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Протокол відвідування позакласного виховного заходу

« Myhobby»
Клас 11-Б Дата: 03.03.2016 Учитель: Матковська У. В.
Тип уроку. Урок інтерв’ю , урок змагання.
Мета: Проконтролювати уміння презентуватипроект. Розвивати навички монологічного
мовлення. Розширити знання учнів про улюбленні заняття та хобі ваших однокласників та інших
людей.Розвивати мовлення,мислення та пам’ять.Виховувати бажання вчитися, пізнавати нове.
Обладнання: підручник, проектор, шкільне приладдя, мікрофони
Хід уроку
І. Початок уроку.Організаційний момент.
Good morning, pupils. Sit down please. How are you?
Dear Children! I want to introduce you our quests. They are my colleques – English teachers
from schools of our district. They are very intelligent, friendly and kind. Don’t be afraid of them.
ІІ. Основна частина.
1.На екрані текст пісні.We will begin with listening to a song. You have card # 1 with its text.
Some of the words are missing. So listen attentively and fill in right words.
OK. Let’s check!
The first missing word is ..... The second /third/fourth....
2.Todaywearegoingtospeakaboutdifferenthobbiesandinterests.( Вчитель бере у учнів своєрідне
інтерв’ю за допомогою мікрофона)
-    Whatis a hobby?- To my mind hobby is my favourite free-time activity.
-          Whathobbiesdoyouknow?As for me I know such hobbies as
music,dancing,drawing,sport,travelling and gardening.
-          Whatthingsdopeopleusuallycollect?Many people are fond of collecting stamps,coins
and medals.
-          Isitinterestingtocollectthings? I think for somebody it is, but I don`t like such kind of
-  What are the most popular hobbies in your class?I believe it`s music,dancing and the
Good.Well.We have a lot of different hobbies.For example gardening,swimming,theatre,
cinema,computer,reading.And I know that Svitlanahas nice hobby.She prepared a
presentation.So,Svitlana come here and present it.I will help you.
Very nice.Sitdown,please.
And I can see in Zhenya’s eyes that she also wants to come in front of the class and show us
something interesting.Really?What can you show us?
I prepared a collage about my hobbies.
Tell us about your hobbies.
It was interesting.Thankyou.Sitdown,please.
3.  Учні діляться на команди. Вчитель роздає кожній команді набори речей у рюкзаках з
шкільним приладдям. Учні повинні назвати усі предмети англ.мовою і знайти предмети ,
який не відноситься до шкільного приладдя. Команда яка перша його знайде перемагає.
4.As a rule adult people don`t have much free time.They have to work,to take care of their
children and etc.
Now we will watch a small video about people and their hobbies. Take card # 3 .Your task is to
fill inn information about these people.But at first look at the screen. Let’s Read questions.
Ok.Let’s start.
Let’s speak about ....
Yes?it’swonderfull when your job coincides with hobby.
Wehavelearned a lotofwonderfulthings.Let’srememberallhobbieswhichweredescribed.
5.And now let’s have some fun. English is quite interesting language and important in our life.
Sometimes even one wrongly pronounced letter in word can change the meaning.
Look at the screen very and very attentively and try to understand the joke.
Have you understood the joke?It*s funny for us but not for captain of the ship which is
Ok. I amgladtoseethatyouhavedone a goodjob.. Youwereactiveatthelesson.Now you are free.

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