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Glossary Of Personality Theories Terms.

1) ABSTRACTION (IMPRACTICABILITY). This scale is a measure of
practicality. High scores (M +) describe people who are not practical, abstract,
idea oriented, passive. Y Low scores indicate an attitude of contact with reality
and practical sense. It is important consider results from other scales.
2) AFFABILITY​: It measures interpersonal affability, sociableness and desire to
compromise in exchanges with others. High punctuations in affability (To +)
they describe " natural, adaptable persons (in his customs), affectionate,
interested in the people, sincere, emotive, expressive, trusting, impulsive,
generous and cooperative " (Karson et to., 1998). Low punctuations in this scale
(To-) they reflect preference for being alone, isolation, seclusion, and scanty
desire for interacting.
3) ANAL PHASE​: the second psychosexual stage of the development, of the one
to three years.
4) ANAL CHARACTER: ​type of resultant personality of the fixation to the ages
from one to three years, characterized by the sense of the order, parsimony and
5) ANIMATION. Very low scores on this scale (F-) usually indicate problems.
While it is not possible to assimilate this scale to clinical depression, it may
reflect depressive feelings, such as disinterest, dissatisfaction, low mood,
self-loathing, pessimism. It is important to interpret this scale considering the
results in anxiety, emotional stability, among others.
6) ANXIETY OF CASTRATION​: dread that motivates the masculine
development to the age from three to five years.
7) APPREHENSION. ​This scale has an important clinical value (Karson, 1998).
A score elevated (O +) defines a person who is often flooded with feelings of
guilt and remorse in his conscience. It indicates depressive tendencies,
especially when associated with a low score in animation (F -). A low score
describes a safe, carefree, satisfied, cheerful and self - sufficient person.
8) ATTENTION TO THE NORMS. ​The attention to the norms has to do with
the degree to which the person has been conditioned to conform to the ideals of
his group and with the good understanding of the rules of the social game
(Karson, 1997). A high score (G +) describes a person who is conscientious and
respectful of norms, with a tendency to be moralistic, conformist, conventional
and concerned with the opinion that others form of him. It is important to
consider the manipulation result of the image to validate this scale. A low score
(G-) indicates transgressive behavior, nonconformity. It is important take into
account the evolutionary stage of the evaluated: adolescents typically score low
on this scale.
9) AUTOMATIC THINKING: ​they are those that arise spontaneously, are very
brief and may even not be recognized, unless the patient is helped to register
them. For example, negative thoughts about oneself or about some danger. They
are thoughts that reflect the non-objective assessment that the subject makes of
the current objective situation.

10) CATHARSIS: therapeutic effect of liberation the emotion when the before
suppressed material becomes conscious
11) CATHEXIS:​ investment of psychic energy in an object.
12) CHARACTER​: a set of traits, qualities or circumstances that indicate the nature
of a thing or the way of thinking and acting of a person or a group, and by which
it distinguishes itself from the others.
14) COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS: ​Cognitive distortions are mistaken patterns of
interpreting the facts that generate multiple negative consequences: emotional
disturbances as aest consequence of the harmful belief in negative thoughts,
conflicts in relationships with others where it is possible that misinterpretations
generate conflicts, or in the way to see life giving rise to a simplistic and
negative view.
15) CONDENSATION: combination of two or mas images; characteristics of the
primary processes, for example: in the dreams
16) CONDITIONED STIMULUS: ​Situation in which a signal or stimulus is given
immediately before another signal. After this happens several times, the first
signal can alone cause the response that the second signal would usually need.
17) CONDUCT: ​It is related to the modality that a person has to behave in different
areas of his life. This means that the term can be used as a synonym for
behavior, since it refers to the actions that a subject develops in response to the
stimuli it receives and the links it establishes with its environment.
18) CONFLICT INTRAPSÍQUICO​: conflict inside the person, for example:
between it that is wished and the superyo that restinge.
19) CONFLICT OF OEDIPUS​: conflict that the men experience of the three to
five years and that involves the sexual love for the mother and the aggressive
rivalry with the father.
20) CONSCIOUS: attention, connoisseur, mental processes which the person
21) COUNTER TRANSFERENCE: the reaction of the analyst to the patient
distorted by not decisive conflicts.
22) DARE. ​This scale measures the search for sensations against inhibition. A low
score (H-) describes a shy, fearful person who shuns the attention of others.
Also, it describes a very sensitive person from the scrutiny of others, who for
fear of failure tends to avoid or evade interpersonal contact. It is important to
interpret this scale in the light of the results in affability, dominance and
animation by the possibility of pathological withdrawal. A high score (H +), on
the other hand, defines a person who dares to cross the interpersonal limits,
being able to initiate interactions with strangers; without fear of failure, he risks
and undertakes because he trusts that will succeed. Also, a person who enjoys
satisfactory self-concept which allows him to cope with failure. A high score on
this scale is fundamental in sellers.
23) DISPLACEMENT​: mechanism of defense in which the energy get transfer
from an object to another one or from an activity to another one.
24) DOMINANCE (ASSERTIVENESS). A high score (E +) describes a person
who likes to make their opinions known to others, protects the domain of their
personal space, their work and their plans. Do not doubt in express their ideas
and defend their rights and points of view. Within the groups, it assumes a
prominent role, taking the initiative and defining group action plans. He is an
attractive person in the interpersonal for others, confident and competent. A very
important elevation may reflect a tendency to act aggressively. Low scores (E)
indicate submission, mistrust, indecision, and tendency to think that others are
not interested in him.

25) EMOTIONAL STABILITY (FORCE of Me)​: Though this scale receives the
name of emotional stability, the original name granted by Cattell was that of
Force of Me. This scale evaluates the executive functions of the personality, the
judgment of reality and the integration of the total personality. A low
punctuation (C-) it describes a person who feels that it has not achieved his
goals, that his life is unsatisfactory, with a poor image of yes same and feelings
autocontempts. The low emotional stability describes persons with subjective
feelings of psychological discomfort, anxiety, and associates to a great variety of
disorders and psychological symptoms. It is very important to interpret this scale
in the light of the results in anxiety (since the personal dissatisfaction is
translated in anxiety), and in the scale of manipulation of the image (for the
possibility of simulation of symptomatology).
26) ENVIRONMENT: is the integration of everything that makes up the system in
which we live --- biosphere --- and the interaction between them. In good
account, that which surrounds us and that has a relation with what surrounds the
other living beings. In this way, the components of the environment can be
identified in three groups: the natural environment, which includes air, water,
soil, flora and fauna, and their interrelations; the environment built by man,
which includes cities and infrastructure; and the social environment, which
includes social, political and cultural systems.
27) EROS:​ the impulse of the life.
28) EXTRAVERSION: Extraverted individuals are sociable, communicative,
uninhibited, active, talkative, and dominant. They also seek excitement and
stimulation. Eysenck has posed two theories to explain the differentiated
behavior of introverts and extraverts.

29) FEELING: ​it is a state of mind that is produced by causes that impress you, and
these can be joyful and happy, or painful and sad. The feeling arises as a result
of an emotion that allows the subject to be aware of his mood.
30) FIXATION​: I fail in developing normally across a phase of development
31) FREE ASSOCIATION​: psychoanalytic technology in which the patient says
what him one comes to the mind, allowing that the connections should be
discovered unconscious.

32) GENITAL PHASE​: the psychosexual adult phase.

33) INDIVIDUAL: is an independent person with respect to the others, an
autonomous being that is defined by its rational capacity and its will power.
Every human being has a name and surnames that exemplifies the unique and
unrepeatable personal essence of any human being, but the individual concept is
the term used to refer to a person in a generic way, ie not to someone in
34) INFORMATION PROCESSING: ​Information processing implies an
overcoming of the behavioral vision. They involve elements and events that
cause knowledge to be approached differently​.
35) INTROVERTED: has a poor or weak inhibition: when there is a trauma, like
the car accident, his brain does not protect him fast enough; it is not "turned off"
at any time. Rather, they are very alert and learn a lot, so they can remember
everything that has happened. They would even say they saw the accident in
"slow motion!" It is very little given to want to drive after the accident and could
even end up doing it forever.
36) IRRATIONAL BELIEF: ​It is based on making conscious the irrationality of
human thought, to understand and overcome the painful facts of our lives. Albert
Ellis has as premise that it is not the circumstances or the facts that foster the
emotional states, but rather the way of interpreting them.
37) ISOLATION​: mechanism of defense in which the material of conflict is kept
disconnected to other thoughts.
38) IT: he structures mas primitive of the personality; the source of the psychic

39) LATENT CONTENT​: the hidden unconscious meaning of a dream

40) MANIFEST CONTENT​: superficial meaning of a dream
41) MASK: The word "mask" originates from the French masque or maschera in
Italian or Spanish masque. Possible ancestors in Latin (non-classical) are
mascus, masca = "ghost", and Arab maskharah = "buffoon", "man with a mask",
Object to hide face, usually in certain festivities, rituals or scenic performances,
which represents the face of a person, an animal or an imaginary being. The
word person derives from mascara, which was used before to personify

42) NEUROTICISM​: People with high scores in this dimension have frequent
mood swings, are often worried, anxious, depressed, and feel guilty. They react
strongly to stimuli. The neurological bases are found in the limbic system or
visceral brain, which is related to activation of neurovegetative type (sweating,
heart rate, muscle tension, etc.). For Eysenck, the most unstable subjects present
a greater neurovegetative activation. This system and the ARDS are only
partially independent, because corneal arousal can occur through visceral
43) NEUTRAL STIMULUS​: It is a stimulus which, before performing the
conditioning, has no effect on the response we want to achieve through

44) ORAL CHARACTER: type of resultant personality of the fixation of the first
psychosexual phase, characterized by the optimism, the passiveness and the
45) ORAL PHASE​: the first psychosexual phase of the development, of the birth to
the first year of life.
46) OPENING TO CHANGE. ​This scale constitutes an adequate measure of the
attitude of the individual towards change. The higher the score, the more
oriented is the person to try something new, to be flexible and adapt, be creative
and innovative. The low score is associated with conformism, resistance to
change, inability to adapt to new circumstances, rigidity and attachment to
family and known.

47) PERFECTIONISM (COMPULSIVITY). ​This scale is related to the idealized
self and the degree of approach to the ideal model. In turn, this scale is also
associated with the connotation emotional that the subject gives to this closeness
- remoteness of the normative or perfection (I ideal). A high score defines a
person perfectionist, organized, disciplined, with little tolerance towards
ambiguity and disorder, and with ability to control their emotions, particularly
anger and anxiety. The low score describes a flexible subject, with tolerance for
the disorder, low entrepreneurship.
48) PERSON: refers to a being with reasoning power that has consciousness about
itself and that has its own identity.
49) PERSONALITY: is a psychological construct, which refers to a dynamic set of
psychic characteristics of a person, the internal organization that determines that
individuals act differently in a given circumstance. The concept can also be
defined as the pattern of attitudes, thoughts, feelings and behavioral repertoire
that characterizes a person, and that has a certain persistence and stability
throughout his life so that the manifestations of that pattern in different
situations has some degree of predictability.
50) PHALLIC PHASE: the third psychosexual stage of the development, of the
three to five years.
51) PRIVACY​. A high score (N +) on this scale describes a person who is
suspicious, withdrawn, discreet, reserved, shy, suspicious and self-sufficient, so
it is very important to consider the outcome of other scales. A low score (N) is
related to open, spontaneous people who tend to relish details of their lives to
other people. In the relationships of couple it is problematic that one and another
member have extreme and opposite scores in this dimension
52) PSYCHOTICISM: according to Eysenck this is a dimension about
vulnerability to impulsive, aggressive or low empathy behaviors. They are cold,
egocentric and irresponsible, but they are also more creative, objective, realistic,
competitive, original and critical. psychoticism follows a normal curve in the
population. The mean would be moderate psychoticism, and there would be
fewer people who are far below or far above (psychopathologies). This
dimension was criticized because psychoticism does not really follow a normal
curve, and contains little related features between them. Nor does it explain a
psychological mechanism that explains this dimension.

53) REASONING​. This scale delivers a brief measure of intelligence and is very
sensitive to the education of the subject. High punctuations (B +) they indicate
satisfactory capacity of reasoning and verbal capacity. This suitable intellectual
functioning is translated in turn in aptitude to control the impulses, to anticipate
contingencies and to solve the problems of the daily life. Low punctuations (B-)
they indicate concrete thinking, which can explain for cognitive deterioration,
under level of instruction, or, for an important anxiety.

54) SELF-SUFFICIENCY. ​This scale measures the tendency of a subject to do
things alone or with others, and is frequently associated with results in affability.
Very high scores would indicate difficulty to act with others, tendency to work
only because others are perceived as slow or ineffective. When circumstances
compel them to establish collaborative relationships, their response is usually
unsatisfactory. The low score is indicative of total dependence on others, 4
important affiliative trends and seeking support in other people. Sometimes, this
time self-sufficiency may represent a maneuver to compensate for a lack of
55) SENSITIVITY​. According to Karson (1998), a low sensitivity score (I-)
describes a person emotionally mature, mentally independent, without artistic
sensibility, unaffected by fantasies, practical, logical, self-sufficient and
responsible. A high result (I +) defines an impatient, dependent, immature,
affectionate, introspective, imaginative, sociable, desirous of attention and
"hypochondriac". As men tend to score low and women high, this scale would
be associated with male and female stereotypes, and would be equivalent to the
"masculinity - femininity" scale of MMPI.
56) SOCIAL: refers to what belongs to society or what is a group of people who
share the same culture that interact with each other to form a community. In this
sense, the term of the word social may belong to something that is shared at
community level, with the prototype of social life, social relationship, which
relates to the ways of living that people have a society.
57) SURVEILLANCE. ​This scale is perhaps the most clinically significant in 16
FP. High scores (L +) are an indicator of mistrust, watchful attitude, extreme
suspicion and paranoia (which may even fall into delirium), along with a
tendency toward hostility and to interpret the "reality" of a egocentric way and
from details.
58) TEMPERAMENT: is related to endocrine influence (which is due to genes,
and which manifests itself in certain physical and psychological traits).
Temperament and character define the personality of the human being; and the
different combination and intensity that these manifest in their different areas,
make us unique and human. Temperament or temperament is the descriptive
feature of the style of acting that distinguishes us from others as unique and
irreplaceable, so that we can harmonize with them.
59) TENSION. ​This scale is associated with floating anxiety and generalized
frustrations. A score high indicates tension, anxiety manifested in sleep
problems, musings, agitation, impatience and irritability. These feelings would
be the result of an excess of demands of the surroundings. The casualties
Scores describe a relaxed, patient, stress-free person. It is important to consider
the scores on emotional stability and apprehension, along with results on validity
60) THEORY: Organized set of ideas that explain a phenomenon, deduced from
observation, experience or logical reasoning, are also a set of rules, principles
and knowledge about a science, a doctrine or an activity, regardless of its
possible practical applications.
61) TRAIT​: it is a peculiarity of distinctive character that each individual possesses;
if we focus on the context of facial appearance, it is necessary to define that all
the body traits are influenced by the function between races, which allow us to
differentiate between them (white, black, Asian, etc.). As for example the Asian
inhabitants are characterized by having small eyes and linear aspect; the
peculiarity of the black race is that they are dark-skinned, with rather rough
features, usually their hair is dark and curly color, while white are light skin and
slightly more delicate features.

62) UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS: ​any stimulus that, prior to the experimental
treatment, produces a consistent and measurable response. It is usually a
stimulus that produce innate reflexes.
63) UNSUCCESSFUL FREUDIAN ACTS​: a mistake motivated psychologically
in the speech, the scout, behavior, etc. For example: to forget the birthday of a
not estimated relative

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