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1. What is Mathematics?
Mathematics is mostly about numbers, letters, and equations, but when I heard the word
"mathematics" the first thing I would say is number, but with that word, there is also a memory
when I'm in elementary what my teacher would say "Math is everywhere". So for me, Math is
everywhere without it, the world would simply be a dangerous place to live because math really
played a big part in shaping the world into its advancements today. If you appreciate and notice
the connection of math you can say that. Mathematics is necessary. Mathematics is powerful.
Mathematics is found in the unexpected. Mathematics is astonishing and lastly, Mathematics is

2. What role does it plays in your life and during the time of Pandemic?

The role that mathematics plays in my life during the pandemic is very useful, because
during the pandemic me and my sister made a decision to become a reseller of clothes and foods
and I'm the who handle the money. Math became my best friend since pandemic especially every
day we got orders and I will always monitor the money. Also, during the time of pandemic, we
always see numbers and that numbers really scared and that is the number of cases here in the
Philippines. This statistic really role play in my life, not only in my life but also to the millions of
Filipino during this pandemic. I realize that Mathematics really a vital discipline in every
person's life. It enables one to have an open mind on how to solve problems, because one can
approach a problem in math using very many different ways. Without this discipline, the world
would certainly not reap the benefits and would not be a better place to live.

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