled and Ihat they hale been 'ih
Struct.. Vol. 30. Nos 1-4, 55-77. The rules wcre origmall}
Wunderlich. W., Albenin, U, (2000) "Analysis and load curring Ix:havior of imperfection scnsithe 1976) and were then tuk(
shells". International Journal of Numcrical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 47. 255-273. lishcd ix:t"L'Cn 19ROand
duccd inlo the Gennan D
Wunderlich. W.. Obn..-cht. II.. Springer. 1-1 .. Lu. Z, ( 1989) "A semi-analytical approach to Ihe fcet i\ ely a back-trnnslatio
nonlinear analysil> of shells of !'C\olulion". in Allulytical alld CO"'fJIIU/IiOlIllI MOiMs jor S"eJJ~·. nology ofthc European SI
Noor. A.K .. Bclytschko, T" Simo, J.C. (005), New York. ASME. Vol . 3. 509-536.
The rcliubility of Ihc rule
Wunderlich, W" Rensch. II.J" Obn..-cht. H. (1982) "A nalysis of clastic-plastic buckling and their origilUll de\cloplllCl
imperfection-!>Cnsith ily in shells of revollllion", in Bllcklillg 0/ S"ell.~: RIIIllIll. E. (cd.). llerlin. camc primarily from unpl
Spnnger. 137-174. were carried OUI in SC\CI'
Wunderlich. W.. Schnllbel. F.. Obrecht, H. (1986) "Trng\erhlliten ~usmmne ngesclzter GlIl letly & James, 1989) I
ROIlIIionsschalen im gL'OTIletrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearcn Bereich", Teehnisch-
"isscnschllflliehe Mitteilungen 86-3, Bochulll : Instillll fllr KonSIOlkti \ en lngenierb.:1U Ruhr·
Unll ersitnt Hochum.

Cylinc/ri{'(ll ,hellf Will, rillgwiffeller., Ilnller exrenl(l/ pre_u l/N!

17 Cylindrical shells with ring stiffeners under external

Principatl authors: I-I. Schmidl and R. Greiner

fll.1le lmperfcktiollllllcnllitivcr 17.1 General

72000, Munchen: Tl'ChnillChc
In thcir tlpproach to the global buckling design limit sttlte assessment ofthc ring-stifTcncd cylindri-
Jdcr E:l;tcmal Pressure Sonle ctll \VtllI. thc design rulcs of this Chapter 17 arc an ellception from the general approach used
throughout Part II of these Recommcndations. The reason is that these rules have a long history,
temal pTl'Ssure", Thin-Walled and that thcy havc oc'Cn shown in prdclicc to givc rc:ason:lblc d(..'Signs for many applicmions.
The rules \\crc originally developed (Kendrick. 1984) for the British Standard BS 5500 (OSI.
1\"ior of imperfection sensitivc ]976) and were then laken over inlo thc four editions of the Europclln Recommendations pub-
'01. -'7. 255-273. lished between 1980 and 1988. A modified and enhanc(..'d .. ersion (Greincr. 1987) was thcn intro-
duccd into the Gcnnan DASt-Guideline o. 017 (DASt, 1992). The rules of this chapter are ef-
nl-anal}tical approach to the fectively a back-translation from the DASt 0 17-rules, but adapted to the methodology and tenni-
rm/mianol Muckls lor Shel/.f, nology of the European Standllrd E 1993-]-6.
The relillbility of thc rules has been repcatl'dly \'crirkd cxperimcntally. first on thc occllsion of
clastic-plastIc buckling 111111 their originul development in the 1970:1 (Kcndrick, 1972) although the experimcntal c\idencc
db,; Ramm. E. (cd.). l1erlin, came primarily from unpublished navy invcstigations (Gal1etly. 1988). Luter on. additional \(.'Sts
wcre carried out in scvcral othcr placcs (Miller & Kinra. 1981: Sclcim & Roorda. 1986, 1987:
crhalten :.rusarnmcngcsctztcr Galtctly & Jamcs, 1989) and more recently in Essen (DOsing & Schmidt, 1996: DOsing, 1998).
liretl Bereich". Technisch-
lmkti\'cn Ingcnierbau Ruhr-
BIICkli/lg ojSll.'t!l Shell.~ • £lIropctl/l Desigll Recommt.'IItklliUIIs

A.. I,.,. 11'. ...section pro

tive hea\'y slIffc
17.2 Geometrical properties, notation and boundary conditions thc cffccthc lighj
h.. width or stilTCS;
17.2.1 Geoll1etry lind notation specific 10 Ihis chaptcr ogainstthe Willi
h"AI effL'Cthe width
(I) Type or shcll ~ : Thc rollowing mil'S arc circumrerential ])
applicable to circular cylindricnl shells or
conslant wall thickness which are stiffencd by
L"quidisUIIlI " light"' ring stiffeners and or

hf If
cffective "ilh ~
circumferential fi
width and thick
which the L'tlges arc supponed by " heavy" n:mge
L Y b., I. "idth and thick
stiITeners or end closures, respcethely (sec
Fig. 17. 1). "cb
L. b" I.. width ond Ihiekn,
~I I" eo- e.. e. distances 111 a st
'-, "~
-> rcluti\e to the II

end closure: T~ e~sS\..'Ction
,, ( length or ring-sti
' . b .. _H_'t
, ,

bJ heavy stiffeners.
~ ll)',
light mil
(, length or unstifl
light SliffenL'f'S (s


-', i'--
belvy rinl Jliffmer
d- 2r_ _ J-
"' IJ.:urc 17,2: Geometries or ring-slilTcnl'f cross,
shared cyhnder
number or light ~
radius or cylinde
mdius of a SUITCl
radius or u nat \1
"'i!,ture 17. 1: Geol1lCtry 1I1\d loading or ring-stiffened sections thickness or cylil
cylindrical shell =, outward cccentt
Pw;sible cross-.mcliufllIl/urm.\'/(lr rillg ,\'Ii.ffeller.~ wilh n:mgc
The rillg stiffeners mlly be !lunched extemully II'lIich tire tlutlc:/ll.'cl eXler/mlly Iu II c:ylillders lilY! r, nOll-<li lIIensiona I
or intenmlly to the cylinder. They must be sholl'II ill Pig. 17.1. lI'i,h 'he f10taliull CkjiIlL-d. or a light stiffen(
connected to thc cylindrical Willi continuously
(e.g. by continuous wclding), or at least at (3) The rollowing ne
narrow spacings (e.g. by inlcnnillent welding stresses and stress rcsulta
or by ml:311S oradcquatc rastencrs). AI.. cin:umrerenlial I
ring stilTencr \\ II
(2) The following nOlation is used ror thc N, circumrerential
gcomelry(sccFigs 17.3): ener
If" I , cross-sectional area and second mo- a~ circumferential'
ment of area of a light stiffcner about eTler
the meridional axis y-y (without ef-
fective width of the cylinder wall) (4) Thc following not~
If .. h, section properties of a heavy stiIT- tern parameters:
m O~UIrn.-d numbe,
eller unnlogously to the light slilTener
buckling wa\C$
A.... I.... 11',.. cross-sectional area. second
moment or orcu orld section modulus mrr critical valuc of
of an cffective lighl stiffener (includ- q~r. to OOIll1" q
ing effective width or the cylindcr ,
qRcr birurcation pI'!

Cylill(JrictlJ /j'l!eJJs w;lh r;/lg sl iffe/lers II/lcler eXlenwl pressure

A.... I.... 1fI... section properties o f un effec-

ti ve iu.'t1 vy Mi ffener. anulogously to
) lIditions
the effective light stiffener
be width o f stiffener fl ange abuning
againslthe wal1
hrM em_"C ti ve width of cylinder wull for
t circumferential bending

b,t effective with of cylinder wall for

'~~ ~
circumferential force
h; If w idth and thickness of :L ~ t i ffcn cr
b... l w width and thickness of a stiffener
h" I. width and th ickness o f a flut
e,. e... e. d istances in a stiffener cross section
relative to the axis o f the effectl\'e A,., t,.,W,.,
cross section
, Icngth o frin g-stim.. rn..-d shell bet\\L"Cn
heavy stiffeners or end c1osuR.'s
,~ Icngth of unstiffencd shell between '"
light stiffeners (spacing of stiffeners)
shared cyl inder k nglh of u hca\'y
n, number o f lighl stiffeners
r mdius of cylinder midd le surfuce

Clri~'S orring-sufTcner cross-

r, mdius o fa Miffener with flun ge
fig ure 17,3: Em.."Cti\'e ri ng sti ffener
'., radius o f a fl at stiflcncr
thickness of cylind rical shell
out ward eccentricity o f a stiffener
~llIlforf//sfur ring ,ffiffener,f " with flan ge
f!Xtemlll/y flJ II cylil/d/!r,~ lIrt! y, non-d imensional sti fTnL'ss panmlctcr
!t'ilI! ,IIe nUflItion (k'fined. ofa liglll stiffener

(3) The following notation is used for

stresses and stress resultants:
AIr circumferential bendi ng moment in a
ring stiffener with nTlpcrfcctions
N. circumferential force in a ring stifT-
a~ circumferential stress in a ri ng 5tiff-

(4) Thc fol1owing notation is used for sys-

tem pammeters:
m ass umed number of circumferential
buckling waves
"'ff critical value o f III which min imi /.cs
q~",. 10 obtai n qRf?'

lIR",. bifurcation pressure (eigenvAlue)

BIIl'klillg ofSwe/ S/IC/b' - EllrtJlJewl De.\igll Recomll/{!/Uk,liollr

ussociatcd with assumed mode ", 17,2.2 Roundllr~ condit!

critical buckling pressure associated
\\ith critical mode In,.,. (I) l10undary condition
" maximum absolute nldiul deviation applicablc only to ring·
or a ring stiITcner rrOll1the true melm mdially restrained edg~
circle conditions Be I or B
('nt amplilUde or assumed equivalent EN 1993-1-6, S(..'Ction 5.~
sinusoidal imperrcction or n ring tion 4.4 in the!.C Rt.'Conmj
stilTener tinction is m:lde bel\\(..'Cn
between clamped edg(......
(5) Actions: These rules upply to unironll II i.~ IJermilfed 10 i,tcludc WI (ui(l/ luad ill addi- (e.g. Be2f and Belf).
hydrostatic external pressure qEd (including lioll 10 Ihe f!xlern(l/ pre.U/lre. 71,i.f luilll IWKJ If a ring-stilTened ~hell
the pressure on end closures where relevant, repn.'selll.~ (11/ ill(;retlse ill S('(lIN! relalil"e to the h(..':t\Y stilTener.. into S\..'Cti'
sec Fig. 17,1). Additionally. an external axial 4,h Edition uf Ihe R£'f..YJlllltWI«k"iull,\ . I, IIYL\' ;1/- 17. 1), or ifits edge is stitT
load in the ronll or a meridional line rorce, 'rodllCed ill order 10 COI'(!r tK:tiOlu like self ring (instead of 3n end (
p.Fd. may act (sec Fig. 17.1), provid(..-d it lI'eighl alld .ft/OW 10(ld tK" illg Oil l'crticII/ /(Inks. Fig. 17.1). then the radial
n'K..'Cts the rollowing condition: Usillg ellgilleerillg N!{I!wllillg, il W{tS liR/ill'll 10
orBCIIBC2 ha ... 10 be pro
tll'ice ,lte llxial compressil'C force per Imit dr- rules in 17.5.
... (17.1) clllllfercmce 0.5 'Ir 111lI1 re.'HlII!.. from e:ctenllll
pre.ullre 011 lite ('tid c/o.'mre.fI. Eqllatioll 17. 1 ill-
17.2.3 EfTct:th r proprM
di('(lIe,\' IIllIt n .f:..J is dependem Oil P" p, Ihollgh
Ihis is 1101 a ~'Iric' rt.' qlliremem,
(I) Thc cITCCl1\ e 'iCCtl
Where tI rillg-stlffelled qlilll/rictli shell is SlIbj('(.·' ring :ilifTcncr ... hould be d
10 eX/enlll1 prr.uIIN! mlly applied /(J 'he c)'lindri- 10 the rollowing equution.
cui l'Oull (wit/mIll e"d closllre pre.'f.'mre). Ihe A,.. Ar+ h, \1
Iremmell' gil"ell here is collsen·(l/il'C.
b" ., b + '11 . 1.56
Q J;,
Ii .~/f(}"Jd be IIa/ed ,11(1/ f/I:',I (IIu/ P.f;J lire ,Ire de-
sig" m/llf!.\' of '/test! acli(II/,Y alld ;IIellide the pllr- ",~ O.64{1 ,J,· )
tiu/ .mfety faclor ,....
'. ' . h, l,, 1
I .... • ~ I, + If, . e,;' + h<II"
where b"" is found accorc

y,' O.91 (~)

II' 12

(2) The efTectM \\ idl~

wall ror circulllfercnlml
detcnnined IL'> ghen in Tn

A, 1.285 ~
"s 1I';lh ring Miffl!lIcrs lI1/der e.\'lc/'I/(/I,Jr(·,\\/Ire

17.2.2 Boundary condilions

(I) Boundary condilions: Thc!o.C rules arc Turi.vHI(·rical preullre I'f.'Sft! / " (!tltl, 11/(11' he tlS-
applicable only to ring-stiITcm.:d shells with Slimed to prrn'ide ~Itj]iciellt rullilll f'f!.~trai'" III the
radially restrained edges providing boundary se'l.~e of BC / BCl if the thidmeu ratio
conditions BC 1 or Be2 accordin!; to t'-'tn~ 2: 0,5,
EN 1993-1-6, Section 5.2.2 (repealed liS St.-c-
tion 4.4 in these Rr..'Commcnduliolls). No dis- Cy/indl'ica/ ,\"ell.~ \l'ith lI.xilllly re,~tmllll'ti edge,,'
tinction is !nude bct\~ccn BCI and Be2 or (BC I) w 'e beller III their hliCk/illg behm'iollr
bch~ccn clamped edges and pinned edges thall \l'lth (1..1;;0/1.1' Jree edges (BC1), {lml are
lUI a.ritlliood ill (lilt/i- (c.g. Be2r and Be21). therefore ('011 \'en 'atil'f!(1' CQl'en'cl
Thi.\ lu;ul 'O(Ki If 11 ring-stiffened shell is subdivided by
• re/ulil1! 10 'he heavy stiffeners into section... of length' (Fig.
~'<m"."";"";"'." II was in- 17. 1). or if its edge is stiffened by a heavy end
cm-er lXtioll,v like self-
rillg (instead of an end closure ItS shO\\o n in
octing 011 w!rticlIl t(lI/los.
Fig. 17. 1). then the rudiol restruml in the sense
I ;,::::::'~ ;1 1I't/S limited w ofBCI /Be2 has to be proved :Iccording 10 the
~ force Ix-'r /1/1;1 cir- rules in 17.5.
Irom e:c/C'rll(ll
r"Iw""" .' Eqlllllitm J 7.1 in-
11.2.3 EfTcclh c propcrlies of rings
dt'pcmkm UII p...u 'hough

(1) TIle clTccli, c 5(."Ction propertll~S of :1 The mller j1l11/lSe of u rillg ,{Iiffe m.'r (II or T_
"" C)'lmdri",1 shell is slIbjecl ring slilTcncr should be dClcnninL-d according pmfiles, ,n't:' Fig. 17.2) mll.l' be takell as fll/~I' I'!-
uppliLw til the r:yli"dri- to the following equations (sec Fig. 17.3): fi-~Iil'f! if hrS (1 ,1 r ,,/u, For gre{I/{'r rulios h, "
closure pres-fillre). the A,.. A ~ + b~\' t ... (17.2)
Ihe effi'<:til'f!j1allge11M,,, shollld he red/lced, ('.g,
ucl'fJrdillg to EN 1993- 1-3.
b..,· - h" + '11 • 1,56 ..r;; ... (17.3)
qEd af" / P,u ure Ihe de- No dil'filll'lioll l~ made be/ll'L'C1I III/(',.,wl {/lid ex-
lac";.,,, . "d;,,,,,/,,<I, the IX IT- 'I, but II' S I ... (17.4) lemalrillgMiffellers. llllemlll :uiffellerflll.f..IN...-
tel' ill their loml carryillg helwriollr, lind lIrI!
Illertjorl.' colISer\,(lliI 'e~I' c(}I'ered

... (17.5)

... (17.6)
where h~ 11 is found ul:cording to clause (2) .

... ( 17.7)

... (17.8)

(2) The CrTL"(:li\c \\idlli h~ 1I of the cylinder Vallief of h. \I \l'ere gil'("" ill the :t' E(litl(J11 ollhe
\\all for circumferential bendmg should be RL'('mmllemialiolls for m 1 /() 6 ill th(' {orm oj
dctcnnincd as given in Table 17.1. \\here: le/lw/n' ItIhle~ . Till' JOnllfllwJ ill Tabh' 17.1 lire

.,-1.285 +
, ... (17.9)
em'C!lulX' tllJ/Jroximarloll.f of Ihl',W! I'{IllIe.f rilL'1'
1//".1' "If0 ht.. applied to larger I'oill/!_~ {ifm,

Budding ofStcei Shells - £,jrolH!llt1 IJes;gtf Rl'COll/lllemjtlfiolls

T.lJle 17. 1: Values of effective width b." " (4) IfthcmcasurcmenlS

perfections do not satisfy 1
)0 S r.' < 290
)0 S r.t < 290
<2 C · 05 0.25(" 2 <I
eranees stated in (I) \0 (3)
tion steps, such 3S straigi
investigatcd and decided in

rt C!: 290
a11 4 [ 2+0.1
C '"
{ l"lt~290)l l. sI
6_0 Ar
290 _ 1"11)3., Tl blr 17.2: ~
with C, = 2 - (0.17 111 - 0.31) . ( 260
FabriClltion toll'fl!lICe
Class A
Class B
17.2.4 Gcom('tri(,111 tolcnllICCS
Clnss C

(I) The cylindcr wall must comply with thc The r/mder i.v rellti"ded of lite fact tlwl the geo- 1'.bh
rules for buckling-relevant geometrical toler- metricalwll!nmct!s depe"d 0" the chose" Fabri-
:mces of EN 1993- 1-6. repea ted as Section 6.3 catioll Tolcl"llllce Qlt(llity CllIss (A, B or C). Fabricallon III
in these Recommendations.
Class A
(2) The initial out-of-roundness of the stiIT- The mast critical ring .vtiffeller ;mpeifL,{·tio" CIMS B
eners should comply with the following COIl- wOlild be a silll/soidal ollt-o!-rolll1dness affine 10 ClllSs C
dition: lite crlticl,1 glomi' bllckling pat/ern o/Ihe .\'tilf-
em!d ,\·/I(!/I. n/(~I"f!fon' thc I,tlille CI. intnxll/ce(/ {U' 17.3 Design against
a S U", r when 11/ S6 ... (17. 103)
Iht> {lIPlplill/de 0/ lhis s;"lIsoi(/(l1 Olll-O/-
u < u.. (!..)
when m C!: 6 ... ( 17. IOb)
ro,,"d"CftS. _f/IOl'''' be a jimcI;oll 0/ rim. £q.
17. IOh de.~cr;hes a IOlemlll:c amplil/uk 0/11150
(t) The unstifTencd cy
twccn light ring stiffeners
or 11100 or If67 related 10 the circllm/cl'clliia/
where (I is the muximum nbsolllle rudial de- against local buckling aed
IW!f-IWII 'C lenglll and is hellce a{/{lp/ed to Ihe
vin tion from the true mellll circle and the pa- 1-6 (or Chapter 10 of t~
wlerablc rc/uli\"(! delJlb of initiul dimples ill Ih('
rumeters U", and Uri; arc taken from Table shell wull accordillg to 6.1.4. For smull circum- lions) using i, as thc cyli
17.2. jcl"f!lItiul /Jllek/iI,s 1I"0l't! 1I1f1I1bt:rs In < 6, Ihe detennining the critical cit
m/lic 0/ a is kepI CO,1.\'/{ml (I,f 0,15% ur 0.5ma or ling stress. boundary cO)
0.75').a 0/ tll(· I"(I{/ius ill order 10 be cOllsis/(·t/I should be used. The infl Ur
lI'ilh Ihe 41h Editio" o/Ihc Rec:ummell(/utiolls. It pR:ssivc stresses frolll cn
shullld be IIoled IIK,t the U,.,.-m/llel·, /ur Ihe limit· and/or from additional e
illg case u/UII um/ .fhapc OIif-O/-rolflU/III!XS (m - should be covered by a b
1). are cotlSistelll with II,e Olll-o/-rolffuilless tol- check according to
eronce plIr{lm('/crs U,....._ ill 6.1.1/ur d;amc/ers d cific cylinder rules in 10.2.
?: /.15m.

(3) The initiol tilt 0 of the ring stiffeners

should comply with the condition (Fig. 17A):
17.4 Design against
Os Un ... (17. 11)
17.4.1 Design concept
Where Uois expressed in degrees and is given
in Table 17.3.
(I) The follOWing ch~
fonned for the light ring stt
Bending stiffness of
Jo' I!.:ure 17.4: Initiul lih orll stiffener
according 10 17 A.1 (:
flexural buckling of

Cylindrical sllell.\' I\'ilh ring l"'iffelICrs III1t1cr e.tlemal pressure

(4) If the measurements of geomctrical im- Tltil' is ,lte l'ame 1I'Ort/;t1g as ill EN /993- /-6 fur
perfcctions do not Slltisfy the gL'Omc tricul tol- ,d ,eI/walls (.\'(.'C! 6,3,/(7) ill ,he,\'e Recommellda-
crunccs stated in (I) 10 (3) above, any correc- tiol/s), The colllmellwry' made ill Chapter 6 is
2)S I tion SICps. such as stroightening. should be also mlid here, A specific cX/{'IItkd cOlllmelllary
invcsligutL-d und dL'CidL-d individually. is gil'f!II in 17,7, / Oil holl' 10 procl,(,{/ ill Ihe sil/I(l-
lioll II'h('rc lite ring." exceed 'he OII,-ofrollllt/I/e5S
IOlcnmce \'OllIcs ill (1) abm'e,

T.bll' 17.2: Valu~-:. fur oot-of-roundncs,'i tolcmnce

'd of Ille f{l{'1 Ihal 'he g(.'Q-

TIIIlI!' 17.3'. Values for stifTencr tilt tolerance parameter Uo
dc/h-"uJ on 'lie d,w'en Fobri-
lin' Class fA, B or C). Fabricallon tolerance quality class Description U,
Class A Excellent
ring Miffcller imlJeifeclioll Class 11 lIigh 0.50
~I olll-ofrmmdlless affille 10 ClassC Nonnal 0.75
bllcldillg /XII/em of the Sliff-
~ lite millC 0, imrotillc('{/ as 17.3 I>esign :lgain st local bu ckling betwec n the ring stiffc ncrs
IIl1,ffimuoidal alii-of-
he a jilllcli(m of rim, Eq.
(I) Thc unstiffcllcd cylindrical wall be- ASSl'.uillg Ihe /(x:a/ hllc/dillg sIrellglh betweell Ihe

ermlCl' tlmp/ill/de of 11150
tiled 10 III" circumforel//ial twccn lig ht ring stiffeners should be designed ring sliffe,ICrs lI'ith bolllldary com/ifio//.' BCl-
is Iteflee atklpled In Ihe against local buckling according to EN 1993- BCl I.'ffocliwdy means assllmillg all tlllli-
rill of jllilial dimplt's i/l ,I,e 1-6 (or Chaptc r 10 of these Recommenda- symmelric clll'ckerhoard bllddillg pal/em wilh
106.1.4. For ,wllall Cil'ClIIlI- tio ns) us ing Ir as the cylinder length. When rt.'sJX'C1 to Ihe sliffening cirde.\" Thf., is a conser-
Iiall' /llIIlIbers m < 6, Ihe wlth'e assumplion 1x.'t.·U/ue Ihe IlX'al imlJerfl'Ctiolls
detcnnining the cri tical circumfcrcntial buck-
IStum us O.15~' or 0,5(1]0 or 1I'01lid IIsilally be symmt'tric lI'it" respecl 10 Il,e
ling SIn.'SS. boundary conditio ns BC2·BCl
~ ill order '0 be colI,~islelll should be used, TIle innuencc of axial com-
,fliffellillg eirele.',
of llu! R£'COlllllle//tk,'io//s. " pressive stresses from end closure pressure
,lte U..rm/llt'l'.for 'he lill/il- Althollgh ,lte ol'igillal niles ill fhe ';. Edilio// of
a nd/or from ltdditionnl extcnlul IIXill1 load
f.1l11II! o/ll-ofrUlllld//£\',\' (11/ - ,lte Rel'o",,,,elldllliOlls I\'ere deemed 10 cOl'er
sho uld be covered by II buckling intcroctiol1
III Ihl! OIII-ofromullle.u tol- aUlomotically Ihe atial COIIIIH'Cni\'e s/resses ill-
c heck aecording 10 9,2,2,3(3) using thc spe-
~_ ill 6.1.1 for diamelers d cific cylinder rules in 10,2.6.
ducl'" by the end clOSllre pres.wre lI"der hydro-
static alen",1 presl·/Ire. in Ihis ell/llmced \'l'rsioll
it is ohligalo/)' to jllelude Iht'm foml(llly ill Ihe
ill/el'(lction check.

17.4 Design against global buckling in cl uding the light r ing st iffe ners

17.4. 1 I)csign concept

( I) The following c hecks s hould be per- Of Ihese fOllr ch(.'Ck.\'. Ihe flc,tllrtll bllckling chl'('k
fonned fo r the light ring stiffencrs: is Ihe cnlcial one cOlllrolling Ihe glob(ll budling
Jllal tilt ora stiffener
Bending stiffness of the ring s tiffeners slrellglh of Ihe sliffelled shell. The IOrsiol/allllld
accord ing to 17.4. 1 (2); local bucklillg checks ore Sl'COndllry in lIallll'(!:
nc xurul buckling o f the ring stiffeners Ihey gllartlllfl'C! l/tal the sliffellc,'S IU/I'e (I prolJer
Bucklillg afSteei Shells· European /Je"igll RecoII/melle/arions

in Ihcir circular planc according 10 cros.h"ecti(m which ellllbics Ihelll 10 fake vn Iheir free compressed rings for
17.4.2: globol wiffi!lling role. the pressure, i.c. the strip I~
torsional buckling of lhe ring sliffcncrs
according 10 17.4.3; Ihc fomlUllIS of Section 17
local buckling of the ring stiffencrs ae· replacing f. by f,.
cordillg 10 17.4.4.
(2) For Ihe more aecw
(2) It should be \erified that The minimllm mille." y,' Idemw' Ihe l'lif!iwss of ling approach, the first Sl ~
r,> r: ... ( 17. 12) IIIC disCl'('/t'iy lfiffel/ed peifet:' shell flllI'hich hX:lIl bifureution pressure q~...,. •
hlickHIIK IX'III't!t'/1 'he .I/iffellers ,"eorellcally be-
whcre: assumed nu mber III of ei
COli/I!I IIII! cri,iclll hucklillg moe/t'.
r. is the non-dimcnsionlll stiffnc!>s par.unc· ling wales from:

tcr according to Eq. 17.8
IS the minimum vlllue for ". to be takcn
from Fig. 17.5
Wilh cOlIIlJCImble defd Mrencrh Wllm's fOl' Iht,
cylillder \l'lIlI {lml rillg lIifJellcr. Ihis ,·lijJlle.\·\·
ched: of Ihe rillgfl!ffi'm.·r is /lsI/lilly IUJI a llifJi-
q~.... - 0,183 £urIi
dem crileriml for 111l! Ilimellsiollillg of Ih(' sliffe,,- in ",hieh:
m' [
q=2+( 1
1 ') , ./
n,is dillgrall/ lI'a~ orighlllily (kl'ist'd by Greiner
(1987), Ullfuntfllllll!~I' Ihe clIl clilmimu' did 1101
extelld 10 11II1II/)er,1 of.lliffi!ller gremer 111l1II II, J.
,-,., + 2",-

/-Ioll'el't'r, COlllitkl'illg Ilmf l!til' slijJlle_I,v chec:A: i.'

lIIere(,' all ellgim'erillg e.flill/tlil', e.!-lraIJOlatioll 111'
IQ liT 10 is proM/hI,' wife.

3 ,
,<, - - .,
\, n,:I !J
(3) The crilical bucklill
obtained by minimizing ,
spec! 10 III. That number I
q~tT is the critical bucklin

\ 1 (4) The value of lifer rna
mined from :

o so 100 1SO 200

f/fiT III
c, -
( l +r,(fJl,)
)0"" I
...Ij!urr 17 ,S: Minimum slilTlK'Ss parulllcicr ""Iucs Yr'
whcnp > 10
17....2 "'nural huck ling or thr rin g stirrrncrs

fJ 0.95 (")
(I) Ai> II \cry cOTlscnati'l.! simplified ap- This is (I quid t:hct:k ;11 elise... ,,'here Ihe rillg .\tiff- "" J I +y,(I·',) rl
pro.1eh the ring stiffeners may be dcsignL'd as ellen m 'e! on'rsi:t'tlfur lIlI)' CUll.l/nlCJiOI/ re(lsoll.

Cylil/(/riclIl ,~/II.dls lI'itll ring wiffe"ers miller exl erl/ol pressure

--i1 enuhll'.$ "/elll to take 011 'heir free compressed rings for their full share of
ole. the pressure, i.e, the strip load qf,. In this ellsc
the fonnulas of St.-ction 17.5 may be upplit:d.
replacing by f ,.

(2) For thc more lIceur.tlc nexunll buck- Eqllttlioll.f 17. 1J /0 17. 18 are Wllid /0/' lIs!>/II1/('(lIy
II"~ " . idt:llli/y ,Itt' l " iffIlC,U tlf ling approach. the first step is to determine the ","II/eared" I'illg sfiffellers fllld (IIY! Iu,.\'cd 1I11Ii/ll'{I/'
IIctl pl.-'rfi-'Ct ~"c/l tit !!'hieh lex:ul bifurcation pressure q~rr as u function of the bm:klillg th,'o!")' (B/Xlllcr 1957).
Iht' ~Iiffcfl('r.\ 1/t{'UN!lictllh' be-
hlld.;/illg lII(}(k. • a.~sumed number //I of circumfercnti:11 buck-

ling wav,"'S from :
yield M~/lg'h WIllies / 01' 'he
I rillg stiffeller . Ihj f f /iffilt'ss q~rr"" 0.183 E('; q ... ( 17.13)
slifT(,lIer ;S liS/wI/I' IlOt amffi-
Ihe dlnleluimlil,g 0/ 'he Mlffe ll- in which:

ariRinal/l' tk"'iseJ hi' Greiller

u/ch' lite' Ctllt:lIlmio,;l' did lUll
ofsliffi'llcr gremer t"(11/ II, 5. . .. ( 17.14)
'illg 1"(1/ fhis ~lifJi/('u clu..d· il'
~i/~ efllma/e, I!..I·tr(lpoll'fioll "1)
1;0/1' sufe.
(1+,,';';)'[;; +2m')
. -- I
(3) Thc criticnl buckling pn:ssurc l!1f.... is
obtained by minimizing Eq, 17. 13 wilh rc-
spect to m. That number m which minimizes
q~cr is the critical buckling wavc number /II""

(4) The value of ItIa mny be directly deter- Aitertllllil'f!iy the WI/lit'S 0/ q . , and nfrr 111(1), tlP-
mined from: proxilll(lft'iy be obtuil1edfrom:
q. , - O.9C, E(llr/(rili ... (1 7. /9)
whcnpS 10' ...( 17.15) where:
C, - {t/(nl'J . {I + y, ( 11I,)t-1$ ... (17.10)
m - [
I+Yr("'r )
."'( P,,J )'"
II'IIell B(rt/,3 > JOO,
e, should be lOken/rom Fig. 17. 60
1I'!tet1 fI(n)fJ.J S 100.
when p > 10 ... ( 17.16) nfrr - C.,,_·f (rll) ... (/ 7. 1/)
where: II'hcre C. sllollid be taken/rom F;g, J7.6b.

p_ 0.95 (") ... ( 17.17)

!.( ill "(ISO' I""ere fhe rillg MilT- - J I +y,.(lI f r ) ;-;
tvr (III)' cOIIMmctiulI rem;oll.

Bllckling o/SIt'e/ Shells - European Design R('COmmeluJuliolls

;;; = O.443+0.248Iogp
... (17. 18)
P 4>'
- 7· 10-' · (4 - log)

II) FllctorC, for ....q. 17.19 b) FoclorC. for Eq. 17.21

Figure 17.6: Factors for critical pressure and critical modc (Eqs 17. 19 and 17.2 1)

(5) Thc nexun,1 buckling design check III Eq. /7.25 the first ten" ill I"e sql/{/rt! brllc/(e/.f
should be perfonned us a second order clastic reprt!sents 1f,e primar)' effi-ci oflite ex/ernal pres-
Slress check of Ihe clTeclive ring slifTener. for .fUrt! q Oil the bt'/ldil1g lIIolllem 0/ the imperfcct
which a ntdiul ('(Iuivnlenl imperfection .wiffener. lI'''ereas lite second lerlll l'epl'e.\·e11l.~ the
effiet of till! radial del'lllt;,m/on:e /rolll Ihe at/(/j·
I\'/; (0) .. (I... ·sill (Ille., ... (17.22) lioll(ll wd,,1 100lll P,.
is assumed. where the amplilude a... is given
below in (7). The check then rends as fo llows:

... (17.23)

in which
(6) The number m ofcil1
N, - qrbr \ ... (17.24) fcelion (buckling) WII\CS
pressure q~CT 10 be introd
2 _ I}a ...!L
"' •
r- --1 a.. I, should be token 3S:
r qRCT
... ( 11.25) m ::: ma-.qRrr qRrr·"h
+ p .~.- ,' .----'--.--
' == =1-----1
[ x ',. ",2_ 1)] I - q l q;rr When "'rr S 6, Ihen ", al
takcn as those values (u
I-lgurt' 17.7: Simplified model for Inking additional q~(',.) which Ill3XlffiI7.c II
extcmnl axiullood P, into account ",hen dt.~igning the 17.23 .
light ring stiffeners

_________ _____~
CJ'Ii"'Iric:all"elll· lI'illI rillg :'J'Ijffellers IIIIdcr ('xtenllli pressllre

Til;;." s(,('OlId ferm is Ixu('tl 011 the COIISen'lIt;I'C

(llSflmIJf;OIl ,11m, of three f1eig/JIxmrillg rillg .fliJJ-
eller,f, 'he middle (lI1I! Ims the filII iltllJetj'ecliulI
tIIl/plill/de (md 'he
l ' rq 111'0 others IWI'(! =I!ro im-
perft'L'tioll.f (Fig. 17.7).

71,;s simph- model yieldf all ;IIcrC'asillg t/el'ial;(J//

fUri.'C lI'illt t/ecr/!a,\';lIg t, which lIIay. Jo/' m,ht·,.
I/(IITfJ\\'-SP(/(: /!{J stiffenillg, lC'lIeI to ,Itt' absurd n.'-
SIII( ,ltal ;IICI1.'(I5;II8 the /llImber of sriff('IIers re-
{//lces lite ",.('.H/lrt! cOf7)'jn8 ('a/Hleit)'. To lIl'Oid
'he mlio (2 " rt/l,) ill the second term ill 'he
sq/lare bracket:> xho/lld be Iimilt'd to
" ~ 11100 ... (/7.26)

£I'elllllll/ bel/dillg mOil/ems M,,,' from Id/"II()(I(I·

ilfg ill n,,.(iC(lI cylil/ders sl/Qllid be adtkd to M,.
"'hell doillg rhis, Ihe seco"d order (.goct needs
/lor be Illkell illlo lJCCOlml if Ihe \'tIllle of m uc·
cO/'dillg to (6) ;s larger Iho/l 3. 1/1 case m :S3. Ihe
'-actor c. ror Eq. 11.21
.'fl'COlld ordflr effecl m(l), lIpproximlllely be COl'·
~s 11. 19 lU1d 11.21)
ert'(/ hy mllililllyi,,}!, 90% uf /;I,.N' (1\ Ill'" 11/ - 2) UI
2(110 of ;..t, N' (11'/1{'11 ", - 3) lI'ilh Ihe lImplijiCtllioll
"31 Ie,,,, ill Ihe sqll(Jrt! braekel.I'
wI)' effccl of Ihe"'al p,..:s·
flK'lor J/I(I-q/q~cl')j·
ding momelll of II,e imlH't/t-'C'1
rhe second le'm rt'preset/I,I' Ille The OPIJrotlCh for 111ft global bucklillg SIn'IIMIII
(Iel'ililioll jim:e from III(! atldi· lL\'.I'/!.umelll os rt'P"(!St!llll'Ci by Eqs 17,2210 17.25
II/(/y. ill Ille lermillology of EN 1993- 1·6 (.\·ee
ellailler 8 of Illese Hl.'C0I1/IIIe1ldoliolls). be c(llIed
1I .\'imfJlijied lII/meriClIl GMNIA bllcklillg desig"
Clll-eli ill Ihe cOIu'en'CI/il '(! fon" of 1I GNIA {ma~r·
sis, wilh lite .nlt:ftlCe slresses Iil1liletllo ,he yield
,flress. alld IIsillg 011 eigellmode-affi"e IXII/e", for
I, Ihe eqll/l'olelll geollleiric impet/t-'C.·liolls,

(6) Thc number m orcin:umrcrential impcr· For slll,,11 crilico/ll'OI'e /llImbers "'.... I"e imper-
rcction (buckling) WIIVes and the bifurcation feclioll /Killen! "Di"e 10 'he lowesl eigellmode
pressure q~cr to be introduced inlO Eq, 11.2.5 may 1101 rep,e.felll ,he worst case of impefji..'Clioll
a.. IXll/ems. Tllerefore lilt! lI'orst olle hlls 10 be idemi·
I, should be I3kcn Il.'i: fled by mtu:imbllg 'he stress a. ill Eq. 17.13.
TI,i.f IllY.H:edllre corres/IOIIds to Ihe niles for ,he
--=1-'--1- get/erol GMNIA approach as gil'ell ill 8.3.2,2(11)
When 111.... s: 6, then•.... should be
lind qR III tmd(11) ,
laken as those values (using Eq. 11.13 ror

lied model ror laking additional q~f'I') which maximize the stress u. in Eq.
into account when designing the 11.23,
nng sIIfTem..'1'S
Bucklillg a/Slcel Shells - EllroP(',(1II IJej>;gl1 ReLYJnlmendlltiolls

(7) The amplitude vl1lue u<If of the sinusoidal The factor '11 CVl'erT lite jllflm!llCc 0/ residual (3) The crilieal tOl'.lional,
ring stifTener equivalent impcrfl.:ction to be .~/resses ill Ihc seme of "eqllim/elll " XL,(}IIIClriclII ring stifTener may be aPJI
introduccd into Eq. 17.25 should be taken as: impeifec'iolls. III lite 4'" Edilioll of 'he Rc'C.'Om- lows:
at'9 '1." (1 ... (17.28) melUialioll.f ,ltis l'.Veel 11'(U' LYJl1'reti hy amplifying
Ihe eXlern(II pre.\'.mre hy .fimil(lr fi,,:tur.\'; hOIl'l'I't!r
111ff1 approtlCh dlH!j' lIul fit ;1/10 IltL' dC'jign mel"-
a is the oUl-of-roundness tolerance (J(1%J,.r o/Ihe S'mclllmi EllrtH.yHll'S,
measured IIccording; to Eq. 17. 10
'/2 = 1.5 for cold fonned ring stiITeners.
'/2 = 1.3 for wunn fonned or wcldL-d ring

17.4.3 Torslonnl bucklin!,: of the ring stiffeners

(1) For ring stilTeners with 1-1-. T- or L-

cTOSS-Sl.'Ction (5<.:<: Figs 17.2 and 17.3) it
should be proH.-d thm their torsional buckling
resistance is at least 1.5 timcs the local shell
buckling resistance of lhc cylinder wall be-
tween thc stifTcners:
Z... ~ 1.5 Xtor. but XIOr S 1,0 ... (17.29)
is the reduction fllClor for toniolHlt
buckling of compression members 1704.4 Loca l budding Cl1
ttt.-cording to EN 1993- 1- 1.
XI« is the reduction factor for local shell (I) For ring ~tifTener;
buckling according to SL"Ctioll 17.3. erOlP-M!ction (sec hg~ I·
ratios h"/I.. and bi" shou
(2) The member slenderness pttnUlleter Awr m.u:imum width-to-thickn,
needed for the detenninmion of Zftlr should be wcbs and oulstand nttngc
taken as: cording to EN 19'J3-I-1.

(2) For extcmttlannular

... (17.30) 17.2c). thcir rutio hit, ~h~
maximum width-to-thickn,
wherc: outstand nang~. 3eeoni1ll1
N,.. is the circumferential forcc of the
ring stiffener in the fully plastic state: - II, 'J.. . .. ( 17.31)
tV,.« is the crilical torsional buckling force
of the ring stiffener.

(I'limlrit:u/ ~"/!II... n}t" rillg stijfi!llcrs under e:rternal preulIN!

Ol'('rs lite ",filll!IICe of re.-.icllwl (3) The critical torsional buckling force ofa A more accllmU' .mlllriOlljbr 'he critictllltJrsiullul
Itff! of "l.'qllil'lllCIII ,. gcomt'lric.'u/ ring stiffener may be approxim:ucd as fol- hllck/illg force IIIay be obtained (Ti.'I18 & Rouer,
Ille ,f* Editiol/ of 'lte Recom. lows: 19RR)from:
W(U COl '('ret/ by tlllllJfijyillg
f"fl' by similtlr!m:ron,.; hUlI'cl'er ... (17.32)
Ies /10/ fil illlo ,ItI.' tie.fign 11/(,,11.
;u{'/IIrt/1 £IIrOCot/e.\',

... (17.13)
r.. '.

11/ " '"
( :n
r. 'I ,
+ ....L
h J( G/If : "
EI" r" /J J ... (17.34)

/1. =. I. + 1.• + -
A, r.
... (17.351

"'hell deri\'illg £q. 17.33 Ihe rol",iwU/1 reslrailll

IIJ II,e rillgwjffiller by 'he sllt'll has bel.'li igllored

"'or f!..,·Ienwl rillg~/jffillers £q. 17.33 yields more

aCCllm/1! (llId ~'iglliflcill1"Y higher NT.•.,. \'{11m's IlwlI
£q. /7.31. HUII·("I·/ff. £q. 17.31 is CO"('CI jor ill-
lertlal rillg sliffellers.

17.4.4 Lonl buckling urlhe ring stiffeners

( I) For ri ng stiffeners with H-, T· or L·

cro~s-S{.'C lj oli(sec Figs 17.2 nnd 17.3), their
ratios Ilnd bl'r shou ld comply wi th the
maximum w idt h·lo-thickness mtios ofCluss 3
webs and outstand flanges. rcsl>cctivcly. ac-
cording to EN 1993-1-1.

(2) For external annullir plate rings (S(..'C Fig. rhe ""trill/lIl1/ widlh-Iv-thicklless mlio du'd lIe-
17.2c). their rnlio b,ll, should comply with the glC'elS the rolllliOfWl rl''i/milll oJ Ihe ,\Iiffeller by
maximum width-to-thickness ratios or Class 3 IIIevltell. Thi.'i me(lllS lh'" the critical ploll! b,/do'-
outsland flnnges. according 10 EN 1993-1-1 . lillg Siren Jar tlu! e:ctemal alllwlt,r pIau' rillg i.f
base-'ll 011 the simple expressioll

CT... , E 0.43£ ( ~ J .. (17.36)

A more accllrate p/(l/C' bliCklillg check may be

perfurmed 'I.'> lIoted ill the collllllelllory' 011 (5)

Bllckling ofSleel Shells - Ellropeu/I Dc.~;gn RecommelldUliOfIS

(3) For internal annular plate rings it 17.5 Design of

s hould be proved thnlthc plate buck ling resis-
tance is at least 1.5 limes the locul shell buck-
ling resistunL"C of Ihc cylinder wall betwcen 17.5.1 Cross'$rt'lional p
the sliffencn;:
(I) The cfTccthe CT'O'>S'
X".... ~ I ,5x....., but Xp. S r.O ... ( 17.37) A.... J"" and W.. should be
where: ogy to the propcniL'S II ....
X.pIIol~ is Ihe n.:duction ruc tor ror plnle buck- stiffeners (i,e. in principle;
lingaecording to EN 1993- 1-5, 17.7). When clllculllting tf
;( ~ is Ihe reduc tion filctor ror local s hell values b~v and bl'''' the Ie
buck ling according to SI..'Ction 17.3.
replaced by /. und the cir

(4) The plate slcndenll..'SS IXlrnmeter ).,"(111' number should be taken as .

needed ror the detcmlinution of XpIIIo: s hould (2) For inlenncdialC he:
be taken as:
the length (. is Ihe mean \ a
or the two adjacent shell so
... (17.38)
(3) For heavy ring stiffci
where: ring-stiffened shell (end rir
17,..... is the critical plate buckling s tress of the
annulur plate.

(5) The critical platl.! buckling stress of the I" Eq. 17.40 fur Ihe pltlle bllcklillg ji«:lur 0 Ihe t 7 .S.2 D~ l gn Chl'tks
internal annular plate may be approximated as roltlliollal n'slro;m of Ihe imeMllI1 tlflll//lar plule
follows : by II/e shell il' rt'prt!sellfL'tI hy Ille ,feoolld Ie,.",. ( I) On principle. the SIl
Limilillg lila 0 5 0,43 is II cOII.\·cn 'tllil'e aplJI"Oach. have to be perronncd as fI
... (17.39) en;. but modified as dcscrit
A mure (ICC'II"tlle mul le.\'s tVI/,\'c n 'alil-e pltlle
where: buckling c:llt.'t'A' m"y he IX',!ul'lm:d hy I/,\'illg lite (2) Sufficient bending <;
followillg expressioll for Ii (Jlllll iki~ tI"d ROller.
(' )(-' )'f
proved by verifying that

/i-O. 167-J:. +0,94 ~
r " I, r
1983: Tellg lOU! ROller. 1988) ilu'/ct"! of
- ... ( 17.40) Eq. I7.40:
pQ ; Jhe~ qit
'14a l +
but liS O.4J,
- 114+P ... (1 7.41)

where: (3) The ne:<ul'3l bucklin

a l = 0.385+ 0. 452 l- ... (1 7.41)

pcrfonned as a second (
eheck for the impl'frl'Cli
s tiffener as rollO\o,s:
1.154 + 0.560( ~)
Q ; '"

p ~ 0.43+ _I_(.!:.)'
4000 hr
u Oh

A 11',
'" . .

11~: (tr~ N. - qrbc'i

AI h
=£ I",(!!J..)[~
r 67 I - q q

Cyli/ldrical shells 1\';lh rillg .I·ti.ffe /ler,~ /I"der e.rle,.,wl pl'l'.u /lre

17.S Design of hcavy rin g sliffencrs

17.5. 1 Crolili·sectional properties

(I) The effective cross-sectional properties "III principle. lI'ill, £qs 17.110 17.7" is illtended
A"", J.., and IV.., s hould be detennined in anal- 10 illdic(l/(! Ihefolloll'ingfor all elltf ri/lg:
ogy to the properties A.... J... nnd 11'... of light • 0111.11 5(JDtI tlf lite ,)1.'(.'01/(1 1t.,.,11 ill Elf, 17.1
stiffeners (i.e. in principle. \\it h Eqs 17.2 to .)Iw,,'" be IeIke'II ;
17.7). When calculating the cllective width • 011(1' 5~" of b~M should be illtrOllllc(-'ll
values h..1 and brl!. the Icnglh " should be illlo Eq.I' 17.5t/lld 17.6.

rcplae(,."<! by r. and the circumferential wave

number should be taken as 1/1 2.

(2) For intemlediate heavy ring stiffeners

the length is the mean value of the lengths f
of the two adjaeel1ll>hell sections.

(3) For heavy ring stiffeners UI the end of a

ring-stiffened shell (end rings) the length is r.
f, - (I2.

~(' plale bucklillg faclor t5 III" 17.5.2 Design chl.'Cks

, of Ih(' il/l('rllal tllIIlI/lar plule
r,_fr. med by 111(' s('(:ond lerm. (I) On principle. the !'Illlle d(,.'Sign c\u.'eks
41 is (I COllsen'al;w! apprtNlCil. have to be pcrfonned as for the light stiffen-
ers. but modified as d<.'SCribcd in (2) to (4).
I ami le,\-s COIISC'I"!'''';I'e plale
~. be perjimlled by tls;ng tile (2) Sun-iciem bending stiffness should be Tlte hem:I' rillg .)·tiffel/crs (il/cllfdillg elld rillg.f)
II for ,,' (JIII//;!iif (I//(/ Rotter. proved by verifying; that (II." \'irllllllly desiglled as free COlIIlJressirm rillgs
Rotler, 1988) ;lIStC'nd of 1I'ilh I I circul1lferem;al bucklillg Il'{lI'e /lilli/her
11/ .. 2.
JIHo ~ q "3E"
r ... (17.43)
... (17.4/)

(3) The nexurnl buckling cht."Ck should be As far as the circumferential force N~ is COII-
pcrfomH.:d as a SL'Cond order clastic stress cen/ed. Ihe helll)' slijJeller has. llCcorti;IIg 10 Eq.
... (17.41) c\u."Ck for the imperfectly aSSIlllled heu\'y 17.45, W Ctlrt)' ollly ils pmportiOlml shore of Ihe
s tiffener as follows : pre.I·.l'IIre. IlolI'cl'cr, I'.~ far a.f the circllmjerelllilli
bending 1110111('111 to!" crealed by Ihe imperfectiolls
.. . (17.44) ;s cOllcen/ell. Ihe l,ellVY sliffeller lUIS 10 corry tile
whole IJlY!sslire q I. . This i.~ a(.'hiel'(>tl by Eqs
where: 17.46 ami 17.47. Equation 17.46 ful/olt'.f from Eq.
17.15 by imroll"cillg tI radial equiml£'l11 illlper-
N. qr b~\' . .. (17.45)
fi-oclioll will, III :II 2 a"d lI'ilh a.., 'IJ · 0.005 r
(Fobricatioll TolerlmCl! QlltllilY Class B. sce
M" ",~(!lJ..)[ q l q",RCT) ... (17.46) 17.2.4(}) ahm'e) alld hy omitti"g the tenll with
r 67 I q l q".lcr- P,.

B'lCklill}!, a/Steel Shell.,· E'/ropeall Desi!;" RecommcmlClJiUlI$

in which:
This lIppmach is (lilll('(1 (If prUl'idillg 'he rillg·
_3E IJrr
q".Rrr - 'f . ... (17.47) .\Iij]i!II/!d ,hel/with till' lI!'c('ulIry mt/iCl/Il.'stmiIlJ
, h ill thl' l'l'lIse uf J7.1.1.

(4) TIle torsionul buckling and local buck-

ling checks of the heavy stiffcners should be
perfonned in fu ll nnalogy to Sections 17.4.3
und 17.4.4, resp(.'Clively.

17.6 Extended commentary: Ring stiffeners wilh excessive out-or-roundness

TIle gcomelricallolcmnce measure for the cireularity of the ring stiffeners as specified in 17.2.4(2)
should present no difficulties for shells that arc fabricated in [I workshop.
111!!11 r~ ' 7.K: Example ofa
Ilowever, for shells Ihalure fabricaK'ti on site by welding one course to another. it IIllly be difficult
to sutisfy the out-of-roundness tolcrunce measure nu". The difficulties are likely to increase for
lurge diametcr shells. since each eourse must be assembled by site welding of rolled plme segments
(c.g. 90" or 120"). Regardless of how and whcn the stiffening rings are wcJd,-'d to the shellund
mude into n full circle. the toleronce ... ulues ",,.' will prob.ably nppear rother strict to thc fabriClItion

The question then arisc~ of how the site engineer should proc,--cd if lhe tolenll1ce \'tllues 'Oll":lre con-
",demblyexceeded. In order to judge the eonse(llIenccs of sllch uns.'ltisfaelory measurement results
in tenns of safety. it is necessary to apl)rcciate the idea behind the simple tolerance definition in
tenns or " ,i". Thc 1"'0 steps of this tolerance detemlination lend to a mther conscr"all\'e procedure.
Firsl the absolute mdial deviation from the true mean circle (im."Sfl'.'Cthc of the !ohape of thc de\'iu-
lion) is limited. Then this maximum \'nlue is introduced into Ihe lIexurul buckling ~trenglh assess-
meTllns the umplitudc oflhe theoretically most critic.. 1 sinusoidal imperfection shape (sec Fig. 17.8
for 11/ mrr~ 6). Thcse two SICPS lead to a very simple rule, but n mlc that Illay be cxcessively con-
servuti\'c. Its great pnlclical advnntnge is thnt the ring tolenlllce measurements nre not dependclll on
theoretical gauge lengths. as they nre for Ihe shell itself (see 6.3.4). But the gtCat disadvantage is
Ihnt the ordcr of m.'lgniludc of the conservatislll cannot be evaluated simply.

Derore II decision is made in fa\'our of any costly straightening or reconstruction process. an attcmpt
should be made to measure whm the renl shape of thc flldinl devintions Illight be. A suitnblc method
might be n lnser survey from inside the shell. If. for exalllple. a shell with the ring system of Fig.
17.8 was fou nd to hu\'e n clearly triangular deviation from the circular shape (e.g. because Ihe cy-
lindrical cou~ were fomled from 120" segments). Ihe n.'Comm'-1,ded proc,-'dure might be as fol-
lows. Dctemline the bifurcntion pressure q~N" for 111 3 according to Eqs 17. 13 and 17. 14. Inlro-
duee this \'nlue of •
qRN" together wilh ", .. 3 and the measured maximum devialion \'olue "0" into
Eq. 17.25. If then l::.q. 17.23 can be loatisfied, the shell may be judged to be s.'lfe. even though it docs
nOI fonnally comply wilh the strict tolerance n.-quircments.

CylimlricllJ JlleJls \1';111 rillg sliff(mers III/tier e:(/emul,JTC»IIrt'

i.{ aimt'J til prodding 1/'" rill/{.

IIh IIU' II«(',~.\(/n' rtHlinl rt'J'frai",

esshe out-of-rolllldncss

ffeners as \pl'Cified in 17.2.4(2)

"' ir.:ure I7.K: bllmplc ora nng SlIlTcncr. dc..igncd Wllh an cqul\'alcnl IInperfl!Clion shape of 111 TT\., 6
Ie to another. 11 may be difficult
uilies arc likely to Increase for
~eldlng of rolled plale segments
lp arc "elded 10 Ihe shell and
lr mtller ~triel 10 the fllbriemion

he lolcrnnce valul'S "iI" are con.

Dlisfaclory measurement rI_.... uhs
: simple lolerance definition in
• ralher conscnath e procedure.
cti\ c of Ihe shape of Ihe dc\'ia-
::ooural buckling strength as!>~s.
lperfection ~hape (sec Fig, 17.8
Ic thai may be excc)<.~i\'ely con.
'urcmcnls are not dependent on
BUI Ihe b'fCaI disadvantngc is

on~truction process. an IIl1empl

ts might be. A suitable method
ell "ilh the ring system of Fig.
!tar shape (e.g. because the cy·
led procedure might be as fol·
to Eqs 17.13 and 17.14. Intm.
imum dc\iation \aluc "{i" into
10 be: safe. e\cn though il docs
BI/dling ujSu't!l S"ell.~ · EI/ropellll De.f;gll Recomme"datiollS

17.7 Example: El'aporntion cooler shell subject to partial \'acuum b~ ,, - 2000·(2 +

b,, = 12 + 1.0·1.'i6(~
A... - 12 + 20.10'0.55 ,
~ fl\ gas inl81 G(.'Otnctry lind stnlctuoli system ell (50.0 + 2.71i)·2Q

/ see Fig. 17.9

Tf.."ChnicaJ d:II:1
ell .. (50.0 +
I,... 100 +
11'... = 2601(5.0 +
8_ I-____-IlI-.... . . . ring
.. heavy ---;:
stiffener: Opcnlling undcrprcssurc:
q. - 75 mbar - 7.5 kN/m z Bending sliniwss clwck for
§ '\ flal250x20
'IF- 1.5 'Ir " 0.9 1·259/( I 800·0
NLl.- I ___ ....".~
qJ - 1.5·7.5 - 11 .25 kN/ml II, ' 8
...... II l\ light Operating tcmperature:
I ...; 1-____-II~ ring stiffeners:
nuc g:t5 inlet: T - 430 DC
lI..Jrt - 18000 (3000·!
~ • '" 6000 • flat 100x12 nue ga.~ outlet: T - 130 DC 'Tr· :::: 2.3 (oppro:<
'I1l'r· - 9.44 2.3 !..
average: T :=. 300 DC
§" high-If..'1npcmturc stcel
P265GI-l acc. to EN 10028-2
Flexural buckling chcs:k (01

N Estimate oferitieal bucklin

!-- 1=6
EJD(J "" 192 Gr a
E4Jf1 - 180 G Pu
Parameter on x-axis (
h.JJ6D- Rl'fJ!.J60- 173 Ml'a C." 330
heavy m.... :=. 330A-'.318 3.
f,·)..4J() RpfJuJ() 140 MPa
'-____-I~ // ring stiffeners: Fabrication quality: Class C Bifurcation pressures ( 17.'
T V flat 2SOx20
.1.- IKl3n 1.910;
q·ltn- 0. 183· 192· 10'
8 ::1:. ~as ouUet
~ , J~
O.2 17·q"", in i
g _ 1= m "" 2 assumed:
- I I ~.. ;:' :~spe~lion opening q....... - 0.274 + t(1 ~

~ _.~\~__~_? _~~I~glrder .. 0.274 + 166.2

1779 kNlm!
..- hopper for dust q~rr 0.2 17·1779 -
"'If,:urc 17.9: Exam"lc '" 3, ", " 4.m - 5.
nng')lifT.:nf..'(i cylmdcr (dmlCn ~ions in mm)
AI 2
I •• 17
()('~Ig n orlh{' shdlu!l.llin'illoclll huck ling • m'J J
qRr:r (kN
Assessment procedure analogously to Example 10.6. 1 (not shown herc).
Second order clastic slt'C'>~
()"~ign nrlh" lil!hl ring ~tlrr{' n"" again~1 glohal huekline
a ", 1,) - 0.0075 3
Local/torsional huck ling or the stiffener (17.4.4 (2» Nr.. - 11.25 . 3,00 - t
h/ l r - 100/12 - 8.33 < 16.3 - 14·(2351173t-' fromEN 1993- 1-1 Tuble5 .2 ./ Mr .. - (192 . 10) -26

EITcctj\ e cro~s scs:tion of the rine ~lifTcncn; (17.2.3) - 18.25·10' · II

Ar 10.0' 1.2 12 cm 1825 - H""
I , - 10.01. 1.2J 12 - IOOcm4
I :! 0.5·(5.0 -t 6.0) 5.511111l III 2 assumed:
rlt ~ 3000/5.5 - 545 Mr.J- 1825 - Uf 1
k- 1.285.2000/(3000 ·5.5)o-, 20.0 7 Table 17. 1 Gtl-,J = 6.75/23 + 14

Cyli"drical sllells l\"illl rillg ," lijJe"en ""cler ex/emal fJres~'Jlre

trtial vacuum b rAt = 2000·(2 + 0.1 ·255/620)120.0 - 204 nlm ~ 200 mm

br \ , "" 12 + 1.0·1.56'(3000.5.5)°,$ - 212 mm =: 200 mm - b~ "
A ... -' 12 + 20.0·0.55 - 23 em
and lItructural syst~m eo> "" (50.0 + 2.75)·20.0·0.55123 25.2 nun
.9 e., - (50.0 + 2.75) - 25.2 27.51111l1
I ... '" 100 + 12.2.52 2 t 20,0.0,55.2.75 2 + 20.0·0.55 JII2 - 260 Clll"
-"" "',.., = 260/(5,0 + 2.52) 34,6 cm! OK

mbar - 7,5 kN/m2 Bending stiffness check for the light ring stiffcncn; ( 1704 .1)
'/.. =< 0,9 1'259/( U!OO.0.55 / 12) - 9.44
·7.5 11,25 kN/m2 II.. "" 8
:ttnpt."rnlurc: tl..JrI "" 18000/(3000·5.5)°-' - 140 ~ Fig. 17.5
inlet: r - 430 °C
outlet: r .- 130 °C '/..- == 2.3 (approximate extrapolution)
ndOO °C ,/'/,/.. - "' 9.4412,3 - 4.1 > 1.0 ./

lperatun: steel Flcxurul buckling check for the light ring stiffeners (17.4.2)
I ace. to EN 10028-2 Estim:uc of critical buckling wavc number (17.4.2 (4» :
IDGPa Parameter on x-axis of Fig. 17.6 b ~ 0,95·(1813)2'545 I ( I + 9.44.9)1U == 2·10)
R;,~J Jqf""173 Ml'n C.= 330
R,. GHlfI" 140 Mila ",.... =330°-'·3/ 18 - 3.02 ~ m.... - 3 < 6
qUillily: Clas.-. C Bifurcation pressures ( 17.4.2 (2»:
...1 - 1813n: r. 1.9 10: 1/...12 0,274
q-Rt7- '" 0.183·192·10'1545 J 'q"" in kN/m2
= 0.2 I 7·qlwr in kN/ml
1/1 '" 2 3ssumed:
q"..,. _ 0.274 + 2" (I + 9.44 ·9)1(0,274 + 2·2l ) + 10.92.545 2/( 1 + 22·1,911i(0,274 + 2.22)
= 0.274 + 166,2 + 16 12
'" 1779 kN/m2
fJ~('r = 0,21 7·1779 '" 386 kN/m1
In - 3. III - 4. In '- 5, In '" 6 assumed ~ S(.'C the following table:
AI 2 3 4 5 6
I u. 1779 537 710 1071 1544

qRu IkN/m2]
386 116.5 154.0 234 335

Second order elastic stresses (17.4.2 (5) to (7» :

ant = 1.3 . 0.0075 . 3000 - 29.25 mm
N,,,,- 11.25 · 3,l)O · 0,2 - 6,75 k:N
-1-1 Table 5.2 ./

= 1825 ·
' .,
:z 18.25' 10 · 1(1n'- I )/(QRr,' 11.25» Nmm
- l)l(qRrr- II.25)} kNcm

M,.J- (192 . 10 . 260 10~ / 300(1) . 29.2S · II.25 · Hni 1)!(qRt7'

. 11.25)1 in Nmm

/If ""' 2 assumed:

M ...J = 1825 . 1(22-1)/(386 11 .25)/ - 14.6 kNcm
UiW.J ~ 6.75n3 + 14.6J34.6 0.29 + 0.42 0.72 kN/cm

Bllckli"g ofSleei Sltell.f - Ellrope"" /J('sigll R('COl1Il1Iel,,/atiolls

m - 3. ", - 4. m 5. III 6 assumed ~ sec the follO\\ing table:

17.8 References
~ .
qRcr IkN/m"1
3 4
11 6.5 154.0
335 Bodner. S.R. (1957) "Gene
static pressure". J. Applied
Mr .' kNeml 14.6 138.7 191.8 196.1 197.3
Oi. I kNlcm~ l- 0.72 4.30 5.84 5.98 6.00 B51 (1916) BS 5500 5
London: IJritish Stllndunh In
Stress check ( 17.4.2 (5»: DASt (1992) OASt GUldeli
max C7t1r.J 6,00 kN/cm 2 < 15.7 kN/cm~ - 17.311. 1 ./ (Buckling Dc!iign of Shell ... :
DOsing, 1..1:-.. (I99K) "Sill
n "dgn nrlh" h"un ' ring ~tilT('fu' " uguin~1 glohul bucklin!.!. konstanlcm Au3cndruck" 0
LO!;allo~ional buckling o[ the stiffencr (17.5.2 (4)) Dfising, 1..1:-.. and Schmidt.
h,V'l , - 250 ' 20 - 12,5 < Uti 14·(235. 140)°.5 ./ angcsch"eiBten Ring:.tcifen
Cros.~ scctioll o[ the heavy ring ;.tiff..:ncrs (17.5. 1) \ crsity of Essen.
A, 25.0'2,0 50.0 cm 2 Gallctly, G. D. (1988) -Bud
1 4
1" 25.0 .2.0 12 - 2604 cm Galletly. G. D. lind Jllm~~. S
t 5,0 nlln
SUbjL'CI\.-d to external pres~ur
r I - 3000 5.0 600
brll ~ b~,·:; 20012 100 mm (coll.'>Cr\,ulh e assumption) Greiner. R. (1987) "Ring-!>tl
A... 50.0 + 10.0·0.5 - 55 cm~ for design recommendatIOn,
e" - (125.0 + 2.5)· 10.0·0.5/55 11.6mm Ghent : fCCS .
eM (125.0 + 2.5) 11.6 - 115.9 mm Jumikis. P.T. and Rouer, 11
llor 2604 + 50.0. 1.162 + I 0.0·0.5·11.5<Y- + 1112 Imemational Conference 01
11'" ,,- 3343/(12.50 + 1.16) 245 cm 1 Engineers AUlItnllill. l'\e\\ell
Kendrick. S.B. ( 1972) "Col
Rending stiffness ChL'Ck for !he heaVY ring stiffener (17.5.2 (2» scls undcr lJuekling Conditi
1J",- 3343cm· > 506 e,"4 "" 11.25.3001 .O.5. 1800/(3.180. 10b ) ./ Kendrick, S.1l (19!W) "nil
ASME.1 Pressure Vessell
Flcxufjll bycklin!/. (heck lOr the heavy ring stiffener ( 17.5.2 (3»
Miller. CO. lind Kinrn. R.I<
N',J 11.25-3.00·0.1 3.38 kN ders". J. Petroleum Technol
1 2
q lt,lt..r 3· 180· 101> 3343/(300 .900) - 74.3 kN/m
M It,J co. (180. 102,3343/300).( 1.3 67). J 1.25/(74.3 11.25) 69-1 kNcnl Sclcim. S.S. lind Roorda. J.
1 l l 14.0 1.1 Study", Thin Walled StruclI
OiAJ - 3.38/55 + 694'245 '" 2.89 kN/em cm < 12.7 kN cln
Sclcim. S.S. lind Roorda. J
Ring-Stiffened Cyhode,..,".
Tellg. J.G. and RoltCt'. 1M
ncering Mechanics. Vol. II

Cl"li",lriwl,'I,eJl\ 1I";tl, rinK Miffeners IIl1lkr f.>.XICmllllJrl!SSlire

17.8 References
;3' Bodner. S.R. (1957) "'Gencrnl in!.tllbility of u ring-stiffened. cireulur cylindricill shell under hydro-
stlltic prelosurc··. J. Applied Mechanics. 269-277.
:'.(lO BSI (1976) OS 5500 Sp<:cifie:ltions ror Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels. Section 3.6.
London: British Standards In!.titmion .
DASt (1992) DASt Guideline No. 017 Uculsichcrhcitsnachwcise mr Schalen. spc7icl lc Ffille
(Buckling Design ofShcll ... Special Cases). KOIn: Stahlb;\U-Verlllg.
DOsing. I.E. (1998) "Stllbilitrlt strlhlemcr ring"c .... teificr Krcis7ylinderschlllen unter :111<;citig
konst:lI1tem AuBcndruck"'. Dr.-Ing. thesi... Unh en.ity of Essen.
DOsing. I.E. and Schmidt. II. (1996) .. Bcul\e.... uehc :111 lolrlhlemen Krcis'-)'Iindcrschalcn mit
IIngcschwciBten Ringsteifen unler AuBcndruckbclu!otung'". RI..'S. Rep. No. 70. Dept Ch. Eng.. Uni-
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Gulletly. G. D. (1988) "Ouckling of pn."hliure ,csscb". Sci. Prog. Oxf.. Vol. 72. 37 1-405.
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Ghell1. ECCS.
Jumikis. P.T . and ROller. J.M. (1983) " Iluckling of Simple Ringbcarns for Bins and Tanks". Proc.•
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Kendrick, S,Il. ( 1972) '"Collllpsc of stilTencd cylinders under external pn..-ssurc". "roc .• COllf, Vcs-
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Nem Sclcirn. S.S. Ilnd Roorda. J. (1986) '"Buckling Behaviour of Ring-StilTened Cylinders: Experimental
Study". Thin Walled Structun.-s, 4 (3) pp 203-222.
1·t.O 1.1 '"
Sclcim. S.S. and Roorda. J. (1987) "TheofCtical and Experimentnl Results on the Postbuckhng of
Ring-StilTened Cylinders". MI:chanics of Structures and Machines. 15 (I) pp 69-87.
Tcng, J.G. and Rotter. J.M. (1988) "Buckling ofrcstrnined rnonosymmctric rings". ASCI:: J. Engi-
neering Mechanics. Vol. 114. No.7. 1651 - 1671.

35 1
_________:C:'.)'~Ii~,,:d,~i:C<:::'1 ,\hells with /ollgitlldil/"! _ftjffeller., ""der meridiullol compression

18 Cylindrical shells with longitudinal stiffeners under me-

ridional compression
Principul authors: H. Schmidt and L. Samuelson

18.1 General

TIle design rules of this Chuplcr 18 1111\ c a similar history as those ill Chapler 17. They go back 10
the 4th Edition of the Recommendations. \\hcrc Ihey hud been \'crificd from bro.1d cxpcrimcnlul
evidence (Samuelson ct nl.. 1997). A modified lind enhanced \crsion was then introducl."d into the
Gcmlllil DASt-Guidclinc Nr 0 17 (DASI. 1991), A lest series in Essen yielded additional experimen-
la\ \3lidnlion (DOsing & Schmidt. 1991; DOsing. 1994). The ptC!>C1l1 ruIL'S of this chapler arc olmOSI
a translation fromlhc DASt-017-rulcs. but adapted \0 the methodology and terminology of the rele-
vant Europcun Standards (i.e to EN 1993-1-6 and EN 1993-4- 1).

18.2 C eometrical properlies, nolalion a nd boundary condition s

IM.2.1 Geometry lind notation specific to thili cha ptcr

(I) Types or shell : The rollowing nllcs an.: LUIIJ.:iflldilflll stiffet/ers are oftet/ culled "wril/J.:-
applicable to circular cylindrical shells or con- er,f ": IWllee IO/lgiJudi/lully stiQ'ell"" q/illt/er.f are
stant wall thickness which lire stiffened by termeti ",\'Irmger-.Hi/felleti·· q/imler.f.
t:quidistant longitudinal stiffeners (sec Fig.
18.1). nle stiffeners have idemiclIl cross- IJIlwlI th(' cylillder lI'a/l (Illd .wiQ'eller.f ul'e l//lule
sections. which lire COIISIIIIII over the cylinder of (liffi'/,('1It ilia/erial.\'. calclllmi(Jl/.f ~hollltl he
length. The stiffeners may be atlllched exter- I){'lformed cO/l.Il!rl'lltil'e/.I' IIsillg tlte .mmllel' (~r
nally or internally to Ihe cylinder. They muSI Ihe tll'O mllll!s of £ allelf, CIS appropriate.
be conm:clcd 10 lhe cylinder wall continuously
(e.g. by continuous welding). or al lcUlIl Dlnar- TilL' ("r(Ju-Sl'Ctimwl properties A" I .. I ,.. I,.. ul/Cl e,
row spacings (e.g. by intemlitlcnt weldlllg or of ( I ,I/jffet/er .\·/umld Iw el'll/lla/ed lI';tholl/ mdu-
by means ofadt."quate fasteners) . ,fitm of WI effi'C/i\'e IIMtil of Ihl.' qlil/tier \\(1/1
(we Fig. 18.1),

"' igurc 18. 1: Geomcuy and loodmg or longitudinally

stiffened cyhndncal shell

Bucklillg u/St('f!/ Shells - £lIro/wlm Design R('COmmendt,tiolls
(2) The following notation is used for the " assumed number
geometry (hg. Uti and Fig. 18.2): buckling half .... .,,\e
r radius of cylinder middle ~urfaec, 11« cntlcal \'alue of II.
, thickness of cylindrical shell, 11/ assumed number
buckling .... 0\ es,
L length of stiffened shell beh... een ro-
diully supported t.-dgcs. Iller critical vllluc of /PI.
", number of longiludinul stiffeners ".dl. r critlcol buckling'
h sepamtion between stilTener centres longing 10 II" lind I
width of shell punci between stillen- U., U,.. out-of·stmighln
ers. geometrical tolcral
h 27tr , II, ... (18.1) (5) Actions: Th\!\C rules
II •. I , cross-sectional area and 5{.'Cond mo- comprcssi\c membrane ~
ment of urea of a stiffener about its which arc constant o\er Ih(
circumferential axis, "-igure 18.2: Geometry of the longnudlnal slIffeners
variablc or constont o\er
I. "smeared" wall thickness (see Fig. 18.1).
t",'"' , t A , h ... (18 .2)
lIS ulllfoml torsion constant (Saint-
Ven.-.nt 's torsion) of a stiffener.
I,. polur second moment of arca of a
Miffencr about the cylinder middle su-
'. eccentricity of Ihe stiffener axis from
the cyhndcr mlddlc :aurfacc. positi\e tsc bl2r ' h bl2
for exlemal <.;tiffener. /lcguli\e for in-
r -
h" .f ,
ternal stiffener,
width and thickness of a stiffener
~ · ,lJ
" .... be

be ....
h~, t, width lind thiekne~s of II stiffener
nange. ..' IAure IH.3: Em,oct1\'C longuudmal stitlcncr
hI' effeClive width of cylinder wal l.
I... st.-eond moment ofnrea of all effective
stiffener (including the effectivc
width br of Ihe cylinder wall) II00UI 18.2.2 Hound!! !') condi
its circumferential axis (sec Fig,
18.3). (I) These rul~ arc IIP~
£III'" Lh ', amplitude values for the assessment tudinal1y stiffened shelj
of gcometricaltoicmnces for stiffen- strained (."dges pro\ Idmg
e",. BC I or B(,2 acconhng I
l,ro gaugc length for the assessment of tion 5.2.2 (repeated liS (
gcomclricallolemnccs for stiffeners. Recommendation:,). 1\0
bel\\ccn BCI lind oCl
(3) The following notation is used for the edges and pmncd edges fe
stress resultants:
II. meridional membmnc stress resuhanl
(membrane force) per unit circumfer-
18.2.3 Rllnl,:c orllppli
(4) TIle fo llowing notation is used for the
system (X.rarneters:
(1 ) Dcgrce of ~t i ffcn

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--=C::)'~U~"'="~;:C<:::.
'I .~hl.'lIs lI'irll lotlgill/dillul :#iffe"ers under meridiOlral rompression

" assumed number or longitudinal

buckling halrwa\cs.
IIrr critical value or II,
m assumed number or cireumrcrcnti:ll
buckling W:l\-CS.
"',.,. critical value or III.
11<.1/.... critical buckling stress l'CSu]lImt be-
longing to "r~ lind Inrr •
U.... Un out-of-stfllightnc!>s pnmmetcrs for
geometric,,] tolerances for stiflcners.

(5) Actions: These niles apply to meridional Ulfller glulHII IN!,,di''g (II/blilar be"di"g). Ille
compressive membrane stress rcsultunts "J LLl:illl compress;I'e stress re_\-lIlrum mrles
which are constan t over the Icngth and stcadLly S/IIooll/(I' ill the compressioll =olle of rhe ,vhell.
.:uy orth.: ]ongitudllllli slIffeners
variable or constant mcr the circumference Wllell II, l'(Iries alollg the lellgllt oj 11/(· sll(·II. lite
(M.'C Fig. 18. 1). murimlllll wI/III: llto"ld be IIsed to ghoe a collser-
"alil't! olltcome,

The membr(llle stress re:iIIlram ", refers 10 tlte

10raiJurce per III/it I\idlh 0" lite "sml.'llrl.'d" WlIl/
,lticimeSl I. lIS gil't!fl by £q, 18.2. IIlmce. il ill-
cllldes Ihl.' IwO compo"ellls oj Ihe meridiotral
compreuioll force: IIIl1I carried by ,III.' cyli,rder
wall lI11d Ihal c:arried by 'he 10llgillidillal sliffell-
en·: 1.'(1(:11 of Ihe laller has bee" "fmeared" 11111-
form6' Oloer II/l' lI'idll, b. II i~ u\.mmed Ilrtll Ihe
IIIl' meridiol/al compressil'e force m'IIIII: Oil ('tlCir
~Iiffeller (II, h A, / (A~ + b I)), has bel.'li inrro-
"lIccd ill/() il directly III Ihe edge holllldary. If
lhi.f is 1/01 Ihe C(I.~e, vx!cilll cOlISidertlli(m,\' relal-
~l'ClI\e longitudinal sllffener
illg 10 IIII.' food Inll/.yer a"d laa,1 fililrm.' of /he
shell 111(1), he 1Il!(.·e,\'sary',

18.2.2 Roundllry conditions

( I) These rules arc applicable only to longi- II sholiid he "ou'llll"" lite bollndar), emldiliom
tudinally stiffened shells with mdially rc- BC I alltl BCl imply bolh Ilia/ w "" 0 (=em ratlial
stmined edges providing boundary conditions displclCelllelll) l",d Ilml" 0 (=em circllmfcrell-
Be I or Be2 according to EN 1993-1 -6. Sec- lial di.~pluct!melll) l,long lite bowldary'. SI,ell,f
tion 5.2.2 (repeated as Section 4.4 III these \I·illt clall/ped ('dges (BClr or BClr) do Iraw!
Rccommendations). 0 distinction is made IIigher e.llH·rim('"wl h/ldding rt'_fisumce_f ,lrall
betwccn BC I and Be2 or between clumped shells lI"ilh pi""cd edge.f (BClf or BCln: huw·
edgcs and pinned edges (c.g. BC2r and BC2t). CI'Cr, Ihe ('.ffi.-'cl i.f depe"delll all 'he lellglll of Ihe
,flrell lmd Cllrrelll(" amilable kllowletlge ;,f 1101
slIjJiciem tu permit Il,is fin'OlIrable eff£.,(·, /() IN!
i"dlldl,d i",he nIles.

18.2.3 Range or applinbilit)

Pur ,~/'r.'lIs Ilwl are more hem'ify .l"riffen('t/ Ilmll

( I) Degree of stiffening: These nl]e~ nre

Buckling ofStet'! SIII!lIs - Ellrope(1/I Design RecQmmemklfiollS

applicable only to longitudinally stifTened cy- the rt'striCl iOlls oJ I:.q. 18.3. tl/en' du 1I0t alJpear edges accordmg to
lindrical shells which comply with the three 10 be e/loucll lest rem/Is 10 fOrtl/lllfllc prcci!i(!
conditions: niles. HUlI'el'er, such ~trllctllrt'f /lUly he Ir(!o/cd
conscn'lltil'CIy U.f (III (I,\.\clllbly of illdepemlellll)'
.1. :s; 2 (.) buckling COIUIIIIIS l icconJillg to EN /993-1-I,

~ :S; 15 (b) ... ( 18.3)

bl '

:S; 24


(2) The stiffeners should have crosS-5C(:tions The cOlI(lifimu uf Eqs 18.4 and flU ('Ul're_f/JOlul,
such thllt both loclII buckling of their parts and ;/1 prilldp/e. to the lIuu:imllm Il'idlh-IO-thickm.'ss
torsional buckling of the stiffener arc reliably ratios for Class 2 cross-ft'Ctlomi (K'conJillg 10 EN
e'(ciuded. For the cros~-5C(:tions showlI in Fig. 1993-1-1. EqUl llioll 18.6 CfJrt'(!,fIJOmi\· ro ,itc a) Local blld.:hnH lIf tho: ,h.
18.2 thi .. condition may be deemed to be the mil/imllm tors;onal hllckling (lj atl pand~

case "hen the follo"ing conditions (Eqs 18.4 l l,t;jally cumpresst!t/sliffeller Irilh (III opell cross- Figurt I N," : Po
to 18.6) are fulli1led . Sl!Cliol1 ill plating stiffellet/ IlCCording 10 DIN
/8800-3. LOllgillldillal " 'iffellen 'hOi it(ll'(' 0
h large \\'arpillg stiffness Ilml do If()f mmpll' lI'ilil 1S.2A G('(lmelricaltolel
~ S kt ... (18.4)
.'. Eq. 18.6 muld IIel'crthelel'"" be ...·afe ugaimt tur-
.fj()IIa! bucklillg. 1I00I'CI't'I', 110 fillllJle ~womelr;­ (I) The eyhnder .... all m
.... here: Cfll col1ditiall is (II'(lil(lble/ar ,hi.~ c(lxe. roles for bllcidinr-rele\lln
k, · 0.35 for Fig. 18.2a ancel. of EN 1993-1-6. rep
in these Rccommendatiol
k, - 1.25 for Fig. 18.2btoe
the dimple tolerance" th,
direction measurement gal
... ( 18.5) by Eq, 6,6. should be limit

where: lpo:S; 0.95 b

k. - 0.35 for Fig. IS.2b (2) The oUI-of-\traightn

k.·- O.70 for Fig. 18.2c should be asscSSl.-d in lem
k_/= 1.25 lor Fig. IS.2e U.. .dll l'".

:S; O. 19 [ £
f .,
1 ... (18.6)


for Fig. 18.2b and Fig. 18.2e in the case "here Ip stiITCIK'Tg3ug.:
the stiffener has II )IIUlIl warping :.tifTncss. LIlt' ..II', de\ialions from
rodial and CIA:un
(3) Thc buckling strength assessment Figurt' 18,4 illlIstrtl/e,\ tlte Iltree ptl H ihie hllck- respccti\cly (hg
should be perfonned in the following t" 0 lillg mo</es for (j !ollgillll/ill"III' l 'li{fCIICd n1il1-
Meps: driclil shel/, Mode_, (a) ' md (h) a,.(, ('xdutletl by
Design again:.t local buckling of the cyl- !oeti/lilld glohal hlll·klillg de.I'igll c/Il'(·b , rt'vx'C-
inder \\all beh\ccn the longitudinal stifT- 'iI'd),. peiformt'd (/{'('lm/illK tu lite jilllollillg !K'('-
eners according 1018.3. t;Oll.f 18.3 alld 1h.4, Jl/o<le (c) j.~ exc/mkd "," ,Ill.'
Design again~1 glob:11 buckling of the geomelriclI! I'l'lf'Ill'l'lIIelltf of I:.qs 18.4 10 18,6,
stiffened :.hel1 bchH.-cn the supported

Cy/ifldrical .vllcl/f lI'i,II longillldimll stiffellcrs lllider meridiOlwl cOlI/pressioll

•£q, IlU. lire" I/o 1101 (lppt'ar edges according 10 \8.4.

t rt!SIII'.f 10 fon"lIllIle PI'{!ci.f('
IlCil stnK'lIIrcs IIun' IN! Irealed
all IU!icmhl), of illdclH!lIdclIll1,
ocrordillg ro EN 1993-1-1.

£qs 18.4 (llId 18.5 curre.\jxmd.

~ mal:inlllm lI'idllr-lo-llric/,,/l'sS
croS.f-,f(!(:lirms accordillg 10 EN
011 18.6 correVHmd,' 10 lire a) Local buckling of the !.hell b) global buckhng of the stiffened e) local bud.hng Of lor:.iooal
ill hliddillM rt!l·i~·taIlC(, of lflt panels shell buckling of the ~Iiffen~·r:.
d stiffe"er lI"ith 1111 Opell cross- Figurt' 18.4: rossiblc buclhng mod~~ ofJongltuduully Sl1lTencd cyliodricaJ shcl1s
r .fIiffeneJ Il«Ordillg 10 J)IN
udilldl sti/Jener; thlll ,,,""(' a
,.,'CSS IIIlIl do 1101 cOlllpll' It'illl 18,2.4 G romelricallolerllnees
''('rlhe/ess be slIfi' l'Kaill~1 lor·
HOlI'cvcr. /10 ,vlmple gcomclri· (I) The cylinder willi must comply with the
ai/aMe/or Ihi,\ ( ·OW!. rules for buckling-relevant geometrical tolcr·
anees of EN 199)-1-6, repeated as &.'Ction 6.3
in these Recommendations. When lI!.sc,,"!.ing
the dimple tolerances. the in circumferential
direction measurement gnuge length ' 1-" given
by Eq. 6.6, should be limited to

'I-' S; 0,95 b ... (18.7)

{2} The out-of·strnightncss of the stiffeners 111e OIl/-fy..SlrtligirfllI!SS /X'rtllllelerf (Irl' t/"(im:d
should be assc!.scd in lemlS of the parnmcle~ 1I.lillg,Ir" MIII/t' methodology as Ihe Illell ,liml)le
param('icr ill I!"N 1993-'-6 (.fCC Sedioll 6.3.4 of
... (18.8) I/rC'.5e R(!('()//Imelldolio/l.v) .
... (18.9)

Yo hcrc:
,p stiffener gauge length.
.dw., Lh ', de"iation!. from slrnighlness in the
rndinl and circumferential direction,,",
"(1/t',f ,Ire II/ree pos~iihle hllck· rcspcclh'ely (Fig. 18.5).
longiIl/IJillll!(I' stiffelled l :I'!iIl-
..'S fu) alld (h) lire el:c/llc/er/ hy
IIcklillg dt.·£igll dlcck.\. re,vx.'C-
lCTording 10 'he /oliUll'illg St.'C"
1/, .\lnJe (e) i.f c.rC'/mkd hv lire
eme"'~o/Eqf IRA 10 18.6.

Bllcklillg o/Sled Shells· Ellrope'''' Design R(.'C(}mmellt/tlliolls

(2) A panel" illt k, S 1.0

us an a.'(ially comprc\!>Cd
to EN \993-1-5.

(3) A p:mel "llh k.

sigm.-d as 1111 axially COl
Flgurr 18,5: Out·of·!>tmightness of stiffeners cylindrical shell aecordm
these RL'Conl1llcndation~.
(3) The slifTener gauge lenglh should be III defillillg lite Nhell dimple gouge lellg/h.\· ill EN
laken as: 1993-1-6, il is lINslImed Ihlll imper{ecl ioll.f which
(4) For panel!> wilh 1.0
(p UlI,r ... ( 18.10) are affim! 10 lite /OI\'I'SI l'igellmo<ie tiN! lite 1II0.fl
buckling !>Irc!o!> ~hould be tl
IlI1jinvllrl lble ofles. Tlte .W/me tI.\·.mmplioll is IIsed
where: following quadrmic mlcrp
L length of stifl'ened sltell belwecn rn· and (3):
is flol eillelllau'd, bill i~ m~llm('{/
Whefl fiN" lIJ
suppon(."<1 (.-dgcs,
II.... critical number of longiludinal buck· II... I, Ihell ' .. JllOlihi be cult'lIluled IIS;IIg Ihe U'f.Rd"'UX.I •. RJ( 1
hng filII q/illtler lellglh Lam/ Ihe large.'I1 mille 0/
half waves. laken from Ilt4.2( I). .111', alld Lh"./mmJ llll)1\'here ,,10118 Ihe cylilllkr
A~ a (.'Qn!>C1'\ nih c IIppro'(imlllion. II.... = I may lellglll L sholild be '"/NIl/llced /1110 Eqy /R.B lIlId
be used. 18.9. whcre:
U .. I'.AJ d~ign buckling SI
(4) Thc oUH)f·straiglllnl..~ paramcters ac .. The lolerallce Illlr(mteler \"(11111' O.on15 is " /ollg- accordmg 10 (2).
cordmg to Eqs lH.H and 18.9 should comply eSlublislll!d Iradil/ollal WI/lie (1Iremh' 1I.~ed ill Ille U. ,,\./tol dcsign buckling ~
wilh both oflhc following condilions: 41h Editiolt 0/ the Rt't'Omml!nt/atiollS. " IIWI' be drical shell aecon
lIet:eumy 10 mOllify il illfllf..'CijiC CllS('.f. For the
u•• su••. _. ... ( 18.11)
lime heiflg. it~"mdd he m/I!rpreled m {Ltwl'iated
18.4 Design againsl
U.., SU......... . .. ( 18.12) with Fabricatioll Tolera/t(.'e QIlII/UI' ClWI' 8 ;11
EN /993-/-6.
wi lit: 18.4. 1 Crilicll l glohal h

U... _. 0,0015 ... (18.13) (I) The cntical buckli

should be obtaincd by mil
" ..If.... obtllined from Eq. I
18.3 Design against local buckling between the longitudinal stiffeners Ihe longiludinal half \\3\
circumferential \\a\e nUIT
(I) The buckling strength of Ihe unstifTened The pt1SlbllCklillg be/un';ollr 0/ II" arill/~I' com- " arc mtegcrs.
cylindrical panel bem(''CII Ihe longitudinal pressed cylindrical IIlII/e/ tfl!peflllf prif1wriJy on
If •. b - MlIllmum of
stiffeners should be ... erificd according to the Koiler 's "£"Iln'olllre IJartimeler" (Koiler 1956):
following clauses (2) 10 (4) depending on the III + ·h~1'
parameler k = :/'2(I- V'). b
... (/8./40)
[ .tIlA22
• 2Ir -:r,:;
+ ·~L2·tL}
... ( I H. 14) IlIIrolllicillg ,""'0.1 illlo Eq. /R.14a )'il!ld~
Eq. 18.14. ~I '22

nUt influence 0/ k, tiff the PWUhllCklillg belml'-

All" K, (fllr I.)"
. ,.
~ 1\.ldl
iOllr n'slIlts ilf (/ JiMlfijiCtlll1 dt.'IJelltfcflce o/Ihe
impeifection semilMI)' Olf k. (DOsing. 1994), AJ} KB(m r/ + AA (II
which I'lIrie,Y be/I1'(',(!1f 1I .~mllll~(,lIsi/idly lor {/ An (K,. K,'; (IIlr I.) I

Cylindric'tllfjlrell\' \nIh l,mgillldillul\IIlfellcrs lIIuier meriditJllul compressioll
- - ---"'-------
pltlle ulltllhe high S('l/s;Iil';IY for tl filII cy/imJri-
cal !>hell,

(2) A panel wilh k. s: 1,0 should be designed

as an axially eompn.os!tL'<i pl~le strip according
10 EN \993- 1-5,

(3) A po,nel wilh kf ;::: 5,0 should be de-

signL'<i as an axinlly comprc)M.'d un!olifTcncd
cylindrical )hcll according to Chapter 10 of
these Rccommendations,
I' ,/i""I'''' ...."". h'"J:,hs ill EN
"",·,I<ho' imfH'ifoc/iom which (4) For panels \\ilh 1,0 < k, < 5,0 the dc!>ign Where Ihe ,\'/jffellers un.' slIfficielllly l/c{I\)', local
eigelllll(}(!e are Illl' mO,fit
buckling lItrcss should be dl1cnnincd ulling the bll{'kling betll'fi'll Ihe sliffcners does 110/ l'o/He (/
Th,' ""n,,,",,«,,,,,,,;o« is locd
follo\\ing quadrutic interpolation belwccn (2) faUIin' , This t'ffi'Ct cOlild he illc/lltkd hi' ('am'-
and (3): "'g olllille loeul hllckli"g c://{'Ck u:. u n'M'ict'(lbil-
i,." c//{'Ck wilh Tf· = YII "" I,D. lIolI'el'('r, III Ilris
ekul."d., "'/If i.f UHlIIllell as Clue Ihe desigll DgailfSl global buckling I1I11S1
he clIlcullll{'d IISillg Iile IIlw he lH.'rforlllcd Idth tl/{' ,1fi'clil'c uo.u-
L lIlld the lurgesl mille of .n.,(,tiollal properties of Ihe slifJeners Cm/l/ale"

lI.filrg II ctlrejilily cho,fell ret/uced effi'('lil'e II'id,Ir
the lJNllder ... (18. IS)
18,8 tm" for Illl! {)'liluler II'lIII (.fllltliler ,hullihe wille ofb,
where: gil'ell hi' Eq,\ 18,10 or 18.J6).
U"P)tJ design buckling sm.'Ss for a pl:lte strip
mille 0,0015 is alollg- according to (2),
l'ulue {lln'ad\' 1ISf.'" ill 'he u, ,,\ifJ dL'Sign buckling StK'SS for a full cylin-
IR,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,"";m,.,. II may /J(' drical shell according 10 (3),
il ill V~cifil' {'ases, For Ihe
• illlerpI'cted (l.~ 1l.UIH: illICd
18.4 Design ag:linst glob:!! buckling including the longitudinal stiffeners
rolel'mlf:/! QlIaN/I' Class 8 ill

18.4.1 Critical global buckling resistance

(I) The crilical buckling stress resultnnt t.·ql/(llioll.\' 18, /610 18,/8 (lrt! bru'l..'t/ 011 lite lillellr
should be obtained by minimising Ihe valuc of {)UllIId/-'l'fJl.' bm:klillg '''{'aI)' of orlholrop;c cy.
dinul stiffeners ",,"T obtained from Eq. 18,16 \\ illt m.pI.'Ct 10 lillt/rical .~hells \1';111 sII/eurl'tl hili C'CCC'l/fr;c ,'iliff-
thc longiludinnl half wovc number" and the eller.f (Block el 01. 1965). appm.rimolC'(l' II/lxli-
circumferential wa\c number ",. where ", and fied for ,hill-walled shells lIilh mOllerule~I' II ide
~.'ha\'io"r of all axia/~\' com- " are inlegers. .flHlCillgS h)' ;mrrxillcillg lite effi'Clil'c lIitllll b,
I palk'l dc:pends pr;marill' 1m iI/to IIII.' re/eml/I slifflless t!xpr('ssimLf (Mil/t·r
~ parunrC'/er" (Ko;ter /956) : II •. tt.r c Minimum of .. , (18. 16)
1977). This IIr('()relicul hlldgrml/ld makes 'he
b [
AH+.1I " ""'~;l 'I) rI!.f'I' gil'ell ill c/ause (1) 11I..'(·esstll)'.
... (/8.14u) Atl'''n - ~i2
J illio Eq. IN.14t1 yields + AUAII 2'''ll J / ( IIIr I)'
""IAU' .
At 1"11 lu
, 011 lilt! pembllcklillg bellfll'- All "" KT (mr/ L/ + K.o(m I I'/
~ignifil'allf depemlcllcl' of Ihe
ril'il\' 01/ k. (Dfl.\'jllg, 1994), AJJ = K/I(m / ri + Ko. (lIlt I L/
'('CII II smull .~el/,wll"'ity for {f
Au (K,. + K~£i (IIlrl L) (mlr) ... (1'.17)

Ao (1\. r) (lilT L) 1\, (IItr L J"'
k =0.65 (t r)
A!J (K , r) (m r) r JI+O.Olr
AJj - D, (ntr 1./ D ,,(lItr Lr' (m rr'
+ Dldm r/ Ko'; k" "'" 0.275".,(;)
in whieh the sliITnesscs arc:
K. EI (he" h) (1- 11) -+ EA, h 18.4.2 Cril itlll Alohal hu
K,.- 1£1 (I I,')
(I) The critical buckling
Ko EI '(I . If') be conscrvau ... cly CShrIlJIL'C
K. o =- KI~ 0,50'1 (h,. h + /) ... <".Iij) 0- £1 "
. .. , +\III",Q,O'
K, EA. e, h
( 18,22)
D. '" [(EI be' /1) (1.1;) EI. + EA, e,·'j, h \If~1
D,ll ((1£" h 6) (I. Ir'j + Gr (h + hJ "
+ GI,J h
D, (Er /1) (I. ,l)
(2) The integer \'aluclo of II und m \\hieh If II/cre tire 111(111" .\Iiffeller,' (n, It'rge). ,m ,IIl1t III('
minimiLc n ,1I..- In lq, 18.16 arc idcntifkd ill> the SplICing of III(' di~(·rele .lli{ft'/w/"l' i,t ,W/mll rom-
critical \ aluclo n,. and III... Ir m,. does not meet pllrl'li 10 Ihe III('o(('lic(l1 huddillK 1l'(lI'l'Iellglh. II/p
both ordlc cunditiun~
,'imetlrillg COl/ceI" ('(III /1(' f'pplied. Thi,· i.f ('0\'-
... (1IU9a) ered hy Ihe ('omlilion III.. < 1111,5. Allhough Eq.
18.16 ojien (11.\"0 .\'ie!tl" colISPl1'alil't! remll.' lor
u.r.l'r = 0, 605 - ,
,nd I('SI specime//.\ ,,-Ilellll, < 1,5 m, ... llti.f ca"nol be' where 611\ is the chumetci
gllarllllleed ill 111l' pl'e.\('111 lIaI(' of k/loll'ledge pliludc:
1II<r~ I/ . 3.5 ... (IR.19b) (StIl1llIltJ,W1I/ <'I al.• 1987).
thcn the result of thc calculution in Eq, 18.16 6\\', =2. ~
should not be used for the design. Equation For III" < " Ille f)(JIl//e/l·(11X! ,"IIeli 111<'(1)' is I/Of
aCCl/mle (,/lol/gh. III 30llle Cll.I'e.~ (if lhi~ killd.
1m Q vI,;;
18,22 lohould be used instead,
Eqlllllioll 18,16 nwy 111('11 pnxll/ce 1'''.11111, Ihlll \\ here Q ;s the meridiona
lire lIS IIII/ch (1.,·15"0 100 lOll, The cOlldiliu" III,~ cation quality pammcter. h
I de.\'uilX!.l Ih" slll>!1 h//(·kl;IIg as a globall"
hl/cklillg Elller m/l/IIIII. II'IIid'flllmld o/ll"(ly~ he (2) Thc effecti, c '" idlh
checked agahul fhe prol'isiomi ofEV 1991·1·1. dctemlinat;on or the elTtt
of area I... (sec Fig. IH.
(3) The eITccti\c width h" (loCC hg. 18.3) Whell l/lillg Eq. I,Y.lO. il is recolllml'lIded Illal from:
may be obtained from Eq. 18.26 alo in the sim· Ihe ilerafi"e ('lIlclilati(m ~/fOllld hegin \I'illl h~
plified uppro.1ch, If a morc fa\ouruble \aluc h h. " 1.9 I JfA bUI \\
for h.. is loOught. then It should be detcmlinL-d
itcruti ... cly from: The limiltllioll 10 br S b, cll.'{ill('d hi' Eq /lLlfi,
nll/.W (11m
be ohscnwl here. 18.4.3 Chlrllcleri!ilie 1:.1
... (18,20)
If Ihe iferlllio/l e/ld,' II'/lh II 1'(11//(' /01' hr Illat i.f (I) The charaClcnstic b
\,hcre kr is the largcr ofthc two rollowing \al·
UL'S: less Illall / .9 I JI £•• , 111('// IIII' laller 1'"I"e mm'
tant should be dctcmlinL-d
1I... 1tJ. Xp,J> t. f,l

Cylilldrkal ,511ctIl5 'Iitlr IUllgUmlillal JiliU'ellers 'mder meridiUllU1 cumpressioll

he 1I.{cd irrcs{X'CtilY! aflhe calclilaled mIlle of b...

k ... - 0.65 (t .' r) ... (18.21)
JI+O.O I r

k,. - 0.27511f (~)

18.4.2 C rilicalgloblll buckling rcsl!ollince - simplified approach

( I) The critical buckling :-.cress resuhuntllluy Eqllllti(m IH.11 is a TOI/gh approxillwtioll II/tiel!
be conservatively estimated as: Ci.II/he lraced /xx."" to Walker 011(1 Sridlwrtm
;r2£1 (1980). 111 litis approximaliOll, Ihe critil'tll eI{U'-
"x ,R(7 "" ., Sf +ljIlmalcrr,cr
tic coilimll bllckling foret' of U11 indf.'pelldcfllh·
hllCklillg perfect stiffener (illdlldiug (11/ effeclil'e
(I R.22) pitlle lI'idllt) a"d the eillstic hucklillg wress of all
,,=1 for e"<lemal sliffeners. imperfi'CI III/stiffened lJ'lillder (i,/!. illdllding (11/
I eltlslic imperfi-c:tioll n·dl/cliOIl ftIClor) lire em-
ror inlemal sliffcIlC~.
IV ='- piric(I!~l' coupled ill ( III addith'(' mUlmer ill/a (1/1
eflill/llfe for Ihe effL'Clil'(' critica! hIlCk!hlgftrt.'$.f
with reslIl/(lII/. Tlte approximatioll if IISl/lIlIy \'('ry'
COlIsen'fllil'e Ix'Cllllse lite rlu/illl elaslic SIII'/)()rt
'il{i.'f/c.'f"S (n, large), .W 111(111111.' of I"e IOllgill/dillal stiffeners pro"id,,,1 by lite
... (18.23)
n'h' sli{felll'N is .llIIall ("{Jm-
'il'ell hllddillg ""(IId""glh, tlrt'
1",)I • drr'''''ifprr'mifl! ~'iff"eu {If '"l' wlll!lI i~ omitted
from Ihejin.lll'rm ofEq. IS.ll (Soml/e/wlI ellli.
,u" ht> tll'Pli{'(1 Tllil i.I' COI'- !987).
11/ III,~ ~ II ~' 3.S. . Jllhol/gh Eq. u .r .<'r -= 0.605 - ... (18.24)
'ddl l'(iluen'atire Tf.'.wll.\ for r The e..\7)re.uiml for the elastk bucklillg strctu of
1/1, < 3,5 III.,.. l/ti,f C(1II110t be where .111\ is Ihe chamclerislic illll>crrectioll 11m. lite t.)'lim/cr (Eq. 18.11) Iral' bee" re-jorml/latc(1
pn·st'/I1 sit/I" of kllmrletigl' plitude: frolll 111(11 1<il"('l1 by &/11l11c/l'OI/ CI 01. (1987) to
1l7), hring il illlo Iille lI"ilh EN 1993-1-6 alld Clwpll'r
[ 10.
... (18.25)
IIIl'fI-/lpt! fllell I"eol~' i,1 1101
" SOI//(' ('Wie,1 of Iltif !.illd,
thclI plYkluce rl'mlts Ihal where Q is thc mcridional comprC'lsion fubri-
loolmr Tire lVm/i'iml m.~ cation quality parameter. here taken us Q 25,
r('" hl,.cHillg lI.f 0 glolHIlIl'
~m, II/lldl sllOlIld ahml'S be (2) The cffective width b.. nceded for the Eqlllliioll 18.16 ;s \Y)II KamwlI S danical 501/1-
F"ifionsofEN 1993-1- /. dctcnnination of thc clTcclhe !iC(;ond moment lioll for tl,(' post-bucklillg urial :ilrellg,It uf lI/H!r-
of area I~ (sec Fig. 18.3) ntay be obtained fi'Ct plme .rtrip supported alQllg ils IOl/gill/(lilllll
l~o. il ir r('C(mlmemh,,1 ,ltat rrom: edge.f.
'on ,fhfluld kgill II'illt b,.
1.91 JJ"
E bUlwilhh.. S h ... (18.26)

S h. ckfil/('" hi' Eq, IlU6.

e lllerl" 18.4.3 C haraelcri!llie gloha1 buckling rt.'Slslanc~

"'illt U I'lIll/t' for hI' l!tat i.f ( 1) The characteristic buckling stress resul-
tunt should be detennincd as:
, Iltel/ Ihl' Itlller "lillie "WI'
... ('".27)

36 1
BlId/illg ujS/{'ei Shells· £lIrtJpeulI /)e.\·igll R{'CommeluJaliOll.f
where l .... is the glob.11 buckling reduction
18.5 References
(2) The global buckhng reduction ractor
should be detennined rrom (4) using Block. D,L. Card. MI-. 0
the global rdati\c s lcndcmelts panulle ter cylinders", NASA TNO 2
DAS t (1992) OASt Guide
... ( IUS) ( Buckling Design orShcll
IIr .R('r
Dusing. 11.13. and Schmidt
geschwci tl:n Lnng.sstcircn t
(3) For he:lvily stifTened lo hells ror whie h /Vith slIfficiclllly heaV)' MijJcllcrs, /cmgillldilltlfly lesn (III circular c"lilltlricll.
,~tiffelled cylilldricul shells IIlIder flvia/ COlllplY!.f· ill Ihe e/{ls/ic·,llrufic range)
~C!:0,2 ... (IS.29) sioll display (III i""Wif,-'t.:lioll ,I'ells;/;\';/Y II'h;c!1 i.~ DOsing. II.E, ( 1994) "Stab
hi similar to the flexum/ bl/cklillK ojm/l/Il/1l.\, Thi.\ Axillidruck" (SwbilifY of I.
the buckling p:lmmeters should be tukClllts: is COI'('rec/ by ,u'ill8 Ihc bl/cklillg IKlrame/ers for PN.'SS;OIl), Dr.·lng, thC\i!" l
a circumJeremiall), compressed cylimJrjm/ shell,
Uxloll = 0,65 )".J:/.Ih - 0,40 for which lI,e budUIIK helun'iour i~ Iii/fill'll 10 be Eggert, II. (1965) "lin Bel
quite like thol ufo ('ol""m. Ihe problttm ofmillimll/1/I/.
fl;..o' 0.60 'J".JtJIo 1.0 ... (IS.30)
Koilcr, \V,T. (1956) " Bud
pression" . Rep. Trun~, ~at,
(4) For lightly stifTened shells ror which Will, light /Ollgilllllifml j'lijJet/ing. Ihe illlfJerfi'(··
lioll set/s;li"il)' approaches Ihal of (1/1 /11lslijJellt'{1 Miller. C.D. (1977) "Buel
~ s O.06 ... ( IS.31) shell. For III/!Se shells, Ihe ;mlwrff'ctioll .fell.~;li,'· compressi\ c load", Chicog
hi il)' i.f Iretlled by lI.\illg Ihe rt!/el'tml /J//cklillg po· Snmuclson, L,A., Vllndcpi
the buckling pammeters should be taken as: romelers for till axially OOIllIJrt!sl'ed IItlslijJelll.oJ mcndations ror buckling 0
shell, S tructures. Ghcnt. 513·S22
a.,.. a, accord ing to ( I) .... ( 18.32)
Walker, A,C. and Sridhan
Au.gfub = 0.20 P,:klh 0.60 '/glah - 1.0
stifTcned cylindrical shells'

(5) Fo r moderately s tifTclI(..d ~ hc l1 s between

the limits described by Eqs 18.29 a nd 18.3 1.
the buckling p:lmmcters s ho uld be linearly
interpolated betwccn the two clItrl'mcs. us ing
thc relativc wcight or the stifTe n... r1l. given by
the p:lmmctcr .1.. as the interpolati ng p.1mmc·

J8.4.4 Global buckling strcngth "crifielltion

(J) Thc design buckling mcmbmnc rOrtc

should be obtai ned rrom:
... ( IS.33)

(2) It should be verified that

1I1,F.J S n •.1tJ ... ( IS.34)

Cylilltlricul shells 1I'iIIl/ollgill/dillal sliffell('rs IlIItkr meridiollul compressioll

18.S References

Block, D.L.. Card, M.F. on(\ Mikulns. M.M. (1965) "Buckling of eccentrically stiffened ortholropic
cylinders". NASA TND 2960.
OASI (1992) DASt Guideline No. 017 Bculsicherheilsnnchweise filr Schalen. spelielle FHlle
(Buck ling Design of Shells, Special Cases). Klh: Stuhlball.Verlag.
DOsing. I I.E. and Schmidt. 11. ( 1991) " Beulversuche an st!lhlemen Kreiszylinderschalen mit an·
g(..'SChwcifi:n Uingsstcifen lUlter Axill ldnickbe lastung im elustisch·plastischcn Bereich" (Hllt'klillg
'eun' sliffeller.t. longi/l/dillally 1e.1·ls Oil eircl/lar qlilltirical \If!j!l .I·hells Irilll welded fOligilllt/ilml .\·Iij[ellers IIIlder (uia/l.'Ompreslioli
JI fihells III/tier «\"i(11 comprel·. illihe e1w,.,ie·plru·lic range). Reseoreh Report No. 57. Dept of Civil Engg. Univcrsity of Essen.
,H!1j'eclioll sellsifi";/)' II'hici/ ;.f
DUsing, H.E. (1994) "Stubilitflt Illngslcrsteiner stllhlcmcr Krcis.lylindcrschalcn unler zelltrischem
'rol hl/ck/iug of ro/l/IIIII,Y. TlIi.~
Axillidruck" (Stability of IOllgitlldilwlly stiffe//ed cylindrical SIC(" slll'lIs III/tier celllric axial com-
~ lite hm:klillg /X/mlllelers for
pressiOlI). Dr.· lng. thesis, University or !:.ssen.
, rompn'SS('t/ n'li/ulrical shell,
lillg hehmiollr i.I' IflWWII 10 be Eggen.. II. (1965) "Ein Beitrag zum '·roblem der Mindeststcifigkeit bei Schalen" (A COlllr;bl/tio/l Oil
':OIl/mil lite problem ofmil/;IIIIIIII stiffneu with sllells). Stahlbau. 34. 335·358.
Koiler. \V .T. (1956) "Buckling nnd paslbuckling behaviour of a cylindrical panel under axial com-
li",,1 stiff('//I/Ig. Ille imperfi'C. pression". Rep. Trans. Nat. Aero. Res. Insl.• 20. 7 1·84.
rot.clles IIwt ofall IlIIstiffelll.'t1 Miller, C.D. (1977) "Buckling slress of ring and stringer stiffened cylindrical shells under axial
r/ls, the i"'JNrfi'C·tiuI/ semili\'- compressive load", Chicago Iron and Bridge Company.
mg Ihl! TT'f('wl/lt bl/ddmg 1'''-
Samuelson, L.A .. Vllndcpittc. O. lind Paridaens, R. (1987) "The b.1ckground to the ECCS Recom-
rialll' compTT'.ued 1I/Istijfell('d
mendations ror buckling of stringer·stiffened cylinders", Proc. 1m. Coli. Stability of Plate and Shcll
Structures, Ghent, 5 13·522.
Walker, A.C. ond Sridhurnn, S. ( 1980) "A nulysis or the behuviour of axially compressed stringer.
stiffened cylindrical shells", Proc. ICE. '·:Irt 2, 69, 447-472.
Conk,,1 ..hel/s lI'illllongill/dill,,1 sliffel/ers III/tier meridiollal compressiun

19 Conical shells with longitudinal stiffeners under merid-

ional compression
PrincipII I authors: M. Chryssllnlhopoulos tlnd A. Spagno li

19.1 General

Thc design rules of Ihis Chaplcr 19 havc becn deri\cd from research woric camcd OUI within an
ECSC joint research program on lohcl1 buckling (Chryssamhopoulos & Poggi. 1998: SIXlgnoli &
Chryssanthopoulos. 199M). In that research it wus shown cxperimcntally and numerically Ihal it is
prn.siblc 10 lreat slringcr.stifTencd eonical shclls by an cqui\alcnt cylindcr approach. similar to Ihal
for unstiffcncd conical shclls (see Ch:lpter 13). Samuelson (1987) had already Icntnthcly proposed
that. The following rules are conM."qucmly adaptcd 10 Chapler 18 of these Recommcndations.

19.2 Geometrical propcr1ics, notlltion and boundary conditions

19.2.1 Gl'Onteiry and noilltion spt.'C:inc to this chnpt('r

tl) Type of shells: The follO\~ing rulL'S apply wl/gill/dil/al s tiffellers are oftell c"lIed
10 conical shells of constant wall thickness "strillgers ". "ellce IOll8illld;'I(1/I)' lJljffened
which are stiffened by cquidisl:mt longitudinal COIle.f (Ire "stringer.stijfelled " colles.
sliffeners (see Fig. 19. 1). The stiffeners have
II'hell the cOile lI'al/ "lid tl,,· stjffi'llers are
identical nat·bar cross sections. which arc con·
mocle of different mlllerials. calclIllItiwu'
Slant over Ihe cone length lind which lire at·
lJ'!Jollld be lH!tfurmed (,'Ullsen'mit'e!y witll lite
taehL'tl internally to the conc. They Illust be con·
.fIIlflller of the 1\\'0 m/l/(!l' of E !IIul1;.
neclcd 10 thc cone Wil li continuously. c.g. by
continuous welding. or at Ic;tSt in narrow SplIC-

Bllckli"8 OfSIL'C1 Shells - £lIroPCllII De,fig" Recommelldali01IS

lngs. c.g. by imcnniuenl welding or by means of (3) The followmg

UOC"qUIIIC fasteners. resuhams:
If~ meridional

(4) Actions: These nil

cones which arc in me

tV n,w
caused by II concentric
Fig. 19.1). nle rcsuhing ~
constant owr the Clrcumfcl

t arly down the length.
II '" :;--'----::
• 2nr cosp

19.2.2 Boundllr') t'onditi

( 1) Boundary condilion.
'- plicllblc only 10 \ongiludi
calcd COIK.'S with rndially n:
"' igun.' 19.1 : Ck.'OnlClry aoo louding orlonSltudinally
slllTened comcal skelt
II sinp+ II ' cosp ... 0
NOTE: Eq. 19.4 corw;pon
(2) The following nOlation is used for the ge· tion" ment10ned In the d\..~
ometry(Fig 19. 1): cned conical shells in LN
r = r(x) mdius of cone middle surfaee, pcrpcn· (rcpcatl'tl liS Si."Ction 13.211
dieulur to axis of rotation. that varies lions). The "cylinder cond
linearly down the length there is not covered by the
n radius at the small end of the cone nally stiffened coniclll ~hc
rJ rndius at the lurge end of the cone No distinction is m:ldc t
I thiekm,."ss of the conieal shell willi restrained and mcridlOrl:li
p apex hllifangle of the cone twccn rolllliolllll1y mlmil
L mcridional length (slant length) of thc fn:c edges.
truneall-d cone
b - b(,r) scpamtion between stiffeners - width
of shell panel between stiffeners
hi panel width at the small end of the cone
b! panel width at the large end of the eone
b" effective panel width at the small end
b1, effective panel width utthe large end
h~ Ss width lind thickness of II stiffener nat
bar (constant over the cone length)
lis number of stiffeners
At every point b _ 2Jfr ... (19. 1)

where r is the local mdius.

Co"ic("~hells w;lh IOI/~i"'dil/al XIWellen III/der merit/ionl,1 compression

(3) 11,e following notation is used for stress

II , meridional membnme sll'ess resultant
(mcmbrunc forte) per unit cirtumfcr-

(4) Actions: TheM! rules apply to tnmeaK-d II i!J' (/Sl'/11I1('" here implicilly rbtll rhe radial
cones which arc in meridional compression tI('I'i(lliOll force (lIll,e 100uleti el/ge,\'.
c<lused by <I concentric axiul 100Id P (sec
Fig. 19.1). The resulting strtSS resultant II, is P IlInp
...( 19.3)
constant o\'cr thc circumference und \'uries line- p, "" 2lfr
arly down the length.
;.\, /lIkell by Ihal slrllclllral c/emelll which fIIP-
p IJlies Ihe nll/illl reslrai", bolli/dOl)' coruiilirm til
". :. ~2-n-r~'-"'-p~ . .. (19.2)
rhl' edge,f (see following clause),

19.2.2 Bound:lry conditions

(I) Boundary conditions: These rules are ap· Similor to Ihe bolll/dllry cOlldilion lISSllmplio"-f
plicable only 10 longitudinally stiffened tnm- ill EN 1993-1-6 (.fee Seclioll 4.4 oflhe.~e Rt'!.··
cated cones with rndially restmined edges: ommem/ariolls). ir is lISSlImt't/ thlll Ihe circllm-
jeremial edge displucemelll I ' is close(,' /illked
/I sinp+ wcosp.:z 0 , .. (19.4)
10 I/'e rtl(lilll edgi! dislJlucemem, mellllillg: " -
NOTE: Eq, 19,4 corresponds to the "ri ng condi- o.
tion" mentioned in the design rules for unstifT-
1'I/(,> bolll,dtlry cOlltiilion rusllmpliolls (Ire ill
coed conical shells in EN 1993- 1-6, Annex 1).4
ogl'eelllefll 1I'ilh appficltlioll,\' wlrere ,Ire cIII1'ed
(n:pcau.."d as St."Clion 13,2 in these RLocormnendu-
edges of rhe cOile lire lIlIlll.'lIellto helll,)' drcll-
tions), The "cylinder condition" !lIsa mentioned
ItII'rings consrrailling rhe rat/illl t/i~/Jltlcellll'lIn
there is 1I0t covcred by these rules for longitudi-
of Ihe ,fhell.
nally stiffened conical shells,
No dilltinction is mude bcm·een meridionally III terms oft/II! bollllt/ary cOl/ditioll code.f of EN
rcstrnincd and meridionally free edges or be- 1993-/-6 (fable 4,1 of the.\'e Rl!Clmmlellt/lI-
tween rotationally restr.linL-d lind rotlltionally liolls) it can be staled Ilral all comhilllltiQlu
free edges. from BClf (pilllled) 10 HeIr (cllIIIIJX'(/) art'
COl'l!rL,(/, ( IS 10llg (IS Eq, 19,4 i,f flllfllled,

Buckling o/Sleel Shc.>lb • ellropean Desigll R£.,(YJ/"''''mdaliollf

19.2.3 RIlII~C of appliubilil)'

h = 2m;.
• II,
(I) Stiffening grude:
h,.f, S 2
~I 19.4 Design agllinst

(~n)' S I80
(I) The niles ghcn in
(b) ... (19.5) tudinnlly stiffcnl-d I
correspondingly, 1111
with nn equivalent i
(~ l(7)' H2 (0) to Eq. 19.7 nnd with an

(2) The stiffener cross section dimensions £qll{lliOll 19.6 (:orre~'1)f)mb /() £q. J.'I.4 for jlal. r, L
should fulfilthc following condition: bar stiffellers ill longillldilllll(l· sliffem.·d cylill·
den (fee F;g. /8.1a). 71Iis li",iwl;ol/ of Ihe

" Jf
... (19.6) stiffener g£.'OlI1el,1' i.\ la e:cell/de "local slrillger
bucklillg ".
(2) Thc simplified appr
glob:ll buckling f'C<;1\tane
18.4.2. may not be applil-d t

(3) Only trunellled cones of unifonn wall thick· Shallow colles 1I';lh P > 65° lelld 10 filii by
19.5 Rdcrences
ness and with apex half angle P S 65° (sec Fig. ol'(~rtllI .ma/Hhrol/gh bllcKling prt'c('{k'd by
19. 1) are eo"ercd by Ihe following rules. large "onli"ear (k/on"(If;olls rather 1/1(111 by
local bi,ftIrCOfiulI bucklillg. Tllif is IIOf co'·ered ChrySSUUlhopouios. M.K.
by 'he eqllimlellf cylilukr lIfJprt)(I('" ouflil/ed in Repon l:.UR I !WOO EN (
Sp.1gnoli, A. and Chryssar
shells in compression·', AS
19.2.4 GC!olllclriclll tulcrllllCCS
Samuc\son, L.A. ( 1987) ..
( I) The niles 011 gcometricoltolcrunces givcn Coil. Stllbility of Plate and
in 1H.2.4 for longitudinally stiffened cylinders
should be uppllL'tI com..'Spondingly.
NOTE: Thc gauge length 'p
according 10
Eq. 18.7 is for cones a function of thc merid·
ional eoordinate:f.

19.3 Design ~g~insiioclil buckling between Ihe longitudinal stiffeners

(I) The niles givcn in Section 18.3 for longi· III gelleral it shCNcld be sufficielll Iu Ch('CK Ihe
tudinally stiffcned cylinders should be applied Iwo eqllimlem cylilllll!rs til Ille sllwll e"d and
correspondingly, using an equivalent cylinder allhe large e"d oflhe C()III!.
'.~ -- ... (19.7)
and the equivalent panel width

COllil·ul.lhell.l· II/lh IOllg;/lIdi,wl sliffellers I",tier meridiollal CYJmpreuioll

b, =2;rrr ... (19.')


19.4 Design against globlll buckling including the longitudinal stiffeners

(I) The rules given in Section 18.4 ror longi- III gel/eml it shollid be sllfficiellt 10 c/1('Ck Ille
tudinally stiffened cylinders should be npplied three I!qllil'OlI!1If cylillders at the small elld. ill
correspondingly. using an equivalent cylinder the middle lmd (f/ Ihl! large elld oflhe CYJlle.
with an equivalcnt cylinder rudiu~ rr according
to Eq. 19.7 and with an equivalent cylinder

IfTc.fpo,uh /() f.q. 18.4 for jllll- ... (19.9)

fongitlltJif/"III' wijJem.' lI eylill-
'8.lui. This li",itU/;OII of II,,' The ollly reasoll for Ihis re51delioll is Ihal Ihe
(2) The simplified approach for thc critical
)" il 10 exc/llde "foclli Mriflger
global buckling resistance, as specified in procetJllre IIlI5 1101 yel bee" \'erified for l·tifT-
IS.4.2, may not be applied to stifTened cones. em..'lI CYJllef.

IIh p> 65· lend 10 JW by

rmgh hllddillg prL'CedetJ hy
19.5 References
deformtllimlf rml/l'r Ih,," hI'
hllddillg. nll·.f i.~ '/01 co\'t!T(~1 Chryssanthopoulos. M.K. and Poggi , C. (1998) "Stability and strength of stifTencd conicnl shells".
, cylinder "fJProtlCh OItllilled in Report EU R 18460 EN (Final Report on ECSC No. 72 10-SAI20S). Brussels.

Spagnoli, A. and Chryssant hopoulos, M.K. (1999) "Duck ling design or stringer-stiffened conical
shells in compression". ASeE J. Struc!. I:.ngg. 125(1),40-48.

Samuelson, L.A. ( 1987) "Stinc ned conical shells; approximate methods of analysis". Proc., Int.
Coli. Stnbility of Plate and Shell Structures. Ghent Univcrsity, Belgium. 411-416.

final stiffeners

JtI he sltjJicil.'lII 10 check Ihe

Umkrs til IIII.' small elllJ lmd
Itlll' coile.
Siuklle or ring S'IPPOrtt..'li cyli"drkul shells

20 Saddle or ring supportcd cylindrical shclls

Principal author: V. Ktupka

20.1 General

TIle rules of this chapter dl-al with the buckling ch(..'ck of saddle or ring supponed cylinders with
their axis horizontal. Another SCI of design rules for cylinders of this kind is found in EN 13445·3
(2002). the European Stllndard on the de~ign of unfin.-d pressure vessels. The principal difference
between these two seb of rules is that the saddles are here treated as having a contact with the shell
that is free to slide and displace. whilst the rules of EN 13445·3 require the shell to be rigidly
bonded to the saddle. The differences are outlim..-d in detail in the right hand column commentary
where appropriate.

TIle rules gi\ien here follow the buckling stress design fonmll of EN 1993·1-6 as outlined in Chapter
9 ofthcsc Recommendations. They are based on extenshe experimental evidence.

20.2 Gcomclricall)rOpCrlics, notation and boundary conditions

20.2.1 Geometry and notlltion sl)locilir to this chapter

( I ) The geometry of a typical shell con~idercd

in this chapter is shown in Fig. 20. 1.

Buckling of SIN! I Shells· Ellrope(1II o..'sigll Rf.'(.'omme"daliwB

should be mlhe mnge

100 < r/t <1000

(2) The shell thickness

around the circumference

~~;, JI-.Q---L_--Q+'f'--=a~,!
Ihe longitudinal dm..'Ction
equal to the reference
either side of Ihe saddle

(3) nle suppon may be (

the cylindrical shell or an 11\
At each supponed eros!. \Cc
1 the saddle or ring should b.-
\ ·······T ········
r t the periphery. In the plan.

-H ----------"
: r
----- 9,: -----
5(..'C lion the suppan should

) -r-l2b ( /.\
/ .-'~
20 '·
respect to lhe axis of the to
Ihe suppon .

i (4) The rules for the

only iflhe following ''''0 eo'
L»a Isos Os 90-

!. a 't'Q O.ooS S ~ S O.IO

FIAurr 20.1: Geometry of a saddle supportt.-d c)-tinder
(5) The rules for the 51
(2) Notation only if the distance L be
(J dil>tanee of Ihe form(..'(i head from Ihe mid· 5.1ddles is hlrger Ihlln I r'
dIe of the saddle
1I distance of Ihe efTt."C tive stiffened end
frorn the middle of lhe suddtc
(6) The shell may be nllll
b Im lfwidth of lhe 5.1ddle
loosely rcst on Ihe saddle.
I M."Cond moment of area of Ihe supponing
L span between the eentres of 1\'00 adjacent
suddlcs or suppon rings respectively
Ir reference lenglh ( r.{tJi)
r radius of the shell (7) If the shell IS suppan,
s length of the saddle periphery in touch should be attached 10 Ih.! \
with Ihe shell may consist of either conti
thickness of the shell welds.
I' depth of the formed head
o halfembrucing angle (8) The rulcs apply for
shell which globally indu(
20.2.2 Range or applicability sUlle in Ihe shell for a dilot
on either side of the saddle
( I) The shell radius to thickness mtio rtt

StNkl/e ur ring supported cylil/c/rical shells

should be in the runge

lOO <r/t < 1000 ... (20.1)

(2) 11le shell thickness t should be constant

uround the circumference and also constant in
Ihe 10ngilUdinal direction for at lellst II distance
equal to the reference lenglh (" - r# on
cilher side of the smldle or ring.

(3) The support may be close to the ends of The slIPI)()rt dos" to th" "/ltl~ of IIt",It,,/I ;v
the cylindrical shell or an intennediate position. call1m,,,, ill \'C'uds whereas (III illfemlt..'li;ote SIIP-
At each supponed cross seclion. the support by port if uset! ill pipillg.
the suddle or ring should be continuous around
the periphery. In the plane of the shell cross
S(."Ction the suppon should be symmetric \\jlh
respect to the axis of the 101:11 reaction force lit
Ihe support.

(4) The rules for the suddle support apply rlte\'e limilluiolls 10 the rOlrge of applicabilitl'
only if the following two condilions nrc mel : lire becuII.\·e rC1J'curclt im't!sligutiolls 1/(11'(' Dilly
ron'n.'ll stmctun's 1I';11r geumetries wilhill lhis
... (20.2)

... (20.3)

"'" (5) The rules for the saddle suppon apply TlrLf lim;"";o" ;s due to lire fOCI thaI for .fI1/t1l1er
only if the distance L bclween neighbouring di,\'UII/Ce,f tire ,\'Ires!)' til o"e ,wufdle i! ;"j1uem:cd
saddles is larger Ihan f", by the lleighbollrillg saddle as ca" be S('('" from
Fig. 20.3.

(6) The shell nmy be auachcd 10 the suddle or A,\' o/lllincd ill &'Ctiull 10,1 abol'('. tire present
loosely rest on the snddle. rlllt'.f heM! bee" eWr;1'f..'li for the ClUe of a loo,fe(I'
r('Slillg cylillder. Thus. til('ir applic"'ioll fO a c)'l-
hIder which i,f altached 10 fire .WI{kJle ma)' be
\'('1)' CUllsen'OI;.-e.

(7) If the shell is supported by a ring. this ring ''''ermitlefll welds should be a\'Didet! if rorrosiol/
should be allachcd 10 the shell. This connection is 10 he e:cpecled 10 playa major rolt>.
may consist of either cominuous or intennillent

(8) The rules apply for lo.atb acting 011 the A glubal membralle Sfress stale is ca/lsed by tl/('
shell which g lobally induce 11 membrane stress liquid cOII(('II1 ill complNely fillL'l1 sllells lI'illl
state in the shell for a distllncc of III lell.'ol ',,/2 I/ori=ollwl axi.f, b)' tire grm'it)' lood oflire s/rdl or
on either side of the saddle or ring, by (I gas pre.fsure ill Ihe ,~"ell. For oilier loodf
lire glomll membrtme Sfress SUlII! ilia), be ob-
Wined b)' "I'propriafe sti.Dimin8 aI fire loe"';oll of

Buckling alSleel She/ls - Ellropeall Design Reromm(!IId(l/ior,s

Ihe /0<<</ imrotillcfioll or il muy be ubwi"ed if ,"e

betiding .\>Ire.ues tIre decaying towards Ihe :UI/J-
port. Partitilly liqllid-filled .~"el/.Y Il(lI"e 110 global
membrane stress stale (Stml & Reif 198/). In ,hi.~
case it i:r rt!COIllIlJelltk'l/IO petform tlte de!iigll lor
Ihe COIIIIJ/elelyjilfed shell.
20.2.3 GCllllletricllllolerllnccs
( I) TIll! geometrical tolcrances nrc classified
in three Fabrication Tolenlllce Quality Classes
A to C in the same munncr as in EN 1993-1-6.
Section 8.4 (sec Section 6.3 of tlu.'SC Recom-

(2) For the buckling dcsign of the shell close

to thc saddle support, the tolerance requirements
of the relevant quality cllm should be satisfied
th roughout a Icngth , r/ 2 on either side of the
saddle lind mer II circumfcrential range cover-
ing tile saddle contact zone and O'l beyond the
horns of the Sllddlc 011 clIch side.

20.3 Design volues ufacling stresses ..

20.3.1 Ill..osign values ohlresses in ring 5ul,pOrI1..>d shells

(I ) The local t:olleentr:llion of the load hum- The ClI/CII/(llioll 01 I il/d "des the cffL,,·til'e widlll ""
duction around the circumfercnce o f the sup-
porting ring may be disregardl..'d if the second
moment o f area I of this ring satisfi es the eondi-
o/tlte sltell. The reqlliremel/l d£fit/ed ill Eq. 20.4
lI'as deriwd "",/ cxperimellllllly \'erifled by
Knlpka (/969u).
... (20.4)

In this cusc the design s tresses a ••Cd and rJ.Cd

may be c:aJc:ulated as membrane stresses in the
shell llCOOrding to global bending as n beam.

(2) If the condition Eq. 2004 is not satisfied a

linear shcll analysis (LA) o f the ri ng-stiffened .
shell should be pc.rfonned to give the membrane
stresses to be used us design stresses a>:.Cd and
r ...CJ. ,

Slit/dIe ur rillg slIpporlet/ cylindrical ,fhe"-\

un ur il mll)' he
ohwilled if Ihe
decaying Immnlf Ihe SIII1- ...
lid-fillcd shells hUI'1! no globtll
rUle (Saol & R('if 1981). In lhi.~ ...
"Jed 10 per/onn Ihe design for
r sheJl
. " '\"-
'" ,.
, • r.,
k =-

. . . . ." . . . ~ ~

"" i~un' 20.2: Dctemlination of coetliClcnt ko..

I inellides Ihe effi'CliI'f! widlh

qllirr!I1If'1I/ defined il/ £q. 2004 .
~- ~
experimel1lllll}' \'erijif:d hy I
. ,L. . . .
I)" .l-
. / / /

.. 1//
•. ~

'.' " " OJ, "Cl.5 •



k = a


figure 20.3: Iklemlination of coefficient k..

Buckling afSteei S"el/.\' - EllmlH.'lm De,figll Recomme/ldatioll"

20.3.2 [)e.!.i~n "alurs ofstrt.'!iSl'S ill saddle supported shells 20.4 Buckling limit

(I) TIle de:.ign value of the maximum axial Eql/(lfiOIl 20.5 determilles the k(:1' I'flb,(' uf tlte (I) The design \alues\-e membmm! stres:. (T,I_,;J due to the IUifl1 stress {u1jace/ll 10 Ihe .wddle, which will he buckling strc5s(''S ~hould
locnllond is given by w;ed I'll Ihe ax;al hllckling re,\'i,~IlIII('e ('''('('k, Thi~ ing to FN 1993·1·6 Annc\
eqllalioll was ohtail/ed millg :.'emi'lIIemhnlllc these RL'Commendalions),
a.u.J kflTkO,fQ/:({ I ~2 J ... (20.5) Iheory' (Krllpka 1969h: Krupk(1 1977: Kl'llpku
1998) (Illd lI.ul//IIing (/ loo,\'c (,\liding) ('OI/fl/Ct (2) The bueklmg de~ign ..
he/ll'ef!l/ Ihe rigid sadd/c· (I//(Illte ,lltclI, Tlte pre- with thc mleruetion chi
where d;clioll.~ art! COfl.\·en'1I1;I'e for Iht· aiternlllil'e {'(JI/. EN 1993-1·6. Section H,5.3
Q£J design value of the lotnl reaction force at ditioll 11'/"'" Ihe ,v le/l i,~ lI'elded 10 the slIddh>, (1.1 Section 9.:U.3(3) and Scctl(
the suppon (including Yt) demol/strated in expcrimclII_f (Kl'llpkll 1994: Recommcnd:lIlons ),
ka. coefficient detennined from Fig. 20.2 Chlll/, Tooth & Spellce 1998).
k... coefficient detemlined from Fig. 20.3 (3) For saddle ~upponcd
value:. IIccording 10 l:qs ::!O.
(2) The coefficient k(h corresponds to the Theftiffl'IIillg (1/«t of Ihe .flle/l elld\' Inoy he lie· used in the strength colli.!
stress state whieh is not influenced by the stiff- glecled if their disltlllce from lite ,fOlkll/! is 1(lrger occur at different location, ,
ening effect of the shell ends, It depends on the th(In , r ' This {U·r;l'f!.'f from Fig. 10.3 wheN! k... eumfercnee.
halfelllbrucing angle Oand the parameter Ifork.. > /,
k· .!!.. ... (20.6)
according to Fig. 20,2,

(3) The coefficient k, .. cxpresses thc stiffening

effect or the :.hcll cllds. It depends on the half
embrocing angle Oand Ihc parnmeter

k .. .!!... ... (20.7)

" f ,
according to Fig, 20.3,

(4) If the :.tiffencd shell end is a fonm.-d head

two thirds of the depth " or the fonned head
should be included ill ealcuillting Ihe distance CI
(sec Fig. 20, I). 20.5 Plaslic limit shl

(5) Thc design stresses aA,CJ lind T,o!I/.:J in the Tlte stress dlle 10 lite loml effici ofIhewppon ;,f (I) The plru.lic linllt :.ta
shell are obtainL-d by superimposing the maxi- Iin('Url), added /(J ,hal c(lIIs('{1 by globlll hem/ilig shell at the saddle supro" i'
mum local axinl eompressi\c membrane stress ;n Eq, 20.8, n,if midi/ion is 011 tltt, :.'ofo silk
a,L£J according to Eq, 20,5 onto the global wliel1lltl' ma-r;IIII1", I'ulile of tit I.' axiol flrl'SS dl/t, 1 0.975 \r/ f .,J
mcmbrnnc slresses a .a.CJ and T/I.Lt 10 global hellding a ,/I.I.J ;s IISed f,

a...£J ... (20.8) \\herc

.f IS the length of the
III mUIIY cases the global membrant! Slre.u ' Mille
tB.£J ... (20.9) is Ihlll oflite :.111.'/1 {lClillg (I,f n hemn, contact \\ ilh the hell

Saddle or ring slipported ry/illdriral rhl'l/t

20.4 Buckling limit state assessment or the shell at the saddle support

kl('nmll(',\ 'he ke), mIlle of Ihe (I) The design ,:ducs a,RJ and r,IIRJ of the For f/lell.\' IIul/ (Ire welded 10 the rillg or .ftkklle
('l'/IIIO 1/1(' ,wddle, which will/Ie buckling stn.'SS\.~ should be dctcnniru:d accord- Ihe,~e 1'1I111eS a,_RJ and r.8RJ tire Oil III(' sufi' ,\il/e
I hll('kling rl'sislalll'e ched... This ing to EN 1993-1-6 Anncx D (sec Chapter 10 of OCt'{//IS/! of Ihe clamping (if 'Ill' ~/II'II Imll
,hlailli'd /Ising semi-lIIemhrane these Recommcndations). (Kmpka 1991),
1969b; Knlpka 1977; Kmpktl
ming (I 100Je Midit/g) ('olllm:1 (2) The buckling dCllign should be pcrfOnllCd
J saddle lmc/ ,lit, ,\hell. The 1)I'c!- with the interaction check according to
;t'n't/lil'f' fl,r Ille allerl/alil'e roll- EN 1993-1-6. Section 8.5.3 and Annex D (S\.'C
shell is 1I'e!tJcd 10 Ihe smklle, a ,Y Section 9.2.2,3(3) and Scchon IO,2.6( I} of thcsc
l experillli'II/_~ (Knlpkll 199-1; Recommendations).
pel/l'e 1998).
(3) For saddle supported shcllll the maximum Thi.~ aPPfV(I(:h i.f all Ihe ,~afe side tiS .f/lOlm hy a
values according to Eqs 20 ~ and 20.9 should be ('uII/JX/rison lIilh experimental re.\lIlh (KrllpAlI
fori of Ihe shell elltl~ ",tn' be lIe- USl.'d in the strength condition although they 199]). The hl/dUllg pOI/em £'uI'er,'d by ,ltis St"."-
;ftu",'e from lire slkklle is larxer occur at different locationll around the .. hell cir- lioll is illlmralell hy Fig, 10.4
7I"l'.fjrom Fig. 10_1 Illren.'~ ... cumference.

"'Igare 211.4: A~Hl I compmsion buckll.'S adjacent 10 a S:Jddle support

20.5 Plaslic limit slate assessment or the shell at Ihe saddle support

local e,ffi'Ct of lire SlllJport il' (I) The plastic hmlt sinte resistance of the n,l' pllISli£' limil stale is dwracteri:ed hy\qllt't':.-
hal ('arlSed bJ' glohtll bendinK shell at the saddle support is gl\en by i"g or plt/K'hi"g 'he slKklle ifllu IIle .5/lel! Ildll
addilion is 011 Ihe s·tife ~itk (.~ee Pig, ]0,5), II is particlllllr(r drullwtic' 1111('"
r! mIlle of Ihe axilll siren dill' Q,.,RJ = 1 ( 0.975 -;: 11.1i ) ... (20.10) Ihe r t ralio (if Ihefhell is higll_ III Ihi.~ t'1I.I1' tlu'
u"EJis used load mm'illg CGIJ(ll'ily of Ihe ,fludl dmJ'.1 I/ld-
glohnl membrune l 'lre,t.f SllIlc' is the length of the 'Wlddle periphery in Eq, 10.10 W{IS ohlllllledfor Ihe COI/Ililit/ll (If IrHIft'
contaci with the shell. l'OlltlU:t (fret·tlolll 10 .f/ide) of Ihe rigit/lllddle
tillJ: CIS II bellm.
Il'ilh the sllell (Knlpka 1987). Ti,e \'(/111(' olQrl6J
i~ fil/md 10 he high£'r if Ihe sIIell is 1I"l'Ided f() the
,\·"dd/C· (KnllJktl 1991; Krupka 1994; Chilli,
Taolh & Spence 1998). This riXid wmllX'liflll
lu/.f heen in EN 11445-1 from 'he he-

Bllck/illg ~fS'f..'d Slu:lIs - Ellropeall Dclign RecommenJaliotlS

20.6.1 A shorter \ stl

ginllillg. as mCII'itmcd curlier.
The doll/illalll Illllstic Ilill].:e.,· ill Ihe\'''e/l fim" til
A typical \cs!.C1 hru.the
Ihe IlOm!J lImi llrfJImd 'he per/pllen' uf'he .\tuk//I! r lSOOmm
resulling ill Ihe 'roolprim" '-'7H! offili/llre 1I/000Ie
I 12mm
(Fig, 20,5). TlIl'.fl' pltulic "ingef occllr dlle 10
h - IOOmm
high discomillllil), Iwnd;IIg "mlllelll~ 11/ II narrow
L 21000m
=011(' ;11 Ihis linn Thcreforc 'he MiffenillJ.: effi-'C',
of the shell ellllf i;o. uf minur impur/(/I/('t! ;11 Ihi,l 1I 800mm
elise comp(lred 10 the hucklillg Ii",it stare, /t i,f I'· 7S0mm
negligible if (I > .r;:;,
n,l.' re;o.'lIll of ElJ. 10. /0 is o 60'
on Ihe slIfl! ;o.'ide ifll .5 1" .
The vcsscl is made from
70_6kNlm) and the \elf \\ eig

The refercnl'C length is

'r - r.{rfi
The follo\\ ing conditiom. (01
15 ~ S 0 1iO'
oOOS 'S:100
. 1677
16770< 2100

The design value of the tota

ru 1.3.5
Yf.H 1.3.5

FIJ.turc 1.O.S: PlastiC punclilng fai lure 11111 saddle liUppor1 Then
Qu (21.0.
20.6 Exa mples
Design vollies orslrcs~s
/ r
_l ond 0 60°, Fig. 20.2 gl\e

/ wilh

u u + (lI]
"i 1 " I I
II !. a .1. L I a

i I :
! ,..J,2v/3
tQ Q'f and 0 _6{)° Fig. 20.3 gi\c~

Thus lhc maximum oxial CI

Figure 1.0.6: Example saddlc-supponcd \-csscl
SlICk"e or ring supported C)"lilldriw/~"eHf

IOIl.:J euriier. 20.6.1 A shorter H.'Ssel

'u.I/il" IlInge.~ /1/ Iltt! .,·hell jbr'" (I(

'{Jlm,1 Iht' pcrip/tl" .. of fhe \(f{/tJle

A typical VL'SM!I has the eonligumtion shown III Fig. 20.6. with the following dimensions
fjoo/·prillf·' t\,fX' off(lillire //liNk r = 1500mm
/! p/mtil: hillge_~ OCt'lIr tlllt' to
t - 12mm
I)" IIt'IIdilig momelll" 11/ 1I IIm'ro", h 100111111
Thereforo: Ille ltig-ellillK l'ffel·t L 2100011101
is of ",illor i"'JXJrfw/(:e in lhi, (1 . . 800111111
lilt! hlle/djllK limil {/(Ill'. " is V= 750nllll
.r,:; rhl' resuil of £q. lO. /O is 0 = 60°

s./ri ' The \csscl is made from ioIructurul steel S235J2. The lo.1ding is due to liquid COlltcnt (ql
70.6km) and thc self\\cight ofthc shcll (qW ~.~kN m),

Thc refefCnce length is

I, - ,[.ji 1500 . JI500/ 12 16770 mm
The following conditions for applicability arc smislicd:
15° S 0 = 60° S 90° (20.2)
0.005 S 16770 ,.. 0.0060 S 0.1000 (20.3)

16770<2 1000 20.2.2 (5)

The design voluc of the total reaction force Q at the suppon s is obtained wilh the load paniol foctors

". rFl_ 1.35 for the liquid coruents

noll 1,35 for the self weight

oe l>uppon 111en
QF.d =- (21.0i2 -t O.H + (213) 0.750) (1.35)(70,6 + 1.35)(8.8) loJ
11 ,8)(107,2)( 10J 1.265 )( 10~ N

Design values of stresses

k 0.0060 (20.6)
and 0 6(f. Fig. 20.2 gi\(~s /.:0.- 0.60.


1I "' u + (213)1' 8OO + (2I3)750 - 1300mm

0.0775 (20.7)

and 0 - 60° Fig. 20.3 gives k... 0.18.

Thus the maximum axial compn..'Ssivc mcmbnll1c Siress due 10 Ihc loculload is given by

Bllc/ilillg ofSleei Shellv - European De.vigll Rc.'COmm{,IIckll;olls

a ,u.J 0. 18 ·0,6(). 1.265 · \0 • . ( 1500 , ) ~K4.9N ' mm , (20.5) 8.5.2 (4), X' I
16770 · 12-
The glooolmcmbmnc compressive stress a,Ju.J llIthe suppon is obtained from the bending moment 8.5.2 (3), a....
of the cantilc\er
"'1..1 Q,.J x 13002/(2x 11 800) ;. 71,6 QF.J 8.5.2 (2), a•. /lJ 189

and the clastic section modulus S of the circular cross section is For shear buckling;
S It 15002 12 84,8x 101> 1111113
21000 2
D.1.4.1 (2), -
'" I SOIl
a ,llI:J 7 1.6 Qr..I(84,8x I 0") 1,1 N/mm1 for (as a suf,

with D.1.4. 1 (4), 10 « 11"'78.3

the maximum global membrane ~II!,..ur stress becomes D.1.4. 1 (3), r,""'T 0.75·
r/J, t.J 1,126x I01l' (1I 1500x I2)e 19,9N mm 2•
0 .1.4.2 (I): a, 0,50 (qu.
lJuckling limit .~11I1(' a~"('~'''I1('nl
Accordmg 10 I~ N 1993- 1-6:
D.1.4.2 (2), )~ 0.40
For axial c01l1pI'CSsion buckling;
0 . 1.2.1 (2): (Il 2 ](100
- 156
8.5.2 (5), .I,
I - 0,<

0 .1.2 .1 (7) : rl 1500, 12

500 < 210000/235

125 < 150

894 < I()()()

rt.(rr)" 156(12/ 1500) 1.25 < 6
8.5.2 (6), .I,

In Eq. D.13, a,f Il a" I is assumed becausc of the local character of the dominuting stresses 8.5.2 (4), X I 0.60·
a ,l.. This gives C, 1.0

D.1.2.1 (3): a •. II" O,605x2, I x I05x LOx ( 121 1500) 1016 N 'm1l12 8.S.2 (3) ,

0 .1.2.2 (2): With the assumption of Quality Class C as the m05t unfa\'ouruble ease Q 16.
8.5.2 (2), t,u.! 97 I

0 .1.2.2 (1): 6\\'& I . P500 12 8,38mm a.= 0.621J + l ,91(8,3KI2) 1'~J 0,290 Buckling interaction ehL~1£
16 12

D.1.2.2 (3): P 0,60 II 1.0

D. 1.6(1), K, 1.25+0
0 .1.2.2 (4): Ao 0.20 + 0.10 0.30
8.5.3 (3), a, 1.J 84.9

8.5.2 (5), ..l. - J1-0.290 - 0,851

p 0,60

8.5.2 (6), 0.481 < 0.851 so the shell buckles in the eillstic-pillstic rcgime

S"dtlle or ring slIpported cylilltirica/\hells

, x- 1 - 0.60. ( 0.48 1- 0.30 )'" _ 0.803

mm- (20.5) 8.5.2 (4),
0.85 1-0.30

lined from the bending moment 8.5.2 (3): (T",, , "" 0.803x235 - 189 N/ll1m~

8.5.2 (2): (T, u = 189/ 1.1 - 172 N/mrn~

for shear buckling:

2 100012
0 . 1.4.1 (2), (tJ = 78.3 where half the length betwcen the snddlcs is used
for (as a sa fe mos umptioll lx.'CIIUSC of the vunishing shear force at midspan.

0 .1.4. 1 (4), 10 < tv 78.3 < 8.7(1500/ 12) - 1088

0 .1.4. 1 (3), r,a"'~

, [,b
0.75·2.1 · 10 · 1.0 · - -12 -
78.3 1500

D. I.4.2 ( I): aT ='" 0.50 (quality class C)

0 .1.4.2 (2), ", . 0.40 P 0.60 '1 1.0

R.5.l (5): 1 ..,

- 1.1 2

:K) 1.15 < 6

R.5.2 (6), l
- t 35
3 0.743 < 1.12 so the shell buckles in the clastic-plastic regime

of the dominating stresses 8.5.2 (4), 1- 0.60.( 0.743-0.40 )" - 0.7 14

\.12 - 0.40

8.5.2 (3), r,dlU. 0.7 14· 2:rJ'J - 97 N·'mm'

\'ournble C3!.C Q '" 16.
8.5.2 (2), T,9.Rd" 97, 1.1 - 88N mm'

8.38 12) "~J 0.190 Buckling interaction ch!&k

0.1.6 (1), k. - 1.25 + 1.85 kr 1,75 + 14 1.93

8.5.3 (3), (T,.f".J- 84.9 + 1.1 86.0 N mml r./UJ 19.9 N mml

( 172
+' 19.9)1.9' _ 0 277
~ 88'
t 0.057 _ 0 33 < I

~c cla~tlc-pJnstic regime
Budlillg o/SI(:('/ SII('II~" Cllro/X'UII Desigll R('C()I1II11('IIduliolls

This is an upproaeh to the safe side because the maximum values of a'Cial stress nnd shear stress The effecti\'e width orlhe
occur at different locations around the circumferencc. 3,Jn
Plastic limit SlalC tlsS(,"ssmCTlI The posilion orthe '~;.~~;~J
With the length s of the saddle support ,1\ - (1
.f (nl IRO) 120x1500 3 142mm
lind the second moment
the resistance in the plnstie limit stille is given by / lltf4KOO
QpI,IfJ - 2x (23511.1) x3 142x 12 1.44x106 N (20.9) I 1.55x IO·
Qd QplllJ 1.26511.44 0.88 < I with Ihi!> stiffening ring. it i.

The shell is Slife IIgllinst the plastic limit state. The design buckhng Mrc\!;L"i
a .lfl 0,803>
20.6.2 A longer H'SSc\ r.lI.a 0.714

A longer \-essel is considered here. in \\-hich the distance bet\\ccn the outer saddles
IIlcreascd IS k \.25 + 0:
from 21m to 42111 and 10 ammge a saddle of Ihe sume type almidspan bet\\L'Cn the oulcr suddll'S. t , 1,75 + 0..
The olher parametcrs for this \essel are as abO\e.
The internction check Ihcn g
In this case
I. . . 21000 1"5 (20.7)
II" 16770 .-
and Fig. 20.3 gi ... es k.. , " I.
This is aglllil on the snre sid
The global bending moment and Ihe reaction force Itt Ihe support Itre ghen by diffcrenl locations around th
~• Q ~
MS,I.J q(21000'/8) - (ql2)(1300-I2) = 54.70x 10 q - 5.86xI0 Nmm
Q,.J" 21 000t, + 2M,/21 000 26209 q = 2,8 1x I06 N
wilh 20.7 References
q l:J 107.2 kN/m ItS before.
Chan. a.C.M .. Tooth. A,S.
Thus the maximum values of the global membrane stresses ~--come
6 zonlal saddlc.supponcd \tOl
adU.J 5.86xI0'/(84.8xI0 ) 69.1 N /mm! Volume 212. Pan F.. p. IR]-
r•. I.J 2.81 x 1OIJ/(x 1500x 12) - 49.7 N/mm~
EN I 3445,3 (2002) Unfired I
The maximum value of the local membrane stress becomes Krupka, V. (l969a) "Zur I~
1·0.60-'. , /..J
- - : IO,H Ni mm'» (20.5)
gcn", Stahlbau 3R. S, IK9,1(
12' 1500 Krupka, V. (l969b) "An an,
temational Conference on P
The e'CCL'SShc local membranc Siresses a,1 F.J arc e1immnted by a stlffcnmg nng whIch satisfies
Krupka. V. (1977) "The COl
Eq.20.4. The required M.'Cond moment of area is
Archiwum budo\\ y ma!Olyn.
I _ 5'12~. 15001 1,45x I0' mm4 (20.4) Krupka, V (1987) "Bul!klir
'"' 16770
Plale and Shell StruetuR.-S -
A stiffcning ring is provided with an ouler flange 200mll1)(20mm, a web 240ml11xlOmm and the Krupka, V. ( 1991) "Bucklin
effecti .... e width ofthc shell as inner flange. loads", in Hl/dUllg a/slldl

faxial stress and shear stress The efTeeti\c width of the shell is gi ... cn by
3Jrl 3J1500x 12 400 mm.
Thc position of thc ccntroid with res pect to the mid s urface of the s hcll is thcn gh cn by
y~ .. (126x2400 + 256x4(00) (4~OO + 2400 + 4(00) 118 nun

and thc second momcnt ofmcil is givcn by

I ,44x IO~ N (20.9) .

I IIS2 4~00 + 8 22400 + 13~ 2 4000 + ( 122/ 12) 4800 + (240 2/ 12)2400 +
(20 2/ 12}4000 (66,8 + 0, I + 76.2 + 0, I + 11 .5 + 0.1) 10i>
. ,
1- 1.55x 10 > 1.45x 10 mill - /rry

With this stiffening ring. it i~ s ufficicnt to designlhc \cssel for the glob.11 membrane stresses.

The dcsign buckJing stresses and thc buckling mtcractlon factors nre thc SIImc as before:
a...~ 0.S03)(235 189 N mm l
i"Il~= 0.7 14
235) - 97Nmm·,
the outer saddles is Increased k."" 1,25 + 0.75)(0.K03 - 1 .~5
.pan bcl\\(.'Cn the
OUICT saddk-s. k~' 1.75+ 0.25)(0.7 14 1.93

Thc intcraetion cheek then gh cs

(20.7) 69,
[ 172
I)'" +(49.7)1,91 0.185 + 0.332 0,52 < I

This is again on thc SIIfc side because the maximum valucs of axial stress and shcar stress occur at
gin:n by differen t locations around the circumfcrence.
5.86)( 10~ Nmm

20.7 References

Chan. G.C.M .. Tooth. A.S. and Spence, J. ( I99S) "An cxperimcntul study oflhe collupse ofhori·
zontal saddle-supported stomge ... essels". I)rocccdings of the Institution of Meehanical Engineers.
Volume 212.I)art E. p. 183-195.
EN 13445-3 (2002) Unfired pressure vessels: Part 3 Design. CEN, Brussels.
Krupka, V. (19693) "Zur Bcmcssung direkt bclastcter Ringrippen bei Beh51tem und Rohrleitun-
gen". Stahlb:lU 38. S. 189-191.
• (20.5)
Krupka, V. (l969b) "An analysis of lug or 5.1ddle-supported cylindrical pressure \cssels". First In-
ternational Confcrence on I'ressure Vessel Technology. ASME. Delft. 1969, I)art I. pp. 491-500.
stlffcnlllg nng which sluisfies
Krupka. V. (1977) "The contact between a rigid or flexible saddle suppan aod alhin elastic shell".
Archiwum budowy maszyn. Volume XXIV. !>C~.fyt 2. 1977. pp. 177· 184.
(20.4) Krupka. V (1987) "Uuckling and hllllt carrying capacity of saddle Io."ldcd shclls", in Stability of
Plate and Shell StructUTL-S - Proc. of un Int. Col i. Ghcnt. ECCS. pp. 617·622.
a "cb 24OrIlI1l)(IOrnl11 and the Krupka. V. (1991) "Buckling nnd plll:.tic punchll1g of eireular cylindrical shells due to saddle or lug
loads". in Bllckling ofsllClI Sll"IIcfUrC.I OIl Imu/ in ,hcIC(I alld ill IIII! air, J.F. Jullicn (Ed.). Lyon. pp.
11 -20.
811Cklillg (!lSft!,!! Shells - EliroPC'Oll /)('S;81/ R('CQml1lelldoliolls

Krupka, V. (1992) "Ikulen \on dOnnwandigen Stahlbehllltern und Rohrcn in der Umgebung
lastcinlcitcnder Ringrippcn", Stahlbau 61. S. 377-383.
Krupka. V. (1994) "Saddle-and lug-supponed tanks and vessels". Proc. Institution of ML'Chanieal
Engineers. Pan E. Volume 208. No. EI, pp. 17-21.
Krupkll. V. (1998) "Zur Ben..'Chnung \'on snltelgclagenen unversteiften Behnltcm und Rohrcn".
Stllhlb.'lu 67. S. 473477.
Nash. 0 .11. and Spence. J. (2003) "Purumctrie plastic collapse loads". I'roc .. International confer-
ence on design. insr;ction and Il1l1intcnanee of cylindrical stL'Clltmks nnd pipelincs. Pmguc. C ..cch
Republic. Oct 9-11 11 2003. pp 109-115.
Saal. II .. Rcif. A. (1981) "Ocr Spannungs- und Stabilitfilsnachwcis fUr horil.ontlile Zylindcr mit be-
liebigcr FlossigkcitsfUl1ung", Stahlbau 50, S. 1-13.


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